


2) be good enough but not very good
• Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 译:他买不起一件新大衣,但他可以穿旧大衣将就着过冬。 He can’t afford a new coat, but he can get by with his old one. 你的作文写得还行,但是你要注意一些拼写错误。 Your writing will get by, but pay more attention to the spelling mistakes.
effort, etc • It was a terrible journey but we finally made it.
3) to attend sth. • I am afraid I won’t be able to make it to your party
next week.
译:火车还有一刻钟就出发了,我们怎么也赶不上了。 你们都是聪明学生,你们可以学好英语,你们一定行!
He does odd jobs to supplement his family income. 6. freelance: n/ adj. /v/ adv a self-employed person, esp a writer or
artist, who is not employed continuously but hired to do specific assignments • She works freelance so she does not have a regular income . • The idea came from a freelance designer. 译:他厌倦了在办公室给老板打工,决定自己干。



• a breath of fresh air • someone or something that is new and different and makes everything seem more exciting. Angela's like a breath of fresh
• In this autobiographical essay, Evelyn Herald recounts her embarrassing moments during her first days of college. With a chronologically balanced pattern of narration, the author focuses on three incidents– sitting in the wrong class, falling down in the cafeteria and witnessing the upper-class football player having the same experience. Coupling narration with description, she gives us a detailed account of the process, the after-effect and the significant insight into herself.
Structure of the text (2) – Unlike an expository writing, which usually expresses the main idea in a thesis statement, in a narrative writing, the point is shown through dialogues, actions or events. The three incidents that are treated expansively in this essay are related to one another by their implicit messages- the mistakes the author made and her reaction towards the mistakes. It was in this process that the author achieved significant insight into herself.


大学英语综合 教程第三册 unit1
Background Information
What do you think of country life? City life or country life ,which do you prefer?
Text Organization
The writer viewsself-reliant and satisfying one
Life in the country side is good yet sometimes hard After quiting his job, the writer's income was reduced, but he and his family were able to get by. A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy have made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country.
fruits and vegetables. Our hens keep us in eggs, with
several dozen left over to sell each week. Our bees provide us with honey, and we cut enough wood to just about make it through the heating season. make it:succeed With the wood they cut, their family can succeed in getting through the cold winter.

全新版大学英语综合教程第三册Unit 1课件

全新版大学英语综合教程第三册Unit 1课件
I think the present life is quite different from / just
Do you like urban life or country life better? Why? same as the past. For me, the major change… 3.the
America has many areas of wild and beautiful scenery, and there are many areas, especially in the West in states like Montana and Wyoming, where few people live. In the New England states, such as Vermont and New Hampshire, it is common to see small farms surrounded by hills and green areas. In Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and other Midwestern states, fields of corn or wheat reach to the horizon and there are many miles between towns.
Way We Live
Questions for Discussion
1. How is our life today different from that in the past ? Do you like such changes? 2. What are the main reasons for the changes? Do they always affect our life in a good way?



新标准大学英语综合教程3课件Unit 1 Friendship。

1. Lead-in。

The concept of friendship is universal and timeless. It is something that everyone can relate to, regardless of age, gender, or cultural background. In this unit, we will explore the theme of friendship from various perspectives, including the definition of friendship, the qualities of a good friend, and the impact of technology on modern friendships.2. Definition of Friendship。

Friendship is a complex and multifaceted relationship that involves mutual affection, trust, and support. It is often characterized by shared interests, experiences, and values. Friends are individuals who provide emotional and social support, companionship, and a sense of belonging. They are also people with whom we can share our joys and sorrows, and who can offer us valuable advice and encouragement.3. Qualities of a Good Friend。


I. Lead-in Activities II. Text Organization III. Text Analysis IV. Writing Styles
Lead-in Activities
1. Why do so many people leave rural areas to urban cities in China?
weeding strawberries,
killing chickens,
retiling the back roof,
making improvements on the outdoor toilet,
spraying the orchard,
painting the barn,
planting the garden,
vt. add to sth. in order to improve it (followed by with)
• The college student supplemented his ordinary income by writing some essays.
• The doctor suggested supplementing my diet with vitamins E and A.
2. Why do city people buy apartments or houses in the suburbs, even in the countryside?
3. Why are tourists willing to pay to spend a day in a farmer’s house and enjoy their food?
4. In some developed countries like USA and Britain,why do people usually move from cities to the countryside?”



Improve students' ability to communicate effectively in English.
Foster students' critical thinking and analytical skills.
Course outline
Unit 2
The Diversity of Culture
Analysis of the Key Points and Difficulties
in Unit 1 Learning
Learning focus
• Vocabulary and Grammar: This unit emphasizes the importance of vocabulary expansion and grammar comprehension. Students are expected to learn and understand a range of new words and phrases, as well as complex sentence structures.
The textbooks are designed to integrate seamlessly with digital teaching resources and platforms, providing teachers with a wide range of tools and resources.
To develop students' understanding of globalization and its effects, as well as their ability to analyze and evaluate complex issues related to globalization.

综合教程 第三册 第一单元ppt 上课课件

综合教程 第三册 第一单元ppt 上课课件

Text I structure analysis
What kind of writing? How many episodes/ incidents? How many parts?
Text I structure analysis

Para 1. introduction The uneasiness with her identity as a freshman
Unit 1 Fresh Start
Book III
Unit 1
1. pre-reading questions 2. structure analysis 3. language points 4. vocabulary exercises 5. translation exercises 6. text II
Text I structure analysis
6 After class I decided my stomach (as well as my ego) needed a little nourishment, and I hurried to the cafeteria. 7 In the seconds after my fall I thought how nice it would be if no one had noticed. 8 For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation, shame, and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room.
Text I structure analysis



Preview Check
– By cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living.
5. What does the writer think are the special qualities necessary for leading a life the way they do?(Para.12&13)
Internet surfing: chat; gaming; e-mails collect information; music Travel : go outing; scenic spots; budget traveling(自助旅游) group traveling sightseeing; international travel Part-time job: tutor; attendant/waiter/tourist guide/worker sales promotion; program design internship(见习)
He decided to quit his job and start to freelance.
4. How do the writer and his family manage to live on a comparatively low income in the country?(Para.11)
Unit 1 Changes in the Way we Live
When seasons change, ______ change(s) too.
When age changes, ______ change(s) too.



In the way we work (Para.7-10)
In the past
At present
Father worked and mother stayed at home until at least the children went to school
Most mothers go to work
现代生活的某些现实无法改变。其一是大多数家庭需要 父母两个人的工资收入。其二是许多人必须得去较远处 上班或上学。可是,非得为此改变一切吗?我们非得在 这一过程中丧失原有的家庭erican Family Life: The Changing Picture
➢ Say something about today’s Chinese family life (with supporting Pictures)
➢ Say something about the old-fashioned Chinese family life in your memory
➢ Which do you prefer? Would you like to go back to the old days?
While reading
Organization of the text
An image of typical old-fashioned American family life (Para.2-4)
Not today’s American family life. A. F. L. has
changed (Para.5-6)
In the way we work (Para.7-10)
In the way we eat (Para.11-14)



⼤学英语综合教程3unit1Unit 1 Fresh StartSection One Pre-reading Activities (1)I. Audiovisual Supplement (1)II. Cultural Background (2)Section Two Global Reading (2)I. Structural Analysis of the Text (2)II. Rhetorical Features of the Text (2)Section Three Detailed Reading (3)I.Text (3)II. Questions (4)III. Words and Expressions (5)IV. Sentences (10)Section Four Consolidation Activities (10)Ⅰ. Vocabulary (10)Ⅱ. Grammar (13)Ⅲ. Translation (15)Ⅳ. Exercises for Integrated Skills (17)Ⅴ. Oral Activities (19)Ⅵ. Writing (19)Section Five Further Enhancement (20)I. Lead-in Questions for Text Ⅱ (20)II. Text 2 (20)III. Memorable Quotes (22)Section One Pre-reading ActivitiesI. Audiovisual SupplementWatch the movie clip and answer the following questions.Script:Casey: Mom, I just want to compete at regionals.Mother: Why? What do you have to gain by this?Casey: I?m good.Mother: So, what are you saying? You wanna just blow off our whole plan for you, chuck the scholarship and become a professional athlete? Case, what is the shelf life on an ice-skater?Eight years? And then a few years touring with Has-Beens on Ice. And that?s it? That?s the end of your life? Casey: I love it, Mom.Mother: Case, there?s no shelf life on your mind. If I?d learned how to use mine a little sooner, if I?d gone to college when I was your age, maybe we wouldn?t be living like this.Casey: There?s nothing wrong with the way we live.Mother: I?ve not bee n able to give you a quarter of the things that I wanted to.Casey: You?ve given me everything.Mother: Then you need to give me something now.Questions:1. Why does the mother not want her daughter to be a professional athlete?Answer: Because the shelf life of a professional athlete is short.2. Why does Casey insist on becoming an ice-skater?Answer: Because she loves it.II. Cultural Background1. The i mportance of “f ace”“Face” is a sense of worth that comes from knowing one?s stat us and reflects concern with the congruency between one?s performance or appearance and one?s real worth.“Face” stands for a very important sociological concept in Chinese culture. The concept of “face” roughly translates as honour, good reputation or res pect. The essence of “face” lies in the drive for acceptance and approval of other people other than one?s real worth.2. Be yourself; everyone else is already taken. — Oscar WildeBeing yourself is celebrating you, as an individual —learning to express yourself and be happy with who you are. For some people, it?s learning to love yourself. For others, it?s not hiding who you are or changing things about you to fit in.3. Steps to be yourself●define yourself●stop worrying about how people perceive you●be honest and open●relax●develop and express your individuality●believe in who you are●follow your own styleSection Two Global ReadingI. Structural Analysis of the TextThis text is a piece of narrative writing, in which the author tells about her experience during the first year at university, which at first seems to be very awkward but turns out to be on the right track at last.In the text, three incidents are narrated by the author:(下⽅三⾏⽂字,设置成需分别点击后逐⼀出现。


I shouldn’t have worried. After the first week, Stevie had my staff wrapp finger. Within a month my trucker regulars had adopted him as their officia After that I really didn’t care what the rest of the customers thought. 我的担心是多余的。第一周过后,史蒂维就抓住了我每位员工的心。不足一个月, 机们就正式认定史蒂维为卡车司机休息站的吉祥人物。自此以后,我不再介意其他
The author was worried about hirin because he was mentally handicap the author wasn’t sure how some fault-finding customers would reac
The author’s worries vanished when he found that Ste pleasing, hardworking and very attentive, and conseque popular with the author’s staff and regular customers.
Thank you
Parts.4-10: Would i not want a driver to do the same if my mother or father had called for a cab?
Paras.16-20: I respect the old lady's wishes and drive through the city centre.Passing through s old houses, she told me that she was wo or living.


▪ n.镣铐,枷锁,束缚 ▪ Eg. ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้t is hard to break through the
shackles of habit, ▪ v. 受……的束缚 ▪ Eg. The government is shackled by its
own debts.
▪ preoccupied a. 全神贯注的
▪ 13.live up to: to achieve what is expected 达到期望,不辜负
▪ Eg. The concert was brilliant –it lived up to all our expectations.
▪ 14. shackle (fig.) a restraint or check to action or progress, often used in the plural form
▪ Eg. His heart went out to Mrs. Bradshaw and her fatherless child.
▪ 10. slink: go or move in a quiet, stealthy way (past slunk) v. 溜走
▪ Eg. She tried to slink (=sneak) out of the office so that nobody would see her.
▪ Jan hasn’t got a ticket but I thought we might sneak her in somehow.
▪ 9. go out to sb. : used to say that someone feels a lot of sympathy towards another person. 同情


Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
on balance: with all things considered 我想,总的来说我更喜欢新的操作系统。 I think, on balance, I prefer the new operating system. On balance, it’s probably not advisable to change the company’s name. NB: balance 的反义词是 imbalance。此外,与 balance 有关的 其他搭配有: keep one’s balance 保持平衡 lose one’s balance 失去平衡 strike a balance 力求折中 in the balance 不确定,成败或安危未定
CF: device, instrument & implement 这几个词都可用作名词,都有“用具”、“器具”之 意。
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live
Before Reading Global Reading Detailed Reading After Reading Supplementary Reading
CF: profit, interest & advantage 这几个词都可用作名词,均有“利益”、“好处”之意。 profit 指在物质与精神方面的好处,但以金钱方面为主。例如: 公司为今年制定了较高的赢利目标。 The company has targeted a quite high profit for the year. interest 当“利益”讲时常用复数形式。例如: 公务员应该为公众谋利益。 A public servant is to work in the interests of the public.

大学英语综合教程3 Unit 1

大学英语综合教程3 Unit 1
2. 听题(逻辑词+主题句)
Part 1 Listening Task
3.写题 4.查题(重点+难点+复核) The song is about escaping from city life, taking a break from the crowds.
crowds. According to the song, people living in cities can find __re_l_ie_f_o_u__t _in__th_e__c_o_n_tr_y_when
life becomes too___fa_s_t____and they need more room to ____m_o_v_e______. The countryside also promises escape from__t_h_e_p_o_l_lu_t_i_o_n_o_f_t_h_e_c_i_ty_, somewhere
这首歌是描述远离人群,离开城市生活去休息一下。 According to the song, people living in cities can find relief out in the country when
life becomes too fast and they need more room to move. 这首歌讲述了当生活节奏变得很快,并且人们需要变动居住的空间,住在城市 里的人们可以在乡村获得些许安慰。 The countryside also promises escape from the pollution of the city, somewhere to get some decent air to breathe far away from the smog. 乡村没有城市的污染,也能够呼吸到没有烟雾的新鲜空气。 From what we have heard we can see that the song is related to the theme of this unit- changes in the way we live. 从以上所听我们知道这首歌是关于本单元的主题:生活方式的转变。


Unit 1 Changes in the Way we Live
Text A
Mr Doherty Builds His Dream Life
• • • • •
Words and Expressions Culture Notes Pre-reading tasks Text Analysis Exercise
Words and Expressions
7. cut back: reduce in size or amount (cut back sth/ cut back on sth) • If we don’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back (on) production. • The government has cut back on defense spending. 译:他紧缩日常开支, 准备买一台笔记本电脑。 • He is cutting back on his daily expenses for a laptop.
2) carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in
• He now pursues a lot of extra-curricular activities. • We decided not to pursue the matter. 我们决定不再追究此事。 译:我正在攻读博士学位。
11. illustrate: provide with visual feature; clarify by use of examples, etc.
• The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs. • His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 译:你能举例说明你的观点吗? 在《绝望的主妇》里,苏珊给儿童书画插图。
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Words and Expressions
2. make it: (informal) 1) to be successful in one’s career. • He’s never really made it as an actor. 2) to succeed in reaching a place after difficulty, effort, etc • It was a terrible journey but we finally made it. 3) to attend sth. • I am afraid I won’t be able to make it to your party next week.
Words and Expressions
15. dine out: eat a meal away from home ( usu. in a restaurant) • More people have accepted the growing trend of dining out on weekend. • As more working mother appear, many families have to dine out. 译:今天你过生日,你想出去吃饭吗? It’s your birthday today. Would you like to dine out?
译:火车还有一刻钟就出发了,我们怎么也赶不上了。 你们都是聪明学生,你们可以学好英语,你们一定行!
Words and Expressions
3. haul:
1) transport, as with a truck, cart, etc.
• The farmers haul vegetables to the market on a truck every day. • The rescue team hauled medical supplies and food to the disasterstricken area.
Words and Expressions
1. get by: 1) manage ,especially in spite of difficulties
• How can he get by on such low wages? • is a little bit difficult for the old to get by on such a small pension.
11. illustrate: provide with visual feature; clarify by use of examples, etc.
• The editor has illustrated the book with black-and-white photographs. • His story illustrates her true generosity very clearly. 译:你能举例说明你的观点吗? 在《绝望的主妇》里,苏珊给儿童书画插图。
Words and Expressions
5. supplement: to add to or complete with sth else.
• My doctor suggested a diet supplemented with vitamin tablets. • He works in the evenings to supplement his student grant. 译:他打些零工来贴补家用。 He does odd jobs to supplement his family income. 6. freelance: n/ adj. /v/ adv a self-employed person, esp a writer or artist, who is not employed continuously but hired to do specific assignments • She works freelance so she does not have a regular income . • The idea came from a freelance designer. 译:他厌倦了在办公室给老板打工,决定自己干。 He is bored with working for a boss in the office and decided to freelance.
Words and Expressions
7. cut back: reduce in size or amount (cut back sth/ cut back on sth) • If we don’t sell more goods, we’ll have to cut back (on) production. • The government has cut back on defense spending. 译:他紧缩日常开支, 准备买一台笔记本电脑。 • He is cutting back on his daily expenses for a laptop.
2) pull or drag sth. with effort or force
• I got stuck in the mud and the others had to haul me out. • Rescue workers hauled passengers out of the bombed commuter train(市郊火车). 译:她费劲的下了床。 She hauled herself out of bed.
Words and Expressions
10. on balance: with all things considered.
• Their suggestion has, on balance, proved practicable. • On balance, it’s probably not advisable to change the company’s name. 译:总体而言,毛泽东的功大于过。 On balance, Mao’s achievements outweigh his faults.
Words and Expressions
14. minor: 1) smaller, less serious or less important than others • minor repairs / operations / injuries / role in a play • Shoplifting is a minor crime. 2) n. a subsidiary subject in which a college or university student needs fewer credits than in his or her major • She is a chemistry minor . • What do you minor in?
Words and Expressions
4. overdue: 1. not paid, done, returned by the expected time • an overdue rent/library book. • Her baby is two weeks overdue. 2. that should have happened or been done before now • The economic reform is long overdue. 译:你的作业早就该交了。 Your homework is long overdue. 上周末,我洗了攒了好久的衣服。 I did my overdue laundry last weekend
Words and Expressions
12 generate: bring into being; give rise to • generate heat / power / employment / enthusiasm • The widespread use of English in France has generated a public as well as an academic debate over language in the country. 译:误解有时候会使恋人间产生怨恨。 13. pick up: be ready to pay • If he loses the case, Michael will have to pick up the bill for legal costs. • Taxpayers will be picking up the tab for the improved public transport net work.
Unit 1 Changes in the Way we Live
Text A
Mr Doherty Builds His Dream Life
• • • • •
Words and Expressions Culture Notes Pre-reading tasks Text Analysis Exercise
2) be good enough but not very good
• Your work will get by, but try to improve it. 译:他买不起一件新大衣,但他可以穿旧大衣将就着过冬。 He can’t afford a new coat, but he can get by with his old one. 你的作文写得还行,但是你要注意一些拼写错误。 Your writing will get by, but pay more attention to the spelling mistakes.