电机防护等级IP55表示什么意思?IPxx 防尘防水等级防尘等级(第一个X表示)0:没有保护1:防止大的固体侵入2:防止中等大小的固体侵入3:防止小固体进入侵入4:防止物体大于1mm的固体进入5:防止有害的粉尘堆积6:完全防止粉尘进入防水等级(第二个X表示)0:没有保护1:水滴滴入到外壳无影响2:当外壳倾斜到15度时,水滴滴入到外壳无影响3:水或雨水从60度角落到外壳上无影响4:液体由任何方向泼到外壳没有伤害影响5:用水冲洗无任何伤害6:可用于船舱内的环境7:可于短时间内耐浸水(1m)8:于一定压力下长时间浸水例:有仪表标示为IP65,表示产品可以完全防止粉尘进入及可用水冲洗无任何伤害参考资料:电机防爆等级由3部分构成1)在爆炸性气体区域(0区、1区、2区)不同电气设备使用安全级别的划分。
主要分为T1-450℃<T、T2-300<T≤ 450℃、T3-200<T≤300℃、T4-135<T≤200℃、T5-100<T≤135 、T6-85<T≤100℃.防护等级:0 无防护电机无专门防护不作试验,但应符合2.1条1 防护大于50MM固体的电机能防止大面积的人体偶然意外地触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件。
能防止直径大于50MM的固体异物进入壳内2 防护大于12MM固体的电机能防止直径大于12MM的固体异物进入壳内3 防护大于2.5MM固体的电机能防止直径大于2.5MM的工具或导线触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件4 防护大于1MM固体的电机能防止直径或厚度大于1MM的导线或片条触及或接近壳内带电或转动部件5 防尘电机承受任何方向的溅水应无有害影响IP防护等级IP(INGRESS PROTECTION)防护等级系统是由IEC(INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION)所起草。
DIN Adaptors
DIN Adaptor for RGS SSRs
Installation Instructions
Ordering Key
DIN rail adaptor module for mounting the RGS series on DIN rail.
Suffix H8 added to SSR part no. refers to factory mounted DIN clip. Conditions apply. Please ask your Sales representative for further details.
Ordering Key
Ordering Key
RGN-TERMRES termination resistor to be fitted on the last RG..N on the NRG bus chain. Packing qty. 4 pc.
Specifications are subject to change without notice (30.07.2019)
3-pin socket to mate with RM1E..V.. 4-pin socket to mate with RA2A..C 4-pin socket to mate with RA2A..C
5-pin socket to mate with RA..S 4-pin socket to mate with RKD2..C 2-pin socket to mate with RK2..C
Material Thermal resistance
水平 470×175×60 1.8
5.1GHz,5.5GHz,5.8GHz 抛物面天线
水平面 垂直面
频率范围(MHz) 增益(dBi)
垂直 190×216×50 1.1
垂直或水平 261×261×35 1.1
垂直和水平 261×261×35 1.15
TDJ-5158BKR×2A 5150-5850
波瓣宽度(°) 波瓣宽度(°)
右旋圆极化 Φ100×130 0.56
4.9GHz 公共安全系统板状天线
水平面 垂直面
频率范围(MHz) 增益(dBi)
极化方式 尺寸(mm) 重量(kg)
波瓣宽度(°) 波瓣宽度(°)
TDJ-4958K/G/I/J 系列 4900-5850 19/18/17/15 45/60/90/120
垂直 125×97×30 0.22
TDJ-5158BKC45/60/90 5100-5850
深圳市三通科技有限公司SHENZHEN SANTONG TECHNOIOGY CO.,LTD.产品规格书客户名称:产品型号: BL-5C产品规格:3.70V/600mAh客户承认批准客户公司盖章制作审核批准招浩添梁春林公司地址:深圳市宝安区西乡三围华丰科技园1栋3层电话:(86-0755)29784988传真:(86-0755)29784068本产品规格书描述的对象是深圳三通科技有限公司提供的电池产品的技术要求。
2、标称技术参数2-1 标称容量:600mAh(实际容量600mAh)2-2 标称电压: 3.70V2-3 放电终止电压:2.75V2-4 充电电压:4.2V2-5 充电电流:标准(120mA/快速(600mA)2-6 充电时间:标准(3.5h)/快速(1.5h)2-7 放电电流:标准(120mA)最大(600mA)2-8 内阻:Max 150mΩ2-9 温度范围:充电(0~40℃)放电(-10~60℃)储存>1个月: -10~60℃>3个月: -10~35℃2-10 重量:2-11 外形尺寸:5.75*34*53.2mm±0.15mm(具体以实物为准)3、装配零部件3-1 装配零部件清单序号图号名称数量材料及规格备注1 -01 胶壳 1 专用5-5-2 保护板电路原理图5-5-3 PCB板图6、检测方法6-1 外观检测产品表面应清洁,无机械损伤,无污点,无变形,无漏液、连接线无断裂。
6-2电气性能6-2-1 容量测试: 标准充电完成后,放置0.5~1 h,在25±2℃环境温度下,以120mA 恒流放电至放电终止电压2.75V测量放电容量不低于800mAh。
6-2-2大电流放电性能:标准充电结束后,放置0.5~1 h。
LIMITING VALUES In accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134).
Байду номын сангаас
collector-base voltage collector-emitter voltage emitter-base voltage collector current (DC) peak collector current total power dissipation storage temperature junction temperature operating ambient temperature
Australia: 34 Waterloo Road, NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113, Tel. +61 2 9805 4455, Fax. +61 2 9805 4466
Austria: Computerstr. 6, A-1101 WIEN, P.O. Box 213, Tel. +43 1 60 101 1248, Fax. +43 1 60 101 1210
Canada: PHILIPS SEMICONDUCTORS/COMPONENTS, Tel. +1 800 234 7381, Fax. +1 800 943 0087
China/Hong Kong: 501 Hong Kong Industrial Technology Centre, 72 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, HONG KONG, Tel. +852 2319 7888, Fax. +852 2319 7700
Electrical Characteristics (T=25oC)
Parameter Reverse Stand-Off Voltage Reverse Breakdown Voltage Reverse Leakage Current Clamping Voltage Clamping Voltage Clamping Voltage Junction Capacitance
rclamp0504p rclamp0504p railclamp lowcapacitance tvs array protection products descriptionfeatures circuit diagram pin configuration revision 06/01/2007 railclamps lowcapacitance tvs arrays designed protecthigh speed data interfaces. serieshas been specifically designed protectsensitive compo- nents which transmissionlines from overvoltage caused esd(electrostatic discharge), cde (cable discharge events), eft(electrical fast transients). uniquedesign incorporates surge rated, low capacitance steering diodes tvsdiode singlepackage. during transient conditions, steeringdiodes direct transientcurrent internaltvs diode clamps transientvoltage safelevel. lowcapacitance array configuration allows protectup fourhigh-speed data lines. 6-pin,rohs compliant, slp1616p6 package. measures1.6 lead-freenipdau. esdimmunity requirements iec61000-4-2, level (15kvair, 8kv contact discharge). smallsize, low capacitance, highesd surge capability makes them ideal por-table applications cellularphones, next genera- t
■ 工业气体的流量测量 ■ 美国EPA(环保局)颁布的大气污染法规中烟道气的流量测量 ■ 通风空气流量和化解过程中废气流量测量 ■ 溶剂回收系统流量测量 ■ 水泥厂生产过程中气体流量测量 ■ 压缩空气流量测量 ■ 半导体工艺气体测量 ■ 美国能源部空气取 样
■ 助燃气体流量测量 ■ 火炬气流量测量 ■ 焚烧炉烟气流量测量 ■ VOC烟道气流量测量 ■ 燃煤锅炉中助燃空气流量测量 ■ 天然气和大多数的工业气体流量测量 ■ 核电站 ■ O.E.M.应用
标准配置: 哈氏合金C-276; 可选配: (1) 哈氏合金C-276材质传感器上涂氮化铬,更加耐磨损 (2) 在哈氏合金C-276传感器和传感器支撑杆上涂PTFE,耐腐蚀 但涂PTFE的HHT传感器:最高温度260℃
316L 不锈钢, 可选配哈氏合金C-276;
重复性: 0.25% 流速响应时间:
用户可选择实验室标定或相关气体标定。Kurz(S) 400D 型 NIST 可追踪风洞测量仪可用于空气标定。
454FTB 的电路包括防止因传感器,电线或器件损坏而造成温度过高现象的保护电路。在零流量时,我们的传感器不会过热, 这与大部分竞争对手的设备不同,这是因为我们有与众不同的恒温传感器的控制方法和功率限制设计。
SAMPO BL-Z1005UL血压计 说明书
2.為使臂帶能直接接觸皮膚,請在套上臂帶前,先脫掉會影響手臂測量的衣物 ,因為衣服的袖子可能會導致臂帶滑動,因而產生測量不精準的狀況。
為避 免上述情形發生,請脫去會影響測量的衣服。
(如圖一)(圖一)正確的測量方法mmHg 與kPa 轉換操作說明請務必遵循下列正確測量方法,才能得到正確的血壓值。
當啟動電源,測量完畢後,會自動顯示高低壓(單位為mmHg ),欲改變測量單位時,請同時按住開始/停止鍵和記憶鍵5秒後放開,測量單位就會從mmHg 轉換成kPa ,同樣測量單位kPa 則會轉換為mmHg 。
2.當液晶顯示幕上顯示 時,此時會自動加壓至理想加壓值,然後再緩速減壓並進行血壓測定,當 顯示時,表示已在測定中。
Instruction ManualCompact Cylinder ISO Standard55-C55 SeriesII 2 GDProduct marking shown above is for the standard product.II2provided by compressed air into a force which causes mechanical linearmotion.product is subject to “Special Conditions of Use”, please see Section 2.3.1 Safety InstructionsThese safety instructions are intended to prevent hazardous situationsand/or equipment damage. These instructions indicate the level ofpotential hazard with the labels of “Caution,” “Warning” or “Danger.”They are all important notes for safety and must be followed in additionto International Standards (ISO/IEC) *1), and other safety regulations.*1) ISO 4414: Pneumatic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.ISO 4413: Hydraulic fluid power - General rules relating to systems.IEC 60204-1: Safety of machinery - Electrical equipment of machines.(Part 1: General requirements)ISO 10218-1: Manipulating industrial robots -Safety. etc.∙Refer to product catalogue, Operation Manual and HandlingPrecautions for SMC Products for additional information.∙ Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.Warning∙Always ensure compliance with relevant safety laws andstandards.∙All work must be carried out in a safe manner by a qualified person incompliance with applicable national regulations.2 SpecificationsThis product is certified to ATEX Category 2GD and therefore issuitable for use in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22 only.2.1 Product Specifications:Refer to the operation manual for this product;The batch code printed on the label indicates the month and the year ofproduction as per the following table;2.3 Special Conditions of Use:∙Products are suitable for sub-divisions IIC & IIIC.∙Products are suitable for Zones 1, 2, 21 & 22 only.2.3.1 Temperature Marking: Standard Product:∙In the normal ambient temperature range (-10°C to +40°C) the productis rated to temperature class T6 and has a maximum surfacetemperature of 84°C.∙In the special ambient temperature range (+40°C to +60°C) the productis rated to temperature class T4 and has a maximum surfacetemperature of 104°C.3 Installation3.1 InstallationWarning∙Do not install the product unless the safety instructions have been readand understood.∙Do not twist or bend the cylinder, or mount the product when subjectto tension.∙Do not use in an application where the product is stopped mid-stroke,via an external stop.∙Do not use where cylinders are being synchronised to move a singleload.∙In order to install the product, use one of the brackets available foundThe “xxx” represents the Bore Size (e.g. Ø40 is 040), see catalogue formore details.∙When replacing brackets use the hexagon wrench and torques shown3.2 EnvironmentWarning∙Do not use in an environment where corrosive gases, chemicals, water,salt water or steam are present.∙Do not use in an explosive atmosphere except within the specifiedrating.∙Do not expose to direct sunlight. Use a suitable protective cover.∙Do not install in a location subject to vibration or impact in excess ofthe product’s specifications.∙Do not use in a place subject to heavy vibration and/or shock.∙Do not use in wet environments, where water can remove the presenceof the lubrication.∙Do not use in case of heavy dusty environments where dust canpenetrate into the cylinder and dry the grease.∙Do not allow dust layers to build up on the cylinder surface and insulatethe product.3.3 PipingCaution∙Before connecting piping make sure to clean up chips, cutting oil, dustetc.∙When installing piping or fittings, ensure sealant material does notenter inside the port. When using seal tape, leave 1 thread exposedon the end of the pipe/fitting.∙Tighten fittings to the specified tightening torque.Model Port Size Model Port Size3.4 LubricationCaution∙SMC products have been lubricated for life at manufacture, and do notrequire lubrication in service.∙If a lubricant is used in the system, refer to catalogue for details.3.5 Basic Circuit∙Plugging one of the ports on the actuator is considered a non-intendeduse, and could relate to an increase in maximum surface temperatureabove what the product specification declares.3.6 Electrical Connection∙The product should be grounded by the piston rod and the body inorder to create an electrically conductive path to the system/application.∙Ground the product in accordance with applicable regulations.∙Do not pass an electrical current through the product.4 Settings∙Refer to the operation manual of the C55 series products.5 How to OrderRefer to the standard product catalogue fo r ‘How to Order’.6 Outline Dimensions (mm)Refer to the standard product catalogue for general dimensions.7 Maintenance7.1 General MaintenanceCaution∙Not following proper maintenance procedures could cause the productto malfunction and lead to equipment damage.∙If handled improperly, compressed air can be dangerous.∙Maintenance of pneumatic systems should be performed only byqualified personnel.∙Before performing maintenance, turn off the power supply and be sureto cut off the supply pressure. Confirm that the air is released toatmosphere.∙After installation and maintenance, apply operating pressure andpower to the equipment and perform appropriate functional andleakage tests to make sure the equipment is installed correctly.∙If any electrical connections are disturbed during maintenance, ensurethey are reconnected correctly and safety checks are carried out asrequired to ensure continued compliance with applicable nationalregulations.∙Do not make any modification to the product.∙Do not disassemble the product, unless required by installation ormaintenance instructions.∙Do not use a product which looks or contains damage, this willinvalidate the certification. If damage is seen, please replace theproduct immediately.∙Periodically check the product for any damage or rust appearing. Thiscould result in an increase in friction and lead to dangerous conditions.Replace the whole actuator if any of these conditions appear.∙Periodically check the condition of the rod seal and for the presence oflubrication, where possible. If these areas appear to be dry, pleasefollow the lubrication procedure.∙Replace the seals, when air leakage is above the allowable value given7.2 Disassembly Procedure∙Disassemble the cylinder, remove the old grease and place all theparts on a clean cloth in a clean environment.ORIGINAL INSTRUCTIONSRefer to Declaration ofConformity for relevantDirectives∙ The snap ring pliers shall be used to remove the retaining ring.∙ Using a fine screwdriver if necessary, remove the old tube gaskets, rod seal, piston seal, wear ring. If there is a magnet present on the piston,do not remove it. This part is not to be replaced.Model Shown: C(D)55(B)20~100-*(M)7.3 Seal Replacement Part NumbersWarningOnly use SMC seal kits as listed in the table below;7.4 Lubrication Procedure∙ Apply lubricant to: • The rod seal.• The rod seal groove on the rod cover.• The piston outer surface and piston seal groove. • The piston seal inner and outer surfaces. • The tube gaskets.• The piston rod surface and cylinder tube internal surface.∙ Lubricate the parts with the grease packs provided with the seal kit.The amount of lubricant to be applied is listed in the following table.7.5 Reassembly Procedure∙ Inserting the collar assembly into the piston rod assembly.Apply grease to the end of the piston rod, especially on the 30° chamfer and on the flats. Insert with care the piston rod into the rod cover to prevent any damage to the rod seal.∙ Inserting piston rod assembly and rod cover assembly into the cylinder tube.Insert slowly with care the piston assembly and the rod cover assembly into the cylinder tube to prevent any damage of the piston seal and tube gasket.∙ Installing retaining ring.Use appropriate pliers (tool for C-Shape Snap Ring) for installation.CautionWhen installing the retaining ring, be aware that the snap ring may come off the pliers and could result in operator injury or equipment damage. Also make sure the ring is firmly seated inside the ring groove before removing the tool.∙ Checking Assembly.Make sure that no air is leaking form the rod seal and that the cylinder operates smoothly at minimum operating pressure. Ensure there is no air leakage.8 Limitations of Use8.1 Limited warranty and Disclaimer/Compliance RequirementsRefer to Handling Precautions for SMC Products located on .8.2 Obligations of the end-user∙ Ensure the product is used within the specification outlined.∙ Ensure that the maintenance periods are suitable for the application. ∙ Ensure any cleaning processes to remove dust layers are made with the atmosphere in mind (e.g. using a damp cloth to avoid static build up).∙ Ensure that the application does not introduce additional hazards by mounting, loading, impacts or other methods.∙ Ensure that there is sufficient ventilation and air circulation around the product.∙ If the product is subject to direct heat sources in the application, they should be shielded so that the actuator temperature stays within the stated operating range.Caution∙ SMC products are not intended for use as instruments for legal metrology.Measurement instruments that SMC manufactures or sells have not been qualified by type approval tests relevant to the metrology (measurement) laws of each country.Danger∙ Do not exceed any of the specifications listed in Section 2 of this document as this will be deemed improper use.∙ Air equipment has an air leakage during operation within certain limits. Do not use this equipment when the air itself introduces additional hazards and could lead to an explosion.∙ Use only ATEX certified auto switches. These should be ordered separately.∙ Do not use this product in the presence of strong magnetic fields that could generate a surface temperature higher than the product specification.∙ Avoid applications where the piston rod end and the adjoining part in the application can create a possible ignition source.∙ Do not install or use these actuators where there is the possibility for the piston rod to impact foreign objects.∙ In the event of damage or failure of any parts located in the vicinity where this product has been installed, it is the responsibility of the user to determine whether or not this has compromised the safety and condition of this product and/or the application.∙ External impact on the cylinder body could result in a spark and/or cylinder damage. Avoid any application where foreign objects can hit or impact the cylinder. In such situations the application should install a suitable guard to prevent this occurrence.∙ Do not use this equipment where vibration could lead to failure.9 ContactsRefer to Declaration of Conformity and for contacts.URL : http// (Global) http// (Europe) 'SMC Corporation, Akihabara UDX15F, 4-14-1, Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101 0021Specifications are subject to change without prior notice from the manufacturer. © 2018 SMC Corporation All Rights Reserved. Template DKP50047-F-085H。
JCB 515-40 LOADALL产品介绍说明书
You want compact size and manoeuvrability. You want a machine that works in restricted height buildings. You want excellent lift height, lift capacity and reach. Before, all of this meant a combination of skid steer, wheeled loading shovel and forklift… not now. One machine, the JCB 515-40, ticks all the boxes, opening up telehandler versatility to a whole new range of users.So how does the 515-40 do it? One word… innovation. Everything hinges on our revolutionary, off-set, single-spine chassis which has its core strength under the boom and wraps around the cab. This allows us to position the cab lower than usual providing three key benefits.First, the whole machine is low, 1.8m in fact. Second, to achieve that height we haven’t had to shrink the cab, as in some competitor machines, so there’s no compromise on comfort or space. And third, cab entry is now at low level for improved health and safety.Despite mini proportions, the 515-40 packs a real punch, in line with customer feedback which told us you want compact dimensions, with power. So this incredible innovation can lift 1.5 tonnes to 4m height, and 1 tonne across 2m for loading the opposite side of a truck.Inside greenhouses, chicken sheds, tunnels and multi-storey car parks; craned into high-rise developments; a secondary site machine alongside your full-size Loadall; rental, builders’ merchants, fruit farms, smallholdings, vineyards: the 515-40 is the mini marvel we’ve all been waiting for.Innovation at its heart At 1.8m, it’s the ultimate, go-anywhere, mini marvelSo, the 515-40 can get in where doorways or building height often prove an obstacle to other machines. The same is true of a skid steer, you say. Y es, but often a skid steer can’t give access or loading height.At the same time, the 515-40 gives shovel performance comparable to a skid steer or wheeled loading shovel. Plus, individual hydraulic wheel motors and four-wheel steer equals superb movement in the face of tight corners, pillars and narrow doorways.Where ground conditions may vary, in builders’ merchants or farmyards, for instance, four-wheel drive and good ground clearance more than copes with the challenging terrain. Add a hydrostatic transmission for easy operation, infinite speed variations and better fuel efficiency, and you have the winning formula for versatile performance and productivity.The other feature that sets the 515-40 apart from its competitors is comfort. Thanks to the chassis design, there is no compromise on cab size to achieve the 1.8m height. So the interior is spacious with superb visibility.The stable-type door allows you to shut out unpleasant conditions, or open up the top half for a little fresh air whilst still protecting the operator from mud and debris. Optional air conditioning or face level fan further enhance operator comfort. And the cab itself, with side, low-level entry, also means the 515-40 is a safer machine.You’ve got it into a tight space,now what?Incredible manoeuvrability, performance and comfort…that’s whatMachine model515-40Main service pump operating system pressure bar (psi) 230 (3336)Flow at system pressure (@ 2800rpm) ltr/min (gal/min) 47.6 (10.5)Maximum auxiliary flow (@ 230bar) ltr/min (gal/min)47.6 (10.21)Cycle times seconds Boom raise 7.3Boom lower 5.4Extend 5.8Retract 3.7Bucket dump 2.8Bucket crowd3.9HYDRAULICSHydrostatic transmission.Closed loop variable displacement piston pump with twin displacement transmission wheel motors.Transmission inching facility on operation of a combined inching and braking pedal.Front and rear drive axles: Permanent 4WS and 4WD.– Rear axle oscillation.– Automatic torque transfer system between front and back axles.– Maximum travel speed 20kph (12.4mph).TRANSMISSIONService brake: Hydraulically activated, drum brake on the front wheel motors.Parking brake: Manually operated drum brake on the front wheel motors.BRAKESBoom is manufactured from high tensile steel.Low maintenance, hard wearing pads.JCB tool carrier parallel lift carriage with manual pin locking, accepts forkframe with integral pallet forks and a wide range of attachments.Compact Tool Carrier: Compact Loadall compatibility.Skid Steer Tool Carrier: Skid steer universal compatibility hitch.BOOM AND CARRIAGEFitted to crowd, extension and lift rams.SAFETY CHECK VALVES12 V negative earth, 60 AH heavy-duty battery. 80 amp alternator.ELECTRICSQuiet, safe and comfortable cab conforms to ROPS ISO3471 and FOPS ISO 3449. Internal noise 85 Lpa. Radio console. Arm rest. Tinted glass all round with laminated front and roof screen. Front, rear screen wash/wipe and heater/screen demister. Opening door window. Optional air conditioning or face-level fan. Visual warning system for coolant temperature, engine oil pressure, air cleaner, battery charge, transmission oil pressure, engine temperature, fuel gauge and hourmeter.Boom control lever incorporating forward/reverse switch. Throttle and brake pedals floor mounted. Optional fabric or vinyl adjustable. Adjustable deluxe suspension seat with side mounted park brake lever. Automatic eye level audio-visual loadmoment indicator warning system receiving a signal from a load sensor on the rear axle. This system continuously monitors the machine’s forward stability and leaves the operator in control at all times.CABFull hydrostatic power steering. Permanent 4WS with 32° lock front and rear axles provides exceptional manoeuvrability.STEERINGOptions: Road lights, work lights, rotating flashing beacon, fire extinguisher, front screen guard, sun blind, traction, industrial orsemi-turf tyres, chaff guard, canopy, mechanical compact loadall quickhitch or and Skid Steer quickhitch, battery isolator, industrial or semi-turf tyres, chaff guards, canopy. Cab options : Air conditioning, face level fan, opening door window, screen guard.Attachments: Compact loadall quickhitch: GP shovel with teeth or toeplate, industrial or floating forks, bale spike, power grab. OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIESlitres (UK gal)Fuel tank 50 (11)SERVICE CAPACITIESENGINE515-40Model Deutz D2009L04Displacement litres2.3 Fuel Diesel CoolingLiquid Bore mm (in) 90 (3.5)Strokemm (in)90 (3.5)Gross power @ 2800 rpmISO 14396kW (hp)36.8 (50)Gross torque @ 1800 rpmISO 14396Nm (lb/ft)146 (107.68)Emission certification EC Stage IIIA/USA EPA Tier 3Engine oil service intervals500 hoursJCB Sales Limited, Rocester, Staffordshire, United Kingdom ST14 5JP. Tel: +44 (0)1889590312Email:***************** Download the very latest information on this product range at: 。
Eaton FD1015B15FD 1P 15A W/AUX SW 1A1B LHGeneral specificationsEaton Series C complete molded case circuit breakerFD1015B153.38 in2 in1.38 in 1.69 lbUL ListedProduct NameCatalog Number Product Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight CertificationsSeries C35 kAIC at 277 Vac18 kAIC at 347 VacFFD50/60 HzComplete breakerLine and load347 Vac, 125 Vdc15 AFixed thermal, fixed magnetic Single-pole Application of Multi-Wire Terminals for Molded Case Circuit Breakers Application of Tap Rules to Molded Case Breaker TerminalsUL listed 100%-rated molded case circuit breakersStrandAble terminals product aidPlug-in adapters for molded case circuit breakers product aidMOEM MCCB Product Selection GuideMulti-wire lugs product aidCurrent limiting Series C molded case circuit breakers product aidPower metering and monitoring with Modbus RTU product aidMotor protection circuit breakers product aidCircuit breaker motor operators product aidBreaker service centersCounterfeit and Gray Market Awareness GuideMolded case circuit breakers catalogEaton's Volume 4—Circuit ProtectionFD1 AutoCAD 2D Footprint (mm)FD1 3D InventorFD1 3D Model XchangeFD1 2D PDFTime Current Curves for Series C® F-Frame Circuit BreakersInstallation Instructions for EHD, EDB, EDS, ED, EDH, EDC, FDB, FD, HFD, FDC, HFDDC Circuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesCircuit breakers explainedCircuit Breakers ExplainedMOEM MCCB product selection guideSeries C G-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Eaton Specification Sheet - FD1015LSeries C J-Frame molded case circuit breakers time current curves Series C F-Frame molded case circuit breakersSeriesInterrupt ratingFrameCircuit breaker type Frequency ratingCircuit breaker frame type TerminalsVoltage rating Amperage RatingTrip TypeNumber of poles Application notesBrochuresCatalogsDrawingsInstallation instructions MultimediaSpecifications and datasheetsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All Rights Reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmedia。
ZL111铝合金介绍材料名称:ZAlSi9Cu2Mg 合金代号:ZL111标准:GB/T 1173-1995特性及适用范围:可热处理强化,在铸态及热处理后具有优良的室温力学性能,其高温力学性能也很高。
化学成分化学成份:硅 Si :8.0-10.0铜 Cu:1.3-1.8锰 Mn:0.10-0.35镁+锌 Mg+Zn:0.4-0.6钛 Ti:0.10-0.35铝 Al :余量铁(砂型铸造): 0.000~ 0.400铁(金属型铸造): 0.000~ 0.400锌 Zn:≤0.1(杂质)锡 Sn :≤0.01(杂质)铅 Pb:≤0.05(杂质)注:杂质总和:(砂型铸造)≤1.0;(金属型铸造)≤1.0力学性能力学性能:抗拉强度σb (MPa):≥255伸长率δ5 (%):≥1.5硬度:≥90(5/250/30)HB热处理规范:淬火:分级加热:490±5℃,4h;再500±5℃,4h;再510±5℃,8h ,60~100℃水冷。
退火、时效或回火:175±5℃,6h 空冷。
铸造方法:砂型铸造加变质处理(T6态.SB)压铸铝合金对照热处理及力学性能对照表压铸铝合金的牌号关键字:转载请注明来源:中铝网压铸铝合金的牌号及化学成分(GB/T15115—1994)牌号代号主要化学成分(质量分数),%Si(硅) Cu(铜) Mn(锰) Mg(镁) Fe(铁) Zn(锌) Al(铝)YZAlSi12 YL102 10.0~13.0≤0.6≤0.6≤0.05≤1.2≤0.3余量YZAlSi10Mg YL104 8.0~10.5≤0.30.2~0.50.17~0.30≤1.0≤0.3余量YZAlSi12Cu2 YL108 11.0~13.01.0~2.0 0.3~0.9 0.4~1.0 ≤1.0≤1.0余量YZAlSi9Cu4 YL112 7.5~9.5 3.0~4.0 ≤0.5≤0.3≤1.2≤1.2余量YZAlSi11Cu3 YL113 9.6~12.01.5~3.5 ≤0.5≤0.3≤1.2≤1.0余量YZAlSi17Cu5Mg Y L117 16.0~18.04.0~5.0 ≤0.50.45~0.65≤1.2≤1.2余量YZAlMg5Si1 YL302 0.8~1.3 ≤0.10.1~0.4 4.5~5.5 ≤1.2≤0.2余量铸造铝合金牌号及化学成分(摘自GB/T1173—1995)合金牌号合金代号主要元素(质量分数)(%)Si Cu Mg Zn Mn Ti 其他AlZAlSi7Mg ZL101 6.5~7.5 0.25~0.45余量ZAlSi7MgA ZL101A 6.5~7.5 0.25~0.450.08~0.20余量ZAlSi12 ZL102 10.0~13.0余量ZAlSi9Mg ZL104 8.0~10.5 0.17~0.350.2~0.5 余量ZAlSi5Cu1Mg ZL105 4.5~5.5 1.0~1.5 0.4~0.6 余量ZAlSi5Cu1MgA ZL105A 4.5~5.5 1.0~1.5 0.4~0.55 余量ZAlSi8Cu1Mg ZL106 7.5~8.5 1.0~1.5 0.3~0.5 0.3~0.5 0.10~0.25余量ZAlSi7Cu4 ZL107 6.5~7.5 3.5~4.5 余量ZAlSi12Cu2Mg1 ZL108 11.0~13.01.0~2.0 0.4~1.0 0.3~0.9 余量ZAlSi12Cu1Mg1Ni1 Z L109 11.0~13.00.5~1.5 0.8~1.3 Ni0.8~1.5 余量ZAlSi5Cu6Mg ZL110 4.0~6.0 5.0~8.0 0.2~0.5 余量ZAlSi9Cu2Mg ZL111 8.0~10.0 1.3~1.8 0.4~0.60.10~0.350.10~0.35余量ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A 6.5~7.5 0.45~0.600.10~0.20 Be0.04~0.07余量ZAlSi5Zn1Mg ZL115 4.8~6.2 0.4~0.65 1.2~1.8 Sb0.1~0.25 余量 ZAlSi8MgBe ZL116 6.5~8.5 0.35~0.550.10~0.30 Be0.15~0.40 余量 ZAlCu5Mn ZL2014.5~5.3 0.6~1.0 0.15~0.35 余量 ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A 4.8~5.3 0.6~1.0 0.15~0.35 余量 ZAlCu4 ZL2034.0~5.0 余量 ZAlCu5MnCdAZL204A4.6~5.30.6~0.90.15~0.35Cd0.15~0.25 余量ZAlCu5MnCdVA ZL205A 4.6~5.3 0.3~0.50.15~0.35Cd0.15~0.25V0.05~0.3Zr0.05~0.2 B0.005~0.06余量ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 1.6~2.0 3.0~3.40.15~0.250.9~1.2 Ni0.2~0.3Zr0.15~0.25 RE4.4~5.0 余量 ZAlMg10 ZL301 9.5~11.0 余量 ZAlMg5Si1 ZL303 0.8~1.3 4.5~5.50.1~0.4余量ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL3057.5~9.0 1.0~1.50.1~0.2 Be0.03~0.1 余量 ZAlZn11Si7 ZL401 6.0~8.0 0.1~0.3 9.0~13.0余量ZAlZn6MgZL4020.5~0.65 5.0~6.50.15~0.25Cr0.4~0.6 余量铸造铝合金热处理工艺规范(摘自GB/T1173—1995) 合金牌号合金代号合金状态 固溶处理 时效 温度/℃ 时间/h 温度/℃ 时间/h ZAlSi7MgAZL101AT4535±5 6~12T5 535±5 6~12 室温 再155±5 不少于8 2~12 T6535±5 6~12 室温 再180±5 不少于8 3~8 ZAlSi5Cu1MgA ZL105A T5 525±5 4~12 160±5 3~5 ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A T5 535±5 10~14室温再160±5不少于8 4~8 ZAlSi5Zn1MgZL115T4 540±5 10~12T5540±510~12 150±53~5ZAlSi8MgBe ZL116 T4 535±5 10~14T5 535±5 10~14 175±5 6ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A T5 535±5再545±57~97~9160±5 6~9ZAlCu5MnCdA ZL204A T5 530±5再540±599175±5 3~5ZAlCu5MnCdVA ZL205A T5 538±5 10~18 155±5 8~10 T6 538±5 10~18 175±5 4~5 T7 538±5 10~18 190±5 2~4ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 T1 200±5 5~10ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL305 T4 435±5再490±58~106~8铸造铝合金力学性能(摘自GB/T1173—1995)S——砂型铸造; J——金属型铸造R——熔模铸造K——壳型铸造B——变质处理(表一)合金牌号合金代号铸造方法合金状态力学性能,≥抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi7Mg ZL101 S、R、J、K F 155 2 50 S、R、J、K T2 135 2 45 JB T4 185 4 50 S、R、K T4 175 4 50 J、JB T5 205 2 60 S、R、K T5 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T5 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T6 225 1 70 SB、RB、KB T7 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T8 155 3 55ZAlSi7MgA ZL101A S、R、K T4 195 5 60 J、JB T4 225 5 60 S、R、K T5 235 4 70 SB、RB、KB T5 235 4 70 JB、J T5 265 4 70 SB、RB、KB T6 275 2 80 JB、J T6 295 3 80ZAlSi12 ZL102 SB、JB、RB、KNF 145 4 50 J F 155 2 50 SB、JB、RB、KBT2 135 4 50 J T2 145 3 50ZAlSi9Mg ZL104 S、J、R、K F 145 4 50 J T1 155 2 50SB、RB、KB T6 135 4 50 J、JB T6 145 3 50ZAlSi5Cu1Mg ZL105 S、J、R、K T1 155 0.5 65 S、R、K T5 195 1 70 J T5 235 0.5 70 S、R、K T6 225 0.5 70 S、J、R、K T7 175 1 65ZAlSi5Cu1MgA Z L105A SB、R、K T5 275 1 80 J、JB T5 295 2 80(表二)合金牌号合金代号铸造方法合金状态力学性能,≥抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi8Cu1Mg ZL106 SB F 175 1 70 JB T1 195 1.5 70 SB T5 235 2 60 JB T5 255 2 70 SB T6 245 1 80 JB T6 265 2 70 SB T7 225 2 60 J T7 245 2 60ZAlSi7Cu4 ZL107 SB F 165 2 65 SB T6 245 2 90 J F 195 2 70 J T6 275 2.5 100ZAlSi12Cu2Mg1 ZL108 J T1 195 —85 J T6 255 —90ZAlSi12Cu1Mg1Ni1 Z L109 J T1 195 0.5 90 J T6 245 —100ZAlSi5Cu6Mg ZL110 S F 125 —80 J F 155 —80 S T1 145 —80 J T1 165 —90ZAlSi9Cu2Mg ZL111 J F 205 1.5 80 SB T6 255 1.5 90 J、JB T6 315 2 100ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A SB T5 290 2 85 J、JB T5 310 3 90ZAlSi5Zn1Mg ZL115 S T4 225 4 70 J T4 275 6 80 S T5 275 3.5 90 J T5 315 5 100(表三)合金牌号合金代铸造方法合金状力学性能,≥号态抗拉强度σb/MPa 伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi8MgBe ZL116 S T4 225 4 70 J T4 275 6 80 S T5 295 2 85 J T5 335 4 90ZAlCu5Mn ZL201 S、J、R、KT4 295 8 70 S、J、R、KT5 335 4 90 S T7 315 2 80ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A S、J、R、KT5 390 8 100ZAlCu4 ZL203 S、R、K T4 195 6 60 J T4 205 6 60 S、R、K T5 215 3 70 J T5 225 3 70ZAlCu5MnCdA ZL204A S T5 440 4 100ZAlCu5MnCdVA Z L205A S T5 440 7 100 S T6 470 3 120 S T7 460 2 110ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 S T1 165 —75 J T1 175 —75ZAlMg10 ZL301 S、J、R T4 280 10 60ZAlMg5Si1 ZL303 S、J、R、KF 145 1 55ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL305 S T4 290 8 90ZAlZn11Si7 ZL401 S、R、K T1 195 2 80 J T1 245 1.5 90ZAlZn6Mg ZL402 J T1 235 4 70 S T1 215 4 65压铸铝合金的力学性能(GB/T15115—1994)牌号代号抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)(L0=50)布氏硬度HBS5/250/30YZAlSi12 YL102 ≥220≥2≥60 YZAlSi10Mg YL104 ≥220≥2≥70 YZAlSi12Cu2 YL108 ≥240≥1≥90 YZAlSi9Cu4 YL112 ≥240≥1≥85 YZAlSi11Cu3 YL113 ≥230≥1≥80 YZAlSi17Cu5Mg YL117 ≥220<1 —YZAlMg5Si1 YL302 ≥220≥2≥70铸造铝合金低温力学性能合金代号状态试验温度抗拉强度屈服强度伸长率冲击韧度/℃/MPa /MPa (%) /J·cm-2ZL101 T5-70 189 133 3.7 4.0-196 223 157 2.8 3.6 T6-70 231 215 1.3 2.4-196 257 231 0.9 2.3ZL102 铸态-40 190 —9 6.0 -70 200 —8 5.0ZL104 T6 -40 280 — 3.5 2.5 -70 290 — 2.8 2.5 -196 330 — 2.5 2.5ZL201 T4-40 280 — 6.5 —-70 280 — 6.5 —T5 -50 300 — 5 —ZL301 T4 -70 298 212 7.7 7.0 -196 247 233 1.2 2.3ZL402 自然时效-70 270 — 5 —铸造铝合金物理性能合金代号密度ρ/g·cm-3熔化温度范围/℃20~100℃时平均线膨胀系数α/μm·(m·K)-1100℃时比热容с/J·(kg·K)-125℃时热导率λ/W·(m·K)-120℃时电导率κ(%IACS)20℃时电阻率ρ/nΩ·mZL101 2.66 577~620 23.0 879 151 36 45.7 ZL101A 2.68 557~613 21.4 963 150 36 44.2 ZL102 2.65 577~600 21.1 837 155 40 54.8 ZL104 2.65 569~601 21.7 753 147 37 46.8 ZL105 2.68 570~627 23.0 837 159 36 46.2 ZL106 2.73 —21.4 963 100.5 ——ZL108 2.68 ———117.2 ——ZL109 2.68 —19 963 117.2 29 59.4 ZL111 2.69 —18.9 ————ZL201 2.78 547.5~650 19.5 837 113 —59.5 ZL201A 2.83 547.5~650 22.6 833 105 —52.2 Zl202 2.91 —22.0 963 134 34 52.2 ZL203 2.80 —23.0 837 154 35 43.3 ZL204A 2.81 544~650 22.03 ————ZL205A 2.82 544~633 21.9 888 113 ——Zl206 2.90 542~631 20.6 —155 —64.5 ZL207 2.83 603~637 23.6 —96.3 —53 Zl208 2.77 545~642 22.5 —155 —46.5 ZL301 2.55 —24.5 1047 92.1 21 91.2压铸铝合金的牌号关键字:转载请注明来源:中铝网压铸铝合金的牌号及化学成分(GB/T15115—1994)牌号代号主要化学成分(质量分数),%Si(硅) Cu(铜) Mn(锰) Mg(镁) Fe(铁) Zn(锌) Al(铝)YZAlSi12 YL102 10.0~13.0≤0.6≤0.6≤0.05≤1.2≤0.3余量YZAlSi10Mg YL104 8.0~10.5≤0.30.2~0.50.17~0.30≤1.0≤0.3余量YZAlSi12Cu2 YL108 11.0~13.01.0~2.0 0.3~0.9 0.4~1.0 ≤1.0≤1.0余量YZAlSi9Cu4 YL112 7.5~9.5 3.0~4.0 ≤0.5≤0.3≤1.2≤1.2余量YZAlSi11Cu3 YL113 9.6~12.01.5~3.5 ≤0.5≤0.3≤1.2≤1.0余量YZAlSi17Cu5Mg Y L117 16.0~18.04.0~5.0 ≤0.50.45~0.65≤1.2≤1.2余量YZAlMg5Si1 YL302 0.8~1.3 ≤0.10.1~0.4 4.5~5.5 ≤1.2≤0.2余量铸造铝合金牌号及化学成分(摘自GB/T1173—1995)合金牌号合金代号主要元素(质量分数)(%)Si Cu Mg Zn Mn Ti 其他AlZAlSi7Mg ZL101 6.5~7.5 0.25~0.45余量ZAlSi7MgA ZL101A 6.5~7.5 0.25~0.450.08~0.20余量ZAlSi12 ZL102 10.0~13.0余量ZAlSi9Mg ZL104 8.0~10.5 0.17~0.350.2~0.5 余量ZAlSi5Cu1Mg ZL105 4.5~5.5 1.0~1.5 0.4~0.6 余量ZAlSi5Cu1MgA ZL105A 4.5~5.5 1.0~1.5 0.4~0.55 余量ZAlSi8Cu1Mg ZL106 7.5~8.5 1.0~1.5 0.3~0.5 0.3~0.5 0.10~0.25余量ZAlSi7Cu4 ZL107 6.5~7.5 3.5~4.5 余量ZAlSi12Cu2Mg1 ZL108 11.0~13.01.0~2.0 0.4~1.0 0.3~0.9 余量ZAlSi12Cu1Mg1Ni1 Z L109 11.0~13.00.5~1.5 0.8~1.3 Ni0.8~1.5 余量ZAlSi5Cu6Mg ZL110 4.0~6.0 5.0~8.0 0.2~0.5 余量ZAlSi9Cu2Mg ZL111 8.0~10.0 1.3~1.8 0.4~0.6 0.10~0.350.10~0.35余量ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A 6.5~7.5 0.45~0.600.10~0.20 Be0.04~0.07余量ZAlSi5Zn1Mg ZL115 4.8~6.2 0.4~0.65 1.2~1.8 Sb0.1~0.25 余量 ZAlSi8MgBe ZL116 6.5~8.5 0.35~0.550.10~0.30 Be0.15~0.40 余量ZAlCu5Mn ZL2014.5~5.3 0.6~1.0 0.15~0.35 余量 ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A 4.8~5.3 0.6~1.0 0.15~0.35 余量 ZAlCu4 ZL2034.0~5.0 余量 ZAlCu5MnCdAZL204A4.6~5.30.6~0.90.15~0.35Cd0.15~0.25 余量ZAlCu5MnCdVA ZL205A 4.6~5.3 0.3~0.50.15~0.35 Cd0.15~0.25V0.05~0.3Zr0.05~0.2 B0.005~0.06余量ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 1.6~2.0 3.0~3.40.15~0.250.9~1.2Ni0.2~0.3Zr0.15~0.25 RE4.4~5.0余量 ZAlMg10 ZL301 9.5~11.0 余量ZAlMg5Si1 ZL303 0.8~1.3 4.5~5.5 0.1~0.4 余量 ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL305 7.5~9.0 1.0~1.50.1~0.2 Be0.03~0.1 余量 ZAlZn11Si7 ZL401 6.0~8.0 0.1~0.3 9.0~13.0余量ZAlZn6MgZL4020.5~0.65 5.0~6.50.15~0.25Cr0.4~0.6 余量铸造铝合金热处理工艺规范(摘自GB/T1173—1995) 合金牌号合金代号合金状态 固溶处理 时效 温度/℃ 时间/h 温度/℃ 时间/h ZAlSi7MgAZL101AT4535±5 6~12T5 535±5 6~12 室温 再155±5 不少于8 2~12 T6535±5 6~12 室温 再180±5 不少于8 3~8 ZAlSi5Cu1MgA ZL105A T5 525±5 4~12 160±5 3~5 ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A T5 535±5 10~14室温再160±5不少于8 4~8 ZAlSi5Zn1Mg ZL115 T4 540±5 10~12 T5 540±5 10~12 150±5 3~5 ZAlSi8MgBeZL116T4 535±5 10~14T5535±510~14 175±56ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A T5 535±5再545±57~97~9160±5 6~9ZAlCu5MnCdA ZL204A T5 530±5再540±599175±5 3~5ZAlCu5MnCdVA ZL205A T5 538±5 10~18 155±5 8~10 T6 538±5 10~18 175±5 4~5 T7 538±5 10~18 190±5 2~4ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 T1 200±5 5~10ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL305 T4 435±5再490±58~106~8铸造铝合金力学性能(摘自GB/T1173—1995)S——砂型铸造; J——金属型铸造R——熔模铸造K——壳型铸造B——变质处理(表一)合金牌号合金代号铸造方法合金状态力学性能,≥抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi7Mg ZL101 S、R、J、K F 155 2 50 S、R、J、K T2 135 2 45 JB T4 185 4 50 S、R、K T4 175 4 50 J、JB T5 205 2 60 S、R、K T5 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T5 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T6 225 1 70 SB、RB、KB T7 195 2 60 SB、RB、KB T8 155 3 55ZAlSi7MgA ZL101A S、R、K T4 195 5 60 J、JB T4 225 5 60 S、R、K T5 235 4 70 SB、RB、KB T5 235 4 70 JB、J T5 265 4 70 SB、RB、KB T6 275 2 80 JB、J T6 295 3 80ZAlSi12 ZL102 SB、JB、RB、KNF 145 4 50 J F 155 2 50 SB、JB、RB、KBT2 135 4 50 J T2 145 3 50ZAlSi9Mg ZL104 S、J、R、K F 145 4 50 J T1 155 2 50 SB、RB、KB T6 135 4 50 J、JB T6 145 3 50ZAlSi5Cu1Mg ZL105 S、J、R、K T1 155 0.5 65 S、R、K T5 195 1 70 J T5 235 0.5 70 S、R、K T6 225 0.5 70 S、J、R、K T7 175 1 65ZAlSi5Cu1MgA Z L105A SB、R、K T5 275 1 80 J、JB T5 295 2 80(表二)合金牌号合金代号铸造方法合金状态力学性能,≥抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi8Cu1Mg ZL106 SB F 175 1 70 JB T1 195 1.5 70 SB T5 235 2 60 JB T5 255 2 70 SB T6 245 1 80 JB T6 265 2 70 SB T7 225 2 60 J T7 245 2 60ZAlSi7Cu4 ZL107 SB F 165 2 65 SB T6 245 2 90 J F 195 2 70 J T6 275 2.5 100ZAlSi12Cu2Mg1 ZL108 J T1 195 —85 J T6 255 —90ZAlSi12Cu1Mg1Ni1 Z L109 J T1 195 0.5 90 J T6 245 —100ZAlSi5Cu6Mg ZL110 S F 125 —80 J F 155 —80 S T1 145 —80 J T1 165 —90ZAlSi9Cu2Mg ZL111 J F 205 1.5 80 SB T6 255 1.5 90 J、JB T6 315 2 100ZAlSi7Mg1A ZL114A SB T5 290 2 85 J、JB T5 310 3 90ZAlSi5Zn1Mg ZL115 S T4 225 4 70 J T4 275 6 80 S T5 275 3.5 90 J T5 315 5 100(表三)合金牌号合金代号铸造方法合金状态力学性能,≥抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)布氏硬度(HBS)(5/250/30)ZAlSi8MgBe ZL116 S T4 225 4 70 J T4 275 6 80 S T5 295 2 85 J T5 335 4 90ZAlCu5Mn ZL201 S、J、R、KT4 295 8 70 S、J、R、KT5 335 4 90 S T7 315 2 80ZAlCu5MnA ZL201A S、J、R、KT5 390 8 100ZAlCu4 ZL203 S、R、K T4 195 6 60 J T4 205 6 60 S、R、K T5 215 3 70 J T5 225 3 70ZAlCu5MnCdA ZL204A S T5 440 4 100ZAlCu5MnCdVA Z L205A S T5 440 7 100 S T6 470 3 120 S T7 460 2 110ZAlRE5Cu3Si2 ZL207 S T1 165 —75 J T1 175 —75ZAlMg10 ZL301 S、J、R T4 280 10 60ZAlMg5Si1 ZL303 S、J、R、KF 145 1 55ZAlMg8Zn1 ZL305 S T4 290 8 90ZAlZn11Si7 ZL401 S、R、K T1 195 2 80 J T1 245 1.5 90ZAlZn6Mg ZL402 J T1 235 4 70 S T1 215 4 65压铸铝合金的力学性能(GB/T15115—1994)牌号代号抗拉强度σb/MPa伸长率δ5(%)(L0=50)布氏硬度HBS5/250/30YZAlSi12 YL102 ≥220≥2≥60 YZAlSi10Mg YL104 ≥220≥2≥70 YZAlSi12Cu2 YL108 ≥240≥1≥90 YZAlSi9Cu4 YL112 ≥240≥1≥85 YZAlSi11Cu3 YL113 ≥230≥1≥80 YZAlSi17Cu5Mg YL117 ≥220<1 —YZAlMg5Si1 YL302 ≥220≥2≥70铸造铝合金低温力学性能合金代号状态试验温度/℃抗拉强度/MPa屈服强度/MPa伸长率(%)冲击韧度/J·cm-2ZL101 T5 -70 189 133 3.7 4.0-196223 157 2.8 3.6 T6-70 231 215 1.3 2.4 -196 257 231 0.9 2.3 ZL102铸态-40 190 — 9 6.0 -70 200 — 8 5.0 ZL104 T6-40 280 — 3.5 2.5 -70 290 — 2.8 2.5 -196 330 — 2.5 2.5 ZL201T4 -40 280 — 6.5 — -70 280 — 6.5 — T5-50 300 — 5 — ZL301 T4 -70 298 212 7.7 7.0 -196 247 233 1.2 2.3 ZL402自然时效-70270—5—铸造铝合金物理性能 合金代号密度ρ /g·cm-3熔化温度范围 /℃ 20~100℃时平均线膨胀系数α /μm·(m·K)-1 100℃时比热容с /J·(kg·K)-1 25℃时热导率λ /W·(m·K)-1 20℃时电导率κ (%IACS) 20℃时电阻率ρ/nΩ·mZL101 2.66 577~620 23.0 879 151 36 45.7 ZL101A 2.68 557~613 21.4 963 150 36 44.2 ZL102 2.65 577~600 21.1 837 155 40 54.8 ZL104 2.65 569~601 21.7 753 147 37 46.8 ZL105 2.68 570~627 23.0 837 159 36 46.2 ZL1062.73— 21.4 963 100.5 — — ZL108 2.68 — — — 117.2 — — ZL109 2.68 —19963 117.2 29 59.4 ZL111 2.69 — 18.9 — — — — ZL201 2.78 547.5~650 19.5 837 113 — 59.5 ZL201A 2.83 547.5~650 22.6 833 105 — 52.2 Zl202 2.91 — 22.0 963 134 34 52.2 ZL203 2.80 —23.0837 154 35 43.3 ZL204A 2.81 544~650 22.03 — — — — ZL205A 2.82 544~633 21.9 888 113 — — Zl206 2.90 542~631 20.6 — 155 — 64.5 ZL207 2.83 603~637 23.6 — 96.3 — 53 Zl2082.77545~642 22.5 — 155 — 46.5 ZL301 2.55 —24.5104792.12191.2。
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55 WattsFeatures•RoHS lead-free solder and lead-solder-exempted products are available•Industry-standard 3” x 5” footprint •Main output remote sense•CE marked to Low Voltage Directive•Compliance to EN61000-4-2/-3/-4/-5/-6/-8Single Output Model SelectionMODELNOMINAL OUTPUT MIN-MAXIMUM OUTPUT MIN-MAXIMUM OUTPUTPEAK OUTPUT TOTAL RIPPLE & NOISEVOLTAGE (VDC)CURRENT, CONVECTIONCURRENT 1CURRENT 2REGULATION % 3%p-p 4BLP55-10055V 0 to 8A 0 to 11A 12A ±21BLP55-101212V 0 to 3.3A 0 to 4.5A 5A ±21BLP55-102424V 0 to 1.6A 0 to 2.3A 2.5A ±21Triple Output Model SelectionMODELNOMINAL OUTPUT MIN-MAXIMUM OUTPUT MIN-MAXIMUM OUTPUTPEAK OUTPUT TOTAL RIPPLE & NOISEVOLTAGE (VDC)CURRENT, CONVECTIONCURRENT 1CURRENT 2REGULATION % 3%p-p 4+5V 0.4 to 4A 0.5 to 5A 7A ±21BLP55-3000+12V 0.2 to 2A 0.2 to 2.5A 4A ±51-12V 0.0 to 0.5A 0.0 to 0.7A 1±51+3.3V 0.5 to 4A 0.5 to 5A 7A ±2.51BLP55-3300+5V 0.0 to 2A 0.0 to 2.5A 4A ±2.51+12V 0.0 to 0.5A 0.0 to 0.7A 1A ±51NOTES:110 CFM or 150 LFM (average measurement of six equally-distanced points through a 3.5” x 1.6” cross-sectional area) with power supply mountedon 0.25” standoffs. Recommended airflow direction is from the AC side to the DC side.2Peak current duration for less than 30 Sec with a maximum duty cycle of 10%.3At 25 °C ambient including voltage set point tolerance, line, and load regulation.4Maximum peak-to-peak noise expressed as a percentage of output voltage, 20 MHz bandwidth, and bypass capacitors of 10 μF and 0.1 μF.The BLP55 Series’economical and compact construction provides single or three-output ac-dc power conversion to meet the requirements of networking and data communications systems, as well as commercial and industrial configurations.The BLP55 is rated for convection, as well as forced-air cooling. Full output power is available with external forced-air cooling. Other features include main-output remote sense and an internal EMI filter.DescriptionOrdering Information:55 WattsInput SpecificationsPARAMETER CONDITIONS/DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNITS Input Voltage - AC Single-phase continuous input range.85100-250264VAC Input Voltage - DC Consult factory.Input Frequency AC input.4750/6063Hz Input Current At 115 VAC input.1A RMS Inrush Surge Current Internally limited.Vin = 115 VAC, Max Power, 25 °C.18A PK Internally limited.Vin = 230VAC, Max Power, 25 °C.36A PK Input Fuse Internally located AC input line fuse rated at F, 250 V, 3.15 A.Efficiency At Max Power, -3300 60% nominal.70%Output SpecificationsPARAMETER CONDITIONS/DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNITS Output Power With convection cooling (-3300 25 W).See Model Selection Table40Watts With forced-air cooling (-3300 41 W).See Model Selection Table55Output DC Adjustability:Adjustability of Vo1 (Vo2/Vo3 are not adjustable).-5%, +10%Of Nom Overshoot5% Load Transient Vo1, Vo2, or Vo3 deviation due to a 50 to 100% load change±3% at a rate of 1A/µs.Turn-On Time from AC ON Time required for output voltage to reach within regulation after initial application 1.5Sec of AC input.Turn-On Delay Time required for output voltage to rise from 10% to 90%.20ms Hold-Up Time At 40 W, 115 VAC20ms Remote Sense Total compensation for cable losses on Vo1.500mV (Remote Sense is not available for Vo2 or Vo3)Interface Signals and Internal ProtectionPARAMETER CONDITIONS/DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNITS Overvoltage Protection Main output. 3.3V: 3.8 4.55V: 5.7 6.812V:13.816.2V24V:27.632.448V:52.856.4Short Circuit Protection Fully-protected against output short circuit.55 WattsSafety, Regulatory, and EMI SpecificationsPARAMETER CONDITIONS/DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNITS Agency Approvals UL60950-1/CSA 22.2 No. 60950-1-03.EN 60950-1/IEC 60950-1.CB Approval.CE Mark for LVD.Ground Continuity40A Dielectric Withstand Voltage Input-to-Ground (Basic).1500VAC2121VDC Input-to-Ouput (Reinforced). The primary to secondary test is not performed3000VACon completed assemblies.4242VDCOutput-to-Ground (Functional).500VDC Electromagnetic Interference FCC Part 15.Conducted:B Class CISPR 22 and CISPR 11.Conducted:BESD Per EN61000-4-2, level 3.Flicker Per EN61000-3-3.Radiated Susceptibility Per EN61000-4-3, level 3.3V/m EFT/Burst Per EN61000-4-4, level 3.1kV Input Transient Protection Per EN61000-4-5, class 3.Line-to-Line:1kVLine-to-Ground:2RF Immunity Per EN61000-4-6, level 3.3V/m Magnetic Fields Per EN61000-4-8.1A/m Leakage Current Per EN60950.BLP55-1XXX At 264 VAC:0.48mABLP55-3XXX AT 264 VAC:0.72Environmental SpecificationsPARAMETER CONDITIONS/DESCRIPTION MIN NOM MAX UNITS Altitude Operating.10k ASL Ft.Non-Operating.50k ASL Ft. Operating Temperature0 °C to 70 °C with linear derating to 50% above 50 °C. Unit will start up at02570°C -20 °C but will not meet all published specifications.Storage Temperature-4085°C Forced-Air Cooling Forced-air cooling of 150 LFM at 10 CFM is required for full output power.1(See Model Selection Table).Convection Cooling When unit is mounted horizontally with free-air convection.40W (See Model Selection Table).Temperature Coefficient0 °C to 70 °C (after 15-minute warm-up).±0.02%/°C Relative Humidity Non-Condensing.595%RH Shock Operating: half-sine 11 ±3ms, 3 axis.15G Non-operating: half-sine 11±3ms, 3 axis.40Vibration Operating: Random vibration, 5-500 Hz (10 minutes each axis). 2.4Grms Non-operating: Random vibration, 5-500 Hz (10 minutes each axis). 6.0Grms NOTES: 1 10 CFM or 150 LFM (average measurement of six equally-distanced points through a 3.5” x 1.6” cross-sectional area) with power supply mounted on 0.25” standoffs. Recommended airflow direction is from the AC side to the DC side.55 WattsCN1 - AC CONN.RECOMMENDED MATING CONNECTORSC N1 MOLEX 09-50-8031 08-52-0113 LEOCO 3940S030000 3983TCB0000 C N2 MOLEX 09-50-8061 08-52-0113 LEOCO 3940S060000 3983TCB0000C N 3 MOLEX 22-01-3027 08-52-0113 LEOCO 2530S020000 2533TPB0000HOUSINGPINOverall Size: 3.00" x 5.00" x 1.23" (76.2mm x 127.0mm x 31.2mm) Weight: 0.51 lb (0.23 kg)NOTE: This is an outline drawing only. The detailed location of components is not shown.55 WattsCN1 - AC CONN.RECOMMENDED MATING CONNECTORSC N1 MOLEX 09-50-8031 08-52-0113 LEOCO 3940S030000 3983TCB0000 C N2 MOLEX 09-50-8061 08-52-0113 LEOCO 3940S060000 3983TCB0000C N 3 MOLEX 22-01-3027 08-52-0113 LEOCO 2530S020000 2533TPB0000HOUSINGPINNUCLEAR AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS - Power-One products are not designed, intended for use in, or authorized for use as critical componentsin life support systems, equipment used in hazardous environments, or nuclear control systems without the express written consent of the respective divisional president of Power-One, Inc.TECHNICAL REVISIONS - The appearance of products, including safety agency certifications pictured on labels, may change depending on the date manufactured. Specifications are subject to change without notice.Overall Size: 3.00" x 5.00" x 1.23" (76.2mm x 127.0mm x 31.2mm) Weight: 0.51 lb (0.23 kg)Mechanical Drawing NOTE: This is an outline drawing only. The detailed location of components is not shown.。