项目管理中英文 常用词汇

项目管理中英文常用词汇1. 项目管理概述(Project Management Overview)•项目(Project)•项目管理(Project Management)•项目经理(Project Manager)•项目生命周期(Project Life Cycle)•项目目标(Project Objective)•项目范围(Project Scope)•项目计划(Project Plan)•项目执行(Project Execution)•项目交付(Project Delivery)•项目控制(Project Control)2. 项目计划(Project Planning)•项目需求(Project Requirement)•可行性研究(Feasibility Study)•项目里程碑(Project Milestone)•工作分解结构(Work Breakdown Structure)•项目进度计划(Project Schedule)•资源分配(Resource Allocation)•风险管理(Risk Management)•项目预算(Project Budget)•项目变更管理(Change Management)2.1 项目需求管理(Project Requirements Management)•需求收集(Requirements Gathering)•需求分析(Requirements Analysis)•需求验证(Requirements Validation)•需求优先级(Requirements Priority)•需求冲突(Requirements Conflict)3. 项目执行(Project Execution)•任务分配(Task Assignment)•进度追踪(Schedule Tracking)•工作绩效(Work Performance)•问题解决(Problem Resolution)•里程碑评审(Milestone Review)3.1 团队管理(Team Management)•团队协作(Team Collaboration)•团队沟通(Team Communication)•人员培训(Staff Training)•人员评估(Staff Evaluation)•人员激励(Staff Motivation)4. 项目控制(Project Control)•变更管理(Change Control)•风险控制(Risk Control)•质量控制(Quality Control)•成本控制(Cost Control)•范围控制(Scope Control)•质量保证(Quality Assurance)•关键路径分析(Critical Path Analysis)5. 项目评估(Project Evaluation)•收尾活动(Project Closure)•反馈收集(Feedback Collection)•成果评估(Deliverable Evaluation)•项目总结报告(Project Summary Report)以上是项目管理中常用的中英文词汇,可以帮助你更好地理解和应用项目管理中的相关概念和方法。

1、起重机crane2、履带吊crawler crane3、汽车吊mobile crane4、龙门吊gantry crane5、塔吊tower crane6、卷扬机hoist7、电焊机electric8、千斤顶jack9、卡环shackle10、绳卡rope card11、经纬仪theodolite12、水准仪levels13、电动扳手electromotion spanner14、开口扳手open spanner15、梅花扳手boxspanner16、卷尺tape17、游标卡尺caliper18、冲头punch19、大锤Big hammer20、小锤small hammer21、撬棍tapped22、道木23、铁丝wire24、手拉葫芦chain block25、地锚绳rope uplift26、钢丝绳wire rope27、吊带belt28、麻绳temp rope29、黄油grease30、液压油hydraulic31、柴油diesel32、机油engine oil33、汽油gasoline34、润滑油lubricating35、齿轮油gear36、发动机motor37、发电机generator38、摩托车motorcycle39、自行车bicycle40、轿车cars41、中巴车middle bus42、大巴车bus43、运输车transporter44、运输transport45、注意attention46、起钩up hook47、落钩down hook48、升臂up boom49、降臂down boom50、左转turn left51、右转turn right52、安全带safety belt53、注意安全be careful54、拉pull55、推push56、过来come here57、垫木头mat wood58、慢慢的slowly59、清理clean60、大钩big hook61、小钩small hook62、钩子hook63、上面upside64、下面downside65、大的big66、小的small67、吨ton68、负荷率load rate69、半径radius70、向前forward71、向后back72、用手拿with the hand73、载荷load74、部门department75、机械部门mechanical department76、建筑部门civil department77、电气部门Electrical department78、安全部门Safety department79、材料部门Materials department80、人事部门Personnel department81、财务部门Financial department82、资产部门Assets department83、合同部门Contract department84、计划部门Planning department85、锅炉部门Boiler department86、仓库store room87、会议室conference room88、副臂jib boom89、主臂main boom90、电梯elevator91、标准节Standard section92、配重counterweight93、性能表performance table94、说明书instruction95、电缆cable96、螺丝刀screwdriver97、螺丝screw98、螺栓bolt99、螺母nut100、平垫Flat mat101、弹簧垫102、电源盘103、行走walk104、跑步run105、操作室operating room 106、玻璃glass107、箱子box108、集装箱container109、安装installation110、拆除dismantled111、安全帽safety cap112、配重counterweight 113、行走限位walk limit 114、力矩限位torque limit 115、重量限位weight limit 116、爬梯ladder117、改杆change boom 118、平衡臂balance boom 119、起重臂hoist boom 120、梁beam121、力矩torque122、液压泵hydraulic pump 123、剪子scissor124、钳子plier125、焊接weld126、切割cut127、螺丝刀screwdriver 128、对讲机interphone 129、指挥command130、电工electrician131、起重工Up heavy industry132、修理工repairman133、复位reset134、打开open135、关闭close136、转子rotor137、定子stator138、配电室supply139、销子pin140、开口销Split cotters141、图纸drawings142、组合combination143、垫板pad144、修理repair145、保养maintenance146、风速Wind speed147、材料material148、重量weight149、锅炉boiler150、长度length151、宽度width152、高度height153、额定rated154、电压voltage155、功率power156、角度Angle157、安全security158、记录record159、建设construction160、上升up161、下降down162、信号signal163、操作工operator164、龙门吊操作工gantry crane operator 165、履带吊操作工crawler crane operator 166、汽车吊操作工mobile crane operator 167、塔吊操作工crane operator168、锁lock169、钥匙key170、电源power171、重的heavy172、轻的173、紧light tightened174、松loose175、保护protect 176、按钮button 177、灯light178、封车sealing crane 179、断电cut power 180、站稳Stand firm 181、捆绑tie182、叉车forklift 183、观察watch 184、手套glove 185、链条chain186、升降机jack 187、氧气oxygen 188、乙炔acetylene 189、焊条filler rod 190、距离distance 191、工具tool192、继续go on 193、快速quickly 194、安静quiet195、相当quite196、东east197、西west198、南south199、北north200、中心center第二次提供1、现场site2、公司company3、建设construction4、原因reason5、日期date6、记录record7、主要main8、目的purpose9、安全safety10、危险danger11、包括include12、下面downside13、上面upside14、爬climb15、相同same16、不同different17、学习learn18、水平level19、当心be careful20、服务serve21、日常的daily22、检查cheek23、早饭breakfast24、午饭lunch25、晚饭diner26、食堂dining hall27、早上morning28、下午afternoon29、打印print30、复制copy31、百分比percent32、决定decide33、因为because34、型号type35、必须must36、理解understand37、使用use38、选择choose39、简单easy40、难hard41、操作室Cabin42、控制control43、宽的wide44、窄的narrow45、平衡balance46、特殊special47、跨度span48、确保make sure49、维护maintain50、仔细careful51、主钩Main hook52、副钩Aux. hook53、速度speed54、功率power55、温度temperature56、角度angle57、管子pipe58、重量weight59、法兰flange60、刚性腿stiff leg61、挠性腿flexible leg62、上部upper63、下部lower64、结束end65、开始begin66、块piece67、钢铁steel68、单独single69、体积volume70、面积area71、两倍double72、轨道rail73、增加add74、紧固tighten75、松动loose76、牢固的firm77、手柄handle78、强度strength79、垫圈Washer80、开口销Split pin81、固定fix82、爬梯ladder83、平台platform84、传感器sensor85、鞋shoe86、检查check87、电铃bell88、破坏destroy89、弹簧spring90、锁紧lock91、制动器brake92、情况condition93、渗漏leakage94、实验Test95、培训train96、过来come here97、使劲exert all your strength98、卸扣shackle99、记号笔marking pen100、写write101、记住remember102、忘记forget103、超负荷overload104、提升lift105、地面ground106、坑洞hole107、正常normal 108、反常unusual 109、起吊物object 110、捆绑bound 111、包角support 112、道木sleeper 113、减速箱gear box 114、里面inside 115、外面outside 116、风wind117、杯子cup118、润滑Lubrication 119、圆circle120、盖子cover121、每月monthly 122、数量amount 123、超过over124、度degree125、卷筒drum126、泵pump127、文件file128、困难difficulty 129、对讲机walk talky 130、信号signal 131、测量measure 132、O型圈“O”ring 133、过来come here 134、劳力labor135、允许allow136、躲开stay away 137、配件fitting 138、轴承roller139、油封oil seal 140、垫板plate141、电池batter142、启动start143、卷尺tape144、移动move145、敲击knock 146、需要need147、使用use148、锁lock149、重的heavy150、轻的light151、黑色black152、红色red153、白色white154、颜色colour155、懒惰lazy156、忙碌busy157、空闲free158、捡起Pickup159、快点Hurry up160、怎么了What’s the matter? 161、干的好Well-done162、齿轮gear163、改变change164、三角形triangle165、钥匙key166、帮忙help167、上个last168、正确right169、错误wrong170、之间between171、连接link172、司机driver173、休息have a rest174、睡觉sleep175、跟随follow176、足够enough177、楔铁wedge plate178、刀子knife179、玻璃glass180、问ask181、答answer182、新new183、旧old184、远far185、近near186、长long187、短short188、准时on time、189、等一会wait a minute 190、等等and so on191、强壮strong192、借borrow193、米meter194、通知notice 195、跳jump 196、重要important 197、纸paper 198、责任duty 199、下雨rain 200、水water。

国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编一、基础词汇access 交通agreement 同意、协议allocation 分配、配置approval 同意、批准arbitration 仲裁Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行assistant 助理、助手authorize(delegate)授权、委托Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表civil works 土建工程claim 索赔comment 评论、意见commercial manager 商务经理conditions of contract 合同条件general conditions 通用条件conditions of particular application 专用条件special conditions of contract 特别条件Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件construction management 施工管理consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议Contractor 承包商cooperation 合作coordination 协作cost 费用cost control 成本控制counterclaim 反索赔demobilization 退场department 部门Designer 设计者drawing 图纸shop drawing 车间图design drawing 设计图as-built drawing 竣工图blue drawing 蓝图transparent drawing 透明图construction drawing 施工图electric works 电气工程Employer(Client/Owner) 业主Engineer 工程师Engineer's representative 工程师代表engineering project 工程项目international project 国际工程overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国内工程equipment 设备expatriate 外籍职员expert 专家export 出口Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会formal 正式的hydromechanical works 金结工程import 进口in charge of 负责、主管informal 非正式的Institution of CivilEngineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会instrument 仪器、器械insurance 保险labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machinery 机械manpower(human resource) 人力资源Manufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量memorandum 备忘录mobilization 进场objection 反对payment 支付plant 设备point of view(opinion) 观点、意见prequalification 资格预审procurement 采购profit 利润progress control 进度控制project manager 项目经理quality control 质量控制request(application) 申请、请求review 审查risk 风险river closure 截流river diversion 导流safety 安全signature 签名site 工地、现场site engineer 现场工程师specification 规格、规范staff 职员Subcontractor 分包商submission 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会unit price 单价variation(change) 变更World Bank 世界银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support)明挖(Open Excavation )bench excavation 台阶开挖concrete excavation 砼开挖fault excavation 断层开挖foundation excavation 基础开挖local excavation 局部开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖protective layer excavation 保护层开挖rock excavation 岩石开挖slope excavation 边坡开挖soft ground excavation 软基开挖soil excavation 土方开挖structural excavation 结构开挖tooth excavation 齿槽开挖unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff trench 截水槽dewatering(drainage) 排水excavation pit 开挖基坑intensity of excavation 开挖强度overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖pump sump 水泵坑Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖underbreak treatment 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)a round of excavation 一个开挖循环adit 支洞advance 进尺advances depth 进尺深度breaking hole 崩落孔cushion hole 缓冲孔drift 掏槽bottom drift 底部掏槽center drift 中心掏槽side drift 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilling 钻孔driving(progress) rate 进尺率easer 掏槽孔erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavation 全断面开挖heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣loading (charging) 装药perimeter hole 周边孔pilot tunnel 导洞removing dust 除尘removing ground water 清除地面积水shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖ventilation 通风钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) abandoned hole 废孔average hole depth 平均孔深average quantity used in unitvolume blasted 平均单耗blasting result 爆破结果blockness 块度controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破data of explosive filled 装药参数data of holes drilled 钻孔参数delayed blasting 延时爆破exploratory hole 探孔explosive quantity 药量explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量handling misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loosening blasting 松动爆破pattern 布孔方式distance between holes 孔距distance between rows 排距post shearing blasting 微差爆破prespliting blasting 预裂爆破quantity of holes 孔数smooth blasting 光面爆破延时支护(rock support)expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆feature rock anchor 随机锚索feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆feature rock reinforcement 随机加固lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁pattern cement grouted rockdowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel系统树脂浆锚杆pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后张拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆return rock reinforcement 回头加固shotcrete anchorage 喷锚shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence)backfill 回填blend 混合compact 碾压controlled sprinkling 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡dump 卸料exploit 开采level 整平load 装料moisture condition 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove 清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work again) 返工scarify 翻松、刨毛screen and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test 测试transport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects)calcium particles 姜石contaminated material 受污染料declination of the boundary 料界偏差dry 干燥lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料pocket 囊穴seepage 渗流separation 分离shear area 剪力区lens 透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面byproduct 副产品controlling parameter 控制参数fill placement record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required embankment 必要填方subzone 分区◆混凝土(Concrete )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼asphalt concrete 沥青砼blinding concrete 垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼plastic concrete 塑料砼fibrous concrete 纤维砼first stage concrete 一期砼foamed concrete 泡沫砼high-performance concrete 高性能砼high-strength concrete 高强砼intrusion concrete 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼mass concrete 大体积砼non-fines concrete 无砂砼non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼normal concrete 常态砼plain concrete 素砼porous concrete 多孔砼prestressed concrete 预应力砼pump concrete 泵送砼reinforced concrete 钢筋砼roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼second stage concrete 二期砼作业(Activity)clearance(clearing) 清理concretepouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑curing 养护Membrance curing 薄膜养护moist curing 湿润养护normal curing 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairing 修理Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛greencutting 冲毛surface finishing 收面vibrating 振捣缺陷(Defects)bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joint 冷缝crack 裂缝deformation 变形depression 坑洼fire-damaged concrete 火损砼formwork shifting(moving) 跑模grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘)honeycomb 蜂窝incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则segregation(bleeding) 离析stair(staggered joint) 错台tie rod hole 拉杆孔water leakage 漏水water seepage 渗水外加剂(Admixture)accelerator 速凝剂air-entraining agent 引气剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 膨胀剂coring admixture 着色剂early-strength admixtu re 早强剂gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂)fluidizer 塑化剂retarding agent 缓凝剂set-controlling admixture 调凝剂super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂surface-active agent 表面活性剂water-reducing agent 减水剂accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂waterproof agent 防水剂指标(Indexes)compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压应力concrete class 砼等级final strength 终凝强度graduation 级配graduation curve 级配曲线impermeability 抗渗性initial setting strength 初凝强度mix design 配比设计resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性shear strength 抗剪强度slump 坍落度specific weight/gravity 比重stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性strain 应变surface finish 表面平整度tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力thermal stress 温度应力water-cement ratio 水灰比working stress 工作应力其他(Others)acceptance 验收age 龄期aggregate 骨料fine aggregate 细骨料coarse aggregate 粗骨料air pocket 气囊airtightness 气密性alternative 替代物、替换方法apply 应用、施加bending moment 弯矩block 仓号binding strength 黏结强度calibration 标定cement anchor 锚固卷concrete plug 砼塞concrete precast element 砼预制件concrete release sheet 发料单上面已看!construction joint 施工缝contamination /pollution 污染conversion(reconstruction) 改建coverage 覆盖范围curing agent 养护剂delivery sheet 运料单direct discharge 直接入仓elevation 高程、正视图epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面existing 现有(存)的expansion joint 伸缩缝facilitate 使容易(便利)gabion 纤丝笼humidity 湿度identity 识别、标记ingredient 成分、配料inspection 检查、验收preliminary inspection 初验final inspection 终验appearance inspection 外观检查intact 完整的、未被触动的inter-tower joint 塔间缝introduce into 将……穿入isolate 隔离laitance 浮浆皮layer(lift)height 层高meet design requirement 满足设计要求moment of inertia 惯性距Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留孔post-cooling 后冷却post tensioning 后张拉pre-cooling 预冷却pre-stressing 预应力pre-tensioning 先张拉pull-off test 扒拉试验reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层remark 备注section area 截面面积shearkey 抗剪键key groove 键槽shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产simplify 简化simultaneously 同时地spacer 水泥垫块spacing 间距stress concentration 应力集中symmetry 对称technical data 技术参数temperature control 温度控制temperature difference 温差temperature rise(gain) 温度升高theoretical elongation 理论延长量unloading 卸载water stop 止水PVC water stop PVC止水rubber water stop 橡皮止水copper water stop 铜止水watertightness 闭水性winter protection 冬季保温◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模bond breaker 脱模剂climbing cone 爬升锥dam bracket 大坝支架distance piece 横支撑double-curvature formwork 双曲模板flat formwork 平面模板formwork oil 模板油pigtail anchor 猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板shearkey box 键槽盒sliding formwork 滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车steel formwork 钢模steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑stopend 堵头、封堵模板temporary formwork 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板wood formwork 木模◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar)distribution bar 分布筋dowel 插筋horizontal bar 水平筋lap length 搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋overlap 搭接shear bar 剪力筋splice welding 绑条焊接starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦stirrup 箍筋support bar 架立筋vertical bar 竖直筋◆灌浆(Grouting)backfill grouting 回填灌浆consolidation grouting 固结灌浆contact grouting 接触灌浆curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆gap grouting 接缝灌浆gravity grouting 自重灌浆jet grouting 旋喷灌浆multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆pressure grouting 压力灌浆ring grouting 环行灌浆single-stage grouting 一次灌浆工艺过程(Activity)air test 通风试验backfilling of hole 封孔flushing test 通水试验joint washing 洗缝seal 密封soak 浸泡water pressure test 压水试验管路及组件(Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包arising pipe 升降管circuit 回路clamp 卡子cock 旋塞coil 蛇形管cylinder 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套expansion coupling 伸缩节female-quick coupling 内丝快接头fixed clamp 死卡flow rate meter 测量计galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头grout cap 灌浆帽grout cell 出浆盒grout stop plate 止浆片grout valve 灌浆阀inlet pipe 进浆管large radius elbow 大弧弯头main pipe 总管male-quick coupling 外丝快接头outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞piston 活塞plug 堵头reducer socket 变径管套return pipe 回浆管tee piece 三通管reduce tee piece 变径三通管swivel-clamp 转卡U-bend U弯头union 活接头ventilation pipe 排气管water supply 水包参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)consistency 稠度fineness 细度grout take 吃浆量high take 吃浆量大grouting pressure 灌浆压力leakage rate 漏水率Lugeon 吕容mix proportion 浆比pumping rate 泵浆率refusal criteria 排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间water aborptin 吸水率仪器设备(Plant and Instrument)agitator 搅拌站automatic recorder 自动记录仪chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站displancement point 位移点electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计extensometer 变位计flow transmitter 流量传感器foundation displacementindicator 基础位移指示器grout pump 灌浆泵hydrometer 比重计joint meter 测缝计mixing plant 制浆站monitor 监测器osmometer 渗压计pendulum 钟摆portable instrument 便携式仪器pressure gauge 压力表pressure sensor 压力传感器reinforcement meter 钢筋计steel basin 搅拌槽strain meter 应变计temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal station 集线站其他(Others)check hole 检查孔compartment 灌区dense mix 浓浆foundation uplift 基础隆起grout hole 灌浆孔instrument hole 仪器孔primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一序、二序、三序灌浆孔spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距waste mix 弃浆◆测量(Survey)测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms)adjust 校正、调整adjustment 平差allowance 容许误差backsight point 后视点basic point 基础点bench mark 水准点compass 罗盘chainage(station number) 桩号chain of triangulation 三角锁check 校核、对照control point 控制点coordinate point 坐标点datum 基础面datum point 基准点deviation 偏差easily identifiable point 容易识别点error 误差first order triangulation 一等三角测量geodetic 大地测量学的geodetic surveying 大地测量joint survey 联合测量known point 已知点level surface 水准面local triangulation networks 局部三角网national coordination system 国家坐标网observe 观测、监视point to be located 待定点position 定位、位置reconnaissance 选点、踏勘reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量set out 放线、放样stake-line 测桩线state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标系survey point 测点theoretical point 理论点traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差lattice traverse 网格状导线long side traverse 长导线open traverse 非闭合导线short side traverse 短导线traverse closure 导线闭合traverse station 导线点traverse survey 导线测量triangulation 三角测量triangulation network 三角网triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点trilateration 三边测量vertical-control net 高程控制网wood pile 木桩角度测量(Angular Measure)azimuth 方位角bearing 方位、象限角buddle 气泡、水准器circle 度盘、圆盘circular bubble 圆水准器collimation axis 视准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝depression angle 俯角elevation angle 仰角eyepiece(ocular) 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆foot-screw 脚螺栓horizontal angle 水平角mark 标志(明)objective lens 物镜plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线sight 瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄准theodolite 经纬仪tranverse axis 横轴tripod 三脚架vertical angle 竖直角vertical axis 竖轴望远镜(Telescope)centering 对中face left 盘左face right 盘右focus 集中、焦点focusing 调焦index error 指标误差inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope)倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope)正镜、盘右optical plummet 光学垂准器round 测回set 套、组station 测站距离测量(Distance Measure)barometer 气压计base line(basic line/datum line) 基线battery 电池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距filter 滤光片、滤波器laser alignment system 激光准直系统laser beam 激光束prism 棱镜range 测程、距离long range 远程medium range 中程short range 短程range finder 测距仪signal 信号spring balance 弹簧称tape 卷尺invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺高程测量(Height Measurement)altitude/elevation 高程、海拔approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平automatic level 自动定平水准仪difference in altitude(difference ofelevation ,height difference) 高差error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差exact leveling 精平、确置平level 水准仪(测点)level circuit 水准闭合环level shoe 水准尺垫line of level 水准线路national geodetic vertical datum 国家大地高程基准面reduced level 归化高差run back 返测run out 往测three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量地形测量(Topographic Survey)boundary 边界、界线construction stake 施工标桩contour 等高线contour interval 等高距contouring 绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法contour line 等高线control network 控制网detail 细部、详图draw 绘图field 外业fix 固定、确定form line 地形图grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报marginal information 轮廓注记large-scale 大比例尺的latitude 纬度、范围latitude circle 纬圈latitude line 纬线legend 图例location 定线、定位longitude 经度longitude line 经线map 地图、制图mapping 制图、测图、地质素描match line 拼接线monument 标石、石柱object 地物、目标plan 平面图、略图plot 绘图profile 断面(图)、纵剖图record 记录、资料setup 定置仪器site location 定位stake out 放样、定线、立桩symbol 符号、记号topographic detail 地形细部topographic map 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentationand Facilities)air-entraining meter 掺气剂Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计concrete strain meter 砼应变计convergent point 收敛测点direct plumb line 正垂线earth pressure cell 土压力盒embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计embankment strain meter 堤应变计extended wire 引张线foundation piezometer 基础渗压计horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器hydrophone 水听器inclinometer casing 测斜管interface joint meter 界面变位计inverted plumb line 倒垂线micro piezometer 微压计multiple position extensometer 多点位移计observation point 观测标点observation well 观测井optical alignment line 视准线plate strain meter 钢板计pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计single point extensometer 单点位移计spiral sensor 测扭仪standpipe 测压管strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪surface monument 表面标点temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal house 终端房terminal station 终端站tilt meter 倾角计time average pressure cell 时均压力计total pressure cell 总压力盒velometer 流速计vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts)coil 盘绕component 零部件coordinator 坐标仪damping box 阻尼角differential resistance 差动电阻double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护forced centering plate 强制对中盘instrument lead 仪器电缆invar wire 铟瓦丝metal ring 金属环plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪pulley 滑轮regulator 调节器riser 立管sensor 传感器spool 绕轴steel socket 钢底座tablet 药片tensioning weight 张拉重锤thermistor 热敏电阻tip 测头安装过程(Procession of Installation)assemble 组装couple 连接embed 埋设install 安装insulate 绝缘maintenance 维护monitor 监测protection of instrumentation 仪器保护reduce 归纳seal 密封splice 拼接supply 提供test 测试资料(Information)assemble schematic 装配简图certificate 合格证书description 使用说明书maintenace guideline 维护指南manual 说明书operating principle 工作原理operating restraint 操作范围procedure 程序trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)annular space 环行空间data acquisition 数据采集data recording 数据记录leas drilling hole 引线孔permanent record 永久记录readout device 读数设备saturated 饱和的seepage isolation dike 截渗堤trapezoidal 梯形◆水工常规试验砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete)骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler洛杉机磨耗量accumulated retained percentage 累计筛余百分率acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与片状颗粒含量alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应apparent density 视密度bulk density (unity weight) 容重clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate 黏土块及易碎颗粒含量coefficient of softening 软化系数crush index 压碎指标dry state 干燥状态exceeding and inferior grain inaggregate 超逊径颗粒含量fineness modulus 细度模数gaping place rate 空隙率grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率grain composition 颗粒级配grain size 粒径lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量mica content 云母含量moisture content(water rate) 含水率mud content 含泥量organic content 有机质含量potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性saturation 饱和的sieving curve 筛分曲线soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量soundness 坚固性surface moisture content 表面含水率water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious material) age 龄期cement mark(strength of cement /cement grade) 水泥标号consumptive use of water normal consistance 标准稠度用水量degree of mobilization 流动性dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热final set 终凝flexural strength 抗弯强度flyash 粉煤灰hydration heat 水化热initial set 初凝loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量setting time 凝结时间silica fume 硅粉soundness 水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积specific heat 比热water demand ratio 吸水量比外加剂(Admixture)bubble stability 泡沫稳定性bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 氯化物含量compressive strength rate 抗压强度比contract with dry rate 干缩率dispersing coefficient 分散系数dispersing ability of water-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力loss of slump 塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量solid content 固体含量surface tension 表面张力water-reducing rate 减水率水(Water)alkalinity 碱度calcion 钙离子carbonic acid 钙酸chlorion 氯离子equivalent concentration 当量浓度oxygen consumption 耗氧量normal solution (standardsolution) 标准溶液PH value PH值water analysis 水值分析砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度bleeding rate 泌水率cement-sand ration 灰砂比design strength of concrete 砼设计标号flowability of concrete 砼的流动性mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合比mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼强度保证率sand rate 砂率unit consumption of water 单位用水量water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性water-cement ratio 水灰比硬化砼(Hardened concrete)axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数cooling rate 冷却率core of concrete 砼芯样creep deformation (time deformation ) 徐变变形form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号heat property of concrete 砼热学性能height-diameter ration 高径比linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数loss of weight 重量损失natural frequency 自振频率permeate 渗透permeated height 渗透高度permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号relative coefficient of permeability 相对渗透系数resonance frequency 共振频率sample 试件self-grown volume deformation(砼)自生体积变形splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力抗压弹数temperature conductivity 导温系数tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming 绝热温升ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度砂浆(Cement)cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆lime mortar 石灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆土(Soil)accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线activity index 活性指标angle of friction 摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio 载重比coarse-grained soil 粗粒土coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of cubicalcompressibility 体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数compression 压缩compression index 压缩指数compression modulus 压缩模数consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test 固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验consolidated-drained (slow) shear test 固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验consolidation 固结consolidation coefficient 固结系数consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation stress 固结应力continuous grading/gradation 连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验core cutter method 环刀法creep curve 蠕变曲线critical slope 逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率direct shear test 直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验distribution curve 分布曲线drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角effective strength envelope 有效强度包线expansion force 膨胀力expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流fine-grained soil 细粒土flow net(drift net) 流网hydraulic slope 水力坡降hydrometer method 比重计法hydrostatic head method 常水头法limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态liquefaction 液化liquid limit 液限liquidity index 液化指标maximum dry density 最大干密度method of sieving 筛分法Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-库伦破坏准则normal stress 法向应力(正应力)oedometer curve 压缩曲线optimum moisture content 最优含水量piping 管涌plastic limit 塑限plasticity index 塑性指标pore water pressure 空隙水压力porosity 空隙率principal stress 主应力Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验relative density 相对密度sand replacement method 灌砂法saturability (saturation degree/percent saturation) 饱和度saturated unit weight 饱和容重seepage deformation 渗透变形seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力seepage line 渗透线seepage speed 渗透速度shear stress 切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit 缩限skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重steady seepage field 稳定渗流场stress path 应力路径total strength envelope 总强度包线triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法void(pore) ratio 孔隙比water replacement method 灌水法wet density 湿密度其它建筑材料钢筋(steel )bending and unbending 反复弯曲cold bending test 冷弯试验elongation test 拉伸试验nominal diameter 公称直径ratio of elongation 伸长率relaxation test 松弛试验steel strand 钢绞线tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)curshing strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗压强度tensile strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗拉强度crushing strength across th egrain 横纹抗压强度tensile strength across to thegrain 横纹抗拉强度沥青(Asphalt)brittle temperature test 脆化点试验expansion test 延伸度试验penetration test 针入式试验softening point test 软化点试验test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验质量管理(Quality Management)average 平均值deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均方差deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数index of correlation 相关系数management limit 管理界限mathematic statistics 数理统计maximum 最大值minimum 最小值normal distribution 正态分布quality assurance 质量保证quality examination 质量检测regression curve 回归曲线relative dampness 相对湿度sample capacity 样本容量sampling frequency 取样频率specimen 样品statistical analysis 统计分析technical specification 技术规范technical standard 技术标准testing circumstance 试验环境testing error 试验误差testing regulation 试验规程variance analysis 方差分析◆地质(Geology)地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages)Archaeozoic era (erathem) 太古代(界)Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界)Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界)Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界)Cenozoic era (erathem) 新生代(界)Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系)Cambrian period (system) 寒武纪(系)Ordovician period (system) 奥陶纪(系)Silurian period (system) 志留纪(系)Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)Carboniferous period (system) 石碳纪(系)Permian period (system) 二叠纪(系)Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系)Jurassic period (system) 侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period (system) 白垩纪(系)Tertiary period (system) 第三纪(系)Quaternary period (system) 第四纪(系)地质构造(Geologic Structural)fault 断层normal fault 正断层reversed fault 逆断层parallel fault 平移断层gouge 断层泥stria 擦痕joint 节理primary joint 原生节理secondary joint 次生节理tension joint 张节理unloading joint 卸荷节理schistosity 片理bedding 层理foliation 板理(叶理)ripple mark 波痕mud crack 泥痕rain print 雨痕orientation of bedrock 岩层产状strike 走向dip 倾向angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角fold 褶皱anticline 背斜syncline 向斜Monocline (homocline) 单斜dome 穹隆soft stratum 软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带affected zone 影响带platy structure 板状构造cleavage 解理fracture(rupture) 断裂fissure(crack/fracture) 裂隙岩石类型(Rock type)petrology 岩石学igneous rock 火成岩magmatic rock 岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock) 火山岩intrusive (invade) rock 侵入岩effusive rock 深成岩pypabussal rock 浅成岩acid rock 酸性岩inter-mediate rock 中性岩basic rock 基性岩ultrabasic rock 超基性岩granite 花岗岩porphyry 斑岩rhyolite 玢岩syenite 流纹岩trachyte 粗面岩diorite 闪长岩andesite 安山岩gabbro 辉长岩basalt 玄武岩aplite 细晶岩pegmatite 伟晶岩lamprophyre 煌斑岩diabase 辉绿岩dunite 橄榄岩pumice 浮岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩。

孤独的海外工程人,愿你砥砺前行,风雨共勉!1.检验报告Inspection report2.(项目)完工报告close-out report3. 报价;投标bid;quotation;proposal;tender;offer4.询价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]5.报价策略会议bid strategy meeting6.报价经理proposal manager7. 报价书;标书;建议书proposal;quotation; bid; tender; offer8. 图细标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation9.标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form;tabulation of bids10.谈判negotiation11. 厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordinationmeeting[ VCM];coordination meeting12. 订货合约;定约成交commitment13. 订货电传;订货通知(书)telex order;notification of commitment14.订单(即定单)采买订单;订货合同purchase order[PO]15. 签订合同;合同签约contract award16. 询价;招标Inquiry;invitation to bid17.资格预审pre-qualification18. 合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list;qualified19. 询价书;招标文件Inquiry(package);request for quotation (package)[RFQ]request for proposal [RFP];invitation to bid[TB]20. 请购文件;请购单requisition(package);requisition documents21. 采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]22. 投标者须知;报价须知Instructions to bidders[TB]23.变更change24. 用户变更;合同变更client change;contract change25.待定的用户变更pending client change26.认可的用户变更approved client change27. 用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice[CCN];contract change order[CCO]28. 项目变更;内部变更project change;internal change29. 项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project change notice[ PCN];internal change order[ICO]30. 变更申请单;偏差通知单change request;deviation notice[DN]31.质量quality32.质量方针quality policy33.质量管理quality management34.质量策划quality planning35.质量控制quality control[QC]36.质量保证quality assurance[OA]37.质量体系quality system38.质量改进quality improvement39.质量手册quality manual40.质量计划quality plan41.图纸drawing42.工艺流程图process flow diagram[PFD]43.工艺控制图process control diagram[PCD]44.管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[PID]或[P&ID]45.装置布置图plot plan46.管道平面设计图piping planning(drawing)47.管道平面布置图piping layout drawing48.管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing[ISO]49.“批准用于详细工程设计(版)”图纸drawings issued" Approved for Design "[LAFD]50.“批准用于施工(版)”图纸drawings issued”Approved for Construction"[AFC]51.供货厂商先期确认图(纸)advanced certified finaldrawings[ACF];advanced certified vendors' drawings;preliminary vendor drawings [PD]52.供货厂商最终确认图(纸)certified final drawings[CF];certifiedvendor drawings[CD]53. 图表diagram;chart54.直方图histogram55.横道图bar chart;gantt chart56.进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart57.费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart58. 项目;工程项目project59.项目实施project execution60.项目实施阶段project phase61. 项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution62.施工阶段construction phase63.开车阶段start-up phase64.项目建设周期project durations65.项目管理project management66.项目控制project control67.专责项目组task force68.项目经理project manager[PM]69.项目设计经理project engineering manager[PEMI70.项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM]71. 项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]72.项目工艺经理project process manager73. 项目控制经理project controls manager74.项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer;project scheduler75.项目估算师project estimator76.项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer;project cost engineers77.项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer78.项目财务经理project financial manager79.项目质量经理project quality manager80.项目开车经理project start-up manager81.项目安全工程师project safety engineer82.项目秘书project secretary83.项目控制手段project controlling;tools for project control84. 控制基准执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline performance measurement baseline;progress base line85. 偏差;差异deviation;variance86. 执行效果;效绩;性能performance1.专利patents2.专利权patent right3.产权技术proprietary technology4.专利技术licensed technology5.专有技术技术诀窍know how6.许可证license7.专利商;许可方licensor8.受许可方;受让方licensee9.(技术)转让费;提成费royalty10.专有技术费know- how fee11.专业discipline12.工艺(专业)process design;process engineering 13.系统(专业)systems engineering14.设备(专业)equipment engineering15.布置(专业)plant,layout engineering16.管道设计(专业)piping design17.仪表(专业)Instruments engineering18.管道机械(专业)piping mechanical engineering 19.电气(专业)electrical engineering20.建筑(专业)architectural engineering21.土建(专业)civil engineering22.试车commIssioning23.开车start-up24.料试车start-up;test run;initial operations formance guarantee test s25.性能考核;生产考核test run26.用户验收;装置验收client acceptance;plant acceptance 27.支付条件;付款条件terms of payment;conditions ofpayment ;terms and conditionsof payment29.预付款advance payment;down payment30.按实物进度付款progress payment31.按日程进度付款schedule payment32.保留金retention money33.最终付款final payment34.代码;编码code;number35.组码group code36.标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes;code of accounts37.可变码variable code optional variable code38.通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]39.未可预见费contingency40.发表issue;release41.汇票bill of exchange;draft42.议付汇票bill of negotiation43.业主owner44.用户;客户client45.设计:工程设计design,engineering46.设计阶段engineering phase47.工艺设计阶段process design phase48.基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase49.分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase50.平面设计阶段planning engineering phase51.详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase;final design phase;production engineering phase53.会议meeting54.开工会议kick-off meeting55.报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting56.用户开工会议client kick-off meeting57.项目开工会议project kick-off meeting58.设计开工会议engineering kick-off meeting59.施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting60.审核会review meeting61.合同承包contract62.合同生效日期effective date of the contract63.合同终止termination of contract64.合同失效frustration of contract65.总价合同lump-sum contract[LS]66.(固定)单价合同(fixed)unit price contract67.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost))reimbursible contract; cost-plus (fee)contract[CP]68.成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed feecontract[ CPFF]69.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost)reimbursible contract;cost-plus (fee)contract[ CP]70.成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract[CPFF]71.成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract(target)cost plus fee contract,with the bonus or penalty72.目标成本加奖罚合同;限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加酬金合同reimbursible guaranteed maximum price contract[RGMP];guarante e maximum cost plus fee contract 73.承包商contractor74.分包商subcontractor75.合营企业joint venture[JV]76.运输traffic;transport77.报关单bill of entry78.报告report79.(项目)进展月报(job)monthly progress report80.费用和进展月报monthly cost& progress report81.设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report82.项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report83.项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report。

编号 ☆ 内 容 السعودية الديار沙特迪雅尔公司 1 6 4 13 4 6 3 6 3 6 5 21 10 5 4 6 7 4 13 8 7 15 7 5 5 7 6 6 3 7 6 12 页数 备 注 第1文件 夹 子目录
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
1 2 3 4

2.Arrival at San Francisco Airport
I.O: C.O: Zhang: C.O: Zhang: C.O: Zhang: C.O: Everything seems to be OK. Please proceed to Customs next. (At the Customs Counter) Your declaration form, please. Here it is. Anything else to declare? I don't think so. What's in this bag? Just some personal belongings. OK. That's all.
课程引言 Introduction
China Overseas Construction Company (COCC) is awarded a contract for a hydroelectric project in Central America. Mr. Bian, the project manager and his assistant, Mr. Zhang are leading a group of engineers, technicians and other site management staff to where the project is going to be executed. Because there's no direct flight available from China to the destination, they decide to go there by way of San Francisco , USA. 中国海外建设公司(中海公司)在中美洲中标了一个 水电工程项目,项目经理卞先生与其助手张先生正率领一 批工程师、技术员和其他管理人员奔赴项目所在地。由于 中国到目的地没有直达航班,他们决定取道美国的旧金山。

国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编一、基础词汇access 交通agreement 同意、协议allocation 分配、配置approval 同意、批准arbitration 仲裁Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行assistant 助理、助手authorize(delegate)授权、委托Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表civil works 土建工程claim 索赔comment 评论、意见commercial manager 商务经理conditions of contract 合同条件general conditions 通用条件conditions of particular application 专用条件special conditions of contract 特别条件Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件construction management 施工管理consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议Contractor 承包商cooperation 合作coordination 协作cost 费用cost control 成本控制counterclaim 反索赔demobilization 退场department 部门Designer 设计者drawing 图纸shop drawing 车间图design drawing 设计图as-built drawing 竣工图blue drawing 蓝图transparent drawing 透明图construction drawing 施工图electric works 电气工程Employer(Client/Owner) 业主Engineer 工程师Engineer's representative 工程师代表engineering project 工程项目international project 国际工程overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国内工程equipment 设备expatriate 外籍职员expert 专家export 出口Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会formal 正式的hydromechanical works 金结工程import 进口in charge of 负责、主管informal 非正式的Institution of CivilEngineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会instrument 仪器、器械insurance 保险labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machinery 机械manpower(human resource) 人力资源Manufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量memorandum 备忘录mobilization 进场objection 反对payment 支付plant 设备point of view(opinion) 观点、意见prequalification 资格预审procurement 采购profit 利润progress control 进度控制project manager 项目经理quality control 质量控制request(application) 申请、请求review 审查risk 风险river closure 截流river diversion 导流safety 安全signature 签名site 工地、现场site engineer 现场工程师specification 规格、规范staff 职员Subcontractor 分包商submission 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会unit price 单价variation(change) 变更World Bank 世界银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support)明挖(Open Excavation )bench excavation 台阶开挖concrete excavation 砼开挖fault excavation 断层开挖foundation excavation 基础开挖local excavation 局部开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖protective layer excavation 保护层开挖rock excavation 岩石开挖slope excavation 边坡开挖soft ground excavation 软基开挖soil excavation 土方开挖structural excavation 结构开挖tooth excavation 齿槽开挖unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff trench 截水槽dewatering(drainage) 排水excavation pit 开挖基坑intensity of excavation 开挖强度overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖pump sump 水泵坑Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖underbreak treatment 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)a round of excavation 一个开挖循环adit 支洞advance 进尺advances depth 进尺深度breaking hole 崩落孔cushion hole 缓冲孔drift 掏槽bottom drift 底部掏槽center drift 中心掏槽side drift 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilling 钻孔driving(progress) rate 进尺率easer 掏槽孔erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavation 全断面开挖heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣loading (charging) 装药perimeter hole 周边孔pilot tunnel 导洞removing dust 除尘removing ground water 清除地面积水shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖ventilation 通风钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) abandoned hole 废孔average hole depth 平均孔深average quantity used in unitvolume blasted 平均单耗blasting result 爆破结果blockness 块度controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破data of explosive filled 装药参数data of holes drilled 钻孔参数delayed blasting 延时爆破exploratory hole 探孔explosive quantity 药量explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量handling misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loosening blasting 松动爆破pattern 布孔方式distance between holes 孔距distance between rows 排距post shearing blasting 微差爆破prespliting blasting 预裂爆破quantity of holes 孔数smooth blasting 光面爆破延时支护(rock support)expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆feature rock anchor 随机锚索feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆feature rock reinforcement 随机加固lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁pattern cement grouted rockdowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel系统树脂浆锚杆pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后张拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆return rock reinforcement 回头加固shotcrete anchorage 喷锚shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence)backfill 回填blend 混合compact 碾压controlled sprinkling 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡dump 卸料exploit 开采level 整平load 装料moisture condition 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove 清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work again) 返工scarify 翻松、刨毛screen and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test 测试transport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects)calcium particles 姜石contaminated material 受污染料declination of the boundary 料界偏差dry 干燥lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料pocket 囊穴seepage 渗流separation 分离shear area 剪力区lens 透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面byproduct 副产品controlling parameter 控制参数fill placement record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required embankment 必要填方subzone 分区◆混凝土(Concrete )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼asphalt concrete 沥青砼blinding concrete 垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼plastic concrete 塑料砼fibrous concrete 纤维砼first stage concrete 一期砼foamed concrete 泡沫砼high-performance concrete 高性能砼high-strength concrete 高强砼intrusion concrete 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼mass concrete 大体积砼non-fines concrete 无砂砼non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼normal concrete 常态砼plain concrete 素砼porous concrete 多孔砼prestressed concrete 预应力砼pump concrete 泵送砼reinforced concrete 钢筋砼roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼second stage concrete 二期砼作业(Activity)clearance(clearing) 清理concretepouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑curing 养护Membrance curing 薄膜养护moist curing 湿润养护normal curing 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairing 修理Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛greencutting 冲毛surface finishing 收面vibrating 振捣缺陷(Defects)bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joint 冷缝crack 裂缝deformation 变形depression 坑洼fire-damaged concrete 火损砼formwork shifting(moving) 跑模grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘)honeycomb 蜂窝incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则segregation(bleeding) 离析stair(staggered joint) 错台tie rod hole 拉杆孔water leakage 漏水water seepage 渗水外加剂(Admixture)accelerator 速凝剂air-entraining agent 引气剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 膨胀剂coring admixture 着色剂early-strength admixtu re 早强剂gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂)fluidizer 塑化剂retarding agent 缓凝剂set-controlling admixture 调凝剂super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂surface-active agent 表面活性剂water-reducing agent 减水剂accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂waterproof agent 防水剂指标(Indexes)compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压应力concrete class 砼等级final strength 终凝强度graduation 级配graduation curve 级配曲线impermeability 抗渗性initial setting strength 初凝强度mix design 配比设计resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性shear strength 抗剪强度slump 坍落度specific weight/gravity 比重stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性strain 应变surface finish 表面平整度tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力thermal stress 温度应力water-cement ratio 水灰比working stress 工作应力其他(Others)acceptance 验收age 龄期aggregate 骨料fine aggregate 细骨料coarse aggregate 粗骨料air pocket 气囊airtightness 气密性alternative 替代物、替换方法apply 应用、施加bending moment 弯矩block 仓号binding strength 黏结强度calibration 标定cement anchor 锚固卷concrete plug 砼塞concrete precast element 砼预制件concrete release sheet 发料单上面已看!construction joint 施工缝contamination /pollution 污染conversion(reconstruction) 改建coverage 覆盖范围curing agent 养护剂delivery sheet 运料单direct discharge 直接入仓elevation 高程、正视图epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面existing 现有(存)的expansion joint 伸缩缝facilitate 使容易(便利)gabion 纤丝笼humidity 湿度identity 识别、标记ingredient 成分、配料inspection 检查、验收preliminary inspection 初验final inspection 终验appearance inspection 外观检查intact 完整的、未被触动的inter-tower joint 塔间缝introduce into 将……穿入isolate 隔离laitance 浮浆皮layer(lift)height 层高meet design requirement 满足设计要求moment of inertia 惯性距Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留孔post-cooling 后冷却post tensioning 后张拉pre-cooling 预冷却pre-stressing 预应力pre-tensioning 先张拉pull-off test 扒拉试验reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层remark 备注section area 截面面积shearkey 抗剪键key groove 键槽shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产simplify 简化simultaneously 同时地spacer 水泥垫块spacing 间距stress concentration 应力集中symmetry 对称technical data 技术参数temperature control 温度控制temperature difference 温差temperature rise(gain) 温度升高theoretical elongation 理论延长量unloading 卸载water stop 止水PVC water stop PVC止水rubber water stop 橡皮止水copper water stop 铜止水watertightness 闭水性winter protection 冬季保温◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模bond breaker 脱模剂climbing cone 爬升锥dam bracket 大坝支架distance piece 横支撑double-curvature formwork 双曲模板flat formwork 平面模板formwork oil 模板油pigtail anchor 猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板shearkey box 键槽盒sliding formwork 滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车steel formwork 钢模steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑stopend 堵头、封堵模板temporary formwork 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板wood formwork 木模◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar)distribution bar 分布筋dowel 插筋horizontal bar 水平筋lap length 搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋overlap 搭接shear bar 剪力筋splice welding 绑条焊接starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦stirrup 箍筋support bar 架立筋vertical bar 竖直筋◆灌浆(Grouting)backfill grouting 回填灌浆consolidation grouting 固结灌浆contact grouting 接触灌浆curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆gap grouting 接缝灌浆gravity grouting 自重灌浆jet grouting 旋喷灌浆multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆pressure grouting 压力灌浆ring grouting 环行灌浆single-stage grouting 一次灌浆工艺过程(Activity)air test 通风试验backfilling of hole 封孔flushing test 通水试验joint washing 洗缝seal 密封soak 浸泡water pressure test 压水试验管路及组件(Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包arising pipe 升降管circuit 回路clamp 卡子cock 旋塞coil 蛇形管cylinder 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套expansion coupling 伸缩节female-quick coupling 内丝快接头fixed clamp 死卡flow rate meter 测量计galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头grout cap 灌浆帽grout cell 出浆盒grout stop plate 止浆片grout valve 灌浆阀inlet pipe 进浆管large radius elbow 大弧弯头main pipe 总管male-quick coupling 外丝快接头outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞piston 活塞plug 堵头reducer socket 变径管套return pipe 回浆管tee piece 三通管reduce tee piece 变径三通管swivel-clamp 转卡U-bend U弯头union 活接头ventilation pipe 排气管water supply 水包参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)consistency 稠度fineness 细度grout take 吃浆量high take 吃浆量大grouting pressure 灌浆压力leakage rate 漏水率Lugeon 吕容mix proportion 浆比pumping rate 泵浆率refusal criteria 排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间water aborptin 吸水率仪器设备(Plant and Instrument)agitator 搅拌站automatic recorder 自动记录仪chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站displancement point 位移点electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计extensometer 变位计flow transmitter 流量传感器foundation displacementindicator 基础位移指示器grout pump 灌浆泵hydrometer 比重计joint meter 测缝计mixing plant 制浆站monitor 监测器osmometer 渗压计pendulum 钟摆portable instrument 便携式仪器pressure gauge 压力表pressure sensor 压力传感器reinforcement meter 钢筋计steel basin 搅拌槽strain meter 应变计temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal station 集线站其他(Others)check hole 检查孔compartment 灌区dense mix 浓浆foundation uplift 基础隆起grout hole 灌浆孔instrument hole 仪器孔primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一序、二序、三序灌浆孔spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距waste mix 弃浆◆测量(Survey)测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms)adjust 校正、调整adjustment 平差allowance 容许误差backsight point 后视点basic point 基础点bench mark 水准点compass 罗盘chainage(station number) 桩号chain of triangulation 三角锁check 校核、对照control point 控制点coordinate point 坐标点datum 基础面datum point 基准点deviation 偏差easily identifiable point 容易识别点error 误差first order triangulation 一等三角测量geodetic 大地测量学的geodetic surveying 大地测量joint survey 联合测量known point 已知点level surface 水准面local triangulation networks 局部三角网national coordination system 国家坐标网observe 观测、监视point to be located 待定点position 定位、位置reconnaissance 选点、踏勘reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量set out 放线、放样stake-line 测桩线state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标系survey point 测点theoretical point 理论点traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差lattice traverse 网格状导线long side traverse 长导线open traverse 非闭合导线short side traverse 短导线traverse closure 导线闭合traverse station 导线点traverse survey 导线测量triangulation 三角测量triangulation network 三角网triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点trilateration 三边测量vertical-control net 高程控制网wood pile 木桩角度测量(Angular Measure)azimuth 方位角bearing 方位、象限角buddle 气泡、水准器circle 度盘、圆盘circular bubble 圆水准器collimation axis 视准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝depression angle 俯角elevation angle 仰角eyepiece(ocular) 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆foot-screw 脚螺栓horizontal angle 水平角mark 标志(明)objective lens 物镜plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线sight 瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄准theodolite 经纬仪tranverse axis 横轴tripod 三脚架vertical angle 竖直角vertical axis 竖轴望远镜(Telescope)centering 对中face left 盘左face right 盘右focus 集中、焦点focusing 调焦index error 指标误差inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope)倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope)正镜、盘右optical plummet 光学垂准器round 测回set 套、组station 测站距离测量(Distance Measure)barometer 气压计base line(basic line/datum line) 基线battery 电池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距filter 滤光片、滤波器laser alignment system 激光准直系统laser beam 激光束prism 棱镜range 测程、距离long range 远程medium range 中程short range 短程range finder 测距仪signal 信号spring balance 弹簧称tape 卷尺invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺高程测量(Height Measurement)altitude/elevation 高程、海拔approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平automatic level 自动定平水准仪difference in altitude(difference ofelevation ,height difference) 高差error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差exact leveling 精平、确置平level 水准仪(测点)level circuit 水准闭合环level shoe 水准尺垫line of level 水准线路national geodetic vertical datum 国家大地高程基准面reduced level 归化高差run back 返测run out 往测three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量地形测量(Topographic Survey)boundary 边界、界线construction stake 施工标桩contour 等高线contour interval 等高距contouring 绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法contour line 等高线control network 控制网detail 细部、详图draw 绘图field 外业fix 固定、确定form line 地形图grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报marginal information 轮廓注记large-scale 大比例尺的latitude 纬度、范围latitude circle 纬圈latitude line 纬线legend 图例location 定线、定位longitude 经度longitude line 经线map 地图、制图mapping 制图、测图、地质素描match line 拼接线monument 标石、石柱object 地物、目标plan 平面图、略图plot 绘图profile 断面(图)、纵剖图record 记录、资料setup 定置仪器site location 定位stake out 放样、定线、立桩symbol 符号、记号topographic detail 地形细部topographic map 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentationand Facilities)air-entraining meter 掺气剂Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计concrete strain meter 砼应变计convergent point 收敛测点direct plumb line 正垂线earth pressure cell 土压力盒embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计embankment strain meter 堤应变计extended wire 引张线foundation piezometer 基础渗压计horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器hydrophone 水听器inclinometer casing 测斜管interface joint meter 界面变位计inverted plumb line 倒垂线micro piezometer 微压计multiple position extensometer 多点位移计observation point 观测标点observation well 观测井optical alignment line 视准线plate strain meter 钢板计pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计single point extensometer 单点位移计spiral sensor 测扭仪standpipe 测压管strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪surface monument 表面标点temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal house 终端房terminal station 终端站tilt meter 倾角计time average pressure cell 时均压力计total pressure cell 总压力盒velometer 流速计vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts)coil 盘绕component 零部件coordinator 坐标仪damping box 阻尼角differential resistance 差动电阻double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护forced centering plate 强制对中盘instrument lead 仪器电缆invar wire 铟瓦丝metal ring 金属环plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪pulley 滑轮regulator 调节器riser 立管sensor 传感器spool 绕轴steel socket 钢底座tablet 药片tensioning weight 张拉重锤thermistor 热敏电阻tip 测头安装过程(Procession of Installation)assemble 组装couple 连接embed 埋设install 安装insulate 绝缘maintenance 维护monitor 监测protection of instrumentation 仪器保护reduce 归纳seal 密封splice 拼接supply 提供test 测试资料(Information)assemble schematic 装配简图certificate 合格证书description 使用说明书maintenace guideline 维护指南manual 说明书operating principle 工作原理operating restraint 操作范围procedure 程序trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)annular space 环行空间data acquisition 数据采集data recording 数据记录leas drilling hole 引线孔permanent record 永久记录readout device 读数设备saturated 饱和的seepage isolation dike 截渗堤trapezoidal 梯形◆水工常规试验砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete)骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler洛杉机磨耗量accumulated retained percentage 累计筛余百分率acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与片状颗粒含量alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应apparent density 视密度bulk density (unity weight) 容重clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate 黏土块及易碎颗粒含量coefficient of softening 软化系数crush index 压碎指标dry state 干燥状态exceeding and inferior grain inaggregate 超逊径颗粒含量fineness modulus 细度模数gaping place rate 空隙率grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率grain composition 颗粒级配grain size 粒径lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量mica content 云母含量moisture content(water rate) 含水率mud content 含泥量organic content 有机质含量potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性saturation 饱和的sieving curve 筛分曲线soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量soundness 坚固性surface moisture content 表面含水率water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious material)age 龄期cement mark(strength of cement /cement grade) 水泥标号consumptive use of water normal consistance 标准稠度用水量degree of mobilization 流动性dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热final set 终凝flexural strength 抗弯强度flyash 粉煤灰hydration heat 水化热initial set 初凝loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量setting time 凝结时间silica fume 硅粉soundness 水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积specific heat 比热water demand ratio 吸水量比外加剂(Admixture)bubble stability 泡沫稳定性bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 氯化物含量compressive strength rate 抗压强度比contract with dry rate 干缩率dispersing coefficient 分散系数dispersing ability of water-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力loss of slump 塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量solid content 固体含量surface tension 表面张力water-reducing rate 减水率水(Water)alkalinity 碱度calcion 钙离子carbonic acid 钙酸chlorion 氯离子equivalent concentration 当量浓度oxygen consumption 耗氧量normal solution (standardsolution) 标准溶液PH value PH值water analysis 水值分析砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度bleeding rate 泌水率cement-sand ration 灰砂比design strength of concrete 砼设计标号flowability of concrete 砼的流动性mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合比mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼强度保证率sand rate 砂率unit consumption of water 单位用水量water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性water-cement ratio 水灰比硬化砼(Hardened concrete)axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数cooling rate 冷却率core of concrete 砼芯样creep deformation (time deformation ) 徐变变形form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号heat property of concrete 砼热学性能height-diameter ration 高径比linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数loss of weight 重量损失natural frequency 自振频率permeate 渗透permeated height 渗透高度permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号relative coefficient of permeability 相对渗透系数resonance frequency 共振频率sample 试件self-grown volume deformation(砼)自生体积变形splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力抗压弹数temperature conductivity 导温系数tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming 绝热温升ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度砂浆(Cement)cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆lime mortar 石灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆土(Soil)accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线activity index 活性指标angle of friction 摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio 载重比coarse-grained soil 粗粒土coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of cubicalcompressibility 体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数compression 压缩compression index 压缩指数compression modulus 压缩模数consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test 固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验consolidated-drained (slow) shear test 固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验consolidation 固结consolidation coefficient 固结系数consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation stress 固结应力continuous grading/gradation 连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验core cutter method 环刀法creep curve 蠕变曲线critical slope 逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率direct shear test 直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验distribution curve 分布曲线drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角effective strength envelope 有效强度包线expansion force 膨胀力expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流fine-grained soil 细粒土flow net(drift net) 流网hydraulic slope 水力坡降hydrometer method 比重计法hydrostatic head method 常水头法limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态liquefaction 液化liquid limit 液限liquidity index 液化指标maximum dry density 最大干密度method of sieving 筛分法Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-库伦破坏准则normal stress 法向应力(正应力)oedometer curve 压缩曲线optimum moisture content 最优含水量piping 管涌plastic limit 塑限plasticity index 塑性指标pore water pressure 空隙水压力porosity 空隙率principal stress 主应力Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验relative density 相对密度sand replacement method 灌砂法saturability (saturation degree/percent saturation) 饱和度saturated unit weight 饱和容重seepage deformation 渗透变形seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力seepage line 渗透线seepage speed 渗透速度shear stress 切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit 缩限skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重steady seepage field 稳定渗流场stress path 应力路径total strength envelope 总强度包线triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法void(pore) ratio 孔隙比water replacement method 灌水法wet density 湿密度其它建筑材料钢筋(steel )bending and unbending 反复弯曲cold bending test 冷弯试验elongation test 拉伸试验nominal diameter 公称直径ratio of elongation 伸长率relaxation test 松弛试验steel strand 钢绞线tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)curshing strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗压强度tensile strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗拉强度crushing strength across th egrain 横纹抗压强度tensile strength across to thegrain 横纹抗拉强度沥青(Asphalt)brittle temperature test 脆化点试验expansion test 延伸度试验penetration test 针入式试验softening point test 软化点试验test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验质量管理(Quality Management)average 平均值deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均方差deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数index of correlation 相关系数management limit 管理界限mathematic statistics 数理统计maximum 最大值minimum 最小值normal distribution 正态分布quality assurance 质量保证quality examination 质量检测regression curve 回归曲线relative dampness 相对湿度sample capacity 样本容量sampling frequency 取样频率specimen 样品statistical analysis 统计分析technical specification 技术规范technical standard 技术标准testing circumstance 试验环境testing error 试验误差testing regulation 试验规程variance analysis 方差分析◆地质(Geology)地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages)Archaeozoic era (erathem) 太古代(界)Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界)Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界)Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界)Cenozoic era (erathem) 新生代(界)Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系)Cambrian period (system) 寒武纪(系)Ordovician period (system) 奥陶纪(系)Silurian period (system) 志留纪(系)Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)Carboniferous period (system) 石碳纪(系)Permian period (system) 二叠纪(系)Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系)Jurassic period (system) 侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period (system) 白垩纪(系)Tertiary period (system) 第三纪(系)Quaternary period (system) 第四纪(系)地质构造(Geologic Structural)fault 断层normal fault 正断层reversed fault 逆断层parallel fault 平移断层gouge 断层泥stria 擦痕joint 节理primary joint 原生节理secondary joint 次生节理tension joint 张节理unloading joint 卸荷节理schistosity 片理bedding 层理foliation 板理(叶理)ripple mark 波痕mud crack 泥痕rain print 雨痕orientation of bedrock 岩层产状strike 走向dip 倾向angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角fold 褶皱anticline 背斜syncline 向斜Monocline (homocline) 单斜dome 穹隆soft stratum 软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带affected zone 影响带platy structure 板状构造cleavage 解理fracture(rupture) 断裂fissure(crack/fracture) 裂隙岩石类型(Rock type)petrology 岩石学igneous rock 火成岩magmatic rock 岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock) 火山岩intrusive (invade) rock 侵入岩effusive rock 深成岩pypabussal rock 浅成岩acid rock 酸性岩inter-mediate rock 中性岩basic rock 基性岩ultrabasic rock 超基性岩granite 花岗岩porphyry 斑岩rhyolite 玢岩syenite 流纹岩trachyte 粗面岩diorite 闪长岩andesite 安山岩gabbro 辉长岩basalt 玄武岩aplite 细晶岩pegmatite 伟晶岩lamprophyre 煌斑岩diabase 辉绿岩dunite 橄榄岩pumice 浮岩。

工程项目管理常用英汉词汇An English-Chinese Glossary of Terms Commonly Used in Engineering Project Management工程项目管理常用英汉词汇1Aabsolute guarantees 绝对保证activity 工序;活动actual cost for work performed [ACWP]已完工作量的实耗费用adjusted man-hours 修正的人工事估算值advance payment;down payment 预付款advance payment bond;bank guarantee for advance payment 预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advanced certified final drawings [ACF];advanced certified vendors'drawings;preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商先期确认图(纸)ahead of schedule 进度提前analysis estimate 分析估算analytical engineering phase 分析设计阶段anticipated approved cost 认可的预计费用approved client change 认可的用户变更architectural engineering 建筑at completion variance [ACV]竣工差异Bbank guarantee;letter of guarantee [L/G]银行保证书;信用保证书bar;bar-chart;Gantt chart 横道图basic engineering phase 基础工程设计阶段battery limit [BL]界区bid;quotation;proposal;tender;offer 报价;投标bid bond 投标保函bid evaluation 标书评审;报价评审bid strategy meeting 报价策略会议bid tabulation form;tabulation of bids 标书评选表;报价评选表bill for negotiation 议付汇票bill of entry 报关单bill of exchange;draft 汇票bill of lading 提单bill of materials [BOM]材料表;材料清单bond 保函;担保(书)bonded goods 保税货物bonded warehouse 保税仓库breakdown structure 分解结构budget;project control budget 预算(值);项目控制预算budget change procedure 预算变更程序budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]计划工作量的预算费用bulk materials;commodities 散装材料bulk materials cost;purchased cost of bulk materials;commodities cost 散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用buyer's credit [B/C]买方信贷Ccertificate 证书;证明书certificate of origin 产地证明书工程项目管理常用英汉词汇2certified final drawings [CF];certified vendor drawings[CD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸)change 变更change control procedure 变更控制程序change request;deviation notice [DN]变更申请单;偏差通知单check estimate 核定估算chemical cleaning procedure 化学清洗程序civil engineering 土建claim;claim indemnity 索赔client 用户;客户client acceptance 用户验收client acceptance certificate (of plant)用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client change;contract change 用户变更;合同变更client change notice [CCB];contract change order [CCO]用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client kick-off meeting 用户开工会议close-out report (项目)完工报告code;number 代码;编码commissioning 试车commissioning activities cost 试车费用commitment 订货合约;定约;成交confirmed L/C 保兑信用证construction 施工construction cost 施工费用construction craft 施工工种construction mobilization meeting 施工动员会议construction phase 施工阶段contingency 不可预见费contract 合同;承包contract award 签订合同;合同签约contractor 承包商contractor's standard work breakdown structure [CSWBS]承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构control baseline;performance measurement baseline;progress baseline 控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control estimate 控制估算control index 控制索引corrective action;corrective measures 纠正措施cost 费用;成本cost and freight [CFR]or [C&F]成本加运费(价)cost control 费用控制;成本控制cost index [CI]费用指数cost insurance and freight;cost insurance freight [CIF]到岸价cost of construction indirect 施工间接费用cost of construction supervision;cost of construction management and supervision;field administration and direct supervision cost [FADS]施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of material related freight;insurance,etc.(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等)cost performance index [CPI]费用执行效果指数cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract 成本加浮动酬金合同cost trend display chart 费用趋势展示图工程项目管理常用英汉词汇3cost variance [CV]费用差异(cost)reimbursable contract;cost-plus (fee)contract [C-P]偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同CREDIT 信贷critical activity 关键工序;关键活动critical path method [CPM]关键线路法Ddata 数据default 违约default notice 违约通知defined equipment estimate;definitive estimate 设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发)delivery 交货delivery date;date of delivery 交货日期delivery note 交货单delivery order 提货单delivery terms 交货条件delivery to job-site 交货到现场demand loan 即期贷款design;engineering 设计;工程设计detailed engineering phase;final engineering phase;production engineering phase 详细工程设计阶段detailed estimate;defined estimate 详细估算(发)detailed network 详细网络图detailed schedule 详细进度计划;详细进度表deviation;variance 偏差;差异diagram;chart 图表discipline 专业drawing 图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design"[AFD]“批准用于详细工程设计”图纸drawing on L/Cs 信用证提款drawings issued "Approved for construction"[AFC]“批准用于施工”图纸duties 关税Eearned value concept [EVC]赢得值原理effective date of the contract 合同生效日期electrical engineering 电气engineering monthly progress report 设计进展月报engineering phase 设计阶段equipment 设备equipment cost;purchased cost of equipment 设备费用;设备购买费用equipment engineering 设备equipment estimate 设备估算estimate;cost estimate 估算;费用估算estimated cost at completion [EAC]竣工预测费用ex works [EXW]工厂交货(价)exception report 异常报告expediting 催交Ffinal payment 最终付款first check estimate [FCE]首次核定估算工程项目管理常用英汉词汇4(fixed)unit price contract (固定)单价合同"float"浮动时间;工序时差forwarding agent 运输商;承运商free alongside ship [FAS]船边交货(价)free carrier [FCA]货交承运人(价)free on board [FOB]离岸价free on rail [FOR];free on truck [FOT]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价)freight [Frt.];carriage 运费freight collect;freight to be collected;freight payable at destination 运费待收;货到收运费freight forward;carriage forward 货到付运费;运费未付freight indemnity 运费担保函freight note 运费单freight paid;carriage free;carriage paid 运费付讫freight prepaid;advance(d)freight 运费预付frustration of contract 合同失效Ggeneric activity type (numbers)[GAT]通用型活动码group code 组码guarantee;warranty 保证;担保Hhistogram 直方图home office 公司本部home office cost;cost of home office servers 公司本部(服务)费用home office service 公司本部服务Iincome taxes 所得税initial approved cost [IAC]批准的控制估算initial phase of project execution 项目初始阶段initial process release 工艺预发表inquiry;invitation to bid 询价;招标inquiry review committee [IRC]讯价文件评审委员会inquiry(package);request for quotation(package)[RFQ];request for proposal [RFP];invitation to bid [ITB]询价书;招标文件inspection 检验inspection report 检验报告instructions to bidders [ITB]投标者须知;报价须知instruments engineering 仪表insurance;assurance 保险insurance certificate 保险证书insurance policy 保险单insurance premium 保险费integrated project control 项目综合控制interim control estimate;initial control estimate [ICE]初期控制估算internal transfer 内部费用转换irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证isometric drawing 管段图;管道空视图issue;release 发表J(job)monthly progress report (项目)进展月报joint venture [JV]合营企业工程项目管理常用英汉词汇5Kkick-off meeting 开工会议know-how 专有技术;技术诀窍know-how fee 专有技术费Llabor cost;erection labor cost;construction force cost 施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost associated with bulk materials 散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with equipment 设备安装人工费用labor productivity;productivity factor;productivity ratio 劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数lead time 交货周期letter of comfort 安慰信letter of credit [L/C]信用证letter of intent 意向书license 许可证license fee 许可证费licensed technology 专利技术licensee 受许可放;受让方licensor 专利商;许可方line item 任务单项line of credit 信贷额度liquidated damages 违约罚金loan 贷款lump-sum contract[L-S]总价合同Mman-hour estimate 人工时估算man-hour rate 人工时单价material 材料material class 材料分类material control 材料控制material cost;direct material cost 材料费用;直接材料费用material exception report [MER];equipment &materials exception report 材料异常报告material management 材料管理material status report 材料状态报告material take-off [MTO]材料统计mechanical completion [MC]机械竣工mechanical completion certificate 机械竣工证书mechanical guarantees;mechanical warranties 机械保证;机械担保meeting 会议milestone 里程碑milestone network 里程碑网络图monitoring 监控monthly cost and progress report 费用和进展月报告Nnegotiation 谈判network (diagram)网络(图);网络(进度)计划non-payroll;home-office expenses 非工资费用Ooffsite battery limit [OSBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite section;offsite unit;offsite facilities;general facilities 界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施organizational breakdown structure [OBS]组织分解机构工程项目管理常用英汉词汇6other costs 其他费用overhead;home office overheads 公司管理费over-run;cost over-run 预算超支(值);费用超支(值)owner 业主Ppatent 专利patent right 专利权penaltiable guarantees 违约罚款保证penalty clause (违约)罚款条款pending client change 待定的用户变更performance 执行效果;效绩;性能performance bond;performance bank guarantee 履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance guarantees 性能保证performance report 执行效果报告performance test run;performance guarantee tests 性能考核,生产考核performance test run procedure;performance guarantee test procedure 性能考核程序;生产考核程序piping and instrument diagram [PID][P&ID]管道仪表流程图piping design 管道设计piping layout drawing 管道平面布置图piping mechanical engineering 管道机械piping planning (drawing)管道平面设计图plan 计划planning engineering phase 平面设计阶段plant acceptance procedure 装置验收程序plant layout engineering 布置plot plan 装置布置图precommissioning 试车准备pre-qualification 资格预审procedure 程序process battery limit;inside battery limit [ISBL]工艺界区process control diagram [PCD]工艺控制图process design 工艺设计process design;process engineering 工艺process design phase 工艺设计阶段process flow diagram [PFD]工艺流程图process package 工艺包process release 工艺发表process section;process unit 工艺装置procurement 采购procurement status report 采购状态报告production check estimate [PCE]二次核定估算productivity report 劳动生产率报告profit;expected profit 利润;预期利润progress;physical progress 进展;进度;实物进度progress curve;"S"curve 进度曲线;S 曲线progress payment 按实物进度付款project 项目;工程项目工程项目管理常用英汉词汇7project change;internal change 项目变更;内部变更project change notice [PCN];internal change order [ICO]项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project commissioning procedure;project start-up procedure;project test run procedure 项目试车程序;项目开车程序project construction manager [PCM]项目施工经理(project)construction plan (项目)施工计划project control 项目控制project control procedure 项目控制程序project controlling;tools for project control 项目控制手段project controls manager 项目控制经理project coordination procedure 项目协调程序project cost control engineer;project cost engineer 项目费用控制工程师project cost summary report 项目费用汇总报告project duration's 项目建设周期project engineering manager [PEM]项目设计经理(project)engineering plan (项目)设计计划project engineering procedure 项目设计程序project estimator 项目估算师project execution 项目实施费用状态报告project execution procedure 项目实施程序project finance 项目融资;工程项目筹资project financial manager 项目财务经理project inspection procedure 项目检验程序project kick-off meeting 设计开工会议project kick-off meeting 项目开工会议project management 项目管理project manager [PM]项目经理project master schedule;master project schedule 项目主进度计划project material control engineer 项目材料控制工程师project operation cost status report 项目实施费用状态报告project phase 项目实施阶段project plan 项目计划project process manager 项目工艺经理project procurement manager [PPM]项目采购经理(project)procurement plan (项目)采购计划project procurement procedure 项目采购程序project quality manager 项目质量经理project safety engineer 项目安全工程师project scheduling engineer;project scheduler 项目进度计划工程师project secretary 项目秘书project start-up manager 项目开车经理(project)start-up plan (项目)开车计划工程项目管理常用英汉词汇8project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS]项目大项工作分解结构project team 项目组projected deviations 偏差预测值projection;forecasting 预测proposal;quotation;bid;tender;offer 投标书;标书;建议书proposal estimate 报价估算proposal kick-off meeting 报价开工会议proposal manager 报价经理proprietary technology 产权技术purchase order [PO]订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order and requisition status report 请购单和订单状态报告purchasing 采买purchasing specification [PS]采购规格书;采购说明书Qqualified bidders list;qualified vendors list 合格投标商表;合格供货商表quality 质量quality assurance [QA]质量保证quality control [QC]质量控制quality improvement 质量改进quality management 质量管理quality manual 质量手册quality plan 质量计划quality planning 质量策划quality policy 质量方针quality system 质量体系Rreimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP];guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract 限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同report 报告requisition (package);requisition documents 请购文件;请购单resource loading curve;Bell curve 资源负荷曲线responsibility assignment matrix [RAM]责任分工矩阵resultant feedback of data 返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件retention money 保留金;扣留款review meeting 审核会revocable L/C 可撤销信用证risk 风险risk analysis 风险分析risk memorandum 风险备忘录royalty (技术)转让费;提成费Sschedule 进度;进度表;进度计划schedule control;progress control 进度控制schedule delay 进度拖延schedule index [SI]进度指数schedule payment 按日工程进度付款schedule performance index [SPI]进度执行效果指数schedule report 进度报告schedule trend display chart 进度趋势展示图schedule variance [SV]进度差异工程项目管理常用英汉词汇9scheduling;time scheduling 编制进度计划scope of work;project scope 工作范围;项目任务范围secrecy agreement 保密协议service gains 服务酬金sight credit;sight L/C 即期信用证standard classification of account numbers [SCAN];account codes;code of accounts 标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard man-hours;standard labor man-hours;standard construction man-hours;standard hours 人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额stand-by L/C 备用信用证starter schedule;early work schedule (项目)初期工作进度计划start-up 开车start-up;test run;initial operations 投料试车start-up cost 投料试车费用start-up phase 开车阶段subcontract cost;field subcontract cost 分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontractor 分包商SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]卖方信贷supporting data 条件数据;设计条件surety bond 保证书;保险公司出具的保函systems engineering 系统T(target)cost plus fee contract,with bonus or penalty conditions 目标成本加奖罚合同task force 专责项目组tax avoidance 合法避税tax(es)税;税金telex order;notification of commitment 订货电传;订货通知term credit;term L/C 远期信用证termination of contract 合同终止terms of payment;conditions of payment;terms and conditions of payment 支付条件;付款条件total installed cost [TIC]建设总费用tracking;follow up 跟踪traffic;transport 运输training 培训transferable L/C 可转让信用证trending;trend projection 趋势分析;趋势预测types of estimate 估算方法类别Uunder-run;cost under-run 预算结余(值);费用结余(值)utility 公用工程Vvariable code;optional variable code 可编码vendor coordination meeting [VCM];coordination meeting 厂商协调会议;协调会议工程项目管理常用英汉词汇vendor drawing status report;vendordata scheduling status report供货厂商图纸状态报告Wwork breakdown structure[WBS]工作分解结构work item工作项work package工作包workmanship guarantees工作质量保证10。

国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编一、基础词汇access 交通agreement 同意、协议allocation 分配、配置approval 同意、批准arbitration 仲裁Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行assistant 助理、助手authorize(delegate)授权、委托Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表civil works 土建工程claim 索赔comment 评论、意见commercial manager 商务经理conditions of contract 合同条件general conditions 通用条件conditions of particular application 专用条件special conditions of contract 特别条件Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件construction management 施工管理consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议Contractor 承包商cooperation 合作coordination 协作cost 费用cost control 成本控制counterclaim 反索赔demobilization 退场department 部门Designer 设计者drawing 图纸shop drawing 车间图design drawing 设计图as-built drawing 竣工图blue drawing 蓝图transparent drawing 透明图construction drawing 施工图electric works 电气工程Employer(Client/Owner) 业主Engineer 工程师Engineer's representative 工程师代表engineering project 工程项目international project 国际工程overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国内工程equipment 设备expatriate 外籍职员expert 专家export 出口Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会formal 正式的hydromechanical works 金结工程import 进口in charge of 负责、主管informal 非正式的Institution of CivilEngineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会instrument 仪器、器械insurance 保险labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machinery 机械manpower(human resource) 人力资源Manufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量memorandum 备忘录mobilization 进场objection 反对payment 支付plant 设备point of view(opinion) 观点、意见prequalification 资格预审procurement 采购profit 利润progress control 进度控制project manager 项目经理quality control 质量控制request(application) 申请、请求review 审查risk 风险river closure 截流river diversion 导流safety 安全signature 签名site 工地、现场site engineer 现场工程师specification 规格、规范staff 职员Subcontractor 分包商submission 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the International Chamber of Commerce国际商会unit price 单价variation(change) 变更World Bank 世界银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support)明挖(Open Excavation )bench excavation 台阶开挖concrete excavation 砼开挖fault excavation 断层开挖foundation excavation 基础开挖local excavation 局部开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖protective layer excavation 保护层开挖rock excavation 岩石开挖slope excavation 边坡开挖soft ground excavation 软基开挖soil excavation 土方开挖structural excavation 结构开挖tooth excavation 齿槽开挖unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff trench 截水槽dewatering(drainage) 排水excavation pit 开挖基坑intensity of excavation 开挖强度overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖pump sump 水泵坑Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖underbreak treatment 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)a round of excavation 一个开挖循环adit 支洞advance 进尺advances depth 进尺深度breaking hole 崩落孔cushion hole 缓冲孔drift 掏槽bottom drift 底部掏槽center drift 中心掏槽side drift 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilling 钻孔driving(progress) rate 进尺率easer 掏槽孔erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavation 全断面开挖heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣loading (charging) 装药perimeter hole 周边孔pilot tunnel 导洞removing dust 除尘removing ground water 清除地面积水shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖ventilation 通风钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) abandoned hole 废孔average hole depth 平均孔深average quantity used in unitvolume blasted 平均单耗blasting result 爆破结果blockness 块度controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破data of explosive filled 装药参数data of holes drilled 钻孔参数delayed blasting 延时爆破exploratory hole 探孔explosive quantity 药量explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量handling misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loosening blasting 松动爆破pattern 布孔方式distance between holes 孔距distance between rows 排距post shearing blasting 微差爆破prespliting blasting 预裂爆破quantity of holes 孔数smooth blasting 光面爆破延时支护(rock support)expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆feature rock anchor 随机锚索feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆feature rock reinforcement 随机加固lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁pattern cement grouted rockdowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel系统树脂浆锚杆pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后张拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆return rock reinforcement 回头加固shotcrete anchorage 喷锚shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence)backfill 回填blend 混合compact 碾压controlled sprinkling 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡dump 卸料exploit 开采level 整平load 装料moisture condition 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove 清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work again) 返工scarify 翻松、刨毛screen and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test 测试transport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects)calcium particles 姜石contaminated material 受污染料declination of the boundary 料界偏差dry 干燥lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料pocket 囊穴seepage 渗流separation 分离shear area 剪力区lens 透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面byproduct 副产品controlling parameter 控制参数fill placement record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required embankment 必要填方subzone 分区◆混凝土(Concrete )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼asphalt concrete 沥青砼blinding concrete 垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼plastic concrete 塑料砼fibrous concrete 纤维砼first stage concrete 一期砼foamed concrete 泡沫砼high-performance concrete 高性能砼high-strength concrete 高强砼intrusion concrete 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼mass concrete 大体积砼non-fines concrete 无砂砼non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼normal concrete 常态砼plain concrete 素砼porous concrete 多孔砼prestressed concrete 预应力砼pump concrete 泵送砼reinforced concrete 钢筋砼roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼second stage concrete 二期砼作业(Activity)clearance(clearing) 清理concretepouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑curing 养护Membrance curing 薄膜养护moist curing 湿润养护normal curing 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairing 修理Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛greencutting 冲毛surface finishing 收面vibrating 振捣缺陷(Defects)bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joint 冷缝crack 裂缝deformation 变形depression 坑洼fire-damaged concrete 火损砼formwork shifting(moving) 跑模grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘)honeycomb 蜂窝incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则segregation(bleeding) 离析stair(staggered joint) 错台tie rod hole 拉杆孔water leakage 漏水water seepage 渗水外加剂(Admixture)accelerator 速凝剂air-entraining agent 引气剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 膨胀剂coring admixture 着色剂early-strength admixtu re 早强剂gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂)fluidizer 塑化剂retarding agent 缓凝剂set-controlling admixture 调凝剂super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂surface-active agent 表面活性剂water-reducing agent 减水剂accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂waterproof agent 防水剂指标(Indexes)compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压应力concrete class 砼等级final strength 终凝强度graduation 级配graduation curve 级配曲线impermeability 抗渗性initial setting strength 初凝强度mix design 配比设计resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性shear strength 抗剪强度slump 坍落度specific weight/gravity 比重stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性strain 应变surface finish 表面平整度tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力thermal stress 温度应力water-cement ratio 水灰比working stress 工作应力其他(Others)acceptance 验收age 龄期aggregate 骨料fine aggregate 细骨料coarse aggregate 粗骨料air pocket 气囊airtightness 气密性alternative 替代物、替换方法apply 应用、施加bending moment 弯矩block 仓号binding strength 黏结强度calibration 标定cement anchor 锚固卷concrete plug 砼塞concrete precast element 砼预制件concrete release sheet 发料单上面已看!construction joint 施工缝contamination /pollution 污染conversion(reconstruction) 改建coverage 覆盖范围curing agent 养护剂delivery sheet 运料单direct discharge 直接入仓elevation 高程、正视图epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面existing 现有(存)的expansion joint 伸缩缝facilitate 使容易(便利)gabion 纤丝笼humidity 湿度identity 识别、标记ingredient 成分、配料inspection 检查、验收preliminary inspection 初验final inspection 终验appearance inspection 外观检查intact 完整的、未被触动的inter-tower joint 塔间缝introduce into 将……穿入isolate 隔离laitance 浮浆皮layer(lift)height 层高meet design requirement 满足设计要求moment of inertia 惯性距Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留孔post-cooling 后冷却post tensioning 后张拉pre-cooling 预冷却pre-stressing 预应力pre-tensioning 先张拉pull-off test 扒拉试验reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层remark 备注section area 截面面积shearkey 抗剪键key groove 键槽shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产simplify 简化simultaneously 同时地spacer 水泥垫块spacing 间距stress concentration 应力集中symmetry 对称technical data 技术参数temperature control 温度控制temperature difference 温差temperature rise(gain) 温度升高theoretical elongation 理论延长量unloading 卸载water stop 止水PVC water stop PVC止水rubber water stop 橡皮止水copper water stop 铜止水watertightness 闭水性winter protection 冬季保温◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模bond breaker 脱模剂climbing cone 爬升锥dam bracket 大坝支架distance piece 横支撑double-curvature formwork 双曲模板flat formwork 平面模板formwork oil 模板油pigtail anchor 猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板shearkey box 键槽盒sliding formwork 滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车steel formwork 钢模steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑stopend 堵头、封堵模板temporary formwork 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板wood formwork 木模◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar)distribution bar 分布筋dowel 插筋horizontal bar 水平筋lap length 搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋overlap 搭接shear bar 剪力筋splice welding 绑条焊接starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦stirrup 箍筋support bar 架立筋vertical bar 竖直筋◆灌浆(Grouting)backfill grouting 回填灌浆consolidation grouting 固结灌浆contact grouting 接触灌浆curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆gap grouting 接缝灌浆gravity grouting 自重灌浆jet grouting 旋喷灌浆multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆pressure grouting 压力灌浆ring grouting 环行灌浆single-stage grouting 一次灌浆工艺过程(Activity)air test 通风试验backfilling of hole 封孔flushing test 通水试验joint washing 洗缝seal 密封soak 浸泡water pressure test 压水试验管路及组件(Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包arising pipe 升降管circuit 回路clamp 卡子cock 旋塞coil 蛇形管cylinder 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套expansion coupling 伸缩节female-quick coupling 内丝快接头fixed clamp 死卡flow rate meter 测量计galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头grout cap 灌浆帽grout cell 出浆盒grout stop plate 止浆片grout valve 灌浆阀inlet pipe 进浆管large radius elbow 大弧弯头main pipe 总管male-quick coupling 外丝快接头outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞piston 活塞plug 堵头reducer socket 变径管套return pipe 回浆管tee piece 三通管reduce tee piece 变径三通管swivel-clamp 转卡U-bend U弯头union 活接头ventilation pipe 排气管water supply 水包参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)consistency 稠度fineness 细度grout take 吃浆量high take 吃浆量大grouting pressure 灌浆压力leakage rate 漏水率Lugeon 吕容mix proportion 浆比pumping rate 泵浆率refusal criteria 排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间water aborptin 吸水率仪器设备(Plant and Instrument)agitator 搅拌站automatic recorder 自动记录仪chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站displancement point 位移点electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计extensometer 变位计flow transmitter 流量传感器foundation displacementindicator 基础位移指示器grout pump 灌浆泵hydrometer 比重计joint meter 测缝计mixing plant 制浆站monitor 监测器osmometer 渗压计pendulum 钟摆portable instrument 便携式仪器pressure gauge 压力表pressure sensor 压力传感器reinforcement meter 钢筋计steel basin 搅拌槽strain meter 应变计temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal station 集线站其他(Others)check hole 检查孔compartment 灌区dense mix 浓浆foundation uplift 基础隆起grout hole 灌浆孔instrument hole 仪器孔primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一序、二序、三序灌浆孔spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距waste mix 弃浆◆测量(Survey)测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms)adjust 校正、调整adjustment 平差allowance 容许误差backsight point 后视点basic point 基础点bench mark 水准点compass 罗盘chainage(station number) 桩号chain of triangulation 三角锁check 校核、对照control point 控制点coordinate point 坐标点datum 基础面datum point 基准点deviation 偏差easily identifiable point 容易识别点error 误差first order triangulation 一等三角测量geodetic 大地测量学的geodetic surveying 大地测量joint survey 联合测量known point 已知点level surface 水准面local triangulation networks 局部三角网national coordination system 国家坐标网observe 观测、监视point to be located 待定点position 定位、位置reconnaissance 选点、踏勘reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量set out 放线、放样stake-line 测桩线state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标系survey point 测点theoretical point 理论点traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差lattice traverse 网格状导线long side traverse 长导线open traverse 非闭合导线short side traverse 短导线traverse closure 导线闭合traverse station 导线点traverse survey 导线测量triangulation 三角测量triangulation network 三角网triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点trilateration 三边测量vertical-control net 高程控制网wood pile 木桩角度测量(Angular Measure)azimuth 方位角bearing 方位、象限角buddle 气泡、水准器circle 度盘、圆盘circular bubble 圆水准器collimation axis 视准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝depression angle 俯角elevation angle 仰角eyepiece(ocular) 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆foot-screw 脚螺栓horizontal angle 水平角mark 标志(明)objective lens 物镜plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线sight 瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄准theodolite 经纬仪tranverse axis 横轴tripod 三脚架vertical angle 竖直角vertical axis 竖轴望远镜(Telescope)centering 对中face left 盘左face right 盘右focus 集中、焦点focusing 调焦index error 指标误差inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope)倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope)正镜、盘右optical plummet 光学垂准器round 测回set 套、组station 测站距离测量(Distance Measure)barometer 气压计base line(basic line/datum line) 基线battery 电池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距filter 滤光片、滤波器laser alignment system 激光准直系统laser beam 激光束prism 棱镜range 测程、距离long range 远程medium range 中程short range 短程range finder 测距仪signal 信号spring balance 弹簧称tape 卷尺invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺高程测量(Height Measurement)altitude/elevation 高程、海拔approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平automatic level 自动定平水准仪difference in altitude(difference ofelevation ,height difference) 高差error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差exact leveling 精平、确置平level 水准仪(测点)level circuit 水准闭合环level shoe 水准尺垫line of level 水准线路national geodetic vertical datum 国家大地高程基准面reduced level 归化高差run back 返测run out 往测three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量地形测量(Topographic Survey)boundary 边界、界线construction stake 施工标桩contour 等高线contour interval 等高距contouring 绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法contour line 等高线control network 控制网detail 细部、详图draw 绘图field 外业fix 固定、确定form line 地形图grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报marginal information 轮廓注记large-scale 大比例尺的latitude 纬度、范围latitude circle 纬圈latitude line 纬线legend 图例location 定线、定位longitude 经度longitude line 经线map 地图、制图mapping 制图、测图、地质素描match line 拼接线monument 标石、石柱object 地物、目标plan 平面图、略图plot 绘图profile 断面(图)、纵剖图record 记录、资料setup 定置仪器site location 定位stake out 放样、定线、立桩symbol 符号、记号topographic detail 地形细部topographic map 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施{Instrumentationand Facilities)air-entraining meter 掺气剂Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计concrete strain meter 砼应变计convergent point 收敛测点direct plumb line 正垂线earth pressure cell 土压力盒embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计embankment strain meter 堤应变计extended wire 引张线foundation piezometer 基础渗压计horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器hydrophone 水听器inclinometer casing 测斜管interface joint meter 界面变位计inverted plumb line 倒垂线micro piezometer 微压计multiple position extensometer 多点位移计observation point 观测标点observation well 观测井optical alignment line 视准线plate strain meter 钢板计pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计single point extensometer 单点位移计spiral sensor 测扭仪standpipe 测压管strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪surface monument 表面标点temperature sensor 温度传感器terminal house 终端房terminal station 终端站tilt meter 倾角计time average pressure cell 时均压力计total pressure cell 总压力盒velometer 流速计vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts)coil 盘绕component 零部件coordinator 坐标仪damping box 阻尼角differential resistance 差动电阻double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护forced centering plate 强制对中盘instrument lead 仪器电缆invar wire 铟瓦丝metal ring 金属环plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪pulley 滑轮regulator 调节器riser 立管sensor 传感器spool 绕轴steel socket 钢底座tablet 药片tensioning weight 张拉重锤thermistor 热敏电阻tip 测头安装过程(Procession of Installation)assemble 组装couple 连接embed 埋设install 安装insulate 绝缘maintenance 维护monitor 监测protection of instrumentation 仪器保护reduce 归纳seal 密封splice 拼接supply 提供test 测试资料(Information)assemble schematic 装配简图certificate 合格证书description 使用说明书maintenace guideline 维护指南manual 说明书operating principle 工作原理operating restraint 操作范围procedure 程序trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)annular space 环行空间data acquisition 数据采集data recording 数据记录leas drilling hole 引线孔permanent record 永久记录readout device 读数设备saturated 饱和的seepage isolation dike 截渗堤trapezoidal 梯形◆水工常规试验砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material of Concrete)骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler洛杉机磨耗量accumulated retained percentage 累计筛余百分率acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与片状颗粒含量alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应apparent density 视密度bulk density (unity weight) 容重clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate 黏土块及易碎颗粒含量coefficient of softening 软化系数crush index 压碎指标dry state 干燥状态exceeding and inferior grain inaggregate 超逊径颗粒含量fineness modulus 细度模数gaping place rate 空隙率grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率grain composition 颗粒级配grain size 粒径lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量mica content 云母含量moisture content(water rate) 含水率mud content 含泥量organic content 有机质含量potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性saturation 饱和的sieving curve 筛分曲线soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量soundness 坚固性surface moisture content 表面含水率water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious material) age 龄期cement mark(strength of cement /cement grade) 水泥标号consumptive use of water normal consistance 标准稠度用水量degree of mobilization 流动性dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热final set 终凝flexural strength 抗弯强度flyash 粉煤灰hydration heat 水化热initial set 初凝loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量setting time 凝结时间silica fume 硅粉soundness 水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积specific heat 比热water demand ratio 吸水量比外加剂(Admixture)bubble stability 泡沫稳定性bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 氯化物含量compressive strength rate 抗压强度比contract with dry rate 干缩率dispersing coefficient 分散系数dispersing ability of water-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力loss of slump 塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量solid content 固体含量surface tension 表面张力water-reducing rate 减水率水(Water)alkalinity 碱度calcion 钙离子carbonic acid 钙酸chlorion 氯离子equivalent concentration 当量浓度oxygen consumption 耗氧量normal solution (standardsolution) 标准溶液PH value PH值water analysis 水值分析砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度bleeding rate 泌水率cement-sand ration 灰砂比design strength of concrete 砼设计标号flowability of concrete 砼的流动性mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合比mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼强度保证率sand rate 砂率unit consumption of water 单位用水量water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性water-cement ratio 水灰比硬化砼(Hardened concrete)axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数cooling rate 冷却率core of concrete 砼芯样creep deformation (time deformation ) 徐变变形form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号heat property of concrete 砼热学性能height-diameter ration 高径比linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数loss of weight 重量损失natural frequency 自振频率permeate 渗透permeated height 渗透高度permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号relative coefficient of permeability 相对渗透系数resonance frequency 共振频率sample 试件self-grown volume deformation(砼)自生体积变形splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力抗压弹数temperature conductivity 导温系数tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming 绝热温升ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度砂浆(Cement)cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆lime mortar 石灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆土(Soil)accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线activity index 活性指标angle of friction 摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit) 阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio 载重比coarse-grained soil 粗粒土coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of cubicalcompressibility 体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature 曲率系数compression 压缩compression index 压缩指数compression modulus 压缩模数consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test 固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验consolidated-drained (slow) shear test 固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验consolidation 固结consolidation coefficient 固结系数consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation stress 固结应力continuous grading/gradation 连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验core cutter method 环刀法creep curve 蠕变曲线critical slope 逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率direct shear test 直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验distribution curve 分布曲线drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角effective strength envelope 有效强度包线expansion force 膨胀力expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流fine-grained soil 细粒土flow net(drift net) 流网hydraulic slope 水力坡降hydrometer method 比重计法hydrostatic head method 常水头法limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态liquefaction 液化liquid limit 液限liquidity index 液化指标maximum dry density 最大干密度method of sieving 筛分法Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-库伦破坏准则normal stress 法向应力(正应力)oedometer curve 压缩曲线optimum moisture content 最优含水量piping 管涌plastic limit 塑限plasticity index 塑性指标pore water pressure 空隙水压力porosity 空隙率principal stress 主应力Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验relative density 相对密度sand replacement method 灌砂法saturability (saturation degree/percent saturation) 饱和度saturated unit weight 饱和容重seepage deformation 渗透变形seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力seepage line 渗透线seepage speed 渗透速度shear stress 切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit 缩限skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重steady seepage field 稳定渗流场stress path 应力路径total strength envelope 总强度包线triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验unconfined compression strength 无侧限抗压强度unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法void(pore) ratio 孔隙比water replacement method 灌水法wet density 湿密度其它建筑材料钢筋(steel )bending and unbending 反复弯曲cold bending test 冷弯试验elongation test 拉伸试验nominal diameter 公称直径ratio of elongation 伸长率relaxation test 松弛试验steel strand 钢绞线tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)curshing strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗压强度tensile strength paralled to thegrain 顺纹抗拉强度crushing strength across th egrain 横纹抗压强度tensile strength across to thegrain 横纹抗拉强度沥青(Asphalt)brittle temperature test 脆化点试验expansion test 延伸度试验penetration test 针入式试验softening point test 软化点试验test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验质量管理(Quality Management)average 平均值deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均方差deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数index of correlation 相关系数management limit 管理界限mathematic statistics 数理统计maximum 最大值minimum 最小值normal distribution 正态分布quality assurance 质量保证quality examination 质量检测regression curve 回归曲线relative dampness 相对湿度sample capacity 样本容量sampling frequency 取样频率specimen 样品statistical analysis 统计分析technical specification 技术规范technical standard 技术标准testing circumstance 试验环境testing error 试验误差testing regulation 试验规程variance analysis 方差分析◆地质(Geology)地质年代(Geochronology of Geologic Ages)Archaeozoic era (erathem) 太古代(界)Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界)Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界)Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界)Cenozoic era (erathem) 新生代(界)Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系)Cambrian period (system) 寒武纪(系)Ordovician period (system) 奥陶纪(系)Silurian period (system) 志留纪(系)Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)Carboniferous period (system) 石碳纪(系)Permian period (system) 二叠纪(系)Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系)Jurassic period (system) 侏罗纪(系)Cretaceous period (system) 白垩纪(系)Tertiary period (system) 第三纪(系)Quaternary period (system) 第四纪(系)地质构造(Geologic Structural)fault 断层normal fault 正断层reversed fault 逆断层parallel fault 平移断层gouge 断层泥stria 擦痕joint 节理primary joint 原生节理secondary joint 次生节理tension joint 张节理unloading joint 卸荷节理schistosity 片理bedding 层理foliation 板理(叶理)ripple mark 波痕mud crack 泥痕rain print 雨痕orientation of bedrock 岩层产状strike 走向dip 倾向angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角fold 褶皱anticline 背斜syncline 向斜Monocline (homocline) 单斜dome 穹隆soft stratum 软弱岩层zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带affected zone 影响带platy structure 板状构造cleavage 解理fracture(rupture) 断裂fissure(crack/fracture) 裂隙岩石类型(Rock type)petrology 岩石学igneous rock 火成岩magmatic rock 岩浆岩lava(vocanic rock) 火山岩intrusive (invade) rock 侵入岩effusive rock 深成岩pypabussal rock 浅成岩acid rock 酸性岩inter-mediate rock 中性岩basic rock 基性岩ultrabasic rock 超基性岩granite 花岗岩porphyry 斑岩rhyolite 玢岩syenite 流纹岩trachyte 粗面岩diorite 闪长岩andesite 安山岩gabbro 辉长岩basalt 玄武岩aplite 细晶岩pegmatite 伟晶岩lamprophyre 煌斑岩diabase 辉绿岩dunite 橄榄岩pumice 浮岩sedimentary rock 沉积岩。

国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编目录一、基础词汇 (2)二、工程施工类 (4)(一) 工程施工-土建类 (4)◆ 开挖与支护(Excavation And Support) (4)明挖(Open Excavation)洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel And Underground Excavation)钻孔爆破(Drilling And Blasting)延时支护(Rock Support)◆ 土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(WorkingSequence) (5)缺陷(Defects)其它(Others)◆ 混凝土(Concrete) (5)作业(Activity)缺陷(Defects)外加剂(Admixture)指标(Indexes)其他(Others)◆ 模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) (7)◆ 钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar) (8)◆ 灌浆(Grouting) (8)工艺过程(Activity)管路及组件(Circuit And Elements)参数及指标(Parameter And Indexes)仪器设备(Plant And Instrument)其他(Others)◆ 测量(Survey) (9)测量方法及术语(Methods And Terms)角度测量(Angular Measure)望远镜(Telescope)距离测量(Distance Measure)高程测量(Hight Measurement)地形测量(Topographic Survey)◆ 原形观测 (11)观测仪器和设施(Instrumentation And Facilities)附近及配件(Acessories And Spare Parts)安装过程(Procession Of Installation)资料(Information)其他(Others)◆ 水工常规试验……12砼原材料试验(Test Of Raw And Processed Material Of Concrete)骨料(Aggregate)外加剂(Admixture)水(Water)砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)硬化砼(Hardened Concrete)砂浆(Cement)土(Soil)阿太堡界限(界限含水量)Atterberg Limits(Water Content As Limit)其它建筑材料钢筋(Steel)木材(Wood)沥青(Asphalt)质量管理(Quality Management)◆ 地质(Geology) (16)地质年代(Geochronology Of Geolegic Ages)地质结构(Geolegic Structural)岩石类型(Rock Type)工程地质(Engineering Geology)矿物质的物理性质(Physical Character Of Minerals) 地层地貌(Stratum And Physiognomy)地质作用(Physical Geology Action)◆ 水文(Hydrology) (19)(二)工程施工-机电类 (19)◆ 金属结构(Hydromechanical Work) (19)闸门预埋件组件/部件启闭机门式起重机其他◆ 焊接和无损检验(Welding And NondestructiveTesting) (21)焊接无损检验◆ 水轮机(Hydraulic Turbine) (22)◆ 机械通用词汇 (23)◆ 电气设备及元器件(ElectricalEquipment&Element Parts) (24)◆ 电气通用词汇 (26)◆ 计算机监控系统(ComputerControl System) (26)三、工程管理(Mangement of Project) (28)(一)费用 (28)Ⅰ直接费用Ⅰ)人工1.人工费2.劳务类别3.职员和其他Ⅱ)设备及运输Ⅲ)材料Ⅱ管理和利润(二)进度 (32)(三)招投标 (33)(四)计量和支付 (34)(五)变更和索赔 (35)附录1.工程结构物名称统计 (38)◆ 拦河大坝◆ 泄洪排沙系统◆ 洞群及溢洪道出口区◆ 引水发电系统◆ 临时建筑及附属设施临时建筑附属设施附录2.工程常用机械 (41)◆ 运输机械◆ 混凝土生产、浇筑及振捣机械◆ 钻空开挖支护机械及设备◆ 填筑碾压机械◆ 材料加工机械◆ 办公用品◆ 其他设备及工具◆ 劳保用品(Personnel Protection Equipment)附录3.工程常用材料 (44)◆ 木材◆ 水泥◆ 爆破用品◆ 燃油◆ 其他一、基础词汇access 交通agreement 同意、协议allocation 分配、配置approval 同意、批准arbitration 仲裁Asia Development Bank 亚洲开发银行assistant 助理、助手authorize(delegate) 授权、委托Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表 civil works 土建工程claim 索赔comment 评论、意见commercial manager 商务经理 conditions of contract 合同条件 general conditions 通用条件 conditions of particularapplication 专用条件special conditions of contract 特别条件Conditions of contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同条件construction management 施工管理 consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议 Contractor 承包商cooperation 合作coordination 协作cost 费用cost control 成本控制 counterclaim 反索赔 demobilization 退场department 部门Designer 设计者drawing 图纸shop drawing 车间图design drawing 设计图as-built drawing 竣工图blue drawing 蓝图transparent drawing 透明图 construction drawing 施工图 electric works电气工程Employer(Client/Owner) 业主 Engineer 工程师Engineer's representative 工程师代表engineering project 工程项目 international project 国际工程 overseas project 海外工程 domestic project 国内工程 equipment 设备expatriate 外籍职员export 出口Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土木工程承包商联合会 formal 正式的hydromechanical works 金结工程 import 进口in charge of 负责、主管informal 非正式的Institution of CivilEngineers(ICE) 土木工程师协会 instrument 仪器、器械insurance 保险 labour 劳务layout 布置leading company(sponsor) 牵头公司、责任公司liability(responsibility/obligation) 责任、义务lump sump 总包machinery 机械manpower(human resource) 人力资源Manufacturer 制造商material 材料measure 办法、措施take effective measures 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量 memorandum 备忘录 mobilization 进场objection 反对payment 支付plant 设备point of view(opinion)prequalification 资格预审 procurement 采购profit 利润progress control 进度控制 project manager 项目经理 quality control 质量控制 request(application) 申请、请求 review 审查risk 风险river closure 截流river diversion 导流safety 安全signature 签名site 工地、现场site engineer 现场工程师 specification 规格、规范staff 职员Subcontractor 分包商 submission 提交supervise 监督、监视Supplier 供货商the International Chamber of Commerce 国际商会 unit price 单价 variation(change) 变更 World Bank 世界银行二、工程施工类(一)工程施工-土建类◆开挖与支护(Excavation and Support)明挖(Open Excavation )bench excavation 台阶开挖 concrete excavation 砼开挖fault excavation 断层开挖 foundation excavation 基础开挖 local excavation 局部开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖 protective layer excavation 保护层开挖rock excavation 岩石开挖slope excavation 边坡开挖soft ground excavation 软基开挖 soil excavation 土方开挖structural excavation 结构开挖 tooth excavation 齿槽开挖 unclassified material excavation 不分类料开挖coefficient of nonuniformity 开挖不均匀系数cutoff trench 截水槽(intercepting ditch)dewatering(drainage) 排水 excavation pit 开挖基坑intensity of excavation 开挖强度 overexcavate ( overbreak ) 超挖 pump sump 水泵坑 Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 欠挖 underbreak treatment 欠挖处理洞挖及地下开挖(Tunnel and Underground Excavation)a round of excavation 一个开挖循环 adit 支洞advance 进尺advances depth 进尺深度 breaking hole 崩落孔cushion hole 缓冲孔drift 掏槽/undercutbottom drift 底部掏槽center drift 中心掏槽side drift边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽drilling 钻孔driving(progress) rate 进尺率 easer 掏槽孔erecting supports for the roof and side wall对顶拱及边墙进行支护full face excavation 全断面开挖 heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开挖loading and hauling muck(mucking ) 装拉渣loading (charging) 装药perimeter hole 周边孔pilot tunnel 导洞removing dust 除尘removing ground water 清除地面积水shooting the explosive (blasting) 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖 ventilation 通风 钻孔爆破(Drilling andBlasting)abandoned hole 废孔average hole depth 平均孔深 average quantity used in unit volume blasted 平均单耗blasting result 爆破结果blockness 块度controlled perimeter blasting 周边控制爆破data of explosive filled 装药参数 data of holes drilled 钻孔参数 delayed blasting 延时爆破 exploratory hole 探孔explosive quantity 药量explosive quantity in a sound 单响药量handling misfire 处理哑炮light charge 少量装药loosening blasting 松动爆破 pattern 布孔方式distance between holes孔距distance between rows 排距 millisecond blasting 微差爆破 prespliting blasting 预裂爆破 quantity of holes 孔数smooth blasting 光面爆破岩石支护(rock support)expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆feature rock anchor 随机锚索 feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆 feature rock dowel 随机砂浆锚杆 feature rock reinforcement 随机加固 lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁 pattern cement grouted rock dowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel 系统树脂浆锚杆pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆 pattern rock reinforcement 系统加固 permanent rock support 永久支护 post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock anchor 后张拉水泥浆锚索rebound material 回弹料return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆 return rock reinforcement 回头加固 shotcrete anchorage 喷锚 shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼 steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼 steel rib 钢拱架temporary rock support 临时支护 tensioned resin grouted rock bolt 树脂张拉锚杆◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working Sequence) backfill 回填blend 混合compact 碾压controlled sprinkling 控制洒水cut the slope 削坡dump 卸料exploit 开采level整平load 装料moisture condition 水分调节place and spread 摊铺remove 清除replace 重新回填retreat (do the work again) 返工 scarify 翻松、刨毛screen and wash 筛分和冲洗take a sample 取样test 测试transport 运输treat 处理trim 修整缺陷(Defects)calcium particles 姜石 contaminated material 受污染料 declination of the boundary 料界偏差 dry 干燥lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料 pocket 囊穴seepage 渗流separation 分离shear area 剪力区lens 透镜体其它(Others)bonding surface 结合面 byproduct 副产品controlling parameter 控制参数fill placement record 填筑记录frog area 蛙夯区required embankment 必要填方 subzone 分区◆混凝土(Concrete )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 加气砼asphalt concrete 沥青砼blinding concrete 垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼plastic concrete塑料砼fibrous concrete 纤维砼first stage concrete 一期砼foamed concrete 泡沫砼high-performance concrete 高性能砼 high-strength concrete 高强砼 intrusion concrete 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 贫砼 lightweight aggregate concrete 轻骨料砼mass concrete 大体积砼non-fines concrete 无砂砼non-plastic concrete 干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼 normal concrete 常态砼plain concrete 素砼porous concrete 多孔砼 prestressed concrete 预应力砼 pump concrete 泵送砼reinforced concrete 钢筋砼roller compactedconcrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼second stage concrete 二期砼 作业(Activity)clearance(clearing) 清理concretepouring(placement/casting) 砼浇筑 curing 养护Membrance curing 薄膜养护moist curing 湿润养护normal curing 标准养护steam curing 蒸汽养护repairing 修理Scabbling (chiping/roughening) 凿毛 greencutting 冲毛surface finishing 收面vibrating 振捣缺陷(Defects)bug hole(pitted surface) 麻面cavity 狗洞cold joint 冷缝crack 裂缝deformation 变形depression 坑洼fire-damaged concrete火损砼formwork shifting(moving) 跑模 grout leakage 漏浆(挂帘) honeycomb 蜂窝incomplete vibration 不完全振捣、漏振irregularity 不规则segregation(bleeding) 离析stair(staggered joint) 错台tie rod hole 拉杆孔water leakage 漏水water seepage 渗水外加剂(Admixture)accelerator 速凝剂air-entraining agent 引气剂 bloating(bulking /expansion)agent 膨胀剂coring admixture 着色剂early-strength admixture 早强剂 gas-forming admixture 发气剂(起泡剂)fluidizer 塑化剂retarding agent 缓凝剂 set-controlling admixture 调凝剂 super-plasticizer增塑剂、高效减水剂surface-active agent 表面活性剂 water-reducing agent 减水剂 accelerating water reducer 速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂waterproof agent 防水剂指标(Indexes)compressive strength 抗压强度 compressive stress 压应力 concrete class 砼等级final strength 终凝强度graduation 级配graduation curve 级配曲线 impermeability 抗渗性initial setting strength 初凝强度mix design 配比设计resistance to freezing andthawing 抗冻融性shear strength 抗剪强度slump 坍落度specific weight/gravity 比重 stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性 strain 应变surface finish 表面平整度tensile strength 抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力thermal stress 温度应力water-cement ratio 水灰比 working stress 工作应力其他(Others)acceptance 验收age 龄期aggregate 骨料fine aggregate 细骨料coarse aggregate 粗骨料air pocket 气囊airtightness 气密性alternative 替代物、替换方法 apply 应用、施加 bending moment 弯矩block 仓号binding strength 粘结强度 calibration 标定cement anchor 锚固卷concrete plug 砼塞concrete precast element 砼预制件 concrete release sheet 发料单 construction joint 施工缝 contamination /pollution 污染 conversion(reconstruction) 改建 coverage 覆盖范围curing agent 养护剂delivery sheet 运料单direct discharge 直接入仓 elevation 高程、正视图epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面existing 现有(存)的expansion joint 伸缩缝facilitate 使容易(便利)gabion纤丝笼humidity 湿度identity 识别、标记ingredient 成分、配料inspection 检查、验收preliminary inspection 初验final inspection 终验appearance inspection 外观检查 intact 完整的、未被触动的inter-tower joint 塔间缝introduce into 将……穿入isolate 隔离laitance 浮浆皮layer(lift)height 层高meet design requirement 满足设计要求moment of inertia 惯性距Pocket (box out/preset hole) 预留孔 post-cooling 后冷却post tensioning 后张拉pre-cooling 预冷却pre-stressing 预应力pre-tensioning 先张拉 pull-off test 扒拉试验 reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层 remark 备注section area 截面面积shearkey 抗剪键key groove 键槽shotcrete dry-mix process 干喷砼生产shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产simplify 简化simultaneously 同时地spacer 水泥垫块spacing 间距stress concentration 应力集中 symmetry 对称technical data 技术参数 temperature control 温度控制 temperature difference 温差 temperature rise(gain) 温度升高 theoretical elongationunloading 卸载water-stop 止水PVC water-stop PVC止水rubber water-stop 橡皮止水copper water-stop 铜止水 watertightness 闭水性winter protection 冬季保温◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform)erecting (setting up/fixing) formwork 立模Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆模bond breaker 脱模剂climbing cone 爬升锥dam bracket 大坝支架distance piece 横支撑double-curvature formwork 双曲模板 flat formwork 平面模板formwork oil 模板油pigtail anchor 猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板 shearkey box 键槽盒sliding formwork 滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车steel formwork 钢模steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑 stopend 堵头、封堵模板 temporary formwork 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板vault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板wood formwork 木模◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar) distribution bar 分布筋dowel 插筋horizontal bar 水平筋lap length 搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋overlap 搭接shear bar 剪力筋splice welding绑条焊接starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦 stirrup 箍筋support bar 架立筋vertical bar 竖直筋◆灌浆(Grouting)backfill grouting 回填灌浆 consolidation grouting 固结灌浆 contact grouting 接触灌浆 curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆gap grouting 接缝灌浆gravity grouting 自重灌浆jet grouting 旋喷灌浆multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆 pressure grouting 压力灌浆 ring grouting 环行灌浆single-stage grouting 一次灌浆 工艺过程(Activity)air test 通风试验backfilling of hole 封孔 flushing test 通水试验joint washing 洗缝 seal 密封soak 浸泡water pressure test 压水试验管路及组件( Circuit and Elements)air supply 风包arising pipe 升降管circuit 回路clamp 卡子cock 旋塞coil 蛇形管cylinder 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套 expansion coupling 伸缩节 female-quick coupling 内丝快接头 fixed clamp 死卡flow rate meter 流量计 galvanized elbow 镀锌弯头grout cap 灌浆帽grout cell 出浆盒grout stop plate 止浆片grout valve灌浆阀inlet pipe 进浆管large radius elbow 大弧弯头 main pipe 总管male-quick coupling 外丝快接头 outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞piston 活塞plug 堵头reducer socket 变径管套return pipe 回浆管tee piece 三通管reduce tee piece 变径三通管 swivel-clamp 转卡U-bend U弯头union 活接头ventilation pipe 排气管water supply 水包参数及指标(Parameter and Indexes)consistency 稠度fineness 细度grout take 吃浆量 high take 吃浆量大grouting pressure 灌浆压力 leakage rate 漏水率Lugeon 吕容mix proportion 浆比pumping rate 泵浆率refusal criteria 排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间water aborptin 吸水率仪器设备( Plant and Instrument)agitator 搅拌站automatic recorder 自动记录仪 chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站 displancement point 位移点 electronic grout flow meter 电子流量计extensometer 变位计flow transmitter 流量传感器 foundation displacementindicator 基础位移指示器grout pump灌浆泵hydrometer 比重计joint meter 测缝计mixing plant 制浆站monitor 监测器osmometer 渗压计pendulum 钟摆portable instrument 便携式仪器 pressure gauge 压力表 pressure sensor 压力传感器 reinforcement meter 钢筋计 steel basin 搅拌槽strain meter 应变计 temperature sensor 温度传感器 terminal station 集线站其他(Others)check hole 检查孔 compartment 灌区dense mix 浓浆foundation uplift 基础隆起 grout hole 灌浆孔instrument hole 仪器孔 primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes一序、二序、三序灌浆孔spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距 waste mix 弃浆◆测量(Survey)测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms)adjust 校正、调整 adjustment 平差allowance 容许误差 backsight point 后视点basic point 基础点bench mark 水准点compass 罗盘chainage(station number) 桩号 chain of triangulation 三角锁 check 校核、对照control point 控制点 coordinate point 坐标点 datum基础面datum point 基准点deviation 偏差easily identifiable point 容易识别点 error 误差first order triangulation 一等三角测量 geodetic 大地测量学的geodetic surveying 大地测量joint survey 联合测量known point 已知点level surface 水准面local triangulation networks 局部三角网national coordination system 国家坐标网observe 观测、监视point to be located 待定点position 定位、位置 reconnaissance 选点、踏勘 reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量set out 放线、放样 stake-line 测桩线state plane coordinate system 国家平面坐标系survey point 测点theoretical point 理论点traverse(polygon) 导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差lattice traverse 网格状导线long side traverse 长导线open traverse 非闭合导线short side traverse 短导线 traverse closure 导线闭合traverse station 导线点traverse survey 导线测量 triangulation 三角测量 triangulation network 三角网 triangulation of high order 高等级三角网triangulation point 三角点 trilateration 三边测量vertical-control net高程控制网wood pile 木桩角度测量(Angular Measure) azimuth 方位角bearing 方位、象限角buddle 气泡、水准器circle 度盘、圆盘circular bubble 圆水准器 collimation axis 视准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝 depression angle 俯角 elevation angle 仰角 eyepiece(ocular) 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆foot-screw 脚螺栓horizontal angle 水平角mark 标志(明)objective lens 物镜plumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线 sight 瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄准theodolite 经纬仪tranverse axis 横轴 tripod 三脚架vertical angle 竖直角 vertical axis 竖轴望远镜(Telescope) centering 对中face left 盘左face right 盘右focus 集中、焦点focusing 调焦index error 指标误差 inverted position of telescope(reverse telescope) 倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope) 正镜、盘右optical plummet 光学垂准器 round 测回set 套、组station 测站barometer 气压计base line(basic line/datum line) 基线 battery 电池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) 电磁波测距filter 滤光片、滤波器laser alignment system 激光准直系统laser beam 激光束prism 棱镜range 测程、距离long range 远程medium range 中程short range 短程range finder 测距仪signal 信号spring balance 弹簧称tape 卷尺invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺高程测量( Height Measurement)altitude/elevation 高程、海拔 approximate leveling 近似置平、粗平 automatic level 自动定平水准仪 difference in altitude(differenceof elevation ,height difference)高差error of closure in leveling 水准闭合差exact leveling 精平、确置平level 水准仪(测点)level circuit 水准闭合环level shoe 水准尺垫line of level 水准线路national geodetic vertical datum国家大地高程基准面reduced level 归化高差run back 返测run out 往测three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量 地形测量( Topographic Survey)boundary 边界、界线 construction stake施工标桩contour 等高线contour interval 等高距 contouring 绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法contour line 等高线control network 控制网detail 细部、详图draw 绘图field 外业fix 固定、确定form line 地形图grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报 marginal information 轮廓注记 large-scale 大比例尺的latitude 纬度、范围latitude circle 纬圈latitude line 纬线legend 图例location 定线、定位longitude 经度 longitude line 经线map 地图、制图mapping制图、测图、地质素描match line 拼接线 monument 标石、石柱 object 地物、目标plan 平面图、略图plot 绘图profile 断面(图)、纵剖图 record 记录、资料setup 定置仪器site location 定位stake out 放样、定线、立桩 symbol 符号、记号 topographic detail 地形细部 topographic map 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施(Instrumentation andFacilities)air-entraining meter 掺气剂 Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计concrete strain meter 砼应变计 convergent point 收敛测点direct plumb line 正垂线earth pressure cell 土压力盒 embankment piezometer 坝体渗压计embankment strain meter 堤应变计 extended wire 引张线foundation piezometer 基础渗压计 horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪 hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器 hydrophone 水听器inclinometer casing 测斜管 interface joint meter 界面变位计 inverted plumb line 倒垂线micro piezometer 微压计multiple position extensometer 多点位移计 observation point 观测标点 observation well 观测井optical alignment line 视准线plate strain meter 钢板计 pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压计 pressure fluctuation meter 脉动压力计prestressed tendon anchorage dynamometer 预应力锚索测力计 rock bolt extensometer 锚杆测力计 single point extensometer 单点位移计spiral sensor 测扭仪standpipe 测压管strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪 surface monument 表面标点 temperature sensor 温度传感器 terminal house 终端房terminal station 终端站tilt meter 倾角计time average pressure cell计total pressure cell 总压力盒 velometer 流速计vertical inclinometer 垂直测斜仪 vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压计vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降仪weir with micro piezometer 带微压计的量水堰working base point 工作基点zero stress-strain meter 砼无应力计 附件及配件(Acessories andSpare Parts)coil 盘绕component 零部件coordinator 坐标仪damping box 阻尼角differential resistance 差动电阻 double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护 forced centering plate 强制对中盘 instrument lead 仪器电缆invar wire 铟瓦丝 metal ring 金属环plumb coordinate meter 垂线坐标仪 pulley 滑轮regulator 调节器riser 立管sensor 传感器spool 绕轴steel socket 钢底座tablet 药片tensioning weight 张拉重锤 thermistor 热敏电阻tip 测头安装过程( Procession of Installation)assemble 组装couple 连接embed 埋设install 安装insulate 绝缘maintenance 维护monitor 监测protection of instrumentation护reduce 归纳seal 密封splice 拼接supply 提供test 测试资料(Information)assemble schematic 装配简图 certificate 合格证书description 使用说明书 maintenace guideline 维护指南 manual 说明书operating principle 工作原理 operating restraint 操作范围 procedure 程序trouble shooting procedure 鼓掌分析程序其他(Others)annular space 环行空间data acquisition 数据采集data recording 数据记录leas drilling hole 引线孔 permanent record 永久记录 readout device 读数设备saturated 饱和的seepage isolation dike 截渗堤 trapezoidal 梯形◆水工常规试验砼原材料试验(Test of Raw and Processed Material ofConcrete)骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler 洛杉机磨耗量accumulated retainedpercentage 累计筛余百分率 acicular and flaky grain in aggregate针状与片状颗粒含量alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反应 apparent density 视密度bulk density (unity weight)容重clay lumps and friable particlesin aggregate黏土块及易碎颗粒含量coefficient of softening 软化系数 crush index 压碎指标dry state 干燥状态exceeding and inferior grain in aggregate 超逊径颗粒含量 fineness modulus 细度模数gaping place rate 空隙率grader retained percentage 分计筛余百分率grain composition 颗粒级配grain size 粒径lightweight matter in aggregate 轻物质含量mica content 云母含量moisture content(water rate) 含水率 mud content 含泥量organic content 有机质含量 potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性saturation 饱和的sieving curve 筛分曲线soft grain in aggregate 软弱骨料含量 soundness 坚固性surface moisture content 表面含水率 water-soluble sulphide 水溶性硫化物 水硬性胶凝材料(Hydraulicity cementitious material)age 龄期cement mark(strength of cement/cement grade) 水泥标号 consumptive use of waternormal consistance 标准稠度用水量 degree of mobilization 流动性 dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热final set 终凝flexural strength 抗弯强度flyash 粉煤灰hydration heat 水化热initial set初凝loss on ignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量 setting time 凝结时间silica fume 硅粉soundness 水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积 specific heat 比热water demand ratio 吸水量比外加剂(Admixture)bubble stability 泡沫稳定性 bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 氯化物含量 compressive strength rate 抗压强度比contract with dry rate 干缩率 dispersing coefficient 分散系数 dispersing ability of water-reducing agent 减水剂分散能力 loss of slump 塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量solid content 固体含量surface tension 表面张力water-reducing rate 减水率 水(Water)alkalinity 碱度calcion 钙离子carbonic acid 钙酸chlorion 氯离子equivalent concentration 当量浓度 oxygen consumption 耗氧量 normal solution (standard solution) 标准溶液PH value PH值water analysis 水值分析砼(Concrete)砼拌和物(Mixture)assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度bleeding rate 泌水率cement-sand ration 灰砂比design strength of concrete 砼设计标号flowability of concrete 砼的流动性 mix proportion (proportion of mixture)砼配合比mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性 penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法probability of ensuring strengthof concrete 砼强度保证率sand rate 砂率unit consumption of water 单位用水量water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性water-cement ratio 水灰比硬化砼(Hardened concrete)axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度 coefficient of thermalconductivity 导热系数cooling rate 冷却率core of concrete 砼芯样creep deformation (time deformation ) 徐变变形form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号 heat property of concrete 砼热学性能height-diameter ration 高径比 linear expansion coefficient 线膨胀系数loss of weight 重量损失natural frequency 自振频率 permeate 渗透permeated height 渗透高度 permeated-resisting mark 抗渗标号 relative coefficient ofpermeability 相对渗透系数 resonance frequency 共振频率 sample 试件self-grown volume deformation (砼)自生体积变形splitting tensile strength 劈裂抗拉强度static compressive modulus ofelasticity 静力抗压弹数 temperature conductivity 导温系数 tensile modulus of elasticity 抗拉弹性模量thermal insulation warming 绝热温升 ultimate tensile strain 极限拉应变 ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度 砂浆(Cement)cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆 cement mortar 水泥砂浆cement-clay mortar 水泥黏土砂浆 epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆lime mortar 石灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆土(Soil)accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计曲线activity index 活性指标 angle of friction 摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit)阿太堡界限(界限含水量)California bearing ratio 载重比 coarse-grained soil 粗粒土 coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of cubical compressibility 体积压缩系数 coefficient of curvature 曲率系数 compression 压缩compression index 压缩指数 compression modulus 压缩模数 consolidated-undrained (quick) shear test固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验consolidated-drained (show)shear test固结不排水剪(慢剪)试验consolidation 固结consolidation coefficient 固结系数 consolidation settlement 固结沉降 consolidation stress 固结应力 continuous grading/gradation 连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) 收缩试验core cutter method 环刀法creep curve 蠕变曲线critical slope逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度 degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率 direct shear test 直接剪切试验 direct shear test of reiteration 反复直剪强度试验distribution curve 分布曲线drift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 流土 effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角effective strength envelope 有效强度包线expansion force 膨胀力expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流 fine-grained soil 细粒土flow net(drift net) 流网hydraulic slope 水力坡降 hydrometer method 比重计法 hydrostatic head method 常水头法 limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态 liquefaction 液化liquid limit 液限liquidity index 液化指标maximum dry density 最大干密度 method of sieving 筛分法Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆 Mohr-coulomb failure criteria伦破坏准则normal stress 法向应力(正应力) oedometer curve 压缩曲线 optimum moisture content 最优含水量piping 管涌plastic limit 塑限plasticity index 塑性指标pore water pressure 空隙水压力 porosity 空隙率principal stress 主应力Proctor compaction test 普氏击实试验relative density 相对密度sand replacement method 灌砂法 saturability (saturationdegree/percent saturation) 饱和度 saturated unit weight 饱和容重 seepage deformation 渗透变形 seepage force(seepage pressure) 渗透力seepage line 渗透线seepage speed 渗透速度 shear stress 切向应力(剪应力) shrinkage limit 缩限skip(gap/jump) grading 间断级配 specific gravity of soil particle 土粒比重steady seepage field 稳定渗流场 stress path 应力路径total strength envelope 总强度包线 triaxial compression test 三轴压缩试验unconfined compressionstrength 无侧限抗压强度 unconsolidated undrained test不固结不排水剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法 void(pore) ratio 孔隙比water replacement method 灌水法 wet density 湿密度其它建筑材料钢筋(steel )bending and unbendingcold bending test 冷弯试验 elongation test 拉伸试验nominal diameter 公称直径ratio of elongation 伸长率 relaxation test 松弛试验steel strand 钢绞线tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度 ultimate tensile strength 极限抗拉强度木材(Wood)curshing strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗压强度tensile strength paralled to the grain 顺纹抗拉强度crushing strength across th egrain 横纹抗压强度tensile strength across to thegrain 横纹抗拉强度沥青(Asphalt)brittle temperature test 脆化点试验 expansion test 延伸度试验 penetration test 针入式试验 softening point test 软化点试验 test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验质量管理( Quality Management)average 平均值deviation standard(error of mean squares) 均方差deviation coefficient(dispersion coefficient) 离差系数index of correlation 相关系数 management limit 管理界限 mathematic statistics 数理统计 maximum 最大值minimum 最小值normal distribution 正态分布 quality assurance 质量保证 quality examination 质量检测 regression curve 回归曲线 relative dampness 相对湿度 sample capacity 样本容量 sampling frequency取样频率。
国际工程常用词汇中英文对照表(02 合约)

Completion of parts of works
Completion of substantial parts of works
Substantial Completion / Practical Completion
P 5 / 22
国际工程常用词汇中英文对照表 (合约)
26 竣工检验 27 竣工后检验 28 现场 29 不可预见的现场条件 30 不利的施工现场条件 31 不利的现场条件 32 不利的外界障碍或条件 33 异常的不利气候条件 34 特别困难的施工条件 35 管网布置 36 人工 37 自然 38 道路和设施的权利 39 通行线路 40 物品运输 41 环境保护 42 水 43 电 44 燃气 45 化石 46 样品 47 检查 48 检验 49 拒收 50 修复工程 51 工程暂停 52 暂停延续 53 暂停后果
P 6 / 22
国际工程常用词汇中英文对照表 (合约)
54 工程复工 55 检验延误 56 重新检验 57 未能通过竣工验收 58 区段的接收 59 基本竣工 60 部分接收 61 竣工验收的干预 62 地表恢复原状
63 遗留工程的完成和修复缺陷 64 未能修复缺陷 65 缺陷工程的移走 66 再检验 67 现场清理 68 动员 69 试车前的测试 70 试车测试 71 试运行 72 性能测试 73 验收 74 赶工 75 环境保护 76 安全预防 77 现场保安 78 施工作业 79 上游 80 下游 81 关键作业
Exceptionally Adverse Climate Condition
Exceptionally Adverse Condition

UNIT 1 INTERNATIONAL TRA VELChina Overseas Construction Company (COCC) is awarded a contract for a hydroelectric project in central American. Mr. Bian, the project manager and his assistant, Mr. zhang are leading a group to be executed. Because there’s no direct flight available from China to the destination, they decide to go there by way of San Francisco, USA.1.On Board the planeSteward: (At lunch time) What would you like to have, sir? We have fried chicken, fish and beef.Zhang: fish, please.Steward: How about a drink, coke, orange juice or beer?Zhang: Do you have tea?Steward: Sorry, We don‘t serve tea at lunch.Zhang: Then, a coke, please.Steward: (To Mr. bian, who is sitting next to Mr. Zhang) And you, sir?Bian: Nothing right now. I‘m feeli ng a bit airsick.Steward: I‘ll see if I can get you some tablets for airsickness. Just a moment, please.Bian: Thank you very much.2.Arrival at San Francisco Airport(After a flight of more than twenty hours, they have landed at San Francisco Airport.)I.O: (At the immigration counter) Passport, please. Landing card, too.Zhang: Here you are.I.O: What‘s the purpose of your journey?Zhang: We‘re in transit. Actually, we‘re going to Central American to execute a construction project. You see, all of us are in a group. Most of us are engineers and technicians.I.O: My brother is an engineer, too. He builds bridged. How long do you plan to stay here?Zhang: Just two days.I.O: Everything seems to be Ok. please proceed to Customs next.* * * * * * *C.O: (At the Customs Counter) Your declaration form, please.Zhang: Here it is.C.O: Anything else to declare?Zhang: I don‘t think so.C.O: What‘s in this bag?Zhang: Just some personal belongings.C.O: OK. That‘s all.3.Check-in at the Airport( After two day’s stopover in San Francisco, Mr. Bian and his fellow workers are going to take TACA Airlines Flight No.375 to the destination. They’re in the airport terminal and are looking for the check-in counter.)Zhang: Excuse me, What‘s the check-in counter of TACA Airlines, please.Clerk: Go down this corridor until the end. Turn left and you‘ll see the signs on your right.You can‘t miss it.Zhang: Thanks a lot.* * * * * * *A.C: ( At the check-in counter ) Good morning. Ticket and passport, please.Zhang: Good morning. We‘re in a group. Here are all the ticket and passports.A.C: How many people in the group?Zhang: Fourteen in all.A.C: Any seat preference?Zhang: Two Window seats for Mr. Bian and me in the non-smoking section. Oh, my name‘s Zhang. This passport is mine. For the others, … let me check.( Checking with his fellow workers )Zhang: They‘d prefer any seats in the smoking section.A.C: How many pieces of baggage do you want to check?Zhang: Two for each of us. By the way, what‘s the baggage allowance?A.C: Seventy pounds for each passenger, and the weight limit for each piece is forty-five pounds. Put these four big cartons and that suitcase on thescale then, one by one.Zhang: I hope they‘re not overweight.( After weight all the things )A.C: No, you‘re OK. Now, let me put on the baggage tags.Zhang: Do we have to tear off the old baggage tags?A.C: (Humorously) Yes, if you don‘t want your baggage to come back.(The A.C laughs. Then Zhang laughs, too)A.C: Your boarding cards and passports.Zhang: Thanks. What‘s the boarding gate number?A.C: Gate seven. Have a good flight, gentlemen.1 共50Zhang: Thanks a lot.WORDS AND EXPRESSIONSConstruction company 施工公司,建筑公Award a contract 授予合同Hydroelectric project 水电项目Central America 中美洲Central America 中美洲Project manager 项目经理Site management 现场管理人员(总称),现场管理机构Direct flight 直达航班Available 可以得到的,可以利用的Destination 目的地Fried chicken 炸鸡Beef 牛肉Orange juice 桔子肉Stewardess 航空小姐Airsick 晕机Passport 护照Tablet 药片In transit 过境Construction project 建筑项目,工程项目Customs 海关Declare 申报Belongings 所有物,物品Check-in 登记,报到Colleague 同事Airline 航空公司Stopover 中途停留,逗留Flight number 航班号Airport terminal 机场候机大厅Corridor 走廊,通道Sign 标牌,标记A.C=airline clerk 航空公司职员Carton 纸板箱Preference 爱好,偏爱Baggage 行李Allowance 许可量,限额Suitcase 手提箱,衣箱Overweight 超重的Tag 标签Boarding card 登机卡Boarding gate 登机门San Francisco 圣弗兰西斯科,即旧金山NOTES TO THE TEXT1.direct flight:直达航班英语中还可以说non-stop flight2.by way of:取道,经由例如:They are going to Algeria by way of Paris.(他们将取道巴黎去阿尔及利亚。

国际工程常用英汉词汇汇编overseas project 海外工程domestic project 国内工程一、基础词汇equipment 设备access 交通expatriate 外籍职员agreement 同意、协议expert 分配、配置专家allocationexport 出口approval 同意、批准Federation of Civil Engineering Contractor 土arbitration 仲裁木工程承包商联合会亚洲开发银行Asia Development Bankformal 正式的assistant 助理、助手hydromechanical works 金结工程授权、委托authorize(delegate)import 进口Bill of Quantities(BOQ) 工程量表in charge of 负责、主管civil works 土建工程informal 非正式的claim 索赔Institution of Civilcomment 评论、意见Engineers(ICE) commercial manager 商务经理土木工程师协会instrument 仪器、器械conditions of contract 合同条件insurance 保险general conditions 通用条件labour 劳务专用条件conditions of particular applicationlayout special conditions of contract 特别条件布置Conditions of contract for Works of Civil leading company(sponsor)牵头公司、责任公司土木工程施工合同责任、义务liability(responsibility/obligation) Engineering Construction总包lump sump 条件机械machinery construction management 施工管理人力资源manpower(human resource) consultant 顾问contract agreement 合同协议制造商Manufacturer材料material 承包商Contractorcooperation 合作measure 办法、措施take effective measures 协作coordination 采取有效措施measurement 测量、计量cost 费用cost control memorandum 备忘录成本控制counterclaim 反索赔mobilization 进场objection 反对退场demobilization支付payment department 部门设备设计者Designer plantdrawing 图纸观点、意见point of view(opinion)shop drawing 资格预审prequalification 车间图design drawing 设计图采购procurement竣工图as-built drawing profit 利润blue drawing 蓝图progress control 进度控制project manager 透明图transparent drawing 项目经理施工图construction drawing 质量控制quality control电气工程electric works 申请、请求request(application)Employer(Client/Owner) 业主review 审查Engineer 工程师risk 风险截流工程师代表Engineer's representative river closureriver diversion 工程项目engineering project 导流国际工程international project safety 安全 1signature 签名advances depth 进尺深度breaking hole 崩落孔site 工地、现场cushion hole 缓冲孔site engineer 现场工程师drift 掏槽specification 规格、规范bottom drift 底部掏槽staff 职员center drift Subcontractor 分包商中心掏槽side drift 提交submission 边部掏槽top drift 顶部掏槽supervise 监督、监视drilling 钻孔Supplier 供货商driving(progress) rate 进尺率the International Chamber of Commerce国际easer 掏槽孔商会erecting supports for the roof and side wall 对单价unit price顶拱及边墙进行支护变更variation(change)full face excavation 全断面开挖World Bank 世界银行heading and bench excavation 导流与台阶开二、工程施工类挖(一)工程施工-土建类loading and hauling muck(mucking ) ◆开挖与支护(装拉渣Excavation and Support) loading (charging) 明挖(Open Excavation ) 装药perimeter hole 周边孔台阶开挖bench excavationpilot tunnel concrete excavation 砼开挖导洞removing dust 除尘fault excavation 断层开挖removing ground water 清除地面积水foundation excavation 基础开挖shooting the explosive (blasting) 局部开挖local excavation 放炮top heading excavation 上导洞开挖mass(bulk) excavation 大面积开挖ventilation 通风protective layer excavation 保护层开挖钻孔爆破(Drilling and Blasting) rock excavation 岩石开挖abandoned hole 废孔边坡开挖slope excavationaverage hole depth soft ground excavation 软基开挖平均孔深average quantity used in unit 土方开挖soil excavationvolume blasted 平均单耗structural excavation 结构开挖blasting result 齿槽开挖tooth excavation 爆破结果blockness 块度unclassified material excavation 不分类料开controlled perimeter blasting周边控制爆破挖data of explosive filled 开挖不均匀系数装药参数coefficient of nonuniformitydata of holes drilled cutoff trench 钻孔参数截水槽delayed blasting dewatering(drainage) 排水延时爆破exploratory hole 开挖基坑excavation pit 探孔explosive quantity intensity of excavation 开挖强度药量explosive quantity in a sound 超挖overexcavate ( overbreak ) 单响药量handling misfire 水泵坑pump sump 处理哑炮light charge 欠挖Underexcavate ( underbreak ) 少量装药loosening blasting 欠挖处理松动爆破underbreak treatmentpattern 布孔方式Tunnel and Underground 洞挖及地下开挖(distance between holes 孔距Excavation)distance between rows a round of excavation 排距一个开挖循环post shearing blasting 微差爆破支洞aditprespliting blasting 进尺advance 预裂爆破2quantity of holes 孔数test 测试transport 运输smooth blasting 光面爆破treat 处理延时支护(rock support)trim 修整expansion shell rock bolt 胀壳式张拉锚杆缺陷(Defects)feature rock anchor 随机锚索calcium particles 姜石feature rock bolt 随机张拉锚杆contaminated material 随机砂浆锚杆受污染料feature rock doweldeclination of the boundary feature rock reinforcement 随机加固料界偏差dry 干燥lattice girder 钢桁架、格构大梁pattern cement grouted rock lack of compaction 漏压lump sump 结块dowel 系统水泥浆锚杆pattern resin grouted rock dowel muddy 泥泞oversize material 超粒径材料系统树脂浆锚杆pocket 囊穴pattern rock dowel 系统砂浆锚杆seepage pattern rock reinforcement 渗流系统加固separation 分离permanent rock support 永久支护post-tensioned cement grouted tendon rock shear area 剪力区lens 后张拉水泥浆锚索透镜体anchor其它(rebound material 回弹料Others)bonding surface 结合面return rock bolt 回头张拉锚杆byproduct return rock reinforcement 副产品回头加固controlling parameter 控制参数shotcrete anchorage 喷锚fill placement record 填筑记录shotcrete with wire mesh 挂网喷砼frog area steel fabric shotcrete 钢纤维喷砼蛙夯区required embankment 必要填方钢拱架steel ribsubzone temporary rock support 临时支护分区◆混凝土(Concrete 树脂张拉锚tensioned resin grouted rock bolt )air-entrained concrete(aerated concrete) 杆加气砼◆土石料的填筑及碾压施工工序(Working asphalt concrete 沥青砼Sequence)blinding concrete backfill 回填垫层砼cast-in situ(site/place)concrete 现浇砼混合blendplastic concrete 塑料砼compact 碾压fibrous concrete 纤维砼控制洒水controlled sprinklingfirst stage concrete 削坡一期砼cut the slopefoamed concrete dump 泡沫砼卸料high-performance concrete exploit 开采高性能砼high-strength concrete 整平level 高强砼intrusion concrete 装料load 压浆砼lean concrete (poor concrete) 水分调节moisture condition 贫砼lightweight aggregate concrete place and spread 摊铺轻骨料砼mass concrete 清除remove 大体积砼non-fines concrete replace 重新回填无砂砼non-plastic concrete retreat (do the work again) 返工干硬性砼non-shrinkage concrete 无收缩砼翻松、刨毛scarifynormal concrete 常态砼筛分和冲洗screen and washplain concrete 取样take a sample 素砼3porous concrete 多孔砼set-controlling admixture 调凝剂super-plasticizer 增塑剂、高效减水剂prestressed concrete 预应力砼surface-active agent 表面活性剂pump concrete 泵送砼water-reducing agent 减水剂reinforced concrete 钢筋砼accelerating water reducer roller compacted concrete( rollcrete) 碾压砼速凝型减水剂retarding water reducer 缓凝型减水剂二期砼second stage concretewaterproof agent 防水剂作业(Activity)指标(Indexes)clearance(clearing) 清理concretecompressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 砼浇筑压应力pouring(placement/casting)concrete class 砼等级curing 养护final strength 终凝强度Membrance curing 薄膜养护graduation 级配湿润养护moist curinggraduation curve 级配曲线normal curing 标准养护impermeability 抗渗性steam curing 蒸汽养护initial setting strength 初凝强度repairing 修理mix design 配比设计凿毛Scabbling (chiping/roughening)resistance to freezing and thawing 抗冻融性greencutting 冲毛shear strength 抗剪强度surface finishing 收面slump 坍落度vibrating 振捣specific weight/gravity 比重Defects缺陷()stability against sliding 抗滑稳定性麻面bug hole(pitted surface)strain cavity 狗洞应变surface finish 冷缝表面平整度cold jointtensile strength crack 裂缝抗拉强度tensile stress 拉应力变形deformationthermal stress 温度应力depression 坑洼water-cement ratio 火损砼fire-damaged concrete 水灰比working stress 工作应力formwork shifting(moving) 跑模其他(Others)漏浆(挂帘)grout leakageacceptance 验收honeycomb 蜂窝age 龄期不完全振捣、漏振incomplete vibrationaggregate 骨料不规则irregularityfine aggregate 细骨料离析segregation(bleeding)coarse aggregate 粗骨料stair(staggered joint) 错台air pocket tie rod hole 气囊拉杆孔airtightness water leakage 漏水气密性alternative 渗水water seepage 替代物、替换方法apply )外加剂(Admixture应用、施加bending moment accelerator 速凝剂弯矩block 仓号引气剂air-entraining agentbinding strength 膨胀剂bloating(bulking /expansion) agent 黏结强度calibration 剂着色coring admixture 标定cement anchor 锚固卷早强剂re early-strength admixtu concrete plug 砼塞发气剂(起泡剂)gas-forming admixtureconcrete precast element 塑化剂fluidizer 砼预制件concrete release sheet 缓凝剂retarding agent 发料单4spacing 间距上面已看!stress concentration 应力集中symmetry 对称construction joint 施工缝technical data 技术参数contamination /pollution 污染temperature control 改建温度控制conversion(reconstruction)temperature difference 温差coverage 覆盖范围temperature rise(gain) 温度升高curing agent 养护剂theoretical elongation 理论延长量delivery sheet 运料单unloading direct discharge 直接入仓卸载water stop 高程、正视图止水elevationPVC water stop PVC止水epoxy mortar application 还氧砂浆抹面rubber water stop existing 现有(存)的橡皮止水copper water stop 铜止水expansion joint 伸缩缝watertightness 闭水性facilitate 使容易(便利)winter protection 冬季保温纤丝笼gabion◆模板(Formwok/Shutteringform) humidity 湿度erecting(setting up/fixing) formwork 立模identity 识别、标记Stripping (removing/dismantling) formwork 拆成分、配料ingredient模检查、验收inspectionbond breaker 脱模剂preliminary inspection 初验climbing cone 爬升锥final inspection 终验dam bracket appearance inspection 外观检查大坝支架distance piece 横支撑完整的、未被触动的intactdouble-curvature formwork inter-tower joint 塔间缝双曲模板flat formwork 平面模板穿入introduce into 将……formwork oil 隔离模板油isolatepigtail anchor laitance 浮浆皮猪尾筋retractable formwork 进退式模板layer(lift)height 层高shearkey box 键槽盒满足设计要求meet design requirementsliding formwork moment of inertia 惯性距滑模steel form carrier 钢模台车预留孔Pocket (box out/preset hole)steel formwork 钢模post-cooling 后冷却steel waling 钢围令、钢支撑后张拉post tensioningstopend 堵头、封堵模板pre-cooling 预冷却temporary formwork 预应力pre-stressing 临时模板tie rod(form tie) 先张拉pre-tensioning 拉杆tiltable formwork 倾斜式模板扒拉试验pull-off testvault and invert formwork 顶拱及底拱模板reinforcement cover 钢筋保护层wood formwork 木模备注remark◆钢筋(Reinforcement Rebar section area 截面面积)distribution bar 抗剪键shearkey 分布筋dowel 键槽key groove 插筋horizontal bar shotcrete dry-mix process 水平筋干喷砼生产lap length shotcrete wet-mix process 湿喷砼生产搭接长度main stress bar 主应力筋简化simplifyoverlap 搭接simultaneously 同时地shear bar 水泥垫块spacer 剪力筋5splice welding 绑条焊接outlet pipe 出浆管packer 灌浆塞starter bar 起始筋、苗子锦piston 活塞stirrup 箍筋plug 堵头support bar 架立筋reducer socket vertical bar 竖直筋变径管套return pipe 回浆管◆灌浆(Grouting)tee piece 三通管backfill grouting 回填灌浆reduce tee piece 变径三通管consolidation grouting 固结灌浆swivel-clamp contact grouting 接触灌浆转卡U-bend U curtain grouting 帷幕灌浆弯头union 活接头gap grouting 接缝灌浆ventilation pipe 排气管gravity grouting 自重灌浆water supply 水包旋喷灌浆jet grouting参数及指标(Parameter and multi-stage grouting 多次灌浆Indexes压力灌浆)pressure groutingconsistency ring grouting 环行灌浆稠度fineness 细度一次灌浆single-stage groutinggrout take 工艺过程(Activity吃浆量)high take 通风试验吃浆量大air testgrouting pressure backfilling of hole 封孔灌浆压力leakage rate 漏水率flushing test 通水试验Lugeon 吕容洗缝joint washingmix proportion 浆比seal 密封pumping rate 泵浆率soak 浸泡refusal criteria water pressure test 压水试验排浆标准refusal time 抽浆时间)管路及组件(Circuit and Elementswater aborptin 吸水率风包air supply升降管Plant and Instrument)仪器设备(arising pipecircuit agitator 搅拌站回路automatic recorder clamp 卡子自动记录仪chiller plant(cooling plant) 制冷站旋塞cock 蛇形管位移点displancement point coilcylinder 电子流量计electronic grout flow meter 缸套double nipple 对丝连接套变位计extensometer流量传感器伸缩节expansion coupling flow transmitterfoundation displacement female-quick coupling 内丝快接头fixed clamp 基础位移指示器死卡indicatorflow rate meter 测量计grout pump 灌浆泵镀锌弯头galvanized elbow hydrometer 比重计grout cap 灌浆帽joint meter 测缝计出浆盒grout cell 制浆站mixing plant止浆片grout stop plate 监测器monitorgrout valve 灌浆阀osmometer 渗压计进浆管pendulum 钟摆inlet pipe便携式仪器大弧弯头large radius elbow portable instrument总管main pipe pressure gauge 压力表外丝快接头male-quick coupling pressure sensor压力传感器 6reinforcement meter 钢筋计reference point 参考点second order triangulation 二等三角测量steel basin 搅拌槽set out 放线、放样strain meter 应变计stake-line 测桩线temperature sensor 温度传感器state plane coordinate system terminal station 集线站国家平面坐标其他(Others)系survey point 测点检查孔check holetheoretical point 理论点compartment 灌区traverse(polygon) dense mix 浓浆导线(测量)、横断error of traverse 导线闭合差foundation uplift 基础隆起lattice traverse 网格状导线grout hole 灌浆孔long side traverse 仪器孔长导线instrument holeopen traverse primary/secondary and tertiary grout holes 一非闭合导线short side traverse 序、二序、三序灌浆孔短导线traverse closure 导线闭合spilt spacing 加密灌浆孔距traverse station 导线点waste mix 弃浆traverse survey 导线测量◆测量(Survey)triangulation 三角测测量方法及术语(Methods and Terms)量triangulation network 三角网调整adjust 校正、triangulation of high order 高等级三角网adjustment 平差triangulation point 三角点allowance 容许误差trilateration 三边测量backsight point 后视点vertical-control net 高程控制网基础点basic pointwood pile 木点桩准bench mark 水角度测量(罗盘compass Angular Measure)azimuth 桩号方位角chainage(station number)bearing chain of triangulation 方位、象限角三角锁buddle 对照气泡、水准器check 校核、circle control point 度盘点、圆盘控制circular bubble coordinate point 坐标点圆水准器collimation axis 视datum 基础面准轴cross-line(cross-hair) 十字丝点基datum point 准depression angle deviation 偏差俯角elevation angle 容易识easily identifiable point 别仰角点eyepiece(ocular) 误差error 目镜field pole(staff) 标杆一等三角测first order triangulation 量foot-screw 脚螺栓学的量大地测geodetichorizontal angle 水平角量geodetic surveying 大地测mark 联joint survey 标志(明)量合测objective lens 已知点物镜known pointplumb(plummet) 铅垂、垂线面水level surface 准sight 三角网部local triangulation networks 局瞄准、观测target 目标、瞄家坐标网国national coordination system 准theodolite 监视、观测observe 经纬仪tranverse axis point to be located 待定点横轴tripod 三脚架置位、定位positionvertical angle 、选点reconnaissance 竖直角踏勘7vertical axis 竖轴national geodetic vertical datum 国家大地高程基准望远镜(Telescope)面reduced level 归化高差centering 对中run back face left 盘左返测run out 往测face right 盘右three-wire leveling 三丝法水准测量焦点focus 集中、地形测量(Topographic Survey)focusing 调焦boundary 边界、界线index error 指标误差inverted position of telescope(reverse construction stake 施工标桩contour 等高线telescope)倒镜、盘右normal position of telescope(direct telescope)contour interval 等高距contouring 、正镜盘右绘等高线contour-length method 等高线延长法optical plummet 光学垂准器contour line 等高线round 测回control network set 套、组控制网detail 细部、详图station 测站draw 距离测量(绘图Distance Measure)field 外业气barometer 压计fix base line(basic line/datum line) 基线固定、确定form line 地形图电battery 池EDM(electromagnetic distance measurement) grid 格网information 注记、资料、情报电磁波测距marginal information 轮廓注记滤光片filter 、滤波器large-scale 大比例尺的laser alignment system 激光准直系统latitude 纬度、激光束laser beam 范围latitude circle 纬圈prism 棱镜latitude line 纬线距离测range 程、legend 图例long range 远程location 定线、定位程medium range 中longitude 经度程short range 短longitude line 经range finder 测距仪线map 信号signal 地图、制图mapping 弹簧称制图、测图、地质素描spring balancematch line tape 拼接线卷尺monument 标石、invar tape 铟瓦钢卷尺石柱object 地物、目标)高程测量(Height Measurementplan 平面图、略程、altitude/elevation 高海拔图plot 绘粗平平近似approximate leveling 置、图profile 仪断面(图)、纵剖图准自动定平水automatic leveldifference in altitude(difference of record 记录、资料setup elevation ,height difference) 高差定置仪器site location 闭水error of closure in leveling 准定位差合stake out 放样、定线平置、精平exact leveling 确、立桩symbol 仪(测点)准水level 符号、记号topographic detail level circuit 地形细环合闭准水部topographic map 尺垫准水level shoe 地形图◆原形观测观测仪器和设施水line of level 线路准{Instrumentation8and Facilities)附件及配件(Acessories and Spare Parts)air-entraining meter 掺气剂coil 盘绕component 零部件Carlson-type piezometer 卡尔逊式渗压计coordinator 坐标仪concrete strain meter 砼应变计damping box convergent point 收敛测点阻尼角differential resistance 差动电direct plumb line 正垂线阻double layer rubber sleeve 双层保护earth pressure cell 土压力盒forced centering plate 强制对中盘坝体渗压embankment piezometer 计instrument lead 仪器电缆embankment strain meter 堤应变计invar wire 铟瓦丝引张线extended wiremetal ring 金属环计foundation piezometer 基础渗压plumb coordinate meter horizontal inclinometer 水平测斜仪垂线坐标仪pulley 滑轮hydraulic instrument 水力学仪器regulator 调节器hydrophone 水听器riser inclinometer casing 立管测斜管sensor 传感器计interface joint meter 界面变位spool 倒垂线inverted plumb line 绕轴steel socket 钢底座计micro piezometer 微压tablet multiple position extensometer 多点位移药片计tensioning weight observation point 观测标点张拉重锤thermistor 热敏observation well 观测井电阻tip 测头optical alignment line 视准线安装过程(Procession of Installation钢板计)plate strain meter计pneumatic piezometer 气压式渗压组装assemble计脉动压力连接couple pressure fluctuation meterprestressed tendon anchorage 设embed 埋安装install 预应力锚dynamometer 索测力计锚杆测力rock bolt extensometer 计绝缘insulatesingle point extensometer 单点位移计维护maintenance测扭仪spiral sensor 监测monitorstandpipe 测压仪器保护protection of instrumentation 管归纳strong-motion seismogragh 强震仪reduce表surface monument 面标点密封seal温度传感器temperature sensor 拼接splicesupply terminal house 终端房提供终端站terminal station test 测试tilt meter 倾角Information)计资料(简图assemble schematic 装配计time average pressure cell 时均压力格证书certificate 合总压力盒total pressure cell书说明计流速velometer 用description 使垂直测斜仪vertical inclinometer 维护指南maintenace guideline明计vibrating wire piezometer 震旋式渗压书manual 说原vibrating wire settlement sensor 振旋式沉降理operating principle 工作仪范围operating restraint 操作序量的计带微压weir with micro piezometer 水堰程procedure程序析鼓掌基点工作working base point trouble shooting procedure 分计砼无应力zero stress-strain meter 其他(Others)9material) 间行空annular space 环age 龄期data acquisition 数据采集cementmark(strength of cement /cement 数据记录data recordinggrade) 水泥标号引线孔leas drilling holeconsumptive use of water normal consistance permanent record 永久记录readout device 读数设备标准稠度用水量degree of mobilization 流动性saturated 饱和的dissolution heat ( solution heat ) 溶解热seepage isolation dike 截渗堤final set 终凝梯形trapezoidalflexural strength 抗弯强度◆水工常规试验flyash 粉煤灰Test of Raw and Processed 砼原材料试验(hydration heat 水化热Material of Concrete)initial set 初凝骨料(Aggregate)abrasion volume by Los Angeles rattler loss onignition(ignition loss) 烧矢量setting time 洛杉机磨耗量凝结时间silica fume 计硅粉筛余百accumulated retained percentage 累soundness 分率水泥的安定性specific surface area 比表面积acicular and flaky grain in aggregate 针状与specific heat 比热片状颗粒含量water demand ratio 吸水量应alkali-aggregate reaction 碱骨料反比外加剂(视密度Admixture)apparent densitybubble stability bulk density (unity weight) 容重泡沫稳定性clay lumps and friable particles in aggregate bubbling ability 起泡能力chloride content 土块及易碎颗粒含氯化物含量量黏compressive strength rate 抗压强度比coefficient of softening 软化系数contract with dry rate 干缩率crush index 压碎指标dispersing coefficient dry state 干燥状态分散系数dispersing ability of waterexceeding and inferior grain in-reducing agent 减水剂aggregate 超逊径颗粒含量分散能力loss of slump fineness modulus 细度模数塌落度损失sulphate content 硫酸盐含量空隙率gaping place ratesolid content 固体含量率筛余百grader retained percentage 分计分surface tension 表面张力配grain composition 颗粒级water-reducing rate 减水率grain size 粒径水(轻物质含lightweight matter in aggregate 量Water)alkalinity 云母含mica content 碱度量calcion 含水率moisture content(water rate) 钙离子carbonic acid 量mud content 含泥钙酸chlorion 量organic content 有机质含氯离子equivalent concentration 当potential reactivity of aggregate 骨料潜在活性量浓度oxygen consumption saturation 耗氧量饱和的normal solution (standard 筛sieving curve 分曲线solution) 标准溶液软弱骨料含soft grain in aggregate 量PH value PH值坚固性soundnesswater analysis 面含水率表surface moisture content 水值分析砼(Concrete水溶性硫化物water-soluble sulphide )砼拌和物((Hydraulicity cementitious水硬性胶凝材料Mixture)10assurance strength of concrete 砼保证强度wear rate 磨损率wear-resisting strength 抗冲磨强度bleeding rate 泌水率砂浆(Cement)cement-sand ration 灰砂比cement lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆design strength of concrete 砼设计标号cement mortar 水泥砂浆砼的流动性flowability of concretecement-clay mortar mix proportion (proportion of mixture) 砼配合水泥黏土砂浆epoxy mortar 环氧砂浆比lime mortar mixture uniformity 拌和物的均匀性石灰砂浆plastering mortar 抹面砂浆penetration-obstruction method 贯入阻力法pointing joint mortar 勾缝砂浆probability of ensuring strength of concrete 砼土(Soil)强度保证率accumulation curve (cumulative curve) 累计砂率sand rate曲线用unit consumption of water 单位水量activity index 活性指标water retention (water retentiveness) 保水性angle of friction water-cement ratio 水灰比摩擦角Atterberg limits(water content as limit) Hardened concrete阿)硬化砼(太堡界限(界限含水axial tensile strength 轴向抗拉强度量)California bearing ratio 导热系数载重比coefficient of thermal conductivitycoarse-grained soil cooling rate 冷却率粗粒土coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数砼芯样core of concretecoefficient of cubical徐变变creep deformation (time deformation )compressibility 形体积压缩系数coefficient of curvature form coefficient(form factor) 形状系数曲率系数compression 压缩freezing -melting circulation 冻融循环compression index 压缩指数frost-resistance mark 抗冻标号compression modulus 压缩模数砼热学性能heat property of concreteconsolidated-undrained (quick) shear test height-diameter ration 高径比固结不排水剪(固结快剪)试验线膨胀系数linear expansion coefficientconsolidated-drained (slow) shear test 损失固结不量loss of weight 重排水剪(慢剪)试验natural frequency 自振频率consolidation 固结permeate 渗透consolidation coefficient 固结系数透permeated height 渗高度consolidation settlement 固结沉降抗渗标号permeated-resisting markconsolidation stress 固结应力透相对渗系relative coefficient of permeabilitycontinuous grading/gradation 数连接级配contraction test(shrinkage test) resonance frequency 共收缩试验振频率core cutter method sample 试环刀法件creep curve self-grown volume deformation(砼)蠕变曲线自生体积critical slope 变形逸出坡降(临界坡降)Darcy's law 劈裂抗拉强度splitting tensile strength 达西定律degree of consolidation 固结度static compressive modulus of elasticity 静力degree of free swelling 自由膨胀率抗压弹数direct shear test 导温系数temperature conductivity 直接剪切试验direct shear test of reiteration 抗拉弹性模tensile modulus of elasticity 量反复直剪强度试验thermal insulation warming 绝热温升distribution curve 分布曲线极限拉应变ultimate tensile straindrift soil (shifting soil/mass flow) 极限抗拉强度ultimate tensile strength 流土11effective angle of inner friction 有效内摩擦角强度unconsolidated undrained test 不固结不排水effective strength envelope 有效强度包线expansion force 膨胀力剪(快剪)试验variable head method 变水头法expansion ration(specific expansion) 膨胀率void(pore) ratio 孔隙比filtering flow(seepage flow) 渗流water replacement methodfine-grained soil 细粒土灌水法wet density 湿密度flow net(drift net) 流网其它建筑材料水力坡降hydraulic slope钢筋(法hydrometer method 比重计steel )bending and unbending 反复弯曲hydrostatic head method 常水头法cold bending test limit equilibrium state 极限平衡状态冷弯试验elongation test 拉伸试验liquefaction 液化nominal diameter 公称直径liquid limit 液限ratio of elongation 伸长率液化指标liquidity indexrelaxation test 松弛试验maximum dry density 最大干密度steel strand 钢绞线法method of sieving 筛分tensile yield strength 拉伸屈服强度Mohr's stress circle 莫力应力圆ultimate tensile strength Mohr-coulomb failure criteria 莫尔-极限抗拉强度库伦破坏)木材(Wood准则curshing strength paralled to the 法向应力(正应力)normal stress压缩曲线oedometer curve 顺纹抗压强度graintensile strength paralled to the optimum moisture content 最优含水量顺纹抗拉强度涌piping 管graincrushing strength across th e plastic limit 塑限横纹抗压强度grain plasticity index 塑性指标tensile strength across to the 空隙水压力pore water pressure空隙率porosity 横纹抗拉强度grain)沥青(应力principal stress 主Asphalt普氏击实试验脆化点试验brittle temperature test Proctor compaction testrelative density 相对密度expansion test 延伸度试验penetration test sand replacement method 灌砂法针入式试验saturability (saturation degree/percent softening point test 软化点试验saturation) 饱和度test of aging 老化试验viscosity test 粘滞性试验饱和容重saturated unit weight)质量管理(透seepage deformation 渗变形Quality Management力渗seepageforce(seepage pressure) 透平均值averagedeviation standard(error of mean 透seepage line 渗线均方差速度渗seepage speed 透squares)deviation coefficient(dispersion shear stress 切向应力(剪应力)shrinkage limit 离差系数缩限coefficient)配index of correlation 相关系数断级skip(gap/jump) grading 间管理界限土specific gravity of soil particle 粒比重management limit稳定渗流steady seepage field 场计数mathematic statistics 理统最大值应力路径stresspath maximum小值minimum 包总强度total strength envelope 线最布normal distribution 正态分三轴压缩试验triaxial compression test量无侧限抗压unconfined compression strength quality assurance 质保证12quality examination 质量检测foliation 板理(叶理)ripple mark 波痕regression curve 回归曲线mud crack 泥痕相对湿度relative dampnessrain print 容量雨痕sample capacity 样本orientation of bedrock 岩层产状sampling frequency 取样频率strike 走向specimen 样品dip 计分倾向析statistical analysis 统angle of dip (dip angle ) 倾角technical specification 技术规范fold 褶皱technical standard 技术标准anticline 背斜testing circumstance 试验环境syncline testing error 试验误差向斜Monocline (homocline) 程单斜试验规testing regulationdome 穹隆variance analysis 方差分析soft stratum 软弱岩层◆地质(Geology)zone of fracture(broken zone ) 破碎带地质年代(Geochronology of Geologicaffected zone 影响带Ages)platy structure 板状构造太古代(界)Archaeozoic era (erathem)Proterozoic era (erathem) 元古代(界)解理cleavage断裂fracture(rupture) Palaeozoic era (erathem) 古生代(界)裂隙fissure(crack/fracture) Mesozoic era (erathem) 中生代(界))岩石类型(新生代(界)Cenozoic era (erathem) Rock type岩石学Sinian period (system) 震旦纪(系)petrology岩寒武纪(系)Cambrian period (system) igneous rock 火成岩浆岩magmatic rock Ordovician period (system) 奥陶纪(系)火山岩lava(vocanic rock) 志留纪(系)Silurian period (system)侵入岩Devonian period (system) 泥盘纪(系)intrusive (invade) rock成岩effusive rock 深Carboniferous period (system) 石碳纪(系)岩pypabussal rock 浅成二叠纪(系)Permian period (system)酸性岩Triassic period (system) 三叠纪(系)acid rock中性岩侏罗纪(系)Jurassic period (system) inter-mediate rock白垩纪(系)基性岩basic rock Cretaceous period (system)Tertiary period (system) 超基性岩第三纪(系)ultrabasic rock第Quaternary period (system) 四纪(系)granite 花岗岩Geologic Structural地质构造()porphyry 斑岩rhyolite 玢岩断层fault正断层syenite 流纹岩normal faultreversed fault trachyte 粗面岩逆断层平移断层parallel fault 闪长岩diorite断层泥gouge 安山岩andesite辉长岩stria 擦痕gabbrobasalt 节joint 理玄武岩原生节primary joint 理aplite 细晶岩理次生节secondary joint pegmatite 伟晶岩tension joint 煌斑岩张节理lamprophyreunloading joint diabase 辉绿岩理卸荷节橄榄岩片schistosity 理dunite理层bedding pumice 浮岩13sedimentary rock 沉积岩apatite 磷灰石feldspar 长石clastic rock 碎屑岩quartz 石英clay rock 黏土岩topaz 黄玉化学岩chemical rockcorundum 刚玉biolith 生物岩diamand 金刚石conglomerate 砾岩orthoclase siltstone 粉砂岩正长石plagloclase mudstone 泥岩斜长石biotite 黑云母shale 页岩muscovite 白云母saline rock 盐岩amphibole limestone 石灰岩角闪石phroxene 辉石dolomite 白云岩olivine 橄榄石marl 泥灰岩dolomite 白云石volcanic breccia 火山角砾岩kaolinite volcanic agglomerate 高岭石火山块集岩montmorillonite 凝灰岩蒙脱石tuff膨润metamorphic rock 变质岩土bentonite 斑脱石、illite 伊力石板岩slategarnet 石榴子石phyllite 千枚岩chlorite 片岩绿泥石schistgneiss 片麻岩serpentine 蛇纹石岩黄铁矿pyrite 石quartzite 英marble 大赤铁矿hematite 理岩磁铁矿magnetite mylonite 糜棱岩褐铁矿合migmatite 混岩limonite)工程地质(cataclasite 碎裂岩Engineering Geology技土工土工学(sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层)Geotechnics ( geotechnique))岩石工程漂石boulder 、顽石术、岩石力学rock mechanics cobble 卵石土砾石gravel 力学soil mechanicssand 砂、岩石力学geomechanics 地质力学engineering geological 粉siltstone 土地质条件conditons 黏clay 土工程题工程地质砂质黏sandy clay 土问engineering geological problemrock mass structure 粘质砂clayey sand 土岩体结构地形geographic and geomorphic conditions 黏壤sandy loam 土、亚土地貌条件土、表土浮regolith ( topsoil )理地质现象geophysical phenomenon 黄loess 土物条件土红laterite hydrogeological conditions 水文地质天然材料泥炭peat natural materials海泥、ooze 软泥reservoir 水库Rock-forming 造岩矿物(settlement 沉降Minerals)displacement 位移滑石talc 变形deformation石膏gypsum tectonic stress 构造应力方解石calcite 残余应力residual stressfluorite angle of internal friction 萤石内摩擦角14cohesion 内聚力(粘聚力、凝聚力)vein dyke 岩脉sediment(deposit) 沉积物(层)pressure tunnel 压力隧洞alluvium 冲积物(层)underground cavern/cavity 地下洞室proluvium(diluvium) 洪积物(层)overburden 覆盖物deluvium bed rock(base rock/foundation rock) 基岩坡积物(层)eluvium 残积物(层)firm/sound rock 坚硬岩石eolian deposit 风积物(层)weak/soft rock 软弱岩石lake deposit 湖积物(层)interbed 夹层marine deposit zone of fracture (broken zones ) 破碎带海积物(层)glacial (drift) deposit 冰川沉积物(层)homogeneity 均质性colluvial deposit (colluvium) 崩积物(层)nonhomogeneity/heterogeneity 非均质性isotropy 各向同性cross-bedding 交错层geologic structure 地质构造anisotropy 各向异性geotectonics 大地构造学矿物质的物理性质(Physical Character ofgraben 地堑Minerals)horst hardness 硬度地垒cordance(conformity) 整合luster 光泽discordance(unconformity) 非整color 颜色合deceptive cordance /conformity 假整transparencey/pellucidity 透明度合地质作用痕(Physical Geology Action) streak 条weathering rent/fracture 断口风化erosion 侵蚀crystal form 晶形transportation 岩石学搬运(Petrology)deposition/sediment 沉积classification 分类denudation 剥蚀构造应力structurecorrasion texture 结构磨蚀corrosion 腐蚀组构fabricdissolution 溶蚀成mineral composition 矿物组landslide 结晶质滑坡crystalline collapse(rock fall) amorphous substance 非晶质崩塌mud flow 泥石流fossil 化石earthquake 地震磨圆度degree of roundingintensity 粒度烈度degree of grainsmagnitude 地层地貌震级(Stratum andPhysiognomy)◆水文盆地basin (Hydrology)ground water(subsurface water) 地下水river valley 河谷surface water 地河床river bed 表水atmospheric water topography 地形大气水runoff 径流地势terrainfresh /plain /sweet water attitude 产状淡水river flow/discharge 岩基rock base ( batholite) 河水流量peak flood flow 洪峰流量岩株rock stockflood out flow 岩流rock flow 洪水下泄流量dry season 枯水季rock loccolith 岩盖wet season 岩盆rock lopolith 丰水季flood (raining) season 汛期岩墙rock dikenon-flood season 岩床rock sill 非汛期155% frequency flood 20 年一遇洪水hinged shaft 铰轴cover 端盖flood control 防汛trunion beam 支饺梁(二)工程施工.机电类dogging beam ◆金属结构(Hydromechanical work) 锁定梁启闭机(Hoist)闸门(Gate)wire rope hoist 固定卷扬式启闭机service gate 工作门hydraulic hoist 液压启闭机emergency gate 事故门monorail hoist 检修门单轨启闭机。

国际工程专业词汇—英汉对照英文中文abandon抛弃、放弃abide遵守ability能力abolish 废除arbitration 仲裁absent缺勤的abstract文摘abundance充足accelerate 加速,加快acceleration 加速施工accept承兑,接收,承诺accept承兑、接受access通道,接近,通过,进入权access 通道accessories附件accident 事故accredited 被委任的accomplishment完成account帐目accrual 应计的; 增加的acknowledgment承认acquisition 获得act 采取行动action诉讼、行动add附加addition增加adhere坚持adjust校正adjudication宣判、裁判administer管理administration行政管理admission准许进入admission准许、进入adopt采用advance 预付款adventure冒险adverse 不利的advice建议affect 影响affirmativeaffix附加agency 代理agenda会议议程或议程表agree 同意agree 达成协议agreement协定AIA 美国建筑师协会alien 外国的alienation 转让; 异化allowance津贴,补助费,允许,减价alteration变更amend修改amendment修改amicable友好的amount数额,总数,金额annex附录,附件,v.附加announce宣布announcement通告annual 年度的apparatus 设备appeal上诉appear刊登,出庭appendix附录,附件applicant申请人,投保人apply申请appoint委派,约定apportion 分配,分摊appraisal 评估,评价appropriate 拨给(款项等),挪用,a.适当的approval 批准,赞同approval批准approve批准,授权,许可arbiter仲裁员arbitrate 仲裁,解决arbitration仲裁/裁决arch 拱architect 建筑师architecture建筑学arrangement安排assets 资产Assign转让assignment 转让association协会attendance 出席authorize授权authority权力available 可获得的award判决backdate倒填日期balance 剩余部分、余额balance平衡、收支平衡ban 禁止bank银行basis 基础benefit利益bid 投标bill 票据board 委员会bond担保、债券Bond 保证boundary 边界线branch分公司budget 预算budget 预算building 建筑物bywork业余工作、副业calculate 计算calculation计算书calendar日历call 通知偿还capability能力capacity职位、资格capital资本cargo船货cash 现金certificate证书certificationchance 机会、可能性change 变更/变化change变更civil 公民的claim索赔claimantclaimerclarification澄清clarify澄清clause条款clearance清理clearing结算co-assurer 共同担保人co-contractor 联营承包商collaboration协作、合作column柱command 命令、指挥commencement 开工; 发生comment注释、评论commission委托commitment 承诺committee委员会compensation 赔偿competent有法定资格的completion竣工compliance遵守concerned有关的conciliation调节、和解conclusion 结论condition条件、状况conference 会议confirm 确认confirmation确认函consent同意,赞成consensus协商一致construction施工constructive 可推定的consult 咨询consultant咨询顾问content 内容contingency 意外事故contract合同contractor承包商contribution分配convention公约co-operation合作cost成本cost成本cost-overrun费用超支council会议counterclaim countersign 会签,附属credit 信用credibility可信性crew 小队currency货币custom海关custody法律赋予的监护权daily每日的damage 损害data 数据debt 债务default违约defect 缺陷defer延迟延期delay延误,耽搁deliver递交design 设计Determination 确定diminution 减少demolish 拆除disburse 拨款discount贴现dismantle拆除dispose (of) 处理dispute争端、争议dividend红利drawing图纸due 预订的、到期的duration 工期持续时间earn 获得economic经济上的effect效果efficient有效的emergency紧急情况employee雇员employee 雇员employer/owner 雇主enclose 附上enclosureengineer 工程师ensure保证entitle 给予权利entitlement有索赔权entrance 入口equipment设备equipment设备erection establish建立essential要件estate不动产estimate估算excavation挖土、掘土excess 超出execute实施expedite 承包商责任的赶工expense费用expiry 期满export出口express明确的extension 延长facility设施fail 失败feasibility可行性feedback反馈field 工地finance 财政fine罚金finish 完成firm公司fix固定foresee 预见fossil化石ffoundation地基、基础fragile易损坏的freight 运费fuel燃料gain 获利general通用的gift 赠与goods材料gross 毛的growth 增长guarantee 保证guideline 指南handbook手册handle处理hardhat安全帽head-office总部hold 相信identification鉴别idle闲置的ignore忽视immediate立即的impact 影响implied 默认的import进口impost 关税improvement 改进income 收入incorporate 合并incur发生increase增长indemnify保护,保障individual个人inevitable 不可避免的inferior 劣等的inflation 通货膨胀information信息infrastructure基础设施initial小签injure伤害inquire询价inquiryinstitutional 机构的inspection监督insurable可保险的intend 打算invest投资invoice 发票issue发行item 项目jerry偷工减料的job工作joint联合的judge审理jury陪审团keen有竞争力的keeper 保管人key 关键kickback回扣label标签labor劳工,劳动力laborer工人law法律layout 草图leader联营体中的牵头方legislation立法liability责任license执照loan贷款loss 损失machinery设备machinery 机械maintain 维修management经营manpower劳动力manufacturer制造商margin毛利market市场mark-up提高报价material材料maximum最高的mean平均数measure测量merge合并mission代表团modification修改modify修改motivation激励mutual相互的neglect玩忽职守negotiate谈判,协商negotiation协商non-installment一次付款norm标准notice通知obey 服从obligation责任/义务obligation责任observe遵守obtain获得occur出现offer报价operating操作的option优先权order命令、订购overhead管理费overload超负荷overview综述paid已付的package 一揽子的party当事人/当事方party参与者, 合同各方patent专利pattern样式payment支付pension退休金perform履行period期限permanent永久的permission许可Permit许可证permit允许personnel职员Plant建筑设备plural复数的PMC 项目管理公司possession 占有pre-bidding meeting标前会议preference优先权preliminary 初始的,预备的pre-qualifications资格预审prevent防止prior优先的proceed开始, 着手;继续productivity生产力profit 利润programm进度计划progress进度project项目property财产proposal建议provision条款;规定provisional 暂定的purchase采购qualification资格qualifications资格审查quality 质量quality control 质量控制quantity数量quotation报价quotation报价rate 费率reasonable合理的reassemble重新组装recall 收回recommendation推荐reference参考refusal拒绝register登记reject拒绝reliability可靠性reluctant 不情愿rent租remove搬迁repay偿还require 请求representative代表reputation信誉reserve保留retain保留risk风险royalty版税rule 规则scaffold脚手架schedule进度schedule计划表scheme计划表scope范围seal印章seal 盖章;密封section工段sector部门security 安全;证券;保证金;担保人send发sequence顺序、程序settlement解决share股票signatory签署人singular 单数的site场地source 来源specification规定staff人员standard标准statement财务报表statistics统计statute法令sub-clause子条款sub-contract分包合同sub-contractor分包商submit提交, 呈送substantiate证明substantial实质性的summary摘要、汇总supervise监理supplier供应商supply 供应support支持surplus盈余suspension中止、暂停施工tax 税technical专门的telex 电传tender投标书temporary暂时的term期限termination终止testing测试、实验trade 贸易train 训练transit运输ultimate 最终的uncertainty 不确定性undue 未到期的unemployment 失业un-entitled无权利的unit 单元utilization利用、应用valid 有效的validity 有效期Variationvaluable有价值的venture冒险verdict裁决violate 违反visa 签证wage工资warrant许可withhold 扣留Works 工程worth价值yard场地yield产量zone 地带。

国际工程合同管理必识100关键词英文解释activity - In CPM (Critical Path Method) scheduling, a task or item of work required to complete a project.activity duration - In CPM (Critical Path Method) scheduling, the estimated time required to complete an activity.addendum, addenda (pl.) - Alteration or clarification of the plans or specifications provided to the bidder by the owner or by the owner's representative prior to bid time. An addendum becomes part of the contract documents when the contract is executed.a dvertisement for bids - The published, public notice soliciting bids for construction. Usually, it is required by law that the advertisement be published in newspapers of general circulation in the area, when public funds are to be used for construction.agent - A person authorized by another person to act on the first person's behalf. An architect is frequently the owner's agent.agreement - (1) A meeting of the minds. (2) A promise to perform, between signatories of a document. (3) In construction, the specific documents setting forth the terms of the contracts between architect, owner, engineer, construction manager, contractor, and others.allowance - (1) In bidding, an amount budgeted for an item for which no exact dollar amount is available. (2) A contingency for unforeseen costs. (3) The classification of connected parts or members according to their tightness or looseness.alternate bid - An amount stated in a bid which can be added or deducted by an owner if the defined changes are made to the plans or specifications of the base bid.arbitration - A method of settling disputes between parties of a contract by presenting information to recognized authorities. Parties agree in advance to binding arbitration of disputes, either as a clause in the contract or at the occurrence of a dispute. This method of avoiding litigation can save both time and money.base bid - The amount of money stated in the bid as the sum for which bidder offers to perform the work described in the bidding documents, prior to adjustments for alternate bids which have been submitted.bid - A complete and properly signed proposal to do the work or designated portion thereof for the amount or amounts stipulated therein. A bid is submitted in accordance with the bidding documents.- bid bond A form of bid security executed by the bidder or principal and by a surety to guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract within a specified time and furnish anyrequired performance bond, and labor and material payment bond. C- bid date The date established by the owner or the architect for receipt of bids.- bid form - A form, furnished to the bidder, on which to submit his bid.- bid opening - The opening and tabulation of bids submitted within the prescribed bid time and in conformity with the prescribed procedures. Bid opening is preferable to bid letting.bidding documents - The advertisement or invitation to bid, instructions to bidders, the bid form, other sample bidding and contract forms, and the proposed contract documents, including any addenda issued prior to receipt of bids.bidding period - The calendar period beginning at the time of issuance of bidding documents and ending at the prescribed bid time.bonding company - A firm providing a surety bond for work to be performed by a contractor payable to the owner in case of default of the contractor. The bond can be for work performance or for payment for materials and labor.building code - The legal minimum requirements established or adopted by a governmental unit pertaining to the design and construction of buildings.business agent - An official of a trade union who represents the union in negotiations and disputes and checks jobs for compliance with union regulations and union contracts.change order - A written order to a contractor with the necessary signatures to make it a legal document and authorizing a change from the original plans, specifications, or other contract documents, as well as a change in the cost.changes in the work - Changes to the original design, specifications, or scope of work requested by the owner. All changes in the work should be documented on change orders.clarification drawing - An illustration, provided by an architect or engineer, to explain in more detail some area or item on the contract documents, or as part of a job change order or modification.clerk of the works - A representative of the architect or owner who oversees construction, handles administrative matters, and ensures that construction is in accordance with the contract documents.closed list of bidders - A list of contractors that have been approved by the architect and owner as the only ones from whom bid prices will be accepted.closed specifications - Specifications stipulating the use of specific or proprietary products or processes without provision for substitution.completion date - The date certified by the architect when the work in a building, or a designated portion thereof, is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so that the owner can occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended.completion list - The final list of items of work to be completed or corrected by the contractor. Sometimes called a "punch list".comprehensive general liability insurance - A broad form of liability insurance covering claims for bodily injury and property damage which combines under one policy coverage for all liability exposures (except those specifically excluded) on a blanket basis and automatically covers new and unknown hazards that may develop. Comprehensive general liability insurance automatically includes contractual liability coverage for certain types of contracts. Products liability, completed operations liability and broader contractual liability coverage are available on an optional basis. This policy may also be written to include automobile liability.construction documents - Drawings and specifications setting forth in detail the requirements for the construction of a project.contingent agreement - An agreement, generally between an owner and an architect, in which some portion of the architect's compensation is contingent upon the owner's obtaining funds for the project (such as by successful referendum, sale of bonds, or securing of other financing), or upon some other specially prescribed condition.contract documents - (1) The owner-contractor agreement. (2) The conditions of the contract (general, supplementary, and other conditions). (3) The drawings. (4) The specifications. (5) All addenda issued prior to, and all modifications issued after, execution of the contract. (6) Any items that may be specifically stipulated as being included in the contract documents.damages - Usually, per diem amounts specified in a contract and payable only when incurred loss can be proved to have resulted from a contractor's delays or breach of contract.date of agreement - The date shown on the face of an agreement, or the date the agreement is signed. It is usually the date of the award.date of commencement of the work - The date established in the notice to proceed or, in the absence of such notice, the date of the agreement or such other date as may be established therein or by the parties thereto.date of substantial completion - The date certified by the architect when the work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so that the owner may occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended.early finish - In CPM (Critical Path Method) terms, the first day on which no work is to be done for an activity, assuming work began on its early start time.early start - In CPM (Critical Path Method) terms, the first day of a project on which work on an activity can begin if all preceding activities are completed as early as possible.employer's liability insurance - Insurance that protects an employer from his employees' claims for damages resulting from sickness or injury sustained during their course of work and based on negligence of common law rather than on liability under workmen's compensation.errors and omissions insurance - Professional liability insurance protecting architects or engineers from claims for damages which may result from alleged professional negligence.extended coverage insurance - Work-site insurance (included in property insurance) against loss or damage caused by wind, hail, riot, civil commotion, aircraft, land vehicles, smoke, and explosion (except steam boiler explosion).extra work - Any work, desired or performed, but not included in the original contract.feasibility study - A thorough study of a proposed construction project to evaluate its economic, financial, technical, functional, environmental, and cultural advisability.final acceptance - The formal acceptance of a contractor's completed construction project by the owner, upon notification from an architect that the job fulfills the contract requirements. Final acceptance is often accompanied by a final payment agreed upon in the contract.final completion - A term denoting that the work has been completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents.final payment - The payment an owner awards to the contractor upon receipt of the final certificate for payment from the architect. Final payment usually covers the whole unpaid balance agreed to in the contract sum, plus or minus amounts altered by change orders.force account - A term for any work ordered on a construction project without an earlier agreement on its lump sum or unit price cost and performed with the understanding that the contractor will bill the owner according to the cost of labor, materials, equipment, insurance, and taxes plus a certain percentage for overhead and profit.general conditions - The portion of the contract documents in which the rights, responsibilities, and relationships of the involved parties are itemized.general contract - In a single-contract system, the documented agreement between the owner and the general contractor for all the construction for the entire job.general contractor - For an inclusive construction project, the primary contractor who oversees and is responsible for all the work performed on the site, and to whom any subcontractors on the same job are responsible.general foreman - The general contractor's on-site representative, often referred to as the "superintendent" on large construction projects. It is the responsibility of the general to coordinate the work of various trades and to oversee all labor performed at the site.guarantee - A legally enforceable assurance of quality or performance of a product or work, or of the duration of satisfactory performance. Also called "guaranty" and/or "warranty".guaranteed maximum cost - The maximum amount above which an owner and contractor agree that cost for work performed (as calculated on the basis of labor, materials, overhead, and profit) will not escalate.guaranty bond - Each of the four following bonds are types of guaranty bonds: (1) bid bond, (2) labor and material payment bond, (3) performance bond, and (4) surety bond.hold harmless - A clause of indemnification by which an insurance carrier agrees to assume his client's contractual obligation and to assume responsibility in certain situations which otherwise might be the obligation of the other party to the contract.insurance - A contractual obligation by which one person or entity agrees to secure another against loss or damage from specified liabilities for premiums paid.- professional liability - Insurance coverage for the insured professional's legal liability for claims for damages sustained by others allegedly as a result of negligent acts, errors, or omissions in the performance of professional services.- workers' compensation- Insurance covering the liability of an employer to employees for compensation and other benefits required by worker's compensation laws with respect to injury, sickness, disease, or death arising from their employment. Also still known in some jurisdictions as "workmen's compensation insurance".invitation to bid - A portion of the bidding documents soliciting bids for a construction project.labor and material payment bond - A contractor's bond in which a surety guarantees to the owner that the contractor will pay for labor and materials used in the performance of the contract. The claimants under the bond are defined as those having direct contracts with thecontractor or any subcontractor. A labor and material payment bond is sometimes referred to as a payment bond.latent defect - A defect in materials or equipment that could not have been discovered under reasonably careful observation. A latent defect is distinguished from a patent defect, which may be discovered by reasonable observation.latest finish date - In the CPM (Critical Path Method) of scheduling, a completion deadline for a particular activity. Work performed after this deadline will result in project delay.latest start date - In the CPM (Critical Path Method) of scheduling, the deadline for starting a particular activity. A late start will throw off the schedule and delay the project.letter of intent - A letter signifying an intention to enter into a formal agreement, usually setting forth the general terms of the agreement.licensed contractor - A person or entity certified by a governmental authority, where required by law, to engage in construction contracting.l owest responsive bid - The lowest bid that is responsive to and complies with the requirements of the bidding documents.maintenance bond - A contractor's bond in which a surety guarantees to the owner that defects of workmanship and materials will be rectified for a given period of time. A one-year bond is commonly included in the performance bond.maintenance period - The period after completion of a contract during which a contractor is obligated to repair any defects in workmanship and materials that may become evident.mechanic's lien - A lien on real property, created by statute in all states, in favor of persons supplying labor or materials for a building or structure for the value of labor or materials supplied by them. In some jurisdictions a mechanic's lien also exists for the value of professional services. Clear title to the property cannot be obtained until the claim for the labor, materials, or professional services is settled.negligence - Failure to exercise due care under the circumstances. Legal liability for the consequences of an act or omission frequently depends upon whether or not there has been negligence.network - In CPM (Critical Path Method) terminology, a graphic representation of activities showing their interrelationships.notice to bidders - A notice contained in the bidding documents informing prospective bidders of the opportunity to submit bids on a project and setting forth the procedures for doing so.notice to proceed - Written communication issued by the owner to the contractor authorizing the work to proceed and establishing the date of commencement of the work.open bidding - A bidding procedure wherein bids or tenders are submitted by and received from all interested contractors, rather than from a select list of bidders privately invited to compete.partial occupancy - Occupancy by the owner of a portion of a project prior to final completion.penal sum - The amount named on a contract or bond as the penalty to be paid by a signatory thereto in the event that the contractual obligations are not performed.performance bond - (1) A guarantee that a contractor will perform a job according to the terms of the contract, or the bond will be forfeited. (2) A bond of the contractor in which a surety guarantees to the owner that the work will be performed in accordance with the contract documents. Except where prohibited by statute, the performance bond is frequently combined with the labor and material payment bond.principal-in-charge - The architect or engineer in a professional practice firm charged with the responsibility for the firm's services in connection with a given project.professional liability insurance - Insurance coverage for the insured professional's legal liability for claims for damages sustained by others, allegedly as a result of negligent acts, errors, or omissions, in the performance of professional services.project manager - A term frequently used to identify the individual designated by the principal-in-charge to manage the firm's services related to a given project. Normally, these services include administrative responsibilities as well as technical responsibilities.quality control - A system of procedures and standards by which a constructor, product manufacturer, material processor, or the like, monitors the properties of the finished work.record drawings - Construction drawings revised to show significant changes made during the construction process, usually based on marked-up prints, drawings, and other data furnished by the contractor to the architect. Record drawings are preferable to as-built drawings.resident engineer - An engineer employed by the owner to represent the owner's interests at the project site during the construction phase. The term is frequently used on projects in which a governmental agency is involved.retention - A percentage, usually 10%, withheld from a periodic payment to a contractor, in accordance with the owner-contractor agreement, for work completed. The retention is held until all terms of the contract have been fulfilled.schedule of values - A statement furnished by the contractor to the architect reflecting the portions of the contract sum allocated to the various portions of the work and used as the basis for reviewing the contractor's applications for payment.schematic design phase, schematic drawing - The phase of the architect's services in which the architect consults with the owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and prepares schematic design studies, consisting of drawings and other documents illustrating the scale and relationship of the project components to the owner. The architect also submits to the owner a statement of probable construction cost based on current area, volume, or other unit costs.sealed bid - A bid, based on contract documents, that is submitted sealed for opening at a designated time and place.shop drawings - Drawings, diagrams, schedules, and other data specially prepared for the work by the contractor or any subcontractor, manufacturer, supplier, or distributor to illustrate some portion of the work.special conditions - A section of the conditions of the contract, other than general conditions and supplementary conditions, which may be prepared to describe conditions unique to a particular project.specifications - A part of the contract documents contained in the project manual consisting of written requirements for materials, equipment, construction systems, standards, and workmanship. Under the Uniform Construction Index, the specifications comprise sixteen divisions.subsurface investigation - The soil boring and sampling program, together with the associated laboratory tests, necessary to establish subsurface profiles and the relative strengths, compressibility, and other characteristics of the various strata encountered within depths likely to have an influence on the design of the project. Sometimes called "geotechnical investigation". Preferable to soil survey.superintendent - The contractor's representative at the site who is responsible for continuous field supervision, coordination, completion of the work, and, unless another person isdesignated in writing by the contractor to the owner and the architect, for the prevention of accidents.surety - A person or entity who promises in writing to make good the debt or default of another.surety bond - A legal instrument under which one party agrees to answer to another party for the debt, default, or failure to perform of a third party.survey - (1) To do boundary, topographic, and/or utility mapping of the site. (2) To measure an existing building. (3) To analyze a building for the use of space. (4) To determine the owner's requirements for a project. (5) To investigate and report on required data for a project.test pit - An excavation made to examine the subsurface conditions on a potential construction site. Also, a pit excavated to inspect the condition of existing foundations.time - Term defined in reference to a construction contract as time limits or periods stated in the contract. A provision in a construction contract that "time is of the essence of the contract" signifies that the parties consider punctual performance within the time limits or periods in the contract to be a vital part of the performance. Failure to perform on time is a breach for which the injured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained.unbalanced bid - A contractor's bid based on increased unit costs for tasks to be performed early and decreased unit costs for later tasks. The unbalanced bid is used in an attempt to get money early to finance later parts of the job.value engineering - A process of reviewing plans and specifications for the purpose of reducing the final cost without changing the intended utility or overall appearance.zoning (BOCA) - The reservation of certain specified areas within a community or city for buildings and structures, or of use of land, for certain purposes with other limitations, such as height, lot coverage, and other stipulated requirements.。

Laying of Cables电缆敷设
控制电缆 电缆沟
power cable control cable cable trench cable bearer cable head
Check Work检查工作
Overhead Line Installation架空线安装
Distribute Control System CCS协调控制系统 Coordinate Control System GTAW,SMAW,DCSP,DCRP,TSI,DEH, ETS, ……etc.
汽轮机 turbine 透平 “Good Morning, everybody, my name is George, I come from Sichuan, China, glad to see you!”
表达英文:把自己放在英语语境, 并暂时忘记自己的母语
大厦 mansion
WC /toilet
Men’s Room Women’s Room
Chafing dish Hot pot
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remember you forever
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孤独的海外工程人,愿你砥砺前行,风雨共勉!1.检验报告Inspection report2.(项目)完工报告close-out report3. 报价;投标bid;quotation;proposal;tender;offer4.询价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]5.报价策略会议bid strategy meeting6.报价经理proposal manager7. 报价书;标书;建议书proposal;quotation; bid; tender; offer8. 图细标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation9.标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form;tabulation of bids10.谈判negotiation11. 厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordinationmeeting[ VCM];coordination meeting12. 订货合约;定约成交commitment13. 订货电传;订货通知(书)telex order;notification of commitment14.订单(即定单)采买订单;订货合同purchase order[PO]15. 签订合同;合同签约contract award16. 询价;招标Inquiry;invitation to bid17.资格预审pre-qualification18. 合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list;qualified19. 询价书;招标文件Inquiry(package);request for quotation (package)[RFQ]request for proposal [RFP];invitation to bid[TB]20. 请购文件;请购单requisition(package);requisition documents21. 采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]22. 投标者须知;报价须知Instructions to bidders[TB]23.变更change24. 用户变更;合同变更client change;contract change25.待定的用户变更pending client change26.认可的用户变更approved client change27. 用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice[CCN];contract change order[CCO]28. 项目变更;内部变更project change;internal change29. 项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project change notice[ PCN];internal change order[ICO]30. 变更申请单;偏差通知单change request;deviation notice[DN]31.质量quality32.质量方针quality policy33.质量管理quality management34.质量策划quality planning35.质量控制quality control[QC]36.质量保证quality assurance[OA]37.质量体系quality system38.质量改进quality improvement39.质量手册quality manual40.质量计划quality plan41.图纸drawing42.工艺流程图process flow diagram[PFD]43.工艺控制图process control diagram[PCD]44.管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram[PID]或[P&ID]45.装置布置图plot plan46.管道平面设计图piping planning(drawing)47.管道平面布置图piping layout drawing48.管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing[ISO]49.“批准用于详细工程设计(版)”图纸drawings issued" Approved for Design "[LAFD]50.“批准用于施工(版)”图纸drawings issued”Approved for Construction"[AFC]51.供货厂商先期确认图(纸)advanced certified finaldrawings[ACF];advanced certified vendors' drawings;preliminary vendor drawings [PD]52.供货厂商最终确认图(纸)certified final drawings[CF];certifiedvendor drawings[CD]53. 图表diagram;chart54.直方图histogram55.横道图bar chart;gantt chart56.进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart57.费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart58. 项目;工程项目project59.项目实施project execution60.项目实施阶段project phase61. 项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution62.施工阶段construction phase63.开车阶段start-up phase64.项目建设周期project durations65.项目管理project management66.项目控制project control67.专责项目组task force68.项目经理project manager[PM]69.项目设计经理project engineering manager[PEMI70.项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM]71. 项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]72.项目工艺经理project process manager73. 项目控制经理project controls manager74.项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer;project scheduler75.项目估算师project estimator76.项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer;project cost engineers77.项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer78.项目财务经理project financial manager79.项目质量经理project quality manager80.项目开车经理project start-up manager81.项目安全工程师project safety engineer82.项目秘书project secretary83.项目控制手段project controlling;tools for project control84. 控制基准执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline performance measurement baseline;progress base line85. 偏差;差异deviation;variance86. 执行效果;效绩;性能performance1.专利patents2.专利权patent right3.产权技术proprietary technology4.专利技术licensed technology5.专有技术技术诀窍know how6.许可证license7.专利商;许可方licensor8.受许可方;受让方licensee9.(技术)转让费;提成费royalty10.专有技术费know- how fee11.专业discipline12.工艺(专业)process design;process engineering 13.系统(专业)systems engineering14.设备(专业)equipment engineering15.布置(专业)plant,layout engineering16.管道设计(专业)piping design17.仪表(专业)Instruments engineering18.管道机械(专业)piping mechanical engineering 19.电气(专业)electrical engineering20.建筑(专业)architectural engineering21.土建(专业)civil engineering22.试车commIssioning23.开车start-up24.料试车start-up;test run;initial operations formance guarantee test s25.性能考核;生产考核test run26.用户验收;装置验收client acceptance;plant acceptance27.支付条件;付款条件terms of payment;conditions of payment ;terms and conditionsof payment29.预付款advance payment;down payment30.按实物进度付款progress payment31.按日程进度付款schedule payment32.保留金retention money33.最终付款final payment34.代码;编码code;number35.组码group code36.标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes;code of accounts37.可变码variable code optional variable code38.通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]39.未可预见费contingency40.发表issue;release41.汇票bill of exchange;draft42.议付汇票bill of negotiation43.业主owner44.用户;客户client45.设计:工程设计design,engineering46.设计阶段engineering phase47.工艺设计阶段process design phase48.基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase49.分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase50.平面设计阶段planning engineering phase51.详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase;final design phase;production engineering phase53.会议meeting54.开工会议kick-off meeting55.报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting56.用户开工会议client kick-off meeting57.项目开工会议project kick-off meeting58.设计开工会议engineering kick-off meeting59.施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting60.审核会review meeting61.合同承包contract62.合同生效日期effective date of the contract63.合同终止termination of contract64.合同失效frustration of contract65.总价合同lump-sum contract[LS]66.(固定)单价合同(fixed)unit price contract67.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost))reimbursible contract; cost-plus (fee)contract[CP]68.成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed feecontract[ CPFF]69.偿付合同;成本加酬金合同(cost)reimbursible contract;cost-plus (fee)contract[ CP]70.成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract[CPFF]71.成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract;cost plus sliding scale fee contract(target)cost plus fee contract,with the bonus or penalty72.目标成本加奖罚合同;限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加酬金合同reimbursible guaranteed maximum price contract[RGMP];guarante e maximum cost plus fee contract73.承包商contractor74.分包商subcontractor75.合营企业joint venture[JV]76.运输traffic;transport77.报关单bill of entry78.报告report79.(项目)进展月报(job)monthly progress report80.费用和进展月报monthly cost& progress report81.设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report82.项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report83.项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report。