例如英语:A 名词[单数、复数] B形容词[原级、⽐较级、最⾼级] C 动词[原形、过去式、过去分词、现在分词]horse(马)→horses high(⾼)→higher\highest deny(否认)→denied\denyinghat(帽⼦)→hats big(⼤)→bigger\biggest collect(收集)→collected\collectingtree(树)→trees old(⽼,旧)→older\oldest remember(记得)→remembered\remembering 第⼆,词的组合能⼒。
《练习二》教案(15篇)《练习二》教案1教学内容:人教版数学三年级下册 10页练习二教学目标:【知识与技能】使学生熟悉的认识东、南、西、北、东北、西北、东南和西南八个方向,能够用给定的一个方向(东、南、西或北)辨认其余的七个方向,并能用这些词语描述物体所在的方向。
计算机组成原理练习2一、单项选择题1. 一条指令中包含的信息有。
A. 操作码、控制码B. 操作码、向量地址C. 操作码、运算符D. 操作码、地址码2. 在各种异步通信方式中,______方式速度最快。
A. 全互锁B. 半互锁C. 不互锁D. 三者一样快3. 一个512KB的静态RAM芯片,其地址线和数据线的总和是______。
A. 17B. 19C. 25D. 274. 在下列因素中,与Cache的命中率无关的是。
A. Cache块的大小B. Cache的容量C. 主存的存取时间D. Cache映像方式5. 在计数器定时查询方式下,若计数从0开始,则______。
A. 设备号小的优先级高;B. 设备号大的优先级高。
C. 每个设备使用总线的机会相等;D. 先小号优先,后大号优先。
6. Cache的地址映象中,若主存中的任一块均可映射到Cache内的任一块的位置上,称作。
A. 直接映象B. 全相联映象C. 组相联映象D.7. 中断服务程序的最后一条指令是______。
A. 转移指令B. 出栈指令C. 子程序返回指令D. 中断返回指令8. 微指令操作控制字段的每一位代表一个控制信号,这种微程序的控制(编码)方式是______。
A. 字段直接编码B. 直接编码C. 混合编码D. 字段混合编码9. 在取指令操作之后,程序计数器中存放的是______。
A. 当前指令的地址B. 程序中指令的数量C. 下一条指令的地址D. 取来的指令码10. 下列数据代码中含有一位奇校验位,其中出错的数据代码是______。
A. 01011001B. 10100010C. 10100010D. 1001000111. 在一地址格式的指令中,下列是正确的。
A. 只能有一个操作数,其地址由指令的地址码提供;B. 可能有一个操作数,也可能有两个操作数;C. 一定有两个操作数,另一个是隐含的。
D. 上述三种情况都有可能。
12. 在浮点机中,判断原码规格化形式的原则是______。
机械基础连接练习题2您的班级: [单选题] *○21级机电1班○21级机电2班○21级机电3班1.普通平键连接中,轴上键槽端部的应力集中较大的是() [单选题] *A. A与B型 B.A与(正确答案)C型 C.B与C型D. B型2.普通平键中轴上键槽用盘铣刀铣出的是() [单选题] *A. A型键B. B型键(正确答案)C. C型键D. D型键3.若轴上零件沿轴向移动距离较长可采用()连接 [单选题] *A.普通平键B.导向平键C.滑键(正确答案)D.薄型平键4.若平键连接中强度不足,在结构允许时可以() [单选题] *A.增加键的宽度B.间隔90°布置两个键C.间隔180°布置两个键(正确答案)D.在同一母线上布置两个键5. 平键连接中考虑载荷分布的不均匀性,双键连接按()个键进行强度校核。
[单选题] *A,1.25B.1.5(正确答案)C.1.75D.26.平键连接中用于载荷较大,有冲击和双向转矩的场合是() [单选题] *A.松连接B.正常连接C.一般键连接D.紧密连接(正确答案)7.平键连接中动连接时,键,轴或毂材料选用() [单选题] *A.钢(正确答案)B.铸铁C.工程塑料D.轻合金8.螺纹连接件的精度等级中()多用于一般的连接 [单选题] *A. A级B. B级C. C级(正确答案)D. D级9.兼有螺纹传动效率高和牙根强度高特点的螺纹为(),用于单向受力的传动。
[单选题] *A.梯形螺纹B.矩形螺纹C.普通螺纹D.锯齿螺纹(正确答案)10.用于工艺装夹设备中的螺栓为() [单选题] *A.六角头螺栓B.T形槽螺栓(正确答案)C.地脚螺栓D.铰制孔用螺栓11.铰制孔用螺栓与被连接件的铰制孔() [单选题] *A.间隙配合B.过渡配合(正确答案)C.过盈配合D.无配合12.适用于传递横向载荷或需要精确固定被连接件的相互位置的是() [单选题] *A.普通螺栓连接B.铰制孔用螺栓连接(正确答案)C.双头螺柱连接D.螺钉连接13.弹簧垫圈有()的开口 [单选题] *A.60º~70°左旋B.65º~75°右旋C.65º~80°左旋(正确答案)D.70º~80°右旋14.用于高硬度表面或经常拆卸处,其紧定螺钉的尾部形状为() [单选题] *A.平端(正确答案)B.圆柱端C.锥端D.球端15.可压入轴上凹坑的紧定螺纹的尾部形状为() [单选题] *A.平端B.圆柱端(正确答案)C.锥端D.球端16.用于低硬度表面或不常拆卸处的紧定螺纹的尾部形状为() [单选题] *A.平端B.圆柱端C.锥端(正确答案)D.球端17.摩擦防松中防松效果较好的是() [单选题] *A.对顶螺母防松(正确答案)B.金属锁紧防松C.弹簧垫圈D.止动垫片18.摩擦防松中防松效果较差的是() [单选题] *A.对顶螺母B.金属锁紧防松C.弹簧垫圈(正确答案)D.止动垫片19.适用于机械外部静止构件的连接,以及防松要求不严格的场合的为()[单选题] *A.摩擦防松(正确答案)B.锁住防松C不可拆防松D.机械防松20.适用于机械内部运动构件的连接,以及防松要求较高的场合的为() [单选题] *A.摩擦防松B.焊接防松C.冲点防松D. 锁住防松(正确答案)21.刚性联轴器中()用于启动频繁和速度常变化的传动。
无机化学练习(二)酸碱平衡,沉淀溶解平衡(答案)学号 姓名 得分一. 判断题(每题1分,共15分)分)1.强酸性水溶液中不含OH -,强碱性水溶液中不含H +。
-------------------------------------------------------------(〤) 2.将pH 值等于5.0的盐酸溶液冲稀1000倍,溶液的pH 值等于8.0----------------------------------------------(〤) 3.使甲基橙显黄色的溶液一定是碱性的。
------------------------------------------------------------------------------(〤) 4.在一定温度下,在一定温度下,改变溶液的改变溶液的pH 值,水的离子积不变。
---------------------------------------------------------(√) 5.弱电解质的解离度随电解质浓度的降低而增大。
-----------------------------------------------------------------(√) 6.在0.001 mol •L -1的稀H 3PO 4溶液中,H +的浓度为0.003 mol•L -1。
-------------------------------------------(〤) 7.将HAc 和HCl 溶液各加水稀释一倍,则两种溶液中[H +]浓度均减小为原来的1/2。
-----------------------(〤) 8.在H 3PO 4溶液中,由于第一步解离出较多的H +,抑制了第二,第三步解离,使K o a2、K o a3较小。
---(〤) 9.AgCl 水溶液导电性很弱,所以AgCl 是弱电解质。
--------------------------------------------------------------(〤) 10.用水稀释含BaSO 4固体的水溶液时,BaSO 4的溶度积不变,浓度也不变。
• 43、关于会计科目设置原则,正确的是( ) • A.系统内的会计科目设置可参照国家制度,不用完全遵照 • B.会计科目的设置应当遵循会计科目的编码方案 • C.科目要保持稳定,会计年中不能删除任何科目无论使用与否 • D.科目设置只对总账模块有用,和其他模块无关 • 答案: B
• 1、不向总账系统传递数据的模块是( ) • A.UFO报表 • B.成本模块 • C.薪资模块 • D.固定资产 • 答案:A
• 2、不属于总账的基本功能是( ) • A.提供凭证处理、出纳管理的功能 • B.可自动完成月末分摊、计提、对应转账、期间损益结转等业务 • C.进行科目试算平衡、对账、结账、生成月末工作报告 • D.生成财务报表如资产负债表、利润表等 • 答案: D
• 12、关于删除科目的说法,( )是正确的 • A.被删除的科目不必为末级科目 • B.被删除的科目,一定是本年度未被使用过的 • C.被删除科目可以有余额 • D.被删除的科目可以通过恢复功能进行复原 • 答案: B
• 13、关于指定科目的主要功能描述错误的是( ) • A.确定主管会计专管科目 • B.被指定科目在制凭证过程中可进行支票和资金赤字控制 • C.指定需填写现金流量项目的科目 • D.指定现金和银行的所有末级科目 • 答案: A
• 7、U8总账模块支持的多语言不包括( ) • A.中文简体
• B.中文繁体 • C.英文 • D.日文 • 答案: D
(1) △H0 =146kJ/mol, △S0 =111J· K–1 (2)T=1315K mol·
14.已知25℃时,反应2NO(g)+O2(g)==2NO2(g)的 △rGmo=-69.70kJ /mol, 当p(NO)=20.27kPa, p(O2)=10.13kPa,p(NO2)=70.93kPa时, 反应方向为( ) A.正向 B.逆向 C.平衡 D.无法判断
27、对反应2A(g) + B(g)→3C(g),已知A、B 浓度(mol· -3)和 dm 反应初速υ(mol· -3·-1)的数据如下: dm s c(A)mol· -3 dm c(B)mol· -3 dm Vmol· -3·-1 dm s (1) 0.20 0.30 2.0×10-4 (2) 0.20 0.60 8.0×10-4 (3) 0.30 0.60 8.0×10-4 A 和B 的反应级分别是( )和( ) ;反应的速率方 程是( )。
5.任何一个化学变化,影响平衡常数数值的因素是: (A) 反应产物的浓度 (B) 催化剂 (C) 反应物的浓度 (D) 温度
6.下列各热力学函数中,哪一个为零:: (A) DfGm°(I2, g. 298 K) (B) DfHm°(Br2, l. 298 K) (C) Sm°(H2, g. 298 K) (D) DfGm°(O3, g. 298 K)
26.反应H2O2(aq)—→H2O(l)+0.5O2(g)在300K时的活化能为75.3 kJ· -1 。若分别用I- 和酶催化,活化能分别降为56.5 kJ· -1 mol mol 和25.1 kJ· -1 。计算在相同温度下,催化反应的速率分别是 mol 无催化反应速率的多少倍?
k2 / k1 = 1.9×103 , k3 / k1 =5.5×108。
一、填空1.用古典法求算概率.在应用上有两个缺点:①它只适用于有限样本点的情况;②它假设( )。
2.若事件A 和事件B 不能同时发生,则称A 和B 是( )事件。
3.在一副扑克牌中单独抽取一次,抽到一张红桃或方片的概率是( );在一副扑克牌中单独抽取一次,抽到一张红桃且爱司的概率是( )。
4.设A,B 为两个事件,若概率P(A)=41,P(B)=32,P(AB)=61,则概率P(A+B)=__.5.设A,B 为两个事件,且已知概率P(A)=0.4,P(B)=0.3,若事件A,B 互斥,则概率P(A+B)=__.6.设A,B 为两个事件,且已知概率P(A )=0.7,P(B)=0.6,若事件A,B 相互独立,则概率P(AB)=__.7.设A,B,C 为三个事件,且已知概率P(A)=0.9,P(B)=0.8,P(C)=0.7,若事件A,B,C 互不相容,则概率P(A+B+C)=__.8.已知离散型随机变量X 的概率分布如下表414121P321X则概率P {3 X }=__.二、单项选择1.古典概率的特点应为()A 、基本事件是有限个,并且是等可能的;B 、基本事件是无限个,并且是等可能的;C 、基本事件是有限个,但可以是具有不同的可能性;D 、基本事件是无限的,但可以是具有不同的可能性。
2.随机试验所有可能出现的结果,称为() A 、基本事件; B 、样本; C 、全部事件; D 、样本空间。
3、以等可能性为基础的概率是() A 、古典概率; B 、经验概率; C 、试验概率; D 、主观概率。
4.任一随机事件出现的概率为() A 、在–1与1之间; B 、小于0; C 、不小于1;D 、在0与1之间。
5.若A 与B 是任意的两个事件,且P (AB )=P (A )·P (B ),则可称事件A 与B () A 、等价 B 、互不相容 C 、相互独立 D 、相互对立。
6.投掷两颗均匀般子,则出现点数之和等于6的概率为( ).(a)111 (b)115 (c)361 (d)3657.设A,B 为两个事件,若概率P(A)=31,P(B)=41,P(AB)=121,则( ).(a)事件A 包含B (b)事件A ,B 互斥但不对立 (c)事件A ,B 对立 (d)事件A ,B 相互独立8.设A,B 为两个事件,且已知概率P(A)=53,P(A+B)=107,若事件A,B 互不相容,则概率P(B)=( ).(a)161 (b)101 (c)41 (d)529.二项分布的数学期望为( )。
前厅服务练习 2
一、命吏或写结构1、 ㈀2、 3-戊酮或二乙酾 Љ ဉ 乙酰乙酸乙酯3、 〒4、 E-3m 乙基-2-己烯 对苯醌 㐀 む5、。
6、对苯二酺 N-甲基苯胺7、 邻苯二甲酸酐 む。
¸、 뀀 (2S,3S )-2-甲基-3-氯丁酸9、 10、苯甲酰氯 甘氨酰半胱氨酸11、1-苯基-2-丙醇12、乳酸13、甲基环己烷的优势构象14、3-戊烯-1-炔15、β-硝基萘 16、pyridine17、苯乙醚 18、2,3-巯基丁二酸 19、D-果糖20、1,2-环氧丙烷二、单选题:1、下列共价键最容易极化的是(D )A 、C -ClB 、C -H C 、C -FD 、 C -I 2、氯乙烯分子中存在的共轭效应是( B )A 、π-πB 、p-πC 、σ-πD 、σ- p 3、下列化合物能使Br 2/CCl 4褪色的一类物质是( C )。
A 、alcoholB 、alkaneC 、alkeneD 、ether4、樟脑的结构为 ,理论上其旋光异构体数目是(B )A 、2B 、4C 、6D 、85、下列自由基相对最稳定的是:(D ) A 、H 3C · B 、CH 3CH 2· C 、(CH 3)2CH · D 、CH 2=CHCH 2·6、下列化合物相对最稳定的是(D )A 、环丙烷B 、环丁烷C 、环戊烷D 、环己烷7、下列化合物具有芳香性的是(D )C H 3C CC 2H 52CH 2CH 3H Cl H COOH3H CH 3CH 3COCH 2COOC 2H 5CH 3CH 2COCH 2CH3NHCH3OO O O OCOCl H 2NCH 2CONHCHCOOH2SH OCH 23OHCH 3CHCOOHOHCH 3HHC C CH CH CH 3NO 2NOCH 2CH3HOOC CH CH COOH C CH 2OHHOH OH H H HO O CH 2OHOA 、B 、C 、D 、8、一氯甲烷水解反应的特点是(D )A 、属于S N 1反应B 、生成碳正离子中间体C 、反应速率与亲核试剂浓度无关D 、反应一步完成 9、乙醇和丙醇可用下列哪种试剂鉴别(D )。
辨析修改病句练习 2
辨析修改病句练习(2008-08-29 06:50:00)转载分类:校园生活标签:校园★阳光演练1.下列各句在表达上没有语病的一句是 ( )A.为了防止这类交通事故不再发生,我们加强了交通安全的教育和管理。
2.下面是一则广告,有人对其中六处提出了修改意见、,把这些意见分成四组,最恰当的一组是( )这个工厂经工程技术人员精心研究设计,推出新产品彩色搪瓷浴缸,具有造型美观,瓷画光滑,色彩鲜艳,质量稳定,经久耐用等特点,适应中、高档宾馆,饭店及现代住宅理想卫生沽具。
①“经久”改为“坚固”②“洁具”改为“用具”③“适应”改为“适宜作”④“理想”前加“的”字⑤“卫生”前加“的”字⑥“新产品”后加“破折号”A. ①④⑥B. ①②⑤C,②③④ D.③⑤⑥3.下列各句在表达上没有语病的一句是 ( )A.这个文化站已成为教育和帮助后进青年,挽救和培养失足青年的场所,多次受到上级领导的表彰。
4.下列各句,没有语病、句意明确的一句是 ( )A.县里的通知说,让赵乡长本月15日前去汇报。
D. 一个好的比喻,或为形状,或为神似,或为形神兼似,总是离不开相似这一根本特点。
管理会计练习题一、单选题1.管理会计所需要的资料主要来源于( A )A.财务会计B.统计C.销售部门D.生产部门2.变动成本法下的本期销货成本计算公式是(b )A.单位完全生产成本×本期销量B.单位变动生产成本×本期销量C.期初存货+期末存货-本期发生的产品成本D.本期发生的产品成本+期末存货成本3.某产品销售收入800元,保本额500元,变动成本率为65%,则该产品的利润为( a )A.105销售收入800元,保本成本500元,变动成本率65%。
元 B.280元C.175元D.195元4.付现成本是( b )需以现金支付的成本。
A.过去B.现在C.将来 D.都不是5.企业五年前购进了一台机器,现已折旧,拟购买一台价值为40000元的更新式机器取代,卖方提出可以用旧机器作价14500元进行交换,其余的25500元以现金支付,则该方案的付现成本是(c )元。
A.40000 B.14500 C.25500 D. 110006.公司购买的一次还本付息债券,只能在到期时获得约定的收益,因而不会产生的成本是( b )。
A.沉没成本B.机会成本C.差量成本D.固定成本7.当利润实现最大化时,边际成本与边际收入的关系是( c )。
A.边际收入大于边际成本B.边际收入小于边际成本C.边际收入等于边际成本D.边际收入与边际成本无关8. 与生产批量成正比,与生产批次成反比的是( a )。
A.储存成本B.相对成本C.订货成本D.生产准备成本9. 设某厂需要零件甲,其外购单价为10元。
若自行生产,单位变动成本为6 元,且需要为此每年追加10000元的固定成本,通过计算可知,当该零件的年需要量为( a )件时,两种方案等效。
Ⅰ. 单选题1. Eyes play an important role in body balance and it is important to ____ as much informationfrom the environment as possible.A. absorbB. involveC. inventD. conquer2. Whatever one has planned to do is ____ to be altered in the process.A. prohibitedB. eagerC. embarrassedD. bound3. If your children are spending too much time on computer games, think carefully about how youare going to ____ the situation.A. accomplishB. arrangeC. handleD. decrease4. She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back ____ her again, sharp and insistent.A. conqueredB. wakenedC. absorbedD. retired5. Early in the morning, I was ____ out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car.A. distractedB. draggedC. wakenedD. assigned6. You should make sure you know where the parents can be ________, and that they have givenyou all the information you are likely to need about the child.A. connectedB. communicatedC. committedD. contacted7. On one _______, they locked her in a car when they went to a call and wound up the window toprevent her overhearing ( 偷听).A. occasionB. campusC. voyageD. basis8. If you wish, we can ______ for your luggage (行李) to be sent on ahead to each of the overnight stops.A. memorizeB. contractC. arrangeD. commit9. The boy ______ turned the TV off as the clock struck ten, time for him to go to bed.A. reluctantlyB. disappointedlyC. fortunatelyD. undoubtedly10. I started to read newspapers and magazines more, and, for just about the firsttime in my life, I began to take an interest in _______ affairs.A. personalB. currentC. ancientD. social11. I ’d like to ________ that students should be allowed more time for independent study.A. proposeB. commandC. arrangeD. steer12. On a ________ day, our professor works in the lab from 9 A.M. to 11 P.M..A. followingB. typicalC. previousD. diligent13. He might as well have picked a family ________ out of the telephone book and stayed withthem.A. at randomB. at a timeC. after allD. in detail.14. The books are beautifully ____ with drawings and photographs.A. illustratedB. designedC. writtenD. covered15. A sign at our local church is in wood, with gold lettering, but the ____ is already fading afterthree years.A. productB. latterC. laterD. medal16. The ____ table ( 写字台)takes up too much space in my small office.A. to writeB. writingC. writtenD. write17. They failed to convince her of his ____.A. honestyB. honestC. dishonestlyD. honestly18. He suggested that the novel ____ into a film.A. makeB. madeC. makingD. be made19. His report on the Olympic Games was really ____.A. exciteB. excitingC. excitementD. excited20. Mary picked ____ a book from the floor and began to read.A. onB. inC. outD. up21. She is young and ____, but she is good at learning.A. experienceB. inexperienceC. experiencedD. inexperienced22. His classmates tried to persuade him ____ swimming across the river, but he did not listen.A. fromB. inC. onD. to23. Nowadays we rely more and more ____ computers to help us in doing everything.A. inB. fromC. onD. to24. Ann has a wheelchair that was ____ designed for her.A. especiallyB. especialC. specialD. specially25. You are ____ to fail the exam if you don ’t do any revision.A. boundB. bunchC. relyD. pick答案:1.A 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.A 14.A15.B 16.B 17.A 18.D 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.D 25.A1. Large-scale studies are needed to____ the encouraging results we have obtained so farA. conductB. confirmC. contractD. commit2. Whoever disobeys the company s safe’t y regulations shall be__on the spotA. dismissedB. switchedC. interruptedD. revealed3. All the questions the police asked____ what she had been doing on the night of therobberyA. brought upB. revolved aroundC. built onD. singled out4. If schoolchildren are allowed to work at their own____, their performance will generallyimproveA. versionB. paceC. evolutionD. system5. To attract foreign investors, you have to____ them that their investment will have profitablereturnsA. confirmB. stimulateC. grabD. convince6. The conference was an attempt to____ discussion of the problem of widening gaps between therich and the poorA. stimulateB. conductC. intendD. uncover7. The clerk held my passport four inches from his face and____ to read itA. affectedB. flippedC. strainedD. giggled8. If these problems are not____ early in their training, they can be a real danger to themselves andto their instructorsA. skippedB. contractedC. spottedD. responded9. Tourism authorities ____ quickly to reports of the attack, claming that it was accidental and thatcrime against tourists was quite rare in the scenic areasA. addedB. fastenedC. skippedD. responded10. To ____ for the position, applicants would need to have a PhD degree and 3 year s workin’gexperienceA. strainB. qualifyC. registerD. campaign11. ____his age, he can not finish this task all by himself.A. GivenB. GiveC. GaveD. Giving12. The travelers were about to cross the river____ a storm broke.A. thenB. atC. thereD. when13. You are meant____ before you come in.A. payB. payingC. to payD. paid14. I don’t teach____ I think I know the answer.A. thatB. whyC. whenD. because15. He entered the office____ by the way she had spoken to him.A. annoyedB. annoyingC. annoyD. annoys16. The road gradually widened until we found____ in a large valley.A. meB. usC. ourD. ourselves17. He will help you to prepare____ you need to say in the meeting next week.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. when18. Little____ guess that in a few year s’t ime the young man who used to live next door to themwould become a superstar.A. does theyB. they doesC. did theyD. they did19. He ran as____ as he could in the hope of breaking his record for the five miles.A. harderB. hardlyC. hardestD. hard20. ____ the whole country rose up to drive the aggressors from their homeland.A. It is long before thatB. It wasn ’t long before thatC. It isn ’t long before thatD. It wasn ’t long before that21. ---“B en looks pale, what ’s happened to him? “---“N othing serious, just____ he was a bit upset about losing the game. ”A. thatB. whenC. whyD. as22. I would rather____ early, and get home before it gets dark.A. to goB. goingC. goneD. go23. Needless to say, we place our hope on____ young.A. aB. manyC. theD. an24. All research is built____ work completed by previous researchers.A. onB. atC. inD. out25. This show will no doubt add____ his reputation.A. onB. atC. inD. to答案:1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10B A B B D AC CD B11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20A D C D A DBCD B/D21 22 23 24 25A D C A DPart II. ClozeMany of you are studying English and you may be wondering why it is so difficult to learn .Itis actually not that difficult to learn _1_ you know some basic facts _2_ the language and theculture that it reflects ( 反映).Perhaps the first thing you need _3_ English is that it is _4_ up of several other languages such_5_ French, German ,Latin ,Greek Anglo-Saxon ._6_ addition ,there are words from Spanish in English and many American Indian words and names; _7_ some Chinese and Japanese words have found their way _8_ the English language .This borrowing of words from _9_ languages is oneof the key reasons for some of the difficulties that people meet with _10_ they are learning English .1.A. so B. and C. but D. if2.A. with B. about C. at D. in3.A. know B. knowing C. to know D. known4.A. make B. making C. maked D. made5.A. as B. for C. that D. was 6.A. also B. in C. but D. yet 7.A. even B. in C. from D. to8.A. even B. into C. from D. to9.A. a B. an C. any D. other 10.A. while B. that C. which D. since答案:1.D 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.B 9.D 10.A阅读理解Passage oneI was born in the city of York, in England, in the year 1632. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good home and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a lawyer buy my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of rambling, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My father gave me strong and earnest counsel against it,but with little effect. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his father's ship, and he prompted me to go with him, and in an evil hour, without asking God's blessing or my father's, I went on board.On the way to London, a storm arose, the ship was wrecked, and we barely escaped with our lives. I went on foot to London, where I met with the master of a vessel which traded to the coastof Africa. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed about for many days, until we did not know where we were. Suddenly we struck a bank of sand, and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces. In this distress we launched a boat. After we had been driven four or five miles, a raging wave struck usso furiously that it overset the boat at once. Though I swam well the waves were so strong that Iwas dashed against a rock with such force that it left me senseless. But I recovered a little beforethe waves returned, and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.1. What did the author want to do when he was young?A. To visit AfricaB. To sail the seasC. To practice lawD. To make a tour of London2. Why did the author go on foot to London ?A. The ship he took was destroyed in a storm.B. His father did not supply the fare for the journey.C. He went against his father ’s strong device not to do so.D. His school-fellow invited him to go together.3. Why did they launch a boat?A. They know they were near a shore.B. The big waves were about to overturn the ship.C. Their ship had been knocked about for may days on the sea.D. Their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces.4. When the author got to the mainland, he ____.A. searched everywhere for his lost companions.B. fell down on the ground senseless.C. was safe and sound.D. ran forward to escape being washed back into the sea.5. When the author finally arrived on land, he most probably ____.A. knew he was in Africa.B. did not know where he was.C. was not aware he was back in England.D. got in touch with his family and asked for help.Passage twoSome people have it easy. When their kids ask them what they do at work, they can give asimp1e direct answer: “I put out fires ”or ”“I fix sick peop1e ”or ”“I teach primary sch theoretica1 physicist, I never had this 1uck . Society has come to expect many things from thephysicist. 1t used to be that me on1y bad to discover the basic 1aws of the wor1d and supp1y thetechniques that wou1d power the next of things we think we know how to do. What makes usuncomfortab1e- and what makes it hard for us to te11 our kids what we -is that in’thi s re up tocentury we have become, though unwi11ing1y, gurus on questions such as “what is the nature ofRea1ity (现实) ?”We now deal with a whole new c1ass of prod1ems .We ask how the wor1d began and what isthe nature4 of matter. The answers we are coming up with are just not easy to comprehend for theaverage person.So, when physicists get out of their cars in the morning, have a cup of coffee and sit down infront of their computers, they 1eave a fami1iar wor1d and enter a p1ace where things act in ofstrange ways that are impossid1e for ordinary peop1e to understand.6.According to the passage, in a way physicists areA. intel1igentB. comfortad1eC. strangeD. un1ucky7. Judging from the context, the word: “gurus in”the first paragraph most probab1y means aperson.A. who acts as a teacher and answers big questionsB. who gives wrong answers to big questionsC. who does not 1ike to answer big questionsD. who is eager to supp1y answers to big questions8. Which of the fo11owing is true according to what the author says about physicists?A. physicists do not 1ike their job.B. Physicists 1ive in two different wor1ds.C. Physicists are coming up with new answers to o1d questions.D. Physicists don ’t have to te11 peop1e what they are doing.9. Which of the fo11owing statement is true?A. Theoretica1 physicists on1y have to answer the basic questions about the wor1d.B. Theoretica1 physicists contributed do the new industry on Si1icon Va11ey.C. Theoretoca1 physicists have disappointed the expectations of many peop1e.D. Theoretica1 physicists have found it hard to friends with ordinary peop1e.10. Which of the fo11owing is true shout the job of physicists?A. It is getting more and more difficu1t.B. It is beyond the comprehension of ordinary peop1e.C. A person with average inte11igence can not do it.D. Both A and B.答案:1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.B 10.BPassage oneA couple of years ago I spent the day at an elementary school in New Jersey. It was a nice average school, a square and solid building, full of reasonably well-behaved kids from middle-class families. I handled three classes, and by the time I staggered out the door I wanted tolie down for the rest of the day.Teaching s’the toughest job there is. In his new memoir, “Teacher Man,”Frank McCourt recalls telling his students, “Teachingi s harder than working on docks and warehouses. ”Not to mention writing a column. I can stare off into the middle distance with my chin ( 下巴) in my hand any time. But you go mentally south for five minutes in front of a class of fifth graders, and you aresunk.The average new teacher today makes just under $30,000 a year, which may not look too badfor a twenty-something with no mortgage (抵押贷款) and no kids. But soon enough the new teachers realize that they can make more money and not work anywhere near as hard elsewhere.After a lifetime of hearing the old legends about cushy ( 舒适安逸的) hours and summer vacations, they figure out that early mornings are for students who need extra help, evenings are for test corrections and lesson plans, and weekends and summers are for second and even third jobs to tryto pay the bills.According to the Department of Education, one in every five teachers leaves after the firstyear, and almost twice as many leave within three. If any business had that rate of turnover, someone would do something smart and strategic to fix it. This isn ’t any busi n esss. I t h e most’important business around, the gardeners of the landscape of the human race.Unfortunately, the current way of dealing with problems in education is taken directly from business practice, and it s a terrib’l e fit. Instead of simply acknowledging that starting salaries are woefully low and committing to increasing them and finding the money for reasonable recurringraises, politicians have wasted decades talking about something called merit pay ( 奖励工资). It s a’concept that works fine if you're making toys, but kids aren t’toys, and good teaching isn t’an assembly line.1. What can we infer from the first paragraph about teachers?A. They have to teach three classes at a time.B. They have a very rewarding job.C. They prefer to teach children from middle-class families.D. They have a very hard job to do.2. Why does the author say teaching is tougher than writing a column?A. Teaching is like working on docks and warehouses.B. Teaching demands full attention.C. Teachers have to work with children.D. Teachers have no chance to go traveling.3. What do new teachers find out after some practice?A. Their starting salary is lower than offered by other occupations.B. They have to work during vacations to make ends meet.C. They have to plan their time well to get everything done.D. They can take a second or even a third job besides teaching.4. We can infer from the fourth paragraph that the author thinks __________.A. measures should be taken to keep teachers in their jobsB. the rate of turnover in teaching is low compared to other occupationsC. it s’natural for a number of teachers to quit in three to five yearsD. it s’fair to call teachers the gardeners of the landscape of the human race5. What does the author think of merit pay?A. It will make up for teachers low startin’g salaries.B. It will bring down the turnover rate of teachers.C. It is a good fix for current educational problems.D. It is not suitable for the teaching profession.Passage twoI ’m coming off this plane, and landing at London airport. I ’m looking around for a middle- aged woman, my Aunt Penn, who I ve se’en in pictures. The photographs are out of date,but she looked like the type who would wear a big necklace (项链) and flat shoes, and maybe some kind of narrow dress in black or gray. But I'm just guessing since the pictures only showedher face.Anyway, I m’l o oking and looking and everyone ’s leaving a s n n d o t h s e i g r e n a l on m’y phone and I'm thinking, Oh gr“eat, I'm going to be abandoned at the airport so that's two countries theydon't want me in, ”when I notice everyone s gone’except this kid who comes up to me and says,“You must be Daisy.”And when I loo k relieved he does too and says. m Edmon“d.”I ’“Hello Edmond, ”I say, nic“e to meet you. ”I look at him hard to try to get a feel for whatmy new life with my cousins might be like.Now let me tell you what he looks like before I forget because it's not exactly what you'd expect from your average fourteen-year-old what with the cigarette and hair that looked like he cutit himself with a knife in the dead of night, but aside from that he's exactly like some kind of mutt,you know the ones you see at the dog shelter who are kind of hopeful and sweet and put their nose straight into your hand when they meet you with a certain kind of dignity and you know from thatsecond that you're going to take him home? Well that s him. ’Only he took me home.I ’l l take your b ag, he said, and even though he s about h’alf a mile shorter than me and has arms about as thick as a dog leg, he grabs my b ag, and I grab it back and say Where's yo“ur mom,is she in the car?”And he smiles and takes a drag on his cigarette, which, even though I know smoking killsand all that, I think is a little bit cool, but maybe all the kids in England smoke cigarettes? I don ’tsay anything in case it s’a well-known fact that the smoking age in England is something liketwelve and b y making a big thing about it I ll end up l’o oking like an idiot when I ve barely’b eenhere five minutes. Anyway, he says. “M um couldn't come to the airport because she's working,and everyone else seemed to be somewhere else, so I drove here myself.”6. Daisy flew to London to ________.A. see EnglandB. live with her auntC. meet EdmondD. visit a friend7. Before Edmond greeted her, Daisy felt ________.A. anxiousB. curiousC. relievedD. excited8. Edmond waited till everyone was gone before greeting Daisy because _______.A. he did not want to talk to a girl before othersB. he did not get Daisy s phon’e callC. he had never seen Daisy beforeD. he was looking for a middle-aged woman9. What did Edmond look like in Daisy s eyes’?A. An average 14-year-old.B. A lost dog.C. An old friend.D. A man with dignity.10. Daisy did not make any comment about Edmond smoking because _______.A. she knew all children in England smoke cigarettesB. she thought smoking did harm to one's healthC. the smoking age in England is about twelveD. she did not want to make a fool of herselfPassage threeToday people can use the phone to talk with others almost anywhere on the earth. But whenyou use the phone, you don ’t see the person you are talking with. That may change in the nearfuture.Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone.With it, two people who are talking can see each other.Picture phones can be useful when you have something to show the person you ’re calling.They may have other uses in the future. One day you may be able to ring up a library and ask tosee a book.Then you’ll be able to read the book right over your picture phone. Or you may be able to goshopping through your picture phone. If you see something in the newspaper that you think youwant to buy, you ’ll go to your phone and call the shop. People at the shop will show you the thingyou ’re interested in right over the phone. You ’ll be able to shop all over town and never even leaveyour room!11. Today people can use the phone to talk with others _______.A. in all the townsB. in some places in the worldC. only in big citiesD. almost anywhere on the earth12. The word “i t n”the text means ________.A. the picture phoneB. any phoneC. the useD. the change13. We can _________ through the picture phone according to (根据)the text .A. write a bookB. do shoppingC. play gamesD. have classesPassage Four“It ’s over! Thank goodness! ”School was over and I was tired . I sat at the front of the school bus.Janie , the driver , tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere (气氛)by striking the match oftalks . I try to listen politely, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day ,however , her talk was worth (值得)listening to .“My father ’s ill , ”she said to no one in pa(rti特c u别lar地). I could see worry in her eyes .I had never seen her like this before. She always meets students with a smile.With a sudden change of interest, I asked, “What’s wrong with him? ”With her eyes wet and her voice unusual, she answered, “Heart trouble. ”Her eyes lowered asshe continued. “I ’a vl e r e ad y lost my mum, so I don’tthi n k I can stand losing him. ”cIouldn ’ tanswer. My heart ached for her.I sat on the seat thinking of the great pain (痛苦)my own mother was thrown into when herfather died . I saw how hard it was, and still is, for her. I wouldn ’t want anyone to go throug Suddenly I realized (意识到)Janie wasn’t only a bus driver , that was just her job . She hada whole world of family and cares too.I suddenly felt very selfish. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I hadjudged her by her job and brushed her off as unimportant.I shouldn ’t have been so selfish and se-cl f entered.Understanding people is an art.14. When the students get on the school bus , Janie usually ________.A. listens to musicB. talks about her own worryC. sits on her seat without wordsD. meets them with a smile15. In this passage the writer tries to tell us that ______.A. losing parents makes people sad and helplessB. understanding the people around us takes timeC. we should try to look deeper into the people around usD. it ’s not right to judge the people around us by their clothes答案1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10D B B A D B A C B D11 12 13 14 15D A B D C根据下列句子及所给汉语注释.在答题卡相应的位置上写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。
恒成立问题练习 2
恒成立问题练习1. (1)若关于x 的不等式02>--a ax x 的解集为),(+∞-∞,求实数a 的取值范围;(2)若关于x 的不等式32-≤--a ax x 的解集不是空集,求实数a 的取值范围.2、若函数268y mx mx m =+++在R 上恒成立,求m 的取值范围。
3、若对任意的实数x ,2sin 2cos 220x k x k +--<恒成立,求k 的取值范围4、已知函数2()3f x x ax a =++-,⑴在R 上()0f x ≥恒成立,求a 的取值范围。
⑵若[]2,2x ∈-时,()0f x ≥恒成立,求a 的取值范围。
⑶若[]2,2x ∈-时,()2f x ≥恒成立,求a 的取值范围。
5、对于满足|a|≤2的所有实数a,求使不等式x 2+ax+1>2a+x 恒成立的x 的取值范围6、已知向量2(,1),(1,),a x x b x t =+=- 若函数()b a x f ⋅=在区间()1,1-上是增函数,求t 的取值范围7、设a ∈R ,二次函数2()22.f x ax x a =--若()0f x >的解集为A , {}|13,B x x A B =<<≠∅ ,求实数a 的取值范围.8、求与抛物线2:E y ax =相切于坐标原点的最大圆C 的方程.9、已知函数()x x f ln =,()bx ax x g +=221,0≠a .若2=b ,且()()()x g x f x h -=存在单调递减区间,求a 的取值范围10、求实数a 的取值范围,使得对任意实数x 和任意⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡∈2,0πθ,恒有:()()81c o s s in c o s s in 2322≥+++++θθθθa a x x 。
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我的妈妈是个 40 多岁的中年妇女。
“又玩上了?”我感到势头不对,回头一看妈妈的脸:这张脸拉得老长,眉毛也由“10 点 10 分”变成了“11 点 5 分”。
10 分钟,再说,作业也做完了。
“我最反对你玩游戏机了!玩游戏最费眼睛,你的视力是 5.3,应该好好保护。
再说你有空干点什么不好,看书、画画、打球,非要⋯⋯” 我虽然有自己的一大套反驳妈妈的话,只是不想听她那无休止的唠叨,无奈只好将游戏机关上。
只要她回家时看到家里的“脏、乱、差” 现象后,就一下子变脸且把矛头指向我和爸爸:“我一不在家,你们就把家里折腾得乱七八糟,还得我来收拾⋯⋯”我们立即放下手中的事,一边忙着答应,一边以“每秒 120 个动作”的速度收拾家务。
zhāo xiáshìyâchïng gāo pūshâ
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
sùzào jìn tîu chuàng zào kuān wâi
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
xīn láo qíng bùzìjīn guān shǎng dàn yuàn
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
pǐn cháng mán yuàn bēi huān líhãyīn qíng yuán quē( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 二、比一比,再组词
埋.(mán mái)怨品尝.(cáng cháng)浸.透(jīn jìn)
塑.造(sùshù)衷.心(zhōng zōng)编.织(píng pín)四、写出下列词语的近义词