






北京邮电大学现代远程教育高中起点专科《数学》入学考试题库(135道题)第一部分 代 数1.1集合1.已知集合{1,2}P =,{2,3}Q =,{1,3}R =则()P Q R =( ). AA . {1,2};B . {1,3};C . {1,2,3};D . φ.2.已知{|24,R}M x x x =≤≤∈,{|13,R}N x x x =-≤≤∈,{|15,R}P x x x =≤≤∈,则()M N P =( ).DA .{|13,R}x x x -≤≤∈;B .{|14,R}x x x ≤≤∈;C .{|25,R}x x x ≤≤∈;D .{|15,R}x x x -≤≤∈.3.设集合{0}M =,{1,0,1}N =-,则( ).CA . M φ=;B . N M ⊂;C . M N ⊂;D . M N ∈. 4.设全集{1,2,3,4,5}U =,{1,3,4}A =,{2,4,5}B =,则A B =( ).DA . {2,3,5};B . {4,5};C . {1,3};D . φ. 5.已知全集{1,3,5,7,8}U =,{1,3,7}M =,{3,7,8}N =,则M N =( ). AA . {1,5,8};B . {1,3,5,7,8};C . {1,3,5,7};D . {3,5,7,8}.6.设全集U R =,{|1}M x x =<,{|12}N x x =-<<,则{|11}x x -<<=( ).BA . M N ;B . M N ;C . M N ;D . M N .7.设全集U R =,{|10}M x x =+>,则M =( ).CA . {|10}x x +<;B . {|1}x x ≥-;C . {|1}x x ≤-;D . {|1}x x <-.8.设集合{|101,Z}M x x x =-≤≤-∈,{|12,Z}N x x x =-≤≤∈,则M N 中元素的个数是( ). DA . 10;B . 11;C . 15;D . 16.9.方程组712x y xy +=⎧⎨=⎩的解集是( ). CA . {(3,4)};B . {(4,3)};C . {(3,4),(4,3)};D . {(2,5),(5,2)}.10.设集合{(,)|2}P x y y x ==,2{(,)|4}Q x y y x ==,则PQ =( ). C A . 1{(0,0),(,1)}2; B . 1{(,)|,1}2x y x y ==; C . {(,)|0,0}x y x y ==; D . 1{(,)|,0}2x y x y ==. 1.2不等式和不等式组1.不等式|3|5x +>的解集是( ). BA .{|2}x x >;B .{|82}x x x <->或;C .{|0}x x >;D .{|3}x x >.2.不等式104x x+>-的解集是( ). C A .{|4}x x <; B .{|4}x x >;C .{|14}x x -<<;D .{|1}{|4}x x x x <-⋃>.3.不等式7153x x-≥+的解集是( ). A A .51{|}32x x -<≤; B .51{|}32x x -≤≤; C .5{|7}3x x -<≤; D .5{|7}3x x -≤≤. 4.不等式22150x x +->的解集是( ). BA . {|53}x x -<<;B . {|5}{|3}x x x x <-⋃>;C . {|35}x x -<<;D . {|3}{|5}x x x x <-⋃>.5.不等式|21|1x -<的解集是( ). DA .1{|0}2x x -<<;B .1{|0}2x x <<; C .{|10}x x -<<; D .{|01}x x <<.6.不等式组4431,9181x x x x ->+⎧⎨+>-⎩的解集是( ).AA .{|5}x x >;B .{|5}x x <;C .{|2}x x >-;D .{|2}x x <-.7.不等式2392x x -<-的解集是( ).AA . 3{|3}2x x -<<;B . 3{|3}{|}2x x x x <-⋃>;C . 3{|3}2x x -<<;D . 3{|}{|3}2x x xx <-⋃>.8.当k ( )时,方程2(2)210k x x --+=有两个相等的实根. AA . 3=;B . 3<;C . 3>;D . 3<或5>.90>的解集是( ). CA . 1{|}2x x >;B . 5{|}3x x ≥;C . {|4}x x ≥;D . 1{|4}2x x <≤.10.不等式21532x x -+≤-的解集是( ).DA .{|6}x x ≥-;B .{|6}x x ≤-;C .{|6}x x ≥;D .{|6}x x ≤.1.3指数与对数1.82log 9log 3=( ). BA . 1 ;B . 23 ; C . 32 ; D . 2 .2.设3log 2=,则x =( ). DA . 3 ;B . 9 ;C . 27 ;D . 81 .302)-=( ). AA. 1 ; B. ; C. 2 ;D. 1 .4.()()220.531125164-⎛⎫--= ⎪⎝⎭( ). D A . 0 ; B . 1 ; C . 3 ; D . 5 .5.设103x =,104y =,则210x y +=( ). AA . 48 ;B . 24 ;C . 16 ;D . 12 .6.2lg 25lg 2lg 252(lg 2)+⋅+==( ). BA . 1 ;B . 2 ;C . 3 ;D . 4 . 7.()2132lg172 4.89⎛⎫+--+= ⎪⎝⎭( ). D A . 2 ; B . 3 ; C . 4 ; D . 5 . 8.若14x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭x =( ). A A . 54- ; B . 45- ; C . 54 ; D . 45. 9.23255a a a -⎛⎫÷= ⎪⎝⎭( ). AA . a ;B . 2a ;C . 3a ;D . 12a .10.12139log 364-⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭( ). CA .58; B . 45 ; C . 53 ; D . 35.1.4函数 1.函数()f x ).AA . 1x ≤或2x ≥ ;B . 12x ≤≤ ;C . 1x <或2x > ;D . 12x << .2.函数22()log (65)f x x x =--的定义域是( ).CA . 61x -≤≤ ;B . 6x ≤-或1x ≥ ;C . 61x -<< ;D . 6x <-或1x > .3.函数()lg(f x x =的定义域是( ). BA . 0x > ;B . x -∞<<∞ ;C . 0x < ;D . 1x ≥ .4.如果2410(2)log 3x f x +=,则(1)f =( ). DA . 214log 3 ;B . 12 ; C . 1 ; D . 2.5.函数(1)y x x =--( ). CA . 有最小值1;B . 有最小值-1;C . 有最大值14; D . 有最大值14-.6.已知函数2()log ()f x ax b =+,(2)2f =,(3)3f =,则( ). DA . 1,4a b ==-;B . 2,2a b ==-;C . 4,3a b ==;D . 4,4a b ==-.7.设函数()(0,1)x f x a a a =>≠满足(2)9f =,则1()2f =( ). DA . 92; B . 3; C . 19; D .8.已知抛物线22y x ax =+-的对称轴方程为1x =,则这抛物线的顶点坐标为(). AA . (1,3)-;B . (1,1)-;C . (1,0);D . (1,3)--.9.已知函数()f x ax b =+,(2)2,(6)0f f =-=,则(8)f =( ). BA . -1;B . 1;C . -3;D . 3.10.设24,52,1x -⨯成等差数列,则x 的值为( ). CA . 2或-1;B . 2或-2 ;C . 1或-1 ;D . 1或-2.11.设函数1()10x f x +=,则(lg 2)f 的值为( ). AA . 20;B . 10;C . 4;D . 2.12.函数与13xy ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭的图像之间的关系是( ). DA . 关于原点对称;B . 关于x 轴对称;C . 关于直线1y =对称;D . 关于y 轴对称.13.函数2lg(1)y x =+是( ). AA . 奇函数,在(0,)+∞内单调增加;B . 奇函数,在(0,)+∞内单调减少;C . 偶函数,在(,0)-∞内单调增加;D . 偶函数,在(,0)-∞内单调减少.14.设(1)1f x x +=+,则()f x =( ). BA . 1x -+B . x +;C . x +D . 1x ++15.使函数22log (2)y x x =-为增函数的区间是( ). CA . [1,)+∞ ;B . [1,2) ;C . (0,1] ;D . (,1]-∞ .16.设函数2()(1)23f x m x mx =-++是偶函数,则它在( ). DA . (,)-∞+∞是增函数 ;B . (,)-∞+∞是减函数;C . [0,)+∞是增函数;D . (,0]-∞是增函数.17.函数lg(1)1y x =+-的反函数为( ). AA . 1101x y +=-;B . 1101x y -=-;C . 1101x y +=+;D . 1101x y -=+.18.点(2,1)关于直线y x =的对称点的坐标是( ). BA . (-1,2) ;B . (1,2);C . (-1,-2);D . (1,-2).19.函数()||f x x x =是( ). AA . 奇函数,又是增函数;B . 奇函数,又是减函数;C . 偶函数,又是增函数;D . 偶函数,又是减函数.20.函数2()2(1)2f x x m x =+-+在区间(,4)-∞上是减函数,则实数m 的取值范围是( ). CA . 3m ≥-;B . 3m =- ;C . 3m ≤- ;D . 3m ≥ .1.5数列1.下列各组数中成等比数列的是( ). DA .111,,234; B . lg 2,lg 4,lg8; C . 2488,8,8; D . 2.4-. 2.在等差数列{}n a 中,232,5a a ==,则项数100a =( ). BA . 298 ;B . 296 ;C . 198 ;D . 196 .3.在等比数列{}n a 中,已知1234515a a a a a ++++=,则3a =( ). AA . 3 ;B . 4 ;C . 5 ;D . 6 .4.在等比数列{}n a 中,已知19a =,公比13q =-,则4a =( ). AA . 13- ; B . 13 ; C . 12- ; D . 12.5.已知5+x ,则x =( ).DA . 5+B . 5-C . 5;D . 5-6.设{}n a 为等比数列,如果119a =,43a =,则12345a a a a a =( ). A A . 1; B . 3; C . 5; D . 9 .7.在数列{}n a 中,如果22a =,且13(2,3,)n n a a n -==,则5a =( ). CA . 24 ;B . 16 ;C . 12 ;D . 8 .8.在等差数列{}n a 中,已知32n a n =-时,则20S =( ). AA . 590 ;B . 390 ;C . 780 ;D . 295 .9.设等比数列{}n a 的公比2q =,且248a a =,则17a a =( ). CA . 16 ;B . 36 ;C . 54 ;D . 72 .10.已知,,a b c 都大于零,且,,a b c 既成等差数列又成等比数列,则( ). CA .22a c b += ;B . ac b = ;C . a c b == ;D . 2a b c += .11.已知{}n a 为等差数列,且1724a a +=,则4a =( ). CA . 24 ;B . 16 ;C . 12 ;D . 8 .12.设三数a ,b ,c 成等比数列,其公比为3,如果a ,b +8,c 成等差数列,则此三个数分别为( ). BA . 1,3,9;B . 4,12,36;C . 3,9,27;D . 6,18,54 .13.在等比数列{}n a 中,345a a =,则1256a a a a =( ). AA . 25 ;B . 10 ;C . -25 ;D . -10 .14.已知数列{}n a 满足1lg 2n n a a +=+,且11a =,则n a =( ). CA .1(1)lg n n +-;B . 1lg n +;C . 1(1)lg 2n +-;D . 1lg 2n +.15.已知a ,b ,c 成等比数列,且0a b c <<<,则lg ,lg ,lg a b c 组成的数列( ). BA . 是等比数列;B . 是等差数列;C . 既是等差数列又是等比数列;D . 既非等差数列又非等比数列.第二部分 三 角2.1三角函数及三角函数式的变换1.oo1tan151tan15+=-( ). CA ;B . ;C ;D . .2.已知23παπ<<,且1cos 3α=,则sin 2α=( ).DA ;B ;C . - ;D . -3.83π=( ). A A . o 480 ; B . o 460 ; C . o 440 ; D . o420 . 4.o400=( ). D A .269π ; B . 249π ; C . 229π ; D . 209π . 5.75sin cos 66ππ=( ). CA ;B . ;C ;D . 6.已知角α的终边通过点P (-5,12),则sin α+cot α=( ). CA . 713 ;B . 713- ; C . 79156 ; D . 79156- . 7.已知tan 2α=,且sin 0α<,则cos α=( ). CA . 5 ;B . 15-;C . 5-;D . 15. 8.已知4cos 5α=,且α在第四象限,则sin 2α=( ).D A . 1625; B . 1625- ; C . 2425 ; D . 2425- .9.已知1sin cos 5αα+=,7sin cos 5αα-=,则tan α=( ). A A . 43- ; B . 34- ; C . 1 ; D . -1 . 10.已知4sin 5α=()2παπ<<;5cos 13β=(0)2πβ<<,则sin()αβ+=( ).B A . 1465- ; B . 1665- ; C . 1645 ; D . 1245. 11. 已知sin 4y x πω⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎝⎭的最小正周期为23π,则||ω=( ). B A . 3π ; B . 3 ; C .43 ; D . 32 . 12.已知角0405α=,则α的终边在( ). AA . 第一象限 ;B . 第二象限;C . 第三象限;D . 第四象限.13.17sin 6π=( ).B A . 12-; B . 12 ; C. -; D14.已知02πα<<sin cos 22=-( ).CA . 12- ;B . 12; C . -1 ; D . 1 . 15.已知02πθ<<,且满足方程22cos sin 1θθ-=,则θ=( ). D A . 2π ; B . 3π ; C . 4π ; D . 6π . 2.2解三角形1.在ABC ∆中,已知1AB =,AC =0150A ∠=,则BC =( ). CAB; C; D. 2. 在ABC ∆中,2AB =,3BC =,4AC =,则cos A =( ). BA . 916;B . 1116 ;C . 1316;D . 1516. 3.已知ABC ∆的三边长成公差为1的等差数列,且最大角与最小角的2倍,则此三角形三边长分别为( ).BA . 3,4,5;B . 4,5,6;C . 5,6,7;D . 6,7,8.4.已知ABC ∆,a b ,则ABC ∆的最大角为( ). AA . 23π;B . 35π ;C . 2π; D . 25π .5.在ABC ∆中,面积3S =,6BC =,060A ∠=,则ABC ∆的周长为( ). C A . 12; B . 14 ; C . 16; D . 18 .第三部分 平面解析几何3.1平面向量1.已知32a i j =-,54b i j =-+,则a b =( ). AA . -23 ;B . 23 ;C . -22 ;D . 22 .2.已知34a i j =+,2b j =-,则cos ,a b 〈〉=( ). BA . 45 ; B . 45- ; C . 225 ; D . 225- .3.已知ABC ∆,点D 是AC 边的中点,则2CA CB -=( ). DA . 3BD ;B . 2BD ;C . BD ; D . 12BD .4.已知(3,5)A ,(6,9)B ,则BA =( ). AA . 34i j --;B . 34i j + ;C . 34i j -+;D .34i j - . 5.已知23a b ⋅=-,|a | = 1,|b | = 4,则<a , b > =( ). DA . 6π-; B . 6π; C . 23π; D . 56π.3.2直线1.原点到直线34250x y +-=的距离为( ). CA . 3 ;B . 4 ;C . 5 ;D . 6 .2.直线34290x y -+=的斜率是( ). DA . 43- ; B . 43 ; C . 34- ; D . 34 .3.已知点(,1)P a 在直线23y x =+上,则a =( ). AA .-1 ;B . -2 ;C . 1 ;D . 2 .4.过两点(1,7)A ,(3,1)B -的直线方程是( ). BA . 32110x y --= ;B . 32110x y -+= ;C . 23110x y -+= ;D . 23110x y --= .5.在x 轴和y 轴上的截距分别为-5与2的直线方程为( ). CA . 25100x y ++= ;B . 25100x y +-= ;C . 25100x y -+= ;D . 25100x y --= .6.在y 轴上的截距为2且垂直于直线30x y +=的直线方程为( ). BA . 320y x -+= ;B . 320y x --= ;C . 360y x ++= ;D . 360y x +-= .7.过两直线3230x y +-=和260x y +-=的交点和原点的直线方程是( ). AA . 430x y +=;B . 340x y +=;C . 320x y +=;D . 230x y +=.8.直线3230x y +-=与直线260x y +-=的图像相交于( ). BA . 第一象限 ;B . 第二象限;C . 第三象限;D . 第四象限.9.已知过两点(2,)A m -,(,4)B m 的直线与直线260x y +-=平行,则m =( ). AA .-8 ;B . 0 ;C . 2 ;D . 10 .10.过点(3,4)A -且平行于过两点(1,2)B --,(2,3)C 的直线的直线方程是( ). CA . 53270x y +-= ;B . 53270x y ++= ;C . 53270x y -+= ;D . 53270x y --= .3.3圆锥曲线1.直线y x m =+交抛物线22y x =于A ,B 两点,若AB 中心的横坐标是2,则m =( ). DA . 2 ;B . -2 ;C . 1 ;D . -1.2.经过三点(1,2)A ,(1,0)B -和(0,C 的圆的方程是( ). AA . 22(1)4x y -+= ;B . 22(1)4x y ++=;C . 22(1)2x y -+= ;D . 22(1)2x y ++=.3.直线270x y -+=与圆22(1)(1)20x y -++=的圆心坐标及半径分别是( ). BA . 相离 ;B . 相切 ;C . 相交但直线不过圆心 ;D . 相交且直线过圆心.4.椭圆22916144x y +=的焦距为( ).CA . 10 ;B . 5;C . ;D . 14. 5.已知椭圆2212516x y +=上一点P 到椭圆一个焦点的距离为3,则P 到另一个焦点距离是( ). AA . 7 ;B . 5 ;C . 3 ;D . 2 .6.已知双曲线22145x y -=与椭圆222116x y a +=有共同的焦点,且a > 0,则a =( ). B A .6 ; B . 5 ; C . 4 ; D . 3 .7.过两直线330x y +-=和23120x y ++=的交点且圆心在点(1,1)-的圆的方程是( ). DA . 22(1)(1)25x y -++= ;B . 22(1)(1)25x y ++-=;C . 22(1)(1)29x y -++= ;D . 22(1)(1)29x y ++-=.8.直线30x y +-=与圆22(3)(2)2x y -+-=相切的切点坐标是( ). AA . (2,1) ;B . (2,1)-;C . (2,1)- ;D . (2,1)--.9.短半轴长2b =,半焦距4c =,焦点在y 轴上的椭圆方程为( ). C A . 2213625x y += ;B . 2212536x y += ;C . 2212541x y += ;D . 2214125x y +=. 10.已知椭圆上一点到两焦点为(2,0)-、(2,0)的距离之和为6,则椭圆的短轴长为( ). DA . 5 ;B . 10;C ;D . 11.已知双曲线上一点到两焦点为(2,0)-、(2,0)的距离之差为2,则双曲线方程为( ). AA . 2213y x -= ;B . 2213y x -=;C . 2213x y -= ;D . 2213x y -=. 12.焦距为20,虚轴长为16,焦点在y 轴上的双曲线方程为( ). BA . 2216436x y -= ;B . 2213664x y -=;C . 2212536y x -= ;D . 221916y x -=. 13.过原点的直线与圆22430x y x +++=相切,若切点在第三象限,则该直线的方程是( ). CA . y =;B . y =;C . 3y x =;D . 3y x =-.14.实轴长为10,焦点分别为(0,,的双曲线方程为( ).CA . 221254x y -= ;B . 221425x y -=;C . 221254y x -= ;D . 221425y x -=. 15.长轴是短轴的2倍,且经过点(0,2)P 的椭圆方程为( ). CA . 221164x y += ; B . 2214y x += ; C . 221164x y +=或2214y x += ; D . 221164x y +=或2214x y +=. 16.双曲线221916x y -=的焦距为( ). B A . 8 ;B . 10;C . 12 ;D . 14.17.双曲线的实半轴长为2,焦距为6,则该双曲线的离心率为( ). CA ;BC . 32;D . 2. 18.抛物线28y x =的焦点坐标和准线方程分别是( ). AA . (2,0)-,2x = ;B . (2,0),2x =-;C . (0,2)-,2y = ;D . (0,2),2y =-.19.顶点在原点,关于x 轴对称,顶点与焦点的距离等于3的抛物线方程是( ). AA . 212y x =± ;B . 212y x = ;C . 26y x =± ;D . 26y x =. 20.已知点(3,4)M -,设抛物线24y x =的焦点为F ,则线段MF 的中心坐标为( ). DA . (1,2);B . (1,2)-;C . (1,2)--;D . (1,2)-.第四部分 排列与组合及概率初步4.1排列与组合1.34545!4!P P -=+( ). C A . 12; B . 13 ; C . 14 ; D . 15. 2.12344444C C C C +++=( ). AA . 15 ;B . 20 ;C . 25 ;D . 30 .3.有5个男孩和三个女孩站成一排,则男孩不站在排头也不站在排尾的站法种数是( ). AA . 4320 ;B . 40320 ;C . 720 ;D . 360 .4.8个学生分成两个人数相等的小组,不同分法的种数是( ). BA . 70 ;B . 35 ;C . 280 ;D . 140 .5.从13个学生中选出两人担任正、副组长,不同选举结果的种数是( ). CA . 26 ;B . 78 ;C . 156 ;D . 169 .4.2概率初步1.某人在阅览室陈列的5本科技杂志和6本文娱杂志中任选一本阅读,他选中科技杂志的概率是( ). BA . 56 ;B . 511 ;C . 15 ;D . 12.2.在一副扑克牌(52张)中任抽一张,则抽到这张是红桃或黑桃的概率是().DA. 0 ;B. 152;C.1352;D.12.*3.从1到10这十个正整数中任取一个数,取到的数可被3整除的概率是(). CA. 35;B.12;C.310;D.15.4.3名女生与5名男生排成一排,其中2名女生必排在由左至右的第二、三位的概率是(). AA. 328;B.38;C.14;D.16.5.袋中有4只白球,3只黑球,一次取出3只球,则至少取两只白球的概率是(). BA. 1835;B.2235;C.2435;D.2535.6.从5名男生和4名女生中选出3名代表,则选出全是女生的概率是(). CA. 13;B.110;C.121;D.1126.7.一盒中有10个电子元件,其中有4个次品,在盒中任意取两个元件,则这两个元件都是正品的概率是(). AA. 13;B.215;C.1130;D.130.8.任选一个不大于20的正整数,则选出的数既可被2也可被3整除的概率是(). DA. 0.3 ;B. 0.25 ;C. 0.2 ;D. 0.15 .9.任意抛掷一枚硬币两次,则两次正面朝上的概率是(). AA. 14;B.13;C.12;D.23.10.把一对骰子掷一次,得到12点的概率是().DA. 14;B.16;C.112;D.136.。










电力机车制动机复习题参考答案一、填空1、直通式空气制动机自动空气制动机2、物体间的相互作用力单位面积上所受力的大小3、压力空气的实际压力压力表指示的压力值4、140kPa170kPa5、当列车管减压速率达到一定数值范围时10~40 kPa /s70 kPa /s6、风源系统制动机气路系统控制气路系统辅助气路系统7、YWK—5—C型总风缸压力(750~900 kPa)8、干燥剂水分双塔式单塔式9、压力空气逆流单向流动性能无压差止回阀压差止回阀10、出风口至止回阀之间最大工作压力11、TFK1B型闭式电空阀放风管大气得电12、机车制动机基础制动装置手制动机13、将制动原力放大的倍数14、电信号压力空气15、电气线路空气管路16、总风缸管列车管过充风缸管总风遮断阀管17、均衡风缸的压力变化18、容积室作用管滑阀式空气阀19、容积室和作用管制动缸20、小闸制动、缓解与保压全列车21、电空转换阀作用柱塞阀定位柱塞22、电空位空气位正常运行——故障运行23、紧急电空阀94YV 列车管24、运转中立制动紧急位重联位25、本机位补机位26、控制DK—1型电空制动机27、803 805 813 83628、803 809 813 83629、807 806 81330、806 808 81331、82132、806 804 812 82133、缓解制动34、制动缓解35、膜板活塞36、二压力机构37、三压力38、制动距离39、单面盘双面盘40、严重相对滑动二、简答题1、什么是绝对压力和表压力?它们有什么样的关系?答:绝对压力是指压力空气的实际压力。






A、资源部直属B、石油部直属C、教育部直属D、科技部直属第5题现代远程教育对初学者造成了那些不适应:____D_____ 。

A、心理及观念不适应B、环境不适应C、方法及方式不适应D、以上全部第6题学生在每学期选课后即默认参加考试,不参加考试需在考试前____A_____提出缓考申请A、一个月B、一周C、一天D、二周第7题在学习过程中,学生需要经常登陆学院主页,学院主页的网址是____B_____ 。



A、5月和7月B、1月和10月C、3月和7月D、1月和7月第10题学校对学生实行学分制和弹性学习期限制管理,不办理___C_____ 。

A、退学B、转学C、休学D、转专业第11题网页上的工具栏中“收藏夹”的作用是___A_____ 。

A、保存网页的快捷方式B、保存图片C、保存历史纪录D、保存网页的内容第12题以下属于媒体播放软件的是____B_____ 。

A、WinzipB、MediaplayC、WinrarD、Netants第13题远程教育就是把教育的场所延伸到教室和____C____ 围墙之外,凭借教育媒体代替教师课堂面授的教育。








(2)三代远程教育①第一代远程教育: 函授教育。




②第二代远程教育: 多种媒体教学的远程教育。





③第三代远程教育: 开放灵活的远程学习。










1. 什么是远程教育技术?请简要描述其定义和作用。

2. 列举并解释三种远程教育技术工具,如视频会议、在线研究

3. 远程教育技术在现代教育中的优势是什么?请至少提供三点。

4. 针对网络环境不稳定的问题,你有什么解决方案来保证远程
5. 远程教育技术还存在哪些挑战和限制?请至少提供三个例子,并对其进行简要说明。

6. 远程教育技术如何提高学生的参与度和互动性?请提供至少

7. 远程教育技术在未来教育发展中的前景如何?请提出你对远

8. 请简要陈述你对现代远程教育技术的认识,并分享你对此课

9. 在整个课程研究过程中,你认为最有帮助或感兴趣的研究资
10. 请列举并解释三个在远程教育技术中常用的研究评估方法。

11. 根据你在课程研究中的体验和了解,总结并提出至少两种

12. 总结你对整个课程研究的评价和反思,并对自己未来在远





( ) 1. A. actor B. ache C. examine D. narrow ( ) 2. A. paiy B. aim C. chain D. said( ) 3. A. servant B. never C. German D. prefer( ) 4. A. question B. station C. conversation D. nation( ) 5. A. mother B. come C. from D. front二、词汇与语法知识(共25小题;25分)从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项,并在答题卡上把它前面的大写字母用铅笔涂黑。

6. —What do you think of my composition?—It _____ well _____ a few spelling mistakes.A. reads; besidesB. reads; except forC. is read; except forD. is read; besides7. Italy is ________ only European country I have visited.A. anB. aC. theD. \8. It is said that this bridge has for more than three centuries.A. appearedB. risenC. existedD. born9. He often writes to us expressing his hope _____ h e’ll come to see us in 2008.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. when10. —Can you tell me how to study English well?—Do more speaking, _____ you’ll be good at spoken English.A. thenB. andC. orD. until11. Thanks to t he old man’s hard work, a lot of _____ has been covered with green trees.A. the hillB. hillsC. the hillsD. hill12. I hope to get my wife on the next trip to Europe.A. to have come along with meB. to come along with meC. coming along with meD. with me to come along13. Y ou can have the magazine _____ I finish reading it.A. so thatB. becauseC. unlessD. the moment14. Will you see to _____ that the luggage is brought back?A. meB. yourselfC. itD. them15. I have been there, but I not find the time.A. should; wouldB. should; couldC. might; couldD. could; could16. In fact, I would rather have left for the countryside _____ in the city.A. by stayingB. than stayC. to stayD. than have stayed17. —Where _____ the map? I can’t see it anywhere.—I _____ it right here just now.A. have you put; putB. did you put; have putC. had you put; was puttingD. were you putting; have put18. I’d like to buy a present for my father’s birthday, _____ at a proper price but of great use.A. thatB. oneC. anyoneD. everything19. The teacher was standing by the desk, explaining the exercises _____ the students had done at home.A. fromB. /C. forD. to20. —What idea can a man who is blind from birth have _____ color?—I don’t know.A. inB. ofC. withD. for21. We are trying to return the money to lost it.A. the boyB. whoC. the one thatD. whom22. His English is better than mine, for he knows English word and expressions than I do.A.very; much moreB. far; many moreC. quite; rather moreD. much; much more23. —I was wondering if you were coming.—.A. Of course notB. I’m really sorry. It was the traffic,you knowC. I left home very late and in a great hurryD. It was nothing to wonder at24. The classroom must have been cleaned yesterday, ______________?A. wasn’t itB. haven’tC. hasn’t itD. mustn’t it25. Y on can see __________ of cars in the square.A. a quantityB. a plentyC. an amountD. the number26. It's a pity that the quarrel _________ their friendship.A. broke upB. put downC. gave upD. took away27. I think you've got to the point _________ a change is needed, otherwise you'll fail.A. whenB. thatC. whereD. which28. —Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for a blouse?—Oh, she was very ______about her clothes.A. specialB. particularC. especialD. unusual29. That's funny! I remember putting my glasses on my desk, but now they' re ________.A. missedB. brokenC. goneD. disappeared30. Y ou look not a bit older than you did 5 years ago. How do you_________ so young?A. changeB. growC. becomeD. stay三、完形填空(共20小题;共20分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意。



北京邮电大学现代远程教育专科起点升本科《高等数学(二)》入学考试题库(共180题)1.函数、极限和连续(53题)1.1函数(8题) 1.1.1函数定义域 1.函数lgarcsin23x x y x =+-的定义域是( )。

AA. [3,0)(2,3]- ;B. [3,3]-;C. [3,0)(1,3]- ;D. [2,0)(1,2)- .2.如果函数()f x 的定义域是1[2,]3-,则1()f x的定义域是( )。

DA. 1[,3]2-; B. 1[,0)[3,)2-⋃+∞; C. 1[,0)(0,3]2-⋃; D. 1(,][3,)2-∞-⋃+∞.3. 如果函数()f x 的定义域是[2,2]-,则2(log )f x 的定义域是( )。

B A. 1[,0)(0,4]4-; B. 1[,4]4; C. 1[,0)(0,2]2-; D. 1[,2]2.4.如果函数()f x 的定义域是[2,2]-,则3(log )f x 的定义域是( ).DA . 1[,0)(0,3]3-⋃; B . 1[,3]3; C . 1[,0)(0,9]9-⋃ ; D . 1[,9]9. 5.如果)(x f 的定义域是[0,1],则(arcsin )f x 的定义域是( )。

CA. [0,1];B. 1[0,]2; C. [0,]2π; D. [0,]π.1.1.2函数关系 6.设()()22221,1xf xx xxϕϕ+⎡⎤==⎣⎦-,则()f x =( ).AA .211x x +-; B. 211x x -+; C. 121x x -+; D. 121x x +-.7.函数331xxy =+的反函数y =( )。

BA .3log ()1x x+; B. 3log ()1x x-; C. 3log ()1x x -; D. 31log ()x x-.8.如果2sin (cos )cos 2x f x x=,则()f x =( ).CA .22121xx +-; B.22121xx -+; C.22121xx --; D.22121xx ++.1.2极限(37题) 1.2.1数列的极限 9.极限123lim ()2n nn n →+∞++++-= ( ).BA .1; B. 12; C.13; D. ∞.10.极限2123lim 2n nn→∞++++= ( ).A A .14; B. 14-; C.15; D. 15-11.极限111lim 1223(1)n n n →∞⎛⎫+++=⎪⋅⋅+⎝⎭( ).CA .-1; B. 0; C. 1; D. ∞.12.极限221111(1)222lim1111333nnn n→+∞-+++-=++++ ( ).A A .49; B. 49-; C. 94; D. 94-1.2.2函数的极限 13.极限limx x→∞=( ).CA .12; B. 12-; C. 1; D. 1-.14.极限0limx x →=( ).A A .12; B. 12-; C. 2; D. 2-.15.极限01limx x →=( ).B A. 32- ; B. 32; C. 12-; D.12.16.极限11lim1x x →=-( ).C A. -2 ; B. 0 ; C. 1 ; D. 2 .17.极限4limx →=( ).BA .43-; B.43; C. 34-; D. 34.18.极限lim x →∞= ( ).DA .∞; B. 2; C. 1; D. 0.19.极限2256lim2x x x x →-+=- ( ).DA .∞; B. 0; C. 1; D. -1.20.极限3221lim53x x x x →-=-+ ( ).AA .73-; B. 73; C. 13; D. 13-.21.极限2231lim254x x x x →∞-=-+ ( ).CA .∞; B.23; C. 32; D. 34.22.极限sin limx x x→∞=( ).BA .1-; B. 0; C. 1; D. 2.23.极限01lim sinx x x→=( ).BA .1-; B. 0; C. 1; D. 2.24.极限02sin 1limxx t dtt x→-=⎰( ).BA .12; B. 12-; C.13; D. 13-.25.若232lim43x x x k x →-+=-,则k =( ).A A .3-; B. 3; C. 13-; D.13.26.极限2323lim31x x x x →∞++=- ( ).BA .∞; B. 0; C. 1; D. -无穷小量与无穷大量27.当0x →时,2ln(12)x +与2x 比较是( )。



现代远程教育入学考试《大学英语》模拟试题(专科起点本科)1、 Directi ons: In each of the follow ing groups of words, there are fourun derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronun ciati on. D2、 Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four un derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciati on. B3、 "Do you want to see my ID card or my driver's license?""__C ____ will do."A 、 E veryB 、 E achC 、 EitherD 、 Both4、Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four un derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciati on. A A. professi on revisi on B. decisi onC. D.con clusi on 5、 Directi ons: In un derl ined letters each of the following groups of words, there are four or letterscomb in atio ns marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciati on. D6、 Their profits have grow n rapidly in rece nt years, and this upward__C __ is expected to con ti nue.A 、action B 、in crease C 、tendency D 、 movementA. faithB. mouthC. breathD. batheA. easyB. seriousC. usedD. alwaysA. concerLB. an swerC. better D mercy.7、Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four un derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciati on. CA. theyB. thisC. thi ngD. that8、Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are fourun derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Comparethe un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from theothers in pronun ciati on. CA. horribleB. blockC. thoroughlyD. knock9、My brother likes eating very much but he isn't very __D __ a bout the food he eats.A、specialB、peculiarC、unusualD、particular10、Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four un derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from theothers in pronun ciati on. CA. chajkB. falseC. crudeD. walk11、Direct ions: In each of the follow ing groups of words, there are fourun derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from the others in pronun ciati on. B12、Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four un derl ined letters or letters comb in ati ons marked A, B, C and D. Compare the un derl ined parts and ide ntify the one that is differe nt from theothers in pronun ciati on. AA. shi ne_B. uncleC. bankD. finger13、Dinner will ready A , but we still have time for a drink.A、presentlyB、currentlyC、latelyD、fin ally14、Let's walk over B__ the sun on the other side of the street.A、inB、toC、underD、by15、____ B , we decided to leave at once, as we did n't want to risk miss ingthe last bus.A、It was pretty lateB、It being pretty lateC、As it being pretty lateD、It was being pretty late16、Scholars maintain that social development can easily __B ___________ Ianguage changes.A、bring upB、bring aboutC、bring outD、bring forward17、He didn't keep on asking me the time any longer as he had had his watch __B A 、 to repair B 、C、D repaired repairing repair18、Let's not __A___ over such a trifle! A、 fall outB 、fall throughC 、fall toD 、fall behind19、Give it a second thought, __B___ you'll find it wise to accept the post.A 、B 、C、 to and or then20、off__D__ he was an old customer, the boss allowed ten per cent discount the pieces of the goods.A 、B 、 Give thatGiving that C 、To give that D 、Given that 21、The two strangers talked as if they __D__ friends for years.A、B、 C 、 should be would be have been had been 22、 _______ D _________ forceful were his arguments that even those who came to sn eer became his firm supporters.A、V eryB、T ooC、SuchD、So23、The questi on of salary in crease will __B at the n ext gen eral meet ing.A、come offB、c ome upC、come toD、come through24、H is eyes shone brightly whe n he fin ally received the magaz ine he __B__.A、had long been expectedB、h ad long expectedC、has long expectedD、was long expected25、H e was a brilliant musician as a boy, but he never __D __ h is early promise.A、completedB、p erformedC、concludedD、fulfilled26、It was the training that he had as a young man__D _____ made him such a good engineer.A、hasB、l aterC、whichD、that27、What he said sou nds _C .A、nicelyB、pleasantlyC、friendlyD、wonderfully28、The gloves were really too small, and it was only by __A___ them that to get them on.A、stretchingB、spreadingC、extendingD、squeezing29、We accept anybody regardless __C___ nationality.A、toB、forC、ofD、in30、The waiter was made __C__ to the guest.A、apologizeB、apologizingC、to apologizeD、to be apologizing31、He's only got one shirt because all the rest __D___ being washed.A 、is to beB 、isC 、will beD 、areI managedA、to delayB、delayingC、delayD、having delayed33、_B__ it left to me to decide, I would never hesitate to choose the former.A、IfB、WereC、HadD、Should34、It's believed that __A__ you work, ____ result you'll get.A、the harder …the betterB、the more hard …the more betterC、the harder … a betterD、more hard … more better35、He__A__ with Mr. Smith at least four times in the past three years.A、has been sent to meetB、was sent to meetC、had been sent meetingD、is sent meeting36、Young people may grow quickly in some ways and more slowly in __CA、the otherB、some otherC、othersD、these others37、__C__ that some guests were coming, they got the rooms ready.A、Having toldB、To tellC、Having been toldD、Telling38、We won't give up A we should fail ten times.A、even ifB、sinceC、whetherD、until39、"Let's start our meeti ng immediately __D__ every one has arrived." the chairma n said.A、althoughB、untilC、afterD、now that40、No one can understand __D__ a decision until it is too late to do so.A、him to postp one to makeB、him to postp one makingC、his postponing to makeD、his postp oning making41、He'll be an astronaut by the time he A thirty.A、isB、had beenC、will beD、is going to be42、__ A ______ y our role is, knowing who you are and what you're good at is criticalfor success.A、WhateverB、WhicheverC 、 whoeverD 、 whomever43、Such __B__ the case, there are no grounds to justify your complaints.A 、 isB 、 beingC 、 wasD 、 would be44、 It is often more difficult to find trained men than research project.A 、 get financial supportB 、 to get financial supportC 、 getting financial supportD 、 to getting financial supportC__ more beautiful scenery tha n that in Kunming.A 、 you can findB 、 you have foundC 、 can you findD 、 have you found46、He looked quite healthy though he was _D __A 、 in seventyB 、 in his seventyC 、 at seventiesD 、 at the age of seventy47、 If you had taken your umbrella with you when you went to work this morning, you __C wet now.A 、 will not be for a 45、Nowhere else in ChinaB、will not have beenC、would not beD、would not have been48、He is an hour late. He __A___ by fog. Of course, that's only a possibility.A、may have been delayedB、should have been delayedC、can have been delayedD、must have been delayed49、From here, we can see the bridge __A___ construction.A、underB、onC、inD、during50、His mother told him to put the books __D___ in the box.A、awayB、onC、upD、down51、She is pleased with what you have given him and __D___ you have told him.A、thatB、whichC、all whatD、all that52、You could always __D___ him to settle an argument, no matter what was being discussed.A、believe inB、call onC、trust inD、count on53、Please open the window, __A___ ?A、can't youB、aren't youC、do youD、will you54、Very few experts could __B___ completely new solutions to the world's economic problems.A、come toB、come up withC、come roundD、come through55、It is because she is too inexperienced __B___ she does not know how to deal with the situation.A 、soB 、thatC 、so thatD、which56、There was something wrong with the traffic signal. Our bus was __D___ for nearly half an hour.A、held onB、held backC、held outD、held up57、Would you please tell __A___ the airport?A、how I can get toB、how can I get toC、where I can get toD、where can I get to58、Since the situation is changing, let's take some __C___ measures to deal with it.A、availableB、changeableC、flexibleD、considerable59、He has done everything __C___ what I asked him not to do.A、besideB、besidesC、exceptD、accept60、I remember seeing him years ago, but I cannot __C___ where it was.A、remindB、recognizeC、recallD、memorize61、China has been following the foreign policy to develop relations with other countries on the __A___ of the five principles of peaceful co-existence.A、basisB、basesC、groundD、foundation62、The teacher apologized __B___ late.A、to his students to arriveB、to his students for arrivingC、at his students to arriveD、at his students for arriving63、China is a developing country, __A___ we all know.A、asB、forC、sinceD、because64、It's still early. You __D___ .A、mustn't hurryB、wouldn't hurryC、may not hurryD、don't have to hurry65、The policeman shouted to the robber, __C___A、"Hands up"!B、"Hands up."C、"Hands up!"D、"Hands up?"66、Most of the guests __A___ to the evening party were college students.A、invitedB、being invitedC、to inviteD、inviting67、Only one of these places is __B___A、worth of visitingB、worth visitingC、worthy of visitD、worth being visited68、The roof fell __C___ he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.A、afterB、asC、beforeD、until69、Is this house ___C__ Shakespeare was born?A、at whereB、whichC、in whichD、at which70、Three-fourths of the surface of the earth __A___ sea.A、isB、areC、wereD、has been71、__B___ got into the room ___ the telephone rang.A、He hardly had, thenB、Hardly had he, whenC、He had not, thanD、Not had he, when72、___D__ danger man is often much wiser than usual.A、In a time ofB、In the times ofC、In the time ofD、In time of73、---Are the two stories very interesting?--- No, __C___ is interesting.A、no oneB、nothingC、neitherD、either74、As they were asleep, __D___ of them heard the sound.A、allB、bothC、anyD、none75、Her brother has found his bike, __D___A、isn't heB、is heC、wasn't heD、hasn't he76、Tom insisted __B___ to the party.A、on me to comeB、on my comingC、me to comeD、me coming77、We enjoy __C___ very much, because it is good to our health.A、swimB、to swimC、swimmingD、to be swimmingA、equallyB、differentlyC、similarlyD、respectively79、He is in some ways __D___ and in some ways rather childish.A、fashionableB、sillyC、emotionalD、mature80、They have got everything ready to make a __C___ across the Atlantic.A、tripB、travelC、voyageD、journey81、My boss has always attended to the __A___ of important business himself.A、transactionB、solutionC、translationD、stimulation82、It is my beliefB___ the war between those two countries will end soon.A、whatB、thatC、whenD、howA 、 fallB 、 fallingC 、 to fallD 、 being fallen84、 The response to our financial appeal A 、surpassedB 、impressedC 、surprisedD 、passed 85、Most of his great novels and plays were not published or known to the public __C___ his tragic death in 1786.A 、even beforeB 、ever sinceC 、until afterD 、until beforeA___ only in an economy with a highly developedA 、 feasibleB 、 permissibleC 、 allowableD 、 receivable87、 Those nations that interfere in the internal affairs of another nation should be __D___ condemned.A 、commonlyB 、actuallyC 、uniquelyD 、universallyA___ anything we expected.86、 Mass productionis technology.A、burst into tearsB、to burst into tearsC、bursting into tearsD、bursted into tears89、The newly-elected president is determinedC___ the established policy to of developing agriculture.A、go forB、go onC、go byD、go up90、As always, I had to fightD___ to take what she willingly offered.theA、fascinationB、attractionC、attentionD、temptation91、To my great surprise the food was still on the table,__C___A、untouchingB、notouch C、untouchedD、not to be touched92、We do not even know his___C__ about his character.name;A、less we knowB、less know weC、less do we knowD、less we do know93、She did not go to the North, instead she remained here in the south.The doctor suggested that she __A___ there.A、not goB、go notC、could n't goD、did n't go94、I was ill that day. Otherwise I A the meeting.A、would have attendedB、had attendedC、would attendD、attended95、This book will show you A can be used in other con texts.A、how what you've observedB、how you've observedC、that you've observedD、the thing what you've observed96、The statesma n and writer you talked with last mon th A at today's conference.A、was presentB、was presentingC、were presentD、were presenting97、The scienee of medicine, ______ B ___ we owe a great deal, is perhaps the most important of all the sciences.A、in whichB、to whichC、at whichD、for which98、"Time for football games. Do you mind if I change to sports channel?"A、Yes, I agreeB、No, no changeC、Yes, PleaseD、Not at all. Go ahead99、Students at colleges in large cities ran into __B___ debts because it was easier for them to find part-time jobs than those in rural areas.A、fewB、fewerC、littleD、less100、It is said that the NewYork area has more Jews than __C___ city outside Israel in the world.A、anotherB、otherC、any otherD、the other大学英语模拟试题答案:1、D2、 B3、C 4 、A 5、D 6、 C 7、 C 8、C 9、D 10、 C11、B12、A 13 、A14、B 15、B 16、B 17、B 18、A 19、B 20 、D21、D22、D 23 、B24、B 25、D 26、 D 27、C 28、A 29、C 30、 C31、 D 32、 B33 、B 34 、A 35 、A 36、 C 37、 C38、 A39、 D40 、D41、 A 42、 A43 、B 44 、B 45 、C 46 、D 47、 C48、 A49、 A50 、D51、D52、D53、A 54 、B 55、B 56、 D57、A58、C59、C 60、C61、A62、B63、A 64 、D 65、C 66 、A67、B68、C69、C 70、 A71、 B 72、 D73、 C 74、D 75 、D 76、 B 77、 C78、 D 79、D 80、 C81、 A 82、 B83、 C 84、A 85 、C 86、 A 87、 D88、C 89、 C90、D91、C 92、C 93 、A94 、A 95 、A96 、 A 97、B 98、D 99、B 100 、C。



中国科学技术大学现代远程教育入学考试大学英语考武或卷2 (专科起点本科)[注意]完成本卷上选择题部分时,清考生用铅笔或钢笔将答题纸相对应的选项涂黑涂满,浓度应盖过印刷字。



I 词汇结构(60分):在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。

1.Please out when the ship sails for Shanghai.A)look B) find C) search D) research2.The human is the center of higher nervous activity.A)brain B) mind C) head D) thought3.Can you your sister in that crowd of people ?A)choose B) select C) elect D) pick out4.1 have my book in the train.A)forgotten B) left C) mistaken D) forgot5.Mr Kiney pass an examination before she could practice law.A)had to B) must C) need D) has to6.The boys are sweating all over. They .A)must be working B) must have been workingC) may be working D) must work7.You needift thank me . This is what I do.A)should be able to B) had betterC) ought to D) might8.Please anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to see you.A)call for B) call out C) call upon D) call in9.Jack a very promising young singer.A) is looked upon as B) looks upon asC) is looked on like D) looks upon like10.Would you mind it ? I didn't quite .repeating , catch on C) to repeat, catch out to repeat, catch on D) repeating , catch out11.This is the outline of our program. We want them the details.A)working out B) making outC)to work out D) to make out12.The train pulled and all the passengers gotA)in, off B) up, on C) down, out D) out, off13.of the workers has his own bench.A)Each B) Every C) Other D) All14.Are there among the new books that interest you ?A)some B) one C) any D) both15.The speed of light is greater than of sound.A) this B) that C) these D) those16.This substance reacts as fast as the other one.A) Third times B) three times C) three time D) time three17.One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult.A) are, is B) is, are C) were, was D) are, will be18.Engles said that what Darwin for biology for history.A) had done, was, had done B) has done, is, has doneC) did, has been, had done D) does, is ,does19.By next summer John in his factory fbr three years.A) have been working B) will have been workingC) will be working D) has worked20.The books which you most those which you think most.A) helps, is, makes B) help, are, makeC) will help, are, will make D) helped, were, made21.Smoking constitutes a danger one's health.A) of B) wi比C) in D) to22.We feel great pity war victims.A) at B) on C) for D) about23.What is the penalty speeding ?A) against B) on C) for D) to24.His success was due to he had been working hard .A) that B) the fact whichC) the fact that D) the fact of25.Mr Smith looked very depressed.Do you know trouble was ?A) his B) why his C) how his D) what his26.He works too hard. That is is wrong with him.A) that which B) that whatC) what D) the thing what27.A driver should slow down there are many houses.A) where B) when C) till D) since28.Smith kept his business from getting smaller, he could not expand it.A) wherever B) whichever C) though D) whatever29.The postman must deliver the mail no matter bad the weather is.A) what B) how C) when D) where30.In comparison with its own size, a blade of grass looks to an ant as a tree does to a human being.A) tall B) as tall C) taller D) no less tall31.Liquids are a better medium fbr sound than gases; and solids are even liquids.A) better than B) good as C) no better than D) so good as32.In the accident Jack was dead than alive.A) so B) less C) as D) more33.got outside than it began to rain.A) Not sooner I had B) No sooner hadC) No sooner I D) Hardly had I34.Only by chance .A)I heard that her mother had diedB)did I hear that her mother had diedC)Had I heard that her mother had diedD)I had heard that her mother had died.35.Jack has arrived already, ?A) had he B) has he C) hadn't he D) hasn't he36.He avoided over the unpaved (未铺砌的)way by the new highway.A) to drive, to take B) driving, to takeC)driving, taking D) having drived, to take37., we stopped to look at the map.A)Knowing not which road to takeB)Not knowing which road to takeB)Not know which road to takeD)Not to know which road to take38.You'd better take a taxi, you ‘11 miss the train.A) and B) or C) but D) though39.My friend lots of time learning English.A) took B) cost C) paid D) spent40.The students hurried to the classroom the bell rang.A) until B) as soon as C) if D) so thatn 阅读理解(45分):在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。










A、5月和7月‎B、1月和10‎月C、3月和7月‎D、1月和7月‎第10题学校对学生‎实行学分制‎和弹性学习‎期限制管理‎,不办理__‎_C___‎__ 。

A、退学B、转学C、休学D、转专业第11题网页上的工‎具栏中“收藏夹”的作用是___A_‎____ 。




现代远程教育入学指南-在线考试(客观题) work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR现代远程教育入学指南在线考试(客观题)单选题 (共50道题)展开收起1.(2.0分)现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生___________为主。

A、上课B、学习C、自学D、上网我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分2.(2.0分)中国石油大学(北京)校风、中国石油大学(北京)学风是_____ ____。

A、认真踏实,艰苦奋斗;勤奋严谨,求实创新B、实事求是,艰苦奋斗;勤奋严谨,求实创新C、实事求是,艰苦奋斗;刻苦努力,求实创新D、实事求是,艰苦奋斗;勤奋严谨,热爱专业我的答案:B 此题得分:2.0分3.(2.0分)教学计划中的课程按修课性质划分,分为_______。

• A、必修课、任选课• B、加修课、选修课• C、必修课、选修课• D、实验课、选修课我的答案:C 此题得分:2.0分4.(2.0分)中国石油大学(北京)是一所石油特色鲜明,____________的全国重点大学。

• A、以工为主,理工管文相结合• B、以文为主,理工管文相结合• C、以文为主,理工相结合• D、以工为主,管文相结合我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分5.(2.0分) __________是指学生在选修我院教学计划中的部分课程后,参加课程学习,在具备一定条件时,可以申请免去课程考试而取得学分的一种修课方式。

• A、课程免考• B、课程免修• C、课程重修• D、课程缓修我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分6.(2.0分)在籍学生修业期满,已修学分达到或超过教学计划规定总学分的_ ________,无法完成学业而退学,由学生本人提出申请,经学院审核,准予结业,发给结业证书。

• A、80%• B、70%• C、60%• D、50%我的答案:A 此题得分:2.0分7.(2.0分)已具有国民教育系列_________,可免考全部统考科目。



中国科学技术大学现代远程教育入学考试 大学英语考试试卷2(专科起点本科) [注意] 完成本卷上选择题部分时,请考生用铅笔或钢笔将答题纸相对应的选项涂黑涂满,浓度应盖过印刷字。



Ⅰ 词汇结构(60分):在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。

1.Please out when the ship sails for Shanghai. A) look B) find C) search D) research 2. The human is the center of higher nervous activity. A) brain B) mind C) head D) thought 3. Can you your sister in that crowd of people ? A) choose B) select C) elect D) pick out 4. I have my book in the train. A) forgotten B) left C) mistaken D) forgot 5. Mr Kiney pass an examination before she could practice law. A) had to B) must C) need D) has to 6. The boys are sweating all over. They . A) must be working B) must have been working C) may be working D) must work 7. You needn‘t thank me . This is what I do. A) should be able to B) had better C) ought to D) might 8. Please anytime you are in town. I shall be glad to see you. A) call for B) call out C) call upon D) call in9. Jack a very promising young singer.A) is looked upon as B) looks upon asC) is looked on like D) looks upon like10.Would you mind it ? I didn‘t quite .学习中心_________________ 准考证号____________________ 姓名______________A) repeating , catch on B) to repeat , catch onC) to repeat , catch out D) repeating , catch out11. This is the outline of our program. We want them the details.A) working out B) making outC) to work out D) to make out12.The train pulled and all the passengers got .A) in, off B) up, on C) down, out D) out, off13. of the workers has his own bench.A) Each B) Every C) Other D) All14. Are there among the new books that interest you ?A) some B) one C) any D) both15. The speed of light is greater than of sound.A) this B) that C) these D) those16. This substance reacts as fast as the other one.A)Third times B) three times C) three time D) time three17. One of these books easy for you to read; the others all very difficult.A) are, is B) is, are C) were, was D) are, will be18. Engles said that what Darwin for biology for history.A) had done, was, had done B) has done, is, has doneC) did, has been, had done D) does, is ,does19. By next summer John in his factory for three years.A) have been working B) will have been workingC) will be working D) has worked20. The books which you most those which you think most.A) helps, is, makes B) help, are, makeC) will help, are, will make D) helped, were, made21. Smoking constitutes a danger one‘s health.A) of B) with C) in D) to22. We feel great pity war victims.A) at B) on C) for D) about23. What is the penalty speeding ?A) against B) on C) for D) to24. His success was due to he had been working hard .A) that B) the fact whichC) the fact that D) the fact of25.Mr Smith looked very depressed.Do you know trouble was ?A) his B) why his C) how his D) what his26.He works too hard. That is is wrong with him.A) that which B) that whatC) what D) the thing what27. A driver should slow down there are many houses.A) where B) when C) till D) since28. Smith kept his business from getting smaller, he could not expand it.A) wherever B) whichever C) though D) whatever29. The postman must deliver the mail no matter bad the weather is.A) what B) how C) when D) where30. In comparison with its own size, a blade of grass looks to an ant as a tree does to a human being.A) tall B) as tall C) taller D) no less tall31. Liquids are a better medium for sound than gases; and solids are even liquids.A) better than B) good as C) no better than D) so good as32. In the accident Jack was dead than alive.A) so B) less C) as D) more33. got outside than it began to rain.A) Not sooner I had B) No sooner hadC) No sooner I D) Hardly had I34. Only by chance .A)I heard that her mother had diedB) did I hear that her mother had diedC) Had I heard that her mother had diedD) I had heard that her mother had died.35. Jack has arrived already, ?A) had he B) has he C) hadn‘t he D) hasn‘t he36. He avoided over the unpaved (未铺砌的) way by the new highway.A) to drive, to take B) driving, to takeC) driving, taking D) having drived, to take37. , we stopped to look at the map.A)Knowing not which road to takeB) Not knowing which road to takeB)Not know which road to takeD) Not to know which road to take38. You‘d better take a taxi, you ‘ll miss the train.A) and B) or C) but D) though39. My friend lots of time learning English.A) took B) cost C) paid D) spent40. The students hurried to the classroom the bell rang.A) until B) as soon as C) if D) so thatⅡ阅读理解(45分): 在所给选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卷上相应的字母涂黑。



1. 现代远程教育的特点决定了远程学习以学生___________为主。

2. 中国石油大学(北京)校风、中国石油大学(北京)学风是_________。

3. 教学计划中的课程按修课性质划分,分为_______。




江南大学现代远程教育上六个月考试大作业考试科目:《管理心理学》大作业题目(内容):作业一: 筹划一种鼓励方案(规定1000字以上)1.鼓励对象分析●分析你所在单位旳组织环境●分析你所在单位旳群体特性(需要构造、需要强度)2.结合你所在单位旳实际状况设置鼓励目旳(详细)3.选择合适旳鼓励理论并阐明选择理由4.设计一种适合你所在单位为了完毕阶段性工作目旳旳员工鼓励方案(可操作性)预测在鼓励过程中也许会碰到旳障碍, 并指出扫除障碍旳措施作业二: 论述课程讲述旳领导理论。

并且理论联络实际, 结合你所在单位实际状况, 谈谈领导理论旳实际应用意义和应用措施。


一、厚德博才“德, 就是道德、品行、政治品质。

”“道德, 社会意识形态之一, 是人们共同生活及其行为旳准则和规范。

”“品行, 有关道德旳行为。

”道德无处不在, 它象一种结实旳大堤阻挡着泛滥旳洪水, 保护着人们;它象一座明亮旳灯塔指导着人们前进地方向。


道德水平旳高下标志着社会旳文明程度和道德水平越高, 社会就越文明。

反之, 社会就不文明甚至是野蛮。

道德是一种庞大旳社会意识形态体系, 有着丰富深刻地内涵。


人们承认这些规范, 并学习它遵守它。

我们旳各项权利受到尊重旳同步也履行着自己旳义务, 整个社会才安定有序地运转着。

当一种人放弃或不履行自己旳义务时, 其道德一定出了问题, 出错误甚至犯罪就成了必然。

因此说, 所有旳腐败都是以满足私欲为动机, 其本源就是自身道德品质旳沦丧。

不要怨制度, 也不要怨社会气氛, 更不要怨改革开放, 要怨旳是自己。

我们防止腐败旳法律法规, 规章制度, 党纪政纪已经很健全了。

再好旳法律法规、纪律、制度也要靠人去遵守去执行, 一种道德品质沦丧旳人, 能遵守执行吗?就算不正之风肆扰, 不也有出污泥而不染旳吗?同样捡到钱, 有人千方百计寻找失主, 偿还失主;有人就把它装进自己旳腰包, 更有甚者谋财害命, 这就是一种自身道德品责问题。

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