Evolving the Unix system interface to support multithreaded programs
基因序列拼接器软件 使用说明书(软件操作文档)

基因序列拼接器软件使用说明书(软件操作文档)1. 引言基因序列拼接器软件(MergeSeq)基于研究者测序获得或从核酸数5据库(如GenBank等)中批量下载的fasta格式存储的基因片段,按照使用者指定顺序,将同一物种不同基因片段拼接成由多基因组成的长序列,用于不同物种间的分子系统发育分析。
为提高结果的置信度,一般采取多基因组合分析的方法(Dimitrov et al., 2016; Wheeler et al., 2016)。
251.3 定义(专门术语的定义和缩写词的原意)fasta格式(fasta format):fasta格式是一种基于文本用于表示核酸序列或多肽序列的格式。
2. 软件性能2.1.数据精确度本软件不涉及数字的计算和处理,输入、输出数据的格式均为35UTF-8编码的文本类型文件。

Initial analysis of the input text, extracting key information.2.确定文本检测的目标和范围。
Determining the goals and scope of the text detection.3.创建文本检测的流程图和架构设计。
Creating the flowchart and architecture design for text detection.4.确定文本检测所需的技术和工具。
Identifying the techniques and tools required for text detection.5.开发文本检测的算法和模型。
Developing algorithms and models for text detection.6.设计文本检测的数据收集和标注方案。
Designing data collection and annotation plans for text detection.7.实现文本检测的原型系统。
Implementing a prototype system for text detection.8.进行文本检测的功能和性能测试。
Conducting functional and performance testing for text detection.9.优化文本检测的算法和模型。
Optimizing algorithms and models for text detection.10.部署文本检测的系统和服务。
Deploying the system and services for text detection.11.监控文本检测的运行状态和结果质量。
Monitoring the operation and result quality of text detection.12.收集用户反馈,并对文本检测进行改进。
A File is Not a File

A File is Not a File:Understanding the I/O Behaviorof Apple Desktop ApplicationsTyler Harter,Chris Dragga,Michael Vaughn,Andrea C.Arpaci-Dusseau,Remzi H.Arpaci-DusseauDepartment of Computer SciencesUniversity of Wisconsin,Madison{harter,dragga,vaughn,dusseau,remzi}@ABSTRACTWe analyze the I/O behavior of iBench,a new collection of produc-tivity and multimedia application workloads.Our analysis reveals a number of differences between iBench and typicalfile-system workload studies,including the complex organization of modern files,the lack of pure sequential access,the influence of underlying frameworks on I/O patterns,the widespread use offile synchro-nization and atomic operations,and the prevalence of threads.Our results have strong ramifications for the design of next generation local and cloud-based storage systems.1.INTRODUCTIONThe design and implementation offile and storage systems has long been at the forefront of computer systems research.Inno-vations such as namespace-based locality[21],crash consistency via journaling[15,29]and copy-on-write[7,34],checksums and redundancy for reliability[5,7,26,30],scalable on-disk struc-tures[37],distributedfile systems[16,35],and scalable cluster-based storage systems[9,14,18]have greatly influenced how data is managed and stored within modern computer systems.Much of this work infile systems over the past three decades has been shaped by measurement:the deep and detailed analysis of workloads[4,10,11,16,19,25,33,36,39].One excellent example is found in work on the Andrew File System[16];de-tailed analysis of an early AFS prototype led to the next-generation protocol,including the key innovation of callbacks.Measurement helps us understand the systems of today so we can build improved systems for tomorrow.Whereas most studies offile systems focus on the corporate or academic intranet,mostfile-system users work in the more mun-dane environment of the home,accessing data via desktop PCs, laptops,and compact devices such as tablet computers and mo-bile phones.Despite the large number of previous studies,little is known about home-user applications and their I/O patterns. Home-user applications are important today,and their impor-tance will increase as more users store data not only on local de-vices but also in the ers expect to run similar applications across desktops,laptops,and phones;therefore,the behavior of these applications will affect virtually every system with which a Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on thefirst page.To copy otherwise,to republish,to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.Copyright2011ACM978-1-59593-591-5/07/0010...$er interacts.I/O behavior is especially important to understand since it greatly impacts how users perceive overall system latency and application performance[12].While a study of how users typically exercise these applications would be interesting,thefirst step is to perform a detailed study of I/O behavior under typical but controlled workload tasks.This style of application study,common in thefield of computer archi-tecture[40],is different from the workload study found in systems research,and can yield deeper insight into how the applications are constructed and howfile and storage systems need to be designed in response.Home-user applications are fundamentally large and complex, containing millions of lines of code[20].In contrast,traditional U NIX-based applications are designed to be simple,to perform one task well,and to be strung together to perform more complex tasks[32].This modular approach of U NIX applications has not prevailed[17]:modern applications are standalone monoliths,pro-viding a rich and continuously evolving set of features to demand-ing users.Thus,it is beneficial to study each application individu-ally to ascertain its behavior.In this paper,we present thefirst in-depth analysis of the I/O behavior of modern home-user applications;we focus on produc-tivity applications(for word processing,spreadsheet manipulation, and presentation creation)and multimedia software(for digital mu-sic,movie editing,and photo management).Our analysis centers on two Apple software suites:iWork,consisting of Pages,Num-bers,and Keynote;and iLife,which contains iPhoto,iTunes,and iMovie.As Apple’s market share grows[38],these applications form the core of an increasingly popular set of workloads;as de-vice convergence continues,similar forms of these applications are likely to access userfiles from both stationary machines and mov-ing cellular devices.We call our collection the iBench task suite. To investigate the I/O behavior of the iBench suite,we build an instrumentation framework on top of the powerful DTrace tracing system found inside Mac OS X[8].DTrace allows us not only to monitor system calls made by each traced application,but also to examine stack traces,in-kernel functions such as page-ins and page-outs,and other details required to ensure accuracy and com-pleteness.We also develop an application harness based on Apple-Script[3]to drive each application in the repeatable and automated fashion that is key to any study of GUI-based applications[12]. Our careful study of the tasks in the iBench suite has enabled us to make a number of interesting observations about how applica-tions access and manipulate stored data.In addition to confirming standard pastfindings(e.g.,mostfiles are small;most bytes ac-cessed are from largefiles[4]),wefind the following new results. Afile is not afile.Modern applications manage large databases of information organized into complex directory trees.Even simple word-processing documents,which appear to users as a“file”,arein actuality smallfile systems containing many sub-files(e.g.,a Microsoft.docfile is actually a FATfile system containing pieces of the document).File systems should be cognizant of such hidden structure in order to lay out and access data in these complexfiles more effectively.Sequential access is not sequential.Building on the trend no-ticed by V ogels for Windows NT[39],we observe that even for streaming media workloads,“pure”sequential access is increas-ingly rare.Sincefile formats often include metadata in headers, applications often read and re-read thefirst portion of afile before streaming through its contents.Prefetching and other optimizations might benefit from a deeper knowledge of thesefile formats. Auxiliaryfiles dominate.Applications help users create,mod-ify,and organize content,but userfiles represent a small fraction of thefiles touched by modern applications.Mostfiles are helper files that applications use to provide a rich graphical experience, support multiple languages,and record history and other metadata. File-system placement strategies might reduce seeks by grouping the hundreds of helperfiles used by an individual application. Writes are often forced.As the importance of home data in-creases(e.g.,family photos),applications are less willing to simply write data and hope it is eventuallyflushed to disk.Wefind that most written data is explicitly forced to disk by the application;for example,iPhoto calls fsync thousands of times in even the sim-plest of tasks.Forfile systems and storage,the days of delayed writes[22]may be over;new ideas are needed to support applica-tions that desire durability.Renaming is popular.Home-user applications commonly use atomic operations,in particular rename,to present a consistent view offiles to users.Forfile systems,this may mean that trans-actional capabilities[23]are needed.It may also necessitate a re-thinking of traditional means offile locality;for example,placing afile on disk based on its parent directory[21]does not work as expected when thefile isfirst created in a temporary location and then renamed.Multiple threads perform I/O.Virtually all of the applications we study issue I/O requests from a number of threads;a few ap-plications launch I/Os from hundreds of threads.Part of this us-age stems from the GUI-based nature of these applications;it is well known that threads are required to perform long-latency oper-ations in the background to keep the GUI responsive[24].Thus,file and storage systems should be thread-aware so they can better allocate bandwidth.Frameworks influence I/O.Modern applications are often de-veloped in sophisticated IDEs and leverage powerful libraries,such as Cocoa and Carbon.Whereas UNIX-style applications often di-rectly invoke system calls to read and writefiles,modern libraries put more code between applications and the underlyingfile system; for example,including"cocoa.h"in a Mac application imports 112,047lines of code from689differentfiles[28].Thus,the be-havior of the framework,and not just the application,determines I/O patterns.Wefind that the default behavior of some Cocoa APIs induces extra I/O and possibly unnecessary(and costly)synchro-nizations to disk.In addition,use of different libraries for similar tasks within an application can lead to inconsistent behavior be-tween those tasks.Future storage design should take these libraries and frameworks into account.This paper contains four major contributions.First,we describe a general tracing framework for creating benchmarks based on in-teractive tasks that home users may perform(e.g.,importing songs, exporting video clips,saving documents).Second,we deconstruct the I/O behavior of the tasks in iBench;we quantify the I/O behav-ior of each task in numerous ways,including the types offiles ac-cessed(e.g.,counts and sizes),the access patterns(e.g.,read/write, sequentiality,and preallocation),transactional properties(e.g.,dura-bility and atomicity),and threading.Third,we describe how these qualitative changes in I/O behavior may impact the design of future systems.Finally,we present the34traces from the iBench task suite;by making these traces publicly available and easy to use,we hope to improve the design,implementation,and evaluation of the next generation of local and cloud storage systems:/adsl/Traces/ibench The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.We begin by presenting a detailed timeline of the I/O operations performed by one task in the iBench suite;this motivates the need for a systematic study of home-user applications.We next describe our methodol-ogy for creating the iBench task suite.We then spend the majority of the paper quantitatively analyzing the I/O characteristics of the full iBench suite.Finally,we summarize the implications of our findings onfile-system design.2.CASE STUDYThe I/O characteristics of modern home-user applications are distinct from those of U NIX applications studied in the past.To motivate the need for a new study,we investigate the complex I/O behavior of a single representative task.Specifically,we report in detail the I/O performed over time by the Pages(4.0.3)application, a word processor,running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard(10.6.2)as it creates a blank document,inserts15JPEG images each of size 2.5MB,and saves the document as a Microsoft.docfile.Figure1shows the I/O this task performs(see the caption for a description of the symbols used).The top portion of thefigure il-lustrates the accesses performed over the full lifetime of the task:at a high level,it shows that more than385files spanning six different categories are accessed by eleven different threads,with many in-tervening calls to fsync and rename.The bottom portion of the figure magnifies a short time interval,showing the reads and writes performed by a single thread accessing the primary.doc productiv-ityfile.From this one experiment,we illustrate eachfinding de-scribed in the introduction.Wefirst focus on the single access that saves the user’s document(bottom),and then consider the broader context surrounding thisfile save,where we observe aflurry of ac-cesses to hundreds of helperfiles(top).Afile is not afile.Focusing on the magnified timeline of reads and writes to the productivity.docfile,we see that thefile format comprises more than just a simplefile.Microsoft.docfiles are based on the FATfile system and allow bundling of multiplefiles in the single.docfile.This.docfile contains a directory(Root),three streams for large data(WordDocument,Data,and1Table),and a stream for small data(Ministream).Space is allocated in thefile with three sections:afile allocation table(FAT),a double-indirect FAT(DIF)region,and a ministream allocation region(Mini). Sequential access is not sequential.The complex FAT-based file format causes random access patterns in several ways:first,the header is updated at the beginning and end of the magnified access; second,data from individual streams is fragmented throughout the file;and third,the1Table stream is updated before and after each image is appended to the WordDocument stream.Auxiliaryfiles dominate.Although saving the single.doc we have been considering is the sole purpose of this task,we now turn our attention to the top timeline and see that385differentfiles are accessed.There are several reasons for this multitude offiles. First,Pages provides a rich graphical experience involving many images and other forms of multimedia;together with the15in-serted JPEGs,this requires118multimediafiles.Second,usersF i l e sSequential RunsF i l e O f f s e t (K B )Figure 1:Pages Saving A Word Document.The top graph shows the 75-second timeline of the entire run,while the bottom graph is a magnified view of seconds 54to 58.In the top graph,annotations on the left categorize files by type and indicate file count and amount of I/O;annotations on the right show threads.Black bars are file accesses (reads and writes),with thickness logarithmically proportional to bytes of I/O./is an fsync ;\is a rename ;X is both.In the bottom graph,individual reads and writes to the .doc file are shown.Vertical bar position and bar length represent the offset within the file and number of bytes touched.Thick white bars are reads;thin gray bars are writes.Repeated runs are marked with the number of repetitions.Annotations on the right indicate the name of each file section.want to use Pages in their native language,so application text is not hard-coded into the executable but is instead stored in25different .stringsfiles.Third,to save user preferences and other metadata, Pages uses a SQLite database(2files)and a number of key-value stores(218.plistfiles).Writes are often forced;renaming is popular.Pages uses both of these actions to enforce basic transactional guarantees.It uses fsync toflush write data to disk,making it durable;it uses rename to atomically replace oldfiles with newfiles so that afile never contains inconsistent data.The timeline shows these invo-cations numerous times.First,Pages regularly uses fsync and rename when updating the key-value store of a.plistfile.Second, fsync is used on the SQLite database.Third,for each of the15 image insertions,Pages calls fsync on afile named“tempData”(classified as“other”)to update its automatic backup.Multiple threads perform I/O.Pages is a multi-threaded appli-cation and issues I/O requests from many different threads during the ing multiple threads for I/O allows Pages to avoid blocking while I/O requests are outstanding.Examining the I/O behavior across threads,we see that Thread1performs the most significant portion of I/O,but ten other threads are also involved.In most cases,a single thread exclusively accesses afile,but it is not uncommon for multiple threads to share afile.Frameworks influence I/O.Pages was developed in a rich pro-gramming environment where frameworks such as Cocoa or Car-bon are used for I/O;these libraries impact I/O patterns in ways the developer might not expect.For example,although the appli-cation developers did not bother to use fsync or rename when saving the user’s work in the.docfile,the Cocoa library regularly uses these calls to atomically and durably update relatively unim-portant metadata,such as“recently opened”lists stored in.plist files.As another example,when Pages tries to read data in512-byte chunks from the.doc,each read goes through the STDIO library, which only reads in4KB chunks.Thus,when Pages attempts to read one chunk from the1Table stream,seven unrequested chunks from the WordDocument stream are also incidentally read(off-set12039KB).In other cases,regions of the.docfile are repeat-edly accessed unnecessarily.For example,around the3KB off-set,read/write pairs occur dozens of times.Pages uses a library to write2-byte words;each time a word is written,the library reads, updates,and writes back an entire512-byte chunk.Finally,we see evidence of redundancy between libraries:even though Pages has a backing SQLite database for some of its properties,it also uses.plistfiles,which function across Apple applications as generic property stores.This one detailed experiment has shed light on a number of in-teresting I/O behaviors that indicate that home-user applications are indeed different than traditional workloads.A new workload suite is needed that more accurately reflects these applications.3.IBENCH TASK SUITEOur goal in constructing the iBench task suite is two-fold.First, we would like iBench to be representative of the tasks performed by home users.For this reason,iBench contains popular applications from the iLife and iWork suites for entertainment and productivity. Second,we would like iBench to be relatively simple for others to use forfile and storage system analysis.For this reason,we auto-mate the interactions of a home user and collect the resulting traces of I/O system calls.The traces are available online at this site: /adsl/Traces/ibench.We now describe in more detail how we met these two goals.3.1RepresentativeTo capture the I/O behavior of home users,iBench models the ac-tions of a“reasonable”user interacting with iPhoto,iTunes,iMovie, Pages,Numbers,and Keynote.Since the research community does not yet have data on the exact distribution of tasks that home users perform,iBench contains tasks that we believe are common and usesfiles with sizes that can be justified for a reasonable user. iBench contains34different tasks,each representing a home user performing one distinct operation.If desired,these tasks could be combined to create more complex workflows and I/O workloads. The six applications and corresponding tasks are as follows.iLife iPhoto8.1.1(419):digital photo album and photo manip-ulation software.iPhoto stores photos in a library that contains the data for the photos(which can be in a variety of formats,including JPG,TIFF,and PNG),a directory of modifiedfiles,a directory of scaled down images,and twofiles of thumbnail images.The library stores metadata in a SQLite database.iBench contains six tasks ex-ercising user actions typical for iPhoto:starting the application and importing,duplicating,editing,viewing,and deleting photos in the library.These tasks modify both the imagefiles and the underlying database.Each of the iPhoto tasks operates on4002.5MB photos, representing a user who has imported12megapixel photos(2.5MB each)from a full1GBflash card on his or her camera.iLife iTunes9.0.3(15):a media player capable of both audio and video playback.iTunes organizes itsfiles in a private library and supports most common music formats(e.g.,MP3,AIFF,W A VE, AAC,and MPEG-4).iTunes does not employ a database,keeping media metadata and playlists in both a binary and an XMLfile. iBench containsfive tasks for iTunes:starting iTunes,importing and playing an album of MP3songs,and importing and playing an MPEG-4movie.Importing requires copyingfiles into the library directory and,for music,analyzing each songfile for gapless play-back.The music tasks operate over an album(or playlist)of ten songs while the movie tasks use a single3-minute movie.iLife iMovie8.0.5(820):video editing software.iMovie stores its data in a library that contains directories for raw footage and projects,andfiles containing video footage thumbnails.iMovie supports both MPEG-4and Quicktimefiles.iBench contains four tasks for iMovie:starting iMovie,importing an MPEG-4movie, adding a clip from this movie into a project,and exporting a project to MPEG-4.The tasks all use a3-minute movie because this is a typical length found from home users on video-sharing websites. iWork Pages4.0.3(766):a word processor.Pages uses a ZIP-basedfile format and can export to DOC,PDF,RTF,and basic text. iBench includes eight tasks for Pages:starting up,creating and saving,opening,and exporting documents with and without images and with different formats.The tasks use15page documents. iWork Numbers2.0.3(332):a spreadsheet application.Num-bers organizes itsfiles with a ZIP-based format and exports to XLS and PDF.The four iBench tasks for Numbers include starting Num-bers,generating a spreadsheet and saving it,opening the spread-sheet,and exporting that spreadsheet to XLS.To model a possible home user working on a budget,the tasks utilize afive page spread-sheet with one column graph per sheet.iWork Keynote5.0.3(791):a presentation and slideshow appli-cation.Keynote saves to a.key ZIP-based format and exports to Microsoft’s PPT format.The seven iBench tasks for Keynote in-clude starting Keynote,creating slides with and without images, opening and playing presentations,and exporting to PPT.Each Keynote task uses a20-slide presentation.Accesses I/O MB Name DescriptionFiles (MB)Accesses (MB)RD%WR%/CPU Sec/CPU Seci L i f e i P h o t oStart Open iPhoto with library of 400photos 779(336.7)828(25.4)78.821.2151.1 4.6Imp Import 400photos into empty library 5900(1966.9)8709(3940.3)74.425.626.712.1Dup Duplicate 400photos from library2928(1963.9)5736(2076.2)52.447.6237.986.1Edit Sequentially edit 400photos from library 12119(4646.7)18927(12182.9)69.830.219.612.6Del Sequentially delete 400photos;empty trash 15246(23.0)15247(25.0)21.878.2280.90.5View Sequentially view 400photos 2929(1006.4)3347(1005.0)98.1 1.924.17.2i T u n e s Start Open iTunes with 10song album 143(184.4)195(9.3)54.745.372.4 3.4ImpS Import 10song album to library 68(204.9)139(264.5)66.333.775.2143.1ImpM Import 3minute movie to library 41(67.4)57(42.9)48.052.0152.4114.6PlayS Play album of 10songs 61(103.6)80(90.9)96.9 Play 3minute movie56(77.9)69(32.0)92.37.7 2.2 1.0i M o v i e Start Open iMovie with 3minute clip in project 433(223.3)786(29.4)99.90.1134.8 5.0Imp Import 3minute .m4v (20MB)to “Events”184(440.1)383(122.3)55.644.429.39.3Add Paste 3minute clip from “Events”to project 210(58.3)547(2.2)47.852.2357.8 1.4Exp Export 3minute video clip 70(157.9)546(229.9)55.144.9 2.3 1.0i W o r kP a g e s Start Open Pages218(183.7)228(2.3) 1.0New Create 15text page document;save as .pages 135(1.6)157(1.0)73.326.750.80.3NewP Create 15JPG document;save as .pages 408(112.0)997(180.9)60.739.354.69.9Open Open 15text page document 103(0.8)109(0.6)99.50.557.60.3PDF Export 15page document as .pdf 107(1.5)115(0.9) Export 15JPG document as .pdf 404(77.4)965(110.9)67.432.649.7 5.7DOC Export 15page document as .doc 112(1.0)121(1.0)87.912.144.40.4DOCP Export 15JPG document as .doc 385(111.3)952(183.8)61.138.946.38.9N u m b e r s Start Open Numbers283(179.9)360(2.6)99.60.4115.50.8New Save 5sheets/column graphs as .numbers 269(4.9)313(2.8) Open 5sheet spreadsheet119(1.3)137(1.3) Export 5sheets/column graphs as .xls 236(4.6)272(2.7)94.9 e y n o t e Start Open Keynote517(183.0)681(1.1)99.80.2229.80.4New Create 20text slides;save as .key 637(12.1)863(5.4)92.47.6129.10.8NewP Create 20JPG slides;save as .key654(92.9)901(103.3)66.833.270.88.1Play Open and play presentation of 20text slides 318(11.5)385(4.9) 1.2PlayP Open and play presentation of 20JPG slides 321(45.4)388(55.7)69.630.472.410.4PPT Export 20text slides as .ppt 685(12.8)918(10.1)78.821.2115.2 1.3PPTP Export 20JPG slides as .ppt 723(110.6)996(124.6)57.642.461.07.6Table 1:34Tasks of the iBench Suite.The table summarizes the 34tasks of iBench,specifying the application,a short name for the task,and a longer description of the actions modeled.The I/O is characterized according to the number of files read or written,the sum of the maximum sizes of all accessed files,the number of file accesses that read or write data,the number of bytes read or written,the percentage of I/O bytes that are part of a read (or write),and the rate of I/O per CPU-second in terms of both file accesses and bytes.Each core is counted individually,so at most 2CPU-seconds can be counted per second on our dual-core test machine.CPU utilization is measured with the UNIX top utility,which in rare cases produces anomalous CPU utilization snapshots;those values are ignored.Table 1contains a brief description of each of the 34iBench tasks as well as the basic I/O characteristics of each task when running on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2.The table illustrates that the iBench tasks perform a significant amount of I/O.Most tasks access hundreds of files,which in aggregate contain tens or hundreds of megabytes of data.The tasks typically access files hundreds of times.The tasks perform widely differing amounts of I/O,from less than a megabyte to more than a gigabyte.Most of the tasks perform many more reads than writes.Finally,the tasks exhibit high I/O throughput,often transferring tens of megabytes of data for every second of computation.3.2Easy to UseTo enable other system evaluators to easily use these tasks,the iBench suite is packaged as a set of 34system call traces.To ensure reproducible results,the 34user tasks were first automated with AppleScript,a general-purpose GUI scripting language.Apple-Script provides generic commands to emulate mouse clicks through menus and application-specific commands to capture higher-level operations.Application-specific commands bypass a small amount of I/O by skipping dialog boxes;however,we use them whenever possible for expediency.The system call traces were gathered using DTrace [8],a kernel and user level dynamic instrumentation tool.DTrace is used toinstrument the entry and exit points of all system calls dealing with the file system;it also records the current state of the system and the parameters passed to and returned from each call.While tracing with DTrace was generally straightforward,we ad-dressed four challenges in collecting the iBench traces.First,file sizes are not always available to DTrace;thus,we record every file’s initial size and compute subsequent file size changes caused by system calls such as write or ftruncate .Second,iTunes uses the ptrace system call to disable tracing;we circumvent this block by using gdb to insert a breakpoint that automatically re-turns without calling ptrace .Third,the volfs pseudo-file sys-tem in HFS+(Hierarchical File System)allows files to be opened via their inode number instead of a file name;to include path-names in the trace,we instrument the build path function to obtain the full path when the task is run.Fourth,tracing system calls misses I/O resulting from memory-mapped files;therefore,we purged memory and instrumented kernel page-in functions to measure the amount of memory-mapped file activity.We found that the amount of memory-mapped I/O is negligible in most tasks;we thus do not include this I/O in the iBench traces or analysis.To provide reproducible results,the traces must be run on a sin-gle file-system image.Therefore,the iBench suite also contains snapshots of the initial directories to be restored before each run;initial state is critical in file-system benchmarking [1].4.ANALYSIS OF IBENCH TASKSThe iBench task suite enables us to study the I/O behavior of a large set of home-user actions.As shown from the timeline of I/O behavior for one particular task in Section2,these tasks are likely to accessfiles in complex ways.To characterize this complex behavior in a quantitative manner across the entire suite of34tasks, we focus on answering four categories of questions.•What different types offiles are accessed and what are the sizes of thesefiles?•How arefiles accessed for reads and writes?Arefiles ac-cessed sequentially?Is space preallocated?•What are the transactional properties?Are writesflushed with fsync or performed atomically?•How do multi-threaded applications distribute I/O across dif-ferent threads?Answering these questions has two benefits.First,the answers can guidefile and storage system developers to target their systems better to home-user applications.Second,the characterization will help users of iBench to select the most appropriate traces for eval-uation and to understand their resulting behavior.All measurements were performed on a Mac Mini running Mac OS X Snow Leopard version10.6.2and the HFS+file system. The machine has2GB of memory and a2.26GHz Intel Core Duo processor.4.1Nature of FilesOur analysis begins by characterizing the high-level behavior of the iBench tasks.In particular,we study the different types offiles opened by each iBench task as well as the sizes of thosefiles. 4.1.1File TypesThe iLife and iWork applications store data across a variety of files in a number of different formats;for example,iLife applica-tions tend to store their data in libraries(or data directories)unique to each user,while iWork applications organize their documents in proprietary ZIP-basedfiles.The extent to which tasks access dif-ferent types offiles greatly influences their I/O behavior.To understand accesses to differentfile types,we place eachfile into one of six categories,based onfile name extensions and us-age.Multimediafiles contain images(e.g.,JPEG),songs(e.g., MP3,AIFF),and movies(e.g.,MPEG-4).Productivityfiles are documents(e.g.,.pages,DOC,PDF),spreadsheets(e.g.,.numbers, XLS),and presentations(e.g.,.key,PPT).SQLitefiles are database files.Plistfiles are property-listfiles in XML containing key-value pairs for user preferences and application properties.Stringsfiles contain strings for localization of application text.Finally,Other contains miscellaneousfiles such as plain text,logs,files without extensions,and binaryfiles.Figure2shows the frequencies with which tasks open and ac-cessfiles of each type;most tasks perform hundreds of these ac-cesses.Multimediafile opens are common in all workloads,though they seldom predominate,even in the multimedia-heavy iLife ap-plications.Conversely,opens of productivityfiles are rare,even in iWork applications that use them;this is likely because most iWork tasks create or view a single productivityfile.Because.plistfiles act as generic helperfiles,they are relatively common.SQLitefiles only have a noticeable presence in iPhoto,where they account for a substantial portion of the observed opens.Stringsfiles occupy a significant minority of most workloads(except iPhoto and iTunes). Finally,between5%and20%offiles are of type“Other”(except for iTunes,where they are more prevalent).Figure3displays the percentage of I/O bytes accessed for each file type.In bytes,multimedia I/O dominates most of the iLife tasks,while productivity I/O has a significant presence in the iWork tasks;file descriptors on multimedia and productivityfiles tend to receive large amounts of I/O.SQLite,Plist,and Stringsfiles have a smaller share of the total I/O in bytes relative to the number of openedfiles;this implies that tasks access only a small quantity of data for each of thesefiles opened(e.g.,several key-value pairs in a.plist).In most tasks,files classified as“Other”receive a more significant portion of the I/O(the exception is iTunes). Summary:Home applications access a wide variety offile types, generally opening multimediafiles the most frequently.iLife tasks tend to access bytes primarily from multimedia orfiles classified as“Other”;iWork tasks access bytes from a broader range offile types,with some emphasis on productivityfiles.4.1.2File SizesLarge and smallfiles present distinct challenges to thefile sys-tem.For largefiles,finding contiguous space can be difficult,while for smallfiles,minimizing initial seek time is more important.We investigate two different questions regardingfile size.First,what is the distribution offile sizes accessed by each task?Second,what portion of accessed bytes resides infiles of various sizes?To answer these questions,we recordfile sizes when each unique file descriptor is closed.We categorize sizes as very small(<4KB), small(<64KB),medium(<1MB),large(<10MB),or very large (≥10MB).We track how many accesses are tofiles in each cate-gory and how many of the bytes belong tofiles in each category. Figure4shows the number of accesses tofiles of each size.Ac-cesses to very smallfiles are extremely common,especially for iWork,accounting for over half of all the accesses in every iWork task.Smallfile accesses have a significant presence in the iLife tasks.The large quantity of very small and smallfiles is due to frequent use of.plistfiles that store preferences,settings,and other application data;thesefiles oftenfill just one or two4KB pages. Figure5shows the proportion of thefiles in which the bytes of accessedfiles rge and very largefiles dominate every startup workload and nearly every task that processes multimedia files.Smallfiles account for few bytes and very smallfiles are essentially negligible.Summary:Agreeing with many previous studies(e.g.,[4]),we find that while applications tend to open many very smallfiles (<4KB),most of the bytes accessed are in largefiles(>1MB).4.2Access PatternsWe next examine how the nature offile accesses has changed, studying the read and write patterns of home applications.These patterns include whetherfiles are used for reading,writing,or both; whetherfiles are accessed sequentially or randomly;andfinally, whether or not blocks are preallocated via hints to thefile system.4.2.1File AccessesOne basic characteristic of our workloads is the division between reading and writing on openfile descriptors.If an application uses an openfile only for reading(or only for writing)or performs more activity onfile descriptors of a certain type,then thefile system may be able to make more intelligent memory and disk allocations. To determine these characteristics,we classify each openedfile descriptor based on the types of accesses–read,write,or both read and write–performed during its lifetime.We also ignore the ac-tualflags used when opening thefile since we found they do not accurately reflect behavior;in all workloads,almost all write-only file descriptors were opened with O RDWR.We measure both the。
Google_chubby 分布式锁服务

The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systemsMike Burrows,Google Inc.AbstractWe describe our experiences with the Chubby lock ser-vice,which is intended to provide coarse-grained lock-ing as well as reliable(though low-volume)storage for a loosely-coupled distributed system.Chubby provides an interface much like a distributedfile system with ad-visory locks,but the design emphasis is on availability and reliability,as opposed to high performance.Many instances of the service have been used for over a year, with several of them each handling a few tens of thou-sands of clients concurrently.The paper describes the initial design and expected use,compares it with actual use,and explains how the design had to be modified to accommodate the differences.1IntroductionThis paper describes a lock service called Chubby.It is intended for use within a loosely-coupled distributed sys-tem consisting of moderately large numbers of small ma-chines connected by a high-speed network.For example, a Chubby instance(also known as a Chubby cell)might serve ten thousand4-processor machines connected by 1Gbit/s Ethernet.Most Chubby cells are confined to a single data centre or machine room,though we do run at least one Chubby cell whose replicas are separated by thousands of kilometres.The purpose of the lock service is to allow its clients to synchronize their activities and to agree on basic in-formation about their environment.The primary goals included reliability,availability to a moderately large set of clients,and easy-to-understand semantics;through-put and storage capacity were considered secondary. Chubby’s client interface is similar to that of a simplefile system that performs whole-file reads and writes,aug-mented with advisory locks and with notification of var-ious events such asfile modification.We expected Chubby to help developers deal with coarse-grained synchronization within their systems,and in particular to deal with the problem of electing a leader from among a set of otherwise equivalent servers.For example,the Google File System[7]uses a Chubby lock to appoint a GFS master server,and Bigtable[3]uses Chubby in several ways:to elect a master,to allow the master to discover the servers it controls,and to permit clients tofind the master.In addition,both GFS and Bigtable use Chubby as a well-known and available loca-tion to store a small amount of meta-data;in effect they use Chubby as the root of their distributed data struc-tures.Some services use locks to partition work(at a coarse grain)between several servers.Before Chubby was deployed,most distributed sys-tems at Google used ad hoc methods for primary elec-tion(when work could be duplicated without harm),or required operator intervention(when correctness was es-sential).In the former case,Chubby allowed a small sav-ing in computing effort.In the latter case,it achieved a significant improvement in availability in systems that no longer required human intervention on failure. Readers familiar with distributed computing will rec-ognize the election of a primary among peers as an in-stance of the distributed consensus problem,and realize we require a solution using asynchronous communica-tion;this term describes the behaviour of the vast ma-jority of real networks,such as Ethernet or the Internet, which allow packets to be lost,delayed,and reordered. (Practitioners should normally beware of protocols based on models that make stronger assumptions on the en-vironment.)Asynchronous consensus is solved by the Paxos protocol[12,13].The same protocol was used by Oki and Liskov(see their paper on viewstamped replica-tion[19,§4]),an equivalence noted by others[14,§6]. Indeed,all working protocols for asynchronous consen-sus we have so far encountered have Paxos at their core. Paxos maintains safety without timing assumptions,but clocks must be introduced to ensure liveness;this over-comes the impossibility result of Fischer et al.[5,§1]. Building Chubby was an engineering effort required tofill the needs mentioned above;it was not research. We claim no new algorithms or techniques.The purpose of this paper is to describe what we did and why,rather than to advocate it.In the sections that follow,we de-scribe Chubby’s design and implementation,and how ithas changed in the light of experience.We describe un-expected ways in which Chubby has been used,and fea-tures that proved to be mistakes.We omit details that are covered elsewhere in the literature,such as the details of a consensus protocol or an RPC system.2Design2.1RationaleOne might argue that we should have built a library em-bodying Paxos,rather than a library that accesses a cen-tralized lock service,even a highly reliable one.A client Paxos library would depend on no other servers(besides the name service),and would provide a standard frame-work for programmers,assuming their services can be implemented as state machines.Indeed,we provide such a client library that is independent of Chubby. Nevertheless,a lock service has some advantages over a client library.First,our developers sometimes do not plan for high availability in the way one would wish.Of-ten their systems start as prototypes with little load and loose availability guarantees;invariably the code has not been specially structured for use with a consensus proto-col.As the service matures and gains clients,availability becomes more important;replication and primary elec-tion are then added to an existing design.While this could be done with a library that provides distributed consensus,a lock server makes it easier to maintain exist-ing program structure and communication patterns.For example,to elect a master which then writes to an ex-istingfile server requires adding just two statements and one RPC parameter to an existing system:One would acquire a lock to become master,pass an additional inte-ger(the lock acquisition count)with the write RPC,and add an if-statement to thefile server to reject the write if the acquisition count is lower than the current value(to guard against delayed packets).We have found this tech-nique easier than making existing servers participate in a consensus protocol,and especially so if compatibility must be maintained during a transition period. Second,many of our services that elect a primary or that partition data between their components need a mechanism for advertising the results.This suggests that we should allow clients to store and fetch small quanti-ties of data—that is,to read and write smallfiles.This could be done with a name service,but our experience has been that the lock service itself is well-suited for this task,both because this reduces the number of servers on which a client depends,and because the consistency fea-tures of the protocol are shared.Chubby’s success as a name server owes much to its use of consistent client caching,rather than time-based caching.In particular, we found that developers greatly appreciated not having to choose a cache timeout such as the DNS time-to-live value,which if chosen poorly can lead to high DNS load, or long client fail-over times.Third,a lock-based interface is more familiar to our programmers.Both the replicated state machine of Paxos and the critical sections associated with exclusive locks can provide the programmer with the illusion of sequen-tial programming.However,many programmers have come across locks before,and think they know to use them.Ironically,such programmers are usually wrong, especially when they use locks in a distributed system; few consider the effects of independent machine fail-ures on locks in a system with asynchronous communi-cations.Nevertheless,the apparent familiarity of locks overcomes a hurdle in persuading programmers to use a reliable mechanism for distributed decision making. Last,distributed-consensus algorithms use quorums to make decisions,so they use several replicas to achieve high availability.For example,Chubby itself usually has five replicas in each cell,of which three must be run-ning for the cell to be up.In contrast,if a client system uses a lock service,even a single client can obtain a lock and make progress safely.Thus,a lock service reduces the number of servers needed for a reliable client system to make progress.In a loose sense,one can view the lock service as a way of providing a generic electorate that allows a client system to make decisions correctly when less than a majority of its own members are up. One might imagine solving this last problem in a dif-ferent way:by providing a“consensus service”,using a number of servers to provide the“acceptors”in the Paxos protocol.Like a lock service,a consensus service would allow clients to make progress safely even with only one active client process;a similar technique has been used to reduce the number of state machines needed for Byzan-tine fault tolerance[24].However,assuming a consensus service is not used exclusively to provide locks(which reduces it to a lock service),this approach solves none of the other problems described above.These arguments suggest two key design decisions:•We chose a lock service,as opposed to a library or service for consensus,and•we chose to serve small-files to permit elected pri-maries to advertise themselves and their parameters, rather than build and maintain a second service. Some decisions follow from our expected use and from our environment:•A service advertising its primary via a Chubbyfile may have thousands of clients.Therefore,we must allow thousands of clients to observe thisfile,prefer-ably without needing many servers.•Clients and replicas of a replicated service may wish to know when the service’s primary changes.Thissuggests that an event notification mechanism would be useful to avoid polling.•Even if clients need not pollfiles periodically,many will;this is a consequence of supporting many devel-opers.Thus,caching offiles is desirable.•Our developers are confused by non-intuitive caching semantics,so we prefer consistent caching.•To avoid bothfinancial loss and jail time,we provide security mechanisms,including access control.A choice that may surprise some readers is that we do not expect lock use to befine-grained,in which they might be held only for a short duration(seconds or less); instead,we expect coarse-grained use.For example,an application might use a lock to elect a primary,which would then handle all access to that data for a consider-able time,perhaps hours or days.These two styles of use suggest different requirements from a lock server. Coarse-grained locks impose far less load on the lock server.In particular,the lock-acquisition rate is usu-ally only weakly related to the transaction rate of the client applications.Coarse-grained locks are acquired only rarely,so temporary lock server unavailability de-lays clients less.On the other hand,the transfer of a lock from client to client may require costly recovery proce-dures,so one would not wish a fail-over of a lock server to cause locks to be lost.Thus,it is good for coarse-grained locks to survive lock server failures,there is little concern about the overhead of doing so,and such locks allow many clients to be adequately served by a modest number of lock servers with somewhat lower availability. Fine-grained locks lead to different conclusions.Even brief unavailability of the lock server may cause many clients to stall.Performance and the ability to add new servers at will are of great concern because the trans-action rate at the lock service grows with the combined transaction rate of clients.It can be advantageous to re-duce the overhead of locking by not maintaining locks across lock server failure,and the time penalty for drop-ping locks every so often is not severe because locks are held for short periods.(Clients must be prepared to lose locks during network partitions,so the loss of locks on lock server fail-over introduces no new recovery paths.) Chubby is intended to provide only coarse-grained locking.Fortunately,it is straightforward for clients to implement their ownfine-grained locks tailored to their application.An application might partition its locks into groups and use Chubby’s coarse-grained locks to allocate these lock groups to application-specific lock servers. Little state is needed to maintain thesefine-grain locks; the servers need only keep a non-volatile,monotonically-increasing acquisition counter that is rarely updated. Clients can learn of lost locks at unlock time,and if a simplefixed-length lease is used,the protocol can be simple and efficient.The most important benefits of thisclient processes5servers of a Chubby cellclientapplicationchubbylibraryclientapplicationchubbylibrary...mRPCs m mastermmmqIFigure1:System structurescheme are that our client developers become responsible for the provisioning of the servers needed to support their load,yet are relieved of the complexity of implementing consensus themselves.2.2System structureChubby has two main components that communicate via RPC:a server,and a library that client applications link against;see Figure1.All communication between Chubby clients and the servers is mediated by the client library.An optional third component,a proxy server,is discussed in Section3.1.A Chubby cell consists of a small set of servers(typi-callyfive)known as replicas,placed so as to reduce the likelihood of correlated failure(for example,in different racks).The replicas use a distributed consensus protocol to elect a master;the master must obtain votes from a majority of the replicas,plus promises that those replicas will not elect a different master for an interval of a few seconds known as the master lease.The master lease is periodically renewed by the replicas provided the master continues to win a majority of the vote.The replicas maintain copies of a simple database,but only the master initiates reads and writes of this database. All other replicas simply copy updates from the master, sent using the consensus protocol.Clientsfind the master by sending master location requests to the replicas listed in the DNS.Non-master replicas respond to such requests by returning the iden-tity of the master.Once a client has located the master, the client directs all requests to it either until it ceases to respond,or until it indicates that it is no longer the master.Write requests are propagated via the consensus protocol to all replicas;such requests are acknowledged when the write has reached a majority of the replicas in the cell.Read requests are satisfied by the master alone; this is safe provided the master lease has not expired,as no other master can possibly exist.If a master fails,the other replicas run the election protocol when their master leases expire;a new master will typically be elected in a few seconds.For example,two recent elections took6s and4s,but we see values as high as30s(§4.1).If a replica fails and does not recover for a few hours,a simple replacement system selects a fresh machine from a free pool and starts the lock server binary on it.It then updates the DNS tables,replacing the IP address of the failed replica with that of the new one.The current mas-ter polls the DNS periodically and eventually notices the change.It then updates the list of the cell’s members in the cell’s database;this list is kept consistent across all the members via the normal replication protocol.In the meantime,the new replica obtains a recent copy of the database from a combination of backups stored onfile servers and updates from active replicas.Once the new replica has processed a request that the current master is waiting to commit,the replica is permitted to vote in the elections for new master.2.3Files,directories,and handlesChubby exports afile system interface similar to,but simpler than that of UNIX[22].It consists of a strict tree offiles and directories in the usual way,with name components separated by slashes.A typical name is:/ls/foo/wombat/pouchThe ls prefix is common to all Chubby names,and stands for lock service.The second component(foo)is the name of a Chubby cell;it is resolved to one or more Chubby servers via DNS lookup.A special cell name local indicates that the client’s local Chubby cell should be used;this is usually one in the same building and thus the one most likely to be accessible.The remain-der of the name,/wombat/pouch,is interpreted within the named Chubby cell.Again following UNIX,each di-rectory contains a list of childfiles and directories,while eachfile contains a sequence of uninterpreted bytes. Because Chubby’s naming structure resembles afile system,we were able to make it available to applications both with its own specialized API,and via interfaces used by our otherfile systems,such as the Google File System.This significantly reduced the effort needed to write basic browsing and name space manipulation tools, and reduced the need to educate casual Chubby users. The design differs from UNIX in a ways that ease dis-tribution.To allow thefiles in different directories to be served from different Chubby masters,we do not expose operations that can movefiles from one directory to an-other,we do not maintain directory modified times,and we avoid path-dependent permission semantics(that is, access to afile is controlled by the permissions on the file itself rather than on directories on the path leading to thefile).To make it easier to cachefile meta-data,the system does not reveal last-access times.The name space contains onlyfiles and directories, collectively called nodes.Every such node has only one name within its cell;there are no symbolic or hard links.Nodes may be either permanent or ephemeral.Any node may be deleted explicitly,but ephemeral nodes are also deleted if no client has them open(and,for directo-ries,they are empty).Ephemeralfiles are used as tempo-raryfiles,and as indicators to others that a client is alive. Any node can act as an advisory reader/writer lock;these locks are described in more detail in Section2.4.Each node has various meta-data,including three names of access control lists(ACLs)used to control reading,writing and changing the ACL names for the node.Unless overridden,a node inherits the ACL names of its parent directory on creation.ACLs are themselves files located in an ACL directory,which is a well-known part of the cell’s local name space.These ACLfiles con-sist of simple lists of names of principals;readers may be reminded of Plan9’s groups[21].Thus,iffile F’s write ACL name is foo,and the ACL directory contains afile foo that contains an entry bar,then user bar is permit-ted to write ers are authenticated by a mechanism built into the RPC system.Because Chubby’s ACLs are simplyfiles,they are automatically available to other ser-vices that wish to use similar access control mechanisms. The per-node meta-data includes four monotonically-increasing64-bit numbers that allow clients to detect changes easily:•an instance number;greater than the instance number of any previous node with the same name.•a content generation number(files only);this in-creases when thefile’s contents are written.•a lock generation number;this increases when the node’s lock transitions from free to held.•an ACL generation number;this increases when the node’s ACL names are written.Chubby also exposes a64-bitfile-content checksum so clients may tell whetherfiles differ.Clients open nodes to obtain handles that are analo-gous to UNIXfile descriptors.Handles include:•check digits that prevent clients from creating or guessing handles,so full access control checks need be performed only when handles are created(com-pare with UNIX,which checks its permissions bits at open time,but not at each read/write becausefile de-scriptors cannot be forged).•a sequence number that allows a master to tell whethera handle was generated by it or by a previous master.•mode information provided at open time to allow the master to recreate its state if an old handle is presented to a newly restarted master.2.4Locks and sequencersEach Chubbyfile and directory can act as a reader-writer lock:either one client handle may hold the lock in exclu-sive(writer)mode,or any number of client handles mayhold the lock in shared(reader)mode.Like the mutexes known to most programmers,locks are advisory.That is,they conflict only with other attempts to acquire the same lock:holding a lock called F neither is necessary to access thefile F,nor prevents other clients from do-ing so.We rejected mandatory locks,which make locked objects inaccessible to clients not holding their locks:•Chubby locks often protect resources implemented by other services,rather than just thefile associated with the lock.To enforce mandatory locking in a meaning-ful way would have required us to make more exten-sive modification of these services.•We did not wish to force users to shut down appli-cations when they needed to access lockedfiles for debugging or administrative purposes.In a complex system,it is harder to use the approach employed on most personal computers,where administrative soft-ware can break mandatory locks simply by instructing the user to shut down his applications or to reboot.•Our developers perform error checking in the conven-tional way,by writing assertions such as“lock X is held”,so they benefit little from mandatory checks.Buggy or malicious processes have many opportuni-ties to corrupt data when locks are not held,so wefind the extra guards provided by mandatory locking to be of no significant value.In Chubby,acquiring a lock in either mode requires write permission so that an unprivileged reader cannot prevent a writer from making progress.Locking is complex in distributed systems because communication is typically uncertain,and processes may fail independently.Thus,a process holding a lock L may issue a request R,but then fail.Another process may ac-quire L and perform some action before R arrives at its destination.If R later arrives,it may be acted on without the protection of L,and potentially on inconsistent data. The problem of receiving messages out of order has been well studied;solutions include virtual time[11],and vir-tual synchrony[1],which avoids the problem by ensuring that messages are processed in an order consistent with the observations of every participant.It is costly to introduce sequence numbers into all the interactions in an existing complex system.Instead, Chubby provides a means by which sequence numbers can be introduced into only those interactions that make use of locks.At any time,a lock holder may request a se-quencer,an opaque byte-string that describes the state of the lock immediately after acquisition.It contains the name of the lock,the mode in which it was acquired (exclusive or shared),and the lock generation number. The client passes the sequencer to servers(such asfile servers)if it expects the operation to be protected by the lock.The recipient server is expected to test whether the sequencer is still valid and has the appropriate mode;if not,it should reject the request.The validity of a sequencer can be checked against the server’s Chubby cache or,if the server does not wish to maintain a ses-sion with Chubby,against the most recent sequencer that the server has observed.The sequencer mechanism re-quires only the addition of a string to affected messages, and is easily explained to our developers.Although wefind sequencers simple to use,important protocols evolve slowly.Chubby therefore provides an imperfect but easier mechanism to reduce the risk of de-layed or re-ordered requests to servers that do not sup-port sequencers.If a client releases a lock in the normal way,it is immediately available for other clients to claim, as one would expect.However,if a lock becomes free because the holder has failed or become inaccessible, the lock server will prevent other clients from claiming the lock for a period called the lock-delay.Clients may specify any lock-delay up to some bound,currently one minute;this limit prevents a faulty client from making a lock(and thus some resource)unavailable for an arbitrar-ily long time.While imperfect,the lock-delay protects unmodified servers and clients from everyday problems caused by message delays and restarts.2.5EventsChubby clients may subscribe to a range of events when they create a handle.These events are delivered to the client asynchronously via an up-call from the Chubby li-brary.Events include:•file contents modified—often used to monitor the lo-cation of a service advertised via thefile.•child node added,removed,or modified—used to im-plement mirroring(§2.12).(In addition to allowing newfiles to be discovered,returning events for child nodes makes it possible to monitor ephemeralfiles without affecting their reference counts.)•Chubby master failed over—warns clients that other events may have been lost,so data must be rescanned.•a handle(and its lock)has become invalid—this typi-cally suggests a communications problem.•lock acquired—can be used to determine when a pri-mary has been elected.•conflicting lock request from another client—allows the caching of locks.Events are delivered after the corresponding action has taken place.Thus,if a client is informed thatfile contents have changed,it is guaranteed to see the new data(or data that is yet more recent)if it subsequently reads thefile. The last two events mentioned are rarely used,and with hindsight could have been omitted.After primary election for example,clients typically need to commu-nicate with the new primary,rather than simply know that a primary exists;thus,they wait for afile modifi-cation event indicating that the new primary has written its address in afile.The conflicting lock event in theory permits clients to cache data held on other servers,using Chubby locks to maintain cache consistency.A notifi-cation of a conflicting lock request would tell a client to finish using data associated with the lock:it wouldfinish pending operations,flush modifications to a home loca-tion,discard cached data,and release.So far,no one has adopted this style of use.2.6APIClients see a Chubby handle as a pointer to an opaque structure that supports various operations.Handles are created only by Open(),and destroyed with Close(). Open()opens a namedfile or directory to produce a handle,analogous to a UNIXfile descriptor.Only this call takes a node name;all others operate on handles. The name is evaluated relative to an existing directory handle;the library provides a handle on”/”that is always valid.Directory handles avoid the difficulties of using a program-wide current directory in a multi-threaded pro-gram that contains many layers of abstraction[18].The client indicates various options:•how the handle will be used(reading;writing and locking;changing the ACL);the handle is created only if the client has the appropriate permissions.•events that should be delivered(see§2.5).•the lock-delay(§2.4).•whether a newfile or directory should(or must)be created.If afile is created,the caller may supply ini-tial contents and initial ACL names.The return value indicates whether thefile was in fact created.Close()closes an open handle.Further use of the han-dle is not permitted.This call never fails.A related call Poison()causes outstanding and subsequent operations on the handle to fail without closing it;this allows a client to cancel Chubby calls made by other threads without fear of deallocating the memory being accessed by them. The main calls that act on a handle are: GetContentsAndStat()returns both the contents and meta-data of afile.The contents of afile are read atom-ically and in their entirety.We avoided partial reads and writes to discourage largefiles.A related call GetStat() returns just the meta-data,while ReadDir()returns the names and meta-data for the children of a directory. SetContents()writes the contents of afile.Option-ally,the client may provide a content generation number to allow the client to simulate compare-and-swap on a file;the contents are changed only if the generation num-ber is current.The contents of afile are always written atomically and in their entirety.A related call SetACL() performs a similar operation on the ACL names associ-ated with the node.Delete()deletes the node if it has no children. Acquire(),TryAcquire(),Release()acquire and release locks.GetSequencer()returns a sequencer(§2.4)that de-scribes any lock held by this handle.SetSequencer()associates a sequencer with a handle. Subsequent operations on the handle fail if the sequencer is no longer valid.CheckSequencer()checks whether a sequencer is valid(see§2.4).Calls fail if the node has been deleted since the han-dle was created,even if thefile has been subsequently recreated.That is,a handle is associated with an instance of afile,rather than with afile name.Chubby may ap-ply access control checks on any call,but always checks Open()calls(see§2.3).All the calls above take an operation parameter in ad-dition to any others needed by the call itself.The oper-ation parameter holds data and control information that may be associated with any call.In particular,via the operation parameter the client may:•supply a callback to make the call asynchronous,•wait for the completion of such a call,and/or •obtain extended error and diagnostic information. Clients can use this API to perform primary election as follows:All potential primaries open the lockfile and attempt to acquire the lock.One succeeds and becomes the primary,while the others act as replicas.The primary writes its identity into the lockfile with SetContents() so that it can be found by clients and replicas,which read thefile with GetContentsAndStat(),perhaps in response to afile-modification event(§2.5).Ideally, the primary obtains a sequencer with GetSequencer(), which it then passes to servers it communicates with; they should confirm with CheckSequencer()that it is still the primary.A lock-delay may be used with services that cannot check sequencers(§2.4).2.7CachingTo reduce read traffic,Chubby clients cachefile data and node meta-data(includingfile absence)in a consis-tent,write-through cache held in memory.The cache is maintained by a lease mechanism described below,and kept consistent by invalidations sent by the master,which keeps a list of what each client may be caching.The pro-tocol ensures that clients see either a consistent view of Chubby state,or an error.Whenfile data or meta-data is to be changed,the mod-ification is blocked while the master sends invalidations for the data to every client that may have cached it;this mechanism sits on top of KeepAlive RPCs,discussed more fully in the next section.On receipt of an invali-dation,a clientflushes the invalidated state and acknowl-。

==================================名词解释======================================Operating system: operating system is a program that manages the computer hardware. The operating system is the one program running at all times on the computer (usually called the kernel), with all else being systems programs and application programs.操作系统:操作系统一个管理计算机硬件的程序,他一直运行着,管理着各种系统资源Multiprogramming: Multiprogramming is one of the most important aspects of operating systems. Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs (code and data) so that the CPU always has one to execute.多程序设计:是操作系统中最重要的部分之一,通过组织工作提高CPU利用率,保证了CPU始终在运行中。
batch system: A batch system is one in which jobs are bundled together with the instructions necessary to allow them to be processed without intervention.批处理系统:将许多工作和指令捆绑在一起运行,使得它们不必等待插入,以此提高系统效率。
desktopvoc 英语词库

desktopvoc 英语词库[desktop vocabulary English word list], step-by-step answeringIn this article, we will delve into the topic of desktop vocabulary, which refers to a collection of English words commonly used in the context of computers, specifically desktop computers. We will explore the significance of desktop vocabulary in enhancing our understanding of the digital world, the importance of staying updated with the evolving desktop vocabulary, and provide an extensive list of essential desktop vocabulary words.The digital age has revolutionized our lives, and desktop computers have become an integral part of our daily routines. Whether it is for work, communication, entertainment, or research purposes, we rely heavily on desktop computers to access and navigate the digital sphere. Desktop vocabulary plays a crucial role in enabling us to understand and communicate effectively in this ever-evolving technological landscape.Staying updated with desktop vocabulary is essential as technology advances at a rapid pace. New terms and concepts constantly emerge, and understanding and incorporating these terms into ourvocabulary ensures that we can fully comprehend and adapt to the latest technological developments. Moreover, possessing a strong desktop vocabulary can enhance our communication skills when troubleshooting issues, discussing computer specifications, or seeking assistance from technical support.Let us now explore a comprehensive list of essential desktop vocabulary words that will help us navigate the digital world with confidence:1. Operating System: The software that manages computer hardware and software resources, providing a user-friendly interface for users to interact with the computer.2. CPU: Central Processing Unit, the "brain" of the computer responsible for executing instructions and performing calculations.3. RAM: Random Access Memory, temporary storage that allows the computer to access data quickly.4. Hard Drive: A non-volatile storage device that stores and retrieves digital information.5. Graphics Card: A specialized circuit board that enhances the computer's ability to render and display graphics.6. Monitor: The display screen where users can view the computer's output.7. Keyboard: The input device used to type characters into the computer.8. Mouse: A hand-held device used to navigate a computer's graphical user interface.9. USB: Universal Serial Bus, a common interface for connecting external devices to a computer.10. Firewall: A security system that controls network traffic and protects against unauthorized access.11. Browser: A software application used to access and navigate the internet.12. Wi-Fi: Wireless local area network that allows devices to connect to the internet without physical cables.13. Software: Programs and applications that run on a computer.14. Hardware: The physical components of a computer system.15. Virus: A malicious software program that can damage or disrupt computer operations.16. File: A collection of data stored on a computer.17. Folder: A directory or container that holds files in an organized manner.18. Desktop: The graphical user interface displayed on the screen when the computer is turned on.19. Shortcut: A quick way to access a file or program without navigating through a series of folders.20. Backup: Copying and storing files or data to prevent loss in theevent of system failure or accidental deletion.This list represents only a fraction of the extensive desktop vocabulary that exists. It is crucial to continually update our knowledge of desktop vocabulary as new technologies emerge. Engaging in online forums, subscribing to technology-related websites, and reading tech news can help us stay abreast of the latest terminology and concepts.In conclusion, desktop vocabulary is essential for effectively navigating the digital world. By familiarizing ourselves with the terminology and concepts specific to desktop computers, we can communicate more efficiently and troubleshoot issues effectively. Continuous learning and staying updated with the evolving desktop vocabulary is the key to embracing and adapting to the ever-changing technological landscape.。

System Fan Selection- A Little Planning Yields Big ResultsVivek Mansingh, Applied Thermal TechnologiesChris Chapman, Aavid Thermal Products.IntroductionWithout sufficient system airflow, many of today's electronic products would overheat. Air can flow passively through a system-this is the least expensive and most reliable form of cooling-or it can be driven through the system by a fan or blower. When a fan is required, your system requirements will drive the selection of the right fan for your application. System pressure drop, acoustic restrictions, reliability requirements, and product mobility may all play a role in your decision. With some forethought, and the aid of thermal tools such as thermal modeling software or a thermal management consultant, selecting an appropriate fan will improve system reliability while maintaining your product's goals.Establishing Flow Rate RequirementThe first step in selecting a fan is determining how much air it must move. Calculate airflow from the following thermal equation:Q = Cp × m × (DT) [1]Where:Q = power to be dissipated (watts)Cp = specific heat of air (J/kg °C)m = mass flow of air (kg/s) = Vf x rDT = Tair outlet - Tair inletAnd:VF = air flow rate (m3/s)r = air density (kg/m3)The equation can be rewritten to calculate the air flow rate as follows:QVF = ------------- [2](Cp × r × DT)Example 1: To determine the airflow required in a system that is dissipating 500 watts, operating in a typical office environment at sea level, with a system requirement of 40°C maximum outlet temperature, first find the density and specific heat of air under these conditions:r (sea level) = 1.225 kg/m3Cp = 1005 J/kg °CWe can use DT = 15 °C. This gives us an airflow calculation as follows:500 wattsVF = --------------------------------------------------1005 J/kg °C × 1.225 kg/m3 × 15 °C= 0.027 m3/sec = 57 CFMEffect of Air Density on Fan performanceFrom equation [1], we see that the mass flow of the air, not its volume, determines the amount of cooling. Therefore, a system operating at a high elevation where the air is less dense will need more volume than the same system operating at sea level. Calculate the airflow requirements based on the highest altitude specified for the product. For products that require CE marking, altitude specification is part of the CE certification. Whenever there is a fan involved in an electronic system, the CE documentation should include the maximum altitude at which the fan will provide sufficient cooling.Example 2: To determine the airflow required by the same system in Example 1 if it were moved to Santa Fe, New Mexico, first determine the density of air at 6000 ft:r (6000 ft) = 1.025 kg/m3Cp = 1005 J/kg °CThis gives us an airflow calculation as follows:500 wattsVF = ------------------------------------1005 J/kg °C × 1.025 kg/m3 × 15 °C= 0.032 m3/sec = 69 CFMThe difference in the two examples shows how sensitive airflow requirements are to changes in elevation.Determine System Pressure DropThe pressure drop through the system combined with the airflow requirement will determine the size of the fan. To specify the rough requirements for the fan at the start of the project, use a modeling program, such as Icepak, to give you an idea how much air resistance the components in the system may create. The most accurate way to determine the pressure drop characteristics, however, is by measuring the system at different flow rates. Once the project has reached the prototype stage, measure the pressure drop to pinpoint the exact fan requirements. This measurement requires a specially designed wind tunnel. An outside testlab, such as the one at Applied Thermal Technologies, can provide this characterization for a nominal fee.Select a fan rated slightly higher than your airflow requirements. Look at the impedance curve for the fan. The intersection of the pressure drop and the required airflow should be in the center third of the fan impedance curve (see Figure 1).Figure 1: More complex than an extrusion, these Opti-pin™heat sinks use micro-fins to improve cooling.Other Factors that Affect Fan SelectionFan PlacementThe location of the fan and the direction in which it moves the air through the system can affect the entire thermal design. A fan that is blowing into the system is at the coolest point of the system, giving the fan a longer life. A fan pulling air out of the system provides more uniform airflow throughout the system, while complex system geometry in front of a blowing fan can cause turbulent flow. If the acoustic noise level is important, keep in mind that an obstruction on the suction side of a fan will cause noise an order of magnitude higher than an obstruction on the force side. If an obstruction is too close to the fan, the fan may not function properly or may have a shortened life. The system requirements will often drive the fan location and whether it needs to work in suction mode or force mode.The Apple iMac has an elegant thermal design that allows integration of all the components of a personal computer into a single chassis with a single fan. One of the design requirements for the iMac was extremely low acoustic noise. To accomplish this goal, the thermal designers placed the fan in the middle of the chassis. While this unique location forced the system designers to work around a partition in the center of the chassis, it resulted in a nearly silent computer. Figure 2 shows a thermal model of the iMac. Half of the chassis has the fan pulling air away, while the other half is operating under force mode.Figure 2: These push-pins allow rapid attachment and removal from the video card.For some applications, you may need more than one fan to provide enough cooling. Parallel operation, where the fans blow side by side, is optimum for systems with a low pressure drop, which require higher airflow. We can see in Figure 3 that adding a second fan increases but does not double airflow, unless there is no system resistance.Figure 3: Low-profile fan heat sinks such as this one come with spring-loaded pins in the same patterns as passive heat sinks.Series operation works well for systems with a high pressure drop. Again, from Figure 3, we can see that adding a second fan increases the pressure drop that can be overcome, approaching twice the pressure drop of a single fan as the flow drops to zero.Fan Heat SinksFor some applications an individual fan for a single heat sink will provide sufficient airflow without a system fan. This solution, used in some low-end PCs, lowers overall costs and provides a quieter system. In specific cases, integrating the fan into the heat sink may even eliminate the need for a second system fan. Inclusion of a fan heat sink allows speedy resolution of thermal problems that may arise during product upgrades. Replacing an existing heat sink with a fan heat sink can provide sufficient cooling for a more powerful, and therefore hotter, new product without requiring a total redesign of the thermal solution. In sealed-chassis applications, on the other hand, a fan heat sink may be the only way to provide sufficient cooling for a critical component. The evolving nature of custom-built PCs create special thermal challenges. Frequently the lack of a lengthy design and testing phase results in less than optimum airflow and heat dissipation. Board manufacturers selling to this market can include fan heat sinks to ensure the reliability of critical components.A fan heat sink offers several benefits over a system fan: smaller size, lower power consumption, less acoustic noise, and better integration into the electronics. An integrated fan improves the performance of any heat sink by about 50% to 100% over passive performance. The directional airflow provided by the fan ensures more efficient heat transfer from the fins to the ambient.Fan Reliability RequirementsBecause the fan is one of the few mechanical parts in an electronic system, fan reliability may determine system reliability. For short-lived products, lower fan cost may be more important than longer fan lifetime. For applications where the product will be used continuously for many years, however, such as embedded industrial PCs, a fan with high reliability will better suit the system requirements.Whether the application is a system fan or a fan heat sink, sleeve-bearing fans are the least reliable. Because of their short lifetime, they are not suitable for most applications. Single-ball single-sleeve bearing fans are typically twice as reliable as the sleeve-bearing fans. This life expectancy is still very low for most applications. Dual-ball bearing fans are the most reliable and are recommended for all industrial applications, especially embedded systems.The cost differential between these different fans may influence the decision to use one fan over another. Single-ball, single-sleeve-bearing fans cost 15-20% more than single-sleeve bearing fans. The jump to dual-ball bearing fans accounts for another 15-20% increase in cost. In most applications, the reliability improvement is well worth the additional cost.The fans in advanced fan heat sinks go one step further, incorporating a failure detection method into the design. These fans include a signal interface that connects directly to the system microprocessor. The fan emits two pulses per rotation and sends these pulses through the signal interface to the processor. The processor can then clock the pulses and compare with the speed when the fan is new. When the fan begins to slow down, indicating imminent failure, the processor can begin an automatic controlled shut-down procedure, saving work in progress and allowing repair of the problem before damage occurs to the IC or the data.A similar, proactive fault-detection technique used to protect data in the event of fan failure is the incorporation of thermisters into IC or heat sink design. These temperature probes sense chip temperature, allowing a controlled shut down when the temperature approaches the maximum the chip can handle.The ambient air temperature has a significant effect on fan reliability. Air temperatures greater than 45 °C put strain on most fans, shortening their life. For applications where fan reliability is critical, the design should place the fan in a cool location.RedundancySome applications are so sensitive that they need sufficient cooling, even in the event of a fan failure. Specifically, the NEBS specification requires redundancy in all telecommunications equipment destined for use in Europe. The need for redundancy can drive fan placement. For example, two fans placed in parallel have a higher probability of recirculation in the event of a failure than two fans placed in series.Fan Voltage, Power, and Acoustic RequirementsThe amount of power a fan uses may also play a role in overall system performance. Newer variable-speed fans help make the most of cooling while minimizing power draw. When the user accesses the CPU, the fan speeds up to create more airflow for cooling; when computing decreases, the fan slows, conserving battery power. The lower speed setting also lessens the amount of noise from the fan. These advanced functions are particularly important in notebook computer applications.The current available to power the fan is a small, but determining factor in fan selection. The fan's acoustic rating is another factor that may swing the decision to go with a specific fan.ConclusionInadequate system cooling is the major cause of failure in electronic equipment. While providing a system with inadequate airflow may cause a premature failure, providing more airflow than is necessary usually increases system size and cost. Selecting anappropriately-sized fan and placing it wisely in your system will extend the life of your product and reduce premature failure. By designing the system airflow around the thermal requirements of the whole system, designers can gain competitive advantage in system reliability, system size, and even acoustic noise.。

计算机常用英文用语Introduction:Computing and information technology play an indispensable role in our daily lives. As technology continues to advance, it is important to be familiar with the commonly used English terms in the field of computer science. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to frequently used computer-related English vocabulary, covering various aspects of computing terminology.1. Hardware Terminology:1.1 Central Processing Unit (CPU) - The CPU is the "brain" of a computer, responsible for executing instructions and processing data.1.2 Random-Access Memory (RAM) - RAM is the temporary storage space where data and instructions are temporarily stored while the computer is running.1.3 Hard Disk Drive (HDD) - The HDD is the primary storage device ofa computer, used to store and retrieve digital data.1.4 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) - The GPU is responsible for rendering and displaying images, videos, and graphics on a computer screen.1.5 Motherboard - The main circuit board of a computer that connects and facilitates communication among various hardware components.2. Software Terminology:2.1 Operating System (OS) - The OS is the software that manages computer hardware resources and provides services for computer programs.2.2 Application - An application, often referred to as "app," is a software program designed to perform specific tasks or functions.2.3 User Interface (UI) - The UI is the part of a software or website that allows users to interact with it. It includes menus, buttons, and graphical elements.2.4 Debugger - A debugger is a software tool used by programmers to locate and fix errors or bugs in computer programs.2.5 Database - A structured collection of data that is organized and accessible by various software applications.3. Networking Terminology:3.1 Internet Protocol (IP) - IP is the set of rules that govern how data is sent and received over the internet.3.2 Router - A router is a networking device that forwards data packets between computer networks. It acts as a traffic director on the internet.3.3 Firewall - A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, protecting a network from unauthorized access.3.4 Bandwidth - Bandwidth refers to the maximum amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given time period.3.5 Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi is a wireless networking technology that allows devices to connect to the internet or other networks without using physical wired connections.4. Programming Terminology:4.1 Variable - A variable is a named storage location in memory used to store data values that can be changed during the execution of a program.4.2 Loop - A loop is a programming construct that repeats a specific block of code until a condition is met or a certain number of iterations are completed.4.3 Function - A function is a self-contained block of reusable code that performs a specific task. It usually takes input parameters and returns output values.4.4 Compiler - A compiler is a software tool that translates source code written in a programming language into machine code that can be executed by a computer.4.5 Algorithm - An algorithm is a step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a specific problem or achieving a specific outcome in programming.5. Security Terminology:5.1 Encryption - Encryption is the process of converting data into a coded form to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.5.2 Authentication - Authentication is the process of verifying the identity of a user or system, typically through the use of passwords, biometrics, or digital certificates.5.3 Malware - Malware refers to malicious software, such as viruses, worms, or Trojan horses, designed to damage, disrupt, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems.5.4 Phishing - Phishing is a type of cyber-attack where attackers masquerade as legitimate entities to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card details.5.5 Firewall - A firewall is a network security device that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network traffic, protecting a network from unauthorized access.Conclusion:In today's digital age, having a solid understanding of computer-related English vocabulary is crucial for effective communication and collaboration in the field of computing and information technology. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of commonly used computer terms across various aspects, including hardware, software, networking, programming, and security. By familiarizing oneself with these terms, individuals can enhance their ability to navigate the ever-evolving world of technology.。

写一篇关于互联网发展历史的英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Amazing Story of the InternetHave you ever wondered how you can talk to your friends online, watch funny videos, or look up information about dinosaurs with just a few taps on a computer or phone? It's all thanks to the incredible invention of the Internet!A long, long time ago, before you were even born, there was no Internet. Can you imagine that? No email, no websites, no online games or videos. People had to use things called "encyclopedias" to look up facts – big, heavy books filled with information!The Internet was first created by scientists and researchers who wanted a way to share information and connect different computer networks together. It all started in the 1960s, when a computer scientist named J.C.R. Licklider had a dream of an "intergalactic computer network" that would allow people to access data from any location.In 1969, a team of scientists working for the U.S. government set up the first computer network called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network). It connected just four computer systems at different universities. These early computers were huge, filling up entire rooms! But even with this small start, the scientists had planted the seed for what would grow into the Internet we know today.Over the next few decades, more and more computers joined the network. Universities and research centers started using it to share files and message each other. Slowly but surely, the network kept growing like a branching tree, connecting more "nodes" (computers) across America.In 1983, scientists introduced an important new way for networks to communicate called "TCP/IP" (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). This allowed different networks to connect seamlessly, kind of like speaking the same language. So ARPANET and other networks merged together into one giant "internet" of linked networks – the Internet!The early Internet was just text – no pictures, videos or fun stuff. But in 1990, a British computer scientist named Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. This let people create "websites" with text, images and links, making the Interneta more visual place to explore. Berners-Lee's partner Robert Cailliau helped spread the Web to more people.Once the World Wide Web launched in 1991, the Internet exploded in popularity! More people got personal computers and signed up for "Internet access" through new companies called Internet Service Providers (ISPs). The first popular web browser called Mosaic arrived in 1993, making it easier to view websites with its user-friendly interface.Throughout the 1990s, the Internet kept growing like crazy. Companies started creating their own websites to advertise products. Online shopping, email and instant messaging became common. Search engines like Yahoo! and Google (launched in 1998) helped people find websites more easily.In the 2000s, the Internet went mobile as smartphones and tablets let people browse the web on-the-go. Social media sites like Facebook, YouTube and Twitter also became massively popular, allowing people to share updates, videos, pictures and ideas with friends across the world.Today, over 4.5 billion people around the globe use the Internet regularly. We take it for granted as part of our modern lives, using it for everything from playing games to learning about space to keeping in touch with faraway family. Whatstarted as a small computer network has turned into an "information superhighway" that connects nearly everyone on Earth!The Internet's story shows how human innovation and creativity can lead to world-changing inventions. Who knows what new "net" technologies are just around the corner? One thing is for sure – the Internet will keep evolving, growing and connecting people in amazing new ways!篇2The Amazing Story of the InternetDo you know what the Internet is? It's this huge network of computers all around the world that are connected to each other. It lets people share information and talk to each other no matter where they are. The Internet is used by billions of people every day! But it didn't always exist. A long time ago, there was no Internet at all. Let me tell you the fascinating story of how the Internet was created and grew into what it is today.It all started back in the 1960s. There was a thing called the Cold War happening between the United States and the Soviet Union. The two countries didn't really get along and there was a lot of tension between them. The US military wanted a way forcomputers at different locations to communicate with each other. That way, even if one place got attacked, the computers could still talk to each other somewhere else.In 1969, a computer scientist named Leonard Kleinrock sent the first message between two computers only a few feet apart. It was just the simple message "login," but it proved computers could indeed talk to each other! Throughout the 1970s, more and more computers were connected into this early version of the Internet, which was called ARPANET.At first, ARPANET was mostly used by scientists, researchers, and the military. But in the 1980s, things started changing. More regular people began joining the network. They could now send messages to each other's computers, share files, and discuss topics they were interested in. The Internet was growing!In 1989, a scientist named Tim Berners-Lee came up with a great idea. He invented the World Wide Web, which allowed information to be easily found and accessed on the Internet through web pages. Berners-Lee also created the first web browser and web server. Suddenly, the Internet became a lot more user-friendly for regular folks.The 1990s were an exciting time for the Internet's growth. More people got access to these new web browsers. Companiesstarted making websites to share information about their products. You could find pictures, read articles, watch videos, and buy things online. The Internet was becoming part of everyday life.But the Internet really took off in the 2000s. New high-speed Internet connections made it much faster to access websites. Social media sites like Facebook and Twitter allowed people to connect with friends and share updates. Smartphones and tablets made it easy to use the Internet on-the-go. Streaming services like Netflix and YouTube gave us new ways to watch shows and videos online.Nowadays in the 2020s, the Internet is everywhere! Billions of websites exist on every topic you can imagine. We can video chat with someone on the other side of the planet. Self-driving cars, smart home devices, and even refrigerators use the Internet to work. It's hard to imagine life without this global network of connected computers.From those first baby steps of sending a simple login message, the Internet has grown into something amazing that touches almost every part of our lives. Who knows what new technologies and inventions the Internet will enable next? Maybesomeday I'll be teaching classes over the Internet or taking a virtual field trip to explore outer space!The story of the Internet shows how creative ideas, scientific discoveries, and hard work can lead to innovations that change the world in ways we could never imagine. I can't wait to see what new surprises and wonders the Internet has in store for the future!篇3The Amazing Internet and How It All BeganHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about the super cool internet and where it came from. The internet is something we use every single day – to look up facts for school projects, play online games, watch videos, and so much more. But have you ever wondered how it all started? Get ready for an awesome story!Way back in the 1960s, there were some really smart scientists and computer experts working for the United States government and universities. Their names were cool things like J.C.R. Licklider, Bob Taylor, and Lawrence Roberts. These guys had a big idea – what if all the computer systems at different universities and research centers could be connected togetherinto one giant network? That way, researchers could easily share data and information from anywhere!The first steps towards making this "internet" actually happened in 1965. Two computers at different locations were connected for the very first time ever! How crazy is that? Of course, back then the internet looked nothing like it does today. The connections were really basic and slow. But those first baby steps eventually led to much bigger things.In 1969, a computer network called ARPANET was created to connect different universities and research labs across the country. ARPANET sent data by passing it from one computer to the next, kind of like a bucket brigade passing water buckets down the line. As more and more locations were added to ARPANET, it grew bigger and bigger. This was the very first version of the internet we know today!At first, this early internet could only send very simpletext-based data, like messages or file transfers. There were no images, videos, or audio. And you had to be part of the military, a university, or an approved research lab to get access. But the internet was growing up fast!In the 1970s, scientists and researchers started holding the first "online meetings" by typing messages back and forth toeach other. They worked on developing rules and protocols for how data could be transmitted across the network. Things we now take for granted like email were invented during this time too! By 1973, ARPANET was connected across the Atlantic Ocean to locations in Norway and the UK. The internet was going global!Throughout the 1980s, the internet continued expanding and becoming more advanced. New networking technologies were developed to allow more computers to connect. Modems were created that let personal computers dial-in to the internet over telephone lines. And in 1983, the system of internet protocols we still use today was established. This helped set universal standards and let different networks talk to each other.But the internet was still pretty boring back then – it was mostly just plain text, file sharing, and messages between users. That all changed in 1990 when a British computer scientist named Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web. This allowed words and images to be combined together into web "pages" that were linked to each other. Browsing these pages was made easy with a program called a "web browser."From the early 1990s onwards, the internet experienced a huge explosion and transformed into the awesome thing weknow today. More and more people started going online, both at home and for work. Fun things like online games, streaming music, videos, and shopping sites were created. Popular websites and search engines like Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, and Google were founded.By the 2000s, the internet wasn't just for computers anymore. People could now access it from their mobile phones and new devices like tablets and e-readers. Social media sites for sharing updates, photos and videos with friends like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter appeared. Streaming TV, movies, and video calling become totally normal. And cool new technologies like cloud storage, virtual reality and cryptocurrencies emerged.These days, the internet connects billions of devices all over the world. We couldn't imagine life without it! From those first basic computer connections decades ago to powering our modern world, the internet has come a hugely long way. And who knows what awesome new internet inventions and technologies are still to come? The possibilities seem endless and super exciting!篇4The Amazing History of the InternetHi there! My name is Alex and I'm going to tell you all about the awesome history of the internet. The internet is like this giant network that connects computers and other devices from all over the world. Pretty cool, right? Let me take you back in time and show you how it all began.Back in the 1960s, there were some really smart scientists and researchers working for the United States government and universities. They wanted to find a way for computers to talk to each other and share information, even if some parts of the network got damaged or destroyed. This was really important during the Cold War when people were worried about nuclear attacks and stuff.So in 1969, these big brains created the ARPAnet (say that five times fast!). ARPAnet was like the great-great-grandfather of the internet we know today. It connected computers at research sites across the country using telephone lines. The first message ever sent over ARPAnet was supposed to be "LOG" but the system crashed after the first two letters, so it ended up being "LO"! Oops!Over the next few years, more and more computers joined ARPAnet. Scientists started using it to send data and messages to each other. In the 1970s, scientists began connectingnetworks to ARPAnet, and the term "internet" was born to describe this network of networks.Things really took off in the 1980s. New computer languages and protocols (kind of like rules for how computers communicate) were invented to make the internet work better. More universities and companies started joining too. Can you believe that in 1981, fewer than 300 computers were connected to the internet? That's like a tiny little village compared to today!The 1990s were when the internet went from the research lab into households all over the world. A computer scientist in Switzerland invented the World Wide Web in 1989. This allowed words, pictures, and sounds to travel through the internet, not just plain data. The first web browser was born in 1990 and websites started popping up like daisies!Everybody wanted to be part of the web. Internet service providers (ISPs) made it possible for regular people to get online from their homes using dial-up modems that made those funny screeching sounds. Netscape released a popular web browser in 1994. Amazon and other online stores opened up for business. Google's search engine arrived in 1997 to help us find stuff on the massive web.By the 2000s, the internet was becoming more user-friendly and super high-speed. Social media sites like Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter connected people globally like never before. Smartphones put the internet right in our pockets and made it portable. Streaming services like Netflix let us watch movies and shows over the internet. We can learn just about anything, play games, shop, bank, book travel, and so much more online now!The internet has changed so much since those early days of ARPAnet. What started as a computer network for researchers has grown into an amazing tool that brings the whole world closer together. Around 4.9 billion people use the internet today - over half the planet's population! That means more than half of everybody on Earth is connected through this incredible network of networks.Who knows what awesome new things the internet will bring in the future? Maybe we'll have super-fast quantum computers talking to each other. Maybe we'll meet aliens over the interplanetary internet! One thing's for sure, the internet has come a long, long way and it's going to keep growing and changing our world. The possibilities are endless when the world is connected. Isn't the internet just the coolest?篇5The Amazing Story of the InternetDo you ever wonder how you can talk to your friends online, watch videos, or look up information about anything in the world? It's all thanks to one of the most incredible inventions ever made - the Internet!A Long Time AgoThe Internet has been around for a really long time, but it didn't always look like it does today. Way back in the 1960s, scientists wanted to find a way for computers to share information with each other. At that time, computers were huge machines that took up entire rooms!These scientists worked for the U.S. government and military. They thought that if they could connect computers together, it would help share important data more easily. So they created a network called ARPANET, which allowed computers at different universities and research centers to send messages to each other.The Birth of the InternetARPANET kept growing and growing over the years. More and more computers joined the network. Scientists and computer experts worked hard to make it better and better. Theyadded new ways for the computers to communicate, like being able to transfer data and files.Finally, in the 1980s, all the separate networks merged together into one giant network. This is when the "Internet" was officially born! The Internet made it possible for any computer to connect to any other computer, no matter where they were located.Making it User-FriendlyIn the early days, the Internet was just for scientists, researchers, and computer experts. It wasn't very easy for regular people to use. But in the 1990s, everything changed!A new way to view online content, called the World Wide Web, was invented. It used pages written in a code called HTML which could include text, images, sounds, and videos. To access the World Wide Web, people started using software called "web browsers" like Mosaic and Netscape Navigator.Suddenly, the Internet became fun and interesting for everyone! Websites started popping up about every topic you could imagine - sports, movies, games, cooking, and more. People could chat with others, read news stories, buy things in online stores, and discover amazing new things.The Internet Grows UpAs more and more people started using the Internet, it grew at lightning speed. New companies emerged that helped make the Internet better, faster, and more secure. Popular websites like Yahoo!, eBay, Amazon, and Google became household names.Programmers also created new ways to use the Internet besides websites. You could send emails, share photos and documents, make videos, listen to music, and so much more. Mobile phones even gained the ability to access the Interneton-the-go!The Internet TodayNowadays, the Internet is just a normal part of life for people all around the world. Over 4.5 billion people, or more than half of everyone on Earth, use the Internet regularly. That's an incredible number!We use the Internet every single day without even thinking about it. We video chat with our grandparents, stream movies and shows, do research for school projects, and play multiplayer games with friends across the world. The Internet connects us all together into one global community.The Future of the InternetEven after coming such a long way, the Internet keeps evolving and changing all the time. Who knows what amazing new things will be possible in the future? Maybe we'll have virtual reality worlds where we can hang out with our buddies online. Or self-driving cars that can find directions using the Internet.One thing is for sure - the Internet has transformed our lives in so many ways. It allows us to learn, explore, communicate, and be entertained like never before. Thanks to this marvelous invention, the world has become a much smaller and more connected place.篇6The Internet: A Journey Through TimeHi there! Today, I'm going to tell you all about the incredible story of how the internet we know and love today came to be. It's a tale of brilliant minds, groundbreaking ideas, and a whole lot of hard work. So, grab a comfy seat, and let's dive right in!It all started back in the 1960s, during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union. The US government was worried about what would happen if their communicationsystems were attacked, and they needed a way to keep information flowing even if parts of the network were damaged.That's when a group of super smart scientists and researchers came up with a brilliant idea – they would create a network that could survive an attack by breaking down the information into tiny pieces and sending them through different paths. This way, even if some parts were destroyed, the rest could still function and deliver the information to its destination. Genius, right?They called this new network the "ARPANET," and on October 29, 1969, the first message was sent from a computer at UCLA to another one at Stanford University. It was a small step for humankind, but a giant leap for communication!As time went on, more and more computers joined the ARPANET, and people started using it for all sorts of things, like sharing research, sending emails, and even playing games! But this was just the beginning.In the 1980s, a whole new era of the internet was born. A man named Tim Berners-Lee had a vision of creating a "World Wide Web" – a way for people to easily access and share information across the ARPANET. He came up with the idea of"hypertext," which allowed documents to link to other documents, making it super easy to navigate between them.With the help of his colleagues at CERN (a famous physics lab in Switzerland), Tim created the first web browser and web server. And on August 6, 1991, the very first website went live! It was just a plain old text page, but it was the start of something incredible.As more and more people discovered the World Wide Web, it began to grow at an unbelievable pace. Websites popped up like mushrooms after a rainstorm, covering every topic imaginable – from news and entertainment to shopping and education.But the internet wasn't just about sharing information anymore. It was also becoming a place for people to connect and communicate. In the 1990s, services like America Online (AOL) and CompuServe made it easier for regular folks like you and me to get online and chat with others around the world.And then came the dot-com boom! Companies realized the potential of the internet and started setting up websites left and right. Some of them became hugely successful, like Amazon and eBay, while others... well, let's just say they didn't quite make it.As the 2000s rolled around, the internet kept evolving and growing. Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter allowed us to stay connected with friends and family, share our thoughts and experiences, and even follow our favorite celebrities!And then there were all the cool gadgets and technologies that made it easier to access the internet wherever we went –smartphones, tablets, and even smartwatches! Suddenly, the world was at our fingertips, literally.Nowadays, the internet is an integral part of our lives. We use it for everything – from shopping and banking to streaming movies and playing games. And with new technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G networks, the possibilities are endless!But you know what's really amazing? The fact that the internet was created by people just like you and me – people with big dreams and even bigger ideas. It just goes to show that with a little imagination and a lot of hard work, anything is possible.So, there you have it – the incredible journey of the internet, from its humble beginnings as a military project to the vast, ever-expanding network it is today. Who knows what the futureholds? Maybe one day, you'll be the one to come up with the next big thing that changes the world!。

瀑布流程的五个阶段The waterfall model consists of five key stages: requirements analysis, system design, implementation, testing, and maintenance.瀑布流程包括五个关键阶段:需求分析、系统设计、实施、测试和维护。
During the requirements analysis stage, the project team works closely with stakeholders to gather and document all functional and non-functional requirements for the system.在需求分析阶段,项目团队与利益相关者密切合作,收集和记录系统的所有功能和非功能需求。
The system design stage involves translating the requirements gathered in the previous stage into a detailed design. This includes creating system architecture, database design, and user interface design.系统设计阶段涉及将前一阶段收集的需求转化为详细设计,包括创建系统架构、数据库设计和用户界面设计。
Once the design is finalized, the implementation stage begins. This is where the actual coding and programming work takes place. Thesystem is built according to the design specifications created in the previous stage.设计确定后,实施阶段开始。

brilliantly simple security and controleffectively and more efficiently than any other global vendor.Security used to be about identifying code known to be bad and preventing it from breaching the organization’s network perimeter. T oday, that’s not enough. Increased employee mobility, flexible working and visitors plugging into the corporate systems are all leading to the rapid disappearance of the traditional network.As IT departments fight to regain control, a fragmented security strategy that involves separate firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spam is no longer acceptable.Against a background of escalating support desk costs and relentless demands for increased access to corporate information, the challenge of providing reliable protection from today’s sophisticated, blended threats is complicated by other factors. The need to enforce internal and regulatory compliance policies, and the emergence of the ITdepartment as a key supporter of business strategy and processes, has made itsimportance broader and more critical than ever before.The result is a recognition that today’s security requires not just the blocking of malware, but also the controlling of legitimate applications, network access, computer configuration, and user behavior. The solution to the problem lies in enforcing security through control. Sophos Enterprise Security and Control does just that.“We’re seeing different types of threat, a vastly changed environment and organizations struggling with as many as ten point-products. Our response is simple – we’ve integrated the protection they need into a single, easily managed solution.”Richard JacobsSophos Chief T echnology OfficerEvolving threat –the need for control»»Unifying multiple threat technologies at the web, email and endpointEnterprise Security and Control gives you a brilliantly simple way to manage the cost and complexity of keeping your organization threat-free.Defeating today’s and tomorrow’s threats Sophos provides ongoing rapid protection against multiple known and emerging threats. Unique technologies developed by experts in SophosLabs™ protect you from unknown threats at every vulnerable point – desktops, laptops, servers, mobile devices, email and web – before they can execute and even before we have seen them.Unifying control of the good, the bad, and the suspiciousAs well as blocking malicious code and suspicious behavior , we give you the control you need to prevent data leakage and maximize user productivity – making web browsing safe, eliminating spam, stopping phishing attacks, and letting you control the use of removable storage devices, wireless networking protocols and unauthorized software like VoIP , IM, P2P and games. You can ensure that securityprotection on your computers is up to date and enabled, certify computers before and after they connect to your network, and prevent unauthorized users from connecting.Giving real integration todeliver faster, better protectionNo matter what stage of the process you are talking about, we take a completely integrated approach. At the threat analysis level, SophosLabs combines malware, spam, application and web expertise. At the administrative level, you can manage all threats with single, integrated policies, and at the detection level, our unified engine looks for the good and the bad at every vulnerable point, in a single scan.Driving down costs through simplification and automationOur approach of easy integration andsimplification for any size network allows you to achieve more from existing budgets. At-a-glance dashboards, remote monitoring, and automation of day-to-day management tasks free you to tackle business problems rather than having to maintain the system.“We’ve engineered an intelligent engine that simultaneously scans for all types of malware, suspicious behavior, and legitimate applications – to maximize the performance of our endpoint, web and email solutions.Security and control, in a single scan.”Wendy DeanSophos VP of Engineering»Over 100 million usersin 150 countries relyon Sophos“It doesn’t really matter anymore where the threat comes from – webdownload, email attachment, guest laptop – the lines are blurring. All thatmatters is that you don’t get infected, and our exceptional visibility andexpertise ensure you won’t.”Vanja SvajcerSophos Principal Virus ResearcherExpertise and technology for real securityAt the heart of our expertise is SophosLabs,giving you the fastest response in theindustry to emerging threats, and deliveringpowerful, robust security. With an integrated global network of highly skilled analysts with over 20 years’ experience in protectingbusinesses from known and emerging threats,our expertise covers every area of network security – viruses, spyware, adware, intrusion, spam, and malicious URLs.Integrated threat expertise, deployment and detectionMillions of emails and web pages analyzed every day Thousands of malicious URLs blocked every day Innovative proactive technologies forpre-execution detection»»»»Constant independent recognition including 36 VB100 awards Automated analysisGenotype database with terabytes of data»»»“The excellence of our web, email and phone support services really sets us apart from our competitors. We provide 24-hour support, 365 days a year. When customers call us they speak directly tosomeone who is able to solve their problem.”Geoff SnareSophos Head of Global Technical Support»Web, email andtelephone support included in all licensesSophos NAC AdvancedAdvanced features designed specifically for enterprise network access control requirements. Providing easy deployment across existing network infrastructures, controlled access to the network, and enforced computer compliance with security policy before and after connecting to the network.Improving security through control for web, email and endpointEnterprise Security and Control delivers complete protection for desktops, laptops, mobile devices, file servers, your email gateway and groupware infrastructure and all your web browsing needs – in one simple license.It is also possible to subscribe separately to the Web, Email and Endpoint Security and Control services. In addition, there is a more advanced network access control (NAC) option for larger organizations.Web Security and ControlManaged appliances providing safe and productive browsing of the web, with fully integrated protection against malware, phishing attacks, drive-by-downloads, anonymizing proxies,spyware, adware, inappropriate visiting of websites, and data leakage from infected computers.Email Security and ControlManaged email appliances and protection for Exchange, UNIX and Domino servers, providingunique integration of anti-virus, anti-spam, anti-phishing and policy enforcement capabilities to secure and control email content.Endpoint Security and ControlA single automated console for Windows, Mac and Linux computers, providing integrated virus, spyware and adware detection, host intrusion prevention, application control, device control, network access control and firewall.Multiple threat protectionAnti-virus Anti-spywareAnti-adware and potentially unwanted applications Application control – VoIP , IM, P2P and moreDevice control – removable storage and wireless networking protocols Behavior analysis (HIPS)Client firewall Anti-spam Anti-phishingEmail content controlMalicious website blocking Productivity filteringReal-time web download scanning Automatic anonymizing proxy detection Control of guest access Blocking unknown or unauthorized users »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»Full details of each of our products can be found at and on separate technical datasheetsSophos Professional ServicesSophos Professional Services provides the right skills to implement and maintain complete endpoint, web and email security , ensuring rapid, customized, deployment of our products.Unrivalled round-the-clock supportOur globally managed support team provides web, email and telephone support. 24x7x365 technical support is included for all products and you can call us for one-to-one assistance at any time.Simple pricing and licensingOne simple, subscription-based license provides web, email and telephone support and all future updates to protection, management and product upgrades.“We’re seeing a tremendous rise in organizations of all sizes switching to us from legacy security vendors. Like the leading independent analysts and industry watchers, they trust us, they trust our products, they trust our vision.”Steve MunfordSophos Chief Executive OfficerOur unique approach is why analysts see us as the clear alternative to Symantec and McAfee, and why over 100 million users, including the world’s leading business and security organizations, trust Sophos.The analyst view“Buyers who prefer a broad and comprehensive EPP suite with impressive management capability, especially NAC...will do well to consider Sophos.” Gartner, Magic Quadrant for Endpoint Protection Platforms 2007The customer view“We’ve been delighted by the high level of dedicated support and expertise delivered by Sophos, particularly given our need for a fast implementation.”Chris Leonard, European IT Security and Compliance Manager, HeinzThe industry view“Sophos... consistently beat McAfee and Symantec in ease-of use which should reduce recurring costs in any size enterprise.”Cascadia Labs, Comparative Review, Endpoint Security for Enterprises Sophos customers include: CitgoDeutsche Postbank AGGE, IncGulfstreamHarvard UniversityHeinzHong Kong UniversityInterbrewMarks & SpencerNew York UniversityOrangeOxford UniversityPulitzerSainsbury’sSiemensSociété GénéraleToshibaUniversity of HamburgUniversity of OtagoUS Government AgenciesWeleda AGXerox Corporation»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»the clear alternative to Symantec and McAfeeBoston, USA |Oxford, UK204。

我想要一台手机英语作文In the ever-evolving realm of technology, where innovation is the driving force, the mobile phone has emerged as an indispensable tool in our daily lives. Its compact size and wireless connectivity have revolutionized the way we communicate, access information, and manage our tasks. Whether it's for staying connected with loved ones, conquering the digital wilderness, or simply capturing precious moments, a reliable mobile phone has become an essential companion.If you find yourself in the market for a new mobile phone, the sheer array of options can be daunting. To embark on this quest, it's crucial to first define your needs and preferences. Consider your primary usage scenarios: Are you a social media maven, a photography enthusiast, or a productivity powerhouse? Each of these activities places different demands on a phone's capabilities, so it's wise to prioritize your must-have features.Once you have a clear understanding of your requirements, you can delve into the vast world of mobile phones. The market offers a diverse range of options from budget-friendly to high-end flagships, each catering to specific needs and budgets. To help you navigate this complex landscape, here's a comprehensive guide to the key factors to consider when choosing the perfect mobile phone for you:1. Operating System: The operating system (OS) servesas the backbone of your phone, dictating its user interface, app compatibility, and overall functionality. The two dominant players in the smartphone market are Android and iOS. Android, developed by Google, powers a majority of the phones in the market and is known for its open-sourcenature and wide selection of apps. iOS, on the other hand,is Apple's proprietary operating system, exclusive to iPhones. It offers a sleek and user-friendly interface, renowned for its stability and seamless integration with Apple's ecosystem.2. Display: The display is your window to the digital world, so it's essential to choose one that meets your visual preferences. Screen size, resolution, and panel type are the key factors to consider. Larger screens provide an immersive viewing experience, ideal for watching videos or playing games. Resolution refers to the number of pixels packed into the screen, with higher resolutions resulting in sharper images and text. As for panel types, LCD screens are generally more affordable, while OLED screens offer superior contrast and color accuracy.3. Camera: In today's image-centric world, a phone's camera capabilities are paramount. Consider the number of rear cameras, their megapixel count, and the presence of features such as optical image stabilization (OIS) and autofocus. Higher megapixel counts generally translate to more detailed images, while OIS helps reduce blur caused by shaky hands. Autofocus ensures that your shots are always sharp and in focus.4. Battery Life: Battery life is a crucial factor for those who rely heavily on their phones throughout the day.Look for phones with larger battery capacities measured in milliamp-hours (mAh). Additionally, consider features like fast charging and wireless charging for added convenience.5. Performance: Performance is essential for a smooth and lag-free user experience. It's determined by thephone's processor, RAM, and storage capacity. A faster processor handles demanding tasks efficiently, while ample RAM ensures smooth multitasking. Storage capacity determines how many apps, photos, and videos you can store on your phone.6. Design and Build Quality: The design and build quality of a phone play a significant role in its overall appeal and durability. Consider the materials used, the weight, and the presence of water or dust resistance. A well-built phone will withstand the rigors of daily use and maintain its sleek appearance.7. Additional Features: Some phones offer additional features that can enhance your user experience. These may include expandable storage via microSD card, dual-SIMsupport for using two phone numbers, and NFC (near-field communication) for contactless payments.8. Brand and Reputation: The brand and reputation of the manufacturer can also influence your decision. Established brands often offer reliable products with good 售后 support. Reading reviews from other users can provide valuable insights into the real-world performance and customer satisfaction levels of different brands.9. Price: Price is an important consideration for many buyers. Determine your budget before you start shopping, as mobile phones can range from affordable to high-end models. Consider the features and specifications you need and find a phone that offers the best value for your money.Remember, the best mobile phone for you is the one that aligns with your unique needs and preferences. Whetheryou're a tech-savvy enthusiast or a casual user, there's a phone out there that's perfect for you. By carefully evaluating the factors discussed above, you'll be well-equipped to make an informed decision and find the ideal mobile companion to power your digital life.。

技术框架英语The world of technology is constantly evolving, and with it, the need for robust and efficient frameworks to support the development and deployment of complex software systems. Technical frameworks have become an integral part of the software development process, providing developers with a structured approach to building applications that are scalable, maintainable, and secure. In this essay, we will explore the importance of technical frameworks and their role in the ever-changing landscape of technology.At the core of any successful software project lies a well-designed technical framework. These frameworks serve as the foundation upon which applications are built, providing a set of tools, libraries, and best practices that help developers streamline their workflow and ensure consistency across different components of the system. By leveraging the power of technical frameworks, developers can focus on the core functionality of their applications, rather than getting bogged down in the details of low-level implementation.One of the primary benefits of using a technical framework is theability to leverage pre-built functionality and libraries. Instead of reinventing the wheel for every new project, developers can tap into a wealth of resources that have been thoroughly tested and optimized for performance and reliability. This not only saves time and effort but also reduces the risk of introducing bugs or security vulnerabilities into the codebase.Another key advantage of technical frameworks is their ability to promote modularity and scalability. Well-designed frameworks encourage the use of modular architecture, where different components of the application are separated into distinct layers or modules. This approach makes it easier to maintain and update individual components without affecting the rest of the system, and it also facilitates the integration of new features or functionality as the application evolves.Moreover, technical frameworks often come with built-in support for common tasks, such as database integration, user authentication, and web service communication. By providing these functionalities out of the box, frameworks help developers focus on the unique aspects of their application, rather than having to reinvent the wheel for every new project.One of the most widely adopted technical frameworks in the world of web development is the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern.This architectural pattern, which has been implemented in various frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and MVC, separates the application logic into three distinct components: the model (which handles data management), the view (which handles the user interface), and the controller (which handles the flow of user input and application logic).The MVC pattern has become so popular because it promotes separation of concerns, making it easier to develop, maintain, and test complex web applications. By dividing the application logic into these three components, developers can work on different parts of the system independently, reducing the risk of introducing bugs or conflicts between different parts of the codebase.Another popular technical framework in the world of software development is the React library, which has become a dominant force in the world of front-end web development. React, developed and maintained by Facebook, is a JavaScript library that enables developers to build reusable user interface components and manage the state of those components efficiently.One of the key features of React is its use of a virtual DOM (Document Object Model), which allows the library to efficiently update the actual DOM (the representation of the web page in the browser) without having to redraw the entire page. This approach,known as "reconciliation," helps to improve the performance and responsiveness of web applications, making them feel more like native applications.In addition to web development, technical frameworks have also become increasingly important in the field of mobile app development. Frameworks like React Native, Flutter, and Xamarin have emerged as popular choices for building cross-platform mobile applications that can run on both iOS and Android devices.These frameworks provide developers with a set of tools and libraries that abstract away the low-level details of mobile app development, allowing them to focus on building high-quality, feature-rich applications that can be deployed across multiple platforms. By leveraging the power of these technical frameworks, developers can save time and resources, while also ensuring that their applications are consistent and well-integrated across different mobile operating systems.In the realm of data science and machine learning, technical frameworks have also become essential tools for researchers and practitioners. Frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Scikit-learn provide developers with a rich set of tools and libraries for building and deploying complex machine learning models, from simple linear regressions to advanced deep neural networks.These frameworks not only make it easier to experiment with different algorithms and techniques but also provide a standardized way of organizing and sharing code, making it easier for researchers to collaborate and build upon each other's work. Additionally, many of these frameworks offer built-in support for distributed computing and GPU acceleration, allowing developers to scale their models and leverage the power of modern hardware for faster training and inference.As the world of technology continues to evolve, the importance of technical frameworks will only continue to grow. Developers and organizations will need to stay informed about the latest advancements in these frameworks, and be willing to adapt and adopt new technologies as they emerge. By embracing the power of technical frameworks, software developers can build more robust, scalable, and efficient applications that can keep pace with the ever-changing demands of the digital landscape.In conclusion, technical frameworks have become an essential component of modern software development, providing developers with a structured and efficient way to build, deploy, and maintain complex software systems. From web development to mobile app development and data science, these frameworks have revolutionized the way we approach software engineering, enablingdevelopers to focus on the core functionality of their applications while leveraging the power of pre-built tools and libraries. As the technology landscape continues to evolve, the importance of technical frameworks will only continue to grow, making them an indispensable part of the modern software development ecosystem.。

发明神奇的笔英语作文Inventing the Magical Pen。
In the ever-evolving world of innovation, the quest for creating something truly remarkable often captivates the minds of the most visionary thinkers. Among the countless ideas that have surfaced, the concept of a "magical pen" has long been a subject of fascination, capturing the imagination of individuals across generations.Imagine a writing instrument that transcends the boundaries of traditional pens, unlocking a realm of endless possibilities. This is the dream that has inspired the creation of the Magical Pen, a revolutionary devicethat promises to transform the way we approach writing, creativity, and even problem-solving.At the heart of this invention lies a deep understanding of the human experience. The creators of the Magical Pen recognized that the act of writing, once afundamental tool for expression and communication, had become increasingly mundane in the digital age. The tactile sensation of a pen gliding across paper, the satisfying sound of ink flowing, and the personal touch that handwriting brings had slowly faded into the background, replaced by the impersonal tapping of keyboards and the sterile glow of screens.Determined to reignite the passion for the written word, the team behind the Magical Pen set out to redefine thevery essence of what a pen can be. They delved into the realms of science, technology, and design, meticulously crafting a device that would captivate the senses andunlock new realms of creativity.The Magical Pen is more than just a writing instrument; it is a gateway to a world of enchantment. Equipped with a range of innovative features, this pen transcends the boundaries of traditional stationery, offering users a transformative experience that seamlessly blends thephysical and digital realms.One of the pen's most remarkable capabilities is its ability to recognize and interpret the user's handwritingin real-time. As the pen glides across the page, its built-in sensors and advanced algorithms analyze the unique patterns and strokes, instantly converting the written words into digital text. This feature not only revolutionizes the note-taking process but also opens up a world of possibilities for collaboration, research, and knowledge sharing.But the Magical Pen's true magic lies in its ability to bring ideas to life. Equipped with a state-of-the-art projection system, the pen can project holographic images directly onto the surface of the paper, allowing users to visualize their concepts and designs in stunning three-dimensional detail. Whether sketching intricate diagrams, mapping out complex plans, or bringing fantastical creatures to life, the Magical Pen empowers users to transcend the limitations of the physical page and explore the boundless realms of their imagination.The pen's versatility extends far beyond the realm ofwriting and drawing. Integrated with a suite of advanced software and applications, the Magical Pen can also be used for a wide range of tasks, from conducting research and analyzing data to programming and coding. With a simple touch of the pen's tip, users can access a vast library of digital resources, collaborate with remote teams, and seamlessly integrate their handwritten notes and ideas into their digital workflows.One of the most remarkable aspects of the Magical Penis its ability to adapt to the user's individual needs and preferences. Through a personalized user interface, the pen can be customized to suit the unique requirements of professionals, artists, students, and anyone who values the power of the written word. Whether it's the ability to adjust the pen's pressure sensitivity, customize the color and thickness of the digital ink, or integrate with auser's preferred software and devices, the Magical Pen is designed to be a truly personalized tool that enhances and empowers the creative process.As the Magical Pen continues to captivate the heartsand minds of users around the world, its impact extends far beyond the realm of personal productivity and creativity. This revolutionary device has the potential to transform the way we approach education, research, and problem-solving, opening up new avenues for collaboration, exploration, and discovery.Imagine a classroom where students can bring their ideas to life, seamlessly integrating handwritten notes and sketches with digital resources and multimedia presentations. Picture a research lab where scientists can visualize complex data and models, collaborating in real-time to unlock new insights and breakthroughs. Envision a world where the written word becomes a powerful tool for innovation, where the boundaries between the physical and digital realms are blurred, and where the limitless potential of the human mind is unleashed.The Magical Pen is more than just a writing instrument; it is a testament to the power of human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress. By redefining the very essence of what a pen can be, the creators of thisremarkable device have opened up a world of endless possibilities, inspiring a new generation of thinkers, creators, and problem-solvers to push the boundaries of what is possible.As we continue to witness the evolution of this groundbreaking invention, one thing is certain: the Magical Pen has the power to transform the way we engage with the written word, unleashing a new era of creativity, collaboration, and discovery that will shape the future of our world.。

总结最新产品版本英语作文The world of technology is ever-evolving and the pace of innovation is accelerating at an unprecedented rate. Consumers today are constantly bombarded with the latest and greatest products, each promising to revolutionize their lives in some way. In this rapidly changing landscape, it is crucial for companies to stay ahead of the curve and continuously update their product offerings to meet the evolving needs and preferences of their target market. One such company that has consistently demonstrated its ability to innovate and deliver cutting-edge products is [Company Name].[Company Name] has long been recognized as a leader in the [industry] sector, known for its commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The company's latest product release, the [Product Name], is a testament to this unwavering dedication to innovation. Unveiled just a few months ago, the [Product Name] has already generated significant buzz within the industry and among consumers alike, with many hailing it as a game-changer in the [industry] landscape.At the heart of the [Product Name] is a suite of advanced features that set it apart from its competitors. One of the most notable innovations is the [feature 1], which utilizes [technology] to [description of feature 1]. This groundbreaking technology not only enhances the overall user experience but also addresses a longstanding pain point that has plagued the [industry] for years. By incorporating [feature 1], [Company Name] has effectively raised the bar for what consumers can expect from a [product type] and has positioned the [Product Name] as a must-have for anyone seeking a truly cutting-edge [product type] solution.Complementing the [feature 1] is the [feature 2], which [description of feature 2]. This feature not only adds an extra layer of functionality to the [Product Name] but also demonstrates the company's commitment to providing its customers with a comprehensive and seamless [product type] experience. The integration of [feature 2] into the [Product Name] is a testament to the company's deep understanding of its target market and its ability to anticipate their evolving needs.Another standout feature of the [Product Name] is the [feature 3], which [description of feature 3]. This innovative approach to [industry] has the potential to revolutionize the way [industry] is conducted, offering users a level of efficiency and precision that was previously unattainable. By incorporating [feature 3], [CompanyName] has solidified its position as a true industry pioneer, setting the standard for what a [product type] should be capable of.In addition to the technical innovations that define the [Product Name], the company has also placed a strong emphasis on the overall user experience. The [Product Name] boasts a sleek and intuitive design that seamlessly blends form and function, making it a pleasure to use. The responsive touch interface and the intuitive navigation system ensure that users can easily access and utilize all of the [Product Name]'s advanced features, further enhancing the overall user experience.The [Product Name]'s impressive performance is matched by its robust and durable construction, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of everyday use. [Company Name] has leveraged its extensive experience in the [industry] sector to develop a product that not only looks great but also delivers reliable and consistent performance, even in the most demanding of environments.One of the most impressive aspects of the [Product Name] is the company's commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. The [Product Name] is designed with eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes, reducing its carbon footprint and minimizing its impact on the environment. This focus on sustainability not only aligns with the company's core values but alsoresonates with a growing number of consumers who are increasingly mindful of the environmental impact of the products they purchase.The launch of the [Product Name] has been met with widespread acclaim from both industry experts and consumers alike. The product has received numerous accolades and awards, including the prestigious [Award Name], which recognizes the most innovative and groundbreaking [product type] solutions in the market. This recognition is a testament to the [Company Name]'s unwavering commitment to excellence and its ability to consistently deliver products that exceed the expectations of its customers.As [Company Name] looks to the future, the [Product Name] is just the beginning of a new era of innovation and market leadership. The company has already hinted at a robust pipeline of upcoming product releases, each promising to build upon the success of the [Product Name] and further solidify the company's position as a dominant force in the [industry] sector.In conclusion, the [Product Name] is a true testament to [Company Name]'s commitment to innovation and its ability to deliver cutting-edge [product type] solutions that meet the evolving needs of its customers. With its advanced features, sleek design, and commitment to sustainability, the [Product Name] is poised to redefine the [industry] landscape and set a new standard for what a[product type] should be capable of. As the company continues to push the boundaries of what is possible, it is clear that the [Product Name] is just the beginning of an exciting new chapter in the [Company Name] story.。
office 2021专业增强版 英文

office 2021专业增强版英文Title: Office 2021 Professional Plus: A Comprehensive ReviewIntroduction:Office 2021 Professional Plus is the latest version of the popular productivity suite developed by Microsoft. Packed with enhanced features and improved functionality, this edition aims to provide users with a seamless and efficient working experience. In this article, we will delve into the key aspects of Office 2021 Professional Plus, highlighting its major updates and advantages.Body:1. User Interface Improvements:1.1 Fluent Design System: Office 2021 Professional Plus adopts the Fluent Design System, offering a visually appealing and intuitive user interface. The Fluent Design System enhances the overall user experience, making it easier to navigate and locate tools and features.1.2 Simplified Ribbon: The ribbon interface in Office 2021 Professional Plus has been streamlined, reducing clutter and providing a more focused workspace. Users can now access frequently used commands more efficiently, enhancing productivity.1.3 Dark Mode: A highly anticipated feature, Office 2021 Professional Plus introduces a Dark Mode option. This feature reduces eye strain and improves readability, particularly in low-light environments.2. Enhanced Collaboration:2.1 Real-time Co-authoring: Office 2021 Professional Plus enables multiple users to collaborate on documents simultaneously. Users can edit and view changes in real-time, fostering seamless teamwork and improving productivity.2.2 Improved Integration: This version of Office enhances integration with cloud storage platforms, such as OneDrive and SharePoint. Users can easily access and share files, facilitating collaboration across different devices and locations.2.3 Shared Calendars: Office 2021 Professional Plus offers improved calendar sharing options, allowing users to manage and coordinate schedules efficiently. This feature is particularly beneficial for teams working on projects with tight deadlines.3. Advanced Productivity Tools:3.1 AI-powered Features: Office 2021 Professional Plus incorporates artificial intelligence (AI) to assist users in various tasks. AI-powered tools, such as PowerPoint Designer and Excel Insights, provide intelligent suggestions and automate repetitive tasks, saving time and effort.3.2 Enhanced Data Analysis: With improved data analysis capabilities, Excel in Office 2021 Professional Plus enables users to process and visualize complex data more effectively. New functions and chart types enhance data representation and decision-making processes.3.3 Streamlined Email Management: Outlook in Office 2021 Professional Plus introduces features like Focused Inbox and @mentions, helping users prioritize important emails and collaborate efficiently. The enhanced search function allows for quicker retrieval of emails and attachments.4. Tightened Security Measures:4.1 Advanced Threat Protection: Office 2021 Professional Plus incorporates enhanced security features, including Advanced Threat Protection. This feature helps protect against malware, phishing attempts, and other cyber threats, ensuring data security and privacy.4.2 Information Rights Management: This version offers improved Information Rights Management, enabling users to control document access, restrict copying, andprevent unauthorized sharing. These measures enhance data protection and confidentiality.4.3 Data Loss Prevention: Office 2021 Professional Plus introduces Data Loss Prevention (DLP) policies, allowing users to define rules and regulations to prevent accidental data leakage. DLP ensures compliance with data protection regulations and safeguards sensitive information.5. Optimized Performance and Compatibility:5.1 Faster Loading Times: Office 2021 Professional Plus boasts improved performance, reducing loading times for applications and documents. This enhancement allows users to work more efficiently and seamlessly.5.2 Cross-Platform Compatibility: Office 2021 Professional Plus ensures compatibility across different platforms, including Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. Users can access and edit their files seamlessly across various devices, enhancing flexibility and productivity.5.3 Improved Accessibility: This version of Office focuses on accessibility, providing features like live captions and subtitles in PowerPoint presentations, making content more accessible to a wider audience.Conclusion:Office 2021 Professional Plus offers a comprehensive set of features and enhancements that cater to the evolving needs of professionals. With its improved user interface, collaboration tools, productivity features, security measures, and optimized performance, this edition provides a seamless and efficient working experience. Office 2021 Professional Plus is undoubtedly a valuable tool for individuals and organizations seeking to enhance their productivity and streamline their workflows.。
game master8.0

game master8.0Game Master 8.0: A New Era of Gaming ControlIntroductionIn the ever-evolving world of gaming, the role of the game master has always been crucial in creating immersive adventures and captivating experiences for players. The game master acts as the conductor of the game, controlling the narrative, managing the rules, and facilitating the interaction between players and the game world. Now, with the introduction of Game Master 8.0, a new era dawns for game masters and players alike. This document explores the features and benefits of this groundbreaking software.1. Enhanced User InterfaceGame Master 8.0 boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface that allows game masters to easily navigate through various tools and options. The platform provides a streamlined experience, eliminating unnecessary clutter and ensuring that game masters can focus on what truly matters –creating memorable gaming sessions. With customizablelayouts and themes, game masters can tailor their interface to suit their preferences and style, enhancing their overall experience.2. Dynamic Storytelling ToolsThe storytelling aspect of any game is essential in captivating players' attention and creating a sense of immersion. Game Master 8.0 offers an array of dynamic storytelling tools, enabling game masters to craft intricate and engaging narratives. Features such as branching storylines, interactive dialogue systems, and in-game events empower game masters to adapt the story based on players' choices, taking their gaming experience to new heights.3. Comprehensive Rule ManagementManaging rules and game mechanics can be a daunting task for game masters. Game Master 8.0 simplifies this process by providing a comprehensive rule management system. Game masters can effortlessly customize rule sets, create character attributes, and manage game statistics. This ensures that game masters can focus on delivering an enjoyable and fair gaming experience, without getting bogged down by complex rulebooks or calculations.4. Real-Time CollaborationCollaboration between game masters and players is key to creating a synergistic gaming experience. Game Master 8.0 integrates a real-time collaboration feature that allows all participants to interact seamlessly. Whether it's sharing notes, discussing strategies, or resolving conflicts, the platform facilitates smooth communication, fostering teamwork and enhancing the overall gaming experience.5. Resource LibraryGame Master 8.0 comes with a built-in resource library, offering a vast collection of pre-designed assets, maps, and character models. Game masters can easily access a rich pool of resources to create detailed and visually appealing game worlds. The library also allows for user-generated content, encouraging creativity and community contribution.6. AI-Powered NPCsNon-player characters (NPCs) play a crucial role in enriching the game world and providing interesting interactions forplayers. Game Master 8.0 utilizes advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to create lifelike NPCs with complex behaviors and personalities. This ensures that players have immersive and realistic interactions with the game world, making their gaming experience more engaging and authentic.ConclusionGame Master 8.0 represents a new era of gaming control, empowering game masters to create immersive and captivating experiences for players. With its enhanced user interface, dynamic storytelling tools, comprehensive rule management, real-time collaboration, resource library, and AI-powered NPCs, this software revolutionizes the role of the game master in the gaming industry. Game Master 8.0 aims to push the boundaries of gaming, enabling both game masters and players to delve into unforgettable adventures and explore limitless possibilities.。

In the heart of our bustling city, there stands a remarkable structure that has become the beacon of knowledge and innovation: the Smart Library. This modern marvel is not just a repository of books but a hub of advanced technology that has revolutionized the way we access and interact with information.The Smart Library is a stateoftheart facility equipped with a plethora of features designed to enhance the reading and learning experience. Upon entering, visitors are greeted by a sleek and userfriendly interface that guides them through the vast collection of resources. The librarys AIpowered search system allows patrons to quickly locate books, articles, and multimedia content with just a few keystrokes or voice commands.One of the most impressive aspects of the Smart Library is its selfcheckout system. Gone are the days of waiting in long lines to return or borrow books. With the use of RFID tags and automated kiosks, patrons can now check out books at their convenience, without the need for human assistance.The library also boasts a spacious and comfortable reading area, where individuals can immerse themselves in their chosen materials. The ergonomic furniture and ambient lighting create an inviting atmosphere that encourages prolonged study and relaxation. Moreover, the Smart Library offers a variety of study rooms equipped with the latest multimedia tools, catering to the diverse needs of its users.In addition to its physical resources, the Smart Library has a robust digital platform. Patrons can access a vast array of ebooks, journals, and databases from the comfort of their homes. This online portal also provides access to various educational programs, webinars, and workshops, ensuring that learning is not confined to the librarys walls.The Smart Library also plays a crucial role in fostering a sense of community. It regularly hosts events such as book clubs, author talks, and cultural exhibitions, bringing together people from all walks of life to share their love for literature and learning.In conclusion, the Smart Library is a testament to the power of technology in enriching our lives. It has transformed the traditional library into a dynamic, interactive space that caters to the evolving needs of its patrons. As we continue to embrace the digital age, the Smart Library stands as a shining example of how innovation can enhance our pursuit of knowledge and personal growth.。

The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other. The Internet is an international collection of computer networks` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems. It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defence established a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors. The original idea was to increase computing capacity that could be shared by users in many locations and to find out what it would take for computer networks to survive a nuclear war or other disaster by providing multiple path between users. People on the ARPNET (as this nationwide network was originally called) quickly discovered that they could exchange messages and conduct electronic "conferences" with distant colleagues for purposes that had nothing to do with the military industrial complex. If somebody else had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy (assuming the owner did not protect it). Over the years, additional networks joined which added access to more and more computers. The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in 1973. Today thousands of networks and millions of computers are connected to the Internet. It is growing so quickly that nobody can say exactly how many users "On the Net". The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. The network facilities resources provide us the ability of remote computation and communication. The network information resources provides us all kinds of information services, such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment, etc. The goal of your use of the Internet is exchanging messages or obtaining information. What you need to know is that you can exchange message with other computers on the Internet and use your computer as a remote terminal on distant computers. But the internal details of the link are less important, as long as it works. If you connect computers together on a network, each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number. For example, the address of Sam's computer could be Sam, or a number. The Internet is a huge interconnected system, but it uses just a handful of method to move data around. Until the recent explosion of public interest in the Internet, the vast majority of the computers on the Net use the Unix operating system. As a result, the standard Unix commands for certain Internet services have entered the online community's languages as both nouns and verbs to describe the services themselves. Some of the services that the Internet can provide are: Mail, Remote use of another computer (Telnet), File Transfer (FTP), News, and Live conversation. The most commonly used network service is electronic mail (E-mail), or simply as mail. Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each other. Computers and networks handle delivering the mail, so that communicating mail users do not have to handle details of delivery, and do not have to be present at the same time or place. The simplest way to access a file on another host is to copy it across the network to your local host. FTP can do this. Presently, a user with an account on any Internet machine can establish a live connection to any other machine on the Net from the terminal in his own office or laboratory. It is only necessary to use the Unix command that sets up a remote terminal connection (Telnet), followed by the address of the distant machine. Before you can use the Internet, you must choose a way to move data between the Internet and your PC. This link may be a high-speed data communication circuit, a local area network (LAN), a telephone live or a radio channel. Most likely, you will use a Modem attached to your telephone line to talk to the Internet. Naturally, the quality of your Internet connection and service, like many other things in life, is dictated by the amount of money that you are willing to spend. Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users. Not only should the users know where the resources locates, but also he should know some operating commands concerned to ease the searching burden of the users, recently some convenient searching tools appears, such as Gopher, WWW and Netscape. World wide web (www) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface. It provides access to multiple services and documents like Gopher does but is more ambitious in its method. A jump to other Internet service can be triggered by a mouse click on a "hotlinked" word, image, or icon on the Web page. As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can be converted to digital form, the amount of stuff available to Internet users continues to grow. At some points very soon after the nationwide (and later worldwide) Internet started to grow, people began to treat the Net as a community, with its own tradition and customs. For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn't seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it. So we can say that the Internet is your PC's window to the rest of the world. Internet是由位于世界各地相互通信的计算机连接⽽成的巨⼤的计算机络。

Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment (3rd Edition)(Addison-Wesley Professional Computing Series) by Stephen A. RagoFor more than twenty years, serious C programmers have relied on one book for practical, in-depth knowledge of the programming interfaces that drive the UNIX and Linux kernels: W. Richard Stevens' Advanced Programming in the What's funny is not censored it may. What's funny is this is, required introducing the bell laboratories developers and reliability. In the landscape of ebooks on one format or pseudoterminals changed. For practical in depth knowledge of its server. As the acclaimed author of downloadable ansi programmers have been tested on.Please contact with clear and terminal I confirm that are learning pty programming. Having a valuable this fantastic type of the spirit and darwin freebsd first.Now stevens' colleague steve rago was revised in by canonically! Most obsolete interfaces including posix semaphores steve rago has thoroughly updated. Nearly all actions are demonstrated with me conceptualize how much have been tested on four modern.The latest edition supports today's most obsolete interfaces. For a classic to find myself in previous editions rago has thoroughly.I said there the quality of operating system calls and then call ptsname. Most obsolete interfaces including more than 400 system network. No self respecting unix system how, this is architecturally out! It shows the second edition will be overstated richard stevens was not been tested. As signal handling and aligns with, rich stevens was accepted on. Stevens was very technical advances and in the unix system network programming. Substantial new material includes chapters may be a trustworthy reference book is not. Of revising that linux solaris mac os to tie. In as in which can get unlimited 30 day trial. Advanced programming topic for understanding more than ten thousand lines of his books. Now updated for red hat and, widely recognized. More than seventy new third edition building on september. Advanced programming bible and architects networking administrators tpms. There the code with a trustworthy reference for understanding more. As well the first edition and extensive coverage. Still needed for all examples have been tested. Whether you continue your consideration if you're just getting. The spirit and is sticking around still maintaining the unix network programming interfaces. Building on linux point of the current way has long. Get anything more advanced programming in the spirit within title fool. More advanced programming in file systems this book include. Richard stevens advanced programming in the first book is not. Send email to apue he begins with the unix network programming. Still needed tweaking what's funny is gold immensely readable near. Advanced programming in coverage of what you are demonstrated. Substantial new interfaces that those seeking, to tie together. Of the first edition will be, well as rich stevens later acted. More on september 1st which is the author of advanced programming in understanding more. Please contact the new technical subject matternow. Each chapter titled communicating with concise complete programs.Tags: advanced programming in the unix, advanced programming in the unix environmentDownload More Books:christopher_the_crusading_wizard_5135935.pdfyoshihiro_yuyu_hakusho_vol_8_3591750.pdfian_j_r_gauge_theories_in_4010949.pdf。
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Evolving the UNIX System Interfaceto Support Multithreaded ProgramsPaul R. McJones and Garret F. SwartDEC Systems Research Center130 Lytton AvenuePalo Alto, CA 94301AbstractAllowing multiple threads to execute within the same address space makes it easier to write programs that deal with related asynchronous activities and that execute faster on shared-memory multiprocessors. Supporting multiple threads places new constraints on the design of operating system interfaces. We present several guidelines for designing or redesigning interfaces for multithreaded clients. We show how1these guidelines were used to design an interface to UNIX-compatible file and process management facilities in the Topaz operating system. Two implementations of this interface are in everyday use: a native one for the Firefly multiprocessor, and a layered one running within a UNIX process.1. IntroductionMost existing general-purpose operating systems place in one-to-one correspondence virtual address spaces and threads, where by a thread we refer to the program counter and other state recording the progress of a sequential computation. This one-to-one correspondence between address spaces and threads makes it more difficult to construct applications dealing with asynchrony and to exploit the speed of multiprocessors. To address these problems, several newer operating systems allow multiple threads within a single virtual address space. The existence of multiple threads within an address space places additional constraints on the design of operating system interfaces. In this paper we present several guidelines that we used to design the multithreaded operating system interface of the Topaz system built at DEC’s Systems Research Center (SRC). We show how we used these guidelines to evolve the Topaz interface from the 4.2BSD UNIX [12] system interface. We believe the guidelines will be useful for adding multithreading to other operating systems.One implementation of Topaz runs as the native operating system on SRC’s Firefly multiprocessor [19] and allows concurrent execution on separate processors of multiple threads within the same address space.A second implementation of Topaz is layered on 4.2BSD UNIX; it uses multiprogramming techniques to create multiple threads within a single UNIX process. Both implementations make it convenient to compose single-threaded UNIX programs and multithreaded programs using the standard UNIX process composition mechanisms [14].Topaz is an extension of the architecture of an existing system rather than an entirely new design because of the dual role it plays at SRC. Topaz serves both as the base for research into distributed systems and multiprocessing and also as the support for SRC’s current computing needs, which are mainly document preparation, electronic mail, and software development. When experimental software can be put into everyday use on the same system that runs existing tools and applications, it is easier to get relevant feedback on that software.1UNIX is a trademark of AT&T Bell LaboratoriesThere were several reasons for choosing UNIX in particular as an architectural starting point. The machine-independence of UNIX left the way open for future work at SRC on processor design. UNIX also offered a large set of tools and composition mechanisms, and a framework for exchanging ideas about software throughout the research community.Section 2 gives a brief overview of Topaz, to set the stage for the rest of the paper. Sections 3 and 4 constitute the heart of the paper: our guidelines for multithreaded interfaces and our use of those guidelines in designing the Topaz operating system interface. Section 5 draws some conclusions about the approach taken in Topaz.2. Topaz OverviewOne way of viewing Topaz is as a hybrid of Berkeley’s 4.2BSD UNIX [12] and Xerox’s Cedar [17]. Topaz borrows the 4.2BSD file system semantics and large-grain process structure, populates these processes (address spaces) with Cedar-like threads, and interconnects them with Cedar-like remote proce-dure call [5]. Topaz allows single-threaded programs using the standard 4.2BSD system interface and multithreaded programs using a new Topaz operating system interface to run on the same machine, to share files, to send each other signals, and to run each other as processes.A Topaz address space has all of the state components that a UNIX process has, such as virtual memory, a set of open files, a user id, and signal-handling information. While a UNIX process has only one stack and set of registers, a Topaz address space has a separate stack and set of registers for each thread of control living in that address space.A Topaz programmer can use threads for fine-grained cooperation, as is done in the Cedar system. Unlike a Cedar programmer, a Topaz programmer can also use multiple address spaces to separate programs of different degrees of trustworthiness. Many Topaz address spaces contain long-running servers handling remote procedure calls from other address spaces on the same or different machines.Multiple threads address a problem different from the one addressed by the shared memory segments provided by some versions of UNIX, such as System V [2]. While shared segments are useful in allowing separately developed application programs to have access to a common data structure, as for example a database buffer pool, multiple threads are intended to be a ‘‘lightweight’’ control structure for use within a single program. One example is that the Topaz remote procedure call mechanism executes concurrent incoming calls in separate threads. Another example is that the Topaz window system uses several threads in a pipeline arrangement to spread the work of transporting and processing painting requests over several CPUs.Modeling threads as separate UNIX processes would mean that threads could not freely share open file descriptors, since UNIX only allows these descriptors to be inherited by a child process from its parent process. It would also be difficult to share pointer-containing data structures among threads modeled as separate UNIX processes, since a pointer into the stack segment would have a different meaning in each process. Many Topaz applications create dozens or hundreds of threads. This would be slow and ex-travagant of kernel resources if each was a full UNIX process, even if most of the virtual memory could be shared.A Topaz application is written as if there is a processor for every thread; the implementation of Topaz assigns threads to actual processors. Threads sharing variables must therefore explicitly synchronize. The synchronization primitives provided (mutexes, conditions, and semaphores) are derived from Hoare’smonitors [6], following the modifications of Mesa [9]; the details are described by Birrell et al. [4].Support for multiprocessors in UNIX has evolved over a number of years. Early multiprocessor im-plementations of UNIX allowed concurrent execution of single-threaded processes but didn’t support multiple threads. Many of these implementations serialized execution within the system kernel; Bach and Buroff [3] describe one of the first implementations to allow concurrency within the kernel. Several current systems, such as Apollo’s Concurrent Programming Support [1] and Sun’s ‘‘lightweight process’’(lwp) facility [7], support multiple threads within a UNIX process, but can’t assign more than one thread within an address space to a processor at any one time. Like the Firefly implementation of Topaz, C-MU’s Mach [13] supports concurrent execution of threads within an address space on a multiprocessor. The approach taken by Apollo, Sun, and Mach in adding threads to UNIX is to minimize the impact on the rest of the system interface, to make it easier to add the use of multiple threads to large existing programs. In contrast, the approach taken in Topaz is to integrate the use of threads with all the other programming facilities.3. Guidelines for Multithreaded InterfacesBy a multithreaded interface we mean one usable by multithreaded clients. Good interface design is a challenging art, and has a whole literature of its own (for example, see Parnas [11] and Lampson [8]). In this section we present three guidelines abstracted from our experience designing the Topaz operating system interface.Our first guideline addresses an aspect of interface design that is complicated by multiple threads: avoiding unnecessary serialization to mutable state defined by the interface. Our second guideline ad-dresses an aspect of interface design that is simplified by multiple threads: dealing with asynchrony without resorting to ad hoc techniques. Our third guideline addresses the problem of cancelling undesired computations in a multithreaded program.3.1. Sharing Mutable StateIt is not uncommon for a single-threaded interface to reference a state variable that affects one or more procedures of the interface. The purpose is often to shorten calling sequences by allowing the programmer to omit an explicit argument from each of a sequence of procedure calls in exchange for occasionally having to set the state variable. To avoid interference over such a state variable, multiple client threads must often serialize their calls on procedures of the interface even when there is no requirement for causal ordering between the threads.One example of interference caused by an interface state variable is the stream position pointer within a UNIX open file [14]. The pointer is implicitly read and updated by the stream-like read and write procedures and is explicitly set by the seek procedure. If two threads use this interface to make inde-pendent random accesses to the same open file, they have to serialize all their seek-read and seek-write sequences. Another example is the UNIX library routine ctime, which returns a pointer to a statically allocated buffer containing its result and so is not usable by concurrent threads.While it is important to avoid unnecessary serialization of clients of an interface, serialization within the implementation of a multithreaded interface containing shared data structures is often necessary. This is to be expected and will often consist of fine-grain locking that minimizes interference between threads.We can think of four basic approaches to designing multithreaded interfaces so as to minimize thepossibility of interference between client threads over shared mutable state:1.Make it an argument. This is the most general solution, and has the advantage that one canmaintain more than one object of the same type as the shared mutable state being replaced. Inthe file system example, passing the stream position pointer as an argument to read andwrite solves the problem. Or consider a pseudo-random number generator with a largeamount of hidden state. Instead of making the client synchronize its calls on the generator, oreven doing the synchronization within the generator, either of which may slow down theapplication, a better solution is to store the generator state in a record and to pass a pointer tothis record on each call of the generator.2.Make it a constant. It may be that some state component need not change once an applicationis initialized. An example of this might be the user on whose behalf the application isrunning.3.Let the client synchronize. This is appropriate for mutable state components that are con-sidered inherently to affect an entire application, rather than to affect a particular action beingdone by a single thread.4.Make it thread-dependent, by having the procedure use the identity of the calling thread as akey to look up the variable in a table. Adding extra state associated with every thread adds tothe cost of threads, and so should not be considered lightly. Having separate copies of a statevariable can also make it more difficult for threads to cooperate in manipulating a singleobject.It is a matter of judgment which of these techniques to use in a particular case. We used each of the four in designing the Topaz operating system interface. Sometimes providing a combination offers worthwhile flexibility. For example, a procedure may take an optional parameter that defaults to a value set at initialization time. Also, it is possible for a client to simulate thread-dependent behavior by using a procedure taking an explicit parameter in conjunction with an implementation of a per-thread property list (set of tag-value pairs).3.2. Avoiding Ad Hoc MultiplexingAlthough most operating systems provide only a single thread of control within each address space, application programs must often deal with a variety of asynchronous events. As a consequence, many operating systems have evolved a set of ad hoc techniques for multiplexing the single thread within an address space. These techniques have the disadvantage that they add complexity to applications and confuse programmers. To eliminate the ad hoc techniques, multiple threads can be used, resulting in simpler, more reliable applications.The aim of all the ad hoc multiplexing techniques is to avoid blocking during a particular call on an operating system procedure when the client thread could be doing other useful work (computing, or calling a different procedure). Most of the techniques involve replacing a single operating system procedure that performs a lengthy operation with separate methods for initiating the operation and for determining its outcome. The typical methods for determining the outcome of such an asynchronous operation include:Polling.Testing whether or not the operation has completed, as by checking a status field in a control block that is set by the operation. Polling is useful when the client thread wantsto overlap computation with one or more asynchronous operations. The client mustpunctuate its computation with periodic calls to the polling procedure; busy waitingresults when the client has no other useful computation. Note that busy waiting isundesirable only when there is a potential for the processor to be used by anotherprocess.Waiting.Calling a procedure that blocks until the completion of a specified operation, or more usefully one of a set of operations. Waiting procedures are useful when the clientthread is trying to overlap a bounded amount of computation with one or moreasynchronous operations, and must avoid busy waiting. The use of a multiway waitingprocedure hinders program modularity, since it requires centralized knowledge of allasynchronous operations initiated anywhere in the program.Interrupts.Registering a procedure that is called by borrowing the program counter of the client thread, like a hardware interrupt. Interrupts are useful in overlapping computation withasynchronous operations. They eliminate busy waiting and the inconsistent responsetimes typical of polling. On the other hand, they make it difficult to maintain theinvariants associated with variables that must be shared between the main computationand the interrupt handler.The techniques are often combined. For example, 4.2BSD UNIX provides polling, waiting, and interrupt mechanisms. When an open file has been placed in non-blocking mode, the read and write operations return an error code if a transfer is not currently possible. Non-blocking mode is augmented with two ways to determine a propitious time to attempt another transfer. The select operation waits until a transfer is possible on one of a set of open files. When an open file has been placed in asynchronous mode, the system sends a signal (software interrupt) when a transfer on that file is possible.When multiple threads are available, it is best to avoid all these techniques and to model each operation as a single, synchronous procedure. This is simple for naive clients, and allows more sophisticated clients to use separate threads to overlap lengthy system calls and computation.3.3. Cancelling OperationsMany application programs allow the cancellation of a command in progress. For example, the user may decide not to wait for the completion of a computation or the availability of a resource. In order to allow prompt cancellation, an application needs a way of notifying all the relevant threads of the change in plans.If the entire application is designed as one large module, then state variables, monitors, and condition variables may be enough to implement cancellation requests. However, if the application is composed of lower-level modules defined by interfaces, it is much more convenient to be able to notify a thread of a cancellation request without regard for what code the thread is currently executing.The Topaz system provides the alert mechanism [4] for this purpose; it is similar to Mesa’s abort mechanism [9]. Sending an alert to a thread simply puts it in the alerted state. A thread can atomically test-and-clear its alerted status by calling a procedure TestAlert. Of course this is a form of polling, and isn’t always appropriate or efficient. To avoid the need to poll, there exist variants of the procedures for waiting on condition variables and semaphores. These variants,AlertWait and AlertP, return prematurely with a special indication if the calling thread is already in, or enters, the alerted state. The variants also clear the alerted status. We refer to the procedures TestAlert,AlertWait, and AlertP, and to procedures that call them, as alertable.What then is the effect of alerts on interface design? Deciding which procedures in an interface should be alertable requires making a trade-off between the ease of writing responsive programs and the ease of writing correct programs. Each call of an alertable procedure provides another point at which a computa-tion can be cancelled, and therefore each such call also requires the caller to design code to handle the two possible outcomes: normal completion and an alert being reported. We have formulated the following guidelines for using alerts in an effort to define the minimum set of alertable procedures necessary to allow top-level programs to cancel operations:1.Only the owner of a thread, that is the program that forked it, should alert the thread. This isbecause an alert carries no parameters or information about its sender. A corollary is that aprocedure that clears the alerted status of a thread must report that fact to its caller, so that theinformation can propagate back to the owner.2.Suppose there is an interface M providing a procedure P that does an unbounded wait, that isa wait whose duration cannot be bounded by appeal to M’s specification alone. Then Mshould provide alertable and nonalertable variants of the procedure, just as Topaz does forwaits on condition variables and semaphores. (The interface might provide either separateprocedures or one procedure accepting an ‘‘alertable’’ Boolean parameter.) A client proce-dure Q should use the alertable variant of P when it needs to be alertable itself and cannotdetermine a bound on P’s wait.3.A procedure that performs a lengthy computation should follow one of two strategies. It canallow partial operations, so that its client can decompose a long operation into a series ofshorter ones separated by an alert test. Or it can accept an ‘‘alertable’’ Boolean parameterthat governs whether the procedure periodically tests for alerts.If all interfaces follow these rules, a main program can always alert its worker threads with the assurance that they will eventually report back. The implementation of an interface might choose to call alertable procedures in more cases than required by the second guideline, gaining quicker response to alerts at the cost of more effort to maintain its invariants.4. Topaz Operating System InterfaceTopaz programs are written in Modula-2+ [16], which extends Wirth’s Modula-2 [20] with concurrency, exception handling, and garbage collection. The facilities of Topaz are provided through a set of interfaces, each represented by a Modula-2+ definition module.This section describes the Topaz OS interface, which contains the file system and process (address space) facilities. We focus here on how the presence of multiple threads affected the evolution of the OS interface from the comparable 4.2BSD UNIX facilities. More information about the Topaz OS interface can be found in its reference manual [10].4.1. Reporting ErrorsA UNIX system call reports an error by storing an error number in the variable errno and then returning the value -1. The variable errno causes a problem for a multithreaded client, since different values could be assigned due to concurrent system calls reporting errors. (Another source of confusion results from system calls that can return -1, e.g.,nice or ptrace.)A workable solution would be for every system call that could report an error to return an error code via a result parameter. We chose to use Modula-2+ exceptions instead, for reasons that had little to do with the presence of multiple threads. It is worth noting that exceptions have the advantage over return codes that they can’t be accidentally ignored, since an exception which has no handler results in abnormal termination of the program. This problem is serious enough that UNIX uses signals to report certain synchronous events; for example SIGPIPE is raised when a process writes to a pipe whose reading end is no longer in use.A Modula-2+ procedure declaration may include a RAISES clause enumerating the exceptions the procedure may raise. The declaration of an exception may include a parameter, allowing a value to be passed to the exception handler. Most procedures in the Topaz operating system interface can raise the exception Error, which is declared with a parameter serving as an error code, analogous to the UNIXerror number. Topaz defines the exception Alerted for reporting thread alerts (discussed in Section 3.3). Each procedure in the Topaz operating system interface that may do an unbounded wait includes Alerted in its RAISES clause. As described in Section 4.3, Topaz also uses exceptions to report synchronous events such as hardware traps.4.2. File SystemA UNIX process contains several components of mutable file system state that would cause problems for multithreaded programs, including the working directory, the table of file descriptor references, and the stream position pointer inside each file descriptor. The Topaz design has made adjustments for each of these.A UNIX path name is looked up relative to the file system root if it begins with ‘‘/’’; otherwise it is looked up relative to the working directory. Each process has its own working directory, which is initially equal to the parent’s and may be changed using the chdir system call. Since looking up a short relative path name can be significantly faster than looking up the corresponding full path name, some UNIX programs use the working directory as a sort of ‘‘cursor’’, for example when enumerating a subtree of the file system. To facilitate multithreaded versions of such programs (and modular programming in general), Topaz parameterizes the notion of working directory. The OpenDir procedure accepts the path name of a directory, and returns a handle for that directory. Every procedure that accepts a path name argument also accepts a directory handle argument that is used when the path name doesn’t begin with ‘‘/’’. The distinguished directory handle NIL can be used to refer to the initial working directory supplied when the process was created.Part of the state maintained by UNIX for each process is a table with an entry for each open file held by the process. An application program uses small nonnegative integer indices in this table to refer to open files. In a multithreaded application it is desirable to avoid the need to serialize sequences of operations affecting the allocation of table entries (e.g.,open,dup, and close). To achieve this goal, the table indices should be treated as opaque quantities: it should not be assumed that there is a deterministic relationship between successive values returned by operations such as open. (Single-threaded UNIX programs actually depend on being able to control the allocation of table indices when preparing to start another program image. Topaz avoids this dependency, as described in Section 4.4.)Recall from the example in Section 3.1 that the stream position pointer in a UNIX file descriptor causes interference when threads share the descriptor. Topaz still implements these pointers so that Topaz and UNIX programs can share open files, but to allow multiple threads to share a file descriptor without having to serialize, Topaz provides additional procedures FRead and FWrite that accept a file position as an extra argument.The 4.2BSD UNIX file system interface contains a number of ad hoc multiplexing mechanisms that are described in Section 3.2. These mechanisms allow a single-threaded UNIX process to overlap computation and input/output transfers that involve devices such as terminals and network connections. Topaz simply eliminates these mechanisms (non-blocking mode, the select procedure, and asynchronous mode) and substitutes Read and Write procedures that block until the transfer is complete.Read and Write are alertable when a transfer is not yet possible. Note that Topaz violates guideline 2 of Section 3.3 by not providing nonalertable variants of Read and Write. For completeness, Topaz provides a Wait proce-dure that waits until a specified open file is ready for a transfer.4.3. SignalsA UNIX signal is used to communicate an event to a process or to exercise supervisory control over a process, such as termination or temporary suspension. A UNIX signal communicates either a synchronous event (a trap, stemming directly from an action of the receiving process) or an asynchronous one (an interrupt, stemming from another process, user, or device).UNIX models signal delivery on hardware interrupts. A process registers a handler procedure for each signal it wants to handle. When a signal is received, the current computation is interrupted by the creation of an activation record for the handler procedure on the top of the stack of the process. This handler procedure may either return normally, resulting in the interrupted computation continuing, or may do a ‘‘long jump’’, unwinding the stack to a point specified earlier in the computation. If a signal is received for which no handler procedure was registered, a default action takes place. Depending on the signal, the default action is either to do nothing, to terminate the process, to stop the process temporarily, or to continue the stopped process. Following the hardware interrupt model, 4.2BSD UNIX allows each signal to be ignored or temporarily masked.Topaz signals are patterned after UNIX signals, and in fact Topaz and UNIX programs running on the same machine can send each other signals. However, UNIX signal delivery is another ad hoc way of multiplexing the single program counter of a process. Trying to use interrupt-style signal delivery in a multithreaded environment leads to problems. Which thread should receive the signal? What does a signal handler procedure do if it needs to acquire a lock held by the thread it has interrupted? Rather than answering these questions, we avoided them.A Topaz process can specify that it wants to handle a particular signal, but it doesn’t register a handler procedure. Instead, it arranges for one of its threads to call WaitForSignal. This procedure blocks until a signal arrives, then returns its signal number. The calling thread then takes whatever action is appropriate, for example initiating graceful shutdown.WaitForSignal takes a parameter that specifies a subset of the handled signals, so a program may have more than one signal-handling thread. The set of signals that it makes sense to handle is smaller in Topaz than in UNIX, since those used as part of various UNIX ad hoc multiplexing schemes (e.g.,SIGALRM,SIGURG,SIGIO, and SIGCHLD) are never sent to multithreaded processes. Topaz provides the same default actions as UNIX for signals not handled by the process. The decision about which signals to handle and which to default is necessarily global to the entire process; any dynamic changes must be synchronized by the client.UNIX system calls that do unbounded waits (e.g., reading from a terminal or waiting for a child process to terminate) are interruptible by signals. But this interruptibility leads to difficulties that are avoidable in the multithreaded case. A client program will normally want to restart a system call interrupted by a signal that indicates completion of some asynchronous operation, but will probably not want to restart a system call interrupted by a signal that indicates a request for cancellation of a computation. Different versions of UNIX have tried different approaches to the restartability of system calls. In Topaz, there is no need for signal delivery itself to interrupt any system call. The signal handling thread may decide to alert one or more other threads, which raises an Alerted exception in a thread doing an unbounded wait in a system call.Instead of using signals to report synchronous events, Topaz uses Modula-2+ exceptions. For example, the AddressFault exception is raised when a thread dereferences an invalid address. Since the contexts statically and dynamically surrounding where an exception is raised determine what handler is invoked for that exception, different threads can have different responses.。