九年级语文上册同步练习:23 《孟子》二则




2019-2020学年度语文版初中语文九年级上册23《孟子》二则拔高训练第六十四篇第1题【单选题】下面对文中内容理解不正确的一项是( )A、作者在文中表达的主要观点是“生”和“义”“二者不可得兼”。




【答案】:【解析】:第2题【多选题】下列各句中的“得”含义相同的两项是( )A、所识穷乏者得我与?B、得之则生,弗则得死。





①故患有所不辟也______通______,义:______②万钟则不辩礼义而受之______通______,义:______③所识穷乏者得我与______通______,义:______ ______通______,义:______④乡为身死而不受______通______,义:______【答案】:【解析】:第5题【问答题】《鱼我所欲也》中体现“性本善”思想的句子是?A非独贤者有是心也,人皆有之,贤者能勿丧耳。





”(《十则》)② ,松柏有本性。





精选2019-2020年语文版初中语文九年级上册[第六单元23《孟子》二则]复习巩固[含答案解析]一第1题【单选题】译文不准确的一项是( )A、生亦我所欲,所欲有甚于生者,故不为苟得也。







【答案】:【解析】:第2题【多选题】下列各句中的“得”含义相同的两项是( )A、所识穷乏者得我与?B、得之则生,弗则得死。

















2019年精选初中九年级上册语文第六单元23《孟子》二则语文版拔高训练八十六第1题【单选题】下列句子中没有通假字的一项是( )A、所识穷乏者得我与B、故患有所不辟也C、呼尔而与之,行道之人弗受D、乡为身死而不受【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】下列句子中划线词语解释有误的一项是( )A、吾妻之美(认为……美)我者,私我也。



(孟子《生于忧患,死于安乐》)【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】对于文章《鱼我所欲也》的说法有误的一项是( )A、本文说理充分,富于雄辩。








【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】下面的名言不是孟子说的一项是( )A、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移;威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。








①故患有所不辟也______通______,义:______②万钟则不辩礼义而受之______通______,义:______③所识穷乏者得我与______通______,义:______ ______通______,义:______④乡为身死而不受______通______,义:______【答案】:【解析】:第7题【填空题】解释下列句子中划线词语的意思。

九年级语文上册同步练习: 《孟子》二则

九年级语文上册同步练习: 《孟子》二则

23《孟子》二则《鱼我所欲也》01 积累运用1、给下列加点的字注音。

























2019-2020年语文版语文九年级上册23《孟子》二则习题精选第八十二篇第1题【单选题】下列句子中划线词语解释有误的一项是( )A、吾妻之美(认为……美)我者,私我也。



(孟子《生于忧患,死于安乐》)【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】下面的名言不是孟子说的一项是( )A、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移;威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。




【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】对加线词的解释不准确的一项是( )A、故患有所不辟也(躲避)B、所欲有甚于生者(超过)C、乞人不屑也(因轻视而不肯接受)D、此之谓失其本心(自己的修养)【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】选出品读有误的一项( )A、文以“鱼”比喻为正义,以“熊掌”比喻为生命;B、非独贤者有是心也”中的“是心”是指“这种本性”,即“羞恶之心”;用原文句子说就是“所欲有甚于生者,所恶有甚于死者”。




【答案】:【解析】:第5题【单选题】下面对文章《鱼我所欲也》内容理解不正确的一项是( )A、作者在文中表达的主要观点是“二者不可得兼”。




【答案】:【解析】:第6题【单选题】划线字注音、解释中有误的一项是( )A、箪(dān古代盛饭用的圆筐)蹴(cù用脚践踏)B、苟得(gǒu如果)不屑(xiè因轻视而不肯接受)C、不辟(bì通“避”,躲避)勿丧(wù sàng不丢掉,不遗失)D、羹(gēng煮或蒸成的汁状、糊状、冻状食品)奉(fèng侍奉,伺候)乡(xiàng通“向”,从前)【答案】:【解析】:第7题【填空题】从全文看,《鱼我所欲也》一文先后运用了______论证和______论证的方法,有力地证明了当义和生不能两全时,应舍生取义这一观点。


用“/ ”把原文分成二层,并概括层意。 将文中划线句译成现代汉语。 【答案】: 【解析】:
第 11 题【诗歌鉴赏】 阅读下面的古诗,回答问题。
池上新晴偶得过; 芙蓉寂寞照寒波。
诗人借景抒情,通篇用了拟人的手法, 的感受。
______、______、 ______等词 ,既是写芙蓉的感受,也是写诗人自己
【答案】: 【解析】:
第 8 题【文言文阅读】 阅读下面的文字,完成小题。
4Байду номын сангаас9
处之不易 ^① 殷仲堪 ^② 既为荆州,值水俭 ^③ 。食常五碗,盘外无余肴。饭粒脱落盘席间,辄拾以啖之。虽欲率物 ^④ , 亦缘其性真素 ^⑤ 。每语子弟云: “勿以我受任方州 ^⑥ , 云我豁 ^⑦ 平昔时意, 今吾处之不易。 贫者士之常,焉得登枝而捐其本?尔曹 ^⑧ 其存 ^⑨ 之! ” (选自刘义庆《世说新语》) 注: ① 处:居于高位。易:改变。 ② 殷仲堪: 人名。 ③ 俭:荒年。 ① 率物: 为人表率。 ⑤ 素:朴素。 ⑥ 受任方州:受命担任大州刺史。 ⑦ 豁:抛弃。 ⑧ 尔曹:你们。 ⑨ 存:谨记。 解释句中划线的词。 辄拾以啖之 ______ 盘外无余肴 ______ 亦缘其性真素 ______ 勿以我受任方州 ______
【答案】: 【解析】:
第 7 题【文言文阅读】

九年级语文《孟子》两章 同步练习(一)新人教版

九年级语文《孟子》两章 同步练习(一)新人教版

外文资料与中文翻译外文资料:The hydraulic pressure support development with first gazes[ Key word ] hydraulic pressure support; Control; Intellectualization1 hydraulic pressure supports developmentThe hydraulic pressure support is take the high-pressured liquid as a power, by certain hydraulic pressure part (cylinder, pipe accessory) one kind of strut and the control roof mining coal working surface equipment which becomes with some steel work combinations. Has the intensity high, the travelling speed quick, support the performance good, safe is reliable and so on the characteristic. Since the 20th century 50's, the hydraulic pressure support has gradually become the mining coal working surface core equipment, in the world mainly produced the coal country to invest the massive manpower physical resource and the financial resource carries on the research development to it. At present, support tends to take the hydraulic pressure support as the main body maturely, in the world has produced makes several hundred kind of frames and the up to ten thousand kind of models hydraulic pressure support, meets each kind of coal bed mining support need. On the century 60's, our country once has also developed 10 kind of hydraulic pressure supports, because all sorts of reasons have not obtained the promoted application, the hydraulic pressuresupport is in the development, the experimental stage; The 70's successively from England, Germany, Poland, former Soviet Union and so on mainly produce the coal country to introduce several 10 sets of hydraulic pressure supports. After the unceasing exploration, the use, the digestion and the summary, make each kind of type the support, it is the beginning which the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support develops; The 80's hydraulic pressure support research and development is in the innovation to enhance the stage, develops 30 kind of new frames one after another, makes the ZZ series, the XY series, the ZD series and so on the different specification, and widely uses in the state-owned large and middle scale coal mines, obtains the good economic efficiency; 90's special hydraulic pressure support development obtains the rapid development, the mechanized shop net support, the water granulated substance fills the support, the reason support, the force support, puts goes against the coal support and so on to be published one after another; This century along with the computer technology, the automated technology popularization and the application, the hydraulic pressure support control obtains unprecedentedness to progress, gradually to the procedure control, the numerical control, the remote control and the automated control makes great strides forward.2 domestic and foreign hydraulic pressure supportsdifferenceThe domestically produced support in the manufacture technology, the material quality performance, the processing craft, the control system and inthe sealing property compares with the overseas advanced countries has the very big disparity.2.1 processings manufactures aspectAccording to the related synthesis picks the engineers and technicians to reflect that, the domestically produced hydraulic pressure support craft technology, the service life, the operational performance, use the material quality so far not yet to achieve in 1979 introduced 100 sets of supports the technical levels. If structural material: Germany uses the ST52 material it yield strength is 500 MPa, but our country uses 16 Mn material yield strength is only 350 MPa; Valve class: Overseas always uses the copper alloy valve shell and the high strength stainless steel valve core, our country is the 45# steel adds surface heat processing; In processing craft: The overseas cylinder endophragm is duplicate plates, the domestic product for does not plate, causes the column premature to appear the spot in the use process, scratches and so on the seal leaks the fluid phenomenon, affects support the effect. The domestically produced hydraulic pressure support and the overseas production hydraulic pressure support compares the average to reduce 2 ~ 3 a service life.2.2 control systems aspectThe domestically produced hydraulic pressure support control system research and development is at backwardness condition, seriously restricted the support to move supposes the speed the enhancement and the synthesis picks the economic efficiency the display. In the world several mainly produce the coal great nation throughout to enhance the support control system achievement the synthesis to pick the economic efficiency the important method, the 20th century 60's use manually straight control theoperating system; The 70's use the forerunner control system, along with it England first proposed the development electrohydraulic control system, the eighty's tends to maturely; The 90's ladders company develops the entire working surface electrohydraulic control system, follows closely after that Wister to cut down the advantage Asia - shell Switzerland special company to develop more advanced P - M3, P - the M4 electrohydraulic control system. Presently country and so on US, Germany, England, Australia basically all is the programmable electrohydraulic control, but our country still used the hand control system.2.3 hydraulic pressure parts aspectThe hydraulic pressure part research and development speed lags by far to the hydraulic pressure support need to develop. The hydraulic pressure support reliability mainly relies on the hydraulic pressure part reliability, the hydraulic pressure support in the coal mine production applies whether succeeds, the key lies in the hydraulic pressure part the technical performance whether does meet the requirements. Overseas at present uses the great current capacity safety valve, the fluid much controls the cone-way valve, the cut-off valve, initially supports the strength maintenance valve and the column quickly returns at once the fluid valve. To the hydraulic pressure part structural style, the geometry size, the choice of material, the heat treatment method and the surface treatment and so on various aspects have conducted the thorough research and the development. Develops one batch of sealing property well, the sensitivity high, enters the row of fluid ability to be big, the anti- impact load strong each kind of hydraulic pressure part, adapts the hydraulic pressure support operatingperformance request. But our country kind of hydraulic pressure part research and development lags regarding this, at present still continued to use the century for 80's the product, has not formed the hydraulic pressure part universalization, the seriation, the standardization3 hydraulic pressure supports prospects for developmentforecastIn view of the fact that the science and technology high speed development, new technical, the new craft, the new method, the new material unceasing application and the computer technology unprecedented expansion, the hydraulic pressure support future development will have the extremely attractive prospect.3.1 designs ideas renewal, the hydraulic pressure support develops a revolutionMust consider the environment in the hydraulic pressure support design the attribute. Because the hydraulic pressure support working condition is bad, the person, machine the environment reciprocity question appears importantly. The green design is the choice of material, the product structure, the technique, the outward appearance modelling and the color matches according to the certain rule, adopts artistic the method to perform ingeniously to fuse, fully manifests the man-machine environment system the harmonious unification. The unwieldy hydraulic pressure support image safe, reliable, is been easy to service, lowly to consume energy, the high efficiency, the modelling artistic substitutes. This kind of green design, it not only Filtersthe environment and the resources both must meet the economical development needs, and must meet the human survivaldevelopment needs, is the humanity sustainable developmental strategy in support design manifesting. For example: The hydraulic pressure support uses the multi- goals fuzzy design in the design process, requests to support the strength in a big way, moves a speed quickly, weight light, the timber wood are few and so on, each goal determined a function, namely many designs objective function, then the combination optimizes, determination preferred plan.3.2 will adopt the pure water hydraulic pressure technology, the hydraulic pressure support becomes the green machineryThe pure water hydraulic pressure technology is the hydraulic pressure domain development front. It not only has good anti- burns the nature, the radiation, moreover the price also cheaply, does not have the pollution, since the long-time hydraulic pressure support in Surfaceunder has worked, because the use actuating medium is the emulsion, and has many chemical additives (emulsifier, guards against rust medicinal preparation, antiseptic, partner mixture and so on), the micro environmental pollution is extremely serious to the surface below, therefore, the hydraulic pressure support use pure water hydraulic pressure technology, to reduces the coal mine the production cost, protects the environment is beneficial, and may greatly improve the mine pit the work and the security condition. Unceasingly progresses along with the society, the people had a higher request to the dependent survival environment, hoped has a security, the environmental protection, the highly civilized green environment. The time request summoned the hydraulic pressure transmission (to origin in 1605 discovered the Pascal's law) this ancient brand-new technology resurfaced, and received the world the attention. At present, the western nationconcentrates the strength to study this technology, and makes the unprecedented progress. For example: The lubrication attrition question, reasonably selects rubs the vice- material, has the engineering plastics, the structure ceramics, the high polymer material, guards against rust anticorrosion coating and so on. The structure ceramics have the resistance to wear, the anti- cavitation performance is good, the good chemical stability, characteristic and so on lower friction factor, prepares is favoured. Replaces the partial metals material in the hydraulic pressure part with the structure ceramics, big improvement its performance. In brief, the new material success develops and applies, precisely processes technical the unceasing progress, as well as each kind of new structure hydraulic pressure part making, all will become the hydraulic pressure support to use the pure water hydraulic pressure technology to enter the strict non- pollution domain, will provide the extremely attractive application prospects for development.3.3 high tech applications, the hydraulic pressure support tends to the intellectualizationThe advanced science and technology application is mutually seeps each kind of technology, mutually unifies in the foundation mutually assists, mutually promotes and the enhancement, fully uses each kind of related technical the superiority, enhances strong points and avoid weaknesses, after causes the combination the overall function to be bigger than the composition whole sum of each part of function comprehensive interdisciplinary studies.. The many kinds of technologies unceasingly seep to "the mechanical parent substance - hydraulic pressure support", including technical and so on machine, electricity, fluid, light, magnetism servosystem.Specifically said that, is the strength, the speed which outputs by the hydraulic pressure support are a goal, constituted from has output to the input closed-loop system, was involves sensing the technology, the computer control technology, the signal processing technology, the mechanical drive technology, the hydraulic transmission technology and so on. Because fast operating speed, formidable memory function and keen logical judgement function, thus has realized the man-machine dialogue, causes it operation maintenance conveniently, the entire machine function to be strong. The hydraulic pressure support application function unceasingly expands, unceasingly strengthens to the mine pit coal bed geology condition compatibility, production benefit to equipment dependent degree increasingly big, the operational reliability is more important. The breakdown diagnosis technology (including signal examination, breakdown judgement, failure detection, content and so on fault analysis) along with the high tech development theory (for example wavelet technology, nerve network, artificial intelligence and so on) will enter the hydraulic pressure support the early diagnosis, the prevention and the reduced accident occurrence, service blindness and the maintenance time, will lengthen the support service life, will enhance the production efficiency.4 concluding remarkIn summary, the hydraulic pressure support at present develops the main tendency is: Two columns shields type, enhances the hydraulic pressure support intensity, the design factor, moves a speed, the improvement individual part structure (overall top-beam, width center distance and so on), hydraulic pressure pipe accessory seriation,standardization, universalization, high working resistance, redundant reliability, with micro electron technology realization machine electrohydraulic integration digital gathering, operating mode monitor, breakdown diagnosis and automatic control.Hydraulic pressure support battery solution control engineering researchand applicationKey word:Hydraulic pressure support;Battery solution control system;Design applicationA coal mining technology significant innovation. At present,The battery solution control technology in synthesis and so on US, Germany picked the technical leading country to obtain the widespread application,But our country then only then gradually the necessary use battery solution controls the technology in recent years on some hydraulic pressure supports1 battery solution control technology basic principle and main composition1.1 Battery solution control technology basic principle(1)Bidirectional neighbour control system.The synthesis picks working surface each support has the frame to control the box,The operator controls the box choice neighbour control mode through the support frame,Then sends out the corresponding control command according to the instruction (to produce electrical signal),Causes electro-magnet or micro electrical machinery movement which on neighbour corresponds,Let the electrical signal transform as the hydraulicpressure signal,Controls the host to control the valve to open,Supplies the fluid to the support hydraulic cylinder,Realization neighbour support corresponding movement. The support working mode active status feeds back the frame by the position transmitter and the pressure transmitter to control the box,The frame controls the box to decide the support again according to the sensor feedback signal the next movement.(2)Bidirectional becomes the group control system.Arranges the working surface support is certain groups,In on this group of in first frames presses the frame by the operator to control the box the start key,Sends out an instruction,Neighbour presses the pre-set sequence movement,After moves the frame to complete automatically sends out the control signal to control the box for next,Next starts the movement. Infer from this,In realization group support automatic control.(3)Entire working surface automatic control system.The function consummates battery solution.The control system is equipped with the main control console, the infrared installment,Can realize the support and the coal mining machine linkage entire working surface automation control. Its principle is:On each support frame controls the box with the main control console networking,When the support infrared receiving device receives the position which the coal mining machine infrared launcher sends out to believe.After number,The feedback gives the main control console,The main control console sends out the instruction according to the feedback signal,Causes the corresponding support movement.1.2 Main constituent(1)Battery solution controller (SCU).The battery solution controller is a control system department.Series "heart",It by microprocessor, the intelligence transmission unit, operates the keyboard and the data receiving device and so on is composed. The battery solution controller has two aspects the functions:On the one hand is defers to the operational order and the pre-set sequence completes the solenoid valve group to open shuts,Then control support column, hoisting jack movement;On the other hand it receives the condition data which on the support obtains (including pressure, displacement and so on) and performs to analyze the judgment,Then controls the support the movement,And demonstrates the support state variable and the support breakdown.(2)Battery solution control valve group (FZ).The control valve group is one kind of multipurpose control hydraulic pressure solenoid valve,May replace the fluid cycle selector valve,This kind of valve assembly has causes the support movement the valve group and the surveillance support working condition pressure switch,Opens or the closed valve passage according to the controller instruction.(3)Central control bench (MCU).Whether the system does use MCU,Must the working surface automated horizontal height which determined according to the user decide. Only installs the battery solution controller,Even does not need to install the ground master control room (MCU1) and the mine shaft control room (MCU2),Also may realize the entire automation. The lowest level control system is a bidirectional neighbour unicontrol,What at present is commonly used is "as soon as controls four" the system,Then expands to the automaticarrangement, becomes the group to control, to become the group to pass and the combination function and so on,These all do not need the central control bench.(4)Periphery accessory.The battery solution control system has can surveyCondition, And transforms the hydraulic pressure parameter into the electronic signal original part pressure transmitter,The reflection passes the hoisting jack travelling schedule position contact sensor as well as uses for automatically to start the coal mining machine long-distance control hydraulic pressure support battery solution controller the infrared receiver and so on. All sensors all have respective output signal,Thus may discover the position which the line severs,And is distinguished by each support battery solution controller. If the system matches in the mine shaft working surface or the ground control roomHas the central control bench,Has the breakdown cable line or the sensor can demonstrate on the key station screen,Like this very easy definite breakdown position battery solution control flow like chart 1 shows2 、battery solutions control the support the merit Below this support and the hand control system compare has the merit (1)The support travelling speed is quick.At present the domestic hydraulic pressure support is es the hand control,It passes the speed besides to receive the system current capacity and the hydraulic pressure part has flowed the ability the limit,The worker also has the direct influence in the bay travelling speed to it,This kind of influence appears the outstandingly in the thin coal bed. The batterysolution control support work process may automatically circulate carries on,Sped up moved a speed form eight to ten mintenuse,This speed can follow form13113 to 1315m/Min coal mining machine speed,Shan Taibeng current capacity 400 L/Min,Needs 2 to pump the simultaneous working. Satisfied the high efficiency coal mining machine fast to cut..(2)Improved the roof to support and protect the condition.Because uses to press every timeNiu operates,May enable the support to follow close on after the coal mining machine carries on supports and protects,Moreover,Must act the support requests its two sides the support fastening to support and protect the roof,This characteristic and the correct strut unify,The guarantee forms a firm protecting band along the working surface.(3)Guaranteed the hydraulic pressure support fixed initially supports the strength.Battery solution control system.The passable excess pressure sensor feedback signal or lengthens the control electromagnetism the pilot valve on time realization at the beginning of support to support the strength self-preservation first. Guaranteed fixed initially supports the strength,Reduced the column to increase anti- needs the time,Enhanced has supported and protected the efficiency,Also the entire working surface at the beginning of support supports the strength evenly to be consistent,Improved the roof control(4)May have the pressure to move the frame.Uses the battery solution control system,Is moving the frame.In process,Easy to realize the belt pressure to move the frame,Reduced theworking surface roof to have the frequent impact load to the hydraulic pressure support,Protection roof adjacent formation stability,Lengthens the hydraulic pressure support the service life.(5)Improved the working surface straight line.With manual operationcompared to,The overwhelming majority battery solution control support all is pusher type,This meant the conveyer pulls the phenomenon to be few,Causes all supports by the biggest displacement quantity to abut in a working surface conveyer armored cable side,Maintains a straight working surface. Moves a step of distance to be accurate,Cuts the crest line to be neat,Improved has supported and protected the effect,And causes the scraper conveyer and the entire working surface straight line. The nature is good,The coal mining machine truncation depth is accurate. Improved the scraper conveyer and the coal mining machine operating mode. Moreover at the same time the multi- frames pushes slides,Slowly causes the scraper conveyer to be curving,Avoids the chute attachment point having the oversized stress.(6)Improved the support operator's working condition.Battery solution controltechnical application,Has realized the hydraulic pressure support remote control operation,But indirect maintenance,The worker work condition and the labor intensity have the enormous improvement,Because uses the computer automatic control,Reduced worker's misoperation.(7)The operation flexibility is big.Supports and protects the system the support operation sequence is very easy to change,May act according to the different mining condition,Issuitable specially for the thin coal bed and inclines anxiously the coal bed,Also may use in the drum coal mining machine working surface,Also may use in the coal plow working surface;Also may use in promptly supporting and protecting (moves first frame boosts slides) supports and protects the way,Also after may use in lags supports and protects (pushes first slides moves) supporting and protecting the way.(8)The system can realize the long-distance procedure control.The operator may the root.According to coal mining machine coal cutting choice of direction best position,Has avoided operator's casualty,At the same time also reduced the dust to the body the harm.(9)The battery solution control system may and the coal mining machine and the scraper conveyer.Automatic control system coordination linkage,Realizes the entire automated synthesis to pick the working surface. The support and the coal mining machine running status and the data may transmit to the tunnel in the main control console and the ground central control center,Is advantageous for the realization entire mine pit automated management.3、domestic and foreign development surveysAt present US, Germany and so on walk in this technology in the world front row,Its hydraulic pressure support battery solution control technology disposition has the breakdown to diagnose the early-warning installation,May realize the hydraulic pressure support and the coal mining machine, the scraper machine linkage and the long-distance control. Our country develops the hydraulic pressure support battery solution control system start to be late,Has developed successfully the first entire workingsurface hydraulic pressure support battery solution control system since 1995,Also has the many kinds of models the battery solution control system hydraulic pressure support to be published. But our country produces battery solution control system hydraulic pressure support also not in mine shaft promotion use,Many high production highly effective working surfaces use the battery solution control system hydraulic pressure support also to have from the overseas import. The support battery solution control system develops which from our country looked,Still was in Shan Jia and becomes the group procedure to control.System initial stage. In the system does not have the main control console,Support and coal mining machine linkage entire working surface automatic control system also in development stage. Zhengzhou coal mine mechanical group limited liability company in the last few years through and German DBT Corporation, emperor fragrance Bach company and so on cooperation,The overseas advanced battery solution valve the hydraulic pressure support which will produce with this company necessary,Takes the lead to put into the use in the Jincheng coal industry group,Has met the design requirements completely,Has coal industry group 6 syntheses successively and so on the Jincheng, god China picks working surface nearly 800.The battery solution control hydraulic pressure support already or was going to put into the use. ZY4400 /9 /21 thin coal bed coal plow working surface battery solution control hydraulic pressure support and the ZY8640 /2,515 /55 manufacture domestically picks the high shield type hydraulic pressure support through to have the product appraisal in pairs greatly which four Chinese Academy of Science academicians participates(appraisal),The appraisal thought these 2 kind of supports overall performance achieves the world advanced level. Moreover,Corporate design manufacture Chinese god China localization battery solution control hydraulic pressure.Support ZY7600 /22 /45/The world is highest 612 meter two columns shields type battery solution control hydraulic pressure support ZY9400 /28 /62 has all represented the domestically produced support maximum level,Achieved or approaches the world advanced level.Above two articles originate from Elsevier the ScienceDirect periodica液压支架的发展与前瞻[关键词] 液压支架; 控制; 智能化1液压支架发展概述液压支架是以高压液体为动力,由若干个液压元件(油缸、阀件)与一些金属构件组合而成的一种支撑和控制顶板的采煤工作面设备。



2019-2020年语文九年级上册第六单元23《孟子》二则语文版课后辅导练习八十六第1题【单选题】下列各组中划线字意义用法不同的一项是( )A、二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。




【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】下列划线字注音有误的一项是( )A、嗟来(jiē)吆喝(yāo)穷乏(fá)俸禄(lù)B、得兼(jiān)苟得(gǒu)蹴尔(cù)所恶(wù)C、不屑(xiè)妻妾(qiè)乡为(xiàng)为之(wéi)D、弗得(fú)不辟(pì)一箪食(dān)一豆羹(gēng)【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】读《鱼我所欲也》,下列说法不正确的一项是( )A、《鱼我所欲也》运用了比喻论证和正反对比论证的方法,很有说服力。






【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】下面句中加线词意思相同的一项是( )A、人皆有之属予作文以记之B、舍身而取义环而攻之而不胜C、故不为苟得也己克,公问其故D、贤者能勿丧耳陈胜者,阳城人也【答案】:【解析】:第5题【单选题】下列句子中划线字的解释正确的一项是( )A、鱼我所欲也(想要)B、所恶有甚于死者(甚至)C、妻妾之奉(奉献)D、乡为身死而不受(一向)【答案】:【解析】:第6题【多选题】下列句子含有通假字的项是( )A、乡为生死而不受B、所识穷乏者得我与?C、万钟则不辩礼义而受之D、故患有所不辟也【答案】:【解析】:第7题【填空题】解释下面句中加线的词。



最新精选初中九年级上册语文第六单元23《孟子》二则语文版复习巩固三十六第1题【单选题】下列句子中划线的“之”的用法不同于其他三项的是( )A、得之则生B、蹴尔而与之C、呼尔而与之D、行道之人弗受【答案】:【解析】:第2题【单选题】下面对文章《鱼我所欲也》内容理解不正确的一项是( )A、作者在文中表达的主要观点是“二者不可得兼”。




【答案】:【解析】:第3题【单选题】对于文章《鱼我所欲也》的说法有误的一项是( )A、本文说理充分,富于雄辩。








【答案】:【解析】:第4题【单选题】下面的名言不是孟子说的一项是( )A、富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移;威武不能屈,此之谓大丈夫。




【答案】:【解析】:第5题【多选题】《四书》包括( )A、大学B、中庸C、孟子D、论语【答案】:【解析】:第6题【填空题】找出下列句子中的通假字,并解释其含义。






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23《孟子》二则《鱼我所欲也》01 积累运用1.给下列加点的字注音。

所恶.(wù)一豆羹.(gēng)蹴.(cù)苟.得(gǒu) 不屑.(xiè)2.解释下列加点词的意思。































02 课内精读9.下列句中加点词的解释有误的一项是(A)A.蹴尔而与.之(一起)B.为宫室之美,妻妾之奉.(侍奉)C.万钟于我何加.焉(增加,指带来好处)D.此之谓失其本心..(天性,天良)(解析:A.此处的“与”是“给”的意思。













03 拓展阅读【甲】鱼,我所欲也,熊掌,亦我所欲也,二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。






(节选自《鱼我所欲也》) 【乙】曾子衣①敝衣②以耕,鲁君使人往贻邑③焉,曰:“请以此修衣④。





”(节选自《说苑·立节》) 【注释】①衣(yì):穿。























”《富贵不能淫》01 积累运用1.解释下列加点词的意思。
























02 课内精读阅读课文,完成题目。




03 拓展阅读阅读下面的文字,完成下列各题。









