Protein extraction from yeast(酵母蛋白质提取)
酵母 酵母
BB-319716 BB-319817
酵母总蛋白提取试剂盒 (离心柱,2-D电泳用) 酵母总蛋白提取试剂盒 (无去污剂)
酵母 酵母
酵母蛋白提取试剂盒 (蛋白组、质谱适用)
下游应用 WB,IP,co-IP,ELISA,EMSA, purification,kinase assays,activity assays,reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. WB,IP,co-IP,ELISA,EMSA, purification,kinase assays,activity assays,reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. WB,IP,co-IP,ELISA,EMSA, purification,kinase assays,activity assays,reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. 磷酸化蛋白质谱,2-D,IEF, WB,IP,ELISA,EMSA,purification,kinase assays,activity assays, reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. 2-D,IEF, WB,purification,etc. WB,IP,ELISA,EMSA,purification,kinase assays,activity assays, reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. 2-D,IEF, WB,purification,etc. 蛋白质谱,2-D,IEF, WB,IP,ELISA,EMSA,purification,kinase assays,activity assays, reporter assays,amine reactive labeling,etc. 蛋白质谱,2-D,IEF, Pull-down, co-IP, WB,IP,ELISA,EMSA,purification,kinase
产品组成 规格
试剂 A:酵母蛋白提取液(2D) 试剂 B:蛋白酶抑制剂混合物
BB-3185-1 50T 25ml 100ul 1
BB-3185-2 100T 50ml 200ul 1
31850A 31850B
储存条件: 蛋白酶抑制剂-20℃保存; 蛋白提取液室温保存。
有效期: 一年。
产品简介: 贝博酵母蛋白提取试剂盒适用于从各种酵母样本中高效而温和地抽提可溶性总蛋白。提
取过程简单方便,避免了重复性差的研磨法,超声波法或压榨法对酵母细胞的破坏,避免激 烈的机械处理造成的氧化和热度升高对目的蛋白的破坏作用。可在 1 小时内完成。该试剂盒 含有的蛋白酶抑制剂混合物,阻止了蛋白酶对蛋白的降解,为提取高纯度的蛋白提供了保证。
BB-3411 BB-3121 BB-3122 BB-3123 BB-3125 BB-3105
BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒 细菌膜蛋白提取试剂盒 植物总蛋白提取试剂盒 植物膜蛋白提取试剂盒 蛋白酶抑制剂混合物 磷酸酶抑制剂混合物
BB-3401 BB-3151 BB-3124 BB-3152 BB-3301 BB-3311
2. 取 50ml 酵母培养物,在 4℃,2500g 条件下离心 5-10 分钟,小心吸取培养基, 尽可能吸干,收集酵母沉淀。
3. 用纯水洗涤酵母两次,每次洗涤后尽可能吸干上清。 4. 每 100ul 体积酵母沉淀物中加入 500ul 酵母蛋白提取液,混匀后,在室温或 37℃
条件下于摇床振荡 30-60 分钟。 5. 在 14000g 条件下离心 5 分钟。 6. 将上清吸入另一干净离心管,即可得到酵母蛋白样品。 7. 将上述蛋白提取物分装于-80℃冰箱保存备用或直接用于下游实验。
酵⺟母蛋⽩白质快速微量提取试剂盒Yeast Protein Miniprep Kit常温运输、4℃保存(溶液B成分二需-20℃保存),有效一年。
自备酵母培养基产品及特点 本产品用于快速提取微量酵母蛋白用于SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳和Western印迹分析。
规格及成分成份 50次包装溶液A 100 mL溶液B成分一 50 mL溶液B成分二 1.5 g玻璃珠,400μL 5 g使用方法准备工作:将溶液B成分二(干粉)全部加到50mL溶液B成分一中,充分摇晃使之全部溶解,成为溶液B,然后分装成小分(体积根据每次实验的样品数决定)并放-20℃长期保存。
1、 将酵母细胞接种到5mL YPD 培养基中,30℃摇晃(250rpm/分钟)过夜培养使其OD600达到0.5~2.0。
2、 把酵母细胞培养物转到装有2mL 预冷溶液A 的10-15 mL 离心管中,混匀。
3、 4℃ 5000g 离心5分钟沉淀酵母细胞,吸出上清液。
4、 用30μL 溶液B 悬浮酵母细胞,并快速转移到1.5mL 塑料离心管中。
5、 100℃下保温3分钟,使蛋白酶失活,样品存放于-20℃。
6、 加入0.1g 的玻璃珠。
7、 在旋涡振荡器上剧烈振荡混合2-10分钟。
8、 加入70 μl 溶液B,稍加振荡,置100℃保温1分钟。
9、 取5-20μl 抽提液上样直接进行SDS-PAGE 凝胶电泳。
关联推荐 4X 蛋白上样缓冲液BCA 蛋白检测试剂盒蛋白markerECL 发光检测液。
7 40ul的抽提buffer,同上涡流。
10 提取的蛋白量通常约10-20mg/ml, 2-5ul用于实验。
1 准备SD/-Leu或是YPD 培养基20ml,酵母过夜培养,30℃,230rpm。
2 测OD600 约1.0。
3 100ml过夜培养物,1000g,离心,5min,4℃。
4 弃上清,重悬于80ul抽提buffer:
0.1M Tris-Cl(PH7.5),0.2M NaCl,0.01Mβ-ME,20%甘油,5mM EDTA,1mM PMSF。(100×):PMSF 0.1742g 溶于10ml 异戊醇(主要抑制丝氨酸蛋白激酶), RT保存。
材料与方法:1. 酵母菌液2. 营养琼脂3. 生长培养基4. 离心机5. 取样器6. 电子天平7. 蛋白浓度检测试剂盒实验步骤:1. 准备培养基:将适量的营养琼脂加入适量的水中,加热搅拌至溶解。
2. 将培养基倒入培养皿中,待凝固后盖上培养皿盖,放入恒温箱中,温度设定为30℃。
3. 在培养箱中培养酵母菌24-48小时,直至菌落生长茂盛。
4. 取出菌落较多的培养皿,使用取样器将菌落转移到离心管中。
5. 使用离心机将酵母菌离心,离心速度设定为3000rpm,离心时间为10分钟。
6. 倒掉上清液,加入适量的生理盐水,将酵母菌重悬于生理盐水中。
7. 使用电子天平将离心管中的酵母菌称量,记录重量。
8. 将酵母菌蛋白抽提至适量的离心管中。
9. 使用蛋白浓度检测试剂盒检测酵母菌蛋白的浓度。
使用蛋白浓度检测试剂盒检测,酵母菌蛋白的浓度为X mg/ml。
参考文献:[1] 文献1[2] 文献2。
Protein extraction from yeast(酵母蛋白质提取)
![Protein extraction from yeast(酵母蛋白质提取)](
Protein extraction from yeast1. Glass beads lysisConzelmann A, Riezman H, Desponds C, Bron C. 1988. A major 125 kd membrane glycoprotein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is attached to the lipid bilayer through an inositol-containing phospholipid. EMBO J 7: 2233±2240.2. rapid protein extraction in optimized SDS sample bufferHorwath A, Riezman H. 1994. Rapid protein extraction from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast 10: 1305±1310.Sample Buffer: 10 ml0.06M Tris-HCl, pH 6.8 0.6 ml 1M Tris 6.810% (v/v) glycerol 2 ml 50% glycerol2% (w/v) SDS 2 ml 10% SDS5% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol 0.5 ml 2-mercaptoethanol0.0025% (w/v) bromophenol blue 0.1 ml Sat. Bromphenol blue4.9 ml H2OMake sample Buffer fresh before use. Can store buffer frozen at —20 degrees for ~ 6 months.1. Grow cells overnight (~1x107 cells/ml; A600 = 0.7) and collect 1.5 ml cells (adjust volumes according to cell density of cultures) in 1.5 ml microfuge tube (1 minute, 14000xg). It is important not to grow the cells to a high density.10 microliters of a saturated overnight culture in YPD innoculated to 5 ml SD + essential amino acids for ~16 hrs gives A600 of 0.5 to 1.0 for wild-type cells grown at 30 degrees150 microliters of YPD saturated culture diluted to 5 ml YPD and grown for ~5 hrs at 30 degrees gives an A600 of ~0.8 for wild-type cells.2. Wash cells 1X with water and collect again by centrifugation.3. Resuspend cells in 100 microliters sample buffer.4. Heat at 95 deg C for 5 minutes.5. Centrifuge 14000xg for 5 minutes. Load 15 microliters per lane on an SDS PAGE3. post-alkaline extractionVitaly V. Kushnirov 2000. Rapid and reliable protein extraction from yeast. Yeast 2000; 16: 857±860.about 2.5 OD600 (which constitutes about 2.3 mg of wet weight) of yeast cells were harvested by centrifugation from liquid culture or scraped off the agar plate using a bacteriological loop. These cells were resuspended in 100 ml distilled water, added 100 ml 0.2 M NaOH, incubated for 5 min at room temperature, pelleted, resuspended in 50 ml SDS sample buffer, boiled for 3 min and pelleted again. About 6 μl supernatant was typically loaded per lane of mini-gel (Bio-Rad Mini-Protean cell). The sample buffer (0.06 M Tris±HCl, pH 6.8, 5% glycerol, 2% SDS, 4% bmercaptoethanol,0.0025% bromophenol blue) was slightly modi®ed from standard (Laemmli, 1970).SDS-Boil-Beads Whole Cell ExtractsREFERENCE: Hoffman, G., Garrison, T. R., and Dohlman, H. G., Analysis of RGS proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Methods Enzymol.344:617-631, 2002.-Use sterile technique and sterile solutions in steps 1 to 3.-1. Using a saturated starter culture, inoculate 25 to 30 ml of appropriate media in a 125 ml flask.***Since it is often difficult to estimate the growth rate of yeast, it is helpful to start several 25 ml cultures, each with a different dilution of the starter culture (e.g. 1:100, 1:300, 1:900).2. Grow at 30 C shaking (250 rpm) until the OD600 nm ~ 1.0 (This is usually done overnight).***When growing several strains at once, it is likely that they will all reach OD600 nm ~ 1.0 at different times. If desired, sodium azide (1M stock in water, diluted to a final concentration of 10 mM) can be added to a culture once it reaches an OD600 nm ~ 1.0. The culture can then be placed on ice until the others are ready.3. Transfer to a 50 ml conical tube and centrifuge for 10 min at 2000 xg at 4 C.4. Resuspend each sample in 1 ml of 10 mM sodium azide and place on ice.5. Calculate the volume of resuspended cells that would translate to an OD600 nm reading of 10. For example, this would equal 1 ml if 10 ml of culture at OD600 nm = 1.0 had been centrifuged and resuspended.***This step is necessary to equalize the amount of cells (and protein) in a given volume of whole cell extract.6. Transfer the calculated volume of resuspended cells to a microfuge tube and centrifuge at 16,000 x g for 1 min.7. Aspirate the supernatent.8. Resuspend the pellet in 200 ul of 1X SDS-PAGE sample buffer.9. Immediately place in a 100 C heat block for 10 min.10. Allow the tube to cool and add 200 ul of glass beads (Sigma, #G-8772).11. Vortex at high speed for 2 min. Invert after the first min.***Several tubes can be vortexed at the same time by using a foam tube floater to hold them together.12. Using a 21 gauge needle, poke a hole in the bottom of each tube and place it into a new microfuge tube.13. Centrifuge at 2000 x g for 10 sec to expel the liquid into the bottom tube, leaving the glass beads in the top tube.14. Discard the glass beads and centrifuge the bottom tube at 16,000 xg for 2 min. This sediments any insoluble material.15. Transfer the supernatant to a new microfuge tube. Store at -20 C.16. When ready to use, heat at 37 C for 10 min, vortex, and centrifuge at 16,000 x g for 1 min.***Keep in mind that repeated freezing and thawing can degrade the protein sample.17. Immunoblots can be performed using standard methods.Small Scale Yeast Whole Cell Extract for IPSteve Hahn August 2007Grow 100 ml yeast cells in desired media overnight to an A600 of ~1.0 (0.6 to 1.2 works well). For growth in minimal media, 1 ml of a saturated overnight culture in minimal media (Synthetic dextrose (SD) with only the required amino acids) was inoculated to 100 ml of the same media and grown ~16 hrs at 30 degrees.Harvest cells and wash with 20 ml of cold extraction buffer in a 50 ml tube.Resuspend cells in 0.5 ml extraction buffer containing DTT and protease inhibitors in a microcentrifuge tube with a locking top (marsh tube).Add ~500 microliters of glass beads. In the cold room, shake tubes on the foam ring of the vortex mixer platform at top speed for 1 min. Transfer to ice for 1 min. I have done up to 20 extracts at once.Repeat for a total of 10 min of vortexing.Briefly microcentrifuge to remove all liquid and leave behind most of the glass beads.Centrifuge at top speed at 4 degrees for 15 min and remove supernatant, being careful to avoid any glass beads.Assay protein concentration using BioRad or Pierce assays. Freeze extracts and store at -80 deg. Expect 10-15 mg/ml protein.Extract Buffer:100 mM Tris pH 7.9250 mM Ammonium Sulfate1 mM EDTA10% GlycerolBefore use, add DTT to 0.5 mM (low concentration so IP reactions can be done directly)And 1X protease inhibitors from the following stock solutions:0.1 M PMSF (100x) 16 mg/ml Ethanol; Store at -20 degreesBenzamidine (100X); 31 mg/ml H2O; Store frozen at -20 degreesLeupeptin (500X); 0.15 mg/ml Ethanol; Store at -70 degrees for less than 6 monthsPepstatin (200X); 0.28 mg/ml methanol; Store at -20 degrees.Chymostatin (2,500X); 5mg/ml DMSO; Store frozen at -20 degreesTCA protein precipitationTo concentrate proteins for analysis by SDS PAGE:If a small amount of protein is to be precipitated (less than a few micrograms), add Insulin as a carrier protein (10 micrograms of Sigma insulin, I-5500, per sample works well).1.Add an equal volume of 20% TCA (trichloroacetic acid) to protein sample.2.Incubate 30 min on ice.3.Spin in microfuge at 4 deg. For 15 min.4.Carefully remove all supernatant.5.Add ~300 ul cold acetone and spin 5 min at 4 degrees.6.Remove supernatant and dry pellet.7.Resuspend samples in SDS PAGE loading buffer. Load to SDS PAGE after heating at65 deg for 3 min.Acetone precipitation of proteinThis procedure is suitable for recovering proteins from most aqueous solvents and from SDS containing buffers. It is not recommended for proteins dissolved in urea or guanidine or for peptides.1. Cool the required volume of acetone to -20°C.2. Place protein sample in acetone-compatible tube, such as polypropylene and able to hold six times the sample. Screw cap tubes may help minimize sample losses.3. Add six times the sample volume of cold (-20°C) acetone to the tube.4. Vortex tube and incubate for 2 hours to overnight minutes at -20°C.5. Centrifuge 15 minutes at 13,000-15,000 x g at 4°C.6. Decant and properly dispose of the supernatant, being careful to not dislodge the protein pellet.7. Briefly wash the pellet with 100ul of cold 90% acetone.8. Centrifuge 5 minutes at 13,000-15,000 x g at 4°C.9. Remove sup and repeat if necessary.10. Air dry for ~15-30 minutes and resuspend in an appropriate buffer.。
酵母蛋白质的制备实验报告实验报告:酵母蛋白质的制备实验一、实验目的1. 学习酵母的培养和繁殖方法;2. 掌握酵母蛋白质的提取和制备方法。
二、实验原理1. 酵母培养和繁殖:酵母是一种微生物,可以在富含营养物质的培养基上进行培养和繁殖。
2. 酵母蛋白质的提取和制备:在酵母细胞中,蛋白质是一种重要的生物大分子,具有多种生物学功能。
三、实验步骤1. 酵母培养和繁殖:(1) 准备含有适当营养物质的酵母培养基;(2) 在培养基中接种适量的酵母菌种;(3) 恒温振荡培养,促进酵母的生长和繁殖;(4) 按照一定时间间隔观察酵母细胞数量的增加情况,确定适宜的培养时间。
2. 酵母蛋白质的提取和制备:(1) 收集足够数量的酵母细胞;(2) 将酵母细胞经过离心分离,去除培养基;(3) 使用细胞破碎法将细胞壁和细胞膜破碎,破碎液中含有蛋白质;(4) 经过离心和过滤等步骤,去除残留的细胞碎片和杂质;(5) 得到纯净的酵母蛋白质溶液。
四、实验结果与分析1. 酵母培养和繁殖结果:(1) 观察到酵母细胞在培养基中生长并繁殖;(2) 根据酵母细胞数量的增加情况,确定适宜的培养时间。
2. 酵母蛋白质的提取和制备结果:(1) 成功从酵母细胞中提取到酵母蛋白质溶液;(2) 通过对酵母蛋白质溶液进行离心和过滤,去除了细胞碎片和杂质,得到较纯净的蛋白质溶液。
1. 缓冲液:缓冲液提供恰当的 pH 值,帮助蛋白质稳定,并防止蛋白质的降解和失活。
2. 还原剂:还原剂帮助去除酵母细胞中的还原剂,使蛋白质结构更加开放,更容易与其他分子相互作用。
3. 表面活性剂:表面活性剂增加膜上张力,有助于溶解酵母细胞膜,并使蛋白质更容易进入溶液。
4. 蛋白质酶抑制剂:当酵母细胞破裂时,内源性蛋白酶会降解蛋白质。
1. 称取酵母菌落(大约10-20毫克)。
2. 加入酵母蛋白提取试剂,混匀,并放入70℃水浴中加热10分钟。
3. 冷却至室温,随后进行机械打碎,如用超声波进行打碎,取10秒打碎,之后静置15秒,重复上述操作6-9次。
4. 超声波打碎后,应将细胞碎片离心,以去除细胞碎片和细胞壁碎片。
5. 快速转移清亮的上清液到一个新的离心管中。
6. 风干或用沸水浴进行浓缩(加热的时间应小于5分钟),以浓缩蛋白质。
1. 操作简便,可快速提取酵母蛋白质。
2. 组成的各种成分,有助于保护蛋白质的稳定性。
3. 可用于纯化多种酵母蛋白,并可使蛋白质进入溶液。
4. 成分与其他酵母蛋白质提取方案相比,价格便宜。
1. 提取液制备:每 500ul 酵母蛋白提取液中加入 2ul 蛋白酶抑制剂混合物,混匀 备用。
2. 取 50ml 酵母培养物,在 4℃,2500g 条件下离心 5-10 分钟,小心吸取培养基, 尽可能吸干,收集酵母沉淀。
3. 用纯水洗涤酵母两次,每次洗涤后尽可能吸干上清。 4. 每 100ul 体积酵母沉淀物中加入 500ul 酵母蛋白提取液,混匀后,在室温或 37℃
条件下于摇床振荡 30-60 分钟。 5. 在 4℃,14000g 条件下离心 10 分钟。 6. 将上清吸入另一干净离心管,即可得到酵母蛋白样品。 7. 将上述蛋白提取物分装于-80℃冰箱保存备用或直接用于下游实验。
BB-3411 BB-3121 BB-3122 BB-3123 BB-3125 BB-3105
BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒 细菌膜蛋白提取试剂盒 植物总蛋白提取试剂盒 植物膜蛋白提取试剂盒 蛋白酶抑制剂混合物 磷酸酶抑制剂混合物
BB-3401 BB-3151 BB-3124 BB-3152 BB-3301 BB-3311
产品组成 规格
酵母蛋白提取液(2D) 蛋白酶抑制剂混合物
使用说明书ຫໍສະໝຸດ BB-3185-1 50T 25ml 100ul 1
BB-3185-2 100T 50ml 200ul 1
储存条件: 蛋白酶抑制剂-20℃保存; 蛋白提取液室温保存。
有效期: 一年。
产品简介: 贝博酵母蛋白提取试剂盒适用于从各种酵母样本中高效而温和地抽提可溶性总蛋白。提
关键词:酵母菌;生产;蛋白质Production of proteins using the yeastAbstract:Protein in cells and organisms of biological processes, play an important role in almost all major life activities of the body bearers. Yeast used in long-standing biological field. 6000 years, people in this tiny fungus make bread, beer and wine. Direct treatment of disease for the current production of human proteins, has become an annual output of 19 billion U.S. dollars with the industry. But this biological macromolecules present but not mass production. They are mostly time-consuming and labor-intensive culture of animals from the culture dish (such as Chinese hamster) cells extracted.Genetic engineering, researchers found a low of yeast used to produce human proteins in the new technology. This technology has opened up a lot of new ways to produce bio-pharmaceuticals. Yeast can be used to produce complex human glycoproteins, the technology for the production of therapeutic human proteins have a revolutionary significance. Better, cheaper, faster, more secure, and provides a product's final quality control means. The most commonly used yeast as the host is Pichia pastoris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Keywords:yeast;produce;protein蛋白质是生命机体几乎所有重要活动的承担者。
饲料原料 酵母提取物
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---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ 酵母组蛋白提取方法的优化与探索摘要:组蛋白(histones)为真核生物体细胞染色质中的碱性蛋白质和基本结构蛋白,含较多精氨酸和赖氨酸等碱性氨基酸,二者加起来约为所有氨基酸残基的1/4。
提取之后,再利用一种高效又普遍的方法进行蛋白的测定——过程包括考马斯亮蓝染色、蛋白质印迹法(western blot)转膜后杂抗体(一抗和二抗);通过IMAGE影像曝光法,最后得出蛋白条带的曝光图[2]。
5674关键词:酵母组蛋白的提取;破裂细胞壁;蛋白质印迹法;杂抗体;曝光;1 / 28Optimization and Exploration Of the Extraction Method on Yeast HistoneAbstract: Histone is the basic protein and basic structure in eukaryotic somatic chromatin, containing more basic amino acids such as arginine and lysine, which add up to approximately one forth of the total amino acid residues. Due to its different amino acid composition and molecular weight, it can be pided into five categories: H1, H2A, H2B, H3 and H4. They are rich in basic amino acid with a positive charge, so they can have the interaction with the phosphate groups which are negatively charged in DNA. This experiment is related to the yeast histone which is different from those of other animal tissues. It belongs to the eukaryotic. It is necessary to rupture the cell wall of the organization when extracting its histone. After this kind of process, then detect the histone with a general and efficient method, including Coomassie blue staining, Western blot, film transferred, using antibodies(the primary and secondary antibody) and image exposure. At last, we can have the protein bands exposure map.---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------虽然蛋白质的可变性和多样性等特殊性质导致了蛋白质研究技术远远比核酸技术要复杂和困难得多,但是蛋白质本身的存在形式和活动规律,如翻译后修饰、蛋白质间相互作用以及蛋白质构象等问题,仍依赖于直接对蛋白质的研究来解决。
Bradford 蛋白定量试剂盒
BCA 蛋白定量试剂盒
ECL 化学发光检测试剂盒
蛋白 Marker
SDS-PAGE 凝胶配制试剂盒
SDS-PAGE 上样 Buffer
14. 在 4℃,16000×g 条件下离心 10 分钟。 15. 快速将上清吸入另一预冷的干净离心管,即可得到酵母核蛋白。 16. 将上述蛋白提取物定量②后分装于-80℃冰箱保存备用或直接用于下游实验③。 相关产品盒
储存条件: 蛋白提取液 2-8℃保存; 蛋白酶抑制剂-20℃保存。
有效期: 一年。
产品简介: 贝博酵母核蛋白提取试剂盒提供全套试剂,适用于从各种酵母中提取核蛋白。提取过
程简单方便。制备的核蛋白纯度高,保持天然活性,绝少交叉污染。提取的蛋白可用于 Western Blotting、转录活性分析、Gel shift 凝胶阻滞实验、免疫共沉淀、酶活性测定等蛋白研究。
1. 取诱导表达至120h的菌悬液1mL(OD600约为40),6000rpm室温离心3min,弃上清。
2. 用1mL预冷的Lysis缓冲液悬浮洗涤细胞2次。
3. 用1mLLysis裂解液悬浮细胞并转移到振荡管中,加入酸洗玻璃珠和
4. 6000rpm室温离心3min,上清为胞内蛋白的样品。
依次用20μ0LLysis 缓冲液重悬沉淀并转移至新的离心管中。
5. 6000rpm室温离心3min,弃上清后加入SDS缓冲液及10μL复合蛋白酶抑制剂,沸水浴10min。
6. 加入80μL乙酸钠缓冲溶液,2μ0L昆布多糖酶(约)及10μL复合蛋白酶抑制剂悬浮细胞碎片,混匀后在37℃摇床孵育过夜。
一种从酵母细胞中提取组蛋白的方法赵玥;赵宏宇;蔡禄【摘要】为了制备体外酵母DNA序列组装核小体所需的组蛋白,利用酸抽提方法从未经饥饿处理和经过不同时间饥饿处理的酿酒酵母细胞中分离组蛋白,经SDS-PAGE电泳分析和Bradford法测定蛋白浓度,发现抽提物中含有组蛋白H1、H2A、H2B、H3和H4,电泳条带位置正确、纯度较高,正常细胞的抽提物中蛋白总量达到158 μg/mL.试验结果表明该方法可以提取出较高质量的酿酒酵母组蛋白.【期刊名称】《生物技术通报》【年(卷),期】2011(000)011【总页数】4页(P225-228)【关键词】酿酒酵母;组蛋白提取;饥饿细胞;核小体定位;体外组装【作者】赵玥;赵宏宇;蔡禄【作者单位】内蒙古科技大学数理与生物工程学院,包头014010;内蒙古科技大学生物工程与技术研究所,包头014010;内蒙古科技大学数理与生物工程学院,包头014010;内蒙古科技大学生物工程与技术研究所,包头014010;内蒙古科技大学数理与生物工程学院,包头014010;内蒙古科技大学生物工程与技术研究所,包头014010【正文语种】中文核小体是构成真核生物染色质的基本结构单位,获取基因组中遗传信息的能力依赖于核小体在DNA上的位置,核小体定位是在表观遗传学水平调控基因表达的重要层次[1]。
酵母YPH499(MATa ura3-52 lys2-801amber ade2-101ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1)由美国新泽西州医学院微生物学与分子遗传学部Carol S.Newlon教授赠送。
提酵母蛋白Yeast protein, derived from yeast cells, has long been recognized for its nutritional and functional properties. As a natural source of high-quality protein, it contains all essential amino acids required by the human body, making it an excellent dietary supplement. The unique biological activity of yeast protein also contributes to various health benefits, including improving digestion, enhancing immune function, and promoting cell growth and repair.酵母蛋白,来源于酵母细胞,长期以来因其营养和功能性特点而备受认可。
In the food industry, yeast protein is widely used as an ingredient in various products, such as sports nutrition bars, protein powders, and bakery goods. Its versatility allows for the creation of diverse food textures and flavors, making it a popular choice for product developers. Moreover, yeast protein is suitable for vegetarians and vegans, as it provides a plant-based source of protein that is both sustainable and environmentally friendly.在食品工业中,酵母蛋白被广泛用作各种产品的成分,如运动营养棒、蛋白粉和烘焙食品。
关键词:酵母抽提物;仔猪;核苷酸;肠道发育;免疫Application of the Yeast Extract Replacing the Sprayed Dried Plasma Protein in PigletsAbstract:Yeast extract(YE)is the yeast cells to get through the wall treatment, as a high quality protein source, in part or all of the alternative in the process of the sprayed dried plasmaprotein(SDPP) is raising piglets weight, improve the feed efficiency, improve the production performance of piglets and feed ingredients, and has a good effect for the growth of pigletslong-term health. And yeast extract as nucleotide main source material, the piglets intestinal health and microbial community has a crucial role, promote piglets intestinal development, and improve the function of the cellular immunity and humoral immunity.Keywords: Yeast extract(YE);Piglets;Nucleotides;Gut development;Immunization断奶仔猪由于消化道和免疫系统还未健全,再加上环境和日粮的改变及断奶应激的作用下,仔猪常出现采食量降低,疾病易感及腹泻拉稀等断奶综合征,进而言之影响其健康水平和生长性能[1]。
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Protein extraction from yeast1. Glass beads lysisConzelmann A, Riezman H, Desponds C, BronC.1988. A major 125 kd membraneglycoprotein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is attached to the lipid bilayer through aninositol-containg phospholipid. EMBO J 7: 2233±2240.2. rapid protein extraction in optimized SDS sample bufferHorwathA,RiezmanH.1994.RapidproteinextractionfromSaccharomycescerevisiae. Yeast 10: 1305±1310.Sample Buffer:0.06M Tris-HCl, pH6.810% (v/v) glycerol2% (w/v) SDS5% (v/v) 2-mercaptoethanol0.0025% (w/v) bromophenolblue10 ml0.6 ml 1M Tris6.82 ml 50% glycerol2 ml 10% SDS0.5 ml 2-mercaptoethanol0.1 ml Sat. Bromphenolblue4.9 ml H2OMake sample Buffer fresh before use. Can store buffer frozen at—20 degrees for ~6 months.1. Grow cells overnight (~1x107cells/ml; A600 =0.7) and collect1.5 ml cells (adjustvolumes according to cell density of cultures) in1.5 ml microfuge tube (1 minute, 14000xg).It is important not to grow the cells to a high density.10 microliters of a saturated overnight culture in YPD innoculated to 5 ml SD + essentialamino acids for ~16 hrs gives A600 of0.5 to1.0 for wild-type cells grown at 30 degrees150 microliters of YPD saturated culture diluted to 5 ml YPD and grown for ~5 hrs at 30degrees gives an A600 of ~0.8 for wild-type cells.2. Wash cells 1X with water and collect again by centrifugation.3. Resuspend cells in 100 microliters sample buffer.4. Heat at 95 deg C for 5 minutes.5. Centrifuge 14000xg for 5 minutes. Load 15 microliters per lane on an SDS PAGE3. post-alkaline extractionVitalyV.Kushnirov2000.Rapidandreliableproteinextractionfromyeast.Yeast2000; 16: 857±860.about2.5 OD600 (which constitutes about2.3 mg of wet weight) of yeast cells wereharvested by centrifugation from liquid culture or scraped off the agar plate usingabacteriologicalloop.Thesecellsweresuspendedin100mldistilledwater,added100 ml0.2 M NaOH, incubated for 5 min at room temperature, pelleted, resuspendedin50mlSDSsamplebuffer,boiledfor3minandpelletedagain.About6μlsuper natantwastypicallyloadedperlaneofmini-gel(Bio-RadMini-Proteancell).Thesamplebuffer(0.06MTris±HCl,pH6.8,5%glycerol,2%SDS,4%bmercaptoethanol,0.0025% bromophenolblue) was slightly modi®ed fromstandard(Laemmli, 1970).SDS-Boil-Beads Whole Cell ExtractsREFERENCE:Hoffman,G.,Garrison,T.R.,andDohlman,H.G.,AnalysisofRGS proteins inSaccharomyces cerevisiae, Methods Enzymol.344:617-631,2002.-Use sterile technique and sterile solutions in steps 1 to3.-ingasaturatedstarterculture,inoculate25to30mlofappropriatemedia in a 125 ml flask.***Since it is often difficult to estimate the growth rate of yeast, itishelpfultostartseveral25mlcultures,eachwithadifferentdilutionof the starter culture (e.g. 1:100, 1:300, 1:900).2.Growat30Cshaking(250rpm)untiltheOD600nm~1.0(Thisusuallydone overnight).***When growingseveral strains atonce, itis likely thatthey willallreachOD600nm~1.0atdifferenttimes.Ifdesired,sodiumazide(1Mstockin water, diluted to a final concentration of 10 mM) can be added to acultureonceitreachesanOD600nm~1.0.Theculturecanthenbeplacedon ice until the others are ready.3. Transfer to a 50 ml conical tube and centrifuge for 10 min at 2000 xg at 4C.4. Resuspend each sample in 1 ml of 10 mM sodium azide and place on ice.5. Calculate the volume of resuspended cells that would translate to anOD600 nm reading of10. For example, this would equal 1 ml if 10 ml ofculture at OD600 nm =1.0 had been centrifuged and resuspended.***This step is necessary to equalize the amount of cells (and protein)in a given volume of whole cell extract.6.Transferthecalculatedvolumeofresuspendedcellstoamicrofugetubeand centrifuge at 16,000 x g for 1 min.7. Aspirate the supernatent.8. Resuspend the pellet in 200 ul of 1X SDS-PAGE sample buffer.9. Immediately place in a 100 C heat block for 10 min.10.Allowthetubetocoolandadd200ulofglassbeads(Sigma,#G-8772).11. Vortex at high speed for 2 min. Invert after the first min.***Several tubes can be vortexed at the same time by using a foam tubefloater to hold them together.12. Using a 21 gauge needle, poke a hole in the bottom of each tube andplace it into a new microfuge tube.13.Centrifugeat2000xgfor10sectoexpeltheliquidintothebottomtube, leaving the glass beads in the top tube.14. Discard the glass beads and centrifuge the bottom tube at 16,000 xg for 2 min. This sediments any insoluble material.15. Transfer the supernatant to a new microfuge tube. Store at -20C.16. When ready to use, heat at 37 C for 10 min, vortex, and centrifugeat 16,000 x g for 1 min.***Keepinmindthatrepeatedfreezingandthawingcandegradetheproteinsample.17. Immunoblots can be performed using standard methods.Small Scale Yeast Whole Cell Extract for IPSteve HahnAugust 2007Grow 100 ml yeast cells in desired media overnight to an A600 of ~1.0 (0.6 to1.2 workswell).Forgrowthinminimalmedia,1mlofasaturatedovernightcultureinminimalmedia(Synthetic dextrose (SD) with only the required amino acids) was inoculated to 100 ml of thesame media and grown ~16 hrs at 30 degrees.Harvest cells and wash with 20 ml of cold extraction buffer in a 50 ml tube.Resuspendcellsin0.5mlextractionbuffercontaingDTTandproteaseinhibitorsinamicrocentrifuge tube with a locking top (marsh tube).Add ~500 microliters of glass beads. In the cold room, shake tubes on the foam ring of thevortex mixer platform at top speed for 1 min. Transfer to ice for 1 min. I have done up to 20extracts at once.Repeat for a total of 10 min of vortexing.Briefly microcentrifuge to remove all liquid and leave behind most of the glass beads.Centrifuge at top speed at 4 degrees for 15 min and remove supernatant, being careful toavoid any glass beads.Assay protein concentration using BioRad or Pierce assays. Freeze extracts and store at -80deg. Expect 10-15 mg/ml protein.Extract Buffer:100 mM Tris pH7.9250 mM Ammonium Sulfate1 mM EDTA10% GlycerolBefore use, add DTT to0.5 mM (low concentration so IP reactions can be done directly)And 1X protease inhibitors from the following stock solutions:0.1 M PMSF (100x) 16 mg/ml Ethanol; Store at -20 degreesBenzamidine (100X); 31 mg/ml H2O; Store frozen at -20 degreesLeupeptin (500X);0.15 mg/ml Ethanol; Store at -70 degrees for less than 6 monthsPepstatin (200X);0.28 mg/ml methanol; Store at -20 degrees.Chymostatin (2,500X); 5mg/ml DMSO; Store frozen at -20 degreesTCA protein precipitationTo concentrate proteins for analysis by SDS PAGE:If a small amount of protein is to be precipitated (less than a few micrograms), add Insulin asa carrier protein (10 micrograms of Sigma insulin, I-5500, per sample works well).1.Add an equal volume of 20% TCA (trichloroacetic acid) to protein sample.2.Incubate 30 min on ice.3.Spin in microfuge at 4 deg. For 15 min.4.Carefully remove all supernatant.5.Add ~300 ul cold acetone and spin 5 min at 4 degrees.6.Remove supernatant and dry pellet.7.Resuspend samples in SDS PAGE loading buffer. Load to SDS PAGE after heating at65 deg for 3 min.Acetone precipitation of protein1. Cool the required volume of acetone to -20°C.3. Add six times the sample volume of cold (-20°C) acetone to the tube.4. Vortex tube and incubate for 2 hours to overnight minutes at -20°C.5. Centrifuge 15 minutes at 13,000-15,000 x g at 4°C.6. Decant and properly dispose of the supernatant, being careful to not dislodge the proteinpellet.7. Briefly wash the pellet with 100ul of cold 90% acetone.8. Centrifuge 5 minutes at 13,000-15,000 x g at 4°C.9. Remove sup and repeat if necessary.10. Air dry for ~15-30 minutes and resuspend in an appropriate buffer.。