



翻译在最终Conversation OneM: Guess what? The worst food I've ever had was in France.W.Really.That'.odd..though.th.Frenc.wer.al.goo.cooks.M.Yes.That'.right..suppos.it'.reall.lik.anywher.else.though.Yo.kno w.som.place.ar.good.Som.bad.Bu.it'.reall.al.ou.ow.fault.W: What do you mean?M.Well.i.wa.th.firs.tim.I'.bee.t.France.Thi.wa.year.ag.whe..wa.a.sc hool..wen.ther.wit.m.parents.friends.fro.m.father'.school.They'.hire..c oac.t.tak.the.t.Switzerland.W: A school trip?M.Right.Mos.o.the.ha.neve.bee.abroa.before.We'.crosse.th.Englis. Channe.a.night.an.w.se.of.throug.France.an.breakfas.tim.arrived.an.t h.coac.drive.ha.arrange.fo.u.t.sto.a.thi.littl.café.Ther.w.al.were.tire.an.hungry.an.the.w.mad.th.grea.discovery.W: What was that?M: Bacon and eggs.W: Fantastic! The real English breakfast.M.Yes.Anyway.w.didn'.kno.an.better.s.w.ha.it.an.ugh...!W: What was it like? Disgusting?M.Oh.i.wa.incredible.The.jus.go..bow.an.pu.som.fa.i.it.An.the.the.pu.som.baco.i.th.fat.brok.a.eg.ove.th.to.an.pu.th.whol.lo.i.th.ove.fo.a bou.te.minutes.W.I.th.oven.You'r.joking.Yo.can'.coo.baco.an.egg.i.th.oven!M.Well.The.mus.hav.don.i.tha.way.I.wa.hot.bu.i.wasn'.cooked.The r.wa.jus.thi.eg.floatin.abou.i.gallon.o.fa.an.ra.bacon.W: Did you actually eat it?M.No.Nobod.did.The.al.wante.t.tur.roun.an.g.home.Yo.know.bac.t. teabag.an.fis.an.chips.Yo.can'.blam.the.really.Anyway.th.nex.nigh.w. wer.al.give.anothe.foreig.speciality.W: What was that?M.Snails.Tha.reall.finishe.the.off.Lovel.holida.tha.was!Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Questio.1.Wha.di.th.woma.thin.o.th.French?Questio.2.Wh.di.th.ma.trave.wit.o.hi.firs.tri.t.Switzerland?Questio.3.Wha.doe.th.ma.sa.abou.th.breakfas.a.th.littl.Frenc.café?Questio.4.Wha.di.th.ma.thin.o.hi.holida.i.France?Conversation TwoM.Yo.sa.you.sho.ha.bee.doin.well.Coul.yo.giv.m.som.ide.o.wha.“doin.well.mean.i.fact.an.figures?W.Well.“doin.well.mean.averagin.£1,lio.pounds.An.“s.year.w.di.slightl.ove.50,00.an.thi.y ear.w.hop.t.d.mor.tha.60,000.So.that'.goo.i.w.continu.t.rise.M.Now.that'.gros.earnings..assume.Wha.abou.you.expenses?W.Yes.that'.gross.Th.expenses.o.course.g.u.steadily.An.sinc.we'v.move.t.t hi.ne.shop.th.expense.hav.increase.greatly.becaus.it'..muc.bigge.shop.S..coul dn'.sa.exactl.wha.ou.expense.are.The.ar.somethin.i.th.regio.o.si.o.seve.thous merciall.speaking.it'.fairl.low.an.w.tr.t.kee. ou.expense.a.lo.a.w.can.M.An.you.price.ar.muc.lowe.tha.th.sam.good.i.shop.roun.about.Ho.d.th.lo ca.shopkeeper.fee.abou.havin..sho.doin.s.wel.i.thei.midst?W.Perhap..lo.o.the.don'.realiz.ho.wel.w.ar.doing.becaus.w.don'.mak..poin. o.publicizing.Tha.wa..lesso.w.learne.ver.earl.on.W.wer.ver.friendl.wit.al.loca.sh opkeeper.an.w.happene.t.mentio.t..loca.shopkeepe.ho.muc.w.ha.mad.tha.wee k.H.wa.ver.unhapp.an.neve.a.friendl.again.S.w.mak..poin.o.neve.publicizin.th. amoun.o.mone.w.make.Bu.w.ar.o.ver.goo.term.wit.al.th.shops.Non.o.the.hav. plaine.tha.w.ar.puttin.the.ou.o.busines.o.anythin.lik.that..thin.it'..nic.f riendl.relationship.Mayb.i.the.di.kno.wha.w.made.perhap.the.wouldn'.b.s.frien dly.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Questio.5.Wha.ar.th.speaker.mainl.talkin.about?Questio.6.Wha.doe.th.woma.sa.he.sho.trie.t.do?Questio.7.Wha.d.w.lear.abou.th.good.sol.a.th.woman'.shop?Questio.8.Wh.doesn'.th.woma.wan.t.mak.know.thei.earning.anymore?Passage OneBirds are famous for carrying things around.Some, like homing pigeons, can be trained to deliver messages and packages.Other birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the ride.Canadian scientists have found a worrisome, new example of the power that birds have to spread stuff around.Way up north in the Canadian Arctic, seabirds are picking up dangerous chemicals in the ocean and delivering them to ponds near where the birds live.Some 10,000 pairs of the birds, called fulmars, a kind of Arctic seabird, make their nests on Devon Island, north of the Arctic Circle.The fulmars travel some 400 kilometers over the sea to find food.When they return home, their droppings end up all around their nesting sites, including in nearby ponds.Previously, scientists noticed pollutants arriving in the Arctic with the wind.Salmon also carry dangerous chemicals as the fish migrate between rivers and the sea.The bodies of fish and other meat-eaters can build up high levels of the chemicals.To test the polluting power of fulmars, researchers collected samples of deposit from 11 ponds on Devon Island.In ponds closest to the colony, the results showed there were far more pollutants than in ponds less affected by the birds.The pollutants in the ponds appear to come from fish that fulmars eat when they're out on the ocean.People who live, hunt, or fish near bird colonies need to be careful, the researchers say.The birds don't mean to cause harm, but the chemicals they carry can cause major problems.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the passage you have just heard.Questio.9.Wha.hav.Canadia.scientist.foun.abou.som.seabirds?Questio.10.Wha.doe.th.speake.sa.abou.th.seabird.calle.fulmars?Questio.11.Wha.di.scientist.previousl.notic.abou.pollutant.i.th.Arctic?Questio.12.Wha.doe.th.speake.war.abou.a.th.en.o.th.talk?Passage TwoIn recent years, the death rate among American centenarians—people who have lived to age 100 or older— has decreased, dropping 14 percent for women and 20 percent for men from 2023 to 2023.The leading causes of death in this age group are also changing.In 2023, the top five causes of death for centenarians were heart disease, stroke, flu, cancer and Alzheimer's disease.But by 2023, the death rate from Alzheimer's disease for this age group had more than doubled—increasing from 3.8 percent to 8.5 percent—making the progressive brain disease the second leading cause of death for centenarians.One reason for the rise in deaths from Alzheimer's disease in this group may be that developing this condition remains possible even after people beat the odds of dying from other diseases such as cancer.People physically fit enough to survive over 100 years ultimately give in to diseases such as Alzheimer's which affects the mind and cognitive function.In other words, it appears that their minds give out before their bodies do.On the other hand, the death rate from flu dropped from 7.4 percent in 2023 to 4.1 percent in 2023.That pushed flu from the third leading cause of death to the fifth.Overall, the total number of centenarians is going up.In 2023, there were 72,197 centenarians, compared to 50,281 in 2023.But because this population is getting larger, the number of deaths in this group is also increasing— 18,434 centenarians died in 2023, whereas 25,914 died in 2023.Questions 13 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.Questio.13.Wha.doe.th.speake.sa.abou.th.ris.o.dyin.fo.America.centenari an.i.recen.years?Questio.14.Wha.doe.th.speake.sa.abou.Alzheimer'.disease?Questio.15.Wha.i.characteristi.o.peopl.wh.liv.u.t.10.year.an.beyond?Recording OneOkay.S.let'.ge.started.And to start things off I think what we need to do is consider a definition.I'm going to define what love is but then most of the experiments I'm going to talk about are really focused more on attraction than love.And I'm going to pick a definition from a former colleague, Robert Sternberg, who is now the dean at Tufts University but was here on our faculty at Yale for nearly thirty years.And he has a theory of love that argues that it's made up of three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment, or what is sometimes called decision commitment.And these are relatively straightforward.He argued that you don't have love if you don't have all three of these elements.Intimacy is the feeling of closeness, of connectedness with someone, of bonding.Operationally, you could think of intimacy as you share secrets, you share information with this person that you don't share with anybody else.Okay.That'rmatio.tha.i sn'.share.wit.othe.people.The second element is passion.Passion is the drive that leads to romance.You can think of it as physical attraction.And Sternberg argues that this is a required component of a love relationship.The third element of love in Sternberg's theory is what he calls decision commitment, the decision that one is in a love relationship, the willingness to label it as such, and a commitment to maintain that relationship at least for some period of time.Sternberg would argue it's not love if you don't call it love and if you don't have some desire to maintain the relationship.So if you have all three of these, intimacy, passion and commitment, in Sternberg's theory you have love.Now what's interesting about the theory is what do you have if you only have one out of three or two out of three.What do you have and how is it different if you have a different two out of three?What's interesting about this kind of theorizing is it gives rise to many different combinations that can be quite interesting when you break them down and start to look them carefully.So what I've done is I've taken Sternberg's three elements of love, intimacy, passion and commitment, and I've listed out the different kinds of relationships you would have if you had zero, one, two or three out of the three elements.Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.Questio.16.Wha.doe.th.speake.sa.abou.mos.o.th.experiment.mentione.i.h i.talk?Questio.17.Wha.doe.Rober.Sternber.argu.abou.love?Questio.18.Wha.questio.doe.th.speake.thin.i.interestin.abou.Sternberg'.th re.element.o.love?Recording TwoHi! I am Elizabeth Hoffler, Master of Social Work.I am a social worker, a lobbyist, and a special assistant to the executive director at the National Association of Social Workers.Today we are going to be talking about becoming a social worker.Social work is the helping profession.Its primary mission is to enhance human well-being and help meet thebasic needs of all people, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.We often deal with complex human needs.Social work is different from other professions, because we focus on the person and environment.We deal with the external factors that impact a person's situation and outlook.And we create opportunity for assessment and intervention, to help clients and communities cope effectively with their reality and change that reality when necessary.In thousands of ways social workers help other people, people from every age, every background, across the country.Wherever needed, social workers come to help.The most well-known aspect of the profession is that of a social safety net.We help guide people to critical resources and counsel them on life-changing decisions.There are more than 600,000 professional social workers in the country, and we all either have a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, or a PhD in Social Work.There are more clinically trained social workers than clinically trained psychiatrists, psychologists, and psychiatric nurses combined.Throughout this series you will learn more about the profession, the necessary steps to get a social work degree, the rich history of social work, and the many ways that social workers help others.Later in this series, you will hear from Stacy Collins and Mel Wilson, fellow social workers at the National Association of Social Workers.Stacy is going to walk you through the step-by-step process of becoming a social worker, and Mel will tell you about the range of options you have once you get your social work degree, as well as the high standards of responsibility he social workers must adhere to.The National Association of Social Workers represents nearly 145,000 social workers across the country.Our mission is to promote, protect, and advance the social work profession.We hope you enjoy this series about how you can make a difference by becoming a social worker.Next, we are going to talk about choosing social work.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the recording you have just heard.Questio.19.Wha.doe.th.speake.mainl.tal.about?Questio.20.Wha.d.socia.worker.mainl.do?mon.accordin.t.th.speaker?Questio.22.Wha.i.Me.Wilso.goin.t.tal.abou.i.th.series?Recording ThreeToday, I'd like to talk about what happens when celebrity role models get behind healthy habits, but at the same time, promote junk food.Currently, there's mounting criticism of Michelle Obama's “Let's Move!”campaign, which fights childhood obesity by encouraging youngsters to become more physically active, and has signed on singer Beyoncéand basketball player Shaquille O'Neal, both of whom also endorse sodas, which are a major contributor to the obesity epidemic.Now there's a lot more evidence of how powerful a celebrity— especially a professional athlete— can be in influencing children's behavior.In a report published by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, researchers studied 100 professional athletes and their endorsement contracts.The team focused on athletes since they are theoretically the best role models for active, healthy lifestyles for children.After sorting the deals by category, they determined that among the 512 brands associated with the athletes, most involved sporting goods, followed closely by food and beverage brands.Sports drinks, which are often high in sugar and calories made up most ofthe food and drink deals, with soft drinks and fast food filling out the remainder.Of the 46 beverages endorsed by professional athletes, 93% relied exclusively on sugar for all of their calories.It's no surprise that high-profile athletes can influence children's eating behaviors, but the scientists were able to quantify how prevalent these endorsements are in the children's environment.Advertisements featuring professional athletes and their endorsed products tend to get impressive exposure on TV, radio, in print and online.And in 2023, the researchers reported that children ages 12 to 17 saw more athlete-endorsed food and beverage brand commercials than adults.One reason any campaign wants a popular celebrity spokesperson is because kids are attracted to them no matter what they are doing.We can't expect kids to turn off that admiration when the same person is selling sugar.At best, kids might be confused.At worst, they'll think the messages about soda are the same as the messages about water, but those two beverages aren't the same.If children are turning to athletes as role models, it's in their best interest if their idols are consistent.Consistent messaging of positive behaviors will show healthier lifestylesfor kids to follow.Questions 23 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.Questio.23.Wha.i.th.ai.o.Michell.Obama'.campaign?Questio.24.Wha.doe.researc.fin.abou.advertisement.featurin.professiona. athletes?Questio.25.Wha.doe.th.speake.thin.kids.idol.shoul.do?对话一男: 你猜怎么着?我吃过旳最难吃旳食物是在法国吃旳。



剑桥雅思9听力原文加翻译双语Text 1Section1W: Good evening. King's restaurant.W:晚上好。


M: Good evening. I'm ringing about the job I understand you have vacant?M:晚上好。

我打电话是关于工作我理解你有空吗?W: Oh, yes.W:哦,是的。

M: I'd like to find out a few more details if I may.M:我想如果我可以找到更多的细节。

W: Yes, of course. Can I take your name?W:是的,当然。

我能把你的名字吗?M: It's Peter Chin.M:这是彼得的下巴。

W: Ok, Peter. Well, if you want to ask about the job and then if we're both still interested, we could arrange you to come for an interview.W:好的,彼得。


M: Great, thanks. I'm afraid I missed the advert for the job but I heard about it from a friend.M:很好,谢谢。


W: That's no problem at all. What would you like to know?W:没问题。

你想知道什么?M: Well, um, what sort of work is it- washing up?M:好吧,嗯,什么样的工作——洗餐具吗?W: It's answering the phone.W:这是接电话。



Conversation 1M: What’s all that? Are you going to make a salad?男:这都是什么?你要做沙拉吗?W: No, I’m going to make a gazpacho.女:不是,是西班牙冷菜汤。

M: What’s that?男:是个啥?W: (1) Gazpacho is a cold soup from Spain. It’s mostly vegetables. I guess you can call it a liquid salad.女:是西班牙的一种冷汤。



M: Cold soup? Sounds weird.男:冷菜汤?听起来有些怪。

W: It’s delicious. Trust me! I tried it for the first time during my summer vacation in Spain. You see, in the south of Spain, it gets very hot and summer, up to 42 degrees Celsius, so a cold gazpacho is very refreshing. The main ingredients are tomato, cucumber, bell peppers, olive oil and stale bread.女:很好吃呢,相信我!我在西班牙的暑假第一次尝试做。


M: Stale bread? Surely you mean bread for dipping into the soup?男:陈面包?是把面包浸泡在汤里吗?W: (2) No. bread is crushed and blended in, like everything else. It adds texture and thickness to the soup.女:不是,面包会被压碎然后混合进去,和其它的材料一样。

大学英语视听说3听力原文翻译Unit 6

大学英语视听说3听力原文翻译Unit 6


Unit 6II. Basic Listening Practice1.ScriptM: Did you pick up the paper for me today? I really want to check the job vacancies. W: I know, it‟s over there. There‟s not much happen though. I‟ve had a look already.Maybe you should look on the Net instead.Q: What is the man looking for?C) A job vacancy.男:你帮我拿了今天的报纸吗?我真的想要查看职位空缺。




问:什么是这个男人所寻找的?2.ScriptM: You don‟t have enough experience or qualifications for this role. What makes you believe you could handle the position?W: I‟m a fast learner and enjoy learning on the job. My natural skills lie in this area, and I‟m confident that I could handle the challenge. Given a chance, I would prove myself.Q: What is the woman saying?D) She is quite to learn.男:你没有足够的经验或资历扮演这个角色。




九年级英语人教版听力材料翻译unit 1: how do you study for a test?单元1:你是如何为考试而学习?section a, 1b节,1 bboy 1: hey, gang. there's a big test on tuesday. i really need some help. can you tell me how you study for a big test?男孩1:嘿,伙计们。



你能告诉我你如何研究一个大测试吗?voices: sure! yes. sure we will.声音:当然!是的。


boy 1: you did really well on the last english test, didn't you, mei?男孩1:你做的很好最后英语考试,没有你,美吗?mei: yeah, i did ok.梅:是的,我做的很好。

boy 1: well, how did you study?男孩1:嗯,你怎么学习?mei: by making flashcards.玫:通过抽认卡。

boy 1: maybe i'll try that. how did you study, pierre?男孩1:也许我会试试。

你怎么学习,皮埃尔?pierre: by asking the teacher for help. she was really happy i asked.皮埃尔:通过问老师寻求帮助。


boy 1: that's interesting. how do you study, antonio?男孩1:这很有趣。

你怎么学习,安东尼奥?antonio: i like to study by listening to tapes. but sometimes my mother thinks i'm listening to music. and then she gets mad.安东尼奥:我喜欢通过听磁带来学习。





8年级上册英语听力材料翻译(一) Unit2Howoftendoyouexercise?Section A1b(听力)记者:周末,你们通常干什么?女孩1:我有时去购物。








8年级上册英语听力材料翻译(二) 2a我想大约一周两次吧。





8年级上册英语听力材料翻译(三) Section B 1c我每天都喝。








人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 9听力原文及翻译

人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 9听力原文及翻译

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A, 1bBetty:Oh, look! There’s the new Cool Kids CD.哦,看!是《酷孩子》新CD。

Tony:The Cool Kids? Do you like them?《酷孩子》?你喜欢他们吗?Betty:Oh, yeah. They’re my favorite band. I like music that I can dance to.哦,是的。



Tony:You’re kidding. I think they’re awful. I prefer music that has great lyrics … music that I can sing along with.你开玩笑吧。



Betty:I like songs that I can sing along with, too. So what’s your favorite band?我也喜欢可以跟着唱的歌曲。

所以你最喜欢的乐队是哪个?Tony:The Lions. They always have interesting lyrics.狮子乐队。


Section A, 2a, 2bXu Fei:Look, Carmen. These T-shirts are great! Look at this one.看,卡门。


Carmen:What a great T-shirt, Xu Fei! I really love the Australian singer Dan Dervish.I like musicians who play different kinds of music.许飞,多好的一件T恤!我真的很喜欢澳大利亚歌手丹·德维什。



Unit1Road BuildingGood morning, everyone. Today I’ll be talking about the relationship between road buildingand the development of the American economy during the 18th century. About 300 years ago, the United States’ economy was growing rapidly, mainly because of a booming trade in two important agricultural products: grain and cotton. 大家早上好。


大约300年前,美国的经济正在快速增长, 主要是因为一个蓬勃发展的两个重要的农产品贸易:粮食和棉花。

Grain output in the eastern part of America increased quickly at that time due to the rapidlygrowing population and the large number of immigrants from Europe. As a result, the demand forgrain almost doubled.由于快速增长的人口和大量来自欧洲的移民,当时美国东部的粮食产量迅速增加。


For this reason, the trade in grain first developed in this part of the country. At the same time, the road system was gradually built up in order to transport the grain from the rural areas to various cities. The road building clearly helped develop the economy quickly in these areas and in the cities as well. 出于这个原因,粮食贸易在这个国家的这部分首先开发。



剑桥雅思10听力中英文双语test 1测试1Section 1第一节1 You will hear a woman and a man talking about the work of library. First, you have some time to look at the questions 1-5.1你会听到一个女人和一个男人讨论图书馆的工作;首先,你有时间看看1 - 5的问题;You will see that there's an example that has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.你会发现有一个例子,已经完成;在这种情况下,谈话有关这将是第一次玩;Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob.是的,我是罗伯特·Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃;The woman introduces herself as the head librarian Mrs. Phillips, so the name Mrs. Phillips is been written in.女人介绍自己是头的图书管理员菲利普斯太太,菲利普斯太太的名字被写在;Now, we should begin. You should answer the questions as you listen, because you will not hear the recording the second time. 现在,我们应该开始;你应该回答问题你听,因为你不听录音第二次; Listen carefully and answer questions 1-5.仔细听并回答问题1 - 5;Hello, I'm Mrs. Phillips, the head librarian; you are the new library assistant, aren't you你好,我是菲利普斯太太,图书管理员,你是新图书馆助理,不是吗Yes, I'm Robert Hawscow, but please call me Bob.是的,我是罗伯特·Hawscow但请叫我鲍勃;All right, Bob. Let me take a few minutes to explain how the library works and what your dutieswill be.好了,鲍勃;让我花几分钟来解释图书馆是如何工作的以及你dutieswill;First, the library opens at 8:30 in the morning; so naturally, we expect you to be here and ready to work by then.首先,打开图书馆早上八点半,所以很自然的,我们希望你在这里和准备工作;Of course.当然可以;And you can go home at 4:30 when the library closes. Now letme explain where everything's kept.你可以在四点半回家当图书馆关闭;现在让我解释一切的;It looks like here on the ground floor is where the reference books are.它看起来像在一楼的参考书;Yes, that's right. Upon the second floor is where the adult collection is, both fiction and non-fiction.是的,这是正确的;在二楼是成人收藏在哪里,小说和非小说;And the children's books are there too, aren't they I thought I saw them in the room by thestairway.和孩子们的书也有,不是吗我以为我看见他们thestairway在房间里;No, those are magazines and newspapers for adults.不,这些都是为成人杂志和报纸;Children's books are up one more flight on the third floor, we'll take a look at them later.儿童书籍是一个飞行在三楼,稍后我们会看一看他们;Let me show you how we organize our work. Do you see that brown book cart over there我来带你去看看我们如何组织我们的工作;你看到那边的布朗的书车吗The one at the door一个在门口吗Yes, that one, those books have been shacked in and need to go back on the shelves.是的,那个,那些书一直在群,需要回去在货架上;Okay, so the brown book cart has books to re-shelve, what about the black cart by the desk好,布朗的书车re-shelve书,桌子上的黑色车呢Those books have torn pages or damaged covers; they're all books that need to be repaired.这些书页面或受损的封面破了,他们所有的书需要修理;Okay, I know how to do a lot of that and I'm very good at mending torn pages and covers.好吧,我知道怎么做,我很擅长修理破损的页面和覆盖;That's great, because we really need help with that.这很好,因为我们真的需要帮助;And the white cart over the corner, what are those books for 和白色的车的角落,那些书是什么Those were old books that we've taken off the shelves to make room for new ones.这是老书,我们已经下架,为新的;We sell them as used books to raise money for the library. 我们卖书筹集资金用于图书馆;So, they are all ready to sell.所以,他们都准备出售;Yes, that's right. So, now you know what to do with the books in the carts.是的,这是正确的;所以,现在你知道如何处理的书车;Let's talk about out activity schedule.让我们来谈谈活动安排;2 Now listen and answer the questions 6-10.2现在听并回答问题6 - 10;I understand this library has a number of interesting activities every week.我理解这个图书馆每周都有许多有趣的活动;Yes, our activities are quite popular; the most popular one is Story Time for the children.是的,我们的活动是很受欢迎,最受欢迎的一个是故事时间的孩子;Do a lot of children show up for that很多孩子来吗Yes, a good many. It takes place in children's room on Thursday mornings at 11:00.是的,很多;它发生在周四早上11点孩子的房间;Isn't there a family movie night too没有一个家庭电影之夜吗Yes, but it's not at night anymore.是的,但这不是晚上了;We used to have family movies on Fridays when the library openeduntil nine.我们曾经有过家庭电影在星期五的时候图书馆开了直到9;But now, we have a different activity at that time.但是现在,我们有不同的活动;So we have to switch family movies to the weekend, Saturday afternoon.所以我们必须开关家庭电影周末,周六下午;How much do you charge for the movies你收费多少钱看电影吗They are all free. The movie always starts at 2:30 in the reference room.他们都是免费的;这部电影总是在两点半开始在资料室;But you don't have to worry about that since you don't work on weekends.但是你不需要担心,因为你在周末不工作;And what takes place on Friday evenings周五晚上发生什么We've just started our weekly lecture series.我们刚刚开始我们的每周系列讲座;We have a different speaker every week and the lectures cover all different kinds of topics.我们每周都有不同的扬声器和讲座涵盖所有不同种类的主题;That sounds like something I'll be interested in attending.这听起来像是参加我会很感兴趣;Good, because we'll need your help with that.好,因为我们需要你的帮助;You' l be working Friday evenings and one of your duties would be to set up the meeting roomon first floor for the lecture. 你l周五晚上和你的工作职责将会设立会议roomon一楼的讲座; What time will you need that done你需要什么时候完成Let's say by 6:15, the lecture starts at 6:30 and the room needs to be ready well ahead oftime. A lot of people arrive early. 假设6:15,六点半开始讲座,房间需要提前准备好时间;很多人提前到达;Maybe I should have the room ready by 6:00.也许我应该6点的房间准备好了;That wouldn't be a bad idea. Okay, why don't I take you upstairs and show you the rest of the collection.这不会是一个坏主意;好吧,我带你上楼,为什么不给你其余的集合; Section 2第二节1 You will hear a radio interview by Lakeside Resort. First you have some time to look at questions 11-15.1你会听到一次电台采访中,湖畔度假胜地;首先,你有时间看看11 - 15号的问题;As you listen to the first part of the talk, answerquestions 11-15.当你听到的第一部分说话,answerquestions 11 - 15号;Good afternoon, and welcome to Today Show. Thewarm months are with us and many of you are getting ready to plan vacation trips. 下午好,欢迎来到今天的节目;个月与我们和你们中的很多人正准备计划假期旅行;To help you with that, we have a special guest today, Robert Samson, director of the Golden Lake Resort.来帮助你,我们今天有一个特别的客人,罗伯特参孙主任黄金湖度假村;Robert, I understand Golden Lake is a popular place for families to spend their vacations.罗伯特,我理解黄金湖是一个受欢迎的家庭度过他们的假期;Yes, families enjoy spending time at Golden Lake.是的,家庭享受花时间在金色的湖;Many come back year after year. We have a spectacular location and fanatic activities for bothchildren and adults.许多年复一年地回来;我们有一个壮观的位置和狂热的活动bothchildren和成人;Could you describe for us some of the activities available at Golden Lake你能为我们描述可用的一些活动在金色的湖吗We have a lot of water activities of course, Central ride on the lake.当然,我们有很多水上活动中心骑在湖上;We have a pleasant sandy beach for swimming.我们有一个愉快的沙滩游泳;We also have canoes and sail boats available and many of our guests enjoy boating on thelake.我们也有独木舟和航行的船只,很多客人喜欢thelake划船;I image water skiing would be popular among your guests.我形象滑水会受客人的欢迎;Actually, we don't promote water skiing in the resort area. 实际上,我们不要让水滑雪度假区;It can be dangerous for swimmers and for the canoers too.它可以是危险的游泳者和canoers;We do have a great location for fishing though and you often see guests fishing from our dock or from the canoes.我们有钓鱼的好位置,但是你经常看到客人从我们的码头钓鱼或独木舟;That sounds very relaxing. What about activities on land Do you have facilities for tennis听起来很放松;在陆地上活动呢你有网球设施吗We had tennis in the past, but the courts failed up to repair since we found that most of our guests weren't interested in the game.我们过去打网球,但法院没有修复,因为我们发现大多数的客人不感兴趣的游戏;We closed the court down, so that's no longer our option.我们关闭了法院,这不再是我们的选择;And actually, because of location in the woods, we don't have another good area for a golf course.实际上,由于位置在树林里,我们没有一个很好的高尔夫球场;But I'd like to let your listeners to know, there would be adding a new activity this year.但是我想让你的听众知道,今年会有添加一个新的活动;We've made an arrangement for a local stable, so now we are going to have horse-back riding available for our guests.我们安排了当地的稳定,所以现在我们要骑马可供客人;We've created several riding trails around the lake.我们已经创建了几个骑在湖边小径;That sounds lovely. Now, what about rainy days What can your guests do when the weather's bad这听起来可爱;现在,雨天呢你的客人能做什么当天气不好吗We have a games room and a crafts room. When the weather's rainy, some of our very talented staff members offer art sand crafts classes for all ages.我们有一个游戏房间和工艺品;当天气下雨,我们的一些很有才华的员工提供艺术砂工艺课程适合所有年龄段的;What fun Do you offer any other classes or activities多么有趣你提供其他任何课程或活动吗2 Now listen, and answer questions 16-20.2现在听,回答问题-We have a weekly schedule of evening activities, which anyone can attend if they choose.我们有一个每周晚上活动的时间表,任何人都可以参加,如果他们选择哪一个;Every Sunday we show a film or something suitable for the whole family.每个星期天我们放电影或者一些适合整个家庭;Monday is my favorite night because that's dessert night.周一是我最喜欢的夜因为甜点;Our cook prepares variety of desserts and we get to taste them all.我们的厨师准备各种各样的甜点,我们去品尝;Umm... I'd like to be there for that.嗯……我想在那里;Yes, it's great. We get more serious toward the middle of the week, our discussion night on Tuesday.是的,这很好;我们得到了更严重的向中间的一周,周二晚上我们讨论;Discussion night讨论Yes, we discuss different current events depending on what's happening that week of news.是的,我们讨论不同的时事取决于发生的事情这周的新闻;And on Wednesday, we have lectures. We invite different experts to talk about local history on nature topics.周三,我们有讲座;我们邀请不同的专家谈论当地的历史自然主题; This is actually one of our popular evening activities. We found that our guests are really interested in learning about the local areas.这是我们的一个受欢迎的晚上活动;我们发现我们的客人真正感兴趣的学习地方;It sounds quite interesting.它听起来很有趣;Yes, we have some excellent speakers. Thursday night is totally different, cause that when we play games.是的,我们有一些优秀的演讲者;周四晚上是完全不同的,因为,当我们玩游戏;That's especially fun for the children. Children love Fridays too, because that's talent show night.尤其是对孩子来说也很好玩;孩子们喜欢星期五,因为这是才艺表演; Everyone gets in on that staff, guests, everyone .每个人都在员工、客人,每个人;It looks like you have a lot of fun at Golden Lake Resort. 看起来你有很多的乐趣在金色的湖度假村;We do. And we end every week with big fun, with a dance on Saturday night.我们所做的;我们每个星期结束大乐趣,周六晚上跳舞;Now, I understand a little more why Golden Lake is such a popular place for family vacations.现在,我有点理解为什么黄金湖是一个家庭度假的好去处;With such a variety of activities, there's something for every member of family there.有了这样一个各种各样的活动,那里的每一个成员的家庭;There is. And I hopeyour listeners will consider spending their next vacation with us.有;我hopeyour听众和我们将考虑消费他们的下一个假期;That is the end of section 2. You now have half a minute to check your answers.这是第二部分的结束;你现在有半分钟,检查你的答案;Section 3第三节1 You will hear two students talking about the classassignment about wild bird rescue adrehabilitation.1你会听到两个学生谈论关于野生鸟类救援adrehabilitation classassignment;First, you have some time to look at the questions21-25.首先,你有时间看看questions21-25;As you listen to the first part of the conversation, answer questions 21-25.当你听到的第一部分对话,回答21 - 25日的问题;Okay, let's go over the requirements and see what we have left to do.好的,让我们复习要求,看看我们有什么要做;Let's see. We have to give the professor a written summary for the information we've given on ourtopic wild bird rescue and rehabilitation.让我们来看看;我们必须给教授写总结的信息我们已经给ourtopic野生鸟类救援和康复;The other written thing we have to turn in is thecase study of rehabilitation of one bird. We have information on that already.其他书面的情况我们将在案例研究康复的一只鸟;我们有信息了; Right. All we have to do is to write it up. What about chartsand graphs. Do we need to enclose something like that正确的;我们要做的就是写起来;图表和图形;我们需要附上类似的东西吗I don't think so. They are rarely relevant, but we do have to turn in a list of resources we used.我不这么想;他们很少有关,但我们必须把我们使用的资源列表; Actually, what about videos I heard some of the other students were doing that.实际上,视频呢我听到一些其他的学生这样做;Well, I guess that must be optional, because I don't see it on the requirements list.好吧,我想这一定是可选的,因为我看不出它的需求列表;Okay, we should start planning our class presentation since that counts for half the grade.好的,我们应该开始计划我们班演讲因为这一半的分数;We've looked at lots of sources and information, but I think our best source was the interviews we did with the wildlife rehabilitators.我们看了很多的资源和信息,但我认为我们最好的来源是我们的野生动物rehabilitators的采访;Agreed. That and the journal articles. I think we have enough information from those two sources for the presentation.同意了;华尔街日报的文章;我认为我们有足够的信息从这些演讲的两个来源;Anyhow, the books we looked at weren't all that helpful.总之,我们看的书不是那么有用;I wonder if we should try to bring in some live birds for the presentation.我想知道我们应该引进一些活禽;That would be too difficult, don't you think But we have lots of photos of rehabilitated birds. We can show those.那将是太困难,你不觉得吗但是我们有很多的照片恢复鸟类;我们可以证明这些;2 Now, listen and answer questions 26-30.2现在,倾听和回答问题;Right. Okay, I think we should start by talking about how to rescue a bird.正确的;好的,我认为我们应该首先讨论如何拯救一只鸟;Probably first we should help people understand which birds need rescuing.首先我们应该帮助人们理解鸟类需要救援;Yeah, that's really important because a lot of times people see a baby bird that's all alone orthey find a bird sitting on the ground and they think it needs to be rescued.是的,这是非常重要的,因为很多时候人们看到的鸟宝宝独自或者找到鸟坐在地上,他们认为这需要拯救;And usually, those are just baby birds learning to fly.通常,这些只是婴儿鸟学飞;So we should emphasize that people should only attempt to rescue a bird that's clearly injured.所以我们应该强调人应该只试图拯救一只鸟,显然是受伤;For certain kinds of birds, the rescuer needs to wear protective gloves because some of those birds have sharp claws and can tear your shirt or worse injure your faceor some other part of your body.对于某些类型的鸟类,救助者需要穿防护手套因为一些鸟类有锋利的爪子和可以撕裂你的衬衫或严重伤害你faceor你身体的其他部分; Yes, that's an important point. Okay, next, let's tell people to put the injured bird in a box, a box with good air circulation. 是的,这是一个很重要的问题;好,接下来,让我们来告诉人们把受伤的鸟在一个盒子里,盒子里有良好的空气循环;We should let them know that cages are necessary and a bag, especially a plastic one, could hurt the bird more.我们应该让他们知道笼子是必要的和一袋,尤其是一个塑料的鸟的打击更大;Another thing we need to say is that the best way to help the bird stay calm is not by patting it or talking to it, but by leaving it completely alone.另一件我们需要说的是,帮助小鸟保持冷静是最好的办法不是拍或说话,但把它完全孤独;Then people should take the bird to the Bird Rescue Center as soon as possible.那么人们应该采取鸟鸟尽快救助中心;Right. And we should also point out that when they're driving the bird to the Rescue Center, it's better not to play music on the radio or talk loudly.正确的;和我们也应该指出,当他们驾驶这只鸟救助中心,最好不要在收音机里播放音乐或者大声说话;Because those things just stress the bird.因为这些事情只是压力鸟;Yes, it's better just to speak quietly while you have the bird in the car.是的,这只是为了更好地小声说话当你鸟在车里;Okay, we're got that part covered. Next, we should talk about what happens at the RescueCenter.好的,我们明白了一部分;接下来,我们应该在RescueCenter谈论发生了什么;That is the end of section 3. You now have half a minute to check your answers.这是第三节的结束;你现在有半分钟,检查你的答案;Section 4第四节1 You'll hear a lecture about Great Barrier Reef. Firstyou have some time to look at the questions 31-33. Now listen carefully and answer questions 31-33.1你会听到关于大堡礁的讲座;有时间看看拍拍身上的33节的问题;现在仔细听和回答问题33节;Despite of its name, the Great Barrier Reef isn't just one large coral reef.尽管它的名字,大堡礁不仅仅是一个大的珊瑚礁;Rather, it's a system of coral reef that stretches along the east coast of Australia, covering an areaof around 300,000 square kilometers.相反,它是一个系统的珊瑚礁,沿澳大利亚东海岸,占地areaof约300000平方公里;The Great Barrier Reef is composed of approximately 3000 individual reefs which range insize from one hectare to more than 10,000 hectareseach.大堡礁由大约3000个人珊瑚礁范围从1公顷insize hectareseach 超过10000;In addition, around 600 islands are scattered throughout the area, particularly at the northern and southern ends.此外,约600个岛屿分布在整个区域,尤其是在北部和南部;The reefs themselves are composed of over 400 different kinds of coral, the largest variety of coral found anywhere in theworld.珊瑚礁本身是由超过400个不同种类的珊瑚,珊瑚最大的品种在世界任何地方找到;2 Now, listen carefully and answer questions 34-40.2现在,34-40仔细听并回答问题;Thousands of species of sea animals live in and around the reefs. 成千上万的物种的海洋动物生活在珊瑚礁;All together, approximately 1500 species of fish inhabit the reef area, including a number ofdifferent kinds of sharks. 一起,大约1500种鱼类栖息在珊瑚礁区域,包括很多不同种类的鲨鱼; One of the more interesting mollusks to be found in the reefs is the giant clam.的一个更有趣的软体动物被发现在珊瑚礁是巨大的蛤蜊;These huge shelf fish can live for more than a hundred years and can weigh as much as 200 kilos.这些巨大的书架上鱼能活一百多年,可以重达200公斤;Sea mammals are bound in the area, which serves as a breeding ground for certain types of whales, many of which are endangered.海洋哺乳动物是绑定在该地区,作为温床某些类型的鲸鱼,其中很多都濒临灭绝;Over two hundred species of sea and shore birds fees, roost on nest among the reefs and islands.展示了超过二百种的海洋和海岸鸟费用,栖息在巢中珊瑚礁和岛屿; Many types of reptiles can also be found living around and near the reefs.许多类型的爬行动物也可以发现生活在和附近的珊瑚礁;Salt water crocodiles, for example, inhabit the marshes along coast or the area.咸水鳄鱼,例如,居住在沿着海岸沼泽或该地区;Amphibians include at least 7 species of fogs inhabit in the islands and reefs.两栖动物包括至少7种雾居住的岛屿和珊瑚礁;Unfortunately, this wondrous area of the world is threatened by climate change.不幸的是,这奇妙的世界的领域是受到气候变化的威胁;Rising sea temperatures have led to an effect called "coral bleaching", that is large numbers of corals dying off, especially in the shallower area of the reef.海洋温度上升导致了一种“珊瑚白化”,大量的珊瑚死亡,尤其是在浅礁的面积;The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is attempting to find effective ways to deal with this issue that threatens the reef.大堡礁海洋公园管理局正试图找到有效的方法来处理这个问题,威胁到礁;One proposed solution involves shading the reef in certain areas to help keep thesurrounding water temperatures down.一个建议的解决方案涉及到阴影珊瑚礁在某些领域帮助参观水温下降;That is the end of section 4. You now have half a minute to check your answers.这是第四节的结束;你现在有半分钟,检查你的答案;test 2测试2Section 1第一节1 Global bicycle tours. May I help you1全球自行车旅游;我可以帮你吗Yes, thank you. I'd like to sign up for a bicycle tour.是的,谢谢你;我想注册一个自行车之旅;Which tour will you be interested in We have the River Valley tour coming up in June and the mountain tour in July.而旅游你会感兴趣吗我们有河谷旅游在6月和7月山之旅;The river valley tour was in June. I thought it was on May. 河谷旅游是在6月;我以为是5月;It actually takes place the first week of June.实际上6月的第一周举行;Oh, I see. Well, I can still do that. The river valley touris the one I want.哦,我明白了;嗯,我仍然可以这样做;河谷旅游是我想要的; Splendid, Just let me take your information. May I have your name please灿烂的,让我把你的信息;能告诉我你的名字吗Karla Schmidt. That's Karla with "K", not "C", K-A-R-L-A. 卡拉施密特;这是卡拉“K”,不是“C”,K-A-R-L-A;Thank you, Miss Schmidt. Address谢谢你,小姐施密特;地址吗Do you need a street address Or can I give you my post office box你需要一个街道地址吗或者我可以给你我的邮政信箱吗The post office box is fine.邮政信箱是好的;It's . Box, 257, Manchester.这是汇票盒,257年曼彻斯特;Thank you. Okay, next, uld you bring in your own bicycle Or do you want to rent one from us谢谢你好吧,接下来,你把自己的自行车吗或者你想租一个离我们吗I'll bring my own.我会带我自己的;Excellent. Now, we provide all the meals. So we need to know if you have any diet dietaryrestrictions.太好了;现在,我们提供所有的食物;所以我们需要知道如果你有任何饮食饮食的限制;I don't think so. What do you mean我不这么想;你是什么意思I mean if there's any food you can't eat Some people have food allergy allergies orvegetarian or have t avoid dairy products. Things like that.我的意思是如果有任何食物你不能吃一些人食物过敏过敏orvegetarian或t避免奶制品;类似这样的事情;Oh, I see. Yes, I'm a vegetarian and never eat meat.哦,我明白了;是的,我是一个素食主义者,不吃肉;2 All right. I'll make a note of that. Now the total cost of the tour is $750.2好的;我会记下的;现在旅游的总成本是750美元;That much那么多The price includes everything: food, hotel, transportation. Everything.价格包括一切:食品、酒店、运输;一切;Everything一切吗Yes, everything. The only other thing is you have want to tip the tour guide. We usuallyrecommend 5% the total tour cost. 是的,一切;唯一的另一件事是你想要给导游小费了;我们usuallyrecommend旅游总成本的5%;A five percent tip. I guess that's reasonable.百分之十五的小费;我想这是合理的;In order to reserve your space on the tour. I'll need a 30% deposit.为了保留你的太空之旅;我需要30%的存款;Do you need that right away你需要马上吗We generally ask for the deposit at least 4 weeks before the tour begins.我们一般要求的存款在旅游开始前至少4周;The River Valley tour begins, let me see, 6 weeks from now, so you need to pay the deposit in 2 weeks.河谷之旅开始了,让我看看,6周以后,所以你需要在两周内支付定金;I think I can do that. I nder if you could tell me something how will luggage be transported. Do we carry it on our bicycles 我想我能做到这一点;我雄鹿,如果你能告诉我如何运送行李的事情;我们把它在我们的自行车吗No, you leave that to us. We have a van that carries your luggage from hotel to hotel each day. So you don't have to rry about it.不,你离开我们;我们有一辆面包车,携带你的行李从酒店到酒店的每一天;所以你不必rry;Great. I have a luggage track for my bike. But I guess I n't have to bring that.太好了;我有一件行李追踪我的自行车;但是我想我也不给你;No, you n't. But there are a few items we recommend that you bring. We can't control the weather, so you should bring a raincoat or a rain gear.不,你不;但有一些项目我们推荐您;我们无法控制天气,所以你应该带一件雨衣雨具;Yes, that's a good idea. And I should have my own spare tire too, shouldn't I是的,这是个好主意;我应该有我自己的备用轮胎,不应该吗Actually, you don't need that. As our guide always carries some and of course, you n't need maps either, since our guide has the route all planned.事实上,你不需要;作为我们的导游总是带有一些当然,你不需要地图,因为导游所有计划的路线;What about a water bottle I'll need that, n't I一个水瓶呢我需要,我不Yes, you should definitely have a water bottle. A camera uld be a good idea too, since the tour goes through some very scenic areas.是的,你应该有一个水瓶;相机是一好主意,因为旅游经历一些风景区;I have a guide book of that area. I nder if I should bring it along.我有一个区域的指南书;如果我应该把它沿着我雄鹿;We don't recommend guide books. It uld just be extra way and the tour guide knows a great deal about that area.我们不推荐指南;还有用于货物集装器只是它额外的方式和导游知道很多关于这个领域;Yes, I see. Is there anything else I need to know是的,我明白了;还有什么我需要知道吗I think we've covered the important points. I'll send you a tour brochure and you can call again if you have any questions. 我认为我们已经介绍了要点;我会送你一个旅游宣传册,你可以叫再次如果你有任何问题;Thank you very much.非常感谢;Section 2第二节1 Thank you all for coming to see the new renovations to the Half Health Club.1谢谢大家来看看新装修到一半健康俱乐部;I know you be pleased as I am to see the wonderful results ofa month of hard work to improve the club and bring in the best facilities ever.我知道你感到高兴因为我看到美好的结果,一个月的努力工作改善俱乐部和最好的设施;We'll beginning here with the swimming pool.我们将开始在游泳池;You'll notice the new color of the adult pool, a lovely cool green.你会注意到成人池的新颜色,一个可爱的酷的绿色;Now we'll go over here and look at the children's pool.现在我们就去这里看看儿童池;It's the same green, but as you see, with brightly colored sea creatures painted everywhere.同样的绿色,但如你所见,到处画色彩鲜艳的海洋生物;Both of the pools needed painting, not only for maintenance, but I think the new color greatlyimproves the atmosphere this part of the club.两个池需要绘画,不仅对维护,但是我认为新颜色greatlyimproves气。



九年级英语听力材料翻译As a creator of Baidu Wenku documents, I would like to present the translated materials for the 9th grade English listening test. 。

Below are the translated listening materials:1. Dialogue 1。

A: How was your weekend?B: It was great! I went hiking with my family.A: That sounds fun. Did you take any pictures?B: Yes, I took a lot of beautiful photos of the mountains and the scenery.2. Dialogue 2。

A: What are your plans for the summer vacation?B: I want to travel to Europe with my friends.A: That sounds exciting. Have you decided which countries to visit?B: Yes, we plan to go to France, Italy, and Spain.3. Passage 1。

Good morning, everyone. Today, we will be discussing the importance of environmental protection. As we all know, the environment is facing many challenges, such as air pollution, deforestation, and global warming. It is crucial for us to take action to protect our planet for future generations.4. Passage 2。



八年级下册英语听力材料翻译1. 对话理解。

A: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is?B: Sure, it's just two blocks down this street, on the left.A: Thank you very much.A: How was the movie last night?B: It was great! The special effects were amazing.A: I'll have to go see it this weekend.A: What do you want to do this weekend?B: I'm not sure. Maybe we could go hiking or have a picnic in the park.A: Did you hear about the new restaurant that just opened?B: Yes, I heard it's really good. We should go there for dinner sometime.2. 短文理解。

Good morning, everyone. Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of exercise. Exercise is essential for maintaining a healthy body and mind. It helps to keep our muscles strong and our hearts healthy. In addition, regular exercise can improve our mood and reduce stress. It's important to find an activity that you enjoy, whether it's swimming, dancing, or playing a sport. Make sure to set aside time for exercise each day, even if it's just a short walk. Remember, taking care of your body is an important part of living a happy and fulfilling life.3. 新闻报道。



2020年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(全国三卷)听力中文翻译原文:A little bird fly to south for the winter. It was very cold, almost frozen bird. Hence, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung upon the bird, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, feel very warm, gradually recovered, it is warm and comfortable lying, and soon began to sing songs, a passing wildcat hear voices, see, follow the voice, wildcats quickly found lying on the dunghill, bird, pull it out.The way of existence: not everyone to lead the dung upon your people are your enemy. Each of you is not from the dunghill lire people are your friends, and, when you lying on the dunghill, had better keep your mouth shut.翻译:一只小鸟飞到南方去过冬。





2020年12月听力第1套Conversation onePaul: Good morning, Safe house Insurance. My name is Paul. How can I help you today?男:上午好,这里是安全住宅保险。

我是保罗,请问有什么可以帮助您?May: Morning.I wouldn’t say that it’s good from where I’m standing. This is Miss Wilson and this is the third time I’ve called this week since receiving your letter about our insurance claim. (1) I’m getting a little fed up with my calls about my claim being completely disregarded.女:上午好,我现在站着的位置很糟糕。



Paul: Miss Wilson, thank you for calling back. Can I take some details to help me look at your claim?男:威尔森女士,感谢您再次来电。

你可以给我一些信息以助于我帮您查看一下您的索赔吗?May: It’s Miss May Wilson of 15 South Sea Road in Cornwall. (2) And the details are that our village was extensively flooded 2 months ago. The entire ground floor of our cottage was submerged in water and five of us have been living in a caravan ever since. You people are still withholding the money we are entitled to over a bizarre technical detail. And it’s not acceptable, Paul!女:康维尔南海路十五号梅威尔森女士。







译文:With the development of economy and society, China's population structure has undergone significant changes and gradually entered the aging society. China's elderly population will continue to increase, and the trend of aging population will become more obvious. In order to cope with this challenge, the government and social organizations are making joint efforts to take various measures to improve the quality of life of the elderly. They are formulating policies, improving medical care and social welfare for the elderly, and providing more opportunities and resources to enable the elderly to maintain a healthy and dignified life.。



剑桥雅思7听⼒原⽂加翻译剑桥雅思7听⼒中英⽂双语Text 1⽂本1Section 1第⼀节Man: Hello,this is Land Transport information at toronto Airport.男:你好,我是⼟地在多伦多机场运输信息。

Woman: Oh,good morning,I’m flying to toronto Airport⼥⼠:噢,早上好,我是飞到多伦多机场next week, and I need to get to a town called um,Milton. Cpould you tell me how I can get there? 下周,我需要得到⼀个名为嗯,弥尔顿。

Cpould您告诉我怎么到那⾥?Man: Milton,did you say? Let me see. I think that’s about 150 miles south-west of here . In fact it’s 147 miles to be exact, so it’ll take you at least –say ,three to four hours by road.男:弥尔顿,你刚才说什么?让我看看。



Woman: Wow! Is it as far as that?⼥:哇!那么远吗?Man: yes,I’m afraid so. But you have a number of options to get y ou here and you can always rent a car right hereat the airport,of course.男⼈:是的,恐怕是这样的。


Woman: Right. Well, I don’t really want to drive myself ,so I’d like more information about public transport.⼥⼈:是的。

2021 年新高考1卷听力原文及翻译

2021 年新高考1卷听力原文及翻译

2021 年新高考1卷(Text1)W: I was in Mallorca last week.M: Oh, what were you doing there?W: My best friend worked there. And I went to visit her. It was a good chance to practice my Spanish.女:我上周在马洛卡岛。




(Text 2)M: Ruth, I've got this terrible cold and I have to see a doctor. I am afraid I can't go to the class. Could you help me hand in my lab report to Dr. Davidson?W: Sure, no problem. Just take care of yourself and don't worry about the class.男:露丝,我得了重感冒,得去看医生。


你能帮我把实验室报告交给戴维森医生吗? 女:当然,没问题。


(Text 3)M: Marie, if no one takes care of your children while you're away, Jennifer and I will be glad to have them stay with us. W: That's very kind of you. But they've already left for their Grandma's. You know, Suzy lives close by.男:玛丽,如果你不在的时候没有人照顾你的孩子,我和詹妮弗会很高兴让他们和我们住在一起。



英语听力短篇带翻译stomach ache胃痛stomach ache 胃痛He had a stomachache. He did not know why. Was it something he ate? He wondered. He remembered what he ate that day. He ate eggs in the morning. He also had toast and milk. Later he had a snack. The snack was a cookie. It was a chocolate chip cookie. Then he ate lunch. For Lunch he ate a sandwich. It was a turkey sandwich with cheese. He drank soda. Later, he had another snack. The snack was a popsicle. Then he ate dinner. For dinner he had steak. On the side he had vegetables and mashed potatoes. He drank soda again. That was all he ate for the day. He wondered what had caused his stomachache. He did not drink soda often. He blamed soda. The next day came. He did not have stomachache anymore. He never drank soda again.他不知道为什么会胃痛。


2023 年新高考1卷听力原文及翻译

2023 年新高考1卷听力原文及翻译

2023 年新高考1卷Text 1W: Jack, are you going camping with your friends this weekend? M: It depends. If it's sunny, we'll go. W: The weatherman says it's going to rain.M: In that case, we'll go to the cinema instead.It depends.视情况而定。





Text 2W: Excuse me, could you mind my bags for a moment? I want to buy some food at the convenience store.M: No problem. But be quick. It was announced that my train would arrive in10 minutes.mind照看:留心(某人/某事物) convenience store便利店女:打扰一下,你能帮我拿一下行李吗?我想在便利店买些食物。




Text 3W: Mark came out of hospital last Friday. Have you got a chance to visit him?M: I plan to see him this Saturday.W: Aren't you going to the conference then?M: No. It has been rescheduled for next Monday.reschedule 重新安排女:马克上周五出院了。

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TEXT8M:你一定就是Ms. Abe了。



























































TEXT8M:Sophie!你看了昨晚那个智力竞赛节目么?Frank Jones出演的那个。

W:没有,有什么好看的么?M:很好看,Frank Jones总是让我发笑,过去的几周我都在看这个。



























校园团体可以赢得一份Barry Wells的课程。








四点的桌子,名字是O’ConnerW:O’Conner,是的,M r. O’Conner。













TEXT7W:Ms. Wilson今晚会搭我去Steve的乔迁庆宴,你呢?M:我本来打算开车去,但是我的车今早坏掉了。


你觉得能不能今晚你们去的时候也带上我一个?W:肯定行啊,但是为了确保我得去问一问Ms. Wilson。




















