人教版八年级下册单元自我综合评价十(1022)1.E ve r yo n e is g o od a t so me th in g,s u ch a s s ing in g,d an c ing o r p la yin g in s tr u me n ts.A mya n d Da nn y a r e my g o o d f r ie nd s.A my s in g s th eb e s t11 u s.Sh e e n te r ed lo ts o fs in g in g c o mp e titio n s an d wo n ma n y12 .D an n y h a s a ta len t fo r p la yin g th e p ian o.H is mo m13h im a p iano as a g if t o n h is e ig h th b ir thd a y.T he n he s ta r te d to p la y it.W h a t a b ou t me I'm g o o d a t 14 .Th e r e is a ta len t s ho w in ou r s ch o o l e ve r y ye a r.It is a15e ve n t,a n d mo s t s tu d e n ts ta k e p art in it.It's u p to th e te a ch e r s a n d s tud e n ts to16 who s in g s the b e s t o r p la ys th e p ian o the mo s t17 .La s t ye a r,A my a n d D an n y 18the s h ow.Bu t I d id n't,b ec a u se I th o u g h t no o ne wo u ld go to a ta le n t s ho w to wa tc h a k id dr aw a p ic tu r e.19 o f the m p r ac tic e d h a r d b e f o re th e s ho w.Amy wo n s e c o nd p r iz e.Da nn y d id n't win a p r iz e,bu t h ewa s20ve r y h a p py.“T he mo s t imp o r ta n t th ing is tha t I tr ie d my b e s t to d o it,” h e s a id.(1)A.o fB.asC.fo rD.with(2)A.sc r e en sB.pr iz e sC.tick e tsD.les s o ns(3)A.a c tedB.ch o seC.ga veD.lo s t(4)A.d a nc in gB.ac tin gC.dr a win gD.s in g ing(5)A.f re s hB.gr e a tC.s imila rD.te r r ib le(6)A.k n o wB.de c ideC.r ea chD.b e a t(7)A.b e au tif u llyB.be au tif u lC.go odD.n ic e(8)A.to o k c a reB.too k c a r e o fC.too k p a r t inD.to o k o ff(9)A.A llB.B o thC.A n yD.Ne ith e r(10)A.n e ve rB.s tillC.e ve rD.h a r d ly2.A c o mmu n it y b e c o me s b e tte r wh e n p e op le lo ve it e n o ug h to imp ro ve it.He lp ing yo u rc o mmu n it y ma k e s lif e b e tte r fo r yo u r f a mily a nd o the r p eo p le who live in it.S a ve en e rg y(能源) a nd wa te r.Th is will be g oo d f o r yo u r co mmu n ity'sd e ve lo p me n t.Tu rn off yo u r lig h ts wh en yo u'r e n o t u s in g th e m a n d ta k e s ho r te r s ho we r s.D o s o me re s e a rc h.M a yb e th e r e's a r ive r in yo u r c o mmu n ity th a t's s o p o llu te d th a t n o one c a n s wim th e re.W ha te ve r i t is,wo r k o u t wh a t n e ed s to b e s o lve d whe r e yo u live.C ho o s e a wa y to he lp.On c e yo u've f o u nd o u t th e p ro b le m, d e c ide ho w yo u c an f ix it, suc h a s th r ou gh the lo ca l ra d io o r the TV s ta tion to r ep o r t the pr o b le m.To a ch ie ve the s e, yo u'll p r o ba b ly n e e d s o me h e lp a nd mo ne y.A sk a ro u nd to ma k e su r e wh o is a s ex c ited to ma k e a d iff e re n ce a s yo u a r e.Vo lu n te e r f o r a g r ou p.S ha r in g yo u r time is a n ex ce lle n t wa y to imp r o ve yo u r c o mmu n ity,a n d to ke e p go o d r e la tio n s h ips with yo u r commu n it y me mb e r s.(1)Ho w ma n y p ie c e s of a d vic e d o es th e p as sa g e g ive?()A.T h re e.B.Fo u r.C.Five.D.S ix.(2)W ha t do e s th e u nd er lin e d wo r d “it”r e fe r to()A.T he wa te r po llu tio n.B.T he p ro b le m in the c o mmu n it y.C.T he a re a yo u o f ten vis it.D.T he ac tivit y yo u d o.(3)W ha t do e s th e th ir d p a ra g ra p h ta lk a bo u t()A.We s h ou ld wo r k o u t a ll th e p r ob le ms in ou r c o mmu n ity.B.We sh ou ld lea r n a bou t o u r c o mmu n ity.C.We sh ou ld tak e p a r t in co mmu n it y a c tivi ti e s.D.We s h ou ld p r o tec t th e r ive r ne a r o u r c o mmu n it y.(4)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is NO T me n tio n ed in th e p a s s ag e()A.Do n't wa s te wa te r or e n e rg y.B.D o s o me vo lu n te e r wo r k.C.A sk o th e r p e op le for h e lp a nd mo n e y.D.Le a r n to co mmu n ic a te with co mmu n it y me mb e r s.(5)W ha t's th e b e s t title o f th e p a s sa g e?()A.Do So me th in g to Imp r o ve th e En vir o n me ntC.H o w to He lp Yo u r Co mmu n it y B e c o me Be tte rD.Live a He a lth ie r Lif e in the C o mmu n it y3.X ia o We n:H e llo, H an Lin.H an Lin:He llo, X iao Wen.X iao Wen:26.?H an Lin:I'm r e a d ing tod a y's n e ws p a pe r. It s a ys e ve r y we e k s tu de n ts in p r ima r y s c h o o ls h a ve a d a y with o u t home wo r k.27X iao Wen:I th in k it's g r e a t.I wis h I we r e s till in p r ima r y s c h oo l.H an Lin:Ha! H a! Th a t's i mp o s s ib le.But a f te r the b ig ex a m, we'l l a ls o h a ve a lon g s u mme r va c a tio n witho u t an y h o me wo r k.X iao Wen: I'm lo o k ing f o r wa rd to it.Ha ve yo u ma d e a n y p la n s fo r it?H an Lin:28..I'm g o in g tr a ve lin g.B u t I h a ve n't d e c id e d wh e r e to g o.X iao Wen:29.?H an Lin:Go o d id e a.I a ls o h e a r Wu x i is a n ic e p la ce.I'll th in k a bo u t it.T ha n k yo u f o r yo u r a d vic e.X iao Wen:30..(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)4.假如你是李华,你的美国朋友M r.S mith五年前参观过你的学校,他最近来信希望了解你校的现状。
2020年人教8年级下册英语Unit 6 单元自我检测(有答案)
Unit 6 单元自我检测一、单项选择(15分)1.The traffic policeman took away Jim's driver's license ________ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.A. thoughB. becauseC. tillD. and2.The show was so funny that it made everyone ________ again and again.A. laughB. laughedC. laughingD. to laugh3.—Song Joongki is a movie star in Asia now.—That's true. He was once an excellent skater but had to ____ skating because of an accident.A. give upB. go onC. take upD. set up4. We'll begin to work as soon as the rain _____.A. stoppedB. stoppingC. stopsD. will stop5. Don't be angry with Tom.________ he doesn't know the truth, either.A. In allB. In factC. In generalD. In the end6.The traffic policeman took away Jim's driver's license ________ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.A. thoughB. becauseC. tillD. and7.The show was so funny that it made everyone ________ again and again.A. laughB. laughedC. laughingD. to laugh8.—Song Joongki is a movie star in Asia now.—That's true. He was once an excellent skater but had to ____ skating because of an accident.A. give upB. go onC. take upD. set up9. We'll begin to work as soon as the rain _____.A. stoppedB. stoppingC. stopsD. will stop10. Don't be angry with Tom.________ he doesn't know the truth, either.A. In allB. In factC. In generalD. In the end11.The traffic policeman took away Jim's driver's license ________ he broke the traffic rules of drunk driving.A.though B.because C.till D.and12.The show was so funny that it made everyone ________ again and again. A.laugh B.laughed C.laughing D.to laugh13.—Song Joongki is a movie star in Asia now.—That's true. He was once an excellent skater but had to ________ skating because of an accident.A.give up B.go on C.take up D. set up14. We'll begin to work as soon as the rain ________.A.stopped B.stopping C.stops D.will stop15. — Dear sister,does the TV show Dad Comes Back ________ you ________ our father?— Sure. Dad has been away for about ten years.A.let;down B.help;out C.remind;of D.pick;up二、完形填空(10分)Maria Gomez was born in Peru(秘鲁).She grew up in a small village. She 1 when she was six years old. She went to elementary school,but she 2 to high school. Her family was very 3 ,and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old. She 4 in a shoe factory.When Maria was seventeen years old,her family 5 to the United States. First they lived in Los Angeles,and then they moved to San Francisco. When Maria 6 in the United States,she was not very happy.She missed her friends in Peru,and she didn’t 7 a word of English. Shebegan to study English at night,8 worked in a factory during the day.Maria studied very hard,and now she speaks English well. She’s still 9 at night,but now she’s studying typing. She wants 10 a secretary. Maria still misses her friends. But she’s very happy now,and she hopes she will have a good future(将来)in the new country.1. A. went to school B. go to school C. goes to school D. begins school2. A. went B. didn’t go C. began D. wasn’t3. A. rich B. poor C. happy D. glad4. A. works B. is working C. is going to work D. worked5. A. moved B. go C. stayed D. lived6. A. reached B. arrived C. got D. moved7. A. tell B. talk C. know D. say8. A. when B. so C. or D. and9. A. studying B. studied C. study D. studies10. A. to do B. do C. to be D. be三、阅读理解(30分)AMore than anything else in the world, Lion liked being the king of the jungle. He walked around, showing off his power and pride.Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree He always dreamed of weaker animals bowing(鞠躬)before him.One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped(绊倒)over Lion’s paw (爪子). Lion woke up with a start. "How dare you wake me up!" he shouted angrily. Lion grabbed Mouse with one paw. "On second thought, I'm in the mood for the snack, and you'll become a delicious meal " he said.Mouse cried out, " King Lion, please spare (饶恕)me!If you let me live. I’ll always remember your kindness. And some day might be able to help you. "" How could such a powerless little mouse help me?" That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go. A week later. Lion was walking through the jungle on the way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunter's net.The net scooped him up. No matter how he t wisted and turned. he le couldn’t escape. When Mouse heard Lions frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed (咬)on the ropes to make a big hole in the net. Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse. "Thank you for saving my life, "said Lion, smiling his widest smile. "I was mistaken. You are not a powerless little mouse. You are a great friend!"1. What did Lion do each day?A. He stepped onto a hunter’s net.B. He bowed before weaker animals.C. He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.D. He had a good sleep under his favourite tree.2. How did Mouse wake up Lion?A. He made a hole in the net.B. He shouted at Lion angrily.C. He tripped over Lion's paw.D. He prepared a delicious meal for Lion.3. Why did Lion let Mouse go?A. Because he was trapped in the net.B. Because he looked on Mouse as his good friend.C. Because he believed Mouse could save him.D. Because he doubted (怀疑)if Mouse could be of any help.4. What do you think of Mouse?A. Clever and honestB. Silly and lazyC. Humorous and stupidD. Proud and selfish5. What can we learn from the passage?A. Pride makes you lose what you have.B. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.C. Even the small can show great strength.D. When the cat is away, the mice will play.BAn old man lived with his little grandson. Every day the old man got up early to read books.One day the grandson asked, “Grandpa, I want to read books as you do. But I always forget what I read. What are the advantages o f reading?” The grandfather didn't answer him, but said, “Take this little basket to the river and bring me back a basket of water.” The boy did as his grandpa said, but all the water leaked (漏) out before he got back home. The grandfather laughed and said, “You'll have to walk faster next time.”The next time the boy ran faster, but the basket was still empty before he returned home. The boy said, “See, Grandpa, it's no use!” “Is it no use?” the old man said.“Look at the basket.”The boy looked at the basket and found that the basket was different. It was cleaner, inside and out.“That's what happens when you read books. You might not understand or remember everything, but when you read them, you will be changed, inside and out.”1.What did the old man do every day?A. He carried water.B. He read books.C. He wrote something.D. He did some chores.2.After the grandson read books, he ________.A. was too busy to do itB. got up lateC. always forgot what he readD. slept late3.What did the grandson use to get some water?A. A basket.B. A bowl.C. A glass.D. A cup.4.How many times did the grandson go to the river to get some water?A. Once.B. Twice.C. Three times.D. Four times.5.According to the grandpa's words, what happens when we read books?A. We won't have any changes.B. We can understand everything.C. We will be changed, inside and out.D. We can never forget what we read.COnce upon a time, there was a very foolish man but he himself thought he was very clever.One day he found that there was a beautiful bell on his neighbor's door and wanted to steal it. He walked up to the door, took hold of the bell and pulled (拉) hard. The bell made a very loud noise. The man was afraid and ran home quickly. Then he sat down to think. “I can put some cotton (棉布) in my ears. Then I won't be able to hear the noise, ” he thought. The next day he went to the door of his neighbor's house and took hold of the bell again. This time he pulled even harder. The bell rang loudly but he did not hear anything. With another hard pull, he got the bell out. Just then the neighbor came out.“Steal my bell? I'll teach you a lesson,” the angry neighbor shouted, and he hit the man on the nose.The foolish man did not know how the neighbor found out he was stealing the bell. “Why did he come out just then?” he wondered.1.What did the man think of himself?A. Stupid.B. Clever.C. Kind.D. Helpful.2.What does the underlined word “steal” mean in Chinese?A. 购买B. 观察C. 盗取D. 触摸3.What did the man put in his ears?A. Some rice.B. Some medicine.C. Some paper.D. Some cotton.4.What happened when the man got the bell out?A. He heard the bell ringing.B. His neighbor came out.C. The bell didn't ring.D. The bell was broken.5.What can we know from the passage?A. The man covered his ears with his hands when stealing.B. The man was the owner of the bell.C. The man stole the bell and returned home happily.D. The man didn't know why his neighbor could catch him.四、词汇运用(10分)A.根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。
人教版英语八年级下册Unit 4单元自测(含答案)
Unit 4单元自测Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)请你从每小題所给约A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。
( )1. -I'm sorry I broke my neighbor's window. What should I do?-I'm afraid you have to_____it.A. look forB.pay forC. cut up( )2. Don’t _____ it. Let’s have a try again.A.argue withB.cut outC. get on( )3. The boy is_____ because he argued with hie best friend just now..A.happyB. upsetC. tired( )4. The _____ of the city life made them move to the country.A.worryB. pressureC. stressed( )5. If you don’t go, I won’t go _____.A.tooB. alsoC. either( )6. After the death of the parents, the sisters _____ well and never argued.A.got upB. got onC. got down( )7. Could you please help me _____ when the planes arrive?A.askB. look forC. find out( ) 8. My family always go somewhere interesting _____ the holiday begins.A.as soon asB. soC. so that( )9. —How do you like the concert given by EXO?—Exciting, _____ one piece of the music wasn’t played quite well.A.thoughB. becauseC. so( )10. Chen Wei isn’t at school today _____ he is taking a robot competition in Shanghai.A.soB. becauseC. beforeⅡ.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握且大意,然后从每小題所给的A,B、C三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母序号填入题前的括号内Perhaps you often have problems in your life. Among these problems, some are serious and some are not.When you have problems, you will probably ask someone else 11 advice. He will give you advice about your 12 . You may ask your friend, “My neighbor often 13 noise. He plays his stereo(音响) too loud. What should I do?” Your friend may give you a piece of advice. “You should tell him to 14 down his stereo.” Problems like 15 clothes and having no time to go to your friend’s party are not 16 problems but you should deal with them skillfully. Maybe you should buy some new clothes. You should call your friend say “Thanks” and 17 you are sorry for not being able to go there. Problems like a quarrel(吵架) with your friend and not having enough money and serious 18 . You should talk with him and be 19 . If you don’t have 20 , you should go to work or get a part-time job. Anyway you should learn how to deal with your problems.( )11. A.for B. to C. on( )12. A.ideas B. problems C. situations( )13. A. gets B. takes C. makes( )14. A. put B. turn C. cut( )15. A. old B. new C. dirty( )16. A. heavy B. small C. serious ( )17. A. that B. which C. what( )18. A. problem B. thought C. ones( )19. A. happy B. friendly C. good ( )20. A. clothes B. friends C. moneyⅢ.阅读理解(一)(每小题2分,共30分)配对阅读:下表左栏是五个人的烦恼信息,右栏是舒决烦恼的办法,请为它们配对,有两项多余。
人教版八年级下册单元自我综合评价三(1022)1.G o od n e ws! T h e lib ra r y will p r o vid e r e a d er s f r ee d r in k s.()A.withB.fo rC.toD.o f2.It's n e c e s s a r y f o r u s to o u r p a re n ts wh e n we ha ve p ro b le ms.()A.to ta lkB.ta lk in gC.ta lkD.ta lk e d3.Yo u r so n is o n ly a 7-ye a r-o ld c h ild.You sh o u ld n't g ive h im s o mu c h o f s tud ie s.()A.r iskB.ho peC.s tr es sD.a d vic e4.—Lis a,we n ee d to cle a n the k itc h en.Co uld yo u th e ru bb ish?—Ye s, s u r e.()A.tak e a f te rB.tak e o ffC.tak e p la ceD.tak e o u t5.—M a y I yo u r MP3 p la ye r?—Ye s,I c an it to yo u.()A.b o r ro w; le ndB.len d; b o r ro wC.ke ep; le ndD.b o r ro w; k ee p6.—Co u ld yo u p le a s e h a ve a wa lk with me?—So r r y,I .I h a ve s o me th ing imp o rta n t to d o n o w.()A.mu s tn'tB.ne ed n'tC.ca n'tD.ma y n o t7.I to yo u a s so on a s I g e t to A me r ic a.()A.wr iteB.will wr iteC.a m wr itin gD.wro te8.Sh e is o n ly a c h ild, s o th e re is n o n e ed h e r so mu c h s tr e s s.()A.g iveB.to g ivin gC.to g iveD.g ivin g9.Ca th e r in e d id n't g o s h o pp in g ye s te r d a y a n d.()A.so I d idB.so d id IC.ne ith e r I d idD.n e ith e r d id I10.T he wo ma n a s ke d th e d r ive r .()A.g e t h e r a r id eB.to g ive he r a r id eC.g ive h e r a r ideD.to ge t h e r a r id e11.W he n I h ad s o me th in g d iff ic u lt to d o, I u s ed to a s k my mo th e r f o r h e lp.Bu t sh e a lwa ys s a id, “D o it yo u r s e lf, d e a r.” I wa s n o t 11a t a ll.I th o ug h t s h e wa sth e12mo th e r in th e wo r ld! Fo r e x a mp le, o n e d a y, I d e c id ed to13s o me f r ie nds to my h o me.M y b e d ro o m wa s no t in o r d e r.Bo ok s we r e e ve r ywh e r e.An d I d idn't ma k e th e b e d.I a sk e d my 14 to h e lp me c le a n it,15 sh e s till s a id, “Do it yo u r s e lf, d e a r.”B e ca u se o f my “la z y mo th e r”, I h a ve to 16my c lo th e s a nd cle a n my r o o m.I h a ve to h e lp my p a r e n ts 17.I e ve n ha ve to g o to th e d oc to r b y mys e lf.It is r e a lly h a r d f o r me to do e ve r yth in g we ll, b u t I h a ve le a rn e d 18 .A s time g o es b y, I u n d er s ta n d my mo th e r.Sh e ma k e s me c le ve r and h a rd-wo r k in g.J u s t a s my mo m a lwa ys s a ys,“A la d y c a n't b e laz y o r s h e'll b e c r a z y.Wor k c a n ma k e yo u s u n n y!”19 a g r ea t mo th e r!A 20 mo th e r is wo r th on e h un d r ed tea ch e r s! Do n't yo u th in k s o?(1)A.o ldB.g la dC.th inD.a n g r y(2)A.ta lles tB.mo s t f oo lis hz ie s tD.fu nn ie s t(3)A.lea veB.in viteC.vis itD.tak e(4)A.mo th e rB.f a th e rC.br o the rD.f r ien d s(5)A.o rB.un le s sC.an dD.b u t(6)A.wa s hB.se llC.dr e s sD.p u t(7)A.d o h ou s e wo rkB.go s wimmin gC.go c a mp in gD.d o h o me wo r k(8)A.o n sh o wB.b y mis ta k eC.a lo tD.a little(9)A.W h ichB.H o wC.W h oD.W ha t(10)A.yo u n gB.go odC.ha pp yD.h a r d-wo r k in g12.In s o me We s te r n co u n tr ie s,m a n y c h ild r en do ch o r e s to g e t p o ck e t mo n e y(零花钱).T he y u s u a lly s t a r t to d o th is wh en th ey a r e te n ye a r s o ld.S c ho o l s tud e n ts h a ve to d o h o me wo rk a n d s tu dy f o r te s ts.T he y d o n't h a ve mu c h f r e e time on we ek d a ys.Th ey o f te n d o c ho r e s o n wee k e nd s.You n g k id s o n ly d o ea sy c h o r e s.S o th e y d on't g e t mu c h mo n e y.B ut th a t's e n ou gh.Ma n yo f the m o n ly wa n t to bu y c a n d y(糖果).An d c an d y is ch ea p! Th e y of te n h e lp d o th e d ish e s, s we e p th e f lo o r o r f eed th e p e t c a t o r do g.W h en the y g e t o ld e r, th e y wa n t to bu y mo r e a n d mo r e th ing s.T he y wa n t th in g s tha t a re mo r e e x pe n s ive th an ca n d y.S o the y h a ve to wo r k h a rd e r! Th e y o f te n he lp the ir p ar e n ts wa s h the f a mily c a r,c u t th e g r a s s,o r c oo k me a ls.S o me job s a r e g oo d f or k id s to le a rn n e w th in g s.Fo r ex a mp le, the y c a n le ar n h o w to u sea la wn mo we r(割草机)o r ho w to c oo k.Of c o u rs e, th e ir p a r en ts h e lp th e m a t f ir s t.(1)Ho w d o ma n y c h ildr e n ge t po c ke t mo n e y in s o me We s te r n c o un tr ie s?()A.T he y s tu d y h a r d.B.T he y d o c ho r e s.C.T he y d o p a r t-time j o b s.D.T he y a s k th e ir p a r en ts f o r it.(2)W he n d o ma n y c h ild r e n u s ua lly b e g in to d o ch o re s in s o me Wes te r n co un tr ie s?()A.A t th e a g e o f 10.B.A t the ag e o f 13.C.A t the ag e o f 15.D.A t th ea g e o f17.(3)M a r y wa n ts to g e t mo r e po ck e t mo n e y to b uy s o me th in g ex p en s ive.S he ma y.()A.d o th e d i s h e sB.f ee d th e p e t c a tC.co ok me a lsD.s we e p th e f lo o r(4)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is NO T tr u e?()A.You ng k id s do ea s y c h o re s be c au s e th e y c a n ge t mu c h mo ne y f r o m th e ir p a re n ts.B.S c ho o l s tu d en ts of te n do ch o re s on S a tu rd a ys a n d Su nd a ys.C.If k id s g e t o ld e r a nd wa n t s o me th in g mo r e e xp en s ive,th e y h a ve to wo rk ha r d e r.D.Kid s ca n lea r n h o w to c oo k with th e h e lp o f th e ir p a re n ts.(5)Th e p a s s ag e ma in ly te lls u s h o w ch ild r en in so me We s te rn co un tr ie s.()A.f in d jo b sB.ge t po ck e t mo n e yC.s tud y a t s c h oo lD.d o c ho r e s13.R ou nd th e Wo r ldM r.an d M r s.Sp enc e r b o th h ad ve r y b u s y jo b s a nd d id n't h a ve mu c h time to s p en d with th e ir yo u n g ch ild r en.T h e y wa n te d to c ha ng e th is.A n d b e c au s e their h ob b y wa s b oa tin g,th e y d e c id e d to sa il r ou n d th e wo r ld to g e th er.It to o k s ix ye a r s to p r ep a r e e ve r yth in g f o r th e tr ip.Fir s t,th e y b oug h t a n e w bo a t.T he n,b o th the h us b an d an d wif e h a d to ta k e a d va nc ed(高级的) s a iling le s so n s an d lea r n a ll ab o u t th e s e a a n d th e we a th er.M r.S pe n ce r a lso d id s e ve r a l c o u rs e s in r e p a ir in g en g ine s a n d M r s.Sp en c e r s p en t a n ho u r in a r e s tau r ant le a r n ing to c u t u p f is h.In O c to b er,the y h a d o n e ye a r o ff f r o m th e ir jo b s a nd s a ile d a wa y f r o m E ng la nd with th e irtwo c h ild re n.Th e ne x t ye a r,in A ug u s t,th e ir lo n g jo u rn e y e n d ed in A u s tr a lia.T h e b o a t wa s n o t b ig,b u t the y to o k a te a c her f o r th e c h ild re n with th e m.No n e o f th e m f o u nd the tr ip b o r ing be c a us e the r e we r e th r ee c o mp u te rs,ma n y CD s,a T V a nd a DVD p la ye r o n th e b oa t.T h e fa mil y lo ve d b e in g a t s e a a n d se e ing th e s ta r s in the s k y.Bu t,mo s t o f a ll,M r.an d M r s.Sp en c e r e n jo ye d s pe n d in g ti me w i t h th e i r c h i l d r e n w h i l e t h e y w e r e s t i l l yo u n g.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。
Unit1 What’t the matter 一.单词or词组1.问题;事情n____________2.怎么了?出什么事了_______3.疼痛的;酸痛的 adj__________4.感冒____________5.胃痛;腹痛 n____________6.胃痛 ___________7.脚;足 n_______________8.脖子;颈部n _____________9.胃;腹部 n________________10.喉咙;咽喉_n________________11.发烧; n_______________12.躺;平躺 v_______________13.躺下______________14.放松;休息 v n__________15.咳嗽 n v________________16. X射线;X光 n___________17.牙痛n______________18.量体温_____________19.头痛 n_______________20.发烧 ____________21.间歇;休息 n________________22.休息____________________23.〔使〕疼痛;受伤v___________24.乘客;旅客 n______________25.离开〔某处〕;不工作;从..去掉26.下车_____________________27.使...惊讶的;出乎...意料____28.向;朝 prep________29.问题,苦恼 n___________30.〔用手或器具〕击;打 v_______31.立即;马上__________32.陷入;参与__________33.她自己 pron_____________34.绷带n 用绷带包扎 v_______35.生病的;有病的adj__________36.膝;膝盖 n___________37.鼻出血 n___________38.呼吸 v___________39.晒伤的adj___________40.我们自己 pron___________41.登山者;攀登者 n________42.习惯于...;适应于..._______43.危险;风险;冒险n v_________44.冒险___________45.交通事故;意外遭遇 n______46.情况;状况 n__________47.千克;公斤 n__________48.岩石 n_________ 49.用尽;耗尽__________50.刀 n___________51.切除___________52.血 n__________53.意思是;打算;意欲v________54.离开;从...出来___________55.重要性;重要 n_________56.决定;抉择 n__________57.限制;约束;管理 n v_____58.掌管;管理_____59.勇气;意志 n_____60死;死亡 n_____61.放弃 _____62.护士 n_____二.重点词组1.发烧_______________2.咳嗽_______________3.牙疼_______________4.喝足够的水_______________5.胃疼_______________6.喉咙痛_______________7.加蜂蜜的热茶_______________8.看牙医_______________9.拍X 光片_______________10.量体温_______________11.在……上面敷药_______________12.感到很热_______________13.听起来像_______________14.以同样的方式_______________15.在马路边_______________16.大声呼救_______________17.没有多想_______________18.有心脏病_______________19.使....... 惊讶的_______________20.多亏了;由于_______________21.挽救生命_______________22.造成麻烦_______________23.立刻;马上_______________24.受伤_______________25.感到恶心_______________26.割伤他的膝盖_______________27.把她的头向后仰_______________28.呼吸困难_______________29.登山运动_______________30.习惯做某事_______________31.用完;用尽_______________32.如此……以至于…_______________33.继续或坚持做某事_______________34.做出决定_______________35.冒险_______________三、重点句型1. What’s the matter? 你怎么了?= What’s the _______ with you?= What’s ________with you?2. What______ she do? 她该怎么办呢?________I _______ my temperature?我该量下体温吗?3. Do you think it _____ _____ a newspaper or a book?你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢?4. I think I s_____ in the same _____ for too long _________moving.我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了.Unit2.I’ll help to clean up the city parks 一.单词or词组1.打扫或清除干净___________2.欢呼;喝彩 v__________3.使变得高兴;振奋起来_____4.分发;散发___________5.义务做;自愿做v 自愿者n____6.想出;提出〔主意、计划、回答等〕7.推迟___________8.标志;信号 n___________9.通知、通告n注意到;意识到v10.分发___________11.打给某人;征召___________12.曾经...;过去...___________13孤独的;寂寞的 adj__________14.照顾;非常喜欢__________15.几个;数个;一些pron_____16.强烈的;强壮的adj________17.感觉;感触 n________18.满足;满意 n_________19.高兴;愉快 n_________20.物主;主人 n_________21.参加...选拔;试用_______22.尤指长途旅行;行程 n______23.募集;征集 v________24.独自;单独 adv__________25.修理;修补 v__________26.修理;安装 v________27.修理;装饰_________28.赠送;捐赠_________29.〔外貌或行为〕像_____30.破损的;残缺的adj_____31.车轮;轮子 n_____32信;函n _____33.女士;小姐 n_____34.建起;设立_____35.丧失能力的;有残疾的adj36.影响;有作用_____37.瞎的;失明的adj_____ 38.聋的adj_____39.想象;设想 v_____40.困难;难题 n_____41.开;打开 v_____42.门 n_____43.拿;提;扛 v_____44.训练;培训 n_____45.仁慈;善良n_____46.聪明的;聪颖的adj_____47.理解;领会 v_____48.变化;改变 v n _____49.兴趣;关注 n 使感兴趣使关注v50.先生 n_____51.夫人;女士 n_____二 .重点词组1.清洁日_______________2.养老院_______________3.帮助解决困难______________________________4.曾经……;过去________________5.关心;照顾_______________6.快乐的表情_______________7.在......岁时_______________8. <使>变得更高兴;振雀_______________9.分发;散发_______________10.想出;提出_______________11.制订计划_______________12.做些公告牌_______________13.试用;试行14.为…工作;为…. 效力15.建造;举起;张贴16.分发;散发;发给17.推迟;延迟18.比如;例如19.筹钱;募捐_______________20.与......相像;像_______________21.赠送;捐赠_______________22.修理;修补;解决_______________23.与……相似_______________24.残疾人_______________25.影响;有作用_______________三、重点句型1. The boy could ____ ______food at the food _______. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物.2. __________ is only two weeks_______ now.清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间.3. He _________at ____ _______ hospital every Saturdaymorning.每周六上午,他都在一家动物医院当志愿者.4. Last year, she decided to _____ _____for a volunteer______________ __________program.去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔.5. You helped to make ________possible for______to haveLucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有"幸运儿".Unit3 Could you please clean your room ?一.单词or词组1垃圾;废弃物 n__________2.倒垃圾__________3.折叠;对折 v_______4.扫;打扫 v__________5地板 n_________6.杂乱;不整洁 n_________7.扔;掷 v_______8.频繁;反复_________9.也不 adv________10.衬衫 n_________11.一..就..;尽快_____12.给;递;走过;通过 v_______13.借;借用 v________14.借给;借出 v_______15.手指 n__________16.厌恶;讨厌v________17.杂务;乏味无聊的工作n_____18.与.同时;当.的时候;然而conj19.点心;小吃;快餐 n_____20.精神压力;心理负担 n____21.浪费;垃圾n浪费;滥用v__22.目的是;为了_________23.提供;供应 v______24.而且;加之; adv________25.依靠;信赖 v_______26.依靠;信赖______27.发展;壮大 v________28.独立n________29.公正性;合理性 n_____30.因为;既然conj 从..以后;自..以来_________31.邻居 n___________32.照顾;处理________33.有病;不舒服 adj________34.落下;掉下 v_______35.独立的;自主的 adj________36.合理的;公正的 adj_______37.不合理的;不公正的 adj_____二 .重点词组1.出去吃饭_______________2.在外面待到很晚_______________3.去看电影_______________4.搭车_______________5.完成做某事_______________6.干净整洁_______________7.洗餐具_______________8.倒垃圾_______________9.叠衣服_______________10.扫地_______________11.整理床铺_______________12.放学/下班回家_______________13.扔下_______________14.带某人去散步_______________15.整曰/夜_______________16.做家务_______________17.大声回应_______________18.分担家务_______________19.一个舒适的家_______________20.拿点喝的东西_______________21.观看一个节目_______________22.闲逛_______________23.把某物传给某人_______________24.把某物借给某人_______________25.讨厌做某事_______________26.做杂务_______________27.帮助某人干某事_______________28.买些小吃_______________29.邀请某人参加聚会_______________30.足够的压力_______________31.浪费时间_______________32.取得好成绩_______________33.介意做某事_______________34.照顾;照看_______________35.做某人分内的_______________三、重点句型1. _______ you please ________your room?你能整理一下你的房间吗?2. I _______ ______do some________.我必须干些活.3.Could I ______your puter?我可以用一下你的电脑吗?4. She______be happy ______she______th is mess.如果她看到这样乱七八糟的话,她会不高兴的.5. For_____ ______, she did not do any housework and _________ ______I.整整一周,她什么家务活都不干了,我也一样.Unit4 Why don’t you talk to your parents ?一.单词or词组1.允许;准许 v________2.有毛病;错误的 adj________3.哪儿不舒服____4.午夜;子夜 n________5.快速查看;浏览___________6.猜测;估计 v_________7.协议;交易 n______8.重要的事_________9.成功的发展;解决_______10.和睦相处;关系良好_________11.关系;联系;交往n______12.交流;沟通 n_________13.争吵;争论 v_________14.云;云朵 n_________15.年纪较长的 adj_____16.代替;反而;却 adv_____17.任何;每一pron__________18.焦虑的;担忧的adj_________19.主动提出;自愿给予 v20.正确的;恰当的adj21.第二;其次 adv22.交流;沟通 v23.解释;说明 v24.清楚易懂的;晴朗的 adj25.抄袭;模仿;复制;复印v26归还;回来;返回 v27.再也不;不再 adv28.成员;分子 n29.压力 n30.竞争;对抗 v31.意见;想法;看法 n32.技艺;技巧 n33.典型的adj34.美式橄榄球;足球 n35.删除;删去36.快的;迅速的;时间短暂的 adj37.持续;继续存在 v38.比较 v39.比较;对比40.不理智的;疯狂的 adj41.鞭策;督促;推动 v42.发展;发育;成长 n43.造成;引起 v44.通常的;寻常的 adj45.依...看46.可能;大概;也许adv二 .重点词组1.与某人闲逛_______________2.课外活动课_______________3.与某人交谈_______________4.太多_______________5.学得过多_______________6.有足够的睡眠_______________7.给某人写信_______________8.翻看_______________9.重要的事_______________10.成功地发展;解决_______________ 11.不和睦相处;_______________12.经常吵架/打架_______________13.拒绝做某事_______________14.主动提出做某事_______________15.介意某人做某事_______________16.今后_______________17.使某人生气_______________18.担心某事_______________19.抄袭某人的作业_______________20.做自己_______________21.独自消磨时光_______________22.给某人施压_______________23.与某人吵架_______________24.取得更好的成绩_______________25.提出某人的观点_______________26.学习应试技巧_______________27.造成压力_______________28.删除_______________29.允许某人做某事_______________三、重点句型1. I studied ________midnight last night_____I didn’t get_________ ________.我昨晚学习到半夜所以睡眠不足.2. Why ______you _______ ______ it?你为什么不忘掉它呢?3.__________ she’s wrong , it’s not a ______ _______. 虽然她错了但这并不是什么大事儿.4. He should ________ ______ his friend _____ ______ he can say he’s sorry.他应该跟朋友谈谈以便他能说声对不起.Units 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came ? 一.单词or词组1.暴风雨 n_______2.闹钟 n_________3.闹钟发出响声__________4.开始 v _______5.在很大程度上;大量地 adv______6.突然;忽然 adv_______7.接 _________8.奇特的;奇怪的 adj________9.暴风雨 n________10.风 n______11.光;光线;光亮 n_______12.报道;公布 v n_________13地域;地区 n________14.木;木头 n_________15.窗户 n________16.手电筒;火炬 n17.火柴 n18.敲打;打败 v19.倚;碰;撞 prep20.睡着 adj21.进入梦乡;睡着22.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失23.升起;增加;提高 v n24.倒下的;落下的 adj25.分离;分开adv26.看一看27.覆盖着冰的;冰冷的 adj28.开玩笑;欺骗 v29.理解;领会;认识到 v30.前往;费力地前进31.章节;段落 n32.学生 n33.彻底地;完全地 adv34.惊愕的;受震惊的 adj35.沉默;缄默;无声 n36.沉默;无声37.不久前;最近 adv38.拆除;往下拽;记录39.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 n40.日期;日子n41.塔;塔楼 n42. 首先;最初43.实情;事实 n二 .重点词组1..确信;确认_______________2.拍打……_______________3.进人梦乡;睡着_______________4.逐渐变弱;逐渐消失_______________5.一团糟_______________6.使……分离_______________7.在困难的时候_______________8. <闹钟>发出响声_______________9.洗热水澡_______________10.错过公交车_______________11.接 _______________12.使……靠拢_______________13.在这个地区_______________14.错过这个事件_______________15.动物保护热线_______________16.走路经过_______________17.在某人去……的路上_______________18.历史上的重大事件_______________19.例如_______________20.被杀害_______________21.50多<岁〕_______________22.通过广播_______________23.沉默;无声_______________24.世贸中心_______________ 25.拆除;摧毁_______________26.对……有意义_______________27. 记得做过某事二、重点句型三.重点句型1. — What______you ________ at eight last night? 昨晚8 点你在干什么?— I _______ _____a shower.我在洗淋浴.2. When it began to rain, Ben _____ _______his mom _________dinner.当开始下雨的时候,本正在帮他妈妈做晚饭.3. — What was Jenny ______ Linda _____ _______? 琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在干什么?— ________ Linda ______ ______, Jenny was helping Mary with her homework.琳达在睡觉的时候,珍妮正在帮玛丽做作业.Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains . 一.单词or词组1射击;发射 v___________2石头 n_________3.虚弱的;无力的 adj_________4.神;上帝 n_________5.提醒;使想起 v________6.一点;小块 n________7.有点儿;稍微 __________8.愚蠢的;不明事理的 adj_____9.代替;反而_________10.变成_________11.物体;物品 n_______12.隐藏;隐蔽 v_________13.尾巴n_________14.有魔力的;有神奇力量的adj___15.棍;条 n______16.使激动;使兴奋_______17.西方国家的;尤指欧美的adj___18. 从前_______19.继姐妹 n_______20.王子 n __________21.爱上;喜欢上_________22.适合;合身 v_______23.尤指夫妻;两人;两件食物n___24.笑;微笑 v n25.结婚 v________26.结婚_________27.金子;金币 n 金色的adj_____28.国王 n_______29.丝绸;丝织物 n____30.内衣n_______31.没有人 pron 小人物 n______32.愚蠢的 adj______33.欺骗;蒙骗 v 骗子 n___34.继母 n35.妻子;太太 n36.丈夫 n37.全部的;整体的 adj38.场;场景 n39.月光 n40.发光;照耀 v41.光亮地;明亮地;adv明亮的adj42.地;地面 n43.带路;领路 v44.声音 n45.勇敢的;无畏的 adj二 .重点词组1. 致力于做某事___________2..... 一……就….... ___________3. 从前___________4. 继续做某事___________5.使某事发生___________6.试图做某事___________7.......之旅___________8.讲故事___________9.穿上___________10.有点儿___________11.坚持做某事___________12.放弃___________13.代替;反而___________14.变成___________15.结婚___________16.主要人物;主人公___________17. 在另外一些时候___________18.能;会___________19. <书、电影等>出版___________20. 对……感兴趣___________21. 走到另一边去___________22. 一个神话故事___________23. 故事的其余部分___________24. 让某人做某事___________25. 筹划/计划做某事___________27.把某人领到某地___________28.迷路___________29. 改变计划___________30. 叫某人做某事___________31. 在月光下___________32. 找到某人回家的路___________34.派某人去某地___________三、重点句型1. So ________do you ______ _______ the story of Yu Gong?你觉得愚公的故事怎么样?2. It doesn’t seem _____ ________to move a mountain. 把一座山给移掉好像不太可能.3. This is _______ he can ________72 changes to his ______ ____ _______, turning himself into different animalsand objects.这是因为他会根据他的形状和大小,做出72种变化,可以将自己变成不同的动物或东西.4.Sometimes he can make the stick _____ _____ _____he can _______it in his ear.有时候,他能够让他的金箍棒变得很小,以至于可以放在耳朵里.5. Because they were _____big ______it ______a long time towalk to the other side.这些〔山〕太高了,他们要花好长时间才能翻越过去.6 .________eat it ________you get to the forest. 你们到达森林之后才能吃Unit 7 W hat’s the highest mountain in the world? 一.单词or词组1.平方;正方形 n________2.米;公尺 n________3.深的;纵深的 adj________4.沙漠 n_______5.人口;人口数量n_______6.亚洲 n_________7.随便做某事_______8.旅行;旅游 n v______9.旅行者;观光者 n________10.墙 n__11.令人大为惊奇的;令人惊喜的adj12.古代的;古老的adj______13.保护;防护 v_______14.宽的;宽阔的 adj_______15.就我所知______16.成就;成绩 n_________17.西南的;西南方向的adj_____18.厚的;浓的 adj_______19.包括;包含 v________20.极冷的;冰冻的adj_______21.条件;状况 n________22.吸入;呑入体内 ________23.实现目标;成功 v________24.挑战;考验 v n_______25.面对〔问题、困难等〕______26.达到;完成;成功 v____27.力;力量 n_______28.自然界;大自然 n________29.即使;虽然_______30.大海;海洋 n_______31.太平洋________32.厘米________33.重量是;称..的重量 v______34.出生;诞生;n________35.出生时________36.到达〔某数量、程度〕至多有不少于37.成年的;成人的 adj 成人;成年动物n38.竹子 n__________39.濒危的adj_________40.研究;调查 n v41.饲养员;保管人 n42.醒着 adj43.激动;兴奋n44.走路时撞着45.绊倒46.疾病;病 n47.遗留的;剩余的 adj48.大约49.图片;插图 n50.野生的adj51.政府;内阁 n52.鲸 n53.油;食用油;石油 n54.保护;保卫 n55.巨大的;极多的adj二、重点短语1. 与……一样大2. 最古老的国家之一3. 随意地做某事4. 据我所知5. 人造物体6.的组成部分7.最高的山脉8.在世界上9.其他任何一座山10. 在所有的咸水湖中11.跨越……12.•冰冻的天气13.呼吸空气14.第一个做某事的人15. 面临危险16.放弃做某事17. 实现某人的梦想18. 自然界的力量19. 到达顶峰20. 虽然;尽管21.在出生的时候22. 醒着23. 兴奋地跑过去24. 撞到某人25. 摔倒26.照顾;照料27.•每两年28. 砍伐林木29. 濒危动物30.大熊猫越来越少31. 处于危险之中32. 拯救这些动物的重要性三、重点句型1. It is adj. + <fo r sb. > to do sth.to take in a ir as you get near thetop.当你接近山顶时,连呼吸都会困难.2. . . . is because...is because people want to challenge themselves 其中的一个主要的原因是人们想要在面临困难时挑战自己.3. . . . show<s> th a t...shows us that weshould never to achieve our dreams.这些登山者的精神向我们证明:我们永远都不应该放弃实现自己的梦想.4. H ow high/ deep/. . . is ... ?How high is Qomolangma?珠穆朗玛峰有多高?5. Although. " ,…A lthough Japan is older than Canada,虽然日本比加拿大有更悠久的历史,但是日本比加拿大小多了.6. sb. spend tim e/money doing sth.Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day成年大熊猫一天要花1 2 个多小时的时间吃大约10公斤的竹子Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?一、单词or词组1.珠宝;财富 n_________2.岛 n_________3.满是..的;大量的;丰富的_____4.经典作品;名著n______5.页;面,张 n______6.匆忙;赶快 v_________7.赶快;急忙做某事_____8.预期;预定 adj_____9.船 n_______10.工具 n______11.枪;炮 n________12.迹象;记号;分数n做记号;打分v13.沙滩;沙 n________14.食人肉者 n________15.朝;向;对着 prep_____16.陆地;大地 n________17.小说 n__________18.科幻小说或影片等________19.科技;工艺 n______20.法语 n______21.流行音乐;流行乐曲 n_____22.摇滚乐n____23.乐队n________24.乡村音乐 _____25.永远 adv_______26.在国外;到国外adv_______27.真实地;事实上 adv______28.自从________29.迷;狂热爱好者n_________30.南方的adj______31.现代的;当代的 adj________32.成功 n______33.属于;归属 v______34.互相 ______35.笑;笑声 n______36.美;美丽 n______37.一百万 num ______38.唱片;记录 n 录制;录音v__39.介绍;引见 v______40.行;排 n______二、重点短语1. 在第2 5 页2.书的背面3. 赶快;匆忙4. 在两周之内5. 出海6.s 一个满是宝藏的岛屿7. 写作关于……的内容8. 做完某事9.等待另一艘船到来10. 学会做某事11. 种水果和蔬菜12. 几个星期前13.另一个人的脚印14. 不久之后15.跑向某地16.用……来做某事17.某人留下的标记18. 看报19. 科幻小说20. 迫不与待地做某事21. 醒来的一个好办法22.人数23. <过去>常常做某事24. 在国外学习25. 使某人做某事26. 开始意识到27. 自从那时起28.美国的南部地区29. 属于30. 善待彼此31. 互相信任32. 大自然的美33.去过某地34.. 对……做研究35.希望做某事36. 看到某人做某事37.歌曲的第一行38.享受……的成功39.傍晚的时候二、重点句型1. Have you. 、、、、 yet?—l ittle Women yet?你读过《小妇人》吗?— Yes,I have. /N o , I haven’ t.是的,我读过./ 不,我没有.2. Has... yet?—Treasure Island yet?蒂娜读过《金银岛》这本书吗?— Yes, she has. She thinks i t ’ s fantastic. 是的,她读过.她觉得它很棒.3. Would you lik e ... ?你要来点喝的吗?4. I heard...I heard you __________________.我听说你丢钥匙了.5. . . . came to realize how m uch...She how much she actually missed all of them.她开始意识到,事实上她是多么想念他们所有的人.Unit 9 Have you ever been to a museum ?一、单词or词组1.娱乐;游戏 n________2.游乐场_______3.在某处;到某处 adv_______4.照相机;摄影机;摄像机n______5.发明;发明物 n_______6.发明;创造 v______7.难以置信的;不真实的 adj___8.进步;进展 v n________9.迅速的;快速的 adj______10.特别的;不寻常的 adj______11.坐便器;厕所; n_______12.鼓励 v_____13.社会的 adj_________14.和平的;安宁的adj_________15.茶艺__________16.表演;演出 n________17.完美的;完全的_________18.茶具________19.它自己pron________20.收集;采集 v_______21.两个;一对;几个_______22.德国的德语的;德国人的adj 德语;德国人 n23.主题 n__________24.供乘骑的娱乐设施;短途旅程 n25.省份 n_____26.一千 num_______27.数以千计的;许许多多的____28.一方面..另一方面..._29.安全的;无危险的adj________30.仅仅;只不过 adv_______31.害怕;惧怕 v n_______32.不管..还是或者..或者;是否conj33.印度的;adj印度人 n________34.日本的;日本人的;日语的adj日本人;日语 n35.狐狸 n_______36.全年________37.赤道 n______38.在任何..时候;无论何时conj___39.春天 n_______40.主要地;通常 adv_______41.地点;位置 n______二、重点短语1.________ 在夜晚2.________ 在一个更加自然的环境中3.________ 一年到头;终年4.________ 离……远5.________ 在黑暗中6.________ 在过去7.________ 去过某地8.________ 科学博物馆9.________ 历史博物馆10.________ 游乐园11.________ 去不同的地方12.________ 去滑冰13.________ 坐地铁14.________ 一个过周六下午的好方法15.________ 所有的古老的电影摄影机16.________ .解有关....的情况17.________ 在周末18.________ 在大山里露营19.________ 搭帐篷20.________ 以如此迅猛的方式21.________ 各种各样的22.________ 厕所的发展23.________ 社会团体24.________ 茶艺表演25.________ 用漂亮的茶具沏一杯完美的茶26.________ 一个品茶的好地方27.________ 数以千计的28.________ 国际厕所博物馆29.________ 兵马俑30.________ 东南亚31.________ 夜间动物园32.________ 四分之三33.________ 一个讲英语的国家34.________ 做某事很困难35.________ 在白天36.________ 好几次37.________ 现在;目前38.________ 一个有特别的主题的游乐园39.________ 在公园里到处走40.________ 听说41.________ 兜风42.________ 另一个省43.________ 鸟巢44.________ .鼓励某人做某事45.________ 方面,另一方面三、重点句型1.Have you ever been to... ?________ ? 你曾经去过科学博物馆吗?2.Let’s. ....________ 我们今天去个不同的地方吧.3.It’s + adj. +that...It’sunbelievable that technology hasprogressed________ _ _ _ _ ! 科技以如此迅猛的方式发展真是令人难以置信啊!4.Whether... , you,11...________ ,Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore! 不管你喜欢印度食品、西方食品还是日本食品,在新加坡你都能找到!5.One great thing. . is that. .________ is that the temperature is almost the same all year round.新加坡一个很大的特征是它的气温几乎一年到头都是一样的.6.It is best to do sth..________ ...最好游览新加坡.Unit10 I’ve had this bike for three years一、单词or词组1.院子 n_________2.庭院拍卖会 ________3.甜蜜的;甜的;含糖的 adj____4.记忆;回忆 n_______5.分;分币 n_____6.玩具n________7.熊 n________8.生产者;制定者 n_________9.面包机_____10.围巾;披巾;头巾 n_________11.软的;柔软的adj_______12.软体玩具;布绒玩具________13.检查;审查 v n_____14.查看;观察________15.板;木板 n_________16.棋类游戏________17.地位〔或职位、级别〕低下的adj18.初级中学____19.清理;清除 v_________20.清理;丢掉_________21.卧室 n_______22.不再;不复 _________23.拥有;有 v_______24.铁路;铁道 n_________25.离开;分开 v_________26.放弃、交出〔尤指舍不得的东西〕27.某种;某事;某人 adj_______28.至于;关于________29.诚实的;老实的 adj_______30.说实在的__________31.一段时间;一会n______32.诚实的;真实的 adj_____33.家乡;故乡 n_______34.现今;现在;目前adv_____35.搜索;搜查 v n_____36.在〔其〕中;...之一 prep37.彩色铅笔〔或粉笔、蜡笔〕n38 羞耻;羞愧;惭愧 n______39 将...认为;把...视为 v____40.数数 v______41.百年;世纪 n______42.依据;按照 ______43.与...相对;在...对面prep 对面的;另一边的adj44.尤其;特别;格外adv______45.童年;幼年n______46.注视;仔细考虑v______47.几乎;接近______48.拥有;抓住 v______二、重点短语1.__ ___ 目前;现在2.__ ___ 以极大的兴趣关注着3.__ ___ 为了4.__ ___ 迄今;到现在为止5.__ ___ 需要6.__ ___ 不再……7.__ ___ 欢迎来到… :8.__ ___ 察看;观察9.__ ___ 棋类游戏10.__ ___ 最后一样东西11.__ ___ 初级中学12.__ ___ 清理13.__ ___不再;不复14.__ ___ 玩具猴15.__ ___ 与……分开16.__ ___说实在的17.. __ ___ 骑自行车18.__ ___ 进行庭院拍卖会19.__ ___ 某人的旧东西20.__ ___ 勾起甜美的回忆21.__ ___ 捐赠22.__ ___玩一会儿23.__ ___ 处置;处理24.__ ___找工作25.__ ___ 在过去的13年里26.__ ___20世纪中期27.__ ___保持原状28.__ ___ 依据;按照29.__ ___ 依……看30. __ ___ 在我那个年代三、重点句型1.How long have you... ?__ ___ ? 那边的那辆自行车你买了多久了?2.sb. has/have done sth. for...__ ___ .艾米拥有她最喜欢的书3 年了.3.sb. has/have done sth. since...__ ___ 自他4 岁生日起,他拥有这个东西了.4.Some… Others...__ ___ __ ___ __ ___有些人仍然住在家乡.然而,另一些人可能一年只能回家乡一两次.。
人教版八年级下册单元自我综合评价二(1022)1.Th an k yo u f o r a ll yo u r h a rd wo r k las t we ek e nd r a is ing mo n e y f or S un n y H ou s e O ldP e op le's H o me.We all 11 a g r e a t time a n d it wa s n ic e to se e a lo t o f ne w vo lu n tee r s!H e re is wh a t we 12 la s t we ek en d.On S a tu rd a y,s o me vo lu nte e r s wen t to S un n yH ou s e O ld P e op le's H ome.Fio n a a nd To m 13 s o me o f th e o ld p e op le.D a vid, J ohn a n d A lice ma d e te a for14 .S a m p la ye d th e p ian o a n d Sa lly wa s h ed th e la d ies'h a ir.In th e e ve n ing,we p u t o n a ch a r ity 15 f o r th e o ld p eo p le.It ma d e the m ve r y 16 .G ra c e p la ye d th e vio lin a nd Nic k sa ng so ng s.S o me of th e o ld pe op le s a ng a lo n g with th e m.O n S un da y, we h e ld a f a ir in th e s c ho o l p la yg r o u n d.In th e mo r n in g, we17 f oo d, d r ink s, an d s o me o the r th in g s f o r th e f a ir.N a nc y a n d A nn h e lp e d o ne a n o the r to b u y f r u it f o r th e ir s ta ll.Le o a nd P ip he lp ed on e an o the r to18o ld b oo k s, ma g a z in e s a nd co mic s f o r the ir s ta ll.A my a n d To m h e lp ed ea c h o th e r d e co r a te(装饰) th e ir s ta ll.In th e a f te r n oo n, N an c y s o ld f ru it s a lad a nd A nn so ld f r u it ju ic e.Le o an d P ip s o ld o ld bo ok s, ma g a z in e s an d co mic s.J o hn h an de d ou t f la g s.He g a ve th e f lag s to p eo p le 19pu t th e ir do na tio n s in to h is b a sk e t.M an y s tu d e n ts a n d th e ir f a milie s c a me to th e f a ir a nd20 mo n e y.We h a ve r a is e d a lo t o f mo n e y f o r S u n n y H o u s e Old P e op le's H o me.T h an k yo u!(1)A.fo un dB.ha dC.sp e n tD.to o k(2)A.d idB.a teC.sa wD.h a d(3)A.f ix e d u pB.ma d e f u n o fC.p la ye d c h e s s withD.to o k a f te r(4)A.n o bo d yB.on e se lfC.so me o n eD.e ve r yo n e(5)A.c la s sB.sh o wC.web s iteD.a d ve r tis e me n t(6)A.h a pp yB.s imila rC.sc a r edD.s le e p y(7)A.b o r ro we dB.r ep a ir edC.o rg a n ize dD.ima g ine d(8)A.wr iteB.f illC.bu yD.c o lle c t(9)A.wh a tB.whe r eC.whoD.wh e n(10)A.d o na te dB.co a ch edC.se tD.re p o r te d2.“Ma k e-A-Wis h” is on e o f th e wo r ld's mo s t we ll-k n o wn c h a r itie s.It ma k e s wis he s c ome tr u e f o r ch ild r en wh o h a ve s e r iou s illn e s se s.It g ive s th e m h o pe a n d jo y a n d he lp s them f o rg e t ab o u t th e ir h e a lth p r ob le ms a nd ha ve f u n.It a ll s ta r te d in 1980 in P h oe n ix, A r iz o na.Ch r is to p he r wa s a 7-ye a r-o ld b o y wh o wa s ve r y s ic k.He a lwa ys d r e ame d o f b e c o min g a p o lic e o ff ic e r.To mmy A u s tin a nd Ro n C ox, two p o lic e o ff ic e r s, ma d e h is wis h c o me tr u e.T h e y g a ve C h r is top her a tou r o f th e c ity in a p o lic e h e lico p te r(直升机)an d ma de a re a l p o lic e un if o r m(制服) f o r h im.T h e re a re f ou r k in d s of wis h e s c h ild re n u s uall y h a ve:I wis h to g o.C h ild re n us u a lly wa n t to tr ave l o r g o to a co n ce r t, a ga me o r a p a rk.I wis h to me e t.Ch ildr e n s o me time s wa n t to me e t th e ir f a vo r ite a c to r s, s in ge r s o r p la ye r s.I wis h to b e.So me c h ild r en wis h to b e come a c to r s,s in g e rs o r p o lic e o ff ic e r s.I wis h to ha ve.T he y o f te n wa n t to h a ve a c omp u te r, a g a me, a b ik e o r ma n y o th e r th in g s.Le t's h o p e m o r e wis h es will c o me tr u e in the f u tu re.P e op le who wo rk in th e c h a r itya lwa ys tr y f o r th eb e s t.A lmo s t 25,000 vo lu n te e r s he lp, wo rk o r g ive mo n e y.Will yo ub e on e o f the m?(1)“M ak e-A-Wis h”is a c h a r ity to h e lp.()A.s ic k c h ild r enB.se r io u s o ff ic e r sC.f a mo u s a c to r sD.p o pu la r s in ge r s(2)W ha t d id th e two po lic e o ff ice r s do fo r Ch r is to p he r?()A.T he y g a ve h im a c omp u te r.B.T he y g a ve h im a tou r o f th e c ity.C.T he y to o k h im to a c o n ce r t.D.T he y to o k h im to the h os p ita l.(3)W h ic h k in d o f wishe s d id Ch r is to p h e r h ave?()A.I wis h to go.B.I wis h to me e t.C.I wis h to b e.D.I wis h to ha ve.(4)Th e p u r po s e o f th e la s t p a ra g r ap h is to .()A.e x p la in wh a t “M a ke-A-Wis h”isB.en co u r ag e mo r e p eop le to jo in th e ch a r ityC.te ll u s ho w C h r is top h e r's wis h c a me tr ueD.in tr o du c e d iff e r en t k in d s o f c h ild r en's wi s h e s(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge?()A.S ic k c h ildr e n ju s t wis h to g e t we ll.B.C h r is to p he r an d Tommy a r e two o ff ic e r s.C.Fe w p e op le a r e wo rk in g fo r“M ak e-A-Wis h”.D.“M ak e-A-Wis h” h a s a h is to r y o f40ye a r s.3.我不知道怎样回答这个问题,太难了。
Unit1 What’t the matter 一.单词or词组1.问题;事情n____________2.怎么了?出什么事了_______3.疼痛的;酸痛的 adj__________4.感冒____________5.胃痛;腹痛 n____________6.胃痛 ___________7.脚;足 n_______________8.脖子;颈部n _____________9.胃;腹部 n________________10.喉咙;咽喉_n________________11.发烧; n_______________12.躺;平躺 v_______________13.躺下______________14.放松;休息 v n__________15.咳嗽 n v________________16. X射线;X光 n___________17.牙痛n______________18.量体温_____________19.头痛 n_______________20.发烧 ____________21.间歇;休息 n________________22.休息____________________23.〔使〕疼痛;受伤v___________24.乘客;旅客 n______________25.离开〔某处〕;不工作;从..去掉26.下车_____________________27.使...惊讶的;出乎...意料____28.向;朝 prep________29.问题,苦恼 n___________30.〔用手或器具〕击;打 v_______31.马上;马上__________32.陷入;参与__________33.她自己 pron_____________34.绷带n 用绷带包扎 v_______35.生病的;有病的adj__________36.膝;膝盖 n___________37.鼻出血 n___________38.呼吸 v___________39.晒伤的adj___________40.我们自己 pron___________41.登山者;攀登者 n________42.习惯于...;适应于..._______43.危险;风险;冒险n v_________44.冒险___________45.交通事故;意外遭遇 n______46.情况;状况 n__________47.千克;公斤 n__________48.岩石 n_________ 49.用尽;耗尽__________50.刀 n___________51.切除___________52.血 n__________53.意思是;打算;意欲v________54.离开;从...出来___________55.重要性;重要 n_________56.决定;抉择 n__________57.限制;约束;治理 n v_____58.掌管;治理_____59.勇气;意志 n_____60死;死亡 n_____61.放弃 _____62.护士 n_____二.重点词组1.发烧_______________2.咳嗽_______________3.牙疼_______________4.喝足够的水_______________5.胃疼_______________6.喉咙痛_______________7.加蜂蜜的热茶_______________8.看牙医_______________9.拍X 光片_______________10.量体温_______________11.在……上面敷药_______________12.感到很热_______________13.听起来像_______________14.以同样的方法_______________15.在马路边_______________16.大声呼救_______________17.没有多想_______________18.有心脏病_______________19.使....... 惊讶的_______________20.多亏了;由于_______________21.挽救生命_______________22.造成麻烦_______________23.马上;马上_______________24.受伤_______________25.感到恶心_______________26.割伤他的膝盖_______________27.把她的头向后仰_______________28.呼吸困难_______________29.登山运动_______________30.习惯做某事_______________31.用完;用尽_______________32.如此……以至于…_______________33.继续或坚持做某事_______________34.做出决定_______________35.冒险_______________三、重点句型1. What’s the matter? 你怎么了?= What’s the _______ with you?= What’s ________with you?2. What______ she do? 她该怎么办呢?________I _______ my temperature?我该量下体温吗?3. Do you think it _____ _____ a newspaper or a book?你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢?4. I think I s_____ in the same _____ for too long _________moving.我想我以同样的姿态一动不动地坐得太久了。
人教版八年级下册单元自我综合评价六(1022)1.I f e ll in lo ve Gu a ng z ho u wh en I vis it e d it f o r th e f ir s t time.()A.fo rB.withC.ofD.to2.Wh a t a n ice da y! We s h ou ld g o s ig h ts ee in g wa tc h in g T V in th e ho te l.()A.b e ca u s e o fB.ne x t toC.in s te a d o fD.u p to3.—Ha ve yo u wa tc h ed th e b o a t ra c es—Ye s.won de r f u l r a c e s!()A.W ha t a nB.W h a t aC.W h a tD.Ho w4.Wh e n s he wa s 30 ye a r s o ld,sh e r ea lly wa n te d to ge t .()A.ma r r ie dB.ma r r yin gC.to ma r r yD.ma r r y5.Th e mo vie wa s f u nny.I c o u ld n't s to p.()A.to la ug hB.l au gh in gu ghu gh e d6.Th e s o ng Wh e re d id th e tim e g o?me the o ld da ys.()A.th in k s; o fB.r e min d s; o fC.le ts; d o wnD.wa k e s; u p7.Wh e n yo u a r e in yo u r s ch o o l d in ing h a ll d u r ing lu nc h time,yo u ma y f e e l lo n e lyyo u c an f ind so me o n e to h a ve lu n ch with.()A.ifB.un le s sC.a f te rD.b e ca u s e8.J ou r ne y to th e We s t is ve r y .To m wa s ve r y wh e n he wa tc h ed it.()A.e x c ited; ex c itin gB.ex c iting; e xc ite dC.ex c iting; e xc itin gD.e x c ited; ex c ite d9.—W ha t's yo u r o p in io n o n f r ien d s?—Th e y a r e lik e b oo k s.We do n't n e e d a lot o f th e m th e y'r e g o od.()A.a s lon g a sB.as s oo n a sC.so th a tD.a s if10.—Mo m,I wa n t to d r ive to my g r a n d-p a re n ts' h o me.—D o n't b e.You a r e to o yo u n g to d r ive.()A.s illyB.no is yC.ne r vo u sD.sa d11.W h y d o c h ild re n like c a r to o ns so mu c h M a yb e th a t's b e c a us e in c a r to on s,the r e a r e ma n y11.Th e y a lwa ys h e lp p e op le in tr ou b le a nd k ee p f igh tin g b a d pe o p le.O f c ou r s e,h e r oe s12b ad p e op le in th e e nd.S o a lmo s t e ve r y c a r to o n ha s a ha p p y e nd in g.I h a ve b e e n the M o nk e y Kin g's f a n13 I wa s a c h ild.A t th a t time,my f a vo r ite c a r toonh e r oe s we re th e M on ke y Kin g,C ap ta in(警长)B l a c k C a t,C a l a b a s h(葫芦)B r o th e r s,M a Lia n g…14o f th e m c o me f r o m C h ina!Bu t tod a y's k id s a re ve r yd iffe r e n t 15 me.M o s t of th e ir fa vo rite c a r to on he r o es a r e fr o m f o r e ig n co un tr ie s,e s p ec ia lly16.Ba tma n(蝙蝠侠)an d S pid e r ma n a r e two of the m.Ba tma n a nd S p ide r ma n a r e n o t o n ly ve r y f a mo u s b u t a ls o ve ry17.B a tma n is o ld e r th a n S p i d e r ma n.Th e f ir s t B a tma n ca r to o n a pp e a re d181939.A nd s inc e 1940,B a tma n h a s b e en on e of th e fe w c ar to on he r oe s to a p pe a r in bo ok s co n tin uo u s ly (连续地,不间断地).Sp id e r ma n is 19 ye a r s yo u n ge r th an B a tma n.H e f ir s t a pp ea r e d in 1962.In 1977, h e a pp ea r e d in d a ily20.P eo p le ca n s e e th e S pid e r ma n ca r to on in o ver 500 d iff e r en t n e wsp ape r s a ro u nd the wo r ld.(1)A.p o lic e me nB.he r oe sC.ch ild r enD.a n ima ls(2)A.b e a tB.winC.hu r tD.h it(3)A.wh e nB.fo rC.s inc eD.u n til(4)A.No n eB.O neC.B o thD.A ll(5)A.fo rB.ofC.withD.f ro m(6)A.C h in aB.J a p anC.A me r ic aD.E ng la nd(7)A.o ldB.yo u n gC.lon gD.sh o r t(8)A.a tB.onC.inD.to(9)A.53B.43C.33D.23(10)A.n e ws pa pe r sB.bo ok sC.ma g az in e sD.n e ws12.T he Ma g ic M ed ic ineT h e re on ce live d in Chin a a ve r y f o o lis h k in g a n d q ue en.O ne da y, th e q ue e n h ad a b ab y d a ug h te r.Wh e n the y s a w th e ir b ab y, th e y b o th c r ie d o u t, “M y g o o d n e s s! Ho w s ma ll it is!It's h a ir le s s an d to o thle s s!It's a mo n s te r(怪物)!” T he y s e n t f o r a ll th e do c to rs in th ec o un tr y a nd o r de r ed th e m to p r ep a re s o me me d ic in ef o r h e r.“W he n sh e ta k e s yo u r me d ic in e, sh e mu s t gro w to the r igh t s ize and h a ve h a ir a n d te e th,” th e k in g sa id.“If yo u do n't d o th is,yo u'll b e be a ten.”T h e do c to r s th ou g h t it imp o s s ib le, b u t th e y d a r ed no t s a y a n yth in g a ga in s t th e k in g'so r d e r.J u s t th en a n o ld d o c to r s te p pe d f o r war d.“O h, we s h a ll c e r ta in ly o b e y yo u r o rd e r,”h e s a id, “b u t it ta k e s time.We h a ve to d ig f or a min e r a l(矿物) f ro m th e Ku n lun M ou n ta in s wh e n th e s n o w me lts(融化) f or th e s ec o nd time.T h e s no w me lts o n tho s e mo u n ta ins on ly o n c e in s ix ye a r s.So we n e ed twe lve ye a r s.”A t la s t th e k ing ag r e ed a nd the do c to rs too k a wa y th e little p r in ces s.O n h e r twe lf thb ir th d a y,th e y b r o u g h t h e r b a ck to h e r p a re nts with lo ng b lac k h a ir a nd b ea u tif u lte e th.T h e k in g an d th e q ue e n we re ve r y h a pp y a n d g a ve th e do c to rs ex p en s ive p r e s en ts.(1)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g wo rd s ma k e s th e s e n ten c e u n tru e?The b ab y wa s.()A.to o th le ssB.ha ir le s sC.un u su a lD.s ma ll(2)Th e d o c to r s wou ld b e be a ten if .()A.th e b a b y d a ug h te r did n't ta k e th e ir me d ic in eB.the y r e f u s e d to ob ey th e k in g's o r d e rC.the ba b y d a u gh te r gr e w to the r igh t s izeD.th e b a b y d a ug h te r be c a me a mo n s te r(3)Th e o ld d o c to r wante d to k e ep the k in g's d a ug h te r fo r twe lve ye a r s be c au s e.()A.th e y n e e d ed a lo t of d iff e r e n t p la n tsB.the y n e e d ed a lo t o f d iff e r e n t min e r a lsC.th is wo u ld g ive th e b a b y time to g r o w upD.th e y h a d to d ig f o r a min e r a l whe n the sno w me lte d f o r th e s e co n d time(4)Th e d o c to r s tho ug ht it imp o s s ib le.()A.fo r the m to c ha n ge th e k in g's o r d e rB.fo r th e m to p r ep a r e th e me d ic in e in twe lve ye a r sC.fo r th e s ma ll b a b y to ta ke th e me d ic in eD.fo r the m to ma k e the b ab y h a ve te e th a n d h a ir an d g r o w u p a t on c e(5),th e k in g wou ld n't h a ve g ive n th e m e x p en s ive p re s e n ts.()A.If th e d oc to r s b r ou gh t b ac k a be a u tifu l g irlB.If th e d o c to r s h a dn't f o u nd the min e r a lsC.If th e d o c to r s we re a b le to p re p a re th e ma g ic me d ic in eD.If th e d au g h te r we re s till a mo n s te r twe lve ye a r s la te rLo n g lo n g a g o, th e re wa s a ma n 26.in a villa g e with h is wife a nd two ch ild r e n.T h e y h a d a h en.It la id(下蛋) a g o lde n e g g e ve r y d a y.T h e ma n so ld th e go ld en eg g an d th e f a mil y li ve d a27.a nd co mf o r ta b le life.B u t the ma n wa s ve r y g r e e d y(贪婪的).H e wan te d to g e t a ll th e go ld en e gg s f r o m h is h e n a t a time.S o he th o ug h t h a rd e ve r y d a y a b ou t h o w to a ch ie ve it a nd h e g o t a p lan 28..H e de c ide d 29.the h e n an d g e t a ll the eg g s.H e d idn't wa n t to te ll h is wif e a b ou t th e p la n b e ca u se he wan t e d to g ive h e r a b ig su r p r is e.H e wa s so 30.ab o u t h is g r e at p la n.He e ven s ta r ted to s in g wh e n h e 31.th e p lan.T h e ne x t d a y wh e n the h en la id a g o lde n e gg, th e ma n c ou ld n't wa it to tak e a 32.an d c u t its bo d y o p en.Ho we ve r, the r e wa s n o thin g b u t b loo d a ll a r ou nd.T h e re we r e n't a n ye g g s a t a ll.He wa s ve r y s a d b e ca u s e h e c ould n't g e t e ven o n e eg g n o w.H e co u ld n't s to p33..T h e ir lif e 34.be co mf o r ta b le with on e go ld e n e gg a d a y, b u t no w th e ir lif e c h an g ed a lo t.H o w 35.he wa s!(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)14.仔细观察下列四幅图画,展开合理想象,写一篇短文。
人教版八年级下册单元自我综合评价八(1022)1.Th is r ed p e n is a nd the b la c k o ne be lo n g s to .()A.min e;h e r sB.me;he rC.min e;h e rD.me;h e r s2.It wa s my f ir s t d a y a t G ra d e 6. A nd the f ir st le s s on was11En g lis h.Wh e n I wa sd o ing no th ing,Mr.G ou gh, o u r ne w E ng lis h te ac h e r, 12 in to th e c la s s ro o m.To my s u r p r is e, h e h e ld up a b oo k, Th e C o lle c te d Wo r k s o f Ed ga r A lla n Po e, a nd a sk ed,“W ho13 it ye t?”I p u t my h a n d u p,bec a u se P o e wa s my f a v o r itewr ite r.M r.Go ug h a s k e d if I r e a ll y u n d er s to o d 14 th e au th o r tr ie d to s a y in h is b o ok.M y r e p ly ma d e h im s mile, an d he a s ked me15an e s s a y(短文) o n tha t su b jec t.A f te r th a t, En g lis h c las s e s be c a me a n e w in te r e s t f o r me.M r.G ou gh tho u gh t tha ts tu d en ts s ho u ld 16 a p la y to u n d e r s ta nd it.“Do n't ju s t r e ad it,” h e sa id.A s time p a s s ed, we d eve lo p e d a re a l f r ien d sh ip.H e e nc o u ra g ed me to b e a(n)17in th e fu tu r e.Wh en I le f t s ch oo l, h e s a id to me, “Yo u ha ve a g if t fo r wr iting, To n y, a n d on e d a y yo u'll c o me to r e a liz e h o w 18 it is.M ak e us e o f it if y o u wan t yo u r lif e to bec o mp le te.”19 ha s pa s s ed.N o w e ve r y ti me I s it d o wn to wr ite20, I th in k o fM r.G o ug h.H e was mo r e th a n ju s t a n En glis h te ac he r, b e ca u s e he a lso ta ug h t me u se f u l le s s o n s in lif e.(1)A.b o r ingB.bo r edC.in te r e s tingD.in te r e s ted(2)A.wa lk sB.wa lk e dC.wa s wa lk in gD.is wa lk ing(3)A.re a d sB.r ea dC.ha s re a dD.h a d r e ad(4)A.ifB.whe nC.wha tD.h o w(5)A.wro teB.wr itin gC.to wr iteD.wr itten(6)A.wo r k o u tB.ac t ou tC.pu t ou tD.c o me ou t(7)A.tea ch e rB.ac to rC.wa ite rD.wr ite r(8)A.u s e fu lB.be au tif u lC.ca r e fu lD.th a nk f u l(9)A.A ye a rB.S o me ye a rC.Ye a rsD.E ve r y ye a r(10)A.a n yth in g n e wB.so me th in g n e wC.ne w an yth in gD.n e w so me th in g3.(1)If yo u wa n t to ma ke a Ch r is tma s p la n toge th e r with yo u r c h ild re n,wh ich bo ok do yo u p r e f e r()A.S ta r o f Wo n de rB.T h e L ittle Wh ite Hou s eC.F ir s t F e s tiva l: C h r is tm a sD.M y Ve r y F ir s t Ch r istm a s Bo o k(2)W h ic h nu mb e r will yo u c a ll if yo u wa n t to o r d e r a b oo k f o r yo u r 2-ye a r-o ld c h ild()A.07459 40560.B.07459 39323.C.07459 45783.D.07459 39074.(3)If yo u r c h ild wa n ts to r ea d fa ir y ta le s,wh o s e b oo k will yo u cho o s e?()A.P a t A lex a nd e r's.B.A lec Ayli ff e's.C.Lo is Ro c k's.D.E liz ab e th G o ud ge's.(4)Fr o m th e in f o r ma tio n ab o ve we ca n lea r n th a t the s e fo u r b oo k s a r e a ll f o r .()A.a d u ltsB.ch ild r enC.tee n sD.p a r en ts4.H e len Ke lle r wa s a ve r y b r ig h t a n d b e au tif ul g ir l.W he n s he wa s s ix mo n t h s,sh e c ou lda lr e a d y s a y a f e w wo rd s.B u tb e fo r e sh e wa s two ye a r s o ld,sh e wa s h it b y a s e r io us illn e s s.S h e co u ld no t s ee o r h ea r,an d so o n s hec ou ld n o te ven ta lk.W h en sh e was s ix,h e r pa r e n ts in vite d a te a ch e rf o r h e r.With the h e lp o f th e te ac h e r, s h e b e ga n to “se e”a n d “h e a r” th e wo r ld aro u nd h e r th ro u gh h e r ha n d s.S h e lea r n ed to re a d bo o ks fo r th eb lindp e op le.S h e a ls o le ar n e d to s wim a n d r ide a h o r s e.A f te r sh e g re w u p,s h e b e ca me a f a mo u s wr ite r in A me r ic a.H e r f i r s t an d mos t f a mo u s b o ok is Th e S to r y o f My L ife.H ers to r y h a s b r o ug h t ho p e to ma n y b lin d a nd d ea f p e op le.It e n co u ra g ed th e m to live a nd wo r k.根据短文内容,完成下面短文,每空一词。
八下英语人教版第一单元自测Here's a sample of a self-test for the first unit of English textbook for Grade 8, PEP edition, written in an informal and conversational style with varying language features for each paragraph:Okay, let's get started with this self-test! First up, I'm gonna try out some vocab. Like, what's the word for "to agree with someone"? Oh yeah, "agree" is the word! Simple but important.Next, I'm gonna tackle some grammar. Like, when should I use the present perfect tense? Hmm, when I want to talk about something that started in the past and continues to the present. Like, "I have been studying English for three years now." That sounds right.Moving on to reading comprehension. Let's see if I can understand this passage about the school trip. It says here that we're going to the zoo and we'll be seeing lots ofanimals. Cool, I love animals! I'm definitely excited for this trip.And now, writing. I'm gonna write a short paragraph about my favorite subject in school. Hmm, I think it's science. I like learning about how things work and why they happen. It's fascinating!Last but not least, listening. I'm gonna listen to this short dialogue and see if I can understand what they're talking about. It sounds like they're discussing a movie they saw. Oh, they liked it!。
八下英语自我评价卷子Self-Evaluation of English Learning in Grade 8。
As I reflect on my English learning journey in Grade 8, I find myself at a pivotal point in my academic career. This year has been both challenging and rewarding, and it has provided me with a solid foundation for further progress in the language.Language Skills.Reading: In the realm of reading, I have noticed significant improvements in my comprehension skills. The range of texts I have encountered has broadened from simple stories to more complex articles and passages. I have learned to identify key ideas, infer meanings, and analyze the author's perspective. Additionally, I have developed a habit of reading regularly, which has not only improved my vocabulary but also my fluency in reading English.Writing: My writing skills have also undergone a transformation. I have learned to organize my thoughts more coherently and express them effectively in writing. I have practiced various writing styles, including descriptive, narrative, and argumentative, and have gained confidence in expressing my opinions and perspectives. Regular practicein writing assignments and exams has helped me refine my writing skills.Listening: In the area of listening, I have made efforts to improve my comprehension of spoken English. I have participated in listening activities such as listening to English songs, watching English movies, and listening to English podcasts. These activities have helped.。
1.昨天下午我和我的朋友们在雨中(in th e r a in)踢足球;2.今天早上我觉得不舒服。
2.If s h e k e ep s on lik e th is,los in g we igh t will b e imp o s s ib le.()A.e a tsB.ea tC.ea tin gD.to e a t3.—W h y a r e yo u s o tir e d the s e d a ys—We ll,I h a ve h o me wo r k to do.()A.to o mu c hB.too ma n yC.mu c h to oD.ma n y to o4.Th e ma n h a s p ro b lems the wo rk b y hims e lf.()A.f in is h ingB.f in ishC.f in ish e dD.to f in is h5.H e d re a ms o f b e in g a s in g e r.A lt h ou gh th e r e is a lon g wa y to g o,h e won't h isd re a m.()A.g ive u pB.pu t upC.wak e u pD.g r o w u p6.I f o u nd mys e lf in a d iff ic u lt .I mu s t d o so me th in g to ge t o u t o f it.()A.c o mp e titio nB.d isc u s s io nC.pr e d ic tio nD.s itua tio n7.It is r e p o r ted tha t o ve r300 millio n p e op le in C h in a a r e su ff e r in g f ro mn e a r s igh te dn e s s.A s mo r e c h ild re n ha ve g o t 11 tro ub le,their p a re n ts ho p e to c u r e th e d is ea s e in so me d iff e r e n t wa ys,s uc h as b y c o r r e c tin g the way c h ild r e n 12 a nd s it.Bu t in fa c t,on e sh o u ld s ta r t with th e ex e r c ise with o ne's f e e t.He r e a r eth r e e 13 to s a ve e ye s.Fir s t,do n't tie yo u r s h o e s to o tig h t.Tr y to we a r c o mf o r ta b le an d so f t s ho e sa n d 14 o r wa lk with o u t sh o e s o r s o ck s a t h o me.W h ile yo u a r e tr a ve lin g,tr yto15 c lo th s ho e s in o rd e r to imp r o ve blo o d c ir c u la tio n(循环).S e co n d,wa lk in g o n tip to e s(踮着脚) is go od 16 o ne's e ye s ig h t.It c a n f igh t a g a in s t e ye s ig h t tr o u b le.Numb e r s s ho w tha t 17 o f b a lle t(芭蕾舞) p e r f o r me r s' e ye s ig h t isb e tte r.T h ir d,r op e s k ip p ing18 go o d to on e's eye s ig h t.W h en sk ip pin g ro pe,on e ha s to mo ve q u ic k ly,ma k in g bo th th e b r a in a nd th e e ye s e x c ited.It ma y a ls o h e lp19 one g r o w ta lle r.B e s id e s f oo t ex e rc is e s,it is g o od to20 o ne's e a r s.P u llin g th e e a r s 20 time s q u ic k ly is a ls o a g re a t wa y.It c a n k ee p o n e's e ye s h e a lth y.(1)A.e ye s ig h tB.he adC.sc h oo lD.lif e(2)A.p la yB.mo veC.sp e akD.re a d(3)A.me s s ag e sB.ro a d sC.wa ysD.me d ic in e(4)A.c lo th esB.so c k sC.sh ir tsD.tro u s e rs(5)A.se ndB.len dC.dr e s sD.we a r(6)A.inB.toC.fo rD.a t(7)A.e ith e rB.mo s tC.no neD.fe w(8)A.a r eB.isC.do e sD.d o(9)A.lo s eB.ma k eC.mis sD.f in d(10)A.tak eB.pu llC.pu s hD.h a ve8.In E n g la n d,p eo p le c an g o to the n ea r b y ho s p ita l to s e e a d o c to r wh e n th e y a r e ill.Thed o c to r u su a lly a s k s a bo u t the ir p ro b le ms o r illn e s s e s,a nd th en g ive s th e m ap r e s c r ip tio n(处方)fo r s o me me d ic in e.N o t a ll p eo p le g o to se e a d o c to r whe n th e y f e e l s ic k.Fo r e x a mp le,wh en th e y o n ly h a ve a c o ld,th e y d o n't g o to s e e do c to r s.T h e y u s u a lly g o to th e d r u gs to r e(药店) to b u y s o me me d ic in e.W h en p eo p le ha ve a ser io u s d is ea s e,th e do cto r will g o to the ir h o us e s.In a n e me rg e nc y,p e op le c an c a ll 999 fo r a n a m bu la n ce.T he a mb u la n c e c a n tak e the m to the h o sp ita l ve r y s o o n.Wh en th e y a r e in ho s p ita l,th e ir f rie n d s o r f a mily me mb e r s c an go to s e e th e m a t a ce r ta in time,b ut th e y c a n't s ta y lo n g.U s ua lly p e o p le h a ve to p a y f o r th e d o c to r s' p r e s c r ip tio n s.A n d th e p r ic e is the s a me f or a n y k in d o f me d ic ine.Bu t wh en c h ild re n,s tu d en ts,o ld p e op le o r p e o p le with ou t jobs g o to s e e do c to r s,th e y d o n't h a ve to p a y f o r th e ir p r e sc r ip tion s.(1)In E ng la nd,wh e n p e op le a r e ill,th e y'll .()A.g o to s ee the do c to r n e a rb yB.go to th e s ho pC.as k the d o c to r to the ir h ou s e sD.c a ll 999fo r a n a mb u la n ce(2)In E ng la nd,wh e n p e op le o n ly h a ve a cold,th e y u s u a lly .()A.g o to s ee a d oc to rB.bu y s o me me d ic in e th e ms e lve sC.as k to be in h o sp italD.g o to the ho s p ita l at a c e r ta in time(3)W ha t do e s th e u nd er lin e d wo r d “a mb u la nc e”in th e th ir d p a ra g ra p h me an()A.救援B.报警C.救护车D.担架(4)W he n p eo p le with ou t jo b s g o to th e d o c to r s,the y .()A.g e t f re e me d ic a l c a re a t ho meB.ge t f r ee p re s c r ip tion sC.ge t f r ee me d ic ine in th e h o sp ita lD.g e t f re e me d ic ine in th e d r u gs to r e(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is NO T tr u e()A.In an e me rg en c y,p e op le ca n c a ll 999 f or h e lp.B.If yo u a r e in h o sp ita l,yo u r f r ie n d s c an vis it yo u a t a ce r ta in time.C.You r f r ien d s will a lwa ys s ta y with yo u wh e n yo u a re in h o sp ital.D.W he n a ch ild s ee s a d o c to r,h e d o es n't n e e d to p a y f o r h is p re s c r i p-tio n.9.A: H i,Li J u n.You we r e n o t a t sc h oo l ye s te r d a y.26.B: O h,I h a d a h e ad a ch e an d I ha d to a sk f or a s ick le a ve.A: I'm s o r r y to h e a r th a t.27.B: Ye s,my mo th e r to ok me to the ho s p ita l.A: 28.B: Th e d o c to r loo k ed me o ve r a n d s a id I h ad a c o ld.A: 29.B: Ye s, a little.T he d o c to r to ld me to ta k e th e me d ic in e th re e time s a d a y a n d h a ve p len ty o f wa te r.A: 30.B: Ye s,mu c h b e tte r.Bu t I've mis s e d s o ma n y le s s o n s.A: D on't wo r r y a b o u t it.I'll h e lp yo u la ter.B: Th a nk s a lo t.A.D id yo u s e e th e d o cto r?B.A r e yo u f e e lin g b e tte r n o w?C.Wa s it se r iou s?D.W ha t wa s wro ng with yo u?E.W h a t d id th e d o c to r s a y?(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)10.令我惊讶的是,没有一个学生能回答这个问题。
人教版八年级英语下册自我评价试卷Self-evaluation Test PaperName: _______________ Class: _______________ Date:_______________Part 1: ListeningSection A: Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct answer.1. A. October B. November C. September2. A. Two B. Three C. Four3. A. The bookstore B. The library C. The post office4. A. Playing soccer B. Riding bikes C. Playing basketball5. A. Blue B. White C. BlackSection B: Listen to the passage and complete the sentences.6. The narrator teaches English and history in grade ____.7. The school is near the ____.8. The narrator’s students come to school by ____.9. The school day ends at ____.10. The students have a break at ____.Part 2: ReadingSection A: Read the passage and answer the questions.Most people in Japan celebrate holidays in the same way. They have fun with their families and friends. Oshogatsu is the most important holiday. It is the Japanese New Year. Many people clean their houses. They also visit their family graves.11. What is Oshogatsu?12. How do most people celebrate Oshogatsu?13. What do many people do before Oshogatsu?14. What places do people visit during Oshogatsu?15. Why do people clean their houses before Oshogatsu?Section B: Read the passage and choose the correct option.Summer vacation is a good time for students to relax and have fun. Some students go to summer camp to learn new skills. Others prefer to stay at home and spend time with their families. No matter what they choose to do, summer vacation is always a special time for students.16. What is summer vacation a good time for?A. StudyingB. RelaxingC. Working17. What do some students do at summer camp?A. Study new subjectsB. Learn new skillsC. Read books18. What do others do during summer vacation?A. Travel to other countriesB. Stay at home with their familiesC. Work part-time19. Why is summer vacation a special time for students?A. Because they can play video games all dayB. Because they can relax and have funC. Because they have to study all day20. What is the main idea of the passage?A. Summer vacation is the best time of the yearB. Students should study during summer vacationC. Students have different ways of spending summer vacationPart 3: WritingSection A: Write a paragraph about your favorite subject in school and explain why you like it.Section B: Write a letter to a friend inviting them to your birthday party. Include details about the time, location, and activities planned for the party.---This self-evaluation test paper is designed to help students assess their English language skills in listening, reading, and writing. Remember to review your answers and seek guidance from your teacher for areas that need improvement. Good luck!。
八下英语单元自测参考答案八下英语单元自测参考答案Unit 1: School LifeSection A1. B) classmates2. C) excited3. A) science4. C) gym5. B) geographySection B1. C) to get good grades2. B) Yes, I am.3. A) By joining the school soccer team.4. C) It helps me relax.5. A) Yes, it does.Unit 2: Growing UpSection A1. B) They are talking about their dreams.2. C) She wants to be a teacher.3. A) She likes to help people.4. C) Yes, she does.5. B) Yes, she does.Section B1. C) to make a lot of money2. A) No, he doesn't.3. C) He wants to be a doctor.4. B) He thinks it's interesting.5. A) Yes, he does.Unit 3: At a Music LessonSection A1. B) They are talking about their favorite music.2. C) She likes pop music.3. A) He likes rock music.4. B) Yes, she does.5. C) Yes, she does.Section B1. C) to play the guitar2. A) No, he doesn't.3. A) He thinks it's cool.4. C) Yes, he does.5. B) Yes, she does.Unit 4: Our WorldSection A1. B) They are talking about different countries.3. C) It's in Europe.4. B) It's in South America.5. C) It's in Africa.Section B1. B) It's famous for its history and culture.2. C) Yes, it is.3. A) It's famous for its beautiful beaches.4. C) It's famous for its delicious food.5. A) No, it isn't.Unit 5: TechnologySection A1. B) They are talking about their favorite gadgets.2. A) He likes playing games on his tablet.3. C) She likes taking photos with her phone.4. B) Yes, she does.5. C) Yes, he does.Section B1. B) It helps us communicate with others.2. C) Yes, it is.3. A) It helps us find information quickly.4. B) It helps us learn new things.Unit 6: The EnvironmentSection A1. B) They are talking about ways to protect the environment.2. C) By using less plastic bags.3. A) By turning off lights when they are not needed.4. B) Yes, they do.5. C) Yes, they do.Section B1. B) It helps reduce air pollution.2. C) Yes, it is.3. A) It helps save energy.4. B) It helps protect animals and plants.5. C) Yes, it does.Unit 7: Celebrating HolidaysSection A1. B) They are talking about their favorite holidays.2. C) She likes Christmas.3. A) He likes Chinese New Year.4. B) Yes, she does.5. A) Yes, he does.Section B1. B) It's a traditional Chinese holiday.2. C) Yes, it is.3. A) It's a time for family gatherings.4. B) It's a time for giving and receiving gifts.5. C) Yes, it does.Unit 8: Health and FitnessSection A1. B) They are talking about ways to stay healthy.2. C) By eating fruits and vegetables.3. A) By exercising regularly.4. B) Yes, they do.5. C) Yes, they do.Section B1. B) It helps us stay fit and strong.2. C) Yes, it is.3. A) It helps us have a healthy weight.4. B) It helps us have a good mood.5. C) Yes, it does.总结:以上是八年级英语单元自测参考答案的汇总。
八年级英语下册 Module 3自我检测 外研版
八年级下英语Modue 3自我检测第一部分听力部分一、听力(本题有15小题;第一节每小题1分,第二第三节每小题2分,共25分)第一节:听小对话,请从A、B、C三个选项中选择符合对话内容的图片。
' the gir ooing forare the chidren doingcan the bo ee in the boi an car are there in the e bac train B In her friend’ car C B air第三节:听独白,回答问题。
(10分)11 Where iMr Bac’ homema town B A cit C A town12 How did Jac’ mother fee when he eft hi hometownA the cit C Near the cit14 How did Mr Bac go to the cit at Sundabie B B train C B air15 Wh Didn’t Jac teee B wi come C coming D to come20 Mr Green aed u to to e ue or don’t want to ca and a that I don’t now what he write”Her huband thought for a few minute and he had a idea”Tae it to the ch e mit,” he aid”he wi read it for u”“T han ou ,”th e woman aid,”That’ a good idea’She went to the ch em it’ hoewrote her an anwerwa ver hae to our cit I’ve bought two ticet and I’watch it in the tadium It’much more eciting Woud ou ie to go with meW: No, than But m favourite i AC Mian, the one from ItaM: He ie etter He doen’t ie e-mai听下面一段长对话,回答8、9、10三个问题。
单元自我综合评价四[测试范围:Unit 4时间:40分钟分值:100分]Ⅰ.单项填空(20分)()1.________ my opinion, we shouldn't choose him as our monitor because he is too lazy.A.For B.In C.With D.Over()2.I always feel ________ before the exams. My mother often tells me to calm down.A.boring B.nervous C.relaxed D.happy()3.It is true that many children are under ________ pressure now.A.too many B.too much C.much too D.many too()4.The girl has to ________ her grandma because her parents are working in another city.A.look at B.look into C.look through D.look after()5.It's necessary for us ________ more about food safety.A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.learned()6.—Why not ________ John a toy car for his birthday?—Good idea! He is crazy about cars.A.buy B. buying C.to buy D. buys()7.Sorry, we don't allow ________ loudly in the library.A.to speak B.speak C.speaking D.spoke()8.He picked up his book and ________ reading.A.forgot B.hated C.continued D.imagined()9.I'm a new student in the class. I don't know how to ________ my classmates.A.come up with B. get on well with C.agree with D. be strict with ()10.—My cousin always takes my things without asking.—________,I think. You shouldn't care too much about that.A.It's right B.It's not a big deal C.It's dangerous D.It's not a good idea Ⅱ.完形填空(20分)John is a famous writer now. But he said he was not a __11__ student when he was young. He was often late for __12__ and didn't like doing his homework. Sometimes he slept in class while the teacher was teaching. He didn't understand much, __13__ he always thought he understood everything. One day, the teacher __14__ the students a question, “When Jack was ten years old, __15__ brother Bob was twenty. Jack is fifteen now and __16__ is his brother Bob?”John said, “That's easy. Bob is twice as old as Jack, so he is now thirty.”Another time, the __17__ in a science class asked, “When it thunders(打雷), __18__ do we always see the light before we __19__ the sound?”“But, Miss,”said John quickly, “don't you __20__ our eyes are in front of our ears?”()11.A.good B.tall C.rich D.fat()12.A.sleep B.lunch C.class D.play()13.A.so B.and C.or D.but()14.A.sent B.asked C.told D.found()15.A.your B.my C.his D.her()16.A.how many B.how old C.what D.who()17.A.teacher B.farmer C.nurse D.policeman()18.A.what B.when C.where D.why()19.A.break B.make C.hear D.smell()20.A.read B.hope C.study D.knowⅢ.阅读理解(20分)Dear Donna,Help! I'm a 15-year-old middle school student in New York.In eight months, I'm going to take an entrance exam.To prepare for it, I'm studying six hours a day.I want to do well, but I'm really stressed these days.I can't sleep.What can I do?Yours,Mary Dear Mary,Many students around the world have the same problem as you.Here is some advice to help you deal with the stress.●Make a study plan for yourself, but don't study too much in one day.You can remember more by studying one hour each day for six days than six hours in one day.Also, don't study late at night.●Have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes every two hours.Go outside and walk.Taking exercise is a great way to reduce stress.●Don't eat a lot of sugar or drink a lot of coffee.Eat food high in Vitamin(维生素) B (such as eggs, green vegetables and rice).These give you energy and help you think more clearly.●A study partner(同伴) can help you prepare for the test.When you're worried about the exam, you can talk to your partner.This can reduce stress, too.Good luck!Yours,Donna ()21.What is Mary's problem?A.She is so worried and can't sleep.B.She can't pass the exam.C.She can't communicate with others.D. She can't study English well.()22.Donna thinks Mary's problem is ________.A.great B.common C.wonderful D.serious()23.The underlined word “reduce”in the passage probably means “________”.A.减少B.排除C.加强D.增加()24.Donna thinks that ________ can help Mary think more clearly.A.eating a lot of sugar B.studying six hours every dayC.drinking a lot of coffee D.eating food high in Vitamin B()25.Which of the following is TRUE according to Donna's letter?A.The best time to study is from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m.B.Walking outside can make you remember more.C.It's good to tell a study partner about your feeling.D.It's necessary to have a rest for 15 to 20 minutes an hour.Ⅳ.词汇运用(10分)A)根据句意及汉语提示写出所缺的单词。
(5分)()1. A. homework B. housework C. hard work ()2. A. noon B. moon C. boon()3. A. space B. shape C. bus()4. A. comfort B. company C. computer ()5. A. arrive B. arriving C. arrived二、听录音,选择正确的图片,读两遍。
(5分)6. _________7. _________8. _________9. _________ 10. _________三、听句子及问题,选择正确的答案,读三遍。
(共5 小题,计5分)()11. A. It’s cloudy. B. It’s sunny. C. It’s windy.()12. A. Five. B. Four. C. Seven.()13. A. He is energetic. B. He is outgoing. C. He is humorous.()14. A. She was ill in hospital. B. She hurt her leg.C. She hurt her arm.()15. A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Once a month.四、听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)、误(F),短文读三遍。
(5 分)()16. The color red means good luck on Spring Festival.()17. People decorate the doors and windows with flowers.()18. Children get new clothes from their parents.()19. People can watch dragon and lion dances.()20. There are fireworks in the day time.第II卷笔试部分(80分)五、单项填空。
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Unit1 What’t the matter一.单词or词组1.问题;事情n____________2.怎么了?出什么事了_______3.疼痛的;酸痛的 adj__________4.感冒____________5.胃痛;腹痛 n____________6.胃痛 ___________7.脚;足 n_______________8.脖子;颈部n _____________9.胃;腹部 n________________10.喉咙;咽喉_n________________11.发烧; n_______________12.躺;平躺 v_______________13.躺下______________14.放松;休息 v n__________15.咳嗽 n v________________16. X射线;X光 n___________17.牙痛n______________18.量体温_____________19.头痛 n_______________20.发烧 ____________21.间歇;休息 n________________22.休息____________________23.(使)疼痛;受伤v___________24.乘客;旅客 n______________25.离开(某处);不工作;从..去掉26.下车_____________________27.使...惊讶的;出乎...意料____28.向;朝 prep________29.问题,苦恼 n___________30.(用手或器具)击;打 v_______31.立即;马上__________32.陷入;参与__________33.她自己 pron_____________34.绷带n 用绷带包扎 v_______35.生病的;有病的adj__________36.膝;膝盖 n___________37.鼻出血 n___________38.呼吸 v___________39.晒伤的adj___________40.我们自己 pron___________41.登山者;攀登者 n________42.习惯于...;适应于..._______43.危险;风险;冒险n v_________44.冒险___________45.交通事故;意外遭遇 n______46.情况;状况 n__________47.千克;公斤 n__________ 48.岩石 n_________49.用尽;耗尽__________50.刀 n___________51.切除___________52.血 n__________53.意思是;打算;意欲v________54.离开;从...出来___________55.重要性;重要 n_________56.决定;抉择 n__________57.限制;约束;管理 n v_____58.掌管;管理_____59.勇气;意志 n_____60死;死亡 n_____61.放弃 _____62.护士 n_____二.重点词组1.发烧_______________2.咳嗽_______________3.牙疼_______________4.喝足够的水_______________5.胃疼_______________6.喉咙痛_______________7.加蜂蜜的热茶_______________8.看牙医_______________9.拍X 光片_______________10.量体温_______________11.在……上面敷药_______________12.感到很热_______________13.听起来像_______________14.以同样的方式_______________15.在马路边_______________16.大声呼救_______________17.没有多想_______________18.有心脏病_______________19.使....... 惊讶的_______________20.多亏了;由于_______________21.挽救生命_______________22.造成麻烦_______________23.立刻;马上_______________24.受伤_______________25.感到恶心_______________26.割伤他的膝盖_______________27.把她的头向后仰_______________28.呼吸困难_______________29.登山运动_______________30.习惯做某事_______________31.用完;用尽_______________32.如此……以至于…_______________33.继续或坚持做某事_______________34.做出决定_______________35.冒险_______________三、重点句型1. What’s the matter? 你怎么了?= What’s the _______ with you?= What’s ________with you?2. What______ she do? 她该怎么办呢?________I _______ my temperature?我该量下体温吗?3. Do you think it _____ _____ a newspaper or a book?你认为它是来自报纸还是书呢?4. I think I s_____ in the same _____ for too long _________moving.我想我以同样的姿势一动不动地坐得太久了。
Unit2.I’ll help to clean up the city parks 一.单词or词组1.打扫或清除干净___________2.欢呼;喝彩 v__________3.使变得高兴;振奋起来_____4.分发;散发___________5.义务做;自愿做v 自愿者n____6.想出;提出(主意、计划、回答等)7.推迟___________8.标志;信号 n___________9.通知、通告n注意到;意识到v10.分发___________11.打电话给某人;征召___________12.曾经...;过去...___________13孤独的;寂寞的 adj__________14.照顾;非常喜欢__________15.几个;数个;一些pron_____16.强烈的;强壮的adj________17.感觉;感触 n________18.满足;满意 n_________19.高兴;愉快 n_________20.物主;主人 n_________21.参加...选拔;试用_______22.尤指长途旅行;行程 n______23.募集;征集 v________24.独自;单独 adv__________25.修理;修补 v__________26.修理;安装 v________27.修理;装饰_________28.赠送;捐赠_________29.(外貌或行为)像_____30.破损的;残缺的adj_____31.车轮;轮子 n_____32信;函n _____33.女士;小姐 n_____ 34.建起;设立_____35.丧失能力的;有残疾的adj36.影响;有作用_____37.瞎的;失明的adj_____38.聋的adj_____39.想象;设想 v_____40.困难;难题 n_____41.开;打开 v_____42.门 n_____43.拿;提;扛 v_____44.训练;培训 n_____45.仁慈;善良n_____46.聪明的;聪颖的adj_____47.理解;领会 v_____48.变化;改变 v n _____49.兴趣;关注 n 使感兴趣使关注v50.先生 n_____51.夫人;女士 n_____二 .重点词组1.清洁日_______________2.养老院_______________3.帮助解决困难______________________________4.曾经……;过去________________5.关心;照顾_______________6.快乐的表情_______________7.在......岁时_______________8. (使)变得更高兴;振雀_______________9.分发;散发_______________10.想出;提出_______________11.制订计划_______________12.做些公告牌_______________13.试用;试行14.为…工作;为…. 效力15.建造;举起;张贴16.分发;散发;发给17.推迟;延迟18.比如;例如19.筹钱;募捐_______________20.与......相像;像_______________21.赠送;捐赠_______________22.修理;修补;解决_______________23.与……相似_______________24.残疾人_______________25.影响;有作用_______________三、重点句型1. The boy could ____ ______food at the food _______. 这个男孩可以在食品救济站分发食物。
2. __________ is only two weeks_______ now.清洁日离现在仅仅两周的时间。
3. He _________at ____ _______ hospital everySaturday morning.每周六上午,他都在一家动物医院当志愿者。
4. Last year, she decided to _____ _____for a volunteer______________ __________program.去年,她决定去参加一个课外阅读项目的志愿者的选拔。
5. You helped to make ________possible for______to have Lucky.在你的帮助下,我才有可能拥有“幸运儿”。
Unit3 Could you please clean your room ?一.单词or词组1垃圾;废弃物 n__________2.倒垃圾__________3.折叠;对折 v_______4.扫;打扫 v__________5地板 n_________6.杂乱;不整洁 n_________7.扔;掷 v_______8.频繁;反复_________9.也不 adv________10.衬衫 n_________11.一..就..;尽快_____12.给;递;走过;通过 v_______13.借;借用 v________14.借给;借出 v_______15.手指 n__________16.厌恶;讨厌v________17.杂务;乏味无聊的工作n_____18.与.同时;当.的时候;然而conj19.点心;小吃;快餐 n_____20.精神压力;心理负担 n____21.浪费;垃圾n浪费;滥用v__22.目的是;为了_________23.提供;供应 v______24.而且;加之; adv________25.依靠;信赖 v_______26.依靠;信赖______27.发展;壮大 v________28.独立n________29.公正性;合理性 n_____30.因为;既然conj 从..以后;自..以来_________31.邻居 n___________32.照顾;处理________33.有病;不舒服 adj________34.落下;掉下 v_______35.独立的;自主的 adj________36.合理的;公正的 adj_______37.不合理的;不公正的 adj_____二 .重点词组1.出去吃饭_______________2.在外面待到很晚_______________3.去看电影_______________4.搭车_______________5.完成做某事_______________6.干净整洁_______________7.洗餐具_______________8.倒垃圾_______________9.叠衣服_______________10.扫地_______________11.整理床铺_______________12.放学/下班回家_______________13.扔下_______________14.带某人去散步_______________15.整曰/夜_______________16.做家务_______________17.大声回应_______________18.分担家务_______________19.一个舒适的家_______________20.拿点喝的东西_______________21.观看一个节目_______________22.闲逛_______________23.把某物传给某人_______________24.把某物借给某人_______________25.讨厌做某事_______________26.做杂务_______________27.帮助某人干某事_______________28.买些小吃_______________29.邀请某人参加聚会_______________30.足够的压力_______________31.浪费时间_______________32.取得好成绩_______________33.介意做某事_______________34.照顾;照看_______________35.做某人分内的_______________三、重点句型1. _______ you please ________your room?你能整理一下你的房间吗?2. I _______ ______do some________.我必须干些活。