z 节省空间,设计坚固耐用。
z 流量范围广;流量计口径从„S“ (DN 1,5 [1/16”]) 至 „
L“ (DN 150 [6”])。
z 多种过程连接可供选择。
z 两个独立的电流输出,用于输出流量与密度信号,也可通
z 触点输入与输出。
21 22 23 24
FCM2000 的转换器包含一个数字信号处理器(DSP),可以 用它进行质量流量与密度值的最高精度测量。科氏力传感器信 号被立即转换为数字信息,而无须任何中间模拟步骤。
通过新型DSP转换器,可以实现优异的长期稳定性与可靠性、 以及快速的信号处理能力。
流量计传感器及转换器的自诊断功能加上绝对零点稳定性是 其根本优势,这对于保证测量的可信度十分必要。
流量计测量管始终在进行振动。工作条件下的振动频率与测量 管几何形状、流量计材料特性以及测量管中流体(也在振动) 的质量具有函数关系。从而可以准确地测量所计量流体的密 度。总之,使用科氏力质量流量计,可以同时测量质量流量、 流体密度以及温度。
流量计传感器由两个单根的测量管构成,该测量管平行放置, 流体在其中流动。特别设计了一种抗扭曲安装结构(连接流量 计的进口与出口),以使测量管与外部的力及力矩隔绝。
FCM2000 是一种经济而简单的ABB质量流量计,具有最新的
AWM 2000 系列微桥质量气流传感器说明书
681-800-537-6945 USA 1-815-235-6847 International1-800-737-3360 CanadaFEATURESɀBidirectional sensing capability ɀActual mass air flow sensingɀLow differential pressure sensing The AWM2000 Series microbridge mass airflow sensor is a passive device com-prised of two Wheatstone bridges. The heater control circuit in Figure 1is re-quired for operation per specifications.The sensing bridge supply circuit in Fig-ure 2 is also required for operation per specifications. These two circuits are not on board the package and must be sup-plied in the application. The differential amplifier in Figure 3 is a useful interface for the sensing bridge. It can be used to introduce the gain and to introduce volt-age offsets to the sensor output as refer-enced in Equation 1.Note: For applications sensing hydrogen or helium, see Application Note 3, page 131.Figure 1Heater Control CircuitFigure 2Sensing Bridge Supply CircuitFigure 3Differential Instrumentation Amplifier CircuitEquation 1:V o ⍧2R 2+R 1R 4V 2-V 1+V offset()()()R 1R 3where V offset ⍧V S()R 6R 6+R 51-800-537-6945 USA 1-815-235-6847 International 1-800-737-3360 Canada 691. Output Voltage is ratiometric to supply voltage.2. Temperature shifts when sensing differential pressure correlates to the density change of the gas over temperature.See Application Note 1.3. Maximum allowable rate of flow change to prevent damage: 5.0 SLPM/1.0 sec.MOUNTING DIMENSIONS (for reference only)Airflow701-800-537-6945 USA 1-815-235-6847 International 1-800-737-3360 CanadaOUTPUT FLOW VS INTERCHANGEABILITY (Note 1)Performance Characteristics @10.0 ±0.01VDC, 25°C AWM2100V AWM2150VAWM2200V(Note 2)AWM2300V Press.Flow Nom.Tol.Press.Flow Nom.Tol.Flow Press.Nom.Tol.Press.Flow Nom.Tol.mBar sccm mV±mVȖBar sccm mV±mVsccm ⍯H 2O mV±mVmBar sccm mV±mV0.4920044.50 4.25533014.0 2.5120 4.0031.75 3.50 3.4100055.50 3.700.3515038.75 3.0036209.5 1.590 3.0026.75 2.50 2.480052.90 3.500.2110030.00 1.501710 5.0 1.560 2.0020.00 1.20 1.865050.00 2.500.095016.50 2.509.85 2.5 1.030 1.0011.20 1.800.8340042.50 1.007.44 2.0 3.20−0.09−50−16.50 4.50 6.23 1.5 1.0−30−1.00−11.20 3.0000.00 1.00−0.21−100−30.00 5.0052 1.0 1.0−60−2.00−20.00 3.30−0.31−200−28.9015.00−0.35−150−38.807.65 2.510.50.8−90−3.00−26.75 5.30−0.83−400−41.2026.00−0.49−200−44.509.75000.00.6−120−4.00−31.757.00−1.6−600−48.2029.50−9.8−5−2.5 2.0−2.4−800−52.2032.50−53−30−14.05.0−3.4−1000−55.0036.00Notes:1.Numbers in BOLD type indicate calibration type, mass flow or differential pressure.Tolerance values apply to calibration type only.2.Differential pressure calibrated devices are not recommended for flow e flow calibrated devices for flow measurement.OUTPUT CURVES。
目录• 电动二通阀-应用范围及产品特点• 工作原理• 电动二通阀-调试•电动二通阀技术参数驱动器规格型号和技术参数铜阀规格型号和技术参数电动二通阀安装尺寸电动二通阀-应用范围及产品特点1.用于控制冷水或热水空调系统管道的开启或关闭,达到控制室温之目的。
MQG2400×3000 干湿 20 15.5 ≤25 0.043-0.8 8-15 YR4004-8 250 9128×4956×4018 65.88
内衬:石衬 δ=140 橡胶衬 δ=60
筒体容积:57.7 m3
主电机型号、功率:Y315L2-6 110kW
辅助电机型号、功率:Y200L-6 18.5kW
MQG1500×3000 干湿 28.8 8.0 ≤25 0.074-0.4 2.5-8.0 JR125-8 95 7604×3135×2658 17
MQG1500×3500 干湿 28.8 8.5 ≤25 0.074-0.4 3.0-8.5 YR280M-8 75 8104×3135×2658 19.5
MQG1200×1200 干湿 35 2.4 ≤25 0.074-0.8 2.0-3.0 Y250M-8 30 5520×2800×2550 11.4
MQG1200×1600 干湿 32 2.5 ≤25 0.074-0.8 2.0-3.6 Y225S-8 18.5 4099×2155×1855 8.8
MQG1830×5500 干湿 24.5 14.0 ≤25 0.043-0.8 6.0-10 JR136-8 180 10820×4685×3750 34.5
MQG1830×6400 干湿 24.5 16.0 ≤25 0.043-0.8 8.0-10.0 JR137-8 210 11720×4685×3750 36
MQ-4气体传感器特点* 对甲烷,天然气有很高的灵敏度*对乙醇,烟雾的灵敏度很低* 快速的响应恢复特性. * 长期的使用寿命和可靠的稳定性* 简单的驱动电路应用用于家庭,工业的甲烷,天然气的探测装置规格A. 标准工作条件符号参数名称技术条件备注Vc 回路电压≤15V AC or DC V H 加热电压 5.0V±0.2V AC or DC R L 负载电阻可调R H 加热电阻 31Ω±3Ω室温P H 加热功耗≤900mWB. 环境条件符号参数名称技术条件备注Tao 使用温度-10℃-50℃Tas 储存温度-20℃-70℃Rh相对湿度小于 95%RhO2 氧气浓度21%(标准条件)氧气浓度会影响灵敏度特性最小值大于2%C. 灵敏度特性符号参数名称技术参数备注Rs 敏感体表面电阻10KΩ- 60KΩ(5000ppm CH4)α(1000ppm/ 5000ppm CH4) 浓度斜率≤0.6标准工作条件温度: 20℃±2℃ Vc:5.0V±0.1V相对湿度: 65%±5% Vh: 5.0V±0.1V 预热时间不少于24小时适用范围:300-10000ppm 甲烷,天然气。
D. 结构,外形,测试电路MQ-4气敏元件的结构和外形如图1所示(结构 A 或 B), 由微型AL 2O 3陶瓷管、SnO 2 敏感层,测量电极和加热器构成的敏感元件固定在塑料或不锈钢制成的腔体内,加热器为气敏元件提供了必要的工作条件。
测量电路如图2所示E. 灵敏度特性曲线图3 MQ-4型气敏元件的灵敏度特性图.2结构B结构A灵敏度调整:MQ-4型气敏元件对不同种类,不同浓度的气体有不同的电阻值。
我们建议您用5000ppm 甲烷校准传感器。
操作安全 .................................................................... i
目 录 ....................................................................... I
— II—
中分 2000 气相色谱 仪说明书
第 1 章 仪器简介
中分 2000 系列气相色谱仪是新一代电力行业专用型气相色谱仪。 该系列仪器采用新型全集成混合信号单片机和大显示屏汉字显示技 术。测量精度高,操作简单,为广大电力试验工作者提供了一套性能 先进、实用性强、操作简便、性能稳定的气相色谱仪,是开展变压器 油色谱分析必备的分析设备。
当出现紧急情况而需立即关机时,请按下述步骤操作: 关 闭 中 分 2000 色 谱 仪 主 机 电 源 开 关 ( 开 关 扳 至 OFF 位 置 )。 关闭所有辅助设备的电源开关。 关闭所有气体钢瓶总阀。 拔下仪器电源插头。 紧急情况完全排除后,再重新开启仪器。如果需要帮助,请 与我公司售后服务中心联系。
本气相色谱仪是用于变压器油色谱分析的专用仪器。为了保证仪 器的操作安全,请遵守下列注意事项:
严格遵守本说明书所列出的操作步骤、警告和注意事项。 请 按 照 仪 器 的 设 计 用 途 使 用 仪 器 ,请 不 要 自 行 拆 卸 、改 装 仪 器 。 仪器需要维修时请与我公司售后服务中心联系。
•300/500V屏蔽或无屏蔽电缆(lmm\ 1.5mm2和2. 5mm:, 2芯到40芯);•0. 6/lkV屏蔽或无屏蔽电缆(1.5mm:到50mm,, 2芯、3芯和4芯)。
EX50264-2-2应与第1部分“一般要求” 一起使用。
EN10002-1金属材料一拉伸测试一室温条件下试验方法EN50264-1铁路应用一具有特殊防火性能铁路机车车辆动力和控制电缆第1部分:一般要求EN50266-2-4电缆在火焰条件下的通用试验方法一垂直安装的成束电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延试验第2-4部分:试验步骤一C类EN50266-2-5电缆在火焰条件下的通用试验方法一垂直安装的成束电线或电缆的垂直火焰蔓延试验第2-5部分:试验步骤一小电缆一D 类EN50305:2002铁路应用-具有特殊防火性能铁路机车车辆电缆-测试方法EX50334电缆芯线识别用符号标记EN60228 电缆的导体(IEC60228)EN60332-1-2电缆和光缆在火焰条件下的试验方法第1-2部分:单根绝缘电线电缆垂直火焰蔓延试验一lkW预混合火焰(IEC660332-1-2) EN608U-l-l:1995电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料的一通用试验方法第1~1部分:一般应用一厚度和外形尺寸测量一机械性能试验(IEC60811-l-l:1993)EN60811-1-2:1995电缆绝缘和护套材料的一通用试验方法第1-2部分:一般应用一热老化试验 (IEC60811-l-2:1985+Al : 1989+corr.Mayl986)EN60811-1-3:1995电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料的一通用试验方法第1-3部分:一般应用一密度测定方法一吸水试验一回缩试验(IEC60811-1-3:1993)EN60811-1-4:1995电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料的一通用试验方法第1-4部分:一般应用一低温试验(IEC60811-1-4:1985+A11993+corr.May1986 ) EN60811-2-l:1998电缆和光缆绝缘和护套材料的一通用试验方法第2-1部分:一般应用一橡胶混合物测试方法一耐臭氧试验、热延伸试验和浸矿物油试验(IEC60811-2-1:1998)EN61034-2电缆在特定条件下燃烧的烟密度测定第2部分:试验步骤和要求(IEC61034-2)HD308电缆与软线的芯线标记3.定义EN50264-1的定义适用于木标准。
生殖毒性 生殖毒性 - 产品 致畸性 - 产品
: 无数据资料 : 无数据资料
特定目标器官系统毒性-单次 : 无数据资料 接触 - 产品
特定目标器官系统毒性-多次 : 无数据资料 接触 - 产品
重复剂量中毒- 产品
: 无数据资料
吸入危险 吸入毒性 - 产品
: 无数据资料
十二 生态学信息 生态毒性
: 亚什兰(中国)投资有限公司 中国 上海 中山南二路 1089 号 徐汇苑大厦 18 层 邮政编码:200030
: Ashland (China) Holdings Co., Ltd China Shanghai 1089 Zhongshan rd(s.)18th Floor Xuhuiyuan Building Zip Code:200030
十稳定性和反应性 避免接触的条件
: 备注: 热,火焰和火花。
禁配物备注: 暴露在潮湿中。 热,火焰和火花。
: 备注: 酸 强氧化剂
: 注释: 氨水 二氧化碳和一氧化碳 甲醛 氮氧化物 氢氰酸
: 注释: 在推荐的贮存条件下是稳定的。
不发生危险的聚合反应。 粉尘在空气中可能会形成化学文摘编号(CAS No.) Index number deleted RTECS number deleted EINECS number deleted
: 100-97-0
有害物成分 化学品名称 环己四‘胺 四急救措施 一般的建议
在皮肤接触的情况下 在眼睛接触的情况下
2.5, 4
6, 10, 15
6, 10, 16
错误内容 产品规格变更
改正日期 06年8月
型号表示错误,易造成选型错误 06年8月
螺纹表示错误,易造成选型错误 06年8月
产品尺寸错误,易造成选型错误 07年8月
产品尺寸错误,易造成选型错误 磁性开关变更 词汇更正、录入错误
CAT.ES20-152B CAT.ES20-177A CAT.E256A CAT.ES20-179B CAT.E216B CAT.ES20-95B CAT.ES20-157B P-1991-6 CAT.ES20-160A CAT.E204A CAT.ES20-159A CAT.ES20-159A CAT.ES20-159A CAT.ES20-147A
ZZ + + 行程
S + 行程 ZZ + 行程
缸径 行程范围 (mm)
A AL □B B1 □C D E F G H1
(mm) 无防护套 带防护套
H ZZ e f h
固纬电子实业股份有限公司台湾台北县土城市中兴路7-1号目录安全说明 (7)产品介绍 (11)主要特点 (12)面板介绍 (14)显示 (24)设置信号发生器 (25)快速操作 (27)如何使用数字输入 (29)如何使用帮助菜单 (30)顯示區域的分配 (32)选择波形 (33)调制 (35)扫描 (44)脉冲串 (46)ARB (48)工具栏 (52)菜单树 (53)默认设置 (71)操作 (73)CH1/CH2通道 (75)RF通道 (89)Pulse 通道 (100)功率放大器 (111)3调制 (114)幅值调制(AM) (117)幅移键控(ASK) (124)频率调制(FM) (130)频移键控(FSK) (137)相位调制(PM) (143)相移键控(PSK) (150)脉冲宽度调制(PWM) (155)总和调制(SUM) (161)频率扫描 (168)脉冲串模式 (177)辅助系统功能设置 (187)存储和调取 (188)选择远程接 (192)系统和设置 (196)信道功能设置 (200)双通道操作 (204)任意波形 (209)插入内置波形 (210)显示任意波形 (212)编辑任意波形 (219)输出任意波形 (228)存储/调取任意波形 (230)远程接口 (239)确立远程连接 (240)4网络浏览器控制界面 (245)指令列表 (253)系统指令 (257)状态寄存器指令 (261)接口设置指令 (264)应用指令 (265)输出指令 (272)脉冲设置指令 (282)幅值调制(AM)指令 (286)振幅键控(ASK)指令 (291)频率调制(FM)指令 (294)频移键控(FSK)指令 (299)相位调制(PM)指令 (302)相位键控(PSK)指令 (306)总和调制(SUM)指令 (309)脉宽调制(PWM)指令 (314)频率扫描(Sweep)指令 (318)脉冲串模式(Burst)指令 (328)任意波形(ARB)指令 (339)计频器(Counter)指令 (347)相位 (Phase)指令 (349)耦合(Couple)指令 (350)存储和调取指令 (353)错误信息 (355)SCPI状态寄存器 (368)附录 (374)MFG-2000系列规格 (374)EC符合性声明书 (384)GLOBL HEADAQARTERS (385)5任意波内建波形 (386)索引 (398)67安全说明本章节包含操作和存储信号发生器时必须遵照的重要安全说明。
杆侧 气缸通口TP
R□LQB 缸径 -B□ 后退方向锁,右侧配管(虚线为左侧配管) . . = = .TH .TH ⑤ ① ④ ② ③
= .Max. T1
杆侧 气缸通口TP
无杆侧 气缸通口TP
⑥ ⑧ ⑦
= .Max. T2
= .T3
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 名 称 带锁带气缓冲的薄型气缸 PT弯头 节流阀 PT三通 金属体速度控制阀 弯头 旁通管 防火花罩 数量 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 型号
47.5 57.5 67.5
19 26 26
!"#$ !"=E
%/ F
!": RQ
安装件型号 CQ-L032
63 80 100
CQ-L040 CQ-L050 CQ-L063 CQ-L080 CQ-L100 30~100 40~100 40~100 81.2 95 111 55 63.5 76 29 33.5 42 18 20 22 43.5 53.5 53.5 11 13 13
旁通配管 无记号 无
带旁通配管右配管 (防止落下)
L 带旁通配管左配管 (防止落下)
外形尺寸图 (毫米) ¿32(非常停止)
PL锁开放通口 加压状态下锁开放 55 22.5 9
锁方向 F 前进方向锁 B 后退方向锁
非 常 停 止
*1台气缸应订购2只脚座。 *脚座型、法兰型附本体安装螺钉。 *双耳环型附耳环用销轴,弹性挡圈, 本体安装螺钉及垫圈。
Pneumatic Specifications Imperial Metric Pressure Operating Range 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Type Double ActingDynamic Seals Internally Lubricated Buna-N Valve Required to Operate 4-way, 2-position Air Quality RequirementsAir Filtration 40 Micron or Better Air Lubrication Not Necessary *Air Humidity Low Moisture Content (dry)Temperature Operating RangeBuna-N Seals (standard) -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ®Seals (optional) -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Maintenance Specifications Expected LifeNormal Application 5 million cycles w/ Preventative Maintenance 10+ million cycles *Field Repairable Yes Seal Repair Kits Available Yes -W Option Shaft Wiper SpecificationsWiper Material 90 Durometer Urethane Temperature Rating (Wiper Only) -65°~275° F -54°~135° C Compatible Chemicals water, coolant, petroleum oils, silicone, lubricants, dilute acids & alkalis, hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid Non-Compatible Chemicals Ozone, ketones, strong acids, brake fluidExample Applications Grinding dust, machine chips & coolant, paper dust, washdown Application RestrictionsApplications where mechanism lubricant could cause contamination (use -W Shaft Wiper Option in this case)*Addition of lubrication will greatly increase service lifeTechnical Specifications:Grippers can be mounted & operated in any directionFingers attach with screws and locate on jaws withdowel pinsMounting Information:Parallel Grippers-DPW DIRECTCONNECT ™Wide Body SeriesG• DIRECTCONNECT ™Connectivity:DIRECTCONNECT ™Tapped and Dowel mounting on body.• Large or Wide Parts:Wide body design provides secure gripping of large & wide parts.•Multiple air port positions:Tapped air ports on top and front are standard.• Manifold Air Porting:Top air ports can be manifold o-ring sealed.• Inductive Sensor Flexibility:Mount either 3mm or 4mm Inductive sensors with the same bracket (3mm only on DPW-250).• M agnetoresistive Sensing:Full range adjustable Magnetoresistive Sensors. Magnet supplied standard.• Long Finger Applications:Jaw support thru the length of the body allows for long fingers to be attached to jaws.• Thru Jaw Mounting:Offers a wider variety of mounting applications for jaws.• Shaft Wiper Option:Rugged urethane shaft wipers seal the unit against harsh environments. Designed to be used in machine coolant and metal chip environment applications.• Multiple Strokes: All gripper sizes are available in 2 different strokes.• Non-synchronous motion: The unit can be made non-synchronous providing independent jaw motion allowing the gripper to pick or place at a point other than its center.Thru mounting on inside of jaws to allow for alternatefinger mounting Jaw design allows for simplified mounting of fingersBody mounts on top with screws and locates with slip fit dowel pin holes for accuracySymmetrical mounting pattern on jaws allows for multiplefinger orientation1.196D P W SE R I E STMC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.197D P W SE R I E SSealed Design (-W option)Urethane shaft wipers prevent against dirty environments (machining chips & coolant, grinding dust, paper millenvironments, etc.)Thru-Jaw MountingC’bores on inside of jaws for thru mounting to increase range ofapplicationsSensorMounting SlotsStandard mounting slots for magneto resistive and inductive sensors (sensors sold separately)Square-Faced JawsAllow for a symmetrical, multi-positional mounting pattern for simplified finger design and increased range of applicationsMultiple Air Port Locations2 standard airport location(front & top)Quality ComponentsHardened precision stainless steel shafting for wear resistance andlong lifeSuperior Jaw SupportEach jaw is supported by 2 shafts that extend the entire length of the body and are guided by 2 oil impregnated bronze bushings pershaftMagneto ResistiveSensorsAn alternative option to inductive sensors (magnets supplied standard)Dowel HolesSlip fit dowel pin holes in body and jawsSimplified Finger MountingLarge jaw configuration allows for simplified finger mountingOptional Non-SynchronousOperation• Two shafts, one with a rack cut into it, are securely fastened to each of the jaws and ARE supported through the length of the body.• Two double acting opposed pistons provide power to the jaws.• The rack shafts of each jaw slide in opposite directions of one another and are synchronized by a piston gear.• This gripper is suitable for internal or external gripping and can be mounted in any orientation.Pressure ExhaustOpen PositionProduct FeaturesOperating PrincipleU.S Patent #5,163,729 Designed, manufactured and assembled in the USAPressureExhaust End PlateJawBodyUrethane Shaft Wipers(-W Option)PistonBearingPinion Gear and Radial BearingRack ShaftClosed PositionMounting PatternsDIRECTCONNECT ™Tapped & Dowel mounting surfaceon top of bodyEnd of Stroke CushionsReduce shock of fully open and close strokesHigh TemperatureOptional Viton ®seals are available for high temperature applicationsSee Page1.198Style -DPW Parallel GripperSize -250M-1 250M-1Stroke: 0.75 in. 19.1 mmGrip Force: 50 lbs. 222 NWeight: 0.662 lbs. 0.30 KgSee Page1.200Style -DPW Parallel GripperSize -250M-2Style: 250M-2Stroke: 1.25 in. 31.8 mmGrip Force: 50 lbs. 222 NWeight: 0.856 lbs. 0.39 KgSee Page1.202Style -DPW Parallel GripperSize -375M-1Style: 375M-1Stroke: 1.00 in. 25.4 mmGrip Force: 100 lbs. 445 NWeight: 1.80 lbs. 0.81 KgSee Page1.204Style -DPW Parallel GripperSize -375M-2Style: 375M-2Stroke: 2.00 in. 50.8 mmGrip Force: 100 lbs. 445 NWeight: 2.66 lbs. 1.20 KgSee Page1.206Style -DPW Parallel GripperSize -500M-1Style: 500M-1Stroke: 1.50 in. 38.1 mmGrip Force: 180 lbs. 800 NWeight: 3.27 lbs. 1.48 KgStyle -DPW Parallel GripperSize -500M-2Style: 500M-2Stroke: 2.50 in. 63.5 mmGrip Force: 180 lbs. 800 NWeight: 4.39 lbs. 2.0 KgShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionShown with -W Shaft Wiper OptionPiston ShaftShaftMagnetManifold Air PortsTop air ports can be O-Ring manifold sealed to eliminateair linesCombined 3mm and 4mm Inductive SensorMountingAllows for either 3 or 4mmInductive sensors (3mm only on DPW-250)See Page1.208C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c ▪ P n e u m a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.198.3759.5[M3 X 5 DP.][[M3 X 5 DP.](CLOSE PORT)10.52X .166 4.2SENSOR ENTRANCE SLOT 7.92X .227 5.82X .246C L[M4 X 8DP.][4 H7 X 5DP.]37.6PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-250M-1DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUEC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.199D P W SE R I E SPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-250M-1DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESSpecifications Total Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 50 lbs. 222 N Stroke...................................................................... 0.75 in. 19.1 mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 0.625 in. 15.9 mm Displacement.......................................................... 0.023 in 3. 3.8 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 0.662 lbs. 0.30 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.12 sec. 0.12 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-positionMaximum Tensile T 60 lbs. [267 N ] 12 lbs. [53 N] Maximum Compressive C 60 lbs. [267 N] 12 lbs. [53 N]Maximum Moment M x 120 in.-lbs. [14 Nm] 24 in.-lbs. [3 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 180 in.-lbs.[20 Nm] 36 in.-lbs.[4 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 120 in.-lbs.[14 Nm] 24 in.-lbs.[3 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneous111896745220N EFFECTIVE FINGER LENGTH - LF I NG E R F O R C E - F /2255075102127 mmGRIP FORCE PER FINGERC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.200.3759.5[(CLOSE PORT)16.9(JAW)2X .166 4.2 SENSOR ENTRANCE SLOT7.92X .2897.3.24 6C L[M4 X 8DP.][37.6PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-250M-2DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUEC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.201D P W SE R I E SPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-250M-2DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESTotal Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 50 lbs. 222 N Stroke...................................................................... 1.25 in. 31.8 mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 0.625 in. 15.9 mm Displacement.......................................................... 0.383 in 3. 6.3 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 0.856 lbs. 0.39 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.14 sec. 0.14 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-positionMaximum Tensile T 60 lbs. [267 N ] 12 lbs. [53 N] Maximum Compressive C 60 lbs. [267 N] 12 lbs. [53 N]Maximum Moment M x 120 in.-lbs. [14 Nm] 24 in.-lbs. [3 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 180 in.-lbs.[20 Nm] 36 in.-lbs.[4 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 120 in.-lbs.[14 Nm] 24 in.-lbs.[3 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneous111896745220N F I N G E R F O R C E - F /2255075102127 mmGRIP FORCE PER FINGERC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.20219.1[M5 X 7 DP.][5 H7 X 5 [M5 X 7 DP.](CLOSE PORT)13.04X .166 4.2 SENSOR ENTRANCE SLOT17.82X .262 6.7[M3 X 4 DP.].18 5C L[54.0PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-375M-1DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUEC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.203D P W SE R I E SPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-375M-1DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESSpecifications Total Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 100 lbs. 445 N Stroke...................................................................... 1.00 in. 25.4 mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 0.938 in. 23.8 mm Displacement.......................................................... 0.690 in 3. 11.3 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 1.80 lbs. 0.81 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.16 sec. 0.16 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-positionMaximum Tensile T 120 lbs. [534 N ] 24 lbs. [107 N] Maximum Compressive C 120 lbs. [534 N] 24 lbs. [107 N]Maximum Moment M x 210 in.-lbs.[24 Nm] 42 in.-lbs.[5 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 300 in.-lbs.[34 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 210 in.-lbs.[24 Nm] 42 in.-lbs.[5 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneous223 178 134 89 45 0lbs.N F I N G E R F O R C E - F /2 GRIP FORCE PER FINGER 02550178 mmWARNING!102 12715376 C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.20419.1[(CLOSE PORT)4X .166 4.2SENSORENTRANCESLOT2X .46211.7.18 5C L5 H7 X 5 DP.]54.0 PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-375M-2DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUECourtesyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulicatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪ m1.205D P W SE R I E SSpecifications Total Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 100 lbs. 445 N Stroke...................................................................... 2.00 in. 50.8mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 0.938 in. 23.8 mm Displacement.......................................................... 1.382 in 3. 22.6 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 2.66 lbs. 1.20 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.20 sec. 0.20 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-positionPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-375M-2DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESMaximum Tensile T 120 lbs. [534 N ] 24 lbs. [107 N] Maximum Compressive C 120 lbs. [534 N] 24 lbs. [107 N]Maximum Moment M x 210 in.-lbs.[24 Nm] 42 in.-lbs.[5 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 300 in.-lbs.[34 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 210 in.-lbs.[24 Nm] 42 in.-lbs.[5 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneous223 178 134 89 45 0lbs.N F I N G E R F O R C E - F /2 GRIP FORCE PER FINGER 02550178 mmWARNING!102 12715376 C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.206[5 H7 X 5 [M5 X 5 DP.](CLOSE PORT)19.119.24X .166 4.2 SENSOR SLOT18.8.47512.1(OPEN PORT).20 5C L[M6 X 13 DP.][6 H7 X8 DP.]51.00PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-500M-1DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUEC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.207D P W SE R I E SPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-500M-1DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESMaximum Tensile T 600 lbs. [2668 N ] 60 lbs. [267 N] Maximum Compressive C 600 lbs. [2668 N] 60 lbs. [267 N]Maximum Moment M x 600 in.-lbs.[68 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 900 in.-lbs.[102 Nm] 90 in.-lbs.[10 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 600 in.-lbs.[68 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneousSpecifications Total Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 180 lbs. 800 N Stroke...................................................................... 1.50 in. 38.1 mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 1.250 in. 31.8 mm Displacement.......................................................... 1.841 in 3. 30.2 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 3.27 lbs. 1.48 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.20 sec. 0.20 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-position40035631226722317813489450lbs.NF I NG E R F O R C E - F /2GRIP FORCE PER FINGER517676102127330mm203229254279305152178C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.208(CLOSE PORT)19.131.918.8(OPEN PORT)C L[M6 X 13 DP.][ 6 H7 X 8 DP.]51.00PARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-500M-2DIRECTCONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESNOTE: DIRECTCONNECT DIMENSIONS ARE SHOWN IN BLUEC o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.209D P W SE R I E SPARALLEL GRIPPERS DPW-500M-2DIRECT CONNECT WIDE BODY SERIESMaximum Tensile T 600 lbs. [2668 N ] 60 lbs. [267 N] Maximum Compressive C 600 lbs. [2668 N] 60 lbs. [267 N]Maximum Moment M x 600 in.-lbs.[68 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Maximum Moment M y 900 in.-lbs.[102 Nm] 90 in.-lbs.[10 Nm]Maximum Moment M z 600 in.-lbs.[68 Nm] 60 in.-lbs.[7 Nm]Capacities are per set of jaws and are not simultaneousTotal Rated Grip Force F @ 100 psi, 7 bar............. 180 lbs. 800 N Stroke...................................................................... 2.50 in. 63.5 mm Pressure Range....................................................... 40-100 psi 3-7 bar Cylinder Bore Ø....................................................... 1.250 in. 31.8 mm Displacement.......................................................... 3.068 in 3. 50.3 cm 3Weight..................................................................... 4.39 lbs. 2.0 Kg Temperature Range: Standard Seals...................... -30°~180° F -35°~80° C Viton ® Seals........................... -20°~300° F -30°~150° C Actuation ................................................................ 0.28 sec. 0.28 sec.Accuracy................................................................. ±0.003 in. ±0.08 mm Repeatability............................................................ ±0.001 in. ±0.03 mm Valve required to actuate........................................ 4-way, 2-position40035631226722317813489450lbs.NF I NG E R F O R C E - F /2GRIP FORCE PER FINGER517676102127330mm203229254279305152178C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.210DPW SERIES EXPLODED VIEWItem Qty Name01 1 Body02 8 Bushing, Oil Impregnated Bronze 03 2 End Cap 04 2 Jaw05* 2 Guide Shaft, Rack06* 2 Guide Shaft (Qty 4 for -NS)07 2 Piston Rod08 2 Piston 09 1 Cap, Gear 10* 1 Gear11* 1 Bearing, Radial12* 2 Piston Rod Wiper (Shaft Wiper"-W" option only)13* 8 Shaft Wiper (Shaft Wiper "-W" option only)14 2 Piston Bumper 15 2 Piston O-ring 16 2 Teflon Ring 17* 2 Body O-ring 18 2 U-cup19 2 Jaw Bumper 20 1 Gear Cap O-ring 21 1 Retaining Ring 22 1 Magnet23 8 End Cap Mntg Screw 24 4 Guide Shaft Mntg Screw 25 4 Piston Shaft Mntg Screw 26* 2 Guide Shaft Alignment Dowel 27 2 Manifold Port Plug28 8 Retainer Ring (Shaft Wiper "-W" Option only)29 2 Retainer Ring (Shaft Wiper "-W" Option only)30* 4 End Cap Mntg Screw 31 4 End Cap Dowel Pins*Notes:1) Contact the Robohand Sales Department for a complete spare parts list with order numbers and prices.2) Q uantity of #6 is 4 when ordering a Non-synchronous gripper.3)Items #5, #10, #11, and #26 are for synchronous grippers only.4) Items #12 and #13 are for –W option only.5) Item #17 (Body O-ring) shown in body groove.6) Item #23 Quantity is 6 for 375-1 and 375-2 only.7) Item #30 is only used in 375-1 and 375-2.Assembly Procedure:1) Lubricate and install seals on piston.2) Install pistons and shafts.3) Mount end caps to enclose piston assembly.4) Install tooling plates and shafts.5) Place bearing, shaft, and gear into body and install cap and retaining ring for sync version.a) For disassembly, use magnet to pull gear out of body.b) Install 2 gear shafts with teeth facing syncing gear. Use dowel to align gear shafts in correct position.-W Option Assembly Procedure:1) Take out guide shaft and piston rod mounting screws.2) Remove jaws from guide shafts and piston rods.3) Take out end cap mounting screws and pull off end caps. Take out piston.4) Slide out shafts and press wipers in pockets thru front side. Install retaining rings.5) Replace shafts, pistons, and end caps.6) Be sure to apply thread locker to mounting screws. The gripper now has shaft wipers.C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.211D P W SE R I E S M A I N T E N A N C EDPW SERIES ASSEMBLED VIEWAccessory Installation & Adjustment InstructionsItem Qty Name01 1 Body02 8 Bushing, Oil Impregnated Bronze 03 2 End Cap 04 2Jaw05* 2 Guide Shaft, Rack06* 2 Guide Shaft (Qty 4 for NS)07 2 Piston Rod 08 2 Piston 09 1 Cap, Gear 10* 1 Gear11* 1 Bearing, Radial12* 2 Piston Rod Wiper (Shaft Wiper“-W” option only)13* 8 Shaft Wiper (Shaft Wiper "-W" option only)14 2 Piston Bumper 15 2 Piston O-Ring 16 2 Teflon Ring 17* 2 Body O-Ring 18 2 U-cup19 2 Jaw Bumper 20 1 Gear Cap O-ring 21 1 Retaining ring 22 1 Magnet23 8 End Cap Mntg Screw 24 4 Guide Shaft Mntg Screw 25 4 Piston Shaft Mntg Screw 26* 2 Guide Shaft Alignment Dowel 27 2 Manifold Port Plug28 8 Retainer Ring (Shaft Wiper "-W" Option only)29 2 Retainer Ring (Shaft Wiper "-W" Option only)30* 4 End Cap Mntg Screw 31 4 End Cap Dowel Pinsis lost.Magneto-Resistive Sensors:1) Insert sensors #28 or #29 into the opening at the end of the profile slot and lock the sensor into position with the integrated screw.Inductive Sensors:1)Mount inductive sensor target (#32) to jaw using mounting screw (#36).2) Insert sensor bracket (#33) into slot of body.3) Insert sensor (#30 or #31) into appropriate 3mm or 4mm opening in bracket and adjust sensor depth so that sensor light indicates target (#32).4) Tighten sensor locking screw (#34).5) Position sensor bracket for desired stroke detection.6) T ighten sensor bracket with set screw (#35) to lock stroke detection position.1) Contact the Robohand Sales Department for a complete spare parts list with order numbers and prices.2) Q uantity of #6 is 4 when ordering a Non-synchronous gripper.3)Items #5, #10, #11, and #26 are for synchronous grippers only.4) Items #12 and #13 are for –W option only.5) Item #17 (Body O-ring) shown in body groove.6) Item #23 Quantity is 6 for 375-1 and 375-2 only.7) Item #30 is only used in 375-1 and 375-2.Item Qty Name28 1,2 Magneto Resistive Sensor (short barrel) w/Qk. Disconnect 29 1,2 Magneto Resistive Sensor (90° barrel) w/Qk. Disconnect 30 1,2 Inductive Sensor (3mm) w/Qk. Disconnect 31 1,2 Inductive Sensor (4mm) w/Qk. Disconnect(DPW-375 & 500 only)39 1,2 Adjustable Flow Control (Imperial) #10-32 elbow - 1/4" ODPush-in Style40 1,2 Adjustable Flow Control (Metric) M5 elbow - 6mm ODPush-in Style37 1 Fail Safe Valve (Imperial) #10-3238 1 Fail Safe Valve (Metric) M5C o u r t e s y o f C M A /F l o d y n e /H y d r a d y n e ▪ M o t i o n C o n t r o l ▪ H y d r a u l i c a t i c ▪ E l e c t r i c a l ▪ M e c h a n i c a l ▪ (800) 426-5480 ▪ w w w .c m a f h .c o m1.212DPW SERIES SPECIALSSmaller or Larger BoresMetallic Rod ScrapersExtended StrokesAlternate Materialsand more…Drawings are for concept only.Contact Robohand Tech Supportwith project requirements.Extended StrokeFixed JawCustom JawsPurge PortMulti-Positioning Sensing Spring AssistCourtesyofCMA/Flodyne/Hydradyne▪MotionControl▪Hydraulicatic▪Electrical▪Mechanical▪(8)426-548▪ m。
目录阀门与附件概述莱宝真空阀 3 产品“微型”阀门综述 6 角阀和直通阀,波纹管密封,多种驱动器7 ISO - KF法兰真空阀综述9 DN 16 ISO-KF 到DN 50 ISO-KF角阀,波纹管密封,手动操作10 直通阀,波纹管密封,手动操作11 角阀,波纹管密封(电磁)气动12 直通阀,波纹管密封(电磁)气动14 角阀和直通阀,电磁操作16 ISO - K法兰真空阀综述18 DN 63 ISO-K 到DN 160 ISO-K角阀,波纹管密封手动操作19 电磁气动操作21 DN 250 ISO-K角阀,波纹管密封,电磁气动操作23 DN 400 到DN 1000大角阀25 ISO - KF / ISO - K / CF 法兰真空阀综述27 DN 10 ISO-KF 到DN 40 ISO-KF or ISO-KSECUVAC真空安全阀28抗干扰抑制套件30 泄压阀31 断电破空阀,电磁32 粗调可变漏率阀,无隔离阀33 带隔离阀的可变漏率阀34 破空阀手动操作35 电磁气动操作36 真空锁和密封阀37 球阀39 电磁气动操作阀附件先导阀40 干扰抑制套件40 DN 250 ISO - K电磁线圈41涡轮分子泵特殊阀42 DN 16 CF 到DN 63 CFUHV全金属角阀UHV全金属角阀,两侧都带活套法兰44 UHV全金属可变漏率阀45 插板阀,配ISO - KF/CF/ISO - F法兰综述46 微型插板阀,ISO - KF,手动操作(活节杆)47 微型UHV插板阀,ISO - KF和CF手动操作(手轮)49 电磁气动操作51 HV插板阀,ISO - F手动操作53 电磁气动操作55 UHV插板阀,CF,手动操作57 UHV插板阀,电磁气动操作ISO - F法兰59 CF法兰61 法兰和真空连接件63 穿通密封接头64莱宝真空概述莱宝真空阀莱宝真空旨在通过提供各种隔离元所有应用都有以下共同要求:根据各种用途选择和设计的阀门与件和阀门满足客户与该类元件设计有关 真空保护元件体现了莱宝真空长期以来 - 轻巧地打开,振动很小 在真空工程方面的经验。
目前在我国常见的大众—奥迪系列的车型有:A6、V6、桑塔纳2000(包括GLI 和GSI),奥迪100(包括2.6L和2.8L、1、8T),奥迪200,捷达王,高尔夫,帕萨特及一汽开发的红旗。
额定功率 (kW)
2.2 3.7 5.5 3.7 5.5 7.5 7.5 11 15
额定转矩 (Nm)
7 11.7 17.5 11.7 17.5 24 24 35 48
适配电机 功率(kw)
1.5 2.2 3.7 5.5 7.5 11 15 15 18.5 22 30 37 45 55 75 90
额定输出 电流(A)
3.5 5 8 13 17 25 32 38 39 45 60 75 90 110 150 178
额定输出 容量(KVA)
2.5 3.8 5.6 8.6 11 17 20 25 26 30 40 50 60 72 99 125
10 – 3 – 48 – 7.5/11 – 1500 GHG: 高速型 DHS: 双基速
机座号 10
长度代号 3
额定转矩 48Nm
7.5kW连续 11kW过载
额定转速 1500rpm
轴伸键 G:光轴 J:键轴
分度定位;C轴功能 螺纹切削,电子齿轮,绞孔,摆动控制 输出电流大于额定输出电流的200%以上
输出转矩超过过载报警值 输出电流大于预设值 内置电机热保护接口
功率模块温度高于预设值 电机编码器故障
主回路直流母线电压高于800V 主回路直流母线电压低于400V 避免阳光直射,无灰尘,无腐蚀、可燃性气体
-10℃~+45℃ 5~90%RH,不允许凝露 0~3000米,1000米以上须降额使用 20Hz以下:9.8m/s2;20~50Hz:2m/s2
SD-S4T1P5 SD-S4T2P2 SD-S4T3P7 SD-S4T5P5 SD-S4T7P5 SD-S4T011 SD-S4T015L SD-S4T015 SD-S4T018 SD-S4T022 SD-S4T030 SD-S4T037 SD-S4T045 SD-S4T055 SD-S4T075 SD-S4T090
肽 分 子 信 号 7 这 类 分 子 信 号 ,也 可 能 具 有 不 同 的 功 能 , 一种信号多肽也可能被另一种信号所阻断7生物膜的 形成对长期使用导尿管的老年人或有体内植入物者是
一种潜在的危险7早期拔除导尿管是去除细菌生物膜 的 有 效 方 法,而 抑 制 细 菌 间 的 [@<E<C A>UA>UKA>KUF=, 阻断它们间 的信 息交流 或使用 P>C R 疫苗,将 为消 除
机 体 对 感 染 的 防 御 主 要 依 靠 先 天 性 免 疫 系 统"由 巨 噬 细 胞 %树 突 状 细 胞 及 中 性 粒 细 胞 承 担 !先 天 性 免 疫 系 统 还 包 括 它 所 产 生 的 多 肽 抗 生 素 及 补 体 系 统"感 染 后 即 刻 被 激 活 "能 很 快 地 控 制 感 染 !而 继 承 免 疫 系 统 的 )细胞与 *细胞常需在 +,-天后"通过先天性免疫细 胞 的 激 活 才 能 发 生 效 应 "所 以 "先 天 性 免 疫 系 统 在 宿 主 的防御机制中具有极为重要的作用!
细菌生 物膜 是近年 来研 究 的 热 点,将 近 ’19的 院 内 感 染 均 有 细 菌 生 物 膜 存 在,常 发 生 在 导 管 与 体 内 植 入 物 3>C?=FUW5上,亦 常 见 于 肺 部 感 染,尤 其 是 先 天 性 肺囊性纤维化3;YAW>;B>DE<A>A5的患者 7 "/#
在 生 物 膜 的 三 维 特 殊 结 构 中,可 包 括 不 同 种 的 细 菌 7不 同 的 细 菌 有 不 同 的 分 工 ,不 同 部 位 细 菌 的 基 因 表 达 也 不 相 同,生 物 膜 中 有 管 道 相 通,既 可 汲 取 营 养,也 可 向外排出代谢 产物,故有 人将 细菌生 物膜比 作3DF;2