
展会英语词汇Exhibit Designer/Producer:展台设计/搭建商。
Exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置)。
Exhibitor manual:参展商手册。
Export License:出口许可证。
Exposition Manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“Show Manager”或“Show Organizer”。
facility Manager:展馆或展厅经理。
Facility:同“Convention Cente*”,指展览馆或展览设施。
Fire Exit:展馆内的紧急出口。
Flame proofed:(材料)经防火处理的。
Floor load:指展馆地面最大承重量。
Floor plan:展馆平面图,具体标明展区位置及展览辅助服务区位置,如活动室、洗手间、电源和水供应处等。
Floor port:展馆地面接口,主要是展馆电、电话和水管接口。
Freight forwarders:运输代理公司。
Import License:进口许可证。
Installation & Dismantle:展台搭建和撤展,常简称为“I & D”。
Installation contractor:展台搭建服务商。
International sales agent:国际销售代理。
Marine Insurance:海损险。

公司基础信息问答客户询问1、CouldI have someinformation about your scope of business?我想知道您企业得经营范围?2、Would you tell me themain items you export?您主要得出口产品就是什么?3、May I have a look at your catalogue?我能瞧瞧您公司得产品目录吗?4、We really need more speci?c information aboutyourtechnology、我们确实需要您公司技术得进一步资料。
回答询问1、This is a copy of catalog、这就是我们得产品目录。
2、What abouthaving a look at sample ?rst?您可以先瞧瞧我们得样品。
3、Our productshavebeen sold in a number ofareas abroad、They areverypopular with the usersthere、我们得产品曾广销海外,并且在当地非常受欢迎。
4、This product hasmany advantages pared tootherpetingproducts、这款产品有其她同类产品没办法比较得优势.5、I wish youasuccess in yourbusiness transaction、希望您得业务一切顺利。
Victor外展小贴士-—展会常用英语关于产品质量品质问答1、Wehave a verystrict qualitycontrolling system which promises that goods weproduced are alwaysof the best quality、我们公司有着很严格得质量检测系统,这保证了我司得产品得高质量。
2、How doyoufeellikethe quality of ourproducts?您觉得我们产品得质量怎么样?3、as long asthe quality is good、It is all right if theprice is a bit higher、因为我们得高质量,我们得价格自然就会高一些。

展会英语经典句子1. Welcome to our exhibition. We are glad to have you here.2. Thank you for joining us at this prestigious event.3. This exhibition showcases the latest trends and innovations in our industry.4. Our booth is located in Hall A, number 123. Please come visit us.5. Would you like a brochure to learn more about our products/services?6. Please feel free to ask any questions and our staff will be happy to assist you.7. Our exhibition offers a great opportunity to network with industry professionals.8. We are honored to be part of such a successful and well-organized event.9. Have you had a chance to explore the other exhibits? There are some amazing displays.10. We are offering exclusive discounts and promotions at the exhibition. Don't miss out!11. Our product demonstration will take place in 15 minutes. We hope you can join us.12. Can I have your business card? We would like to keep in touch after the exhibition.13. Are you interested in scheduling a meeting with our sales team? Theycan provide more detailed information.14. The opening ceremony was quite spectacular. The organizers really outdid themselves.15. The exhibition has attracted participants from all over the world. It's truly an international event.16. Have you seen the award-winning exhibit? It's breathtaking!17. We have some exciting giveaways for visitors. Don't forget to enter our raffle.18. The exhibition is a great platform for collaboration and partnership opportunities.19. We have received great feedback from visitors about our products/services.20. The exhibition is a valuable platform to showcase our company's capabilities.21. We are delighted to be part of this esteemed event alongside industry leaders.22. The exhibition provides insight into the latest industry trends and developments.23. Our booth is designed to provide an interactive and immersive experience for visitors.24. The exhibition has brought together experts and thought leaders in our field.25. We have scheduled several informative workshops and presentations throughout the exhibition.26. Thank you for your interest in our company. We appreciate your support.27. The exhibition provides a unique opportunity to learn and exchange ideas with industry professionals.28. We have a special offer exclusively for exhibition attendees. Don't miss it!29. The exhibition is attracting a diverse range of visitors from different industries.30. We are looking forward to your feedback on our exhibition setup and display.。

以下是一些会展商务常用的英语词汇:1. Exhibition/Expo/Trade Show:展览会2. Booth/Stand:展位3. Organizer:主办方4. Exhibitor:参展商5. Visitor/Attendee/Guest:参观者/观众6. Registration Desk:注册处7. Badge:胸卡8. Brochure/Pamphlet:宣传册/小册子9. Catalog/Catalogue:展会目录10. Business Card:名片11. Networking:社交/交流12. Presentation/Seminar:演讲/研讨会13. Product Launch:产品发布14. Negotiation:洽谈15. Deal/Contract:交易/合同16. Marketing:市场营销17. Branding:品牌推广18. Sponsorship:赞助19. Exhibition Hall:展览馆20. Booth Design/Decoration:展位设计/装饰21. Set-up/Dismantle:搭建/拆除22. Venue:场地23. Schedule/Agenda:日程安排24. Press Conference:新闻发布会25. Media Coverage:媒体报道26. Promotion:促销活动27. Lead Generation:潜在客户获取28. Follow-up:跟进29. Collaboration:合作30. Business Development:业务拓展这些词汇涵盖了会展商务的多个方面,从展览会的组织与参与到商务洽谈和营销推广等。

• 询价报价 • 讨价还价 • 交货期限 • 付款方式
• 关于保险 • 签单建议 • 感谢下单
• 1.what's the price ? can you tell me the price? • 2.How about the price/ How much is this machine? • 3.Will you please let us have an idea of your price? • 4.Is this the price list for agent ?? • 5.Are the prices on the list best offers? 我们报价 • 1. The price of this machine is xxx, and in general, our prices are given on FOB :
与booth互换,意为“展位〞,但主要指展 出的物品
8. exhibition:展览会 9. exhibitor manual:参展商手册 10. exhibitor:参展商 11. exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一
个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面 的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。 12. exposition:博览会 13. raw space:展览广地 14. row booth:标准展台 15. showcase:陈列,陈列柜
Exhibition area 参展面积 Exhibition hall 展览馆 Free admission with an invitation 凭柬免费入场 Individual 个人参观者 International traders 国际买家 Invitation 邀请信,请柬 Job title 职务

Attendee brochure:发送给参观商或观众,吸引他们赴展览会参观的参观商手册。
Air freight:空运货物。
Air waybill/Air bill:(货物)空运单,在航程上可以涵盖货物从发运地到目的地间的国内、国际航空运输。
Adjustable standard:是一种可以在其上随意安装展板的展架立杆。
Aisle signs:悬挂于展厅内的、用于标注过道名称或编号的过道标识。
Booth area:摊位面积。
Booth number:摊位号。
Booth personnel:展台工作人员。
Booth sign:摊位楣板,用于标识参展商的公司名称、摊位号等。
Booth size:展位尺寸。
Backwall booth:靠墙展位,其后背墙紧靠展馆墙壁,常被称之为边缘展位。
Buying team:(公司)采购小组。
Bill of lading(B/L):提单。
Bonded warehouse:保税仓库。
Bone yard:运输代理公司在展览现场所拥有或租用的、用于存放展品空箱的仓库。
Consumer show:面向公众开放的展览会,一般需要买票进入,这种展览会又称公共展。
Corner booth:位于两个或两个以上人行通道交汇处的展位,一些展览会组织对这样的展位收取额外费用。

《会展英语》复习内容一、专有名词翻译( 10 题,每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、市场份额: market share2、可行性研究: feasibility study3、行业协会和学会: trade associations and societies4、展览会组织结构: show organization structure5、时间段: time slot6、市场调查: market survey7、行业类贸易展览会: trade show ;消费类展览会: consumer show8、参展费用: participation fee9、专业观众:professional visitor(audience);普通观众:public visitor10、促销活动、招展工作: sales promotion11、招展书: exhibition brochure12、参展商和观众数据库: exhibitor and visitor databank13 、展会标识: exhibition logo14、标准展台: standard booth ;光地展位: raw space15、会刊: show catalogue16、同期活动: concurrent events17、展品范围: exhibit profile ;exhibit scope18、参展申请表: exhibitor application form19、优惠条件: preferential conditions20、目标群体: targeted group21、综合性展览: comprehensive fairs ;专业展览会: specialized exhibition22、主题发言: keynote speech23、提前申请折扣: early-bird discount24、老展商: frequent exhibitor25、展会最新动态: show updates26、招展资料: promotional material27、参展合同: participation contract28、展台平面图: floor plan29、展商手册: Exhibitor Manual30、主场搭建商: official contractor31、指定展运商: official freight forwarder32、展品清单: List of Exhibits (LOE)33、注册表格: registration form34、现场登记处: on-site registration counter35、展馆布局: layout of the exhibits areas36、重点展商: key account exhibitor37、毛面积:gro s s area ;净面积:net area38、新闻发布会: press conference39、展后服务: post show service40、支持媒体: supporting media41、国内外参展比例: proportion of domestic and international participation42、参展目的: objectives of participation43、会务费: registration fees44、龙头企业: industrial player45、会议议程: conference program46、第一(二、三)轮会议通知: the first announcement47、专业会议组织者: PCO professional conference organizer48、功能厅: function hall49、网上注册: online registration50、会议纪念品: conference memento51、分组会议: breakout sessions52、团体价: group rates ;门市价: rack rates53、会议资料汇编: conference proceedings54、展后报告: after-show reports/ post-show reports二、阅读理解( 15 题,每题 2 分,共 30 分)三、句子翻译( 10 题,每题 2 分,共 20 分)1、I'd like to propose a new theme about a perfume show. (16)我想提出一个新题目是有关香水方面展示的提议。

Attendee brochure:发送给参观商或观众,吸引他们赴展览会参观的参观商手册。
Air freight:空运货物。
Air waybill/ Air bill:(货物)空运单,在航程上可以涵盖货物从发运地到目的地间的国内、国际航空运输。
Adjustable standard:是一种可以在其上随意安装展板的展架立杆。
Aisle signs:悬挂于展厅内的、用于标注过道名称或编号的过道标识。
Booth area:摊位面积。
Booth number:摊位号。
Booth personnel:展台工作人员。
Booth sign:摊位楣板,用于标识参展商的公司名称、摊位号等。
Booth size:展位尺寸。
Backwall booth:靠墙展位,其后背墙紧靠展馆墙壁,常被称之为边缘展位。
Buying team:(公司)采购小组。
Bill of lading(B/L):提单。
Bonded warehouse:保税仓库。
Bone yard:运输代理公司在展览现场所拥有或租用的、用于存放展品空箱的仓库。
Consumer show:面向公众开放的展览会,一般需要买票进入,这种展览会又称公共展。
Corner booth:位于两个或两个以上人行通道交汇处的展位,一些展览会组织对这样的展位收取额外费用。

1. 展览相关词汇:- Exhibition/Trade show:展览会- Booth/Stand:展位- Exhibit:展品- Organizer:组织者- Participant/Exhibitor:参展商- Visitor/Attendee:参观者2. 规模与地点:- International trade show:国际贸易展- Annual exhibition:年度展览- Venue/Location:场地- Pavilion:展馆- Hall:展厅3. 参展及摊位预订:- Book/reserve a booth:预订展位- Exhibition catalog:展览会目录- Booth rental fee:展位租金- Floor plan:展览平面图- Booth design and construction:展位设计和搭建4. 宣传与广告:- Promotion/advertising:宣传/广告- Brochure/flyer:宣传册/传单- Banner/Poster:横幅/海报- Press release:新闻稿- Media coverage:媒体报道5. 展览活动:- Ribbon-cutting ceremony:剪彩仪式- Opening ceremony:开幕式- Product launch:产品发布- Seminar/workshop:研讨会/工作坊- Networking:社交/交流6. 业务洽谈:- Negotiations:洽谈- Business opportunity:商机- Collaboration/partnership:合作/合作伙伴关系- Sales/order:销售/订单- Contract signing:签合同7. 后续事项:- Post-event feedback:展会后反馈- Follow up with leads:跟进潜在客户- Evaluation/report:评估/报告- Thank you letter:感谢信- Next year's exhibition:明年的展览会以上是一些国际会展中常用的英语表达。

1. Background and Fundamentals 背景和基础知识2. Trade Fairs & Exhibitions 贸易展和展览会3. Definitions and types of fairs & exhibitions贸易展和展览会的定义和类型4. Fair organizers 展会组织者5. The Marketing Functions of Fairs & Exhibitions贸易展和展览会的市场营销功能6. Promoting, Launching, and Selling 促销宣传,新产品的发布和销售7. Assessing, Learning, and Interacting 评估,学习和互动8. Return on Investment 投资回报9. Journeying traders 商务旅行者10. bazaars 集市11. itinerant locations 流动的场所12. permanent places 永久的/固定的场所13. Fair Industry 集市产业14. a permanent fair centre 永久的交易中心15. fair 展览会16. cash-and-carry products 现购自运17. the Leipzig fair 莱比锡展18. direct sales 直销19. Sample Fairs 样品展20. consumer goods 消费品21. a specific theme 具体的主题22. specialized fairs 专业展23. temporary marketplaces 临时交易场所24. sales and marketing tools 销售和营销工具25. communications media 沟通媒介26. market events 市场活动27. a specific duration 具体的持续时间28. industry sectors 产业部门29. sell it on the basis of samples 看样订货30. trade and business visitors 贸易观众31. the general public 普通观众/公众32. UFI (=Union of International Fair)国际展览联盟33. criteria 标准34. an international trade fair/exhibition 国际展35. foreign exhibitors 国外参展商36. exhibitors 参展商37. foreign visitors 国外观众38. the manufacturing industry 制造业39. trade fairs/exhibitions of consumer goods 消费品展40. the public and end-consumers 公众和终端客户41. a specialized trade fair/exhibition 专业展42. a general trade fair/exhibition 综合展43. a corporate exhibition 公司展44. virtual fairs 虚拟展45. physical fairs 实物展46. the exhibition ground 展览场地47. the exhibition halls 室内展厅48. independent organizers 独立主办方49. exhibition space 展览场地50. not-for-profit federations or association非盈利联盟或行业协会51. fairground owners 场馆方Exhibition Subject 展会主题Exhibition Concept 展会概念Exhibition Results 展会结果Exhibition Profitability 展会收益率trade associations 贸易(行业协会)supporting partner 支持方product groups 产品组the frequency of the event 活动频率the target groups目标群the terms and conditions for exhibiting 参展合同条款opening hours, 开放时间set-up and dismantling times,布展与撤展时间terms of payment 付款条件marketing-mix 营销组合The quantitative criteria 数量标准the rented area 展台租赁面积the amount of sold catalogues 会刊销售量The qualitative criteria 质量标准the types of exhibitors; 参展商类型the types of visitors 专业观众类型The Contribution Margin calculation 贡献边际计算法variable costs 可变成本fixed costs 固定成本The Return On Investment (ROI) 投资回报率the "Turnover Profitability" 营业额利润率the "Capital Turnover" 资本周转率the annual profitability 年利率The "Payback Period" 资本回报期the promotion campaign 行销活动satisfaction survey 满意度调查exhibition directories 展会指南the hall plans 展馆规划the exhibitors´ manual.参展商手册the size, the location of the stand 展台的大小和位子stand construction and transportation companies展台搭建与运输公司prospective customers 潜在客户Stand Design 展台设计the exhibition hall 展厅Product-oriented positioning concept 产品导向的定位概念Solution-oriented positioning concept. 解决方案导向的定位概念Communication & Event-oriented positioning concept. 沟通与活动导向的定位概念Competition-oriented positioning concept.竞争导向的定位概念the passive zone (attraction) 被动区(吸引眼球)the active zone (acquisition) 主动区(主动接触客户)the intensive zone (negotiation) 集中区(谈判区)eye-catcher 引人注目的东西catalogue, brochure, graphic 会刊、手册、图表layout of the stand;展台布局Selection of exhibits; 展品的选择Selection of the exhibition staff; 展台人员的选择the Participation Costs 参展成本stand rental, 展台租赁exhibitor passes 参展证stand lettering 展台字体设计give-away 赠品press folder 媒体资料夹admission ticket vouchers 门票抵用券border tax, 边境税waste disposal 废物处理follow-up 展后跟踪服务Direct mailing 直接邮寄Outdoor advertising 户外广告Multimedia presentation 多媒体展示Product/machine demonstration 产品/机器展示。

会展英语词汇大全Pavilion:临时搭建的棚架Exposition: 展会Venue: 会场Publicity: 宣传Seminar: 研讨会Showcase:展示Reinforce: 加强Prophecy: 预言Prospectus: 展会说明书Telemarketing:电话营销Brochure:小册子Admission ticket入场券Newsletter:时事通讯Dimension:尺寸Booth:展位Seniority:老资格Demo: 演示Show management:展会主办单Giveaway:赠品Bid: 投标Highlight:突出Freight forwarder: 展会货运公司Carrier:承运商Timing: 时间安排Delegate: 授权Simulate:模拟Follow-up: 后续工作Effectiveness: 有效性Etiquette: 礼节Signage:引导标示Aisle:通道Adjustable standard:展架立杆Booth personnel:展台工作人员Booth sign:摊位楣板Booth size:展位尺寸Bonded warehouse:保税仓库Convention:大型会议、展览Cartage:货物运输费Certificate of origin:原产地证明Consignee:(展品)收货人Customs:海关Cash in advance(CIA):预付Cash with order(CWO):预订金Certificate of insurance:保险凭证Display regulations:展览会规则Double-decker:双层展位Dock receipt:码头收货单据Drawback:退税Duty:关税Dismantle:撤展play case:展示柜Double-faced panel:双面展板database数据库target market目标市场on-site registration现场报到/注册online registration网上报到/注册advance registration提前报到/注册pre-registration提前报到/注册cash flow现金流commitment许诺,保证data-processing system数据处理系统additional fee 额外收费registration form报到表badge徽章,证章contact information联系方式hotline热线registration desk报到处,登记处receipt收据the queuing area 排队等候区域bottleneck瓶颈computer terminal电脑终端data entry数据输入account账户bad debt坏账link链接early arrival 早到extended stay 延住sign up报名参加local show/performance 当地表演confirmation date 确认日期complimentary arrangement 免费项目安排early departure 提前离会under departure 会后延住airport/strip shuttle service 机场接送服务registrant 登记者,注册者。

会展英语专业词汇会展英语专业词汇1 admission ticket:入场卷2 attendee:出席者,在场者3 applicant:申请者4 badge:胸章5 booth:展台;售货棚;展览摊位6 booth contractor:展台搭建公司7 booth number:展位号码8 booth order:展位预定9 box lunch:盒饭10 brochure:宣传小册子11 budget:预算开支12 business card:名片13 classroom type meeting room:教室形会议厅14 clinic:教学班,现场会议15 company fascia/signage:公司楣板16 confetti:彩色纸屑17 conference:专业会议,协商会18 congress:代表大会,会议19 cooperation:合作;协作20 consortium:国际财团21 convention site inspection:会议场地考察22 convention registration:会议代表签到23 corner booth:角落展台24 dealer meeting:经销商会议25 decorator:装潢公司26 destination:目的地27 diplomat:外交官,外交家28 draping:布帘,铺设桌面的群布29 drayage:运送展品30 dress code: 着装规范31 exhibit designer:展台设计师32 exhibit producer:展台搭建商33 exhibit directory:参观指南(主要列出参展商名单及其位置)34 exhibit:展位或展品,很多场合下,可与booth互换,意为“展位”,但主要指展出的物品35 exhibition:展览会36 exhibition planning:展前联络37 exhibitor manual:参展商手册38 exhibitor:参展商39 exposition manager:展厅经理,负责一个展览会从立项、促销到现场举办的各个方面的工作,也称为“show manager”或“show organizer”。

1. Background and Fundamentals 背景和基础知识2. Trade Fairs & Exhibitions 贸易展和展览会3. Definitions and types of fairs & exhibitions贸易展和展览会的定义和类型4. Fair organizers 展会组织者5. The Marketing Functions of Fairs & Exhibitions贸易展和展览会的市场营销功能6. Promoting, Launching, and Selling 促销宣传,新产品的发布和销售7. Assessing, Learning, and Interacting 评估,学习和互动8. Return on Investment 投资回报9. Journeying traders 商务旅行者10. bazaars 集市11. itinerant locations 流动的场所12. permanent places 永久的/固定的场所13. Fair Industry 集市产业14. a permanent fair centre 永久的交易中心15. fair 展览会16. cash-and-carry products 现购自运17. the Leipzig fair 莱比锡展18. direct sales 直销19. Sample Fairs 样品展20. consumer goods 消费品21. a specific theme 具体的主题22. specialized fairs 专业展23. temporary marketplaces 临时交易场所24. sales and marketing tools 销售和营销工具25. communications media 沟通媒介26. market events 市场活动27. a specific duration 具体的持续时间28. industry sectors 产业部门29. sell it on the basis of samples 看样订货30. trade and business visitors 贸易观众31. the general public 普通观众/公众32. UFI =Union of International Fair 国际展览联盟33. criteria 标准34. an international trade fair/exhibition 国际展35. foreign exhibitors 国外参展商36. exhibitors 参展商37. foreign visitors 国外观众38. the manufacturing industry 制造业39. trade fairs/exhibitions of consumer goods 消费品展40. the public and end-consumers 公众和终端客户41. a specialized trade fair/exhibition 专业展42. a general trade fair/exhibition 综合展43. a corporate exhibition 公司展44. virtual fairs 虚拟展45. physical fairs 实物展46. the exhibition ground 展览场地47. the exhibition halls 室内展厅48. independent organizers 独立主办方49. exhibition space 展览场地50. not-for-profit federations or association非盈利联盟或行业协会51. fairground owners 场馆方Exhibition Subject 展会主题Exhibition Concept 展会概念Exhibition Results 展会结果Exhibition Profitability 展会收益率trade associations 贸易行业协会supporting partner 支持方product groups 产品组the frequency of the event 活动频率the target groups目标群the terms and conditions for exhibiting 参展合同条款opening hours, 开放时间set-up and dismantling times,布展与撤展时间terms of payment 付款条件marketing-mix 营销组合The quantitative criteria 数量标准the rented area 展台租赁面积the amount of sold catalogues 会刊销售量The qualitative criteria 质量标准the types of exhibitors; 参展商类型the types of visitors 专业观众类型The Contribution Margin calculation 贡献边际计算法variable costs 可变成本fixed costs 固定成本The Return On Investment ROI 投资回报率the "Turnover Profitability" 营业额利润率the "Capital Turnover" 资本周转率the annual profitability 年利率The "Payback Period" 资本回报期the promotion campaign 行销活动satisfaction survey 满意度调查exhibition directories 展会指南the hall plans 展馆规划the exhibitors′ manual.参展商手册the size, the location of the stand 展台的大小和位子stand construction and transportation companies展台搭建与运输公司prospective customers 潜在客户Stand Design 展台设计the exhibition hall 展厅Product-oriented positioning concept 产品导向的定位概念Solution-oriented positioning concept. 解决方案导向的定位概念Communication & Event-oriented positioning concept. 沟通与活动导向的定位概念Competition-oriented positioning concept.竞争导向的定位概念the passive zone attraction 被动区吸引眼球the active zone acquisition 主动区主动接触客户the intensive zone negotiation 集中区谈判区eye-catcher 引人注目的东西catalogue, brochure, graphic 会刊、手册、图表layout of the stand;展台布局Selection of exhibits; 展品的选择Selection of the exhibition staff; 展台人员的选择the Participation Costs 参展成本stand rental, 展台租赁exhibitor passes 参展证stand lettering 展台字体设计give-away 赠品press folder 媒体资料夹admission ticket vouchers 门票抵用券border tax, 边境税waste disposal 废物处理follow-up 展后跟踪服务Direct mailing 直接邮寄Outdoor advertising 户外广告Multimedia presentation 多媒体展示Product/machine demonstration 产品/机器展示。

会展英语词汇1. Exhibition hall 展厅2. Exhibition center 展览中心3. Booth 展位4. Exhibition booth design and construction 展览展位设计与搭建5. Stand 摊位6. Show 展览7. Event 活动8. Trade fair 贸易展览9. Conference 会议10. Convention 大会11. Sponsor 主办单位12. Co-organizer 协办单位13. Organizer 承办单位14. Exhibition profile 展览概览15. Exhibition directory 展览目录16. Exhibition regulations 参展须知17. Exhibition planning 展览策划18. Exhibition marketing 展览营销19. Exhibition promotion 展览宣传20. Exhibition execution 展览实施21. Exhibition management 展览管理22. Exhibition service 展览服务23. Exhibition visitor 参观者24. Exhibition staff 参展商人员25. Stand builder 展台施工搭建商26. Stand builder 展台保洁员27. Exhibition organizer 组展商28. International exhibition 国际展览29. Local exhibition 地方性展览30. Trade exhibition 专业性贸易展览31. Consumer exhibition 综合性消费展览32. Mixed exhibition 综合性与专业性相结合的展览33. Hybrid exhibition 既有综合性的又有专业性的展览34. Opening ceremony 开幕式35. The curtain-raising ceremony 开幕典礼36. Closing ceremony 闭幕式。

会展英语中英对照集锦行业展中英文对照:各类展会名称中英文对照:1、国际科技产业博览会International exposition of industry of science and technology2、国际体育用品博览会International Sporting Goods Fair3、国际环保技术与装备及绿色建材展览会International environmental protection technology and equipment and building materials exhibition4、南美地区中美高科技与经济发展研讨会South America Sino-US high-tech and Economic Development Symposium5.、英国伯明翰春季国际贸易博览会Bermingham Spring International Trade Fair6、美国中国贸易展览会The United States of America China Trade Exhibition7、澳大利亚奥兰治皇家国际农业展Australia orange Royal International Agriculture Exhibition8、河北省第十九届对外经贸洽谈会展览The nineteenth Hebei Province Foreign Trade Fair Exhibition9、第七届河北省国际医疗器械展The seventh Hebei International Medical Equipment Fair10、日本东京国际礼品博览会Tokyo International Gift Fair11、德国法兰克福秋季消费品展览Germany Frankfurt autumn exhibition of consumer goods12、中东(迪拜)国际秋季商品交易会The Middle East ( Dubai) International Autumn Trade Fair13、美国无线通讯展The United States of America Wireless Communications Exhibition14、德国科隆线缆、宽带及卫星技术博览会Germany Cologne cable, broadband and Satellite Technology Fair15、阿尔及利亚国际工程机械展览会Algeria International Construction Machinery Exhibition16、德国科隆五金展International Hardware Fair Cologne17、英国伯明翰春季消费品博览会Spring fair Birmingham18、中国国际钓鱼用品贸易展览会CHINAFISH19、国际汽车展览会Auto China20、中国国际摄艺术影展China International photographic Art21、米兰家具展Italy Milan Furniture Exhibition22、米兰国际玻璃展览会Milan International Glass Exhibition23、米兰国际医药化工展览会Milan International Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition24、米兰国际照明、新能源、电气及楼宇自动化展览会Milan international lighting, new energy, electrical and Building Automation Exhibition25、米兰国际光学、眼光和眼镜展览会Milan International Exhibition glasses, vision and optical26、米兰博览会The Milan Exposition27、米兰舒适家居展Milan comfortable home furnishing Fair28、米兰国际厨具展Milan International Kitchen show29、米兰服装展会Milan fashion show30、米兰国际太阳能及光伏展Milan international solar energy and Photovoltaic Exhibition31、米兰国际皮具及箱包展览会Milan international leather goods and luggage.32、米兰灯饰展Milan Lighting Fair33、米兰国际太阳能展Milan International Solar Energy Exhibition34、米兰国际摩托车及滑板车博览会Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters35、米兰双轮车展Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters36、德国柏林水果蔬菜展览会FRUIT LOGISTICA37、慕尼黑国际晚礼服、婚礼服与宴会礼服博览会ABC SALON38、国际化工、环保和生化技术展览会ACHEMA39、国际通用航空贸易博览会AERO40、业余无线电设备展览会INTERRADIO41、荷兰鹿特丹国际性艺术展览会Art Rotterdam42、荷兰哈登堡技术工业部门展览会TIV Hardenberg43、芬兰乌得勒房地产展览会SECOND HOME INTERNATIONAL44、荷兰阿培尔顿石材展NATUURSTEEN45、荷兰乌得勒支浴室设计展览会National Bathroom Design Show / Baden in Holland46、荷兰摩托车用品及配件展览会MOTORbeurs Utrecht47、荷兰阿姆斯特丹高尔夫展览会(AG)。

会展用语大全最全的专业英文说法Exhibit Designer 展台设计Exhibit Producer 搭建商Exhibit 展位或者展品很多场合下可与booth互换意为“展位”但主要指参展的产品Exhibition展览会Exhibitor参展商Exhibit directory 参展指南Exhibitor manual 参展商手册Shell scheme 标摊Export 出口Import / Entrance 入口Export License 出口许可证Import License 进口许可证Exposition 博览会(EXPO)FHC:展馆内用于标明灭火器箱位置的符号Hall:对展馆的泛指,也可以一个展厅Installation & Dismantle:展台的搭建与撤展,常简称不“I&D”Installation contractor 展台搭建服务商Licensing 许可经营Meeting 会议Move in 展台搭建布展期Move out 撤展期Dismantle 撤展Display case 展示柜Double-faced panel 双面展板Multiple-story exhibit 多层展台Assemble 展位搭建Booth 摊位Booth area 摊位面积Booth number/size 摊位号/摊位尺寸Blueprint 展位设计施工图Booth sign 摊位楣板:用于标识参展商的公司名称摊位号等Back-wall booth 靠墙展位其后背墙紧跟靠展馆墙壁常被称之为边缘展位Double decker 双层展位(摊位)Admission 参观券入场券Articles exhibited 参展内容Cost-effective 物有所值Doors close at 闭馆时间During the exhibition period 参展期间Exhibition hall 展览馆Invitation 邀请信请柬Job title 职务Opening hours 开始时间Organizer 主办机构sponsor 主办者Remarks 备注Rates quoted above 以上费用Register 登记Service charge 服务费Stand 展位Surname 姓Venue 展览场地地点=================================展览材料专业用语:Frosted vinyl 磨砂及时贴Polycarbonate 阳光板Truss 灯架Frame 框架Emulsion 胶Paint 油漆喷漆(n. v.)Halogen 卤素灯Down light 筒灯Floodlight 泛光灯Track light 追光灯Florescent/florescent tube 荧光灯/荧光灯管Spot light 聚光灯Long-arm spot light 长臂灯Metallic halogen light 金属卤素灯Plasma 等离子Speaker 音响Film 灯片Masking tape 皱纹纸Lighting box 灯箱Post KT板Wooden stage 木制舞台Flooring 地面Paltform 地台Carpet 地毯Velour carpet 丝绒地毯wooden partition(wall) 木制隔断Wooden fascia panel laminated in white color 木制招牌裱防火板Wooden gateway 木制龙门Wooden backdrop 木制背墙Feature wall 形象墙Wooden ceiling 木制天花板Display(bar) counter (display cube)展示(吧)台(展示柜)Wooden round podium 木制圆形Poster in digital print-out 海报数码喷绘Velcro tape 魔术帖Double side tape 双面胶Video projector 投影仪Walkie-talkie 对讲机Tab 插座Lockable cupboard / sideboard 带锁橱柜Grain glass 防火板Wood and Grain glass 木纹防火板Foamex / foam board 苯板Acrylic 亚可力Backdrop 背景墙/背景幕Material 材料Celling lamp 吊灯Etched glass 钢化玻璃Perspex 有机玻璃Fabric 弹性布Waste bin / mesh waste bin 垃圾筒Waste papet basket 纸蒌Brochure holder / shelf rack资料架Free standing literature rack 落地资料架Glass (table) showcase 玻璃展架Soket / plug 插座/插头Potted plant 盆栽植物Round table / squared table 圆桌/方桌Conference table and chairs 会议用桌椅Information 咨询台Official catalogue 会刊Dispatchet 装卸人员Dismantle 撤展会场布局图layoutFireproof board 防火板桁架trussReception desk 接待台Normal booth 标准展位Slogan 标语口号成交率lead rate资料架brochure display横幅bannet以下是报价单常用词汇套:set组no块,支,片piece (pc.)以上计above total总计grand total小计sub-total合计total单价unit price单位unit项目描述description item数量quantity博览会expo展览会fair/ exhibition发布会launch彩排rehearsal特价special price优惠价preferential price/best price 折扣/九折discount / 90% discount 百分比percent地面部分flooring主结构部分construction美工部分graphic电工部分electrical items其他others代收费用collection fee押金(条) deposit(note)报价quotation合同contract正本original副本copy截止日期deadline出入证pass card效果图rendering平面图plan问询台information counter木制的wooden铝型材aliminum背板backboard接待台reception desk锁门(木制)lockable door产品展示区product operation area洽淡区commercial area贵宾室vip room支撑柱shore蓝色发光地台luminous platform with blue lighting effect 楣板bannet招牌板signboard防火板laminate烤漆backing varnish喷漆spray-paint龙骨keel储藏间storage地膜pvc protection名片盒cardcase蓝色单面背墙panel finish on single-side in blue color 白色双面背板panel finish on double-side in white color 及时贴LOGO gutting sticker logoKT板LOGO foam board logo立体苯板3D写真喷绘digital print painting宝丽布喷绘painting in poly cloth宝丽布灯箱喷绘painting in poly cloth for light box 展板poster网格布net fabric网格布喷绘painting in net fabric易拉宝portable exhibition stand洽淡桌round table黑皮椅biack leather chair高吧台bar table吧椅bar chair水晶椅acrylic chair折椅folding chair资料架literature rack垃级桶ash-bin纸蒌basket沙发sofa玻璃展柜showcase一次性纸杯disposable paper cup饮水机water machine绿植plant台花flower大白灯HQI lamp日光灯Flu. tube射灯spotlight筒灯down light长臂射灯long-arm spotlight短臂射灯short-arm spotlight插座socket插头plug电流electric current电压vlitage安培Amp. A伏特Volt. V液晶电视LCD TV施工证contractor pass施工管理费hall management fees 撤展strike。

会展英语中英对照集锦行业展中英文对照:各类展会名称中英文对照:1、国际科技产业博览会International exposition of industry of science and technology2、国际体育用品博览会International Sporting Goods Fair3、国际环保技术与装备及绿色建材展览会International environmental protection technology and equipment and building materials exhibition4、南美地区中美高科技与经济发展研讨会South America Sino-US high-tech and Economic Development Symposium5.、英国伯明翰春季国际贸易博览会Bermingham Spring International Trade Fair6、美国中国贸易展览会The United States of America China Trade Exhibition7、澳大利亚奥兰治皇家国际农业展Australia orange Royal International Agriculture Exhibition8、河北省第十九届对外经贸洽谈会展览The nineteenth Hebei Province Foreign Trade Fair Exhibition9、第七届河北省国际医疗器械展The seventh Hebei International Medical Equipment Fair10、日本东京国际礼品博览会Tokyo International Gift Fair11、德国法兰克福秋季消费品展览Germany Frankfurt autumn exhibition of consumer goods12、中东(迪拜)国际秋季商品交易会The Middle East ( Dubai) International Autumn Trade Fair13、美国无线通讯展The United States of America Wireless Communications Exhibition14、德国科隆线缆、宽带及卫星技术博览会Germany Cologne cable, broadband and Satellite Technology Fair15、阿尔及利亚国际工程机械展览会Algeria International Construction Machinery Exhibition16、德国科隆五金展International Hardware Fair Cologne17、英国伯明翰春季消费品博览会Spring fair Birmingham18、中国国际钓鱼用品贸易展览会CHINAFISH19、国际汽车展览会Auto China20、中国国际摄艺术影展China International photographic Art21、米兰家具展Italy Milan Furniture Exhibition22、米兰国际玻璃展览会Milan International Glass Exhibition23、米兰国际医药化工展览会Milan International Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition24、米兰国际照明、新能源、电气及楼宇自动化展览会Milan international lighting, new energy, electrical and Building Automation Exhibition25、米兰国际光学、眼光和眼镜展览会Milan International Exhibition glasses, vision and optical26、米兰博览会The Milan Exposition27、米兰舒适家居展Milan comfortable home furnishing Fair28、米兰国际厨具展Milan International Kitchen show29、米兰服装展会Milan fashion show30、米兰国际太阳能及光伏展Milan international solar energy and Photovoltaic Exhibition31、米兰国际皮具及箱包展览会Milan international leather goods and luggage.32、米兰灯饰展Milan Lighting Fair33、米兰国际太阳能展Milan International Solar Energy Exhibition34、米兰国际摩托车及滑板车博览会Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters35、米兰双轮车展Milan International Trade Fair for motorcycles and scooters36、德国柏林水果蔬菜展览会FRUIT LOGISTICA37、慕尼黑国际晚礼服、婚礼服与宴会礼服博览会ABC SALON38、国际化工、环保和生化技术展览会ACHEMA39、国际通用航空贸易博览会AERO40、业余无线电设备展览会INTERRADIO41、荷兰鹿特丹国际性艺术展览会Art Rotterdam42、荷兰哈登堡技术工业部门展览会TIV Hardenberg43、芬兰乌得勒房地产展览会SECOND HOME INTERNATIONAL44、荷兰阿培尔顿石材展NATUURSTEEN45、荷兰乌得勒支浴室设计展览会National Bathroom Design Show / Baden in Holland46、荷兰摩托车用品及配件展览会MOTORbeurs Utrecht47、荷兰阿姆斯特丹高尔夫展览会(AG)。

Affixed merchandise——Exhibitor’s products fastened to display——参展商携带的,与参展有关的辅助用品Air freight——Materials shipped via airplane——空运货物AT-site——More commonly called On-site, Location of event or exhibit ——展会现场Attnedance——Number of people at show or exhibit——参展人数Attendee——One who attends an exposition. May also be referred to as delegate or visitor, but should not be used for “exhibitor”——参观展会的人(不包括参展商)Attendee brochure——Direct mail piece sent to current and prospective attendees that promotes the benefits of attending a specific show——分发给展会观众的宣传资料Booking——An arrangement with a company for use of facilities, goods or services——预订Booth——One or more standard units of exhibit space. In U.S.A a standard unit is generally known to be a 10’ x 10’ spa ce——展位(在美国一个标准展位是10x10平方英尺)Booth area——The amount of floor space occupied by an exhibitor——展位面积Booth number——Number designated by show management for each exhibitor’s space——展位号Booth personnel——Staff assigned to represent exhibitor in assigned space——展台工作人员Co-Locate——To hold two related shows at the same time and in the same place——在同一地点同时举办两个相关的展会,即“套展”Consumer show——An exposition that is open to the public. Typically, an admission fee is charged. Also knows as a “public” show——面向公众开放的展会,一般需要买票进入,即“公共展会”Contractor——An individual or organization providing services to an exposition and/or its exhibitors. Typically refers to either a general service contractor or specialty contractor——为展览会组织者、参展商提供服务的服务供应商Convention——A broad term that can refer to a large meeting, an exhibition, or a combination of the two——泛指大型会议、展览Convention center——A facility where exposition are hold. Commonly referred to as FACILITY or HALL. May be purpose-built or converted; municipally or privately owned——会展中心Carnet——A customs document permitting the holder to carry or send merchandise temporarily into certain foreign countries (for display, demonstration, or similar purposes) without paying duties or posting bonds——允许展品临时出口的海关批准文件Carrier——Transportation line moving freight (van line, common carrier, rail car, air plane)——指飞机、车、船等运输工具Cartage——*fee changed for transport in freight betweendestinations/*short distance hauling of exhibit properties*-货物运输费/*-展品从港口到展馆的短距离运输Consignee——Shipping freight to a central depot where several loads bound for the same destination are put together before being shipped to that destination——收货人Customs——The government authorities designated to collect duties levied by a country on imports and exports. The term also applies to the procedures involved in such collection——海关Certificate of inspection——A document certifying that merchandise (such as perishable goods) was in good condition immediately prior to its shipment——发运前对易变质物品等货物进行全面检查并证明其完好无损的证明文件Certificate of origin——A document, required by certain countries for tariff purposes, certifying as to the country of origin of specified goods——原产地证明Clean bill of lading——A receipt for goods issued by a carrier with an indication that the goods were received in apparent good order and condition, without damages or other irregularities——清洁提单,指运输公司签署,表明货物在收到时外表状况良好,没有货物损坏或包装不良情况的提单。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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公司基础信息问答客户询问1. Could I have some information about your scope of business?我想知道您企业的经营范围?2. Would you tell me the main items you export?您主要的出口产品是什么?3. May I have a look at your catalogue?我能看看您公司的产品目录吗?4. We really need more specific information about your technology.我们确实需要您公司技术的进一步资料。
回答询问1. This is a copy of catalog.这是我们的产品目录。
2. What about having a look at sample first?您可以先看看我们的样品。
3. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.我们的产品曾广销海外,并且在当地非常受欢迎。
4. This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.这款产品有其他同类产品没办法比较的优势。
5. I wish you a success in your business transaction.希望您的业务一切顺利。
Victor外展小贴士——展会常用英语关于产品质量品质问答1. We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality.我们公司有着很严格的质量检测系统,这保证了我司的产品的高质量。
2. How do you feel like the quality of our products?您觉得我们产品的质量怎么样?3. As long as the quality is good. it is all right if the price is a bit higher.因为我们的高质量,我们的价格自然就会高一些。
4. They enjoy good reputation in the world.我们的产品在世界上享有很高的声誉。
关于价格方面的问答客户询价1. Will you please let us have an idea of your price?可以让我们了解一下你产品的价格吗?2. Are the prices on the list?报价单上的价格是实价吗?3. How about the price/ How much is this?这个价格怎么样?询价回复1. This is our price list.这是我们的报价单。
2. What do you think of the payment terms?您认为我们的价格怎么样?3. In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis.我们是按照离岸标准给您订的价格。
Victor外展小贴士——展会常用英语客户还价1. Is it possible that you lower the price a bit? / It is too much. Can you discount it?您能给我们一些优惠吗?2. Do you think you can possibly cut down your prices by 10%?您认为能给我们下调10%的价格吗?3. Your price is too high! We have another offer for a similar one at much lower price您的价格太高了,有另一家相同性质的企业,他们和你们有类似的产品,价格却低的多4. It would be very difficult for us to push any sales it at this price.如果是这样的价格,我们很难拓展任何业务5. If you can go a little lower, I would be able to give you an order on the spot.如果您能在价格上给我们一些优惠,我愿意现场给您下定单拒绝还价1. Our price is highly competitive.我们产品的价格很有竞争力2. This is the lowest possible price.这已经是最低的价格了。
3. Our price is very reasonable.我们的价格非常合理。
接受还价1. If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.如果您订的量多,我们会重新考虑给您更低的价格。
2. Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.考虑到我们友好的关系和未来的合作,我们给您3%的优惠。
关于订单相关对话Victor外展小贴士——展会常用英语关于订单1. What’s minimum quantity of an order of your goods?这款货物的最小起订量是多少?2. How many do you intend to order?你打算预定多少?3. Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?你可以确定打算预定多少量吗?4. I’d like to order 600 sets.我打算预定600套。
5. Thank you very much for your order.感谢您下单。
关于交期客人询问交货期1. What about our request for the early delivery of the goods?我们能不能要求提早交货?2. What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?您最早能何时交货?3. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?您的货运通常要多长时间?4. When will you deliver the products to us?您何时给我们发货?5. When will the goods reach our port?货物何时能抵达港口?6. What about the method of delivery?您用哪种货运方式呢?Victor外展小贴士——展会常用英语答复交货期1. I think we can meet your requirement.我想我们能满足您的要求.2. I am sorry. We can’t advance the time of delivery.对不起,我们没办法提前给您运货。
3. I am very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it may have caused you.我为我们的推迟送货及给您带来的不便道歉。
4. We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.我们会按照原订时间给您发货。
5. The earliest delivery we can make is...我们最早的发货期是...签单对话签单前注意事项1. Before the formal contract is drawn up we would like to restate the main points of the agreement.在正式签协议之前我们可以重申一下协议中的重点内容。
2. We can get the contract now.我们可以现在签署协议.3. Do you have any comment to make about this clause?您对协议中的条款有任何建议吗?4. Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?您认为协议中已经包括我们协商中涉及的所有问题了吗?Victor外展小贴士——展会常用英语签单后祝语1. I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement at last.我非常高兴我们最终达成了协议。
2. Let us congratulate ourselves for the successful contract.让我们祝贺这次成功的签约。
付款方式确认客人询问付款方式1. Shall we discuss the terms of payment?我们可以讨论以下付款方式吗?2. What is your regular practice about terms of payment?您通常的付款方式是怎样的呢?回复询问付款方式1. We’d like you to pay us by L/C.我们想让您用信用证付款。
Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.让我介绍你认识,这是我们的总经理,李先生。
It’s an honor to meet. 很荣幸认识你。
Nice to meet you . I’ve heard a lot about you. 很高兴认识你,久仰大名。
How do I pronounce your name? 你的名字怎么读?How do I address you? 如何称呼您?It’s going to be the pride of our company. 这将是本公司的荣幸。
What line of business are you in? 你做那一行?Keep in touch. 保持联系。
Thank you for coming. 谢谢你的光临。