7 技术特征— 动力系统
7.1 最小曲轴转速 7.2 最大曲轴转速 7.3 冲程 7.4 传动类型 7.5 齿轮箱减速比 7.6 主电机型号 7.7 主电机功率
8 技术特征 — 润滑
8.1 3.4.2 3.4.3
类型 润滑系统 冷却油系统
9 技术特征 — 电路
9.1 主电路相数 9.2 主电路电压 9.3 主电路频率 9.4 附属电路电压 9.5 附属电路频率
1. 技术说明 2. 产品概述 3. 设备操作和使用 4. 设备维护 5. 备用件明细表 6. 线路图 7. 供应商及产品文件
如何使用本手册 此手册由以上目录中所列的各部分组成。每一部分又划分成独立的章节,每 部分的页码独立编排。每部分的开头都有更详细的目录。 手册中的图和表,按部分分别编号。 在安装机器前,必须首先熟悉第二部分 2.8 节,尤其是 2.8.5 节的内容。
供电(V/Hz) 功率(kW) 电流(A)
V=3× 380
最大值 3 25
最大值 10 最大值
NS 3037H 机器型号
6579 设备序列号
15.02.06 0
DD 签名
机器号码: MB4125B1
Safety Data Sheet 24 Hour Emergency Phone Numbers Medical/Poison Control:In U.S.: Call 1-800-222-1222Outside U.S.: Call your local poison control centerTransportation/National Response Center:1-800-535-50531-352-323-3500NOTE: The National ResponseCenter emergency numbers to be used only in the event of chemical emergencies involving a spill, leak, fire, exposure or accident involving chemicals.IMPORTANT: Provide this information to employees, customers, and users of this product. Read this SDS before handling or disposing of this product. This product is covered by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard and this document has been prepared in accordance with requirements of this standard. All abbreviated terms used in this SDS are further described in Section 16.1. IdentificationThis Safety Data Sheet is available in American Spanish upon request.Los Datos de Serguridad pueden obtenerse en Espanol si lo riquiere.Product Name:Dynaflex 230 Clear Revision Date:10/23/20186/19/2015Product UPC Number:Supercedes Date:Product Use/Class:Caulking Compound SDS No:00017001605Preparer: Manufacturer:DAP Canada475 Finchdene Square Unit 5Scarborough, Ontario M1X 1B7888-327-8477 (non - emergency matters)Emergency Telephone: 1-800-535-5053,1-352-323-3500Regulatory and Environmental Affairs2. Hazards IdentificationGHS ClassificationNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Symbol(s) of ProductNoneSignal WordNot a hazardous substance or mixture.Possible Hazards2% of the mixture consists of ingredients of unknown acute toxicity 3. Composition/Information on IngredientsChemical Name CAS-No.Wt. %GHS Symbols GHS StatementsWhite mineral oil8042-47-57-13GHS07-GHS08H304-312Ethylene glycol107-21-11-5GHS07H332Amorphous silica112945-52-50.5-1.5GHS07H315-319-332-335The text for GHS Hazard Statements shown above (if any) is given in the "Other information" Section.4. First-aid MeasuresFIRST AID - INHALATION: Material is not likely to present an inhalation hazard at ambient conditions. If you experience difficulty in breathing, leave the area to obtain fresh air. If continued difficulty is experienced, get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - SKIN CONTACT: In case of contact, wash skin immediately with soap and water.FIRST AID - EYE CONTACT: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with large quantities of water for at least 15 minutes until irritation subsides. Get medical attention immediately.FIRST AID - INGESTION: If swallowed, DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Get medical attention immediately.5. Fire-fighting MeasuresUNUSUAL FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS: No InformationSPECIAL FIREFIGHTING PROCEDURES: Wear self-contained breathing apparatus pressure-demand (NIOSH approved or equivalent) and full protective gear. Use water spray to cool exposed surfaces.EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Alcohol Foam, Carbon Dioxide, Dry Chemical, Foam, Water Fog6. Accidental Release MeasuresENVIRONMENTAL MEASURES: No InformationSTEPS TO BE TAKEN IF MATERIAL IS RELEASED OR SPILLED: Use personal protective equipment as necessary. In case of spillage, absorb with inert material and dispose of in accordance with applicable regulations. Scrape up dried material and place into containers.7. Handling and StorageHANDLING: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN!DO NOT TAKE INTERNALLY. Use only with adequate ventilation. Ensure fresh air entry during application and drying. Wash thoroughly after handling.STORAGE: Avoid excessive heat and freezing. Do not store at temperatures above 120 degrees F. Store away from caustics and oxidizers.8. Exposure Controls/Personal ProtectionIngredients with Occupational Exposure LimitsChemical Name ACGIH TLV-TWA ACGIH-TLV STEL OSHA PEL-TWA OSHA PEL-CEILING White mineral oil N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Ethylene glycol N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Amorphous silica N.E.N.E.N.E.N.E.Further Advice: MEL = Maximum Exposure Limit OES = Occupational Exposure Standard SUP = Supplier's RecommendationSk = Skin Sensitizer N.E. = Not EstablishedPersonal ProtectionRESPIRATORY PROTECTION: No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required.SKIN PROTECTION: Rubber gloves.EYE PROTECTION: Goggles or safety glasses with side shields.OTHER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT: Not required under normal use.HYGIENIC PRACTICES: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Remove and wash contaminatedclothing before re-use.9. Physical and Chemical PropertiesPhysical State:PasteAppearance:White ( changes to clear as it cures)Odor:Very Slight Ammonia Odor Threshold:Not Established Density, g/cm3: 1.04 - 1.04pH:Between 7.0 and 12.0 Freeze Point, °C:Not Established Viscosity (mPa.s):Not Established Solubility in Water:No Information Partition Coeff., n-octanol/water:Not Established Decomposition Temperature, °C:Not Established Explosive Limits, %:N.E. - N.E.Boiling Range, °C:100 - 100Auto-Ignition Temperature, °C Not Established Minimum Flash Point, °C:100Vapor Pressure, mmHg:Not Established Evaporation Rate:Slower Than n-Butyl Acetate Flash Method:Seta Closed CupVapor Density:Heavier Than Air Flammability, NFPA:Non-Flammable Combustibility:Does not support combustion(See "Other information" Section for abbreviation legend)(If product is an aerosol, the flash point stated above is that of the propellant.)10. Stability and ReactivitySTABILITY: Stable under recommended storage conditions.CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Excessive heat and freezing.INCOMPATIBILITY: Incompatible with strong bases and oxidizing agents.HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS: Normal decomposition products, i.e., COx, NOx.11. Toxicological InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INHALATION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Inhalation of vapors in high concentration may cause mild irritation of respiratory system (nose, mouth, mucous membranes). EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - SKIN CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Prolonged or repeated contact with skin may cause mild irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - EYE CONTACT: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Direct eye contact may cause irritation.EFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - INGESTION: Under normal use conditions, this product is not expected to cause adverse health effects. Single dose oral toxicity is very low. Amounts ingested incidental to industrial handling are not likely to cause injury; however, ingestion of large amounts may cause injury. Ingestion of ethylene glycol can cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and if ingested in sufficient quantities, death.CARCINOGENICITY: No InformationEFFECT OF OVEREXPOSURE - CHRONIC HAZARDS: Repeated or prolonged exposure may cause mild irritation of eyes and skin. Ethylene Glycol may cause kidney and liver damage upon prolonged and repeated overexposures. Studies have shown that repeated inhalation of ethylene glycol has produced adverse cardiovascular changes in laboratory animals. Ethylene glycol has been shown to cause birth defects in laboratory animals.PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Skin Contact, InhalationAcute Toxicity ValuesThe acute effects of this product have not been tested. Data on individual components are tabulated belowCAS-No.Chemical Name Oral LD50Dermal LD50Vapor LC508042-47-5White mineral oil>5000 mg/kg Rat2000 mg/kg Rabbit>20 mg/L107-21-1Ethylene glycol4700 mg/kg Rat9530 mg/kg Rabbit N.I.112945-52-5Amorphous silica>3300 mg/kg Rat>2000 mg/kg Rabbit>20 mg/LN.I. = No Information12. Ecological InformationECOLOGICAL INFORMATION: Ecological injuries are not known or expected under normal use.13. Disposal InformationDISPOSAL INFORMATION: This product does not meet the definition of a hazardous waste according to U.S. EPA Hazardous Waste Management Regulation, 40 CFR Section 261. Dispose as hazardous waste according to all local, state, federal and provincial regulations. State and Local regulations/restrictions are complex and may differ from Federal regulations. Responsibility for proper waste disposal is with the owner of the waste.14. Transport InformationSPECIAL TRANSPORT PRECAUTIONS: No InformationDOT UN/NA Number:N.A.DOT Proper Shipping Name:Not RegulatedDOT Technical Name:N.A.DOT Hazard Class:N.A.Hazard SubClass:N.A.Packing Group:N.A.15. Regulatory InformationSARA SECTION 313:This product contains the following substances subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of theSuperfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372:Chemical Name CAS-No.Ethylene glycol107-21-1TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT:All ingredients in this product are either on TSCA inventory list, or otherwise exempt.This product contains the following chemical substances subject to the reporting requirements of TSCA 12(B) if exported fromthe United States:No TSCA 12(b) components exist in this product.16. Other InformationSupersedes Date:6/19/2015Revision Date:10/23/2018Reason for revision:Revision Description ChangedProduct Composition ChangedSubstance and/or Product Properties Changed in Section(s):01 - Product Information05 - Flammability Information08 - Exposure Controls/Personal Protection09 - Physical & Chemical Information11 - Toxicological Information14 - Transportation Information15 - Regulatory Information16 - Other InformationSubstance Regulatory CAS Number ChangedSubstance Hazardous Flag ChangedSubstance Hazard Threshold % ChangedRevision Statement(s) ChangedDatasheet produced by:Regulatory DepartmentHMIS Ratings:Health:Flammability:Reactivity:Personal Protection: 110XVOC Less Water Less Exempt Solvent, g/L:48.9VOC Material, g/L:280.0VOC as Defined by California Consumer Product Regulation, Wt/Wt%:VOC Actual, Wt/Wt%: 2.7Text for GHS Hazard Statements shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:H304May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.H312Harmful in contact with skin.H315Causes skin irritation.H319Causes serious eye irritation.H332Harmful if inhaled.H335May cause respiratory irritation.Icons for GHS Pictograms shown in Section 3 describing each ingredient:GHS07GHS08Legend: N.A. - Not Applicable, N.E. - Not Established, N.D. - Not DeterminedDAP believes the data and statements contained herein are accurate as of the date hereof. They are offered in good faith as typical values and not as a product specification. NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE WITH REGARD TO THE INFORMATION HEREIN PROVIDED OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. Since thisdocument is intended only as a guide to the appropriate use and precautionary handling of the referenced product by a properly trained person, it is therefore the responsibility of the user to (i) review the recommendations with due consideration for the specific context of the intended use and (ii) determine if they are appropriate.。
收稿日期:2023-08-28我国是钢铁生产大国,在烧结矿、焦炭等高温物料输送过程中,经过处理后大部分物料的温度在300 ℃以下,但仍有小部分物料温度较高,甚至出现明火现象。
1 试验1.1 主要原材料二元乙丙橡胶CO054,意大利埃尼公司产品;三元元乙丙橡胶S537-3,韩国SK 公司产品;Sunpar2280石蜡油,美国太阳公司产品。
1.2 主要仪器和检测设备DLL -5000N 拉力试验机,MDR -2000无转子硫化仪,均为上海德杰仪器设备有限公司产品。
GT -7017高温老化试验箱、滚筒磨耗试验机均为高铁检测仪器有限公司产品。
2 耐高温阻燃覆盖胶配方的研制2.1 胶种的选择我们都知道,橡胶所谓的耐热性就是在高温长时耐高温阻燃输送带覆盖胶的研制赵明德(山东一诺胶带有限公司,山东 潍坊 262600)摘要:介绍了耐高温阻燃输送带覆盖胶的研制,经优化组合最终确定覆盖胶配方为:乙丙胶CO054/S537-3 70/30,炭黑N220 50,Sunpar 2280/HY209树脂20,阻燃剂十溴二苯乙烷/三氧化二锑/硼酸锌 16/8/7,过氧化二异丙苯/TAIC 6,防老剂MB/MC445 4。
关键词:耐高温阻燃输送带;耐高温;阻燃;覆盖胶中图分类号:TQ330.12文章编号:1009-797X(2024)03-0021-04文献标识码:B DOI:10.13520/ki.rpte.2024.03.005间热老化作用下保持原有物理性能的能力。
Adjust Clutch Linkage Verify Clutch Brake Squeeze Lubricatedistance should be 0.490" – .560" (12.70 –14.22 mm):Step 2.Mechanical Linkages Only :Adjust the clutch linkage until the yoke fingers contact the release bearing (zero free-play in the cab).the release bearing and the clutch brake. Press the pedal down to clamp the gauge.• If the gauge does not clamp,returnto Step 1 and readjustthe clutch linkage.the gauge can be removed.• If the pedal is more than 1" (25.4 mm) from the floor, readjust the truck linkage to move the yoke fingers further from the release bearing. Return to Step 4.Verify there is 1 inch or more clutch pedal free-play with 0.125"clearance between the release yoke finger and release bearing. If not, adjust clutch linkage per OEM instructions.Verify Free-Playbearing• If the distance is more than 0.560" (14.22 mm) return to Step 1 and readjust the clutch linkage. • If the distance is less than 0.490" (12.70 mm) consult Heavy-Duty Clutch Service Manual (CLSM0200).Feeler gaugeReleasebearing Clutch brakeor moreNOTICE: Do not reset the clutch.Eaton 15.5" Advantage Series Self-Adjusting Clutch CLMT1280 EN-USOctober 2017Installation ProcedureFlywheel Housing Face RunoutFlywheel Face Runout Flywheel Housing I.D. Runout Put gauge fingeragainst flywheel housing pilot I.D.Rotate flywheel onerevolution. Max. runout is 0.008" (0.20 mm)Put gage finger incontact with flywheel face near the outer edge.Measure Engine Flywheel Housing and FlywheelEngine flywheel housing and flywheel must meet these specifications or it may result in premature clutch failure. Remove and replace old pilot bearing per engine manufacturer instructions. All gauge contact surfaces must be clean and dry. Clean flywheel surfaces of all grease, oil, and rust preventatives. Failure to perform this function can affect the performance of the clutch. Use a dial indicator and check the following:Rotate flywheel onerevolution. Max. runout is 0.005" (0.13 mm)Put gage fingercontacting pilot bearing bore.Rotate flywheel onerevolution. Max. runout is 0.008" (0.20 mm)Secure dial indicator base toPut gage finger inflywheel housing.up to 5 times, this:• Moves release bearing slightly closer to the transmission • Gains free-play in cabNote: Refer to CLSM0200 for lube hose installation procedures used with hydraulic clutch release systems.Note: Refer to TCMT0021 for additional lubrication information.NOTICE: Do not add lube (never seize or grease) tothe input shaft splines. The discs must be free to move.ClutchBrakeYokeFingerMechanical Linkages OnlyHydraulic Linkages: Skip to Step 7Clutch BrakeYoke FingerEatonVehicle Group P.O. Box 4103Kalamazoo, MI 49003 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadrangerCopyright Eaton, 2017.Printed in USANote: Refer to CLSM0200and CLSL1511NOTICE: Eaton recommends the use of Roadranger EP2for release bearing lubrication, or an equivalent Lithium Complex, NLGI #2 or #3 grease with a NLGI LB/GC performance rating and a dropping Point temperature of 220 C (428 F) or higher. Failure to use the proper grease may affect bearing life and void the warranty coverage on your Eaton product.fingers.Note: When installing clutch to flywheel, position the wear indicatorat the bottom of flywheel to ease future clutch servicing.8Remove four yellowshipping bolts in acrisscross pattern.Check Transmission for WearReplace any worn components.Input Shaft SplinesAny wear on the splines willrelease (clutch drag).shaft splines.Cross Shaft and BushingsExcessive wear at these points can causeRef. 1990SAE handbook 4:36.106. Replace transmission bearing retainer cap if length isgreater than 8.71” (221.33 mm).Transmission BearingRetainer Capprematurely.Input Shaftreduce sleeve bushing lifeand cause it to come out.race ofFasten Transmission to Flywheel Housingrotating the output shaft.CAUTION: Do not pull on release arm to install transmission.This will cause the clutch to over adjust.Do not add NOTICE: Use the Eaton Clutch Selector Guide (CLSL1511)to make ensure you have the correct clutch.WARNING: An assembled clutch weighs about 150 lbs (68 kg).Avoid the risk of injury. Use proper equipment when lifting a clutch.。
2002 型 20000PSI NSCWP,测试压力 30000PSI 红色螺 母,红色零件。
材料 螺母 零件
Ibs kgs
311/16 93.66
AS 22.5 49.60
2202 型 配有氟化橡胶密封环,15000PSI NSCWP,热处理部件 100%经过硬度测试,符合美国腐蚀工程师标准协会 MR-01-75 和美国石油学会 RP-14E 标准。 专门用于酸性气体使用场合。绿色螺母,绿色零件。
SF 13.25 5.9
63/8 161.9 3/8 9.5 43/8 117.5 SF
SF 21.0 9.5
101.6 81/16 204.8 3/8 9.5 51/4 133.4 SF
SF 39.5 17.9
1502 型
推荐用于注水泥、压裂、酸化、测试及堵塞和压井管线,也可用于无压密封连接,采用 对焊 Sch XXH。
注:DIC=可锻铸铁 SC=铸钢 SF=锻钢 AS=合金钢
211/16 68.3 115/16 49.2 SC/SF CDB/SF 1.75 0.8
27/8 73.0 23/8 60.3
2.37 1.1
35/16 84.1 229/32 73.8
5.25 2.4
压阻原理以1954年首次发现的半导体 效应为基础,即在机械应力作用下, 半导体的阻值会发生变化。与传统的 应变仪测量相比,这一发现开拓了全 新的应用领域。从那时起,其他相近 的技术开始出现,如金属薄膜技术和 陶瓷厚膜技术。
开始: – 奇石乐 – 传感器型号 – 版本 – 传感器版本号 – 传感器序号
初始校准: – 工作温度范围 – 初始校准日期 – 初始校准值
再校准: – 参考温度 – 再校准日期 – 再校准值
结尾: – 注释
传感器、连接电缆和 TEDS 元件
PiezoStar®-10 多年来奇石乐在厂内培养高灵 敏和高温稳定的晶体。
从晶体到传感器需要 200 道工序
奇石乐压力传感器 - 设计的多样化和创新
PiezoSmart® 意味着传感器的自动识别
技术先驱 - 引导发动机测试技术发展
PiezoSmart® 传感器
● 电荷和电压放大器参数的自动设 置
● 精确压力指示数据测量简便 ● 简化设置过程缩短试验台的测量
准备时间 ● 通过分析系统数据自动交换,简
化测量分析和记录 ● 传感器自动识别技术极大地提高
更多关于升级的信息, 请参考第 18 页
北京时代民芯科技有限公司 CLGA封装芯片测试夹具说明书
(19)国家知识产权局(12)实用新型专利(10)授权公告号 (45)授权公告日 (21)申请号 202122081758.0(22)申请日 2021.08.31(73)专利权人 北京时代民芯科技有限公司地址 100076 北京市丰台区东高地四营门北路2号专利权人 北京微电子技术研究所(72)发明人 李明远 闫静 姜扬 刘利新 常国义 闫兰丰 黄玉凤 吕学明 (74)专利代理机构 中国航天科技专利中心11009专利代理师 范晓毅(51)Int.Cl.G01R 1/04(2006.01)G01R 31/28(2006.01)(54)实用新型名称一种针对CLGA封装芯片的测试夹具(57)摘要本实用新型提供一种针对CLGA封装芯片的测试夹具,将夹具中传统的单一尺寸导向框改进为包括最大外形导向框和可拆装导向块的导向框组件,最大外形导向框中设有大于等于待测芯片最大外形尺寸上限的内腔,可拆装导向块安装于最大外形导向框,调整内腔的尺寸与待测芯片最大外形尺寸相匹配,实现待测芯片在所述内腔中的定位,进而利用导向框组件,测试座,探针和手测盖之间的配合,实现对待测芯片的测试。
权利要求书2页 说明书4页 附图3页CN 216525901 U 2022.05.13C N 216525901U1.一种针对CLGA封装芯片的测试夹具,包括测试座(1),探针(2)和手测盖(4),其特征在于,还包括导向框组件(3);导向框组件(3)包括最大外形导向框(31)和可拆装导向块(32);所述最大外形导向框(31)设有顶部开口的内腔(311),所述内腔(311)的尺寸大于等于待测芯片最大外形的尺寸上限;待测芯片置于所述内腔(311)中,可拆装导向块(32)固定安装于最大外形导向框(31)上,实现待测芯片在所述内腔(311)中的定位;导向框组件(3)固定安装于测试座(1)上,手测盖(4)设于导向框组件(3)上方,用于测试时向待测芯片施加压力;测试座(1)和导向框组件(3)上分别设有第一针孔和第二针孔,探针(2)通过第一针孔固定安装于测试座(1)上,待测芯片受到所述压力时,探针(2)穿过第二针孔与待测芯片焊盘接触,实现对待测芯片的测试。
1、松下A4系列伺服电机常用型号:100W(小惯量):通用型 MSMD012P1U+MADDT1205 脉冲型MSMD012P1U+MADDT1205003带刹车MSMD012P1V+MADDT1205 脉冲型MSMD012P1V+MADDT1205003100W(大惯量):通用型MHMD012P1U+MADDT1205 脉冲型MHMD012P1U+MADDT1205003带刹车MHMD012P1V+MADDT1205 脉冲型MHMD012P1V+MADDT1205003200W(小惯量):通用型MSMD022P1U+MADDT1207 脉冲型MSMD022P1U+MADDT1207003带刹车MSMD022P1V+MADDT1207 脉冲型MSMD022P1V+MADDT1207003200W(大惯量): 通用型MHMD022P1U+MADDT1207 脉冲型MHMD022P1U+MADDT1207003带刹车MHMD022P1V+MADDT1207 脉冲型MHMD022P1V+MADDT1207003400W(小惯量):通用型MSMD042P1U+MBDDT2210 脉冲型MSMD042P1U+MBDDT2210003带刹车MSMD042P1V+MBDDT2210 脉冲型MSMD042P1V+MBDDT2210003400W(大惯量):通用型MHMD042P1U+MBDDT2210 脉冲型MHMD042P1U+MBDDT2210003带刹车MHMD042P1V+MBDDT2210 脉冲型MHMD042P1V+MBDDT2210003750W(小惯量):通用型MSMD082P1U+MCDDT3520 脉冲型MSMD082P1U+MCDDT3520003带刹车MSMD082P1V+MCDDT3520 脉冲型MSMD082P1V+MCDDT3520003750W(大惯量):通用型MHMD082P1U+MCDDT3520 脉冲型MHMD082P1U+MCDDT3520003带刹车MHMD082P1V+MCDDT3520 脉冲型MHMD082P1V+MCDDT3520003750W(中惯量):通用型:MDMA082P1G+MDDDT3530通用型MDMA082P1G+MDDDT3530003脉冲型750W(中惯量)带刹车:通用型:MDMA082P1H+MDDDT3530通用型MDMA082P1H+MDDDT3530003脉冲型1000W(小惯量)MSMA102P1G+MDDDT35301000W (中惯量):通用型MDMA102P1G+MDDDT3530 脉冲型:MDMA102P1G+MDDDT3530003带刹车:MDMA102P1H+MDDDT3530通用型MDMA102P1H+MDDDT3530003脉冲型1000w(大惯量)MHMA102P1G+MDDDT3530通用型MHMA102P1G+MDDDT3530003脉冲型1500W(大惯量):通用型MHMA152P1G+MDDDT5540 脉冲型:MHMA152P1G+MDDDT55400032000W(中惯量)通用型MDMA202P1G+MEDDT7364MDMA202P1G+MEDDT73640033000W(小惯量) 通用型:MSMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MSMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900003 3000W(中惯量):通用型:MDMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MDMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900003 3000W(大惯量):通用型:MHMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MHMA302P1G+MFDDTA39000033000W(大惯量带刹车):通用型:MHMA302P1H+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MHMA302P1H+MFDDTA39000033000W(小惯量带刹车):通用型:MSMA302P1H+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MSMA302P1H+MFDDTA39000033000W(中惯量带刹车):通用型:MDMA302P1G+MFDDTA3900脉冲型:MDMA302P1G+MFDDTA39000034000W(中惯量)MDMA402P1G+ MFDDTB3A2通用型MDMA402P1G+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型4000W(大惯量)MHMA402P1G+MFDDTB3A2 通用型MHMA402P1G+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型4000W(小惯量)MSMA402P1G+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA402P1G+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型4000W(小惯量)MSMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型4000W(中惯量)MSMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型4000W(大惯量)MHMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA402P1H+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型5000W (小惯量)带刹车:MSMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2脉冲型5000w(中惯量)带刹车:MDMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MDMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型5000W(大惯量)带刹车:MHMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2通用型MHMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型5000W (小惯量):MSMA502P1G+MFDDTB3A2通用型MSMA502P1H+MFDDTB3A2脉冲型5000w:MDMA502P1G+MFDDTB3A2通用型MDMA502P1G+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型5000W(大惯量):MHMA502P1G+MFDDTB3A2通用型MHMA502P1G+MFDDTB3A2003脉冲型2、松下A5系列伺服电机常用替代对应A4型号:100W(小惯量):通用型MSMD012G1U+MADHT1505 脉冲型MSMD012G1U+MADHT1505E带刹车MSMD012G1V+MADHT1505 脉冲型MSMD012G1V+MADHT1505E100W(大惯量):通用型MHMD012G1U+MADHT1505 脉冲型MHMD012G1U+MADHT1505E带刹车MHMD012G1V+MADHT1505 脉冲型MHMD012G1V+MADHT1505E200W(小惯量):通用型MSMD022G1U+MADHT1507 脉冲型MSMD022G1U+MADHT1507E带刹车MSMD022G1V+MADHT1507 脉冲型MSMD022G1V+MADHT1507E200W(大惯量): 通用型MHMD022G1U+MADHT1507 脉冲型MHMD022G1U+MADHT1507E带刹车MHMD022G1V+MADHT1507 脉冲型MHMD022G1V+MADHT1507E400W(小惯量):通用型MSMD042G1U+MBDHT2510 脉冲型MSMD042G1U+MBDHT2510E带刹车MSMD042G1V+MBDHT2510 脉冲型MSMD042G1V+MBDHT2510E400W(大惯量):通用型MHMD042G1U+MBDHT2510 脉冲型MHMD042G1U+MBDHT2510E带刹车MHMD042G1V+MBDHT2510 脉冲型MHMD042G1V+MBDHT2510E750W(小惯量):通用型MSMD082G1U+MCDHT3520 脉冲型MSMD082G1U+MCDHT3520E带刹车MSMD082G1V+MCDHT3520 脉冲型MSMD082G1V+MCDHT3520E750W(大惯量):通用型MHMD082G1U+MCDHT3520 脉冲型MHMD082G1U+MCDHT3520E带刹车MHMD082G1V+MCDHT3520 脉冲型MHMD082G1V+MCDHT35201000W(中惯量)通用型MDME102GCG+MDDHT3530脉冲型MDME102GCG+MDDHT3530通用型1000W(小惯量)通用型MSME102GCG+MDDHT3530脉冲型:MSME102GCG+MDDHT35301000W(大惯量)通用型:MHME102GCG+MDDHT3530脉冲型:MHME102GCG+MDDHT3530E1000W带刹车(中惯量)通用型MDME102GCH+MDDHT3530脉冲型MDME102GCG+MDDHT3530通用型1000W带刹车(小惯量)通用型MSME102GCH+MDDHT3530脉冲型:MSME102GCH+MDDHT35301000W带刹车(大惯量)通用型:MHME102GCH+MDDHT3530脉冲型:MHME102GCH+MDDHT3530E1500W(小惯量)通用型MSME152GCG+MDDHT5540 脉冲型:MSME152GCH+MDDHT5540E1500W(中惯量)通用型MDME152GCG+MDDHT5540脉冲型MDME152GCG+MDDHT5540E1500W(大惯量)通用型MHME152GCG+MDDHT5540脉冲型MHME152GCG+MDDHT5540E1500W带刹车(小惯量)通用型MSME152GCH+MDDHT5540 脉冲型:MSME152GCH+MDDHT5540E1500W带刹车(中惯量)通用型MDME152GCH+MDDHT5540脉冲型MDME152GCH+MDDHT5540E1500W带刹车(大惯量)通用型MHME152GCH+MDDHT5540脉冲型MHME152GCH+MDDHT5540E2000W大惯量通用型MHME202GCG+MEDHT7364 脉冲型MHME202GCG+MEDHT7364E2000W中惯量通用型MDMA202GCG+MEDHT7364 脉冲型MDMA202GCG+MEDHT7364E2000W带刹车小惯量通用型MSME202GCH+MEDHT7364脉冲型:MSME202GCH+MEDHT7364E 2000W带刹车大惯量通用型MHME202GCH+MEDHT7364 脉冲型MHME202GCH+MEDHT7364E2000W带刹车中惯量通用型MDME202GCH+MEDHT7364 脉冲型MDME202GCH+MEDHT7364E2000W带刹车小惯量通用型MSME202GCH+MEDHT7364脉冲型:MSMA202GCH+MEDHT7364E3KW小惯量通用型MSME302GCG+MFDHTA390脉冲型:3KW中惯量通用型MDME302GCG+MFDHTA390脉冲型MDME302GCG+MFDHTA390E3KW大惯量通用型MHME302GCG+MFDHTA390脉冲型MHME302GCG+MFDHTA390E3KW带刹车小惯量通用型MSME302GCH+MFDHTA390脉冲型:MSME302GCH+MFDHTA3903KW带刹车中惯量通用型MDME302GCH+MFDHTA390脉冲型MDME302GCH+MFDHTA390E3KW带刹车大惯量通用型MHME302GCH+MFDHTA390脉冲型4KW小惯量通用型MSME402GCG+MFDHTB3A2脉冲型MSME402GCG+MFDHTB3A2E4KW中惯量通用型MDME402GCG+ MFDHTB3A2脉冲型MDME402GCG+ MFDHTB3A2E4KW小惯量带刹车通用型MSME402GCH+MFDHTB3A2脉冲型MSME402GCH+MFDHTB3A2E4KW带刹车中惯量通用型带刹车MDME402GCH+ MFDHTB3A2脉冲型MDME402GCH+ MFDHTB3A2E4KW带刹车大惯量通用型MHME402GCH+ MFDHTB3A2 MHME402GCH+ MFDHTB3A2E脉冲型5KW大惯量通用型MHME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MHME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2E5KW中惯量通用型MDME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MDME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2E5KW小惯量通用型MSME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MSME502GCG+MFDHTB3A2E5KW带刹车大惯量通用型MHME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MHME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2E5KW带刹车中惯量通用型MDME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MDME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2E5KW带刹车小惯量通用型MSME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2 脉冲型MSME502GCH+MFDHTB3A2EA系列Panasonic MINAS Aseries Low inertia(小惯量A系列交流伺服)MSMA3A2A1G/C/E/H(30W/0.03KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA3A3A1A(30W/0.03KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA5A2A1G/C/E/H(50W/0.05KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA5A3A1A(50W/0.05KW小惯量伺服驱动器) MSMA012A1G/C/E/H(100W/0.1KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA013A1A(100W/0.1KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA022A1G/C/E/H(200W/0.2KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA023A1A(200W/0.2KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA042A1G/C/E/H(400W/0.4KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA043A1A(400W/0.4KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA052A1C/E/H(500W/0.5KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA053A1A(500W/0.5KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA082A1C/E/H(750W/0.75KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA083A1A(750W/0.75KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA102A1C/E/H(1000W/1KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA103A1A(1000W/1KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA152A1C/E/H(1500W/1.5KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA153A1A(1500W/1.5KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA202A1G/C/E/H(2000W/2KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA203A1A(2000W/2KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA252A1G/C/E/H(2500W/2.5KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA253A1A(2500W/2.5KW小惯量伺服驱动器) MSMA302A1G/C/E/H(3000W/3KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA303A1A(3000W/3KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA352A1G/C/E/H(3500W/3.5KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA353A1A(3500W/3.5KW小惯量伺服驱动器)) MSMA402A1G/C/E/H(4000W/4KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA403A1A(4000W/4KW小惯量伺服驱动器)MSMA452A1G/C/E/H(4500W/4.5KW小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA453A1A(4500W/4.5KW小惯量伺服驱动器) MSMA502A1G/C/E/H(5000W/5KW小小惯量伺服电机) 匹配+ MSDA503A1A(5000W/5KW小惯量伺服驱动器)Panasonic MINAS Aseries Middle inertia(中惯量A系列交流伺服)MDMA3A2A1G/C/E/H(30W/0.03KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机匹配+ MDDA3A3A1A(30W/0.03KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA5A2A1G/C/E/H(50W/0.05KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机+ MDDA5A3A1A(50W/0.05KW中惯量伺服驱动器) MDMA012A1G/C/E/H(100W/0.1KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机+ MDDA013A1A(100W/0.1KW中惯量伺服驱动器) MDMA022A1G/C/E/H(200W/0.2KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA023A1A(200W/0.2KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA042A1G/C/E/H(400W/0.4KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA043A1A(400W/0.4KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA052A1G/C/E/H(500W/0.5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA053A1A(500W/0.5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA082A1G/C/E/H(750W/0.75KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA083A1A(750W/0.75KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA102A1G/C/E/H(1000W/1KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA103A1A(1000W/1KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA152A1G/C/E/H(1500W/1.5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+MDDA153A1A(1500W/1.5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA202A1G/C/E/H(2000W/2KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA203A1A(2000W/2KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA252A1G/C/E/H(2500W/2.5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+MDDA253A1A(2500W/2.5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA302A1G/C/E/H(3000W/3KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA303A1A(3000W/3KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA352A1G/C/E/H(3500W/3.5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+MDDA353A1A(3500W/3.5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA402A1G/C/E/H(4000W/4KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA403A1A(4000W/4KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA452A1G/C/E/H(4500W/4.5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA453A1A(4500W/4.5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)MDMA502A1G/C/E/H(5000W/5KW中惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MDDA503A1A(5000W/5KW中惯量伺服驱动器)Panasonic MINAS Aseries High inertia(大/高惯量A系列交流伺服)MHMA3A2A1G/C/E/H(30W/0.03KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA3A3A1A(30W/0.03KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA5A2A1G/C/E/H(50W/0.05KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA5A3A1A(50W/0.05KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA012A1G/C/E/H(100W/0.1KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA013A1A(100W/0.1KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA022A1G/C/E/H(200W/0.2KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA023A1A(200W/0.2KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA042A1G/C/E/H(400W/0.4KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA043A1A(400W/0.4KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA052A1G/C/E/H(500W/0.5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA053A1A(500W/0.5KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA082A1G/C/E/H(750W/0.75KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA083A1A(750W/0.75KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA102A1G/C/E/H(1000W/1KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA103A1A(1000W/1KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA152A1G/C/E/H(1500W/1.5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA153A1A(1500W/1.5KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA202A1G/C/E/H(2000W/2KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA203A1A(2000W/2KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA252A1G/C/E/H(2500W/2.5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA253A1A(2500W/2.5KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA302A1G/C/E/H(3000W/3KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA303A1A(3000W/3KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA352A1G/C/E/H(3500W/3.5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA353A1A(3500W/3.5KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA402A1G/C/E/H(4000W/4KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA403A1A(4000W/4KW大惯量伺服驱动器)MHMA452A1G/C/E/H(4500W/4.5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA453A1A(4500W/4.5KW大惯量伺服驱动器机)MHMA502A1G/C/E/H(5000W/5KW大惯量伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MHDA503A1A(5000W/5KW大惯量伺服驱动器)Panasonic MINAS Aseries Flat(扁平型A系列交流伺服) MFMA3A2A1G/C/E/H(30W/0.03KW扁平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA3A3A1A(30W/0.03KW扁平型伺服驱动器)MFMA5A2A1G/C/E/H(50W/0.05KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA5A3A1A(50W/0.05KW扁平型伺服驱动器)MFMA012A1G(100W/0.1KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA013A1A(100W/0.1KW扁平型伺服驱动器) MFMA022A1G(200W/0.2KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹MFMA042A1G(400W/0.4KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA043A1A(400W/0.4KW扁平型伺服驱动器) MFMA052A1G(500W/0.5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA053A1A(500W/0.5KW扁平型伺服驱动器) MFMA082A1G(750W/0.75KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA083A1A(750W/0.75KW扁平型伺服驱动器) MFMA102A1G(1000W/1KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA103A1A(1000W/1KW扁平型伺服驱动器)MFMA152A1G(1500W/1.5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+MFDA153A1A(1500W/1.5KW扁平型伺服驱动器机) MFMA202A1G(2000W/2KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA203A1A(2000W/2KW扁平型伺服驱动器)MFMA252A1G(2500W/2.5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+MFDA253A1A(2500W/2.5KW扁平型伺服驱动器) MFMA302A1G(3000W/3KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA303A1A(3000W/3KW扁平型伺服驱动器)MFMA352A1G(3500W/3.5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA353A1A(3500W/3.5KW扁平型伺服驱动器机) MFMA402A1G(4000W/4KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA403A1A(4000W/4KW扁平型伺服马达/伺服电机) MFMA452A1G(4500W/4.5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹MFMA502A1G(5000W/5KW平型伺服马达/伺服电机) 匹配+ MFDA503A1A(5000W/5KW扁平型伺服驱动器)。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Specification StatusChange Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy 160-006AM040322BHTI Alternate Materials List M&P 299-947-100-690115BHTI Procurement Specification for Epoxy Adhesive, Heat Resistant M&P 299-947-320-820507BHTIAdhesive Film and Primer System, Intermedite Cure Temperature (260-290º F) ServiceTemerature 67-225º F)M&P 68A900000G011101BAC Finish Spec:F-15M&P 74A900000E990308BAC Finish Specification for F18 Aircraft M&P 74A900004L010501BAC Ctrl:Fract Crit Parts, F-18M&P 74A901001F981208BAC Std Finish Codes:F-18 A\C M&P 901-947-002CA D950510BHTI Finish Specification for the V-22 Aircraft (Bell Boeing) Model 901) EMD Aircraft M&P10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26A-A-208B951120Notice 2 Notice 3FED Ink, Marking, Stencil, Opaque M&P A-A-2962Cancelled no s/s spec A980810canc notice 2-060106FED Commercial Item Description Enamel, Alkyd, Exterior, Solvent Based, Low Voc ok to use canc spec M&P A-A-3097BK-970506Notice 3FEDCommercial Item Description Adhesives, Cyanoacrylate, Rapid Room Temperature-Curing,SolventlessM&P A-A-3165CA A071116Notice 2FED Lacquer, Gloss, for A/C Use M&P A-A-52080B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Nylon M&P A-A-52081B980523FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Polyester M&P A-A-52082CE C070904Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, TFE-Fluorocarbon M&P A-A-52083BJ C040223FED Tape, Lacing, and Tying, Glass M&P A-A-52084B980523Notice 1FED Tape, Lacing and Tying, Aramid M&P A-A-55829-970204Notice 1DLA Acetic Acid, Glacial, Technical M&P A-A-56032CN D030521Notice 1FED Commercial Item Description (CIDS) Ink, Marking, Epoxy Base M&P A-A-59126-970926FED Terminals, Feedthru (Insulated) and Terminals, Stud (Insulated and Noninsulated)ENG A-A-59132CR A100607Validation Notice 1DLA Amyl Acetate, Technical M&P A-A-59135CR-971028FED Commercial Item Description Packaging Material, Sheet M&P A-A-59136CR-971028FED Cushioning Material, Packaging, Closed Cell Foam Plank M&P A-A-59178CL A041012USGOVT Nipple, Electrical Terminal ENG A-A-59503CG B081020FED Commercial Item Description Nitrogen, Technical M&P A A59551Wire Electrical Copper(Uninsulated)27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44A-A-59551CP A091022USGOVT Wire, Electrical, Copper (Uninsulated) M&P A-A-59569CK C090122DLA Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for Transverse Tensile Properties ENG A-A-59588BK A050707FED Commercial Item Description Rubber, Silicone M&P A-A-59877CT-100909FED Comemrcial Item Description Insulating Compound, Electrical, Embedding M&P AIR4127CG - 071101SAE Steel: Chemical Composition and Hardenability M&P AISI-1010Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-50100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-52100Unavailable-AISI Bearing Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-B-1112Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1212Unavailable-AISI Matl Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1213Unavailable-AISI Low Carb Free Mach Stl Unavailable M&P AISI-C-1214Unavailable-AISI Matl Spec, Stl Unavailable M&P AMS 2175CR A100601SAE Castings, Classification and Inspection of M&PAMS 2201Cancelled CN Can940901SAETolerances Aluminum and Aluminum Alloy Bar, Rod, Wire, and Forging Stock Rolled or Cold-FinishedANSI H35.2M&PAMS 2221G060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Bars and Rods M&P AMS 2222BG J060201SAE Tolerances, Copper and Copper Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate M&P AMS 2223BF H060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Seamless Tubing M&P AMS 2224G060201SAE Tolerances Copper and Copper Alloy Wire M&P AMS2241Tolerances,Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel,Iron Alloy,Titanium,and Titanium Alloy Bars and45 46 47 4849 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58AMS 2241CN R070701SAETolerances, Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium, and Titanium Alloy Bars andWireM&P AMS 2242CC G080604SAETolerances Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steel, Iron Alloy, Titanium and Titanium Alloy Sheet,Strip and PlateM&P AMS 2243BJ H060501SAE Tolerances Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steel Tubing M&P AMS 2248CN F060501SAEChemical Check Analysis Limits Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys, Maraging andother Highly-Alloyed Steels, and Iron AlloysM&PAMS 2249CN G090701SAEChemical Check Analysis Limits Titanium and Titanium AlloysM&PAMS 2259CN E071201SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Wrought Low-Alloy and Carbon Steels M&P AMS 2269CN F060501SAE Chemical Check Analysis Limits Nickel, Nickel Alloys, and Cobalt Alloys M&P AMS 2300BF K031001SAE Steel Cleanliness, Premium Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P AMS 2301CT K100801SAE Steel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P AMS 2303CT F100801SAESteel Cleanliness, Aircraft Quality, Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steels Magnetic ParticleInspection ProcedureM&P AMS 2304CN A060301SAE Steel Cleanliness, Special Aircraft-Quality Magnetic Particle Inspection Procedure M&P AMS 2310BE F060201SAE Qualification Sampling and Testing of Steels for Transverse Tensile Properties M&P AMS 2315CN F080101SAE Determination of Delta Ferrite Content M&PAMS 2350Cancelled no s/s spec CN BA891001SAEStandards and Test Methodsok to use canc spec M&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy59 60 61 62 63 64AMS 2355CN J090701SAEQuality Assurance Sampling and Testing Aluminum Alloys and Magnesium Alloy WroughtProducts (Except Forging Stock), and Rolled, Forged, or Flash Welding RingsM&P AMS 2360CN D070701SAE Room Temperature Tensile Properties of Castings M&P AMS 2370CN J071101SAEQuality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Wrought Products andForging StockM&P AMS 2371CN H071101SAEQuality Assurance Sampling and Testing Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys WroughtProducts and Forging StockM&P AMS 2372CN E070601SAE Quality Assurance Sampling and Testing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings M&P AMS 2375CN D070601SAE Control of Forgings Requiring First Article Approval M&PA l d C t l f P i Q lit Tit i All65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82AMS 2380CN F080601SAE Approval and Control of Premium-Quality Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2400BV W070701SAE Plating, Cadmium M&P AMS 2401CN H071101SAE Plating, Cadmium Low Hydrogen Content Deposit M&P AMS 2403BM L041001SAE Plating, Nickel General Purpose M&P AMS 2404CH F081201SAE Plating, Electroless Nickel M&P AMS 2405Noncurrent CN C841010SAE Electroless Nickel Plate, Low Phosphorous M&P AMS 2406BV L070501SAE Plating, Chromium Hard Deposit M&P AMS 2408CF J081101SAE Plating, Tin M&P AMS 2410CR K100401SAE Plating, Silver Nickel Strike, High Bake M&P AMS 2411CB G080201SAE Plating, Silver for High Temperature Applications M&P AMS 2412CN J091201SAE Plating, Silver Copper Strike, Low Bake M&P AMS 2416K040301SAE Plating, Nickel-Cadmium Diffused M&P AMS 2417G040701SAE Plating, Zinc-Nickel Alloy M&P AMS 2418G060101SAE Plating, Copper M&P AMS 2419BM C030501SAE Plating, Cadmium-Titanium M&P AMS 2420D021201SAE Plating of Aluminum for Solderability Zinc Immersion Pre-Treatment Process M&PAMS 2423**See special notes CE D020401SAE Plating, Nickel Hard DepositContinue to use AMS-QQ-N-290 for Class2 NickelM&PAMS 2424CR F100401SAE NI Plate, Low Stressed Deposit M&P AMS2426D Coating Cadmium Vacuum Deposition83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94AMS 2426BT020901SAE Coating, Cadmium Vacuum Deposition M&P AMS 2429C011101SAE Bronze Plate Masking M&P AMS 2430CN R100101SAE Shot Peening, Automatic M&P AMS 2433C041001SAE Plating, Nickel-Thallium-Boron or Nickel-Boron M&P AMS 2434CN C060501SAE Plating, Tin-Zinc Alloy M&P AMS 2435Noncurrent CN G070601SAE Coating, Tungsten Carbide-Cobalt Coating, Detonation Process M&P AMS 2437BN C710111SAE Coating, Plasma Spray Deposition M&P AMS 2438CL D090701SAE Plating, Chromium Thin, Hard, Dense Deposit M&P AMS 2444BM A001201SAE Coating, Titanium Nitride Physical Vapor Deposition M&P AMS 2451BN B060501SAE Plating, Brush General Requirements M&PAMS 2460See special notes CA-070701SAE Plating, ChromiumIf dwg requires chrome plate per AMS-QQ-C-320 then stress relief and embritlmnt(emb) bake relief per BPS4620. If dwg req'schrome plate per AMS 2460 then stressrelief and bake relief per AMS 2460 unlessthe dwg specifically req's BPS 4620M&PAMS 2468Cancelled CN G981001SAE Hard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum Alloys AMS 2469M&P AMS 2469CG H080701SAEHard Anodic Coating Treatment of Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Processing and PerformanceRequirementsM&P95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111qAMS 2470CN M070401SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Chromic Acid Process M&P AMS 2471CN G081201SAE Anodic Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Sulfuric Acid Process, Undyed Coating M&P AMS 2481CP J100201SAE Phosphate Treatment Antichafing M&PAMS 2482CN D100101SAEHard Anodic Coating on Aluminum Alloys Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-Impregnated orCodepositedM&PAMS 2485BY K080101SAE Coating, Black Oxide M&P AMS 2486CR E100501SAE Conversion Coating of Titanium Alloys Fluoride-Phosphate Type M&P AMS 2487CN A000301SAE Anodic Treatment of Titanium and Titanium Alloys Solution pH 12.4 Maximum M&P AMS 2488D000606SAE Anodic Tr:Ti,Ti Alys M&P AMS 2515BM E900101SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating Low Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F) Fusion M&P AMS 2516BM D900101SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Resin Coating High Build, 370 to 400 °C (698 to 752 °F) Fusion M&P AMS 2525C030401SAE Graphite Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied M&P AMS 2526BW C071001SAE Molybdenum Disulfide Coating, Thin Lubricating Film Impingement Applied M&P AMS 2615BM F060901SAE Pressure Testing Hydraulic Pressure as Specified M&P AMS 2630CR C100101SAE Inspection, Ultrasonic Product Over 0.5 Inch (12.7 mm) Thick M&P AMS 2631CN C090701SAE Ultrasonic Inspection Titanium and Titanium Alloy Bar and Billet M&P AMS 2632BN A950301SAEInspection, Ultrasonic, Of Thin Materials 0.50 Inch (12.7 mm) and Under in Cross-SectionalThicknessM&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120AMS 2635Cancelled Can810701SAE Radiographic Insp ASTM E1742M&P AMS 2640Cancelled CH Can960401SAE Magnetic Particle Inspection ASTM E1444M&P AMS 2645Cancelled CH Can950201SAE Fluorescent Penetrant Inspection ASTM E1417M&P AMS 2649CA C080101SAE Etch Inspection of High Strength Steel Parts M&P AMS 2658CN C091001SAE Hardness and Conductivity Inspection of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2664CH F950701SAE Brazing, Silver For Use Up to 800 °F (427 °C)M&P AMS 2665G030101SAE Brazing, Silver for Use up to 400 °F (204 °C)M&P AMS 2666Cancelled Can840101SAE Ag Braz,High Temp AMS 2664M&P AMS 2670BK J060601SAE Brazing, Copper M&P121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134135AMS 2671Cancelled CH Can920101SAE Copper Brazing Corrosion and Heat Resistant Steels and Alloys AMS 2670M&P AMS 2672BM F010301SAE Brazing, Aluminum Torch or Furnace M&P AMS 2673BM D010301SAE Brazing, Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Molten Flux (Dip)M&P AMS 2675G020501SAE Brazing, Nickel Alloy Filler Metal M&P AMS 2680C010601SAE Electron--Beam Welding for Fatigue Critical Applications M&P AMS 2681B000301SAE Electron Beam Welding M&P AMS 2685Noncurrent CP E071001SAE Welding, Tungsten Arc, Inert Gas GTAW Method M&P AMS 2689Noncurrent CH A980201SAE Fusion Welding Titanium and Titanium Alloys M&P AMS 2694BR B070201SAE In-Process Welding of Castings M&PAMS 2700CF C081101SAE Passivation of Corrosion Resistant SteelsIf no Method & Type are specified must useMethod 1, Type 2,6,7 or 8 depending on thebase material. All acceptance testing shallbe per Class 4.M&PAMS 2728BM A050301SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Copper Beryllium Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2745CJ A071201SAE Induction Hardening of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2750BN D050901SAE M&P AMS 2753CF C080801SAE Liquid Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing Non-Cyanide Bath M&P AMS 2755Cancelled CM Can090701SAE Nitriding, Molten Salt BathProcess not available, consider AMS 2753as replacementM&P136137 138 139140 141 142 143 144 145as replacement.AMS 2759CE E081001SAE Heat Treatment of Steel Parts General Requirements M&P AMS 2759/1CJ E090201SAEHeat Treatment of Carbon & Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength Below 220 ksi (1517Mpa)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for carbon & low-alloy steels below 220 KSIM&P AMS 2759/10CN A060601SAE Automated Gaseous Nitriding Controlled by Nitriding Potential M&P AMS 2759/11BW-050401SAE Stress Relief of Steel Parts M&P AMS 2759/2CR F100501SAE Heat Treatment of Low-Alloy Steel Parts Minimum Tensile Strength 220 ksi (1517 Mpa) and HigherSupersedes MIL-H-6875 for low-alloysteels, 220 KSI & higher M&P AMS 2759/3CE E080801SAE Heat Treatment Precipitation-Hardening Corrosion-Resistant & Maraging Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 for precipitationhardening & maraging steelM&P AMS 2759/4CA C080301SAE Heat Treatment Austenitic Corrosion-Resistant Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 for austenticsteelsM&P AMS 2759/5D040601SAE Heat Treatment Martensitic Corrosion Resistant Steel PartsSupersedes MIL-H-6875 for martensiticsteelsM&P AMS 2759/6BM B051101SAE Gas Nitriding & Heat Treatment of Low - Alloy Steel Parts Use Standard Drawing Notes per BDS2240M&P AMS 2759/7CT B100501SAE Carburizing and Heat Treatment of Carburizing Grade Steel Parts M&P1. Infrared pyrometry may be used to146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156AMS 2759/8CG A070601See Special Notes SAE Ion Nitridingmeasure temperature. 2. The nitridingtemperature may be less than 50 degreesbelow the tempering or aging temperatureprovided that the core hardness is notreduced. 3. For small loads, a minimum oftwo acceptance testing specimens may beused in lieu of four, provided that at leastone specimen is placed in each layer.M&P AMS 2759/9CL D090501SAE Hydrogen Embrittlement Relief (Baking of Steel Parts)Supersedes MIL-H-6875 for stress relievingsteelsM&P AMS 2762Noncurrent CP B020101SAE Carburizing Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Parts M&P AMS 2768CR C100701SAE Heat Treatment of Magnesium Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2770BJ H060801SAE Heat Treatment of Wrought Aluminum Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2771C040701SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Castings M&P AMS 2772BY E080201SAE Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloy Raw Materials M&P AMS 2774CG B080801SAE Heat Treatment Wrought Nickel Alloy and Cobalt Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2800CN D060801SAE Identification Finished Parts M&P AMS 2801B030301SAE Heat Treatment of Titanium Alloy Parts M&P AMS 2807CF B080201SAEIdentification Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels, Corrosion and Heat-Resistant Steels and Alloys Sheet,Strip, Plate and Aircraft TubingM&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy157 158 159 160161162AMS 3025CN C090901SAE Polyalkylene Glycol Heat Treat Quenchant M&P AMS 3106Cancelled Can830401SAE Primer, Adhesive,Corr Inhib AMS 3107M&P AMS 3107A910401SAE Primer, Adhesive,Corr-Inhibiting M&P AMS 3195E920101SAE Silicone Rubber Sponge M&PAMS 3216G050901SAE Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 70 to 80M&P AMS 3218C050901SAE Fluorocarbon (FKM) Rubber High-Temperature - Fluid Resistant Low Compression Set 85 to 95M&P AMS3276Sealing Compound,Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose,Intermittent Use to360°F(182°C)163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180AMS 3276CB E080301SAE Sealing Compound, Integral Fuel Tanks and General Purpose, Intermittent Use to 360 F (182 C)M&PAMS 3301G900401SAE Silicone Rubber, Gen Purp,35-45M&P AMS 3305H900401SAE Silicone Rubber, Gen Purp,75-85M&P AMS 3374C050701SAE Sealing Compound Aircraft Firewall M&P AMS 3410J981001SAE Flux,Ag Braz M&P AMS 3411D981001SAE Flux Silver Brz, High Temp M&P AMS 3644BL G060901SAE Plastic: Polyimide For Molded Rod, Bar, and Tube, Plaque, and Formed Parts M&P AMS 3645CN C010101SAE Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE), Compression Molded Heavy Sections, Unplasticized M&P AMS 3650CN C910101SAE Rods, Sheets, and Molded Shapes, Polychlorotrifluoroethylene (PCTFE) Unplasticized M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401SAE Ptfe AMS 3667M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3652M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3656M&P AMS 3651Cancelled Can870401Ptfe AMS 3660M&P AMS 3652C930101SAE Ptfe Film,Non-Crit Grade M&P AMS 3656CT G080301SAE Ptfe Extrusions,Norm Strength, As Sintered M&P AMS 3657CC D080301SAE Ptfe, Extrusions, Premium M&P AMS 3658CC D080301SAE Ptfe, Extrusions, Premium M&PAMS 3659CR E100501SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Extrusions, Premium Strength, Sintered and Stress-Relieved M&P AMS3660D100601Polytetrafluoroethylene Moldings M&P181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189190191192193194AMS 3660CR SAE Polytetrafluoroethylene MoldingsAMS 3666D930701SAE Ptfe Sht, Glass Reinforced M&P AMS 3667CA D080301SAE Polytetrafluorethylene Sheet, Molded General Purpose Grade, As Sintered M&P AMS 3668CT D100501SAE Ptfe, Moldings, Premium Grade, A Sintered M&P AMS 3670/1B950401SAE Unfilled Polyamide-Imide, Bar M&P AMS 3824CN C950901SAE Cloth, Glass Finished for Resin Laminates M&P AMS 4001Cancelled CK Can070701SAE Aluminum Sheet and Plate 0.12Cu (1100-0) Annealed ASTM B209M&P AMS 4013CN F070501SAE Aluminum Sheet, Laminated Surface Bonded M&P AMS 4015CN L070201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-0) Annealed M&PAMS 4016CN L060901SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H32) Strain Hardened, Quarter Hard, andStabilizedM&P AMS 4017CN K041201SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 2.5Mg - 0.25Cr (5052-H34) Strain-Hardened, Half Hard, andStabilizedM&P AMS 4023CN E840401SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate Alcalad 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (Alclad 6061; -T6 Sheet,-T651 Plate)M&P AMS 4025CE L080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg - 0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr(6061-0) Annealed AMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P AMS 4026CE M080701SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg -0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr (6061;-T4 Sheet, T-451 Plate)Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P AMS4027Aluminum Alloy,Sheet and Plate1.0Mg-0.60Si-0.28Cu-0.20Cr(6061;-T6Sheet,T-651Plate)AMS QQ A250/11A ll d2008195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204AMS 4027CE N080701SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 1.0Mg 0.60Si0.28Cu0.20Cr (6061;T6 Sheet, T651 Plate)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatAMS-QQ-A-250/11A - cancelled - 2008M&P AMS 4037CN N030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Sheet and Plate 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024; - T3 Flat Sheet, T351 Plate)Solution Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4080CN N091201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Drawn Seamless Tubing 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-O) Annealed M&P AMS 4081CC J080601SAEAluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr(6061-T4) Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4083BW K000901SAEAluminum Alloy Tubing, Hydraulic, Seamless, Drawn, Round 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr-(6061-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4086BL N060901SAEAluminum Alloy, Drawn, Round, Seamless Hydraulic Tubing 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn (2024-T3)Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4088BT K070301SAEAluminum Alloy, Drawn, Seamless Tubing 4.4Cu-1.5Mg-0.60Mn (2024-T3) Solution Heat Treatedand Cold WorkedM&P AMS 4107F051101SAE Alum Aly Die Forg, (7050-T14)M&P AMS 4113CH E030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extruded Profiles 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4116CN H090701SAEAluminum Alloy, Bars, Rods, and Wire 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.3Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T4) Cold Finished,Solution Heat Treated and Naturally AgedM&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy205 206 207AMS 4117CM J090701SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire and Flash Welded Rings 1.0Mg -0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr (6061; - T6, -T651) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4119Cancelled CN Can900101SAEAluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled, Drawn, or Cold Finished 4.4Cu - 1.5Mg - 0.60Mn (2024-T351) StressRelief StretchedAMS 4120M&P AMS 4120R020901SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire 4.4Cu - 1.5 Mg - 0.60Mn (2024)Solution Heat Treated and Naturally Aged (T4) Solution Heat Treated, Cold Worked, and NaturallyAged (T351)M&P AMS4121Aluminum Alloy Bars, Rods, and Wire, Rolled or Cold Finished 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216AMS 4121CA H071101SAE(2014-T6) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4123CN H060101SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars and Rods (7075-T651) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedM&P AMS 4124BU D050801SAEAluminum Alloy, Rolled or Cold Finished Bars, Rods, and Wire 5.6Zn-2.5Mg-1.6Cu-0.23Cr (7075-T7351) Solution Heat Treated, Stress Relieved by Stretching and OveragedM&P AMS 4128CN D071001SAEAluminum Alloy Bars, Rolled or Cold Finished 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T451)Solution Heat Treated and Stress Relieved by StretchingM&P AMS 4132CF F081201SAEAluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings, Rolled Rings, and Forging Stock 2.3Cu-1.6Mg-1.1Fe-1.0Ni-0.18Si-0.07Ti (2618-T61) Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4133CN E090301SAEAluminum Alloy Forgings and Rolled Rings 4.4Cu -0.85Si -0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solutionand Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4135Cancelled CN Can860401SAEAluminum Alloy Forgings 4.5Cu - 0.85Si - 0.80Mn - 0.50Mg (2014-T6) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedAMS 4133M&P AMS 4141CE F081001SAEAluminum Alloy Die Forgings 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7075-T73) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedM&P AMS 4144BN F060501SAEAluminum Alloy, Hand Forgings and Rolled Rings 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T852/T851) Solution Heat Treated, Mechanically Stress Relieved, and Precipitation Heat-TreatedM&P AMS 4149D020901SAEAluminum Alloy, Die and Hand Forgings 5.6n - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr (7175-T74) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P217218219220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229230Precipitation Heat TreatedAMS 4150CN L030801SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions and Rings 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.28Cu - 0.20Cr - (6061-T6) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4162D030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions 6.3Cu - 0.30Mn - 0.18Zr - 0.10V - 0.06Ti (2219-T8511) SolutionTreated, Stress Relief Stretched, Straigtened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4173CN E030701SAEAluminum Alloy, Extrusions 1.0Mg - 0.60Si - 0.30Cu - 0.20Cr (6061-T6511) Solution HeatTreated,Stress Relieved by Stretching, Straightened, and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4181C030401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.38Mg - 0.10Ti (4008) (UNS A94008)M&P AMS 4182CN G091201SAE Alum Aly Wire, Annealed 5.0Mg - 0.12Mn - 0.12Cr (5056-0) Annealed M&P AMS 4185D000701SAE Fill Mtl, Alum Braz,12SI,(4047)M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4181M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4233M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4244M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4245M&P AMS 4188Cancelled Can861001SAE Wldg Wire AMS 4246M&P AMS 4210CN K050301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T51) Precipitation Heat Treated M&P AMS 4212CN J051001SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedM&P AMS 4214CN J080601SAECastings, Aluminum Alloy Sand 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355.0 T71) Solution Heat Treated andOveragedM&P231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241O e agedAMS 4215CN H080301SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (C355.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedM&P AMS 4217CN H070401SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (A356.0-T6) (Formerly T6P Temper) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4218CN J100101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si-0.35Mg (A356.0-T6) (Formerly T6P Temper) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4223CN D070401SAEAluminum Alloy, Castings 4.5Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T4) Solution HeatTreated and Naturally AgedM&P AMS 4224Cancelled no s/s spec CN C100101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.0Cu - 2.1Ni - 2.0Mg - 0.30Cr - 0.30Mn - 0.13T - 0.13V (243.0)Stabilizedok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4225CN D070601SAEAluminum Alloy, Heat Resistant, Castings 5.0Cu - 1.5Ni - 0.25Mn - 0.25Sb - 0.25Co - 0.20Ti -0.20Zr (203.0-T6) Solution Heat Treated and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4226Noncurrent CN A830101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 5.0Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.18Zr- 0.10V (224.0) Solution andPrecipitation Heat Treated (Overaged)M&P AMS 4227Cancelled no s/s spec CN E050701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Casting, Sand, 8.0Cu 6.0Mg 0.50Mn 0.50Ni, As Cast ok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4229CN D010501SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, High Strength 4.5Cu - 0.7Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (A201.0-T7)Solution Heat Treated and OveragedM&P AMS 4233C030301SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.5 Cu - 0.70Ag - 0.30Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.25Ti (201) (UNS A02010)M&P1Specification Status Change Made atBPS4000 revRev revDate Attachments Org Title supersededBy specialNotes latestSupersedingDoc reviewBy242 243 244 245AMS 4235CN B080301SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T71) Solution andPrecipitation Heat TreatedM&P AMS 4236CN B070801SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (A206.0-T4) Solution Heat Treated andNaturally AgedM&P AMS 4237Cancelled no s/s spec CN B070401SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Sand 4.6Cu - 0.35Mn - 0.25Mg - 0.22Ti (206.0 - T71) Solution HeatTreated and Naturally Agedok to use canc spec M&P AMS 4241CN D091101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.58Mg - 0.15Ti -0.06Be (D357.0 - T6) Solution and PrecipitationHeat Treated Dendrite Arm Spacing (DAS) ControlledM&P AMS4244Aluminum Alloy,Welding Wire4.6Cu-0.35Mn-0.25Mg-0.22Ti for Welding A206.0Type Alloys246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257AMS 4244CE B080701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 4.6Cu 0.35Mn 0.25Mg 0.22Ti for Welding A206.0 Type Alloys M&PAMS 4245Noncurrent CR E100401SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.50Mg (355) (UNS A03550)M&P AMS 4246Noncurrent CP D080201SAE Aluminum Alloy, Welding Wire 7.0Si - 0.52Mg (357) (UNS A03570)M&PAMS 4260Not Acceptable to Useat Parker HannifinAerospaceCL G080601SAE Alum Aly Cast, Invest(356.0-T6)BPS4829AMS4260G unacceptable for Parker Use.BPS4829 created as replacement.M&P AMS 4261CN F091201SAE Aluminum Alloy Castings, Investment 7.0Si - 0.32Mg (356.0 - T51) Precipitation Heat Treated M&P AMS 4280CN J080601SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 5.0Si - 1.2Cu - 0.5Mg (355.0-T71) Solution HeatTreated and OveragedM&P AMS 4284CN H080601SAEAluminum Alloy Castings, Permanent Mold 7.0Si - 0.30Mg (356.0-T6) Solution and PrecipitationHeat TreatedM&P AMS 4289CN-011101SAEAluminum Alloy Castings 7.0Si - 0.55Mg - 0.12Ti (F357.0-T6) Solution and Precipitation HeatTreatedM&PAMS 4291CT H101001SAE Aluminum Alloy, Die Castings 8.5Si - 3.5Cu (A380.0-F) (See AS1990) As Cast M&PAMS 4315CK-050701SAEAluminum Alloy Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg - 1.6Cu - 0.23Cr 7075: (-T76 Sheet, -T7651 Plate)Solution and Precipitation Heat TreatedM&PAMS 4316CN-050701SAE Aluminum Alloy, Alclad Sheet and Plate 5.6Zn - 2.5Mg M&PAMS 4437CN E080501SAE Magnesium Alloy Castings, Sand 8.7Al - 0.70Zn (AZ91C-T6) Solution Heat Treated and Aged M&P258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269AMS 4507BW H011101SAE Copper Alloy (Brass), Sheet, Strip, and Plate 70Cu - 30Zn Half Hard (H02)M&P AMS 4510CN G010501SAE Phosphor Bronze, Sheet, Strip, and Plate 94.5Cu - 4.0Sn - 0.19P Spring Temper (H08)M&PAMS 4511A040701SAECopper Beryllium Alloy Castings 97Cu-2.1Be-0.52(Co+Ni)-0.28Si Solution and Precipitation HeatTreated (TFOO)M&P AMS 4530G050201SAE Copper -Beryllium Alloy Sheet, Strip, and Plate 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution Heat Treated (TB00)M&P AMS 4533CL C090701SAECopper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution and Precipitation Heat Treated(TF00, formerly AT)-UNS C17200M&P AMS 4597CN-060801SAECopper-Nickel-Tin Alloy, Bars and Rods 77Cu - 15Ni - 8Sn Solution Annealed, Cold Finished andSpinodal Hardened (TX TS)M&PAMS 4631Noncurrent CL E880401SAE Aluminum Bronze Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90.5Cu - 7.5Al - 1.95: Stress Relieved M&PAMS 4633CL A031201SAEBronze, Aluminum Silicon, Rods, Bars, and Forgings 90Cu - 7.0Al - 1.8Si Drawn and StressRelieved (HR50)M&PAMS 4634CL B090301SAE Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 905Cu - 7.5Al - 1.9Si Stress Relieved M&P AMS 4635CL F090701SAE Aluminum Bronze Bars, Rods, and Forgings 87Cu - 9Al - 3Fe Stress Relieved M&P AMS 4640G050801SAEAluminum Bronze, Bars, Rods, Shapes, Tubes, and Forgings 81.5Cu - 10.0Al - 4.8Ni - 3.0FeDrawn and Stress Relieved (HR50) or Temper Annealed (TQ50)M&P AMS 4650L040301SAECopper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars, Rods, Shapes and Forgings 98Cu - 1.9Be Solution Heat TreatedTB00 (A)M&P270271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278279280281282283()AMS 4651CN C050701SAE Copper-Beryllium Alloy, Bars and Rods 98Cu - 1.9Be (CDA 172) Hard Temper (TD04)M&PAMS 4674CN G060901SAE Nickel - Copper Alloy, Corrosion-Resistant, Bars and Forgings 67Ni - 30Cu - 0.04S Free Machining M&PAMS 4701CN G091001SAE Copper Wire, Oxygen-Free 99.95 (Cu+Ag) Annealed M&P AMS 4730CN G080701SAE Nickel-Copper Alloy Wire, Corrosion-Resistant 67Ni-31Cu Annealed (400)M&P AMS 4765E990501SAE Braz Fill Mtl M&P AMS 4769F990501SAE Braz Fill Mtl M&P AMS 4770K990501SAE Braz Fill Mtl M&P AMS 4772J990501SAE Braz Fill Mtl M&P AMS 4774F990501SAE Braz Fill Mtl M&PAMS 4775CT J101001SAENickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 0.75C - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe 1790 to 1970 °F (977 to1077 °C) Solidus-Liquidus RangeM&P AMS 4776CT H101001SAENickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 73Ni - 4.5Si - 14Cr - 3.1B - 4.5Fe (Low Carbon) 1790 to 1970 °F(977 to 1077 °C) Solidus-Liquidus RangeM&P AMS 4777CT H101001SAENickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal 82Ni - 4.5Si - 7.0Cr - 3.1B - 3.0Fe 1780 to 1830 °F (971 to 999°C) Solidus-Liquidus RangeM&P AMS 4786CN H090701SAEGold-Palladium-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature 70 Au - 8.0Pd - 22Ni 1845 to1915 °F (1007 to 1046 °C) Solidus-Liquidus RangeM&P AMS 4787F000401SAE Gold-Nickel Alloy, Brazing Filler Metal, High Temperature 70Au - 8.0Pd - 22Ni 1845 to 1915M&P。
富士胶片 内镜系列 双气囊肠镜 说明书
Iris Image storage Power rating Dimensions W×H×D
Weight DICOM
HD-SDIHDTV 1080i 2ch
DVI Digital Visual Interface
1280×1024p Ethernet100 / 10Base RGB1280×1024p SDTV 120V/NTSC,230V/PAL
Less invasiveness
Tube kit
Over-tubes Balloons
System Configuration
Using silicone rubber accessories
Balloon Controller: PB-30/PB-20
Tube Kit: TY-500*
DBE 3.2mm
Close Focus
Double-balloon endoscope suitable for both observation and treatment. The 3.2mm instrument channel diameter enables improved suction performance and supports a wider variety of procedures including hemostasis and balloon dilatation. The new High Resolution Super CCD ensures vivid and high quality images, and the new optical lens enables the observation range of 2-100mm and a wide-angle 140° field of view.
SAEJ2044 SEP 2002
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BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230
BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230250*************(24小时)化学品安全技术说明书GHS product identifier 应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::供应商/ 制造商:安捷伦科技贸易(上海)有限公司中国(上海)外高桥自由贸易试验区英伦路412号(邮编:200131)电话号码: 800-820-3278传真号码: 0086 (21) 5048 2818BL21-CodonPlus-RP Competent Cells, Part Number 230250化学品的推荐用途和限制用途BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells 230250-41pUC 18 DNA Control Plasmid 200231-42XL10-Gold 2-Mercaptoethanol 200314-43部件号:物质用途:分析试剂。
230250-41BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells1 ml(毫升) (10 x 100 µl)200231-42pUC 18 DNA ControlPlasmid0.01 ml(毫升) (0.1 ng/µl)200314-43XL10-Gold2-Mercaptoethanol0.05 ml(毫升)部件号(化学品试剂盒):230250安全技术说明书根据 GB/ T 16483-2008 和 GB/ T 17519-2013GHS化学品标识:BL21-CodonPlus-RP 感受态细胞,部件号 230250物质或混合物的分类根据 GB13690-2009 和 GB30000-2013紧急情况概述BL21-CodonPlus-RP competent cells液体。
pUC 18 DNA Control Plasmid 液体。
丙烯酸酯流平剂也适用于水性体系。BYK380N 因其适当的极性而用于这些配方。
流动与流平 丙烯酸酯类 表面活性聚合物
亚光/表面纹理构型 亚光效果
细腻纹理构型 中等纹理构型 粗糙纹理构型
高表面滑爽的涂层由于其更多的抗机械损 伤性能可同时产生更好的抗划痕能力。因 此,能产生高表面滑爽的有机硅助剂也能 改善抗划痕的性能。
蜡助剂,如基于聚乙烯的蜡(通常与PTFE 混合)也常推荐用于改进抗划痕性。
要避免桔皮并使表面光滑,首先推荐使用 聚丙烯酸酯类的流平剂。也可使用具有轻 微表面活性的有机硅助剂。
第3页 第4页 第4页 第5页 第5页 第5页 第5页
第6页 第6页 第6页 第7页 第7页 第7页 第7页 第7页
应用资料 CC-A 4
润湿与分散: 浮色和发花,沉淀,流挂
着色涂层生产中最重要的步骤之一就是固 体颜料(和填料)在液相的粘接溶液中的 均匀分布。如果这一步骤(研磨)不够理 想,很多诸如絮凝,浮色和发花(颜料的 分离)这类的缺陷就会产生。
这些助剂的极性必须足够的大以使其与水 性介质相溶。
为颜料浓缩浆(颜料糊)的配方所提供的 润湿分散剂,可用于无载体树脂的颜料分 散和稳定。
流变控制: 防止流挂,防止沉淀
推荐使用液体流变改性剂 BYK-420 和 BYK-425 用于环氧组份。该产品可建立 三维网络结构,有效地降低颜填料的沉降 并改善垂直面防流挂性能。假塑性被提高 图 9 并产生触变效果。
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Optical Mouse Sensor
Data Sheet
1 description Page General
2. Features Page 1
descriptions Page
4. Absolute maximum rating Page 3
3 characteristics Page 5.
6. Application circuit Page 5
Surface is 0 ref.
10.38 7.25
4. Absolute maximum ratings
Parameter Symbol Min. Max Unit Notes
Storage Temperature Range T STR -40 85 ℃ Operating Temperature Range T OPR 0 40 ℃
Lead solder Temperature - - 245
℃ For 10 seconds, 1.6mm below seating plane.
Supply V oltage V DD 4.4 5.5 V ESD - - 2 KV All pins, human body model Input V oltage - -0.5 V DD +0.5 V PD, TIO, TCLK Angle of incidence θ 30 45 degree
5. Electrical characteristics
5-1. Recommended operating conditions
Parameter Symbol Min Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Oscillator Resistor R OSC 43 51 56 K Ω Speed S - 16+ - inches/sec Acceleration A - 1.0 - g
Source Current
Mode (RBIN tied to V DD )
R 1 10 - 191 Ω
For Application Circuit
Type 1.
Bin Resistor
Source Current
Mode (RBIN tied to R2 to GND)
R 2 8.2 - 33 K Ω
For Application Circuit
Type 2.
Distance from Lens Reference
Plane to Surface
A 2.1 2.2 2.3 mm
λ = 639nm
80 - 25,000 LED Light onto IC λ = 875nm
IRR INC 100 - 30,000 mW/m 2
Unintended External Light
onto IC
IRR EXT - - 10 mW/m 2
5-2. DC electrical characteristics
Symbol Min Typ. Max. Unit Notes Clock Frequency F CLK 13 16 19 MHz Frame Rate f frame 1400 1700 2000 frames/sec REFA V oltage V REFA 3.25 3.5 3.75 V REFB V oltage V REFB - 0 - V ROSCA V oltage V ROSCA 0.4*V DD 0.5*V DD 0.6*V DD V ROSCB V oltage
Mouse Active I DDA VG - - 13 mA Standby I DDSB - - 10 mA
Supply Current
Power Down I DDPD - - 3.0 mA
No load on X 1, X 2,
Y 1, Y 2. Excluding LED current. Input Low V oltage V IL - - 0.8 V
Input High V oltage V IH 3 - - V
Output Low V oltage V OL - - 0.4 V I OL = 0.5mA
TCLK, TIO, PD Output High V oltage V OH 3.5 - - V I OH = 0.5mA Output Low V oltage V OL - - 0.4 V I OL = 0.5mA
X 1, X 2, Y 1, Y 2
Output High V oltage V OH 3.5 - - V I OH = 0.5mA
Mouse Active
- - 60% Standby
- - 5% LED Duty
Power Down
- - 0.20% Low Output Current
I LEDL -1 0 1 μA
High Source Current
(RBIN tied to V DD )
I LEDHSRC 1.5 3.1 6
mA V OH = 0.6 V High Sink Current
(RBIN tied to R 2 to GND)
Typ. + 35% -510/R2 Typ. -
mA V OH = V DD – 2 V XY_LED
Output Current High Sink Current
R2 < 5K Ω
5-3. AC electrical characteristics
Symbol Min
Power Down Pulse Width t PDW 720 - - μs
Pulse width to initiate
the power down mode.
Power Down from PD ↑ t PD - 600 - μs
Power Up from PD ↓ t PUPD - - 300 ms
When the mouse is
fully active again.
Power Up from V DD ↑ t PU - - 200 ms Transient Supply Current
I DDT - 20 37 mA Rise Time
t r - 5 - ns C L = 30 pF TIO
Fall Time t f - 5 - ns C L = 30 pF Rise Time
t r - 100 - ns C L = 30 pF X 1, X 2, Y 1, Y 2
Fall Time t f - 100 - ns C L = 30 pF Rise Time
t r - 100 - ns With LED XY_LED
Fall Time
t f - 100 - ns With LED。