红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分1

红 宝 书考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解必 考 词第一节(Unit 1——Unit 7;第1页——49页)练习一:词汇与搭配1.nglanders speak the same language and abide Californians and New E the same federal laws..2Apart from blue eyes, blonde hair is also characteristic Swedish people.3. A bridge can be defined a structure getting over an obstacle, such as a river, a road or railways..4Prejudice sometimes hampered a person doing the . right thing.5People who walk on the grass are liable a fine of $ 5..You can take the books with you and read them6 your leisure.7He was running .the pace he had learnt from the nati .ves.8To protect his new invention, he took out a patent it.I9.could scarcely keep pace the new discoveries in biology.0.When I was about twelve, I suddenly d evel oped a great passion1writingpoetry..11She was so unhappy that she was the verge o .f committing suicide.12Monica was urgent me for further particulars.3.Try our delicious three‐course meal, offering you superb value 1money.14.Susan put a value of a thousand dollars the necklace.练习二:词汇辨析1.Their request isrefused.[A] abruptrd e [B] absu C] acut [[D] apt2.motion, for his superiors realized that he was a man ofo c He soon received pr onsid erable .[A] future[B] possibility C] ability [[D] opportunity3.The of the speech contest is made up of four professors and a famousbroadcaster.[A] committee[B] board [C] panel [D] leadership4.We have the system of exploitation of man by man.[A] cancelled[B] abolished C] refused [[D] rejected5.A child has trust in its mother.[A] complete[B] perfect C] absolute [[D] thorough6.has aThe storage vessel of 10,000 liters.[A] capacityity[B] capabil C] ability[[D] faculty7.I sometimes have to visit Birmingham on business.[A] opportunity[B] occasion C] chance [[D] possibility8.That sound doesn’t in his language so it’s difficult for him to pronounce.[A] happenplacer[B] take C] occu [[D] run9.ydayGetting up is an ever .[A] happening ence t[B] occurr C] inciden D [[] event10.difficulties, the project was Because of financial ______.[A] abandoned[B] deserted C] discarded D] excluded[[11. All the streets were with flags to welcome the Chinese del egation.[A] furnished[B] decorated C] supplied [[D] ornamented12.is the result of the fusion of many differentThe English language .[A] particl es[B] ingredients C] elements[[D] principl es13. is only sixteen years old, he is so Although this chil d that he has onehundred dollars.[A] thriftyl[B] economica C] financial [[D] economic14.ladyBeside him sat a rich __ with jewels.[A] glittering[B] flickering C] flashing[[D] glistening15.I caught a of the carbefore it disappeared around the bend.[A] glancese[B] glimp C] glare [[D] stare16. into three The TOEFL is divided , namely, listening, structure andreading.[A] sections[B] fragments C] fractions [[D] portions17.her task before she felt sure that the results would She worked hard at__________her long effort.[A] justify[B]testify [C] rectify [D] verify18.urst into The crowd suddenly b .[A] laugh[B] laughters C] laughing [[D] laughter19.I had to stand in a for hours to get tickets for the film.[A] rowion[B] process [C] tail[D] queue20.Most theories of juvenil e delinquency have focused on children fromdisadvantaged families the fact that chil dren from wealthy homes alsocommit crimes.[A] consid ering[B] ignoring [C] highlighting [D] discarding21.efore I I should think it over b on such a hazardous project.[A] commence[B] start C] begin [[D] embark22.ond theey That problem is b of this articl e, so I’ll not discuss it here.[A] scale[B] extent C] scope [[D] range23.The concert with a sol o by the leading tenor.[A] finished ed[B] terminat C] ceased [[D] stopped24.H n who can e is the only perso in this case, because the other witnessesously.were kill ed mysteri [A] testify[B] charge [C] accuse [D] rectifyin 25.g. He thought I was ly I was telling the truth.[A] wherever[B] whereby C] whereas [[D] whereupon26.ourse students must take performance tests atIn the advanced c monthly .[A] gaps[B] intervals C] length [[D] distance27. boys like to play basketball on thatThe neighborhood lot.[A] vaguet[B] vacan C] vain D] valid[[练习三:英语知识运用1.Estimates anywhere from 600,000 to 3 million. Although the figure may vary, analysts do agree on another matter: that the number of the homeless is of the federal government’s studies predicts that the number of the l each nearly 19 million by the end of this decade.increasing,one i l r homeless w e [A] cover[B] chang C] range [[D] differ2.Making friends is extremely important to teenagers, and many shy students need f some kind of organization with a supportive adult the admission o visibl e in .the background l[A] particular y ly[B] barely[C] definite [D] rarely3.The canal must be wide enough to permit two of the largest boats using it to pass each other easily. It must be deep enough to leave about two feet of water _______ the keel of the largest boat using the canal. When the planet Mars was ugh a tel escope, people saw that the round disk of the planet y a few of strange blue‐green lines.first observed thro rossed b was criss‐c [A] downweath[B] belo C] ben D] off[[4.The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle. With it, t astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicl e of flying into space and returning many times. Powered by reusable rockets that can lift a l oad of 65,000 will carry devices for scientific inquiry, as well as a variety ofpounds, the shuttle dware. military har [A] capableitableicient[B] su C] eff D] fi[[5.As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they ” too, as well as institutional. With display becoming sharper and became “personal storage increasing.[A] ability ity[B] capabil C] capacity D] faculty[[6.Though the ideal cure for noise is to stop it at its source, this may in many ________be impossible. The next remedy is to absorb it on its way to the ear. may by controlled by forethought and courtesy and industrial nning and technical improvement.Domestic noises pla noises by good [A] cases[B] conditionsC] presentations D] circumstances[[7.In trying to accumulate knowledge about the universe and to find common factors which underline and account for the facts that he knows, the scientist often od of the “controlled experiment.” If he wants to find out the chooses the meth of light effect growing plants, he takes many plants, as alike as possible.[A] on[B] ofC] by D] to[[8.For example in the desert areas of the southwestern United States, the Indians cooked their food by beating it on a flat stone in the hot sun. They cooked pieces of meat and thin cakes of corn meal in this . We can surmise that the earliest as a stick to which a piece of meat could be attached and held over kitchen utensil w a fire.[A] zone[B] sector C] method D] fashion[[9.The method works best cases where total deafness is due to malfunctioning of the ear’s sensory cells. There must be sufficient functioning nerve fibers available sage to the brain; to transmit the mes, there are generally no more than 10 n most cases, since they tend to atrophy with disuse.percent remaining li [A] fortunate y [B] spontaneously C] basicallyD] unfortunately[[10.Another way to divide the study of geography is to distinguish between physical geography and cultural geography. The former focuses on the natural world; the ________start en ds with human beings and studies how human beings and their t act upon each other.environm [A] secon [B] nextC] laterD] latter[[11.But more significantly, it will materials and machines into space for industrial purposes unimagined two decades age when “sputik” (artificial satellite) to the vocabulary. In short, the ultimate importance of the shuttle lies in an economic tool.was ad ded its promise as[A] supply[B] introduce C] deliverD] transfer[[12.We live in a materialistic society and are trained from our earliest years to be acquisitive(贪婪的). Our possessions, “mine” and “yours”, are cl early from ood. When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us that success is measured in terms of the money we earn.early childh r to discove [A] signeded[B] notedC] impress D] labeled[[13.What makes the space shuttle is that it takes off like a rocket but lands . Thus, when it has accomplished its mission, it can be ready for bout two weeks.like an airplane in a nalanother trip[A] exceptio ge e[B] stran C] uniqu D] rare[[14.Although there are disagreements over the definition of revolution, there is a standard view that revolutions are successful social movements on a much grand er . That is, involving more people and much more social change. Although social movements like the U. S. Civil Rights Movement may be working to roduce some reform in the society, revolutions like the Chinese d at major social change.enact some law or p n are aime Revolutio [A] level[B] scaleC] degree D] range[[15.Strangely, some people find that they can smell one type of fl ower but not another, others are sensitive to the smells of both flowers.[A]when[B] sinceC] for[[D] whereas16.Americans choose pasta, fruit, and vegetables, which supply them with carbohydrates, to give them strength for physical activities. For romantic dinners, however Americans choose shrimp and lobster. Americans’ awareness of nutrition, ir changing tastes and needs, leads them to consume a wid e along with the of foods.[A] sort[B] varietyC] kindD] variation[[17.Wealth, in this sense is not money, for we do not live on money but on things that money can buy: “goods ”such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment. A country’s capacity to wealth is influenced by st of which have an effect on one another. Wealth is dependent to on a country’s natural resources.many factors, mo up a great extent [A] controlle[B] assemb C] yield D] benefit[[练习四:语法与词汇1._oes not high at all.______with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain d A. When comparedB. Compare . While comparingD. ComparingCent. 2.A new technique _______, the yields as a whole increased by 20 perc A. working outB. having worked outC. having been worked outD. to have been worked out。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分7

可以看出during the early...navigation在句中做状语,如果选择B选项该句没有主句,所以本题是一简单句,选项A、C不符合倒装结构,故答案为D。
该句中whom I was...ago是定语从句修饰a girl,而在定语从句中谓语动词的宾语不能直接是a girl,即要接一个介词with,其他选项不符合题意,故答案为D。
欢迎使用【红宝书】考研英语精品系列:1.【红宝书】考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)—— 附MP3光盘2.【红宝书】考研英语10年真题(系统精析)—— MP3+其它5年真题及解析3.【红宝书】考研英语写作180篇——(三段式+精解+考点)4.【红宝书】考研英语考前预测 —— 最后冲刺3套题(网上另外再附赠3套题)红 宝 书考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解必 考 词第四节(Unit 22——Unit 26;第148页——182页)练习一:词汇与搭配1. The man told the hostess he would take his revenge __ the hotel fordismissing him..2 This middl e school is attached __ a normal college.3. As a way of coping the mails while they were away, the Johnsons askedthe cleaning lady to send little printed slips asking the senders to write againlater.. If you really understood the difficulties facing the government, you wouldn’tbe so critical 4its spending reductions.5. In addition, many exceptions __ the rules of English usage make itdifficult to master..The rol es expected 6 old people in such a setting give too fewss.psychological satisfactions for normal happine .7A stream issued the bottom of the hill..8I can’t study with that music getting my nerv H es.9.e rescued the child the risk of his own life. .10In the play the heroine expired __ a broken heart.11.Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to avail myself every chance to improve my English.练习二:词汇辨析1.water into the glass or it will Don’t pour hot ___ .[A] split[B] crack C] break[[D] burst2.as created by Poe, is something as specialized and asoblem.The detective story, r ________as a chess p[A] intellectual[B] intelligent C] intellect [[D] intelligence3.bs can provid e A variety of small clu opportunities for l eadership, asn successful group dynamics.well as for practice i[A] durable[B] excessive C] surplus D] multiple[[4. contains a (n) The English language of words which are comparativelynary conversation.seldom used in ordi [A] altitudee[B] latitude C] multitud [[D] attitude5.n the fourthThe article appeared i __ of the magazine.[A] editionn[B] issue C] versio[[D] print6.Martin Luther King, the great Black leader in the movement against racials discrimination, wa the Nobel Prize for peace for his outstandingld peace.contribution to wor [A] rewardedd[B] awarded C] conferre [[D] granted7.T pts were hopelessly he precious manuscri by long exposure in the cold,damp cellar.[A] damaged d[B] destroye C]harmed [[D] ruined8.The unpleasant taste in his mouth for hours.[A] prolonged[B] waited C] lingered [[D] lengthened9.The tension as theguest of honor was about to announce the winner.[A] mounted d[B] ascend e C] climbed D [[] raised10. Our house is the most one in the street; it’s painted red.[[A] prominentB] distinguished[C] outstanding[D]well‐known11.nd that even people insensitive to a certain smell ate sensitive to it when However, it has been fou becom first can suddenly _____to it often enough.[A] subjected[B] left C] drawn [[D] exposed12.Ma hite color as it is a ny people like w of purity.[A] sign[B] symbol C] signal[[D] symptom13.W s matter. There is energy; all changes of matter herever there i changesi nergy.n the form of the e [A] retain[B] include C] involve [[D] contain14.A technology stands to s an industry, bio electronics in dollar volume andt in social impact by 2020.perhaps surpass i[A] contend t[B] contes C] rival [[D] striveican system, one rank below the full professor is the15.According to the Amer ____ professor.[A] underte [B] associa C] vice [[D] deputy16.We’d like to a table for five for dinner this evening.[A] preserve[B] sustain C] retain D] reserve[[17.e west, south and central parts of the continent, thoughns are to be found over so The plain occupies th consid erable variatio an area.[A] expensive[B] expansive C] extensive [[D] intensive18.If no importance is attached to collecting information, we cannot survive insuch a(n) _ competitive society, because it is the basis on which we make our decisions.[A] intensively[B] forcefully C] intensely [[D] powerfully19.ling by train, but after six hours standing in the corridor,_He said he liked trave he changed his .[A] sound[B] voice C] tone [[D] tune20.The pioneers _ their journey after a short rest.[A] assumed[B] resumed C] consumed [[D] resumed21.he entertainment at the company’s annualThey were arranging t deal er .[A] congress[B] convention C] conference [[D] assembly22.An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advancedmedical ___ will become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.[A] interference[B] interruption C] intervention D] interaction[[23.e same about each other, their feelings are When two people feel th .[A] visibl e[B] common [C] joint [D] mutual练习三:英语知识运用1.Until recently most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They admitted that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the __man. But they insisted that its immediate eriod from 1750 to 1850 were widespread poverty and f the English population.results during the p e bulk omisery for th [A] plain[B] averageC] mean [[D] normal2.During this period American car manufacturers set about improving their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the average 1950 to 1975 faster than the price of cars. For this reason family increased from ________a new car takes a smaller part of a family’s total earnings today.[A] bringing[B] obtainC] bought [[D] purchasing3.Theories centering on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal se they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or arned criminal behavior through behavior becau that they have le _with others.[A] interaction[B] assimilation C] cooperation [[D] consultation 4.The homeless make up a growing percentage of America’s population. Furthermore homelessness has reached such proportions that local governmentcan’t possibly _.[A] stand[B] cope[C] approve[D] retain5.In a significant tightening of legal controls over the press, Lord Irvine, the Lord Chancellor, will introduce a bill that will propose making payments al and will strictly control the amount of publicity that can be fore a trial begins.to witnesses illeg case be given to a [A] sketch[B] rough [C] preliminary[D] draft6.FBI men, who do not wear uniforms, have the right to cross State borders if ng a suspect. They are they are pursui to the US Department of Justice, eadquarters in Washington, DC.and have their ible h[A] respons [B] reasonableC] reliable[[D] respectable7.His role, therefore, is completely different. He is there to make sure that the viewer does not miss some point of interest, to help him insist on particular things, and to the images on the tel evision screen. Unlike his radio e must know the value of silence and how to use it at those moments s speak for themselves.colleague, h when the picture te[A] exhibit[B] demonstra C] expose[[D] interpret8.As Edward Blotkowsk, director of community service at Bentley College in uts it, “There has to be Massachusetts, p of programs. What we need is a package deal.”n[A] supervisio [B] manipulation [C] regulation [D] coordination 9.These attempts are usually resisted by powerful people who from the status quo(社会现状), and it is often difficult for social movement participantsto use the a p ccepted and legal means of producing social change (such as the olitical institutions).courts and [A] acquire[B] profitC] prohibit [[D] succeed10.In deed more and more schools are discovering that foreign languages are best taught in the lower grad es. Young children often can l earn several languages by being to them, while adults have a much harder time learning age once the rules of their first language have become firmly fixed.another langu [A] disclosed[B] reveal edC] immersed e [[D]xposed11.Compare this with what happens in the mass production of poultry: there are battery farms, for example, where thousands of chickens live crowded together in one building and are fed on food which is little better than rubbish. t in this way are not only tasteless as food; the also Chicken kep __eggs tant vitamins.which lack impor ure[A] producefact ate[B] manu C] gener ra [[ D] ise12.The brain finds it best to keep smell receptors for unfamiliar and such as the smell of smoke, which might indicate the danger emergency signals of fire.[A] available[B] reliable[C] id entifiable[D] suitable13.Theories focusing on the role of society suggest that children commit crimes in to their failure class values to rise above their socioeconomic status, or as a rejection .of middle‐[A] return[B] replyC] referenceD] response[[14.Many linguists believe that evolution is for our ability to produce and y claim that our highly evolved brain provides us with an ility not found in lower organisms.use language. The ab innate language [A] reliabl e[B] responsibleC] available [[D] accountable15.Asia’s need for business l eaders who are competent in using mass media to involve the public the economic development dream has never been greater. Television and the print media have an enormous impact on the public’s usiness. Our business lead ers have not yet faced an ess.perception of b thetic pr unsympa [A] in[B] intoC] with [[D] within16.Something like a caste line is emerging centered around knowledge. far behind in the Individuals who fall too of knowledge at a young age will le to catch up later, no matter how hard they try.find it almost impossib [A] control[B] mastery C] search [[D] pursuit17.Unlike their western counterparts, they are not so much frightened by mass media’s potential to magnify, distort, and expose. The problem lies more in the lack of professional support available to them. In most Asian companies the nction either does not exist or is public affairs fu _ routine chores removed he CEO to communicate with wider audiences.from helping t [A] resigned[B] assignedC] awardedd [[D]istributed18.He must use this surplus in three ways: as seed for sowing, as an insurance ________the unpredictable effects of bad weather and as a commodity which he replace old agricultural implements and obtain chemical soil.must sell in ord er to feed the fertilizers to [A] for[B] against[C] of [D] towards。

)3.【答案】C 【解析】A“质量”和“增加”,“信心”和“果断”搭配不当;B“谈论”和“热议”语义重复;D“在…后,将”成分残缺,没主语。
4.【答案】A 【解析】首先通读5个句子,知道大意是有关端午节的起源演变的,可以从时间顺序考虑排序。

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必考词Unit 1dilute 冲淡;削弱,降低;稀释的,冲淡的dim 暗淡的,模糊的;愚笨的;不乐观的diminish 削弱,减少,缩小;贬低,轻视pose 摆姿势,炫耀;提出;陈述;产生,引起,造成;冒充,假扮;姿势;姿态position 位置,地方;地位,身份,等级;职位;姿态;见解,立场,态度;处境,状况;安置;安装;使处于,定位positive 积极乐观的,自信的;确实的,明确的,肯定的;积极的,建设性的;十足的,完全的;优势,优点possess 拥有(某物);拥有(某种品质或才能);支配,控制possession 拥有;所有权;财产,所有物amateur 业余爱好者;外行;业余爱好的;外行的amaze 使惊愕,使惊异ambiguous 含糊不清的,模棱两可的,不明确的ambition 野心;雄心,抱负;追求的目标ambitious 有雄心的,野心勃勃的;费力的;耗时的;耗资的;艰巨的bubble 水泡,气泡;幻想的计划budget 预算;财政收支状况;做预算,按计划花钱build 体形,体格,身材;结构;建造,建立business 商业,生意,营业额;任务,职责,公事;企业,公司,店铺,商号compress 压缩;精简,浓缩comprise 包含,包括;构成,组成compromise 妥协,折中conceive 构想出,设想;想象;认为concentrate 集中,专心;浓缩;浓缩物concept 观念,概念conception 概念,观念,计划,意图;设想;怀孕concern 关心,挂念;涉及,关系到concise 简明的,简洁的concrete 具体的,确实的;混凝土;用混凝土修筑conclude 结束,终止;断定,下结论;缔结;议定conclusion 结束,终结;结论,推论confer 商谈,商议;授予,赋予conference 会议,讨论会confess 坦白,承认,忏悔epidemic 流行性的,传染的;流行病;泛滥,传播episode 片断,一段情节;一集epoch 时代,纪元,时期indifferent 冷淡的,不关心的,不积极的;一般的,平庸的;不偏的,中立的indignant 愤怒的,愤慨的indignation 愤怒,愤慨indispensable 必不可少的,必需的individual 个人的,单独的;独特的;个人,与众不同的人mess 混乱,困境;脏乱;弄脏,弄乱message 通讯,消息,信息;启示,要旨,主题思想,寓意;(用电脑、手机等)给……发消息messenger 送信者,使者method 方法,措施;方式;条理,规律militant 好战的,积极从事或支持使用武力的,激进的military 军事的,军用的,军队的;军队,军方,军人mind 头脑,精神;悟性;注意力;在乎redeem 补救,弥补;(尤指基督教的)拯救,救赎;付清;兑现;履行,遵守reduce 减少,缩小;简化;还原reduction 减少,缩小refer 提到;参考;询问,查询reference 提及,涉及;参考,参照;查阅;推荐信spoil 损坏,毁坏;宠坏,溺爱sponsor 发起者,赞助者;发起,举办;资助,赞助spread 伸展;散布,传播;(使)蔓延,扩散,延伸;广泛,多样;差额,价差spur 促进,激励,鞭策;刺激spy 间谍,密探;刺探;搜集情报;发现stability 稳定(性),安定(性)stable 稳定的,安定的;沉稳的,可靠的staff 全体职员,行政人员;为(某部门)配备人员stage 舞台;阶段,时期;步骤必考词Unit 2anguish 极度痛苦,苦恼;使痛苦,悲痛annoy 使恼怒,使生气;打搅,骚扰annual 每年的;全年的;年刊,年鉴anonymous 匿名的;无特色的answer 答案,回答;响应;符合anticipate 预期,期望;先发制人;使提前发生anxiety 焦虑,担心,不安;渴望,热望anxious 焦虑的,发愁的;渴望的,急切的apart 分离,分开;相隔;单独地,个别地;分离的component 一部分的,组成的;组成部分,成份,部件compose 组成;创作;使平静composition 作品;作曲;结构;组成comprehend 理解,了解comprehension 理解,了解comprehensive 广泛的,综合的condemn 谴责;判刑condense 压缩,凝结,使简洁condition 状况,状态;环境,情况conduct 行为,举止;引导;处理;指挥;传导conductor 领队,指挥;售票员,列车员;导体,导线disable 使残疾(废)disappear 不见,消失disappoint 使失望,使扫兴discipline 纪律;训练,自制力;行为准则;(尤指大学里的)学科,专业,科目disclose 揭露,透露,使公开discover 发现discovery 发现;被发现的事物hoist 举起,升起,吊起hold 抓住;抑制;容纳;举行;掌握;控制holder 持有者,占有者;支持物narrative 叙述性的;叙述narrow 狭窄的;狭隘的nasty 龌龊的;下流的,讨厌的,严重的nation 民族,国家national 民族的,国家的,国立的nationality 国籍;民族native 本地的,本国的;天生的;本地人,本国人natural 自然的;天生的nature 大自然;本性,天性overall 全面的,总体的;全部;总体上;工作服,工装裤overcome 克服,占胜overlap 重叠,部分重叠portion 部分,分配possibility 可能,可能性;希望;机会possible 可能的;潜在的,合适的,合适的人(或物)potential 潜在性,可能性;潜在的,可能的pour 倒,注,灌;倾泻,涌流reflect 反映,表现;反省;考虑reflection/reflexion 影像,倒影;考虑,沉思;想法reform 改革;改造,改过自新;变革,改善stand 站立;坐落,位于;坚持;经受,忍受;台,座standard 标准,水平,规格,规范;普通的,标准的standpoint 立场,观点start 开始;出发;启动;开端,开始,起点;吃惊startle 惊讶,惊吓,使吃惊starve 挨饿;急需,渴望state 状态,情况;国,州;陈述,说明statement 声明,陈述statesman 政治家,国务活动家statistics 统计数据;统计资料;统计学statue 塑像,雕塑status 地位,身份;情形,状况statute 法令,法规,规则,条例stay 停留;保持;逗留;作客steady 牢固的;坚定的;使稳固,使稳定steer 掌舵,驾驶;带领,指导stem 茎,干;制止,阻止;起源于某事物step 脚步;台阶;步骤,措施;踏,走stern 严厉的,严肃的,严格的;船尾,飞机尾部必考词Unit 3confine 幽禁,禁闭;限制,使局限confirm 加强,巩固;证实,肯定;确认conflict 战争,战斗;冲突,抵触confidence 信任,信心,把握confident 确信的,自信的confidential 秘密的,机密的;亲信的trail 踪迹,痕迹;追踪,跟踪train 列车,火车;行列,一串;训练,培养training 训练,培养trait 特征,特点,特性traitor 叛徒,卖国贼victim 牺牲品,受害者view 景象,风景;见解;观察;看待;考虑viewpoint 观点violence 暴力,暴行;狂热;激烈violent 猛烈的,激烈的virtual 实际上的,事实上的virtue 美德;优点,长处apparent 显然的;表面上的appeal 有感染力;求助;申诉;恳求appear 出现,暴露;出场;问世;来到;仿佛appearance 出现,露面;外表,外貌appliance 用具,器具applicable 能应用的,适用的application 请求,申请;适用,应用appoint 任命,委派;约定,指定appointment 约会;预约;任命,委托;职务,职位apply 应用,使用;使专注于;申请,请求appreciate 欣赏;感激;理解;涨价,增值discriminate 区别,辨别;歧视discuss 讨论,商议disease 疾病disgrace 使丢脸;使失去地位;耻辱;失势escape 逃跑,逃脱;躲避,避免especially 特别,尤其essay 文章,短文;企图,试图essence 本质,实质;要素essential 必要的,必不可少的;本质的,基本的establish 建立,设立;查实;安置,使定居;派任estimate 估计,估价ethic 道德体系;行为准则;伦理学,道德学ethnic 民族的,种族的;少数民族的成员evaluate 估价,评价industrial 工业的,产业的industrializ(s)e 工业化industry 工业,产业;勤劳,勤奋inevitable 不可避免的,必然发生的miserable 痛苦的,悲惨的misery 痛苦,悲惨,不幸mislead 把……引入歧途;使产生错误想法,欺骗mix 混合,合群;混淆mixture 混合,混合物necessary 必需的,必要的;必然的,无法避免的necessitate 使成为必要,需要;迫使necessity 必要;必需品;必然性;迫不得已;贫困negative 否定的,消极的;阴性的;负数negotiate 谈判,交涉,商议outer 外部的,外面的,外层的outlet 出路,出口;发泄途径outline 轮廓,外形;提纲,大纲,梗概outlook 景色,风光;观点,见解;前景,展望output 产量,输出量poverty 贫穷,贫困power 能力;功率,动力;权力,势力,政权practical 实际的,实用的practice 练习;实践;业务,开业practise 实践,实习,训练;从事practitioner 实习者;从业者preach 讲道,说教;竭力鼓吹,宣传precede 在前,先于precaution 预防,警惕;预防措施precedent 先例;在前的,优先的preceding 在前的,前面的,在先的precious 珍贵的,贵重的precise 精确的,准确的precision 精确,精密度必考词Unit 4stick 棍,棒,拐杖;刺,戳;粘住,粘贴stimulate 刺激,促使;使兴奋stir 搅动,搅拌;移动;引起,轰动,骚乱stock 原料,库存;资本,股票;储存,供应store 商店,店铺;贮藏;贮备storage 储存,储藏,保管;库房approach 靠近,接近;处理,对付;方法,态度appropriate 恰当的,相称的approval 赞成,批准,同意,认可approve 批准,通过;赞成,同意apt 恰当的;聪明的conform 相似,一致,符合;遵从,适应confront 面临,遭遇;勇敢地面对,正视confuse 使混乱,混淆confusion 混乱,混淆congress (代表)大会;国会,议会connect 连接;联系,结合connection/connexion 联系;连接conscious 神志清醒的;意识到的,自觉的dismiss 解雇,免职disorder 混乱;骚乱;失调,疾病disperse 分散,驱散,散去displace 转移;替代,撤换display 陈列,展览evidence 形迹,迹象;根据,证据evident 明显的,明白的evil 邪恶的,罪恶的;邪恶,罪恶evolution 进化,发展,演化evolve 使发展,使进化,演变exaggerate 夸张,夸大examine 检查,细查fruitful 多产的,果实累累的;富有成效的frustrate 挫败,阻挠,使灰心;使无效infer 推断,推定inference 推论,推理;结论,推断结果inferior 下等的,下级的;差的;下级,晚辈influence 影响,感化;势力,权势influential 有影响的;权势的inform 通知,报告;告发,告密information 情报,资料,消息;信息mock 嘲笑,嘲弄;挫败;仿制的,假装的;模拟的mode 方式,式样model 模型,原型;模式;榜样;仿效,模仿;模范的,榜样的moderate 温和的,有节制的;适度的,中等的modern 现代的,近代的,新式的moderniz(s)ation 现代化modest 谦逊的;适度的modify 修改;缓和,减轻;修饰overlook 眺望;忽略;宽容,放任overseas 外国的,海外的;在海外predecessor 前辈,前任;原有事物predict 预言,预测,预告preface 序言,引言,前言preferable 更可取的,更好的preference 偏爱,优待,优惠;优先(权)prejudice 偏见,歧视;损害,侵害preliminary 预备的,初步的premier 首相,总理premise 前提;假定;营业场所;引导premium 额外费用;奖金;保险费;学费preparation 准备,预备;制剂reject 拒绝,驳回;排斥,退掉rejoice 感到高兴,充满喜悦relate 讲述,叙述;联系relation 关系,联系;亲属,亲戚relationship 关系,联系relative 亲属,亲戚;比较的,相对的;相关的relativity 相关(性),相对论relevant 有关的,相称的;有重大关系的;有意义的必考词Unit 5holy 神圣的,圣洁的honor/honour 尊敬;荣誉,光荣;荣幸honorable/honourable 尊敬的,高尚的;荣誉的,光荣的horizon 地平(线);范围,眼界,见识horizontal 水平的,地平线的;水平线ingenious 灵巧的,机灵的;巧妙的ingredient 组成部分,成分initial 最初的,开头的;词首的;词首大写字母initiate 开始,发起;使初步了解initiative 主动性;进取心local 地方的,当地的;局部的locality 位置,地点locate 指出;使……坐落于,位于location 位置,场所neglect 忽视,忽略;疏忽,玩忽negligible 疏忽的,微不足道的prescribe 规定,指定;开处方prescription 药方,开药;计划;建议;秘诀presence 出席,到场;存在present 赠送,给予;提出,呈现;礼品;现在presently 一会儿,不久;现在,目前preserve 保护,保存preside 主持,主管,担任(会议)主席;掌管,领导press 新闻界;出版社,印刷厂;报道;挤压,榨取;催促,逼迫pressure 压(力);强制,压迫prestige 威望,威信;影响力presumably 推测起来,大概presume 推测;假设;认为,推定prevent 防止,预防previous 先前的,以前的;在……之前prey 受损害者;牺牲品;捕食;掠夺;损害reliable 可靠的reliance 依靠,依赖religion 宗教,信仰;信念,信条religious 宗教的;虔诚的rely 依赖,依靠;信赖,信任straight 笔直的;端正的;正直的;直率地straightforward 正直的,坦率的;简单的strain 使紧张;使损伤;拉力,张力;努力,尽力strategy 战略,策略strength 力量,实力,活力,效力strengthen 加强,巩固strenuous 努力的;精力充沛的;紧张的;热心的transaction 办理,处理,交易,事务transfer 转移;转让;迁移;调动transform 改变,改造;转(变)换;使改观transient 短暂的;临时的translation 翻译,译文,译本visible 可见的;明显的,有形的vision 视力,视觉;想象;目光visual 看的,视觉的architect 建筑师,设计师;缔造者,创造者architecture 建筑学;建筑风格,建筑式样area 地区,区域;范围,领域argue 争论,辩论,主张,说服argument 争论,辩论;论据,论点arise 形成,产生;上升;起立arouse 引起,唤起,激起;唤醒array 大量;排列,队形;部署;穿着,打扮consequence 结果,后果;影响;重要性consequently 因而,所以conservation 保存,保护,避免损失conservative 保守的,守旧的;保守主义者consider 考虑;认为;体贴,关心considerable 相当多的,可观的considerate 考虑周到的,体谅的dispute 争论,争执dissolve 溶解,融化;解散,取消environment 环境,客观环境,自然环境,生态环境enterprise 事业心,进取心;事业,企(事)业单位entertain 招待,款待;使有兴趣entertainment 招待,款待;文娱节目必考词Unit 6console 安慰,慰问;控制台,仪表板consist 组成,构成;一致,符合consistent 前后一致的,始终如一的constant 坚定的,永恒的,忠实的;经常的,不断的constituent 构成的,组成的;成分,要素constitute 组成,构成;建立,制定constitution 构成,构造;体格,体质;宪法constrain 强迫(某人)做某事;概述,概括construct 建造,构造;创立,构思consume 消耗,花费;耗尽consumption 消费;消耗;肺结核,肺病distinct 有区别的;明显的distinction 差别,区分distinguish 区别,辨别;使杰出distribute 分配;分布,散布distort 扭曲;歪曲,曲解distract 使转向;使分心,分散exchange 交换,兑换;交流,交易exclude 拒绝,排斥exclusive 专有的,独占的;除外的;(商品、商店等)高档的;独家新闻assassinate 暗杀,行刺;破坏assault 攻击,袭击;强暴assemble 集合,召集;装配,组装assembly 集合,集会;装配,安装assert 主张,维护fulfil/fulfill 履行,实现,完成;(使)满意function 功能,职责;运行,起作用fund 资金,基金;储备,蕴藏fundamental 基础的,基本的;基本原则household 家庭;家庭的however 无论如何,不管怎样;然而huddle 蜷缩;聚集在一起monopoly 垄断,专卖monotonous 单调无聊的,毫无变化的mood 心境,情绪;语气primary 初级的,最初的;首要的;基本的prime 第一的,原始的;初期,全盛时期;使准备好,做准备primitive 早期的;简单的,粗糙的,落后的principal 最重要的,主要的;负责人;资本;主角;当事人principle 原理,原则prove 证明;检验,考验,鉴定provide 提供;规定provided 倘若,只要,假如prudent 谨慎的,小心的;有先见之明的psychiatry 精神病学,精神病治疗法psychology 心理学,心理;心理特征stress 压力,紧张;着重,强调stretch 伸长;延伸;延续;使倾注全力;一片,一段stride 阔步前进;大步,阔步strike 打击,进攻;罢工;偶然发现striking 显著的,突出的string 细绳;一连串,一系列;串起structure 建筑物;结构,构造stun 使震惊,使晕倒;晕眩,惊倒transmission 播送,发射,传送,传染,传播transmit 传送,传递;播送,发射;传染,传播transplant 移植,移种;移居transport 运输,运送;运输系统,运载工具liability 责任,义务;债务;倾向liable 负有(法律)责任的,有义务的;易出问题的,易患病的liberal 不严格的;(政治或经济上)自由的,支持(社会、政治)变革的;慷慨的;宽容的人,开明的人liberate 解放,释放,使自由license/licence 许可证,执照;准许,认可vital (有)生命力的;致命的,极其重要的vivid 鲜艳的;生动的,栩栩如生的void 没有的,缺乏的volume 容积,体积;卷,册;音量必考词Unit 7remote 疏远的,远离的;遥远的,偏僻的remove 搬迁,移动;挪走;消除;开除,撤职removal 移动,迁居;除去,切除remain 剩下,余留;留待;仍然是remainder 剩余物,残余部分;其他人员;余数remains 残余;遗迹,废墟remedy 治疗,药品;补救,纠正;革除,消除remember 记得,回想起remind 提醒,使想起render 使成为;给予,回报;提出contemporary 同时代的;当代的;同代人contempt 轻视,轻蔑content 容量;内容;满足,愿意contend 竞争,争夺;声称,主张contest 竞赛,比赛;争夺,争论context 语境;环境,背景continual 不断的,连续的continue 连续,继续continuous 连续的,持续的contract 合同,契约;缩小,缩短,缩紧contradict 反驳;同……相矛盾contrary 相反的,对抗的;对方的;反对,对立面contrast 使成对比;对照,对比diverse 多种多样的,不同的diversion 转向,转移;娱乐,消遣divert 转移某人的注意力;转向;挪用资金divide 划分;分配;分开,隔开dividend 股息,红利,报酬division 分开,分配;部门;分歧document 文件,文献documentary 文献的,文件的;纪录片execute 实行,实施,履行executive 实行的,执行的,行政的;总经理,董事exemplify 列举,举例证明exert 用(力),尽(力);发挥;施加(压力等) exhaust 抽完;耗尽;排气装置;废气exist 存在,生活existence 存在,生存,生活exotic 由外国引进的;吸引人的;外来物,外来语innocent 清白的,无罪的;天真的,单纯的innovation 革新,改革;新方法,新技术,新思想moral 道德的,道义的;寓意morality 道德,美德moreover 再者,此外,而且mostly 主要地,大部分,基本上prior 先前的;优先的;更重要的priority 先前,优先,优先权privacy 隐居;私事,隐私private 私人的,个体的;秘密的privilege 特权,优惠;特殊的待遇subject 题目,主题;学科,科目;受……支配的;需要……的subjective 主观的,个人的submit 屈服,投降;听从;提交subordinate 下级的;附属的,次要的subscribe 捐助;订阅;同意;签名subsequent 随后的,后来的substance 物质;基本内容;财力,资产substantial 实质的,真实的;坚固的;大量的,富裕的;重要的substitute 代替者,代替物;代替,替换subtle 微妙的;细致的;敏锐的;精妙的treat 对待,处理;论述,探讨;款待,请客treaty 条约trend 倾向,趋势;时髦,时尚associate 联系,联合,结合;联合的,合伙的association 协会,团体;联系;联想amend 修改,修订;改进,改善among(st) 在……之中,在……中间amount 数量,总额;达到……之多ample 充足的,丰富的;宽敞的,面积大的amuse 逗乐,给……提供娱乐anchor 精神支柱;抛锚,停留;固定,扎根必考词Unit 8acclaim 喝彩,欢呼;称赞accommodate 使适应;调和;帮助;容纳,接纳accommodation(s) 住宿,留宿accompany 陪伴,伴随accomplish 达到,完成,实现;走完,度完account 账目,账户,账单;描述,叙述;认为,视为;说明,解释;占(一定数量或比例) accountant 会计,会计师;账房,出纳bias 偏见;偏重;使有偏见,偏向bid 祝愿;命令,吩咐;出价,投标bill 账单;招贴,广告;法案;清单;钞票billion 十亿,万亿birth 出生,分娩;出身,血统charge 收(费);使充满;控告;负荷;价钱,费用charm 美貌;魅力;使陶醉,迷住chase 追逐,追求demand 要求;查问;请求democracy 民主,民主制;民主国家democratic 民主的demonstrate 论证,证明;表明;宣传;游行,示威denote 表示;意思是denial 否认;拒绝,拒绝给予deny 否定,否认department 部,局,处;系,学部depend 取决于,依靠dependent 依靠的,依赖的deposit 使沉积;存放;沉淀物;存款;保证金depress 使沮丧,使消沉;使不景气,使萧条emerge 出现,浮现emergency 紧急情况,突然事件,非常时刻eminent 著名的,杰出的,卓越的;明显的,突出的emotion 情绪,情感fear 害怕,畏惧;担心fearful 担心的;可怕的feature 特征,特色;特写federal 联邦的federation 同盟,联邦,联盟,联邦政府feed 喂养,饲养;向……提供feedback 反馈feeling 感情;心情;知觉;同情fertile 肥沃的,富饶的;能繁殖的goal 目的,目标;守门员,球门;进球goods 商品,货物govern 统治,管理;决定,支配;抑制,控制government 政府,内阁;管理,支配;政治,政体governor 总督,州长;主管人员,理事gradual 逐渐的,逐步的graduate 毕业;获学位;有学位的,毕业的,毕业生grand 盛大的,豪华的;重大的,主要的grant 同意,准予;授予heap 大量,许多;堆积;装满heal 治愈;调停,消除,克服health 健康,健康状况;卫生healthy 健康的,健壮的;卫生的hesitate 犹豫,踌躇;含糊highlight 使显著,使突出;强调;最有意思或精彩的部分highland 高地,高原;高原的highly 高度地,非常;赞许地immediate 立即的;直接的,最接近的immense 广大的,巨大的immerse 使浸没;使专心于immigrant 移民,侨民immune 免除的,豁免的;不受影响的;有免疫力的likely 很可能的,有希望的;大概,多半likelihood 可能性likewise 同样(照样)地;又,也,而且必考词Unit 9perform 演奏,演出,表演;执行,完成;工作,表现performance 执行;表演;表现,行为period 周期;时期,时代;学时,课时;句点periodical 周期的,定期的;期刊,杂志perish 死亡;毁灭,消亡;腐败,腐烂perpetual 永恒的;反复的;没完没了的perplex 使困惑,使茫然;使复杂化personal 个人的,私人的;人身的,本人的personality 人格,个性personnel 全体人员;人事(部门)perspective 观点,看法;判断力,洞察力;透视图;景观pessimistic 悲观的optimistic 乐观的optimum 最适宜的,最有利的option 选项,选择权;买卖的特权optional 可以任选的,非强制的organ 机构;器官;风琴organic 器官的;有机的,绿色的organism 生物体,有机体organiz(s)ation 团体,机构;组织;组织性,系统性organiz(s)e 组织;使有条理rake 耙,耙状物;大量搜索,翻检rare 稀少的,珍贵的;稀薄的rarely 很少,难得,非常地rate 比率;速度;费率;价格;等级,品级;评估;定级ratio 比,比率rational 理性的,合理的reach 抵达,到达;触到;能达到的范围react 反应,起作用realistic 现实(主义)的reality 现实,实际;真实的事物realiz(s)e 认识到,了解到;实现select 选择,挑选;精选的,选择的selection 选择,挑选;精选物,选集self 个性,自我,自己;本来面目;个人利益;私心selfish 自私的,利己的sell 出售;让人失望的东西send 发送,传达;派遣;使做出;使表现出senior 年长的;地位较高的;(大学)四年级学生sensation 感觉,知觉;激动;轰动sense 感觉,感官;观念,意识;合理性;含义;感觉到,意识到sensible 明智的,合情理的;明显的sensitive 敏感的,易受伤害的;灵敏的separate 分开的,分离的;隔开sequence 先后,次序,连续serial 连续的;连载的;连载小说,连续电视;定期刊物series 连续,一系列serious 严肃的;严重的,危险的;认真的toast 烤面包,吐司;烘,烤together 共同,一起token 表示,标志,象征;纪念品;礼券,筹码;象征性的tolerance 容忍,耐性tolerant 容忍的,宽容的tolerate 容忍,默许accumulate 积累,积攒,积聚accuracy 准确性accurate 准确的,正确无误的accuse 指控,指责achieve 达到;完成,成功acknowledge 承认,供认board 板,木板;理事会,董事会boast 自吹自擂,夸耀,吹嘘;有,包含bonus 奖金;红利;补贴boom 繁荣期,迅速发展;兴起;暴涨,激增boost 增加,提高;帮助,鼓励cheer 喝彩,欢呼;鼓舞,鼓励choice 选择,挑选;精选的,优质的choose 选择,挑选;喜欢,愿意chemical 化学的;化学制品,化学药品cherish 珍爱,珍视;爱护,关心;抱有,怀有chip 打破;切削;薄片;碎屑verbal 用言辞的,用文字的;口头的verdict 判断,裁定;定论,意见verify 证明,证实;查对,查清verse 韵文,诗;诗句version 版本;译文;翻译;说法,看法vessel 船,舰;容器,器皿;管,血管必考词Unit 10meditate 沉思,冥想;考虑,谋划meditation 沉思,冥想;打算,熟虑medium 中间,中庸;媒介物,传导体deprive 剥夺,使丧失derive 取得,得到describe 形容,描述description 描述,形容;种类,类型deserve 值得,应得design 设计,绘制;图样designate 指明,标明;指定,指派desirable 称心的,合意的desire 希望,渴望;欲望,要求flaw 裂缝;缺陷,缺点flexible 柔韧的;易弯曲的;可变通的fling 扔,掷,抛,丢flourish 炫耀;繁荣,兴旺;挥舞grow 增长;生长,成长;种植,栽种grown-up 成熟的,成人的;成年人growth 生长,增长,发展hinder 妨碍,阻止hint 暗示;建议;线索,细微的迹象hitherto 到目前为止,迄今impact 冲击,撞击;影响,作用impair 削弱,减少;损害,损伤impart 传授;告知,透露implement 实施,执行;工具,用具implication 含意,暗示implicit 含蓄的;无疑问的,绝对的imply 意指,意味着,暗示import 进口,输入;进口商品;要旨,含意importance 重要(性),重大important 重要的,重大的;有权力的impose 征(税);利用,占便宜impress 盖印;留下印象;铭记;压痕impression 印象,感想;盖印,压痕;印数impressive 给人深刻印象的,感人的improve 改善,增进,提高impulse 推动,驱动;冲动,一时的念头limit 界限,范围;限制,限定limitation 限制,局限性limited 有限的,被限制的origin 起源,由来;出身,血统original 最初的,原始的;新颖的,有独创性的;原物,原作,原文originate 发源,产生,引起;开创,发明petition 请愿,请愿书;申请书;正式的请求,要求phase 阶段,时期;相,相位phenomenon 现象;非凡的人、物或事philosopher 哲学家,哲人philosophy 哲学phrase 短语,词语,习语physical 自然科学的,物理的;肉体的,身体的;物质的,有形的physician 医师,内科医生pierce 刺入,穿透;看透,识破reason 理由,原因;道理;理性;推理;辩论reasonable 合理的,有道理的,通情达理的recent 新近的,近来的serve 服务,履行职责;接待顾客servant 仆人,佣工service 服务,帮助;公共设施,公共事业;维修,保养set 放置;确定,决定;树立;创造;调整;约定的,规定的,习惯的;一套,一副,一组setback 挫折,退步;复发;延迟,阻碍setting 安置,安装;环境,背景settle 安定,安顿;定居;解决settlement 解决,决定;新住宅区several 几个,一些;各自的;分别的severe 严厉的,严格的;剧烈的,严重的shape 形状;体形;状况;种类;塑造,形成share 一份,份额,一部分;股份;分享;分摊;分配sharp 锋利的;鲜明的;突然的;敏锐的;准时地shelter 掩蔽处;掩蔽;庇护;躲避sophisticated 老练的;复杂的;精密的;尖端的,高度发展的sovereign 君主,统治;至高无上的;独立自主的,完全的sow 播种;传播;激起toll 代价;损失;钟声;鸣钟tone 音调,音色,风气,气氛;腔调,语气topic 话题,主题,题目必考词Unit 11choke 使停止呼吸;窒息;抑制chop 削减,降低;终止;取消;劈,砍,剁;排骨,肉块circumstance 情况,形势,环境cite 引用,引证,举(例)claim 要求,主张;索赔;权利clear 明白的;清澈的;通畅的,无阻的;清楚地;证明;使清楚border 边界,边境,边沿;邻接,毗邻bore 使厌烦,使厌倦;钻孔;麻烦;(管道、枪管等的)内径,口径born 天生的,生来的bother 打扰;烦恼,操心;麻烦acquire 取得,获得;学到acquisition 获得;获得物act 行动,做事;起作用;行为;法令,条例action 行动;行为;作用;战斗activate 使激活,使加快;启动,使活动active 活跃的;积极的;现行的activity 活跃;行动;活性,活力actual 实在的,实际的acute 有观察力的,敏锐的;剧烈的;严重的;急性的despise 蔑视,鄙视despite 不管,不顾;即使,尽管energetic 有力的,精力旺盛的energy 活力,精力;能量,能源enforce 强迫;实施,使生效;坚持engage 尽力理解;雇,聘;吸引;占用engagement 约会,约定;婚约,订婚fold 折叠;褶,褶痕folk 人们;民间的follow 跟随,接着;领会;遵循;结果是following 接着的,下列的force 力量;势力;军队,兵力;强迫,迫使fore 在前部的;重要的;前部forecast 预测,预报foresee 预见,预知forge 锻造;伪造;编造;锻铁炉,铁匠铺grim 严厉的,严峻的;令人不愉快的;极其简陋的grasp 抓住,抓紧;掌握,领会grip 抓紧;吸引住;吸引力gross 总的;严重的,极端的;粗俗的;总共赚得ground 地面,土地;场所;根据,理由group 组;群;批;类;簇;集团;团体;乐团;(使)成群,成组guarantee 保证,保证书;担保guard 守卫,保卫;看守include 包括,包含,计入inclusive 包括的,包含的;范围广的income 收入,收益incorporate 包含,吸收;合并,混合increase 增加,增长,增进increasingly 不断增加地,日益incredible 难以置信的,惊人的,不可思议的incur 招致,引起,遭受link 连接,联系;环节list 表,目录,清单;列入表内;高兴,称心literally 照字面意义地;确实地,真正地literary 文学的;精通文学的literature 文学,文学作品,文献memo 备忘录memorial 追悼的,纪念的;纪念物,纪念碑,纪念馆memory 记忆,记忆力;存储mental 精神的,智力的mention 提及,说起other 另外的,别的;其他人或物otherwise 否则;不同地;在其他方面outcome 结果,成果sign 标记,符号,招牌;征兆,迹象;签名(于),签署(于)signature 签名,署名,签字signal 信号,暗号;发信号significance 意义,含义;重要性,重大significant 有意义的;重要的,重大的signify 表示,表明,预示;有重要性similar 相似的,类似的simple 简单的;直率的,朴素的;迟钝的simplicity 简单;朴素;直率,单纯simplify 简化,使单纯simply 仅仅,不过;确实;简单地,朴素地slack 松弛的;松懈的;萧条的,不景气的;淡季必考词Unit 12addict 使沉溺,使上瘾;有瘾的人add 加,增加;补充说addition 加,加法;增加的人或物additional 附加的,另外的,额外的address 演说;地址,住址;称呼;对付,处理adequate 足够的,充分的;恰当的adjoin 贴近,与……毗连adjust 调节,调整;校正;适应。
考研英语资料 【红宝书】(第二套试题)答案及详解.doc

考研英语资料【红宝书】(第二套试题)答案及详解红宝书网址:【红宝书】考研英语考前预测最后冲刺 3 套题(红宝书网上附赠)(第二套试题)答案及系统详解【答案快速扫描】 1.A 2. A 3. D 4. D 5. D 6.B 7. C 8. C 9. B 10.C 11.D 12. B 13.A 14.B 15.C 16.A 17. C 18.A 19.B 20.C 21.D 22.C 23.C 24.D 25.C 26.B 27A 28.D 29.C 30.B 31.A 32.B 33.D 34.D 35.B 36.D 37.B 38.B 39.C 40.C 41.G 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.E1w w w w . h o n g b a o s h u . c o m红宝书网址:【红宝书】考研英语考前预测最后冲刺 3 套题 Section I Use of English 【文章大意】本文主要讲述了人类体内潜在的生物钟的作用,以及其他生物节律。
潜在的生物钟这一(6)概念本不应该令人惊讶,(7)因为大多数生物的生命都由 24 小时昼夜循环所控制。
(11)如果 24 小时的节律被打乱,大部分人会经历不快的副作用。

红 宝 书考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解基 础 词第二节(Unit 8——Unit 14;第232页——280页)练习一:词汇与搭配1. It snowed heavily for three days ____ end and we were isolated from theoutside worl d.2. — “Car 17 won the race.”— “Yes, but its driver came close ____ being killed.”.3 He often acts ____ impulse. .4 It is not always reliable to argue analogy.. The party’s reduced vote was indicative 5lack of support for itspolicies.6There is a problem even for people . ___ e .mployment.7 __ shape, the house is like the letter S. .8Once he’s set his heart a thing he won’t rest till h T e gets it.9.his is much inferior the one I bought last week.0.When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay1them _. .T 11his may mean the difference between operation a profit or at a loss.12Today’s weather is an improvement .yesterday’s. .13The animal with the biggest head in relation __its b .ody is the ant.14She was so angry that she slapped him __the face.5.I don’t think it’s wise of you to show 1 _ your greater knowledge in frontof the director, for it may offend him.练习二:词汇辨析1. the right you can By turning this knob to the sound from this radio.[A] amplify [B] enlarge C] magnify [[D] reinforce 2.She is a British , but lives in India.[A] inhabitant t [B] resid en C] civil D] citizen [[3.ians arec In most cases politi as they seldom tell the truth.[A] credible s [B] credulous C] incredulou [[D] incredible4.hest Britain has the hig of road traffic in the world―over 60 cars forevery mile of road.[A] density [B] intensity C] popularity [[D] prosperity 5.curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut theAn energy tax would budget _. [A] disposition ancy [B] discrep C] defect [[D] deficit 6. _My brother is an engineer.[A] electric [B] electrical C] electricity [[D] electronic7.I can’t _ wha g t has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly. picked this mornin [A] figure out [B] draw out C] look out [[D] work out 8.of the white, Australia wasBefore the arrival __ solely by Aborigines.[A] lived [B] resid ed C] dwelled D]inhabited [[9. The doctor tried to the patient’s suffering.[A] diminish [B] reduce C] decrease [[ D] alleviate 10.S arching for the oldest tree cientists are se because it can teach themmany matters. a great deal about [A] live [B] lively C] living [[D] alive 11.e end justifies theDo you think that th ?[A] way [B] means C] method [[D] manner 12.f words is simply a matter ofThe writer’s choice o style.[A] personal [B] private C] personnel [[D] individual 13. to act as a (n)I must find someone for me during my absence.[A] del egateentative [B] deputy C] repres [[D] agent 14.The plane was for two hours because of the heavy fog.[A] delayed[B] canceled C] postponed [[D] dismissed15.The _ of bloo d always makes him feel sick. [A] sight[B] view C] look D] form [[16.hor both tried to The artist and the aut the splendor of the sunset.[A] depict ate ribe [B] narr C] desc [[D] tell 17.eThe eld est son was th to his large fortune.[A] descendant r [B] successo C] heir [[D] follower 18. broken chair as a(n)f a He seized the l eg o __ to defend himself.[A] arms [B] tool C] weapon D] medium [[练习三:英语知识运用1.According to a recent survey, Americans also change their eating patterns to meet the needs of different situations. They have certain ideas about which foods will make them __for business meetings, or put them in the mood for romance.[A] attentive d[B] shrew C] acute [[D] alert2. _ some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been isolated from other possess language. This demonstrates that interaction with n necessary for proper language development. human beings do not n beings i other huma [A] Because [B] In caseC] Although D] Whether [[3.The antiwar movement in the 1960s, the _ Rights Movement that emerged strongly in the 1950s, and the antiabortion movement of the 1980s social movement in America that have involved both legal to achieve their goals. are all examples of ctivities and illegal a [A] Civil y [B] LibertyC] Humanit [[D] privacy4.Around the world young people are spending unbelievable sums of money to sic. Forbes magazine claims that at least fifty rock stars have listen to rock mu ________of between two million and six million dollars per year. [A] revenues [B] salaries C] wages [[D] incomes5.For some years now a research team at Vienna Technical University, headed by Drs. Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair, in cooperation with Professor Kurt Burian of the Medical Faculty of Vienna University, have pioneered the development of a hearing aid for the totally deaf in both ears. The device, which is already in production, is capable of enabling the totally deaf to achieve the derstanding of those with moderately severe hearing level of speech un —a considerabl e social and economic importance. breakthrough of [A] ability [B] aidsC] defects [[D] organ6.The latter may commit crimes _lack of adequate parental control. All e tentative and are subject to criticism. theories, however, ar [A] on [B] inC] for [[D] with7.The continental ice sheet is more than two miles high at its center; thus, the air over the Antarctic is far more refrigerated than it is over the Arctic regions. This cold air cascad es off the land with such that it makes the nearby eas the stormiest in the world and renders unlivable those regions whose ounterparts at the opposite end of the globe are inhabited. s c[A] force s [B] roughnes C] influence [[D] coldness8.But at the beginning of this century, the tango was refined, so that it lost its was preformed in fashionable casino ballrooms. The tango, in uropean erotic features. It ticated E its sophis , became popular in England and in the USA. [A] shape [B] formC] format [[D] contour9.The Police are grateful the good publicity and their new image, where there are black ghettos. White policemen are now ve towards their fellow back citizens. especially in cities l of how they speak and beha carefu [A] for [B] toC] in [[D] on10.British officials, who the United States as the pacesetter both in illegal drug use and the fight against it, have consulted closely with their US counterparts in planning strategy. The government has begun stationing customs officers in countries that are primary sources of heroin, like Pakistan, g money abroad to encourage substitution of poppy crops and it is contributin by others.[A] follow dt [B] regar C] accep lo [[D]ok11.Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in reased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing school, the inc of child neglect. child abuse and [A] incidence [B] awareness C] exposure D] popularity [[12.For example, changes in the economy that to fewer job opportunities and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment ly difficult to obtain. for youth g increasin [A] point [B] lead [C] come [D] amount13.Today, most countries in the world have canals. Many countries have built ar the coast, and parallel to the coast. Even in the twentieth century, e moved more cheaply by boat than by any other canals ne goods can b of transport. [A] way [B] means C] method [[D] approach14.The reind eer, in fact, nearly all the needs of certain wand ering tribes in the far north. The reindeer carries burdens, pulls sleds, and provides d meat. To many people, a domestic animal is a pet. Pets are kept for nship and to satisfy people’s desire to take care of something. milk an companio [A] has s [B] keeps C] realize [[D] meets15.In 2001, in the home, cookers will be set so that you can cook a complete meal at the touch of a switch. Tel evision will provide information on prices at _the shops as well as news and entertainment. Videophones will bring well as sound to telephone conversations. pictures as [A] near [B] nearby C] nearly [[D] nearer16.The tango has probably traveled further and gone through more changes than almost any other dance. African slaves brought the tango to Haiti and Cuba in the 18th century; in Cuba, the tango was influenced by the local Cuban dance, referred to as “the Havana”. From there took the tango to Argentina in he 19th century, where it was changed once again and became popular in the lums. t s[A] immigrants [B] emigrants C] immigrates [[D] emigrates17.In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are on the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. e difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain , and raise a family. It can b friendships [A] rare [B] scarce C] seared re [[D]lieved18.The status of women in colonial North America has been well studied and described and can be briefly summarized. Throughout the colonial period there age was a marked short __women, which varied with the regions and was e frontier areas. always greatest in th [A] with[B] of C] in a [[D]t19.Most Asian business leaders are instinctively good at relationship building ________direct communic ommunica ations. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While tions is whil e, it’s not enough in today’s big business. face to face c [A] throughout[B] through C] thereby d [[D]uring20.How do the rock stars use their money? What do they do when the money e water? Most of the young stars simply throw the starts pouring in lik money . Many rock stars live like Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane. [A] off ndn [B] arou C] dow D] out [[练习四:语法与词汇1. The gloves were too really too small, and it was only by ________them that I managed to get themon.A. spreadingB. squeezingC. extendingD. stretching2.To say that a soldier in battle is like a tiger may be a descriptive ________,but it doesn't mean that he is on all fours, roaring and waging his tail.A. analysisB. metaphoryC. analogD. simile3.ome medication to ________my pain in the back.The doctor gave me sA. aggravateB. slaughterC. alleviateD. shatter4.The idea of a balanced diet is hard to ________to those who knows nothing about nutriology.A. put acrossB. put throughC. put downD. put forward5.It was obvious that John had been drinking far too much from the way he came ________down the street.A. limpingB. staggeringC. stumblingD. hobblingAt the party we found th6.at shy girl ________her mother all the time.A. depending onB. coinciding withC. adhering toD. clinging t o7.As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both ________targets and moving targets.A. standingB. stationaryC. stillD. stableThis kind of materia8.l can ________heat and moisture.A. delineateB. compelainC. constrD. repelThe work in the offi9.ce was ________by a constant stream of visitors.A. confusedB. hamperedC. reversedD. perplexed10.the horizon for approaching ships.The captain ________A. scannedB. scrutinizedC. exploredD. swigged11.Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________for 30 million participants of allages.A. fantasyB. pastimeC. symposiumD. penalty答案及详解练习一1. on end 用于表示时间的复数可数名词之后,意为“连续地”:three days on end 一连三天;end 的其它搭配;in the end最后,终于;by the end (of) 之后跟表示时间的名词,意为“到……时间末为止”,与完成时连用; at the end 在……尽头。
a 考研必考词 unit1-13 (红宝书)

必考词Unit 1本单元词汇预览meditate meditation medium elaborate elegant element elementary eliminate abolish absence absent abroad absolute absorb abstract banbar bare barely bargain capable capacity capital captive capture career careful case cast casual casualty celebrity category cater cause caution cautious cease celebrate celebrity ceremony certain certainty certificate certify decline decrease deem dedicate deduce deduct fashion fashionable favo(u)r favo(u)rable favo(u)rite sit site situated situation skeleton skeptical sketchmeditate [ˈmedɪteɪt] v.【助记】medit(思考)+ate(动词后缀)→沉思【词义】①沉思,冥想(尤指精神方面的问题):I ~ in order to relax。
②考虑,谋划,暗自策划: ~ revenge, mischief, etc策划复仇、恶作剧等【派生】meditative [ˈmedɪtatɪv] adj. 沉思的meditation [ˌmedɪˈteɪʃn] n.【助记】medit(思考)+ation(名词后缀)→沉思【词义】①沉思,冥想(u): Meditation is not only relaxing the body, but also training the brain.冥想不仅放松了身体,同时也锻炼了大脑。

1.___with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not high at all.B.ComparecomparedWhenA.comparing D.ComparingWhileC.【解析】该题考查非谓语动词。
其中句子主语为the highest mountain,它与the size of the whole earth之间的比较应该是被动关系,所以答案为A。
该句可转换为When the highest mountain is compared with the size of the whole earth, it does not seem high at all。
2. A new technique ___, the yields as a whole increased by 20 percent.workedouthavingout B.workingA.C. having been worked outD. to have been worked out【解析】该题考查独立主格结构。
其中A new technique与work out之间的关系是被动关系,所以排除A、B选项,而D选项为不定式完成式的被动式,常用于sb./sth. is said/believed to have (been)done...这样的句型中,表明其动作在谓语动词动作之前已发生, 如:He is said to have written some books.或His works is believed to have been translated into many languages。

%BA%A2宝书 基础词 第二节 练习题及答案详解

红 宝 书考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解基 础 词第二节(Unit 8——Unit 14;第232页——280页)练习一:词汇与搭配1. It snowed heavily for three days ____ end and we were isolated from theoutside worl d.2. — “Car 17 won the race.”— “Yes, but its driver came close ____ being killed.”.3 He often acts ____ impulse. .4 It is not always reliable to argue analogy.. The party’s reduced vote was indicative 5lack of support for itspolicies.6There is a problem even for people . ___ e .mployment.7 __ shape, the house is like the letter S. .8Once he’s set his heart a thing he won’t rest till h T e gets it.9.his is much inferior the one I bought last week.0.When workers are organized in trade unions, employers find it hard to lay1them _. .T 11his may mean the difference between operation a profit or at a loss.12Today’s weather is an improvement .yesterday’s. .13The animal with the biggest head in relation __its b .ody is the ant.14She was so angry that she slapped him __the face.5.I don’t think it’s wise of you to show 1 _ your greater knowledge in frontof the director, for it may offend him.练习二:词汇辨析1.ht you can By turning this knob to the rig ___ the sound from this radio.[A] amplify [B] enlarge C] magnify [[D] reinforce 2.She is a British , but lives in India.[A] inhabitant t [B] resid en C] civil D] citizen [[3.ians arec In most cases politi as they seldom tell the truth.[A] credible s [B] credulous C] incredulou [[D] incredible4.hest Britain has the hig of road traffic in the world―over 60 cars forevery mile of road.[A] density [B] intensity C] popularity [[D] prosperity 5.curb ordinary air pollution, limit oil imports and cut theAn energy tax would budget _. [A] disposition ancy [B] discrep C] defect [[D] deficit 6. _My brother is an engineer.[A] electric [B] electrical C] electricity [[D] electronic7.I can’t _ wha g t has happened to the vegetables, for they were freshly. picked this mornin [A] figure out [B] draw out C] look out [[D] work out 8.of the white, Australia wasBefore the arrival __ solely by Aborigines.[A] lived [B] resid ed C] dwelled D]inhabited [[9. The doctor tried to the patient’s suffering.[A] diminish [B] reduce C] decrease [[ D] alleviate 10.S arching for the oldest tree cientists are se because it can teach themmany matters. a great deal about [A] live [B] lively C] living [[D] alive 11.e end justifies theDo you think that th ?[A] way [B] means C] method [[D] manner 12.f words is simply a matter ofThe writer’s choice o style.[A] personal [B] private C] personnel [[D] individual 13. to act as a (n)I must find someone for me during my absence.[A] del egateentative [B] deputy C] repres [[D] agent 14.The plane was for two hours because of the heavy fog.[A] delayed[B] canceled C] postponed [[D] dismissed15.The _ of bloo d always makes him feel sick. [A] sight[B] view C] look D] form [[16.hor both tried to The artist and the aut the splendor of the sunset.[A] depict ate ribe [B] narr C] desc [[D] tell 17.eThe eld est son was th to his large fortune.[A] descendant r [B] successo C] heir [[D] follower 18. broken chair as a(n)f a He seized the l eg o __ to defend himself.[A] arms [B] tool C] weapon D] medium [[练习三:英语知识运用1.According to a recent survey, Americans also change their eating patterns to meet the needs of different situations. They have certain ideas about which foods will make them __for business meetings, or put them in the mood for romance.[A] attentive d[B] shrew C] acute [[D] alert2. _ some aspects of language are undeniably innate, language does not develop automatically in a vacuum. Children who have been isolated from other possess language. This demonstrates that interaction with n necessary for proper language development. human beings do not n beings i other huma [A] Because [B] In caseC] Although D] Whether [[3.The antiwar movement in the 1960s, the _ Rights Movement that emerged strongly in the 1950s, and the antiabortion movement of the 1980s social movement in America that have involved both legal to achieve their goals. are all examples of ctivities and illegal a [A] Civil y [B] LibertyC] Humanit [[D] privacy4.Around the world young people are spending unbelievable sums of money to sic. Forbes magazine claims that at least fifty rock stars have listen to rock mu ________of between two million and six million dollars per year. [A] revenues [B] salaries C] wages [[D] incomes5.For some years now a research team at Vienna Technical University, headed by Drs. Ingeborg and Erwin Hochmair, in cooperation with Professor Kurt Burian of the Medical Faculty of Vienna University, have pioneered the development of a hearing aid for the totally deaf in both ears. The device, which is already in production, is capable of enabling the totally deaf to achieve the understanding of those with moderately severe hearing level of speech _________—a breakthrough of considerabl e social and economic importance. [A] ability [B] aidsC] defects [[D] organ6.The latter may commit crimes _lack of adequate parental control. All e tentative and are subject to criticism. theories, however, ar [A] on [B] inC] for [[D] with7.The continental ice sheet is more than two miles high at its center; thus, the air over the Antarctic is far more refrigerated than it is over the Arctic regions. This cold air cascad es off the land with such that it makes the nearby eas the stormiest in the world and renders unlivable those regions whose ounterparts at the opposite end of the globe are inhabited. s c[A] force s [B] roughnes C] influence [[D] coldness8.But at the beginning of this century, the tango was refined, so that it lost its was preformed in fashionable casino ballrooms. The tango, in uropean erotic features. It ticated E its sophis , became popular in England and in the USA. [A] shape [B] formC] format [[D] contour9.The Police are grateful the good publicity and their new image, where there are black ghettos. White policemen are now ve towards their fellow back citizens. especially in cities l of how they speak and beha carefu [A] for [B] toC] in [[D] on10.British officials, who the United States as the pacesetter both in illegal drug use and the fight against it, have consulted closely with their US counterparts in planning strategy. The government has begun stationing customs officers in countries that are primary sources of heroin, like Pakistan, g money abroad to encourage substitution of poppy crops and it is contributin by others.[A] follow dt [B] regar C] accep lo [[D]ok11.Other identifiable causes of offensive acts include frustration or failure in reased availability of drugs and alcohol, and the growing school, the inc of child neglect. child abuse and [A] incidence [B] awareness C] exposure D] popularity [[12.For example, changes in the economy that to fewer job opportunities and rising unemployment in general make gainful employment ly difficult to obtain. for youth g increasin [A] point [B] lead [C] come [D] amount13.Today, most countries in the world have canals. Many countries have built ar the coast, and parallel to the coast. Even in the twentieth century, e moved more cheaply by boat than by any other canals ne goods can b of transport. [A] way [B] means C] method [[D] approach14.The reind eer, in fact, nearly all the needs of certain wand ering tribes in the far north. The reindeer carries burdens, pulls sleds, and provides d meat. To many people, a domestic animal is a pet. Pets are kept for nship and to satisfy people’s desire to take care of something. milk an companio [A] has s [B] keeps C] realize [[D] meets15.In 2001, in the home, cookers will be set so that you can cook a complete meal at the touch of a switch. Tel evision will provide information on prices at _the shops as well as news and entertainment. Videophones will bring well as sound to telephone conversations. pictures as [A] near [B] nearby C] nearly [[D] nearer16.The tango has probably traveled further and gone through more changes than almost any other dance. African slaves brought the tango to Haiti and Cuba in the 18th century; in Cuba, the tango was influenced by the local Cuban dance, referred to as “the Havana”. From there took the tango to Argentina in he 19th century, where it was changed once again and became popular in the lums. t s[A] immigrants [B] emigrants C] immigrates [[D] emigrates17.In mobile American society, interclass marriages are neither nor shocking. Interfaith marriages are on the rise particularly between Protestants and Catholics. On the other hand, interracial marriage is still very uncommon. e difficult for interracial couples to find a place to live, maintain , and raise a family. It can b friendships [A] rare [B] scarce C] seared re [[D]lieved18.The status of women in colonial North America has been well studied and described and can be briefly summarized. Throughout the colonial period there age was a marked short __women, which varied with the regions and was e frontier areas. always greatest in th [A] with[B] of C] in a [[D]t19.Most Asian business leaders are instinctively good at relationship building ________direct communic ommunica ations. But they don’t use the mass media so well. While tions is whil e, it’s not enough in today’s big business. face to face c [A] throughout[B] through C] thereby d [[D]uring20.How do the rock stars use their money? What do they do when the money e water? Most of the young stars simply throw the starts pouring in lik money . Many rock stars live like Grace Slick and the Jefferson Airplane. [A] off ndn [B] arou C] dow D] out [[练习四:语法与词汇1. The gloves were too really too small, and it was only by ________them that I managed to get themon.A. spreadingB. squeezingC. extendingD. stretching2.To say that a soldier in battle is like a tiger may be a descriptive ________,but it doesn't mean that he is on all fours, roaring and waging his tail.A. analysisB. metaphoryC. analogD. simile3.ome medication to ________my pain in the back.The doctor gave me sA. aggravateB. slaughterC. alleviateD. shatter4.The idea of a balanced diet is hard to ________to those who knows nothing about nutriology.A. put acrossB. put throughC. put downD. put forward5.It was obvious that John had been drinking far too much from the way he came ________down the street.A. limpingB. staggeringC. stumblingD. hobblingAt the party we found th6.at shy girl ________her mother all the time.A. depending onB. coinciding withC. adhering toD. clinging t o7.As an excellent shooter, Peter practiced aiming at both ________targets and moving targets.A. standingB. stationaryC. stillD. stableThis kind of materia8.l can ________heat and moisture.A. delineateB. compelainC. constrD. repelThe work in the offi9.ce was ________by a constant stream of visitors.A. confusedB. hamperedC. reversedD. perplexed10.the horizon for approaching ships.The captain ________A. scannedB. scrutinizedC. exploredD. swigged11.Over the last fifteen years, running has become a popular ________for 30 million participants of allages.A. fantasyB. pastimeC. symposiumD. penalty答案及详解练习一1. on end 用于表示时间的复数可数名词之后,意为“连续地”:three days on end 一连三天;end 的其它搭配;in the end最后,终于;by the end (of) 之后跟表示时间的名词,意为“到……时间末为止”,与完成时连用; at the end 在……尽头。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分2

3.We desire that the tour leader _______us immediately of any change in plans.A. informB. informsC. informedD. has informed4.Having no money but _______to know, he simply said he would go without dinner.A. not to want anyoneB. not wanting any eonC. wanted no oneD. to want no oneLook at the terr5.ible situation I am in! If only I _______your advice.A. followB. had followedC. would followD. have followed6.The vacuum tube, invented near the beginning of our century, gave us the use of radio waves, an energy source never before _______,and later opened the road for tel evision.A. was capturedB. capturedC. capturingD. has been captured7.Before the Spring Festival, the leaders of the village made house‐to‐house survey, _______in each family about their needs and problems.A. to inquireB. to be inquiringC. inquiringD. inquired8._______Adam Smith’s" The Wealth of Nations" that Jim Green was fascinated by economic theory.A. After readingB. It was readingC. It was after readingD. Having readHumble _______it m9.ay be, there is no place like home.A. althoughB. asC. howD. thatProf. Lee’s book will show you _______can be u10.sed in other contexts.A. that you have observedB. that how you have observedC. how that you have observedD. how what you have observed11.How many of us_______, say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would be interested in the discussion?A. attend edB. attendingC. to attendD. have attended答案及详解练习一1.abide与by搭配表示“遵守”。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分8

19.When Paul Osman, the Sales Manager of Jayal Motors which makes mopes, visited a city to break into a new market, finding an agent was his first job. He was fortunate to be introduced to Adam Fortesque, a well established agent, mpressed by the Jayal mopes to put his assistant, Eve Sorrell, l ing Paul in his proposed expansion into the export market.who is sufficiently i he p on to the job of [A] in an purpose[B] for the aimC] for the try [[D] in an attempt20.Such changes show that selection and evolution can be controlled, to a certain , by man ew variet .In fact, changes are continually taking place in all living ies are constantly developing.things, and n [A] advantage e[B] purpos C] effect ex [[D]ten t21.More psychologists have found that all caregivers share a common characteristic: All caregivers believe that they are the best people for the job. In other words, they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else. Social workers _caregivers to find out why they took on the responsibility l erly relative.of caring for an e d[A] questioned [B] interviewedC] inquired[[D] interrogated22.While a manager communicates mostly to information, a leader uses communications to build relationships. A manager overwhelms others with l eaves them cold. A leader touches their hearts by combining his ei aspirations in a common cause. details and sti l l h th r vision wit [A] transport[B] carryC] convey D] express[[练习四:语法与词汇1.er’s younger brother, will not be at the picnic, _________to theintment.Andrew, my fath family's disappo A. muchB. moreC. too much . much moreD2.atures than _________.The state of Maine generally has cooler temper A. there are most other statesB. most other states which haveC. most other states have. having most other statesD3.ower, _________to nearly all of the United States, can be raisedlmost any garden.The columbine fl from seed in \ a A. nativeB. how native ise is itC. how nativ . is nativeD4.o record moonquake and meteoriteIn the scientific station _________designed t impacts.A. instruments wereB. were instrumentsC. stands instruments . instruments standD5.____in London one more day.Joe’s father, along with his two uncles, _____ A. demand that he stayB. demands that he staysC. demands that he stay . demand that he staysD6. From birth, nightjar chicks solicit food by walking to the front of an adult bird, reaching up , and _________.A. they peck at itsbillB. peck at its billC. pecking at its billD. at its bill they peck7.They overcame all the difficulties and fulfilled the plan three months ahead of time, _________issomething we had not expected.A. thatB. whatC. itD. which8.The time for the general offensive was approaching. The commander’s order soon came _________all civilians should evacuate the village.A. whenB. beforeC. asD. that9.Jean doesn’t want to work right away because she thinks that if she _________a job she probably wouldn’t be able to see her friends very often.A. has to getB. were to getC. had gotD. could have got10.Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter what we _________during the day.A. should have doneB. would have doneC. may have doneD. must have done_________in an atmosphere of simple living was11. what her parents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl educatedC. The girl’s being educatedD. The girl to be educated答案及详解练习一1.to take one’s revenge on sh. for sth.= to avenge/revenge oneself on sb. for sth.因某事对某人采取报复。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分3

欢迎使用【红宝书】考研英语精品系列:1.【红宝书】考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)—— 附MP3光盘2.【红宝书】考研英语10年真题(系统精析)—— MP3+其它5年真题及解析3.【红宝书】考研英语写作180篇——(三段式+精解+考点)4.【红宝书】考研英语考前预测 —— 最后冲刺3套题(网上另外再附赠3套题)红 宝 书考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解必 考 词第二节(Unit 8——Unit 14;第50页——98页)练习一:词汇与搭配1.M y year, yet she seems to be acquainted s. Green has been living in town for onl ______ everyone who comes to the store..Your fluency in English gives you an advantage 2 the other candidatesfor the job..3He has been charged murdering his wife..i rties cameHis efforts to bring about a reconcil ation between the two pa 4.5People who refuse to comply . the law will be punished.6.red independently Language, culture, and personality may be conside each other in thought, but they are inseparabl e in fact..w 7Paul strongly d enied that he as guilty cheating innocent customers..The travelers sought shelter 8the rain and happened to find a roadside tofind a roadside inn.If9.you persist causing troubles, the company will have to dismiss you.0.Really, she seemed embarrassed when her partner mad e a spectacl e 1_______ himself on the dance floor last night.1.The monument was erected 1memory of the people who devoted theirlives to the cause of Communism.练习二:词汇辨析1.Under the __ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike any longer.[A] surroundings[B] settingsC] circumstances[[D] environments2.The picture __ my school days to my mind.[A] recalledd[B] remind ed C] remembere [[D] recollected3.esni __ to cut costs.The two oil compa [A] mixed[B] mingled C] merged [[D] messed4. __The black clouds rain.[A] indicatedted[B] hinted [C] sugges [D]meant5. Farming demands forecasts of the weather.[A] precisette[B] correc C] accura [[D] exactanies are evolving from mass‐production manufacturing to 6.American comp _____ enterprises.[A] moveable[B] changing C] fl exible [[D] varying7.He having been frightened.[A] acknowl edged d[B] confessed C] recognize [[D] admitted8.My camera can be to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.[A] adapted[B] adjusted C] adopted [[D] remedied9.Please me on that subject.[A] enlighten[B] acquaint C] inform D [[] instruct10.ges, the computer is by no means without its With all its advanta .[A] boundariesnts[B] limitations C] confineme [[D] restraints11.A translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.[A] literal[B] liberal C] literate D] literary[[12. a few months ago is large enough to The new hotel built over twohundred people.[A] contain[B] holdC] provid e e[[D] accommodat 13.Do you like this of coffee ?[A] trademark[B] sign C] mark [[D] brand14.ion of With the introduct technology, information flows faster than itever did.[A] involvedtedated[B] complica C] sophistic [[D] complex15. energy must be released in one form or another, for example, anearthquake.[A] Gatheredd[B] Collected C] Accumulate [[D] Assembled16.thematics examination, Tom feels veryHaving failed in the ma _.[A] oppressed[B] suppressed C] depressed[[D] compressed17. l earning process is sometimes toons in The description of what happe .[A] complex to understand[B] difficult to be understoodC] complicated to understand[[D] complicated enough to understandy house. In the18.This is a picture of m you can see the mountains. [A] residencet[B] setting [C] environmen [D] sightseeing19.With pricesso much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.[A] fluctuating[B] waving C] swinging [[D] vibrating20. can be in some way If your knowledge with my experiences, we aresure to succeed.[A] joined[B] united [C] connected [D] combined练习三:英语知识运用1.When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had become commentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of the they were trying to experienced when themselves to the new medium were t technical.[A] turn[B] adaptC] alter [[D] modify2.The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating if raw, lived so long ago id ea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that for rs, food was always eaten col d and that we have no of yea thousands .[A] raw[B] crudeC] dry[[D] fresh3.Who talks more, women or men? The seemingly contradictory evidence is _______ by the difference what I call public and private speaking. More men feel comfortable doing “public speaking,” while more women feel comfortable doing Another way of capturing these differences is by using the d rapport(协调关系)‐talk.“private” speaking.alk an sedterms report‐t [A] compromi [B] reckoned[C] reinforced[D] reconcil ed4.There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financial standpoint alone, safety pays off. The fewer the injury , the better the nce rate. This may mean the difference between operating at a workman’s insura a loss.profit or at [A] claims [B] reportsC] declarations[[D]proclamations5.To Edward Hall the principal difference between cultures is whether they are monochromic or polychromic. In monochromic cultures (United States, Northern Europe) people do things one by one. They follow schedules because time can be or saved. Promptness is essential, and one who is late ha squandered a grave offense.[A] madetted[B]commi C] done [[D] taken6.The purpose of non‐REM sleep is even more mysterious. The new experiments, such as those for the first time at a recent meeting or the society for Sleep polis, suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non Research in Minnea REM sleep.[A]maintained[B] described C] settled [[D] afforded7.It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea of making more money. Consumer goods are everywhere and modern industry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are the days when are made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be kept industrial goods turning. [A] desirable[B] desirousC] desiredD] desiring[[8. Changes in the social structure may indirectly juvenil e crime rates. For example, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth g unemployment in general make gainful employment increasingly obtain .and risindifficult to [A] affect [B] reduce[C] check[D] reflect9.Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods which itives and which have not been do not contain add by chemical fertilizers ing today.widely used in farm [A] effectedd[B] interfere C] disturbed [[D] affected10.Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same el ements—usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different in that are arranged differently, and each vitamin been their elements one or unctions in the body.more specific f [A]undertakes[B] holdsC] plays [[D] performs11.When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us to discover that success is measured in terms of the money we earn. We spend the ur lives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new , Jones is whole of o television set to buy a bigger and better one.[A] bound[B] destinedC] doomed[[D]determined12.The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry sales nd keep accurate records. This information tells us what people are r changes in attitudes and tastes.statistics a eating and thei e[A] gather[B]accumulat C] compileD] compare[[13.Finding ways to assist this growing homeless population has become increasingly difficult. Even when homeless individuals manage to find a will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a good l spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.________that number stil [A] lodgingg[B] shelter C] dwellin [[D] house14.Once man began to raise his own animals, he did not have to go out and hunt eat. And, since he did not have to move from one place to another or food, man was able to for his m f hunting down and live in one place. [A] calm[B] getC] come[[D] settle15.Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Old countries that have numerous craftsmen are better placed to produce n countries whose workers are largely unskill ed. Furthermore, wealth es wealth.wealth tha also produc [A] skillful[B] skilledC] capable[[D] shrewd16.A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking. The greater danger to holed vessel is that flooding of its compartments will make the ship unstable enough to capsize. It is estimated that nearly half the ships lost during the second world war capsized because of loss of stability. Pacer Systems of Massachusetts, has now refined a system Burlington.by a reserve US Navy n Drabvouski, which effectively second guesses the ship.officer, Stephe [A] owned[B] searched [C] captured [D] devised练习四:语法与词汇1.There was a ver w y interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read r hat he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.ecently________A. givingB. gave . to give C D. given2.hout conducting elaborate marketToday, _________ major new products wit research.A. corporations hardly introduce everB. corporations hardly ever introduce.hardly corporations introduce ever . hardly corporations ever introduceC D3.I ll do it with as much good humor and self‐restraint as if Ie, I'w __.f I correct someon ere the one_______A. to correctB. correcting. having corrected C D. being corrected4.A er i sa d ________into dozens of languages in the lastDream of the Red Chamb s i _decade.A .to have been translatedB. to be translated. to translate C D. to have translated5.e himself effectively is sure to succeed morec mmand of language is poor._________, a man who express s o rapidly than a man whose A. Other things to be equalsB. Were other things equal. To be equal to other thing . Other things being equalC D。

红宝书,英语词汇表[助记]a(一条)+band(带子)+on(在……上面)→一条带子被扔在地上→遗弃,抛弃【词义】1、遗弃、抛弃:The cruel man ~ed his wife and children.那个狠心的人抛弃了妻子和女儿。
2、放弃:The scientist ~ed his research for lack of fund.由于缺乏资金,这位科学家放弃了他的研究工作。
【反义】retain vt 保留,维持【词组】abandon oneself to sth.陷入,沉湎于某事:She abandoned herself to the beautiful landscape.她沉浸在美丽的景色之中。
【派生】1、abandonment []放弃、抛弃2、abandoned[] adj被遗弃的,无约束的Abide【】v。
(abided/abode,abided/abode)【助记】把字母序“abcde”中的“c”换成i就是容忍(abide)【词义】1、容忍、忍受:She couldn't ~to live in poverty.在贫穷中度日,她忍受不了。
2、遵守、忠于:you'll have to ~by the referee's decision.你得遵从裁判的决定。
3、逗留、居住:They ~in a remote village。
【同义】endure 忍受忍耐容忍tolerate容许承认【词组】abide by遵守(法律等)信守(诺言等)忠于(某人)【派生】abiding【】adj.持久不变的、永久的Ability【】n.【词义】1、能力、智力2、才能、才干【同义】faculty 、capacity、capability【词组】to the best of one's ability尽自己最大的努力Abnormal []adj.【助记】ab(no不)+norm(标准)+al(形容词后缀)→不标准的→反常的,异常的【词义】反常的,异常的,变态的:it is~for a man to eat so much at a meal。

(红宝书 网上附赠)(第二套试题)答案及系统详解【答案快速扫描】1. D2. D3. D4. A5. C6. A7. A8. B9. C 10.D 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.C 17.B 18.A 19.D 20.B21.C 22.B 23.A 24.B 25.D 26.D 27.D 28.D 29.B 30.A31.A 32.C 33.D 34.B 35.C36.C 37.A 38.B 39.B 40.C41.E 42.C 43.B 44.A 45.Fww.ho ng ba os hu .c omSection I Use of English【文章大意】本文主要谈论一个敏感话题,即生化武器的使用,通过一系列事实来说明生化武器使用的严峻性。
专家们(1)警告 人们,尽管生物恐怖主义在美国不是不可避免的,但是,科学继续(2)发动 一场进攻,明显地,仇恨也是(3)如此。
克林顿总统说过,(4)早 在1999年,美国遭到生化武器的攻击是“(5)极其 可能的”。
阿富汗塔利班一位指挥官说过,奥萨马·本·拉登正(6)在 使用化学武器上训练他的战士。
卫星拍摄的图片显示的是由奥萨马·本·拉登(8)操作运行 的在阿富汗东部在一个恐怖主义训练(7)营 中死去的动物尸体。
尽管在1972年143个国家签署合约禁止使用细菌,(9)但是 在过去的2006年中曾(10)时不时 地出现过生化武器的使用。
中世纪时期,人们曾使用把尸体(11)抛过 城墙去传播瘟疫的办法来突破围攻。
海湾战争时期,萨达姆·侯赛因曾被(12)指控 使用化学武器侵略伊拉克库尔德少数民族地区。
中央情报局说,他现在又在(13)追寻 得到生化武器。
美国和前苏联曾(14)建立 了巨大的生化武器库。
七月份,布什政府从(16)使 禁止使用生化武器生效的协商中(15)撤离出来。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分6

B. what it d oesC. what it isD. why it is5.He was not asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,_________ insufficiently popular with all members.A. being consid eredB. consideringC. to be consideredD. having consideredI would have gone to visit him in the hospital had i6.t been at all possible, butupied the whole of last week._________ fully occA. wereB. had beenC. havebeenD. wasI second his motion that we _________ a7. special board to examine.A. shall set upB. should set upC. will set upD. would set up8.You seem to take a keener interest in the subject _________ ever been shown before.A. than hasB. than haveC. that hasD. which had9. It is true that the ol d road is l ess direct and a bit longer. We won’t take the new one, _________ , because we don't feel as safe on it.B. thoughC. thereforeD. otherwise10.During the early period of ocean navigation, ________any need for sophisticated instruments and techniques.A. so that hardlyB. when there hardly wasC. hardly wasD. there was hardly11.I have kept up a friendship with a girl whom I was at school _________ twenty years ago.A. aboutB. sinceC. tillD. with答案及详解练习一1.answer for “对……负有责任”。
红宝书 必考词练习题及答案详解_部分9

红com 宝书 网址:www.hongbaoshu. 通用网址:红宝书20欢5. 该题考查主谓一致。
主语后跟有as well as, rather than, together with, alongwith, accompanied by, including 等引出的词语时,其整个句子的谓语动词的单复数由主语决定。
因此排除A 、D 选项,另外在demand 引导的宾语从句中。
从句谓语动词是(should)+V 原,故答案为C 。
6. 该题考查平行或一致关系。
连词and 前是reaching up ,因此答案为C ,其中“reaching up ,and pecking at its bill”是分词短语做状语表示伴随。
7. 该题考查定语从句。
由于两分词间无连接词,故答案C 排除,关系代词that不能引导非限定性定语从句,what 引导主语从句常在句中做宾语成分,故答案为D ,which 引导的非限定性定语从句,其先行词是前面的整个句子。
8. 该题考查句子结构。
本题中all civilians should evacuate the village 与其前order 为互相解释,即为同位语关系,其他选项不合题意,故答案为D 。
9. 该题考查虚拟语气。
空格中所在部分是一由that 引导的宾语从句,该宾语从句由一复合句构成,从该句主从复合句的主语谓语动词判断,这是一典型虚拟从句,由句意可知,这是对将来相反的假设,所以if 从句的谓语动词应为were to +V 原或should +V 原,故答案为B 。
本题包含宾语从句,从句的谓语动词为陈述句语气,因此可将表示虚拟语气的A 、B 选项排除,must have done 表示对过去肯定推测不合题意,故答案为C 。
从结构上看,was 前面部分的内容是:“她在一个简朴的生活环境中受到教育”。
首先排除选项A ,它缺少引导主语从句的关联词;B 选项中心词是girl,与句意不符;D 选项中心词也是girl ,况且to be educated 表示将来。
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考研英语词汇(必考词+基础词+超纲词)练习题及答案详解必考词第二节(Unit 8——Unit 14;第50 页——98 页)练习一:词汇与搭配1.Ms. Green has been living in town for only year, yet she seems to beacquainted ______ everyone who comes to the store.2.Your fluency in English gives you an advantage the other candidatesfor the job.4.His efforts to bring about a reconcile action between the twopairtiescame .5 People who refuse to comply the law will be punished.6.Language, culture, and personality may be considered independentlyeach other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.8.The travelers sought shelter the rain and happened to find a roadside tofind a roadside inn.9.If you persist causing troubles, the company will have todismiss you.10 .Really, she seemed embarrassed when her partner made aspectacle_______ himself on the dance floor last night.11.The monument was erected memory of the people whodevoted theirlives to the cause of Communism.练习二:词汇辨析1.Under the __ confronting them it was impossible to continue the strike anylonger.[A] surroundings[B] settings[C] circumstances[D] environments2.The picture __ my school days to my mind.[A] recalled[B] reminded[C] remembered[D] recollected3.The two oil compa es[A] mixed[B] mingled[C] merged[D] messed4.The black clouds __rain.[A] indicated[B] hinted[C] suggested[D]meant5.Farming demands forecasts of the weather.[A] precise[B] correct[C] accurate[D] exact6.American companies are evolving from mass‐production manufacturing to _____ enterprises.[A] moveable[B] changing[C] flexible[D] varying7.He having been frightened.[A] acknowledged[B] confessed[C] recognized[D] admitted8.My camera can be[A] adapted[B] adjusted[C] adopted[D] remediedto take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.9.Please me on that subject.[A] enlighten[B] acquaint[C] inform[ ] instructD10.With all its advantages, the computer is by no means withoutits .[A] boundaries[B] limitations[C] confinements[D] restraints11.A translation is not always the closest to the original meaning.[A] literal[B] liberal[C] literate[D] literary12.The new hotel built a few months ago is large enoughto over twohundred people.[A] contain[B] hold[C] provide[D] accommodate13.Do you like this of coffee?[A] trademark[B] sign[C] mark[D] brand14.With the introduction of technology, information flows faster than itever did.[A] involved[B] complicated[C] sophisticated[D] complex15.energy must be released in one form or another, for example, anearthquake.[A] Gathered[B] Collected[C] Accumulated[D] Assembled16.Having failed in the mathematics examination, Tom feels very _.[A] oppressed[B] suppressed[C] depressed[D] compressed17.The description of what happens in learning process is sometimestoo .[A] complex to understand[B] difficult to be understood[C] complicated to understand[D] complicated enough to understand18.This is a picture of my house. In the you can see the mountains.[A] residence[B] setting[C] environment[D] sightseeing19.With prices so much, it’s hard for the company to plan a budget.[A] fluctuating[B] waving[C] swinging[D] vibrating20.If your knowledge can be in some way with my experiences, we aresure to succeed.[A] joined[B] united[C] connected[D] combined练习三:英语知识运用1.When television first began to expand, very few of the people who had becomecommentators were able to be equally effective on television. Some of theexperienced when they were trying to themselves to the new medium were ttechnical.[A] turn[B] adapt[C] alter[D] modify2.The first man who cooked his food, instead of eating if raw, lived so long ago that we have no idea who he was or where he lived. We do know, however, that forthousands of years, food was always eaten cold and .[A] raw[B] crude[C] dry[D] fresh3.Who talks more, women or men? The seemingly contradictory evidence is_______ by the difference what I call public and private speaking. More men feelcomfortable doing “public speaking,” while more women feel comfortable doing“private” speaking. Another way of capturing these differences is by using theterms report‐talk and rapport(协调关系)‐talk.[A] compromised[B] reckoned[C] reinforced[D] reconciled4.There can be no question about the value of a safety program. From a financialstandpoint alone, safety pays off. The fewer theinjury , the better theworkman’s insurance rate. This may mean the difference between operating at a profit or at a loss.[A] claims[B] reports[C] declarations[D]proclamations5.To Edward Hall the principal difference between cultures is whether they aremonochromic or polychromic. In monochromic cultures (United States, NorthernEurope) people do things one by one. They follow schedules because time can be squandered or saved. Promptness is essential, and one who is late haa graveoffense.[A] made[B]committed[C] done[D] taken6.The purpose of non‐REM sleep is even more mysterious. The new experiments,such as those for the first time at a recent meeting or the society for SleepResearch in Minneapolis, suggest fascinating explanations for the purpose of non REM sleep.[A]maintained[B] described[C] settled[D] afforded7.It is not only in affluent societies that people are obsessed with the idea ofmaking more money. Consumer goods are everywhere and modernindustry deliberately sets out to create new markets. Gone are the days whenindustrial goods are made to last forever. The wheels of industry must be keptturning.[A] desirable[B] desirous[C] desired[D] desiring8. Changes in the social structure may indirectlyjuvenile crime rates. Forexample, changes in the economy that lead to fewer job opportunities for youth and rising unemployment in general make gainful employmentincreasinglydifficult to obtain.[A] affect[B] reduce[C] check[D] reflect9.Consequently, there has been a growing interest in natural foods: foods whichdo not contain additives and which have not been by chemical fertilizerswidely used in farming today.[A] effected[B] interfered[C] disturbed[D] affected10.Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements—usuallycarbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. They are different in thattheir elements are arranged differently, and each vitamin been one ormore specific functions in the body.[A]undertakes[B] holds[C] plays[D] performs11.When we grow older enough to earn a living, it does not surprise us todiscover that success is measured in terms of the money we earn. We spend the whole of our lives keeping up with our neighbors, the Joneses. If we buy a new television set, Jones is to buy a bigger and better one.[A] bound[B] destined[C] doomed[D]determined12.The United States Department of Agriculture and the food industry salesstatistics and keep accurate records. This information tells us what people areeating and their changes in attitudes and tastes.[A] gather[B]accumulate[C] compile[D] compare13 .Finding ways to assist this growing homeless populationhas becomeincreasingly difficult. Even when homeless individuals manage to find a________that will give them three meals a day and a place to sleep at night, a goodnumber still spend the bulk of each day wandering the street.[A] lodging[B] shelter[C] dwelling[D] house14.Once man began to raise his own animals, he did not have to go out and huntfor his meat. And, since he did not have to move from one place to anotherhunting for food, man was able to down and live in one place.[A] calm[B] get[C] come[D] settle15.Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country’s people. Oldcountries that have numerous craftsmen are better placed to producewealth than countries whose workers are largely unskilled. Furthermore, wealth also produces wealth.[A] skillful[B] skilled[C] capable[D] shrewd16.A new computer system has been designed to stop ships sinking. The greaterdanger to holed vessel is that flooding of its compartmentswill make the shipunstable enough to capsize. It is estimated that nearly half the ships lost duringthe second world war capsized because of loss of stability. Pacer Systems ofBurlington. Massachusetts, has now refined a system by a reserve US Navyofficer, Stephen Drabvouski, which effectively second guesses the ship.[A] owned[B] searched[C] captured[D] devised练习四:语法与词汇1.There was a very interesting remark in a book by an Englishman that I read recently________what he thought was a reason for this American characteristic.A. givingB. gaveC. to giveD. given2.Today, _________ major new products without conducting elaborate market research.A. corporations hardly introduce everB. corporations hardly ever introduceC .hardly corporations introduce everD. hardly corporations ever introduce3.If I correct someone, I'll do it with as much good humor and self‐restraint as if Iwere the one_________.A. to correctB. correctingC. having correctedD. being corrected4.A Dream of the Red Chamber i sa d __ ______into dozens of languages in the lastdecade.A .to have been translatedB. to be translatedC. to translateD. to have translated5._________, a man who express se himself effectively is sure to succeed morerapidly than a man whose c mmand of language is poor.A. Other things to be equalB. Were other things equalC. To be equal to other thingsD. Other things being equal6.The residents, _________ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by theRed Cross.A. all their homesB. all whose homesC. all of whose homesD. all of their homes7."The lecturer was a tall thin man with white hair." "Then it _________ Dr. Firld because he is short and fat. It___ Dr. Jones; he is thin."A. can’t be. .must beB. couldn’t have been...might have beenC. must be...can't beD. can't have been...must have been8.My family _________very interested in playing bowls, which _________very much infashion now.A. is...isB. are...areC. is...areD. are...is9.One of the properties of light is _________ traveling in wave form as it goes fromone place to another.A. itB. it’sC. itsD. their10.The migratory birds use the same nests year after year, _________ new materialeach time.A. and will addB. to addC. which are addedD. adding11.The business of each day, _________ selling goods or shipping them, went quitesmoothly.A. it beingB. be itC. was itD. it was答案及详解练习一1.be / get / become acquainted with sb./sth. “知道,熟悉”。