


• George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950)
• 乔治·肖伯纳是英国的戏剧家。生于爱尔兰 首都都柏林,父亲做过法院公务员,后经 商失败,酿酒成癖,母亲为此离家去伦敦 教授音乐。受母亲熏陶,肖伯纳从小就爱 好音乐和绘画。
• 肖伯纳的文学始于小说创作,但突 出的成就是戏剧,“他的戏剧使他 成为我们当代最迷人的作家”(颁 奖辞)。 1885至1949年近64个创 作春秋中,他共成了51个剧本。 前期主要有《不愉快戏剧集》,包 括《鳏夫的房产》(1892)、《荡 子》(1893)和《华伦夫人的职业》 (1894)等;《愉快的戏剧集》由 《武器与人》(1894)、《康蒂妲》 (1894)、《风云人物》(1895) 和《难以预料》(1896)组成。第 三个戏剧集名为《为清教徒写的戏 剧》,其中有《魔鬼的门徒》 (1897)、《凯撒和克莉奥佩屈拉》 (1898)和《布拉斯庞德上尉的转 变》(1897)。
• 进入 20世纪之后,肖伯纳的创作进 入高峰,发表了著名的剧本《人与超 人》(1903)、《芭芭拉少校》 (1905)、《伤心之家》(1913)、 《圣女贞德》(1923)、《苹果车》 (1929)和《真相毕露》(1932)、 《突然出现的岛上愚人》(1936) 等。其中《圣女贞德》获得空前的成 功,被公认为他的最佳历史剧,是 “诗人创作的最高峰”(颁奖辞)。 肖伯纳杰出的戏剧创作活动,不仅使 他获得了“ 20世纪的莫里哀”之称, 而且“因为他的作品具有理想主义和 人道精神,其令人激励和讽刺往往蕴 含着独特的诗意之美”,于1925年 获得了诺贝尔文学奖。



The Nobel Prize
Saint Joan
Saint Joan is a play by George Bernard Shaw, based on the life Shaw and trial of Joan of Arc. to Shaw studied the is the only person have been 1924 transcripts and decided that the concerned people acted awarded both a Nobel Prize in Literature in good (1925) faith according to theirAward beliefs. He wrote and an Academy (1938), for in his prefacehis to contributions the play: to literature and for his work on the film Pygmalion. There are no villains in the piece. Crime, like disease, is not interesting: it is something to be done away with by generalShaw consent, anddown that is [there is] about turned allall other awards and it. It is what men do at including their best, with good intentions, and what honors, the offer of a knighthood. normal men and women find that they must and will do in spite of their intentions, that really concern us.



My Fair Lady
Different ending
At the end of the play,Eliza and Higgins did not become lovers. But in the film version of "Pygmalion" , finally Eliza went back to Higgins, and Higgins said : "Eliza, where the devil are my slippers? "Then the musical" my fair lady "have followed the ending.
Pygmalion (play)
George Bernard Shaw
X小组成员:文学院 孙梦 孙偎偎 沈烨婷 刘璐
• Pygmalion ---Greek myth The title of the play is taken from Greek mythol ogy.Pygmalion,King of Cyprus,was a famous scul ptor.He made a beautiful ivory statue of a wom an,which he named Galatea,and fell in love with i t.At his prayer Aphrodite,the goddess of bea uty and love,gave it life.And Galatea,now a wo man in flesh and blood,became Pygmalion ’s wife.

萧伯纳和小女孩 (冀教版)精品PPT教学课件

萧伯纳和小女孩 (冀教版)精品PPT教学课件
“先生,您就是萧伯纳?” “可是,您怎么会说自己了不起呢?请回 去也告诉您的妈妈,就说今天同您玩的是一 个普普通通的小姑娘!”
临别的时候,萧伯纳把头一扬,幽默地对 小姑娘说:“别忘了回去告诉你妈妈,就说今 天同你玩的是世界闻名的萧伯纳!”
“先生,您就是萧伯纳?” “可怎是么,您难怎道么我会不说像自吗己?了”不“起可呢是?,请您回怎 去么也会告说诉自您己的了妈不妈 起, 呢就 ?说请今回天去同也您告玩诉的您是的一妈 个妈普,普就说通今通天的同小您姑玩娘的!是”一个普普通通的小 姑娘!”
扬名于世的音乐大师贝多芬,谦虚地说自己“只学 会了几个音符”。

虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。 —— 毛 泽 东
一个骄傲的人,结果总是在骄傲里毁灭了自己。 —— 莎士比亚
想想说说 小女孩让举世闻名的萧伯纳 受到了启迪,多聪明呀!如果 你是那个可爱的小女孩回家后 会和妈妈说些什么?
(小女孩回到家,妈妈为她开门。) 小女孩:妈妈,今天我见到肖伯纳了。 妈妈(很惊喜):是吗?你真幸运! 小女孩:可是,他是一个骄傲的人。 妈妈(很惊奇):哦?那是怎么回事?

萧伯纳作品赏析Pygmalion PPT

萧伯纳作品赏析Pygmalion PPT

Literary Career and Achievements
the second greatest English playwright behind only Shakespeare
“a day never passes without a performance of some Shaw play being given somewhere in the world.”
With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.
When Pygmalion returns home, he kisses his statue and is delighted to find that she is warm and soft to touch.
He flirted with beautiful women but never had further committed relations.
He was member of Fabian Society, a middleclass socialist group that aimed at the transformation of English government and society.
Do you know the famous actress? Can you name some films which she acted in?
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady)
1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ?



George Bernard Shaw
Playwright, critic Joan of Arc
Lady Warren's Occupation
The concept of “Pygmalion”
Greek myth
Shaw’s play
Movie: My Fair Lady
III. Pygmalion - the Play(戏剧简介)
IV. the climax of the play
Is Eliza happy with the result ? How do you know it ?
P1 She is tired: her pallor contrasts strongly with her dark eyes and hair; and her expression is almost tragic. She takes off her cloak; puts her fan and flowers on the piano; and sits down on the bench, brooding and silent.
Eliza was __________. Eliza became __________.
P3 snatching up the slippers, and hurling them at him one after the other with all her force...
Eliza was __________.
Pickering are _g_i_ft_e_d__l_in_g__u_is__ts_.
Higgins bets Pickering that ___


Байду номын сангаас
Some examples
1、电影中语言学家根据口音不同便可以判断出人来自哪里。(regional dialect)
2、印度方言不少于147种。(regional dialect)
3、英国人的发音能分三六九等。(social class dialect) 4、法国人、阿拉伯人、挪威人、希伯莱人各自说着自己不同的语言。 (regional dialect) 5、文中说杜立特先生是个押头韵的天才,喜欢押“w”字头韵。(Idiolect) 6、伊莉莎和希金斯生活在同一城市,但伊莉莎却操着一口Cockney音, “Ow,eezy?-ooa san, is?? Wal.fewd dan y”d?-ooty bawmz a mather should, eedettern to spawl a pore gel‘s flahrzn than awy athaht pyin. Will ye- oo py me f’ them?“.而希金斯却是标准的伦敦口音,”Oh, that comes with practice. You hear no difference at first; bou you keep on listening, and presently you find they‘re all as different as A and B.由于 卖花女本身出生于丽孙林,后来才来到伦敦谋生,而希金斯则生活工作在伦 敦,地域的差异造成伊莉莎与希金斯的口音不同,使用的语言也不同,产生 地域变体。 ( regional dialect )
The relationship between society and language 在漫长的人类社会进步与发展过程中,产生了语言,语言 也一直伴随着社会在演变和发展,语言在这个过程中不断 发展进步,也促进了社会的进步与发展。 语言,为社会提供了交流;社会,为语言提供了发展。它 们之间互相推动,互相促进,互相影响,互相作用,互相 制约,互相变化,这就是语言与社会 的大体关系。 社会离不开语言主要体现在:语言是人类最重要的交际工 具.语言的统一和语言的无阻碍发展,是保证贸易能够适 应现代社会化而真正自由广泛发展的最重要的条件之一; 是使居民自由地广泛地按各个阶层组合的最重要条件之一; 社会的进步推动了语言的发展,社会发展对语言词汇的发 展有很大的影响,随着社会生活的日益复杂,词汇也逐渐 完备丰富起来了。语言的变化和发展促进社会的进步和发 展。

萧伯纳卖花女 ppt课件

萧伯纳卖花女 ppt课件
Mrs. Higgins: a refined, independent woman .
Alfred Doolittle: contented with his own life, selfish, indifferent.
Freddy :persistent to love, almost no
hierarchical idea.
那 三个茶会中你一定要试试这种时髦话。不要胆怯,尽管说。)
Clara: I will, Good-bye such nonsense, at all this early Victorian prudery!(我一定说,再见.这些维多利亚早期的清规戒律都是胡闹)
Higgins:【tempting her】 Such damned nonsense!(真是胡闹)
Marriage and Prostitution: From his unusual
standpoint of being committed to a celibate marriage, Shaw apparently feels free to denounce marriage as an exchange of sexuality for money similar to prostitution (even though this was not happening in his own marriage).
Characters analysis
Originate from: An Ancient Greek myth
A sculptor from Cyprus
Hates woman & the idea of getting married



The challenge was taken, and Higgins started by having his housekeeper bathe Eliza and gave her new clothes.
• Then Eliza's father Alfred Doolittle came to demand the return of his daughter, though his real intention was to hit Higgins up for some money. The professor, amused by Doolittle's unusual rhetoric, gave him five pounds. On his way out, the dustman failed to recognize the clean, pretty flower girl as his daughter.
Colonel Pickering was a linguist of Indian dialects. He goaded Higgins on by agreeing to cover the costs of the experiment if Higgins could pass Eliza off as a duchess at an ambassador's garden party.
Shaw's works (general view)
Short stories: The Black Girl in Search of God (1932) The Miraculous Revenge (he also wrote some essays)


● 《鳏夫的房产》(Widowers' Houses) ●《华伦夫人的职业》(Mrs Warren's Profession) ●《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan) ● 历史剧 《卖花女》(Pygmalion) ●《魔鬼的门徒》(The Devil's Disciple) ●《人与超人》(Man and Superman) ●《伤心之家》(Heartbreak House) ●《卡希尔·拜伦的职业》(Cashel Byron's Profession ) ●《巴巴拉少校》(Major Barbara) ●《苹果车》(The Apple Cart) ●《医生的两难选择》(The Doctor's Dilemma) ●《长生》或《千岁人》(Back to Methuselah) ●《凯撒和克娄巴特拉》(Caesar and Cleopatra)
forget, the less you know. So why learn? --Bernard Shaw 学得越多,知道得越多。知道得越多,忘得越多。忘 得越多,知道得越少。那么何必学呢? —萧伯纳
Mrs. Warren’ Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》
二、Mrs. Warren’ Profession
二、Mrs. Warren’ Profession (一)Background
After Shakespeare, Shaw was one of Ireland great dramatists, he created a series of outstanding dramatic works which are still Farreaching social significance and unique research value. Lots of domestic and international scholars has been extensively studied his work from different angles .


I was born intelligent - education ruined me. --Bernard Shaw
我生下来时很聪明的——教育把 depends on your dreams." So go to sleep. --Bernard Shaw

Money is not everything. There is Mastercard & Visa. --Bernard Shaw
born July 26, 1856, Dublin, Ireland Shaw briefly attended the Wesley College, Dublin, but never went to university and was largely self-taught.
Bernard Shaw visited Soviet in 1931.He spent his 75th birthday on Moscow.
In 1933,he came to China .Lu Xun represented other progressives welcomed Shaw.
pay a shilling, so that she may speak properly enough to work in a flower shop. Higgins makes merciless fun of her, but is seduced by the idea of working his magic on her. For a number of months, Higgins trains Eliza to speak properly. A relationship between Higgins and Eliza was developped,



ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

I was born intelligent - education ruined me. --Bernard Shaw 我生下来时很聪明的——教育把我给毁了。 —萧伯纳

Since light travels faster than sound, people appear bright until you hear them speak. -- Bernard Shaw 由于光速比音速快,所以在我们听到人们开口之前,个个都显得很聪明。 —萧伯 纳 Money is not everything. There's Mastercard & Visa. --Bernard Shaw 金钱并非一切,还有信用卡呢。 —萧伯纳 The wise never marry and when they marry they become otherwise. --Bernard Shaw 明白人从不结婚,结了婚就不明白了。 —萧伯纳
萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw) 爱尔兰剧作家 1856年7月26日-1950年11月2日 出生 1856年7月26日 爱尔兰都柏林 逝世 1950年11月2日 英格兰赫特福德郡 享年 94岁 职业 剧作家、评论家、 政治活动家
萧伯纳从小就爱好音乐和绘画。中学毕业后,15 岁便当了抄写员,后又任会计,并在报章写剧评 和乐评、从事新闻工作。刻苦自学期间,他会浏 览伦敦美术馆及国家画廊,又去大英博物馆图书 室读书,在那儿读到马克思的《资本论》。



Alfred Doolittle
• Alfred Doolittle is Eliza's father, an elderly but vigorous dustman who has had at least six wives and who "seems equally free from fear and conscience." When he learns that his daughter has entered the home of Henry Higgins, he immediately pursues to see if he can get some money out of the circumstance. • Through Higgins' joking recommendation, Doolittle becomes a richly endowed lecturer to a moral reform society, transforming him from lowly dustman to a picture of middle class morality--he becomes miserable. Throughout, Alfred is a scoundrel who is willing to sell his daughter to make a few pounds, but he is one of the few unaffected characters in the play, unmasked by appearance or language.
Professor Henry Higgins

萧伯纳简介 ppt课件

萧伯纳简介 ppt课件

—— My Fair Lady
Mrs. Warren’s Profession:
1.The play Mrs. Warren’s Profession was called by the writer himself “Plays Unpleasant”.
Man and Superman (1903)《人与超人》
Major Barbara (1907)《芭芭拉上校》
Pygmalion (1914) 《卖花女》;《窈窕淑女》
George Bernard Shaw
•WWI is a turning point for Shaw. His antiwar speeches and his pamphlet Common Sense about the War made him the target ['tɑ:git] of much criticism.
fostering prostitution. Mrs. Warren’s profession is keeping brothels. Mr. Crofts is
her partner in this business.
3. The play tells an outrageous truth in a moribund capitalist society, even prostitution can be made a means of exploitation by an ex-



Unit 4 PygmalionI 教学内容分析本单元的中心话题是萧伯纳的名剧《卖花女》。


Warming up部分展现了关于希腊神话《皮格马利翁》的三幅图片,使学生对《卖花女》的由来有一个初步印象;通过对每个问题的讨论为进一步学习做准备。

Pre-reading部分设计的三个问题是逐层展开的,第一个问题借助电影My Fair Lady让学生了解Pygmalion。





Learning about Language部分是剧本中的第二场,由于与皮克林上校打赌希金斯教授勉强收下上门求学以期改变命运的Eliza。


Learning Tip指导学生阅读名著改编的小说和剧本,扩大课外阅读量,有效地提高英语水平,并尝试读、演话剧,改进语音、语调。

II. 教学重点和难点1、教学重点(1)本单元的生词和短语及其用法;(2)复习掌握过去分词作状语的用法;(3)了解Pygmalion的剧情,理解“皮格马利翁效应”。


III. 教学计划本单元建议分六课时第一课时:Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook)第二课时:Pre-reading, Reading & Comprehending第三课时:Learning about Language第四课时:Reading (Using Language) & Reading task (Workbook)第五、六课时:Listening and speaking (Using Language), Listening task (Workbook), Speaking and writing (Using Language) & Speaking task (Workbook)IV. 教学步骤Period 1. Warming Up, Listening (Workbook) & Talking (Workbook) Teaching Goals:1. To arouse Ss’ interest in knowing the content of the whole story.2. To develop Ss’ sp eaking ability.Purpose: To activate Ss and arouse them to say something about the famous actress.Show the pictures about the famous actress. Ask Ss if they know her and what they know about My Fair Lady.Step 2. Warming UpPurpose: To lead the Ss to the theme of this unit.1. Tell Ss the film My Fair Lady or Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion is an adaptation of a Greek story. Ask Ss to look at the pictures on P28 and tell the story to their partners.2. Divide the whole class into groups of four to discuss the three questions of Warming up on P28. Encourage them to speculate about whether they think Pygmalion and his wife will have problems once they do get married. Here are some more questions in detail.(1) Does the statue-wife have any ideas of her own?(2) Will Pygmalion allow his wife to be an independent person?(3)Will they lead a happy life after marriage?(4) Will they have any problems?(5) Who will have to change more to solve the problems?Ask some students to report. All these questions have no right or wrong answers.3. Ask Ss to discuss the following questions, encouraging them to imagine the details. Ask someindividuals to give their answers and reasons.Question 1. Did Pygmalion work hard when he made the statue?Question 2. How could the statue come into life?Question 3. Why did the Greek Goddess grant his wish?Conclusion:If someone wants to get something very much, he/she just try his/her best. Nothing is impossible.Step 3. Pre-listeningPurpose: To help Ss learn about the context of the Listening text.1. Ask Ss to discuss in groups of four according to the picture on P29.(1) Who are the two persons in the picture?(2) What do you know about them?(3) How will they judge whether Eliza is a lady or not?2. After discussing, ask some Ss to present their opinions to the whole class.Step 4. Listening (Workbook)Purpose:To develop the Ss’ listening ability.To know some characters about the main roles in the play.1. Ask Ss to listen to the tape and finish Ex1 on P70.2. Ask Ss to listen to the tape once again and finish Ex3 on P70.3. Allow Ss several minutes to discuss the answers to Ex4 on P70 and call out several Ss to read aloud their answers to check with the whole class.Step 5. Talking (Workbook)Purpose: To get Ss to make up the conversation.1. Ask Ss to discuss the questions below. Allow Ss several minutes to exchange their ideas.(1)What is your opinion about Pickering, Henry and Eliza’s characters?(2)How did Eliza perform?(3)What do Pickering and Henry want to say to her?2. Ask Ss to go through the expressions given in the exercise. Remind them to express the exact idea politely.3. Ask Ss to follow the following steps to finish their dialogues.(1) In pairs, Ss work on the speech that Pickering and Henry will make to Eliza, then practicethe conversation together.(2) Ask Ss to perform their conversation to another pair and give advice to each other.(3) Allow Ss several minutes to get prepared. Ask some pairs to present their dialogues.Step 6. Homework1. Ask Ss to continue practicing their conversation.2. Ask Ss to find some more information about Bernard Shaw and his play.Period 2 Pre- reading, Reading & ComprehendingTeaching Goals:1. To learn about the content of Act One of the play.2. To deve lop Ss’ some basic reading skills3. To arouse Ss’ interest in appreciating literature.Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Pre-readingPurpose: To arouse Ss’ interest in learning about the play.1. Show some pictures from My Fair Lady. Ask Ss to answer the following questions.(1) Have you ever seen the film?(2) Do you like it? Why?(3) What is the theme of it?2. Ask Ss to go through the information on the main characters below and try to match themain characters in the play and in the Greek story.(1) Pygmalion A. Pickering(2) Statue B. Higgins(3) Greek God C. ElizaSuggested Answers: (1) B (2) C (3) AStep 2. Fast readingPurpose: To get a brief understanding of Act One.1. Ask Ss if they are curious about the plot in the play and then give them some time to read the text. While reading, Ask them try to find out the information as quickly as possible2. Ask Ss to read the text quickly and work in pairs to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Comprehending on P30~P31.3. Divide the whole class into boys group and girls group. Allow them some time and see which group can finish Ex4 on P30 correctly first. Check the answer with the whole class.4. Ask Ss to discuss in groups of four: What other things show one’s status in so ciety apart from how one speaks? Call out some Ss to report. Write down the points on the Bb.clothes you wearexpensive possessions (like cars or jewellery)attitudes and behavioureducation levelhow many foreign languages spoken and countries visitedStep 3. Intensive readingPurpose: To get Ss to have some more details in the text.1. Ask Ss to read the text carefully and try to get more details from the text and then find out the answers to these “why” questions.(1)Why can we say that Eliza must be in a lower class?(2)Why was Higgins respectful to Pickering?(3)Why did Pickering and Higgins feel so happy when they met each other ?(4)Why did Eliza want to find Higgins the next day ?Suggested Answers:(1)Her language and behaviour(2)In his opinion ,Pickering is an equal and friend.(3)Both of them were interested in phonetics and they were looking for each other.(4)She wanted to change her life very much and she believed what Higgins said.2. Ask Ss to try their best to remember the information of the play according to the picture. Then Ask Ss to listen to the tape and try to follow in a low voice.3. Ask the Ss to retell the story according to the picture above, call out several Ss to do it to the whole class.4. Still divide the class into boys and girls group.Give them some time to do Ex 5 on P31. See which group can finish first.Step 4. Homework1. Ask Ss to write a short passage to introduce the story briefly.2. Ask Ss to go over Act One and try to find out the language points3. Ask Ss to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Discovering Useful Words And Expressions on P32.Period 3. Learning about LanguageTeaching Goals:1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.2. To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar point: past participles used as adverbial. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Warming upPurpose: To go over the words and phrases in the text.Call out some Ss to check the answers to Ex1 and Ex2 of Discovering Useful Words And Expressions on P32.Step 2. Word studyPurpose: 1. To enable Ss to master some new words and expressions.2. To encourage Ss to use the words in sentences.1. Allow Ss some time to finish Ex1 and Ex2 of Using Words And Expressions on P71. Call out some Ss to check the answers.2. Tell Ss that words can show approval or disapproval. Let Ss try to finish Ex3 of Using Words And Expressions on P72 in pairs. Ask them to discuss about the difference of the words.3. Divide the whole class into boys and girls group and try to see which group can finish the sentences in Ex4 on P72 first.Step 3 Language point.Purpose: To train Ss’ language capacity1.Call out some Ss to list their difficult words and phrases, write them down and give necessaryexplanations.(1)while watching, he makes notes.(2)… hands over the paper covered with writing.(3)There you are and you come from the west end of London, born in Lisson Grove if I’m notmistaken.(4)What if I was?(5)But they betray themselves every time they open their mouths.(6)Once educated to speak properly, the girl could pass herself off as a duchess at anambassador’s garden party.Step 4. GrammarPurpose: To get Ss to have knowledge of the grammar1. Ask Ss to finish Ex1, Ex2 and Ex3 of Revising useful structures on P33. Check the answer together with the whole class orally.2. Explain for Ss the grammar point.(1) 过去分词作状语时逻辑主语与句子主语一致,即句子主语是过去分词动作承受者。

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Colonel Pickering, a
linguist who has traveled to London from India to see Higgins. An elderly, amiable soldier, Pickering is as confirmed a bachelor as Higgins, but he is a gentleman who treats Eliza with respect and helps to moderate Higgins’ mistreatment of her.
Eliza Doolittle, the flower girl. Dirty and
ignorant, Eliza comes to Higgins and pathetically begs him to teach her to speak well enough to run a respectable flower shop.
Alfred Doolittle, a dustman, Eliza’s
father. Doolittle is distinguished by a good voice, an original mind, and a complete absence of conscience. He plans to blackmail Higgins, mistakenly thinking that Higgins has taken Eliza as his mistress. Higgins and Pickering are so delighted by the scoundrel’s straightforwardness that they give him five pounds. Doolittle is made middle class by Higgin's letter to Ezra D. Wannafeller, an American philanthropist, Higgins calls Doolittle “the most original moralist” in England. Wannafeller leaves Doolittle an income of 3 thousand pounds a year.
《魔鬼的门徒》The Devil's Disciple 《人与超人》Man and Superman 《伤心之家》Heartbreak House 《华伦夫人的职业》Mrs.Warren's Profession 《巴巴拉少校》Major Barbara
《苹果车》The Apple Cart
《长生》(《千岁人》)Back to Methuselah 《凯撒和克娄巴特拉》Caesar and Cleopatra
Higgins makes a bet with another scientist, Colonel Pickering, that he can, in six months, make a Cockney flower girl speak so well that she can be passed off as a duchess.
To assert herself, Eliza threatens to go into competition with Higgins, using his own methods of teaching proper speech. Higgins rudely congratulates Eliza on her assertiveness and welcomes her a marries not Higgins but Freddy Hill. They open a flower shop that, with Pickering’s help, finally becomes prosperous.
George Bernard Shaw
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950), was an Anglo-Irish playwright, critic and polemicist whose influence on Western theatre, culture and politics extended from the 1880s to his death and beyond. He wrote more than sixty plays. With a range incorporating both contemporary satire and historical allegory, Shaw became the leading dramatist of his generation, and in 1925 was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.
Major Works
《卡希尔.拜伦的职业》Cashel Byron's Profession 《武器和人》Arms and the Man 《鲧夫的房产》Widowers' Houses 《英国佬的另一个岛》John Bull's Other Island
《圣女贞德》Saint Joan 《卖花女》Pygmalion
Pygmalion is a play by George Bernard Shaw, named after a Greek mythological character.
Henry Higgins, a linguistic
Grown fond of Higgins and grateful to him, Eliza tries to please him and is ignored. Gradually disappointed at Higgin's ingnorance, she left the 2 men in the nignt after the embassy reception.
scientist. A robust and handsome forty-year-old bachelor. He is absolutely uncivilized in his relations with people. Although he firmly believes himself to be kindhearted and considerate.