



Unit 6 Me Period 2一、教学内容Look and learn, Point and say二、教学目标1、掌握词汇hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, face, big, small, long.2、能用I’m … My … is/are …介绍自己的五官等外貌特征三、教学重点1、词汇hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, face, big, small, long.2、句型I’m … My … is/are …四、教学难点在My … is/are …的句型中正确运用名词单复数和形容词。

五、教学准备课件,词卡,句卡,头饰六、教学过程Pre-task preparations1、Review the words: hair, eye, ear, nose, mouth, face, big,small, long.2、Ask students to spell these new words3、(出示剪影)T: Look at the shadow. She’s thin. She isn’t fat. She’s short. She isn’t tall. Who is she? Can you guess?T: Yes, it’s me.(出示课题)带读。

While-task procedures1、T: My name is Wang Juan. You can call me Miss Wang. I’m thin and short. I like reading books.T: Enjoy a storyA: Are you my mum?B: No.My ears are long.My tail is short.A: Are you my mum?B: No.My ears are small.My nose is big.A: Are you my mum?B: No!A: Are you my mum?B:Yes!2、Look and say: Big or small?3、T: My face is small. Look! This is my mouth. I can talk with my mouth. 带读mouth, my mouth.T: My mouth is small.带读句子My mouth is small. How about your mouth?4、T: My face is small. My mouth is small. Look! This is my nose. I can smell with my nose. 带读nose, my nose.My nose is small. How about your nose?5、T: My face is small. My mouth is small. My nose is small. Look! This is my hair. 带读hair.Look! My hair is long. Yao Ming’s hair isn’t long. It’s short. 带读long, My hair is long.My hair is long. How about your hair?6、Look! The boy’s hair is ___. The girl’s hair is ___. The boyis ___. The girl is ___.对比认读long----short, tall----short7、L et’s chantLong, long, long. My hair is long.Short, short, short. My hair is short.8、T: Look! I only have one nose and one mouth. But I have two ears. One ear, two ears, I have two ears.Look! This is my ear. 带读ear.This is my ear. This is my ear, too. One ear, two ears, I have two ears. 带读ears, my ears.T: My ears are ____.让学生说出是big还是small. 带读句子My ears are big.My ears are big. Touch your ears. How about your ears?9、T: Are they my ears? No, they are my eyes. Look! This is my eye. 带读eye.One eye, two eyes, I have two eyes. 带读eyes, my eyes.T: My eyes are ____.让学生说出是big还是small.My eyes are small. How about your eyes?10、T: Look at my face.Can you talk about your nose, your mouth, your hair, your ears and your eyes? Choose one or two. Talk in your group.12、(显示Alice, Peter, Joe, Kitty图片)T: I have four friends. Who are they?13、Ask students to have a informance.14、Point and sayPost-task activities1、Ask students to have a informance.2、Say and act.。

2002-Scintigraphy of lymphomatous masses using 99mTc-MIBI

2002-Scintigraphy of lymphomatous masses using 99mTc-MIBI

151Adresas susira šin ėjimui: L.Dobrovolskien ė, KMU Radiologijos klinika, Eiveni ų 2, 3007 Kaunas. El.pa štas: dobro@takas.ltĮvadasĮvairios lokalizacijos limfomin ės mas ės gali b ūti diagnozuojamos įprastu rentgenologiniu, kompiute-rin ės tomografijos (KT), magnetinio rezonanso to-mografijos (MR) ar ultragarsiniu (UG) tyrimais. Šie metodai įgalina įvertinti limfominio audinio dyd į,apimt į, lokalizacij ą. Proceso aktyvumas vertinamas remiantis klinikiniais po žymiais, MR ir radionuk-lidini ų tyrim ų duomenimis. Ta čiau kartais klinikini ųir radiologini ų tyrim ų duomenys esti prie štaringi.Tod ėl, nor ėdami įvertinti 99m Tc – MIBI galimybes nustatant limfominio audinio navikin į aktyvum ą, atli-kome tyrimus naudojant 99m Tc – MIBI, ir juos lygi-nome su KT, UG, MR ir klinikini ų tyrim ų duomenimis.U žsienio literat ūroje paskelbta nema žai straipsni ų apie limfom ų radionuklidin ę diagnostik ą vartojant įvairius radiofarmpreparatus: Ga–67, Tl–201, Tc – 99m MDP ir kt., taip pat apie pozitron ų emisijos tomografij ą var-tojant 18–FDG (11, 12, 13). Paul B., atlik ęs limfomos radionuklidin ės diagnostikos studijas su Ga–67 ir 18–FDG, teigia, kad gaunami vaizdai n ėra pakankamai kontrastingi (2), be to, reikalinga brangi pozitron ųemisijos tomografijos (PET) kamera. Maurea S. ir kt.pateikia limfom ų diagnostikos galimybes su radio-farmpreparatu MIBI (99m Tc – MIBI) (3). Įrodyta eks-perimentais in vitro ir in vivo , kad radiofarmpreparatas MIBI kaupiasi navikini ų l ąsteli ų, turin či ų neigiam ąmembranos potencial ą, mitochondrijose. J ų suma žėj ęs membranos potencialas yra padid ėjusio l ąstelinio me-tabolizmo padarinys (5, 6). Tai yra biologinis pagrin-das, naudojant MIBI klinikin ėje onkologijoje, hema-tologijoje. Remiantis šiomis savyb ėmis, scintigrafija MIBI įgalina diferencijuoti aktyv ų limfomin į, nepa-kitus į limfin į bei fibrozin į audinius (7, 8, 9).Tirt ųj ų kontingentasKauno medicinos universiteto Radiologijos klini-kos Branduolin ės medicinos skyriuje 1998–2001 m.atlikta scintigrafija su 99m Tc – MIBI 68 ligoniams,kuriems histologi škai buvo patvirtinta limfoma: 50(HL) ir 18 (NHL) (i š j ų dviem – limfoma, susijusi su pogleivio limfiniu audiniu (MALT)). Visiems ligo-niams atlikta: įprastas rentgenologinis, KT, MR ir kli-nikinis tyrimai. Ligoni ų grup ę sudar ė 36 vyrai ir 32moterys, am žiaus vidurkis – 34 metai. 1 lentel ėje pateikiami sergan či ųj ų HL pa žeidimo lokalizacijos,klinikinio tyrimo, palpacijos ir įvairi ų radiologini ų ty-rim ų duomenys (navikas n=14, limfmazgi ų pa žeidimas n=36). 2 lentel ėje pateikiami sergan či ųj ų NHL pa žeidimo lokalizacijos, klinikinio tyrimo ir įvairi ų radiologini ųtyrim ų duomenys (navikas n=10, limfmazgi ų pa žei-dimas n=12).MetodikaRadiofarmpreparatas ir doz ėTyrimui vartojamas MIBI radiofarmpreparatas (6-metoksiizobutilizonitrilo molekuli ų ir technecio (Tc)atom ų kompleksas) paruo šiamas pagal firmos gamin-tojos instrukcij ą. Radiofarmpreparato doz ė – 8–12,žym ėtojo 99m Tc, mCi (400–450 MBq) su švirk ščiamaMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr. 2Limfomini ų masi ų scintigrafija naudojant 99m Tc – MIBILaima Dobrovolskien ė, Nemira Jurkien ėKauno medicinos universiteto Radiologijos klinikaRakta žod žiai: limfoma, mas ės, scintigrafija, 99m Tc – MIBI.Santrauka. Radiofarmpreparatas 99m Tc – MIBI vartojamas širdies ir onkologini ų lig ųradionuklidinei diagnostikai, taip pat limfom ų diagnostikai. Kauno medicinos universiteto Radio-logijos klinikoje Branduolin ės medicinos skyriuje skiriant radiofarmpreparat ą 99m Tc – MIBI,i štirti 68 ligoniai, sergantys limfoma (50 – Hod žkino liga (HL), 18 – ne Hod žkino limfoma (NHL)),atlikta viso k ūno scintigrafija i š priekio ir nugaros bei radionuklidin ė kompiuterin ė tomografija.Radiofarmpreparato kaupimasis įvairios lokalizacijos limfomos audinyje nustatytas 47 ligoniams.Diagnostinis scintigrafijos 99m Tc – MIBI tikslumas HL atveju buvo 78 proc., NHL atveju – 94proc. Remiantis m ūs ų tyrim ų duomenimis, pasteb ėta, kad scintigrafijos 99m Tc – MIBI tikslumas priklauso ne nuo ligos aktyvumo, bet nuo limfomini ų masi ų dyd žio. NHL sergan či ųj ų grup ėje MIBI kaupimasis buvo didesnis (vidutinis limfomini ų masi ų dydis 3,9±2,5 cm (p=0,01)).Patologinio MIBI kaupimosi nenustatyta, kuomet limfomini ų masi ų dydis buvo (1,5±0,5 cm).152tiriamajam ligoniui į ven ą. Po 5–10 min. atliekamas scintigrafini ų vaizd ų registravimas. Tyrimas atlie-kamas dviej ų detektori ų SIEMENS gama kamera naudojant ma žos energijos kolimatorius. Atliekama viso k ūno scintigrafija priekin ėje ir nugarin ėje projek-cijose. Gama kameros davikli ų pad ėtis turi b ūti kuo ar čiau k ūno pavir šiaus. Kai kuriems ligoniams (n=5)papildomai buvo atlikta ir kr ūtin ės l ąstos radionuk-lidin ė kompiuterin ė tomografija (RNKT). Visi scin-tigrafiniai vaizdai buvo analizuojami naudojant SIE-MENS programin ę įrang ą. RNKT vaizdai, atlikus rekonstrukcijas, buvo analizuojami a šin ėje, šonin ėje ir priekin ėje projekcijose.Duomen ų analiz ėVisiems 68 ligoniams klinikiniu tyrimu ir įvairiais radiologiniais tyrimais buvo tiksliai nustatyta limfoi-dinio audinio pa žeidimo lokalizacija bei limfomini ųmasi ų diametras. Be to, radionuklidinio tyrimo duo-menys buvo gretinami su klinikinio ir rentgenologinio,KT bei MR tyrim ų duomenimis. Scintigrafijos 99m Tc – MIBI diagnostinis tikslumas skai čiuotas ir ly-gintas sergan či ųj ų Hod žkino liga (HL) ir ne Hod žkino limfoma (NHL) grup ėse.RezultataiHL ir NHL sergan či ųj ų klinikinio tyrimo bei radio-1 lentel ė. HL sergan či ųj ų klinikinio, radiologinio tyrim ų ir scintigrafijos MIBI duomenys2 lentel ė. NHL sergan či ųj ų klinikinio, radiologinio tyrim ųir scintigrafijos MIBI duomenys Laima Dobrovolskien ė, Nemira Jurkien ėMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr . 2153logini ų tyrim ų duomenys pateikiami 1 ir 2 lentel ėje.47 ligoniams nustatytas patologinis radiofarmpre-parato 99m Tc – MIBI kaupimasis įvairiose k ūno srityse. HL sergantiems ligoniams nustatyta 25 proc.(n=33) tarpuplau čio, 20 proc. kaklo (n= 27), 10,5 proc.vir šraktikaulin ės (n=14), 10 proc. aortos (n=13), 13,5proc. pasaito (n=18), 11 proc. pa žast ų (n=15), 6 proc.kirk šni ų (n=8), 2 proc. kaul ų čiulp ų (n=3), žarn ų 1proc. (n=2), 1 proc. stuburo (n=2) srities pa žeidim ų(1 pav.). NHL sergantiems ligoniams nustatyta 20 proc.3 proc. stuburo (n=1) srities pa žeidim ų (2 pav.).Naviko forma pasitaik ė 14 HL atvej ų, 10 NHL atvej ų. Izoliuotas limfmazgi ų pa žeidimas 36 HL atve-jais, 6 NHL atvejais. Dviem NHL atvejais nustatytas mi šrus pa žeidimas. Vidutinis limfomini ų masi ų dydis HL atveju buvo 2,7±1,5 cm, NHL atveju 3,9±2,5 cm (3 pav.).27 ligoniams, kuri ų limfomini ų masi ų diametras buvo didesnis negu 3,0 cm, prie š gydym ą buvo ypa čry škus radiofarmpreparato kaupimas (4, 5 pav.), po tas ė.Limfomini ų masi ų scintigrafija naudojant 99m Tc – MIBIMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr . 2Penkiems atlikta kr ūtin ės l ąstos RNKT. Vienam nusta-tytas patologinis MIBI kaupimasis plau či ų bazin ėse dalyse (6, 7 pav. a ir b), vienam galvos smegenyse,trims patologinio MIBI kaupimosi nenustatyta. 19 ligo-ni ų tirti esant remisijos stadijai, kai nebuvo klinikini ųrei škini ų, ta čiau KT vaizduose esant 1,5±0,5 cm skers-mens limfomin ėms mas ėms. Visiems tiriamiesiems MIBI kaupimosi nenustatyta (8 pav.).Rezultat ų aptarimasŠio tyrimo duomenimis, scintigrafija su 99m Tc –MIBI įgalina tiksliai diagnozuoti aktyv ų limfomin į au-din į bei nustatyti jo lokalizacij ą. Racionalus radiofarm-preparato 99m Tc – MIBI panaudojimas aktyvaus limfominio audinio diagnostikai lemiamas jo savyb ės atspind ėti l ąsteli ų metabolin ę funkcij ą. Suaktyv ėjus navikini ų l ąsteli ų metabolizmui ir padid ėjus memb-4 pav. 18 met ų ligon ė, serganti Hod žkino ligaScintigramoje matomas patologinis radiofarmpreparato 99m Tc – MIBI kaupimasis kaklo, vir šraktikaulin ės, pasaitosrities limfmazgiuose bei tarpuplau čio navike.MEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr . 21555 pav. Tos pa čios ligon ės KT (a) ir MR (b, c) aksialiniuose pj ūviuose matomas6 cm skersmenstarpuplau čionavikas6 pav. 23 met ų ligon ė, serganti Hod žkino ligaViso k ūno scintigramoje ir RNKT aksialin ės, sagitalin ės ir koronarin ės projekcijos vaizduose matomas patologinis radiofarmpreparato 99m Tc – MIBI kaupimasis vir šraktikaulin ėje, kr ūtin ės l ąstos (kairiojo plau čio apatin ėje dalyje –RNKT) ir žarn ų srityje.Limfomini ų masi ų scintigrafija naudojant 99m Tc – MIBI MEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr . 21567 pav. Tos pa čios ligon ės MR vaizduose (aksialiniame T1 su kontrastu, T1 ir sagitaliniame T2 )matomos analogi šk ų sri či ų aktyvaus limfominio audinio sankaupos kairiojo plau čio bazin ėsedalyse8 pav. 31 met ų ligon ė, serganti ne Hod žkino limfomaPo 8 chemoterapijos kurs ų KT matomi 1,5 cm skersmens limfmazgiai; scintigramoje radiofarmpreparato 99m Tc –MIBI kaupimosi likusiuose limfmazgiuose nematyti.Laima Dobrovolskien ė, Nemira Jurkien ėMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr . 2157ranos lipofiliškumui, padidėja ir radiofarmpreparato kaupimasis. Tuo tarpu sveikuose audiniuose bei fibro-bląstuose MIBI kaupimasis labai nežymus (10). Už-sienio medicinos literatūroje paskelbta keletas lim-fomų radionuklidinių tyrimų su 99m Tc – MIBI, Ga–67 ir Tl–201 lyginimo duomenų (8, 11). Aktolun C. ir kt., Maurea S. ir kt., Scott A.M. ir kt. savo darbuose aprašo MIBI kaupimosi pobūdį limfomos audinyje (12, 13, 14, 15). Ziegels P. ir kt. didelėje limfoma sergan-čiųjųžmonių grupėje ištyrė ir palygino Ga–67 ir 99m Tc – MIBI kaupimą (16). Šie autoriai teigia, kad 99m Tc – MIBI kontrastiškumas vaizduose yra mažesnis, tačiau, lyginant su Ga–67, Tl–201 diagnostinis jautrumas toks pats. Todėl šių tyrimų duomenys rodo, kad scintigrafija su 99m Tc – MIBI yra efektyvus radiologinis tyrimo metodas norint atmesti neaktyviąlimfomą ir koreguoti tolesnio gydymo taktiką. Taigi daugeliui ligoniųatlikus šįtyrimąpriešplanuojamągydymą, atsiranda galimybėišvengti papildomos chemoterapijos (9). Mūsų atliktų tyrimų duomenimis, diagnostinis tikslumas HL atveju buvo 78 proc., NHL atveju – 94 proc. Patologinis radiofarmpreparato 99m Tc – MIBI kaupimasis nustatytas 47 iš 68 ligonių (70 proc.). HL atveju vyravo tarpuplaučio – 25 proc., kaklo – 20 proc. ir viršraktikaulinės srities 10 proc. pažeidimas, NHL atveju: pažastų – 20 proc., kaklo –16 proc. ir pasaito srities – 16 proc. pažeidimas. Pastebėta, kad vaizdų kontrastiškumas buvo geresnis, kai radiofarmpreparatas kaupėsi atskiruose limfmaz-giuose ar navikuose negu parenchiminiuose pilvo srities organuose (kepenyse, blužnyje, inkstuose). Penkiems ligoniams, atlikus viso kūno scintigrafiją, išpriekinės ir užpakalinės projekcijos vaizdųbuvo sunku nustatyti tiksliąpažeidimo lokalizaciją, todėl atlikta RNKT. Rekonstravus vaizdus ašinėje, šoninėje ir priekinėje plokštumose, dviem ligoniams išryškėjo radiofarmpreparato kaupimasis kairiojo plaučio bazinėje dalyje ir abiejųgalvos smegenųpusrutuliųprojekcijoje (akiduobėse), trims ligoniams kaupimosi požymiųnenustatyta. 19 ligonių, kuriems KT vaiz-duose rasta 1,5±0,5 cm skersmens limfmazgių, šis radionuklidinis tyrimas, atliktas esant klinikinės remi-sijos stadijai, buvo negatyvus, o MR vaizduose sig-nalo pokyčiai atitiko fibrozinius pakitimus. Remiantis tuo, galima teigti, kad scintigrafijos su 99m Tc – MIBI diagnostinis tikslumas priklauso nuo limfominių masiųdydžio. Didesnį diagnostinį tikslumą NHL atveju lėmėdidesnis limfominiųmasiųdiametras (3,9±2,5 cm lyginant su HL 2,7±1,5 cm). Italijoje, Neapolio bran-duolinės medicinos centre ir nacionaliniame vėžio institute atliktųtyrimų duomenys taip pat rodo, kad 99 mTc – MIBI kaupimasis priklauso nuo limfominiųmasiųdydžio. Maurea S. ir kt. nustatė, kad, esant 1,8±1,0 cm dydžio limfmazgiams, šio radionuklidinio tyrimo diagnostinis tikslumas yra 72 proc., o esant didesnėms masėms – 3,7±2,2 cm (p=0,01) – 94 proc.(3). Lyginant šiuos duomenis su mūsų tyrimo duo-menis, aišku, kad NHL atveju diagnostinis tikslumas yra analogiškas, kiek mažesnis tikslumas esant HL.Išvados1. 99m Tc – MIBI radiofarmpreparatas kaupiasi aktyviose limfomos ląstelėse, turinčiose padidėjusįmembranos lipofiliškumą.2. Scintigrafija su 99m Tc – MIBI padeda tiksliai nustatyti limfomos pažeidimo sritį.3. Scintigrafijos su 99m Tc – MIBI diagnostinis tikslumas priklauso nuo limfominių masių dydžio.4. Scintigrafija su 99m Tc – MIBI įgalina atskirti neaktyvųjį, fibrozinįlimfomos audinį, padeda ligo-niams išvengti netikslingos chemoterapijos.Scintigraphy in lymphomatous mases with 99m Tc MIBILaima Dobrovolskienė, Nemira JurkienėClinic of Radiology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Lithuania Key words: lymphomatous mases, scintigraphy, 99m Tc MIBI.Summary. Tc 99m sestamibi imaging is used in nuclear oncology, cardiology, but its role in detecting lymphomas has not been widlely investigated. During 1998–2001at the Department of Nuclear medicine, Kaunas University Hospital 68 patients with lymphomas (50 patients with Hodgkins disease (HD), 18 with non-Hodgkins (NHL)) underwent Tc 99m MIBI whole – body imaging. Of the 47 lymphoma lesions showed abnormal MIBI uptake. The accuracy of MIBI scintigraphy in patients with Hodgkins disease was lower (78%) compared to that of patients with non-Hodgkins lymphomas (94%). However, this difference was not related to tumor type, but to lesion size. Tumor size was significantly (p=0.01) higher in lesions NHL with increased MIBI uptake (3.9±2.5 cm) compared with those with no uptake (1.5±0.5 cm). Correspondence to L.Dobrovolskienė, Clinic of Radiology, Kaunas University of Medicine, Eivenių 2, 3007 Kaunas,Lithuania. E-mail: dobro@takas.ltLimfominių masių scintigrafija naudojant 99m Tc – MIBIMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr. 2158Literatūra1.Castellino RA. Hodgkin disease: imaging studies and patientmanegement. Radiology 1988;169:269-72.2.Paul B. Comparison of fluorine – 18-2-fluorodeoxyglucoseand gallium – 67 citrate imaging for detection of lymphoma. J Nuclear Medicine1987;28:288-94.3.Maurea S, Acampa W, et al. Tc – 99m Sestamibi imaging inthe diagnostic assesment of patients with lymphomas: comparison with clinical and radiological evaluation. Clinical Nuclear Medicine1995;23:283-90.4.Carvalho PA, Chiu ML, Kroauge JF, et al. Subcellulardistribution and analysis of technetium - 99m – MIBI in isolated perfused rat hearts. 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Comparison of technetium – 99m MIBI and thalium –201 chloride uptake in primary thyroid lymphoma.J Nuclear Medicine1992;33:1396-1402.15.Matsui R, Komori T, Narabayashi I, et al. Tc – 99m sestamibiuptake by malignant lymphoma and slow washout. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 1995;20:352-9.16.Ziegels P, Nocaudie M, Huglo D, Deveaux M, DetourrmigniesL, Wattel E, et al. Comparison of technetium – 99m metho-xyisobutylisonitrile and galium-67 citrate scanning in the assesment of lymphomas. European J Nuclear Medicine 1995;22:126-34.Straipsnis gautas 2001 09 01, priimtas 2002 02 11Received 1 September 2001, accepted 11 February 2002Laima Dobrovolskienė, Nemira JurkienėMEDICINA (2002) 38 tomas, Nr. 2。

人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 6 综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)

人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 6 综合素质评价试卷 附答案 (1)

人教精通版六年级英语下册Unit 6 综合素质评价时间:40分钟满分:100分题号一二三四五六七八九十总分得分听力部分(30分)一、听句子, 根据所听内容给下列图片排序。

(10分)二、听问句, 根据所听内容选择合适的答语。

(10分)() 1. A. Tomorrow morning. B. I went to Sanya.() 2. A. It's over there. B. Go down the street.() 3. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, it is.() 4. A. We learn English by doing things. B. We can speak English well.() 5. A. Three years old. B. Three years ago.三、听短文, 根据所听内容判断下列句子正(T) 误(F) 。

(10分)() 1. Mr White works in a middle school.() 2. He goes to work on foot.() 3. He is an English teacher and has five lessons every day.() 4. He always teaches students by playing games.() 5. All the students like him very much.笔试部分(70分)四、用所给词的适当形式填空。

(10分)1. It takes me only a few________________(minute) .2. Look! The farmers________________(pick) apples on the farm.3. We were very ________________(interest) in English lessons.4. I________________(begin) to learn English three years ago.5. Our teacher usually lets us do things by ________________(we) .五、单项选择。

英语三上unit 6《me》(第3课时)课件

英语三上unit 6《me》(第3课时)课件

Lion: No. ____________________.
I’m not your mum.
Say and act
1 2
Mimi: Are you my mum? Mouse: No. My ________________.
Your ____________________. I’m not your mum.
Mimi: _______________? Lion: No. ____ hair __ long. ____ hair __ short. I’m not your mum.
Mimi: _______________? Kangaroo: No. I’m big and
tall. You are _____ and
I’m not your mum.
Mum! Mum!

Mum! Mum!
Mum! Mum!


Mum! Mum!
Mum! Mum!
… …
Mum! Mum!
Pair work: Make new stories
face eyes round big
答案:D 解析:“20 岁时开始……”错误。古代汉族男孩 15 岁时束发 为髻,成童;20 岁时行冠礼,成年。
3.下列对相关词语的解说,不正确的一项是( ) A.“苟合”是一个古今异义词,在古代汉语中,它指曲意逢 迎。 B.“舅姑”指丈夫或妻子的父母。 C.“太子”指封建时代君主儿子中被确定继承君位的人,有 时也可指其他儿子。 D.“易”指的是《周易》,它是儒家重要经典,是“六经”之 一。



一、单选题1.选出不同类的单词()A. yesterdayB. last nightC. tomorrow2.He is a basketball .A. playB. to playC. player3.Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a ____________________ chair.A. breakB. breaksC. broken4.I can play piano sing songs in music class.A. /, orB. the, orC. a, or5.选出不同类的单词()A. tallerB. workerC. stronger6.The small horse ______ a mule.A. likeB. likes lookC. looks like7.Tell us your family, please.A. atB. aboutC. of8.—What are those?—They are _____.A. a flowerB. flowerC. flowers9.It Thanksgiving dinner last year.A. isB. wasC. were10.He dinner at 5:00 yesterday afternoon.A. ateB. eatsC. eat二、选词填空11.—What did you see in the zoo yesterday, Jim?—I ________(看见) pandas, tigers and lions. ( see/ saw )12.Hi, how many ________(book/books) do you have?13.根据图片内容选择适当的词组填空,补全下列句子。

took pictures went swimming play badmintonhurt his foot looks up(1)I ________ with my friends in the pool yesterday.(2)Xiaoming fell off his bike and ________.(3)Amy often ________ new information on the Internet.(4)Mr Chen ________ of us at the birthday party last week.(5)I always ________ with my friends on the weekend.14.He is ________(tall/taller) and strong.15.Lily asked me to ________(see/saw) a film the day before yesterday. 16.看图,从方框中选择正确的短语完成对话saw grapes hurt my arm ate some fruits rode a horse(1)—What did he eat yesterday?—He ________.(2)—What did she see on the farm yesterday?—She ________.(3)—What did she do last holiday?—She ________.三、情景交际17.Sarah:________?Tom: No, I wasn't. I was short ten years ago.18.Did you stay at home last weekend?19.从方框中选择下列各句的最佳应答语。

牛津英语三年级上册第6单元Unit 6《Me》教学课件

牛津英语三年级上册第6单元Unit 6《Me》教学课件

Point and say
Hello, I’m … I’m … My … is … My … are …
Look and say.
This is Guangtouqiang. He’s thin. His face ___is___ long. His mouth ___is___ big.
Look and say.
Are you …用来询问别人的身份。 肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I’m not. 介绍自己的五官特征: My … is/are …
1. 听录音,跟读课文20分钟。 2. 预习Learn the sounds。
Module2 My family, my friends and me
Do you know?
Are you my mum? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
Are you …用来询问别人的身份。 肯定回答:Yes, I am. 否定回答:No, I’m not.
Do you know?
My tail is short. My ears are long.
Module2 My family, my friends and me
Unit6 Me
第1课时: Listen and say Look and learn
Free talk
教师拿出自己的家庭成员照片,学 生提问,老师回答。
Ss: Who’s he? T: He’s my … Ss: Who’s she? T: She’s my …
Fill in the blanks

沪教版牛津英语三年级上册Unit 6 Me(教案)

沪教版牛津英语三年级上册Unit 6 Me(教案)
5.Say:Look! This is my hair. My hair is long.My ears are small.
6.PPT shows the sentences:
My nose___small.
My eyes____big.
Play the radio.
Play the radio.
课题:Unit 6Me
课时:period 1
本单元的教学要求是学生能够用My hair is long. My ears are small.来介绍自己,同时还要学会单词:hair eye ear nose mouth face big long look small的拼读用。教材中Listen and say部分展示了Kitty和Peter的自我介绍。这两段课文主要包含句型:My hair is long. My ears are small.课文讲解结束之后,设置了三个活动,一个是培养他们说的能力,一个是为了让他们注意语音语调,另一个是培养他们的写作能力。
Pre-task procedure
1.PPT shows pictures of an elephant, a mouse, Kitty and Ben...

boss me6中文说明书

boss me6中文说明书




headphone耳机,expression pedal表情踏板,可以接fv300,音量踏,或者ev50,表情踏,不过这个板子无哇音接了也只能控制音量,哈哈。

manual remote,单快模式,开关。























total level总电平,就是总音量的意思。

noise suppressor数字降燥,别开了,除非是一把破琴,全是杂音。


delay time时间。

feedback消失长短effect level效果音量。

chorus flanger合唱和弗兰格。





mode类型rpe delay多长时间声音回来。



e lev/res理解为音量就好。


2022-2023学年第一学期人教新目标七年级英语上册Unit 9单元综合练附答案

2022-2023学年第一学期人教新目标七年级英语上册Unit 9单元综合练附答案


1.—Is Sally’s favorite day Friday?—________.A.No,it isB.Yes,he isC.Yes,it isD.No,he isn’t2.—Do you like music?—________A.Yes,it does.B.No,it isn’t.C.Yes,because it’s relaxing.D.No,you don’t.3.We have math________Monday.A.inB.onC.atD./4.I like math,_________it’s difficult for me.A.butB.andC.orD.Because5.Do you have history________the afternoon of Monday.A.inB.atC.onD.for6.Mr.Chen teaches________math.We all like________very much.;himB.our;his;hisD.our;him7.I don’t like biology.I think it’s________.A.real boringB.really boringC.real funnyD.really funny8.After school,he does homework________an hour every day.A.onB.atC.forD.in9.The game________at4:00P.m.A.finishB.finishesC.finishingD.to finish10.Lucy lived in Beijing from2010________2018.A.onB.toC.atD.of二、完形填空。

Dear Wang Min,How are you?I go to school1Monday to Friday.We have2subjects—math,English,Chinese, art,history,P.E.and music.We have six3a day—four in the morning and two in the4.My favorite subject is math.It is very interesting.My math teacher,Mr.Brown,is very5to me.He always6me. He tells(告诉)me some good ways to do the exercises(做练习题的方法).I like music,too.I think it is relaxing.I don't like7.I can't draw(画)pictures well.I am8at school,but I like my school life(生活).How about you?9me at***************.I want to know10school life and favorite subject.Yours,Susan1.A.about B.from C.under D.with2.A.seven B.six C.five D.four3.A.friends B.cards C.classes D.games4.A.day B.morning C.afternoon D.evening5.A.fine B.healthy C.happy D.nice6.A.calls B.asks C.watches D.helps7.A.English B.art C.Chinese D.history8.A.busy B.great C.right D.welcome9.A.Let B.Thank C.E-mail D.Find10.A.his B.her C.their D.your三、阅读理解。


- 可变进排气阀门正时 - 排气再循环(EGR) - 可变进气歧管布置(动态增压) - 废气涡轮增压
电动燃油泵从油箱中泵出燃油,经燃油滤清器强制过滤后,燃 油被送往燃油分配管。
燃油分配管上装有由电磁控制的喷油器,可以精确地将一定数 量的燃油喷入进气歧管。
在配有回油管的系统中,燃油流经油压调节器后多于的部分会 返回油箱中。
1 系统综述 2 ME7的主要控制系统 3 ME7系统的主要控制策略 4 主要传感器与执行器介绍 5 电控单元(ECU) 6 ME7系统的综合诊断 7与其它系统的接口 8 结束语
本章将从以下几个方面对ME7系统进行初步介绍。其中的系统组成和 控制策略将在后面进行重点论述。
在整个发动机运行期间,ETC控制系统会不断地检查和监测所 有能影响节气门开度的传感器信号和计算。
一旦遇到故障,系统的初始反应是回复到基于冗余传感器信号 的状态并进行数据处理。如果没有冗余的信号可用,则节气门开度 调整到默认的位置。
尽管节气门控制是控制发动机进气的主要方式,仍然有许多其 它的系统型式也能够实现对进入气缸中的新鲜空气和残留废气数量 的调整,包括:
1 油罐 2 电动燃油
泵3 燃油滤清

4 油压调节

燃油系统的组成: 1)电动燃油泵 3)燃油滤清器 5)电磁喷油器
2)燃油分配管 4)油压调节器
电动燃油泵维持着 由油箱而来的连续不断 的燃油流动。它可以安 装在油箱里或者油箱外 的油路中。

三年级英语上册教案-Unit 6 Me-沪教牛津版

三年级英语上册教案-Unit 6 Me-沪教牛津版

The mouse is afraid , so he mouse.
says:”Help ! help!”
Ask together !
Are you my
②Miumiu , Kitty’s mum comes here .
If your are Kitty’s mum. What should you say ?
Listen and read 设计意图:通过听
follow the
sounds .
6 students a
group. Act the 独白。提升学生发
are small. My nose is big . features about
the dog .
The student to the sound , and ask who is he ?(sound)
and then talk about the features of the
预设学生活动 设计意图
Warming-up 热身:
Before class, sing the
song : eyes ears mouth and
Free talk:My ears/eyes/

12C 6+重离子辐照大葱的生物学效应

12C 6+重离子辐照大葱的生物学效应

应用价值和现实意义。 目 ,采用重离子束进行大 前 葱辐照育种的研究在 国内外还未见报道 。我们利用 2 重离子辐照大葱种子 ,对其生长发育和诱变进 C
行 了研究 ,为大葱的进一步育种提供了依据。
1 材 料 和 方 法
11 材 料 .
实验 材料 为兰 州 当地 市 售的大 葱种 子 。
制的发芽率和降低 了的存活率 , 但适当剂量的辐照 反而能提高大葱种子的发芽率。
的株高、出叶数 、抗性等生长情况。 1 - 核 和染 色体畸 变的观 察 : 取对 照 、 0 、 . 3微 2 选 3 Gy 9G 0 y和 10 y种子 各 10粒 , 8G 0 放人 培养 皿 中发芽 , 待根长达到约 2 c 时切取 0 c 长的根尖 ,用 m .m 5 C ro an y液 ( 乙醇 : 冰醋酸 = : ) 31 固定 ,压 片 ,苯酚 品 红染色 ,在 Mo c t 显微镜下观察微核和染色体畸变 i 情况。 每个 辐照 处理剂 量各 观察 2 根尖 , 0个 每个根 尖随机选取 1 个视野 , 0 统计出现微核、 落后染色体 、 染色体桥和游离染色体等畸变现象的细胞数 , 拍照 , 统计微核率和染色体总畸变率( 微核率= 含有微核的 细胞数/ 观察细胞总数× %,染色体总畸变率= 10 0 含 有染色体畸变的总细胞数/ 观察细胞总数× 0 %) 10 。 数据的差异显著性分析用 t 检验 。
重离子辐照引起细胞染色体畸变研究 ,是离子 注入作物诱变和生物学效应研究的一个重要方面。 其常见特征是微核、染色体桥 、落后染色体等畸变 现象 ,这些 畸变 导致 细胞 内遗传 物质 发 生改 变 ,从 而可以筛选出具有稳定遗传性状的优 良品种。所以 重离子辐照引起的细胞染色体畸变研究在育种应用 上具 有 重要 意义 。 大葱是百合科葱属的草本植物 ,分布广泛 ,其 味辛性温 , 具有较高的营养价值 。有通阳活血、发 散风邪 、按胎止血 、发表和里 、解毒等功效 。 目 J 前 ,我国大葱有些优 良的地方品种已濒临灭绝 ,其 育种与其它蔬菜相 比明显滞后于生产。尤其近年来 随着大葱出口和深加工产品的需求增加 , 使得市场 对其 品种的专一依赖性大大增强。因此加强大葱育 种工作势在必行 。由于西部地区环境恶劣 ,相对而 言对大葱的品种改 良提出了更高的要求 , 选育抗旱 、 抗寒 、抗病虫害和高产的大葱品种具有很高的经济



沪教版英语三年级上册《Unit6Me》新课标教案一、教学目标知识目标1.能够掌握英语单词:me, happy, sad, tired, hungry, thirsty, cold, hot。

2.能够理解并使用以下日常用语:–Are you happy today? Yes, I am.–Are you sad today? No, I am not.–Are you tired today? Yes, I am.–Are you hungry today? No, I am not.–Are you thirsty today? Yes, I am.–Are you cold today? Yes, I am.–Are you hot today? No, I am not.3.能够运用所学知识,介绍自己的情绪和感受。



二、教学重点和难点教学重点1.掌握英语单词:me, happy, sad, tired, hungry, thirsty, cold, hot;2.理解并掌握相关日常用语;3.能够介绍自己的情绪和感受。



三、教学准备教师:1.教学课件、电脑、投影设备;2.Unit 6 Me 的课本和练习册;3.学生讲义(包括本节课的教学重点、教学难点、学习要求等)。


四、教学过程1. Warming Up(教学时长:5 min)通过运动、游戏等活动,让学生进入课堂状态,调动学生的注意力。



六下英语作文第一单元我和我的朋友对比全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Me and My Friend: Spot the Differences!Hello everyone! Today I want to talk about me and my friend. We are very different in many ways, but we also have some things in common. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, my friend is a girl and I am a boy. She has long hair and I have short hair. She likes to wear dresses and I like to wear shorts. But even though we look different, we both love to play soccer together.My friend is really good at drawing. She can make the most beautiful pictures and I always ask her to draw me something. I am not very good at drawing, but I am really good at math. I can solve all the math problems in class and my friend always asks me for help.Another difference between us is that my friend is very good at singing. She has a beautiful voice and everyone in our class loves to listen to her. I, on the other hand, am not a very goodsinger. But I am really good at telling jokes and making people laugh.Even though we have these differences, we are still best friends. We love to spend time together and help each other out.I think that's what makes our friendship so special.Well, that's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story about me and my friend. Have a great day! Bye-bye!篇2Me and My Friends CompareHi everyone! Today I want to talk about me and my friends. We are all in the same class and have known each other for a long time. We are very different but also the same in some ways.First, let me tell you about my friend Lily. She is tall and has long hair. She is really good at math and always helps me with my homework. She is also very organized and keeps her desk neat and tidy. Unlike me, I always have my books and pens all over the place!Then there is Tom. He is the class clown and always makes us laugh. He is really good at sports and can run faster than anyone in our class. But he is not very good at studying and alwaysforgets to do his homework. I always remind him but he just laughs and says he will do it later.Lastly, there is Sarah. She is the sweetest girl in our class. She always helps others and never says a bad word about anyone. She is very good at drawing and always makes beautiful pictures for our class projects. But she is also very shy and doesn't like to speak in front of the class.So you see, even though we are all different, we are still good friends. We help each other and have fun together. That's what friendship is all about, right? I am so lucky to have such great friends!篇3Hi everyone, I'm going to tell you about me and my friend in the first unit of the sixth grade English class. My name is Lily and my friend's name is Sarah. We are very different in many ways.First of all, my friend Sarah is very tall and I am short. She always jokes that I'm like a little mouse next to her. But I don't mind because we always have fun together. Sarah is also very good at sports like basketball and running, while I prefer to draw and read books. We have different hobbies but we still enjoy spending time together.Another difference between us is that Sarah is very outgoing and popular in our class. She has a lot of friends and is always the center of attention. I, on the other hand, am more quiet and shy.I prefer to stay in the background and observe rather than be in the spotlight. But Sarah always encourages me to join in and have fun with everyone.Despite our differences, Sarah and I are very close friends. We support each other and always have each other's backs. She helps me come out of my shell and try new things, while I help her with her studies and homework. We make a great team and I'm grateful to have her as my friend.In conclusion, although Sarah and I are very different in many ways, we complement each other and make a great pair. Our friendship is strong and I know we will always be there for each other no matter what. I'm so lucky to have a friend like Sarah by my side. Thank you for listening to my story!篇4Title: Me and My Friend: Spot the Differences!Hi everyone! Today, I want to talk about me and my friend. We're like two peas in a pod, but we're also very different in many ways. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, my friend is super tall, like a basketball player, while I'm more on the short side. It's funny because when we walk together, it looks like a giant and a dwarf are hanging out together. But it's okay, because we both have fun no matter what.Secondly, my friend is a really good artist. He can draw anything and it looks so realistic! Me, on the other hand, I can barely draw a stick figure without it looking like a mess. But that's okay, because I have other talents that my friend doesn't have.Thirdly, my friend loves to play soccer. He's always running around the field, scoring goals and making awesome saves. I, on the other hand, am more of a bookworm. I love to read and learn new things. My friend sometimes makes fun of me for being a geek, but I know he secretly admires my intelligence.Lastly, my friend is the life of the party. He's always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh. I'm more on the shy side, and I prefer to listen rather than talk. But when I do speak up, everyone listens because they know it must be something important.So you see, me and my friend are like two sides of a coin. We may be different in many ways, but that's what makes ourfriendship so special. We learn from each other and grow together. I'm so grateful to have a friend like him in my life.That's all for now. Thanks for listening to my story! Bye bye!篇5Title: Me and My Friend - A ComparisonHi everyone! Today I want to talk about me and my best friend. We are different in many ways but also have lots of things in common. Let me tell you all about it!First of all, my name is Lily and my friend's name is Amy. I have short hair and she has long hair. I like to wear dresses but she prefers to wear pants and t-shirts. My favorite color is pink and hers is blue. So, as you can see, we have different styles and preferences when it comes to our looks.However, despite our differences in appearance, we have a lot of things in common. We both love playing sports, especially soccer. We always have fun together when we play soccer in the park. We also both enjoy reading books, and we often share our favorite books with each other. Another thing we both love is watching movies, especially animated ones. It's always so muchfun to go to the cinema with Amy and watch a new movie together.In terms of personality, I am more quiet and shy, while Amy is outgoing and talkative. She always knows how to make me laugh and cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I admire her confidence and how she can easily make friends with anyone. On the other hand, I am more organized and responsible, and I always make sure to finish my homework before playing.Overall, although me and my friend are different in many ways, we complement each other well and have a strong bond of friendship. I am grateful to have Amy in my life, and I cherish all the fun moments we share together. I believe that our differences make our friendship even stronger, and I can't wait to create more memories with her in the future.That's all for today! Thanks for listening to my story about me and my friend. Have a great day!篇6Title: Me and My Friend - Spot the Difference!Hey everyone, today I want to talk about me and my friend and how we are different from each other. It's so fun to see how we are similar in some ways but also different in others!First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Lily and I am a girl. I have long brown hair and I like to wear pink dresses. I am good at drawing and I love to read books. I also enjoy playing with my dolls and painting pictures.Now, let me tell you about my friend, Tommy. He is a boy with short black hair and he usually wears blue shorts. He is really good at playing soccer and he likes to run around and play tag. Tommy is also very good at math and he can solve difficult problems quickly.One of the biggest differences between me and Tommy is our hobbies. While I enjoy quiet activities like reading and drawing, Tommy prefers to be active and play sports. We also have different interests in school subjects - I like English and Art, while Tommy excels in Math and Physical Education.But despite our differences, me and Tommy are still best friends. We love to play together and share snacks during lunchtime. We help each other with our homework and always support each other in everything we do.I think it's really cool to have a friend who is different from me. It helps me learn new things and see the world from a different perspective. Me and Tommy may be different, but our friendship is what makes us special. I am so grateful to have him as my friend!So, how about you? Do you have a friend who is different from you? It's so fun to see how different people can be and still be great friends. Let's celebrate our differences and cherish the unique qualities that make us who we are!篇7Title: Me and My Friend: Spot the DifferencesHey everyone, I want to tell you about my friend and me. We are so different in many ways but we are still best buddies!First off, my friend is really tall and I am quite short. When we stand next to each other, it's like a giraffe next to a mouse! But that's okay because we can still play together and have fun.Secondly, my friend is super good at sports. They can run really fast and play basketball like a pro. I, on the other hand, am not so great at sports. I always trip over my own feet and cannever catch the ball. But my friend always helps me to improve and we have a great time playing together.Another big difference is that my friend loves to read books, while I prefer to watch TV or play video games. They have a huge collection of books and always tell me about the exciting stories they have read. I think I should give reading a chance too!Lastly, my friend is very outgoing and loves to meet new people, while I am quite shy and prefer to stay in my comfort zone. But my friend helps me to be more confident and encourages me to try new things.So you see, even though my friend and I are different in many ways, we still get along great and have lots of fun together. That's what true friendship is all about! Thank you for listening to my story.篇8Title: Me and My Friend - Spot the DifferenceHi everyone, my name is Tim and I want to tell you about me and my best friend, Jack. We are in the same class at school and we have a lot of fun together. But you know what? We are actually quite different in many ways!First of all, Jack is really good at sports. He is always the first one to finish the race during PE class and he never misses a goal when we play soccer. Me, on the other hand, I am not very athletic. I enjoy playing sports but I am not as good as Jack. I guess you can say he is the sporty one in our friendship.Another thing that makes us different is our hobbies. Jack loves reading books and he can spend hours in the library. He knows so much about different topics and he always has interesting facts to share. Me, well, I prefer playing video games.I can sit in front of the computer for hours and not get bored. Jack sometimes says I should read more books, but I can't help it, I just love playing games!One more thing that sets us apart is our personalities. Jack is very outgoing and he is friends with almost everyone in our class. He is the life of the party and he always makes people laugh. Me, I am a bit more shy and quiet. I prefer spending time with a few close friends rather than being in a big group. But Jack always encourages me to be more social and I am trying to come out of my shell.Despite our differences, Jack and I get along really well. We complement each other and we always have each other's back. I think that's what makes our friendship so special. So, next timeyou see us together at school, remember that even though we may be different, we are still the best of friends. Thanks for reading!篇9In Unit 1 of our Grade 6 English class, we learned about comparing ourselves to our friends. I have a best friend named Lisa who is very different from me in many ways.Firstly, Lisa is taller than me. She always teases me about how she can reach things on the top shelf while I can't. But I don't mind because I know I can always ask her for help if I need to reach something high up.Secondly, Lisa is better at playing sports than me. She is always the first one picked for the soccer team during recess, while I usually get picked last. But that's okay because I know I can practice and get better, just like she did.Thirdly, Lisa is more outgoing than me. She loves to talk to new people and make friends easily, while I am a bit shy and take time to open up to others. But I know that having a friend like Lisa helps me come out of my shell and be more social.Despite all our differences, Lisa and I have a great friendship. We may be different in some ways, but we complement each other well. I'm grateful to have a friend like Lisa who challenges me to be better and supports me no matter what. I know that our friendship will only grow stronger as we continue to learn and grow together in our Grade 6 English class.篇10Me and My Friends ComparisonHi everyone, my name is Cindy and I want to talk about me and my friends in this article. We are all in the same class but we are very different from each other. Let me tell you about the comparisons between me and my friends.Firstly, let's talk about our appearances. My best friend, Lily, has long brown hair and big round eyes. She is tall and slim. Another friend of mine, Tom, has short black hair and wears glasses. He is a bit chubby but very friendly. As for me, I have short blonde hair and wear a ponytail most of the time. I am not very tall but I like to wear colorful clothes.Secondly, our personalities are also very different. Lily is very outgoing and loves to talk to everyone. She is also very good at sports and always wins in our school competitions. Tom, on theother hand, is more quiet and shy. He is very good at studying and always gets top marks in our class. As for me, I am somewhere in between. I am friendly and enjoy talking to people, but I also like to spend time alone reading books.Lastly, our interests are quite diverse. Lily loves playing basketball and painting. She is very talented and has won many awards for her art. Tom, on the other hand, enjoys playing video games and watching movies. He is a big fan of science fiction and fantasy. I love dancing and singing. I often perform at our school talent shows and enjoy being on stage.In conclusion, me and my friends are all different in our own ways. We may have different appearances, personalities, and interests, but we all get along well and support each other. That's what friendship is all about, right? Thank you for listening to my story. See you next time!。

2022年沪教版三年级上册Unit 6《Me》教案

2022年沪教版三年级上册Unit 6《Me》教案

第二课时教学目标:知识目标1.能听、说、读、写本课的核心词汇:bee, insect, ant, kind2.能熟练掌握核心句型:What did you see at the museumI saw a lot of interesting cars.I bought a toy bee.3.能读懂关于参观博物馆的对话。



教学用具:录音机、自制课件、照片等教学过程:StepⅠWarm up and revision〔热身与复习〕1.Sing an English song:please stand upT: Hello!Boys and girls .Nice to meet you !Ss: Hello!Teacher. Nice to meet you too .T: Let’s sing a song together.2.Do some warming-up exercises.3.Review the word of insects.Step ⅡPresentation and practice〔呈现新语言知识和练习〕1.Lead in.2.T: Let’s play a guessing game. We can see a lot of exciting films there.What place is itSs: It’s a cinema.T: You are right.!We can borrow books there. What place is itSs: It’s a library.T: We can see and learn about many interesting things there.It’s a museum.3.Show some photos and introduce all kinds of museums.4.Learn to say and use the words.T: What did you see at the insect museumSs: We saw many insects.5.Watch the screen and learn to say the sentences.6.Ask pupils to practise in groups .Sept ⅢLearn the story 〔学习课文〕1.Ask the pupils to look at the pictures on the textbooks and talk about them in groups.2.Watch the cartoon.3.Students follow the recording to read the story.4.The pupils read the text carefully. And then try to do some exercises.5.Role- play in pairs.。

2022年教学教材《Unit6 Me 》优秀教案01

2022年教学教材《Unit6 Me 》优秀教案01

Unit6 Me 第3课时教学设计
【内容版〕三上Modue2 Unit6
【主题】Sing a ong, Eno a tor, Learn the etter
一、教学目标Teaching aim


二、教学重难点Teaching a gir M hair i ong M ee are big M ear are big too M noe i ma and ra face i round Who am I
S2: Are ou …?
S1: Ye/No I’m
Whie-ta Garfied M tai i ong
S1: I’m Snoo Mice Moue M tai i ong
4.让学生五人一组,分别戴上小猫咪、兔子、狗、老鼠和猫妈妈的头饰表演Eno a tor里的故事。


big, ver big
M ear are big and m noe i ong
M ee are ma and m mouth i big What am I
S1: Are ou
T: Ye/No

2 让学生在?练习册?的Ta的第一局部框中贴上自己的照片,四人一组在小组中轮流介绍自己。

S1: Heo, m name i…
I’m a …

S1: Hi/Her name i
Hi/Her face i
Hi/Her ee are

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