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students don’t want to continue their studies.
点评:主题句 连接词 高级句式
Sentence structure:
• The picture shows/indicates that…
• W__h_a_t_th_e__p_ic_t_u_re__w_a_n_ts_t_o_t_e_ll_u_s_i_s_t_h_a_t…_____
Yanjun saved the drowning boy from the river in Japan, _w_h_i_c_h__ reflected the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation.
分词作状语 3. 一旦被抓到上课迟到,你可能会给老师什么理由呢?
studies. (results)
The picture shows some problems in the present education in China. In the poor countryside, there are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. They are sometimes forced to leave schools because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in cities. Still, they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them. Therefore, some
Sentence structure:
★As is vividly shown in the cartoon, …
_★__F_r_o_m_t_h_e_p_i_ct_u_r_e_, w__e_c_a_n_s_ee__th_a_t_…___ _★__A_s_c_a_n_b_e_s_e_e_n_i_n_t_h_e_c_ar_t_o_o_n_, …_____
Writing based on cartoons
How to write based on cartoons? I. 读图 II. 解意 III. 布局谋篇
注意: 文字说明部分往往含有重要信息,一定要认真 阅读!
读图、解意----find out the theme/topic
example :
主旨: we should spend as much time together with our parents aHale Waihona Puke Baidu we can and take care of them in every possible way.
布局谋篇---organization describe the cartoon analyze the cartoon
give your opinions/solutions
Step 1: How to describe a picture? What can you see?
• a country boy; • carry a heavy bundle of rice straw; • want to attend school
Step 2: How to analyze? (揭示社会现象或问题)
* the inner meaning of the picture * possible reasons * effects /results
The picture shows some problems in the present education in China. (inner meaning) In the poor countryside, there are no buildings for classrooms, let alone good teachers. They are sometimes forced to leave schools because their families cannot afford the necessary fees. However, the situation is totally different in cities. Still, they have their own problems. What they face is the endless homework, which puts so much pressure on them. (reasons) Therefore, some students don’t want to continue their
be aware of…/raise one’s awareness of… strengthen… make great efforts to… Only in this way can we… build a harmonious society (从意识到行动)
• To settle the problems, our government has taken some measures. “The Hope Project” has been in operation to ensure that children in the poor areas can receive education. Some strategies have also been put into effect to reduce the pressure on the students. Anyway, everyone should be aware of the importance of education and make efforts to contribute to it. (solutions)
Advanced words and phrases:
Tips:在写作时,能用短语表达就不用单词表达,既使文章增加亮点,又可以 凑字数。避免反复使用某一单词或短语。如present→stand for, realize →be aware of, replace →take the place of, bear →put up with, want →be in need of。
1. I had a good idea.
I __c_a_m_e__u_p_w_i_t_h//_p_u_t_f_o_rw__a_rd_//s_t_ru__ck__o_n_ a good idea.
A good idea __o_c_c_u_r_re_d__to_//_s_t_ru_c_k_//_c_a_m__e_t_o___ me.
Tips for polishing up your writing
• Topic sentences • Effective linking words • Advanced words and phrases • Complicated grammar patterns
2. She went to Australia to study music.
__I_n_o_r_d_e_r_to_ study music, She went to Australia.
She went to Australia f_o_r_t_h_e_p_u_r_p_o_s_e_o_f_s_t_u_d_y_in_g__m__u_s_ic_.
With 结构 强调句 主从复合句 倒装句 分词作状语 定语从句、名词性从句
Complicated structure:
倒装 1. Three astronauts dressed in Chinese-made suits are sitting inside the spaceship. _S_it_ti_n_g__ _i_n_s_id_e__ _t_h_e_ _s_p_a_c_e_sh__ip__ are three astronauts dressed in Chinese-made suits.
3.You can find my house easily. You’ll _h_a_v__e_n_o__t_r_o_u_b_l_e_/_d_if_f_ic_u__lt_yfinding my house.
Complicated structure:
Tips:基础一般的人掌握基本句式,基础较好的同学尽量使用不 同的句式结构,为文章增色!在整篇文章中要灵活运用以下结构:
_S_i_tt_i_n_g_/S_e_a_t_e_d__at the back of our classroom are many guest teachers from different schools. (sit/seat )
2. 要求每个人天天穿校服,这让大多数学生很恼火。 Everyone is required to wear school uniforms every day in our school, _w_h_i_c_h__makes most of the students annoyed.
What we have learned :
* 解意--- topic
*布局谋篇:Para 1:description
(确定时态人称; 抓图中与主题相关的重要信息) Para 2:analysis (分析图片要揭示的社会现象,原因,结果等) Para 3:Your opinion (solutions) (从政府、人民、个人角度提出措施)
• N__ow__a_d_a_ys_,_i_t _is_a__co_m__m_o_n__p_h_en_o_m__e_n_o_n_t_h_at_…_
Step 3: Your opinion (solutions)
In my opinion, it’s high time… the government… all citizens… individual… (从大到小)
• a city boy; • a heavy bag of books; • quit school
As is shown in the picture, a country boy, carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw is out of breath. His hope is to attend school. However, the city student is on his way home from school with a heavy bag of books on his back. What he wishes is that he doesn’t have to go to school any more. (description)
Once _c_a_u_g_h_t_ (catch) being late for class, what reason will you probably give to your teacher?
听到游泳健将孙杨受到警察对于他无证驾驶的指控的消息, 我非常惊讶。
___H_e_a_r_in_g__ (hear) the news that Sunyang, a famous Chinese swimmer, was charged with driving without license from the police, I was very surprised.