世纪商务英语外贸函电课件unit 3




背景介绍 在国际贸易中,双方经过交易磋商,确立契约关系。在外贸函电往来中,业务
达成的体现为报盘或还盘得到双方认可,或买方发出订单并得到卖方的确认,拟定 合同。达成交易后,往往另行签订书面合同。订立合同是指对以往磋商过程中达成 的协议、共同接受的交易条件达成的书面确认形式。合同具有法律效力,一经订立, 以后的贸易活动都应以合同条款为依据。这是因为通过签订合同,把往来函电中有 所变更的条件,最终归纳于一份规范的合同文本中,并由双方签署。这样的合同, 既是一份完整、有效的法律文件,也是一份完整、明确的履约依据。合同的内 容 通常包括三个部分:
TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled
2. Arm yourself
1. be satisfied with
be please with 对……满意,满足
e.g. 我们对你们产品质量很满意。
We 're satisfied with the quality of your goods.
约首:包括合同名称、编号以及双方当事人名称、地址、电传或传真号码等。 本文:合同条款,即对各项交易条件的具体规定,包括品名条款、品质条款、 数量条款、包装条款、价格条款、装运条款、保险条款、支付条款、商检条款、索 赔条款、不可抗力条款、仲裁条款等条款。 约尾:指明合同的正本份数、使用的文字效力、合同的准据法等,并由双方签 字当事人落款签字。
The quality of the first lot satisfied our customers. 我们的顾客对你们的缝纫机的质量很满意,所以我们希望续订。
Our clients are so satisfied with the quantity of your sewing machines that we wish to book a repeat order.


equipment and supplies available from your company.” (请寄给我你公司可以提供的办公设备的完整信息和现价。)
Knowledge Input
2). 体谅Consideration 多站在对方角度考虑信函的措辞,避免问一些涉及保密的问题。如果对方 可能会对你的询问产生疑问,应该简要说明一下你的原因。 例如,在信的开头说明获得对方信息的来源。所有的组织都希望了解他们 的宣传是多么有效,你通过提供这样的信息告诉了他们,他们会很感激。 例如: Please send me a copy of Modernizing Your Kitchen, the free booklet mentioned in your advertisement in the June 14 issue of The Daily News. (请给我寄一份“使你的厨房现代化”,——你们6月14号每日新闻的广告中提
Knowledge Input
在对外贸易中,询盘通常是由买方发出以获取信息,开始贸易的。根据内容,询 盘可以分为两类,即一般询盘和具体询盘。
在一般询盘中,发盘者索要产品目录、价格表及样品等。而在具体询盘里,询盘者 索要产品的关键信息,如规格,装运期,报价,支付方式等。
询盘 询盘(inquiry)也叫询价,是指交易的一方准备购买或出售某种商品,向对方询 问买卖该商品的有关交易条件。询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、 包装、装运以及索取样品等,而多数知识询问价格。所以,业务上常把询盘称作 询价。询盘不是每笔交易必经的程序,如交易双方彼此都了解情况,不需要向对 方探寻成交条件或交易的可能性,则不必使用询盘,可直接向对方发盘。
1. 写信人想要什么? 2. 写信人需要获取什么信息? 3. 写信人应该如何安排该信函? 4. 拟写一封询盘函。


Recently, payments have been quite irregularly made, and more than one occasion we have had to press for them.
We are sorry we are not able to give precise information about the company you asked about.

The firm enjoys the fullest respect and unquestionable confidence in the business world.
Replying to yours of 10th May, we inform you that we have ho personal knowledge as to the standing of Messrs. Yada & Co., of our city.
So we take the liberty to ask you to give your views concerning the actual position of the firm in order that we may take steps to avoid getting into trouble.
Dear Sirs,
This is in reply to your enquiry dated April 8th about the credit status of Da Cheng Mechanical Equipment Company. we regret we have to make an unfavorable account. We found that the company is now being pressed



Part One
3. Firm Offer and Non-firm Offer
(1) A firm offer is a promise to sell at a stated price and condition within a stated period of time (a certain time limit). It usually contains such expressions as “for acceptance within... days”, “firm offer”, “be valid before...”, etc. The firm offer creates a power of acceptance permitting the offeree by accepting the offer to transform the offeror’s promise into a contractual obligation. Thus, once it has been accepted it cannot be withdrawn.
(2) A quotation is not an “offer” in the legal sense. A quotation is merely a notice of the price of certain goods at which the sellers are willing to sell. It is not legally binding as a firm offer if the sellers later decide not to sell. The price is subject to change without previous notice. However, if a quotation is made together with all necessary terms and conditions of sales, it amounts to an offer. So, these two words are sometimes confusing in use.

世纪商务英语外贸函电课件unit 3

世纪商务英语外贸函电课件unit 3

Part One
1. An Inquiry and Reply (2) An inquiry received from abroad must be answered fully and promptly. If there is no stock available for the time being, you should acknowledge the inquiry at once, explaining the situation and assuring that you will reply to it once a supply becomes available. If the inquiry is from an old customer, express how much you appreciate it. If it is from a new customer, say you are glad to receive it and express the hope of a future business relationship. In a word, the reply to an inquiry should be prompt and courteous and cover all the information asked for.
Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences
Sample Letters
Practical Training

Part One
1. An Inquiry and Reply (1) An inquiry is a request for information on goods. When business people intend to import a product, they send out an inquiry to an exporter. It may ask for a quotation or an offer for the goods they wish to buy or simply request for some general information regarding these goods. An inquiry can be made by written correspondence, such as a letter, telegram, telex, fax, e-mail or verbally by talk in person. Inquiries from regular customers may be very simple in content, in which only the name and/or specifications of the commodity will be mentioned. Other inquiries may include great details such as the name of the commodity, quality, specifications, quantity, terms of price, terms of payment, time of shipment, packing method, etc. required by the buyer so as to enable the seller to make proper offers.

《商务英语函电教程》unit 3询价与回复课件

《商务英语函电教程》unit 3询价与回复课件

General View General Enquiry is sent to acquire
some general information about products, such as asking for a catalogue, or price list, a sample, terms of payment.
Guidelines for Writing
(3). State briefly to first enquirers the strengths and advantages of your products. (4). If you are unable to supply the products required, give a reason or explanation in addition to expressing regret. Always end your letter positively by offering other products as substitutes so as to create a good impression, which hopefully result in more business.
Guidelines for Writing
(3)If it is a first enquiry, start your letter by informing how you obtained their name and address. Meanwhile, you can give a brief introduction of your own business. Some details about what you would like to get from the exporter would be mentioned in the end. (4)The tactic often used in order to invite better terms is to give the seller some hope of substantial orders or continued business by saying “Should your prices be competitive, we shall place an order…” or “If your quotation is favorable, we’ll place regular order with you.”

外贸函电_Unit 3销售

外贸函电_Unit 3销售

Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
You will find enclosed leaflets describing this Vacuum Cleaner and we look forward to your agreeing to handle our product as the sole agent in your district.
Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
Notes increase in 在…方面增长 businessmen’s suits 西装 state of affairs 事态、情势 be attributed to 把某事归因于……
Unit Three
Unit Three
Section 2: Specimen letters
Letter 3.2 A seller writes to promote the new products
Dear Sirs,
Last year we achieved a 30% increase in the sales of our businessmen’s suits. We believe that this happy state of affairs can be attributed to two causes. First, we managed to avoid passing on any part of our increased manufacturing costs. Second, we believe our designs and colors are the most attractive that we have ever produced.

外贸函电Unit 3

外贸函电Unit 3

3.3.1 A reply
4.Feel free to let us know Please don’t hesitate to let us know.
5. Satisfy you to the best of our ability尽可能地满足贵方 6. see that …请注意… 请贵方务必在3月底前发送此批货物。
3.3.2 General enquiry and reply
Under separate cover单独邮寄,另邮寄 Craftsmanship工艺水平 Appeal to对…有吸引力 Sight draft即期汇票
我们另邮寄样品一批(a batch of),深信 一旦你们有机会查看样品,定会承认该货品 质优良,工艺精湛,价格合理。
3.3.3 Specific Enquiry and Reply
A ready market有市场 Be given to understand了解到… Have confidence in … Agree with the taste of …适合…的口味 Feel confident of placing a trial order 有信心下试订单
3.3.1 A reply
7.L/C reaches us at least 30 days before…
即期信用证务必至少在装运期前30天送达我公 司。 因为全棉质地的衬衫经久耐穿,越来越受到市 场的青睐。我们不得不扩大生产,以满足市场 不断增长的需求。
3.3.1 A reply
请把贵公司的最新样品寄给我们并附上最优 惠的价格,不胜感激。
3.3.2 General enquiry and reply

Unit 3Enquiry《外贸英语函电》PPT课件

Unit 3Enquiry《外贸英语函电》PPT课件
with a range of samples of the various skins used in the manufacture of our gloves and shoes.We think the colors will be just what you want for the fashionable trade,and the beauty and elegance of our designs,coupled with the superb workmanship,should appeal to the discriminating buyers.
Unit 3 Enquiry
Байду номын сангаас
Dear Sirs, We learn from the British Embassy that you are producing for
export hand⁃made shoes and gloves in pure hide and other natural materials.
We look forward to receiving an order from you. Yours faithfully,
Dear Sirs, We have received your letter of March 11 inquiring about the
possibility of selling your Men's Shirts,Gold⁃deer Brand in our market.
your interest in our products. We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items enquired

外贸英语函电unit 3 special letter

外贸英语函电unit 3 special letter
approach/ contact/ get in touch with our
Commercial Counsellor’s Office in
your country.
▪ We trust you will observe changes in your market and keep us advised/ informed.
▪ Senior ▪ Representative ▪ Delegation ▪ Interests ▪ Reciprocate ▪ Provide ▪ Recommend ▪ Itinerary ▪ Host ▪ Reception ▪ Personnel
▪ Attendance ▪ Byproduct ▪ Branch ▪ Acceptance ▪ Subsequent ▪ Coliseum ▪ Advice ▪ Previously ▪ Merchandise ▪ Schedule ▪ Associate
▪ We are well/ fully aware of its importance. ▪ Buyers are holding off in view of/ because
of large arrivals.
▪ Our trade delegation will be visiting your country next month at the invitation of
youle you
their exact date of arrival later.
▪ We are going to send a Trade Group to visit your country in October. Headed by Mr. Liu, our vice/ assistant director/ manager, the Group is planning to stay in



你们在5月期《好管家》刊登的台灯广告, 我们很感兴趣。 We are interested in the desk lamps you advertised in the May issue of “good housekeeping”

Pattern2:reasons for---for materials
In the market for : 需要 = need
We are trying to find a market for…
Pattern3—reasons for potential market
1.We have an extensive connection (a large distribution/a considerable trade) in this line, they should find a ready sale here
Opening Sentences
Source of information
We were given your name by.... You have been recommended to us by.... As we have learned from...,your are manufactures of .... We have seen your ad in ...and we are interested in....
An enquiry
• offer
• negotiate
• First Enquiry • 首次询盘 • Firm offer • 实盘 • Negotiating bank • 议付银行

国际商务函电课件Unit (3)

国际商务函电课件Unit (3)
Hale Waihona Puke Study AimsTO DO (应会目标)
1. To be able to translate an enquiry. 2. To be able to make an enquiry. 3. To be able to translate a reply to
an enquiry. 4. To be able to reply a letter to an enquiry.
M2- Unit3 Enquiry
Study Aims
Study Aims
LEAD IN (知识导入)
• As a start of international trade, enquiry is very important. It refers to the process that the buyer asks the seller questions about the goods he is interested in or going to purchase and other information such as catalogue, shipment, delivery etc.. It can be divided into general enquiry and specific enquiry. The former is about asking for quotations, catalogues and samples, etc., while the latter includes many details in terms of transaction. The purpose of enquiry is to obtain information. An enquiry letter may be contains different content, but if you want to get a friendly reply, the following principles should be focused on:



1. Self-introduction by exporter (letter1,2,4)
1)介绍信息来源(得知对方公司情况) 2)自我介绍经营范围和意图 3)介绍产品 4)寄送资料 5)期望询盘 6)结尾

2. Self-introduction by importer (letter 3,5)

4) The reference as to sender’s firm’s financial position and integrity 资信情况
– a. Our bankers are the Bank of China. They can provide you information about our business and finances. – b. For our credit standing, please refer to the following bank. – c. As to our standing, we are permitted to mention the Bank of China, as a reference. – d. As to our financial standing, we refer you to Bank of China.

3) The business scope of the sender’s firm 业务范围
– a. Our company handles, deals in, trades in, is in the line of ) the import and export of …(经营…产品进出 口) – Handle exclusively, deal …in , trade … in(独营) – b. We specialize in the export of …(专营) – c. We are one of the largest … importers in our country and have handled with various kinds of the products for about ten years. – D. We are introducing ourselves as one of the largest/leading importers of …

Unit 3 Enquiries 外贸英语函电课件

Unit 3 Enquiries 外贸英语函电课件
4)to be desirous of sth. 想要… • We are desirous of establishing (to establish)
business relations with you.
2. Enquiry
Part 2 The Specimen Letters
• Dear Sir, • You were recommended to our company by the Bank of Communications,
New York Branch, which told us that you export Chinese textiles. • Our company imports general merchandise. We have been in business
• If appropriate, you might want to include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell, or the subject matter of the inquiry, beyond the scope of the original inquiry.
and please send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue with details of the prices and terms of payments.我们对不同尺寸的自行车感兴趣,请寄一份
3) to be in the market for sth.要购买…… • The Indians are in the market for copper. • We’ll mail you as soon as we are in the market.

外贸函电Unit 3

外贸函电Unit 3

外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
3. New Words & Expressions

discount 折扣 wholesale price 批发价 retail price 零售价 离岸价(船上交货价) FOB(Free on Board) 成本加运费价 C&F(Cost and Freight) 成本加保险费加运费 CIF(Cost Insurance & Freight)
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
Please quote the lowest price, including 3% commission.
Hale Waihona Puke 请报最低价,说明最早的装运期。
Please quote the lowest price, stating the earliest date of shipment.
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
New Words & Expressions
表示各种订单的说法有: regular order 长期订货 trial order 试订单 first / initial order 首笔订单 substantial order 大宗订单 repeat order 再次订货/续订
外贸函电——Unit 3 Enquiries and Replies—ZMC
Business Knowledge
Many Steps in Business Negotiation
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

Part One
1. An Inquiry and Reply (2) An inquiry received from abroad must be answered fully and promptly. If there is no stock available for the time being, you should acknowledge the inquiry at once, explaining the situation and assuring that you will reply to it once a supply becomes available. If the inquiry is from an old customer, express how much you appreciate it. If it is from a new customer, say you are glad to receive it and express the hope of a future business relationship. In a word, the reply to an inquiry should be prompt and courteous and cover all the information asked for.
(2) (3) 1) (2) (3)

Part Two
Steps/Contents For letters making inquiries 1. Telling the addressees how and where their names and addresses are known (source of information) 2. Self-introducing 3. Indicating the intention of writing the letter and the specific goods you want to purchase See also Unit 2. Typical Expressions

Part One
2. Categories of Inquiries (1) General Inquiries: If the importers want to have a general idea of the commodity, which the exporter is in a position to supply, they may make a request for a price list, a catalogue, samples and other terms. This is a general inquiry. Generally, it is also a first inquiry without first writing a letter to establish business relations. (2) Specific Inquiries: If the importers intend to purchase goods of a certain specification, they may ask the exporter to make an offer or a quotation for specific goods. That is a specific inquiry.

Part One
3. The Main Contents of a Letter for Inquiry A general inquiry usually includes the following contents: Telling addressees the source of information and making a brief selfintroduction Indicating the intention of writing the letter, i.e. to ask for a catalogue, samples or a price list Stating the possibility of placing an order and expectation of an offer A specific inquiry usually includes the following contents: Indicating the names and descriptions of the goods inquired for, including specifications, quantity, etc. Asking whether there is a possibility of giving a special discount and what terms of payment and time of delivery you would expect Stating the possibility of placing an order and expectation of an offer
Other Commonly Used Expressions and Sentences
Sample Letters
Practical Training

Part One
1. An Inquiry and Reply (1) An inquiry is a request for information on goods. When business people intend to import a product, they send out an inquiry to an exporter. It may ask for a quotation or an offer for the goods they wish to buy or simply request for some general information regarding these goods. An inquiry can be made by written correspondence, such as a letter, telegram, telex, fax, e-mail or verbally by talk in person. Inquiries from regular customers may be very simple in content, in which only the name and/or specifications of the commodity will be mentioned. Other inquiries may include great details such as the name of the commodity, quality, specifications, quantity, terms of price, terms of payment, time of shipment, packing method, etc. required by the buyer so as to enable the seller to make proper offers.

Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions
Would you please supply us with a complete set of catalogues for textile accessories so that we may 4. Inviting a quotation or an offer make a choice? 能否请您给我们提供一整套纺织品配 件的目录让我们做选择? (asking for a price Please send us your best offer by fax indicating list, a catalogue, packing, specification, quantity available, discount and samples and other the earliest time of delivery. 请传真向我们报最低价并 terms, stating 注明包装、规格、可供数量、折扣和最早的交货期。 clearly your exact requirements) If you can supply goods of the type and quality required, please make us a firm offer and quote your lowest prices. 如果你们能够提供同类同质商品,请向我 们报实盘和最低价。

Part Two
Steps/Contents Typical Expressions We are regular buyers of men’s shirts. 我们是购买男士衬衫的老客户。
We are in the market for men’s leather gloves. 我们想购买男士皮手套。
世纪商务英语 外贸函电
Unit 3
询 盘
Basic Knowledge Concerned Letter-writing Guide
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
4. Inviting a quotation or an offer (asking for a price list, a catalogue, samples and other terms, stating clearly your exact requirements) We would be pleased to receive your latest price list for stainless steel tableware. 我们非常希望能收到贵方不锈钢餐具的最新价目 单。 Please send us samples and quote us your lowest prices for the captioned goods.