LG-LC320DXY-SHA5_V0 1_150525_v0.1
联创广汇产品价格表 改
产品价格表北京联创广汇电气制造有限公司2012年LCW8系列万能式断路器(ACB)及附件价格LCS系列塑壳断路器(MCCB)及附件价格LCSL系列塑壳漏电断路器(MCCB)价格LCH1系列负荷隔离开关价格LCM-100系列微型断路器(MCB)价格LCM-63系列微型断路器(MCB)价格LC-50L 系列漏电附件(RCBO)价格LCN-32 系列小型断路器(MCB)价格LCN-32L系列漏电断路器(RCBO)价格LCH-100 系列隔离开关价格LCM系列附件价格LC-系列电涌保护器(SPD)价格LC-Q系列双电源自动转换开关(A TSE)价格LCM7系列高分断微型断路器(MCB)价格LCM7L系列高分断漏电断路器(RCBO)价格LCM71-40系列微型断路器(MCB)价格LCM71-40L系列漏电断路器(RCBO)价格LCM7G系列隔离开关价格LCM7系列附件价格LCM7/TS系列IC卡电能表专用小型断路器价格LC-ACS 电气火灾监控系统价格LCPS系列控制与保护开关电器价格LCW8系列万能式断路器(ACB)价格产品规格型号额定电流(A)三极四极固定式抽屉式固定式抽屉式图片LCW8-2000630 10500 13000 13500 17500800 11000 14500 15500 190001000 12500 15500 17000 210001250 13500 16500 18500 225001600 15000 18000 20000 240002000 20000 22500 24500 28500 LCW8-40002000 22000 25000 28500 330002500 23500 27000 31000 360003200 28500 32500 38500 420004000 - 50000 - 58500 LCW8-63004000 - 68000 - 850005000 - 76000 - 950006300 - 115000 - -LCW8 系列万能断路器附件价格(三极、四极)外接中线互感器附件名称价格(元/ 套)LCW8-2000系列300LCW8-4000系列450LCW8-6300系列600欠压瞬时脱扣器400欠压延时脱扣器600机械联锁垂直联锁1200(二联锁)1500(三联锁)水平联锁1200(二联锁)1500(三联锁)两锁一钥匙340三锁一钥匙450直流电源模块300直流分励与直流合闸电磁铁250负载电源模块300触头损耗指示500(630A)800(2000A)垂直进出母线2000A(3极)7502000A(4极)1000相间隔板3极604极90按钮闭锁200智能脱扣器增选功能信号触点输出功能200MCR及越限跳闸功能400功能表功能400抽屉座位置指示装置200注:1、附件价格不下浮。
P_CON高电平使得QC5导通,将P10脚置为低电平,以便UC1正常工作,若高压侧 工作异常,则小板输出的P_CON变为低,锁死UC1; P9主要是为了故障时锁机,当1脚电压大于2脚电压时,9脚输出为高,使得1脚 持续大于2脚,即9脚持续输出为高,UC1的驱动脚停止输出,否则UC1会进入间 歇工作。
11V 328V 326V
这个引脚是内部连接到反相输入PWM比较器的。采集 的光耦合器典型的被连到这个脚。为稳定运行,一个电 容应该放在这个脚和地之间。如果这个引脚电压达到 4.7V,过载保护触发,将关闭FPS。
这个引脚内部连接到同步检测比较器谷开关。在正常 的开关操作时,阈值的同步比较是0.7V/0.1V。
L6562是一款电流模式PFC控制器,工作在过渡模 式(TM),其引脚功能与L6561兼容,并在性能上有所改善 。高度线性的乘法器包含一个特殊的电路,可以减少交流 输出电流的失真,以上功能使得在大负载的情况下能实现 谐波失真极小的宽电流动作。输出电压通过电压模式误差
该集成电路功耗很低(启动前小于70μ A,运行时 小于4mA),并且有禁用功能,可实现遥控开关功能。上述 特性均符合节能标准(蓝天使、能源之星、能源2000等) 。有效的2步过压保护功能可以在启动或断开负载时安全地 控制电压。
TV Product Development Dept. LG. Philips LCD Co., Ltd
Ver. 0.0
www.SJupn.e02c, 2L00c5
1 / 28
Product Specification
1 2 3
3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 3-6 4 5 6 7 7-1 7-2 8 8-1 8-2 9 9-1 9-2 9-3 9-4 9-5 9-6
3. Electrical Specifications
3-1. Electrical Characteristics
It requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other input power for the EEFL/Backlight is to power inverter.
LG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd.
*When you obtain standard approval, please use the above model name without suffix
Gate Driver Circuit
LVDS Rx (Receiver)
DCR Controller ODC Controller Timing Controller
TFT - LCD Panel
W W1 W2 W3
W-LSLGF1600III 2500
520 430
W-LSLGF2000III 2580
mm 182
m3/h 436
R22 / 380 N46
R22 / 980
r/min V Hz
6000或 10000
kW 100
油 泵
L/min kW
50 Y90L-6
1.1 910
80 Y90L-4
1.5 1400
油 冷却水流量
冷 冷却水侧阻力
却 冷却水进出口管径 mm
l 开启螺杆式冷水机组(多流程) 为满足啤酒、饮料、水利等行业用户对冷冻循环水大温差的要求。我们设计有多 种 流 程 的满液式蒸
发器,供用户选择使用。 四流程:进出水温差可满足 14℃的要求 六流程:进出水温差可满足 22℃的要求 八流程:进出水温差可满足 28℃的要求(外形图及技术参数,本样本未列出,请向我公司直接索取)
May 1985 G 三相油闸类型 VR、VLR、VCR、VRV 安装说明书
May 1985 q Supersedes 9/77Printed in USAOil SwitchesType VR, VLR, VCR, VRV Installation Instructions1S260-20-6Service InformationFigure 1.Cooper Power Systems electrically controlled, three-phase oil switches.These instructions do not claim to cover all details or variations in the equipment, procedure, or process described, nor to provide directions for meeting every contingency during installation, operation, or maintenance. When additional information is desired to satisfy a problem not covered sufficiently for the user’s purpose, please contact your Cooper Power Systems sales engineer.TYPE VR, VCRVLR 14.4 KVTYPE VRV 34.5 KVSHIPMENT AND ACCEPTANCEEach switch is completely assembled,inspected, adjusted, and tested at the factory, and is filled to the correct level with insulating oil. It is in good condition when accepted by the carrier for ship-ment.Upon receipt, inspect the switch thor-oughly for damage and loss of parts or oil incurred during shipment. If damage or loss is discovered, file a claim with the carrier immediately. Save the ship-ping carton or crate, with all packing,for inspection.Check for oil leakage and tighten all bolts that may have loosened during shipment, especially the bolts attaching the head to the tank.HANDLING AND STORAGEIf the switch is stored for any apprecia-ble time before installation, provide a clean, dry storage area located to mini-mize the possibility of mechanical dam-age (especially to the bushings).DESCRIPTlONType VR, VCR, and VLR (14.4-kv appli-cations) and VRV (34.5-kv applications)motor-operated oil switches provide convenient three-phase load switching by remote control on command or auto-matically through the use of current,voltage, or time-sensitive devices.Type VR, VCR, and VLR switches are differentiated from each other by their contact structures. Type VR switches have two sets of arcing and load-carry-ing contacts per phase.2Figure 2.Short-time current ratings—Type VR, VCR, and VLR oil switches.Electrical RatingsLoad Switching RatingsActuator Operating DataShort-Time Current RatingsType VCR contacts are similar to the Type VR with the addition of damping resistors in series with the arcing con-tacts. The resistors damp both the mag-nitude and frequency of transient inrush currents to values within the short-time ratings of the switch.The Type VLR switch utilizes two bayonet-type moving contacts per phase operating within self-blast inter-rupters. This same type of contact structure is also used in the Type VRV switch with increased arc gaps for 34.5-kv service.The motor-operated actuator enables the switch to be remotely controlled with a manually operated SPDT switch or by automatic current, voltage, or time-sen-sitive devices. A six-pin plug and recep-tacle are furnished for connecting the control circuits to the switch. Other stan-dard equipment includes a contact-posi-tion indicator, an operations counter,manual trip ring, and provision for man-ual closing.Accessories include a quick-close feature, a manual-trip-and-block switch,a four stage auxiliary switch, an opera-tor-cabinet heater, and low-voltage surge arresters for the externally con-RATINGST ypeDescriptionVR T ype VCR, VLR VRVRated maximum voltage (kv rms)15.538.0Nominal system voltage (kv rms)2.4-14.434.5Rated impulse withstand voltage (BIL) (kv crest)11015060-Hz insulation level with-stand (kv rms)Dry , 1 minute 5070Wet, 10 seconds4560Rated continuous current (amps)400400T ype DescriptionVR T ype VCR,VLR VRV Rated momentary asym-metrical current (amps)20,00015,000Rated 1/2-second asym-metrical current (amps)13,500Rated 1-second sym-metricai current (amps)10,00010,000Rated 10-second sym-metrical current (amps)_3,500Rated asymmetrical making current20,00015,000Power Rated Type ApplicationFactor Current (%)(amp)Capacitive current _300switching@@7.2 kv 14.4 kv Inductive 75-100400200VR load 50-75200100switching 10-5010050Capacitive VCR current _400switching*InductiveVLR load 10-100400switching Inductive VRV load 70400switching*Rated for parallel bank applications.DescriptionRatings Closing motor nominal operatingvoltage (vac)120Closing motor inrush current (amps)6Closing motor steady-state current (amps)4Closing motor running time (see)10Trip coil current at 115 vac (amps)5S260-20-63Figure 3.Outline dimensions for Type VR, VCR, and VLR oil switches.Figure 4.Outline dimensions for Type VRV oil switch.4Figure 5.Stand actuator.Figure 6.Stand actuator control circuit and customer connections—main switchcontacts open (accessories shown in dotted lines).DESCRIPTlON OF SWITCH OPERATIONStandard ActuatorThese switches are equipped with a motor-operated actuator mechanism (Figure 5) for remote closing. Remote tripping is initiated by energizing a trip-open solenoid which unlatches the spring-loaded operating mechanism to open the main switch contacts.Subsequent closing is accomplished by operating the motor which Ioads the opening springs, latches the operating mechanism, and extends the closing spring until it over-toggles and closes the main switch contacts. Operating time of the closing circuit is approxi-mately 10 seconds.A selector switch provides an orderly transition from trip to close and from close to trip. The selector switch is operated from the main shaft that drives the main switch contacts open or closed. When the main contacts are closed, the trip circuit is closed and the close circuit is open. When the main contacts are open, the trip circuit is open and the close circuit is closed.The standard control circuit diagram is shown in Figure 6.Quick-Close ActuatorWhen equipped with the quick-close accessory (Figure 7), the main switch contacts close in 2.5 to 5 cycles after energizing the closing circuit (compared to 10 seconds for the standard control).However, at least 10 seconds must elapse between an opening and closing operation to allow the motor operator to preload the closing springs.The accessory includes a solenoidop-erated latch to trip the pre-loaded clos-ing mechanism and a cam-operated cutout switch to allow pre-loading of the closing mechanism.Figure 8 shows the control circuit with the quick-close accessory with the main contacts open. A close signal energizes the quick-close coil, closing the main switch contacts. The selector switch is operated to the left, interrupting the cur-rent to the quick-close coil.An open operation energizes the trip coil, opening the main switch contacts.The selector switch operates to the right, and the cutout switch operates to the left, energizing the motor. The motor operates to preload the closing spring.At the completion of this operation the cam operates the cutout switch to the right and the circuit is prepared for another quick-close signal.S260-20-6 Lifting a SwitchFollow all approved safety practices when making hitches and lifting the equipment. Lift the load smoothly and do not allow the load to shift.This switch has two lifting lugs—used when lifting. Maximum strength is attained with a vertical lift attached to the Iugs. Use a spreader bar with afixed attachment point for the hook at the load center.If a sling is used for lifting the switch, it must have a fixed attachment point at the load center. Rig the switch so that the sling height is equal to—or greater than—the distance between lifting lugs.5Figure 9.Mounting dimensions of Type VR, VCR, and VLR oil switches in KA19H3 double crossarm bracket or substation hanger.Figure 10.Mounting dimensions of Type VR, VCR and VLR oil switches in KA19H3 broad-side-mounting pole frame.6S260-20-67Figure 11.Mounting dimensions of Type VR, VCR, and VLR oil switches in KA194VRsubstation frame with KA584 R2 windlass.8Figure 12.Mounting dimensions of Type VRV oil switch in KA146W3 pole-mounted suspension hanger.Figure 13.Location of wiring receptacles in bottom of operator cabinet.Figure 14.Control-circuit plug.CONNECTIONSMain WiringPrimary connections to the VR, VCR,and VLR switches are made at the uni-versal clamp-type bushing terminals that accommodate either copper or alu-minum conductors from No. 6 solid to 350 MCM stranded in a vertical or a horizontal position. The Type VRV switch bushing terminals will accommo-date No. 2 solid through 350 MCM stranded conductors.Control and Accessory WiringControl wiring and wiring for various accessories is brought to receptacles in the bottom of the operator cabinet. The receptacles are located in Figure 13.STANDARD SWITCHThe control circuit is permanently wired to a six-pin receptacle in the bottom of the operator housing. The mating plug is furnished as standard with the switch.Internal connections to the receptacle and customer connections to the plug are shown in Figure 6 for the standard control circuit and in Figure 8 for the quick-close control circuit. Pin arrange-ment for the mating plug is shown in Figure 14.S260-20-69Figure 15.Connection diagram—standard operator wired for use with Type S auto load-transfer control.Figure 17.Eight-pin fault-block accessory cable plug.Figure 16.Connection diagram—quick-close operator wired for use with Type S auto load-transfer control.OPERATING INSTRUCTlONS Standard OperatorELECTRICAL OPERATIONThe switch is shipped from the factory in the open position. To close the switch electrically, make the connections as shown in Figure 6 and operate the SPDT switching device to its CLOSE position. The motor will operate and close the main contacts in approximate-ly 10 seconds. To open the switch elec-trically, operate the SPDT device to the OPEN position. The trip solenoid will operate immediately to open the main switch contacts.An SPDT switching device (furnished by the customer) is required to operate the switch. With the standard operator,the switching device must hold in the CLOSE position for at least 10 seconds to allow the motor to drive the main switch contacts closed. The OPEN sig-nal may be momentary (at least 5cycles).With the quick-close operator, both the CLOSE and OPEN signals may be momentary. However, at least 10 sec-onds must elapse between an OPEN and a CLOSE signal to allow the motor to preload the close spring.LOAD-TRANSFER SWITCHFor application in automatic load-transfer schemes with the Type S con-trol, the following accessories which modify these switches are available:Type S Control with Fault BlockFor this application, the modification includes internal bushing current trans-formers for fault sensing, an additional microswitch and the necessary circuit modifications all wired to a six-pin and an eight-pin receptacle as shown in Figure 15 for the standard operator and Figure 16 for the quick-close operator.Pin orientation for the six-and eight-pin mating plugs is shown in Figures 14and 17.Type S Control without Fault BlockFor this application the modification includes the necessary circuit modifica-tions wired to the six-pin receptacle as shown in Figures 15 and 16. Pin orien-tation for the six-pin mating plug is10S260-20-611Figure 20.Auxiliary-switch plug.Figure 21.Cam positions inside the auxiliary switch.3. Remove the machine screws attach-ing the assembly to the cabinet.4. With the switch removed, unfasten the two hex nuts and lockwashers from the long machine screws that hold the switch sections together.5. Starting with the rear switch section,lift the cams offthe operating shaft,replacing the cams in one of the positions shown in Figure 21.6. Reposition and fasten the switch sections together as removed andremount the switch on the sectional-izer.P .O. Box 1640Waukesha, WI ©1995 Cooper Industries, Inc.Kyle ®is a registered trademark of Cooper Industries, Inc.Manual Trip and BlockThis accessory consists of a hookstick operated DPDT switch in the weather-tight housing mounted to the side of the operator cabinet (see Figure 22) and permanently wired to the control circuit as shown in figure 23. When thehookstick operator is pulled down the accessory electrically operates the trip solenoid to open the main switch con-tacts and disables the motor circuit to prevent electrical closing of the switch.Figure 22.Manual-trip-and-block and auxiliary-switch accessories.Figure 23.Control circuit and customer connections for manual-trip-and-block accessory (with or without quick-close).KA2048-10。
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6A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.45V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 10A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 15A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT2 Low Loss,饱和 压降1.95V
EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 1B EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750
20A,600V@Tc=100℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 1B
20A,600V,@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 750 20A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V 20A,600V@Tc=80℃,IGBT3,饱和压降1.55V EasyPACK 750 EasyPACK 750 EconoPACK 2B
目录一、希沃 (1)70寸技术参数 (1)图片示例 (2)二、TCL (3)70寸技术参数 (3)图片示例 (4)65寸技术参数 (5)三、上海广电光显 (6)技术参数 (6)四、长虹 (7)65寸技术参数 (7)五、鸿合科技 (8)70寸技术参数 (8)六、创维光电 (8)70寸技术参数 (9)图片示例 (10)84寸技术参数 (11)65寸技术参数 (12)七、上海仙视 (12)70寸技术参数 (12)图片示例 (14)84寸技术参数 (15)八、夏普 (16)70寸技术参数 (16)80寸技术参数 (17)图片示例 (19)九、创显光电 (19)70寸技术参数 (20)84寸技术参数 (21)图片示例 (22)十、深圳中银科技 (23)70寸技术参数 (23)一、希沃70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片165寸图片2二、TCL70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片365寸图片465寸技术参数三、上海广电光显技术参数四、长虹65寸技术参数五、鸿合科技70寸技术参数产品规格:70英寸型号:HD-I7002E背光类型:LED显示比例:16:9可视角度:178°物理解析度:1920*1080Pixel图像制式/声音制式:PAL/DK,I3D功能:——工作电压:AC 90-265V,50/60Hz触摸表面材质:钢化玻璃感应方式:红外感应触摸技术特性:HID免驱触摸点数:多点触控,多点书写书写方式:手指或书写笔触摸分辨率:32767*32767通讯接口: USB存储温度/湿度:-20℃~60℃,10%~90% 工作温度/湿度:5℃~50℃,10%~90% 安装方式:壁挂或移动整机尺寸:1648.9*975.6*112.9mm重量:70KG六、创维光电70寸技术参数图片示例70寸图片565寸图片6七、上海仙视70寸技术参数图片示例八、夏普 70寸技术参数 电力消耗(W ) 230W 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50电源要求 交流110-240V ,50Hz 屏幕显示语言 英文/中文(简体)/俄语 扬声器 (150mm×34mm )×2音频输出功率 10W×2(AV 输入,负载4欧姆,失真度为10%时) 电视调谐系统 自动预设99个频道视频彩色制式 PAL/SEAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60图像清晰度* RD 模拟信号:水平>=350,垂直>=400以上 SDTV :水平>=450,垂直>=450以上 背光源 LED 重量kg 57.5KG 外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 1.625 ×106 ×993mm液晶显示屏 X-GEN 面板分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)下面-数字(天线输入)UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座下面-模拟(天线输UHF/VHF 75q DIN 型插座入)后面ー音频输入 HDMI2/电脑共用(直径3.5mm 插孔)RS-232C 9针D-sub 凸型插头电脑 15针小型D-sub,音频输入(与HDMI2共用)(直径3.5mm 插孔)后面—输入5 视频输入,音频输入后面—输入4色差输入(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz, 1080I/50Hz,10080I/60Hz ),音频输入 后面-HDMI3HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz, 720P/60Hz,1080I50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz, 1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz )侧面-HDMI2HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz1080P/24Hz)音频输入(与电脑输入公用)(直径3.5mm 插孔))侧面-HDMI 1(ARC )HDMI(HDMI 输入)(480I,576I,480P,576P,720P/50Hz,720P/60Hz,1080I/50Hz,1080I/60Hz,1080P/50Hz,1080P/60Hz,1080P/24Hz ) 侧面-USB2(HDD ) USB2.0 前面 USB12.0侧面ー音频输出/耳机 直径3.5 插孔(音频输出)接收频道 VHF/UHF C1・C12・C13-C57 CATV SECAM/NTSC3.58/PAL60立体声/双语 丽音(NICAM )B/G ,I ,D/K A2 立体声:B/G 接收频率 模拟ATV 44.25-863.25MHz 数字DTV 55.25-863.25MHz电视制式 PAL :B/G,D/K ,I SECAM :B/G,D/K,K/K1 NTSC :M电源 由USB 提供操作系统 Win XP,Win CE,Vista,Win7,Linux,Mac,Android,Win8检测区域 153.9×86.6cmPC 连接器 USB (兼容1.1)书写方式 手指或非透明触控笔触摸定位精度 ± 2mm响应速度(单点连续) 4ms (典型值)触摸点数 6点检测方法 红外线阻隔检测方法80寸技术参数 基本规格电力消耗(W ) 260 待机消耗功率(W ) 0.50 能效指数(EEILCD ) 1.4分辨力1920(水平)×1080(垂直)外型尺寸(cm )宽×深×高 187.6×11.6×113.3液晶显示屏X超晶面板端子DVI-D 端口 1音频输出端子(HP) 1光纤数字音频输出 1Y,Pb,Pr输入端子 1USB端口 2RS-232C端口 1PC输入 1LAN(网络) 无HDMI端口 3复合视频输入端子 2声音声音输出(w) 10W+10W智能光控(opc) 有立体环绕SRS TruSurround HD图片示例九、创显光电图片示例十、深圳中银科技70寸技术参数。
LG 液晶电视机 32LS3150-CA 使用说明书
• 太阳光或其它强烈的光线将干扰遥控器的使用,该情况下请降低室内光线。
• 连接外部设备如视频游戏机时,请确保连接线有足够长度。 否则电视机可能会跌落,造成人身伤害或损坏产品。
• 不要通过插拔墙壁插座上的电源插头开关电视机。(不要使用电源插头作 为开关。) 可能导致机械故障或电击。
• 按照以下安装说明以防止电视机过热。 - 电视机与墙壁至少保持10厘米的距离。 - 不要将电视机安装在不通风的地方(如:书架或橱柜中)。 - 不要将电视机放置在地毯或垫子上。 - 确保电视机通风孔不会被桌布或窗帘阻塞。
• 请使用制造商指定配件或附件。
• 请由专业人员安装天线。 可能发生火灾或电击。
5~7 times
• 我们建议您在观看电视时最少与电视机保持屏幕对角线尺寸2到7倍的距离。
• 请使用专用型号电池。 可能损坏遥控器。
• 切勿新旧电池混用,可能导致电池过热或泄漏。
• 确保遥控器与感应器之间没有异物。
• 主插头是分离装置,一定要易于操作。
• 不要用湿手触碰电源插座。另外,如果插头潮湿或者有浮尘,请擦干水分 和灰尘。 否则您可能由于过度潮湿而触电。
• 确保电源线有效接地。(无需接地的设备除外。) 否则您可能触电或受伤。
• 完全固定电源线。 如果电源线没有完全固定,可能发生火灾。
• 确保电源线没有接触到热源,如:加热器。 否则可能引起火灾或电击。
输入 / 快捷菜单 / AV 模式 /节目列表/ 喜爱节目/Simplink 28 基本功能设置介绍 图像设置 / 声音设置 / 搜台设置 / 时间设置 / 锁定 / 选项设置 / 客户支持
40 使用 USB 设备 41 浏览文件 42 影片列表 44 图片列表 46 音乐列表
LG 两门无霜冷藏冷冻冰箱 M272SW15 使用说明书
简体中文MFL67792408Rev.03_080124版权归LG 电子© 2021-2024 所有,并保留所有权利。
安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明 (3)警告 (3)注意 (7)安装安装前 (9)打开电源 (9)操作使用前 (10)产品特性 (12)控制面板 (14)制冰机 (14)门置物篮 (15)搁板 (15)抽屉 (15)智能功能LG ThinQ 应用程序 (16)智能诊断 (16)维护清洁 (17)故障排除呼叫服务之前 (18)附录信息 (22)保修 (32)3安全说明简体中文安全说明请在使用前阅读所有说明以下安全指南旨在预防因不安全或不正确操作产品出现的意外⻛险或损坏。
•本设备用于家用和类似用途,如:- 商店、办公室或其他工作场合的厨房区域;- 农场以及宾馆、汽车旅店和居住型环境的顾客;- 家庭旅馆型环境;- 餐饮业和类似的非零售业应用。
334P12902 334P12903 三棱25″ 三棱25″ MITSUBISHIK 25C-SS1 334P12903 三棱25″ MITSUBISHIK 25C794 334P12903 F 1130 三洋6920 20″ 三洋6920 20″ F 1130 F 1117 三洋4505 16″ 三洋4505 16″ F 1117(B) F1117(B) 三洋450516″ BSC23-0101 金利浦14″ 金利浦14″ BSC23-0101 FCM-2012E21A 37M2012E-21A BSC21-3366 孔雀14″ BSC23-3366 孔雀14″ BSC21-3366 BSC23-3366 BSC23-3366 优纳拉斯14″ 孔雀14″ TFB-3035B 康艺8135 康艺4507 康艺4507 TFB-3035B 康艺8135 康艺8135 TFB-3035B BSC24-1051P 熊猫2118 2119 2128 熊猫54P36 熊猫2118 2119 2128 熊猫54P36 BSC24-1051P BSC22-2501B 康艺CE3703 凯歌4C370S 康艺CE3703 BSC22-2501B 凯歌4C370S 凯歌4C370S BSC22-2501B 康艺CE3703 TLF15550B DNF.FL2732A 2027017-001 53X0528-001 53X0528-001 2027017-001 假松下TC-2198 730-302-1548 39L7014AI 79A316-2 TLF70100 TLF70100 79A316-2 ATK1061 三棱40″ 三棱40″ ATK1061 BSC25-2951C 金星C542 金星C542 BSC25-2951C BSC26-N0401 TFB 4095BD 金星C6428
FOR APPROVALSPECIFICATION32.0”WXGA TFT LCDTitleMODELBUYER *When you obtain standard approval,please use the above model name without suffixLC320WXN*MODEL SAC1 (RoHS Verified)SUFFIXLG.Philips LCD Co., Ltd.SUPPLIER ))((Final SpecificationPreliminary Specification ●Please return 1 copy for your confirmation withyour signature and comments.///SIGNATUREDATEAPPROVED BYThis Product must be used for a TV ApplicationThis is not designed for the public display.TV Product Development Dept.LG. Philips LCD Co., LtdD.K. OH / EngineerH.I. JANG / Senior ManagerJ.H. Lee / Senior ManagerSIGNATUREDATEREVIEWED BYPREPARED BYAPPROVED BYRECORD OF REVISIONS1. General DescriptionThe LC320WXN is a Color Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display with an integral External Electrode Fluorescent Lamp(EEFL) backlight system. The matrix employs a-Si Thin Film Transistor as the active element. It is a transmissive type display operating in the normally black mode. It has a 31.51 inch diagonally measured active display area with W XGA resolution (768 vertical by 1366 horizontal pixel array). Each pixel is divided into Red, Green and Blue sub-pixels or dots which are arranged in vertical stripes. Gray scale or the luminance of the sub-pixel color is determined with a 8-bit gray scale signal for each dot, thus presenting a palette of more than 16.7M(true) colors.It has been designed to apply the 8-bit 1-port LVDS interface.It is intended to support LCD TV, PCTV where high brightness, super wide viewing angle, high color gamut, high color depth and fast response time are important.The following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or damage to the LCD module.Table 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS2. Absolute Maximum RatingsNotes : 1. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below.Wet bulb temperature should be 39 °C Max. and no condensation of water.2. Gravity mura can be guaranteed under 40℃condition.90%1020304050607080-2001020304050Dry Bulb Temperature [°C ]Wet BulbTemperature [°C ]StorageOperationH u m i d i t y [(%)R H ]10%40%60%60It requires two power inputs. One is employed to power for the LCD circuit. The other Is used for the EEFL backlight and inverter circuit.3. Electrical Specifications 3-1. Electrical CharacteristicsNotes : 1. The specified current and power consumption are under the V LCD =12.0V, 25±2°C, f V =60Hzcondition whereas mosaic pattern(8 x 6) is displayed and f V is the frame frequency.2. The current is specified at full white pattern.3. The duration of rush current is about 2ms and rising time of power input is 1ms (min.).Mosaic Pattern(8 x 6)White : 255 GrayBlack : 0 GrayFull White patternWhite : 255 GrayTable 3. ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (Continue)Notes :1. Electrical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and stable for approximately 120minutes at 25±2°C. The specified current and power consumption are under the typical supply Input voltage 24Vand V BR(V BR-A: 1.65V & V BR-B :3.3V), it is total power consumption.The ripple voltage of the power supply input voltage is under 0.5 Vp-p. LPL recommend Input Voltage is24.0V ±5%.2. Electrical characteristics are determined within 30 minutes at 25±2°C.The specified currents are under the typical supply Input voltage 24V.3. The brightness of the lamp after lighted for 5minutes is defined as 100%.TS is the time required for the brightness of the center of the lamp to be not less than 95% at typical current.The screen of LCD module may be partially dark by the time the brightness of lamp is stable after turn on.4. Specified Values are for a single lamp which is aligned horizontally.The life time is determined as the time which luminance of the lamp is 50% compared to that of initial value at the typical lamp current (V BR-A : 1.65V & V BR-B:3.3V), on condition of continuous operating at 25±2°C 5. The duration of rush current is about 20 ms.This LCD module employs two kinds of interface connection, a 30-pin connector is used for the module electronics and One connectors(14-pin) are used for the integral backlight system. 3-2-1. LCD Module3-2. Interface ConnectionsTable 4. MODULE CONNECTOR(CN1) PIN CONFIGURATION-LCD Connector(CN1) : FI-X30SSL-HF (Manufactured by JAE) or Equivalent -Mating Connector : FI-X30C2L (Manufactured by JAE) or Equivalent 2Dynamic CR Enable ( ‘L ’= Disable , ‘H ’= Enable )DCR Enable 10LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RD+25LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RD-24GroundGND 23LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(+)RCLK+22LVDS Receiver Clock Signal(-)RCLK-21LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RB-15GroundGND 14LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RA+13LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RA-12GroundGND 11External VBR input from System to LCD module VBR_EXT 28Low : Normal Operating High : Interlace Free Mode Reserved 293GroundGND30Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 2Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 3Power Supply +12.0V VLCD 4Ground GND 5Ground GND 6Ground GND 7GroundGND 71Select LVDS Data formatSelect 9LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RB+16GroundGND 17LVDS Receiver Signal(-)RC-18LVDS Receiver Signal(+)RC+19GroundGND 20GroundGND 26VBR output form LCD moduleVBR_OUT 27NoteDescriptionSymbol Pin No.VLCD Power Supply +12.0V 1Notes: 1. The pin no 9 is an option pin for DISM or LG format. (VESA Format = “GND”/ JEIDA Format =“VCC”)Please refer to Appendix for further details.2. The pin no 10 is an option pin for DCR Function (Enable = “VCC”/ Disable =“GND”)3. The pin no 30 is LCD Test option.LCM operates “AGP”(Auto Generation Pattern) or “NSB”(No Signal Black) is case that LVDS signals are out of frequency or abnormal condition in spite of 12 volt power supply. LPL recommends “NSB”. ( AGP : “VCC”or “OPEN”/ NSB : “GND”)4. All GND (ground) pins should be connected together, which should be also connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.5. All V LCD (power input) pins should be connected together.6. Input Levels of LVDS signals are based on the IEA 664 Standard.Master-Inverter Connector : 20022WR-14B1(manufactured by Yeon-Ho)or Equivalent-Mating Connector : PHR-14 or EquivalentTable 7. INVERTER CONNECTOR PIN CONFIGULATION 3-2-2. Backlight Inverter2, 3V BR-A Analog dimming voltageDC 0.0V ~ 3.3V (Typ : 1.65V)V BR-A 11On/Off 0.0V ~ 5.0VV ON/OFF 124StatusNormal : Upper 3.0V Abnormal : Under 0.7VStatus14V BR -B GND GND GND GND GND V BL V BL V BL V BL V BL Master3Backlight GroundGND 7Backlight GroundGND 81Burst dimming voltage DC 0.0V ~ 3.3V V BR -B 13Backlight GroundGND 10Backlight Ground GND 9Backlight Ground GND 6Power Supply +24.0VV BL 5Power Supply +24.0V V BL 4Power Supply +24.0V V BL 3Power Supply +24.0V V BL 2Power Supply +24.0V V BL 1NoteDescriptionSymbolPin No ◆Rear view of LCMPCBNotes : 1. GND should be connected to the LCD module’s metal frame.2. If Pin #11 is open, V BR -A = 1.65V. When apply over 1.65V( ~3.3V) continuously, its luminance is increasing however lamp’s life time is decreasing.It could be usable for boost up luminance when using DCR (=Dynamic contrast ratio) function only.3. Minimum Brightness : V BR -B =0V Maximum Brightness : V BR -B = 3.3V4. Even though Pin #14 is open, there is no effect on inverter operating, The output terminal of inverter.5. Each impedance of pin #11,12 and 13 is 147[㏀], 38[㏀], 118[㏀]Table 6 shows the signal timing required at the input of the LVDS transmitter. All of the interface signal timings should be satisfied with the following specification for normal operation.3-3. Signal Timing SpecificationsNote :1. The performance of the electro-optical characteristics may be influenced by variance of the vertical refresh rate.2. Above Timing Tables are only valid for DE Mode.Table 6. TIMING TABLE for NTSC &PAL[ DE (Data Enable) Only ]3-4. Signal Timing Waveforms* Reference : Sync. Relation* t HB = t HFP + t WH +t HBP * t VB = t VFP + t WV +t VBP0.7VDD0.3VDDDE, Data3-5. Color Data ReferenceThe brightness of each primary color(red,green,blue) is based on the 8-bit gray scale data input for the color. The higher binary input, the brighter the color. Table 7 provides a reference for color versus data input.3-6. Power Sequence3-6-1. LCD Driving circuitNote : 1. Please avoid floating state of interface signal at invalid period.2. When the interface signal is invalid, be sure to pull down the power supply V LCD to 0V.3. The case when the T2/T5 exceed 3x(1/fv), it operates protection pattern (Black pattern) till valid signal inputted. There is no reliability problem. (ex. 60Hz : 3x(1/60Hz) = 50ms)4. The T3/T4 is recommended value, the case when failed to meet a minimum specification, abnormal display would be shown. There is no reliability problem.5. If the on time of signals(Interface signal and Option signals) precedes the on time of Power(V LCD ),check the LCD logic Power(Vcc) is under 0.8V, otherwise it will be happened abnormal display.6. T6 should be measured after the Module has been fully discharged between power off and on period.T5T2--552,63,5443,5Notess --2.0T6msT8ms 0T7ms 3 x (1/f V )-0.5T2ms ms --200T3--200T4ms --0T5ms 20-0.5T1Max Typ Min Unit ValueParameterTable 9. POWER SEQUENCEInterface Signal (Tx)Power for LampPower Supply For LCD VLCD0VOption SignalNote : 1. T1 describes rising time of 0V to 24V and this parameter does not applied at restarting time2. T4(max) is less than T2.3. In T7 section, V BR -B should be max level(3.3V) and V BR -A should be 1.65V.3-6-2. Sequence for InverterPower Supply For InverterV ON/OFFV BL0VTable 12. Power Sequence for Inverter3-6-3. Deep condition for InverterV BL (Typ.) x 0.80 VBL : 24VV BL (Typ) x 0.8ms 10--T63ms--1000T7-ms --10T52ms 0T41Remarksms --500T2ms --200T3ms --20T1Max Typ Min Units ValuesParameterV BR-A & V BR-BTable 10. OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICSLCD ModuleOptical Stage(x,y)Pritchard 880 orequivalentFIG. 1 Optical Characteristic Measurement Equipment and Method4. Optical SpecificationOptical characteristics are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and for 30 minutes in a dark environment at 25±2°C. The values are specified at an approximate distance 50cm from the LCD surface at a viewing angle of Φand θequal to 0 °.FIG. 1 shows additional information concerning the measurement equipment and method.Table 11. GRAY SCALE SPECIFICATION10088.075.864.153.343.935.428.021.616.712.18.104.902.601.100.320.10Luminance [%] (Typ.)L239L255L159L175L191L207L111L127L143L223L47L63L79L95L31L15L0Gray LevelNotes :1. Contrast Ratio(CR) is defined mathematically as :CR(Contrast Ratio) = Maximum CRn (n=1, 2, 3, 4, 5)Surface Luminance at position n with all white pixelsCRn =Surface Luminance at position n with all black pixelsn = the Position number(1, 2, 3, 4, 5). For more information, see FIG 2.2. Surface luminance are determined after the unit has been ‘ON’and 30min after lighting the backlight in a dark environment at 25±2°C. Surface luminance is the luminance value at center 1-point across the LCD surface 50cm from the surface with all pixels displaying white.For more information see the FIG. 2.3. The variation in surface luminance , δWHITE is defined as :δWHITE(5P) = Maximum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5) / Minimum(L on1,L on2, L on3, L on4, L on5)Where L on1to L on5are the luminance with all pixels displaying white at 5 locations . For more information, see the FIG. 2.4. Response time is the time required for the display to transition from G(N) to G(M) (Rise Time, Tr R ) and from G(M) to G(N) (Decay Time, Tr D ). For additional information see the FIG. 3. (N<M)5. Viewing angle is the angle at which the contrast ratio is greater than 10. The angles are determined for the horizontal or x axis and the vertical or y axis with respect to the z axis which is normal to the LCD module surface. For more information, see the FIG. 4.6. Gray scale specificationGamma Value is approximately 2.2. For more information, see the Table 11.FIG. 3 Response TimeResponse time is defined as the following figure and shall be measured by switching the input signal for “Gray(N)”and “Gray(M)”.Measuring point for surface luminance & measuring point for luminance variation.FIG. 2 5 Points for Luminance Measure10090100Optical ResponseA : H / 4 mmB : V / 4 mmH : 697.685mm V : 392.256mm@ H,V : Active AreaDimension of viewing angle rangeFIG. 4 Viewing Angle5. Mechanical CharacteristicsTable 12 provides general mechanical characteristics.Table 12. MECHANICAL CHARACTERISTICSNote : 1.Please refer to a mechanic drawing in terms of tolerance at the next page.<FRONT VIEW><REAR VIEW>Notes : It should be recommended that any exterior materials do not go passing up the red area slanted.( For example, electrical cable, system board , etc ). Otherwise, it could cause that abnormaldisplay happens.6. ReliabilityTable 13. ENVIRONMENT TEST CONDITIONNote : Before and after Reliability test, LCM should be operated with normal function.7. International Standards7-1. Safetya) UL 60065, 7th Edition, dated June 30, 2003, Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.,Standard for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus.b) CAN/CSA C22.2, No. 60065:03, Canadian Standards Association,Standard for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus.c) IEC60065:2001, 7th Edition CB-scheme and EN 60065:2002,Safety requirements for Audio, Video and Similar Electronic Apparatus..7-2. EMCa) ANSI C63.4 “Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical andElectrical Equipment in the Range of 9kHZ to 40GHz. “American National Standards Institute(ANSI), 1992b) CISPR13 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Soundand Television broadcast receivers and associated equipment"CISPR22 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment" International Special Committee on Radio Interference.c) EN55013 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Sound andTelevision broadcast receivers and associated equipment"EN55022 "Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio interference characteristics of Information Technology Equipment" European Committee for Electro Technical Standardization.(CENELEC), 1988(Including A1:2000)8-1. Designation of Lot Marka) Lot MarkABCDEFGHIJKLMA,B,C : SIZE(INCH) D : YEARE : MONTHF ~ M : SERIAL NO.Note1. YEAR2. MONTHMarkYear 02010620067200782008920094200452005321200320022001BNov MarkMonth AOct 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug 9Sep 4Apr 5May C321Dec Mar Feb Jan b) Location of Lot MarkSerial No. is printed on the label. The label is attached to the backside of the LCD module.This is subject to change without prior notice.8. Packing8-2. Packing Forma) LCM quantity in one pallet : 12 pcs b) Pallet Size : 1030mm X 870mm X 740mm9. PrecautionsPlease pay attention to the followings when you use this TFT LCD module.9-1. Mounting Precautions(1)You must mount a module using specified mounting holes (Details refer to the drawings).(2) You should consider the mounting structure so that uneven force (ex. Twisted stress) is not applied to themodule. And the case on which a module is mounted should have sufficient strength so that external force is not transmitted directly to the module.(3) Please attach the surface transparent protective plate to the surface in order to protect the polarizer.Transparent protective plate should have sufficient strength in order to the resist external force.(4) You should adopt radiation structure to satisfy the temperature specification.(5) Acetic acid type and chlorine type materials for the cover case are not desirable because the formergenerates corrosive gas of attacking the polarizer at high temperature and the latter causes circuit break by electro-chemical reaction.(6) Do not touch, push or rub the exposed polarizers with glass,tweezers or anything harder than HBpencil lead. And please do not rub with dust clothes with chemical treatment.Do not touch the surface of polarizer for bare hand or greasy cloth.(Some cosmetics are detrimental to the polarizer.)(7) When the surface becomes dusty, please wipe gently with absorbent cotton or other soft materials likechamois soaks with petroleum benzine. Normal-hexane is recommended for cleaning the adhesives used to attach front / rear polarizers. Do not use acetone, toluene and alcohol because they cause chemical damage to the polarizer. * Panel push force can be guaranteed under 5kgf / φ10mm(8) Wipe off saliva or water drops as soon as possible. Their long time contact with polarizer causesdeformations and color fading.(9) Do not open the case because inside circuits do not have sufficient strength.9-2. Operating Precautions(1) The spike noise causes the mis-operation of circuits. It should be lower than following voltage:V=±200mV(Over and under shoot voltage)(2) Response time depends on the temperature.(In lower temperature, it becomes longer.)(3) Brightness depends on the temperature. (In lower temperature, it becomes lower.)And in lower temperature, response time(required time that brightness is stable after turned on) becomes longer.(4) Be careful for condensation at sudden temperature change. Condensation makes damage to polarizer orelectrical contacted parts. And after fading condensation, smear or spot will occur.(5) When fixed patterns are displayed for a long time, remnant image is likely to occur.(6) Module has high frequency circuits. Sufficient suppression to the electromagnetic interference shall bedone by system manufacturers. Grounding and shielding methods may be important to minimized the interference.(7) Please do not give any mechanical and/or acoustical impact to LCM. Otherwise, LCM can’t be operatedits full characteristics perfectly.(8) A screw which is fastened up the steels should be a machine screw.(if not, it causes metallic foreign material and deal LCM a fatal blow)(9)Please do not set LCD on its edge.(10) It is recommended to avoid the signal cable and conductive material over the inverter transformerfor it can cause the abnormal display and temperature rising.(11) Partial darkness may happen during 3~5 minutes when LCM is operated initially in condition thatluminance is under 40% at low temperature (under 5℃). This phenomenon which disappears naturally after 3~5 minutes is not a problem about reliability but LCD characteristic.9-3. Electrostatic Discharge ControlSince a module is composed of electronic circuits, it is not strong to electrostatic discharge. Make certain that treatment persons are connected to ground through wrist band etc. And don’t touch interface pin directly.9-4. Precautions for Strong Light ExposureStrong light exposure causes degradation of polarizer and color filter.9-5. StorageWhen storing modules as spares for a long time, the following precautions are necessary.(1) Store them in a dark place. Do not expose the module to sunlight or fluorescent light. Keep the temperaturebetween 5°C and 35°C at normal humidity.(2) The polarizer surface should not come in contact with any other object.It is recommended that they be stored in the container in which they were shipped.9-6. Handling Precautions for Protection Film(1) The protection film is attached to the bezel with a small masking tape.When the protection film is peeled off, static electricity is generated between the film and polarizer.This should be peeled off slowly and carefully by people who are electrically grounded and with well ion-blown equipment or in such a condition, etc.(2) When the module with protection film attached is stored for a long time, sometimes there remains a verysmall amount of glue still on the bezel after the protection film is peeled off.(3) You can remove the glue easily. When the glue remains on the bezel surface or its vestige is recognized,please wipe them off with absorbent cotton waste or other soft material like chamois soaked with normal-hexane.# APPENDIX-I-1■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (DS90C385) Transmitter(Pin9=“L”)Notes:1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm(Ω) resistor between positive and negative linesof each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS transmitter data sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD823 or Compatible)3. ‘7’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.# APPENDIX-I-2■Required signal assignment for Flat Link (DS90C385) Transmitter(Pin9=“H”)Notes:1. The LCD module uses a 100 Ohm(Ω) resistor between positive and negative linesof each receiver input.2. Refer to LVDS transmitter data sheet for detail descriptions. (THC63LVD823 or Compatible)3. ‘7’means MSB and ‘0’means LSB at R,G,B pixel data.# APPENDIX-Ⅱ-1■LC320WXN—SAC1 Packing Ass’yPAPER_DW3BOX 6OPP 70MMX300M TAPE 7YUPO PAPER 100X100LABEL8EPS PACKING, TOP R_L5EPS PACKING, BOTTOM 4MASKING 20MM X 50MTAPE3ALBAG 2LCD MODULE1MATERIALDESCRIPTION NO.# APPENDIX-Ⅱ-2■LC320WXN-SAC1 Pallet Ass’yPAPERLABEL6PAPER (DW3)ANGLE, Cover5STEEL CLIP, BAND 4PP BAND 3PlywoodPALLET 2PACKING ASS’Y1MATERIALDESCRIPTIONNO.Box quantity per pallet: 2eaPallet size: L1030 x W870 x H740 Pallet gross weight: 113.0kg■LCM Label■Serial No. (See CAS 26page for more information)InchM Ass’y Factory codeSerial No.MonthYear ModelSerial No.UL, TUV MarkLPL Logo US PATENT No.# APPENDIX-III-1# APPENDIX-III-2■Box Label■Pallet Label# APPENDIX-IV■Option Pin Circuit Block DiagramCircuit Block Diagram of LVDS Format Selection pin。
AC/DC-机壳型交换式电源供应器G3系列基础数据功率: 15-150W输出:1 2 3 4说明: ﹡小型化﹡高信赖度,可承受5G震动与70℃高工作环温,全机使用105℃高寿命电解电容,可承受300VAC突波输入达5秒﹡适合使用于较严苛的工作环境型号: RS-15RS-25RS-35RS-50RS-75RS-100RS-150 RD-35RD-50RD-65RD-85RD-125RID-50RI D-65RID-85RID-125RT-50RT-65RT-85RT-12 5RQ-50RQ-65RQ-85RQ-125NE系列基础数据功率: 15-150W输出:1 2 3说明: * 小型化,具备完整保护功能* 最经济的低瓦数安规符合机型系列型号NES-15NES-25NES-35NES-50NES-75NES-100 NES-150NED-35NED-50NED-75NED-100NET-35: NET-50NET-75NES-200NES-350G2系列基础数据功率: 25-1000W输出:1 2 3 4说明: * 200W以上机型不具备CE(S-240除外)* 15年以上市场销售之常青安规机型,现正有数百万台各式机种应用于各类型终端设备中型号: S-25S-40S-60S-100F S-150S-210S-250S -320D-60ID-60T-60IT-60Q-60IQ-60D-1 20T-120Q-120Q-250T-40SE-200SE-350S E-450SE-600SE-1000SE-1500SC-150G1系列基础数据功率: 15-350W输出:1 2 3说明: * 最低价系列机型,适合高度竞争的终端应用场合* 20年以上市场销售之常青机型,现正有数百万台各式机种应用于各类型终端设备中* 无安规认证型号: S-15S-35S-50S-100S-145S-201S-350D -30ID-30T-30D-50ID-50T-50PFC系列基础数据功率: 75-750W输出:1 3 4说明: * 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC) * 全围电压输入,功能完整型号: SP-75SP-100SP-150SP-200SP-320SP-480SP -500SP-750SP-240USP-225USP-350USP-150 USP-500TP-100QP-100TP-150QP-150QP-200 QP-375QP-320TP-75PSP-500PSP-600RSP-1000 RSP-1500RSP-2000RSP-2400RSP-3000HSP-150 HSP-250HRP-75HRP-300HRPG-300HRP-150HR PG-150HRP-600HRPG-600SPV-150SPV-300SPV-1 500HRP-200HRPG-200DIN系列基础数据功率: 10-960W输出:1说明: * 无风扇设计* 240W以上机型建功率因子矫正(PFC)功能* 适合安装于 DIN rail TS35 / 7.5 或 15* 除一般机型外,另有高电压单相/三相 340~550VAC 输入围机种* 另有冗余模块(Redundant), DC UPS 模块等系列机型型号: MDR-10MDR-20MDR-40MDR-60MDR-100DR-15D R-30DR-60DR-100DR-45DR-75DR-120DRP-24 0DRP-480DRP-480S DRH-120DRT-240DRT-480 DRT-960WDR-120WDR-240WDR-480DR-UPS40DR-R DN20SDR系列基础数据功率: 240-480W 输出: 1说明: * 薄型设计,电能转换效率高达94%* 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC) * 适合安装于 DIN rail TS35 / 7.5 或 15 * 建DC OK继电器接点(Relay contact)* 可承受150%峰值负载* 并联功能,最高可达4台(SDR-480)型号: SDR-120SDR-240SDR-480AD 系列 基础数据 功率: 55-155W 输出: 1 2 说明: * 备援电池充放电控制与 UPS 功能(需外接铅酸电池)* 适合用于安全监控设备或各式电池备援系统型号: ADS-55 AD-55 ADD-55 ADS-155 AD-155 ADD-155 SCP-35 PSC-60 PSC-100 SCP-50 SCP-75LP 系列 基础数据 功率: 18-60W 输出: 1说明: * IP66防护等级设计* 经济型系列* 可承受300VAC 突波输入达5秒* -30~70℃宽工作环温围* 适合于LED 照明或LED 电子广告牌相关运用型号: LPL-18 LPH-18 LPC-20 LPV-20 LPC-35 LPV-35 LPC-60 LPV-60 LPV-100 LPLC-18 LPHC-18ELN 系列 基础数据功率: 30-60W 输出: 1说明: * 塑料外壳, IP64防护等级* 可选购调光(dimming)功能 : 可接受控制讯号1~10VDC(D型)或PWM(P 型)* 设计符合UL1310 Class 2* 使用者可调整输出电压与电流* 适合于LED 照明或LED 电子广告牌相关运用型号: PLP-60 ULP-150 PLC-60 PLC-100 PLP-45 PLP-20 PLP-30 ELN-60 ELN-30 PLC-30 PLC-45PLN 系列 基础数据 功率: 30-96W 输出: 1说明: * 塑料外壳, IP64防护等级* 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC)* UL1310 Class 2电源* 使用者可调整输出电压与电流* 适合于LED 照明或LED 电子广告牌相关运用型号: PLN-20 PLN-100 PLN-60 PLN-30 PLN-45CLG 系列 基础数据功率: 60-200W 输出:1说明: * 金属外壳, IP65/67防护等级* 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC)* 使用者可由控制电缆或部可变电阻调整输出电流(CLG-150/200)* 适合于LED 照明或LED 电子广告牌相关运用型号: CLG-60CLG-100CLG-150CLG-200HLG-40H HLG-60 H HLG-80H HLG-100HLG-100H HLG-120HLG-120HHLG-150H HLG-150HLG-185HLG-185H HLG-240HLG -240H HLG-320HCEN系列基础数据功率: 60-96W 输出: 1说明: * 金属外壳,IP66防护等级* 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC) * 使用者可弹性调整输出电压与电流* 适合于LED路灯及户外照明相关运用型号: CEN-60CEN-75CEN-100模块式基础数据功率: 450-1000W 输出: 1~14说明: * 可弹性搭配之组合式电源, 客制化的标准品解决方案* 输出电压可涵盖1.6~53V各种电压* 建主动式功率因子矫正功能(active PFC)* 适合于需多输出电源之应用,尤其为复杂之机器设备或系统型号: MP-450MP-650MP-1K0MS-75MS-150MS-300 MD-10019“机箱式基础数据功率: 1000-8000W 输出: 1~8说明: * 19" 1U 或2U 机箱式电源* RCP-MU: 监控模块(建I2C 译码器)* RCP-2U: 客制化2U 机箱式电源, 最高可达4500W 与8输出 型号: RCP-1000 RCP-MU RCP-2U RCP-1UAC/DC-基板型交换式电源供应器板上型 基础数据 功率: 5-20W 输出: 1说明: * 安装于终端设备之主PCB 上* 符合医疗等级安规认证* NFM - 机板型; PM - 模块型型号: PM-05 PM-10 PM-15 NFM-05 NFM-10 NFM-15 PM-20 NFM-20泛用基板型 基础数据 功率: 5-320W 输出:1 2 3 4说明: * PCB 式,小瓦数机型无PFC* 多种常见尺寸以符合各类型应用: 7"*4.25", 5"*3", 4"*2", 细长型型号PS-05 PS-15 PS-25 PD-25 PS-35 PS-45 PD-45: PT-45PT-4503PT-6503PS-65PD-65PT-65RPD-65RPT-65PD-110PQ-100PPQ-100PPS-200PPS-125PID-250ASP-150PPT-125LPS-50LPS-75LPS-100LPP-100LPP-150ELP-75医疗用基板型基础数据功率: 30-200W输出:1 2 3 4说明: * PCB式,小瓦数机型无PFC* 符合医疗等级安规认证* 低泄漏电流,适合用于非病患接触式医疗设备型号: MPS-30MPS-45MPD-45MPT-45RPS-60RPD-60R PT-60MPS-65MPD-65MPT-65RPS-75RPD-75RP T-75RPS-160RPD-160RPT-160MPS-120MPD-120 MPT-120MPQ-120MPS-200MPD-200MPT-200MP Q-200AC/DC-外接式交换式电源供应器电池充电器基础数据功率: 30-1000W输出:1说* 150W以上机种CE宣告仅限具备PFC功能者明: * 适用于电池备援系统,电动轮椅,休旅拖车,或ㄧ般消费性电子设备型号: GC30B GC30U GC30E PA-120 PB-120 PS-120 ESC-120 ESP-120 ESC-240 ESP-240 PB-300 PB-360 P B-1000 GC-200 PB-600 GC120 PB-230桌上型适配器 基础数据 功率: 15-120W 输出: 1 3说明: * 桌上型,具备世界各主要国家/地区之安规认证* 需另购AC 电源线(依不同国家/地区有所差异)* DC 输出头可修改更换(有最小订购量限制)型号: GS90A GS60A GS40A P50A P25B P25A GS25B GS25A GS18B GS18A GS15B GS15A GS220 GS160GS120医疗用桌上型适配器 基础数据功率: 30-50W 输出: 1说明: * 桌上型,符合医疗等级安规认证* 需另购AC 电源线(依不同国家/地区有所差异)* DC 输出头可修改更换(有最小订购量限制)型号: MES50A MES30C MES30B MES30A插壁式适配器 基础数据功6-25W 输 1率: 出:说明: * 插墙式设计,具备世界各主要国家/地区之安规认证* DC 输出头可修改更换 型号: GS25E GS25U GS18E GS18U GS15E GS15U GS12EGS12U GS06E GS06U GE12 GE18 GE24AC/DC-特殊用途游戏机电源 基础数据功率: 104-104W 输出: 3说明: * 适合于多类型之电子游戏机或博弈机台型号: MWP-602 MWP-602A MWP-606 MWP-606A MWP-608ATX 电源 基础数据 功率: 100-350W 输出: 5、6说明: * 市场通用规格之ATX PC 电源* IPC 系列: 1U/2U 设计,高信赖度,适合工业PC 使用* ATX-100:塑料壳封装,类似一般适配器(Adaptor)型号: ATX-100 IPC-200 IPC-250 IPC-300 YP-350A YP-400A YP-450A YP-350JDC/DC-模块型模块类 基础数据功率:0.5-30W 1说明:* 板上模块型,插件于系统主PCB上型号: DCW12SCW12SUS01SDM30TKA30DKA30DKE15SKE DET01SFT01SBT01SUS01SRS板上型基础数据功率: 5-15W 输出: 1 2说明: * 板上PCB型,插件于系统主PCB上* 超低高度* 4:1宽输入围型号: NSD05NSD15-D NSD15-S NSD10-D NSD10-SDC/DC-开板系列PCB系列基础数据功率: 5-15W 输出: 1说明: * CE认证* PCB式型号: PSD-15PSD-05PSD-30PSD-45DC/DC-置系列 机壳型 基础数据 功率: 15-1000W 输出: 1 说明: * 具金属外壳防护之DC-DC 转换器 * CE 认证 * 适合用于电池备援系统或各式交通工具上 型号: SD-15 SD-25 SD-50 SD-100 SD-150 SD-200 SD -350 SD-500 SD-1000DC/AC-逆变器方波型 基础数据 功率: 150-2500W 输出:1说明:* 方波输出,适合用于电阻式负载型号: A301-100 A301-150 A301-300 A301-600 A301-1K0 A301-1K7 A301-2K5 A302-100 A302-150 A302-300 A302-600 A302-1K0 A302-1K7 A302-2K5正弦波型 基础数据功率: 150-1500W输出:1说明: * 正弦波输出,低总谐波失真(THD)* 适合用于马达类负载,PLC,或各种家电设备* TN系列建AC充电器,太阳能充电器,与AC旁路(bypass)开关* IRC系列为搭配TS-700~TN/TS-3000來使用之远程遥控器型号: TS-200TS-400TS-700TS-1000TS-1500TN-150 0TS-3000TN-3000IRC1/2/3。
库位商品商品名称序列号J173101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC0011 J197101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000X L750101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000T J322101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000R J194101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000Q J206101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000I J078101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC000A J207101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC0016 J483101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001B K358101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001G J164101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001I J156101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001O J201101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001P K710101266711TCL彩电L26P11BDE(玛瑙红)C01IAC001Q J555101339170TCL彩电L32P21BD C02XX30001 J555101340914TCL彩电L32V10(JDXX)C02XXH0001 J155101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W0003 J185101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W0004 J373101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W0007 L750101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W000A J0591********TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W000B J202101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W000C J164101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W000D J154101344463TCL彩电L65P10FE3D C01T8W000E J185101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5002B K412101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW50021 J199101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW50009 L918101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW50003 J187101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5000A J189101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5000M J209101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5000Y J197101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW50014 J078101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5001G J159101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5001J K557101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5001L K549101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5001S K579101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C01VW5001W J555101358531TCL彩电L32P60BD C02XX80001 J193101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3002H K557101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW30023 K706101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3001X J199101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3001O J197101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3001N K709101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3001J J189101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW3000A L750101358533TCL彩电L42P60FBD C01VW30009 K643101375058TCL彩电D46P6100D C01Y6O001K J181101375058TCL彩电D46P6100D C01Y6O001F K557101375058TCL彩电D46P6100D C01Y6O000W J199101375058TCL彩电D46P6100D C01Y6O000V J185101375058TCL彩电D46P6100D C01Y6O000O J201101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P0011J207101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000T J209101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000S J164101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000O J202101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000G J197101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000C J180101375059TCL彩电D55P6100D C01Y6P000A L776101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D0004 J177101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D000C L918101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D000G J199101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D0010 J151101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D0018 K365101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D001A J185101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D001I K468101375061TCL彩电L24E5200BD C0216D001K J151101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000W J206101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000X K414101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000Y K412101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0010 J156101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0011 K631101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0013 J322101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0014 J198101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0015 J163101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0016 L915101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0017 J207101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0018 K413101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG001D J162101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG001C K468101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG001B K643101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG001A J159101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0019 J209101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000U J373101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0003 J177101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0006 J173101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG0009 J197101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000B J165101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000G L776101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000L J164101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000N J203101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000P J0591********TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000Q J205101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000R J158101375064TCL彩电L37E5200BE C01YGG000S J189101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000G J209101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000K J185101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000N J173101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000P J182101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0011 J159101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW001A J161101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW001Y J199101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0020 K468101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0023 K549101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0024 J197101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000EJ483101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW000B J166101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0008 L776101376219TCL彩电L42V6200DEG C01YJW0005 K414101376220TCL彩电L46V6200DEG C01YP70012 J058101376220TCL彩电L46V6200DEG C01YP7000S K706101376220TCL彩电L46V6200DEG C01YP7000Q L915101376220TCL彩电L46V6200DEG C01YP7000K J483101376220TCL彩电L46V6200DEG C01YP70001 J058101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000I J202101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000J J187101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000M J185101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000N J166101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000O K358101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000Q L918101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000U J210101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000W K365101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000Z J154101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0013 K549101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0014 K579101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0015 J174101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0016 J191101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0019 J176101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX001C J201101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX001D J193101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX001E J172101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX001F J183101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000F J195101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX000D J181101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0008 J184101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0006 J160101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0005 J204101390709TCL彩电L37E5200BE(JDXX)C021OX0003 J555101390711TCL彩电L42E5200BE(JDXX)C02XXE0001 J555101390712TCL彩电L46E5200BE(JDXX)C02XXF0001 K412101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000V J201101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000W J078101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0010 K631101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0012 K468101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0017 J206101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000T J176101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000S J161101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000M L750101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE000A J159101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0009 J209101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0005 J189101395286TCL彩电D42P6100D C025GE0004 J555101407929TCL彩电L24E5200BD(JDXX)C02XXA0001 J0591********TCL彩电L24E5200BD(JDXX)C02AV30001 J0591********TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870001 K579101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870002 K414101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870003 K412101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870004 K617101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870005K468101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870008 K664101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A87000A K631101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870006 J198101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A870007 K665101417474TCL彩电L32F3200B C02A87000B J165101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001U J058101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001T J373101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001S J190101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001V J154101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001Z J203101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50023 J159101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001R J182101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001Q K365101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001P J078101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001N J191101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001M J160101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001L J205101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50024 J162101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002H J172101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002G K643101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002F J193101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002E J168101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002D K382101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002B J201101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5002A J156101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50029 J174101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50028 J176101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50027 K549101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50026 J158101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50025 J202101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000P J164101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000M J175101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000L J151101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000J J183101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000I J153101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000H J161101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000G J167101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000F J185101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000E J171101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000C J188101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000A J173101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50009 J180101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50007 J207101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50006 L918101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50005 L439101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)A002281175 J204101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50004 J0731********TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)A002298179 J187101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50003 J555101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C02XXB0001 J197101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50001 K358101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001K J322101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001JJ166101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5001A J194101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50018 J206101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50017 J163101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50016 L750101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50015 J189101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50013 J199101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50012 J209101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M50010 J210101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000Y L915101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000X L777101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000W J177101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000V J169101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000U J155101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000T J184101417475TCL彩电L32F3200B(JDXX)C024M5000S K579101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0001 J206101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0002 K382101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0003 J167101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0004 K414101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0005 K617101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0006 K631101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0007 K468101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0008 K413101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z0009 K663101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z000A K664101417476TCL彩电L40F3200B C0265Z000B J161101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001W J174101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001X J176101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001Y J191101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001Z K412101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0020 J156101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0021 J198101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0023 J168101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0024 J193101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0026 J555101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C02XXG0001 J0731********TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)A002298180 L439101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)A002281176 J205101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001V J188101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000R J195101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000S L776101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000T J166101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000U J322101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000V K358101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000W J173101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000X J197101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000Y J078101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0011 J187101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0015 J204101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0016J159101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y0006 J202101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000A J210101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000B J163101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000D J194101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000G J151101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000I J185101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000J J106101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000L J181101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000M J483101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000N J175101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y000P L777101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001A J189101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001F J164101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001G K557101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001I K365101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001J J058101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001K J165101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001L J154101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001M J203101417477TCL彩电L40F3200B(JDXX)C0253Y001T 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J187101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000G J199101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000F J189101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000E J159101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0007 J197101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0004 J177101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0002 J555101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C02XXC0001 L439101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)A002281179 J172101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001R J193101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001Q K414101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001L J175101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001K K549101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001E J158101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001D J205101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001C J173101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y001A J161101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0018 J183101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0015 J207101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y0012 J188101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000Z L750101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000Q J160101421525TCL彩电L26F3200B(JDXX)C0265Y000M J162101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000I K643101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000H J373101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000E J106101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000D J156101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000B J190101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C026620009 K382101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C026620008 J188101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C026620003 J194101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C026620002 J164101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C026620001 J183101422479TCL彩电L40V8200-3D C02662000GJ164101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE0008 J155101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE0009 J204101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000A J0591********TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000B K382101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000E J177101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000H J201101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000M K663101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000S J162101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000R J168101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000Q J198101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000P J483101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE000O J191101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE0005 J154101422480TCL彩电L46V8200-3D C028JE0004 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K358101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000A J205101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000C J171101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000D K579101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000E J176101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000M J483101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000N J168101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000T J195101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000U J209101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000V J167101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000W J202101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000Y J183101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD000Z J162101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD0012 K663101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD0014 K664101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C028KD0015 J555101432431TCL彩电L42P7200-3D C02XX70001 J0591********TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000S J483101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000O J173101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000N J206101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000M J209101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000L J189101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000K J203101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000J J151101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000H J373101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000G J185101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000F J188101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000D J197101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000C J207101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000B J164101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000A J166101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0009 J322101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0008 J191101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0007 J177101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0006 J202101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0005 J194101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0003 K414101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001O K664101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001N J162101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001M J171101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001LK365101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001G K631101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001F J187101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001D J201101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001B J156101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC001A L776101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0018 J175101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0017 J158101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0016 J058101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC0015 J155101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000U J205101432432TCL彩电L46P7200-3D C028JC000T J555101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C02XXL0001 K579101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000X J173101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000V J171101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000U J205101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000T J0591********TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000R J483101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000P J207101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000N J164101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000L J203101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000J J106101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000H J161101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000G J154101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000F J163101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000D J159101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000C J210101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000B J185101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000A J169101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0009 L915101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0007 J183101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0005 J166101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0004 L918101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0003 J160101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0001 J189101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000Y L750101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001G J181101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001H J193101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001I K643101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001J J172101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001K J162101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001L K413101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001M K663101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001N J198101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001O K617101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001F K414101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001D K412101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001E J190101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001B J194101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD001A J151101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0019J191101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0017 J165101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0015 J322101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0014 J206101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0011 K382101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD0010 J174101432433TCL彩电L55P7200-3D C028JD000Z J322101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000Z J166101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG10002 J158101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG10006 J177101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG10007 J483101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000B J164101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000D J155101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000F J154101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000J J0591********TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000L J373101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000M J173101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000P J181101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000W J190101655550TCL彩电L32F2200B C02DG1000X J555101891416TCL彩电L42V6300-3D C02XV20001 K663101891416TCL彩电L42V6300-3D C02ES50009 J555101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02XX40001 J158101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0006 L915101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL000A J189101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL000O K412101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL000P J156101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL000Q J187101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0011 J176101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0012 J199101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0014 K631101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0016 J159101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0017 J058101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL0018 J162101891417TCL彩电L47V6300-3D C02EBL001J J210102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000U K413102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000T J155102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000R J0591********TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000Q J202102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000P J166102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0002 J187102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0005 J190102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0006 K382102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0007 J192102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0008 J173102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK0009 J177102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000A J176102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000B J185102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000O K643102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000L J322102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000J J373102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000I J204102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000H J156102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000F J181102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000EJ205102074158TCL彩电C46E320D(JDXX)C02MDK000D J203102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001V J163102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001U J198102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001T K549102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001S J209102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001R K365102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001Q J483102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001P K710102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001O J151102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001N J182102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001L L776102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001K J205102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001I J159102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001H J169102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001G J206102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001E K665102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL002A K664102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0029 K663102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0028 K413102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0027 J162102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0026 J172102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0025 J202102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0024 J185102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0023 K468102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0022 K643102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0021 J193102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0020 J160102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001Z J168102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001Y J154102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001X J204102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001W J210102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001D J0591********TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000K K382102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000J J167102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000I J190102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000H J106102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000G J195102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000F J183102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000E J165102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0007 L777102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0006 J156102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0005 J166102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0004 J164102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0003 L915102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0002 J058102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0001 L444102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E A002922179 L442102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E A002920725 L914102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E A002919291 L445102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E A002918137 L443102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E A002917399 K414102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0008 J207102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000A J153102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000BJ187102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000D J161102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001C J188102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001B J373102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL001A J176102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0018 J155102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0017 K617102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0016 J201102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0015 L918102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0014 J181102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0013 K579102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0012 J184102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0011 J194102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL0010 J174102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000Q K358102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000N J322102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000L J158102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000T J189102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000R J199102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000U K412102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000S J191102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000V J173102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000X K706102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000Y J177102074159TCL彩电L43E5000E C02MDL000Z L445102076501TCL彩电L32C11A002918106 L914102076501TCL彩电L32C11A002919268 L442102076501TCL彩电L32C11A002920720 L444102076501TCL彩电L32C11A002922185 J555102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02YNE0001 J184102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60001 J191102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60003 J169102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60004 J204102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60005 K665102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60006 J164102104254TCL彩电L32E5300A C02OS60007 J483102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600001 J171102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600002 K617102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600004 J167102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600006 J173102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600007 J184102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600008 J193102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O600009 J151102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000A J202102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000B J206102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000D K468102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000E J162102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000F K663102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000G K664102104255TCL彩电L37E5300A C02O60000H J201102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000R J187102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000Q J158102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000P K643102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000O K631102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000NJ174102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000M L777102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000L J373102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000K J166102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000J J164102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000I K382102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000H J151102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000S J204102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000T J171102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000U J153102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000V J169102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000W J0591********TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000X J162102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000Y K664102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000Z J205102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90010 K579102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90011 J202102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90012 K665102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90013 J159102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000G J555102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02XX50001 J191102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90001 J155102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90003 J483102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90005 J156102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90006 J185102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90007 J198102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90008 J177102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ90009 J322102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000A J207102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000B J203102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000C J106102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000D J194102104257TCL彩电L42E5300A C02NQ9000E J191102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0001 J171102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0003 K664102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X000D J162102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X000C J166102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X000B J198102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X000A J185102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0004 J204102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0005 J0591********TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0006 J188102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0007 J151102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0008 J154102104258TCL彩电L42Z11A-3D C02O5X0009 J373102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000H J183102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000G J194102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000E J173102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000D J0591********TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000C J181102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000B J106102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA000A J198102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA0002 J151102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA0003 J156102104259TCL彩电L43V7300-3D C02NQA0004。
LG液晶面板连接器I液晶屏驱屏线I背光板线【产品 百I度I搜I索 找 →苏州汇成元】
FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF HD2S030HA1 KN38B-30S-0.5H 20455-040E-0# FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-R51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS100-L30O-C23 FI-R51S-HF TF06L-60S-0.5SH FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS050-C51B-C39-A TF19L-50S-0.5SH F06L-50S-0.5SH TF06L-60S-0.5SH FI-XB30SL-HF10 20474-040E-12 FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF IS100-L30O-C23 IS100-L30O-C23 MDF76LBRW-30S-1H 20455-040E-0x FI-R51S-HF DF14H-20P-1.25H IS100-L30O-C23 FI-RE51S-HF FI-RE51S-HF TF06L-50S-0.5SH KN38-30S-0.5H FI-RE51S-HF
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LCD温度显示 L C D液晶显示屏分别显示冷藏室、生物保鲜室和冷冻室的设定 温度及功能状态。外观鲜明,一目了然,操作方便。 高效节能 采用高效节能压缩机、三循环制冷系统及加厚发泡层,制冷效率更 高、更节能。 三温三控 冷藏室、生物保鲜室和冷冻室均由电脑系统控制。 智能精确温控,保鲜更长久 运用微电脑系统,对冷藏室、生物保鲜室和冷冻室的温度分别设 定、控制和显示,温度控制更精确,保鲜更长久。 智能速冷,快速便捷 西门子独有的智能速冷功能,令冷藏室温度迅速降至2℃,保鲜 效果更好,冰镇饮料更轻松。 智能速冻,强力保鲜 西门子独有的智能速冻功能,使食品在最短时间内冻至-8℃以 下,保鲜更科学。 生物保鲜 独立的制冷系统、冷气循环系统及保湿装置,可使室内温度控制 在接近0℃。在此环境下,微生物(细菌、酵母、霉菌)的生长和 繁殖得到了更有效抑制,食品的保鲜时间是常规保鲜的两到三 倍。 智能风扇 冷藏室和保鲜室风扇的开启具有智能功能,电脑控制系统可根 据不同的环温和制冷系统的需要自动控制风扇的运行。 静音技术 采用一系列降噪技术,最大限度降低噪音。 宽气候带设计 适应的气候类型跨越亚温带至亚热带。
应看管好幼儿,确保其不要玩耍和攀爬冰箱,另外不要 让任何人爬、坐、站或依在冰箱的门上,以防造成人 身伤害及冰箱损坏。维修或清洁冰箱时,必须拔下电 源插头。
本冰箱为家用冷藏冷冻箱,主要用于食物的储存和冷 冻,不适用于对温度有严格要求的物品(如疫苗、菌 种及化学试剂等)。
非故障现象及特殊现象的 分析与排除
长虹32寸LG屏等离子电源板EAY40484901/902电路原理简介与维修方法(一)电源输入EMC电路与 PFC电路1、EMC电源滤波电路(1)互感线圈LF101、LF102和电容C101、C104、C105构成一个抗干扰电路,主要是用来滤除交流电源中的高频干扰。
2、PFC(有源功率因数校正)电路FAN5501A个脚功能介绍序号(脚)功能序号(脚)功能1 PFC高压检测 5 过零、过压检测2 参数设定 6 GND3 低压输入7 驱动输出4 电流反馈8 供电14V维修提示:EMC电源滤波电路损坏器件比较少,一般烧保险,多为PFC电路开关管Q602或Q603其中一个或两个损坏造成。
判断PFC电路是否工作,测大滤波电容C617或618两脚电压,如果有300V,说明PFC 电路没工作,需要重点查一下PFC芯片FAN5501A第⑧脚供电对不对,该供电受CPU控制,如果PFC芯片供电14V正常,还没有PFC电压(380V),多为PFC芯片FAN5501A①脚外接检测电阻R614、R615、R616、R617阻值变小所致(电阻下面有胶漏电造成电阻变小),维修过程中只需把电阻拆下来,再把贴片电阻下面和印制板上的胶处理干净从新安装电阻即可;如电压是380V左右,说明PFC电路工作正常,就不用查PFC电路。
PFC开关管:Q603Q602PFC检测电阻R614、R615R616、R617滤波电容:C617 C618(二)电压检测电路1、低压检测电路:220V交流电经D125、R144、 R142、 R123、 R137、 R138、 C126半波整流、滤波后变成直流电压,再经R139、 R140 、R141分压,给U121参考端提供一个大于2.5V电压,此时TL431阴极电位下降,PC151光耦导通,CPU IC701(17)脚有5V开机工作信号,CPU收到信号后25脚由低电位变成高电位控制5Vstb输出电压。
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/ Engineer
TV Products Development Dept. LG. Display LCD Co., Ltd
Product Specification
Ver. 0.2
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Product Specification
2. Absolute Maximum Ratings
The following items are maximum values which, if exceeded, may cause faulty operation or permanent dama to the LCD module. Table 1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS
1 VDC °C 2,3 °C °C %RH 2,3 %RH 4
T-Con Option Selection Voltage Operating Temperature Storage Temperature(without packing) Panel Front Temperature Operating Ambient Humidity Storage Humidity
0 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 24
Ver. 0.2
1 /33
Product Specification
Revision N o.
Product Specification
( ● ) Preliminary Specification ( ) Final Specification
SUPPLIER *MODEL SUFFIX LG.Display Co., Ltd. LC320DXY SHA5 (RoHS Verified)
4 /33
Product Specification
3. Electrical Specifications 3-1. Electrical Characteristics
Value Min Typ Max
Parameter Circuit : Power Input Voltage Power Input Current T-CON Option Selection Voltage Power Consumption Rush current Input High Voltage Input Low Voltage
(1366 × 768 x RGB pixels) [Gate In Panel]
Power Circuit Block
Power Signals
General Features
Active Screen Size Outline Dimension Pixel Pitch Pixel Format Color Depth Drive IC Data Interface Viewing Angle (CR>10) Weight Display Mode Surface Treatment (Top) 31.51 inches(800.4mm) diagonal 715.0(H) x 411.0 (V) x 1.4 mm(D) (Typ.) 170.25㎛ x 510.75㎛ x RGB 1366 horiz. by 768 vert. Pixels, RGB stripe arrangement 8-bit (D), 16.7 M colors Source D-IC : 6-bit mini-LVDS, gamma reference voltage, and control signals Gate D-IC : Gate In Panel Viewing angle free ( R/L 178 (Min.), U/D 178 (Min.)) 0.86 Kg (Typ.) Transmissive mode, Normally black Hard coating(3H), Anti-glare treatment of the front polarizer (Haze 1%(Typ.))
SCL LVDS Select #9
Source Driver Circuit
S1 G1 S1366
LVDS 1Port +12.0V
Timing Controller [LVDS Rx]
Control Signals
TFT - LCD Panel
0.1 0.2
Revision Date
Feb, 26, 2015 May, 24, 2015
Preliminary Specification(First Draft) OPTICAL CHARACTERISTICS is Changed
Ver. 0.2
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60 60% Wet Bulb Temperature [°C] 30 20 10 0 10% 5% 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Humidity [(%)R H] 50 40 Storage
Dry Bulb Temperature [°C]
Ver. 0.2
Notes: 1. Ambient temperature condition (Ta = 25 2 °C ) 2. Temperature and relative humidity range are shown in the figure below. Wet bulb temperature should be Max 39 °C and no condensation of water. 3. Gravity mura can be guaranteed below 40℃ condition. 4. The maximum operating temperature is based on the test condition that the surface temperatur e of display area is less than or equal to 68 ℃ with LCD module alone in a temperature controlled chamber. Thermal management should be considered in final product design to prevent the sur face temperature of display area from being over 68 ℃. The range of operating temperature may degrade in case of improper thermal management in final product design. 90%
APPROVED BY / Team Leader
/ Project Leader
PREPARED BY / Please return 1 copy for your confirmation wit h your signature and comments.
Value Min -0.3 -0.3 0 -20 10 5 Max +14.0 +4.0 +50 +60 +68 90 90