

日本工业标准JIS Z 3141(STEEL)

日本工业标准JIS Z 3141(STEEL)

日本工业标准JIS Z 3141-1994冷轧钢板及钢带1.适用范围本规格规定以冷轧机制造的冷轧钢板及钢带(以下称钢板及钢带),并包括磨光钢带(宽度未满于500mm的冷轧钢带)及由磨光钢带被剪断的钢板。


3.种类及记号钢板及钢带为表1的3种类,再加如表2及表3的调质区分以及表面加工区分证抗拉试验值或埃里克森值的某一方或其两方时,应在种类记号的末尾加T为S PCT;2、3种的标准调质的钢板及钢带,如有订货者指定,要保证非时效性时,在种类记号的末尾加N为SPCEN。




4.3硬度 1/8硬质、1/4硬质、1/2硬质及硬质的钢板以及钢带的硬度,均按表6所示。


但1/8硬质、1 /4硬质及1/2硬质的钢板以及钢带,由订货者要求时适用。



JIS G3141-2005 冷轧碳素薄钢板和钢带 中文版

JIS G3141-2005  冷轧碳素薄钢板和钢带 中文版
±0.05 ±0.06 ±0.07 ±0.08 ±0.09
表 15 厚度允许误差 B

延伸率见表 5。 表 5 抗拉强度、延伸率及非时效性
屈服点或 抗拉
种类 的记 号
屈服强度 N/mm2
强度 N/mm2
≥ 0.25~ 0.30
根据标称厚度区分 mm

0.30~ 0.40~ 0.60~
0.40 0.60
≥ 1.0~ 1.6
≥1.6~ 2.5
拉伸 试样
5.2 平均塑性变形比 SPCG 钢板及钢带根据 13.2 进行试验,其平均塑性变形比 r 见表 6。
种类的记号 SPCG

表 6 平均塑性变形比 r
根据标称厚度区分 mm
1.4 以上
1.3 以上

5.3 硬度 1/8 硬质、1/4 硬质、1/2 硬质及硬质(以下简称硬质材)的钢板及钢带根据 13.2 进行试


≥270 ≥28 ≥31 ≥34 ≥36 ≥37




2.一般事项(1)检查项目和合格判定等依据是检查基准(2)检查按原则上在产品发货之前进行, 依居冷轧品质技术科制定的《品质检验基准》进行检查。


3.检查方式4.检查基准(1)化学成份: 使用原材料质保书上的实际数据。

(2)机械性能: 分析半成品、成品、试验品要根据抽样基准。

没有特别指示时, 应按机械试验常规项目作业。

(3)表面: 按各产品的检查标准或指定的表面状态用视觉或按检查标准规定的检测仪器进行检查。

(4)形状: 根据按产品检查基准规定的检测仪器和视觉观察进行检查。

(5)重量: 进行计量检查。

25.判定产品等级(1)正品( 1A) : 满足订货条件的产品。

(2)订货外1级( 1B) : 指符合使用厂家的订货条件, 但超过订货量的产品, 或没有达到订货条件但可转换为其它订货条件的产品。

(3)订货外2级( 2B) : 不能达到使用厂家订货条件的不合格产品, 也不能达到正常的另一种订货规格的其它用途的产品。

(4)级外吕( 3C) : 不能达到订货外品的不合格品, 便不以4D处理。

(5)附生品( 4D) : 各工程发生的作不了产品的Scrap, 便按低组用途能够使用, 可售出比Scrap价格高的钢带叫4D。

(6)废铁( Scrap) : 不能成为产品。


2.用语定义1)检查单位: 原材料全宽×2M或1M为判断表面缺陷的最小单元。

2)单位等级: 是表示缺陷的大小和严重程度的项目, 分五个等级管理评价单位缺陷状况, 五个检查等组分别为A、 B、 C、 D和E。

3)表面等级: 根据每一个检查单位等级的百分比来表示每个Coil或每个SheetBox的表面品质程度, 并分成A、 B、 C、 D和E级, 对上、下表面分别进行评分。

宝钢冷轧标准资料 宝钢在线

宝钢冷轧标准资料 宝钢在线

1992年开始,我们从钢铁行业实际出发, 按照ISO9002标准的要求,建立和完善文 件化的质量体系,并于1994年通过了英国 BSI公司ISO9002(1995年转为ISO9001)认证, 1999年和2003年分别通过了BSI公司QS9000和 ISO/TS16949:2002版标准认证。 Since 1992, it has been building and improving its documentation quality system according to ISO9002 standard requirements in view of the actual situation of iron and steel industry. In 1994, it was awarded with ISO9002 certification (converted to ISO9001 in 1995) by BSI, UK. In addition, it passed the QS9000 certification in 1999 and ISO/ TS16949:2000 standard certification in 2003.
订货所需信息及注意事项 Necessary information and cautions in ordering 订货涉及的计量方法 Order-related quantitative methods 产品标签及包装方式 Product tags and packing methods
82 82 83 83 84 84
宝钢有三个现代化的冷轧厂生产汽车板, 包括一冷轧(2030冷轧厂)、三冷轧(1550冷 轧厂)以及与新日铁、阿赛洛合资的1800冷 轧。 In Baosteel, there are three modern cold rolling mill plants producing automotive sheets, i.e. No.1 cold rolling mill plant (2030mm), No.3 cold rolling mill plant (1550mm) and 1800mm cold rolling mill plant built jointly with NSC and Arcelor.


<0.70 0.70~<1.00 1.00~<1.60 ≥1.60
280 270-410
240 270-370
210 270-350
180 270-330
170 270-330
1、 当屈服强度不明显时采用RP0.2,否则采用ReL。
1.60 ~< 2.50 38 40 42 44 46
≥ 2.50 39 41 43 45
180o 弯曲 试验
b≥20mm 弯心直径
拉伸应变痕 SPCC 无保证期 SPCD 钢带在室温条件下储存,在制造后 3 个月内,保证使用时不出现拉伸应变痕 SPCE 钢带在室温条件下储存,在制造后 6 个月内,保证使用时不出现拉伸应变痕 SPCF 钢带在室温条件下储存,保证使用时不出现拉伸应变痕 SPCG 钢带在室温条件下储存,保证使用时不出现拉伸应变痕
S ≤0.025 ≤0.025 ≤0.020 ≤0.020 ≤0.015
Als ≥0.015 ≥0.015 ≥0.015 ≥0.015 ≥0.015
屈服强 度Rel (MPa) 不大于
抗拉强 度Rm (MPa) 不小于





















UDC JIS G 3141冷轧钢板及钢卷JIS G 3141-1996平成8年2月1日修改日本工业标准调查会审议(日本规格协会发行)日本工业标准JIS日本工业标准 JIS冷轧钢板及钢卷G3141-1996 Cold reduced carbon steel sheets and strip1. 适用范围:该标准适用于冷轧钢板及钢卷(以下简称为钢板和钢卷)也包括抛光钢卷(宽度在500MM以下的冷轧钢卷)以及将抛光钢卷剪切而得的钢板。


2、该标准所对应的国际标准如下:Cold- reduced carbon steel sheet of commercial and drawing qualities.(冷轧钢板商业及拉制质量)3、该标准所对应的国际标准的一部分译文见附件所示。


2. 种类和记号:钢板和钢卷的种类有3种。


:1. SPCC标准调质及只进行的钢板及钢卷,如用户要求保证抗拉试验值时,在种类记号的后面加上T为SPCCT。

2. SPCE的标准调质钢板及钢卷,如用户要求保证非时效性时,在种类记号的后面加上N,为SPCEN。


第1页第2页G 3141--19963. 机械性质.3.1 抗拉强度,延伸率及非时效性:标准调质及只退火的钢板及钢卷要进行第10项试验,其抗拉强度,延伸率及非时效性见表1所示。

备注:1. SPCC原则上抗拉试验值不适用。


2. 当厚度在以下时,原则上不做抗拉试验。

3. 该表适用于宽度在30MM以上的产品。

4. SPCE标准调质钢板和钢卷当指定要非时效性,(SPCEN),在产品出厂后的6个月中,保证非时效性。

3.2. 硬度:1/8硬质,1/4硬质,1/2硬质及硬质钢板和钢卷,要做第10项试验,其硬度如表5所示。

JIS G4305-2005 中文版 冷轧不锈钢板材、薄板和带材

JIS G4305-2005 中文版 冷轧不锈钢板材、薄板和带材

实用文档日本工业规格JIS冷轧不锈钢钢板和钢带G 4305 : 2005引言此日本工业标准对冷轧不锈钢板和薄板,以及冷轧不锈钢带作了具体说明。

本标准关于尺寸公差的部分是以 2002 年发布的第二版 ISO 9445 连续冷轧不锈钢窄钢带、宽钢带、钢板/薄板和定尺剪切的尺寸和形状为基础,并对厚度和宽度公差的条款作了一些修改。


修改一览表以及说明见附件 2(资料提供)。

1 范围本标准对冷轧不锈钢板和薄板(以下称钢板)及冷轧不锈钢带(以下称钢带)作了具体说明。


此外,按照 ISO/IEC 指导原则 21,表示有关的国际标准和 JIS 之间内容对应程度的代号为 IDI(完全相同的),MOD(修改)和 NEQ(不相同)。

ISO9445:2002 版连续冷轧不锈钢窄带、宽带、板/薄板和定尺剪切的尺寸和形状公差(MOD)2 引用标准附表 1 所列标准包含的条款,经本标准直接引用,成为本标准制定的条款。


3 钢种及牌号钢板和钢带将分成 61 个品种,其牌号及分类如表 1 所示。

4 化学成分4.1 熔炼分析值钢板及钢带按 11.1 条进行试验,其熔炼分析值应按表2~6。

4.2 产品分析值如订购者要求钢板和钢带的产品分析值,应按 11.1 条进行产品分析试验,其数值允许变动的范围,应按 JIS G0321 中表 5 的规定。


5 机械性能钢板及钢带应按11.2 条进行试验,其机械性能应符合如下所列。

但厚度小于0.30 mm 的钢板及钢带,可省略拉力试验。

5.1 奥氏体钢的机械性能a)奥氏体钢的机械性能应按表 7。

这样的话,试样应相当于 JIS G0404 的 A 级。


b)为使之硬化而进行调质轧制的SUS301 和SUS301L 钢板及钢带的屈服强度、抗拉强度及延伸率按表 8。



普通取向硅钢片(CGO):热轧卷抛丸、酸洗可逆冷轧 或冷连轧焊接拼卷中间退火可逆冷轧退火、涂层 高温退火涂层、热平整剪切包装存库。 HiB钢:热轧卷常化、抛丸、酸洗可逆冷轧焊接拼卷 退火、涂层高温退火涂层、热平整激光或机械刻痕 涂层剪切包装存库。 高牌号无取向:热轧卷常化炉、抛丸、酸洗可逆冷轧或 冷连轧焊接拼卷退火、涂层剪切包装存库。
退火 高温退火 涂层与热拉伸 刻痕 后工序
涂绝缘层、热 涂绝缘层、热拉 涂绝缘层、热拉 涂绝缘层、热拉 拉伸平整 伸平整 伸平整 伸平整 - 剪切包装 - 剪切包装 - 剪切包装 - 剪切包装
生产工艺与性能 东方工艺 西方工艺
酸洗 轧制 常化抛丸酸洗
生产工艺与性能 中国 酸洗 轧制 退火 高温退火 涂层与热拉伸 刻痕 常化抛丸酸洗 东方工艺 日本 常化抛丸酸洗 欧洲 常化抛丸酸洗 西方工艺 美国 常化抛丸酸洗
一次轧制,采 一次轧制,采用 一次冷轧,四辊 一次冷轧,采用 用森吉米尔 森吉米尔 可逆轧机 森吉米尔 脱碳退火涂层 罩式炉/环形炉 脱碳退火涂层 罩式炉/环形炉 脱碳退火涂层 罩式炉 脱碳退火涂层 隧道炉通氢退火
厂、意大利AST厂、瑞典钢铁公司叙拉哈马尔.布鲁克斯厂 和英国钢联奥布电工钢厂。1995年总产量约125万吨, 1991年英国与瑞典二公司合并,重组成欧洲电工钢公司 EES,1996年产量达32.5万吨。



A 2001
JFE 规格产品
JFE 钢铁公司采用 JFE 规格生产一般用途用冷轧钢板 , 特殊用途用高强度钢板和冷轧钢板。
分 类 牌 号 页 码 特点及用途
一般加工用 拉伸用 深拉伸用 1 深拉伸用 2 超深拉伸用 特超深拉伸用 烘烤硬化性用 产品标准、特点及用途 带烘烤硬化性的深拉伸用
JFE-CA... JFE-CA...H JFE-CA...F JFE-CA...P JFE-CA...G JFE-CA...SF JFE-CA...Y1 JFE-CA...Y2 JFE-CA...A 10 ~ 13
采用张力平整机以确保优良的钢带 的平整度。
凭借现代化设备、先进的操作技术、严格的检验以及品质 管理 , 确保优良的表面品质。采用先进的数字模型自动厚 度管理系统以确保高精度的尺寸。
为适应不同客户的各种需求 , JFE 建立了周到的技术服务体制 , 能迅 速地为客户解决有关材料性能和加 工技术等方面的问题。
G 3141
G 3135
适用于汽车、具有经改进的更优良的可 加工性能的高强度冷轧钢板
G 3125
●日本铁钢联盟标准 (JFS)
分 类 牌 号 JSC 特点及用途 汽车专用冷轧钢产品 ( 一般用途钢和 高强度钢 )
通过调质轧制机将退火的卷板轻轻地轧制 , 以防止被称 为拉伸应变纹的缺陷 , 从而改进钢板形状并调整机械性 能。调质轧制加工可用于生产无光精加工和抛光精加工 产品。 精加工 经调质轧制后 , 卷板在卷取流水线进行加工 , 被剪切成 规定重量的卷板 , 或者在剪切流水线被剪切成规定尺寸 的钢板。在精加工流水线取样以检验产品厚度、宽度、 形状和表面质量。


酸洗冷轧生产线The Pickling Line & Tandem Cold Mill
The PLTCM linehasworldfirst-class equipments, includingall line of thecoupled Pickling Line-Tandem Cold Mills from German enterprise SMS-DEMAG and high power laser welder from Japanese enterprise TMEIC.
The cold-rolling line adopts5-Stand CVCPlus6mill,which has intermediate rollsand work rollsbending system, intermediate rollsshifting system and piecewise cooling system for the fifth stand.It has getgreater pressability, strong controlling ability of strip shapetoassure the needsof sizesprecisionand shape controlling forhigh end products.



冷轧专用板产品手册COLD ROLLED SPECIAL PLATEPRODUCT MANUAL北京首钢股份有限公司B e i j i n g S h o u g a n gC o.,L t d.1.1 冷轧及退火产品 Cold rolled & Annealed steel sheets & strips1.1.1 涂镀基板用冷轧钢板及钢带Cold rolled steel sheets and strips for the substrate of color coating and electroplating1.1.2药芯焊丝用冷轧钢板及钢带 Cold rolled steel sheet & strip for flux-cored wire(5)拉伸应变痕 Stretcher strain marks 由于此类钢种时效的影响,建议用户尽早使用。

Aging often occurs on Cold rolled steel sheets & strips for painting and coating base plate , so the user issuggested to use it as soon as possible.Products Introduction产品介绍(5) 拉伸应变痕 Stretcher strain marks 由于此类钢种时效的影响,建议用户尽早使用。

Aging often occurs on Cold rolled steel sheets & strips for flux-cored wire, so the user is suggested to use it assoon as possible.1.1.3 链条用钢 Cold rolled steel sheets and strips for chain1.1.4搪瓷用钢 Cold rolled steel sheet and strip for enamelling1.1.5 精密焊管用冷轧钢板及钢带 Cold rolled steel sheets and strips for precision welded pipe(1)牌号和用途 Steel Grades and Application(4)可订货规格 Available dimensions(单位 Unit: mm)1.1.6钢桶用冷轧钢板及钢带 Cold rolled steel sheet and strip for bucket1.1.7 高耐候冷轧钢板及钢带 High weather resistant cold rolled steel sheets and strips冷轧专用板产品手册COLD ROLLED SPECIAL PLATE PRODUCT MANUAL北京首钢股份有限公司Beijing Shougang Co.,Ltd. 首钢智慧供应链平台https://上海首钢钢铁贸易有限公司Shanghai Shougang Steel Trading Co. Ltd.广州首钢钢铁贸易有限公司Guangzhou Shougang Steel Trade Co., Ltd.山东首钢钢铁贸易有限公司Shandong Shougang Steel Trade Co., Ltd.天津首钢钢铁贸易有限公司Tianjin Shougang Steel Trade Co., Ltd.武汉首钢钢铁贸易有限公司Wuhan Shougang Steel Trade Co., Ltd.中国首钢印度有限公司China Shougang India Private Limited Tel: 0091 124 4100380/1Tax: 0091 124 4100381首钢国际 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司Shougang InternaTional(Singapore) PTE. Limited Tel: 0065 62251706Tax: 0065 62252617首钢国际 ( 奥地利 ) 有限公司Shougang International(Austria)GmbH Tel: 0043 1 802 1995 10Tax: 0043 1 802 1995 50首钢国际 ( 加拿大 ) 投资有限公司Shougang International(Canada)Investment L TD. Tel: 001 6046970128Tax: 001 6046970113首钢国际 ( 马来西亚 ) 有限公司Shougang International(Malaysia)SDN.BHD. Tel: 0060 03 33778968/8972Tax: 0060 03 33920293首钢国际 ( 韩国 ) 有限公司Shougang International(Korea)CO.,L TDTel: 0082 220519118Tax: 0082 517459117首钢国际 ( 香港 ) 投资有限公司Shougang International(Hong Kong) Investment Limited Tel: 00852- 28910011Tax: 00852- 28910011卓航海运 ( 新加坡 ) 有限公司Superior Ocean Shipping(Singapope)PTE.L TD. Tel: 0065-62251706Tax: 0065-62252617首钢鹏龙钢材有限公司苏州首钢钢材加工配送有限公司宁波首钢浙金钢材有限公司宁波首钢汽车部件有限公司哈尔滨首钢武中钢材加工配送有限公司沈阳首钢钢材加工配送有限公司佛山首钢中金钢材加工配送有限公司首钢(青岛)钢业有限公司电话**************株洲首鹏汇隆钢材加工配送有限公司天津物产首钢钢材加工配送有限公司重庆首钢武中汽车部件有限公司SGGF 2021-10-15-008首钢智慧供应链平台Shougang for WeChat北京首钢股份有限公司B e i j i n g S h o u g a n gC o.,L t d.。












*日本工业标准注:试验根据JIS C2550-1986(实质上与ASTM A 34相同),使用对轧制方向纵向采取,然后退火而形成全面磁性能的试样进行。












sus304l含碳量≤0.03 sus304是奥氏体基本钢种,用途最为广泛.耐腐蚀性和耐热性优良;低温强度和机械性能优良;单相奥氏体组织,无热处理硬化现象(无磁性,使用温度-196至-800℃)。





不锈钢带材规格:宽度4mm~1550mm 厚度0.025mm~4mm材质:sus201、202、301、304、304l、316、316l、310、310s、420、430 表面:2b、ba、8k镜面,拉丝不锈钢棒材规格:ф2mm~ф280mm材质:sus202、301、303、303f、304、304l、316、316l、310、310s、321 不锈钢线材规格:ф0.02mm~ф12mm材质:sus202、304、304hc、302、302hq、316、316l、316ti、310、310s、420、430等不锈钢六角棒规格:h2mm~h90mm材质:sus202、303、303f、304、304l、316、316f、316l、310、310s、321 不锈钢板材规格:0.4mm~80mm材质:sus201、202、301、303、304、304l、316、316l等。

NTN-SNR 钢铁行业解决方案产品手册说明书

NTN-SNR 钢铁行业解决方案产品手册说明书

With YouSPECIFIC SOLUTIONSFOR STEEL INDUSTRYPRODUCT GUIDENTN-SNR BEARINGS shall not be held liable for any possible errors or omissions that may have been included in this catalogue despite the care and attention that has gone into its production. On account of our continuous Research & Development policy, we reserve the right to modify without notice any or all of the specifications stated in this document. © NTN-SNR BEARINGS, international copyright 2015.NTN-SNR IS PRESENT ALL THROUGH THE STEEL MANUFACTURING PROCESSLONGER MAINTENANCE STEPS - GLOBAL OFFER -CUSTOMER FOCUS AND SERVICENTN-SNR offers you the most efficient products tailored for the operating conditions of your applications, during the entire process of manufacturing steel and steel-based products. A pragmatic approach to your needs allows us to develop high performance products. Our objectives: extend the service life of your equipment, make maintenance intervals longer, avoid unscheduled downtimes and as a result reduce production costs. This allows you to reduce the environmental footprint of your equipment.Raw materialsSintering Coking plantFrom raw materials to sintering equipmentContinuous casting equipmentConverterBlast furnaceCoalLimestoneCokeSlab Bloom BilletRolling millContinuous hot or cold rolling of flat products or long productsPressed steel plate Electromagnetic steel platePipe Welded pipeThick pressed steel plateProfiles Special profiles Bar and wireSealing to extend service life• Efficient solution against pollution.• Pressed steel or machined brass cage.• Seals suitable for temperatures up to 200°C.• Cylindrical or taper bore.Very high resistance to vibration,impact and load• M achined brass cage.• Special reduced bore tolerance.• Special reduced outer diameter tolerance.• Special clearance tolerance (C4+).• Optional surface treatment against fretting corrosion on theinner ringNTN-SNR offers a wide range of open or sealed spherical roller bearings (EE).EF800 series RAW MATERIALSPreparing raw materials for manufacturing steel requires a number of conveying and screening equipment. For this purpose, NTN-SNR has developed a complete range of self-aligning or plummer block units, as well as bearings suitable for harsh pollutionand/or vibration conditions.RAW MATERIALS CONVEYORSLarge-sized split plummer blockThis large-sized split plummer block is the largest example of NTNmanufacturing.Outer dimensions:2,150 (H) x 2,750 (L) x 1,100 mm (W)Weight: 15,200 kg (bearings) 240/118 0K30Self-aligning bearing units• B earings with standard sealing or reinforced sealing.• Asian and European range.Split plummer block-units• T he design focuses on solidity; made under thestrictest quality control.• earings in SN, SD, SNOL range.• W ide range of seals.f-aligning bearing unitsthe-aligning bearing unitsSplit p•The dstrict•B ear•DRYER BEARING UNITULTAGE SPHERICAL ROLLER BEARINGSSINTERINGThe sinter strand requires carriage rollers with long service life. NTN-SNR has developed specific roller bearings for this application. Spherical roller bearings, one-piece or split, complete the lining of the machine.Sealed double-row taper roller bearings• Uses compact complex anti-dust lip seal to achieve both high resistance to dust and high load capacity.• 2-piece inner ring is non-separable thanks to the fastening ring. Ease of maintenance.Split double-row spherical roller bearings•E nables bearings to be changed without removing large diameter drive gears; dramatically reduces cost and time required for changing bearings.• Split bearings can easily replace one-piece bearings in the existing space.Sealed double-row cylindrical roller bearings• Uses special seals which prevent sintering powder from penetrating into the bearing.• Uses case hardened steel.• Thickness of outer ring allows great resistance.• 2-piece inner ring is non-separable thanks to the fastening ring. Ease ofmaintenance.SINTER STRANDDRIVE SHAFTSuper large-sized spherical roller bearingsSuper large-sized split double-row spherical roller bearingsCONVERTER AND TRUNNION SUPPORTCONVERTERNTN-SNR has developed large-sized spherical roller bearings, one-piece or split, specific to this equipment.•U sing a split bearing between converter and pull gear dramatically reduces time required for changing the bearing. It takes only 1/10 the time it takes to change a one-piece bearing.•B earing can be designed to fit existing housing and can be easily modified.Bearing outer dimensions (see photo):Ø1120 (inner diameter) x Ø1540 (outer diameter) x 525/355 mm (width)Max. actual dimensions:Ø1400 (inner diameter) x Ø1900 (outer diameter) x 880/530 mm (width)Cylindrical roller bearings with self-aligning function• A double outer ring integrating a sphere allows the self-alignment of the bearing.• General bearing shape maximises the rated load capacity.• A llows axial shaft movement to offset heat expansion (used as free side bearing).Split cylindrical roller bearings and water cooling jacket type housing• S eal construction prevents penetration of water and scale.• G eneral bearing shape maximises the rated load capacity.• A llows axial shaft movement to offset heat expansion.• U ses water-cooled jacket housing to limit temperature rise in the bearing unit.Spherical roller bearings• U ses ULTAGE bearing for operation at high temperatures (+200°C)• U ses symmetric rollers tomaximise rated load.CONTINUOUS CASTINGContinuous casting is used to make semi-finished products. To do so, there should be a transition from liquid phase to solid phase. Continuous casting rollers are therefore subject to high stress (load, temperature, etc.). NTN-SNR’s specific products for fixed, free and intermediate bearing units help to meet these severe requirements.FREE SIDE BEARING OF GUIDE ROLLFIXED SIDEROLLING MILLSteel rolling requires high precision products and complete reliability. Designed for heavy loads, high speeds and/or requiring reinforced sealing, NTN-SNR products provide a tailed solution for each type of rolling mill (cold or hot). A specific processing of the steel along with the heat treatment of these bearings ensures optimal service life.Sealed four-row tapered roller bearings “Large size, long service life EA bearings”• T hree times longer life than standard case hardened steel bearings (continuous hot rolling mill).• S ealed bearing does not require greasing during operation and effectively reduces the environmental impact (no grease leakage).Four-row cylindrical roller bearings• EA bearings for longer life (optional).• C an be equipped with pin type cage to maximise rated load capacity and further extend life.Double-row tapered roller bearings•E quipped with pin type cage to maximise rated load capacity and further extend life.• S teep contact angle to maximise performance underaxial loads.Tapered roller thrust bearings• G eneral bearing shape maximises load capacity.• Inner ring surface is spherical to fit pressure screw shape.WORK ROLLBACKup ROLLPRESSURE SCREWBACKup ROLL THRuST BEARiNgSealed four-row tapered roller bearings for rolling mill• High load capacity.• Extremely compact seal.• Specific grease as standard.`Specially designed for applications:• With high loads.• In highly polluted environments.Anti-corrosion treatment (Rust guard™)• N TN-SNR has developed Rust guard™ coating, which is a special phosphate coating that does not affect the roughness of the base material during the coating formation process, in order to avoid the premature failure of bearings and down times due to rust.• Moreover, Rust guard™ also has good anti-seizure properties thanks to its good grease retention capacity.• Rust guard™ coating can be used in addition to version EA.ConventionalbearingsRust Guard™ SeriesbearingsReplacement cycle (month)102030The use of proven sealed or Rust guard™ surface-treated bearings extends the service life of the bearings and of the rolling mills.Large-sized four-row tapered roller bearings “pin type cages”• Equipped with pin type cages to increase the number of rollers, load capacity is maximised.• EA bearings ensure longer life.Split cylindrical roller bearings for pilger mill • B y its design, the crankshaft allows only split bearings to be mounted.• The bearing has a highly resistant cage and a load capacity to withstand operating stress.Metal industrial constant velocity joints for rolling millIndustrial constant velocity joint with mechanical metal seal for demanding environments such as high temperature, water and scale.industrial constant velocity joint (large-sized) for reversible rolling mills (Skin pass)• Sealed with rubber boots with superior performance, does not require re-lubrication.• The constant velocity of the joint eliminates shattering marks on rolled surface. (Sizes #250 – 725).Split cylindrical roller bearings foROLLING MILLAs essential addition to the range, NTN-SNR has developed high load capacity bearings as well as specific split bearings. The range of NTN industrial constant velocity joints allows the transmission of rotation movement without vibration to your equipment.Backing roll bearings for Sendzimir cold strip mill• Because it is directly used for backup roll, the bearing is stronger and has a thicker outer ring.• Mutual difference of assembly thickness for bearings mounted on same shaft is controlled to be extremely small.• This bearing is manufactured for high load capacity and high precision.Roller tableindustrial constant velocity joint (BC coupling type, long shaft series)• Sealed with rubber boots with superior sealing performance, does not require re-lubrication,• Uses a corrosion-resistant steel for shafts.Sealed type backing roll bearings for Sendzimir cold strip mill• S eals allow the use of special lubricating oil to maximise service life.• Enables recovery of waste oil; does not affect rolled materials.•Enables use of low viscosity rolling oil.COLD ROLLING SPECIALNTN-SNR has developed bearings suitable for “Sendzimir” cold rolling mills. These high precision bearings are available in standard steel or case hardened steel, depending on your needs.Constant velocity universal joints (BC rated load coupling) for drive in furnace roller• Thermal expansion of furnace roller absorbed by the sliding of the constant velocity joint. (Sizes #75 – 200)• Contributes to the cleanliness of the environment.• Sealed with boots with superior sealing performance; does not require re-lubrication.Tension leveller roll unitCartridge unit• Uses high precision, small-diameter, long rolls; surface roughness has also been reduced.• Cartridge is fitted with several rows of angular ball bearings to enhance axial load capacity and speed.• Labyrinth construction and low contact seals ensure both tight sealing and low torqueFINISHINGIn addition to our range of constant velocity joints, NTN-SNR also offers a range of ready-to-use tension levellers.LONG LIFE SPHERICAL ROLLER BEARINGS FOR HIGH TEMPERATURE USE FOR GUIDE ROLL• A llows operation at temperatures above +200°C.• u ses symmetric rollers to maximise rated loadNTN-SNR offers a wide range of open or sealedspherical roller bearings (EE).Split plummer block with solid grease Sealed with solid grease that does not leak out and get on other parts. D oes not require re-lubrication.industrial constant velocity joint (large-sized) for tension reel• This constant velocity joint can accept a maximum 300 mm stroke in the axial direction. (Sizes: DOJ350 – 625)Insulated constant velocity joint• insulated constant velocity joint for preventing damage due to fault current, with insulation in the joint’s main body and flange.• Facilitates replacement of insulated parts.Split••NTN-SNR products suitable for this sensitive zone in the process help optimise service life. The transmission of movement without vibration allows the final appearance of the rolled product to be maintained.Extend the service life of your applications with the SNC / SNCD bearing range• O ptimised design: excellent toughness, stability and high vibration resistance.• I mproved resistance and heat dissipation characteristics: reduction in stress levels on the bearing and decreased operating temperature of the lubricant.• Increased service life.• Also available in spheroidal cast materialSNCD31/30 Split plummer block housing, large size • M ade from spheroidal cast material for highest shock resistance and good low temperature behaviour• Extended life duration through optimised design features• S uperior performance with NTN-SNR spherical roller bearings (ultage series)• Designed for cylindrical and tapered bore bearings • interchangeable with SD series according iSO 113• For demanding environments also available with Taconite sealBackup roll units• Labyrinth construction and low contact seals ensure both tight sealing and low torque.• if even lower torque is necessary, a roll unit (BuB type) that uses deep groove ball bearings only is also available.• To perform its function optimally, the roll unit’s precision and surface roughness are reducedthe Type NKZ Type BUBFINISHINGe sizegood series)STANDARD RANGE•Designed for particularly severe applications.• One-piece machined brass cage: optimal stiffness and vibration resistance.• Cage centred on rolling elements: no blockage in case of heat variations.• Optimised load capacity to improve bearing service life.• Optimised assembly: reduced outer diameter and bore tolerances.• Special radial clearance: C4, positioned at upper 2/3rdsalso available in C0 and C3 classes).• Recommended fits:- Tight at housing, p6 class.- Sliding at shaft, g6 class.Cage en laiton usinéeISOEF8EF800 SERIES FOR HIGH-VIBRATION APPLICATIONS•Designed for standard applications• Material stabilisation treatment 200 °C for inner and outer rings•S pecific cage shape: perfect guidance of rollers avoiding overheating•u ncreased volume between the 2 rows of rollers allows:- Greater lubricant reserves.- Better circulation of lubricant inside the bearing.-O ptimised bearing service lifeWiTH STEEL CAgE (EA)WiTH MACHiNED CAgE (EM OR B)•One-piece machined brass cage: excellent impact resistance, great stiffness (type B: one machined brasscage per row).•C age centred on rolling elements: no blockage in case of heat expansion.• Re-lubrication groove and holes (W33)• Available up to bores of 1120 mm.Steel cageMachined brass cage•R educed maintenance operations and increased service life.• Limits the penetration of impurities into the bearings, which delays the deterioration of the grease and bearings.• S eals can be mounted on standard bearing units.• E ven a sealed bearing can be re-greased.• B earing performance remains high, even when the bearing is misaligned (±0.5°).•A vailable in large dimensions: < 260 mm.• W ider than standard bearing;NTN-SNR brings you its entire range of standard bearings for your equipment:• Tapered roller bearings.•S ingle- or double-row cylindrical roller bearings (E, SL version).• R oller thrust bearings (conical, cylindrical or spherical).STANDARD RANGESEALED (10X.....EE)ANOTHER STANDARD RANGE•S everal housings (plummer block, flanged, take-up, big-end or cartridge type)•S upplied pre-assembled, relubricatable or with for life lubricated insert bearing •E fficient protection against corrosion by passivation •S ealing solutions for operation in harsh environments•Optional additional covers, cast iron or pressed steel, with double lip seal toincrease tightness and service life•B earing inserts for high temperature applications availableCAST IRON SELF-ALIGNING BEARING UNITSBEARINGS WITH SOLID LUBRICATIONLp03: -20°C to +60°C (80 °C max.) / Lp05: -20°C to +120°C (100 °C max. continuously)• Re-lubrication not necessarySolves maintenance problems when bearings are not accessible.•R esistant against contaminationBearings with solid lubrication resist contamination such as dust, humidity.•N o lubricant leakageSolid lubrication: eliminates soap leakage and grease leakage is very low.Ensures clean running applications.• Suitable in cases of centrifugal force and vibrationsThe solid mass of the grease ensures an excellent resistance to centrifugal forces and ensures a consistent supplyof lubricant to the bearing necessary for effective operation.At ambient temperature, very low starting torque (compared to “conventional grease lubrication”).•Q uick assembly and interchangeable with SN / SNL / SNH / SNA / SE / SNC assemblies.•Q uick assembly to minimise downtime and maximise productivity.•E quipped with sealed spherical roller bearings, W222xx series• Housing in one part.•E xcellent sealing characteristics.•C omponents treated with black iron oxide for anti-corrosion protection.Housing can be used as a fixed or floating bearing unit by adjusting a spring retaining ring.*Available on requestSPW/SFCW BEARING UNITS*OIL-LUBRICATEDONE-PIECE BEARING UNITS ZLOE OIL-LUBRICATEDSpLiT pLuMMER BLOCK HOuSiNgS SNOESTANDARD RANGE• Equipped with two deep groove ball bearings or a combination of a deep groove ball bearing with a cylindrical roller bearing.• S uitable for applications with high load capacities combined with high temperatures.• A dapted for high speed applications (industrial ventilators)• L ubricant cools the system down.• L onger service life.• E quipped with oil-level indicator.•S haft diameter: 75 mm - 120 mm.• Suitable for spherical roller bearings • Excellent for high operating speeds and loads • Higher life time due to optimised load distribution • Material: EN-gJS-600-3 giving the housing a high stiffnessand rigidity• Internal distribution of oil via a ring oiler • Sealed with labyrinth system • Equipped with oil-level indicator• Possible integration of oil cooling or heating device • Excellent heat dissipation• Ideally suited for industrial ventilators, hammer crushers •Maximum shaft dimension: 260 mm•E xcellent rigidity and stability under all loading conditions •O ptimised to enhance resistance to vibration • Improved heat dissipation characteristics • Reduced stress levels in the bearing • Extended service life for the bearing•C omprehensive assortment of sealing options: Taconite, labyrinth, double lip,- felt and V-ring seal• R eady for use, easy to fit• S haft diameter: 20 mm - 160 mm • A lso available in spheroidal cast materialOn request, supply of specially tailored designs adapted to your applicationsShaft diameter: 20 mm - 160 mm SpLiT pLuMMER BLOCK uNiTS: SNC / SNCDCUSTOMISED SERVICES• Self-centering hydraulic pullers with up to 20 tonne capacity.•H ydraulic nuts with up to 1000 mm bore diameter as standard (with pump and threaded tip).• induction heater (for bearings up to 1200 kg).These tools are also available for rental.NTN-SNR guides you in everything related to the lubrication of bearings:• Choice of lubricant, re-lubrication.• ViB (vibrations & shocks), LuB HEAVY DuTY (very high loads) and HigH TEMp (high temperatures) greases.• Automatic lubricators dispensing these same greases.• Pumps and accessories for centralised lubrication systems up to 1000 points.• Technical assistance in fitting and removing bearings.• R enovation of bearings removed from equipment as part of a maintenance programme.• In-situ training of maintenance teams.•Diagnostics of damaged bearings.Our experts can also provide their know-how to define, or even install, these systems.Good bearing selection, lubrication and maintenance are key factors in increasing the service life of your equipment. In addition to the bearing range, Experts & Tools service offer makes maintenance easier for you and increases the service life of your equipment.SERVICES DEDICATED TO STEEL INDUSTRYSUITABLE TOOLSA COMPLETE LUBRICATION OFFER**Offer limited to certain areas - Please contact usDistributed by:C o m &C i e •D O C .I _S TE E L _A R G 2.G B a , S A P : 327 557 - N T N -S N R c o p y r i g h t i n t e r n a t i o n a l - 07/14 - P h o t o s : N T N -S N R - P h o t o N o n S t o p - I s t o c k p h o t o -F o t o l i a - S h u t t e r s t o c k - P e d r o S t u d i o P h o t o - R . A u b i nNTN-SNR ROULEMENTS - 1 rue des usines - 74000 AnnecyHowcroft Industrial Supplies LtdUnit 9B Brookfields Way, Manvers, Rotherham 563 SOL Tel: 01709 878282 • email: *****************.uk。


2#、4#(罩 退)
0.6 ~ 2
宽度, 产品标准

142 ≤0.04 ≤0.04
≤0.50 ≤0.50 ≤0.50
P ≤0.04
≤0.80 ≤0.08
≤0.80 ≤0.08
S ≤0.025 ≤0.025 ≤0.025
烘烤硬化钢的概况 烘烤硬化钢的产品标准 烘烤硬化钢的质量控制特性 烘烤硬化钢的加工工艺 烘烤硬化钢的应用
烘烤硬化钢主要是通过固溶 强化实现的。在其中存在一定量 的固溶C,经冲压成形时产生位 错,在约170℃左右涂漆烘烤处 理过程中,固溶C、N扩散到位错 处起到钉扎作用,使钢板强度上 升,产生人工应变时效硬化。钢 种特点为冲压成型前较软,容易 成形加工,通过冲压成形后的涂 漆烘烤使屈服强度增加。主要适 用于生产汽车覆盖件,其用量在 逐年增加。
低合金高强钢的概况 低合金高强钢的产品标准 低合金高强钢的质量控制特性 低合金高强钢的加工工艺 低合金高强钢的应用
低合金高强钢主要是通过固溶 强化和析出强化相结合实现的。通 过在钢中添加、、B、V和等元素 和钢中的C、N元素并配合热、冷 轧的工艺控制得到的。成分及组织 的特点主要是 C-(),组织铁素体 +少量碳化物、细晶粒 。具有较 高的强度和良好的成形性,对降低 汽车自重、降低材料消耗有重要作 用。适合于生产汽车底盘、结构件 和加强板等,随着汽车减重及成型 技术的发展,其用量在逐年增加。
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