2020年辽宁省抚顺市 本溪市 辽阳市 中考英语试卷【含答案、word版本;可再编辑】




辽宁省抚顺市、本溪市、辽阳市2020年中考数学试题一、选择题(本题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分.)(共10题;共30分)1.-2的倒数是( )A. −12B. -2 C. 12D. 2【答案】A【考点】有理数的倒数【解析】【解答】解:1÷(-2)=-12;故答案为:A .【分析】根据用1除以一个数得出这个数的倒数的方法即可求解。

2.下图是由一个长方体和一个圆锥组成的几何体,它的主视图是()A. B.C. D.【答案】C【考点】简单组合体的三视图【解析】【解答】解:从几何体的正面看,上面是一个等腰三角形,下面是一个矩形.故答案为:C.【分析】从物体的正面所看的的平面图形是主视图,圆锥的主视图是个等腰三角形,长方体的主视图是个矩形,据此判断即可.3.下列运算正确的是()A. m2+2m=3m3B. m4÷m2=m2C. m2⋅m3=m6D. (m2)3=m5【答案】B【考点】同底数幂的乘法,合并同类项法则及应用,幂的乘方【解析】【解答】A、m2与2m不是同类项,不能合并,故A选项错误;B、m4÷m2=m2,故B正确;C、m2·m3=m5,故C错误;D、(m2)3=m6,故D错误.故答案为:B.【分析】A、m2与2m不是同类项,不能合并,据此判断即可;B、利用同底数幂相除,底数不变指数相减进行计算,然后判断即可;C、利用同底数幂相乘,底数不变指数相加进行计算,然后判断即可;D、利用幂的乘方,底数不变指数相乘进行计算,然后判断即可.4.下列图形中,既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是()A. B.C. D.【答案】 D【考点】轴对称图形,中心对称及中心对称图形【解析】【解答】解:A、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,故A不符合题意;B、既不是轴对称图形,也不是中心对称图形,故B不符合题意;C、是轴对称图形,不是中心对称图形,故C不符合题意;D、既是轴对称图形,又是中心对称图形,故D符合题意;故答案为:D.【分析】中心对称图形:把一个图形绕着某一点旋转180°后,旋转后的图形能够与原来的图形重合,轴对称图形:一个图形沿一条直线折叠,直线两旁的部分能够完全重合的图形;据此逐一判断即可.5.某校九年级进行了3次数学模拟考试,甲、乙、丙、丁4名同学3次数学成绩的平均分都是129分,方差分别是s甲2=3.6,s乙2=4.6,s丙2=6.3,s丁2=7.3,则这4名同学3次数学成绩最稳定的是()A. 甲 B. 乙 C. 丙 D. 丁【答案】A【考点】方差【解析】【解答】解:∵3.6<4.6<6.3<7.3,∴数学成绩最稳定的是甲.故答案为:A.【分析】方差是用来衡量一组数据波动大小的量,方差越小,表明这组数据分布比较集中,各数据偏离平均数越小,即波动越小,数据越稳定,据此判断即可.6.一个等腰直角三角尺和一把直尺按如图所示的位置摆放,若∠1=20°,则∠2的度数是()A. 15°B. 20°C. 25°D. 40°【答案】C【考点】平行线的性质,等腰直角三角形【解析】【解答】解:∵直尺的两边互相平行,∠1=20°,∴∠DCA=∠1=20°,∵∠BCA=45°,∴∠2=∠BCA-∠1=25°.故答案为:C.【分析】根据两直线平行,内错角相等,可得∠DCA=∠1=20°,由∠2=∠BCA-∠1即可求出结论.7.一组数据1,8,8,4,6,4的中位数是()A. 4B. 5C. 6D. 8【答案】B【考点】中位数【解析】【解答】解:将数据从小到大进行排列:1,4,4,6,8,8,中位数为4+62=5.故答案为:B.【分析】将6个数据从小到大进行排列,第3个与第4个数据的平均数即为中位数,据此解答即可. 8.随着快递业务的增加,某快递公司为快递员更换了快捷的交通工具,公司投递快件的能力由每周3000件提高到4200件,平均每人每周比原来多投递80件,若快递公司的快递员人数不变,求原来平均每人每周投递快件多少件?设原来平均每人每周投递快件x件,根据题意可列方程为()A. 3000x =4200x−80B. 3000x+80=4200xC. 4200x =3000x−80 D. 3000x=4200x+80【答案】 D【考点】分式方程的实际应用【解析】【解答】解:设原来平均每人每周投递快件x 件,则现在平均每人每周投递快件(x+80)件,= 故答案为:D.【分析】设原来平均每人每周投递快件x 件,可得现在平均每人每周投递快件(x+80)件,根据前后快递公司的快递员人数不变,列出方程即可.9.如图,四边形 ABCD 是菱形,对角线 AC , BD 相交于点O , AC =8 , BD =6 ,点E 是 CD 上一点,连接 OE ,若 OE =CE ,则 OE 的长是( )A. 2B. 52 C.3 D. 4【答案】 B【考点】等腰三角形的性质,勾股定理,菱形的性质,直角三角形斜边上的中线【解析】【解答】解:∵四边形ABCD 是菱形,AC=8,BD=6,∴CO=12AC=4,OD=12BD=3,AC ⊥BD ,∴DC=√OC 2+OD 2=5,∠EOC+∠DOE=90°,∠DCO+∠ODC=90°,∵OE=CE ,∴∠EOC=∠ECO ,∴∠DOE=∠ODC ,∴DE=OE ,∴OE=12CD=52. 故答案为:B.【分析】根据菱形的性质,可得CO=12AC=4,OD=12BD=3,AC ⊥BD ,利用勾股定理及等角的余角相等,可得DC=5,∠DOE=∠ODC ,可得DE=OE ,从而可得DE=OE=CE ,继而得出OE=12CD ,据此即可求出结论. 10.如图,在 Rt ΔABC 中, ∠ACB =90° , AC =BC =2√2 , CD ⊥AB 于点D.点 P 从点A 出发,沿 A →D →C 的路径运动,运动到点C 停止,过点 P 作 PE ⊥AC 于点E ,作 PF ⊥BC 于点F.设点P 运动的路程为x ,四边形 CEPF 的面积为y ,则能反映y 与x 之间函数关系的图象是( )A. B.C. D.【答案】 A【考点】动点问题的函数图象【解析】【解答】解:当点P 在AD 上时,则AP=x ,∵∠ACB=90°,AC=BC=2√2 , ∴AB=√2AC=4,∠A=45°,∴△AEP 是等腰直角三角形三角形, ∴AE=EP=√22AP=√22x ,CE=AC-CE=2√2-√22x , ∴四边形CEPF 的面积=PE·CE=√22x·(2√2-√22x )=-12x 2+2x ,∴当0<x <2时,抛物线开口向下; 当点P 在CD 上时,如图∵∠ACB=90°,CD ⊥AB ,AC=BC ,∴AD=BD ,△CEP 为等腰直角三角形三角形∴CD=12AB=2,∵AD+DP=x ,∴CP=CD+AD-x=4-x ,∴CE=PE=√22CP=√22(4-x ), ∴四边形CEPF 的面积=PE·CE=√22(4-x )·√22(4-x )=12(4-x )2 , ∴当x >2时,抛物线开口向上; 故答案为:A.【分析】当点P 在AD 上时,则AP=x ,利用勾股定理求出求出AB=4,易证△AEP 是等腰直角三角形三角形,从而求出AE=EP=√22AP=√22x ,CE=AC-CE=2√2-√22x ,利用矩形的面积公式求出y 与x 的关系式即可;当点P在CD上时,先求出CP=CD+AD-x=4-x,可证△CEP为等腰直角三角形三角形,从而求出PE与CE的长,利用矩形的面积公式求出y与x的关系式,据此逐一判断即可.二、填空题(本题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)(共8题;共24分)11.截至2020年3月底,我国已建成5G基站198000个,将数据198000用科学记数法表示为________. 【答案】1.98×105【考点】科学记数法—表示绝对值较大的数【解析】【解答】解:198000 =1.98×100000=1.98×105.故答案为:1.98×105.【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n为整数.确定n的值时,要看把原数变成a时,小数点移动了多少位,n的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同,当原数绝对值>1时,n是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n是负数,据此解答即可.12.若一次函数y=2x+2的图象经过点(3,m),则m=________.【答案】8【考点】一次函数的图象【解析】【解答】解:将(3,m)代入y=2x+2中,得2×3+2=m,解得m=8.故答案为:8.【分析】根据一次函数图象上点的坐标特征,将(3,m)代入y=2x+2中即可求出m的值.13.若关于x的一元二次方程x2+2x−k=0无实数根,则k的取值范围是________.【答案】k<-1【考点】一元二次方程根的判别式及应用【解析】【解答】解:∵关于x的一元二次方程x2+2x−k=0无实数根,∴△=22-4×1×(-k)<0,解得k<-1.【分析】由于关于x的一元二次方程x2+2x−k=0无实数根,可得根的判别式△=b2-4ac<0,据此解答即可.14.下图是由全等的小正方形组成的图案,假设可以随意在图中取点,那么这个点取在阴影部分的概率是________.【答案】59【考点】几何概率【解析】【解答】解:图案中共有9个小正方形,其中有5个小正方形是阴影,.∴这个点取在阴影部分的概率为59.故答案为:59【分析】用阴影小正方形的个数比上小正方形的总个数即可算出答案.15.如图,在ΔABC中,M,N分别是AB和AC的中点,连接MN,点E是CN的中点,连接ME 并延长,交BC的延长线于点D,若BC=4,则CD的长为________.【答案】2【考点】三角形全等及其性质,三角形全等的判定(AAS),三角形的中位线定理【解析】【解答】解:∵M,N分别是AB和AC的中点,BC=4,∴MN=1BC=2,MN∥BC,∴∠NME=∠D,2∵点E是CN的中点,∴EN=CE,∵∠MEN=∠DEC,∴△MEN≌△DEC(AAS)∴DC=MN=2.故答案为:2.BC=2,MN∥BC,利用平行线的性质可得∠NME=∠D,根据【分析】根据三角形中位线定理可得MN=12AAS可证△MEN≌△DEC,利用全等三角形对应边相等可得DC=MN=2.AB的长16.如图,在RtΔABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=2BC,分别以点A和B为圆心,以大于12为半径作弧,两弧相交于点M和N,作直线MN,交AC于点E,连接BE,若CE=3,则BE的长为________.【答案】5【考点】线段垂直平分线的性质,勾股定理【解析】【解答】解:由题意得MN垂直平分AB,∴AE=BE,设BE=AE=x,∴AC=CE+AE=x+3,,∵AC=2BC,∴BC=x+32在Rt△BCE中,BC2+CE2=BE2,即(x+3)2+32=x2,解得x1=5,x2=-3(舍去),2∴BE=5.故答案为:5.【分析】根据尺规作图,可得MN 垂直平分AB ,即得AE=BE ,可设BE=AE=x ,从而可得AC=CE+AE=x+3,BC=12AC=x+32,在Rt △BCE 中利用勾股定理可得BC 2+CE 2=BE 2 , 即(x+32)2+32=x 2 , 解出x 的值即可.17.如图,在 ΔABC 中, AB =AC ,点A 在反比例函数 y =k x ( k >0 , x >0 )的图象上,点B ,C在x 轴上, OC =15OB ,延长 AC 交y 轴于点D ,连接 BD ,若 ΔBCD 的面积等于1,则k 的值为________.【答案】 3【考点】反比例函数系数k 的几何意义,等腰三角形的性质,相似三角形的判定与性质【解析】【解答】解:过点A 作AH ⊥BC ,∵AC=BC ,∴CH=BH=12BC ,∵OC=15OB ,∴OC :CB=1:4,∴OC :OH=1:3,∵△BCD 的面积=12BC·OD=1,∴BC·OD=2,∴2CH·OD=2,即得CH·OD=1,∵AH ∥OD ,∴△OCD ∽△HCA ,∴AH OD =CH OC ,∴AH·OC=OD·CH=1,∵OC :OH=1:3,∴AH·13OH=1,∴AH·OH=3,∴K=AH·OH=3.故答案为:3.【分析】过点A 作AH ⊥BC ,根据等腰三角形的性质,可得CH=BH=12BC ,利用△BCD 的面积=1,可得CH·OD=1,利用两角分别相等可证△OCD ∽△HCA ,可得AH OD =CH OC , 可得AH·OC=OD·CH=1,由K=AH·OH 即可求出结论.18.如图,四边形 ABCD 是矩形,延长 DA 到点 E ,使 AE =DA ,连接 EB ,点 F 1 是 CD 的中点,连接 EF 1 , BF 1 ,得到 ΔEF 1B ;点 F 2 是 CF 1 的中点,连接 EF 2 , BF 2 ,得到 ΔEF 2B ;点 F 3 是 CF 2 的中点,连接 EF 3 , BF 3 ,得到 ΔEF 3B ;…;按照此规律继续进行下去,若矩形 ABCD 的面积等于2,则 ΔEF n B 的面积为________.(用含正整数 n 的式子表示)【答案】 2n +12n【考点】三角形的面积,矩形的性质,探索图形规律【解析】【解答】解:∵矩形ABCD 的面积为2,可设BC=AD=1,DC =AB=2,∴AE=AD=1,DF 1=CF 1=1,∴△EAB 的面积=12×1×2=1,△EDF 1的面积=12×1×2=1,△BCF 1的面积=12×1×1=12 ,∴△EF 1B 的面积=矩形ABCD 的面积+△EAB 的面积-△EDF 1的面积-△BCF 1的面积=32=2+12 , 同理可求出△EDF 2的面积=12×32×2=32 , △BCF 2的面积=12×1×12=14 ,∴△EF 2B 的面积=矩形ABCD 的面积+△EAB 的面积-△EDF 2的面积-△BCF 2的面积=54=22+122; ······,∴△EF n B=2n +12n ;故答案为:2n +12n. 【分析】由矩形ABCD 的面积为2,可设BC=AD=1,DC =AB=2,可得AE=AD=1,DF 1=CF 1=1,利用三角形的面积公式分别求出△EAB 的面积,△EDF 1的面积,△BCF 1的面积,利用△EF 1B 的面积=矩形ABCD 的面积+△EAB 的面积-△EDF 1的面积-△BCF 1的面积求出其面积,同理求出△EF 2B 的面积,根据结果得出△EF n B 的面积.三、解答题(第19题10分,第20题12分,共22分)(共2题;共22分)19.先化简,再求值: (x x−3−13−x )÷x+1x 2−9 ,其中 x =√2−3 .【答案】解:(xx−3−13−x)÷x+1x2−9=x+1x−3÷x+1x2−9=x+1x−3⋅(x+3)(x−3)x+1=x+3当x=√2−3时原式=√2−3+3=√2【考点】利用分式运算化简求值【解析】【分析】先通分计算括号内异分母分式的加减,然后将各个分式的分子、分母能分解因式的分别分解因式,同时将除法转化为乘法进行约分,即化为最简,最后将x的值代入计算即可.20.为培养学生的阅读习惯,某中学利用学生课外时间开展了以“走近名著”为主题的读书活动.为了有效了解学生课外阅读情况,现随机调查了部分学生每周课外阅读的时间,设被调查的每名学生每周课外阅读的总时间为x小时,将它分为4个等级:A(0≤x<2),B(2≤x<4),C(4≤x<6),D (x≥6),并根据调查结果绘制了如两幅不完整的统计图:请你根据统计图的信息,解决下列问题:(1)本次共调查了________名学生;(2)在扇形统计图中,等级D所对应的扇形的圆心角为________°;(3)请补全条形统计图;(4)在等级D中有甲、乙、丙、丁4人表现最为优秀,现从4人中任选2人作为学校本次读书活动的宣传员,用列表或画树状图的方法求恰好选中甲和乙的概率.【答案】(1)50(2)108(3)解:由条形图和扇形图可知,D等级的人数是15名,所占百分比是26%所以样本容量为:15÷26%=50,所以C等级人数为:50−(4+13+15)=18补图如下:(4)解:方法一:列表如下,总共有12种结果,且每种结果出现的可能性相同,恰好选中甲和乙的结果有2种,所以P(恰好选中甲和乙)=212=16方法二:画树状图得,总共有12种结果,且每种结果出现的可能性相同,恰好选中甲和乙的结果有2种,所以P(恰好选中甲和乙)=212=16.【考点】扇形统计图,条形统计图,列表法与树状图法【解析】【解答】解:(1)本次共调查了13÷26%=50人;故答案为:50;(2)等级D所对应的扇形的圆心角为360°×1550=108°;故答案为:108;【分析】(1)利用等级B的人数除以其百分比即得共调查的人数;(2)利用360°乘以等级D的百分比即得结论;(3)利用调查的总人数分别减去等级A的人数、等级B的人数、等级D的人数即得等级C的人数,然后补图即可;(4) 根据列表法或树状图列举出共有12种结果,且每种结果出现的可能性相同,恰好选中甲和乙的结果有2种,然后利用概率公式计算即可.四、解答题(第21题12分,第22题12分,共24分)(共2题;共24分)21.某校计划为教师购买甲、乙两种词典.已知购买1本甲种词典和2本乙种词典共需170元,购买2本甲种词典和3本乙种词典共需290元.(1)求每本甲种词典和每本乙种词典的价格分别为多少元?(2)学校计划购买甲种词典和乙种词典共30本,总费用不超过1600元,那么最多可购买甲种词典多少本?【答案】 (1)解:设每本甲种词典的价格为x 元,每本乙种词典的价格为y 元,根据题意,得{x +2y =1702x +3y =290解得 {x =70y =50答:每本甲种词典的价格为70元,每本乙种词典的价格为50元.(2)解:设学校计划购买甲种词典m 本,则购买乙种词典 (30−m) 本,根据题意,得70m +50(30−m)≤1600解得 m ≤5答:学校最多可购买甲种词典5本.【考点】一元一次不等式的应用,二元一次方程组的应用-和差倍分问题【解析】【分析】(1)设每本甲种词典的价格为x 元,每本乙种词典的价格为y 元,根据购买1本甲种词典和2本乙种词典170元,购买2本甲种词典和3本乙种词典共需290元,列出方程组并解出方程组即可;(2)设学校计划购买甲种词典m 本,可得购买乙种词典 (30−m)本,根据甲种词典的总费用+乙种词典的总费用≤1600元,列出不等式并解出不等式即可.22.如图,我国某海域有A ,B 两个港口,相距80海里,港口B 在港口A 的东北方向,点 C 处有一艘货船,该货船在港口A 的北偏西30°方向,在港口B 的北偏西75°方向,求货船与港口A 之间的距离.(结果保留根号)【答案】 解:过点A 作 AD ⊥BC 于点D根据题意,得∠ABC=180°−75°−45°=60°∵AD⊥BC∴∠ADB=90°∴∠DAB=180°−∠ADB−∠ABC=180°−90°−60°=30°在RtΔABD中∵AB=80,∠ABD=60°∴AD=AB⋅sin∠ABD=80⋅sin60°=40√3∵∠CAB=30°+45°=75°∴∠DAC=∠CAB−∠DAB=75°−30°=45°在RtΔACD中∵AD=40√3,∠DAC=45°∴AC=ADcos∠DAC=40√3×√2=40√6答:货船与港口A之间的距离是40√6海里.【考点】解直角三角形的应用﹣方向角问题【解析】【分析】过点A作AD⊥BC于点D,可得∠ADB=90°,利用平角定义可求出∠ABC=60°,利用三角形内角和可求出∠BAD=30°,可求出∠CAD=∠BAC-∠BAD=45°,在Rt△ABD中,可得AD=AB·sin∠ABD=40√3米,在Rt△ACD中,AC=ADcos∠DAC=40√6米,从而求出结论.五、解答题(满分12分)(共1题;共12分)23.超市销售某品牌洗手液,进价为每瓶10元.在销售过程中发现,每天销售量y(瓶)与每瓶售价x(元)之间满足一次函数关系(其中10≤x≤15,且x为整数),当每瓶洗手液的售价是12元时,每天销售量为90瓶;当每瓶洗手液的售价是14元时,每天销售量为80瓶.(1)求y与x之间的函数关系式;(2)设超市销售该品牌洗手液每天销售利润为w元,当每瓶洗手液的售价定为多少元时,超市销售该品牌洗手液每天销售利润最大,最大利润是多少元?【答案】(1)解:设y与x之间的函数关系式为y=kx+b(k≠0),根据题意,得{12k+b=9014k+b=80解得{k=−5b=150∴y与x之间的函数关系式为y=−5x+150(2)解:根据题意,得w=(x−10)(−5x+150)=−5x2+200x−1500=−5(x−20)2+500∵a=−5<0∴抛物线开口向下,w有最大值∴当x<20时,w随x的增大而增大∵10≤x≤15,且x为整数∴当x=15时,w有最大值即w=−5×(15−20)2+500=375答:当每瓶洗手液的售价定为15元时,超市销售该品牌洗于液每天销售利润最【考点】二次函数的实际应用-销售问题【解析】【分析】(1)利用待定系数法求出一次函数解析式即可;(2)根据每天的总利润=单件的利润×每天的销售量,即得w与x的函数关系式,然后利用二次函数性质求出其最大利润即可.六、解答题(满分12分)(共1题;共12分)24.如图,在平行四边形ABCD中,AC是对角线,∠CAB=90°,以点A为圆心,以AB的长为半径作⊙A,交BC边于点E,交AC于点F,连接DE.(1)求证:DE与⊙A相切;(2)若∠ABC=60°,AB=4,求阴影部分的面积.【答案】(1)证明:连接AE∵四边形ABCD是平行四边形∴AD=BC,AD//BC∴∠DAE=∠AEB∵AE=AB∴∠AEB=∠ABC∴∠DAE=∠ABC∴ΔAED≌ΔBAC∴∠DEA=∠CAB∵∠CAB=90°∴∠DEA=90°∴DE⊥AE∵AE是⊙A的半径∴DE与⊙A相切(2)解:∵∠ABC=60°,AB=AE∴ΔABE是等边三角形∴AE=BE,∠EAB=60°∵∠CAB=90°∴∠CAE=90°−∠EAB=90°−60°=30°∠ACB=90°−∠B=90°−60°=30°∴∠CAE=∠ACB∴AE=CE∴CE=BE∴SΔACE=SΔABE=12SΔABC∵在RtΔABC中,∠CAB=90°,∠ABC=60°,AB=4∴AC=AB⋅tan∠ABC=4×tan60°=4√3∴SΔABC=12AB⋅AC=12×4×4√3=8√3∴SΔACE=12SΔABC=12×8√3=4√3∵∠CAE=30°,AE=4S扇形AEF =30π×AE2360=30π×42360=4π3∴S阴影=SΔACE−S扇形AEF=4√3−4π3【考点】等边三角形的判定与性质,平行四边形的判定,切线的判定,扇形面积的计算【解析】【分析】(1)连接AE,根据平行四边形的性质,可得AD=BC,AD∥BC,可得∠DAE=∠AEB,根据AAS可证△AED≌△BAC,可得∠AED=∠CAB=90°,根据切线的判定定理可证DE与⊙A相切;(2)先证△ABE是等边三角形,可得AE=BE,∠EAB=90°,从而可得∠CAE=∠CAB-∠EAB=30°,∠ACB=90°-∠B=30°,从而可得∠CAE=∠ACB,利用等角对等边可得AE=CE,由等量代换可得CE=BE,根据等底同高可得S△ACE=S△ABE=12S△ABC,在Rt△ABC中,∠ABC=60°,AB=4,利用解直角三角形求出AC=4ABC=8√S△ACE=12S△ABC=4ACE-S扇形AEF,利用扇形的面积公式即可求出结论.七、解答题(满分12分)(共1题;共12分)25.如图,射线AB和射线CB相交于点B,∠ABC=α(0°<α<180°),且AB=CB.点D 是射线CB上的动点(点D不与点C和点B重合).作射线AD,并在射线AD上取一点E,使∠AEC=α,连接CE,BE.(1)如图①,当点D在线段CB上,α=90°时,请直接写出∠AEB的度数;(2)如图②,当点D在线段CB上,α=120°时,请写出线段AE,BE,CE之间的数量关系,并说明理由;(3)当α=120°,tan∠DAB=13时,请直接写出CEBE的值.【答案】(1)∠AEB=45°(2)解:AE=√3BE+CE,理由如下:在AD上截取AF=CE,连接BF,过点B作BH⊥EF于点H.∵∠ABC=∠AEC、∠ADB=∠CDE∴180°−∠ABC−∠ADB=180°−∠AEC−∠CDE ∴∠A=∠C∵BA=BC∴ΔABF≌ΔCBE(SAS)∴∠ABF=∠CBE,BF=BE∴∠ABF+∠FBD=∠CBE+∠FBD∴∠FBE=∠ABC∵∠ABC=120°∴∠FBE=120°∵BF=BE∴∠BFE=∠BEF=12(180°−∠FBE)=12(180°−120°)=30°∵BH⊥EF于点H ∴∠BHE=90°∴在RtΔBHE中,FH=EH=BE⋅cos∠BEH=BE⋅cos30°=√32BE∴FE=FH+EH=√32BE+√32BE=√3BE∵AE=AF+FE,AF=CE ∴AE=CE+√3BE(3)3+√32或3−√32【考点】三角形内角和定理,三角形全等及其性质,等腰三角形的性质,解直角三角形,三角形全等的判定(SAS)【解析】【解答】解:(1)在AD上截取AF=CE,连接BF,∵∠AEC=∠ABC=a=90°,∠ADB=∠CDE,∴∠A=∠C,∵AB=BC,AF=CE,∴△AFB≌△CEB(SAS),∴BF=BE,∠ABF=∠CBE,∵∠ABD=∠ABF+∠DBF=∠CBE+∠DBF=∠FBE=90°,∴△FBE是等腰直角三角形,∴∠AEB=45°;(3)当点D在线段CB上时,由(2)且tan∠DAB=13,设BH=x,AH=3x,∴BF=2BH=2x,∴FH=√3x,BE=BF=2x,∴CE=AF=AH-FH=3x-√3x,∴CEBE =3−√32;当点D在射线CB上时,同理可得CEBE =3+√32,综上所述CEBE的值为【分析】(1)在AD上截取AF=CE,连接BF,根据三角形的内角和可得∠A=∠C,根据SAS可证△AFB≌△CEB,可得BF=BE,∠ABF=∠CBE,从而可得∠FBE=∠CBE+∠DBF=∠ABF+∠DBF=∠ABD=90°,可证得△FBE是等腰直角三角形,从而得出∠AEB=45°;(2)在AD上截取AF=CE,连接BF,过点B作BH⊥EF于点H,同(1)可证△AFB≌△CEB,可得BF=BE,∠ABF=∠CBE,从而可得∠FBE=∠ABC=120°,由于BF=BE,可得∠BFE=∠BEF=30°,在Rt△BHE,利用解直角三角形可求出FH=EH=√32BE,FE=FH+EH=√3BE,由于AE=AF+EF,AF=CE,可得出AE=CE+√3BE;(3)分两种情况讨论:①当点D在线段CB上时,②当点D在射线CB上时,分别解答即可.八、解答题(共1题;共14分)26.如图,抛物线y=ax2−2√3x+c(a≠0)过点O(0,0)和A(6,0),点B是抛物线的顶点,点D 是x轴下方抛物线上的一点,连接OB,OD.(1)求抛物线的解析式;(2)如图①,当∠BOD=30°时,求点D的坐标;(3)如图②,在(2)的条件下,抛物线的对称轴交x轴于点C,交线段OD于点E,点F是线段OB上的动点(点F不与点O和点B重合,连接EF,将ΔBEF沿EF折叠,点B的对应点为点B,ΔEFB′与ΔOBE的重叠部分为ΔEFG,在坐标平面内是否存在一点H,使以点E,F,G,H为顶点的四边形是矩形?若存在,请直接写出点H的坐标,若不存在,请说明理由.【答案】 (1)解:把点 O(0,0) 和 A(6,0) 分别代入 y =ax 2−2√3x +c 中,得{c =036a −12√3+c =0解得 {a =√33c =0∴抛物线的解析式为 y =√33x 2−2√3x .(2)解:如图,设抛物线的对称轴与x 轴相交于点M ,与 OD 相交于点N∵ y =√33x 2−2√3x =√33(x −3)2−3√3∴顶点 B(3,−3√3) ,对称轴与x 轴的交点 M(3,0) ∴ OM =3 , MB =3√3∵在 Rt ΔOMB 中, tan ∠MOB =BM OM =3√33=√3∴ ∠MOB =60° ∵ ∠BOD =30°∴ ∠MOD =∠MOB −∠BOD =60°−30°=30°∴在 Rt ΔOMN 中, MN =OM ⋅tan ∠MON =3×tan30°=3×√33=√3∴ N(3,−√3)设直线 OD 的解析式是 y =kx ( k ≠0 ).把点 N(3,−√3) 代入,得3k =−√3 解得 k =−√33∴直线OD的解析式是y=−√33x∴−√33x=√33x2−2√3x解得x1=0(舍去),x2=5∴当x=5时,y=−5√33∴D(5,−5√33)(3)解:存在.H1(32,√32),H2(52,−3√32),H3(72,−3√32).【考点】待定系数法求二次函数解析式,矩形的性质,解直角三角形,二次函数图象上点的坐标特征,二次函数y=ax^2+bx+c的性质【解析】【解答】解:(3)由(2)得∠COE=∠EOB=30°,CE=√3,当∠EFG=90°时,如图,点B',O,G重合,此时四边形EFGH是矩形,过点H作HP⊥x轴于点P,∴∠COE=∠EOB=30°∴OH=EF=CE=√3,∴∠HOP=90°-60°=30°,∴HP=12OH=√32,OP=√3HP=√3×√32=32.∴点H(32,√32);当∠ECG=90°时,此时四边形EGFH是矩形,如图,过点H作HQ⊥BC于点Q,∵∠CEO=90°-30°=60°,∠OEG=90°-30°=60°,∴∠BEG=180°-∠CEO-∠OEG=180°-60°-60°=60°∵将ΔBEF沿EF折叠,点B的对应点为点B,∴∠BEF=30°,在Rt△EGF中,∠GEF=30°,GE=CE=√3∴GF=GEtan30°=√3×√33=1,∴EH=GF=1∵∠HEQ=90°-∠BEG=90°-60°=30°∴HQ=12EH=12,EQ=√3HQ=√32∴点H(12+3,−√32−√3)即(72,−3√32);当点G在OD上时,且∠EGF=90°时,此时四边形EGFH是矩形∵∠BOE=30°,∴∠OFG=90°-∠EOB=60°,,根据折叠的性质可知:∠BFE=12∠BFG=12(180°−∠OFG)=60°,所以FG是线段OE的垂直平分线,∴OG=GE=12OE=√3,EH=FG=OGtan30°=1, 过点H作HK⊥BC于点K,∴∠HEK=180°-∠OEC-∠OEH=30°∴HK=12EH=12,EK=√3HK=√32∴点H(3−12,−√32−√3)即(52,−3√32)∴点H的坐标为(32,√32)或(72,−3√32)或(52,−3√32).【分析】(1)利用待定系数法求出抛物线解析式y=√33x2−2√3x;(2)如图,设抛物线的对称轴与x轴相交于点M,与OD相交于点N,利用抛物线解析式求出顶点B(3,−3√3),对称轴与x轴的交点M(3,0),可得OM=3,MB=3√3,在Rt△OMB中,由于tan∠MOB=BMOM =3√33=√3,利用特殊角三角函数值可得∠MOB=60°,从而可得∠AOD=30°,在Rt△OMN中,MN=OM·tan∠MON=√3,可得N(3,√3),设直线OD的解析式为y=kx,将N的坐标代入求出K值,即得y=√33x,联立直线OD解析式与抛物线解析式为方程组,求出x,y的值,即得D的坐标. (3)由(2)可知∠COE=∠EOB=30°,CE=√3,分情况讨论:当∠EFG=90°时,如图,点B',O,G 重合,此时四边形EFGH是矩形,过点H作HP⊥x轴于点P,利用矩形的性质可得到OH=EF=CE=√3,利用解直角三角形求出HP,PO的长,即可得到点H的坐标;当∠ECG=90°时,此时四边形EGFH是矩形,如图,过点H作HQ⊥BC于点Q,由题意可求出∠OEG,∠BEG的度数,利用折叠的性质求出∠BEF的度数,再利用解直角三角形求出GF,EH的长;然后利用解直角三角形求出EQ,HQ的长,即可得到点H的坐标;当点G在OD上时,且∠EGF=90°时,此时四边形EGFH是矩形,利用折叠的性质求出∠BFE的度数,再求出OG,EH的长;过点H作HK⊥BC于点K,利用解直角三角形求出HK,EK的长,然后求出点H的坐标,综上所述可得符合题意的点H的坐标。





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根据Developing good reading habits及our reading speed,可知,培养好的阅读习惯可以提高阅读速度,所以空格处填increase。



clearly清晰地;loudly大声地;easily容易地;quickly 迅速地。

根据“in order not to wake up her baby”为了不吵醒婴儿迅速地走进房间,用副词quickly。




nobody没有人;somebody某人;everybody 每个人;anybody任何人。

根据I knocked at the door“我敲了门”及Maybe they went to the concert“也许他们去听音乐会了”,可知,敲了门但没人应答,所以空格处填nobody。




根据“walked here today”可知此处在做否定的推测,表示“不可能是我的”,用can’t。



2020 年辽宁本溪抚顺辽阳中考英语试题A. Why?B. What is it about 9C. Whafs your drcam? D ・ I want to see a doctor.E. llow long do you play basketballF. When will the trauiing class start"G 门1「曲 mor 史zks on medicine and study hard.Hl-完形填空農;榦嚣爲中选择f 最佳答案。

根据叛文内谷・从丘:和 I learned manv kinds oC21_ I learned how to do chores When I was a 应;飞叔急救)and outdoorsurvival (生存)skills. There's one skill around the house,some 策.©-basic homerepair (家庭基础维修).(川 rcpoirs around the house is very satisfying. Il might beBeing able wn ,kt』.v about your tools, ix bccoiiKs easier.讥 buwhen you 5difficulLJL 英语试卷(供抚顺本瀑辽阳考生使用)第2页(共TO 页)13. Don't ▲ A-- u帕i should be done todav till tomorrow.A ・ put OfF. zyuB. CUI off C ・ take offg d vou tell me ____ t he art museum?—Sure. Bus No. 26. w hy you will go B . how 1 can get which is the way D. which bus 1 can lake "m .i little nervous before the coming exam.--- - —• I m sure you can make it. Sounds greatDoiVt worry D. turn oftA. c.15.—A.c.II •补全对话(共5分,毎空|分〉 从方框内所i 合的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话c (有两个多余选项) Hi. Tom. Good news for you! 】6 It's about a club. Our school set up a new basketball club to train students. Great! I love basketball and want to be a basketball player. ----------------------------------------------------------- L ;--- Next Monday. You can gel lots of training there ・ That's wonderful! I really need it. 18 「an you tell me.’ Well, my dream is to he a doctor ・ 19B. Have tun D ・ You're welcome A : B : A : B : A : B : A : B : _______ A : Ikcause nwny stories about doctors have moved me a lot recently.B : A :B : I hope both of us How are you going to be a doctor? 20. can achieve our dreams.first a »For example. I had some problems ^ith the sboucrhead (淋浴喷头)in my 一0 *euda 、5 ago. I didn't call a repairman to rcplace ( S4ft ) iL*ho knows how much money the repairman would want rnc to 25 it? So I bought a new showerhead and replaced it_26.—・Tlie task was so simple that it only took me several 27. As I fixed the newshouerhead oa I 一28_a sense of achicvcmenl. Of course, there are lots of repairs that aremore diHIcult. My brother, for example, has repaired the IV set in his house many times. 3i〔h (he help of online instructional videos, he has 29 thousands of dollars in 「epainnan fee (贤用) over the years. Skills like these not only save us money, but moreimportantly, make us more independent and confident.Doing chores around your house is easier than you 30 .She was named as the Most Valuable Volleyball Player of the China Vblleyball Association for the 2019-2020 season. At the same iiinc. readers can find her story in a children's bookWhen 1 Grow Up -Sporis Heroes. A British publishing housd 出版社)published the book. It saboul how children become sports superstiirs ・ Those supersiars include LeBron James andLionel Messi.Zhu Ting now plays for the Tianjin Bohai Bank Women's VolleyballClub.Last season, she helped Tianjin win its 12th top league lille (联赛冠21. A. sports B. skills C. laws D. r ules 22. A. awlulB. carefulC. harmfulD. u seful 23. A. at lastB. at leastC. at firstD. at all 24. A. libraryB. officeC. bedroomD. bathroom 25. A. pay ibr B ・ look for C. wait tor D. care for 26. A. ourselves B. himself C ・ myself D. themselves 27. A. minutes B ・ monlhs C. weeks D. years 28. A ・ smell B. feltC ・ became D. tasted 29. A. wasted spent C. made D. s aved 3()A. collectB. decideC. (hinkD. c hooseIV.阅读理解(共20分.毎小證I 分)泉据短文内容.从并题所给的卩U 个选项屮选择一个正确答案 Passaye II fwre s a lot of good reus aboul C hinese volleyball playerZhushGusud E p- nirivud s-c c she n o URers 二 riming ・Af wha 【makes >s u c c n s s -eyba=inTurkeyand sheimprowedherEnglish 【hereWhen HhGspeakEng 一ish we 一一 and needed hc_p ・ H 三"hekeppracticingHng-ishxnMMMhz"hecou-deasi-ys;-kwi二l ?f r一camnu 二 Gsin E<n 7-h尼succes 刍二2indnevergizng up 3rd -heZhuTingha ." I J I >>• mosc s ET rc vo=eyba 一一phycr二壬二G gc lf s ?->• n f s B ・ p_ay$ —卜—_s h g A ・ 7rTi 二ere (•IbmonJ3me" 事uCUUE二」>•braveB. strongc;amab_e」hqsearc 「Casons「orZhiTssuccessEx"・mA•>•good news13・herab三tyo *s r dPRK=ceD ・HghHngs p s-.kp a g JO c 2SEdymga-r u a二y g4 happy E k , speui巴一y whenrhcr2aresonxmy ihingsyou oi 二dufb 「filn. Theb asonc A -fel s ) betweenworkandp一ay is a -ifbong matter.Arc youfueling -inXiandburGd whsy o ustudy.、wha- shou-dyou d o if ycnr 『c rJ2 inleresEdinzlld 〉2I G r e a&ways you cou-d do【0 deal whh -he problem ・Change your_hough0 -f you. re -ack ofpassion(^M涪5一卑 s 2d y ・jus二hinkaboHyour fi=u 「Q ・ on-y good grades23 g i r eyoua chance-oachieve your d r a l n n y5G c o d grades",二一hdpvuuncMinto your d r c l n shighs n h o o一imdcoTgc ・Noma 【S r how2dyou ur-fyourvalways growing andrraming. 一<o r 7r hard io achieveyo u r dreamy s-udyisleachingyouan-mponasossonlYuumus- werk2 w s i youw g-oachieveWinning 匕(§m 5pa 乞二gu-es 厂 doing somuhi二gd sc u F :TheseLira a =r e w a r d m g (3a 3) experiencesbecauseof-he x -xyouslam二 he dim voumlidpThe harder youworkk 冷happ@you」-?•R ~--目三d o =【n eed _0S2dya;fk= asyou-hinkyoushou一dd p - am no 二e 三ngyou 5-f C a 2n n yoE Find yomS2jymg36. SEdymg >• I37. Wecanknow Adomgsmgs 一 c 「hwn2n;e 4・booksdorD ・news 『aportef bockfbr►(•・ superstars2】dch 2( hi二a," wumcifsn a =o 一邑v t -Q y b a 一二怎 m ・H ・LangPingD ・m 2D ・D ・一一noro grade" mvori_e Subje2s ・ Lhscovcryour and d g d o p -hem cmxF二 y ・Kcop 2」d stay hdhy ・ ar g s kI fs-hep琴ge• B・sppy c. bogg c - Mng►isahleong ma=er f r o m y Gpassage 「『u二X -growinga s-Q a n l i n g -D ・ _“c =n g-ired p n dbored-rk31p ET y i3 452i cr 03ZudylYnus三一 Ahou d ・ bu-you £ 三5studying一assi二一doesn 」6£sd 呦 jsn :l]、JQ " jo suomiui JOJ punoje u^sq s 列耳u »p noA 」訓叭 aq 丄 mous puv U ?BJ SB 巴鈕 册J UCl 卩 pUE *spnop 。



2020年辽宁省辽阳市中考英语试卷一、单选题(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)1.The singing competition gives us a to show our talent.()A. chanceB. changeC. choiceD. check2.-Come on Ben!Let see your progress.-OK,I will.()A. nobodyB. anybodyC. somebodyD. everybody3.一 The fish soup so good.May I have some?-Sure.()A. feelsB. soundsC. smellsD. tastes4.Jim goes to see movies because he's too busy.()A. oftenB. alwaysC. usuallyD. seldom5.Too many cars are_____to be environment,so we'd better take the bus more.()A. usefulB. harmfulC. helpfulD. meaningfulrry,____the cake into six pieces and share them with your friends.()A. mixB. turnC. makeD. divide7.The more knowledge you get,the _____you will be.()A. braverB. poorerC. strangerD. smarter8.I can't find my bag.Maybe someone took it _______.()A. in factB. by mistakeC. by accidentD. in person9.一I'm looking forward to the picnic tomorrow.一I'm sorry to tell you that we have _____the picnic till next weekend.()A. gone onB. put offC. given upD. prepared for10.It's going to rain.We'll be wet ___we get home.()A. ifB. afterC. whenD. unless11.Fewer people smoke now-.The number of smokers is()A. fallingB. risingC. growingD. increasing12.-Whose notebook is this?-It ___ be Alan's.It looks like his.()A. mustB. can'tC. mightD. mustn't13.-Aunt Sally,the noodles you cooked are really delicious.-____________.()A. Thank youB. Good ideaC. Not at allD. Have a good time14.-Have you set out?一Yes,we have.We ____in two hours.()A. arriveB. arrivedC. will arriveD. have arrived15.-Could you tell me _____-I usually go bike riding along Taizi River.()A. when you do sportsB. what you do in your spare limeC. where you often paintD. how you spent your last weekend二、完形填空(本大题共10小题,共15.0分)A world-class violinist always kept silent when he guided his students to play.After one student (16) a song,he always played it again so that hit student got the guidance (指导)from listening."Tweedle (琴声)is the best (17) he said.Once,he go a new student..On the courtesy ceremony(拜师典礼),this student played a short song.The student was so talented that he performed the song (18).After the song ended,the master took the violin and walked on the stage (舞台)as usual.This time,he put the violin on the shoulder (19) didn't play,He was silent for a long lime,and then look the violin down from his shoulder,and walked (20) the stage.The listeners were (21) and didn't know what happened.He said with a smile,"Do you know?He played so well that I am not(27)______ enough to guide him.At least,for the song he just played,my playing is only a kind of misleading(误导)for him.The listeners fell silent for a moment.and then a big applause broke out.It had three (22):the first was for be student's talented art;the second for the teacher's (23)to the student;and the third and most important was that the well-know performer did not fear that his honest action would make himself (24) his prestige(威信)Just for this point,he was enough to be called a muter.The spirit is valuable as gold.16. A. sang B. wrote C. heard D. finished17. A. education B. condition C. examination D. competition18. A. badly B. politely C. silently D. perfectly19. A. so B. or C. but D. and20. A onto B.off C.along D.towards21. A. excited B. moved C. interested D. surprised22. A. patient B. strict C. excellent D. serious23. A. thoughts B. examples C. meanings D. suggestions24. A. praise B. pride C. help D. hope25. A. get B. lose C. show D. raise.三、阅读理解(本大题共20小题,共40.0分)AMr.Robinson works at an office.Every day,he drives a long my to get to work.In order to avoid heavy traffic,he has to get up early and go to work without having breakfast.He bought some bottles of milk and put them in a big box in his office so that he can drink the milk whenever he gets hungry.One day.after arriving at his office as usual,he wanted to have some milk.But he found that two bottles of milk were missing.He thought it someone who works in the same office must have taken the milk.So at noon,he said to all his colleagues.I wish the person who stole my milk would return it and say sorry to me in the afternoon.In fact,anyone who touched the box left his or her fingerprints on it.so I can find out who did this by checking the fingerprints:After saying this.he went out for lunch.During lunch,he was thinking about what he should say to the person who would say sorry in the afternoon.But when he got back to the office,no one said anything to him.To his surprise,all his milk,even the box was missing.What a pity!Sometimes a little tolerance(宽容)can make our life easier.26.Mr Robinson goes to work by ______ .A. carB. busC. taxiD. subway27.The underlined word"colleagues"means ______ in Chinese.A. 同事B. 同学C. 伙伴D. 队友28.After Mr.Robinson found the milk was missing,he ______ .A. called the policeB. checked the fingerprintsC. said something unfriendlyD. thought some more milk29.Mr.Robinson thought himself a(an)______ person.A. honestB. cleverC. friendlyD. undemanding30.The result was ______ for Mr.Robinson.A. humorousB. interestingC. enjoyableD. unexpected.BThis year is the Year of the Cock.Just like other Chinese zodiacs(生肖)the cock meansa lot.Do you want to know more about it?Read on.☆Cock in Chinese cultureIn ancient times,there were no clocks.The cock (old people itwas time to get up and start to work.So hard-working ancientChinese people were big fans of the cock.Traditionally,people thought the cock was a bird that could avoid evil (邪恶的)things.The story says once cocks make their morning calls,all the evil things at night will leave.The cock is popular with people for its courage.In ancient China,a lot of people liked to watch cockfighting (斗鸡)because the game was exciting.The pronunciation of"cock"in Putonghua is the same as that of"chance"and"good luck'☆What it means to be a cockThose who are born in the Year of the Cock are said to be active."They like to be the center of attention and always look beautiful",the China Highlight website noted.☆Big events in the Year of the CockOn January 20,Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States.☆In the first half of 2020,China launched (发射)its first cargo spacecraft (货运飞船)Tianzhou-l,to dock (对接)with Tiangong-2.☆On July 1,1997,Hong Kong returned to China.2020marks the 20th year of its return.☆At the end of 2020,China will launch its fifth lunar probe (月球探测),Chang'e-5.31.The cock could ______ people in ancient times.A. wake upB. lift upC. fight withD. talk with32.Chinese people like the cock for ______ reasonsA. twoB. threeC. fourD. five33.The people born in the Year of the Cock may be ______A. shyB. quietC. braveD. active34.One event in 2020is that ______A. Tiangong-2was launchedB. China will launch Chang e-5C. Hong Kong returned to ChinaD. Trump became the new president of the UK35.The best title of the passage may be ______A. The Culture of the CockB. Big Events in the Year of the CockC. Talk about Cocks in the Year of the CockD. Different Zodiacs,Different People.CHow do you often spend your summer vacation?Do you sometimes get bored?Here are some ideas for you to help spice up(调剂)your holiday,and keep you busy either inside or outside.A happy cookHelp your mom cook a dinner in the kitchen.Washing vegetables may be a good choice for you.You can also learn to make a simple meal,like egg-fried rice.When you eat a meal you have cooked,you'll feel very proud.Make a photo wallCollect your family photos.Choose some special ones with your family and make•photo t special wall.We can talk to parents and listen to family stories behind those photos.You can also DIY a photo album (影集)and keep the photos safe for a long time.Help othersEncourage yourself to do something you can to help others every day.For example,give your seat to those who need it on the bus.give directions to someone who is lost,and pick up the litter on the road.These small acts will help make the world a better place.Travel to the countrysideTraveling to the countryside is a great way to be close to nature.Experience life in the countryside with your parents,and find the differences between the city and countryside.Explain which one you like better,and write down your feelings.36. A good choice to help mom in the kitchen is to ______ according to the passage.A. do the dishesB. wash vegetablesC. sweep the floorD. take out rubbish37.We can make a photo album by ourselves to ______ .A. make a photo wallB. choose some special photosC. keep the photos for longD. write down the family stories38.______ will make the world a better placeA. Helping othersB. Collecting photosC. Learning to cookD. Experiencing country life39.The writer advises us to ______ after coming back from the countrysideA. cook egg-fried riceB. show our friends photosC. pick up litter on the roadD. write down our feelings40.The passage it mainly about ______A. school lifeB. vacation activitiesC. after-class plansD. personal hobbies.DThe British Museum is the biggest one in the world.There are lot of things inthe museum to see:clockswhich have been telling the time for six hundred years,Roman money,theearliest books in the world,including Shakespeare's own works…The British Museum was set up nearly 300 years ago by a doctor.Sir HansSloane.The man liked to collect such things as books,drawings,clothes,money,animals,flowers,and also hoped that his things would be well keptand visited by people after his death.His wish came true,and the museumopened in 1759,six years after Sir Hans Sloane died.Later,more antiques (古董)arrived at the museum,more books old and new,came to it,and more people wanted to visit it.All this made Pauizzi design the famous round Reading Room.There was something unusual in it.Cool air came up through small holes in the tables.Hot air under the floor kept readers'feet warm.Since its opening,many famous men have written and studied there,including Karl Marx.And the library is growing faster and faster.Many tourists come to visit it every year.It is not open every day of the year,except for two holidays (New Year's Day and Christmas).Entrance (进入)is free.There are lots of special exhibitions (展览)and every day.There are different films and talks,some of them for children.So if you are one of its two million visitors this year,don't try to see it all too quickly.There is a lifetime of looking in the British Museum.41.Hans Solane's hobby was to ______A. visit museumsB. keep animalsC. collect thingsD. read old books42.The museum opened ______A. before 1759B. in 1765C. after Hans Sioanc's deathD. when Hans Sloane was old43.______ designed the round Reading Room.A. PauizziB. ShakespeareC. Hans SloaneD. Karl Marx44.We can go to the museum on ______A. Christmas DayB. Thanksgiving DayC. Christmas EveD. New Year's Day45.Which is right according to the passage______A. We have to pay to visit the museum.B. The library it getting smaller and smaller.C. Children]will get bored in the museum.D. The museum has about two million visitors this year.四、补充句子(本大题共11小题,共22.0分)46.我们靠自己实现梦想.We ______ ourselves to achieve our dreams.47.育少年应该和父母做朋友,Teens should ______ parents.48.她的农弟上课从不迟到Her cousin is never ______ classes.49.不要在公共场所大声喧哗Don't talk loudly ______ .50.只要你尽力.结果不重要The result isn't important ______ you try your best.51.他们去过武汉吗?______52.现在越来越多的人关注污染.______ .53.如果你养宠物的话,就要好好照顾它______ .54.Life is short and we never know what will happen.Enjoy life with all its ups and downsSotheimportant waytolive is to followyourheart and live happilyWhen good things come to your way,share with others but don't ask for anything in return.There b nothing better than the feelings after helping others.Love everyone in yow life.If we allstart this now,love could come to everyplaceofthe world.In our lifetime,we'll be able to see a better world.But it has to sun with learning to love ourselves first.64.______65.______ .55.clear success before easy leave own he voice while about with appearYue Yunpeng.31.has become one of China's favorite crosstalk(相声)superstars.He not only does crosstalk shows,but also (66)______ in TV shows and movies.In the latest movie I Belonged to You(从你的全世界路过)he plays a silly but love-able man.It has made him more popular.He is famous now,but he lived a hard life (67)______ .Yue was called''the Forrest Gump (阿甘)of the crosstalk world''.He stuck to his dream,and it led to his (68)______ .Like many people,Yue started to learn crosstalk as a living skill at 18.He was not well educated because he (69)______ school at 14.But he worked hard to catch up.He stood outside in winter to read the newspaper in order to improve his Putonghua.He imitated (模仿)actors in theaters (70)______ doing part-time jobsthere.Gradually,he created his (71)______ style.His jokes are mean (刻薄的),but in a funny way.He often adds his Henan dialect (方言)to classic crosstalk works.Together with interesting language,funny facial expressions and body language,he makes people laugh(72)______ .His My God M expression open-wide small eyes and hands on(73)______ mouth,has become a popular expression.Also,he found his (74)______ was fit for singing and imitating.So he made use of it and created the song Five Rings(五环之歌)the song,he talks (75)______ the Beijing traffic in a down-to-earth way.Isn't he funny?56.In recent years,mobile phones and e-readers have become more common.Some people worry that the days ofpaper books will be gone.So we did a survey about paper books Here is what we have got.In the UK.sales of e-book& are dropping while Miles of paper books are rising.More surprisingly.It's young people who are buying the most paper books.Another survey of university students from the United Stales,Japan and Germany also showed that 92percent of them preferred paper books.The most popular reason was:I like to hold the product.It's true that paper books bring a very different reading experience.Some students said that they liked the smell of paper books.Other students said that they got a sense of accomplishment(成就感)when they finished reading a paper book and they enjoyed seeing it on the bookshelf.Paper books can also be very personal objects to readers.Many people like to sign their names on the inside cover.If the cover gels bent (弯曲的)or there's a stain (污点)made from coffee or food,it will make the book even more personal.It's more like the readers'old friends.This friendship between people and books isn't just sentimental(情感的).Studies have shown that readers remember more information from paper books.People also more easily have sore eyes while reading e-books.?五、阅读填空(本大题共1小题,共10.0分)57.When you think about inventions that have changed human's lives,what comes to mind?The car.the compass (指南针) or the computer?We hardly think about those more common things.But without them,our life will be much worse,for example,eyeglasses.Imagine a world without glasses,many of us would walk into things.So who invented glasses,and how were they first made?The truth is that nobody knows who invented eyeglasses.What we do know is that the earliest lenses (镜片)made from quartz (石英).As soon as people worked out how to make glass without bubbles they started miking lenses out of glass.Glasses spread quickly all over Europe and Asia.But early glasses were squeezed (夹) onto the bridge of the nose.It was painful for the wearers.So there was still one big problem:How to keep them on the wearer's face.It took nearly 400years for people to come up with the way wear gla sses todayWe should be thankful lo Benjamin Franklin,who invented bifocals(双焦点眼镜) in the1780s.He liked lo read or watch sceneries(景色) far away while traveling.But he hated to change glasses all the time.Then Franklin cut his glasses in half and put them together with his distance glasses.Now they are still popular.76.Which invention is more common,the compass or the glasses?______77.What were the earliest lenses made from?______78.Where were glasses popular after they were invented?______79.How long did it take people to think of the way we wear glasses today?______80.When were the bifocals invented?______ .六、完成对话(本大题共2小题,共10.0分)58.A:Hi,Mary.B:Hi,Linda (16)______A:I'm going to the mall.(17)______B:Sure,I'd love to.What are you going to buy?A:(18)______B:A trip?A:Yeah.I'm going to the seaside with my parents.B:Wow!Hem long are you slaying there?A:For three days.B:(19)______A:Um,an umbrella,sunglasses and…B:I think you should also bring some medicine.(20)______A:OK Thanks.Let's go.A.I want to buy something for a trip.B.Do you have anything to buy?C.And care about your health.D.Would you like to go with me?E.I'm going on a trip.F.Where are you going?G.So you must have many things to buy.59.A:Mike,could you fold your clothes?B:(51)______ .Mom,shall I throw the T-shirt away?A:(52)______ ?It still looks new.B:It is broken.A:Let me see.(53)______B:Mend (缝补)it?But it will be ugly then.A:(54)______ .Maybe it will be more beautiful.What about putting patch (补丁} in (he shape ofa leaf on itB.Wow!(55)______ It will be special then.I can't wait,Thank you,mom.A:You are welcome.七、书面表达(本大题共2小题,共40.0分)60.根据要求完成小作文(共5分,30词左右)你喜欢的以为作家在个人的QQ空间里发布了即将出版新书的消息,请把你想对他/她说的话,想问的问题写在留言板上.开头已给出,不计入总词数.I'm one of your fans,______ .61.根据要求完成大作文(80-100词)青少年的生活离不开运动,运动可以丰富我们的生活.你经常做哪些运动?你的生活因此发生了哪些改变?通过运动你收获了什么?请以I do sports and I am ______ 为题,写一篇作文要求:1.补全标题(参考词汇:happy,healthy,outgoing,active,kind…)2.紧扣主题,要点齐全,可适当发挥3.预言准确连贯,层次清晰,书写规范4.文中不得出现真实姓名和校名I do sports and I am ______ .答案和解析【答案】1. A2. D3. C4. D5. B6. D7. D8. B9. B10. D11. A12. C13. A14. C15. B16. D17. A18. D19. C20. B21. D22. C23. C24. A25. B26. A27. A28. C29. B30. D31. A32. C33. D34. B35. C36. B37. C38. A39. D40. B41. C42. C43. A44. B45. D46. depend on47. be/make friends with(their)48. late for49. in public(places)50. as long as51. Have they(ever)been to Wuhan52. More and more people pay attention to the pollution now53. If you keep a pet,you should look after it well.54. 所以重要的生活方式是听从你的内心(倾听你内心的声音)并且愉快地生活55. 如果我们都从现在开始爱(生活中的)每个人,爱将来到世界的每个地方/洒遍世界的每个角落55. appears56. before57. success58. left59. while60. own61. easily56. paper books57. sales58. (reading)experience59. personal(objects)60. (their)eyes57. The glasses.;They were made from quartz.;All over Europe and Asia.;Nearly 400 years.;In the 1780s.58. F59. D60. A61. G62. C59. Sure60. Why do you want to throw it away61. I can mend it62. I don't think so63. Great60. I'm one of your fans.I'm looking forward to your new book.I hope it will be more exciting.Is it a love story?Does it have a happy ending?By the way,do you like traveling?Welcome to my hometown,Liaoyang61. happy;I do sports and I am happySports are important in my life.I love sports and they make me happy.Every morning I run for half an hour.After school I play soccer with my friends.It's really fun.I usually go swimming,and I'm good at itI used to be thin and short.In fact,I didn't have many friends.But now I'm getting stronger and taller by doing sprts.I am also more outgoing than before.I made many friends when I was playing sports.We spent much happy time together.Thanks to sports.I have so many friends and so much happiness.【解析】1. 答案:A 根据The singing competition gives us 唱歌比赛给了我们,后文to show our talent展示我们才能,结合选项,推测意思是唱歌比赛给了我们一个展示我们才能的机会.故选A机会.B变化,C选择,D检查.唱歌比赛给了我们一个展示我们才能的机会.解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.2. 答案:D.nobody意思是"没有人";anybody意思是"任何人";somebody意思是"某人";everybody意思是"每个人"根据"Come on Ben!Let see your progress."因此可知这句话的意思是"加油,本,让我们每个人看到你的进步."结合给出的选项,故选D.--加油,本,让我们每个人看到你的进步.--好的,我会的.首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.3. 答案:C.考察感官动词;感官动词sound译为听上去;taste 译为尝起来;feel 译为感到/摸起来;smell译为闻起来.根据语境The fish soup (鱼汤闻起来很好)可知,根据May I have some,可知我可以喝一些吗,这里应该是闻到汤很好喝,没有开始喝,所以不能用taste,只有答案C其相适应,故选C.--鱼汤的味道很好.我可以喝一些吗?--当然可以.本题考查感官动词的用法,在熟悉其意义的基础上可正确作答.4. 答案:D.考查副词词义辨析.句意:吉姆很少去看电影,因为他是太忙了.often常常;always总是;usually通常;seldom很少.根据题干because he's too busy.因为他是太忙了.可知因为忙,所以应说吉姆很少去看电影,故选D.吉姆很少去看电影,因为他是太忙了.理解各个选项的含义,根据具体内容作答.5. 答案:B.useful意思是"有用的";harmful意思是"有害的";helpful意思是"有帮助的";meaningful意思是"有意义的"根据"Too many cars"太多的汽车,以及"so we'd better take the bus more"所以我们最好多乘坐公共汽车.因此可知太多的汽车会对环境有害,空格前面是系动词are,所以空格处需要用形容词来填空,综上所述,故选B.太多的汽车会对环境有害,所以我们最好多乘坐公共汽车.首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.6. 答案:D 根据后文分享给你的朋友们.结合选项,推测意思是把这个蛋糕分成六块,分享给你的朋友们.故选D分成,即考查短语divide…into…A混合,B转变,C制作.Larry,把这个蛋糕分成六块,分享给你的朋友们.解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,区分选项的细微差别.7. 答案:D.brave的意思"勇敢的";poor意思是"贫穷的";strange意思是"奇怪的";smart意思是"聪明的"根据"The more knowledge you get"你获得知识越多,因此可知后半句的意思是"你就会越聪明."这个句子考查的是结构the+比较级,the+比较级,意思是"越…就越…"综上所述,故选D.你获得知识越多,你就会越聪明.首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.8. 答案:B.in fact意思是"实际上";by mistake意思是"错误地";by accident意思是"偶然的";in person意思是"亲自"根据"I can't find my bag."以及"Maybe someone took it"因此可知这句话的意思是"我找不到我的包了,或许有人拿错了."综上所述,故选B.我找不到我的包了,或许有人拿错了.首先要掌握句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.9. 答案:B.go on继续;put off推迟;give up放弃;prepare for准备.根据两个时间tomorrow和 next weekend,这里应该说的是野餐推迟了,put off,短语,推迟.故选B.--我期待明天的野餐.--很遗憾地告诉你,我们已经把野餐推迟到下周末了.短语动词是由动词加介词、副词或其他词构成的词组,其作用和动词差不多.有些短语动词相当于及物动词,有些则相当于不及物动词.10. 答案:D 根据前文快下雨了,我们就会淋湿,后文我们回家,前后是一种相反的假设,结合选项,故选D除非,如果不,意思是快下雨了,如果我们不回家的话就会淋湿.A如果,B之后,C何时.快下雨了,如果我们不回家的话就会淋湿.解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,区分选项的细微差别.11. 答案:A 根据前文现在更少的人抽烟了,意思是抽烟的人的数量正在减少.结合选项,故选A减少.B 增加,C增长,D增加.现在更少的人抽烟了,抽烟的人的数量正在减少.解答此类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和逻辑关系,区分选项的细微差别.12. 答案:C.must一定;can't不可能;might可能,可能性比较小;mustn't不可以.根据It looks like his,可知可能是Alan的,可能性不是很大,这里用might.故选C.--这是谁的笔记本?--可能是Alan的,看起来像他的.本题考查了情态动词的用法.解答时注意理解句意以及所给选项的意思并作出正确选择.13. 答案:A.考查常用日常交际用语.句意:--萨莉姑妈;.你做的面条真美味.--谢谢.Thank you谢谢;Good idea好主意;Not at all一点也不;Have a good time玩的愉快.根据题干Aunt Sally,the noodles you cooked are really delicious.--萨莉姑妈;.你做的面条真美味.可知应说谢谢.故选A.--萨莉姑妈;.你做的面条真美味.--谢谢.理解各个选项的含义,根据上下文的语境进行作答.14. 答案:C.结合in two hours可知表达的是将来的动作,故用一般将来时will+动词原形,故答案是C.---你们出发了吗?---是的,出发了.我们两小时后就到了.一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态.常常和表示将来的时间状语连用.如:tomorrow(明天),next week(下周);in the future(将来)等.一般将来时由助动词shall(第一人称),will(第二、三人称)动词原形构成.美式英语则不管什么人称,一律用will.或用主语+be动词+going to 动词.15. 答案:B.根据Could you please tell,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序.根据I usually go bike riding along Taizi River我通常沿着太子河骑自行车,所以上面问的是你在业余时间做什么?.故选B.--你能告诉我你在业余时间做什么?--我通常沿着太子河骑自行车.本题考查宾语从句,做题时注意三要素时态、语序和引导词.本题先考虑语序问题,再根据句子的上下文的意思,做出选择.16~25. 21.D 考查动词,A.sang唱 B.wrote写 C.heard听 D.finished完成,根据A world-class violinist always kept silent when he guided his students to play一个世界一流的小提琴家当他指导学生的时候,总是很安静的,所以当学生"演奏完"歌曲,他重新演奏,结合选项,故选D.22.A 考查名词,A.education教育 B.condition状况 C.examination考试 D.competition 竞赛,根据前文语境,可知他在指导教授学生,他重新演奏一遍让他的学生从听声音中受到"教育",故选A.23.D 考查副词,A.badly糟糕的 B.politely礼貌的 C.silently安静的 D.perfectly完美的,根据The student was so talented 这个学生有天才的,可知他演奏的很"完美",故选D.24.C 考查连词,A.so因此 B.or或者 C.but但是 D.and 和,根据didn't play没有演奏,对比前面he put the violin on the shoulder 他把小提琴放在肩膀上,是一种转折,故选C.25.B 考查介词,A onto在上面 B.off离开 C.along沿着 D.towards朝…,根据后文He played so well that I am not( 27)…enough to guide him他演奏的如此的好以至于我不够好,没法指导他了,可知他认为自己不能指导这个学生,就离开了舞台,故选B.26.D 考查形容词,A.excited激动的 B.moved感到的 C.interested有趣的 D.surprised 惊讶的,根据didn't know what happened不知道发生了什么事,可知听众不知道为什么教授离开舞台,所以是"惊讶的",故选D.27.C 考查形容词,A.patient有耐心的 B.strict严格的 C.excellent极好的 D.serious严肃的,根据I am not…enough,我不够…,结合语境,可知学生表现很完美,教授认为自己不够优秀,无法来辅导这个学生,故选C.28.C 考查名词,A.thoughts想法 B.examples例子 C.meanings意义 D.suggestions 建议,根据后文三点内容,可知解释的是三层意思,故选C.29.A 考查动词,A.praise赞扬 B.pride使得意 C.help帮助 D.hope 希望,根据语境,教授对这个学生的天才给予了肯定和赞扬,可知此处是他作为老师对这个学生的"赞扬",故选A.30.B 考查动词,A.get得到 B.lose失去 C.show展现 D.raise 抬高,根据语境,可知教授认为自己坦诚表达出自己的水平无法来更好的指导这个学生,这并不会让自己失去威信,所以句意是"有名的表演者并不害怕他的诚实的行为会让自己失去威信",意思是故选B.文章讲述了一个小提琴家遇到一个极有天分的学生,他的完美表演让教授感觉自己的水平已经无法更好的来指导这个学生了,否则会是一种误导.他认为一个有名的表演者并不害怕他的诚实的行为会让自己失去威信.解答完形填空题需要快速阅读全文,了解文章大意,再带着选项去读,边读边做,注意联系上下文.26~30. 答案:31.A 细节理解题.根据第一段句子Every day,he drives a long my to get to work.每天,他开很长时间车去上班.可知他开车去上班.故选A.32.A 词义猜测题.根据上下文So at noon,he said to all his colleagues.I wish the person who stole my milk would return it and say sorry to me in the afternoon.所以在中午的时候,他对他的…说,我希望偷我的牛奶的人会把它还给我,在下午向我道歉.可知结合选项,应说他对他的同事说,我希望偷我的牛奶的人会把它还给我,在下午向我道歉.所以colleagues意为同事.故选A.33.C 细节理解题.根据第二段句子So at noon,he said to all his colleagues.I wish the person who stole my milk would return it and say sorry to me in the afternoon.In fact,anyone who touched the box left his or her fingerprints on it.so I can find out who did this by checking the fingerprints:所以在中午的时候,他对他的同事说,我希望偷我的牛奶的人会把它还给我,在下午向我道歉.事实上,任何摸过盒子的人都会留下他或她的指纹,我可以通过检查指纹来找出是谁干的.可知他说了一些不友好的话.故选C.34.B 细节理解题.根据第二段句子In fact,anyone who touched the box left his or her fingerprints on it.so I can find out who did this by checking the fingerprints:事实上,任何摸过盒子的人都会留下他或她的指纹,我可以通过检查指纹来找出是谁干的.可知他认为自己是一个聪明的人.故选B.35.D 细节理解题.根据倒数第二段句子But when he got back to the office,no one said anything to him.To his surprise,all his milk,even the box was missing.但是当他回到办公室时,没有人对他说什么.令他吃惊的是,他所有的牛奶,甚至连盒子不见了.可知结果是出乎意料的.故选D.短文讲了Mr.Robinson 每天开车去上班,一天他的牛奶被同事拿走了,为了拿回他的牛奶,他说了一些不友好的话,最后发现所有的牛奶和箱子都不见了,也告诉人们要学会宽容.在通读全文的基础上,根据全文大意,展开逻辑思维,瞻前顾后,认真观察选项,仔细推敲,确定最佳答案.31~35. 答案:36.细节理解题.根据第二段句子In ancient times,there were no clocks.The cock (old people it was time to get up and start to work.)在古代,没有时钟.公鸡提醒人们是时候起床开始工作了.可知在古代,公鸡可以叫醒人们.故选A.37.C 细节理解题.根据第三行句子In ancient times,there were no clocks.The cock (old people it was time to get up and start to work.在古代,没有时钟.鸡提醒人们是时候起床开始工作了.根据第六行句子Traditionally,people thought the cock was a bird that could avoid evil (邪恶的)things.传统上,人们认为公鸡是一只可以避免邪恶东西的鸟.根据第八行句子The cock is popular with people for its courage.公鸡因为它的勇气而受到人们的欢迎.根据第九行句子The pronunciation of"cock"in Putonghua is the same as that of"chance"and"good luck'普通话的"公鸡"的发音与"机会"和"好运"的发音相同.可知一共说出了四个原因.故选C.38.D 细节理解题.根据倒数第五段句子Those who are born in the Year of the Cock are said to be active."They like to be the center of attention and always look beautiful",那些出生在鸡年的,据说是积极的."他们喜欢成为关注的中心并且看起来总是很漂亮.可知出生在鸡年的人可能是积极的.故选D.39.B 细节理解题.根据最后一段句子At the end of 2020,China will launch its fifth lunar probe (月球探测),Chang'e-5.截至2020年底,中国将发射第五个月球探测器,嫦娥-5.可知结合选项,2020年的事件是中国将发射"嫦娥-5"故选B.40.C 主旨归纳题.根据整篇文章内容及其第一段句子This year is the Year of the Cock.Just like other Chinese zodiacs(生肖)the cock means a lot.Do you want to know more about it?Read on.今年是鸡年,就像其它的中国生肖公鸡意味着很多,你想知道更多一点吗?继续读下去.可知文章主要说的是在鸡年里谈论鸡的。




第一部分选择题(共50分)Ⅰ. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。

1. Schools are good places for students to get __________and make friends.A. backgroundB. knowledgeC. attentionD. competition2. In the summer camp, the boy learned to ___________ all kinds of difficulties.A. manageB. protectC. protectD. control3. —Tom speaks Chinese quite well now.—Yes, he has made ____________ progress in Chinese learning.A. commonB. simpleC. perfectD. rapid4. Sometimes the smooth surface of the lake really ______________ like a mirror.A. soundsB. looksC. smellsD. tastes5. —Will Bob help me look after my pet dog when I'm away.—Of course. He won't ____________ your request. He loves animals a lot.A. putdownB. write downC. turn downD. take down6. To everyone's surprise, their plan is exactly the same as _________________.A. oursB. weC. ourD. us7. Not only Chinese kids but also western kids ______________ Journey to the West.A. are famous forB. are afraid ofC. are worried aboutD. are interested in8. It's a rule that students ___________ bring mobile phones to our school.A. mustn'tB. wouldn'tC. needn'tD. couldn't9. Success ______________ hard-working people in the end.A. agrees toB. talks toC. belongs toD. shouts to10. —Hi, I didn't see you at John's birthday party last night.—Oh, I ________________ the book report at that time.A. prepared for B .prepare for C. am preparing for D. was preparing for11. —Su Bingtian is the winner of the IAAF World Indoor Tour (国际田联室内巡回赛).—___________________. He is a talented runner.A. Without doubt C. Once in a whileB. For example D. All of a sudden12. She didn't leave the school __________ she worked out this problem.A. as long asB. untilC. sinceD. while13. Intelligent house furnishings(智能家居) am __________ used in people's homes these days.A. widelyB. luckilyC. softlyD. loudly14. —Hi, Alice. I wonder ___________.—I often go swimming in the sports center.A. where you skateB. what you do on the weekendC. when you exerciseD. whether you enjoy your weekend15. —____________________?—I need some music CDs.A. What's wrongB. Can I help youC. How much are the CDsD. Are you all rightⅡ.补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话。




1.—Who has ____ marks in English,Wang Lin,Zhang Fang or Li Hong?一Li Hong.A.good B.better C.best D.the best2.Jenny goes to school on foot.It takes her about half ____ hour to get there.A.an B.a C.the D.(不填)3.—Dad,I've passed the exam.— ____ !A.Never mind B.Good luck C.Well done D.All right4.I forget to bring a pen.Would you lend me ____?A.one B.that C.it D.this5.—Have you ____ joined in a dragon boat race?—Yes,I have.A.never B.still C.seldom D.ever6.My brother is two metres in height.It's very difficult to find clothes big enough ____ him.A.about B.at C.with D.for7.Tomorrow there's a programme about our school on TV,then it ____ by millions of people.A.will see B.saw C.will be seen D.was seen8.____ it snowed heavily yesterday, nobody in our class missed the lesson.A.Though B.Because C.Unless D.Since9.Trees ____ fight air pollution.They are natural air conditioners.A.should B.must C.need D.can10.I'm not sure about the meaning of the word. You'd better look it up in a ____ .A.letter B.dictionary C.postcard D.notice11.—Where ____ you ____ lunch?—At home.There was no school lunchA.did;have B.are;having C.will;have D.do;have12.—Excuse me,____ is the post office?—About 500 metres away.A.how often B.how long C.how far D.how soon13.____ early,and you won't be late for school.A.Turn down B.Turn up C.Get up D.Get down1 4.—Do you like playing tennis?—No,____ I like sports.I play football every SundayA.and B. but C.so D. or1 5.—Whose computer doesn't work?—____ ,I think.A.John has B.John does C.John D.John'sB)补全对话从方框A—G中选出能够填入对话空白处(16-20)的最正确选项。

2020年辽宁省抚顺市 本溪市 辽阳市 中考英语试卷【含答案、word版本;可再编辑】

2020年辽宁省抚顺市 本溪市 辽阳市 中考英语试卷【含答案、word版本;可再编辑】

2020年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语试卷I. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.1. Chinese scientists have made great ___________ in medical research.()A.attentionB.progressrmationD.pride2. Developing good reading habits can ___________ our reading speed.()A.reviewB.receiveC.spreadD.increase3. She walked into the room ___________ in order not to wake up her baby.()A.clearlyB.loudlyC.easilyD.quietly4. I knocked at the door but ___________ answered. Maybe they went to the concert.()A.nobodyB.somebodyC.everybodyD.anybody5. I walked here today,so this bike ___________ be mine.()A.canB.mustn'tC.can'tD.must6. ﹣﹣﹣Dad, ___________ will my mom come back? I miss her very much.﹣﹣﹣In a month.()A.how soonB.how oftenC.how longD.how far7. ﹣﹣﹣Lucy, where's your sister?﹣﹣﹣Look! She ___________ in the yard with our dog.()A.playedB.has playedC.playsD.is playing8. We're practicing spoken English. Would you like to join___________?()A.meC.youD.them9. ﹣﹣﹣Why didn't Alice come to the party last night?﹣﹣﹣Because she ___________ online classes at that time.()A.takesB.tookC.was takingD.has taken10. ﹣﹣﹣Look! The children are playing in the swimming pool.﹣﹣﹣___________ great fun they are having!()A.WhatB.HowC.What aD.How a11. The restaurant is very popular because the waiters there are ___________ Customers.()A.thirsty forB.strict withC.hard onD.friendly to12. ﹣﹣﹣Can I keep the book a little ___________? I haven't finished reading it yet.﹣﹣﹣Sorry. You have to return it on time.()A.shorterB.biggerC.longerD.smaller13. Don't ___________ what should be done today till tomorrow.()A.put offB.cut offC.take offD.turn off14. ﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me ___________to the art museum?﹣﹣﹣Sure. Bus No.26.()A.why you will goB.how I can getC.which is the wayD.which bus I can take15. ﹣﹣﹣I'm a little nervous before the coming exam.﹣﹣﹣___________. I'm sure you can make it.()A.Sounds greatB.Have funC.Don't worryD.You're welcomeII. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话.(有两个多余选项)16. A: Hi, Tom. Good news for you!B:(1)_______.A: It's about a club. Our school set up a new basketball club to train students.B: Great! I love basketball and want to be a basketball player.(2)_______.A: Next Monday. You can get lots of training there.B: That's wonderful! I really need it.(3)_______.Can you tell me?A: Well, my dream is to be a doctor.B:(4)_______.A: Because many stories about doctors have moved me a lot recently.B: How are you going to be a doctor?A:(5)_______.B: I hope both of us can achieve our dreams.个选项中选择个最佳答案.17. When I was a little child, I learned many kinds of (1)_______. I learned how to do chores around the house, some first aids(急救)and outdoor survival(生存)skills. There's one skill that's really (2)_______ in everyday life basic home repair (家庭基础维修).Being able to take care of repairs around the house is very satisfying. It might be difficult (3)_______, but when you know more about your tools, it becomes easier.For example, I had some problems with the showerhead (淋浴喷头)in my (4)_______ a few days ago. I didn't call a repairman to replace(替换)it﹣who knows how much money the repairman would want me to (5)_______ ? So I bought a new showerhead and replaced it(6)_______.The task was so simple that it only took me several(7)_______.As I fixed the new showerhead on, I(8)_______ a sense of achievement. Of course, there are lots of repairsthat are more difficult. My brother, for example, has repaired the TV set in his house many times. With the help of online instructional videos, he has (9)_______ thousands of dollars in repairman fee(费用)over the years. Skills like these not only save us money, but more importantly, make us more independent and confident.Doing chores around your house is easier than you (10)_______.(1)A.sportsB.skillswsD.rules(2)A.awfulB.carefulC.harmfuleful(3)A.at lastB.at leastC.at firstD.at all (4)A.libraryB.officeC.bedroomD.bathroom(5)A.pay forB.look forC.wait forD.care for(6)A.ourselvesB.himselfC.myselfD.themselves(7)A.minutesB.monthsC.weeksD.years(8)A.smeltB.feltC.becameD.tasted(9)A.wastedB.spentC.madeD.saved(10)A.collectB.decideC.thinkD.chooseIV. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题5分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案.18. There's a lot of good news about Chinese volleyball player Zhu Ting.She was named as the Most Valuable Volleyball Player of the China Volleyball Association for the 2019﹣2020 season. At the same time, readers can find her story in a children's book When I Grow Up﹣Sports Heroes. A British publishing house(出版社)published the book. It's about how children become sports superstars. Those superstars include LeBron James and Lionel Messi.Zhu Ting now plays for the Tianjin Bohai Bank Women's Volleyball Club. Last season, she helped Tianjin win is 12th top league title(联赛冠军). She is also the captain(队长)of China's women's national volleyball team. When she first joined the national team, the 1.98﹣meter﹣tall girl found itdifficult to move quickly because she was so tall. But head coach Lang Ping trained her to jump high and spike the ball(扣球). Since then, the fighting spirit of the national team has inspired(激励)her. After hard practice, she became a great spiker.She used to play volleyball in Turkey and she improved her English there. When she arrived there, she couldn't speak English well and needed help. But she kept practicing English after her training. After three months, she could easily talk with her teammates in English.What makes Zhu Ting successful? Working hard and never giving up are the key to success.(1)Zhu Ting is a________.A. movie starB. book sellerC. volleyball playerD. news reporter.(2)When I Grow Up﹣Sports Heroes is a book for________.A. childrenB. playersC. superstarsD. heroes.(3)________ is head coach of China's women's national volleyball team.A. Zhu TingB. Lang PingC. LeBron JamesD. Lionel Messi.(4)Zhu couldn't move quickly because she was so________.A. braveB. strongC. valuableD. tall.(5)These are reasons for Zhu's success Except________.A. good newsB. her abilityC. hard practiceD. fighting spirit.19. Studying is usually not a happy task, especially when there are so many things you can do for fun.The balance (平衡)between work and play is a lifelong matter.Are you feeling tired and bored when you study? What should you do ifyou're not interested in study? Here are ways you could do to deal with the problem.Change your thoughts. If you're lack of passion(缺乏热情)for study, just think about your future.Only good grades can give you a chance to achieve your dreams. Good grades will help you get into your dream high school and college. No matter how old you are, you're always growing and learning.Work hard to achieve your dreams. Study is teaching you an important lesson﹣You must work for what you want to achieve. Winning a game, passing a test, doing something difficult…These are all rewarding(值得的)experiences because of the time you spent and the effort you made. The harder you work, the happier you'll be.________. You don't need to study as often as you think you should do. I am not telling you not to study﹣You still should, but you can try studying less if it doesn't influence your grades.Find your favorite subjects. Discover your interests and develop them carefully. Keep studying and stay healthy.(1)Studying is usually not a________ task according to the passage.A. hardB. happyC. boringD. tiring.(2)We can know________ is a lifelong matter from the passage.A. doing things for fun B. growing and leaningC. balancing work and playD. feeling tired and bored.(3)You can get into a dream school with the help of________.A. similar thoughts B. good gradesC. serious problemsD. different feelings.(4)You can achieve your dream by________.A. working hardB. passing testsC. winning gamesD. giving lessons.(5)What does the underlined sentence mean in the fourth paragraph?________A. You should never study.B. You should always think.C. You could sometimes study less.D. You may usually feel tired.20. Plants and animals are largely made of water. So are humans. They need to keep enough water inside them, or they could die.We get some of the water we need by eating food that has water in it. Drinks, such as milk and tea, are mostly water, too. A person needs water every day. If we go without water for three or four days, we will lose too much water fromour bodies.In very hot weather, we could lose this water injust one day.What does water do to help our bodies? Water helps to take the nutrition(营养)from food to our bodies. It alsohelps to take the wastes away from different parts of our bodies.In our homes, we also need water for many things. We need water for cooking, washing and flushing(冲水)the toilet. About three quarters of the water is used in the bathroom and toilet. The rest is mainly used in the laundry(洗衣房)and kitchen._______It may come from a lake or a river. It may come from the sea, from the rain and snow or from the underground. Water rises from rivers and seas to makeclouds, and then falls again as rain and snow. The water you dink has been around for millions of years. It just keeps being recycled.Many people work hard 1o make sure we always have clean water in our homes. Water is very important for all living things, so we should use it carefully.(1)Living things could________ without enough water inside them.A. growB. dieC. liveD. develop.(2)A person can get water that he needs by________.A. taking wastes awayB. losing water quicklyC. changing water slowlyD. eating and drinking.(3)Water can take away________ from our bodies.A. nutritionB. foodC. wastesD. drinks.(4)A quarter of the water is mostly used in the________ and the laundry.A. kitchenB. living roomC. toiletD. bedroom.(5)Which of the following can be put in"________" in the fifth paragraph?A. How do we save water?B. What do we use water for?C. Where does water come from?D. Where do we wash our clothes?.21. Weeks before Tomb﹣Sweeping Day on April 4 this year, hundreds of qingtuan were sold each day. The snack was still a must﹣have for many people.In the southern part of China, eating qingtuan at the beginning of spring is a kind of tradition Chinese peoplestarted to eat it more than 2, 000 years ago.It is made of sticky rice(糯米)and red bean paste(红豆沙), and is famous for its softness, freshness and sweetness. The secret behindits mouth﹣watering taste is one of its materials﹣mugwort leaves(艾蒿叶). The plant is mainly found in the Yangtze River Delta(长江三角洲)where it has perfect conditions to grow.People in this area usually put qingtuan on the tombs (墓)of their dead family members to ________ the past memory. Making qingtuan is also a chance for family members to get together at home. It really takes time and effort to make the snack.Now, qingtuan has already spread its special taste to the northern part of China. Li Yuan, a 30﹣year﹣old engineer who grew up in Zhejiang Province, brought qingtuan back to Beijing where he works. "It tastes different in and out of my hometown, he said." There's no place like home.Qingtuan has many different tastes inside it, such as apples and bean milk, to meet customers' tastes.The difference of the taste shows that it's getting more and more popular across the whole country.Even though there is warm weather and green leaves in spring, the season wouldn't be complete without a taste of qingtuan.(1)Tomb﹣Sweeping Day is in________.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter.(2)Your mouth waters when seeing qingtuan because ofthe________.A. sticky riceB. green colorC. red bean pasteD. mugwort leaves.(3)The underlined word "cherish" in the third paragraph probably means________.A.遗忘B.怀念C.祈求D.清除.(4)We can know from the passage that Li Yuan________.A. loves no placeB. sells qingtuanC. works in BeijingD. works as a cook.(5)Which is the best title for this passage?________A. Growing up in BeijingB. Planting Rice in ZhejiangC. Meeting Customers' TastesD. Marking the Start of Spring.第二部分非选择题(共70分)V.补全对话(共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整.22. A: Hi, Maria.(1)________ ?B: To the old people's home. Would you like to go with me?A:(2)________. What can we do there?B: We can tell the old people stories and help clean their rooms.A: Why not bring them some music CDs as well? Then they can dance for exercise.B: Good idea! But we need to buy some CDs first.(3)________ ?A: Yes. There is a CD shop on Center Street.B:(4)________ ?A: About 5 minutes' walk.B:(5)________. Shall we go there on foot?A: OK. Let's go now!Ⅵ.句子翻译(共15分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译.(共11分.局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题1分)23. 不要在走廊里互相追逐.Don't________ each other in the hallways.24. 我们的父母总是鼓励我们要坚持梦想.Our parents always encourage us to________ our dreams.25. 共有50名同学在图书馆里看书.50 students________ are reading books in the library.26. 她的眼中充满希望.Her eyes________ hope.27. 我的姑姑特地写了一首诗来赞美那些勇敢的医务人员.My aunt________ to write a poem to praise those brave medical workers.28. 我的老师们直到完成了这项工作才回家.________.29. 你曾经去过长城吗?________?30. 这些新书明天分发.________.(B)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文.(共4分,每小题4分)31. My grandma is an outgoing person. Unluckily, she became ill years ago. She has greatly changed since then.To help my grandma overcome this difficult time, I decided to teach her to play the guitar and sing in the garden. The small garden was our classroom.(1)________We sat in two old bamboo chairs. The sunlight(阳光)spread everywhere, shining bright. Grandma listened to my melody(旋律) carefully and clapped(拍打)her hands to the beat.She started to gently sing an old song.(2)________ It seemed that grandma was getting better at that moment.将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文(1)________;(2)________.Ⅶ.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确.(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)32.During May, most places in China are warm. But Mount Qomolangma is still (1)________ and covered with snow. Atthis time, a group of Chinese climbers are climbing the highest mountain in the world. They are going to measure(测量) the (2)________ of the mountain.In fact, China already measured the height of the mountain in 1975(8,848. 13 meters) and 2005(8, 844.43 meters). But the height can (3)________ as Earth's plats(板块)move. As technology improves, people want to get more exact numbers.(4)________ , measuring its height is not easy.The temperature there is ﹣29℃,four degrees lower than that in Antarctica(南极).The snow there is 4﹣5 meters thick and strong winds blow all the time. Climbers have to carryscientific instruments to the worlds rooftop(屋脊). They collect data(数据)(5)________ the top of themountain. After that scientists study the data and calculatethe height of the mountain.To deal with the difficult conditions, team members started training in January. They have to sleep in (6)________ tents to keep warm. To save fresh water, climbers (7)________ take a shower or wash faces. As for food, they have three dishesand soup for each meal. It is easy to keep meat fresh in such a (8)________ temperature.Though there are also some (9)________ difficulties that wecan not think of,the mountain is(10)________ measuring. An exact measurement can help to study the plate movement so that scientists can warn people the coming of the earthquakes.Ⅷ、任务型阅读(共20分,每小题10分)根据短文内容,按要求完成任务.阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题.33. Peking Opera has a history of more than 200 years. It was listed as a form of intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)in 2010.Peking Opera mixes different art forms, Including singing,dancing, acrobatics(杂技) and martial arts(武术), All these art forms are put into one performance. Facial painting(脸谱)is one of the most important signs Peking Opera.Peking Opera is a kind of ancient Chinese art. But few oftoday's young people much about it. Famous Peking Opera artist Wang Peiyu, 40 years old, wants more young people to fall in love with the art.Wang hosts(主持) a weekly talk show called The Wang Peiyu Peking Opera Show. It started to show on iQiyi on March 27.On the show, Wang explains Peking Opera through different subjects, such as how to prepare for a show, or something interesting about the art. She explains how to put on clothing and make up. Artists often spend much money on their clothing. It's said that a set of clothing worn by Peking Opera master Mei Lanfang once cost about 70,000 silver dollars. This would be 3.5 million yuan in today's money.To make everything easy to understand, she uses simple language. She tries to use modern slang(现代俚语), such as "freestyle" and zihei, or zichao.Wang's show has become popular. "It gives a simple starting point for all of us, whether you know Peking Opera or not." a fan wrote after watching the show.(1)When was Peking Opera listed as a form of intangible cultural heritage?________(2)What's one of the most important signs of Peking Opera?________(3)Do the young people today know Peking Opera very well?________(4)How often does Wang Peiyu host her talk show?________ (5)Why does Wang Peiyu use simple language in her talk show?________34. 阅读下面短文,完成表格.No matter where you go, no matter what you do, when you are in public places, you have to be in good manners. How should we behave in public places?Keep your voice downDon't speak or laugh loudly.Remember that although you may be excited and want to voice your excitement,the people around you may not be interested in it at all.It's polite to speak at a low volume(音量).This includes laughing as well.Dress properlyDress in a way that is appropriate(适合的) for the place that you are going to. If you are going to an event where people dress in a formal(正式的) way, do the same. For example, do not wear blue﹣jeans or a T﹣shirt to a dinner party. But it is acceptable to dress casually(穿着随意)if you are going to a museum or a movie theater.Use table mannersWhen you eat in public places, use your table manners.They may help you leave good impression(印象). In western countries, do not pick up food with your hands. You should pick up with a fork or a spoon. When you are in China, you shouldn't start eating first if there are older people at the table. Using your phone while having a meal is also bad behavior.5分)35. 初中生活即将结束.为了回忆、记录这段难忘的日子,刘明的班级将于明天上午10点在教室举办一场英语派对.同学们将在派对上做游戏、互赠礼物并拍照.请你代替他用英文写一份通知,请大家准时参加.(短文开头已给出,不计入总词数)NoticeDear students,Our colorful school life is coming to an end. In order to memorize the unforgettable days,______________.Liu Ming根据要求完成大作文,词数:80~100词.(共15分)36. 成长是生命的主旋律.在你的生命中一定出现过一个对你帮助很大、影响很深的人.这个人可能是你的父母、你的老师或你的朋友……请用英语写出你和他(她)的故事以及你的感悟.(题目自拟)内容包括:1. Who helped /influenced you a lot?2. What did he /she do?3. How have you changed?4.…要求:1.文中不得出现真实姓名与校名.2.语意连贯,层次清晰,书写规范._____________.参考答案与试题解析2020年辽宁省抚顺市中考英语试卷I. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案.1.B2.D3.D4.A5.C6.A7.D8.B9.C 10.A11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.CII. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话.(有两个多余选项)16.B,F,C,A,GIII. 完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择个最佳答案.17.BDCDACABDC IV. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题5分)根据短文内容,从各题所给的四个选项中选择一个正确答案.18.CABDA19.BCBAC20.BDCAC21.ADBCD第二部分非选择题(共70分)V.补全对话(共5分,每空1分)在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整.22.Where are you going,Sure, I'd loveto,IsthereaCDshopnearhere,How far is it(from here)?,It's not farⅥ.句子翻译(共15分)(A)根据所给中文完成句子翻译.(共11分.局部翻译,每小题1分;整句翻译,每小题1分)23.run after24.stick to25.in total26.are full of27.went out of her way28.My teachers didn′t go home until they finished the work.29.Have you ever been to the Great Wall30.These new books will be handed out tomorrow.(B)阅读下面的短文,将短文中画线部分的句子译成中文.(共4分,每小题4分)31.We both enjoyed the special time that we spent together. ,It was the most beautiful melody in the world.,我们(俩个人)都(很)享受/喜欢我们在一起度过的(那段)特殊的/特别的/别样的时光/时间.,(奶奶唱的)那/这首老歌是世界上最动听的/最美丽的/最优美的旋律Ⅶ.完形填空(共10分,每空1分)根短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确.(每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词)32.cold,height,change,However,on,their,seldom,low,other,worth Ⅷ、任务型阅读(共20分,每小题10分)根据短文内容,按要求完成任务.阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题.33.In 2010.,Facialpainting,No, they don't.,Once aweek.,Because she wants to make everything easy tounder stand 34.How to behave/How we should behave /Some ways to behave,speak and laugh/ laugh and speak,in a formal way/formally,In western countries,use your phone/phonesⅨ.书面表达(共20分)根据要求完成小作文,词数:30词左右.(共5分)35.NoticeDear students,Our colorful school life is coming to an end.(引出话题)In order to memorize the unforgettable day,we'll have an English party in our classroom at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning.【高分句型一】(目的,时间及地点) We'll play games at the party. We'll also give each other presents and take photos. Please come on time and have fun.【高分句型二】(可以做的事情)Liu Ming根据要求完成大作文,词数:80~100词.(共15分)36.My English teacherThe person who helped me a lot is my English teacher. She'svery kind and hard﹣working. She's so helpful that she's readyto help almost every student in my class.(最喜欢的人) Twoyears ago, I used to be afraid to speak English.【高分句型一】But she tried her best to help me to solve my problem.(做的事情)Thanks to her help, I made great progress in my English study.Now I can speak in public and don′t feel nervous. She teaches me not only to learn but also to be a good person.【高分句型二】(如何改变)I'll remember her forever.。





1.Iraq is__________ Asian county not__________ European country.A.a;a B.a;an C.an;an D.an;a2.It’s bad for your health to go to work___________ breakfastA.without B.at C.for D.with3.The story___________ very interesting.Do you like it?A.sounds B.smells C.tastes D.looks4.Jack couldn’t go with me the other day.He__________ to finish his homework before his mother came back.A.told B.was told C.tells D.is telling5.---Jerry,how did you like the film you saw last Sunday?---It was_______________.I left the cinema half way through it.A.special B.original C.creative D.boring6.---Would you like a hamburger or a hot dog?---_____________I’m not hungry.A.All B.Both C.Neither D.Either7.The teacher said we needed to choose three _________ for the school concert A.farmers B.doctors C.drivers D.singers8.Do you know how many sheep ___________in Australia?A.is there B.there is C.are there D.there are9.Please take the medicine three times a day ___________it won’t work well A.and B.but C.or D.so10.___________ beautiful music that is!A.How B.How a C.What D.what a11.Again and again the doctor_____________ the crying girl,but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.A.looked over B.looked after C.looked for D.looked out 12.I like the writer __________ wrote the short storyA.which B.what C.whom D.who13.More than___________ students went out for a picnic on Children’s Day A.two thousand B.two thousands C.thousand of D.thousand14.---Would you mind if I open the window?---_________.It’s hot in the room.A.Of course B.Not at all C.Quite fight D.You’re welcome 15.Lesson Three is______________ Lesson Two.It’s much more difficult.A.not so easy as B.easier thanC.as difficult as D.less difficult thanⅡ.补全对话(共10分,每空1分)(A)依照对话内容,从方框中选择适当的句子完成下面的对话,将其字母标号写在答题纸的相应位置上。



B. protect
C. create
D. describe
考查动词辨析。paint 画;protect 保护;create 创造;describe 描述。根据“can ‘plant trees’ at the bottom of the sea”
可知表达具体的 6 月 5 日,用介词“on”。故选 C。
2. The self-service ________ makes it convenient for us to borrow books.
A. hotel
B. bank
C. library
D. hospital
2022 年本溪辽阳葫芦岛市初中毕业生学业考试
※考试时间 100 分钟 试卷满分 120 分
第一部分选择题(共 50 分) I. 单项选择(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 从下面各题的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
1. We’re glad to see that Shenzhou-14 rose into the sky ________ June 5, 2022.
考查名词辨析。hotel 宾馆;bank 银行;library 图书馆;hospital 医院。根据“for us to borrow books.”可知是
在图书馆借书。故选 C。
3. Students should learn some living skills to take good care of ________.


考查动词辨析。fail失败;forget忘记;promise承诺;refuse拒绝。根据“Our national hero YueFei…to devote himself to the country at a young age.”可知,是promise to do sth“许诺做某事”,故选C。
考查名词辨析。Fear害怕;Praise表扬、赞扬;Doubt怀疑;Regret后悔。根据空后“can make people happy and want to make greater progress.”可推知,应是表扬可以让人开心并且想要取得更大进步。故选B。
考查形容词辨析。interesting有趣的;exciting令人兴奋的;difficult困难的;dangerous危险的。根据“leave much personal information on the Internet”及常识可知,在网络上留下很多个人信息是危险的,故选D。
2.—Your spoken English is perfect!
—Thank you. I think _______ is better. You read English every morning.



辽宁省朝阳市2020年初中升学统一考试英语试卷(考试时间120分钟试卷满分100分)第I卷(选择题)I. 单项选择(本题共15分, 每小题1分)从各題所给的A、B. C、D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. —Have you received Mary's __________for her birthday party?—Yes. I received it yesterday.A. invitationB. inventionC. InstructionD. introduction2. She closed the door __________because she didn’t want lo wake up her grandma.A. angrilyB. loudlyC. clearlyD. quietly3. —Jack, do you want to watch a talent show or a sports show tonight?—______________.I plan to watch a game show.A. EitherB. NoneC. BothD. Neither4. —China is over 5, 000 years old. It’s one of ___________ countries in the world.—Yes. It has a much __________ history than the US.A. old; longB. the oldest; longerC. older; longerD. older: the longest5. —How old is your daughter. Mr Brown?—____________. We had a special party for her ___________birthday last Friday.A. Twelve; twelfthB. Twelfth: twelveC. Twelve: twelveD. Twelfth; twelfth6. My parents often go to the movies ____________Saturday evenings.A. inB. atC. onD. by7. You mustn't drive a car ____________you get a drive’s license.A. unlessB. whileC. sinceD. after8. —Linda. I called you at nine last night, but you didn't pick up.—Sorry, I __________ a shower at that time.A. tookB. was takingC. is takingD. have taken9. If it _________ tomorrow, we _____________ the sports meeting.A. will rain: put awayB. will rain: put offC. rains; will put awayD. rains; will put off10. A new high-speed railway station ___________in our city next year.A. will be completedB. completesC. is completedD. will complete11. ___________ fine weather it is! Let's go to the park.A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a12. —What kind of movies do you prefer?一I prefer movies ___________ me something to think about.A. that givesB. which givesC. who giveD. which give13. — Could you hang out with me. Kate?—Sorry, I _______________. I have to do my homework.A. couldn'tB. needn'tC. can'tD. shouldn't14. —What did the headmaster ask you after the meeting?—He asked me _____________.A. what I do for the project last weekB. if can I finish the work on timeC. how did I deal with the problemD. why I was late for the meeting15. 一I think students can have mobile phones to help with their studies.—_______________. They often use them to play games.A. I think soB. I don't agreeC. No problemD. That's a good idea II. 完形填空(本题共10分, 每小题1分)阅读下面短文, 然后从各题所给的四个选项中. 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

I. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从下面各题的四个选项中选择一
1. Chinese scientists have made great ___________ in medical research.()
2. Developing good reading habits can ___________ our reading speed.()
3. She walked into the room ___________ in order not to wake up her baby.()
4. I knocked at the door but ___________ answered. Maybe they went to the concert.()
5. I walked here today,so this bike ___________ be mine.()
6. ﹣﹣﹣Dad, ___________ will my mom come back? I miss her very much.
﹣﹣﹣In a month.()
A.how soon
B.how often
C.how long
D.how far
7. ﹣﹣﹣Lucy, where's your sister?﹣﹣﹣Look! She ___________ in the yard with our dog.()
B.has played
D.is playing
8. We're practicing spoken English. Would you like to join
9. ﹣﹣﹣Why didn't Alice come to the party last night?
﹣﹣﹣Because she ___________ online classes at that time.()
C.was taking
D.has taken
10. ﹣﹣﹣Look! The children are playing in the swimming pool.﹣﹣﹣___________ great fun they are having!()
C.What a
D.How a
11. The restaurant is very popular because the waiters there are ___________ Customers.()
A.thirsty for
B.strict with
C.hard on
D.friendly to
12. ﹣﹣﹣Can I keep the book a little ___________? I haven't finished reading it yet.
﹣﹣﹣Sorry. You have to return it on time.()
13. Don't ___________ what should be done today till tomorrow.()
A.put off
B.cut off
C.take off
D.turn off
14. ﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me ___________to the art museum?
﹣﹣﹣Sure. Bus No.26.()
A.why you will go
B.how I can get
C.which is the way
D.which bus I can take
15. ﹣﹣﹣I'm a little nervous before the coming exam.
﹣﹣﹣___________. I'm sure you can make it.()
A.Sounds great
B.Have fun
C.Don't worry
D.You're welcome
II. 补全对话(共5分,每空1分)从方框内所给的选项中选择恰当的句子完成此对话.(有两个多余选项)
16. A: Hi, Tom. Good news for you!
A: It's about a club. Our school set up a new basketball club to train students.
B: Great! I love basketball and want to be a basketball player.(2)_______.
A: Next Monday. You can get lots of training there.
B: That's wonderful! I really need it.(3)_______.Can you tell me?
A: Well, my dream is to be a doctor.
A: Because many stories about doctors have moved me a lot recently.
B: How are you going to be a doctor?
B: I hope both of us can achieve our dreams.
17. When I was a little child, I learned many kinds of (1)_______. I learned how to do chores around the house, some first aids(急救)and outdoor survival(生存)skills. There's one skill that's really (2)_______ in everyday life basic home repair (家庭基础维修).
Being able to take care of repairs around the house is very satisfying. It might be difficult (3)_______, but when you know more about your tools, it becomes easier.。
