

采购与供应链管理习题库04第四章 习题及参考答案

采购与供应链管理习题库04第四章  习题及参考答案

同步测试一、单项选择题1. 供应链的( )体现了战略伙伴关系和企业内外资源的集成与优化利用。

BA. 决策机制B. 合作机制C. 自律机制D. 激励机制2. 供应链合作伙伴关系发展的主要特征就是从以产品/物流为核心转向以( )为技心。

DA.产品/合作B.物流/资金C产品/服务 D.集成/合作3. 基于战略合作伙伴关系的企业集成模式在宏观层面上主要是实现企业之间的()。

AA.信息共享B.资源配置C同步作业 D.服务协作4. 建立基于信任、合作、开放性交流的供应商长期合作关系,首先( )。

BA.分析市场竞争环境B.建立供应商选择目标C.建立供应商评价标准D.评价供应商5. 1974年,日本本田汽车公司通知一些零部件厂商,未来五年内本田不希望零部件涨价,本田将密切同供应商合作,帮助他们改革和优化零部件设计,而且本田还将新的生产方法技术提供给供应商。


CA.买卖关系B.竞争关系C.战略合作伙伴关系D.兼并关系6. 现代采购企业与供应商的关系是()DA.零和B. 单赢C. 双赢D.共赢7. 供应商是指()AA.提供产品的组织和个人,他们可以是制造商、批发商、产品的零售商,也可以是服务或信息的提供者B.强调公司之间的过程与关系C.原材料采购到产品分销给顾客的整个过程中对产品和服务的管理。

D.以上都不对8. 以下不属于按照供应商分类模块法,将供应商划分的类型是()BA.伙伴型B. 合作型C. 优先型D. 重点商业型9. ()是一种互利共赢的关系。

BA.竞争关系模式B.合作伙伴关系C.互利供需关系D.以上都不对10. 供应商伙伴关系的特点不包括()AA. 供应商数量增多B. 信息和知识共享C. 降低成本D. 准时交货E. 高度信任二、多项选择题1. 基于合作伙伴关系的企业集成模式在宏观上主要是实现企业之间的()。

ABCDA.信息共享B. 资源配置C. 同步作业D. 服务协作2. 以下属于是横向供应链联盟的是()。



供应链管理考核试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 供应链管理的核心是()。

A. 客户需求B. 供应商关系C. 物流管理D. 信息流管理答案:A2. 下列不属于供应链管理基本流程的是()。

A. 采购管理B. 生产管理C. 库存管理D. 人力资源管理答案:D3. 下列哪种组织结构不利于供应链管理的协同效应()。

A. 矩阵式组织结构B. 事业部制组织结构C. 直线式组织结构D. 网络型组织结构答案:C4. 在供应链中,第三方物流供应商的主要职责是()。

A. 负责供应链中的全部物流活动B. 负责供应链中的部分物流活动C. 负责供应链中的信息流和物流活动D. 负责供应链中的资金流和物流活动答案:B5. 供应链风险管理主要包括()。

A. 供应风险B. 生产风险C. 市场风险D. 所有以上风险答案:D6. 下列哪项不是供应链管理的绩效指标()。

A. 订单履行率B. 库存周转率C. 供应商满意度D. 员工满意度答案:D7. 实施供应链管理的企业需要具备的条件有()。

A. 良好的信息技术支持B. 强大的市场竞争力C. 完善的供应链管理体系D. 所有以上条件答案:D8. 供应链协同效应的核心是()。

A. 资源共享B. 流程整合C. 信息共享D. 组织整合答案:C9. 下列哪种方式不属于供应链金融服务的范畴()。

A. 融资服务B. 贷款服务C. 信用保险服务D. 库存管理服务答案:D10. 供应链管理中的可持续发展主要包括()。

A. 环境友好型供应链B. 社会责任型供应链C. 经济效益型供应链D. 所有以上类型答案:D二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. 请简述供应链管理的概念及其目标。









().A.需求(正确答案)B.长期预测C.信息流D.生产战略5.在供应链合作中,最为关键的问题是如何解决好合作之间的信任与信息沟通问题,主要可以通过以下三种途径解决:().A.对契约精神的尊重(正确答案)B.基于血缘关系的信任(正确答案)C.基于利益同盟的信任(正确答案)D.吸引更多的参与者加入6.以下不属于SCOR模型定义了六个主要的流程:().A.计划B.预测(正确答案)C.采购D.生产7.供应链的特征().A.网链结构(正确答案)B.协助共赢C.动态适应D.交叉重合8.供应链管理的运营机制包括哪些:().A.信任机制(正确答案)B. 风险机制(正确答案)C.自律机制(正确答案)D.激励机制(正确答案)9.波特五力模型包括哪些().A.新竞争对手入侵(正确答案)B.替代品的威胁(正确答案)C.买方的议价能力(正确答案)D.卖方议价能力(正确答案)E. 现存竞争者之间的竞争(正确答案)10.供应链战略管理模式:().A.基于产品类型的供应链战略(正确答案)B.基于驱动方式的供应链战略(正确答案)C.基于客户需求的供应链战略D.基于企业经营目标供应链战略11.在供应链管理者的视野中,包括三个需要同时考虑的过程:().A.市场趋势(正确答案)B.组织能力与资源(正确答案)C. 外部资源可得性(正确答案)D. 战略规划12.在供应链岗位中的层级包括().A.供应链主管(正确答案)B.供应链经理(正确答案)C.供应链总经理D.供应链总监(正确答案)13.2017年10月,尼康中国相机工厂正式停产,是什么原因导致的呢?尼康方面相关人士表示,小型数码相机市场正在出现极大的萎缩,这主要是由于智能手机迅速发展对其业务造成了冲击。



《供应链管理》测试题试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题(共25 道试题,共50 分)1.下列哪项不属于供应链合作伙伴关系的特点()A.企业与其合作伙伴在信息共享方面合作B.以加强基于产品质量和服务的物流关系为特征C.强调基于时间的供应链管理D.强调基于价值的供应链管理正确答案:B2.供应链中信息流、产品/服务流、资金流运作的驱动源是()A.用户的需求拉动B.供应商的产品/服务推动C.核心企业的推动D.分销企业的拉动正确答案:A3.()是制定一套运营政策用于控制短期运营A.供应链战略B.供应链设计C.供应链规划D.供应链运营正确答案:C4.两阶段序贯供应链包括()A.一个购买者和一个供应商B.两个零售商C.两个或多个供应商D.一个供应商、一个批发商和一个零售商正确答案:A5.供应链管理方法之一的快速反应方法的英文缩写是()A.ECRB.MRPC.QRD.DRP6.实施供应链管理的第一步,就是()A.实施MRPB.实行JIT采购C.在原有企业供应链的基础上分析、总结企业现状,分析企业内部影响供应链管理的阻力和有利之处,同时分析外部市场环境,对市场的特征和不确定性作出分析和评价,最后相应地完善企业的供应链D.建立战略伙伴关系7.在()中,供应商对部分退回产品给予全额返还A.销售回扣合同B.弹性数量合同C.收入共享合同D.补偿合同8.每一条供应链的目标是()A.整体价值最大化B.整体成本最小化C.整体收益最大D.整体资金规模大9.()是指基于相对稳定、单一的市场需求而组成的供应链。


供应链管理 自测题

供应链管理 自测题

《供应链管理自测题》一、单选题1.下面哪个是“先来先处理”原则的简称 ( )A、EDDB、FCFSC、SPTD、CR2、当库存量下降到预定的最低库存量即订购点时,按规定数量进行订货补充的库存管理方式是()A、经济订货批量法B、定量订货方法C、安全库存设置D、定期订货方法3、供应链上一般有()个核心企业。

A、 1B、 2C、3D、04、当订购数量大,合作伙伴竞争激烈时,供应链合作伙伴的选择方法是()A、协商选择法B、招标法C、层次分析法D、采购成本比较法5、下列选项中源于“关键少数,次要多数”的观点的是()A、经济订货批量法B、ABC分类控制法C、定量订货法D、定期订货法6、制作甘特图的目的是()A、展示工作实际进展B、展示计划要求C、进行作业排序D、表示活动完成7、RFID是一种()的自动识别技术,它通过自动射频信号自动识别目标对象并获取相关数据,识别工作无须人工干预,课工作于各种恶劣环境。

A、非接触式B、接触式C、自动D、非自动8.MPR 的依据是()A.主生产计划 B.物流清单 C.企业资源计划 D.库存信息9.下列说法正确的是()A.根据供应链的结构特征将供应链分为A型供应链,Y型供应链,T型供应链B.A型供应链输入原材料范围和数量众多,成品种类有限,一般用MRP安排生产C.Y型供应链其输入原材料范围有限,总体形式呈分叉型D.T型供应链通常根据库存规律来确定通用件订单。


A. A型供应链 B.V型供应链 C.T型供应链.11.传统采购与供应链采购()A.两者都是基于库存的采购 B.两者都是基于需求的采购C.前者是基于需求的采购,后者是基于库存的采购D.前者是基于库存的采购,后者是基于需求的采购12.甲仓库A商品的年需求量是3000个,单位商品的购买价格为20元,每次订货成本为240元,单位商品的年保管费为10元,该商品的经济订货批量为()A.1200个 B.1300个 C.1100个 D.1000个13.适应性最强的生产作业排序原则为()A.先来先处理原则 B.最早交货期限原则 C. 最短处理时间原则D.最长处理时间原则15.可以形象地表示出特定项目的活动顺序及持续时间的图形是()A.PEPR图 B.思维导图 C.拓扑图 D.甘特图16.在一个企业当中,某项业务对企业的重要性程度低,但企业该项业务的研发能里较强,此时应选择()基本策略。



供应链管理第四章练习和答案Chapter 4Designing the Distribution Network in a Supply ChainTrue/False1. 分销发生在供应链中的每两个环节。

T2. 分销只发生在供应链的制造商和顾客之间。

F3. 同一行业中不同的公司经常选择不同的分销网络,因为分销网络的选择可以达成不同的,从低成本到高响应性的供应链目标。

T4. 同一行业中不同的公司应该选择相同的分销网络,因为他们的目标是相同。

F5. 顾客总是想要各个方面高水平的客户服务,包括响应时间,产品多样性,产品可获性,顾客体验,订单可视性和可退货性。

F6. 顾客不是很想要在各个方面的高水平的客户服务,包括响应时间,产品多样性,产品可获性,顾客体验,订单可视性和可退货性。

T7. 单位外向运输成本会低于内向运输成本,因为内向运输的批量较大。

F8. 单位外向运输成本会高于内向运输成本,因为内向运输的批量较大。

T9. 直送模式下运输成本高,因为到最终消费者的平均外向运输距离长同时采用包裹承运商送货。

T10. 直送模式下运输成本低,因为平均外向距离到最终消费者的距离短。

F11. 与直送相比,在途并货模式的主要优点是运输成本低和顾客体验得到改善。

T12. 当地存货的分销网络模式主要优势是它能降低交付成本,比其他网络提供更快的响应13. 当地存货的分销网络模式主要优势是它能降低库存和设施成本T14. 当地存货的分销网络模式主要劣势是交付成本增加 F15. 当地存货的分销网络模式主要的劣势是增加了库存和设施成本T16. 一个分销网络设计者在设计适当的交付网络时应当考虑产品的特征以及网络的需求。

T17. 大部分的公司最好采用单一的分销网络。

F18. 假如在顾客环节有许多规模小的参与者,每个一次需要小量的产品,分销商给供应链的供应商环节和顾客环节之间增加价值。

TMultiple Choice1.在供应链中一个产品从供应商环节转移或存储到顾客环节的步骤被称为 Da. 运输b. 零售c. 批发d. 分销e. 制造2. 分销是一家公司整体盈利性的关键因素因为 Ba. 分销商的加入增加了供应链的成本b. 它既直接影响供应链成本也直接影响顾客体验。






- 需求的不稳定性:需求变化频繁会影响供应链规划和库存管理。

- 供应商可靠性:供应商的交货准时性和产品质量将直接影响到供应链的正常运作。

- 物流网络设计:物流网络的设计和布局,包括仓储、运输方式等,会影响到物流效率和成本。



题目五:供应链中的信息流、物流和资金流分别指什么?- 信息流:供应链中各个环节之间的信息传递和共享,包括订单、库存、需求等信息。

- 物流:供应链中商品和物资的运输、仓储和配送等物流活动。

- 资金流:供应链中涉及到的支付、结算和资金流转等金融活动。


- 质量管理:质量管理是确保产品和服务达到高质量标准的关键环节,它可以提高客户满意度,减少产品缺陷和退货,增强企业品牌形象。

- 风险管理:风险管理旨在识别和评估潜在的供应链风险,并采取相应的措施进行预防和应对,以减少对供应链运作的不利影响。


- 交货准时率:指供应链中按时交付产品的百分比。

- 库存周转率:指供应链中库存的周转速度,可以反映供应链的运作效率。

- 成本效益比:指供应链中成本与收益之间的比例关系,用来评估供应链的经济效益。





供应链管理测试与答案**大学继续教育学院共 4 页课程名称《供应链管理原理及应用》a 考试日期层次、专业、班级姓名题号一二三四五六七八总计检查人签名得分阅卷人签名一、单项选择题(每小题2分,共20分)1.当市场变化加剧,造成供应链成本增加、库存增加、浪费增加等现象时,企业不是在最优的状态下运作,供应链则处于()。

A.动态的供应链 B.反应性供应链 C.倾斜的供应链 D.反常的供应链2.商品的流行导致脱销,零售商应当尽快将补货订单送达配送中心,然后交由制造商,发出订单,生产计划部门开始计划新的生产,这里我们所要考验的是企业的()能力A.加强企业核心竞争力 B.快速响应市场 C.降低库存 D.满足客户需求3.下面关于MRP与JIT的区别认同说法正确的是()。

A.MRP讲求拉动概念和计划性 B. JIT讲求拉动概念和计划性C.MRP讲求推动概念和计划性 D.JIT讲求推动概念和及时性4. 以本身享有供应和生产的特权,或者享有在制造、供应方面不可替代的优势的核心企业为中心建立的组织结构是()A.核心企业作为客户企业的组织结构B. 核心企业作为产品/服务供应者的组织结构C.核心企业同时作为产品/服务供应者和客户的组织结构D.核心企业作为连接组织的组织结构5. ()是实施JIT采购的前提条件。

A.采购批量的确定B. 可靠的送货C.信息的高度共享D.交货及时性的了解6. ()的基本目的是在合理利用、组织资源保持生产流程畅通的前提下维持最低的库存水平。

A.ERP B.JIT C.MRP D.BRP7. 下列关于JIT的说法正确的是()A.JIT管理方法的核心是消除一切无效劳动与浪费B.JIT不需要重视客户的个性化需求C.JIT讲求推动概念和及时性,认为一切库存都是浪费D.JIT的实质是发挥人的具有调整性的创造能力8. 下面英文简写与供应链中应用的管理技术相对应的是()A.BRP 业务流程重组B.MRPⅡ物流需求计划C.DRP 配送资源计划D.CPFR 供应商管理库存9.企业中流行着这样一种说法:会卖的不如会买的。




(2 分)A、大多数B、少数几个C、所有D、一个参考答案:C第2题:()常用于选择企业非主要原材料的合作伙伴。









(2分)A、一般企业B、中间企业口核心企业D、物流企业参考答案:C 第12题:实施供应链()关系就意味着新产品的共同开发、数据和信息的交换、市场机会共享和风险共担。




供应链管理测试题及答案一、单项选择题1、供应链是围绕()运行的A.生产企业 B. 流通企业 C.核心企业 D.生产车间2、供应商对下游客户的库存进行管理与控制的供应链物流管理方法为()A.联合库存管理B.供应链运输管理C.供应商掌握库存D .连续补充货物3、以下说法不正确的是()A. 供应链物流是以核心企业为核心的物流B.供应链物流是一种系统物流C.供应链管理是一种基于流程的集成化管理模式化D.供应链以销售企业为核心4、“实现在需要的时候、把所需要的品种、所需要的数量、送到所需要的地点”的库存控制模式为()A.联合库存模式B.合理库存量控制模式C.无库存控制模式D.供应商掌握库存5、以下说法不正确的有()A.快速反应是一种由技术支持的业务管理思想B.有效客户反应的最终目标是建立一个具有高效反应能力和客户需求为基础的系统C.连续补充货物是与生产节拍相适应的运输蓝图模式D.供应链由生产企业来操作6、以下不能反映供应链特点的是()A.快速响应性B.利益共同性C.信息共享性D.资源各自的独立性7、以供应链核心产品或核心业务为中心的物流管理体系是()A.现代物流管理B.供应链C.供应链物流管理D.第三方物流8、供应点连续地多频次小批量地向需求点补充货物的管理方式为()A.DRPB.JITC.连续补充货物D.有效客户反应二、多项选择题1、供应链可以包括的环节为()A.供应商B.制造商C.分销商D.第三方物流公司2、属于供应链特点的有()A.多层次结构B.多功能集成C.由核心企业操作D.行业创新者3、供应链管理是对供应链中的()进行计划、组织、协调与控制A.物流B.信息流C.资金流D.价值流E.工作流4、供应链管理的特点包括()A.全过程的战略管理B.提出了全新的库存观C.及时响应D.以最终客户为中心5、供应链管理主要涉及的领域为()A.销售B.供应C.生产计划D.物流E.需求6、联合库存管理的库存模式为()A.集中库存模式B.定期订货C.定量订货D.无库存模式7、供应链运输管理的任务有()A.流程再造B.设计规划运输任务C.寻找合适的运输承包商D.运输组织和控制8、供应链管理以最终客户为中心,将()作为管理的出发点。


b. high responsiveness.
c. high cost.
d. high responsibility.
e. a and b only
Answer: e
Difficulty: Moderate
4. Companies in the same industry often select very different distribution networks
distance to the end consumer is small.
Answer: False
Difficulty: Easy
11. The main advantage of in-transit merge over drop-shipping is the somewhat
Multiple Choice
1. The steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to a
customer stage in the supply chain is referred to as
3. Companies in the same industry often select very different distribution networks,
because the choice of the distribution network can be used to achieve a variety
distance to the end consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping

《会计信息系统应用——供应链》 练习题及答案 项目四

《会计信息系统应用——供应链》 练习题及答案 项目四
























Chapter 4Designing the Distribution Network in a Supply ChainTrue/False1. Distribution occurs between every pair of stages in the supply chain.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate2. Distribution only occurs between manufacturing and consumers in the supplychain.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate3. Companies in the same industry often select very different distribution networks,because the choice of the distribution network can be used to achieve a varietyof supply chain objectives ranging from low cost to high responsiveness.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate4. Companies in the same industry should always select similar distributionnetworks, because their objectives will be similar.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate5. A customer always wants the highest level of performance along all dimensionsof customer service, including response time, product variety, product availability, customer experience, order visibility, and returnability.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate6. A customer does not necessarily want the highest level of performance along a lldimensions of customer service, including response time, product variety,product availability, customer experience, order visibility, and returnability.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy7. Outbound transportation costs per unit tend to be lower than inbound costs,because inbound lot sizes are typically larger.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy8. Outbound transportation costs per unit tend to be higher than inbound costs,because inbound lot sizes are typically larger.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy9. Transportation costs are high with drop-shipping because the average outbounddistance to the end consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping the product.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy10. Transportation costs are low with drop-shipping because the average outbounddistance to the end consumer is small.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Easy11. The main advantage of in-transit merge over drop-shipping is the somewhatlower transportation cost and improved customer experience.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate12. The main advantage of a distribution network with local storage is that it c anlower the delivery cost and provide a faster response than other networks.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Moderate13. The main advantage of a distribution network with local storage is that it c anlower the inventory and facility costs.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate14. The major disadvantage of a distribution network with local storage is t heincreased delivery cost.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate15. The major disadvantage of a distribution network with local storage is t heincreased inventory and facility costs.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy16. A distribution network designer needs to consider product characteristics as wellas network requirements when deciding on the appropriate delivery network.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Hard17. Only niche companies will end up using a single distribution n etwork.Answer: TrueDifficulty: Easy18. Most companies are best served by a single distribution network.Answer: FalseDifficulty: Moderate19. Distributors add value to a supply chain between a supply stage and a customerstage if there are many small players at the customer stage, each requiring asmall amount of the product at a time.Answer: TrueDifficulty: ModerateMultiple Choice1. The steps taken to move and store a product from the supplier stage to acustomer stage in the supply chain is referred to asa. transportation.b. retailing.c. wholesaling.d. distribution.e. manufacturing.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy2. Distribution is a key driver of the overall profitability of a firm becausea. the addition of distributors only adds cost to the supply chain.b. it directly impacts both the supply chain cost and the customer experience.c. it slows down the responsiveness of the supply chain.d. it cannot be developed as a part of supply chain strategy.e. Distribution is not a key driver of profitability.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate3. The choice of the distribution network can be used to achieve supply c hainobjectives such asa. low cost.b. high responsiveness.c. high cost.d. high responsibility.e. a and b onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Moderate4. Companies in the same industry often select very different distribution networksbecausea. some companies are poorly run.b. different companies try to avoid using the same approach.c. different companies have different objectives for their supply chain.d. all of the abovee. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate5. A poor/inappropriate distribution network cana. lead to high profitability.b. hurt the level of service customers receive while increasing cost.c. have a significant negative impact on the profitability of a firm.d. all of the abovee. b and c onlyAnswer: d Difficulty:Moderate6. Which of the following would not be the result of a poor/inappropriate distributionnetwork?a. High profitabilityb. Low level of customer servicec. High costd. Poor profitabilitye. None of the above are true.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy7. On which dimensions should the performance of a distribution network b eevaluated at the highest level?a. Profitability of individual supply chain componentsb. Efficiency of overall supply chain networkc. Customer needs that are metd. Cost of meeting customer needse. c and d onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Hard8. Which of the following are measures of customer service that are influenced bythe structure of the distribution network?a. Response timeb. Product varietyc. Product availabilityd. Customer experiencee. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy9. Which of the following are measures of customer service that are influenced bythe structure of the distribution network?a. Returnabilityb. Order visibilityc. Customer experienced. Product availabilitye. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate10. Which of the following is not a measure of customer service that is influenced bythe structure of the distribution network?a. Returnabilityb. Customer experiencec. Customer maturityd. Product availabilitye. All of the above are measures of customer service.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy11. The time between when a customer places an order and receives delivery isa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availability.d. customer experience.e. order visibility.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy12. The number of different products/configurations that a customer desires from thedistribution network isa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availability.d. customer experience.e. order visibility.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy13. The probability of having a product in stock when a customer order arrives isa. response time.b. product variety.c. product availability.d. customer experience.e. order visibility.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy14. The ease with which the customer can place and receive their order as well asother aspects of value that the sales staff provides isa. customer experience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability.Answer: aDifficulty: Easy15. The ability of the customer to track their order from placement to delivery isa. customer experience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability.Answer: bDifficulty: Easy16. The ease with which a customer can return unsatisfactory merchandise and theability of the network to handle such returns isa. customer experience.b. order visibility.c. product availability.d. response time.e. returnability.Answer: eDifficulty: Easy17. The costs incurred in bringing material into a facility area. sourcing transportation costs.b. outbound transportation costs.c. crossbound transportation costs.d. inbound transportation costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Easy18. The costs incurred in sending material out of a facility area. sourcing transportation costs.b. outbound transportation costs.c. crossbound transportation costs.d. inbound transportation costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Easy19. Outbound transportation costs per unit tend to bea. about the same as inbound costs.b. higher than inbound costs.c. lower than inbound costs.d. neither higher or lower than inbound costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate20. As the number of facilities in a supply chain increasesa. the inventory and resulting inventory costs also increase.b. the inventory and resulting inventory costs decrease.c. the inventory increases and resulting inventory costs decrease.d. the inventory decreases and resulting inventory costs increase.e. the inventory and resulting inventory costs remain the same.Answer: aDifficulty: Moderate21. As the response time desired by the customer decreases, the required number offacilities in the distribution networka. decreases.b. remains the same.c. increases.d. increases and then decreases.e. none of the aboveAnswer: cDifficulty: Moderate22. As the number of facilities in a supply chain increases, total transportation costa. decreases.b. remains the same.c. increases.d. increases to a point and then decreases.e. decreases to a point and then increases.Answer: eDifficulty: Hard23. As the number of facilities in a supply chain increases, total facility costsa. decrease.b. remain the same.c. increase.d. increase to a point and then decrease.e. decrease to a point and then increase.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate24. Total logistics costs for a supply chain network are a sum ofa. inventory and facility costs.b. inventory, facility, and distributor costs.c. facility, transportation, and distributor costs.d. inventory, transportation, and facility costs.e. none of the aboveAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate25. As the number of facilities in a supply chain network increases, total logisticscosts willa. decrease.b. decrease at first and then increase.c. increase.d. increase at first and then decrease.e. neither increase or decrease.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate26. Which of the following are key decisions in the design of a distribution network?a. Will product be delivered to the customer location or picked up from apre-ordained site?b. Will product flow through a production facility?c. Will product flow through an intermediary (or intermediate location)?d. all of the abovee. a and c onlyAnswer: e Difficulty:Moderate27. Which of the following is not a distinct distribution network design that may beused to move products from factory to customer?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with distributor pickupc. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate28. Which of the following is not a distinct distribution network design that may beused to move products from factory to customer?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with manufacturer pickupe. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate29. In which distribution network design is product shipped directly from themanufacturer to the end customer, bypassing the retailer (who takes the orderand initiates the delivery request)?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupAnswer: aDifficulty: Easy30. Which distribution network is also referred to as drop-shipping with productdelivered directly from the manufacturer to the customer location?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupAnswer: aDifficulty: Moderate31. Advantages of manufacturer storage with direct shipping includea. the ability to reduce cost of inventory by centralizing inventories at themanufacturer.b. offering the manufacturer the opportunity to postpone customization untilafter the customer order has been placed.c. supply chains save on the fixed cost of facilities, because the need forother warehousing space in the supply chain has been eliminated.d. providing a good customer experience in the form of delivery to thecustomer location.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate32. Which of the following is an advantage of manufacturer storage with directshipping?a. Transportation costs are low because the average outbound distance tothe end consumer is small and package carriers are used to shipping theproduct.b. Supply chains save on the fixed cost of facilities, because the need forother warehousing space in the supply chain has been eliminated.c. Response times tend to be small because the order has to be transmittedfrom the retailer to the manufacturer.d. Order tracking is easy to implement because of the complete integrationof information systems at both the retailer and the manufacturer.e. The handling of returns is likely to be simple and inexpensive, improvingcustomer satisfaction.Answer: b Difficulty:Moderate33. Disadvantages of manufacturer storage with direct shipping includea. Transportation costs are high because the average outbound distance tothe end consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping theproduct.b. Response times tend to be large because the order has to be transmittedfrom the retailer to the manufacturer and shipping distances are onaverage longer from the manufacturer’s centralized site.c. Order tracking becomes harder to implement because it requirescomplete integration of information systems at both the retailer and themanufacturer.d. The handling of returns is likely to be difficult and more expensive, h urtingcustomer satisfaction.e. all of the aboveAnswer: eDifficulty: Moderate34. Which of the following would be a disadvantage of manufacturer storage withdirect shipping?a. The ability to reduce cost of inventory by centralizing inventories at themanufacturer.b. The manufacturer has to postpone customization until after the customerorder has been placed.c. Supply chains have to eliminate other warehousing space to save on thefixed cost of facilities.d. Response times tend to be large because the order has to be transmittedfrom the retailer to the manufacturer and shipping distances are onaverage longer from the manufacturer’s centralized site.e. Provides a good customer experience when a single order containingproducts from several manufacturers is delivered in partial shipments.Answer: d Difficulty:Moderate35. Which distribution network design is similar to pure drop-shipping, except thatpieces of the order coming from different locations are combined so that thecustomer gets a single delivery?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with manufacturer pickupe. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate36. The main advantage of in-transit merge over drop-shipping isa. the ability to reduce cost of inventory by centralizing inventories at themanufacturer.b. supply chains save on the fixed cost of facilities, because the need forother warehousing space in the supply chain has been eliminated.c. somewhat lower transportation cost and improved customer experience.d. order tracking is easy to implement because of the complete integrationof information systems at both the retailer and the manufacturer.e. the handling of returns is likely to be simple and inexpensive, i mprovingcustomer satisfaction.Answer: c Difficulty:Moderate37. The major disadvantage of in-transit merge compared to drop-shipping isa. transportation costs are high because the average outbound distance to theend consumer is large and package carriers are used to shipping the product.b. response times tend to be large because the order has to be transmitted fromthe retailer to the manufacturer and shipping distances are on average longerfrom the manufacturer’s centralized site.c. order tracking becomes harder to implement because it requires completeintegration of information systems at both the retailer and the manufacturer.d. the additional effort during the merge itself.e. the handling of returns is likely to be difficult and more expensive, hurtingcustomer satisfaction.Answer: dDifficulty: Easy38. Which distribution network design is being used when inventory is not held bymanufacturers at the factories, but is held by distributors/retailers in intermediate warehouses and package carriers are used to transport products from theintermediate location to the final customer?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer storage with direct shipping and in-transit mergec. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with manufacturer pickupe. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: cDifficulty: Easy39. Which of the following is an advantage of distributor storage with carrier delivery?a. Inventory cost is higher than with manufacturer storage.b. Product variety is lower than with manufacturer storage.c. Order visibility for the customer is easier than with manufacturer storage.d. Higher cost to provide the same level of product availability asmanufacturer storage.e. Cost of facilities and handling is somewhat higher than manufacturerstorage.Answer: c Difficulty:Moderate40. Which of the following is a disadvantage of distributor storage with carrierdelivery?a. Information infrastructure is simpler than manufacturer storage.b. Response time is faster than with manufacturer storage.c. Returnability is easier than with manufacturer storage.d. Product variety is lower than with manufacturer storage.e. Transportation cost is lower than with manufacturer storage.Answer: dDifficulty: Moderate41. Which distribution network design is being used when the distributor/retailerdelivers the product to the customer’s home instead of using a package carrier?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupc. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: dDifficulty: Moderate42. Which of the following is an advantage of distributor storage with last miledelivery?a. More expensive to provide product availability than any other optionexcept retail stores.b. Inventory cost is higher than distributor storage with package carrierdelivery.c. Response time is very quick ranging from same day to next day delivery.d. Transportation cost is higher than any other distribution option.e. Returnability is harder and more expensive than a retail network.Answer: cDifficulty: Easy43. Which of the following is a disadvantage of distributor storage with last miledelivery?a. Transportation cost is higher than any other distribution option.b. Information cost is similar to distributor storage with package carrierdelivery.c. Customer experience is very good, particularly for bulky items.d. Returnability is easier to implement than other options.e. Order traceability is less of an issue and easier to implement thanmanufacturer storage or distributor storage with package carrier delivery.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard44. Which distribution network design is being used when inventory is stored at themanufacturer or distributor warehouse but customers place their orders online or on the phone and then come to designated pickup points to collect their o rders?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupc. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: bDifficulty: Moderate45. Which of the following is an advantage of manufacturer/distributor storage w ithcustomer pickup?a. Facility costs can be very high if new facilities have to be built.b. Transportation cost is lower than the use of package carriers, especially ifusing an existing delivery network.c. Order visibility is difficult but essential.d. Product variety is similar to other manufacturer or distributor storageoptions.e. Significant investment in information infrastructure required.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate46. Which of the following is a disadvantage of manufacturer/distributor storage withcustomer pickup?a. Customer experience is lower than other options because of the lack o fhome delivery.b. Response time is similar to package carrier delivery with manufacturer ordistributor storage.c. Returnability is somewhat easier given that pickup location can handlereturns.d. Product availability is similar to other manufacturer or distributor storageoptions.e. Facilities costs are lower if existing facilities are used.Answer: aDifficulty: Hard47. Which distribution network design is being used when inventory is stored locallyat retail stores and customers walk into the retail store or place an order online or on the phone and pick it up at the retail store?a. Manufacturer storage with direct shippingb. Manufacturer/distributor storage with customer pickupc. Distributor storage with package carrier deliveryd. Distributor storage with last mile deliverye. Retail storage with customer pickupAnswer: eDifficulty: Easy48. Which of the following is an advantage of retail storage with customer pickup?a. Inventory cost is higher than all other options.b. Transportation cost is lower than all other options.c. Facilities and handling costs are higher than other options.d. Product variety is lower than all other options.e. Product availability is more expensive to provide than all other options.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate49. Which of the following is a disadvantage of retail storage with customer pickup?a. Returnability is easier than other options given that pickup location c anhandle returns.b. Inventory cost is higher than all other options.c. Transportation cost is lower than all other options.d. Facilities and handling costs are lower than other options.e. Product variety is higher than all other options.Answer: bDifficulty: Moderate50. Distributors add value to a supply chain between a supply stage and a customerstagea. if there is a small number of customers requiring a large amount ofproduct.b. if there is a large number of customers requiring a large amount o fproduct.c. if there are many small players at the customer stage, each requiring asmall amount of the product at a time.d. if there are a few large players at the customer stage, each requiring alarge amount of the product at a time.e. Distributors do not add value to a supply chain.Answer: cDifficulty: Moderate51. Improvement in supply chain performance at the result of distributors occurs forwhich of the following reasons?a. Reduction in transportation cost because of LTL shipments frommanufacturers to distributor.b. Reduction in outbound transportation cost because the distributorcombines products from many customers into a single outboundshipment.c. Reduction in inventory costs because distributor disaggregates s afetyinventory rather than aggregating at each retailer.d. A more stable order stream from distributor to manufacturer (compared toerratic orders from each retailer) allows manufacturers to lower cost byplanning production more effectively.e. By carrying inventory closer to the point of sale, manufacturers are able toprovide a better response time than distributors can.Answer: dDifficulty: Hard52. Which of the following statements about distribution networks is true?a. The ownership structure of the distribution network can have as big animpact as the type of distribution network.b. The choice of a distribution network has very long-term consequences.c. The choice of an exclusive distribution strategy may be advantageous.d. All of the above are true.e. None of the above are true.Answer: dDifficulty: HardEssay/Problems1. Explain the measures of customer service that are influenced by the structure ofthe distribution network.Answer: Response time is the time between when a customer places an orderand receives delivery.Product variety is the number of different products/configurations that acustomer desires from the distribution network.Availability is the probability of having a product in stock when a customer order arrives.Customer experience includes the ease with which the customer can place and receive their order. It also includes purely experiential aspects, such as thepossibility of getting a cup of coffee and the value that the sales staff provides.Order visibility is the ability of the customer to track their order from placement to delivery.Returnability is the ease with which a customer can return unsatisfactorymerchandise and the ability of the network to handle such returns.Difficulty: Moderate2. Explain how the design of the distribution network affects the cost of the f oursupply chain drivers.Answer: As the number of facilities in a supply chain increases, the inventory and resulting inventory costs also increase. To decrease inventory costs, firms try toconsolidate and limit the number of facilities in their supply chain network.Outbound transportation costs per unit tend to be higher than inbound costsbecause inbound lot sizes are typically larger. Increasing the number of。



《供应链管理I 》第04章在线测试答题须知:1、本卷满分20分。



第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、与客户的伙伴关系的最大优点是:( )A 、客户将不从其它供应商处订货,所以可得到更高的产品价格B 、减少双方的文书工作C 、因为双方共享信息,所以有两家企业都降低供应链成本D 、供应商有更大的利润2、在合作博弈中,供应链成员需要紧密合作,共享信息,才能消除供应链中的不确定性因素,实现供应链效益的最大化。

供应商与订货商状况都得到了改善,达到了( )的目的。

A 、价格最低B 、及时交货C 、满足客户需要D 、“双赢”(Win -win)3、建立供应链合作伙伴关系的驱动力包括( )A 、企业需要集中精力关注其核心竞争力的发展B 、不断变化的客户期望C 、企业不断扩大的外包范围D 、以上都是4、供应链企业间逆向选择问题的解决方案是( )A 、建立供应链激励机制B 、建立供应链信号传递机制C 、建立供应链合作协议D 、建立信息共享机制5、以下关于供应商筛选标准或评估要素说法不正确的是:( )A 、挑选出的标准通常使得现有的供应商更符合自己的要求B 、每一个采购类别的供应商筛选标准都可能是不一样的C 、在制定供应商筛选标准时一定要客观、公正,是经过小组的讨论通过的D 、在制定供应商筛选标准时对供应市场进行分析并不重要第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,5道题共10分)1、双赢关系是一种合作的关系,它强调在合作的供应商和生产商之间共同分享信息,通过合作协商协调相互的行为,它包括:( )A 、制造商可以帮助供应商降低成本B、制造商经常向供应商提供相关建议C、供应商可在制造商的帮助下改进质量、加快产品开发进度D、通过建立相互信任的关系提高效率,降低交易/管理成本E、长期的信任合作取代短期的合同2、合作伙伴关系(Fellowship)又称:()A、供应链合作关系B、上下游关系C、供应联盟D、供应商-制造商关系E、卖主/供应商-买主3、以下哪些项属于供应链战略联盟中制造商的联盟目标?()A、缩短提前期B、增加对供货商技术和专业经验的利用C、稳定供货和价格D、缩短市场产品开发周期E、提供增值服务4、下列关于供应链关系描述正确的是()。



供应链管理赛题第4套一、单选题(每小题 2 分,共 30 道,共 60 分) 1.主生产计划对应的能力需求计划是()。


○A.定量库存控制○B.定期库存控○C.相关需求库存控制○D.定额库存控制3.航天器企业的生产类型是( )。

○A.按订单设计○B.按订单装配○C.按订单生产○D.按库存生产4.物料成本控制的策略不包括( )。










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第四章供应链管理方法一、重点名词1.快速反应2.有效客户反应3. 商品分类管理4、企业资源计划5.卖方管理库存二、单项选择题1.ERP是()的英文缩写。

































































