



5. Documentary draft: the draft is accompanied by the relevant documents such as the bill of lading, the invoice, the insurance policy etc.
6. Documents against payment (D/P): documents will not be released to the importer until payment is effected.
According to the theory of comparative advantage, both trade partners can benefit from trade.
(4) 比较利益并不是一个静止的概念,一个国家可以通过自己的行动发展某种特定的比较利益。
Comparative advantage is not a static concept; a country may develop a particular comparative advantage through its own actions.
10. 需求结构:patterns of demand 生产能力:production capabilities
消费爱好:consumption preference 规模经济:economies of scale
成本优势:cost advantage 大规模生产:large-scale production
Lesson 3
1. Consignment transaction: this means the exporter has to send his goods abroad and will not get payment until the goods are sold. If not sold, the goods can be shipped back.



Political Economy of International Trade
Ⅰ. Instruments of Trade Policy
7 main instruments of trade policy --- tariffs
--- who gains: ☺ --- government: raising revenue for government --- domestic producers: protection
Political Economy of International Trade
Ⅰ. Instruments of Trade Policy
7 main instruments of trade policy --- subsidies
--- main gains: ☺ --- helping domestic firms to be a first-mover --- helping domestic firms to gain as a major global company
Political Economy of International Trade
free trade
Political Economy of International Trade
free trade --- a situation where a government does not attempt to restrict
--- who suffers: --- consumers: pay more for certain imports
Political Economy of International Trade



Unit 1Try to be: friendly, alert, calm, skillful, honest, confident, intelligent, nice, helpful, distinct, politeTry not to be: sleepy, unclear, lazy, dishonest, clumsy, stupid, prejudiced, inefficient, unhelpful, rude, offhandgreeting and saying goodbyeAddressing peopleClothsTable mannersVisiting someone’s homeGiving gifts and flowersTitle +surname+(given name)Miss Mrs. Ms.1.4non-verbal signals and body language may influence the way people seeyou.a.The style of language, the choosing of wordsb.Tone of voicec.Expressiond.Noises you makee.Body language and the way you stand or sitf.Appearance (clothes)g.The way you smileUnit 2(2)商业信函7个部分1 信头:公司的名称、地址、电话号码、传真号、网址、信件编号2 日期:(BE)日月年25(th) June, 2009;(AE) 月日年June 25(th), 20093 信内地址: 信纸的左上角、信头的下方。


4 称呼:Dear Mr….Dear Ms…Dear Sir, DearMadam Dear Sir or Madam5 信的正文: courtesy, conciseness, clarity, correctness, completeness6 结束语: Y our sincerelyY our faithfully, your truly7 签名:打印,签名,签名下方有写信人的头衔Common abbreviations& Co. =and company@ =at(a price of)..a/c = accountadmin. = administrationapprox. = approximatelyASAP or asap = as soon as possibleattn = for the attention ofb/f = brought forwardc.c. = cubic centimetrec.c. / cc = carbon copy (photocopy)c/f = carried forwardc/o = care ofCEO = chief executive officerCorp. = Corporationdept. = departmentdo = ditto (the same)doz. Or dz. = dozenea. = eachenc./encl. = enclosureetc. = and so onft = foot/ feetincl.= including / inclusivelb / lbs = pound(s)i.e./ ie = that isInc. = incorporatedLtd. = LimitedMD = managing directorMisc. = miscellaneousN/A = not applicableNo.(US#) =numberoz. = ouncep.a. = per annum/ per yearp.p. = per pro (on behalf of )PA = personal assistantPC = personal computerplc/p.l.c. = public limited corporationPOB = Post Office Box PS/P.S. = postscript Rd = roadrecd = receivedref. = referenceSq. = squareSt. = streetyd / yds = yard(s)R = Registered trademarkC = copyrightTM = trade markUnit 33.2 Getting people to do thingsrequesting: agreeing to or refusing requestsoffering to help:accepting or rejecting offersasking permission:giving or refusing permissionunit 4•City college of Wuhan University of Science and Technology•Special No.1 Huang Jia Da Wan•East Lake Scenery District•Wuhan•Hubei 430083•China4.1 Amake notes & take notes•Note-making: noting down ideas before writing a report or letter or before a phone call or meeting. 打底稿,写笔记•Note-taking: taking notes after or during a conversation or meeting. 做记录4.2 reportA good report•is well researched and logically presented•provides enough information to enable decisions to be made•uses a style appropriate for the purpose•is accurate, clear and concise•supports all claims and conclusions with evidence4.3 planning and editing a report•When planning a report there are two main points to consider:•1. the purpose•2. the readerA Procedure of making report•Assemble the material•Plan the report•Draft the report•Edit the reportStructure of the report•Title page•Table of contents•Summary•Terms of reference•Procedure(interviews, meetings,published sources, observation,visits,questionnaires,scientific measurement)•Findings (main part)•Conclusions•Recommendations•Appendices•Bibliography/ReferenceUnit 55.1 workplace•A business organization can be defined as a firm, a company, a business or a corporation that makes, buys or sells goods, or provides services, to make a profit. 5.2 different kinds of company•Sector行业: a part of economy•Industry产业:organized activity producing goods or services, for example food, banking, construction, steel, tobacco and biotechnology.•Primary—oil,agriculture, fishing, mining, construction•Secondary—crafts and manufacturing•Teriary—services, including education, banking, insurance, tourism, leisure, etc.••UK US•Board of DirectorsChairman PresidentManaging Director Chief Executive OfficerDeputy Managing Director Vice PresidentGeneral Manager DirectorDepartment Manager ManagerAccountant Financial ControllerUnit 7The concept of international trade●International trade, also known as world trade, is the fair and deliberate exchange of goods and services across national boundaries.It concerns trade operations of both import and export and includes the purchase and sale of both visible and invisible goods.6.1 exchanging information●V ersion 1-hostile, aggressive,impatient, informal●V ersion 2-friendly, helpful, formal, polite●Their tone of voice, the way they hesitate, the polite forms they use6.4 Placing and filling ordersOrders—fax /letter1. 感谢对方的报盘或样品,表示愿意定购2. 对商品加以详细说明,主要包括数量、货号、价格3. 说明包装方式、目的港及运装期Acknowledging of the order1. 对收到订单表示高兴2. 重复订单的条件3. 交货、寄送单据等4. 希望再次合作Unit 87.2 cash flow•Cash: money in notes and coins•Currency: coins and banknotes of a particular country•Cash flow: refers to the movement of cash into or out of a business, a project, or a financial product. It is usually measured during a specified, finite period of time.。

International Business English 国际商务英语(英文版)

International Business English  国际商务英语(英文版)

International Business English国际商务英语Lesson 1 International Business第一课国际商务*International business refers to transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export, such as business between Hong Kong and Taiwan.*International business involves more factors and thus is more complicated than domestic business. The following are some major differences between the two.1). The countries involved often have different legal systems, and one or more parties will have to adjust themselves to operate in compliance with the foreign law.2). Different counties usually use different currencies and the parties concerned will have to decide which currency to use and do everything necessary as regards conversion etc. Uncertainties and even risks are often involved in the use of a foreign currency.3).Cultural differences including language, customs, traditions, religion, value, behaviour etc. often constitute challenges and even traps for people engaged in international business.4). Countries vary in natural and economic conditions and may have different policies towards foreign trade and investment, making international business more complex than domestic business.*With the development of economic globalisation, few people or companies can completely stay away from international business. Some knowledge in this respect is necessary both for the benefit of enterprises and personal advancement.*International business first took the form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. This form of trade is also referred to as visible trade. Later a different kind of trade in the form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. gradually became more and more important. This type of trade is called invisible trade. Today, the contribution of service industries of the developed countries constitutes over 60% of their gross domestic products and account for an increasing proportion of world trade. *Another important form of international business is supplying capital by residents of one country to another, known as international investments.Such investments can be classified into two categories. The first kind of investments, foreign direct investments or FDI for short is made for returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in in a host country.*The host country is a foreign country where the investor operates, while the country where the headquarters of the investor is located is called the home country. The second kind of investment, portfolio investment, refers to purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling. Such financial assets may be stocks, bonds or certificates of deposit.Stocks are also called capital stocks or bonds. Bonds are papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest. The maturity period of a bond is at least one year, often longer, for example five, or even ten years. Certificates of deposit generally involve large amounts, say 25 thousand US dollars *Besides trade and investment, international licensing and franchising are sometimes taken as a means of entering a foreign market. In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. Such intellectual property may be trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights or technology. Firms choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to start business, and can simply receive income in the form of royaltyBesides, they can benefit from locational advantages of foreign operation without any obligations in ownership or management. The use of licensing is particularly encouraged by high customs duty and non-tariff barriers on the part of the host country. However it is not advisable to use licensing in countries with weak intellectual property protection since the licensor may have difficulty in enforcing licensing agreement.*Franchising can be regarded as a special form of licensing. Under franchising, a firm, called the franchisee, is allowed to operate in the name of another, called the franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos, and operating techniques for royalty. In comparison with the relation between the licenser and the licensee, the franchiser has more control over and provides more support for the franchisee.*The franchiser can develop internationally and gain access to useful information about the local market with little risk and cost, and the franchisee can easily get into a business with established products or services. Franchising is fairly popular especially in hotel and restaurant business.*Other forms for participating in international business are management contract, contract manufacturing, and turnkey project.*Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flatpayment or a percentage of the relevant business volume. Sometimes bonuses based on profitability or sales growth are also specified in management contracts.Government policies often have a lot to do with management contracts. When a government forbids foreign ownership in certain industries it considers to be of strategic importance but lacks the expertise for operation, management contracts may be a practical choice enabling a foreign company to operate in the industry without owning the assets*By contract manufacturing, a firm can concentrate on their strongest part in the value chain, e.g. marketing, while contracting with foreign companies for the manufacture of their products. Such firms can reduce the amount of their resources devoted to manufacture and benefit from location advantages from production in host countries. However, loss of control over the production process may give rise to problems in respect of quality and time of delivery.*For an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter upon completion. Such projects are often large and complex and take a long period to complete. Payment for a turnkey project may be made at fixed total price or on a cost plus basis. The latter way of payment shifts the burden of possible additional cost over the original budget onto the purchaser *BOT is a popular variant of the turnkey project where B stands for Build, O for operate and T for transfer. For a BOT project, a firm operate a facility for a period of time after building it up before finally transferring it to a foreign company. Making profit from operating the project for a period is the major difference between BOT and the common turnkey project. Needless to say, the contractor has to bear the financial and other risks that may occur in the period of operation.*Some Words and Expressionscustoms area 关税区in compliance with 遵从,遵照conversion n.货币兑换visible trade 有形贸易resale n.转售invisible trade 无形贸易gross domestic product 国内生产总值for short 缩写为account for 占……比例headquarters n.总部trap n.陷阱,圈套portfolio investment 证券投资stocks n.股票bonds n.债券maturity n.(票据等)到期,到期日certificate of deposit 大额存单other than 而不是licensing n.许可经营franchising n.特许经营n.商标advisable adj.可行的,适当的patent n.专利royalty n.专利使用费,许可使用费,版税copyright n.版权licensor n.给予许可的人licensee n.接受许可的人franchiser n.给予特许的人franchisee n.接受特许的人logo n.标识,标记management contract 管理合同expertise n.专门知识bonus n.红利,奖金,津贴flat adj.一律的,无变动的contract manufacturing 承包生产value chain 价值链turnkey project 交钥匙工程BOT(Build, Operate, Transfer)建设,经营,移交Stand for 表示,代表variant n.变形,变体Lesson twoIncome Level and the World Market第二课收入水平和世界市场This lesson discusses the relation between the income level and the market potential, and the features of high income, middle income and low income markets.Special analysesare made on Triad, i.e. the markets of North America, European Union and Japan, as well as other markets that are closely related with China.The first two paragraphs mainly deal with GNP and GDP, two important concepts usedto indicate the total size of an economy. GDP, Gross Domestic Product, stresses the place of production while GNP, Gross National Product, on the ownership of production factors.GDP is used by most countries now where as GNP was more popular before the 1990s. The actual figures of a country’s GNP and GDP are, however, quite similar in most cases and we can use whichever figure that is available.TEXT:In assessing the potential of a market, people often look at its income level since it provides clues about the purchasing power of its residents. The concepts national income and national product have roughly the same value and can be used interchangeably if our interest is in their sum total which is measured as the market value of the total output of goodsand services of an economy in a given period, usually a year. The differenceis only in their emphasis. The former stresses the income generated by turning out the products while the latter, the value of the product s themselves. Gross National Product, GNP, and Gross Domestic Product, GDP, are two important concepts used to indicate a country’s total income. GNP refers to the market value of goods and services produced by the property and labor owned by the residents of an economy. This term was used by most governments before the 1990s国民生产总值(GNP)是最重要的宏观经济指标,它是指一个国家地区的国民经济在一定时期(一般1年)内以货币表现的全部最终产品(含货物和服务)价值的总和。



经贸知识英语串讲讲义第一课1)How would you define international trade?Answer: 第三页第一段第一句。

2)How did international trade first begin?Answer: The distribution of natural resources is uneven. That is the reason why international trade first began.3)What is the new incentive for trade that arose with the development of manufacturing and technology?Answer: 第三页第二段(international specialization)。

4)Explain the theory of absolute advantage and its application in international trade.Answer: If a country is more efficient, or spends less resources such as capital, land and labor than other countries in producing a commodity, we say this country has an absolute advantage in producing this commodity. The theory of absolute advantage implies that every country produces and exports commodities in which they have absolute advantage while importing commodities where other countries have absolute advantage. (参看第三页第四段到第四页第二段结束)5)Who introduced the theory of comparative advantage? Which theory makes more sense, absolute advantage or comparative advantage?Answer: The English economist David Ricardo did. The theory of comparative advantage makes more sense than that of absolute advantage.6)Explain briefly why trade to exploit comparative advantage promotes efficiency among countries.Answer: The theory of comparative advantage implies that every country, even when it has no absolute advantage at all, can specialize in the production and export of commodities where its absolute disadvantage is smaller or where it has comparative advantage. So long as comparative advantage exists, trade between countries is always possible, and in the process of exploiting comparative advantage, trade promotes efficiency among countries, since it can make one country better off without making another worse off.7)Is comparative advantage something static? Is it purely decided by the endowments of nature? Give examples to show the development of comparative advantage by certain countries. Answer: 第五页第三段全部。

《国际商务英语》(自考)Lesson 4

《国际商务英语》(自考)Lesson 4
label /ˈleɪb(ə)l/
adj. 有作用 的
n. 国际化
n. 设施, 设备
v. 把…… 归类为
※employ /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ assets /ˈæsets/ incorporate /ɪnˈkɔːpəreɪt/ purport /pəˈpɔːt/ headquarters
v. 用,使用 n. 资产 v. 吸收,合并 v. 声称,自称 n. 总不
adj. 庞大的, 巨大的
v. 干预,干涉
n. 投入 技术进步 n. 获得
day-to-day running ※run v. 经营,管理
decentralize /ˌdiːˈsentrəlaɪz/ wield /wiːld/
jurisdiction /ˌdʒʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn/
vehicle /ˈviːəkl/
acclaim /əˈkleɪm/
adverse /ˈædvɜːs/ adversity /ədˈvɜːsəti/ n. 逆境,厄运
controversial /ˌkɒntrəˈvɜːʃ(ə)l/ controversy /ˈkɒntrəvɜːsi/ n. 争议
n. 要素,组 成部分 n. 价值观 v. 欢呼
wide geographical
02 spread
longevity and rapid
03 growth
The behavior of MNEs is very much determined by their needs. These needs are often identified as goals. The purpose of organization is to facilitate the MNEs operations and the purpose of its operations is to achieve its organizational goals.


文化差异是国际商务中常常遇到的挑战,了解并尊重不同文化的习俗和价值 观对建立成功的国际业务关系至关重要。
通过全球市场分析和研究,了解不同市场的需求和竞争情况,帮助企业做出 明智的决策,实现国际业务的增长和成功。
制定适合国际市场的商务战略和选择合适的进入模式是国际商务成功的关键。 不同市场的需求和文化差异需要考虑。
跨文化管理和领导力能力对于国际商务成功至关重要。了解不同文化的管理风格和领国际商务存在各种潜在风险,包括政治风险、市场风险和货币风险等。有效 的风险管理可帮助企业降低损失。
《国际商务英语课件》— —带你了解国际商务的全 流程
想要了解国际商务的全流程吗?本课件将带你深入探索国际商务的各个层面, 从文化考虑到供应链管理,全方位了解国际商务的核心要点。
国际商务是全球化时代必不可少的一部分。了解国际商务对企业和个人在全 球市场中取得成功至关重要。
企业社会责任是企业在全球市场中履行的一项重要义务。关注环境和社会问题有助于建立可持续发展的企业形 象。



商务英语口语第一课时Introductionⅰ、Why take BEC exams?strong growthrigorous quality controlwide suitabilitywide business contextvalue for study and business careerinternational recognition for work and studyⅱ、What is International Business English? 什么是国际商务英语?国际商务英语,指的是人们从事国际商务活动中所使用的具有行业特征的英语,这些行业包括:国际贸易、国际金融、国际会计、国际运输、国际商法、保险、银行、经济、营销、物流、企业管理、商业服务等。


ⅲ、How to learn International Business English? 怎样学习国际商务英语?掌握一定的商务英语词汇、短语和句型。

(1) 词汇方面commerciale.g. The TV show was interrupted by too many commercials.prospecte.g. He called on some prospects but failed to make a sale.makee.g. These products are of Chinese make.The factory manufactured five makes of tractors.(2) 短语方面soft selling hard sellingSome sales people adopt a direct ‘hard sell’ approach, while others use a more indirect ‘soft sell’ approach.have a bad yearThe corporation is having a bad year and it will probably be necessary to dismiss a few office staff.break into/penetrate the marketThere is chance that we’ll manage to break into the UK market(3) 句型方面I am writing to you concerning… You can’t miss it. I can’t agree more. It may have slipped your mind, but… You can always reach me at the number… We would very much appreciate it if you could…I noted with interest your advertisement for… Yes, that’s true, but on the other hand… That’s exactly what I think. Maybe, but don’t you think…? You are wanted on the phone. As req uested, we enclose for your attention…(4) 旧词“新义“honoure.g, All credit cards honoured here. The bank honoured this cheque.covere.g. I have got myself covered against fire.royaltye.g. Besides copyright, the writer got a 10 percent royalty on sales. The technology transfer fee shall be paid in royalties.(5) 同义词、近义词、相似词的辨析。



l.Give the Following Trade Abbreviations Full Names, and Then Translate into Chinese.(10X2=20)FOB Free on Board 离岸价 S.S Steamship 轮船CIF Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价格 T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费 M/T Mail Transfer 信汇L/C Letter of Credit 信用证 D/D Demand Draft 票汇B/L Bill of Lading 提单 ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间PO Purchasing Order 订单 D/A Document Against Acceptance 承兑交单N.W Net Weight 净重 D/P Document Against Payment 付款交单G.W Gross Weight 毛重屮性包装 neutral packing 装运通知 shipping advice装运须知 shipping instructions 俏售确认书 salesconfirmation 一切险 All RisksT •安险 Free from Particular Average (FPA) 水渍险With Particular Average (WPA) 最终用户end-user提单 bill of lading 清洁提单 clean bill of lading 报价单 quotation sheet 分销商 distributor 佣金commission 运输代理 freight forwarder 保险费premium 保险商 underwriter 保险单 insurancepolicy 投保人applicant 以下了解即可: 保险经纪人Insurance Broker 保险公证人 Insurance Surveyor被保险人Insured4. Translate the Following Sentences into English. Please quote us your rock-bottom price for dress FOB Seattle inclusive of 5% commission. ⑵请报100吨钢板CIF 大连最低价,并请告知详细规格。

国际商务英语chapter1 Introduction to International Trade

国际商务英语chapter1 Introduction to International Trade
Workers can face pay-cut demands from employers, who can threaten them with the possibility of sending jobs abroad.
Competitive pressure often makes service and white-collar jobs vulnerable to operations moving overseas.
Invisible Trade
Revenue and expenditure incurred by exchange of services and other nonmaterial commodities. Income and expenses concerning the import and export of commodities, e.g. freight, premium, processing charges. Income and expenses irrelevant to the import and export of commodities, e.g. traveling expenses, diplomatic agent expenses, overseas remittances, franchise fees, dividends paid to foreign investors, etc. As invisibles do not go through customs clearance, they are not indicated in customs statistics, but on a country’s statement of balance of payments.


1.2 The Scope of International Business Activities
1.2.1 Trade in Goods and Trade in Services International business activities concern about the trade
主 编 张永莉 张中强
1.1 What Is International Business? 1.2 The Scope of International Business Activities 1.3 Commercial Risk 1.4 Commercial Credit 1.5 International Business Management 1.6 A Brief Introduction to WTO
1.3 Commercial Risk
The special risk elements confronted in international business activity include financial, political, regulatory and tax risks.
The financial risk elements involve balance-of-payments considerations, varying exchange rates, differential inflation trends among countries and divergent interest rates.
1.4 Commercial Credit

derek callan 商务英语讲义

derek callan 商务英语讲义

derek callan 商务英语讲义引言概述:Derek Callan商务英语讲义是一本专门针对商务领域的英语学习教材。



正文内容:1. 语法:1.1 语法基础知识:Derek Callan商务英语讲义首先介绍了商务英语中的基础语法知识,包括时态、语态、语法结构等方面的内容。

1.2 商务语境下的语法应用:该讲义通过实例和练习,帮助学习者理解和应用商务语境下的语法规则,例如商务信函中的语法要求、会议讨论中的语法应用等。

2. 词汇:2.1 商务词汇积累:Derek Callan商务英语讲义提供了丰富的商务词汇,帮助学习者扩展商务领域相关的词汇量。

2.2 词汇运用技巧:该讲义通过词汇练习和实际案例,教授学习者如何正确运用商务词汇,包括词汇搭配、词义辨析等方面的技巧。

3. 商务写作:3.1 商务信函写作:Derek Callan商务英语讲义详细介绍了商务信函的写作要点,包括信函格式、用语规范、礼貌用语等内容。

3.2 商务报告写作:该讲义通过案例和范文,指导学习者如何撰写商务报告,包括结构、语言风格、数据分析等方面的要求。

4. 商务口语:4.1 会议讨论技巧:Derek Callan商务英语讲义教授学习者在商务会议中的口语表达技巧,包括提出建议、阐述观点、回应问题等方面的技巧。

4.2 商务演讲技巧:该讲义通过实例和练习,帮助学习者提高商务演讲的能力,包括演讲结构、语言运用、肢体语言等方面的技巧。

5. 商务文化:5.1 跨文化交际:Derek Callan商务英语讲义介绍了跨文化交际中需要注意的文化差异,帮助学习者更好地进行国际商务沟通。

5.2 商务礼仪:该讲义详细解析了商务场合的礼仪规范,包括商务拜访、商务宴请、商务礼仪等方面的内容。

总结:综上所述,Derek Callan商务英语讲义是一本内容丰富、专业详细的商务英语学习教材。



International Business EnglishLesson 1International BusinessBusiness Knowledge:The major differences between international business and domestic businessA.Differences in legal systemsB.Differences in currenciesC.Differences in cultural backgroundD.Different in natural and economic conditionsThe major types of international businessA. Trademodity tradeb.Service tradeB. Investmenta.Foreign direct investmentb.Portfolio investmentC. Other typesa.Licensing and franchisingb.Management contract and contract manufacturingc.Turnkey project and BOTTrade Terms:1.Customs area关税区:2.Conversion货币兑换3.Visible trade有形贸易: The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting and importing goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption or resale in another. (including cash transaction-bymeans of money and market, and counter trade)4.Invisible trade无形贸易: The form of transportation, communication, banking, insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.5.FDI外国直接投资: Foreign direct investments. Returns through controlling the enterprises or assets invested in a host country. / P.256. One country acquires assets in a foreign country for the purpose ofcontrolling and managing them.6.Portfolio investment证券投资: Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purpose other than controlling.7.Stocks股票: Capital stocks or bonds.8.Bonds债券: The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest.9.Maturity(票据等)到期10.Certificate of deposit大额存单11.Licensing许可经营: In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to statbusiness, and can simply receive income in the form of royalty.12.Franchising特许经营: Under franchising, franchisee is allowed to operate in the name of another, franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques forroyalty.13.Trade Mark商标14.Patent专利15.Royalty专利(许可)使用费,版税16.Copyright版权17.Licenser许可方18.Licensee被许可方19.Franchiser特许方: A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty.20.Franchisee被特许方: A firm is allowed to operate in the name of another.21.Management contract管理合同: Under a management contract, one company offers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular period for a flat payment or a percentage ofthe relevant business volume.22.Value chain价值链23.Turnkey project“交钥匙”工程: For an international turnkey project, a firm signs a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing, contracting and facility equipping before handingit over to the latter upon completion.24.BOT建设、经营和移交: Build, Operate, Transfer25.Expertise专门知识26.Bonus红利、奖金、津贴27.Royalty 许可使用费28.International investment国际投资: Supplying capital by residents of one country to another.29.Contract manufacturing承包生产30.GATT关贸总协定: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade31.International business国际商务: Transaction between parties from different countries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as importand export.32.Intellectual property知识产权33.Oil deposit: 石油储备= oil reserves34.the reserves of natural resources 自然资源储备35.Personal advancement个人的晋升,个人素质的提高以及个人事业的进步等。



2. Reference and Date
– In business correspondence, reference will be given by a firm to another. Reference may include a file number, departmental code, or the initials of the signer, followed by that of the typist of the letter. They are marked as “ Our Ref: *** ”and “ Your Ref:*** ” to avoid confusion.
salutation and the body of the letter. If the letter is in the full block form, it is
placed at the left-hand margin. In other styles, it is centered over the body of
– (1)Opening(or Introduction)
• The opening is actually the background of this letter. It indicates the referring letter,contract or letter of credit to which response will be made.
the letter. In order to invite the receiver’s attention, it is usually underlined. In
front of it “Re:” or “Subj:” is written as:


standards for classification Representative countries characters
▪ Triad and Quad ▪ Other markets important for China
▪ Small-industrialized countries or regions
2. $765< middle-income <$9,386
▪ Most East European countries:
▪ Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia … ▪ Most members of Commonwealth of Independent
total GDP vs per capita GDP
total GDP
1. indicates:overall size of an economy
2. importance: market assessment for durable equipment or bulk goods
per capita GDP
or extent of; appraise.评价,评估 dividend:a share of a surplus; a bonus.红利; 盈 余
distort: to give a false or misleading account of; misrepresent.曲解,歪曲,误传给出假象或使人迷惑 的原因;误传
Wheat is a staple crop.
bear sth. in mind : 将…记在心中,关注,挂念 spur: v. tr. to incite or stimulate:刺激,鞭策: trade surplus:贸易顺差, 贸易盈余, 出超
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
International Business English
Unit One
Seeking Business Opportunity
【Task】 1.In what sources can you get the names and addresses
of new firms concerned ? 2.How do you write a letter to express your desire to
2 We have been in this line for more than twenty years.
3 The workmanship of our products appeals very much to foreign customers. .
4 In order to acquaint you with the textiles we handle, we take pleasure in sending you by air our latest catalogue for your perusal. .
General enquiry
The buyer only asks for catalogues ,price lists, samples or some other reference materials, just for getting some general information of his partner.
establish business relations with XX Foodstuffs Import & Export Corp in Holland?
Business Relations
from Internet etc.,a large importer of , commodity, experience, business scope , willingness
⑷ Your expectation from the addresses
Useful Sentenses
1 We’ve learnt from your web site that you are a major supplier of automobile parts in Shanghai .
comfortable tone and show active attitude?
Specific enquiry
The buyer has a particular article or product in mind and wants the seller to make an offer for this item.
Unit Two
Enquiry and Offer
Enquiry & Offer
General enquiry Specific enquiry Firm offer Non-firm offer
【Task】 1. What information about should Johnson’s
Firm offer
A firm offer is a definite promise sell goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time.
Non-firm offer
A non-firm offer is an offer without engagement. It is not binding upon the sellers and the details of the offers may change in certain situation.
abroad (8) Mutual visits by trade delegations and group etc.
【Writing Tips】
When writing a letter to establish business relations,
the following points should be covered:
Company provide in the first enquiry? 2. How to attract a potential supplier’s attention to
your enquiry? 3. What should be mentioned in making a firm offer? 4. How do you write a letter to make an offer with
from Internet etc.,a large exporter of , commodity, experience, business scope , willingness
The foreign merchants may approach each other through the following channels: (1) Web (2) Banks (3) Commercial Counselor's Office (4) Chambers of Commerce (5) Trade Directory (6) Advertisements (7) Attendance at trade fairs and exhibitions held at home and
⑴ The source of information ⑵ The intention of writing letter (to establish business
⑶ Self-introduction (Generally, it includes two parts: the introduction of the company and the introduction of its main products. Under certain circumstances, catalogues, samples, and pricelist may also be enclosed.)