4.在机铭板上标示出以下内容 ・制造者名 ・制造年月 ・形式以及model编号 ・定格电源电压(电压、位相、周波数、最大负荷电流、etc) 在电源上不可以用「AC200V」表示,而要用「~200V」表示 ・气压(定格压力) ・原产地表示(MADE IN JAPAN等) 注)FA标准机铭板: 4—710—156—01(大—11) 带孔、by三立产业 EN60204 UL1740
8.盖子、马达框架、trans core、电装品筐体、以及接续管等的金属部, 如果和地线或金属接触,会导致和物品本身的导通。
1.电源切断装置要使用得到认可的漏电断路器、自动断路器、线路保护器 EN60204、UL1740 2.主断路器的定格要遵循以下事项。 EN60204、UL1740 a)电流容量:最大负荷电流的115%以上,或者使用的导线的要求容许电流以下 (14配线以及电路——参照17) b)切断容量:在机器上使用的马达中,最大马达的 rotor rock电流+其他装置的 最大负荷电流以上 3.电力引入线(一次电源)要直接和断路器连接 EN60204、UL1740 4.电源切断装置遵循一下事项。 EN60204、UL1740 (a)安装把手,方便从外部操作 (b)把手的中心高度在0.6~1.9以内 (c)要有OFF锁定机能.(可以上锁的构造) (d)门关上时要有ON/OFF的明确指示 (e)ON/OFF可以用「O」也可以用「I」来表示 (f)接地导线以外所有的相要同时切断 (g)主断路器上如果没有OFF锁定机能,要在负荷侧设定带钥匙的主开关。
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① 外 观 以 及 构 造 的 规 定
AS3604Multi-Standard Power Management Unitaustria micro systemsData Sheet1 General DescriptionThe AS3604 is a highly-integrated CMOS power manage-ment device designed specifically for portable devices such as mobile phones, PDAs, CD players, digital cam-eras and other devices powered by 1-cell lithium-based or 3- to 4-cell nickel-based batteries. It can be used for any mobile phone handset standards such as CDMA,WCDMA, GSM, GPRS, EDGE, UTMS and other Japa-nese or American standards.The device incorporates low dropout regulators (LDOs), DC/DC converters, a complete battery charger, and an audio power amplifier onto one die.The linear analog LDOs feature extremely high perfor-mance regarding:Noise – typ 30µV RMS from 100Hz to 100kHzLine/Load Regulation – < 1mV static, < 10mV transientPower Supply Rejection – > 70dB @ 1kHzThe integrated Step Down DC/DC Converter does not require an external Schottky diode yet provides very high efficiency (up to 95%) throughout the whole operating range. It can be either used as a stand-alone device or as a pre-regulator for LDOs to increase overall device effi-ciency.A Step Up DC/DC Converter is included to supply power for white LEDs, together with programmable current sources to control LED brightness.A low-distortion audio power amplifier (1 Watt @ 8Ω) sup-ports handsfree operation and HiFi ring-tones.The device also features a chemistry-independent battery charger including automatic trickle charging, gas gauge, and programmable constant voltage and current charging.The AS3604 is controlled via a serial interface and inte-grates all necessary system specific functions such as Reset, Watchdog, and Power-On Detection.Output voltages and start-up timings can be programmed on metal-mask level, by register or by an external resistor.2 Key FeaturesTen Programmable High Performance LDOs-Two Digital Low-Power LDOs (0.75 to 2.5V, 200mA; 250mA up to 1.4V)-Three RF Low-Noise LDOs (1.85 to 3.4V, 200mA) -Two RF Low-Noise LDOs (1.85 to 3.4V, 150mA; 200mA up to 2.6V)-One SIM Low-Power LDO (1.8 to 3.0V, 20mA)-One Periphery Low-Noise LDO (2.5 to 3.2V, 200mA)-One Low-Power LDO (2.5V, 10mA)Programmable High Efficiency DC/DC Converters -Step Down: 0.8 to 3.4V, up to 500mA with 2.2MHz Operating Frequency and Small External Coil (2.2µH)-Step Up: 15V, 45mA, (for White LEDs)Stereo Audio Power Amplifier-0.5W @ 4Ω – Stereo; 1W @ 8Ω – Bridged -Digital Volume Control, 3dB Steps-Click- and Pop-Less Start-Up and Power-DownComplete Chemistry-Independent Battery Charger -Integrated Gas Gauge-Automatic Trickle Charging-Programmable Constant Current Charging -Programmable Constant Voltage Charging -Pulse Charging-Safety Functions (Low Battery Shutdown)-Over- and Under-Temperature Charge Disable -Operation without Battery-Can Regulate the Current Through the Battery or from the Charger-Charger Input Overvoltage Protection (6V) -Shutdown even with Connected Charger -Charger Resume Operation-Charger Interrupts (Inserted, Removed, Overvolt-age, Resume)-No-Battery DetectionMomentary Power Loss Detection-Battery Supply Short-Interruption Detection (<200ms); (e.g., due to a dropped phone)Four Programmable Current Sources -8-Bit (0.625 to 160mA) -Buzzer -Vibrator -LEDsWide Battery Supply Range 3.0 to 5.5VFour General Purpose Switches (1Ω and 2Ω) Three Programmable General Purpose I/O Pins On-Chip Bandgap Tuning for High Accuracy (±1%) Integrated Programmable Watchdog (7.5 to 1900ms) Programmable Reset (10 to 110ms)Shutdown Current typ 7µA (2.5V Always On) Overcurrent and Thermal Protection 0.35µ CMOS Solution2.1 Watt Power Dissipation @ SCSB = 70ºC48-pin, 6x6mm QFN Package (0.4mm pitch)3 ApplicationsMulti-standard power management for mobile phones, PDAs, and any other 1-cell Li+ or 3- to 4-cell NiMh pow-ered devices.4 Block DiagramsFigure 1. AS3604 Block Diagram. Option: Audio Amplifier In Differential Mode, Step Down DC/DC Converter asPre-Regulator for Digital LDOsNote:Refer to Table 38 on page 74 for specifications of external components.2.2µHV 2_5AS3604Power ManagementUnitCharge Pump 4.74-5.25V 30mAAnalog LDO Low Noise 2.5-3.2V 200mAAnalog LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mA RF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mAStep Up DC/DC Converter ≤15V 45mACurrent Source 4x(0.6-160mA)L122µHV BATCAPP CAPN 32C2330nFV 5_6Charge PumpC31µFC41µFC61µFC81µFC91µF C131µFBaseband Analog3.0-5.5V Baseband CoreRFTransmitterRFReceiver3.0-5.5VV BATVCO TXCOSynthesizer etc.Internal LDO 2.5V, 10mAC51µF C722µFC101µFC121µF V 2_5ON SwitchInterrupt, LCD Control, etc.Digital LDO 0.75-2.5V 250mA SIM LDO 3.0V, 20mAC111µFDigital LDO 0.75-2.5V 250mAStep Down DC/DCConverter 1.0-3.0V, 500mAC141µFC151µFFlash Memory BasebandCore (Alternate)LX 48C161µFC1810µFBaseband PeripheralsC19100nFSIM CardPORV ANA_1Digital Logic and ReferencesBoot ROMR7R PROGRAMR6220k ΩC29100nF242623RPROGRAMCREF RBIAS 10RESETR5100k ΩRESETV ANA_1I/FSerial InterfaceV 2_5 or V BAT NiMh, LiIonBattery Charger andGas GaugeR34.7k ΩR24.7k ΩC27R450m ΩC281µFLi-Ion NiMhV BATAll caps on V BAT≥10µF totalPadGND_PADC261µF R12k ΩDC Char-ger Adapter ≤15V≥8ΩLS11W Audio AmplifierC23100nF C24100nF AudioInC25100nFV BATC221µFC11µFSTEPUP36D1MBR0520White LEDs VibratorBuzzer CURR135343332CURR2CURR3CURR4VSIM46FeedbackQ1Si3441V BAT 3.0-5.5VL2VBAT_247VBUCK 40VDIG_239VDIG_141V2_522VRF_419VBAT_518VRF_317VRF_27VBAT_48VRF_19VANA_26VBAT_15VANA_14V5_61VBAT_330AOUT_L 28AIN_L 38AGND 31AIN_R 37AOUT_R29VCHARGER20VGATE21ISENSP15ISENSN 16GND_SENSE27ON 25SDI12SCLK 13SDO 11SCSB14GPIOV ANA_1 V 5_6GPIO343GPIO244GPIO145VBAT_642V BAT 3.0-5.5VFigure 2. AS3604 Block Diagram. Option: Audio Amplifier in Stereo Single-Ended Mode, Digital LDOs Separatedfrom Step Down DC/DC ConverterNote:Refer to Table 38 on page 74 for specifications of external components.NiMh, LiIonBattery Charger andFuel GaugeAS3604Power ManagementUnitCharge Pump 4.74-5.25V 30mAAnalog LDO Low Noise 2.5-3.2V 200mAAnalog LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mA RF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mARF LDO Low Noise 1.85-3.4V 200mAStep Up DC/DC Converter ≤15V 45mACurrent Source 4x(0.6-160mA)L122µHV BATCAPP CAPN 32C2330nFV 5_6Charge PumpC31µFBaseband Analog3.0-5.5V Baseband CoreRFTransmitterRFReceiverGPIO3.0-5.5VV BATVCO TXCOSynthesizer etc.Internal LDO2.5V 10mAV 2_5ON SwitchInterrupt, LCD Control, etc.V ANA_1 V 5_6Digital LDO 0.75-2.5V 250mA SIM LDO 3.0V, 20mADigital LDO 0.75-2.5V 250mAStep Down DC/DCConverter 1.0-3.0V, 500mAFlash Memory 3.0-5.5VSIM CardPORV ANA_1Digital Logic and ReferencesBoot ROM10RESETR5100k ΩRESETV ANA_1I/FSerial InterfaceV 2_5 or V BATR34.7k ΩR24.7k ΩC27R450m ΩC281µFLi-Ion NiMhV BATAll caps on V BAT≥10µF totalC261µF R12k ΩDC Char-ger Adapter ≤15V≥4ΩLS21W Audio AmplifierC20≥100µF C21≥100µFIN _LV BATC221µFC11µFSTEPUP36D1MBR0520White LEDs Vibrator Buzzer CURR135343332CURR2CURR3CURR4V 2_51.0-5.5V FeedbackQ1Si3441≥4ΩLS3IN _RC23100nFC25100nF Baseband Core(Alternative)C24100nFR7R PROGRAMR6220k ΩC29100nF242623RPROGRAM CREF RBIASPadGND_PADC41µFC51µF C101µFC91µF C111µFC121µF C131µFC19100nFC301µFC722µFC141µFVBAT_330AOUT_L28AIN_L 38AGND 31AIN_R37AOUT_R29VCHARGER20VGATE21ISENSP15ISENSN 16GND_SENSE27ON 25SDI12SCLK 13SDO 11SCSB14LX 48VSIM46VBAT_247VBUCK 40VDIG_239VDIG_141GPIO343GPIO244GPIO145V2_522VRF_419VBAT_518VRF_317VRF_27VBAT_48VRF_19VANA_26VBAT_15VANA_14V5_61C61µFC81µFC151µFVBAT_642V BAT 3.0-5.5V2.2µHC161µFC1810µF Baseband PeripheralsL2Content1 General Description (1)2 Key Features (1)3 Applications (1)4 Block Diagrams (2)5 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Non-Operating) (6)5.1 Operating Conditions (6)6 Detailed Functional Descriptions (7)6.1 Battery Charger Controller (7)6.2 Step Down DC/DC Converter (24)6.3 Low Dropout Regulators (30)6.4 Charge Pump (41)6.5 Step Up DC/DC Converter (42)6.6 General Purpose Input/Output (44)6.7 Current Sinks (50)6.8 Audio Amplifier (53)7 System Supervisory Functions (56)7.1 Reset (56)7.2 Startup (58)7.3 Protection Functions (59)7.4 Watchdog Block (60)7.5 Internal Reference Circuits (61)7.6 Low Power Mode (63)7.7 Boot Sequence Detection (63)7.8 Serial Interface (64)8 Register Map (68)9 Pinout and Packaging (70)9.1 Pin Descriptions (70)9.2 Package Drawings and Markings (72)10 External Parts List (74)11 Ordering Information (75)Revision HistoryRevision Date Owner Description1.023 June 2006ptr - Initial release.1.1 3 March 2007ptr- Updated ambient temperature range.1.11 4 Dec 2008pkm- Updated internal LDO supply description1.28 Apr 2009pkm- Updated ordering info for AS3604B chip version1.2115 Mai 2009pkm - Updated abs. max ratings and stand-by current, deleted errata1.2221 Aug 2009pkm- Updated operating current, SNR and VCHOV5 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Non-Operating)Stresses beyond the absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the AS3604. These are stress rat-ings only. Functional operation of the device at these or beyond those in Operating Conditions is not implied. Caution:Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions may affect device reliability.5.1 Operating ConditionsTable 1. Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Parameter Min Max Unit NotesV IN_HVHigh Voltage Pins-0.318.0VApplicable for high voltage pins: VCHARGER, VGATE, and STEPUP V IN_MV 5V Pins -0.37.0VApplicable for pins 5V pins:VBAT_1 - VBAT_6, V5_6, VBUCK, GPIO1 - GPIO3, CURR1 - CURR4, AIN_L, AIN_R, AOUT_L, AOUT_R, VRF_1 - VRF_4 (when not in LDO-mode), ON, and LXV IN_LV 3.3V Pins -0.3 5.0VApplicable for 3.3V pins:RESET, SCSB, SCLK, SDI, SDO, VANA_1, VANA_2, VSIM, VDIG_1, VDIG_2, CAPN, AGND, ISENSP, ISENSN, V2_5, CREF, RBIAS, and RPROGRAM I IN Input Pin Current -25+25mA At 25ºC Norm: JEDEC 17T strg Storage Temperature Range-55125ºC Humidity585%Non-condensingV ESD Electrostatic Discharge -10001000V Norm: MIL 883 E Method 3015; ±1000V.P T Total Power Dissipation 2.1W T AMB = 70ºCT maxPeak Reflow SolderingTemperature260ºCT = 20 to 40s, according to the IPC/JEDEC J-STD 020C.Table 2. Operating Conditions Symbol Parameter Min TypMax Unit NotesV HV High Voltage 0.015.0V Pins VCHARGER, VGATE and STEPUP V BAT Battery Voltage 3.0 3.6 5.5V For pins VBAT_1 - VBAT_6. Duringstartup from ext. battery charger adapter, the battery voltage can be below 3.0V.V ANA_1Periphery Supply Voltage (for RESET and SPI pins) 2.5Boot ROM 3.2V Internally generated from V ANA_1.V ON Activation voltage for ON pin1.75V 2_5V BAT V V 2_5Voltage on Pin V2_52.4 2.5 2.6V Internally generated.V 5_6Output Voltage of Charge Pump5.0 5.2 5.6V 2 x V ANA_1T AMB Ambient Temperature -402585ºC I BATOperating Current 195260µANormal operating current. With bitlow_power_on (page 62) = 0; only V ANA_1 active, no additional external loads.I LOWPOWER Low-Power Mode CurrentConsumption 110µAWith bit low_power_on (page 62) = 1; only V ANA_1 active, no additional external loads.I POWEROFF Power-Off Mode CurrentConsumption1320µAWith bit power_off (page 57) = 1; only V2_5 is active in power off mode.not tested, guaranteed by design6 Detailed Functional Descriptions6.1 Battery Charger ControllerThe AS3604 can serve as a standalone Battery Charger Controller supporting rechargeable lithium-ion (Li+), lithium-polymer (LiPo) and 3- or 4-cell nickel metal-hydride (NiMh) batteries.The main features of the Battery Charger Controller are:Constant Voltage Charge Mode – Described on page 9 Pulse Charge Mode – Described on page 11Battery Presence Detection – Described on page 14 Operation Without Battery – Described on page 14 Charge Controller Bypass – Described on page 14Overvoltage and Undervoltage Supervision – Described on page 15Figure 3. Battery Charger Controller Block DiagramTable 3. Battery Charger Controller ComponentsSymbol Parameter ValueNotesM CHG P-Channel MOSFET Si3441BDV, Si8401DB or similar The maximum power dissipation of thistransistor is not limited by the AS3604.R PUP Pull-Up Resistor 2K Ω ± 5%R SENSE Current Sense Resistor50m Ω ± 1%, 125mW for I VBAT,DC < 1.5Ae.g. Vishay Dale WSL0805R FILT1,2Filter Resistor 47K Ω ± 1%Can be omitted if Gas Gauge functionalityis not used (R FILT1,2 = 0Ω)C FILT Filter Capacitor 100nF ± 20%, X5R or X7R Dielectric C CHRG Bypass Capacitor on pin VCHARGER 1µF ± 20%, X5R or X7R DielectricC BATMinimum Total CapacitanceParallel to Battery10µF C BATVCHARGERR SENSE AS3604Battery Charger ControllerVGATEVBAT_5ISENSPISENSNVSSR PUPM CHGR FILT1BATTGND_PCBV BATChargerC CHRGC FILTR FILT26.1.1 Low-Current Trickle Charge ModeLow-Current Trickle Charge mode is initiated when an external battery charger has been detected, bit chDet (page 19)= 1, and the battery voltage is below the VUVLO threshold; bits ChAct (page 19) and Trickle (page 19) will be set. In Trickle Charge mode the charge current will be limited to the value specified by Trickle Current (page 21) to prevent undue stress on either the battery or the Battery Charger in case of deeply discharged batteries.Once VUVLO has been exceeded, the Battery Charger will terminate Trickle Charge mode (charger must not be dis-abled between trickle and constant current (fast) charging), reset bits ChAct and Trickle , and switch on the device.The trickle charge is terminated in any case after approximately 60 minutes (as it is assumed that the battery is dam-aged in this case)6.1.2 Constant Current Charge ModeConstant Current mode is initiated by setting bit ChEn (page 20) and resetting bit Fast (page 20). Bit ChAct (page 19) is set automatically when the Battery Charger starts. Charge current will be limited to the value specified by bit Constant Current (page 21) by the Battery Charger Controller.6.1.3 Charging Nickel-based BatteriesFor nickel-based batteries (NiMh), BatType (page 20) must be 1 (see Figure 4 on page 9). The endpoint detection (ΔV/Δt) must be performed by the host controller. It must turn off the charger duly to avoid overcharging. In any case, when the battery voltage exceeds the charge termination threshold (typ. 5.5V), the charger will be turned off and bit EOC (page 20) will be set.6.1.4 Charging Lithium-based BatteriesFor lithium-based batteries (Lithium-Ion, Lithium-Polymer), BatType (page 20) must be 0. Additionally, bit Li4v2(page 20) can select between coke- and graphite-anode, setting different charge termination thresholds (typ. 4.1 or 4.2V). The charger is designed to charge 1-cell lithium-based batteries independently, using Trickle Charge, Constant Current, Constant Voltage, or Pulse Charge modes.When the battery voltage exceeds the charge termination threshold during Constant Current mode, it automatically continues charging with either Constant Voltage mode, bit Pulse (page 20), or Pulse Charge mode, Pulse , and termi-nates when the end-of-charge conditions are met (see Figure 5 on page 11 and Figure 6 on page 13).Table 4. Battery Charger Controller Parameters Symbol ParameterMin Typ Max Unit NotesV CHDET Charger Detection Threshold. VCHARGER - VBAT_5: Charger On 5075105mV Hysteresis = (V CHDET - V CHMIN )< 40mVV CHMIN Charger Detection Threshold. VCHARGER - VBAT_5: Charger Off52035mV V CHREG Bootstrap Regulator Voltage 2.4 2.52.6V VCHARGER > 5VV CHOVH VCHARGER Overvoltage Detection6.26.456,71VMonitor voltage on VCHARGER and disable charging if this voltage is exceeded.V CHOV 5,81 6.056,29V UVLO Undervoltage Lockout Threshold 3.1V V BAT rising 2.8V BAT falling V OVLOOvervoltage Lockout Threshold5.5VV BAT rising 5.4V BAT fallingV CHOFF Charge Termination Threshold4.14 4.20 4.26VLi+ Battery: BatType (page 20) = 0, Li4v2(page 20) = 14.05 4.1 4.15Li+ Battery: BatType = 0, Li4v2 = 0.From -5 to +50ºC 5.445.55.6NiMh Battery: BatType = 1V NOBATDET No-Battery Detection Threshold andCharger Resume Detection Threshold3.644VDisOWB (page 21) = 0Figure 4. Startup and Constant Current Charging of Nickel-based Batteries6.1.5 Fast Charge ModeAs an alternative to Constant Current mode, Fast Charge mode may be selected. The charge current will not be con-trolled in this mode and is only limited by the external battery charger adapter.Fast Charge mode is initiated by setting bits ChEn (page 20) and Fast (page 20). Bit ChAct (page 19) is set when the Bat-tery Charger has started.End of ChargeIn Fast Charge mode, the same charge termination thresholds apply as for Constant Current mode. Additionally,depending on bit Fast (page 20), the current during pulse charging is either the selected constant current or maximum. Charging will resume if the battery voltage drops below V NOBATDET .6.1.6 Constant Voltage Charge ModeConstant Voltage mode is initiated and bit CVM (page 19) will be set when threshold V CHOFF (page 8) has been exceeded for the first time (no debounce filter) and bit Pulse (page 20) is not set.External Charger at Pin V CHARGERPrinciple Only. Not To Scale.V BATI CHARGETrickle CurrentConstant Current or Fast CurrentV UVLO 3.1VV CHDET0VPower up LDOs = Boot ROMLDO Voltages Serial Communication PossibleResetRegister Settings (Write)ChEn µC: ActivateCharger μC: Turn Off ChargerPulseChDet Register Settings (Read)Trickle ChAct CVM EOCTrickle Charge ModePower Up; No ChargeConstant Current ModeBit EOC is only set when V CHOFF is exceededt = 06-11mst10-110msΔV/ΔI Detection by External ADCV CHOFF = 5.5V (BatType = 1)CC Charging Terminates Immediately when V CHOFF is exceeded BatType µC: Select Battery TypeThe charge controller will regulate the battery voltage to a value set by bit Li4v2(page 20). To enable operation of the device without a battery connected to the system it is necessary that the charger is not disabled between the moment when the V CHOFF threshold is exceeded for the first time and the beginning of constant voltage charge mode.During Constant Voltage mode, the charge current will decrease and eventually drop below the value set by Trickle Current(page 21). If the measured charge current is less than or equal to Trickle Current, charging is terminated and bit EOC is set. Charging will resume if the battery voltage drops below V NOBATDET.If the battery has been removed during constant voltage charging the EOC condition and the no battery condition will probably conflict. To be able to properly detect the EOC state the EOC condition has to be dominant over the no battery condition.If the battery voltage (VBAT_5) drops below V NOBATDETECT (page 8) (signal resume starts pulsing), e.g. if the bat-tery is removed after charging is finished, EOC(page 20) will be cleared (after debounce time) and the battery char-ger controller will resume in constant voltage mode to enable operation of the device without battery. This only works if bit CVM(page 19) remains set when bit EOC is set, otherwise the comparators that are required for operation without battery are gated.Three scenarios are possible at this point:1. If a battery is connected the charge current will now be high and charging will return to constant current charg-ing.2. No battery is connected and no current will flow through the sense resistor. Now the no battery condition isdetected properly.3. The battery was connected and is disconnected. No current will flow through the sense resistor and the no bat-tery condition is detected properly.In summary: When charging is resumed after an EOC state either a (dis)charge current will be measured and the charge controller will return to constant current mode or no current will be measured and a “no battery”condition is indicated. To be able to handle supply voltage spikes caused by e.g. battery bouncing when the system is heavily shaken the V NOBATDETECT detection has to be debounced for 1 current measurement cycle before EOC is cleared. After the debounce time is over additional pulses must occur during the next current measurement cycle to clear EOC.The no battery status is indicated with bit NoBat(page 20).If the battery is replaced after charging is finished and the charge current exceeds the value set by ConstantCurrent(page 21), the charge controller will clear bit CVM and return to Constant Current or Fast Charge mode, depend-ing on bit Fast(page 20).Notes:1. Bit CVM will be ambiguous if bit Fast is set.2. EOC will only be entered if bit AutoChgTerm(page 21) is set (default = 0).分销商库存信息:AMSAS3604-ZQFT AS3604-ZQFU。
0.5 1.0 2.0
5.0 10
t, TIME (ms)
Figure 6. Thermal Response
50 100 200
1 4
1 3
AY WWG BYW29-200
A Y WW BYW80−200 G KA
= Assembly Location = Year = Work Week = Device Code = Pb−Free Package = Diode Polarity
*For additional information on our Pb−Free strategy and soldering details, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.
NEN-EN12184:2009欧洲标准2009年9月ICS 11.180 10 取代EN12184:2006 电动轮椅、小型摩托车及其充电器-要求和试验方法本欧洲标准由欧洲标准化委员会于2009年8月27日批准。
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参考号:EN 12184:2009:E目录页数前言---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5介绍---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------61.范围----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------72.引用标准----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------73.术语及定义-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------94.试验装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------95.种类级别--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------106.总体要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------107.设计要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.1脚支架,下肢支架和臂支架-----------------------------------------------------------------117.2充气轮胎---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.3安装前骨盆支架-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------117.4在机动车中用作座椅的轮椅-------------------------------------------------------------------117.5刹车系统---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.6飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.7组件质量---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.8电池外壳和电池盒--------------------------------------------------------------------------------127.9由乘员或者助手实行的操作-------------------------------------------------------------------137.10乘员操作的控制器-------------------------------------------------------------------------------137.11辅助控制组件,推手和手柄-------------------------------------------------------------------147.12充电连接器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.性能要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.1总则-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.2脚支架,下肢支撑组件和臂支架---------------------------------------------------------------148.21要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.22测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------158.3静态,冲击和疲劳强度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.3.2测试-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------15 8.4刹车系统-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.1总体要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------16 8.4.2测试------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17 8.5操作力------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.1要求--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 8.5.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6辅助控制组件,推手和手柄---------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.1要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------19 8.6.2测试----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7充电连接器---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.7.1要求-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208.8驱动特性性能------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.1总体-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8..8.2攀爬最高安全斜坡的能力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------20 8.8.3地面不平坦性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.4最大下坡速度----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------21 8.8.5动态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.6越障-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------22 8.8.7静态稳定性-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.8最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.8.9距离范围-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.9表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------23 8.10耐燃性----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.1软垫复合部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.2发泡材料----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.10.3其他部件----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.11气候试验---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12倾斜系统座椅调整--------------------------------------------------------------------------------24 8.12.1要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------248.12.2测试方法------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------249.电气要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.1总体要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.2控制器开关要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.3电源指示灯要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.4电路保护要求---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.5电池充电器要求------------------------------------------------------------------------------------25 9.6充电指示器------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10制造商提供的信息要求----------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.1总则--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.2售前信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------26 10.3用户信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27 10.4服务信息--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2810.5标签--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2811.测试报告-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2812 表格-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 13图表------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------32 附录A(信息性的)质量超过100KG的测试假人的建议------------------------------------------36 A.1总则-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.2结构-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.3加速器安装--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------36 A.4设计目的-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------37 附录B(信息性的)电动轮椅尺寸和操作空间的建议-----------------------------------------------45 B.1具体尺寸-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.1.1准备使用时的尺寸--------------------------------------------------------------------------------45B.1.3离地间隙--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2操作空间--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.2.1转向直径-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B2.2换向宽度------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 B.3速度设置-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------45 附录C(信息性的)推荐设计特点----------------------------------------------------------------------47C.1引言-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2总体建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.1防倾斜装置--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.2组件质量-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.3配件和工具--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.4轮胎-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.5轮胎充气方法-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------47 C.2.6表面温度--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -47 C.2.7乘员坐入或者离开轮椅------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----48 C.2.8耐尿失禁污染-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.9最大安全斜坡指示-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.10镜子---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.11头部支撑----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------48 C.2.12意外释放刹车制动器和飞轮装置---------------------------------------------------------------48 C.3性能特征建议-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.1电气故障的指示--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.2电池和电池盒-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.3照明-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.4控制机能反馈-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.5飞轮报警-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 C.3.6最大速度-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------49 附录D(信息性的)推荐的座椅设计---------------------------------------------------------------------50 附录E(信息性的)操作力-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1建议--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.1推手力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.1.2轮圈力--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51 E.2轮圈电助力轮椅的操作测试-------------------------------------------------------------------------51 附录F(信息性的)相对于原先版本EN12184的技术改变--------------------------------------52 F.1第一版本(1999)与第二版本(2006)的技术改变------------------------------------------52 F.2相对于第二版本(2006)的技术改变-------------------------------------------------------------53 附录ZA(信息性的)此欧洲标准与1993年6月14日颁布的关于医疗设备的理事会指令93/42/EEC中的基本要求的之间的关系。
Bezeichnung :description :Marking = part numberEigenschaften / properties Lerrlaufinduktivität/initial inductance Nenn-Induktivität /33%Umgebungstemperatur / temperature:+20°CWE-Perm ME 08-01-01RSt06-01-19ME 05-12-06ME 05-04-16ME 05-03-30ME05-03-16ME 05-01-15NameDatum / dateIt is recommended that the temperature of the part does not exceed 155°C under worst case operating conditions.http://www.we-online.deDatum / date..................................................................................Unterschrift / signatureWürth Elektronik..................................................................................Arbeitstemperatur / operating temperature: -40°C - +155°C Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerDraht / wire:Metra HIT 27I für/for R DCE Testbedingungen / test conditions :AIEIW-200Basismaterial / base material:Umgebungstemp. / ambient temperature: -40°C - +105°C F Werkstoffe & Zulassungen / material & approvals :G Eigenschaften / general specifications :Kontrolliert / approvedWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400Geprüft / checked .................................................................................................SPEICHERDROSSEL WE-HCI POWER-CHOKE WE-HCIArtikelnummer / part number :7443552150Elektrische Eigenschaften / electrical properties :D Prüfgeräte / test equipment :HP 34401 A & Fluke 54II für/for I DC; Luftfeuchtigkeit / humidity:WAYNE KERR 3260B für/for L 0; I SAT Änderung / modificationVersion 1Version 2Version 3Version 4Version 5Version 6Version 7Bezeichnung :description :H Induktivitätskurve / Inductance curve :ME 08-01-01RSt06-01-19ME 05-12-06ME 05-04-16ME 05-03-30ME05-03-16ME 05-01-15NameDatum / dateD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400http://www.we-online.deGeprüft / checked Kontrolliert / approvedÄnderung / modificationWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGVersion 2..............................................................................................................................................Version 1Datum / dateUnterschrift / signature Version 4Würth ElektronikVersion 3Version 6....................................................................................................................................................................Version 5Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerVersion 7SPEICHERDROSSEL WE-HCI POWER-CHOKE WE-HCIDATUM / DATE : 2008-01-01Bezeichnung :description :I Temperaturanstieg / Temperature rise curve :ME 08-01-01RSt06-01-19ME 05-12-06ME 05-04-16ME 05-03-30ME05-03-16ME 05-01-15NameDatum / datehttp://www.we-online.deD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGWürth ElektronikVersion 3Version 2..........................................................................................................................................Geprüft / checked Kontrolliert / approvedÄnderung / modificationVersion 6...............................................................................................................................................................Datum / dateUnterschrift / signatureVersion 4Version 5Version 1Version 7Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerBezeichnung :description :ME 05-12-06ME 05-04-16ME 05-03-30ME05-03-16ME 05-01-15NameDatum / dateD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400Geprüft / checked Kontrolliert / approvedÄnderung / modificationWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGVersion 2................................................................................................................................................Version 1Datum / dateUnterschrift / signature Version 4Würth ElektronikVersion 3....................................................................................................................................................................Version 5Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerSPEICHERDROSSEL WE-HCI POWER-CHOKE WE-HCIThe Force for tearing off cover tape is 20 to 70 grams in arrow direction150°feeding directionThis electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment. Before incorporating this component into any equipment where higher safety and reliability is especially required or if there is the possibility of direct damage or injury to human body, for example in the range of aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc, Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH must be informed before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic component which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance.分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 7443552150。
The VRF150 is a gold-metallized silicon n-channel RF power transistor de-signed for broadband commercial and military applications requiring high power and gain without compromising reliability, ruggedness, or inter-modulationdistortion.FEATURES• Improved Ruggedness V (BR)DSS = 170V• 150W with 11dB Typical Gain @ 150MHz, 50V• 150W with 18dB Typical Gain @ 30MHz, 50V • Excellent Stability & Low IMD • Common Source Con fi guration • Available in Matched Pairs• 30:1 Load VSWR Capability at Speci fi ed Operating Conditions • Nitride Passivated• Refractory Gold Metallization• High Voltage Replacement for MRF150• RoHS CompliantSymbol ParameterVRF150(MP)Unit V DSS Drain-Source Voltage170V I D Continuous Drain Current @ T C = 25°C 16A V GS Gate-Source Voltage±40V P D Total Device dissipation @ T C = 25°C 300W T STG Storage Temperature Range -65 to 150°CT JOperating Junction Temperature200Maximum Ratings All Ratings: T C =25°C unless otherwise speci fi edStatic Electrical CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterMin Typ MaxUnit V (BR)DSS Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage (V GS = 0V, I D = 100mA)170180V V DS(ON)On State Drain Voltage (I D(ON) = 10A, V GS = 10V) 2.03.0I DSS Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current (V DS = 100V, V GS = 0V) 1.0mA I GSS Gate-Source Leakage Current (V DS = ±20V, V DS = 0V) 1.0μA g fs Forward Transconductance (V DS = 10V, I D = 5A)4.5mhos V GS(TH)Gate Threshold Voltage (V DS = 10V, I D = 100mA) Website - 050-4936 R e v F 9-201Thermal CharacteristicsSymbol CharacteristicMin TypMax Unit R θJCJunction to Case Thermal Resistance0.60°C/WCAUTION:These Devices are Sensitive to Electrostatic Discharge. Proper Handling Procedures Should Be Followed./VRF150(MP)Dynamic CharacteristicsSymbol Parameter Test ConditionsMinTyp MaxUnitC ISS Input Capacitance V GS = 0V 420pFC oss Output CapacitanceV DS = 50V 210C rssReverse Transfer Capacitancef = 1MHz35Class A CharacteristicsSymbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max UnitG PS V DD = 50V, I DQ = 3A, P out = 150W PEP , f1 = 30MHz, f2 = 30.001MHz20dBIMD (d3)-50IMD (d9-d13)-75Functional CharacteristicsSymbol ParameterMinTyp Max Unit G PS f 1 = 30MHz, f 2 = 30.001MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W PEP 18 dB G PS f = 150MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W11ηD f 1 = 30MHz, f 2 = 30.001MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W PEP 50%IMD (d3)f 1 = 30MHz, f 2 = 30.001MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W PEP 1-32dBcIMD (d11)f 1 = 30MHz, f 2 = 30.001MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W PEP -60ψf 1 = 30MHz, f 2 = 30.001MHz, V DD = 50V, I DQ = 250mA, P out = 150W PEP 30:1VSWR - All Phase AnglesNo Degradation in Output Power1. To MIL-STD-1311 Version A, test method 2204B, Two Tone, Reference Each ToneMicrosemi reserves the right to change, without notice, the speci fi cations and information contained herein.050-4936 R e v F 9-20101110201 10 100 250101520253035101520253035110100V DS(ON ), DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 1, Output CharacteristicsI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A )VDS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 3, Capacitance vs Drain-to-Source VoltageC , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 4, Forward Safe Operating AreaI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (V )V GS , GATE-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (V) FIGURE 2, Transfer CharacteristicsTypical Performance Curves/−50−45−40−35−30−25−20VRF150(MP)50-4936 R e v F 9-20100. 10-2 10 1.0Z θJ C , T H E R M A L I M P E D A N C E (°C /W )RECTANGULAR PULSE DURATION (seconds)Figure 5. Maximum Effective Transient Thermal Impedance Junction-to-Case vs Pulse Duration050100150200250300P out , OUTPUT POWER (WATTS PEP)Figure 6. IMD versus P OUTI M D , I N T E R M O D U L A T I O N D I S T O R T I O N (d B )O U T P U T P O W E R (W P E P )P out , INPUT POWER (WATTS PEP)Figure 7. P OUT versus P INTypical Performance Curves/050-4936 R e v F 9-2010RFC1RFC1, C2, C8 -- Arco 463 or equivalent C3 -- 25pF, Unelco C4 -- 0.1uF, CeramicC5 -- 1.0 uF, 15 WV Tantalum C6 -- 250pF, Unelco J101C7-- 25pF, Unelco J101C9 -- Arco 262 or equivalent C10 -- 0.05uF, CeramicC11 -- 15uF, 60WV Electrolytic+ 50VDBias 0-12VRF RF OutputC2, C5, C6 - C9 -- 0.1uF SMT C3 -- 200pF ATC 700C C4 -- 15pF, ATC 700CC10 -- 10uF, 100V ElectrolyticR1, R2 -- 51 7, 1 W Carbon R3 -- 3.3 7, 1 W Carbon T1 -- 9:1 Transformer T2 -- 1:9 Transformer30 MHz test Circuit150 MHz test Circuit/050-4936 R e v F 9-2010.5” SOE Package OutlineAll Dimensions are ± .005DIMINCHES MILLIMETERS MIN MAX MIN MAX A 0.0960.99024.3925.14B0.4650.51011.8212.95C 0.2290.275 5.82 6.98D 0.2160.235 5.49 5.96E0.0840.110 2.14 2.79H0.1440.178 3.66 4.52J 0.0030.0070.080.17K 0.43511.0M45° NOM 45° NOM Q 0.1150.130 2.93 3.30R 0.2460.255 6.25 6.47U0.7200.73018.2918.54Microsemi’s products are covered by one or more of U.S. patents 4,895,810 5,045,903 5,089,434 5,182,234 5,019,522 5,262,336 6,503,786 5,256,5834,748,103 5,283,202 5,231,474 5,434,095 5,528,058 6,939,743, 7,352,045 5,283,201 5,801,417 5,648,283 7,196,634 6,664,594 7,157,886 6,939,743 7,342,262 and foreign patents. US and Foreign patents pending. All Rights Reserved.Adding MP at the end of P/N speci fi es a matched pair where V GS(TH) is matched between the two parts. V TH values are marked on the devices per the following table.Code Vth Range Code 2Vth Range A 2.900 - 2.975M 3.650 - 3.725B 2.975 - 3.050N 3.725 - 3.800C 3.050 - 3.125P 3.800 - 3.875D 3.125 - 3.200R 3.875 - 3.950E 3.200 - 3.275S 3.950 - 4.025F 3.275 - 3.350T 4.025 - 4.100G 3.350 - 3.425W 4.100 - 4.175H 3.425 - 3.500X 4.175 - 4.250J 3.500 - 3.575Y 4.250 - 4.325K3.575 - 3.650Z4.325 - 4.400V TH values are based on Microsemi measurements at datasheet conditions with an accuracy of 1.0%./分销商库存信息: MICROSEMIVRF150。
166 W
0.8...1.2 Nm
VT0 rT RthJC RthCH trr IRM
Characteristic Values typ. max.
VR = VRRM VR = 0.8·VRRM VR = 0.8·VRRM
TVJ = 25°C TVJ = 25°C TVJ = 125°C
IXYS reserves the right to change limits, test conditions and dimensions
© 2007 IXYS All rights reserved
Dimensions TO-247 AD
t = 8.3 ms (60 Hz), sine
TC = 25°C mounting torque typical
Maximum Ratings
100 A 60 A
550 A 600
480 A 520Biblioteka 1510 A2s 1490
1150 A2s 1120
-55...+150 °C 150 °C
-55...+150 °C
Fast Recovery Epitaxial Diode (FRED)
DSEI60-06A DSEI60-06AT
IFAV = 60 A VRRM = 600 V trr = 35 ms
600 600
600 600
DSEI 60-06A DSEI 60-06AT
This document was generated on 09/06/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATIONPart Number:50-36-2298Status:ActiveOverview:Mini-Fit Jr.™Description:4.20mm Pitch Mini-Fit Jr.™ Header, Dual Row, Right Angle, with Snap-in Plastic Peg PCB Lock, 14 Circuits, Unfilled Nylon 6/6, UL 94V-0, Bright Tin (Sn) Over Nickel (Ni)Plating, Glow WireDocuments:Drawing (PDF)Test Summary TS-5556-002 (PDF)Product Specification PS-5556-001 (PDF)RoHS Certificate of Compliance (PDF)Packaging Specification PK-5569-002 (PDF)Agency CertificationCSA LR19980TUV R72081037ULE29179GeneralProduct Family PCB Headers Series5569Application Power, Wire-to-BoardComments"Current = 13A max. per circuit when header is mated to a receptacle loaded with 45750 Mini-Fit® Plus HCS Crimp Terminal Crimped to 16 AWG wire., See Molex product specification PS-45750-001 for additional current de-rating information. <P><P>This Molex product is manufactured from material that has the following ratings, tested by independent agencies:.a) A Glow Wire Ignition Temperature (GWIT) of at least 775 deg C per IEC 60695-2-13.. b) A Glow Wire Flammability Index (GWFI) above 850 deg C per IEC 60695-2-12.and hence complies with therequirements set out in the International Standard IEC 60335-1 5th edition - household and similar electrical appliances - safety, section 30 Resistance to heat and fire. <P><P> The customers using this product must determine its suitability for use in their particular application through testing or other acceptable means as described in end-product glow-wire flammability test standard IEC 60695-2-11 and any applicable product end-use standard(s). <P> If it is determined during the customer’s evaluation of suitability, that higher performance is required, please contact Molex for possible product options."OverviewMini-Fit Jr.™Product Name Mini-Fit Jr.™UPC884982404366PhysicalBreakawayNo Circuits (Loaded)14Circuits (maximum)14Color - ResinBlack Durability (mating cycles max)30First Mate / Last Break No Flammability94V-0Seriesimage - Reference onlyEU RoHSChina RoHSELV and RoHS Compliant REACH SVHCContains SVHC: No Low-Halogen Status Low-HalogenNeed more information on product environmental compliance?Email productcompliance@For a multiple part number RoHS Certificate of Compliance, click herePlease visit the Contact Us section for any non-product compliance questions.Search Parts in this Series 5569SeriesMates With5557 Mini-Fit Jr.™ Receptacle HousingGlow-Wire Compliant YesGuide to Mating Part NoKeying to Mating Part NoneLock to Mating Part YesMaterial - Metal BrassMaterial - Plating Mating TinMaterial - Plating Termination NickelMaterial - Resin NylonNet Weight 5.454/gNumber of Rows2Orientation Right AnglePCB Locator YesPCB Retention YesPCB Thickness - Recommended 1.60mmPackaging Type BagPitch - Mating Interface 4.20mmPitch - Termination Interface 4.20mmPlating min - Mating 2.540µmPlating min - Termination 1.270µmPolarized to Mating Part YesPolarized to PCB YesShrouded FullyStackable NoSurface Mount Compatible (SMC)NoTemperature Range - Operating-40°C to +105°CTermination Interface: Style Through HoleElectricalCurrent - Maximum per Contact13AVoltage - Maximum600VSolder Process DataDuration at Max. Process Temperature (seconds)5Lead-free Process Capability Wave Capable (TH only)Max. Cycles at Max. Process Temperature1Process Temperature max. C240Material InfoOld Part Number5569-14A2MS-225Reference - Drawing NumbersPackaging Specification PK-5569-002Product Specification PS-5556-001Sales Drawing SD-5569-NA2*-225Test Summary TS-5556-002This document was generated on 09/06/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION分销商库存信息: MOLEX 0050362298。
5.1 5.0 4.02012-06-272012-05-022009-06-30SStSStRStSStCZWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGEMC & Inductive SolutionsMax-Eyth-Str. 174638 WaldenburgGermanyTel. +49 (0) 79 42 945 - 0A Dimensions: [mm]F Typical Impedance Characteristics:H4: Classification Wave Soldering Profile:H5: Classification Wave ProfileProfile FeaturePreheat- Temperature Min (T smin )- Temperature Typical (T stypical ) - Temperature Max (T smax ) - Time (t s ) from (T smin to T smax )Δ preheat to max Temperature Peak temperature (T p )Time of actual peak temperature (t p )Ramp-down rate - Min - Typical - MaxTime 25°C to 25°C Pb-Free Assembly 100°C 120°C 130°C 70 seconds 150°C max.250°C - 260°C max. 10 secondsmax. 5 second each wave ~ 2 K/s ~ 3.5 K/s ~ 5 K/s 4 minutesSn-Pb Assembly 100°C 120°C 130°C 70 seconds 150°C max.235°C - 260°C max. 10 secondsmax. 5 second each wave ~ 2 K/s ~ 3.5 K/s ~ 5 K/s 4 minutesrefer to EN 61760-1:2006H Soldering Specifications:I Cautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-SDof Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:All recommendations according to the general technical specifications of the data-sheet have to be complied with.The disposal and operation of the product within ambient conditions which probably alloy or harm the wire isolation has to be avoided.If the product is potted in customer applications, the potting material might shrink during and after hardening. Accordingly to this the product is exposed to the pressure of the potting material with the effect that the core, wire and termination is possibly damaged by this pressure and so the electrical as well as the mechanical characteristics are endanger to be affected. After the potting material is cured, the core, wire and termination of the product have to be checked if any reduced electrical or mechanical functions or destructions have occurred.The responsibility for the applicability of customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products do also apply for customer specific products.Washing varnish agent that is used during the production to clean the application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire in-sulation, the marking or the plating. The washing varnish agent could have a negative effect on the long turn function of the product.Direct mechanical impact to the product shall be prevented as the ferrite material of the core could flake or in the worst case it could break. Product specific:Follow all instructions mentioned in the datasheet, especially:•The solder profile has to be complied with according to the technical wave soldering specification, otherwise no warranty will be sustai-ned.•All products are supposed to be used before the end of the period of 12 months based on the product date-code, if not a 100% solderabi-lity can´t be warranted.•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will result in the loss of warranty.1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the are-as, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibi-lity for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime can-not be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component.3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, warnings and cautions must be strictly observed.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve spe-cific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Secti-on 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a stan-dard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability ex-pectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered.The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .J Important Notes:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 744710215。
Made in theUnited States of AmericaDescriptionDesco’s Low Resistance Tester is designed to measures resistance of grounding paths of banana jacks and other equipment. Selectable Test Ranges: <1 OHM, <2 OHMs, and <20 OHMs allow the operator to test grounding Figure 1. Desco 19245 Low Resistance TesterANSI/ESD S6.1 – GroundingThe resistance of the conductor from the groundable point ground of any ESD technical element (e.g. worksurface, floor, chair, wrist strap, etc.) to the common point ground or common connection point shall not be greater than 1 ohm. Where a resistor is used in the grounding conductor, the total Figure 2. Low Resistance Tester features and componentsA. Selectable Test Ranges: Select the appropriate range for required test <1 OHM, <2 OHMs, and <20 OHMs.B. Test Button: Press and hold button to activate the tester.BCD EGFE. Low Battery LED: LED illuminates when the battery needs to be replaced.F. 6 Foot Coiled Cord: Insulation black color PVCG. Banana Plug: Industrial Standard .175 “(4.4 mm) Banana Plug, fits banana jack ≥ .157”.OperationUSING THE TESTER 1. Select test range.2. Connect coil cord banana plug end to known ground. Use adaptors where needed. Note: The Desco Low Resistance Tester may be used with an outlet polarity checker, such as Desco’s 19219, to determine a knownground.3. Connect or touch tester end to banana jack or other equipment that is being tested for resistance to ground.4. Press and hold test button.5. An audio and visual indication will activate for Pass result6. No audio or visual indication will indicate a Fail resultFigure 3. Testing banana jacks with 19245 tester.Example of Test Range Uses<1 OHM Range- ESD Technical element Grounding Conductors: Banana Jacks, Grounding Blocks, Mat Ground Cords ANSI/ESD S6.1 Grounding, sections 6.4 Technical Elements, 6.4.1, 6.4.2 and 6.4.3 - New AC Powered Hand ToolsESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section Electrical Hand Tools<2 OHM- Soldering IronsESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section Electrical Hand Tools- Other AC Powered Hand ToolsESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section Electrical Hand Tools<20 OHM- Soldering iron verificationESD Handbook ESD TR20.20 section Electrical Hand Tools- Auxiliary grounds (ground rods) ANSI/ESD S20.20** ANSI/ESD S20.20 requires <25 ohms from the Auxiliary Ground to the Equipment Grounding Conductor. Desco’s Low Resistance Tester only tests to <20 ohms. In cases of a no pass result with the Low Resistance Tester when testing an Auxiliary Ground, an Ohm meter should used to determine the actual resistance from the Auxiliary Ground to the Equipment Grounding ConductorFigure 4. Testing soldering iron with 19245 tester.Figure 6. Testing auxiliary ground with 19245 tester.Remove the 2 screws located at the back of the tester.Remove and turn over the circuit board.4. Locate and replace the battery (3 Volt; Model CR2032).5. Re-assemble the tester.First, place battery under prongsNext, press here to snap battery in place分销商库存信息: DESCO19245。
60 Watt 2” x 2”Single Output●60 Watts Regulated Output Power ●2:1 Wide Input Voltage Range●1.6kVDC Isolation (Basic Insulation)●Overload and Over T emperature Protection ●Six-Sided Shield ●No Derating to 40°C●Standard 2” x2” Package and Pinning ●Efficiency to 90%●Available as Power Module (RPM60-G)FeaturesRegulated ConvertersSelection Guide 24V and 48V Wide Input TypesDerating Graph (Ambient Temperature)Part NumberInput Output Output Input (5,4)Efficiency (5)Capacitive (6)Range Voltage Current Current Load max.VDC VDC mA mA %RP60-243.3SG 18-36 3.314000100/22648936000µF RP60-2405SG 18-36512000130/29419020400µF RP60-2412SG 18-36125000150/2907903550µF RP60-2415SG 18-36154000150/2907902300µF RP60-483.3SG 36-75 3.31400080/11328936000µF RP60-4805SG 36-7551200090/14539020400µF RP60-4812SG 36-75125000100/1453903550µF RP60-4815SG36-75154000100/1453902300µF125755025100Ambient Temperature Range (°C)-40-1004060708090100O u t p u t P o w e r (%)Natural Convection -251101=75Vin, 2=36Vin3012RP60-4805SG* no suffix for CTRL function with Positive Logic (1=ON, 0=OFF), this is standard * add /N for CTRL function with Negative Logic (0=ON, 1=OFF)* add suffix -HC for premounted heatsink and clipsOrdering ExamplesRP60-2405SG = 24V Input, 5V Output, Positive Logic CTRL pin.RP20-4812SG/N-HC = 48V Input, 12V Output, Negative Logic CTRL pin, Heatsink fittedDescriptionThe RP60-G series DC/DC converters deliver 60W of power in an industry standartd 2” x 2” package, which also meets military standards for thermal shock and vibration tolerance.Sense pins allow the ouput voltage at the point of load to be tightly regulated and automatically compensate for any voltage drops that may occur across any connections.Derating graphs are valid only for the shown part numbers.If you need detailed derating information about a part number not shown here please contact our technical customer service at info@recom-development.atPlease Read Application NotesUL-60950-1 Certified E196683REV:1/2010P-97 RP60-GPOWERLINEDC/DC-Converterwith 3 year WarrantyRoHS2002/95/EC6/6/Derating Graph (Ambient Temperature)125755025100Ambient Temperature Range (°C)-40-1005060708090100O u t p u t P o w e r (%)Natural Convection-251101=Natural Convection, 2=200LFM, 3=300LFM,4=400LFM, 5=500LFM4012345RP60-4805SGPOWERLINEDC/DC-ConverterRP60-SG SeriesSpecifications (typical at nominal input and 25°C unless otherwise noted)Input Voltage Range 24V nominal input 18-36VDC 48V nominal input 36-75VDCUndervoltage Protection 24V Input DC-DC ON = 17VDC, DC-DC OFF = 15VDC 48V InputDC-DC ON = 34VDC, DC-DC OFF = 32VDCInput FilterPi Type Input Voltage Variation dv/dt (Complies with ETS300 132 part 4.4)5V/ms maxInput Surge Voltage (100 ms max.)24V Input 50VDC 48V Input 100VDC Input Reflected Ripple (nominal Vin and full load)(see Note 3)20mAp-p Start Up Time (nominal Vin and constant resistor load)20ms max.Remote ON/OFF (see Note 7)Positive logic - Standard DC-DC ON Open or 3V < Vr < 12V DC-DC OFF Short or 0V < Vr < 1.2V Negative logic - /N OptionDC-DC ON Short or 0V < Vr < 1.2V DC-DC OFF Open or 3V < Vr < 12VRemote Pin Drive Current Nominal Vin -0.5 -1.0mARemote OFF input current Nominal Vin4mAOutput Power60W max.Output Voltage Accuracy (full Load and nominal Vin)±1%continued on next pageR P 60-GREV: 1/P-98/Specifications, cont. (typical at nominal input and 25°C unless otherwise noted)POWERLINEDC/DC-ConverterRP60-SG SeriesVoltage Adjustability (see Note 1)±10%Line RegulationLL to HL at Full Load ±0.2%Load Regulation (see Note 3)0% to 100% Load ±0.5%Temperature Coefficient±0.02%/°C max.Ripple and Noise (20MHz bandwith) 3.3,5V 75mVp-p 12,15V100mVp-pTransient Response (25% load step change)250µs Over Voltage Protection3.3 Vout 3.7-5.4V Zener diode clamp (only single)5 Vout 5.6-7.0V 12 Vout 13.7-17.5V15 Vout16.8-20.5V Over Load Protection (% of full load at nominal Vin)150% max.Undervoltage Lockout See Application Notes Short Circuit Protection Hiccup, automatic recovery Efficiencysee …Selection Guide“ tableIsolation Voltage (rated for one minute)1600VDC Isolation Resistance 1 G Ωmin.Isolation Capacitance 1500pF max.Operating Frequency300kHz typ.Designed to meet Safety Standards IEC60950-1, UL60950-1, EN60950-1Operating Temperature Range -40°C to +40°C(without derating)+40°C to +100°C(with derating)Maximum Case Temperature 110°CStorage Temperature Range -55°C to +125°COver Temperature Protection 120°C typ.Thermal Impedance (see Note 11)Without Heat-Sink 10.5°C/Watt With Heat-Sink8.4°C/Watt Thermal Shock MIL-STD-810DVibration 10-55Hz, 10G, 30 Min. along X, Y and ZRelative Humidity 5% to 95% RH Case Material Nickel plated copperBase Material Non-conductive black plastic FR4Potting MaterialEpoxy (UL94-V0)Conducted Emissions (see Notes 9, 10)EN55022Class A Radiated Emissions EN55022Class A ESDEN61000-4-2Perf. Criteria B Radiated Immunity EN61000-4-3Perf. Criteria A Fast Transient EN61000-4-4Perf. Criteria B SurgeEN61000-4-5Perf. Criteria B Conducted Immunity EN61000-4-6Perf. Criteria AWeight 60gPacking Quantity Refer to App Notes for tube dimensions 4 pcs per Tube Dimensions 50.8 x 50.8 x 10.2mmMTBF (see Note 2)Bellcore TR-NWT-003321093 x 103hours MIL-STD-217F1096 x 103hoursREV:1/2010P-99 RP60-G/Notes :POWERLINEDC/DC-ConverterRP60-SG Series1.Maximum output deviation is 10% inclusive of remote sense and trim. If remote sense is not being used, the +sense should be connected to its corresponding +OUTPUT and likewise the -sense should be connected to its corresponding –OUTPUT.2.BELLCORE TR-NWT-000332. Case l: 50% Stress, Temperature at 40°C (Ground fixed and controlled environment).3.No minimum loading on the output is required to maintain specified regulation. Operation under no-load condition will not damage these devices4. Maximum value at nominal input voltage and no load.5. Typical value at nominal input voltage and full load.6.Test by minimum Vin and constant resistive load.7.The ON/OFF control pin voltage is referenced to the negative input (-Vin).To order negative logic ON/OFF control add the suffix-N (Example: RP60-4805SG-N).8.Heat sink is optional and P/N: 7G-0026-C. Powerline DC/DC Converters can be ordered with pre-mounted heatsinks including antivibration fixing clips (add suffix -HC). See Application Notes for heatsink details.9.The RP60-SG series meets EN55022 Class A with an external capacitor across the input pins (24Vin:6.8µF/50V MLCC, 48Vin:2x2,2µF/100V MLCC)1o.See application notes for Class B common mode filter suggestion.11.Vertical orientation and natural convection.Package Style and Pinning (mm)3rd angle projectionPin Pitch Tolerance ±0.35 mmPin Connections Pin #Single 1+Vin 2-Vin 3CTRL 4-SENSE (Note 1)5+SENSE(Note 1)6+Vout 7-Vout 8TRIMTrim UpR UTrim DownR D7886Output can be externally trimmed by using the method shown below.See Application Notes for more details.R P 60-GREV: 1/P-100/分销商库存信息:RECOM-POWERRP60-2405SG RP60-2412SG RP60-2415SGRP60-243.3SG RP60-4805SG RP60-4812SGRP60-4815SG RP60-483.3SG RP60-2405SG/N RP60-2412SG/N RP60-2415SG/N RP60-243.3SG/N RP60-4805SG/N RP60-4812SG/N RP60-4815SG/N RP60-483.3SG/N RP60-2405SG-HC RP60-2412SG-HC RP60-2415SG-HC RP60-243.3SG-HC RP60-4805SG-HC RP60-4812SG-HC RP60-4815SG-HC RP60-483.3SG-HC RP60-2405SG/N-HC RP60-2412SG/N-HC RP60-2415SG/N-HC RP60-243.3SG/N-HC RP60-4805SG/N-HC RP60-4812SG/N-HC RP60-4815SG/N-HC RP60-483.3SG/N-HC。
This document was generated on 09/04/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATIONPart Number:44914-0602Status:ActiveOverview:Micro-Fit 3.0™ ConnectorsDescription:3.00mm Pitch Micro-Fit 3.0 CPI™ Header, Dual Row, Vertical, Compliant Pin Interface,6 Circuits, LCP, Glass-Filled, UL 94V-0, 0.38µm Gold (Au) Selective Contact Plating,Tin/Lead (Sn/Pb) Plated Tails, Glow Wire CompatibleDocuments:3D ModelRoHS Certificate of Compliance (PDF)Drawing (PDF)Product Literature (PDF)Product Specification PS-43045 (PDF)Agency CertificationCSA LR19980TUV R72081037ULE29179GeneralProduct Family PCB Headers Series44914ApplicationPower, Wire-to-Board Application Tooling Part Link 622008400Application Tooling Part Link 622030455Comments"High Temperature|Square Pin<P><P>This Molex product is manufactured from material that has the following ratings, tested by independent agencies:.a) A Glow Wire Ignition Temperature (GWIT) of at least 775 deg C per IEC 60695-2-13.. b) A Glow Wire Flammability Index (GWFI) above 850 deg C per IEC 60695-2-12.and hence complies with therequirements set out in the International Standard IEC 60335-1 5th edition - household and similar electrical appliances - safety, section 30 Resistance to heat and fire. <P><P> The customers using this product must determine its suitability for use in their particular application through testing or other acceptable means as described in end-product glow-wire flammability test standard IEC 60695-2-11 and any applicable product end-use standard(s). <P> If it is determined during the customer’s evaluation of suitability, that higher performance is required, please contact Molex for possible product options."OverviewMicro-Fit 3.0™ Connectors Product Literature Order No 987650-5984Product Name Micro-Fit 3.0 CPI™UPC756054638514PhysicalBreakawayNo Circuits (Loaded)6Circuits (maximum)6Durability (mating cycles max)30Flammability94V-0Glow-Wire Compliant Yes Lock to Mating Part YesMaterial - MetalHigh Performance Alloy (HPA)Seriesimage - Reference onlyEU RoHSChina RoHSRoHS Compliant by Exemption REACH SVHCContains SVHC: No Low-Halogen Status Low-HalogenNeed more information on product environmental compliance?Email productcompliance@For a multiple part number RoHS Certificate of Compliance, click herePlease visit the Contact Us section for any non-product compliance questions.Search Parts in this Series 44914SeriesMates With430250600 ReceptacleApplication Tooling | FAQTooling specifications and manuals are found by selecting the products below.Crimp Height Specifications are then contained in the Application Tooling Specification document.GlobalDescription Product #Compliant Pin Insertion Flat Rock Tool0622008400Removal Tool 0622030455Material - Plating Mating GoldMaterial - Plating Termination90/10 Tin Lead, 90/10 Tin-LeadNet Weight0.974/gNumber of Rows2Orientation VerticalPCB Locator YesPCB Retention YesPackaging Type TrayPitch - Mating Interface 3.00mmPlating min - Mating0.381µmPlating min - Termination 1.270µmPolarized to Mating Part YesPolarized to PCB YesShrouded FullyStackable NoSurface Mount Compatible (SMC)NoTemperature Range - Operating-40°C to +105°CTermination Interface: Style Through Hole - Compliant PinElectricalCurrent - Maximum per Contact5AVoltage - Maximum250VSolder Process DataReplacement RoHS Compliant Part Number0449145602Material InfoReference - Drawing NumbersProduct Specification PS-43045, RPS-43045-003, RPS-43045-004Sales Drawing SD-44914-001This document was generated on 09/04/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION分销商库存信息: MOLEX 0449140602。
Bezeichnung :description :Größe / size 0805CA 2,28±0,2mmB 1,70±0,2mmC 1,28±0,2mmD 0,50 ref mm F 0,51 ref mm H 1,78 ref mm I 1,02 ref mm J0,76 ref mmB Elektrische Eigenschaften / electrical properties :Eigenschaften / properties Wert / valueEinheit / unittol.Induktivität /inductance Güte Q /Q factorDC-Widerstand /DC-resistance Nennstrom /rated currentEigenres.-Frequenz /self-res.-frequencyE Testbedingungen / test conditions :Luftfeuchtigkeit / humidity:33% Umgebungstemperatur / temperature:+20°CG Eigenschaften / general specifications :Keramik/ ceramic Lagerbedingungen / Storage conditions: -10°C ~ +40 °C 30 ~70 % RH Betriebstemperatur / operating temperature: -40°C - +125°CHBH Version 411-07-07ES Version 310-08-27SkleVersion 207-01-17SkleVersion 108-03-06Name Änderung / modificationDatum / datektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGGermany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400 min.R DCmin.L max.500 MHz∆T = 15 K250 MHz MHz.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Würth ElektronikCeramic-SMD-Inductor WE-KIKontaktmaterial/ contact platingFreigabe erteilt / general release:A Mechanische Abmessungen / dimensions :±5%22nHQ 55Artikelnummer / part number :Geprüft / checked 2600SRFDatum / date...........................................................................Unterschrift / signature Kontrolliert / approvedSpezifikation für Freigabe / specification for releaseDATUM / DATE : 2011-07-07max.mA Testbedingungen / test conditionsKunde / customer :74476012CBasismaterial / base material:F Werkstoffe & Zulassungen / material & approvalsENA 5071B für/for SRFD Prüfgeräte / test equipment :Agilent 4287A +HP 16193A für/for L und/and Q HP 4338B für/for R DCC Lötpad / soldering spec.:Ag + Ni + AuKunde / customer0,22I DC HP 4285A + 42841A + 42842C + 42851 - 6110 für/for I DC 500IJ IHThis electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment. Before incorporating this component into any equipment where higher safety andreliability is especially required or if there is the possibility of direct damage or injury to human body, for example in the range of aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc, Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH must be informed before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic component which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance.LFAFBDCSEITE 1 VON 1/分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 74476012C。
1989 年第二版,1999 年第一次修订来自CEI IEC 60529
第 2.1 版 2001 年 02 月
机壳提供的防护等级(IP 代码)
© 国际电工委员会--2002 年—版权所有 未经允许,此出版物不能以任何方式或途径私自翻版,使用,包括:照相复制,缩微照片等。
地址:国际电工委员会 3,rue de Varembe . 邮箱 131 CH-1211 Geneva 20, 瑞士 电话:0041 22 919 02 11 传真:0041 22 919 03 00 网址:inmail @iec.ch web:www.iec.ch
13. 测试由第一特征数字标识的对外部固体目标的防护······································································45 13.1 测试方法 ··································································································································45 13.2 对于第一特征数字 1,2,3,4 的测试条件···········································································45 13.3 对于第一特征数字 1,2,3,4 的合格条件···········································································45 13.4 对于第一特征数字 5 或 6 的灰尘测试 ····················································································45 13.5 对于第一特征数字 5 的特殊条件 ····························································································49 13.5.1 对于第一特征数字 5 的测试条件 ·················································································49 13.5.2 对于第一特征数字 5 的合格条件 ·················································································49 13.6 对于第一特征数字 6 的特别条件 ····························································································49 13.6.1 对于第一特征数字 6 的测试条件 ·················································································49 13.6.2 对于第一特征数字 6 的合格条件 ·················································································49
This document was generated on 08/21/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATIONPart Number:41792-0515Status:ActiveOverview:KK® Interconnection SystemDescription:3.96mm Pitch KK® Solid Header, Right Angle, with Friction Lock, 6 Circuits, 0.38µm Gold (Au) Selective PlatingDocuments:3D ModelProduct Specification PS-08-50 (PDF)Drawing (PDF)RoHS Certificate of Compliance (PDF)Agency CertificationCSA LR19980ULE29179GeneralProduct Family PCB Headers Series41792Application Power, Wire-to-BoardOverviewKK® Interconnection System Product Name KK®UPC822348062317PhysicalBreakawayNo Circuits (Loaded)6Circuits (maximum)6Color - ResinNatural Durability (mating cycles max)50Flammability94V-0Glow-Wire Compliant No Lock to Mating Part Yes Material - MetalBrass Material - Plating MatingGold Material - Plating Termination TinMaterial - Resin Polyester Net Weight2.856/g Number of Rows 1Orientation Right Angle PC Tail Length 3.96mm PCB Locator No PCB RetentionNone PCB Thickness - Recommended 1.60mm Packaging TypeBag Pitch - Mating Interface 3.96mm Plating min - Mating0.381µm Plating min - Termination 2.540µm Polarized to Mating Part Yes Polarized to PCB No Shrouded Partial StackableYesTemperature Range - Operating 0°C to +75°C Termination Interface: StyleThrough Hole ElectricalCurrent - Maximum per Contact 7A Voltage - Maximum250VSeriesimage - Reference onlyEU RoHSChina RoHSELV and RoHS Compliant REACH SVHCContains SVHC: No Low-Halogen Status Not Low-HalogenNeed more information on product environmental compliance?Email productcompliance@For a multiple part number RoHS Certificate of Compliance, click herePlease visit the Contact Us section for any non-product compliance questions.Search Parts in this Series 41792SeriesMates With2139 KK® Crimp Housing, 41695 KK®Crimp Housing, 6442 KK® Crimp Housing,2145 PCB Connector, 41815 PCB Connector, 3069 KK® Crimp HousingSolder Process DataDuration at Max. Process Temperature (seconds)5Lead-free Process Capability Wave Capable (TH only)Max. Cycles at Max. Process Temperature1Process Temperature max. C235Material InfoReference - Drawing NumbersProduct Specification PS-08-50Sales Drawing SDA-41792This document was generated on 08/21/2012PLEASE CHECK FOR LATEST PART INFORMATION分销商库存信息: MOLEX 0417920515。
AXIS Q6054 Mk III 内部 PTZ 摄像头说明书
DatasheetAXIS Q6054Mk IIIIndoor PTZ with30x zoom and focus recall and LightfinderAXIS Q6054Mk III is a top-of-the-line,indoor PTZ camera,offering fast and precise pan/tilt performance for wide area coverage and detailed surveillance at great distances.The focus recall feature offers instant focus in predefined areas.The camera comes with Axis Lightfinder technology to ensure color images even in low-light conditions.Axis Zipstream technology reduces bandwidth and storage requirements.AXIS Q6054Mk III offers shock detection,video motion detection,Active Gatekeeper,and electronic image stabilization that gives smoother video in environments with vibrations.It supports two-way audio,audio detection,I/O ports,and24V AC/DC power.>Lightfinder>HDTV720p and30x optical zoom>Focus recall>Zipstream>IP52-rated protection against dust and dripping waterAXIS Q6054Mk III Models AXIS Q6054Mk III60HzAXIS Q6054Mk III50HzCameraImage sensor1/2.8”progressive scan RGB CMOSLens 4.3-129mm,F1.6-4.7Horizontal field of view:63.6°–2.5°(720p),49.7°–1.73°(D1)Vertical field of view:38.1°–1.45°(720p),38.1°–1.3°(D1)Autofocus,auto-irisDay and night Automatically removable infrared-cut filterMinimum illumination Color:0.1lux at30IRE F1.6 B/W:0.008lux at30IRE F1.6 Color:0.15lux at50IRE F1.6 B/W:0.01lux at50IRE F1.6Shutter time1/30000s to1/0.75s with50Hz1/30000s to1s with60HzPan/Tilt/Zoom Pan:360°endless,0.05°–450°/sTilt:180°,0.05°–450°/s30x optical zoom and12x digital zoom,total360x zoomE-flip,256preset positions,tour recording(max10,maxduration16minutes each),guard tour(max100),control queue,on-screen directional indicator,adjustable zoom speedVideoVideo compression H.264(MPEG-4Part10/AVC)Baseline,Main and High Profiles Motion JPEGResolution HDTV720p1280x720to320x180D1720x576(50Hz)(as Capture Mode)D1720x480(60Hz)(as Capture Mode)Frame rate Up to50/60fps(50/60Hz)in all resolutionsVideo streaming Multiple,individually configurable streams in H.264and Motion JPEGAxis Zipstream technology in H.264Controllable frame rate and bandwidthVBR/MBR H.264Image settings Manual shutter time,compression,color,brightness,sharpness, white balance,exposure control,exposure zones,fine tuning ofbehavior at low light,rotation:0°,180°,text and image overlay,32individual3D privacy masks,image freeze on PTZ,defogging,backlight compensation,scene profiles,focus recallElectronic Image Stabilization(EIS)Wide Dynamic Range(WDR):Up to120dB depending on scene AudioAudio streaming Two-way:full-duplex,half-duplex,simplexAudio compression AAC-LC8/16kHz,G.711PCM8kHz,G.726ADPCM8kHz, Opus8/16/48kHzConfigurable bit rateAudio input/output Requires multicable(sold separately)for external microphone or line input,and line outputNetworkSecurity Password protection,IP address filtering,HTTPS a encryption,IEEE802.1X a network access control,Digest authentication,Useraccess log,Centralized Certificate Management,Brute forcedelay protectionSupported protocols IPv4,IPv6USGv6,HTTP,HTTPS a,SSL/TLS a,QoS Layer3DiffServ, FTP,CIFS/SMB,SMTP,Bonjour,UPnP TM,SNMP v1/v2c/v3(MIB-II), DNS,DynDNS,NTP,RTSP,RTP,SRTP,SFTP,TCP,UDP,IGMP,RTCP, ICMP,DHCP,ARP,SOCKS,SSH,NTCIPSystem integrationApplication Programming Interface Open API for software integration,including VAPIX®and AXIS Camera Application Platform;specifications at AXIS Video Hosting System(AVHS)with One-Click Connection ONVIF®Profile S and ONVIF®Profile G,specification at Analytics IncludedAXIS Video Motion Detection,audio detection,AXIS Fence Guard,AXIS Motion GuardSupportedSupport for AXIS Camera Application Platform enablinginstallation of third-party applications,see /acap Event triggers Detectors:live stream accessed,video motion detection,shockdetection,audio detectionHardware:fan,network,temperaturePTZ:autotracking,error,moving,preset reached,readyStorage:disruption,recordingSystem:system readyTime:recurrence,use scheduleInput signal:manual trigger,virtual input,digital inputEvent actions Day/night mode,overlay text,video recording to edge storage,pre-and post-alarm video buffering,send SNMP trapPTZ:PTZ preset,start/stop guard tourFile upload via FTP,SFTP,HTTP,HTTPS network share and emailNotification via email,HTTP,HTTPS and TCPExternal output activation,audio recording to edge storage,playaudio clipData streaming Event dataBuilt-ininstallation aidsPixel counterGeneralCasing IP52-ratedMetal casing(aluminum),Acrylic(PMMA)clear dome Sustainability PVC freeMemory512MB RAM,256MB FlashPower Axis PoE+midspan1–port:100–240V AC,max37WIEEE802.3at Type2Class4Camera consumption:typical13W,max19WMulticonnector:20–28V DC,typical11W,max16W20–24V AC,typical17VA,max22VAConnectors RJ4510BASE-T/100BASE-TX PoE,multiconnector(cable soldseparately)for AC/DC power,4configurable alarm inputs/outputs,mic in,line mono input,line mono output to active speaker Storage Support for SD/SDHC/SDXC cardSupport for SD card encryptionSupport for recording to network-attached storage(NAS)For SD card and NAS recommendations see Operatingconditions0°C to50°C(32°F to122°F)Humidity10–85%RH(non-condensing)Storageconditions-40°C to65°C(-40°F to149°F)Approvals EMCEN55032Class A,EN61000-3-2,EN61000-3-3,EN61000-6-1,EN61000-6-2,EN55024,FCC Part15Subpart B Class A,ICES-003Class A,VCCI Class A,RCM AS/NZS CISPR32Class A,KCC KN32Class A,KN35SafetyIEC/EN/UL60950-1EnvironmentIEC/EN60529IP52,IEC60068-2-1,IEC60068-2-2,IEC60068-2-6,IEC60068-2-14,IEC60068-2-27,IEC60068-2-78NetworkNIST SP500-267Midspan:EN60950-1,GS,UL,cUL,CE,FCC,VCCI,CB,KCC,UL-ARWeight Camera:2.6kg(5.7lb);with drop-ceiling mount:3.2kg(7.1lb) Dimensions Hard-ceiling:Ø198x240mm(Ø713/16x97/16in)Drop-ceiling:Ø248x243mm(Ø93/4x99/16in)IncludedaccessoriesAxis PoE+midspan1-port,Recessed mount for hard and dropceilings,Smoked dome coverInstallation Guide,Windows decoder1-user licenseOptionalaccessoriesAXIS P55/Q60Multi-connector cable,5mAXIS T91Mounting Accessories,AXIS T8415Wireless InstallationTool,AXIS T90Illuminators,AXIS T8310Video SurveillanceControl Board,multi-user decoder license packVideo management software AXIS Companion,AXIS Camera Station,Video management software from Axis’Application Development Partners available on /vmsLanguages English,German,French,Spanish,Italian,Russian,SimplifiedChinese,Japanese,Korean,Portuguese,Traditional Chinese Warranty Axis3-year warranty and AXIS Extended Warranty option,see /warranty a.This product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit.(),and cryptographic software written by Eric Young(*****************).Environmental responsibility:/environmental-responsibility©2018-2019Axis Communications AB.AXIS COMMUNICATIONS,AXIS,and VAPIX are registered trademarks or trademarkapplications of Axis AB in various jurisdictions.All other company names and products are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of their respective companies.We reserve the right to introduce modifications without notice.T10127048/EN/M4.2/1905。