大工15春《大学英语4》在线测试1 满分答案
D. been fulfilled
8. He is always here; it's ______ you've never met him.
A. unique
B. strangeCFra bibliotek rareD. peculiar
单选题 判断题
一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)
1. Operations which left patients _____ and in need of long periods of recovery time now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable.
D. courage
5. On New Year's Eve, New York City holds an outdoor _____ which attracts a crowd of a million or more people.
A. incident
9. To our _____, Geoffrey's illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.
A. anxiety
B. relief
C. view
D. judgment
A. how
B. when
C. what
12.(单选题)Mrs.Smithwarnedherdaughter______afterdrinking. (满分:)
8.(单选题)Theretiredcoupleenjoy()photos.Theyalwaysgooutwiththeircameras (满分:)
25.(判断题)Heinsistedthatweallbeinhisofficeatoneo’clock. (满分:)
4.(单选题)You_______suchaseriousmistakeifyouhadfollowedhisadvice. (满分:)
22.(判断题)Ifithadrainedanothertenminutes,thegamewouldhavebeencalledoff. (满分:)
大工15秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线测试1满分答案一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。
)1. The fourth generation of computer is ( ).A. vacuum tubesB. transistorsC. integrated circuitsD. microprocessors正确答案:D2. ( ) are the peripherals that allow users to enter data, programs, commands, and user responses into a computer and transform them into a suitable form for processing.A. RAMB. ROMC. Input devicesD. Memory正确答案:C3. A ( ) is the primary input device. It is used for entering letters, numbers and commands into the system.A. RAMB. keyboardC. output devicesD. memory正确答案:B4. The ( ) is the communications medium for the entire computer system.A. system boardB. inputC. outputD. bus正确答案:A5. ( ) have more storage capacity than diskettes and also offer faster access to the data they hold.A. Hard disksB. Optical disksC. Zip diskD. CD正确答案:A6. A ( ) is an electronic device that operates under thecontrol of instructions stored in its own memory, which can according to specified rules, produce results,and store the results for future use.A. computerB. CPUC. input deviceD. output device正确答案:A7. A ( ) is a cable which is capable of carrying signals representing data from one place to another.A. busB. USBC. portD. keyboard正确答案:A8. The two components of the CPU are connected by a kind of electronic roadway called a(an) ( ).A. USBB. busC. portD. keyboard正确答案:B9. ( ) is one of the components of the CPU, tells the rest of the computer system how to carry out a program's instructions.A. Control unitB. ALUC. RAMD. ROM正确答案:A10. ( ) refers to the physical equipment that can perform the basic functions contained within the data processing cycle.A. SoftwareB. HardwareC. MemoryD. CPU正确答案:B11. ( ) stands for Random Access Memory.It is the main location for holding programs and data that the CPU is presently processing.A. RAMB. ROMC. input devicesD. memory正确答案:A12. The process of translating instructions into commands is called ( ).A. decodingB. registerC. digitalD. port正确答案:A13. The first computers used ( ) for circuitry and magneticdrums for memory, and were often enormous, taking up entire rooms.A. vacuum tubesB. transistorsC. integrated circuitsD. microprocessors正确答案:A14. ( ) is the electronic device that interprets and carries out the basic instructions that operate the computer.A. ProcessorB. hardwareC. memoryD. CPU正确答案:A15. The first generation of computer is ( ).A. vacuum tubesB. transistorsC. integrated circuitsD. microprocessors正确答案:A16. ( ) can be in the form of programs, commands and user responses.A. ProcessorB. InstructionsC. MouseD. Port正确答案:B17. ( ) are output devices that print characters, symbols, and graphics on a physical medium such as paper and a transparency file.A. Flat panel monitorsB. PrintersC. KeyboardsD. Pointing device正确答案:B18. ( ) stands for Central Processing Unit. It performs the system's calculating and processing.A. computerB. CPUC. input deviceD. output device正确答案:B19. ( ) performs arithmetic, comparison, and logic operations. It is one part of the CPU.A. RAMB. ROMC. CPUD. ALU正确答案:D20. ( ) stands for Read Only Memory, it is the computer memory on which data has been prerecorded.A. RAMB. ROMC. CPUD. Memory正确答案:B大工15秋《专业英语(计算机英语)》在线测试1二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。
大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试11.Thebasicfeaturesofthecommunicationprocessareidentifiedinone-question:Whosays_____throughwhatchanneltowhom?A.howB.whenC.whatD.such正确答案:C2.Jeandidnothavetimetogototheconcertlastnightbecauseshewasbusy______forherexamination.A.to prepareB.to bepreparedC.preparingD.beingprepared正确答案:C3.He lookedasifhe()illforalongtime.A.wasB.wereC.hasbeenD.hadbeen正确答案:D4.Youshouldtake_______ofthisopportunityandtrytomakeagoodimpressiononthem.A.careB.advantageC.chargeD.place正确答案:B5.Asapublicrelationsofficer,heissaid_____someveryinfluentialpeople.A.tohavebeenknowingB.tobeknowingC.tohaveknownD.toknow正确答案:D6.WouldyouratherI()buyinganewbike?A.decidedagainstB.willdecideagainstC.havedecidedD.shalldecideagainst正确答案:A7.Ihadmymeals_________whenIwasillinbedwithabadcold.A.tobringB.bringC.broughtD.bringing正确答案:C8.HewroteanarticlecriticizingtheGreekpoetandwon_____andascholarship.A.statusB.fameC.faithD.courage正确答案:B9.Youwouldbe_____arisktoletyourchildgotoschoolbyhimself.A.omittingB.attachingC.affordingD.running正确答案:D10.EvenTony’sgranddaughter,afive-year-oldgirl,askedhim()smoking.A.giveupB.gaveupC.togiveupD.givingup正确答案:C11.ThedeanofthePhilosophyDepartmentrequestedthatthevisitingscholar________alectureonSartre.A.gaveB.giveC.wouldgiveD.hadgiven正确答案:B12.Itisa__________100meterfrommyhousetothetheater.Let'sleavethecarinthegarageandwalkthere.A.onlyB.mereC.rareD.hardly正确答案:B13.Afullyqualified________canhelpdifferentpartiestoovercomelanguagebarriersandbringaboutameetingofmindslikemilkminglingwithwater.A.interpreterB.guideC.agentpanion正确答案:AIfthedoctorhadcomeearlier,thepoorchildwouldnot().A.havelaidtherefortwohoursB.havebeenliedtherefortwohoursC.haveliedtherefortwohoursD.havelaintherefortwohours正确答案:DJackisanintelligentpupil,buthelacks__________forworkinghardandbecomingatopstudent.A.reasonB.motivationC.talentD.ability正确答案:BI'mgladIwentoverallmynotes;otherwise__________.A.ImayhavefailedB.I'dfailC.I'dhavefailedD.I'llhavefailed正确答案:CIfthere__________noair,peoplewoulddie.A.wereB.isC.beD.been正确答案:AWhatshouldwedoifit________tomorrow?A.shouldsnowB.wouldsnowC.snowD.willsnow正确答案:AHewasseriouslyill,butherefusedto__________accepthisfate.A.positivelyB.negativelyC.passivelyD.actively正确答案:C__________,Iwouldtakeanumbrellawithme.A.HadIbeenyouB.IwereyouC.WereIyouD.Ihadbeenyou正确答案:C Itisimportantthatthehotelreceptionisthasmadesurethatguestsareregisteredcorrectly.A.错误B.正确正确答案:AHeturnedoffthelightandlockedthedoor,believenobodywasintheroom.A.错误正确答案:AHelencouldn’tgotoFranceafterall.That’stoobad.I’msureshewouldhaveenjoyeditifshe’dgone.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BMikecantakehiscarapartandputitbacktogetheragain.Icertainlywishhewouldteachmehow.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BImustgothereearlier.JohnhassuggestedthatIwouldgoanhourbeforethediscussionbegins.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BYoushouldknowbetterthantoplayvolleyballintheclassroom.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B Ifyousparehalfanhourforexerciseseverydayyoullsoonbebackingoodcondition.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BWehadn'tmetfor20years,butIrecognizedherthemomentIsawher.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BIwouldhavetoldhimtheanswerhaditbeenpossible,butIhavebeensobusythen.A.错误B.正确正确答案:ADrivingtoandfromwork,commutershavelittleelsetofocusexceptdrivingandthesoundsfromtheirradi os.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试2Thefatherrepeatedly__________withthepoliceofficertosethisdaughterfree,holdingfirmtohisbelief thatshewasinnocent.A.arguedB.protestedC.angeredD.pleaded正确答案:DCharlesregretted________theTVsetlastyear.Thepricehasnowgonedown.A.buyingC.ofD.from正确答案:ASince1999,thenumberofforeignstudentsatGermanuniversities________from113,000toalmost200, 000.A.hasincreasedB.aveincreasedC.areincreasedD.wasincreased正确答案:AWemighthavefailedifyou()usahelpinghand.A.havenotgivenB.wouldnotgiveC.hadnotgivenD.didnotgive正确答案:CHehasjustarrived,buthetalksasifhe()allaboutthat.A.knowB.knowsC.knownD.knew正确答案:DHiswordsare_________butthemeaningisdeep.A.fewB.afewC.littleD.alittle正确答案:AWillyou_______meafavor,please?A.doB.makeC.bringD.give正确答案:AThesoldiersrushedtowardthewalltofind________fromthebullets.A.preventB.safeC.shroudD.shelter正确答案:DThoughhehadoftenmadehislittlesister_________,todayhewasmade_________byhislittlesister.A.cry;tocryB.crying;cryingD.tocry;cry正确答案:AOnlyaverydelicatethermometercan________suchtinychangesintemperatureinapreciseway.A.countB.relateC.measureD.number正确答案:CThelawrequiresthateveryone()hiscarcheckedatleastonceayear.A.hasB.hadC.haveD.willhave正确答案:CItwasonthebeach______MissWhitefoundthekidlyingdead.A.thatB.thisC.itD.which正确答案:AWhataheavyrain!Soitis.Iprefer()ratherthan()onsucharainyday.A.togoout;stayathomeB.tostayathome;gooutC.goingout;stayathomeD.stayingathome;goout正确答案:BEveryoneofthem________tiredandwantedagoodrest.A.seemsB.isseemedC.wasseemedD.seemed正确答案:DJimwenttogreat_____totrytopleasehisgirlfriend.A.botherB.lengthsC.waysD.troubles正确答案:BTheadvertisementwithcartoonanimationisdesignedto__________aworldwideattention,especially thatoftheyoungsters'.A.distractB.captureC.attack正确答案:BTheownerandeditorofthenewspaper______theconference.A.wereattendingB.weretoattendC.istoattendD.aretoattend正确答案:C______intheUnitedStates,St.Louishasnowbecomethe24thlargestcity.A.ThefourthbiggestcityitwasB.OncethefourthbiggestcityC.BeingthefourthbiggestcityD.Itwasoncethefourthbiggestcity正确答案:BThechairmansuggestedthatwe_____themeetingtoaclosebysingingthenationalanthem.A.bringB.broughtC.bebringingD.wouldbring正确答案:ATheenergy______bythechainreactionistransformedintoheat.A.transferredB.releasedC.deliveredD.conveyed正确答案:BMrs.Andersonwenttogreatlengthstokeephersonfromgettingmixedupinsuchdreadfulthings.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BDr.Smithwasalwaysconcernedaboutthepoorandthesick,oftenprovidingthemwithfreemedicalcare.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BThishotel,ifnotwellmanaging,willyieldlittleprofit.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A Isuggestwestoppedandfoundshelterfromthewindandsnowforthenight.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A Thelocalgovernmentisworriedthatthedroughtinthisregioneveryyearmayleadtomanypeopletobefor cedtoleavetheirhomes.B.正确正确答案:AManyoldmenpreferliveinapeacefulcountryside.A.错误B.正确正确答案:AIfoundaletterlyingonthefloorwhenIcameintotheclassroom.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BIhavereadthenewsoftoday.Howaboutoneofyesterday?A.错误B.正确正确答案:A Theoverallgoalofthebookistohelpbridgethegapbetweenresearchandteaching.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BThenewschoolyearisabouttobegin.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试3()moreattention,thetreescouldhavegrownbetter.A.TogiveB.HavinggivenC.GivenD.Giving正确答案:CInprevioustimes,whenfreshmeatwasinshort______,pigeonswerekeptbymanyhouseholdsasasourc eoffood.A.storeB.provisionC.reserveD.supply正确答案:DThelittlemanwas__________onemeterfiftyhigh.A.almostmorethanB.hardlymorethanC.nearlymorethanD.asmuchas正确答案:BTheyellowriverisn’tso()astheChangJiangriver.A.longC.longerD.thelongest正确答案:A()inthought,healmostranintothecarinfrontofhim.A.ToloseB.LostC.HavinglostD.Losing正确答案:BHe________asumofmoneyeverymonthtohelpthetwoorphans.A.setsasideB.setsupC.setsalongD.setsin正确答案:ABreadandbutter_________whatAmericansusuallyhaveforbreakfast.A.areB.isC.wasD.were正确答案:B18.Theinjuredinthetsunami()goodcareofbysomemedicalteams.A.istakenB.arebeingtakenC.aretakingD.isbeingtaken正确答案:BThiscrophassimilarqualitiestothepreviousone,______bothwind-resistantandadaptedtothesamety peofsoil.A.beingB.beenC.tobeD.havingbeen正确答案:ATherearevariouskindsofmetals,each()itsownproperties.A.hasB.hadC.tohaveD.having正确答案:DJohnismy()friendofalltheclassmates.A.goodB.betterD.thebest正确答案:CThemissingboyswerelastseen()neartheriver.A.toplayB.playC.tobeplayingD.playing正确答案:DItwon'tbelong__________thistheorywillbeprovedtobewrong.A.soonB.sinceC.afterD.before正确答案:DWalterofferedusaliftwhenhewasleavingtheoffice,butourwork(),wedidn’taccepttheoffer.A.notbeingfinishedB.nothavingfinishedC.hadnotbeenfinishedD.wasnotfinished正确答案:AFoodwas________duringthefamine.Itwasoftenseenthatpeoplesoldtheirchildrenforasackofcorn.A.availableB.lessC.fewD.scarce正确答案:DTheyoungladycomingovertous__________ourEnglishteacher;thewayshewalkstellsusthat!A.mustbeB.canbeC.wouldbeD.couldbe正确答案:ABeijingisoneof()citiesinchina.A.verybeautifulB.muchbeautifulC.morebeautifulD.themostbeautiful正确答案:DYoucantravelfromEnglandtoFranceeasilyor__________,onceyouareinEurope.A.oppositeB.onthecontraryC.viceversaD.negatively正确答案:COnthetopwastheclearoutlineofagreatwolfsittingstill,ears(),alert,listening.A.pointedB.pointingC.arepointedD.arepointing正确答案:AThewordsofhisoldteacherlefta_____impressiononhismind.Heisstillinfluencedbythem.A.longB.livelystingD.liberal正确答案:C79%ofparentssaynewfathersshouldgetmoreinformationsonbirth,breastfeedingandcaringforababy.A.错误B.正确正确答案:AThoughgrowninabigcity,Peteralwayspreferstopainttheprimitivescenesofcountrylife.A.错误B.正确正确答案:AAmajorityofmothersandfatherswanttosharechangingnappies,readingwiththeirkidsandtotaketheir childrentoseeadoctor.A.错误B.正确正确答案:AIdon'tknowhowhisparentsputuphisbehaviors.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A Bicyclingisthebestphysicalactivitybecauseitismostcomfortabletomostpeoplethanbriskwalking.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A Accessibilityattractsnotonlypeoplewithdisabilitiesbutalsotheirfamiliesandfriends.A.错误B.正确正确答案:BSuchisthecase,Ihavenootherchoices.A.错误B.正确正确答案:A1.HestillremembersbeingtakentoShanghaiwhenhewasveryyoung.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B StephenHawkingaretrueexamplesofpeoplewhorosetointernationalfameinspiteofphysicalhandicap .A.错误B.正确正确答案:BWhenpeoplebecomelessconfidentaboutthefuture,theywillcutbackontheiroutlaysandsavemoney.A.错误B.正确正确答案:B。
大工15春《第一次把事情做对》在线测试 满分答案
大工15 春《第一次把事情做对》在线测试
1. 智者常常是细致而谦虚的,而愚人总是自以为是。
A. 错误
B. 正确?
2. 在大多数情况下,“做好”并不代表“做对” 。
A. 错误
B. 正确?
3. 做对就是做符合要求的事!
A. 错误
B. 正确?
4. 要求可能会发生变化,但符合要求则是永远不变的。
A. 错误
B. 正确?
5. 要求可能会发生变化,但符合要求则永远不变。
A. 错误
B. 正确?
6. 商家一定要努力达到自己的要求,为顾客着想,做到最好。
A. 错误
B. 正确?
7. 一个人的人格决定了他工作的空间。
A. 错误
B. 正确?。
大工20秋《大学英语4》在线测试1 1:We thought that there would be 20 people but there were ().A、anotherB、someC、moreD、others答案:C2:His spare time is usually spent () the old.A、helpingB、helpC、to helpD、helps答案:A3:Completing the building will probably () them another two weeks.A、takeB、spendC、getD、pay答案:A4:He father went to Shanghai on Business. He will be back ().A、in two weeksB、after two weeksC、for two weeksD、before two weeks答案:A5:The lecture had been over. The students () in the hall asking the professor for advice.A、continuedB、remainedC、keepD、stay谜底:B6:I’ll talk to him () I don’t think it will do any good.A、becauseB、thoughC、soD、for答案:B7:The visitors () two places, but something was wrong with the bus.A、hoped visitB、had hoped to visitC、hoped us visitD、hoped visiting谜底:B8:Turn left at the first crossing, () you will see the cinema.A、不填B、andC、soD、But答案:B9:His parents were satisfied with his study which he was ().A、getting on withB、getting on well withC、got along withD、got along well with答案:B10:You should () your friend to save you from the trouble.A、letB、beC、getD、make答案:C11:() it is to jump into the river to swim in Summer!A、What a funB、What funC、How funD、What funny答案:B12:He left the meeting-room with his secretary, full of ().A、happyB、sadC、angerD、tear谜底:C13:Have you () how the machine works?A、found inB、found outC、looked outD、looked for答案:B14:I don’t think he will let out the secret. ()?A、will heB、won’t heC、don’t ID、do I答案:A15:Don’t open the door () the bus stops.A、toB、asC、inD、until谜底:D16:You must () before making a decision.A、think itB、think it aboutC、think it ofD、think it over答案:D17:It’s raining hard. (), I think you should go and see the doctor.A、ButB、HoweverC、AndD、Still谜底:B18:The place is considered () “land of tears”.A、to beB、onC、withD、within谜底:A19:Jack got the first () to his diligence.A、becauseB、causedC、thanksD、reason答案:C20:If you want to be healthy, you’d better () too much chocolate.A、not to eatB、not eatC、not eatingD、have not eaten答案:B21:Every day, only 200 visitors can be admitted to the museum.T、对F、错谜底:T22:She favored that the sentimental mother breathed a reliefT、对F、错谜底:T23:The forest fire had killed 42 people and destroyed over 7000 buildings.T、对F、错答案:T24:Our country is going to promote economic and structural adjustments.T、对F、错答案:T25:A foreigner is involved in the translation work in such important conference in China.T、对F、错谜底:T26:It was not until she learned her son had been admitted to the elementary school.T、对F、错谜底:T27:The teachers who are involved in correcting have no access to any electronic device.T、对F、错谜底:F28:He brought a prepared meal to school, which surprised the others.T、对F、错答案:T29:The truth that faithful advice is unpleasant to the ear but benefits one’s behavior iswide acknowledged.T、对F、错谜底:F30:Some of my best friend will certainly be there to give me a hand.T、对F、错。
Part I Writing ( 30 minutes)For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay commenting on the saying “Learning is a daily experience and lifetime mission.”You can cite examples to illustrate the importance of lifelong learning. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180words.Part II Listening Comprehension ( 30 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conver sat ions and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.A) They admire the courage of space explorers.B) They enjoyed the movie on space exploration.C) They were going to watch a wonderful movie.D) They like doing scientific exploration very much.2. A) At a gift shop.B) At a graduation ceremony.C) In the office of a travel agency.D) In a school library.3. A) He used to work in the art gallery.B) He does not have a good memory.C) He declined a job offer form the art gallery.D) He is not interested in any part-time jobs.4.A) Susan has been invited to give a lecture tomorrow.B) He will go to the birthday party after the lecture.C) The woman should have informed him earlier.D) He will be unable to attend the birthday party.5.A) Reward those having made good pro gre ss.B) Set a deadline for the staff to meet.C) Assign more workers to the project.D) Encourage the staff to work in small groups.6. A) The way to the visitor’s parking.B) The rate for parking in Lot C.C) How far away the parking lot is.D) Where she can leave her car.7. A) He regrets missing the classes.B) He plans to take the fitness classes.C) He is looking forward to a better life.D) He has benefited form exercise.8.A) How to ? work efficiency.B) How to select secretaries.C)The responsibilities of secretaries.D) The secretaries in the man’s company.Conver sat ion OneQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9.A) It is more difficult to learn than English.B) It is used by more people than English.C) It will be as commonly used as English.D) It will eventually bec ome a world language.10.A) It has words words from many languages,B) Its popularity with the common people.C) The influence of the British Empire.D) The effect of the Industrial Revolution.11.A) It includes a lot of words form other languages.B) It has a growing number of newly coined words,C) It can be easily picked up by overseas travelers.D) It is the largest among all languages in the world.Conversation 2Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A) To return some goods.B) To apply for a job.C) To place an order.D) To make a complaint.13. A) He has become somewhat impatient with the woman.B) He is not familiar with the exact details of goods.C) He has not worked in the sales department for long.D) He works on a part-time basis for the company.14. A) It is not his responsibility.B) It will be free for large orders.C) It costs 15 more for express delivery.D) It depends on a number of factors.15.A) Report the information to her superior.B) Pay a visit to the saleswoman in charge.C) Ring back when she comes to a decision.D) Make inquiries with some other companies.Section BDirections:In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D ). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) No one knows exactly where they were ??B) No one knows for sure when thy came into being.C) No one knows for what purpose they were ?D) No one knows what they will17. A) Carry ropes across rivers.B) Measure the speed of wind.C) Pass on secret messages.D) Give warnings of danger.18. A) To protect houses against lightning.B) To test the effects of the lightning rod.C) To find out the strength of silk for kites.D) To prove the lightning is electricity.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A) She enjoys teaching languages.B) She can speak several languages.C) She was trained to be an interpreter.D) She was born with a talent for languages.20. A) They acquire an immunity to culture shock.B) They would like to live abroad permanently.C) They want to learn as many foreign languages as possible.D) They have an intense interest in cross-cultural interactions.21.A) She bec ame an expert in horse racing.B) She got a chance to visit several European countries.C) She was able to translate for a German sports judge.D) She learned to appreciate classical music.22. A) Taste the beef and give her comment.B) Take part in a cooking competition.C) Teach vocabulary for food in ??D) Give cooking lessons onPassage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A) He had only a third-grade education.B) He once threatened to kill his teacher.C) He gre w up in a poorD) He often helped his24.A) Careless.B) Stupid.C) Brave.D) Active.25.A) Write two book reports a week.B) Keep a diary.C) Help with housework.D) Watch education??Section CDirections:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.When you look up at the night sky, what do you see?There are other bodies out there besides the moon and stars. One of the most of this is a comet. Comets were formed around the same the earth was formed. They are made up of ice and other frozen liquids andgasses. these dirty snow balls begin to orbit the sun just as the planets do. As a comet gets closer to the sun, some gasses in it begin to unfreeze. They combine with dust particles from the comet to form a huge cloud. As the comet gets even nearer to the sun and solar wind blows the cloud behind the comet thus forming its tail. The tail and generally fuzzy atmosphere around the comet are that can help this phenomenon in the night sky. In any given year,about dozen known comets come close to the sun in their orbits. The average person can’t see them all of course. Usually there is only one or two a year bright enough to be seen withthe _________eye. Comet Hale-Bopp discovered in 1995 was an unusually bright comet. Its orbit bought it _________to the earth within 122 million miles of it. But Hale-Bopp came a long way on its earthly visit. It won’t be back for another 4 thousand years or so.Part ШReading Comprehension (40 minutes)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices givenin a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Questions 36 to 45 are based on the following passage.For many Americans, 2013 ended with an unusually bitter cold spell. November and December 36 early snow and bone-chilling temperatures in much of the country, part of a year when, for the first time in two 37 , record-cold days will likely turn out to have outnumberedrecord-warm ones. But the U.S. was the exception; November was the warmest ever 38 , and current data indicates that 2013 is likely to have been the fourth hottest year on record.Enjoy the snow now, bec ause 39 are good that 2014 will be even hotter, perhaps the hottest year since records have been kept. That’s because, scientists are predicting, 2014 will be an EI Niuo year.EI niuo, Spanish for “the child”, 40 when surface ocean waters in the southern Pacific become abnorm ally warm. So large is the Pacific, covering 30% of the planet’s surface, thatthe 41 energy generated by its warming is enough to touch off a series of weather changes around the world. EI Ninos are 42 with abnormally dry conditions in Southeast Asia and Australia. They can lead to extreme rain in parts of North and South America, even as southern Africa 43 dry weather. Marine life may be affected too; EI Ninos can 44 the rising of the cold, nutrient-rich(营养丰富的)water that supports large fish 45 ,and the unusually warm ocean temperatures can destroy coral(珊瑚).注意:此部分试题请在答题卡2上作答。
大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试3一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分。
)V1. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _____ overall consumption issignificantly higher than that of women.A. whoseB. whichC. thatD. what满分:4 分2. My friend helped me ________ my cat when I was on vacation with my wife.A. look forB. look onC. look afterD. look up满分:4 分3. It is reported that ________ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.A. the mostB. most ofC. mostD. the most of满分:4 分4. The clothes a person wears may express his ______ or social position.A. curiosityB. statusC. determinationD. significance满分:4 分5. Every year thousands of lives __________ in road accidents because of careless driving.A. loseB. lostC. have lostD. are lost满分:4 分6. It won't be long __________ this theory will be proved to be wrong.A. soonB. sinceC. afterD. before满分:4 分7. The young lady coming over to us __________ our English teacher; the way she walks tellsus that!A. must beB. can beC. would beD. could be满分:4 分8. The old building is in a good state of ________ except for the wooden floors.A. observationB. preservationC. quotationD. compensation满分:4 分9. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed force, I have directed that all measures ______ forour defense.A. had been takenB. would be takenC. be takenD. to be taken满分:4 分10. What a table! I've never seen such a thing before. It is _________ it is long.A. half not as wide asB. wide not as half asC. not half as wide asD. as wide as not half满分:4 分11. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick up wonderful______ in the market.A. batteriesB. bargainsC. basketsD. barrels满分:4 分12. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid__________.A. from being beatenB. being beatenC. beatingD. to be beaten满分:4 分13. The British constitution is _____ a large extent a product of the historical events describedabove.A. withinB. toC. byD. at满分:4 分14. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, ______ both wind-resistant andadapted to the same type of soil.A. beingB. beenC. to beD. having been满分:4 分15. Food was ________ during the famine. It was often seen that people sold their children fora sack of corn.A. availableB. lessC. fewD. scarce满分:4 分16. The little man was __________ one meter fifty high.A. almost more thanB. hardly more thanC. nearly more thanD. as much as满分:4 分17. The rain was _________ make our picnic impossible.A. hard enoughB. hard so toC. so hard as toD. so hard to满分:4 分18. I guess Jones didn't have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the cityvoted for his __________.A. candidateB. opponentC. alternativeD. participant满分:4 分19. As a primary school teacher, one should be ________ with children. This is the firststandard for being a good teacher.A. patientB. positiveC. negativeD. peaceful满分:4 分20. __________ no bus, we had to walk home.A. There beingB. BeingC. Having beenD. There was满分:4 分二、判断题(共10 道试题,共20 分。
大工19秋《大学英语4》在线测试1共题,总分:100分时间:0秒答题中分一、单选题共20题,80分14分She was able to _____ her attacker and reported him immediately to the police nearby. AidentifyBknowCrealizeDregard24分Your complaint about the poor service of the hotel will be solved through the proper_____.AchannelsBcanalsCpassagewayDcorridor34分Aspirin is a simple but highly _____ treatment for illness.AaffectedBinfectedCinfectiveDeffective44分Helen couldn't go to France after all. That's too bad. I am sure she would have enjoyed it if _____ .Ashe's goneBshe'll goCshe'd goneDshe'd go54分He was_____ from his position as the president of the university.AmovedBremovedCawardedDgiven64分It will take a long time_____ a broken relationship .ArepairBrepairingCto repairDto repairing74分We demanded that we _____ of any change in the plan.AinformedBwould be informedChad been informedDbe informed84分-Why does he look so anxious? -Because there are so many problems_____. Aremaining to settleBremained settlingCremaining to be settledDremained to be settled94分It is exremely difficult for me to keep _____ on my study in such a noisy environment. AattentionBinterestCconcentrationDattraction104分They have gone on an _____ to New York.AexclusionBexerciseCexcursionDexecution114分If only you _____him what I said! Everything would have been fine.Adidn't toldBhadn't toldCwould not tellDwould have not told124分It's high time that we _____ the historical old buildings.AprotectedBprotectCare protectingDwill protect134分From our house on the hillside, we can _____ the whole of the harbour. AignoreBovercomeCoverlookDlook after144分It was _____fine a day yesterday _____ we all went out for a picnic. Asuch...thatBtoo..toCso...thatDso that, /154分They find a house, agree a price, and take out a _____through their building society. AmortageBbondCpensionDwelfare164分If there _____ no air and water, all living creatures would die.AisBwereCbeDbeen174分We _____ the project on time without your kind assistance.Ahadn't had completedBdidn't have completedCcouldn't have completedDcannot have completed184分You _____ such a stupid mistake if you had followed my advice.Amay not makeBmight not makeCshouldn't have madeDmight not have made194分Someone who is _____ is eager to visit new places and have new experiences. AimaginaryBadventurousCslimDhospitable204分He is intelligent enough, but he lacks _____ for working hard and becoming a successful person.AreasonBmotivationCtalentDability二、判断题共10题,20分12分It was so noisy that I couldn't (make myself heard) in the auditorium.A对B错22分If she( had invited )me yesterday, I should have gone to the party.A对B错32分people( tend be) in good mood and spirit when attending social activitiesA对B错42分Suppose your father saw you, what would he say?A对B错52分If I had known that you were to arrive, I (would meet) you at the airport.A对B错62分They talked( as though) they had been friends for ages.A对B错72分I asked him to stop( to make )noise, for I could not make out what the speaker was saying.A对B错82分Had you arrived at the station ten minutes earlier yesterday, you (could catch) the train.A对B错92分I would rather he( does not )come.A对B错102分The computer system (broke out) suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet.A对B错大工19秋《大学英语4》在线测试2共题,总分:100分时间:0秒答题中分一、单选题共20题,80分14分I was so ______by her charming manners and delightful accent.AcharmingBstuckCcaptivatedDhooked24分A high _____ of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties AsliceBpercentCrateDproportion34分Have you forgetten_____ $100 from me last week? Will you please remember _____ it tomorrow?Aborrowing; to bringBto borrow; bringCborrowed; bringingDborrowing; bringing44分This is really a long story, but it is worth _____ .AlistenBlistening toClisten to itDto listen54分Mr Green warned his son _____ after drinking.Ato never driveBnever drivingCnever to driveDnerver drive64分I _____ in management information system at Chinese university and want to study abroad.AstudyBlearnCdevote74分If I had known my life was going to_____ like this, I would have let them kill me. Aturn outBturn downCturn upDturn in84分______ spent his rich wife's fortune, the Major ended up in a debtors 'prison. AHaveBHavingCTo haveDHad94分As an _____ observer my analysis is supposed to be objective.AimpartialBimpartCpartiDwhole104分We should often practice_____ English as much as possible.Ato speakBspokeCspeakDspeaking114分It's no use_____ it; the evidence is conclusive.AdenyBto denyCdenyingDdenied124分The advertisement will ______ the attention of TV audiences.AcaptureBdistractCattackDoccupy13Many are sleeping in the open because they have no _____ .AsafeBshelterCshroudDprevent144分We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear, chemical and _____ arms. AaccustomedBusedCconventionalDadjusted154分The joke was so funny that we _____.Acouldn't help laughBcouldn't help laughingCcouldn't help but to laughDcan't but laugh164分Britain will support him as a candidate for the ______ of the organisation. ApresidencyBresidencyCofficeDpolicy174分He won first _____ at the Leeds Piano Competition.AawardBrewardCprizeDprice184分We are______ to listen to her ______ voice. It's ______ to listen hear her sing. Apleased; pleasing; pleaureBpleased; pleasant; a pleasureCpleasing; pleased; a pleasureDpleasing; pleasant; pleasure194分Here are some drawings ______ for the new apartment.Ato designBdesigningCdesignedDdesign204分So heavily ______ that we could not go to work.Ait rainedBwas it rainedCit was rainingDdid it rain二、判断题共10题,20分12分Sandy (could do nothing but to admit) to his teacher that he was wrong. A对B错22分It is (astonished) to me that he should be absent.A对B错32分I must find a pen (with which )to fill in this form.A对B错42分Britain's future as a (lead) industrial nation depends on investment.A对B错52分(Have failed) three times, he didn’t want to try again.A对B错62分The teacher encouraged everybody( to speak) more English in class.A对B错72分(Inspired )by Dr. Yang’s speech, Li Hua and his classmates decided to study English harder.A对B错82分I can hardly imagine Peter (sails across )the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A对B错92分(Judging from )what he said, the answer is right.A对B错102分Most insurance agents (would rather you don't do anything) about collecting claims until they investigate the situation.A对B错大工19秋《大学英语4》在线测试3共题,总分:100分时间:0秒答题中分一、单选题共20题,80分14分More money is needed for the _____ of holistic buildings and monuments. AobservationBpreservationCdeteriorationDcompensation24分Every means _____ tried to help the two workers to catch up with others.Ahave beenBhas beenChave hadDare34分Don't just try to _____ your toothache. Go and see the dentist. DAput upBput outCput throughDput up with44分It was _____ of you to turn off the light while I was sleeping.AconsiderableBconsiderateCconcernedDcareful54分Chinese all over the world _____ the Spring Festival.AreserveBpreserveCconserveDobserve64分You should be able to _____ right from wrong.AperceiveBdistinguishCsightDobserve74分Establishing the position classification system is _____ to the improvement and innovation of the Chinese civil servant system.AtypicalBfundamentalCcharacteristicDpointless84分There _____ noting important, she didn't want to trouble you.Ato beBto have beenCbeingDbe94分My uncle's house in the city is much smaller than ours, but it is twice_____ expensive. AveryBsoCasDtoo104分_____ , the train started.AGiving the signalBThe signal being givenCThe signal givenDThe signal giving114分What's right for you may be wrong for me, and_____ .AoppositeBon the contraryCvice versaDon the other hand124分Americans eat _____ as they actually need every day.Atwice as much proteinBtwice protein as much twiceCtwice protein as muchDprotein as twice much134分This may have preserved the elephant from extinction as well as other animals _____ in Africa.AhuntedBhuntingCthat huntedDare hunted144分Drug manufacturing is the most _____ business in America.AdominantBapplicableCdrasticDprofitable154分It won't be long _____ they are falling out over that money their mother left them, or I'm Dutchman.AsoonBsinceCafterDbefore164分Nobody but Jack and Jane _____ made great progress in the history examination this time.AhaveBhasChadDhas been174分The political situation is steadily _____ in that country. More and more people are getting involved in the dispute.AdecreasingBdecliningCbreaking upDworsening184分Tom is the only one of the employees who _____ to be promoted.AareBisChave beenDhas been194分_____ a rainy day, so all the farmers had to stay inside.AIt wasBIt beingCBeingDall the above204分High levels of lead could damage the_____ development of children.AintelligentBintellectualCintellectDintellectually二、判断题共10题,20分12分More than one people (are) against his proposal.A对B错2分I gave John a gift but he gave me nothing (in return).A对B错32分I was about to leave when (it appealed to me) that I had not turned off the gas in the kitchen.A对B错42分Mr. Smith, together with his wife and children,(are) going to the party this weekend. A对B错52分Ten minutes( are )an hour when one is waiting for a phone call.A对B错62分He is only ten months. He (can either read or write).A对B错72分What he is doing and whether I know him( is) two different things.A对B错82分Here( is )a pen, a few envelopes and some paper for you.A对B错92分Today’s weather is (very worse than) yesterday’s.A对B错102分Her lawyer and old friend( is )going to marry her.B错。
大工15春《大学英语4》在线测试2一、单选题:1.This article ( ) more attention to the problem of cultural interference in foreign language teaching and learning. (满分:4)A. calls forB. applies forC. cares forD. allows for正确答案:A2.( ) I admire David as a poet, I do not like him as a man. (满分:4)A. Much asB. Only ifC. If onlyD. As much正确答案:A3.Purchasing the new production line will be a ( ) deal for the company. (满分:4)A. profitableB. tremendousC. forcefulD. favorite正确答案:A4.The bank is reported in the local newspaper ( ) in broad daylight yesterday. (满分:4)A. being robbedB. having been robbedC. to have been robbedD. robbed正确答案:C5.Though he was born and brought up in America, he can speak ( ) Chinese. (满分:4)A. smoothB. fluentC. fluidD. flowing正确答案:B6.( ) in the United States, St. Louis has now become the 24th largest city. (满分:4)A. The fourth biggest city it wasB. Once the fourth biggest cityC. Being the fourth biggest cityD. It was once the fourth biggest city正确答案:B7.Mary became ( ) homesick, so she fled to her hometown in Austria. (满分:4)A. completelyB. sincerelyC. absolutelyD. increasingly正确答案:D8.Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning ( ) the salt bottle. (满分:4)A. upB. toC. on正确答案:D9.He soon received promotion, for his superiors realized that he was a man of considerable ( ). (满分:4)A. abilityB. futureC. possibilityD. opportunity正确答案:A10.If the whole operation ( ) beforehand, a great deal of time and money would have been lost. (满分:4)A. was not plannedB. has not been plannedC. had not been plannedD. were not planned正确答案:C11.Many people like white color as it is a ( ) of purity. (满分:4)A. symbolB. signC. signalD. symptom正确答案:A12.It's very ( ) of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep. (满分:4)A. concernedB. carefulC. considerableD. considerate正确答案:D13.Investigators agreed that passengers on the airliner ( ) at the very moment of the crash. (满分:4)A. should have diedB. must be dyingC. must have diedD. ought to die正确答案:C14.In Disneyland, every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to ( ) signs asking his guests not to step on them. (满分:4)A. put downB. put outC. put upD. put off正确答案:C15.Jack wishes that he ( ) business instead of history when he was in university. (满分:4)A. had studiedB. studyC. studiedD. had been studying正确答案:A16.I hope all the precautions against air pollution, ( ) suggested by the local government, will be seriously considered here. (满分:4)B. sinceC. afterD. as正确答案:D17.Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the ( ) which occurred in his dormitory. (满分:4)A. occasionsB. mattersC. incidentsD. issues正确答案:C18.The owner and editor of the newspaper ( ) the conference. (满分:4)A. were attendingB. were to attendC. is to attendD. are to attend正确答案:C19.By the time he arrives in Beijing, we ( ) here for two days. (满分:4)A. have been stayingB. have stayedC. shall stayD. will have stayed正确答案:D20.The energy ( ) by the chain reaction is transformed into heat. (满分:4)A. transferredB. releasedC. deliveredD. conveyed正确答案:B三、判断题:1.I've never been to Beijing, but it's the place where I'd like to visit. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A2.Being a pop star can be quite a hard life, with a lot of travelling owing to heavy schedules. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B3.Because a prior engagement, Lora couldn't attend my birthday party last Saturday. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A4.The overall goal of the book is to help bridge the gap between research and teaching. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B5.They are trying to exploit the waste discharged by the factory for profit. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B6.Tom is very disappointed for the results of the exam. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A7.His trousers split when he tried to jump over the fence. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B8.Reviewing their work will give us a much better feel for the wide differences between the two schools of thought. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:B9.He was so a dynamic speaker that he held our attention every minute of the three-hour lecture. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A10.Although they plant trees in this area every year, but the tops of some hills are still bare. (满分:2)A. 错误B. 正确正确答案:A。
大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试2免费答案一、单选题(共20 道试题,共80 分。
)1. He is not a child _________.A. no moreB. no longerC. any muchD. any more正确答案:D2. My cousin __________ in British literature and will graduate from a Normal university this summer.A. studiesB. majorsC. learnsD. devotes正确答案:B3. There isn't any difference between the two. I really don't know _________.A. where to chooseB. which to chooseC. to choose whatD. to choose which正确答案:B4. Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the ______ which occurredin his dormitory.A. occasionsB. mattersC. incidentsD. issues正确答案:C5. The soldiers rushed toward the wall to find ________ from the bullets.A. preventB. safeC. shroudD. shelter正确答案:D6. Standing under a big tree to _______ getting wet in a rain is not a good choice. This is especially true when it is the thunderstorm reason.A. avoidB. keepC. stopD. drop正确答案:A7. My cousin ________ in British literature and will graduate from a normal university this summer.A. studiesB. majorsC. learnsD. devotes正确答案8. Though he had often made his little sister _________, today he was made _________ by his little sister.A. cry; to cryB. crying; cryingC. cry; cryD. to cry; cry正确答案:A9. Shanghai is really a fascinating city and we've decided to stay for ________ two weeks.A. anotherB. otherC. the otherD. others正确答案:A10. He is a stern father, and sometimes too uncompromising to _______ the children's mistakes.A. excuseB. excusingC. interruptD. interrupting正确答案:A11. It's no good __________ over spilt milk.A. to cryB. cryingC. cried正确答案:B12. The deaths of more than 400,000 Americans each year, 160,000 of them from lung cancer, make a strong _______ for the prohibition of tobacco.A. exceptionB. caseC. desireD. relationship正确答案:B13. The old houses are pulled down to _________ a new office block.A. make room forB. make use ofC. take the place ofD. supply with正确答案:A14. We should often practise _________ English with each other.A. to speakB. spokeC. speakD. speaking正确答案:D15. This country has made great technological achievements. Recently it__________ another satellite.A. firedB. shotC. launchedD. mobilized正确答案:C16. If she wants to stay thin, she must make a ___________ in her diet.A. changeB. turnC. runD. go正确答案:A17. The contruction of the new bridge has been ________ for two weeks because of the bad weather.A. devotedB. developedC. dependedD. delayed正确答案:D18. The owner and editor of the newspaper ______ the conference.A. were attendingB. were to attendC. is to attendD. are to attend正确答案:C19. Jack wishes that he _____ business instead of history when he was in university.A. had studiedB. studyC. studiedD. had been studying正确答案:A20. You should take the medicine after you read the __________.A. linesB. wordsC. instructionsD. suggestions正确答案:C大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试2二、判断题(共10 道试题,共20 分。
(单选题)1:Theyweregratefulforourtimelyhelpandthereforeboughtussom eflowerstoshowtheir__________.A:appreciationB:attitudeC:relationD:expression正确答案:(单选题)2:Hissalaryasadriverismuchhigherthan________.A:aporterB:isaporterC:thatofaporterD:asaporter正确答案:(单选题)3:Youwouldbe_____arisktoletyourchildgotoschoolbyhimself. A:omittingB:attachingC:affordingD:running正确答案:题)4:Thepriceofbeer______from50centsto$4perliterduringthesum merseason.A:alteredB:rangedC:separatedD:differed正确答案:(单选题)5:Howmuchhasthecompany_________thisyearA:broughtinB:broughtdownC:broughtoutD:broughtup正确答案:(单选题)6:Hewasseriouslyill,butherefusedto__________accepthisfate .A:positivelyB:negativelyC:passivelyD:actively正确答案:题)7:Statisticsare________toprovethedepthofpopularmisery:fal lingrealwages,risingunemployment,andageneralcollapseofliving standards.A:concealedB:grabbedC:citedD:projected正确答案:(单选题)8:Thetwostudentstalkedasifthey()friendsforyears. A:shouldbeB:wouldbeC:havebeenD:hadbeen正确答案:(单选题)9:Themanagerpromisedtohavemycomplaint_______.A:lookedthroughB:lookedintoC:lookedforD:lookedafter正确答案:题)10:Theyoungactorwhohadbeenthoughthighlyof__________tobeag reatdisappointment.A:turnedupB:turnedoutC:turneddownD:turnedin正确答案:(单选题)11:Let’ssayyoucouldgothereagain,ho w()feelA:willyouB:shouldyouC:wouldyouD:doyou正确答案:(单选题)12:Nancyis________girl.A:aeighteen-year-oldB:aneighteen-years-oldC:aeighteen-years-oldD:aneighteen-year-old正确答案:(单选题)13:______thepeopleinourvillagebuymeateveryday.A:JustafewB:OnlysomeC:NotmuchD:Notallof正确答案:(单选题)14:IfonlyI__________mywatch!A:hadn'tlostB:haven'tlostC:didn'tlostD:don'tlose正确答案:(单选题)15:Ifthebuildingproject______bytheendofthismonthisdelayed ,theconstructioncompanywillbefined.A:tobecompletedB:iscompletedC:beingcompletedD:completed正确答案:(单选题)16:You_______suchaseriousmistakeifyouhadfollowedhisadvice .A:maynotmakeB:mightnotmakeC:shouldn'thavemadeD:mightnothavemade正确答案:(单选题)17:ThedeanofthePhilosophyDepartmentrequestedthatthevisiti ngscholar________alectureonSartre.A:gaveB:giveC:wouldgiveD:hadgiven正确答案:(单选题)18:__________,Iwouldtakeanumbrellawithme.A:HadIbeenyouB:IwereyouC:WereIyouD:Ihadbeenyou正确答案:(单选题)19:Ourhopes______andfellinthesameinstant.A:arousedB:aroseC:raised正确答案:(单选题)20:Mark'slatestwork________thelearningtheoriesofthe1980sa swellashisownexperienceinteachingEnglishtoforeigners.A:lookedoutB:leftoutC:tookplaceD:drewon正确答案:(判断题)21:Somanydirectorswereabsent,theboardmeetinghadtobeputoff .A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)22:Ifithadrainedanothertenminutes,thegamewouldhavebeencal ledoff.A:错误B:正确正确答案:题)23:Theproblemappearstobemoretroublesomeinnewconstructedho mesratherthanoldones.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)24:Youshouldhaveaplaninplaceforyourtimeanddon'twatchbeyon dwhatyou'veplanned.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)25:Helencouldn’tgotoFranceafterall.That’stoobad.I’msur eshewouldhaveenjoyeditifshe’dgone.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)26:Somepeopleseemtobeabletoaccumulatingwealthfasterthanot hers.A:错误正确答案:(判断题)27:Hedidn'thavetimetoreadthereportwordforword:hejustskimm edit.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)28:Thegeneratorsatthedamconvertwaterpowerintoelectricity. A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)29:I'dliketodrawyourattentioninthefactthatthereissomesens eafterallinthespeaker'snonsense.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)30:Itisimportantthatthehotelreceptionisthasmadesurethatgu estsareregisteredcorrectly.B:正确正确答案:(单选题)1:Theyweregratefulforourtimelyhelpandthereforeboughtussom eflowerstoshowtheir__________.A:appreciationB:attitudeC:relationD:expression正确答案:(单选题)2:Hissalaryasadriverismuchhigherthan________.A:aporterB:isaporterC:thatofaporterD:asaporter正确答案:(单选题)3:Youwouldbe_____arisktoletyourchildgotoschoolbyhimself. A:omittingB:attachingC:affordingD:running正确答案:(单选题)4:Thepriceofbeer______from50centsto$4perliterduringthesum merseason.A:alteredB:rangedC:separatedD:differed正确答案:(单选题)5:Howmuchhasthecompany_________thisyearA:broughtinB:broughtdownC:broughtoutD:broughtup正确答案:(单选题)6:Hewasseriouslyill,butherefusedto__________accepthisfate .A:positivelyB:negativelyC:passivelyD:actively正确答案:(单选题)7:Statisticsare________toprovethedepthofpopularmisery:fal lingrealwages,risingunemployment,andageneralcollapseofliving standards.A:concealedB:grabbedC:citedD:projected正确答案:(单选题)8:Thetwostudentstalkedasifthey()friendsforyears. A:shouldbeB:wouldbeC:havebeenD:hadbeen正确答案:(单选题)9:Themanagerpromisedtohavemycomplaint_______.A:lookedthroughB:lookedintoC:lookedforD:lookedafter正确答案:(单选题)10:Theyoungactorwhohadbeenthoughthighlyof__________tobeag reatdisappointment.A:turnedupB:turnedoutC:turneddownD:turnedin正确答案:(单选题)11:Let’ssayyoucouldgothereagain,how()feelA:willyouB:shouldyouC:wouldyouD:doyou正确答案:(单选题)12:Nancyis________girl.A:aeighteen-year-oldB:aneighteen-years-oldC:aeighteen-years-oldD:aneighteen-year-old正确答案:(单选题)13:______thepeopleinourvillagebuymeateveryday.A:JustafewB:OnlysomeC:NotmuchD:Notallof正确答案:(单选题)14:IfonlyI__________mywatch!A:hadn'tlostB:haven'tlostC:didn'tlostD:don'tlose正确答案:(单选题)15:Ifthebuildingproject______bytheendofthismonthisdelayed ,theconstructioncompanywillbefined.A:tobecompletedB:iscompletedC:beingcompletedD:completed正确答案:(单选题)16:You_______suchaseriousmistakeifyouhadfollowedhisadvice .A:maynotmakeB:mightnotmakeC:shouldn'thavemadeD:mightnothavemade正确答案:(单选题)17:ThedeanofthePhilosophyDepartmentrequestedthatthevisiti ngscholar________alectureonSartre.A:gaveB:giveC:wouldgiveD:hadgiven正确答案:(单选题)18:__________,Iwouldtakeanumbrellawithme.A:HadIbeenyouB:IwereyouC:WereIyouD:Ihadbeenyou正确答案:(单选题)19:Ourhopes______andfellinthesameinstant.A:arousedB:aroseC:raisedD:rose正确答案:(单选题)20:Mark'slatestwork________thelearningtheoriesofthe1980sa swellashisownexperienceinteachingEnglishtoforeigners.A:lookedoutB:leftoutC:tookplaceD:drewon正确答案:(判断题)21:Somanydirectorswereabsent,theboardmeetinghadtobeputoff .A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)22:Ifithadrainedanothertenminutes,thegamewouldhavebeencal ledoff.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)23:Theproblemappearstobemoretroublesomeinnewconstructedho mesratherthanoldones.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)24:Youshouldhaveaplaninplaceforyourtimeanddon'twatchbeyon dwhatyou'veplanned.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)25:Helencouldn’tgotoFranceafterall.That’stoobad.I’msureshewouldhaveenjoyeditifshe’dgone.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)26:Somepeopleseemtobeabletoaccumulatingwealthfasterthanot hers.A:错误正确答案:(判断题)27:Hedidn'thavetimetoreadthereportwordforword:hejustskimm edit.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)28:Thegeneratorsatthedamconvertwaterpowerintoelectricity. A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)29:I'dliketodrawyourattentioninthefactthatthereissomesens eafterallinthespeaker'snonsense.A:错误B:正确正确答案:(判断题)30:Itisimportantthatthehotelreceptionisthasmadesurethatgu estsareregisteredcorrectly.B:正确正确答案:。
大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试1 满分答案
大工15秋《大学英语4》在线测试1 满分答案1.You don't need to rush。
It would be better if you went on business first.2.Who would you prefer to go with you。
e or me?3.It would be risky to let your child go to school alone.4.When ___。
we will be able to get to town more easily.5.It's cold outside。
so you should put on your coat.6.Jane's dress is similar in design to her sister's.7.She identified the man as her ___.8.It's only 100 meters from my house to the theater。
Let's park the car in the garage and walk there.9.Before the final n。
some students have ___(改写:在期末考试之前,有些学生表现出紧张的迹象,甚至有睡眠问题。
)10.The residents。
___ by the fire。
were given help by the Red Cross。
)11.Two days is not enough for him to finish the work。
He needs a third day。
would you slow down a bit。
14.If you carry on working like this, you will _____ sooner or later.
[A.]give off
[B.]get down
[C.]break down
[D.]hold on
15.____ was known to them all that Bob had broken his promise ____ he would give
6.---- Have you got your test result?
---- Not yet. The papers _____.
[A.]are still being corrected
[B.]are not correcting
[C.]have already been corrected
[D.]have not corrected
7.There are forty five students in our class, and they are _____ interested in football.
8.It is too early in the _____ to expect many visitors to the city.
9.---- I expect everything will turn out as you wish.
大学英语4 大工14秋《大学英语4》在线测试1一,单选题1. We demanded that we __________ of any change in the plan.A. informedB. would be informedC. be informedD. had been informed?标准答案:C2. She __________ the man as her attacker and reported him immediately to the police nearby.A. knewB. realizedC. identifiedD. regarded?标准答案:C3. Had you listened to the doctor, you _________ all right now.A. areB. wereC. would beD. would have been?标准答案:C4. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks __________ for working hard and becominga top student.A. reasonB. motivationC. talentD. ability?标准答案:B5. The sports meeting was put off till the next week __________ rain.A. in spite ofB. soC. becauseD. because of?标准答案:D6. Your complaint about the poor service of the restaurant must be made through the proper __________.A. channelsB. canalsC. passagewayD. corridor?标准答案:A7. Although he was the first person to try bungee jumping in Beijing, Zhang Di never claimed he was brave or __________.A. slimB. adventurousC. hospitableD. imaginary?标准答案:B8. It is important that we __________ wild animals.A. will protectB. should protectC. shall protectD. are protecting?标准答案:B9. I'm glad I went over all my notes; otherwise __________.A. I may have failedB. I'd failC. I'd have failedD. I'll have failed?标准答案:C10. You _______ such a serious mistake if you had followed his advice.A. may not makeB. might not makeC. shouldn't have madeD. might not have made?标准答案:D11. How often do you _________ your brother?A. hear aboutB. hear ofC. hear toD. hear from?标准答案:D12. __________ any change about the date, please tell me immediately.A. Will there beB. Should there beC. There will beD. There should be?标准答案:B13. Considering for a long time, he finally came up with a new ________ to the problem.A. wayB. meansC. methodD. approach?标准答案:D14. It is believed in sport what really _______ is not the winning but the playing.A. countsB. paysC. aimsD. happens?标准答案:A15. Before the final examination, some students have shown _________ of tension. They even have trouble in sleeping.A. anxietyB. marksC. signsD. remarks?标准答案:C16. The product was so successful that its name became a __________ word. Now, almost everyone coming to the supermarket will buy one.A. householdC. houseD. family?标准答案:A17. A fully qualified ________ can help different parties to overcome language barriers and bring about a meeting of minds like milk mingling with water.A. interpreterB. guideC. agentD. companion?标准答案:A18. They were grateful for our timely help and therefore bought us some flowers to show their __________.A. appreciationB. attitudeC. relationD. expression?标准答案:A19. Common interests have formed a _______ between us, which may bring about cooperation with each other in more fields.A. tradeB. bondC. unitD. fantasy?标准答案:B20. He looks sad. There are so many problems __________.A. remaining to settleB. remained settlingC. remaining to be settledD. remained to be settled?标准答案:C二,判断题1. They focus their eyes at the bag in the corner of the room.B. 标准?标准答案:A2. You should have a plan in place for your time and don't watch beyond what you've planned.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:B3. The problem appears to be more troublesome in new constructed homes rather than old ones.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A4. The state demands that children attend to school.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A5. Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off and a few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A6. One evening, my mom and I were wrapping presents, and I told her that when I got married, my husband was going to help clean and cook.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:B7. People can talk to other people through the internet, which offers everything from making free calls to foreign countries to doing shopping.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:B8. It is important that the hotel receptionist has made sure that guests are registered correctly.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A9. He turned off the light and locked the door, believe nobody was in the room.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A10. It may seem at first that have a computer brings only benefits.A. 错误B. 标准?标准答案:A。
大工14春《大学英语4》在线测试1答案在文档后面一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。
)V1. Jack is an intelligent pupil, but he lacks __________ for working hard and becoming a top student.A. reasonB. motivationC. talentD. ability满分:4 分2. You don't have to be in such a hurry. I would rather you _________ on business first.A. would goB. will goC. wentD. have gone满分:4 分3. Important __________ his discovery was, it was regarded as a matter of no account in his time.A. whenB. untilC. asD. although满分:4 分4. The boss, narrow-minded and quick-tempered, _______ to get angry when others disagree with her.A. plansB. comesC. intendsD. tends满分:4 分5. Window screens are ________ in keeping out mosquitoes and thus very popular in summers.A. affectedB. infectedC. effectiveD. infective满分:4 分6. I had my meals _________ when I was ill in bed with a bad cold.A. to bringB. bringC. broughtD. bringing满分:4 分7. She __________ the man as her attacker and reported him immediately to the police nearby.A. knewB. realizedC. identifiedD. regarded满分:4 分8. We ________ the work on time without your help.A. hadn't had finishedB. didn't have finishedC. couldn't have finishedD. can't have finished满分:4 分9. Common interests have formed a _______ between us, which may bring about cooperation with each other in more fields.A. tradeB. bondC. unitD. fantasy满分:4 分10. The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he ________ himself.A. injureB. had injuredC. injuredD. would injure满分:4 分11. He looks sad. There are so many problems __________.A. remaining to settleB. remained settlingC. remaining to be settledD. remained to be settled满分:4 分12. Two days is not enough for him to finish the work. He needs __________ day.A. otherB. the otherC. the thirdD. a third满分:4 分13. If there __________ no air, people would die.A. wereB. isC. beD. been满分:4 分14. I _________ round in my seat to speak to her, as a result of which I was scolded by the teacher.A. wavedB. twistedC. overlookedD. stayed满分:4 分15. What a bad memory I’ve got! I even forgot _________ the book with me.A. tookB. takingC. takeD. taken满分:4 分16. The sports meeting was put off till the next week __________ rain.A. in spite ofB. soC. becauseD. because of满分:4 分17. I wish I __________ longer this morning, but I had to get up and come to class.A. could have sleptB. sleptC. might have sleptD. have slept满分:4 分18. Landslides have cut off many villages in the _______ mountain areas.A. farB. remoteC. fartherD. further满分:4 分19. Please put aside that issue for the time being and ________ your minds on the following problems.A. putB. placeC. turnD. focus满分:4 分20. How much has the company _________ this year?A. brought inB. brought downC. brought outD. brought up满分:4 分二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。
大工18秋《大学英语4》在线测试123(100分)答案:A1.XXX: who says what through which channel to whom。
2.Jean couldn't go to the concert last night because she was XXX。
3.He appeared to have been ill for a long time。
4.You should take advantage of this opportunity and try to make a good XXX。
5.As a public ns officer。
he is said to know some very XXX。
6.Would you rather I decided against buying a new bike。
7.I had XXX when I was in bed with a bad cold。
9.It would be too risky to let your child go to school by himself.答案:C10.XXX的五岁孙女要求他戒烟,于是他决定要戒烟。