2015宝山二模 上海市宝山区2015届高三第二次模拟考试政治试题 扫描版含答案




上海市行知中学高三年级第2次月考(2014, 10)政治加一试卷满分150分一、单项选择题(共90分.每题3分。







与金本位制下流通的纸币不同,纸币本位制下的纸币A可以无限量发行B不能作为财产的代表C没有法定含金量D执行计价单位的功能6、图一是a, b两种理财产品在一定时间内的收益率走势图。

就这两种产品的比较,分析正确的是A. a产品投资风险小,适合低收入者投资B. a产品投资收益率波动大,不适合投资C. b产品投资收益率上升幅度小,不适合投资D. b产品投资风险小,适合稳健型投资者投资7、2013年7月,英国《银行家》杂志公布了2013年全球1000家银行排名,其中96家中国银行榜上有名,有4家中国银行进入前十行列,它们分别是中国工商银行、中国建设银行、中国银行和中国农业银行。



2015年上海市宝山区、静安区、青浦区高考物理二模试卷一.单项选择题(共16分,每小题2分.每小题只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)下列电磁波中,衍射能力最强的是()A.无线电波B.红外线C.紫外线D.γ射线【考点】:电磁波谱.【分析】:波长越长,则波的衍射能力越强,分析电磁波谱得出波长最长的电磁波即可.【解析】:解:已知的几种电磁波中无线电波的波长最长,故无线电波的衍射能力最强;故选:A.【点评】:本题考查电磁波谱以及衍射现象的条件,要求能熟记电磁波谱的内容.2.(2分)太阳辐射能量主要来自太阳内部的()A.裂变反应B.热核反应C.化学反应D.放射性衰变【考点】:轻核的聚变.【专题】:衰变和半衰期专题.【分析】:轻核的聚变在超高温超高压下才能完成,所以聚变反应有被称为热核反应,太阳辐射能量主要来自太阳内部的热核反应.【解析】:解:太阳的能量来自于内部的核聚变,产生很高的能量,又称为热核反应.故B 正确.故选:B.【点评】:该题考查轻核的聚变,解决本题的关键知道太阳内部的核聚变反应又称为热核反应,放出很高的能量.3.(2分)关于原子物理的知识下列说法中错误的为()A.电子的发现证实了原子是可分的B.卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验建立了原子的核式结构模型C.天然放射现象的发现揭示了原子核是由质子和中子组成的D.β射线是高速运动的电子流,有较弱的电离本领【考点】:天然放射现象;X射线、α射线、β射线、γ射线及其特性.【分析】:英国科学家汤姆生通过阴极射线的研究,发现电子,电子的发现证实了原子是可分的.卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验否定了汤姆生的原子结构模型.天然放射现象的发现揭示了原子核有复杂的结构,但原子核是由质子和中子组成.β射线是高速运动的电子流.它贯穿本领比α粒子强,比γ射线弱.【解析】:解:A、英国科学家汤姆生通过阴极射线的研究,发现电子,电子的发现证实了原子是可分的.故A正确;B、卢瑟福的α粒子散射实验否定了汤姆生的原子结构模型.故B正确;C、天然放射现象的发现揭示了原子核有复杂的结构,故C错误;D、β射线是高速运动的电子流.它贯穿本领比α粒子强,比γ射线弱,则有较弱的电离本领.故D正确;本题选择错误的,故选:C.【点评】:对于原子物理的一些常识我们一定要熟记并知道在日常生活中的应用.这也高考考查内容之一.4.(2分)图表是某逻辑电路的真值表,该电路是()A.B.C.D.【考点】:简单的逻辑电路.【分析】:根据基本逻辑门电路的输入输出关系得到真值表,有真值表的逻辑关系推出对应的逻辑门.【解析】:解:A、或门的真值表故A错误B、与门的真值表故B错误C、或非门的真值表故C正确D、与非门的真值表故D错误故选C【点评】:考查了逻辑电路的输入输出关系,真值表.5.(2分)重水堆核电站在发电的同时还可以生产出可供研制核武器的钚239(Pu),这种钚239可由铀239(U)经过n次β衰变而产生,则n为()A.2 B.239 C.145 D.92【考点】:原子核衰变及半衰期、衰变速度.【专题】:衰变和半衰期专题.【分析】:β衰变是原子核内的中子转化为质子,并产生一个电子的过程,即发生β衰变时衰变前后质量数不变,电荷数增加.写出衰变方程即可.【解析】:解:β衰变的过程中,质量数不变,核电荷数增加1个,所以U衰变为Pu 的方程为:Pu→U+n10e所以:94﹣92=n×1故:n=2故选:A【点评】:本题很简单,主要考察β衰变的特点,轨迹β衰变的过程中,质量数不变,核电荷数增加1个的特点,写出衰变方程即可.6.(2分)如图是利用光电管产生光电流的电路,下列说法正确的是()A.K为光电管的阳极B.通过灵敏电流计G的电流方向从b到aC.若用黄光照射能产生光电流,则用红光照射也能产生光电流D.若用黄光照射能产生光电流,则用紫光照射也能产生光电流【考点】:光电效应.【专题】:光电效应专题.【分析】:根据电子运动的方向判断电源的正负极和电流在电流计中的方向,发生光电效应的条件是入射光的频率等于金属的极限频率.【解析】:解:A、电子从K极出来后向A极运动,受到向左的电场力,所以K为光电管的负极,A错误;B、通过灵敏电流计G的电流方向从a到b,B错误;C、红光的频率比黄光低,若用黄光照射能产生光电流,则用红光照射不一定能产生光电流,C错误;D、紫光的频率比黄光高,若用黄光照射能产生光电流,则用紫光照射也能产生光电流,D 正确;故选D【点评】:本题通过光电管的原理考查了有关光电效应的知识,对于这些基础知识要熟练的理解和应用.7.(2分)做竖直上抛运动的物体,在任意相同时间间隔内,速度的变化量()A.大小相同、方向相同B.大小相同、方向不同C.大小不同、方向不同D.大小不同、方向相同【考点】:竖直上抛运动.【分析】:竖直上抛运动是初速度不为零的匀变速直线运动,加速度恒定不变,由△v=at分析速度的变化量.【解析】:解:做竖直上抛运动的物体,只受重力,加速度为重力加速度,则速度变化量△v=at=gt可知在任意相同时间间隔内,速度的变化量大小相同,方向也相同,总是竖直向下.故选:A.【点评】:解决本题的关键要掌握速度变化量与加速度的关系,本题的结论对任何抛体运动(不计阻力)都适用.8.(2分)人站在地面上,先将两腿弯曲,再用力蹬地,就能跳离地面,人能跳起离开地面的原因是()A.地面对人的作用力大于人对地面的作用力B.地面对人的作用力大于地球对人的引力C.人对地球的作用力大于地球对人的引力D.人除受地面的弹力外,还受到一个向上的力【考点】:作用力和反作用力.【分析】:人对地的作用力与地对人的作用力是一对作用力和反作用力,人之所以能跳起离开地面,可以对人进行受力分析,人具有向上的合力.【解析】:解:A、地面对人的弹力与人对地面的弹力是一对作用力和反作用力,大小相等,故A错误;B、人之所以能跳起离开地面,地面对人的弹力大于地球对人的吸引力,人具有向上的合力,故B正确;C、人对地球的作用力大于地球对人的引力,是一对作用力和反作用力,大小相等.故C错误;D、人除受地面的弹力外,没有其他向上的力.故D错误.故选:B.【点评】:该题考查作用力与反作用力,解决本题的关键区别作用力和反作用力与平衡力,以及能够正确对人进行受力分析.二.单项选择题(共24分,每小题3分.每小题只有一个正确选项)9.(3分)如图所示为单摆的振动图象,根据此振动图象不能确定的物理量是()A.摆长B.回复力C.频率D.振幅【考点】:单摆.【专题】:单摆问题.【分析】:由振动图象可直接振幅A和周期T,由f=求出频率.由单摆的周期公式T=2π求出摆长.摆球的质量未知,无法确定回复力.【解析】:解:由图知,单摆的周期为T=2s,由单摆的周期公式T=2π得摆长L=1m,振幅为A=3cm摆球的回复力等于F=﹣mg,由于摆球的质量未知,无法确定回复力.故选:B.【点评】:本题考查基本的读图能力,要掌握单摆的周期公式T=2π,知道单摆的回复力表达式F=﹣mg.10.(3分)如图所示,两同心圆环A、B置于同一光滑水平桌面上,其中A为均匀带电绝缘环,B为导体环,若A环以图示的顺时针方向转动,且转速逐渐增大,则()A.B环将顺时针转动起来B.B环对桌面的压力将增大C.B环将有沿半径方向扩张的趋势D.B环中有顺时针方向的电流【考点】:楞次定律.【专题】:电磁感应与电路结合.【分析】:因带电绝缘环A的运动,相当于电荷定向移动,从而产生电流,导致圆环B中的磁通量发生变化,产生感应电流.使得处于磁场中的B圆环受到力的作用.【解析】:解:A、A环以图示的顺时针方向,绕圆心由静止转动起来,设绝缘环带正电,所以产生顺时针方向的电流,使得B环中的磁通量变大,由楞次定律可得感应电流方向是逆时针的,两环的电流方向相反,则具有沿半径扩张趋势.若绝缘环带负电,所以产生逆时针方向的电流,使得B环中的磁通量仍变大,由楞次定律可得感应电流方向是顺时针的,两环的电流方向仍相反,则仍具有沿半径扩张趋势.由上可知,B环不会转动,同时对桌面的压力不变,故C正确,ABD错误.故选:C.【点评】:由楞次定律来确定感应电流方向,同时当电流方向相同时,两者相吸引;而当电流方向相反时,两者相排斥.11.(3分)如图所示,长为L的轻绳一端固定在O点,另一端系一质量为m的小球,在最低点给小球一水平初速度v0,同时对小球施加一大小不变,方向始终垂直于绳的力F,小球沿圆周运动到绳水平时,小球速度大小恰好也为v0.则正确的是()A.小球在向上摆到45°角时速度达到最大B.F=mgC.速度大小始终不变D.F=【考点】:动能定理的应用.【专题】:动能定理的应用专题.【分析】:对全程由动能定理可求得拉力的大小,再由拉力和重力的大小关系可明确小球的运动过程.【解析】:解:小球在向上摆的过程中,由动能定理得:FL﹣mgL=mv02﹣mv02=0解得F=,故B错误,D正确;因为当重力沿切线方向的分力与F等大反向时,切线方向的加速度为零,速度达最大,故度达最大的位置不在向上摆起45°角位置.故A错误,由于两力在运动过程中做功大小不完全相同,故物体做变速运动;故AC错误故选:D.【点评】:本题考查动能定理的应用,要注意明确重力的功和路程无关,而拉力始终和绳垂直,即一直做正功.12.(3分)分子动理论较好地解释了物质的宏观热学性质.据此可判断下列说法中正确的是()A.布朗运动是指液体分子的无规则运动B.分子间的相互作用力随着分子间距离的增大,先减小后增大C.气体从外界吸收热量,气体的内能一定增大D.若气体的温度不变,压强增大,说明每秒撞击单位面积器壁的分子数增多【考点】:热力学第一定律;布朗运动;热力学第二定律.【分析】:布朗运动是悬浮在液体中的固体小颗粒的无规则运动,是液体分子无规则热运动的反映;分子间引力和斥力随分子间的距离的增大而减小,随分子间的距离的减小而增大,且斥力减小或增大比引力变化要快些.【解析】:解:A、布朗运动是悬浮在液体中的固体小颗粒的无规则运动,是液体分子无规则热运动的反映,悬浮颗粒越小,液体温度越高,布朗运动越显著,故A错误;B、分子间距离越大,分子间的引力和斥力越小,但合力不一定减小;当分子间距大于平衡距离时,分子间距离越大,达到最大分子力之前,分子力越来越大,故B错误;C、气体从外界吸收热量,若同时对外做功,则内能可能不变,也可能减小,故C错误;D、一定质量的气体温度不变时,体积减小,压强增大,说明每秒撞击单位面积器壁的分子数增多;故D正确;故选:D.【点评】:本题考查了布朗运动、分子力的相关知识及热力学第一定律;要明确布朗运动的特点和分子力的特点,特别是分子力,要分情况讨论.13.(3分)如图所示,在光滑的水平桌面上有一弹簧振子,弹簧劲度系数为k,开始时,振子被拉到平衡位置O的右侧A处,此时拉力大小为F,然后释放振子从静止开始向左运动,经过时间t后第一次到达平衡位置O处,此时振子的速度为v,在这个过程中振子的平均速度为()A.大于B.等于C.小于D.0【考点】:简谐运动.【专题】:简谐运动专题.【分析】:平均速度等于这段位移与所需要的时间的比值.而位移则通过胡克定律由受力平衡来确定.【解析】:解:根据胡克定律,振子被拉到平衡位置O的右侧A处,此时拉力大小为F,由于经过时间t后第一次到达平衡位置O处,因做加速度减小的加速运动,所以这个过程中平均速度为=>,故A正确,BCD错误;故选:A.【点评】:考查胡克定律的掌握,并运用位移与时间的比值定义为平均速度,注意与平均速率分开,同时强调位移而不是路程,注意成立的条件是匀变速直线运动.14.(3分)水平线上的O点放置一点电荷,图中画出了电荷周围对称分布的几条电场线,如图所示.以水平线上的某点O′为圆心,画一个圆,与电场线分别相交于a、b、c、d、e,则下列说法正确的是()A.b、e两点的电场强度相同B.b、c两点间电势差等于e、d两点间电势差C.a点电势高于c点电势D.电子在d点的电势能大于在b点的电势能【考点】:电势差与电场强度的关系;电场强度;电势.【专题】:电场力与电势的性质专题.【分析】:电场强度是矢量,只有大小和方向都相同时两点的电场强度才相同;电势根据顺着电场线方向电势降低进行判断;根据对称性分析b、c 两点间电势差与b、e间电势差的关系.根据电势高低,判断电势能的变化.【解析】:解:A、由图看出,b、e两点电场强度的大小相等,但方向不同,而电场强度是矢量,所以b、e两点的电场强度不同,故A错误.B、根据对称性可知,b、c 两点间电势差与e、d两点间电势差都等于零,故B正确.C、根据顺着电场线电势逐渐降低可知,离点电荷O越远,电势越低,故a点电势低于c点电势.故C错误.D、d点的电势高于b点的电势,由E p=qφ=﹣eφ,则知电子在d点的电势能小于在b点的电势能,故D错误.故选:B.【点评】:常见电场的电场线分布要求我们能熟练掌握,并要注意沿电场线的方向电势是降低的,同时注意点电荷形成电场的对称性.加强基础知识的学习,掌握住电场线的特点,即可解决本题.15.(3分)如图,质量为M的小车放在光滑水平面上,小车上用细线悬吊一质量为m的小球,M>m,用一力F水平向右拉小球,使小球和车一起以加速度a向右运动时,细线与竖直方向成α角,细线的拉力为T.若用一力F′水平向左拉小车,使小球和车一起以加速度a′向左运动时,细线与竖直方向也成α角,细线的拉力为T′.则()A.a′>a,T′=T B.a′=a,T′=T C.a′<a,T′>T D.a′<a,T′<T【考点】:牛顿第二定律.【专题】:牛顿运动定律综合专题.【分析】:先对甲图中情况下的整体受力分析,运用牛顿第二定律列式,再对小球受力分析,运用牛顿第二定律列式,求出绳子的拉力T和加速度a;再对乙图中情况下的小球受力分析,运用牛顿第二定律求出绳子的拉力T′和加速度a′;再比较结果即可.【解析】:解:先对左图中情况下的整体受力分析,受重力、支持力和拉力根据牛顿第二定律,有F=(M+m)a ①再对左图中情况下的小球受力分析,如图根据牛顿第二定律,有F﹣Tsinα=ma ②Tcosα﹣mg=0 ③由以上三式可解得T=,a=再对右图中小球受力分析,如图由几何关系得:F合=mgtanα再由牛顿第二定律,得到a′=gtanα由于M>m,故a′>a,T′=T.故A正确,B、C、D错误.故选:A.【点评】:本题关键对小球和整体进行受力分析,求出合力,根据牛顿第二定律即可得出加速度和绳子拉力,再进行比较.16.(3分)两根相距为L的足够长的金属直角导轨如图所示放置,它们各有一部分在同一水平面内,另一部分垂直于水平面.质量均为m的金属细杆ab、cd与导轨垂直接触形成闭合回路,杆与导轨之间的动摩擦因数均为μ,导轨电阻不计,回路总电阻为2R.整个装置处于磁感应强度大小为B,方向竖直向上的匀强磁场中.当ab杆在平行于水平导轨的拉力F作用下以速度v1沿导轨匀速运动时,cd杆也正好以速度v2向下匀速运动.重力加速度为g.下列说法中正确的是()A.ab杆所受拉力F的大小为B.cd杆所受摩擦力为零C.回路中的电流强度为D.μ与v1大小的关系为μ=【考点】:导体切割磁感线时的感应电动势;闭合电路的欧姆定律.【专题】:电磁感应与电路结合.【分析】:当导体棒ab匀速向右运动时,切割磁感线,cd运动时不切割磁感线,在回路中产生感应电流,从而使导体棒ab受到水平向左的安培力.导体棒cd受到水平向右的安培力,使导体棒和轨道之间产生弹力,从而使cd受到向上的摩擦力,把力分析清楚,然后根据受力平衡解答.【解析】:解:A、导体切割磁感线时产生沿abdca方向的感应电流,大小为:I=①导体ab受到水平向左的安培力,由受力平衡得:BIL+mgμ=F ②导体棒cd运动时,在竖直方向受到摩擦力和重力平衡,有:f=BILμ=mg ③联立以上各式解得:F=mgμ+,μ=.故选:D.【点评】:本题是双杆类型,涉及电磁感应过程中的复杂受力分析,解决这类问题的关键是,根据法拉第电磁感应定律判断感应电流方向,然后根据安培定则或楞次定律判断安培力方向,进一步根据运动状态列方程求解.三.多项选择题(共16分,每小题4分.每小题有二个或三个正确选项.全选对的得4分,选对但不全的,得2分;有选错或不答的,得0分)17.(4分)在一些电磁现象中会产生一种特殊的电场,其电场线为一个个同心圆,没有起点和终点.如图所示,实线为电场线,方向为顺时针,虚线为经过圆心的一条直线.已知该电场线图象中某一点的场强大小与方向和静电场的电场线具有相同规律.则()A.A点的场强比B点的场强大B.将一点电荷沿直线AB移动,电场力不做功C.将一点电荷从A点静止释放,点电荷会沿电场线做圆周运动D.在A点放上一正点电荷,点电荷将受到向左的电场力【考点】:电场.【专题】:电场力与电势的性质专题.【分析】:正电荷所受的电场力方向与场强方向相同;电场线的疏密表示电场强度的强弱,电场线越密,场强越大;电场线与等势线垂直,电荷沿同一等势面移动时,电场力不做功;点电荷从M点静止释放,只有电场线是直线时才会沿电场线运动.【解析】:解:A、电场线的疏密表示电场强度的强弱,电场线越密,场强越大,则知A点的场强比B点的场强小,故A错误.B、直线AB与电场线垂直,是一条等势线,将一点电荷沿直线AB移动,电场力不做功,故B正确.C、点电荷在A点所受的电场力沿电场线的切线方向,将点电荷从A点静止释放后,电场力将使该点电荷离开原电场线,所以点电荷不可能沿电场线做圆周运动.故C错误.D、A点场强方向沿电场线的切线方向,即向左,则在A点放上一正点电荷,该点电荷所受的电场力也向左.故D正确.故选:BD【点评】:本题关键要抓住题意:该电场与静电场规律的相似性,运用静电场的知识进行分析,难度适中.18.(4分)如图所示,一足够长的U型管内分别由水银封有L1、L2两部分气体,则下列陈述中正确的是()A.只对L1加热,则h减小,气柱L2长度不变B.只对L1加热,则h减小,气柱L2长度减少C.使L1、L2同时升高相同的温度,则L1增大、h减小D.若在右管中注入一些水银,L1将增大【考点】:理想气体的状态方程.【专题】:理想气体状态方程专题.【分析】:只加热时右边气体的压强保持不变,利用假设法判断左边气体体积的变化,若在右管中注入一些水银,L1将增大.【解析】:解:A、只对L1加热假设体积不变,则压强增大,所以L1增大、h减小,气柱L2长度不变,因为此部分气体做等温变化,故AC正确B错误D、若在右管中注入一些水银,L2压强增大,L1的压强与h长度的水银柱产生的压强加和随之增大,故L1将减小,故D错误故选:AC【点评】:做好本题的关键是知道两边气体压强大小的影响因素,再利用理想气体状态方程判断各物理量的变化.19.(4分)如图,电源内阻不能忽略,电流表和电压表均为理想电表,R1=R2<R3<R4,下列说法中正确的是()A.若R2短路,电流表示数变小,电压表示数变小B.若R2断路,电流表示数变大,电压表示数为零C.若R1短路,电流表示数变小,电压表示数为零D.若R4断路,电流表示数变小,电压表示数变大【考点】:闭合电路的欧姆定律.【专题】:恒定电流专题.【分析】:由图可知电路结构,可由各电阻的变化可知电路中总电阻的变化,由闭合电路欧姆定律可知电流的变化、内电压及路端电压的变化,再分析局部电路可得出电流有及电压表的示数的变化.【解析】:解:A、若R2短路,则外电路总电阻减小,电路中总电流增大,内电压增大,路端电压减小,而外电路并联,故流过A中的电流减小,即电流表示数减小,根据并联电路的规律知,通过R1的电流增大,R1两端的电压增大,则电压表的示数变大,故A错误;B、若R2断路,则总电阻增大,则电路中总电流减小,内电压减小,路端电压增大,电流表示数增大;因右侧电路断路,故电压表示数变为零,故B正确;C、若R1短路,电压表示数为零.外电阻减小,路端电压减小,则电流表示数变小,故C 正确;D、若R4断路,则总电阻增大,总电流减小,故路端电压增大,因右侧并联电路没有变化,故电流表示数增大;电压表示数增大,故D错误;故选:BC.【点评】:本题要明确:当电路中有短路时,电路中总电阻减小,总电流增大;而当电阻断路时,电路中总电阻增大.20.(4分)如图所示,均匀细杆AB质量为M,A端装有转轴,B端连接细线通过滑轮和质量为m的重物C相连,若杆AB呈水平,细线与水平方向夹角为θ时恰能保持平衡,则下面表达式中正确的是()A.M=2msinθB.滑轮受到的压力为2mgC.杆对轴A的作用力大小为mgD.杆对轴A的作用力大小【考点】:共点力平衡的条件及其应用;物体的弹性和弹力.【专题】:共点力作用下物体平衡专题.【分析】:先对C物体进行受力分析,由二力平衡得出绳子的拉力,然后对杆进行受力分析,由共点力的平衡即可求出杆的重力与绳子的拉力之间的关系.【解析】:解:A、由题可知,C物体受到重力和绳子的拉力处于平衡状态,所以绳子的拉力与C物体的重力大小相等,为mg;对杆AB进行受力分析如图,则:设AB杆的长度为L,由图可知,杆的重力产生的力矩是顺时针方向的力矩,力臂的大小是L;绳子的拉力产生的力矩是逆时针方向的力矩,力臂的大小是Lsinθ,过转轴的力不产生力矩,由力矩平衡得:所以:M=2msinθ①.故A正确;B、由题图可知,两根绳子的拉力的方向之间有夹角,所以两根绳子的拉力的合力大小要小于2mg,即滑轮受到的压力小于2mg.故B错误;C、由受力图可知,轴A对杆的作用力的方向的反向延长线一定过绳子的拉力的延长线与重力的作用线的交点,由于重力的作用线过杆的中点,所以可知力F与绳子的拉力与水平方向之间的夹角是相等的,并且力:Fcosθ=mgcosθ,所以F与绳子的拉力的大小也相等,即F=mg ②.则杆对轴A的作用力大小为mg.故C正确;D、联立①②可得:F=,所以杆对轴A的作用力大小也可以表达为.故D正确.故选:ACD【点评】:该题同时考查共点力作用下物体的平衡与力矩平衡,解题的关键是正确画出杆的受力图,找出各个力的力臂,然后又力矩平衡条件即可解答.四.填空题(共20分,每小题4分)本大题中第22、23题为分叉题,考生可任选一题.若两题均做,一律按一题计分.21.(4分)如图所示实验装置可实现原子核的人工转变,当装置的容器内通入气体B时,荧光屏上观察到闪光.图中气体B是氮气,该原子核人工转变的核反应方程式是24He+714N→817O+11H.【考点】:裂变反应和聚变反应.【专题】:衰变和半衰期专题.【分析】:卢瑟福用α粒子轰击氮核发现质子,并首次实现原子核的人工转变.【解析】:解:该装置是卢瑟福第一次完成了原子核的人工转变并发现了质子的实验装置,图中气体B是氮气,核反应方程为24He+714N→817O+11H,可知使荧光屏出现闪光的粒子是质子.故答案为:氮气;42He+147N→11H+178O【点评】:卢瑟福用α粒子轰击氮核发现质子并首次实现原子核的人工转变在历史上有着重要意义,要了解实验和该核反应方程.22.(4分)质量为100kg的小船沿东西方向静止在水面上,船两端站有质量分别为40kg和60kg的甲、乙两人,当甲、乙两人同时以3m/s的速率向东、向西跳入水中后,小船的速度大小为0.6m/s,方向向东.【考点】:运动的合成和分解.【专题】:运动的合成和分解专题.【分析】:根据动量守恒定律分析,甲乙船三者组成的系统动量守恒.【解析】:解:甲乙船三者组成的系统动量守恒.规定向东为正方向.0=m甲v甲+m乙v乙+mv0=40×3﹣60×3+100vv=0.6速度v为正值,说明方向向东.故本题答案为:0.6,东.【点评】:解决本题的关键熟练运用动量守恒定律.23.有A、B两颗人造地球卫星,已知它们的质量关系为m A=3m B,绕地球做匀速圆周运动的轨道半径关系为r A=,则它们运行的速度大小之比为:1,运行周期之比为1:2.。



宝山区2015学年第二学期期末 高二年级化学学科质量监测试卷考生注意:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号填写清楚,并认真核对准考证号与填涂数字的一致。

2.选择题部分必须使用2B 铅笔填涂,非选择题部分使用0.5毫米以上蓝、黑色字迹的钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。





相对原子质量:Na —23,Cl —35.5,Cu —64,O —16,H —1,Ba —137,S —32,N —14Fe —56一.选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分。

每小题只有一个正确答案)1.下列行为能减少环境污染的是 A .含氮、磷化合物的废水大量排放 B .农业生产中农药、化肥的大量使用 C .实现煤的清洁利用,大力开发新能源 D .使用含有甲醛、氡等的材料装修房子A .摩尔是一种国际基本物理量B .标准状况下气体摩尔体积约为22.4 LC .氢的摩尔质量是2 g/molD .在同温同压下,相同体积的任何气体单质所含分子数相同6.控制变量法是化学实验的常用方法之一。

下图实验探究的影响反应速率的因素是A .浓度B .温度C .催化剂D .固体质量条50℃水A. 氧化性B. 还原性C.漂白性D.酸性12.某消毒液的主要成分为NaClO,还含有一定量的NaOH,下列用来解释事实的离子方程式中,不合理的是(已知:饱和NaClO溶液的pH约为11)A.该消毒液可用NaOH溶液吸收Cl2制备:Cl2 + 2OH-→Cl-+ClO-+H2OB.该消毒液的pH约为12:ClO-+ H2O HClO + OH-C.该消毒液与洁厕灵(主要成分为HCl)混用,产生有毒Cl2: 2H+ + Cl-+ClO-→Cl2↑+ H2OD.该消毒液加白醋生成HClO,可增强漂白作用:CH3COOH + ClO-→HClO + CH3COO-A.用装置甲制取氨气B.用装置乙除去氨气中的水蒸气C.用装置丙验证氨气具有还原性D.用装置丁吸收尾气15.Al、Fe都是重要的金属元素。

上海市静安、青浦、宝山区2015届高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)化学试题 Word版含答案

上海市静安、青浦、宝山区2015届高三下学期教学质量检测(二模)化学试题 Word版含答案

静安、青浦、宝山区2015届高三第二学期教学质量检测(二模)化学试卷(时间120分钟,满分150分) Q2015.04说明:1.请将正确答案写在答题卷上。


2.本卷可能用到的元素相对原子质量H-1 C-12 N-14 A1-27 P-31 S-32 C1-35.5 O-16 Cu-64 Na-23 I-127 Mg-24 Ba-137第I卷(共66分)一、选择题(共10分,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1、将木材隔绝空气加强热,可得到木煤气、木焦油和木炭等,这种加工方法化工生产中称为A.分馏 B. 裂化 C. 裂解 D. 干馏2、含硫单质的水可防治皮肤病,而硫难溶于水,微溶于酒精,易溶于CS2,要增大硫在水中的分散程度,可将硫先放入溶剂R中,再将所得液体分散在水中,则R可以是A.CS2B. 酒精l4D.盐酸3、取0.5mL某溶液,要将其中的Fe3+和Cu2+先分离再检验,适宜的方法是A.纸上层析法B. 萃取分液法C. 结晶法D. 蒸馏法4、把生铁冶炼成钢,目的是A.改善性能,增大用途B. 除去硫、磷和过多的碳,调整合金元素的含量C. 副产磷肥、水泥等D. 用红棕色炉气制取水煤气5、在对电子运动状态的描述中,确定一个“轨道”的方面包括①电子层②电子亚层③电子云的伸展方向④电子的自旋状态A.①②③④B. ①②③C.①②D. ①二、选择题(共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项)6、碳元素的一种单质的化学式为C68,则关于C68的叙述错误的是A.属分子晶体B.可溶于CCl4C. 固态可导电D. 熔点高于C607、以下物质的工业制备所用主要原料(括号内物质)不符合事实的是A.乙烯(乙醇)B.顺丁橡胶(石油裂解气)C. 碘(海带)D.溴(海水晒盐后的余液)8、下列气体除杂所用试剂错误的是(括号内为杂质)A. Cl2(HCl) :饱和食盐水B. H2(H2S、HCl、H2O):碱石灰C. SO2(HCl):Na2SO3溶液D. CO2(H2S):CuSO4溶液9、比,HClO具有的是A. 更高的沸点B. 更强的酸性C. Cl-O断裂放出的能量更少D. 更易放出原子氧10、非金属元素R位于第三周期,其原子的最外层有n个电子,则以下叙述错误的是A. R原子的电子数为10+nB. R能形成R n-离子C. R的最高氧化物为R2O n或RO n/2D. R的气态氢化物的化学式是H8-n R11、用定量的方法,可用于鉴别邻甲基苯酚和间甲基苯酚的试剂是A. 酸性高锰酸钾溶液B. 浓溴水C. 氯化铁溶液D. 氢氧化钠溶液13、如右图的装置,左为铁电极,右为石墨电极,a为水或某种溶液。

2015届高三政治综合模拟试卷及 答案

2015届高三政治综合模拟试卷及 答案

2015届高三政治模拟考试及答案第Ⅰ卷(单选题共60分)单选题(共20小题,每小题3分)1. 某企业向美国出口机器设备,当人民币与美元的兑换比率为7: 1时.出口一套价格为18万美元的设备获利48万元人民币。


A.30 B.32 C.36 D.392.下列曲线图中,某商品的需求曲线(D)和供给曲线(S)相交于E点。




以下投贷方式,可以更好地规避风险又尽可能使自己的资金保值增值的是①对各类产品在收益和风险之间理性权衡后再投资②为获取高收益将主要资金投人流通性强的股票市场③将资金按合理的比例分散投资在不同的产品上④在物价涨幅等于或高于存款利率情况下将资金存入银行A.①③ B.②③ C.①②D.③④5.该图库兹涅茨曲线表明经济发展与收入差距变化关系。

中国近年经济发展状况处于AB区间,要加快促进我国经济发展由AB区间转向BC区间,必须:①保持经济平稳较快发展,做大财富蛋糕②完善基本经济制度,保护公民合法财产③初次分配和再分配都要加强调节,力促公平④增加居民的财产性收入,减少财政支出A.①③ B.②④C.①④ D.②③6.温家宝总理在2012年3月5日“两会”报告中指出,继续搞好房地产市场调控和保障性安居工程建设。



静安、青浦、宝山区2015届高三第二学期教学质量检测(二模)英语试卷第I 卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 5:35 pm. B.5:45pm.. C. 5:50 pm. D. 6:00pm.2. A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223. D. In Room 230.3. A. By train. B. On foot. C. By bus D. By taxi.4. A. At a bus stop B. At an airport C. At a city hall D. At a railway station.5. A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son.C. Wife and husband.D. Waitress and customer.6. A. The history museum. . B. The science museumC. The art museum.D. The space museum.7. A. The two speakers are going to study abroad. B. The woman is a tour guide.C. The tour guide was born in New York.D. The man is a native speaker.8. A. Lock the computer lab later. B. Leave with the man.C. Buy a new lock for the computer lab.D. Show the man where the lab is.9. A. She wants to change a new phone number.B. She doesn’t want to be interrupted.C. The program will be over soon.D. She asks someone to watch the program with her.10. A. Kevin prefers outdoor activities.B. The man has already downloaded some sales data.C. They all make preparations for the meeting.D. The woman asks for high quality service.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Oct. 10. B. Apr. 16 . C. Mar. 25. D. Jun. 30.12. A. Passionate and knowledgeable. B. Investigative and creativeC. Objective and accurate.D. Authoritative and carefulD. The doctor treated her with strong medicines.13. A. How competitors win in journalist competitionsB. How to enter the magazine website.C. How to run the business.D. How to host the competition.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.14. A. Playing golf. B. Hiking. C. Jogging. D. Flying kites.15. A. 12. B. 17. C. 20 D. 22.16. A. Warm temperature may make people ill.B. Snow storm may bring trouble to transportation.C. Waves at the coast may bring danger to people.D. Fierce rains may destroy the roads.Section CDirections: In Section C, you will hear two longer conversations. The conversations will be read twice. After you hear each conversation, you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you hear.Blanks 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation:Blanks 21 through 24 are based on the following conversation.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.(A)You took a midterm exam (25)_____(hope) to get a 95 percent. When you got your test paper back, you received only a 70 percent. How do you handle the situation? Do you1. make a study plan for (26)_______(improve) your grade;2. keep doing what you’re doing and hope for the best next time;3. use a persuasive argument to try and convince your teacher to give you (27)______ better grade?Your answer to the above question shows your EQ, your emotional intelligence. What exactly is EQ? Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer define it as the ability to understandyour own feelings and emotions and (28)______ of others.Research supports the significance of EQ. A 40-year study of 450 boys found that IQ wasn’t the only thing that affected life success. The qualities that did were the ability (29)_____(handle) frustration, control emotions and get along with other people.Can you improve a low EQ? Yes! Start by noticing how you feel. That’s the first step in becoming more skillful at managing your feelings. Second ,pay attention to how you behave when you feel certain emotions. Then analyze (30)______ that effects your daily life. Next, take responsibility for your feelings and actions. They come from you and no one else. Then you (31)_________(have) a higher EQ--- and likely have a happier and more rewarding life as well.BImagine shopping in another country and spotting a beautiful scarf. The salesperson tells you the price, (32)_______ it’s more than you want to buy. What do you do?The answer depends largely on what part of the world you are in. Are you visiting Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Latin America or Africa? In these places, prices often are not set in stone. In fact, customers (33)______(expect) to bargain before agreeing to a price.On the other hand, in North America, Europe and Australia, bargaining is rare and often not allowed. The price (34)____(list) on a price tag cannot be changed.Large stores and malls usually don’t allow bargaining. On the other hand, outdoor stalls and flea markets, even in Western countries, usually allow bargaining. When in doubt, consult a guidebook ---or (35)_______(good) yet, a local friend.(36)______bargaining custom vary, a few rules of etiquette apply in most cultures. First, avoid wasting people’s time. If you don’t intend to make a purchase, don’t start bargaining. While bargaining, it is OK to walk away. But once you agree to a price, you (37)_____ buy the item.Even in countries (38)____ don’t allow bargaining, you may find plentiful opportunities to save money. Many stores sell old items on clearance. Others offer discount cards to regular customers. Some of these can function as credit cards (39)_____ the store, and a few can even be used elsewhere.(40)______ you go, understanding local customs can help you find good prices.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only beplayers are wearing . Gone, for the most part, are the ankle-hugging high-tops that supposedly ____41____ to protect players from injury.The change over the last few years to low-top sneakers(运动鞋) seems to go against conventional wisdom. Strangely, __42___, Steven Nash and Kobe Bryant, two of the most __43__ players with the Los Angeles Lakers, aren’t worried.According to the US market-research firm NPD Group, high-tops once ___44__ for about 20 percent of the US basketball shoe market. Now, the number has sunk to about 8 percent. Low-tops, the kind that Nash and Bryant wear, have grown to 29 percent, from just 11 percent in 2002.High-top sneakers are one of the most celebrated __45___ in modern basketball. After the 1985 Air Jordans so transformed the market, shoe companies began battling one another. They put air pumps in the tongues of their shoes and made carefully prepared and organized __46__.“All of a sudden it became a __47__ business,” Marshal Cohen, an analyst with NPD group, told The Wall Street Journal. The Jordans were excellent. The market went from being nothing to a million-dollar business __48___.”One of the reasons high-tops are not so __49__ anymore is that they were never really very good at protecting the feet.In an article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2008, University of Newcastle researcher Craig Richards found no evidence that sneakers__50__ injuries. His research actually found that high-top basketball sneakers could even cause players to run slower and jump lower. Now, the contest has become a war. Companies like Adidas, Nike, Converse and Reebok are all fighting to create the next “Air Jordan,” and with the next market battle.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Are you a graduate trying to plan out the best career path for yourself? Here, some tips are given on how to go about it.A university degree is no __51___ of a job, and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills. if you find you are not getting past the first interview, ask yourself what is happening. Is it a(n) __52__ to communicate or are there some skills you lack? And find out what you need t do to bring yourself up to the level of __53__ that would make you more attractive t them.Do not be too discouraged if you are __54__ for a job, but think about the reasons the employers give. Those who made the second interview might have been studying the same subject as you and be of __55__ ability level, but they had something which made them a __56___ match to the selector’s ideal. That could be experience gained through projects or vacation work, or it might be that they were better at communicating what they could offer. Do not take the comments at __57__ value: think back to the interviews that generated them and make a list of where you think the shortfall in your performance lies. With this sort of analytical approach you will eventually get your foot in the door.Deciding how long you should stay in your first job is a tough call. Stay too long and future employers may question your ___58__ and ambition. Of course, it depends on where you are aiming. If you are a graduate, spending five or six years in the same job is not too long provided that you take full advantage of the __59__. However, do not use this as a(n) __60__ for lacking interest or enthusiasm. Graduates sometimes fail to take ownership of their careers and take the initiative. It is up to you to make the most of what’s available within a company, and to monitor progress in case you need to__61__. This applies particularly if you are still not sure where your career path lies.It is helpful to think through what kind of experience you need to get your __62__ job and it is not a problem to move around to a certain extent. But in the __63__ stages of your career you need a definite strategy for reaching your goal, so think about that carefully before deciding to step forward from your first job. You must cultivate __64__ to be competent for any role. There isno guarantee that you will get adequate training, and research has shown that if you do not receive proper help in a new role, it can take 18 months to __65__ it.51. A. input B. cause C. guarantee D. preparation52. A. failure B. key C. introduction D. contribution53. A. highlight B. comment C. fluency D. qualification54. A. asked B. refused C. headed D. helped55. A. different B. high C. similar D. low56. A. closer B. better C. stronger D. poorer57. A. depth B. face C. data D. test58. A. character B. personality C. behavior D. drive59. A. knowledge B. experience C. skill D. loyalty60. A. substitute B. equivalent C. excuse D. requirement61. A. pass by B. switch on C. move on D. stick to62. A. part-time B. dream C. secure D. well-paid63. A. critical B. last C. middle D. early64. A. patience B. love C. habits D. friendship65. A. know B. prohibit C. master D. selectSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A).Iceland, an island just south of the Arctic Circle, has fairly mild winters, thanks to warm ocean currents. Time your vacation here during the winter months to take advantage of off-season deals.Off-season means good deals on flights, hotels and tours. You may also find that the locals are a bit friendlier and more welcoming when tourists aren’t arriving in crowds.In the winter months, there are less than seven hours of daylight; thus, chances are good you’ll catch sight of the northern lights. Sunsets are also beautiful at this time, making for some great photo opportunities.In Iceland, winter is the perfect time to hike glaciers, go ice climbing, explore caves made out of hardened lava(岩浆) and much more. One of the most popular activities is off-roading(越野比赛) in a specially-equipped “super jeep”.Before booking your trip, be sure to check for volcano alerts. There are about 130 volcanoes on or around Iceland. Thirty-five of them are active. In 2010, a volcano named Eyjaallajokull exploded, sending clouds of ash up to four kilometers into the atmosphere. The ash drifted toward the UK and Europe. Because the ask could damage aircraft engines, airlines operating in the region were forced to cancel flights for six days. As a result, thousands of people were stuck in airports.Recently, another volcano named Bardarbunga has become active, erupting ash into the air. Such events, if large enough, could prevent your trip from going ahead. So check the latestvolcano news prior to making your reservations.66. According to this article, why are you more likely to see the northern lights in the winter?A. They move from rural areas to cities.B. The weather is more stable at that time.C. They’re a special feature of many festivals.D. The sky is dark for longer periods then.67. According to the article, how do visitors to Iceland have fun in the winter?A. They learn how to ski down the mountains.B. They photograph famous historic sites..C. They explore the countryside in well made vehicles..D. They spend a week at one of the seaside resorts.68. What is true about the volcanoes of Iceland?A. The majority of them are quiet.B. Their age hasn’t been determined.C. All but one of them are extinct.D. Citizens aren’t affected by them.69.What does this article explain?.A. Some of Iceland’s urban cultural attractionsB. A way t reduce the cost of a trip to Iceland.C. Reasons for visiting Iceland in June and July.D. The average price for a short tour of Iceland.(B).practices. This is one way to reflect your practices and how much you got out of it.Keep one copy and give one to your tutor(s0.HOW OFTEN:0=never 1=rarely 2=sometimes (1-2x/ week)A. Professional tutors.B. Language teachers.C. Personal physician.D. Psychological therapist.71. According to the passage, which frequency degree would you choose if you carry out the practice in the form not at all often?A. 0B. 1C. 2D. 372. Mr. Kent bears EXTENTION OF LEARNING idea in mind, he quite often tends to _______.A. always set groups to encourage students to work out something by putting heads togetherB. prepare grade-level materials for teachingC. develop students reading skills during pre- while-and- post-reading stageD. provide students with extra learning materials to further their study73. Mrs. Grace likes to share her version of tasks outcome in class, which could be labeled _____.A. ASSESSMENT OF LEARNINGB. KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTIONC. DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIESD. SELF-SELECTION(C)A rapidly advancing contemporary science that is highly dependent on new tools is Earth system science. Earth system science involves observation and measurements on the Earth at all scales from the largest to the smallest. The huge amounts of data that are gathered come from many different locations and require special techniques for handling data. Important new tools that facilitate Earth system science include satellite remote sensing, small deep-sea submarines, and geographic information systems.More than any other way of gathering evidence, satellite observations continually remind us that each part of the Earth interacts with and is dependent on all other parts.Earth system science was born from the realization of that interdependence. Satellite remote sensing makes possible observations at large scales, and in many cases, measurements of factors that could not otherwise be measured. For example, the ozone hole over Antarctica--the decrease in the concentration of ozone high in the atmosphere--is measured by remote sensing, as are changes in deserts, forests, and farmlands around the world. Such measurements can be used in many areas of specialization besides Earth system science. Archaeology, for example, has benefited from satellite observations that reveal the traces of ancient trade routes across the Arabian Desert.New tools for exploring previously inaccessible areas of the Earth have also added greatly to our knowledge of the Earth system. Small deep-sea submarines allow scientists to travel to the depths of the ocean. There they have discovered new species and ecosystems thriving neardeep-sea vents that emit heat, sasses, and mineral-rich water.Just as important as new methods of measurement and exploration are new ways to store and analyze data about the Earth system. Computer-based software programs known as geographic information systems, or GIS, allow a large number of data points to be stored along with their locations. These can be used to produce maps and to compare different sets of information gathered at different times. For example, satellite remote sensing images of a forest can be converted to represent stages in the forest's growth. Two such images, made at different times can be overlaid and compared, and the changes that have taken place can be represented in a new image.74. The word "facilitate" in Paragraph I is closest in meaning to ________.A. enableB. requireC. organizeD. examine75. The author of the passage mentions that satellite observations are especially effective in________.A. conducting scientific studies of life on the ocean floorB. predicting future climate changesC. providing data to determine Earth's ageD. demonstrating interactions among all of Earth's parts76. According to the passage, satellite observations of the Arabian Desert allow archaeologists to know ________.A). indications of ancient routes B. evidence of former lakesC. traces of early farmsD. remains of ancient forests77.What is the main idea of the passage?A. special techniques are needed to classify the huge amounts of data about Earth.B. New tools provide information about Earth that was once impossible to obtain.C. Advances in Earth system science have resolved many environmental problems.D. Satellite remote sensing can show changes between two images taken years apart.Section CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.For a sight of an evolving technology that promises to shake video gaming to its foundation, check out “Throw Trucks With Your Mind”.Unlike most video games, it doesn't rely solely on a mouse. Instead, its players also put on a headset that enables them to throw trucks or other virtual objects simply by thinking.And that's just for starters. Advocates of so-called neurogaming(交感神经游戏)say the concept in a few years will combine a wide variety of physiological factors, from a player's heart rate and hand gestures to pupil dilation(瞳孔扩张) and emotions. Moreover, they imagine many such games being developed to improve the health, brainpower and skills of those playing them.The electroencephalography(脑电波仪), or EEG, headset used to throw trucks and other objects onto enemies was made by San Jose, California.-based NeuroSky. It measures separate brainwave frequencies that reflect how focused the player is and how calm they are, according to Lat Ware of Emeryville, California., who developed the game. The game, which can be purchased at , costs $25, or $99 with the headset.Ware, 29, said it's possible to move a pear or other small virtual object if the player is calm, but not focused, or vice versa. But he said both mental states are essential to flatten an enemywith a huge truck, which takes considerable concentration.Although only a few neurogames have been introduced so far and their action tends to be fairly limited, the games are expected to become far more challenging - and multipurpose - as the software and related technology improves.One concept being explored is to develop games that adjust their action according to the player's changing emotions. These are measured by such factors as their facial expressions, eye movement and skin-conductance(皮肤导电) levels. Another approach is to make games that influence how the player thinks and feels.Consider Los Angeles-based Melon, which, like "Throw Trucks With Your Mind," was recently launched via the online fundraising site Kickstarter. Melon officials say their first game-- which challenges players to fold origami(折纸)with their mind, using NeuroSky's EEG headset -- helps people "learn how to focus, relax and meditate better."78. According to this article, what is the purpose of developing the new kind of games?79. The function of brainwave frequencies measured by EEG made by San Jose is to _________.80. According to Ware, if you want to throw something such as a truck, you must be __________.81.What is the new idea being studied to develop more challenging and multipurpose games? (Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN ELEVEN WORDS)第II卷(共47分)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 82.在美国和加拿大,用餐后不付小费是很失礼的事。



宝山区2015学年第二学期期中高三年级英语学科教学质量检测试卷第I 卷(共103分)I. Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. 5:35 pm. B.5:45pm.. C. 5:50 pm. D. 6:00pm.2. A. In Room 340. B. In Room 314. C. In Room 223. D. In Room 230.3. A. By train. B. On foot. C. By bus D. By taxi.4. A. At a bus stop B. At an airport C. At a city hall D. At a railway station.5. A. Sister and brother. B. Mother and son.C. Wife and husband.D. Waitress and customer.6. A. The history museum. . B. The science museumC. The art museum.D. The space museum.7. A. The two speakers are going to study abroad. B. The woman is a tour guide.C. The tour guide was born in New York.D. The man is a native speaker.8. A. Lock the computer lab later. B. Leave with the man.C. Buy a new lock for the computer lab.D. Show the man where the lab is.9. A. She wants to change a new phone number.B. She doesn’t want to be interrupted.C. The program will be over soon.D. She asks someone to watch the program with her.10. A. Kevin prefers outdoor activities.B. The man has already downloaded some sales data.C. They all make preparations for the meeting.D. The woman asks for high quality service.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked three questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11. A. Oct. 10. B. Apr. 16 . C. Mar. 25. D. Jun. 30.12. A. Passionate and knowledgeable. B. Investigative and creativeC. Objective and accurate.D. Authoritative and carefulD. The doctor treated her with strong medicines.13. A. How competitors win in journalist competitions1。


























































宝山区2014学年第二学期期中高三年级数学学科教学质量检测试卷(文科)(满分150分,考试时间120分钟)一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1.已知抛物线22y px =的准线方程是2x =-,则p = .2.已知扇形的圆心角是1弧度,半径为5cm ,则此扇形的弧长为 cm . 3.复数34ii-(i 为虚数单位)的模为 . 4.函数2y x =+的值域为 . 5.若2021310x y -⎛⎫⎛⎫⎛⎫=⎪⎪ ⎪-⎝⎭⎝⎭⎝⎭,则x y += .6.在921x x ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭的展开式中,31x 的系数是 .7cos x x =的解集为 .8.已知{}1,0,1m ∈-,{}1,1n ∈-,若随机选取,m n ,则直线10mx ny ++=不经过第二象限的概率是 .9.圆22420x y x y +-+=的圆心到直线3430x y ++=的距离为 .10.已知M 、N 是不等式组⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤+≥+-≥≥6011,1y x y x y x 所表示的平面区域内的不同两点,则M 、N 两点之间距离||MN 的最大值是 .11.把一个大金属球表面涂漆,共需油漆2.4公斤.若把这个大金属球熔化制成64个大小都相同的小金属球,不计损耗,将这些小金属球表面都涂漆,需要用漆 公斤.12.设12,e e 是平面内两个不共线的向量,12(1)AB a e e =-+,122AC be e =-,0,0a b >>.若,,A B C 三点共线,则12a b+的最小值是 . 13.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n A ,等比数列{}n b 的前n 项和为n B ,若33a b =,44a b =,且53427A A B B -=-,则数列{}n b 的公比q = .14.已知:当0x >时,不等式11kx b x ≥++恒成立,当且仅当13x =时取等号,则k = . 二、选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答案纸的相应编号上,填上正确的答案,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15.如图,ABCDEF 是正六边形,下列等式成立的是( ) (A )0AE FC ⋅= (B )0AE DF ⋅>(C )FC FD FB =+ (D )0FD FB ⋅<16.已知偶函数)(x f 的定义域为R ,则下列函数中为奇函数的是( ) (A ))](sin[x f (B ))(sin x f x ⋅(C ))(sin )(x f x f ⋅(D )2)](sin [x f 17. 如图所示是一个循环结构的算法,下列说法不正确的是( )(A )①是循环变量初始化,循环就要开始 (B )②为循环体(C )③是判断是否继续循环的终止条件(D )输出的S 值为2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18.18.定义:最高次项的系数为1的多项式1110n n n p (x )x a x a x a --=++鬃?+(*∈n N )的其余系数(0,1,,1)=⋅⋅⋅-i a i n 均是整数,则方程()0=p x 的根叫代数整数.下列各数不是代数整数的是( )三、解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.F19. (本题满分12分)本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分4分,第2小题满分8分. 如图,在正三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,已知16AA =, 三棱柱111ABC A B C -的体积为.(1)求正三棱柱111ABC A B C -的表面积; (2)求异面直线1BC 与1AA 所成角的大小.20. (本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分. 已知函数)(),(x g x f 满足关系)()()(α+⋅=x f x f x g ,其中α是常数. (1)若x x x f sin cos )(+=,2πα=,求)(x g 的解析式,并写出)(x g 的递增区间;(2)设()f x x =,若()1g x ≥在1[,)2x ∈+∞上恒成立,求常数α的取值范围. 21. (本题满分14分) 本题共有2个小题,第1小题满分6分,第2小题满分8分.某公园有个池塘,其形状为直角ABC ∆,090C ∠=,AB 的长为2百米,BC 的长为1百米.(1)若准备养一批供游客观赏的鱼,分别在AB 、BC 、CA 上取点D E F 、、,如图(1),使得EF//AB ,EF ED ⊥,在DEF ∆内喂食,求当DEF ∆的面积取最大值时EF 的长;(2)若准备建造一个荷塘,分别在AB 、BC 、CA 上取点D E F 、、,如图(2),建造DEF ∆连廊(不考虑宽度)供游客休憩,且使DEF ∆为正三角形,记FEC α∠=,求DEF ∆边长的最小值及此时α的值.(精确到1米和0.1度)22. (本题满分16分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题4分,第2小题5分,第3小题7分.图(2)图(1)AC BA F FB B 1C 1在平面直角坐标系xoy 中,已知椭圆C 的方程为2218x y +=,设AB 是过椭圆C 中心O 的任意弦,l 是线段AB 的垂直平分线,M 是l 上与O 不 重合的点. (1)求以椭圆的焦点为顶点,顶点为焦点的双曲线方程;(2)若2MO OA =,当点A 在椭圆C 上运动时,求点M 的轨迹方程;(3) 记M 是l 与椭圆C 的交点,若直线AB 的方程为(0)y kx k =>,当△AMB 的面积AB 的方程.23. (本题满分18分)本题共有3个小题,第1小题4分,第2小题6分,第3小题8分.设{}n a 是公比为(q 1)q ≠的等比数列,若{}n a 中任意两项之积仍是该数列中的项,那么称{}n a 是封闭数列. (1)若123a q ==,,判断{}n a 是否为封闭数列,并说明理由;(2)证明{}n a 为封闭数列的充要条件是:存在整数1m ≥-,使1ma q=;(3)记n ∏是数列{}n a 的前n 项之积,2log nn b =∏,若首项为正整数,公比2q =,试问:是否存在这样的封闭数列{}n a ,使1211111lim 9n n b b b →∞⎛⎫++⋅⋅⋅+= ⎪⎝⎭,若存在,求{}n a 的通项公式;若不存在,说明理由.宝山区2014学年第二学期期中高三年级数学学科教学质量检测试卷(文科)参考答案及评分标准说明:1.本解答列出试题一种或几种解法,如果考生的解法与所列解法不同,可参照解答中评分标准的精神进行评分.2.评阅试卷,应坚持每题评阅到底,不要因为考生的解答中出现错误而中断对该题的评阅.当考生的解答在某一步出现错误,影响了后续部分,但该步以后的解答未改变这一题的内容和难度时,可视影响程度决定后面部分的给分,但是原则上不应超出后面部分应给分数之半,如果有较严重的概念性错误,就不给分.3.第19题至第23题中右端所注的分数,表示考生正确做到这一步应得的该题分数. 4.给分或扣分均以1分为单位.一.填空题(本大题满分56分)本大题共有14题,考生应在答题纸相应编号的空格内直接填写结果,每个空格填对得4分,否则一律得零分. 1. 4; 2.5; 3.5; 4.[)1,+∞; 5. 2; 6. 126; 7.{|,}6x x k k Z ππ=+∈ 8.13;9. 1; 10. ;11. 9.6; 12. 4;13. (文)2-; 14. 916-.二.选择题(本大题满分20分)本大题共有4题,每题有且只有一个正确答案,考生应在答题纸的相应编号上,将代表答案的小方格涂黑,选对得5分,否则一律得零分. 15. A ;16. B ; 17. D ;18. A .三.解答题(本大题满分74分)本大题共有5题,解答下列各题必须在答题纸相应编号的规定区域内写出必要的步骤.19.(本题满分12分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题8分.19.解:(1) 因为三棱柱的体积为,16AA =,从而2ABC S BC ∆==因此BC =. ………………………2分该三棱柱的表面积为2+ABC S S S ∆=⋅=全侧………4分 (2)由(1)可知BC =因为1CC //1AA .所以1BC C ∠为异面直线1BC 与1AA 所成的角, ………8分在Rt 1BC C ∆中,1tan BC C ∠==, 所以1BC C ∠=6π. 异面直线1BC 与1AA 所成的角6π……………………………………………12分20.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分.20.解:(1) x x x f sin cos )(+=,2πα=∴x x x f sin cos )(-=+α;∴x x g 2cos )(=………………………………………………………………4分递增区间为1,2k k ππππ⎡⎤++⎢⎥⎣⎦,(k Z ∈)(注:开区间或半开区间均正确) ……………………………………………………………………………6分(2)()()1g x x x α=⋅+≥,当1,2x ⎡⎫∈+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭时,1x xα≥-………8分 令1()h x x x=-,则函数()y h x =在1,2x ⎡⎫∈+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭上递减………………10分所以max13()()22h x h ==………………………12分因而,当32α≥时,()1g x ≥在1,2x ⎡⎫∈+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭上恒成立………………………14分21.(本题满分14分)本题共2小题,第(1)小题6分,第(2)小题8分.21.解:(1)设EF x =,则2x CE =,故12xBE =-,所以12x DE ⎫=-⎪⎭,……2分1,(0,2)2DEF x S x ∆⎛⎫=-∈ ⎪⎝⎭,……………………………………………………4分因为211122422DEFx x x x S ∆⎛⎫⎛⎫=-≤+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭当且仅当1x =时等号成立,即()max DEF S ∆=.………………………………………………………6分 (2)在Rt ABC ∆中,030A ∠=,设FEC α∠=,0,2πα⎛⎫∈ ⎪⎝⎭,则090EFC α∠=-,000018060(90)30AFD αα∠=---=+,…………………………8分所以000018030(30)120ADF αα∠=--+=-设CF x =,则AF x =-,在ADF ∆中,0sin 30DF =,………………10分又由于sin sin x EF DF αα==,所以0sin 30DF =………………………11分化简得0.65DF =≥≈百米=65米………………………………13分此时tan ϕ=,040.9ϕ≈,049.1α≈…………………………………………………14分 解法2:设等边三角形边长为EF ED DF y ===,在△EBD 中,60B ∠=,EDB α∠=,…………………………………………8分 由题意可知cos CE y α=,…………………………………………………………9分 则1cos EB y α=-,所以1cos sin 60sin y y αα-=,……………………………………11分即0.65y =≥≈,………………………………………………13分此时tan ϕ=,040.9ϕ≈,049.1α≈…………………………………………………14分22.(本题满分16分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题5分,第(3)小题7分.22.解:(1)椭圆一个焦点和顶点分别为,………………………1分所以在双曲线22221y x a b-=中,27a =,28c =,2221b c a =-=, 因而双曲线方程为2217x y -=.……………………………………………………4分(2)设()M x y ,,()A m n ,,则由题设知:2OM OA =,0OA OM ⋅=.即22224()0x y m n mx ny ⎧+=+⎨+=⎩,,………………………………………………………………5分 解得22221414m y n x ⎧=⎪⎨⎪=⎩,.……………………………………………………………………7分 因为点()A m n ,在椭圆C 上,所以2218m n +=,即…()()222182yx +=,亦即221432x y +=.所以点M 的轨迹方程为221432x y +=.…………………9分 (3)因为AB 所在直线方程为(0)y kx k =>.解方程组2218x y y kx ⎧+=⎪⎨⎪=⎩,,得22818A x k =+,222818A k y k =+, 所以22222222888(1)181818A Ak k OA x y k k k +=+=+=+++,222232(1)418k AB OA k +==+. 又22181x y y x k ⎧+=⎪⎪⎨⎪=-⎪⎩,,解得2228+8M k x k =,228+8M y k =,所以2228(1)+8k OM k +=.………… 11分由于22214AMBS AB OM =⋅△2222132(1)8(1)418+8k k k k ++=⨯⨯+222264(1)32(18)(+8)7k k k +==+……………14分 解得22221(61)(6)066k k k k --=⇒==或即k k ==又0k >,所以直线AB方程为y =或y =………………………………… 16分 23.(本题满分18分)本题共3小题,第(1)小题4分,第(2)小题6分,第(3)小题8分.23.解:(1){}n a 不是封闭数列,因为123n n a -=⋅,…………………………………… 1分 对任意的,m n N *∈,有243m n n m a a +-⋅=⋅,…………………………………… 2分 若存在p ,使得n m p a a a ⋅=,即132p m n --+=,31log 2p m n --+=,该式左边为整数,右边是无理数,矛盾.所以该数列不是封闭数列…………………………………… 4分 (2)证明:(必要性)任取等比数列的两项(),s t a a s t ≠,若存在k a 使s t k a a a =,则211s t k a q q +--⋅=,解得11k s t a q --+=.故存在1m k s t Z =--+∈,使1m a q =,…… 6分下面证明整数1m ≥-.对1q ≠,若1m <-,则取2p m =-≥,对1,p a a ,存在u a 使1p u a a a =, 即11m p u q q q --⋅=,11u q q --=,所以0u =,矛盾,故存在整数1m ≥-,使1m a q =.…………………………………… 8分 (充分性)若存在整数1m ≥-,使1m a q =,则1n m n a q +-=, 对任意*,s t N ∈,因为(1)11s t m m s t s t m a a q a ++-+-++-==, 所以{}n a 是封闭数列. …………………………………… 10分 (3)由于(n 1)21212n n n n a a a a -∏=⋅⋅⋅⋅=⋅,所以21(n 1)log 2n n b n a -=+,……………11分 因为{}n a 是封闭数列且1a 为正整数,所以,存在整数0m ≥,使12ma =,若11a =,则(1)2n n n b -=,此时11b 不存在.所以12111lim()n n b b b →∞+++没有意义…12分若12a =,则(1)2n n n b +=,所以1211111lim()29n n b b b →∞+++=>,………………… 13分若14a =,则(3)2n n n b +=,于是12(3)n b n n =+,所以1211111lim()9n n b b b →∞+++=,…………………………………… 16分若14a >,则(3)2n n n b +>,于是12(3)n b n n <+,所以1211111lim()9n n b b b →∞+++<,…………………………………… 17分综上讨论可知:14a =,1*42,()n n a n N -=⋅∈,该数列是封闭数列.……… 18分。



2015年宝山区高考化学二模试卷一、选择题(共5小题,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)将木材隔绝空气加强热,可得到木煤气、木焦油和木炭等,2.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)含硫单质的水可防治皮肤病,而硫难溶于水,微溶于酒精,易溶于CS2,要增大硫在水中的分散程度,可将硫先放入溶剂R中,再将所得液体分散在水3.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)取0.5mL某溶液,要将其中的Fe3+和Cu2+先分离再检验,5.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)在对电子运动状态的描述中,确定一个“轨道”的方面包括()二、选择题(共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项)6.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)碳元素的一种单质的化学式为C68,则关于C68的叙述错误7.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)以下物质的工业制备所用主要原料(括号内物质)不符合事9.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)根据如表数据,则与HClO3比,HClO具有的是()10.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)非金属元素R位于第三周期,其原子的最外层有n个电子,11.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)用定量的方法,可用于鉴别邻甲基苯酚和间甲基苯酚的试13.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)如图的装置,左为铁电极,右为石墨电极,a为水或某种溶液.若两电极直接连接或外接电源,石墨上可能发生的反应是()①2H++2e→H2↑②O2+4e+2H2O→4OH﹣③2Cl﹣﹣2e→Cl2↑14.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)亚氯酸钠(NaClO2)是一种性能优良的漂白剂,但在酸性溶液发生分解:5HClO2→4ClO2↑+H++Cl﹣+2H2O.向亚氯酸钠溶液中加入盐酸,反应剧烈.若将盐酸改为pH相同的稀硫酸,开始反应缓慢,稍后产生气体速度较快,速度变化的原因是()15.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)测量SO2、N2、O2混合气体中SO2含量的装置如图,反应管中装有碘的淀粉溶液.SO2和I2发生的反应为(N2、O2不与I2反应):SO2+I2+2H2O═H2SO4+2HI.反应管内溶液蓝色消失后,没有及时停止通气.测得的SO2的体积分数()16.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)氨基呈碱性,氨基酸呈两性,把甘氨酸(氨基乙酸)放入一定pH的溶液中,所得溶液中不能同时大量存在的微粒是()+﹣+﹣17.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)冶铁的原料为铁矿石、焦炭、空气和石灰石.测得某冶铁高炉煤气的体积分数为CO﹣0.28;CO2﹣0.10;N2﹣0.58,棕色烟尘﹣0.04(不含氮元素).若每生产1000kg生铁排放煤气2400m3,则至少需要补充空气?(空气体积分数:氮气0.8 氧三、选择题(本题共20分,每小题4分,每小题有一个或两个正确选项.只有一个正确选项的,多选不给分.有两个正确选项的,选对一个给2分,选错一个该小题不给分)18.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)往Ba(C1O)2溶液中通入足量SO2气体后,溶液中的溶19.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)密闭的真空容器中放入一定量CaO2固体,发生反应2CaO2(s)⇌2CaO(s)+O2(g)并达到平衡.保持温度不变,缩小容器容积为原来的三分之二,20.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)某水体溶有Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3﹣三种离子,可先加足量消2+2+21.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)25℃,有v1mLpH≈9的氨水(A)和v2mLpH≈10的氨水(B),加少量水稀释,氨水中22.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)磷酸分子间脱水会形成多种聚磷酸,它们的钠盐是广泛使用的食品添加剂.将48gNaOH与58.8g固态纯H3PO4在一定温度下加热,得到79.8g固体四、(本题共12分)23.(2015•宝山区二模)铁与同周期的钙性质有很大的差异,铁的熔点更高,而钙的金属活动性更强,这都说明铁的金属键比钙更(选填“强”、“弱”).与钢铁比,纯净的铁有很强的抗腐蚀性,原因是.氯化铁受热会发生升华现象,这说明氯化铁是(选填“离子”、“共价”)化合物.24.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)一定条件下,在容积一定的容器中,铁和CO2发生反应:Fe(s)+CO2(g)⇌FeO(s)+CO(g),该反应的平衡常数表达式K=.下列措施中能使平衡时c(CO)/c(CO2)增大的是(选填编号)a、升高温度b、增大压强c、充入一定量COd、再加入一些铁粉.25.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)FeS2可在Fe2(SO4)3溶液中“溶解”,硫元素都以SO42﹣形式存在,请完成该反应的化学方程式.FeS2+Fe2(SO4)3+→FeSO4+.26.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)溶液的酸碱性对许多物质的氧化性有很大影响;生成物的溶解性会影响复分解反应的方向.将Na2S溶液滴加到FeCl3溶液中,有单质硫生成;将FeC13溶液滴加到Na2S溶液中生成的是Fe2S3而不是S或Fe(OH)3.从以上反应可得出的结论是、.五、(本题共12分)27.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)硫元素位于元素周期表第列;硫元素原子核外有2个未成对电子,这2个电子所处亚层的符号是;硫、氯元素的原子均可形成与Ar原子电子层结构相同的简单离子,且硫离子的半径更大,请解释.28.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)S8和P4的分子中都只有共价单键,若P4分子中有6个P ﹣P键,则可推断S8分子有个S﹣S键;己知:H﹣S键键能:339kJ/mol;H ﹣Se键键能:314kJ/mol.以上键能数据能否比较S,Se非金属性的强弱(选填“能”、“否”;下同);能否比较H2S、H2Se沸点的高低.29.(1分)(2015•宝山区二模)在25℃,Na2SO3溶液吸收SO2得到的NaHS03溶液中c(SO32﹣)>c(H2SO3),据此断NaHS03溶液显性.30.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)在25℃,Na2S03溶液吸收SO2后,若溶液pH=7.2,则溶液中c(S032﹣)=c(HS03﹣);若溶液pH=7,则以下浓度关系正确的是(选填编号).a.c(Na+)=2c(SO32﹣)+c(HSO3﹣)b.c(Na+)>c(HSO3﹣)>c(SO32﹣)>c(H+)=c(OH﹣)c.c(Na+)+c(H+)=c(SO32﹣)+c(HSO3﹣)+c(OH﹣)31.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)己知Na2SO3溶液中存在水解平衡:SO32﹣+H2O⇌HSO3﹣+OH﹣,请用Na2SO3溶液和a试剂及必要的实验用品,设计简单实验,证明盐类的水解是一个吸热过程.a试剂是,操作和现象是.六、(本题共12分)32.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)在饱和碳酸钠溶液中通入CO2,将所得溶液小心蒸干,得到固体A,为分析A的成分,设计如下实验方案.(1)甲实验:用pH计检验A是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠.25℃时,将一定质量的样品A溶于(2)乙实验:将A配成溶液与BaCl2溶液等体积混合,通过观察实验现象判断A是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠,下表是几组实验的现象:产生浑浊的原因可能是①A中含有碳酸钠;②.(3)丙实验:称取0.736g样品,配置成100mL溶液,取出20.00mL,用0.1000mol/L的盐酸滴定,可用甲基橙作指示剂,终点颜色的变化是.(4)丁实验:通过受热质量分析法测定A是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠,取10.000g样品置于(填写仪器名称)中加热,经干燥、冷却、称量固体质量,上述操作步骤至少进行次,当剩余固体质量为克(保留3位小数)时,证明A为纯净的碳酸氢钠固体.七、(本题共12分)33.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)南美洲干旱地区有智利硝石,是制取炸药的重要原料,其主要成分是NaNO3,还含少量NaIO3等可溶盐和不容物.NaNO3溶于水时溶液的温度降低.(1)以下操作可从智利硝石分理出NaNO3:溶解、.(2)用NaNO3和浓硫酸反应可以制取硝酸,反应的化学方程式为;热的硝酸会腐蚀橡胶,制取装置中应该用代替胶管和胶塞.(3)智利硝石资源有限(曾引起过南太平洋战争),现在工业上制NaNO3主要采用化学合成的方法,涉及的工业制备有(请结合课本知识回答)、制硝酸、等;写出工业制硝酸的化学方程式、.八、(本题共10分)34.(10分)(2015•宝山区二模)苯是重要的化工原料,以下是某酮酸E的合成路线.已知:①CH2CH=CHCH3能被氧化成乙酸:②+(CH3CO)2O→+CH3COOH(1)以上合成路线中,属于氧化反应的有:反应⑥和反应(填反应编号);反应⑤的反应条件是.(2)写出结构简式A;B.(3)已知C的分子式为C4H6O4,则D的结构简式为;分离C和D的方法是.(4)不能由直接制取,原因是.(5)写出反应⑧的化学方程式.九、(本题共12分)35.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)艾多昔芬可用于防治骨质疏松症,其合成路线如图1(部分反应条件略去):(1)写出下列物质的结构简式:C;艾多昔芬.(2)写出F→G的化学方程式(3)写出同时满足下列条件的A的同分异构体的结构简式:.①能发生银镜反应;②分子中有4种化学环境的氢原子;③能发生水解反应且产物之一遇FeCl3溶液显紫色.(4)请参照合成艾多昔芬的某些信息,完成图2合成路线流程图(在方框内填写有关物质的结构简式;反应条件略去):十、(本题共14分)36.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)将7.8gNa2O2:加入100g水中,充分反应后得到密度为1.02g/cm3的溶液.(1)溶液的质量分数为(保留3位小数).(2)溶液的物质的量浓度为mol/L(保留2位小数).37.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)有KCl、NaCl、Na2CO3的混合物,其中钠元素的质量分数为0.3150,氯为0.2708,为求算Na2CO3的质量分数,某同学列了以下关系式:(31.50÷23)+(100﹣31.50﹣27.08﹣x)÷39=(27.08÷35.5)+x÷60X2解得x=28.25,则Na2CO3的质量分数为(保留3位小数).38.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)含不溶杂质的NaN03样品,加入一定量蒸馏水使其充分溶)实验中加入的水为g(2)原样品中NaN03为g.39.(8分)(2015•宝山区二模)在450℃、1.50X107Pa条件下,Na2O与O2反应生成Na02,Na02可用于应急呼吸面罩:4NaO2+2C02→2Na2C03+302,4NaO2+2H20(g)+4CO2→4NaHCO3+302某呼吸面罩中放置了5OOg NaO2,吸收CO2和H20(g),每产生18.48L(换算为标准状况)O2时,固体的质量就增加13.30g.计算生成的Na2CO3和NaHCO3物质的量之比.2015年上海市宝山区高考化学二模试卷参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(共5小题,每小题2分,只有一个正确选项)1.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)将木材隔绝空气加强热,可得到木煤气、木焦油和木炭等,2.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)含硫单质的水可防治皮肤病,而硫难溶于水,微溶于酒精,易溶于CS2,要增大硫在水中的分散程度,可将硫先放入溶剂R中,再将所得液体分散在水3.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)取0.5mL某溶液,要将其中的Fe3+和Cu2+先分离再检验,5.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)在对电子运动状态的描述中,确定一个“轨道”的方面包括()二、选择题(共36分,每小题3分,只有一个正确选项)6.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)碳元素的一种单质的化学式为C68,则关于C68的叙述错误7.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)以下物质的工业制备所用主要原料(括号内物质)不符合事8.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)下列气体除杂所用试剂错误的是(括号内为杂质)()HClO具有的是()10.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)非金属元素R位于第三周期,其原子的最外层有n个电子,RO11.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)用定量的方法,可用于鉴别邻甲基苯酚和间甲基苯酚的试13.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)如图的装置,左为铁电极,右为石墨电极,a为水或某种溶液.若两电极直接连接或外接电源,石墨上可能发生的反应是()①2H++2e→H2↑②O2+4e+2H2O→4OH﹣③2Cl﹣﹣2e→Cl2↑14.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)亚氯酸钠(NaClO2)是一种性能优良的漂白剂,但在酸性溶液发生分解:5HClO2→4ClO2↑+H++Cl﹣+2H2O.向亚氯酸钠溶液中加入盐酸,反应剧烈.若将盐酸改为pH相同的稀硫酸,开始反应缓慢,稍后产生气体速度较快,速度变化的原因是15.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)测量SO2、N2、O2混合气体中SO2含量的装置如图,反应管中装有碘的淀粉溶液.SO2和I2发生的反应为(N2、O2不与I2反应):SO2+I2+2H2O═H2SO4+2HI.反应管内溶液蓝色消失后,没有及时停止通气.测得的SO2的体积分数(),16.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)氨基呈碱性,氨基酸呈两性,把甘氨酸(氨基乙酸)放入一定pH的溶液中,所得溶液中不能同时大量存在的微粒是()+﹣+﹣17.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)冶铁的原料为铁矿石、焦炭、空气和石灰石.测得某冶铁高炉煤气的体积分数为CO﹣0.28;CO2﹣0.10;N2﹣0.58,棕色烟尘﹣0.04(不含氮元素).若每生产1000kg生铁排放煤气2400m3,则至少需要补充空气?(空气体积分数:氮气0.8 氧=1740m三、选择题(本题共20分,每小题4分,每小题有一个或两个正确选项.只有一个正确选项的,多选不给分.有两个正确选项的,选对一个给2分,选错一个该小题不给分)18.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)往Ba(C1O)2溶液中通入足量SO2气体后,溶液中的溶19.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)密闭的真空容器中放入一定量CaO2固体,发生反应2CaO2(s)⇌2CaO(s)+O2(g)并达到平衡.保持温度不变,缩小容器容积为原来的三分之二,20.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)某水体溶有Ca2+、Mg2+、HCO3﹣三种离子,可先加足量消2+2+21.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)25℃,有v1mLpH≈9的氨水(A)和v2mLpH≈10的氨水(B),加少量水稀释,氨水中故:不变,故22.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)磷酸分子间脱水会形成多种聚磷酸,它们的钠盐是广泛使用的食品添加剂.将48gNaOH与58.8g固态纯H3PO4在一定温度下加热,得到79.8g固体四、(本题共12分)23.(2015•宝山区二模)铁与同周期的钙性质有很大的差异,铁的熔点更高,而钙的金属活动性更强,这都说明铁的金属键比钙更强(选填“强”、“弱”).与钢铁比,纯净的铁有很强的抗腐蚀性,原因是不会发生电化学腐蚀.氯化铁受热会发生升华现象,这说明氯化铁是共价(选填“离子”、“共价”)化合物.24.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)一定条件下,在容积一定的容器中,铁和CO2发生反应:Fe(s)+CO2(g)⇌FeO(s)+CO(g),该反应的平衡常数表达式K=.下列措施中能使平衡时c(CO)/c(CO2)增大的是a(选填编号)a、升高温度b、增大压强c、充入一定量COd、再加入一些铁粉.K=故答案为:25.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)FeS2可在Fe2(SO4)3溶液中“溶解”,硫元素都以SO42﹣形式存在,请完成该反应的化学方程式.1FeS2+7Fe2(SO4)3+8H2O→15FeSO4+8H2SO4.26.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)溶液的酸碱性对许多物质的氧化性有很大影响;生成物的溶解性会影响复分解反应的方向.将Na2S溶液滴加到FeCl3溶液中,有单质硫生成;将FeC13溶液滴加到Na2S溶液中生成的是Fe2S3而不是S或Fe(OH)3.从以上反应可得出的结论是酸性条件氧化性:Fe3+>S、给出Fe3+能力:Fe(OH)3>Fe2S3.五、(本题共12分)27.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)硫元素位于元素周期表第16列;硫元素原子核外有2个未成对电子,这2个电子所处亚层的符号是3p;硫、氯元素的原子均可形成与Ar原子电子层结构相同的简单离子,且硫离子的半径更大,请解释氯离子核电荷数更大,对外层电子的引力更强,故离子半径较硫离子小.28.(3分)(2015•宝山区二模)S8和P4的分子中都只有共价单键,若P4分子中有6个P ﹣P键,则可推断S8分子有8个S﹣S键;己知:H﹣S键键能:339kJ/mol;H﹣Se键键能:314kJ/mol.以上键能数据能否比较S,Se非金属性的强弱能(选填“能”、“否”;下同);能否比较H2S、H2Se沸点的高低否.的分子中都只有共价单键,所以结构模型为,所以,所以29.(1分)(2015•宝山区二模)在25℃,Na2SO3溶液吸收SO2得到的NaHS03溶液中c(SO32﹣)>c(H2SO3),据此断NaHS03溶液显酸性.30.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)在25℃,Na2S03溶液吸收SO2后,若溶液pH=7.2,则溶液中c(S032﹣)=c(HS03﹣);若溶液pH=7,则以下浓度关系正确的是(选填编号)ab.a.c(Na+)=2c(SO32﹣)+c(HSO3﹣)b.c(Na+)>c(HSO3﹣)>c(SO32﹣)>c(H+)=c(OH﹣)c.c(Na+)+c(H+)=c(SO32﹣)+c(HSO3﹣)+c(OH﹣)31.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)己知Na 2SO 3溶液中存在水解平衡:SO 32﹣+H 2O ⇌HSO 3﹣+OH ﹣,请用Na 2SO 3溶液和a 试剂及必要的实验用品,设计简单实验,证明盐类的水解是一个吸热过程.a 试剂是 酚酞 ,操作和现象是 取样品溶于水,滴加酚酞显红色,加热后溶液红色加深 .六、(本题共12分)32.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)在饱和碳酸钠溶液中通入CO 2,将所得溶液小心蒸干,得到固体A ,为分析A 的成分,设计如下实验方案.(1)甲实验:用pH 计检验A 是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠.25℃时,将一定质量的样品A 溶于(2)乙实验:将A配成溶液与BaCl2溶液等体积混合,通过观察实验现象判断A是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠,下表是几组实验的现象:产生浑浊的原因可能是①A中含有碳酸钠;②碳酸氢钡溶液密度增大析出沉淀.(3)丙实验:称取0.736g样品,配置成100mL溶液,取出20.00mL,用0.1000mol/L的盐酸滴定,可用甲基橙作指示剂,终点颜色的变化是黄色变为橙色且半分钟不褪色.(4)丁实验:通过受热质量分析法测定A是否为纯净的碳酸氢钠,取10.000g样品置于坩埚(填写仪器名称)中加热,经干燥、冷却、称量固体质量,上述操作步骤至少进行2次,当剩余固体质量为 6.310克(保留3位小数)时,证明A为纯净的碳酸氢钠固体.3Na七、(本题共12分)33.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)南美洲干旱地区有智利硝石,是制取炸药的重要原料,其主要成分是NaNO3,还含少量NaIO3等可溶盐和不容物.NaNO3溶于水时溶液的温度降低.(1)以下操作可从智利硝石分理出NaNO3:溶解、过滤、蒸发浓缩、冷却结晶、过滤、洗涤、干燥.(2)用NaNO3和浓硫酸反应可以制取硝酸,反应的化学方程式为NaNO3+H2SO4NaHSO4+2HNO3↑;热的硝酸会腐蚀橡胶,制取装置中应该用磨砂接口代替胶管和胶塞.(3)智利硝石资源有限(曾引起过南太平洋战争),现在工业上制NaNO3主要采用化学合成的方法,涉及的工业制备有(请结合课本知识回答)合成氨、制硝酸、氯碱工业等;写出工业制硝酸的化学方程式4NH3+5O24NO+6H2O、4NO+3O2+2H2O=4HNO3.4224NO+6H八、(本题共10分)34.(10分)(2015•宝山区二模)苯是重要的化工原料,以下是某酮酸E的合成路线.已知:①CH2CH=CHCH3能被氧化成乙酸:②+(CH3CO)2O→+CH3COOH(1)以上合成路线中,属于氧化反应的有:反应⑥和反应①(填反应编号);反应⑤的反应条件是氢氧化钠醇溶液、加热.(2)写出结构简式A;B.(3)已知C的分子式为C4H6O4,则D的结构简式为HOOCCOOH;分离C和D的方法是蒸馏.(4)不能由直接制取,原因是苯中的碳碳键是一种特殊的键,与氢气加成后只能得环已烷.(5)写出反应⑧的化学方程式+.根据各物质转化关系,发生氧化反应得,,在浓硫酸作用下发生消去反应得,为发和消去反应得,为根据各物质转化关系,发生氧化反应得,与氢气发生加为,,发和消去反应得,发生信息为为,故答案为:;直接制取故答案为:九、(本题共12分)35.(12分)(2015•宝山区二模)艾多昔芬可用于防治骨质疏松症,其合成路线如图1(部分反应条件略去):(1)写出下列物质的结构简式:C;艾多昔芬.(2)写出F→G的化学方程式+HBr(3)写出同时满足下列条件的A的同分异构体的结构简式:.①能发生银镜反应;②分子中有4种化学环境的氢原子;③能发生水解反应且产物之一遇FeCl3溶液显紫色.(4)请参照合成艾多昔芬的某些信息,完成图2合成路线流程图(在方框内填写有关物质的结构简式;反应条件略去):的结构简式为,进而可以的反应,发生取代反应生成,所以艾多昔芬的结构简式为故答案为:的结构简式为故答案为:酚羟基,符合这些条件的同分异构体是故答案为:的反应,发生取代反应生成,故答案为:十、(本题共14分)36.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)将7.8gNa2O2:加入100g水中,充分反应后得到密度为1.02g/cm3的溶液.(1)溶液的质量分数为0.075(保留3位小数).(2)溶液的物质的量浓度为 1.91mol/L(保留2位小数).==×==1.9137.(2分)(2015•宝山区二模)有KCl、NaCl、Na2CO3的混合物,其中钠元素的质量分数为0.3150,氯为0.2708,为求算Na2CO3的质量分数,某同学列了以下关系式:(31.50÷23)+(100﹣31.50﹣27.08﹣x)÷39=(27.08÷35.5)+x÷60X2解得x=28.25,则Na2CO3的质量分数为0.499(保留3位小数).×=49.9g=0.49938.(4分)(2015•宝山区二模)含不溶杂质的NaN03样品,加入一定量蒸馏水使其充分溶)实验中加入的水为300g(2)原样品中NaN03为372g.39.(8分)(2015•宝山区二模)在450℃、1.50X107Pa条件下,Na2O与O2反应生成Na02,Na02可用于应急呼吸面罩:4NaO2+2C02→2Na2C03+302,4NaO2+2H20(g)+4CO2→4NaHCO3+302某呼吸面罩中放置了5OOg NaO2,吸收CO2和H20(g),每产生18.48L(换算为标准状况)O2时,固体的质量就增加13.30g.计算生成的Na2CO3和NaHCO3物质的量之比3:5.;解之得,参与本试卷答题和审题的老师有:杜老师;王慧;梁老师1;学无止境;千点楚江;2855469041;无敌海丰;mxl;xjmmd;随风;1549124179;单良;老大(排名不分先后)菁优网2015年6月25日。



2015年上海市宝山区高考英语二模试卷II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks,use one word that best fits each blank.1. make a study plan for (26)________(improve) your grade;2.keep doing what you're doing and hope for the best next time;3.use a persuasive argument to try and convince your teacher to give you (27)________ better grade?Your answer to the above question shows your EQ,your emotional intelligence.What exactly is EQ?Psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer define it as the ability to understand your own feelings and emotions and (28)________ of others.Research supports the significance of EQ.A 40﹣year study of 450boys found that IQ wasn't the only thing that affected life success.The qualities that did were the ability (29)________(handle) frustration,control emotions and get along with other people.Can you improve a low EQ?Yes!Start by noticing how you feel.That's the first step in becoming more skillful at managing your feelings.Second,pay attention to how you behave when you feel certain emotions.Then analyze (30)________ that effects your daily life.Next,take responsibility for your feelings and actions.They come from you and no one else.Then you (31)________(have) a higher EQ﹣﹣﹣and likely have a happier and more rewarding life as well.2. Imagine shopping in another country and spotting a beautiful scarf.The salespersontells you the price,(32)________ it's more than you want to buy.What do you do?The answer depends largely on what part of the world you are in.Are you visiting Southeast Asia,the Middle East,Latin America or Africa?In these places,prices oftenare not set in stone.In fact,customers (33)________(expect) to bargain before agreeing to a price.On the other hand,in North America,Europe and Australia,bargaining is rare and often not allowed.The price (34)________(list) on a price tag cannot be changed.Large stores and malls usually don't allow bargaining.On the other hand,outdoor stalls and flea markets,even in Western countries,usually allow bargaining.When in doubt,consult a guidebook﹣﹣﹣or (35)________(good) yet,a local friend.(36)________bargaining custom vary,a few rules of etiquette apply in most cultures.First,avoid wasting people's time.If you don't intend to make a purchase,don't start bargaining.While bargaining,it is OK to walk away.But once you agree to a price,you (37)________ buy the item.Even in countries (38)________ don't allow bargaining,you may find plentiful opportunities to save money.Many stores sell old items on clearance.Others offer discount cards to regular customers.Some of these can function as credit cards (39)________ the store,and a few can even be used elsewhere.(40)________ you go,understanding local customs can help you find good prices.3.The next time you watch NBA playoff action on TV,take a close look at the shoes that many players are wearing.Gone,for the most part,are the ankle﹣hugging high﹣tops that supposedly (1)_______ to protect players from injury.The change over the last few years to low﹣top sneakers(运动鞋) seems to go against conventional wisdom.Strangely,(2)_______,Steven Nash and Kobe Bryant,two of the most (3)_______players with the Los Angeles Lakers,aren't worried.According to the US market﹣research firm NPD Group,high﹣tops once (4)_______ for about 20percent of the US basketball shoe market.Now,the number has sunk to about8percent.Low﹣tops,the kind that Nash and Bryant wear,have grown to 29percent,from just 11percent in 2002.High﹣top sneakers are one of the most celebrated (5)_______ in modern basketball.After the 1985Air Jordans so transformed the market,shoe companies began battling one another.They put air pumps in the tongues of their shoes and made carefully prepared and organized (6)_______."All of a sudden it became a (7)_______ business,"Marshal Cohen,an analyst with NPD group,told The Wall Street Journal.The Jordans were excellent.The market went from being nothing to a million﹣dollar business (8)_______."One of the reasons high﹣tops are not so (9)_______ anymore is that they were never really very good at protecting the feet.In an article in the British Journal of Sports Medicine in 2008,University of Newcastle researcher Craig Richards found no evidence that sneakers (10)_______ injuries.His research actually found that high﹣top basketball sneakers could even cause players to run slower and jump lower.Now,the contest has become a war.Companies like Adidas,Nike,Converse and Reebok are all fighting to create the next"Air Jordan,"and with the next market battle.III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.4. Are you a graduate trying to plan out the best career path for yourself? Here, some tips are given on how to go about it.A university degree is no (1)_______ of a job, and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills.if you find you are not getting past the first interview, ask yourself what is happening.Is it a(n)(2)_______ to communicate or are there some skills you lack? And find out what you need t do to bring yourself up to the level of (3)_______ that would make you more attractive t them.Do not be too discouraged if you are (4)_______ for a job, but think about the reasons the employers give.Those who made the second interview might have been studying the same subject as you and be of (5)_______ ability level, but they had something which made thema (6)_______ match to the selector's ideal.That could be experience gained through projects or vacation work, or it might be that they were better at communicating what they could offer.Do not take the comments at (7)_______ value: think back to the interviews that generated them and make a list of where you think the shortfall in your performance lies.With this sort of analytical approach you will eventually get your foot in the door.Deciding how long you should stay in your first job is a tough call.Stay too long and future employers may question your (8)_______ and ambition.Of course, it depends on where you are aiming.If you are a graduate, spending five or six years in the same job is not too long provided that you take full advantage of the (9)_______.However, do not use this as a(n)(10)_______ for lacking interest or enthusiasm.Graduates sometimes fail to take ownership of their careers and take the initiative.It is up to you to make the most of what's available within a company, and to monitor progress in case you need to (11)_______.This applies particularly if you are still not sure where your career path lies.It is helpful to think through what kind of experience you need to get your (12)_______ job and it is not a problem to move around to a certain extent.But in the (13)_______ stages of your career you need a definite strategy for reaching your goal, so think about that carefully before deciding to step forward from your first job.You must cultivate (14)_______ to be competent for any role.There is no guarantee that you will get adequate training, and research has shown that if you do not receive proper help in a new role, it can take 18months to (15)_______ it.(1)A inputB causeC guaranteeD preparation(2)A failureB keyC introductionD contribution(3)A highlightB commentC fluencyD qualification(4)A askedB refusedC headedD helped(5)A differentB highC similarD low(6)A closerB betterC strongerD poorer(7)A depthB faceC dataD test(8)A characterB personalityC behaviorD drive(9)A knowledgeB experienceC skillD loyalty(10)A substituteB equivalentC excuseD requirement(11)A pass byB switch onC move onD stick to(12)A part﹣timeB dreamC secureD well﹣paid(13)A criticalB lastC middleD early(14)A patienceB loveC habitsD friendship(15)A knowB prohibitC masterD selectSection B Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.5. Iceland, an island just south of the Arctic Circle, has fairly mild winters, thanks to warm ocean currents.Time your vacation here during the winter months to take advantage of off ﹣season deals.Off﹣season means good deals on flights, hotels and tours.You may also find that the locals are a bit friendlier and more welcoming when tourists aren't arriving in crowds.In the winter months, there are less than seven hours of daylight; thus, chances are good you'll catch sight of the northern lights.Sunsets are also beautiful at this time, making for some great photo opportunities.In Iceland, winter is the perfect time to hike glaciers, go ice climbing, explore caves made out of hardened lava(岩浆) and much more.One of the most popular activities is off﹣roading(越野比赛) in a specially﹣equipped"super jeep".Before booking your trip, be sure to check for volcano alerts.There are about130volcanoes on or around Iceland.Thirty﹣five of them are active.In 2010, a volcano named Eyjaallajokull exploded, sending clouds of ash up to four kilometers into the atmosphere.The ash drifted toward the UK and Europe.Because the ask could damage aircraft engines, airlines operating in the region were forced to cancel flights for six days.As a result, thousands of people were stuck in airports.Recently, another volcano named Bardarbunga has become active, erupting ash into the air.Such events, if large enough, could prevent your trip from going ahead.So check the latest volcano news prior to making your reservations.(1)According to this article,why are you more likely to see the northern lights in the winter?________A They move from rural areas to cities.B The weather is more stable at that time.C They're a special feature of many festivals.D The sky is dark for longer periods then.(2)According to the article,how do visitors to Iceland have fun in the winter?________A They learn how to ski down the mountains.B They photograph famous historic sites.C They explore the countryside in well made vehicles.D They spend a week at one of the seaside resorts.(3)What is true about the volcanoes of Iceland?________A The majority of them are quiet.B Their age hasn't been determined.C All but one of them are extinct.D Citizens aren't affected by them.(4)What does this article explain?________A Some of Iceland's urban cultural attractions.B A way t reduce the cost of a trip to Iceland.C Reasons for visiting Iceland in June and July.D The average price for a short tour of Iceland.6. SELF﹣REFLECTION OF TEACHING PRACTICES READING, WRITING, TALKINGPlease do not sign your name.Mark the responses that most nearly reflect your teaching practices.This is one way to reflect your practices and how much you got out of it.Keep one copy and give one to your tutor(s).HOW OFTEN:0=never 1=rarely 2=sometimes (1﹣2x/week)3=moderately(3x/week)4=often(4x/week)5=daily(1)According to the passage,who most probably mark the responses in the form?________A Professional tutors.B Language teachers.C Personalphysician. D Psychological therapist.(2)According to the passage,which frequency degree would you choose if you carry out the practice in the form not at all often?________(3)B.1.C.2.D.3.72.Mr.Kent bears EXTENTION OF LEARNING idea in mind,he quite often tends to________.A always set groups to encourage students to work out something by putting heads together.B prepare grade﹣level materials for teaching.C develop students reading skills during pre﹣while﹣and﹣post﹣reading stage.D provide students with extra learning materials to further their study.(4)Mrs.Grace likes to share her version of tasks outcome in class,which could be labeled________.A ASSESSMENT OF LEARNING.B KNOWLEDGECONSTRUCTION. C DEVELOPMENT OF STRATEGIES. D SELF﹣SELECTION.7. A rapidly advancing contemporary science that is highly dependent on new tools isEarth system science.Earth system science involves observation and measurements on the Earth at all scales from the largest to the smallest.The huge amounts of data that are gathered come from many different locations and require special techniques for handling data.Important new tools that facilitate Earth system science include satellite remote sensing, small deep﹣sea submarines, and geographic information systems.More than any other way of gathering evidence, satellite observations continually remindus that each part of the Earth interacts with and is dependent on all other parts.Earth system science was born from the realization of that interdependence.Satellite remote sensing makes possible observations at large scales, and in manycases, measurements of factors that could not otherwise be measured.For example, the ozone hole over Antarctica﹣﹣the decrease in the concentration of ozone high in the atmosphere﹣﹣is measured by remote sensing, as are changes in deserts, forests, and farmlands around the world.Such measurements can be used in many areas of specialization besides Earth system science.Archaeology, for example, has benefited from satellite observations that reveal the traces of ancient trade routes across the Arabian Desert. New tools for exploring previously inaccessible areas of the Earth have also added greatlyto our knowledge of the Earth system.Small deep﹣sea submarines allow scientists to travel to the depths of the ocean.There they have discovered new species and ecosystems thriving near deep﹣sea vents that emit heat, sasses, and mineral﹣rich water.Just as important as new methods of measurement and exploration are new ways to store and analyze data about the Earth system.Computer﹣based software programs known as geographic information systems, or GIS, allow a large number of data points to be stored along with their locations.These can be used to produce maps and to compare differentsets of information gathered at different times.For example, satellite remote sensing images of a forest can be converted to represent stages in the forest's growth.Two such images, made at different times can be overlaid and compared, and the changes that have taken place can be represented in a new image.(1)The word"facilitate"in Paragraph I is closest in meaning to________.A enable B. C organize D.(2)The author of the passage mentions that satellite observations are especially effectivein________.A conducting scientific studies of life on the ocean floor.B predicting future climatechanges. C providing data to determine Earth's age. D demonstrating interactions among all of Earth's parts.(3)According to the passage,satellite observations of the Arabian Desert allow archaeologists to know________.B evidence of former lakes.C traces of early farms.D remains of ancient forests.(4)What is the main idea of the passage?________A special techniques are needed to classify the huge amounts of data aboutEarth. B New tools provide information about Earth that was once impossible to obtain. C Advances in Earth system science have resolved many environmental problems. D Satellite remote sensing can show changes between two images taken years apart.Section C Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.8. For a sight of an evolving technology that promises to shake video gaming to its foundation,check out"Throw Trucks With Your Mind".Unlike most video games,it doesn't rely solely on a mouse.Instead,its players also puton a headset that enables them to throw trucks or other virtual objects simply by thinking.And that's just for starters.Advocates of so﹣called neurogaming(交感神经游戏)say the concept in a few years will combine a wide variety of physiological factors,from a player's heart rate and hand gestures to pupil dilation(瞳孔扩张) and emotions.Moreover,they imagine many such games being developed to improve the health,brainpower and skills of those playing them.The electroencephalography(脑电波仪),or EEG,headset used to throw trucks and other objects onto enemies was made by San Jose,California.﹣based NeuroSky.It measures separate brainwave frequencies that reflect how focused the player is and how calm they are,according to Lat Ware of Emeryville,California.,who developed the game.The game,which can be purchased at www.throwtrucks.com,costs﹩25,or﹩99 with the headset.Ware,29,said it's possible to move a pear or other small virtual object if the player is calm,but not focused,or vice versa.But he said both mental states are essential to flatten an enemy with a huge truck,which takes considerable concentration.Although only a few neurogames have been introduced so far and their action tends to be fairly limited,the games are expected to become far more challenging﹣and multipurpose﹣as the software and related technology improves.One concept being explored is to develop games that adjust their action according to the player's changing emotions.These are measured by such factors as their facial expressions,eye movement and skin﹣conductance(皮肤导电) levels.Another approach is to make games that influence how the player thinks and feels.Consider Los Angeles﹣based Melon,which,like"Throw Trucks With Your Mind,"was recently launched via the online fundraising site Kickstarter.Melon officials say their firstgame﹣﹣which challenges players to fold origami(折纸) with their mind,using NeuroSky's EEG headset﹣﹣helps people"learn how to focus,relax and meditate better." 78.According to this article,what is the purpose of developing the new kind of games?________79.The function of brainwave frequencies measured by EEG made by San Jose is to________.80.According to Ware,if you want to throw something such as a truck,you mustbe________.81.What is the new idea being studied to develop more challenging and multipurpose games?________(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN ELEVEN WORDS)I. TranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.9. 在美国和加拿大,用餐后不付小费是很失礼的事.(tip)________.10. 据报道,政府已经下定决心要解决环境污染问题.(determine)________.11. 令他惊讶的是,他的春考成绩比他期望的要好的多.(expect)________.12. 汉语是世界上最难的语言之一,学习这种语言的人就会很快发现自己遇到了挑战.(challenge)________.13. 直到真要出国了,这个年轻人才意识到自立的重要性.(Not)________.II. Guided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.14. 下面两幅图反映的是部分城乡孩子所面临的窘境.请就此图谈谈你的想法,你的文章应包括:具体描述两幅图;简要分析造成这两种现象的原因;提出解决问题的建议.(注:请勿出现真实姓名和学校)2015年上海市宝山区高考英语二模试卷答案1. improving,a,those,to handle,how,will have2. but,areexpected,listed,better,Although/Though/While,must,that/which,within/in,Wherever3. F,I,J,A,H,C,K,E,D,B4. CADBCABDBCCBDAC5. DCAB6. BBDC7. ADAB8. To improve the health,brain power and skills of those playing them.,reflect how focused the playeris and how calm they are.,both calm andfocused.,Developinggamesadjustingplayers'actionaccordingtotheirchangingemotions9. InAmericaandCanada,notgivingatipafteramealisveryimpolite/bad﹣mannered10. It is reported that the government has been determined to solve/settle the problem(s)of environmental pollution.11. Tohissurprise,theresultofhisSpringCollegeEntranceExaminationismuchbetterthan (whatwas)expected12. Chineseisoneofthemostdifficultlanguagesintheworld,andpeople(whoare)learningitquicklyfindthemselveschallenged13. Not until the young person actually went abroad did he realize the importance of independence.14. The two pictures show some problems in the present education system in China.A student is on his way home from school,a heavy bad of books on his back.What he wishes is that he didn't go to school any more.(高分句型一)In the second picture,a peasant boy,carrying a heavy bundle of rice straw,is out of breath under the great pressure.He hopesto attend school.The children in cities can enjoy bright classroom and adequate facilities.What they face is the endless homework,which puts so much pressure on them that some students don't want to continue their studies.(高分句型二)However,in the countryside,especiall in some western parts,some children are forced to drop out because their parents cann't afford the tution.(分析原因)As far as I am concerned,the students in the city should cherish the chance,trying their best to study.what's more,the government should take measures to ganrantee the studyof the students in the countryside.In that way,all the children can receive equal education.(提出办法)。

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