


E / Er
0.9 0
Er (GPa )

Fig. 1. Calculated elastic modulus as a function of the reduced modulus for a diamond indenter (Ei = 1141 GPa, vi = 0.07), varying with the PoissonÕs ratio.
Keywords: Nano-indentation; Er–H relationship; Recovery resistance; Energy dissipation
1. Introduction
Elastic modulus E and hardness H are two essential parameters of structural materials, and the relationship between them is of keen interest to material scientists. From statistical trend, elastic modulus is usually considered to be an increasing function of hardness [1], but this rule neither has analytical support nor is generally obeyed. For example, layered ternary ceramics that have low hardness and high modulus are exceptions to this rule. Another E–H relation, often used in evaluating the elastic modulus of coatings, involves the compressive



FeSiB 非晶薄带的模量和膨胀系数研究蒋达国1, 杨建平1,黄强2*( 1.井冈山大学数理学院, 江西吉安343009; 2.井岗山大学工学院, 江西吉安343009)摘要: 采用单辊法制备了宽 4.5 mm、厚25 μm 的Fe78S i9B13 非晶薄带。

用Q800 动态热机械分析仪( D MA) 分析测试非晶薄带的弹性模量、线形变和线膨胀系数随着退火工艺及测试温度的变化关系。

结果表明: 退火可以提高非晶薄带的弹性模量、线形变和线膨胀系数; 退火态与淬态非晶薄带的弹性模量、线形变和线膨胀系数随着测试温度的变化规律相同, 即弹性模量都随着测试温度的升高而减小; 线形变随着测试温度的升高而增大; 非晶薄带的线膨胀系数在低温时随着测试温度的升高而增大, 在高温时随着测试温度的升高而减小。

关键词: Fe78S i9B13 非晶薄带; 弹性模量; 线膨胀系数中图分类号: O482.5文献标识码:A文章编号:1004- 244X( 2008) 05- 0024- 03Study of elastic modulus and expansion coefficient of Fe78Si9B13 amorphous alloy ribbonsJIA NG Da- guo1, YANG Jian- ping1, HUANG Qiang2( 1.College of Mathematic and Physics, Jingg ang shanUniversity, Ji’an 343009, China; 2.Colleg e of Engineering,Jinggang shan University, Ji’an 343009, China)Abstract: In this paper, Fe78S i9B13 amorphous alloy ribbons with 25 μm thickness and 4.5 mm width were manufactured by sing le-roller method.The elastic modulus and line deformation and line ex pansion coefficient were investigated by Q800 D MA. The results showed that the elastic modulus and line deformation and line ex pansion coefficient increased after annealing. The relationship of elastic modulus and line deformation and line ex pansion coefficient with test temperature of annealed amorphous alloy ribbons was the same as that of quenched amorphous alloy ribbons, that is, the elastic modulus decreased and the line deformation streng thened with the test temperature increasing, the line ex pansion coefficient enhanced with the test temperature increasing when the temperature was lower, but the line ex pansion coefficient decreased with the test temperature increasing when the temperature was hig her.Key words: Fe78S i9B13 amorphous alloy ribbons; elastic modulus; line ex pansion coefficient自1960 年美国Duwez 教授发明了用快淬工艺制备非晶态合金以来, 由于其独特的组织结构、高效的制备工艺、优良的软磁性能、优良的力学性能, 一直受到材料科学工作者和产业界的特别关注, 已在各类电力器件、电子变压器、磁传感器等多种软磁器件中获得成功应用[ 1-8] 。



Figure 3CHO-SEAL 1285 and CHO-SIL 1485Sheet Stock Compression-DeflectionCompression-Deflectionspecial shapes.Conductive ElastomersCompression-DeflectionWhile standard test procedures have been established for measuring the deflection of elastomers under compressive loads, the practical use of such data is to provide a qualitative comparison of thedeformability of different elastomeric materials when in the particular configuration of the test sample.Solid (non-foam) elastomers are essentially incompressible materials;i.e., they cannot be squeezed into a smaller volume. When a solid elas-tomer is subject to a compressive load, it yields by deformation of the part as a whole. Because of this behavior, the actual deflection of a gasket under a compressive load depends upon the size and shape of the gasket as well as on its modulus and the magnitude of the load.The design of a seal should be such that it will be subjected to the minimum squeeze sufficient toprovide the required mechanical and electrical performance. The designed deflection of conductive elastomer gaskets should never exceed the maximum deflection limits shown in Table 1.There is an approximate relation-ship between the force required to deflect a pure elastomer a given amount, and the hardness of the elastomer. In general, the harder the elastomer, the greater the force required. In the case of Chomerics’metal particle-filled elastomers, this relationship is much less definite,and in some instances, these materials demonstrate deflection/hardness and deflection/thickness behavior contrary to that which would be anticipated for conventional rubber compounds.The inclusion of metal particles in the elastomer results in a mechanically structured material. This mechanical structure has a marked effect on the deflection of the elastomer under compressive loads, and in some instances, harder materials deflect more than softer materials.Compressive load-deflection data for many popular conductiveelastomer materials and shapes are given in Figures 1-25. (For “linecontact” gaskets, it is more convenient to express the load in terms of pounds per linear inch instead of pounds per square inch).For compression-deflection data on other Chomerics gaskets, contact our Applications Engineering Department.Compression-DeflectionCompression-DeflectionCONTENTS:Compression-Deflection 80Stress Relaxation 83Compression Set 83Shielding Effectiveness 83EMP Survivability 84Vibration Resistance 84Heat Aging 85Outgassing85Volume Resistivity Measurement86Figure 80.125 in. (3.18 mm) Dia. O-Strip Compression-DeflectionDeflection,%Compression-DeflectionCompression-DeflectionL o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %Figure 210.156 in. (3.96 mm) High Hollow D-Strip Compression-DeflectionL o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %Figure 220.312 in. (7.92 mm) High Hollow D-Strip Compression-DeflectionFigure 200.250 in. (6.35 mm) Dia. Hollow O-Strip Compression-DeflectionL o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %L o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %Figure 230.250 in. (6.35 mm) Dia. Hollow P-Strip Compression-DeflectionFigure 240.360 in. (9.14 mm) Dia. Hollow P-Strip Compression-DeflectionL o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %L o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection,%Figure 190.156 in. (3.96 mm) Dia. Hollow O-Strip Compression-DeflectionL o a d , l b ./i n c hDeflection, %Figure 170.250 in. (6.35 mm) Wide Rectangular Strip Compression-Deflection0. o m p r e s s i o n F o r c e (l b /i n )00.5 (inch)1356P/N 10-09-W864-XXXXFigure 250.410 in. (10.41 mm) High V-Strip Compression-DeflectionStress RelaxationAs important as Compression Set and Compression-Deflection, is the Stress Relaxation characteristic of a gasket.If a rubber is subject to a com-pressive load, it will deflect. There is a stress/strain relationship, which for rubbers is generally non-linear except for very small deflections.After the load is applied, a stress decay occurs within the polymer resulting from the internal rearrange-ment of the molecular structure. An approximate rule is that the relaxed stress for cured silicone will finally settle at 70 to 75 percent of the initial stress.There are two ways in which a rubber gasket can be loaded to a desired value. One way is to load it to a point, let it relax, and reapply the load to restore the original stress. The next time it will relax, but not so much.If this is repeated a sufficient number of times, the correct static load on the gasket will reach equilibrium.A more practical way to reach the design value of stress is to load the gasket to 125 percent of its final design value, so that after the relax-ation process is completed the gasket will settle to 100 percent of the design load. This is very reproducible.Figure 26shows a typical stress relaxation curve for Chomerics’conductive elastomers.Compression SetWhen any rubber is deformedfor a period of time, some of the defor-mation is retained permanently even after the load is removed. The amount of permanent deformation, asmeasured by ASTM D395, is termed “Compression Set.” Compression set is measured under conditions of constant deflection (ASTM D395Method B) and is normally expressed as a percentage of the initialdeflection, not as a percentage of the initial height.For gaskets that are used once, or where the gasket/flange periphery relationship is constant (such as a door gasket), compression set is of minor significance if the original load condition and the service temperature are within the design limitations of the gasket material.For gaskets that are randomlyreseated one or more times in normal service life, it is important that the maximum change in gasket thickness does not exceed twice the maximum mismatch between the opposing mating surfaces.Shielding EffectivenessMost shielding effectiveness data given in Table 3 of the Conductive Elastomer section (pages 32-34) is based on a MIL-G-83528B testmethod, with a 24 in. x 24 in. aperture in a rigid enclosure wall and about 100 psi on the gasket. It is a valid and useful way of comparing variousgasket materials, but does not reflect the shielding effectiveness one can expect at seams of typical enclosures.CHO-TM-TP08 is a modified version of the MIL test that provides typical values achieved in actual applications.Since many factors will affect the actual shielding effectiveness of anenclosure seam (flange design,stiffness, flatness, surface resistivity,fastener spacing, enclosuredimensions, closure force, etc.), the only way to determine shielding effectiveness for real enclosures is to test them.Figures 28and 29provide dataon shielding effectiveness for actualFigure 27Formula for Calculation of Compression Setenclosures. The data in Figure 28shows the difference in attenuation between a shelter door closed with no gasket and the same door closed against a CHO-SEAL 1215 hollow D-strip gasket. Instead of single data points at each frequency tested, a range of data is shown for eachfrequency, representing the worst and best readings measured at many points around the door. Figure 29 shows the effects of closure force on shielding effectiveness of an enclosure tested at high frequencies (1-40 GHz) using CHO-SEAL 1215 solid D-strip gaskets.In order to establish reasonable upper limits on gasket resistivity, it is necessary to understand the rela-tionship between flange interface resistance and EMI leakage through the flange. Figure 30presents this relationship for an aluminum enclosure 3 in. x 3 in. x 4 in. deep, measured at 700 MHz. Die-cut gaskets 0.144 in.wide by 0.062 in. thick, in a wide range of resistivities, were clamped between the gold-plated flanges of thisenclosure. Simultaneous measure-ments of flange interface resistance (all attributable to the gaskets) versus RF leakage through the seamproduced a classic S-shaped curve.For the gasket configuration used in this test, the dramatic change in shielding effectiveness occursbetween gasket volume resistivities of 0.01 and 0.4 ohm-cm. Since real enclosures do not have gold-plated flanges, but rather have surfacefinishes (such as MIL-C-5541 Class 3chromate conversion coatings) which also increase in resistance over time, it is recommended that gasket volume resistivity be specified at 0.01 ohm-cm max. for the life of the equipment.Frequency, HzA t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Figure 28Shielding Effectiveness of a Shelter Door Gasket (14 kHz to 10 GHz)kA/inch of gasket (peak-to-peak).Pure silver (1224) and silver-plated-aluminum filled (1285) gaskets have less current carrying capability than silver-plated-copper materials, but are generally acceptable for EMP hardened systems (depending on specific EMP threat levels, gasket cross section dimensions, etc.).Vibration ResistanceCertain conductive elastomers are electrically stable during aircraft-level vibration environments, while others are not. The key factor which deter-mines vibration resistance is theshape and surface texture of the filler particles. Smooth, spherical fillers (such as those used in silver-plated-Figure 32Scanning Electron Microscopy Illustrates EMP Damage Mechanism for Silver/Glass ElastomersL e a k a g e (d B )Vibration (g)Figure 33Effects of Vibration on Shielding Effectiveness of Conductive Elastomer GasketsEMP SurvivabilityIn order for an enclosure to continue providing EMI isolationduring and after an EMP environment,the conductive gaskets at joints and seams must be capable of carrying EMP-induced current pulses without losing their conductivity. Figure 31shows the EMP current response of various types of conductive elastomer gaskets. Note that gaskets based on silver-plated-glass fillers (1350)become nonconductive at low levels of EMP current, and should therefore not be used when EMP is a design consideration. Figure 32is an electron microscope photo which clearly shows the damage mechanism.Silver-plated-copper filled (1215)gaskets have the highest resistance to EMP type currents, showing no loss of conductivity even at 2.50102030405060Shielding Degradation, dBIn t e r f a c e R e s i s t a n c e , m i l l i o h m sFigure 30Interface Resistance vs. Shielding Degradation at a Flange Jointglass materials) tend to move apart during vibration, leading to dramatic increases in resistance and loss of shielding effectiveness (although they normally recover their initial properties after the vibration has ended). Rough, less spherical particles resist vibration with very little electrical degradation. Figure 33shows the effects of vibration on three types of conductive gaskets.Although Chomerics’ silver-plated-copper filled 1215 gasket, with rough,irregular particle agglomerations,exhibits excellent stability during vibration, users of conductive elastomers should be aware that smooth, spherical silver-plated-copper fillers can be almost asunstable as silver-plated-glass fillers.Frequency, GHzA t t e n u a t i o n (dB )Figure 29Effect of Closure Force on Shielding Effectiveness (1 GHz to 40 GHz)Heat AgingThe primary aging mechanism which affects electrical stability of conductive elastomers is the oxidation of filler particles. Formaterials based on pure silver fillers,particle oxidation is not generally a problem because the oxide of silver is relatively soft and reasonably conductive. If the filler particles are non-noble (such as copper, nickel,aluminum, etc.) they will oxidize readily over time and become nonconductive. Even silver-plated base metal powders, such as silver-V o l u m e R e s i s t i v i t y (o h m -c m )Hours at 150°C (Solid Line)Hours at 125°C (Dotted Line)Figure 34Typical heat aging characteristics of Chomerics’ plated-powder-filled conductiveelastomers. Flanged 1000-hr test recommended for qualification. Unflanged 48-hr. test recommended for QC acceptance.plated-copper or silver-plated-aluminum will become non-conductive over time if the plating is not done properly (or if other processingvariables are not properly controlled).These are generally batch control problems, with each batch being potentially good or bad.The most reliable method of predicting whether a batch will be electrically stable is to promote the rate at which poorly plated or processed particles will oxidize, by heat aging in an air circulating oven.For qualification, 1000 hours (42 days)at maximum rated use temperature (with the gasket sample deflected 7-10% between flanges) is the recommended heat aging test for accelerating the effects of long-term aging at normal ambient tempera-tures. A quicker heat aging test,which correlates well with the 1000hour test and is useful for QC acceptance testing, involves a 48hour/150°C oven bake with thegasket sample on an open wire-grid tray (rather than being clamped between flanges). Figure 34shows typical data for volume resistivity versus time for each of these tests.Note:It is essential that no source of free sulfur be placed in the aging oven, as it will cause the material to degrade electrically and mask any oxidation aging tendencies. Common sources of sulfur are neoprenes,most cardboards and other paper products.OutgassingMany spacecraft specifications require that nonmetallic components be virtually free of volatile residues which might outgas in the hard vacuum environment of space. The standard test method for determining outgassing behavior is ASTM E595-93, which provides for measurement of total mass loss (TML) and collected volatile condensable materials (CVCM) in a vacuum environment. Data for a number of Chomerics conductive elastomers,based on ASTM E595-93 testing done by NASA Goddard SpaceflightCenter, is presented in Table 2. The normal specification limits or guide-lines on outgassing for NASA applications are 1% TML max.,and 0.1% CVCM max.。



800 400 400
T P / 3 11.55kN
2) 钢索的应力和伸长分别为:
T 11.55 109 151MPa
A 76.36
B 60C°60° D
1 C 2
A 800
B 60°60° D C
400 P400
L TL 11.551.6 m 1.36mm EA 76.36 177
N1L1 N3L3 cos
E1 A1 E3 A3
E1A1P cos2 2E1A1 cos3 E3A3
2 E1 A1
E3 A3P
E3 A3
平衡方程; 几何方程——变形协调方程; 物理方程——弹性定律; 补充方程:由几何方程和物理方程得; 解由平衡方程和补充方程组成的方程组。
3)变形图如左图 , C点的垂直位移为:
1 sin 60 2 sin 60 2
L 2sin 60
1.36 2sin 60o
拉压杆的弹性应变能 (strain energy)
与杆内,这种能成为应变能(Strain Energy)用“U”表示。
郑:后来,到了唐代初期,贾公彦对我的注释又作了注疏,他说: 郑又云假令弓力胜三石,引之 中三尺者,此即三石力弓也。



H ¼ ð2=3Þ½1 þ lnðE cos h=3ryÞry:
Since its theoretical basis is not clear, the range of applicability of Eq. (1) might be limited. A simple examination was made in the case of Ti3SiC2 whose hardness (4 GPa), compressive yield strength (1 GPa) and modulus (310 GPa) were known [4]. By Eq. (1), a modulus value as high as 1188 GPa was obtained, which was much higher than the measured value of 310 GPa. The unsatisfactory prediction of elastic modulus from hardness leads to two essential questions: (a) Does there exist a theoretical and generally valid relationship between elastic modulus and hardness? (b) If there is an inherent E–H relationship for solid materials, what is it?
1359-6454/$30.00 Ó 2004 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2004.08.002



弹性力学 elasticity弹性理论 theory of elasticity均匀应力状态 homogeneous state of stress 应力不变量 stress invariant应变不变量 strain invariant应变椭球strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态 homogeneous state of strain 应变协调方程 equation of strain compatibility拉梅常量 Lame constants各向同性弹性 isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk楔 wedge开尔文问题Kelvin problem布西内斯克问题 Boussinesq problem艾里应力函数 Airy stress function克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维利法 Kolosoff- Muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设 Kirchhoff hypothesis板 Plate矩形板 Rectangular plate圆板 Circular plate环板 Annular plate波纹板 Corrugated plate加劲板 Stiffened plate,reinforced Plate 中厚板 Plate of moderate thickness弯[曲]应力函数 Stress function of bending 壳 Shell扁壳 Shallow shell旋转壳 Revolutionary shell球壳 Spherical shell[圆]柱壳 Cylindrical shell锥壳 Conical shell环壳 Toroidal shell封闭壳 Closed shell波纹壳 Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数 Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数 Warping function半逆解法 semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法 Rayleigh-Ritz method松弛法 Relaxation method莱维法 Levy method松弛 Relaxation量纲分析 Dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity影响面 Influence surface接触应力 Contact stress赫兹理论 Hertz theory协调接触 Conforming contact滑动接触 Sliding contact滚动接触 Rolling contact压入 Indentation 各向异性弹性 Anisotropic elasticity颗粒材料 Granular material散体力学 Mechanics of granular media热弹性 Thermoelasticity超弹性 Hyperelasticity粘弹性Viscoelasticity对应原理 Correspondence principle褶皱 Wrinkle塑性全量理论 Total theory of plasticity 滑动 Sliding微滑 Microslip粗糙度 Roughness非线性弹性 Nonlinear elasticity大挠度 Large deflection突弹跳变 snap-through有限变形 Finite deformation格林应变 Green strain阿尔曼西应变 Almansi strain弹性动力学 Dynamic elasticity运动方程 Equation of motion准静态的 Quasi-static气动弹性 Aeroelasticity水弹性 Hydroelasticity颤振 Flutter弹性波 Elastic wave简单波 Simple wave柱面波 Cylindrical wave水平剪切波 Horizontal shear wave竖直剪切波 Vertical shear wave体波 body wave无旋波Ir rotational wave畸变波 Distortion wave膨胀波 Dilatation wave瑞利波 Rayleigh wave等容波 Equivoluminal wave勒夫波 Love wave界面波 Interfacial wave边缘效应 edge effect塑性力学Plasticity可成形性 Formability金属成形 Metal forming耐撞性 Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性 Structural crashworthiness 拉拔 Drawing破坏机构 Collapse mechanism回弹 Springback挤压 Extrusion冲压 Stamping穿透 Perforation层裂 Spalling塑性理论 Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论 Shake-down theory运动安定定理 kinematic shake-down theorem 静力安定定理 Static shake-down theorem率相关理论 rate dependent theorem载荷因子 load factor加载准则 Loading criterion加载函数 Loading function加载面 Loading surface塑性加载 Plastic loading塑性加载波Plastic loading wave简单加载 Simple loading比例加载 Proportional loading卸载 Unloading卸载波 Unloading wave冲击载荷 Impulsive load阶跃载荷 step load脉冲载荷 pulse load极限载荷 limit load中性变载 nentral loading拉抻失稳 instability in tension加速度波 acceleration wave本构方程constitutive equation完全解 complete solution名义应力 nominal stress过应力 over-stress真应力 true stress等效应力 equivalent stress流动应力 flow stress应力间断 stress discontinuity应力空间 stress space主应力空间 principal stress space静水应力状态 hydrostatic state of stress 对数应变 logarithmic strain工程应变 engineering strain等效应变 equivalent strain应变局部化 strain localization应变率 strain rate应变率敏感性 strain rate sensitivity应变空间 strain space有限应变 finite strain塑性应变增量 plastic strain increment累积塑性应变 accumulated plastic strain 永久变形 permanent deformation内变量 internal variable应变软化 strain-softening理想刚塑性材料 rigid-perfectly plastic Material刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料 perfectl plastic material材料稳定性 stability of material应变偏张量 deviatoric tensor of strain应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress应变球张量 spherical tensor of strain 应力球张量 spherical tensor of stress路径相关性 path-dependency线性强化 linear strain-hardening应变强化 strain-hardening随动强化 kinematic hardening各向同性强化 isotropic hardening强化模量 strain-hardening modulus幂强化 power hardening塑性极限弯矩 plastic limit bending Moment 塑性极限扭矩 plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲 elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面 elastic-plastic interface弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion粘塑性 Viscoplasticity非弹性 Inelasticity理想弹塑性材料 elastic-perfectly plastic Material极限分析 limit analysis极限设计 limit design极限面 limit surface上限定理 upper bound theorem上屈服点 upper yield point下限定理lower bound theorem下屈服点 lower yield point界限定理 bound theorem初始屈服面 initial yield surface后继屈服面 subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性 convexity of yield surface 截面形状因子 shape factor of cross-section 沙堆比拟 sand heap analogy屈服 Yield屈服条件 yield condition屈服准则 yield criterion屈服函数 yield function屈服面 yield surface塑性势 plastic potential能量吸收装置 energy absorbing device能量耗散率 energy absorbing device塑性动力学 dynamic plasticity塑性动力屈曲 dynamic plastic buckling塑性动力响应 dynamic plastic response塑性波 plastic wave运动容许场 kinematically admissible Field 静力容许场 statically admissible Field流动法则 flow rule速度间断 velocity discontinuity滑移线slip-lines滑移线场 slip-lines field移行塑性铰 travelling plastic hinge塑性增量理论 incremental theory ofPlasticity米泽斯屈服准则 Mises yield criterion普朗特--罗伊斯关系 prandtl- Reuss relation 特雷斯卡屈服准则 Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数 Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系 Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程 Hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应力空间Haigh-Westergaard stress space洛德应变参数 Lode strain parameter德鲁克公设 Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程 Geiringer velocity Equation 结构力学 structural mechanics结构分析 structural analysis结构动力学 structural dynamics拱 Arch三铰拱 three-hinged arch抛物线拱 parabolic arch圆拱 circular arch穹顶 Dome空间结构 space structure空间桁架 space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力 earth pressure地震载荷 earthquake loading弹簧支座 spring support支座位移 support displacement支座沉降 support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy机动分析 kinematic analysis结点法 method of joints截面法 method of sections结点力 joint forces共轭位移 conjugate displacement影响线 influence line三弯矩方程 three-moment equation单位虚力 unit virtual force刚度系数 stiffness coefficient柔度系数flexibility coefficient力矩分配 moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method力矩再分配 moment redistribution分配系数 distribution factor矩阵位移法 matri displacement method单元刚度矩阵 element stiffness matrix单元应变矩阵 element strain matrix总体坐标 global coordinates贝蒂定理 Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法 Gauss-Jordan elimination Method屈曲模态 buckling mode复合材料力学 mechanics of composites复合材料 composite material 纤维复合材料 fibrous composite单向复合材料 unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料 foamed composite颗粒复合材料 particulate composite层板 Laminate夹层板 sandwich panel正交层板 cross-ply laminate斜交层板 angle-ply laminate层片 Ply多胞固体 cellular solid膨胀 Expansion压实 Debulk劣化 Degradation脱层 Delamination脱粘 Debond纤维应力 fiber stress层应力 ply stress层应变 ply strain层间应力 interlaminar stress比强度 specific strength强度折减系数strength reduction factor强度应力比strength -stress ratio横向剪切模量 transverse shear modulus横观各向同性 transverse isotropy正交各向异 Orthotropy剪滞分析 shear lag analysis短纤维 chopped fiber长纤维 continuous fiber纤维方向 fiber direction纤维断裂 fiber break纤维拔脱 fiber pull-out纤维增强 fiber reinforcement致密化 Densification最小重量设计 optimum weight design网格分析法netting analysis混合律 rule of mixture失效准则 failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则 Tsai-W u failure criterion 达格代尔模型 Dugdale model断裂力学 fracture mechanics概率断裂力学 probabilistic fracture Mechanics格里菲思理论 Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学 linear elastic fracture mechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学 elastic-plastic fracture mecha-nics, EPFM断裂 Fracture脆性断裂 brittle fracture解理断裂 cleavage fracture蠕变断裂 creep fracture延性断裂 ductile fracture晶间断裂 inter-granular fracture准解理断裂 quasi-cleavage fracture穿晶断裂 trans-granular fracture裂纹 Crack裂缝 Flaw缺陷 Defect割缝 Slit微裂纹 Microcrack折裂 Kink椭圆裂纹elliptical crack深埋裂纹 embedded crack币状裂纹penny-shape crack预制裂纹 Precrack短裂纹 short crack表面裂纹 surface crack裂纹钝化crack blunting裂纹分叉 crack branching裂纹闭合 crack closure裂纹前缘 crack front裂纹嘴 crack mouth裂纹张开角 crack opening angle,COA裂纹张开位移crack opening displacement, COD 裂纹阻力 crack resistance裂纹面 crack surface裂纹尖端 crack tip裂尖张角 crack tip opening angle, CTOA裂尖张开位移 crack tip opening displacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场 crack tip singularity Field裂纹扩展速率 crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展 stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展 steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展 subcritical crack growth裂纹[扩展]减速 crack retardation止裂 crack arrest止裂韧度 arrest toughness断裂类型 fracture mode滑开型 sliding mode张开型 opening mode撕开型 tearing mode复合型 mixed mode撕裂 Tearing撕裂模量 tearing modulus断裂准则 fracture criterionJ积分 J-integralJ阻力曲线 J-resistance curve断裂韧度 fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factorHRR场 Hutchinson-Rice-Rosengren Field守恒积分 conservation integral有效应力张量 effective stress tensor应变能密度 strain energy density 能量释放率 energy release rate内聚区 cohesive zone塑性区 plastic zone张拉区 stretched zone热影响区 heat affected zone, HAZ延脆转变温度 brittle-ductile transition tempe- rature剪切带 shear band剪切唇 shear lip无损检测non-destructive inspection双边缺口试件double edge notched specimen, DEN specimen单边缺口试件 single edge notched specimen, SEN specimen三点弯曲试件 three point bending specimen, TPB specimen中心裂纹拉伸试件 center cracked tension specimen, CCT specimen中心裂纹板试件 center cracked panel specimen, CCP specimen紧凑拉伸试件 compact tension specimen, CT specimen大范围屈服 large scale yielding小范围攻屈服 small scale yielding韦布尔分布 Weibull distribution帕里斯公式 paris formula空穴化 Cavitation应力腐蚀 stress corrosion概率风险判定 probabilistic risk assessment, PRA损伤力学 damage mechanics损伤 Damage连续介质损伤力学 continuum damage mechanics 细观损伤力学 microscopic damage mechanics 累积损伤 accumulated damage脆性损伤 brittle damage延性损伤 ductile damage宏观损伤 macroscopic damage细观损伤 microscopic damage微观损伤 microscopic damage损伤准则 damage criterion损伤演化方程 damage evolution equation损伤软化 damage softening损伤强化 damage strengthening损伤张量 damage tensor损伤阈值 damage threshold损伤变量 damage variable损伤矢量 damage vector损伤区 damage zone疲劳 Fatigue低周疲劳 low cycle fatigue应力疲劳 stress fatigue随机疲劳 random fatigue蠕变疲劳 creep fatigue腐蚀疲劳 corrosion fatigue疲劳损伤 fatigue damage疲劳失效 fatigue failure疲劳断裂 fatigue fracture疲劳裂纹 fatigue crack疲劳寿命 fatigue life疲劳破坏 fatigue rupture疲劳强度 fatigue strength疲劳辉纹 fatigue striations疲劳阈值 fatigue threshold交变载荷 alternating load交变应力 alternating stress应力幅值 stress amplitude应变疲劳 strain fatigue应力循环 stress cycle应力比 stress ratio安全寿命 safe life过载效应 overloading effect循环硬化 cyclic hardening循环软化 cyclic softening环境效应 environmental effect裂纹片 crack gage裂纹扩展 crack growth, crack Propagation 裂纹萌生 crack initiation循环比 cycle ratio实验应力分析 experimental stress Analysis 工作[应变]片 active[strain] gage基底材料 backing material应力计 stress gage零[点]飘移zero shift, zero drift应变测量 strain measurement应变计 strain gage应变指示器 strain indicator应变花 strain rosette应变灵敏度 strain sensitivity机械式应变仪 mechanical strain gage直角应变花 rectangular rosette引伸仪 Extensometer应变遥测 telemetering of strain横向灵敏系数 transverse gage factor横向灵敏度 transverse sensitivity焊接式应变计weldable strain gage平衡电桥 balanced bridge粘贴式应变计 bonded strain gage粘贴箔式应变计 bonded foiled gage粘贴丝式应变计bonded wire gage桥路平衡 bridge balancing电容应变计 capacitance strain gage补偿片 compensation technique补偿技术 compensation technique 基准电桥 reference bridge电阻应变计 resistance strain gage温度自补偿应变计 self-temperature compensating gage半导体应变计 semiconductor strain Gage集流器 slip ring应变放大镜 strain amplifier疲劳寿命计 fatigue life gage电感应变计inductance [strain] gage光[测]力学 Photomechanics光弹性 Photoelasticity光塑性 Photoplasticity杨氏条纹 Young fringe双折射效应 birefrigent effect等位移线 contour of equal Displacement暗条纹 dark fringe条纹倍增 fringe multiplication干涉条纹 interference fringe等差线 Isochromatic等倾线 Isoclinic等和线 isopachic应力光学定stress- optic law主应力迹线 Isostatic亮条纹 light fringe光程差 optical path difference热光弹性 photo-thermo -elasticity光弹性贴片法 photoelastic coating Method光弹性夹片法 photoelastic sandwich Method 动态光弹性 dynamic photo-elasticity空间滤波 spatial filtering空间频率 spatial frequency起偏镜 Polarizer反射式光弹性仪 reflection polariscope残余双折射效应 residual birefringent Effect 应变条纹值 strain fringe value应变光学灵敏度 strain-optic sensitivity应力冻结效应 stress freezing effect应力条纹值 stress fringe value应力光图 stress-optic pattern暂时双折射效应 temporary birefringentEffect脉冲全息法 pulsed holography透射式光弹性仪 transmission polariscope实时全息干涉法 real-time holographic interfero - metry网格法 grid method全息光弹性法 holo-photoelasticity全息图 Hologram全息照相 Holograph全息干涉法 holographic interferometry全息云纹法 holographic moire technique全息术 Holography全场分析法 whole-field analysis散斑干涉法 speckle interferometry散斑 Speckle错位散斑干涉法 speckle-shearing interferometry, shearography散斑图 Specklegram白光散斑法 white-light speckle method云纹干涉法 moire interferometry[叠栅]云纹 moire fringe[叠栅]云纹法 moire method云纹图 moire pattern离面云纹法 off-plane moire method参考栅 reference grating试件栅specimen grating分析栅 analyzer grating面内云纹法in-plane moire method脆性涂层法 brittle-coating method条带法 strip coating method坐标变换 transformation of Coordinates计算结构力学 computational structuralmecha-nics加权残量法 weighted residual method有限差分法 finite difference method有限[单]元法 finite element method配点法 point collocation里茨法 Ritz method广义变分原理 generalized variational Principle最小二乘法 least square method胡[海昌]一鹫津原理 Hu-Washizu principle赫林格-赖斯纳原理 Hellinger-Reissner Principle修正变分原理 modified variational Principle 约束变分原理 constrained variational Principle混合法 mixed method杂交法 hybrid method边界解法 boundary solution method有限条法 finite strip method半解析法 semi-analytical method协调元 conforming element非协调元 non-conforming element混合元 mixed element杂交元 hybrid element边界元 boundary element强迫边界条件 forced boundary condition自然边界条件 natural boundary condition离散化 Discretization离散系统 discrete system连续问题 continuous problem广义位移 generalized displacement广义载荷 generalized load 广义应变 generalized strain广义应力 generalized stress界面变量 interface variable节点 node, nodal point[单]元 Element角节点 corner node边节点 mid-side node内节点 internal node无节点变量 nodeless variable杆元 bar element桁架杆元 truss element梁元 beam element二维元 two-dimensional element一维元 one-dimensional element三维元 three-dimensional element轴对称元 axisymmetric element板元 plate element壳元 shell element厚板元 thick plate element三角形元 triangular element四边形元 lateral element四面体元 tetrahedral element曲线元 curved element二次元 quadratic element线性元 linear element三次元 cubic element四次元 quartic element等参[数]元 isoparametric element超参数元 super-parametric element亚参数元 sub-parametric element节点数可变元 variable-number-node element 拉格朗日元 Lagrange element拉格朗日族 Lagrange family巧凑边点元 serendipity element巧凑边点族 serendipity family无限元 infinite element单元分析 element analysis单元特性 element characteristics刚度矩阵 stiffness matrix几何矩阵 geometric matrix等效节点力 equivalent nodal force节点位移 nodal displacement节点载荷 nodal load位移矢量 displacement vector载荷矢量 load vector质量矩阵 mass matrix集总质量矩阵 lumped mass matrix相容质量矩阵 consistent mass matrix阻尼矩阵 damping matrix瑞利阻尼 Rayleigh damping刚度矩阵的组集 assembly of stiffness Matrices载荷矢量的组集 consistent mass matrix质量矩阵的组集 assembly of mass matrices 单元的组集 assembly of elements局部坐标系 local coordinate system局部坐标 local coordinate面积坐标 area coordinates体积坐标 volume coordinates曲线坐标 curvilinear coordinates静凝聚 static condensation合同变换contragradient transformation形状函数 shape function试探函数 trial function检验函数 test function权函数 weight function样条函数 spline function代用函数 substitute function降阶积分 reduced integration零能模式 zero-energy modeP收敛 p-convergenceH收敛 h-convergence掺混插值 blended interpolation等参数映射 isoparametric mapping双线性插值 bilinear interpolation小块检验 patch test非协调模式 incompatible mode节点号 node number单元号 element number带宽 band width带状矩阵 banded matrix变带状矩阵 profile matrix带宽最小化 minimization of band width波前法 frontal method子空间迭代法 subspace iteration method 行列式搜索法 determinant search method 逐步法 step-by-step method纽马克法 Newmark威尔逊法 Wilson拟牛顿法 quasi-Newton method牛顿-拉弗森法 Newton-Raphson method增量法 incremental method初应变 initial strain初应力 initial stress切线刚度矩阵 tangent stiffness matrix割线刚度矩阵 secant stiffness matrix模态叠加法 mode superposition method平衡迭代 equilibrium iteration子结构 Substructure子结构法 substructure technique超单元 super-element网格生成 mesh generation结构分析程序 structural analysis program 前处理 pre-processing 后处理 post-processing网格细化 mesh refinement应力光顺 stress smoothing组合结构 composite structure。



NORMEINTERNATIONALECEI IEC INTERNATIONALSTANDARD 61854Première éditionFirst edition1998-09Lignes aériennes –Exigences et essais applicables aux entretoisesOverhead lines –Requirements and tests for spacersCommission Electrotechnique InternationaleInternational Electrotechnical Commission Pour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current catalogue© IEC 1998 Droits de reproduction réservés Copyright - all rights reservedAucune partie de cette publication ne peut être reproduite niutilisée sous quelque forme que ce soit et par aucunprocédé, électronique ou mécanique, y compris la photo-copie et les microfilms, sans l'accord écrit de l'éditeur.No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.International Electrotechnical Commission 3, rue de Varembé Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site http: //www.iec.chCODE PRIX PRICE CODE X– 2 –61854 © CEI:1998SOMMAIREPages AVANT-PROPOS (6)Articles1Domaine d'application (8)2Références normatives (8)3Définitions (12)4Exigences générales (12)4.1Conception (12)4.2Matériaux (14)4.2.1Généralités (14)4.2.2Matériaux non métalliques (14)4.3Masse, dimensions et tolérances (14)4.4Protection contre la corrosion (14)4.5Aspect et finition de fabrication (14)4.6Marquage (14)4.7Consignes d'installation (14)5Assurance de la qualité (16)6Classification des essais (16)6.1Essais de type (16)6.1.1Généralités (16)6.1.2Application (16)6.2Essais sur échantillon (16)6.2.1Généralités (16)6.2.2Application (16)6.2.3Echantillonnage et critères de réception (18)6.3Essais individuels de série (18)6.3.1Généralités (18)6.3.2Application et critères de réception (18)6.4Tableau des essais à effectuer (18)7Méthodes d'essai (22)7.1Contrôle visuel (22)7.2Vérification des dimensions, des matériaux et de la masse (22)7.3Essai de protection contre la corrosion (22)7.3.1Composants revêtus par galvanisation à chaud (autres queles fils d'acier galvanisés toronnés) (22)7.3.2Produits en fer protégés contre la corrosion par des méthodes autresque la galvanisation à chaud (24)7.3.3Fils d'acier galvanisé toronnés (24)7.3.4Corrosion causée par des composants non métalliques (24)7.4Essais non destructifs (24)61854 © IEC:1998– 3 –CONTENTSPage FOREWORD (7)Clause1Scope (9)2Normative references (9)3Definitions (13)4General requirements (13)4.1Design (13)4.2Materials (15)4.2.1General (15)4.2.2Non-metallic materials (15)4.3Mass, dimensions and tolerances (15)4.4Protection against corrosion (15)4.5Manufacturing appearance and finish (15)4.6Marking (15)4.7Installation instructions (15)5Quality assurance (17)6Classification of tests (17)6.1Type tests (17)6.1.1General (17)6.1.2Application (17)6.2Sample tests (17)6.2.1General (17)6.2.2Application (17)6.2.3Sampling and acceptance criteria (19)6.3Routine tests (19)6.3.1General (19)6.3.2Application and acceptance criteria (19)6.4Table of tests to be applied (19)7Test methods (23)7.1Visual examination (23)7.2Verification of dimensions, materials and mass (23)7.3Corrosion protection test (23)7.3.1Hot dip galvanized components (other than stranded galvanizedsteel wires) (23)7.3.2Ferrous components protected from corrosion by methods other thanhot dip galvanizing (25)7.3.3Stranded galvanized steel wires (25)7.3.4Corrosion caused by non-metallic components (25)7.4Non-destructive tests (25)– 4 –61854 © CEI:1998 Articles Pages7.5Essais mécaniques (26)7.5.1Essais de glissement des pinces (26) de glissement longitudinal (26) de glissement en torsion (28)7.5.2Essai de boulon fusible (28)7.5.3Essai de serrage des boulons de pince (30)7.5.4Essais de courant de court-circuit simulé et essais de compressionet de traction (30) de courant de court-circuit simulé (30) de compression et de traction (32)7.5.5Caractérisation des propriétés élastiques et d'amortissement (32)7.5.6Essais de flexibilité (38)7.5.7Essais de fatigue (38)énéralités (38) de sous-portée (40) éoliennes (40)7.6Essais de caractérisation des élastomères (42)7.6.1Généralités (42)7.6.2Essais (42)7.6.3Essai de résistance à l'ozone (46)7.7Essais électriques (46)7.7.1Essais d'effet couronne et de tension de perturbations radioélectriques..467.7.2Essai de résistance électrique (46)7.8Vérification du comportement vibratoire du système faisceau/entretoise (48)Annexe A (normative) Informations techniques minimales à convenirentre acheteur et fournisseur (64)Annexe B (informative) Forces de compression dans l'essai de courantde court-circuit simulé (66)Annexe C (informative) Caractérisation des propriétés élastiques et d'amortissementMéthode de détermination de la rigidité et de l'amortissement (70)Annexe D (informative) Contrôle du comportement vibratoire du systèmefaisceau/entretoise (74)Bibliographie (80)Figures (50)Tableau 1 – Essais sur les entretoises (20)Tableau 2 – Essais sur les élastomères (44)61854 © IEC:1998– 5 –Clause Page7.5Mechanical tests (27)7.5.1Clamp slip tests (27) slip test (27) slip test (29)7.5.2Breakaway bolt test (29)7.5.3Clamp bolt tightening test (31)7.5.4Simulated short-circuit current test and compression and tension tests (31) short-circuit current test (31) and tension test (33)7.5.5Characterisation of the elastic and damping properties (33)7.5.6Flexibility tests (39)7.5.7Fatigue tests (39) (39) oscillation (41) vibration (41)7.6Tests to characterise elastomers (43)7.6.1General (43)7.6.2Tests (43)7.6.3Ozone resistance test (47)7.7Electrical tests (47)7.7.1Corona and radio interference voltage (RIV) tests (47)7.7.2Electrical resistance test (47)7.8Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle-spacer system (49)Annex A (normative) Minimum technical details to be agreed betweenpurchaser and supplier (65)Annex B (informative) Compressive forces in the simulated short-circuit current test (67)Annex C (informative) Characterisation of the elastic and damping propertiesStiffness-Damping Method (71)Annex D (informative) Verification of vibration behaviour of the bundle/spacer system (75)Bibliography (81)Figures (51)Table 1 – Tests on spacers (21)Table 2 – Tests on elastomers (45)– 6 –61854 © CEI:1998 COMMISSION ÉLECTROTECHNIQUE INTERNATIONALE––––––––––LIGNES AÉRIENNES –EXIGENCES ET ESSAIS APPLICABLES AUX ENTRETOISESAVANT-PROPOS1)La CEI (Commission Electrotechnique Internationale) est une organisation mondiale de normalisation composéede l'ensemble des comités électrotechniques nationaux (Comités nationaux de la CEI). La CEI a pour objet de favoriser la coopération internationale pour toutes les questions de normalisation dans les domaines de l'électricité et de l'électronique. A cet effet, la CEI, entre autres activités, publie des Normes internationales.Leur élaboration est confiée à des comités d'études, aux travaux desquels tout Comité national intéressé par le sujet traité peut participer. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, en liaison avec la CEI, participent également aux travaux. La CEI collabore étroitement avec l'Organisation Internationale de Normalisation (ISO), selon des conditions fixées par accord entre les deux organisations.2)Les décisions ou accords officiels de la CEI concernant les questions techniques représentent, dans la mesuredu possible un accord international sur les sujets étudiés, étant donné que les Comités nationaux intéressés sont représentés dans chaque comité d’études.3)Les documents produits se présentent sous la forme de recommandations internationales. Ils sont publiéscomme normes, rapports techniques ou guides et agréés comme tels par les Comités nationaux.4)Dans le but d'encourager l'unification internationale, les Comités nationaux de la CEI s'engagent à appliquer defaçon transparente, dans toute la mesure possible, les Normes internationales de la CEI dans leurs normes nationales et régionales. Toute divergence entre la norme de la CEI et la norme nationale ou régionale correspondante doit être indiquée en termes clairs dans cette dernière.5)La CEI n’a fixé aucune procédure concernant le marquage comme indication d’approbation et sa responsabilitén’est pas engagée quand un matériel est déclaré conforme à l’une de ses normes.6) L’attention est attirée sur le fait que certains des éléments de la présente Norme internationale peuvent fairel’objet de droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. La CEI ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et de ne pas avoir signalé leur existence.La Norme internationale CEI 61854 a été établie par le comité d'études 11 de la CEI: Lignes aériennes.Le texte de cette norme est issu des documents suivants:FDIS Rapport de vote11/141/FDIS11/143/RVDLe rapport de vote indiqué dans le tableau ci-dessus donne toute information sur le vote ayant abouti à l'approbation de cette norme.L’annexe A fait partie intégrante de cette norme.Les annexes B, C et D sont données uniquement à titre d’information.61854 © IEC:1998– 7 –INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION––––––––––OVERHEAD LINES –REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS FOR SPACERSFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promote international co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. To this end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation is entrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with may participate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaising with the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the two organizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representation from all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Any divergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearly indicated in the latter.5)The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6) Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. International Standard IEC 61854 has been prepared by IEC technical committee 11: Overhead lines.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDIS Report on voting11/141/FDIS11/143/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table.Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.Annexes B, C and D are for information only.– 8 –61854 © CEI:1998LIGNES AÉRIENNES –EXIGENCES ET ESSAIS APPLICABLES AUX ENTRETOISES1 Domaine d'applicationLa présente Norme internationale s'applique aux entretoises destinées aux faisceaux de conducteurs de lignes aériennes. Elle recouvre les entretoises rigides, les entretoises flexibles et les entretoises amortissantes.Elle ne s'applique pas aux espaceurs, aux écarteurs à anneaux et aux entretoises de mise à la terre.NOTE – La présente norme est applicable aux pratiques de conception de lignes et aux entretoises les plus couramment utilisées au moment de sa rédaction. Il peut exister d'autres entretoises auxquelles les essais spécifiques décrits dans la présente norme ne s'appliquent pas.Dans de nombreux cas, les procédures d'essai et les valeurs d'essai sont convenues entre l'acheteur et le fournisseur et sont énoncées dans le contrat d'approvisionnement. L'acheteur est le mieux à même d'évaluer les conditions de service prévues, qu'il convient d'utiliser comme base à la définition de la sévérité des essais.La liste des informations techniques minimales à convenir entre acheteur et fournisseur est fournie en annexe A.2 Références normativesLes documents normatifs suivants contiennent des dispositions qui, par suite de la référence qui y est faite, constituent des dispositions valables pour la présente Norme internationale. Au moment de la publication, les éditions indiquées étaient en vigueur. Tout document normatif est sujet à révision et les parties prenantes aux accords fondés sur la présente Norme internationale sont invitées à rechercher la possibilité d'appliquer les éditions les plus récentes des documents normatifs indiqués ci-après. Les membres de la CEI et de l'ISO possèdent le registre des Normes internationales en vigueur.CEI 60050(466):1990, Vocabulaire Electrotechnique International (VEI) – Chapitre 466: Lignes aériennesCEI 61284:1997, Lignes aériennes – Exigences et essais pour le matériel d'équipementCEI 60888:1987, Fils en acier zingué pour conducteurs câblésISO 34-1:1994, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la résistance au déchirement – Partie 1: Eprouvettes pantalon, angulaire et croissantISO 34-2:1996, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la résistance au déchirement – Partie 2: Petites éprouvettes (éprouvettes de Delft)ISO 37:1994, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination des caractéristiques de contrainte-déformation en traction61854 © IEC:1998– 9 –OVERHEAD LINES –REQUIREMENTS AND TESTS FOR SPACERS1 ScopeThis International Standard applies to spacers for conductor bundles of overhead lines. It covers rigid spacers, flexible spacers and spacer dampers.It does not apply to interphase spacers, hoop spacers and bonding spacers.NOTE – This standard is written to cover the line design practices and spacers most commonly used at the time of writing. There may be other spacers available for which the specific tests reported in this standard may not be applicable.In many cases, test procedures and test values are left to agreement between purchaser and supplier and are stated in the procurement contract. The purchaser is best able to evaluate the intended service conditions, which should be the basis for establishing the test severity.In annex A, the minimum technical details to be agreed between purchaser and supplier are listed.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International Standard. At the time of publication of this standard, the editions indicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.IEC 60050(466):1990, International Electrotechnical vocabulary (IEV) – Chapter 466: Overhead linesIEC 61284:1997, Overhead lines – Requirements and tests for fittingsIEC 60888:1987, Zinc-coated steel wires for stranded conductorsISO 34-1:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tear strength – Part 1: Trouser, angle and crescent test piecesISO 34-2:1996, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tear strength – Part 2: Small (Delft) test piecesISO 37:1994, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of tensile stress-strain properties– 10 –61854 © CEI:1998 ISO 188:1982, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Essais de résistance au vieillissement accéléré ou à la chaleurISO 812:1991, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de la fragilité à basse températureISO 815:1991, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Détermination de la déformation rémanente après compression aux températures ambiantes, élevées ou bassesISO 868:1985, Plastiques et ébonite – Détermination de la dureté par pénétration au moyen d'un duromètre (dureté Shore)ISO 1183:1987, Plastiques – Méthodes pour déterminer la masse volumique et la densitérelative des plastiques non alvéolairesISO 1431-1:1989, Caoutchouc vulcanisé ou thermoplastique – Résistance au craquelage par l'ozone – Partie 1: Essai sous allongement statiqueISO 1461,— Revêtements de galvanisation à chaud sur produits finis ferreux – Spécifications1) ISO 1817:1985, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de l'action des liquidesISO 2781:1988, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination de la masse volumiqueISO 2859-1:1989, Règles d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par attributs – Partie 1: Plans d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles lot par lot, indexés d'après le niveau de qualité acceptable (NQA)ISO 2859-2:1985, Règles d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par attributs – Partie 2: Plans d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles de lots isolés, indexés d'après la qualité limite (QL)ISO 2921:1982, Caoutchouc vulcanisé – Détermination des caractéristiques à basse température – Méthode température-retrait (essai TR)ISO 3417:1991, Caoutchouc – Détermination des caractéristiques de vulcanisation à l'aide du rhéomètre à disque oscillantISO 3951:1989, Règles et tables d'échantillonnage pour les contrôles par mesures des pourcentages de non conformesISO 4649:1985, Caoutchouc – Détermination de la résistance à l'abrasion à l'aide d'un dispositif à tambour tournantISO 4662:1986, Caoutchouc – Détermination de la résilience de rebondissement des vulcanisats––––––––––1) A publierThis is a preview - click here to buy the full publication61854 © IEC:1998– 11 –ISO 188:1982, Rubber, vulcanized – Accelerated ageing or heat-resistance testsISO 812:1991, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of low temperature brittlenessISO 815:1991, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Determination of compression set at ambient, elevated or low temperaturesISO 868:1985, Plastics and ebonite – Determination of indentation hardness by means of a durometer (Shore hardness)ISO 1183:1987, Plastics – Methods for determining the density and relative density of non-cellular plasticsISO 1431-1:1989, Rubber, vulcanized or thermoplastic – Resistance to ozone cracking –Part 1: static strain testISO 1461, — Hot dip galvanized coatings on fabricated ferrous products – Specifications1)ISO 1817:1985, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of the effect of liquidsISO 2781:1988, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of densityISO 2859-1:1989, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 1: Sampling plans indexed by acceptable quality level (AQL) for lot-by-lot inspectionISO 2859-2:1985, Sampling procedures for inspection by attributes – Part 2: Sampling plans indexed by limiting quality level (LQ) for isolated lot inspectionISO 2921:1982, Rubber, vulcanized – Determination of low temperature characteristics –Temperature-retraction procedure (TR test)ISO 3417:1991, Rubber – Measurement of vulcanization characteristics with the oscillating disc curemeterISO 3951:1989, Sampling procedures and charts for inspection by variables for percent nonconformingISO 4649:1985, Rubber – Determination of abrasion resistance using a rotating cylindrical drum deviceISO 4662:1986, Rubber – Determination of rebound resilience of vulcanizates–––––––––1) To be published.。



弹性力学 elasticity弹性理论 theory of elasticity均匀应力状态 homogeneous state of stress 应力不变量 stress invariant应变不变量 strain invariant应变椭球strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态 homogeneous state of strain 应变协调方程 equation of strain compatibility拉梅常量 Lame constants各向同性弹性 isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk楔 wedge开尔文问题Kelvin problem布西内斯克问题 Boussinesq problem艾里应力函数 Airy stress function克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维利法 Kolosoff- Muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设 Kirchhoff hypothesis板 Plate矩形板 Rectangular plate圆板 Circular plate环板 Annular plate波纹板 Corrugated plate加劲板 Stiffened plate,reinforced Plate 中厚板 Plate of moderate thickness弯[曲]应力函数 Stress function of bending 壳 Shell扁壳 Shallow shell旋转壳 Revolutionary shell球壳 Spherical shell[圆]柱壳 Cylindrical shell锥壳 Conical shell环壳 Toroidal shell封闭壳 Closed shell波纹壳 Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数 Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数 Warping function半逆解法 semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法 Rayleigh-Ritz method松弛法 Relaxation method莱维法 Levy method松弛 Relaxation量纲分析 Dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity影响面 Influence surface接触应力 Contact stress赫兹理论 Hertz theory协调接触 Conforming contact滑动接触 Sliding contact滚动接触 Rolling contact压入 Indentation 各向异性弹性 Anisotropic elasticity颗粒材料 Granular material散体力学 Mechanics of granular media热弹性 Thermoelasticity超弹性 Hyperelasticity粘弹性Viscoelasticity对应原理 Correspondence principle褶皱 Wrinkle塑性全量理论 Total theory of plasticity 滑动 Sliding微滑 Microslip粗糙度 Roughness非线性弹性 Nonlinear elasticity大挠度 Large deflection突弹跳变 snap-through有限变形 Finite deformation格林应变 Green strain阿尔曼西应变 Almansi strain弹性动力学 Dynamic elasticity运动方程 Equation of motion准静态的 Quasi-static气动弹性 Aeroelasticity水弹性 Hydroelasticity颤振 Flutter弹性波 Elastic wave简单波 Simple wave柱面波 Cylindrical wave水平剪切波 Horizontal shear wave竖直剪切波 Vertical shear wave体波 body wave无旋波Ir rotational wave畸变波 Distortion wave膨胀波 Dilatation wave瑞利波 Rayleigh wave等容波 Equivoluminal wave勒夫波 Love wave界面波 Interfacial wave边缘效应 edge effect塑性力学Plasticity可成形性 Formability金属成形 Metal forming耐撞性 Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性 Structural crashworthiness 拉拔 Drawing破坏机构 Collapse mechanism回弹 Springback挤压 Extrusion冲压 Stamping穿透 Perforation层裂 Spalling塑性理论 Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论 Shake-down theory运动安定定理 kinematic shake-down theorem 静力安定定理 Static shake-down theorem率相关理论 rate dependent theorem载荷因子 load factor加载准则 Loading criterion加载函数 Loading function加载面 Loading surface塑性加载 Plastic loading塑性加载波Plastic loading wave简单加载 Simple loading比例加载 Proportional loading卸载 Unloading卸载波 Unloading wave冲击载荷 Impulsive load阶跃载荷 step load脉冲载荷 pulse load极限载荷 limit load中性变载 nentral loading拉抻失稳 instability in tension加速度波 acceleration wave本构方程constitutive equation完全解 complete solution名义应力 nominal stress过应力 over-stress真应力 true stress等效应力 equivalent stress流动应力 flow stress应力间断 stress discontinuity应力空间 stress space主应力空间 principal stress space静水应力状态 hydrostatic state of stress 对数应变 logarithmic strain工程应变 engineering strain等效应变 equivalent strain应变局部化 strain localization应变率 strain rate应变率敏感性 strain rate sensitivity应变空间 strain space有限应变 finite strain塑性应变增量 plastic strain increment累积塑性应变 accumulated plastic strain 永久变形 permanent deformation内变量 internal variable应变软化 strain-softening理想刚塑性材料 rigid-perfectly plastic Material刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料 perfectl plastic material材料稳定性 stability of material应变偏张量 deviatoric tensor of strain应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress应变球张量 spherical tensor of strain 应力球张量 spherical tensor of stress路径相关性 path-dependency线性强化 linear strain-hardening应变强化 strain-hardening随动强化 kinematic hardening各向同性强化 isotropic hardening强化模量 strain-hardening modulus幂强化 power hardening塑性极限弯矩 plastic limit bending Moment 塑性极限扭矩 plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲 elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面 elastic-plastic interface弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion粘塑性 Viscoplasticity非弹性 Inelasticity理想弹塑性材料 elastic-perfectly plastic Material极限分析 limit analysis极限设计 limit design极限面 limit surface上限定理 upper bound theorem上屈服点 upper yield point下限定理lower bound theorem下屈服点 lower yield point界限定理 bound theorem初始屈服面 initial yield surface后继屈服面 subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性 convexity of yield surface 截面形状因子 shape factor of cross-section 沙堆比拟 sand heap analogy屈服 Yield屈服条件 yield condition屈服准则 yield criterion屈服函数 yield function屈服面 yield surface塑性势 plastic potential能量吸收装置 energy absorbing device能量耗散率 energy absorbing device塑性动力学 dynamic plasticity塑性动力屈曲 dynamic plastic buckling塑性动力响应 dynamic plastic response塑性波 plastic wave运动容许场 kinematically admissible Field 静力容许场 statically admissible Field流动法则 flow rule速度间断 velocity discontinuity滑移线slip-lines滑移线场 slip-lines field移行塑性铰 travelling plastic hinge塑性增量理论 incremental theory ofPlasticity米泽斯屈服准则 Mises yield criterion普朗特--罗伊斯关系 prandtl- Reuss relation 特雷斯卡屈服准则 Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数 Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系 Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程 Hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应力空间Haigh-Westergaard stress space洛德应变参数 Lode strain parameter德鲁克公设 Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程 Geiringer velocity Equation 结构力学 structural mechanics结构分析 structural analysis结构动力学 structural dynamics拱 Arch三铰拱 three-hinged arch抛物线拱 parabolic arch圆拱 circular arch穹顶 Dome空间结构 space structure空间桁架 space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力 earth pressure地震载荷 earthquake loading弹簧支座 spring support支座位移 support displacement支座沉降 support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy机动分析 kinematic analysis结点法 method of joints截面法 method of sections结点力 joint forces共轭位移 conjugate displacement影响线 influence line三弯矩方程 three-moment equation单位虚力 unit virtual force刚度系数 stiffness coefficient柔度系数flexibility coefficient力矩分配 moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method力矩再分配 moment redistribution分配系数 distribution factor矩阵位移法 matri displacement method单元刚度矩阵 element stiffness matrix单元应变矩阵 element strain matrix总体坐标 global coordinates贝蒂定理 Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法 Gauss-Jordan elimination Method屈曲模态 buckling mode复合材料力学 mechanics of composites复合材料 composite material 纤维复合材料 fibrous composite单向复合材料 unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料 foamed composite颗粒复合材料 particulate composite层板 Laminate夹层板 sandwich panel正交层板 cross-ply laminate斜交层板 angle-ply laminate层片 Ply多胞固体 cellular solid膨胀 Expansion压实 Debulk劣化 Degradation脱层 Delamination脱粘 Debond纤维应力 fiber stress层应力 ply stress层应变 ply strain层间应力 interlaminar stress比强度 specific strength强度折减系数strength reduction factor强度应力比strength -stress ratio横向剪切模量 transverse shear modulus横观各向同性 transverse isotropy正交各向异 Orthotropy剪滞分析 shear lag analysis短纤维 chopped fiber长纤维 continuous fiber纤维方向 fiber direction纤维断裂 fiber break纤维拔脱 fiber pull-out纤维增强 fiber reinforcement致密化 Densification最小重量设计 optimum weight design网格分析法netting analysis混合律 rule of mixture失效准则 failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则 Tsai-W u failure criterion 达格代尔模型 Dugdale model断裂力学 fracture mechanics概率断裂力学 probabilistic fracture Mechanics格里菲思理论 Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学 linear elastic fracture mechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学 elastic-plastic fracture mecha-nics, EPFM断裂 Fracture脆性断裂 brittle fracture解理断裂 cleavage fracture蠕变断裂 creep fracture延性断裂 ductile fracture晶间断裂 inter-granular fracture准解理断裂 quasi-cleavage fracture穿晶断裂 trans-granular fracture裂纹 Crack裂缝 Flaw缺陷 Defect割缝 Slit微裂纹 Microcrack折裂 Kink椭圆裂纹elliptical crack深埋裂纹 embedded crack币状裂纹penny-shape crack预制裂纹 Precrack短裂纹 short crack表面裂纹 surface crack裂纹钝化crack blunting裂纹分叉 crack branching裂纹闭合 crack closure裂纹前缘 crack front裂纹嘴 crack mouth裂纹张开角 crack opening angle,COA裂纹张开位移crack opening displacement, COD 裂纹阻力 crack resistance裂纹面 crack surface裂纹尖端 crack tip裂尖张角 crack tip opening angle, CTOA裂尖张开位移 crack tip opening displacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场 crack tip singularity Field裂纹扩展速率 crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展 stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展 steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展 subcritical crack growth裂纹[扩展]减速 crack retardation止裂 crack arrest止裂韧度 arrest toughness断裂类型 fracture mode滑开型 sliding mode张开型 opening mode撕开型 tearing mode复合型 mixed mode撕裂 Tearing撕裂模量 tearing modulus断裂准则 fracture criterionJ积分 J-integralJ阻力曲线 J-resistance curve断裂韧度 fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factorHRR场 Hutchinson-Rice-Rosengren Field守恒积分 conservation integral有效应力张量 effective stress tensor应变能密度 strain energy density 能量释放率 energy release rate内聚区 cohesive zone塑性区 plastic zone张拉区 stretched zone热影响区 heat affected zone, HAZ延脆转变温度 brittle-ductile transition tempe- rature剪切带 shear band剪切唇 shear lip无损检测non-destructive inspection双边缺口试件double edge notched specimen, DEN specimen单边缺口试件 single edge notched specimen, SEN specimen三点弯曲试件 three point bending specimen, TPB specimen中心裂纹拉伸试件 center cracked tension specimen, CCT specimen中心裂纹板试件 center cracked panel specimen, CCP specimen紧凑拉伸试件 compact tension specimen, CT specimen大范围屈服 large scale yielding小范围攻屈服 small scale yielding韦布尔分布 Weibull distribution帕里斯公式 paris formula空穴化 Cavitation应力腐蚀 stress corrosion概率风险判定 probabilistic risk assessment, PRA损伤力学 damage mechanics损伤 Damage连续介质损伤力学 continuum damage mechanics 细观损伤力学 microscopic damage mechanics 累积损伤 accumulated damage脆性损伤 brittle damage延性损伤 ductile damage宏观损伤 macroscopic damage细观损伤 microscopic damage微观损伤 microscopic damage损伤准则 damage criterion损伤演化方程 damage evolution equation损伤软化 damage softening损伤强化 damage strengthening损伤张量 damage tensor损伤阈值 damage threshold损伤变量 damage variable损伤矢量 damage vector损伤区 damage zone疲劳 Fatigue低周疲劳 low cycle fatigue应力疲劳 stress fatigue随机疲劳 random fatigue蠕变疲劳 creep fatigue腐蚀疲劳 corrosion fatigue疲劳损伤 fatigue damage疲劳失效 fatigue failure疲劳断裂 fatigue fracture疲劳裂纹 fatigue crack疲劳寿命 fatigue life疲劳破坏 fatigue rupture疲劳强度 fatigue strength疲劳辉纹 fatigue striations疲劳阈值 fatigue threshold交变载荷 alternating load交变应力 alternating stress应力幅值 stress amplitude应变疲劳 strain fatigue应力循环 stress cycle应力比 stress ratio安全寿命 safe life过载效应 overloading effect循环硬化 cyclic hardening循环软化 cyclic softening环境效应 environmental effect裂纹片 crack gage裂纹扩展 crack growth, crack Propagation 裂纹萌生 crack initiation循环比 cycle ratio实验应力分析 experimental stress Analysis 工作[应变]片 active[strain] gage基底材料 backing material应力计 stress gage零[点]飘移zero shift, zero drift应变测量 strain measurement应变计 strain gage应变指示器 strain indicator应变花 strain rosette应变灵敏度 strain sensitivity机械式应变仪 mechanical strain gage直角应变花 rectangular rosette引伸仪 Extensometer应变遥测 telemetering of strain横向灵敏系数 transverse gage factor横向灵敏度 transverse sensitivity焊接式应变计weldable strain gage平衡电桥 balanced bridge粘贴式应变计 bonded strain gage粘贴箔式应变计 bonded foiled gage粘贴丝式应变计bonded wire gage桥路平衡 bridge balancing电容应变计 capacitance strain gage补偿片 compensation technique补偿技术 compensation technique 基准电桥 reference bridge电阻应变计 resistance strain gage温度自补偿应变计 self-temperature compensating gage半导体应变计 semiconductor strain Gage集流器 slip ring应变放大镜 strain amplifier疲劳寿命计 fatigue life gage电感应变计inductance [strain] gage光[测]力学 Photomechanics光弹性 Photoelasticity光塑性 Photoplasticity杨氏条纹 Young fringe双折射效应 birefrigent effect等位移线 contour of equal Displacement暗条纹 dark fringe条纹倍增 fringe multiplication干涉条纹 interference fringe等差线 Isochromatic等倾线 Isoclinic等和线 isopachic应力光学定stress- optic law主应力迹线 Isostatic亮条纹 light fringe光程差 optical path difference热光弹性 photo-thermo -elasticity光弹性贴片法 photoelastic coating Method光弹性夹片法 photoelastic sandwich Method 动态光弹性 dynamic photo-elasticity空间滤波 spatial filtering空间频率 spatial frequency起偏镜 Polarizer反射式光弹性仪 reflection polariscope残余双折射效应 residual birefringent Effect 应变条纹值 strain fringe value应变光学灵敏度 strain-optic sensitivity应力冻结效应 stress freezing effect应力条纹值 stress fringe value应力光图 stress-optic pattern暂时双折射效应 temporary birefringentEffect脉冲全息法 pulsed holography透射式光弹性仪 transmission polariscope实时全息干涉法 real-time holographic interfero - metry网格法 grid method全息光弹性法 holo-photoelasticity全息图 Hologram全息照相 Holograph全息干涉法 holographic interferometry全息云纹法 holographic moire technique全息术 Holography全场分析法 whole-field analysis散斑干涉法 speckle interferometry散斑 Speckle错位散斑干涉法 speckle-shearing interferometry, shearography散斑图 Specklegram白光散斑法 white-light speckle method云纹干涉法 moire interferometry[叠栅]云纹 moire fringe[叠栅]云纹法 moire method云纹图 moire pattern离面云纹法 off-plane moire method参考栅 reference grating试件栅specimen grating分析栅 analyzer grating面内云纹法in-plane moire method脆性涂层法 brittle-coating method条带法 strip coating method坐标变换 transformation of Coordinates计算结构力学 computational structuralmecha-nics加权残量法 weighted residual method有限差分法 finite difference method有限[单]元法 finite element method配点法 point collocation里茨法 Ritz method广义变分原理 generalized variational Principle最小二乘法 least square method胡[海昌]一鹫津原理 Hu-Washizu principle赫林格-赖斯纳原理 Hellinger-Reissner Principle修正变分原理 modified variational Principle 约束变分原理 constrained variational Principle混合法 mixed method杂交法 hybrid method边界解法 boundary solution method有限条法 finite strip method半解析法 semi-analytical method协调元 conforming element非协调元 non-conforming element混合元 mixed element杂交元 hybrid element边界元 boundary element强迫边界条件 forced boundary condition自然边界条件 natural boundary condition离散化 Discretization离散系统 discrete system连续问题 continuous problem广义位移 generalized displacement广义载荷 generalized load 广义应变 generalized strain广义应力 generalized stress界面变量 interface variable节点 node, nodal point[单]元 Element角节点 corner node边节点 mid-side node内节点 internal node无节点变量 nodeless variable杆元 bar element桁架杆元 truss element梁元 beam element二维元 two-dimensional element一维元 one-dimensional element三维元 three-dimensional element轴对称元 axisymmetric element板元 plate element壳元 shell element厚板元 thick plate element三角形元 triangular element四边形元 lateral element四面体元 tetrahedral element曲线元 curved element二次元 quadratic element线性元 linear element三次元 cubic element四次元 quartic element等参[数]元 isoparametric element超参数元 super-parametric element亚参数元 sub-parametric element节点数可变元 variable-number-node element 拉格朗日元 Lagrange element拉格朗日族 Lagrange family巧凑边点元 serendipity element巧凑边点族 serendipity family无限元 infinite element单元分析 element analysis单元特性 element characteristics刚度矩阵 stiffness matrix几何矩阵 geometric matrix等效节点力 equivalent nodal force节点位移 nodal displacement节点载荷 nodal load位移矢量 displacement vector载荷矢量 load vector质量矩阵 mass matrix集总质量矩阵 lumped mass matrix相容质量矩阵 consistent mass matrix阻尼矩阵 damping matrix瑞利阻尼 Rayleigh damping刚度矩阵的组集 assembly of stiffness Matrices载荷矢量的组集 consistent mass matrix质量矩阵的组集 assembly of mass matrices 单元的组集 assembly of elements局部坐标系 local coordinate system局部坐标 local coordinate面积坐标 area coordinates体积坐标 volume coordinates曲线坐标 curvilinear coordinates静凝聚 static condensation合同变换contragradient transformation形状函数 shape function试探函数 trial function检验函数 test function权函数 weight function样条函数 spline function代用函数 substitute function降阶积分 reduced integration零能模式 zero-energy modeP收敛 p-convergenceH收敛 h-convergence掺混插值 blended interpolation等参数映射 isoparametric mapping双线性插值 bilinear interpolation小块检验 patch test非协调模式 incompatible mode节点号 node number单元号 element number带宽 band width带状矩阵 banded matrix变带状矩阵 profile matrix带宽最小化 minimization of band width波前法 frontal method子空间迭代法 subspace iteration method 行列式搜索法 determinant search method 逐步法 step-by-step method纽马克法 Newmark威尔逊法 Wilson拟牛顿法 quasi-Newton method牛顿-拉弗森法 Newton-Raphson method增量法 incremental method初应变 initial strain初应力 initial stress切线刚度矩阵 tangent stiffness matrix割线刚度矩阵 secant stiffness matrix模态叠加法 mode superposition method平衡迭代 equilibrium iteration子结构 Substructure子结构法 substructure technique超单元 super-element网格生成 mesh generation结构分析程序 structural analysis program 前处理 pre-processing 后处理 post-processing网格细化 mesh refinement应力光顺 stress smoothing组合结构 composite structure。








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论上海发展面临的虚拟经济膨胀问题…………………………………………………高炜宇(47) 社会情境理论:贫困现象的另一种解释…………………………………………………周怡(56) 浦东新郊区建设和人口城市化再推进研究……………………………………………孙嘉丰(63) 后形而上时代的“沟通主义法律观”——啜法律的沟通之维》代译序………………邓正来(69) 单位人格刑事责任沦纲……………………………………………………………………杜文(72) 沦行政行为的代表性…………………………………………………………樊明亚赖声利 (80) 对我国学前教育改革若干问题的文化观照……………………………………………华爱华(87) 《沦语》:孔子弟子博弈之成果——兼谈战国后期儒家八派之争及荀卿的态度……李露平(96) 中西和谐社会思想之异同:经济学说史的视角………………………………………钟祥财(105) 清末新政对民生问题的恶性操作与社会矛盾的激化…………………………………陆兴龙(115) 《月令》;农耕民族的人生模型……………………………………………………………薛富(123) 书生立武勋——湘军功成的内在因素…………………………………………………李志茗(134) 塞上海柴拉报势考略……………………………………………………………………褚晓琦(147) 墓惠与商道:近代上海慈善组织兴起的原因探析……………………………………汪华(154) 走向·间性哲学·的跨文化研究…………………………………………………………周宁(162) 空间,性别与认同——女性写作的·地理学·转向…………………………………陈惠芬(170)月西方理论和方法解析中国古代诗词——叶嘉莹中西诗学研究之阐释……………徐志啸(183)法商研究[双月刊]=Studies in LAW And Business/中南财经政法大学.—第1期,2008年.—武汉市:《法商研究》编辑部,(430073).18.00元ISSN 1672-0393 CN 42-1664/D索书号:C5/73 馆藏地:本部四楼本期目录内容“美国对华铜版纸案”述评——基于反补贴申诉的考察……………………李仲平李炼(3) 美国反补贴法适用探析——以对“非市场经济国家”的适用为考察对象…………徐泉(10) WTO法律体系下实施“双反”措施的合法性研究——由“美国对华铜版纸案”引发的思考………………………………………………………………………………………臧立(16)从立法中心主义转向司法中心主义?——关于几种“中心主义”研究范式的反思、延伸与比较……………………………………………………………………………………喻中(22) 转化型抢劫罪主体条件的实质解释——以相对刑事责任年龄人的刑事责任为视角………………………………………………………………………………………刘艳红(29) 论我国股权激励的本土创新——股权分置改革视野下的反思与重构………………官欣荣(42) 论以人为本的“人”……………………………………………………………………胡锦光(48) 限时刑法探究……………………………………………………………………………黄明儒(55) 农民土地产权资本化经营实现的法律保障……………………………………………李丽峰(61) 城市土地节约利用法律制度:现状、问题与对策……………………………………王文革(69) 论现行保证制度的局限及其完善——以成本收益分析为中心………………………许德风(78) 保护传统文化的政策目标论纲…………………………………………………………黄玉烨(86) 我国新能源与可再生能源立法之新思维………………………………………………杨解君(92) 美国监管影响分析制度述评……………………………………………………………马英娟(98) 论犯罪的相对性——从绝对理性到相对理性…………………………………………张建军(107) 基于信息的荐证广告之法律规制——以保健品广告为中心…………………………吴元元(113) 环境罚款数额设定的立法研究…………………………………………………………程雨燕(121) 委托调解若干问题研究——对四个基层人民法院委托调解的初步考察……………李浩(133) 中国法律史研究思路新探………………………………………………………………邓建鹏(141) 中国法学会商法学研究会2007年年会综述…………………………………………冯兴俊(147) 第十五届全国经济法理论研讨会综述…………………………………………………管斌(153)复印报刊资料·社会学[月刊]Sociology.—第2期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).10.00元ISSN 1001-344X CN 11-4250/C索书号:C91/3 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容理论研究中国社会发展范式的转换:普遍性与特殊性……………………………………………刘新刚(3) 欧洲社会模式的反思与展望……………………………………………(英)安东尼·吉登斯(10) 分支学科自我行动与自主经营——理解中国人何以将自主经营当作其参与市场实践的首选方式……………汪和建(21) 声望危机下的学术群体——当代知识分子身份地位研究……………………………刘亚秋(37) 中国城市教育分层研究(1949-2003) …………………………………………………郝大海(51) 法律执行的社会学模式——对法律援助过程的法社会学分析………………王晓蓓郭星华(63) 社会发展系统打造农村现代职业体系的创新探索——武汉农村家园建设行动计划和实践的社会学分析之一……………………郑杭生(69) “活着的过去”和“未来的过去”——民俗制度变迁与新农村建设的社会学视野…………………………………杨敏(76) 社会问题解决社会问题的关键:协调好社会各群体之间的关系…………………………………李强(87) 环球视窗美国式的贫困与反贫困...........................................................................张锐(89) 索引 (92)英文目录 (96)领导科学[半月刊]=Leadership Science—第21期,2007年.—河南:领导科学杂志社编辑出版,(450002).3.80元ISSN1003-2606 CN41-1024/C索书号: C93/8 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容领导科学界的首要政治任务…………………………………………………………本刊编辑部(1)学习贯彻十七大精神把思想和行动统一到党的十七大精神上来——在2007年度省领导与社科葬专家学者座谈会上的讲话…………………………………………………………………………………徐光春(4)新一届中央领导集体治国理政的新方略(上) …………………………………………姜平(9)理论前沿关于领导、发展、以人为本的关系解读…………………………………………………王伟凯(ll)领导方法有效解决集体上访问题的思考与实践…………………………………………………陈丰林(14)引导信访户从“上访路”走上“致富路”………………………………………………邱金义(16)增强班子合力关键要合理分工…………………………………………………………枣甘(13)高校党建工作进网络的探索…………………………………………………张进超詹爱琴(17)市县领导欠发达地区构建和谐社会的着力点……………………………………………………丁善余(20)拓展农业发展思路的五种渠道…………………………………………………………盛高攀(22)乡镇领导推进乡镇党委和谐班子建设的途径……………………………………………………王晓宏(23)乡镇党委如何统揽工作全局……………………………………………………………刘久正(25)职工论坛建立体现科学发展观要求的干部政绩考核机制………………………………………盛克勤(30)组织部门信访工作机制探索……………………………………………………………钟群妹(26)用人之道有效规范干部选任初始提名工作……………………………………………李明辉韩振松(32)如何用好有过失的干部…………………………………………………………………蒋红波(34)办公室领导办公室工作如伺体现科学发展观要求…………………………………………………王合清(36)怎样在被动服务中求得主动……………………………………………………………方黎(38)学术动态中国领导科学研究会2007年年会将在上海市召开 (43)领导决策实现政府公共决策机制法治化的基本途径……………………………………………李光明(40)领导素养领导行为与对人的认识…………………………………………………………………周丽丽(42)军事领导基层政治工作如何贯彻科学发展观……………………………………………………鲁鸿飞(44)培养官兵对制度的敬畏感………………………………………………………………何洪江(46)领导鉴戒“大胜”更须戒骄………………………………………………………………………李颖(48)领导作风领导工作应坚持“三真”原则………………………………………………余丰立朱伟(47)外国政要帕蒂尔:温和印度的政治选择……………………………………………………………史泽华(50)治政史鉴朱元璋的反贪之策………………………………………………………………………韩立竖(52)特别阅读真相(中篇小说梗概) (54)热风细雨“经济提拔”与“提拔经济”…………………………………………………………江波(35)新视野(十七大的历史地位和历史意义)等7篇 (18)中国人才[半月刊]= Chinese Talents Magazine.—第10期,2007年.—北京:中国人才杂志社,(100101).6.00元ISSN 1003-4072 CN 11-2455/C索书号:C96/5 馆藏地:西康校区四楼江宁校区二楼本期目录内容人才精论“以人才为本”是人才开发的核心 (1)瞭望要闻.政策法规.声音.动态.数字信息 (4)考录:严把公务员“入口”关倡培养造就高素质公务员队伍 (10)人才市揭:为人才成长提供良好机遇与环境 (12)高校毕业生就业服务成效显著 (14)聚焦人事争议仲裁制度迈向新的发展 (15)完善人事争议仲裁构建和谐社会——《人事争议处理规定》解读 (16)努力开创人事争议仲裁工作新局面 (20)“六大人才高峰”彰显人才集聚效应 (21)高技能人才从何而来 (23)造福于民方能造福于己 (25)以.三最.为民生轴心彰显科学发展 (25)理论研究区分公共服务与经营性服务的理论思考 (26)探寻人才科学开发之道 (29)如何实施人才激励 (31)人才铺就小康路·走进昆山实施“人才强市”大战略加速“两个率先”新征程——本刊专访中共昆山市委书记张国华 (38)广纳八方英才创新昆山发展 (42)人才亮点点亮昆山 (44)名家在线科学大家平民本色——记中国测绘科学研究院名誉院长、中国工程院院士刘先林眉 (56)群星闪烁 (59)公务员管理提高公务员考试科学性 (61)加强县乡公务员队伍建设必须从优化人员结构入手 (63)“在线学习”引领干部培训“网络化” (66)事业单位聘用制推行中常见问题与对策分析 (68)如何做好当前外国专家管理与服务工作 (68)西部地区海外引才的一道亮丽风景线 (70)巧用职称评聘“杠杆”支撑人才活力 (72)人才资源配置流动人员人事档案管理难点与对策 (74)搞好毕业生人事档案管理 (77)县域人才开发如何与国际化接轨 (79)集团文化建设落地的关键点 (80)国有企业“二线”人员的开发 (81)简明定位“薪”事不再重重 (83)公备员在受处分期间受到新的处分,处分期如何计算 (85)未满服务期辞职应如何承担违约责任 (86)27 经济、经济学(F 经济)中文期刊世界经济[月刊]=The Journal of World Economy /中国经济学会中国社会科学院世界经济与政治研究所.—第2期,2008年2月.—北京:《世界经济》编辑部,(100732).15.00元ISSN1002-9621 CN11—1138/F索书号:F1/45本期目录内容国际贸易与国际投资研发全球化与本土知识交流:对北京跨国公司研发机构的经验分析…………………………………………………………………梁正,薛澜,朱琴,朱雪炜(3) 区际壁垒与贸易的边界效应…………………………………………赵永亮,徐勇,苏桂富(17) 国际金融国际分工体系视角的货币国际化:美元和日元的典型事实……………………徐奇渊,李婧(30) 存在金融体制改革的“中国模式”吗…………………………………………………应展宇等(40) 宏观经济学习惯形成与最优税收结构…………………………………………………………邹薇,刘勇(55) R&D溢出渠道、异质性反应与生产率:基于178个国家面板数据的经验研究……………………………………………………………………………高凌云,王永中(65) 中国经济三种自主创新能力与技术进步:基于DEA方法的经验分析……………李平,随洪光(74) 经济史明代海外贸易管制中的寻租、暴力冲突与国家权力流失:一个产权经济学的视角……………………………………………………………………………………郭艳茹(84) 会议综述第一届青年经济学家研讨会(YES)综述 (95)经济与管理研究[月刊]=Research on Economics and Management/首都经济贸易大学.—第2期,2008年2月.—北京:《经济与管理研究》编辑部,(100026).10.00元ISSN1000-7636 CN11—1384/F索书号:F2/8本期目录内容会议纪要努力探索中国特色国有公司治理模式——中国特色国有公司治理高层论坛综述 (5)专题论坛改革开放与国有经济战略性调整………………………………………………………王忠明(13) 股权多元化的国有控股公司治理结构特点及其构建………………………………魏秀丽(21) 剩余权的分配与国企产权改革……………………………兰纪平,罗鹏,霍立新,张凤环(28) 企业创新需求与我国自主创新能力的形成:基于收入分配视角………………………张杰,刘志彪(33) 集成创新过程中的三方博弈分析……………………………………………宋伟,彭小宝(38) 创新与企业战略制定模式的演进………………………………………刘鹏,金占明,李庆(43) 企业管理大型国际化零售企业经营绩效的影响因素分析………………………………蔡荣生,王勇(49) 跨团队冲突与组织激励机制分析………………………………………………李欣午(54) 运用基尼系数增强企业薪酬制度的公平性……………………………王令舜,马彤(59) 三农研究乡村旅游发展的公共属性、政府责任与财政支持研究……………单新萍,魏小安(64) 论失地农民长效保障机制的构建………………………………………………魏秀丽(69) 资本市场外资银行进入与东道国银行体系的稳定性:以新兴市场国家为例………………张蓉(74) 挤兑风险与道德风险的权衡:显性存款保险制度下最优保险范围的制定…冯伟,曹元涛(80) 贸易经济在反倾销中对出口商利益的考量………………………………………………金晓晨(86) 我国加征出口关税政策思辨…………………………………………夏骋祥,李克娟(90) 名刊要览公司治理和并购收益 (94)规制——自由化的必由之路:以色列电信市场1984-2005 (94)金融与收入分配不平等:渠道与证据 (94)特别主题论坛:重新审视组织内部和组织自身的“污名”问题 (95)经济理论与经济管理[月刊]= Economic Theory and Business Management.—第11期,2007年.—北京:《经济理论与经济管理》编辑部,(100080).8.00元ISSN 1000-596X CN 11-1517/F索书号:F2/12 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容深入贯彻落实科学发展观的经济视阈……………………………………………………张雷声(5) 科学发展观与中国特色社会主义经济理论体系的创新与发展…………………………张宇(9) 关于转变经济发展方式的三个问题……………………………………………………方福前(12) 统筹城乡协调发展是落实科学发展观的重大历史任务………………………………秦华(16) 中国进出口贸易顺差的原因、现状及未来展望………………………………王晋斌李南(19) 劳动力市场收入冲击对消费行为的影响………………………………………杜凤莲孙婧芳(26) 中国经济增长中土地资源的“尾效”分析……………………………………………崔云(32) 货币需求弹性、有效货币供给与货币市场非均衡模型解析“中国之谜”与长期流动性过剩……………………………………………………………………………………李治国 (38) 全流通进程中的中国股市全收益率研究………………………………………陈璋李惊(45) 金融体系内风险转移及其对金融稳定性影响研究……………………………………许荣(50) 金融衍生品交易监管的国际合作……………………………………………………谭燕芝等(56) 税收饶让发展面临的挑战及我国的选择………………………………………………张文春(61) 区域产业结构对人民币升值“逆效应”的影响………………………………………孙伯良(66) 企业社会责任管理新理念:从社会责任到社会资本……………………………………易开刚(71) 关于建设创新型国家的讨论综述………………………………………………………杨万东(76)经济理论与经济管理[月刊]= Economic Theory and Business Management.—第1期,2008年.—北京:《经济理论与经济管理》编辑部,(100080).8.00元ISSN 1000-596X CN 11-1517/F索书号:F2/12 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼本期目录内容经济热点中国宏观经济形势与政策:2007—2008年………………………中国人民大学经济学研究所(5) 理论探索出口战略、代工行为与本土企业创新——来自江苏地区制造业企业的经验证据…张杰等(12) FDI在华独资化的动因——基于吸收能力的分析……………………………秦凤鸣张中楠(20) 学术前沿主权财富基金的发展及对21世纪初世界经济的影响………………………宋玉华李锋(27) 公共经济环境税“双重红利”假说述评……………………………………………………………司言武(34) 基于合谋下的税收征管激励机制设计………………………………………………岳朝龙,等(39) 金融研究内生货币体系下房价波动对货币供求的冲击…………………………………丁晨屠梅曾(43) 基于DEA的中小企业债务融资效率研究………………………………………曾江洪陈迪宇(50) 区域经济地区经济增长中的金融要素贡献的差异与金融资源配置优化——基于环北部湾(中国)经济区的实证分析…………………………………范祚军等(54) 工商管理基于价值链的预算信息协同机制研究………………………………………………张瑞君,等(59) 公司特征、行业特征和产业转型类型的实证研究……………………………王德鲁宋学锋(64) 国际经济基于市场体系变迁的中国与欧洲银行业发展比较……………………………胡波郭艳(70) 动态与综述我国发展现代农业问题讨论综述………………………………………………………王碧峰(75) 全国马克思列宁主义经济学说史学会第十一次学术研讨会纪要……………………张旭(80)国有资产管理[月刊]= State assets management /中国人民共和国财政部.-第1期,2008年.—北京:《国有资产管理》杂志社,(100036) .10.00元ISSN 1002-4247 CN 11-2798索书号:F2/51 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容贯彻落实科学发展观开创中央企业又好又快发展新局面.................................李荣融(4)努力做好新形势下的监事会工作..................................................................黄丹华(8)资产评估行业发展的重要里程碑...............................................................朱志刚(13)加快评估立法步伐加强评估法律体系建设................................................石秀诗(15)资产评估行业将进入新的发展时期............................................................李伟(16)提升资产评估执业质量促进资本市场健康发展..........................................李小雪(17)评估准则对中国不动产及相关资产评估的作用..............................埃尔文.费南德斯(18)发挥评估准则对中国资产评估行业健康发展的作用.......................................林兰源(20)正确发展适合中国国情的评估准则..........................................格来格.麦克纳马拉(21)财政部国资委关于印发《中央企业国有资本收益收取管理暂行办法》的通知 (22)财政部关于印发《中央国有资本经营预算编报试行办法》的通知 (25)力口快建立国有资本经营预算推动国民经济又好又快发展..............................贾谌(28)关于国有企业改制和整体上市..................................................................季晓南(30)加快建立科学规范的财务监督体系............................................................孟建民(39)贯彻科学发展观’开创财务监督管理工作新局面..........................................赵杰(43)寓监管于服务之中——对做好四川国资监管工作的思考.................................李成云(47)努力实现广西区国资国企健康发展............................................................尹建国(49)新企业会计准则对国资监管可能带来的影响................................................安玉理(52)2007年宏观经济形势分析及2008年展望 (54)央企人力资源管理的“蜕变”......................................................周放生张应语(57)推进预算管理与资产管理相结合的实践探索.......................................广东省财政厅(60)规范事业资产管理保障水利事业可持续发展..............................水利部财务经济司(63)全面提高产权管理水平推动中国石化快速发展.....................中国石油化工集团公司(66)规范运作加快整合提高控股上市公司的核心竞争力......中国航空工业第一集团公司(69)强化产权制度建设实现产权规范有序流转.................................国家开发投资公司(71)加强国有资产评估管理确保国有资产有效流转...........................中国电信集团公司(74)上市公司国有股价值变化的信息披露.............................................文宗瑜谭静(77)进一步提高中央企业安全生产管理水平 (80)国有资产管理[月刊]= State assets management /中国人民共和国财政部—2期,2008年.—北京:《国有资产管理》杂志社,(100036) .10.00元ISSN 1002-4247 CN 11-2798索书号:F2/51 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容进一步提高中央企业安全生产管理水平.........................................................黄淑和(4)关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见 (10)深入贯彻落实科学发展观更好地推进中央企业履行社会责任工作——国务院国资委就《关于中央企业履行社会责任的指导意见》答记者问 (12)完善体制机制和政策措施促进经济发展方式转变.......................................陈柱兵(17)转变国有经济发展方式实现国有资产保值增值.......................................郭复初等(21)国有独资公司董事会的重塑.....................................................................赵大鹏(25)加强沟通交流提高监督质量......................................................张仆杨中静(29)以科学发展理念构建地方国资监管体系的思考.............................................汤光强(31)2008年宏观经济增长趋势展望及政策建议...................................................课题组(34)强化资产安全与效益监管服务交通事业又好又快发展........................交通部财务司(38)积极探索整合资源加强事业单位国有资产处置管理........................湖南省财政厅(41)全面开创国有资产管理工作新局面...................................................河南省财政厅(43)在实践中不断捉高集团公司产权管理水平.................................中国核工业集团公司(46)规范产权管理做好主辅分离助推企业发展........................中国冶金科工集团公司(49)公司治理与企业竞争力...........................................................................周放生(53)中国资产评估协会关于印发《资产评估准则——评估报告》等7项资产评估准则的通知 (55)国有公司治理结构存在的问题及其法律风险防范……………………………………王玉宝(61)加强对外投资及多种经营监管…………………………………………………………张凯(64)盈余管理对企业有益性的探讨…………………………………………………………葛晓红(66)国有企业引进战略投资者的策略……………………………………………屈艳芳郭敏(68)促进我国企业内部控制的建设………………………………………………张宜霞文远怀(71)企业年金信托管理的治理结构研究(一) ……………………………………李连仁周伯岩(74)美英国家政府绩效考评对我国的启示与借鉴…………………………………………聂常虹(76)复印报刊资料·外贸经济、国际贸易[月刊]=Economy of Foreign Trade And Internaional Trade.—第1期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).11.00元ISSN 1001-3407 CN 11-4289/F索书号:F7/17 馆藏地:西康校区四楼本期目录内容本刊综述2007年国际贸易与我国对外贸易问题综述………………………………………………王亚星(3) 研究与探讨试论新贸易理论之新……………………………………………………………郭界秀朱廷捃(9) 比较优势理论的有效性:基于中国历史数据的检验……………………………………管汉晖(14) 制度分析视角中的贸易开放与经济增长——以投资效率为中心……………………盘为龙(23) 国际贸易、外国直接投资、经济增长对环境质量的影响——基于环境库兹涅茨曲线研究的回顾与展望…………………………胡亮潘厉(30) 贸易政策贸易模式与国家贸易政策差异…………………………………………………………曹吉云(37) 分工演进对贸易政策的影响分析——基于交易成本的考虑…………………张亚斌李峰(44) 中国贸易结构的变化特点、决定要素以及政策建议……………………………………章艳红(50) 专题:进出口贸易二元经济结构、实际汇率错位及其对进出口贸易影响的实证分析……………………吕剑(56) 人民币汇率波动性对中国进出口影响的分析……………………………………谷宇高铁梅(66) 中国对外贸易出口结构存在的问题……………………………………………………魏浩(75) 服务贸易国际知识型服务贸易发展的现状、前景及我国对策分析……………………潘菁刘辉煌(80) 国际服务外包趋势与我国服务外包的发展……………………………………李岳云席庆高(86) 文摘加快我国资本输出和经济国际化的建议......................................................裴长洪(90) 双赢的中美经贸关系缘何被扭曲...............................................................李若谷(91) 索引 (93)英文目录 (96)复印报刊资料·市场营销 [月刊]=Marketing.—第2期,2008年.—北京:中国人民大学书报资料中心,(100086).6.00元ISSN 1009-1351 CN 11-4288/F索书号:F7/26 馆藏地:西康校区四楼视点营销资讯 (4)特别关注激情燃烧的岁月——行将远去的2007…………………………………………………刘超等(6) 营销创新数字营销上路……………………………………………………………………………岳占仁(12) 手机广告:精准营销的黄金地段…………………………………………………………王浩(15) 论坛营销分析中小企业网上营销安全问题分析...............................................................潘素琼(17) 如何克服电子邮件营销中的广种薄收.........................................................郝洁莹(19) 国产洗发水何以走出迷局? (21)营销人物校长茅理翔………………………………………………………………………………叶丽雅(23) 营销策略博客营销策略……………………………………………………………………………缪启军(26) 企业社会责任标准下的出口营销策略转变……………………………………于晓玲胡日新(29) 品牌管理品牌管理的价值法则……………………………………………………………………辰平(30) 品牌延伸:中国企业需要补课……………………………………………………………曾朝晖(33) 渠道管理渠道模式:一半是火焰一半是海水………………………………………………………钱言(36) 弱势品牌渠道拓展之路…………………………………………………………吴勇毅陈绍华(39) 销售管理销售经理管控销售队伍的四种工具……………………………………………………谢宗云(41) 遭遇难题,见招拆招……………………………………………………………虞坚老树(44) 销售冠军是怎样炼成的——专访苏宁朝阳路店店长刘玉君…………………………齐鹏(47) 成功策划“右手之戒”成就戴比尔斯 (49)拉芳舍一个休闲餐饮王国扩张之谜……………………………………………………王翼(51) 阿尔迪最赚钱的“穷人店”………………………………………………………………杨育谋(53) 个案解读LG巧克力手机得失之间…………………………………………………………………林景新(56) 南京菲亚特:四面楚歌……………………………………………………………………陈宇祥(58) 奥克斯:反思“三大败笔”…………………………………………………………………刘步尘(62)财经科学[月刊]=Finance And Economics—第4期,2007年.—成都:《财经科学》编辑部,(610074).8.00元ISSN1000-8306 CN51-1104/F索书号: F8/19 馆藏地:本部四楼江宁二楼。



弹性力学专业英语英汉互译词汇弹性力学elasticity弹性理论theory of elasticity均匀应力状态homogeneous state of stress应力不变量stress invariant应变不变量strain invariant应变椭球strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态homogeneous state ofstrain应变协调方程equation of straincompatibility拉梅常量Lame constants各向同性弹性isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘rotating circular disk楔wedge开尔文问题Kelvin problem布西内斯克问题Boussinesq problem艾里应力函数Airy stress function克罗索夫--穆斯赫利Kolosoff- 什维利法Muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis板Plate矩形板Rectangular plate圆板Circular plate环板Annular plate波纹板Corrugated plate加劲板Stiffened plate,reinforcedPlate中厚板Plate of moderate thickness 弯[曲]应力函数Stress function of bending 壳Shell扁壳Shallow shell旋转壳Revolutionary shell球壳Spherical shell [圆]柱壳Cylindrical shell锥壳Conical shell环壳Toroidal shell封闭壳Closed shell波纹壳Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数Warping function半逆解法semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法Rayleigh-Ritz method 松弛法Relaxation method莱维法Levy method松弛Relaxation量纲分析Dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity影响面Influence surface接触应力Contact stress赫兹理论Hertz theory协调接触Conforming contact滑动接触Sliding contact滚动接触Rolling contact压入Indentation各向异性弹性Anisotropic elasticity颗粒材料Granular material散体力学Mechanics of granular media 热弹性Thermoelasticity超弹性Hyperelasticity粘弹性Viscoelasticity对应原理Correspondence principle褶皱Wrinkle塑性全量理论Total theory of plasticity 滑动Sliding微滑Microslip粗糙度Roughness非线性弹性Nonlinear elasticity大挠度Large deflection突弹跳变snap-through有限变形Finite deformation格林应变Green strain阿尔曼西应变Almansi strain弹性动力学Dynamic elasticity运动方程Equation of motion准静态的Quasi-static气动弹性Aeroelasticity水弹性Hydroelasticity颤振Flutter弹性波Elastic wave简单波Simple wave柱面波Cylindrical wave水平剪切波Horizontal shear wave竖直剪切波Vertical shear wave 体波body wave无旋波Irrotational wave畸变波Distortion wave膨胀波Dilatation wave瑞利波Rayleigh wave等容波Equivoluminal wave勒夫波Love wave界面波Interfacial wave边缘效应edge effect塑性力学Plasticity可成形性Formability金属成形Metal forming耐撞性Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性Structural crashworthiness 拉拔Drawing破坏机构Collapse mechanism回弹Springback挤压Extrusion冲压Stamping穿透Perforation层裂Spalling塑性理论Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论Shake-down theory运动安定定理kinematic shake-down theorem静力安定定理Static shake-down theorem 率相关理论rate dependent theorem 载荷因子load factor加载准则Loading criterion加载函数Loading function加载面Loading surface塑性加载Plastic loading塑性加载波Plastic loading wave简单加载Simple loading比例加载Proportional loading卸载Unloading卸载波Unloading wave冲击载荷Impulsive load阶跃载荷step load脉冲载荷pulse load极限载荷limit load中性变载nentral loading拉抻失稳instability in tension 加速度波acceleration wave本构方程constitutive equation 完全解complete solution名义应力nominal stress过应力over-stress真应力true stress等效应力equivalent stress流动应力flow stress应力间断stress discontinuity应力空间stress space主应力空间principal stress space静水应力状态hydrostatic state of stress 对数应变logarithmic strain工程应变engineering strain等效应变equivalent strain应变局部化strain localization应变率strain rate应变率敏感性strain rate sensitivity 应变空间strain space有限应变finite strain塑性应变增量plastic strain increment 累积塑性应变accumulated plastic strain 永久变形permanent deformation内变量internal variable应变软化strain-softening理想刚塑性材料rigid-perfectly plasticMaterial刚塑性材料rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料perfectl plastic material 材料稳定性stability of material应变偏张量deviatoric tensor of strain 应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress 应变球张量spherical tensor of strain 应力球张量spherical tensor of stress 路径相关性path-dependency线性强化linear strain-hardening应变强化strain-hardening随动强化kinematic hardening各向同性强化isotropic hardening强化模量strain-hardening modulus幂强化power hardening塑性极限弯矩plastic limit bendingMoment塑性极限扭矩plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面elastic-plastic interface 弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion粘塑性Viscoplasticity非弹性Inelasticity理想弹塑性材料elastic-perfectly plasticMaterial极限分析limit analysis极限设计limit design极限面limit surface上限定理upper bound theorem上屈服点upper yield point下限定理lower bound theorem下屈服点lower yield point界限定理bound theorem初始屈服面initial yield surface后继屈服面subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性convexity of yield surface 截面形状因子shape factor of cross-section沙堆比拟sand heap analogy屈服Yield屈服条件yield condition屈服准则yield criterion屈服函数yield function屈服面yield surface塑性势plastic potential 能量吸收装置energy absorbing device 能量耗散率energy absorbing device 塑性动力学dynamic plasticity塑性动力屈曲dynamic plastic buckling 塑性动力响应dynamic plastic response 塑性波plastic wave运动容许场kinematically admissibleField 静力容许场statically admissibleField流动法则flow rule速度间断velocity discontinuity滑移线slip-lines滑移线场slip-lines field移行塑性铰travelling plastic hinge 塑性增量理论incremental theory ofPlasticity米泽斯屈服准则Mises yield criterion 普朗特--罗伊斯关系prandtl- Reuss relation 特雷斯卡屈服准则Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程Hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应Haigh-Westergaard 力空间stress space洛德应变参数Lode strain parameter德鲁克公设Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程Geiringer velocityEquation结构力学structural mechanics结构分析structural analysis结构动力学structural dynamics拱Arch三铰拱three-hinged arch抛物线拱parabolic arch圆拱circular arch穹顶Dome空间结构space structure空间桁架space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力earth pressure地震载荷earthquake loading弹簧支座spring support支座位移support displacement支座沉降support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy机动分析kinematic analysis结点法method of joints截面法method of sections结点力joint forces共轭位移conjugate displacement影响线influence line三弯矩方程three-moment equation单位虚力unit virtual force刚度系数stiffness coefficient柔度系数flexibility coefficient力矩分配moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method 力矩再分配moment redistribution分配系数distribution factor矩阵位移法matri displacement method 单元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix 单元应变矩阵element strain matrix总体坐标global coordinates贝蒂定理Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法Gauss-Jordan eliminationMethod屈曲模态buckling mode复合材料力学mechanics of composites复合材料composite material纤维复合材料fibrous composite单向复合材料unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料foamed composite颗粒复合材料particulate composite 层板Laminate夹层板sandwich panel正交层板cross-ply laminate斜交层板angle-ply laminate层片Ply多胞固体cellular solid膨胀Expansion压实Debulk劣化Degradation脱层Delamination脱粘Debond纤维应力fiber stress层应力ply stress层应变ply strain层间应力interlaminar stress比强度specific strength强度折减系数strength reduction factor 强度应力比strength -stress ratio 横向剪切模量transverse shear modulus 横观各向同性transverse isotropy正交各向异Orthotropy剪滞分析shear lag analysis短纤维chopped fiber长纤维continuous fiber纤维方向fiber direction纤维断裂fiber break纤维拔脱fiber pull-out纤维增强fiber reinforcement致密化Densification最小重量设计optimum weight design网格分析法netting analysis混合律rule of mixture失效准则failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则Tsai-W u failure criterion 达格代尔模型Dugdale model断裂力学fracture mechanics概率断裂力学probabilistic fractureMechanics格里菲思理论Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracturemechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学elastic-plastic fracturemecha-nics, EPFM 断裂Fracture脆性断裂brittle fracture解理断裂cleavage fracture蠕变断裂creep fracture延性断裂ductile fracture晶间断裂inter-granular fracture 准解理断裂quasi-cleavage fracture 穿晶断裂trans-granular fracture裂纹Crack裂缝Flaw缺陷Defect割缝Slit微裂纹Microcrack折裂Kink椭圆裂纹elliptical crack深埋裂纹embedded crack[钱]币状裂纹penny-shape crack预制裂纹Precrack短裂纹short crack表面裂纹surface crack裂纹钝化crack blunting裂纹分叉crack branching裂纹闭合crack closure裂纹前缘crack front裂纹嘴crack mouth裂纹张开角crack opening angle,COA 裂纹张开位移crack opening displacement,COD裂纹阻力crack resistance裂纹面crack surface裂纹尖端crack tip裂尖张角crack tip opening angle,CTOA裂尖张开位移crack tip openingdisplacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场crack tip singularityField裂纹扩展速率crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展subcritical crack growth 裂纹[扩展]减速crack retardation 止裂crack arrest止裂韧度arrest toughness断裂类型fracture mode滑开型sliding mode张开型opening mode撕开型tearing mode复合型mixed mode撕裂Tearing撕裂模量tearing modulus断裂准则fracture criterionJ积分J-integral J阻力曲线J-resistance curve断裂韧度fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factor HRR场Hutchinson-Rice-RosengrenField 守恒积分conservation integral 有效应力张量effective stress tensor 应变能密度strain energy density 能量释放率energy release rate内聚区cohesive zone塑性区plastic zone张拉区stretched zone热影响区heat affected zone, HAZ 延脆转变温度brittle-ductile transitiontempe- rature 剪切带shear band剪切唇shear lip无损检测non-destructive inspection 双边缺口试件double edge notchedspecimen, DEN specimen 单边缺口试件single edge notchedspecimen, SEN specimen 三点弯曲试件three point bendingspecimen, TPB specimen 中心裂纹拉伸试件center cracked tensionspecimen, CCT specimen 中心裂纹板试件center cracked panelspecimen, CCP specimen 紧凑拉伸试件compact tension specimen,CT specimen 大范围屈服large scale yielding小范围攻屈服small scale yielding韦布尔分布Weibull distribution帕里斯公式paris formula空穴化Cavitation应力腐蚀stress corrosion概率风险判定probabilistic riskassessment, PRA 损伤力学damage mechanics损伤Damage连续介质损伤力学continuum damage mechanics 细观损伤力学microscopic damage mechanics 累积损伤accumulated damage脆性损伤brittle damage延性损伤ductile damage宏观损伤macroscopic damage细观损伤microscopic damage微观损伤microscopic damage损伤准则damage criterion损伤演化方程damage evolution equation 损伤软化damage softening损伤强化damage strengthening损伤张量damage tensor损伤阈值damage threshold损伤变量damage variable损伤矢量damage vector损伤区damage zone疲劳Fatigue低周疲劳low cycle fatigue应力疲劳stress fatigue随机疲劳random fatigue蠕变疲劳creep fatigue腐蚀疲劳corrosion fatigue疲劳损伤fatigue damage疲劳失效fatigue failure疲劳断裂fatigue fracture 疲劳裂纹fatigue crack疲劳寿命fatigue life疲劳破坏fatigue rupture疲劳强度fatigue strength 疲劳辉纹fatigue striations 疲劳阈值fatigue threshold 交变载荷alternating load 交变应力alternating stress 应力幅值stress amplitude 应变疲劳strain fatigue应力循环stress cycle应力比stress ratio安全寿命safe life过载效应overloading effect 循环硬化cyclic hardening 循环软化cyclic softening 环境效应environmental effect 裂纹片crack gage裂纹扩展crack growth, crackPropagation裂纹萌生crack initiation 循环比cycle ratio实验应力分析experimental stressAnalysis工作[应变]片active[strain] gage基底材料backing material应力计stress gage零[点]飘移zero shift, zero drift 应变测量strain measurement应变计strain gage应变指示器strain indicator应变花strain rosette应变灵敏度strain sensitivity机械式应变仪mechanical strain gage 直角应变花rectangular rosette引伸仪Extensometer应变遥测telemetering of strain 横向灵敏系数transverse gage factor 横向灵敏度transverse sensitivity 焊接式应变计weldable strain gage平衡电桥balanced bridge粘贴式应变计bonded strain gage粘贴箔式应变计bonded foiled gage粘贴丝式应变计bonded wire gage 桥路平衡bridge balancing电容应变计capacitance strain gage 补偿片compensation technique 补偿技术compensation technique 基准电桥reference bridge电阻应变计resistance strain gage 温度自补偿应变计self-temperaturecompensating gage半导体应变计semiconductor strainGage 集流器slip ring应变放大镜strain amplifier疲劳寿命计fatigue life gage电感应变计inductance [strain] gage 光[测]力学Photomechanics光弹性Photoelasticity光塑性Photoplasticity杨氏条纹Young fringe双折射效应birefrigent effect等位移线contour of equalDisplacement 暗条纹dark fringe条纹倍增fringe multiplication 干涉条纹interference fringe等差线Isochromatic等倾线Isoclinic等和线isopachic应力光学定律stress- optic law主应力迹线Isostatic亮条纹light fringe光程差optical path difference 热光弹性photo-thermo -elasticity 光弹性贴片法photoelastic coatingMethod光弹性夹片法photoelastic sandwichMethod动态光弹性dynamic photo-elasticity 空间滤波spatial filtering空间频率spatial frequency起偏镜Polarizer反射式光弹性仪reflection polariscope残余双折射效应residual birefringentEffect应变条纹值strain fringe value应变光学灵敏度strain-optic sensitivity 应力冻结效应stress freezing effect应力条纹值stress fringe value应力光图stress-optic pattern暂时双折射效应temporary birefringentEffect脉冲全息法pulsed holography透射式光弹性仪transmission polariscope 实时全息干涉法real-time holographicinterfero - metry 网格法grid method全息光弹性法holo-photoelasticity 全息图Hologram全息照相Holograph全息干涉法holographic interferometry 全息云纹法holographic moire technique 全息术Holography全场分析法whole-field analysis散斑干涉法speckle interferometry 散斑Speckle错位散斑干涉法speckle-shearinginterferometry, shearography 散斑图Specklegram白光散斑法white-light speckle method 云纹干涉法moire interferometry [叠栅]云纹moire fringe[叠栅]云纹法moire method 云纹图moire pattern离面云纹法off-plane moire method参考栅reference grating试件栅specimen grating分析栅analyzer grating面内云纹法in-plane moire method脆性涂层法brittle-coating method条带法strip coating method坐标变换transformation ofCoordinates计算结构力学computational structuralmecha-nics加权残量法weighted residual method 有限差分法finite difference method 有限[单]元法finite element method 配点法point collocation里茨法Ritz method广义变分原理generalized variationalPrinciple 最小二乘法least square method胡[海昌]一鹫津原理Hu-Washizu principle赫林格-赖斯纳原理Hellinger-ReissnerPrinciple 修正变分原理modified variationalPrinciple 约束变分原理constrained variationalPrinciple混合法mixed method杂交法hybrid method边界解法boundary solution method有限条法finite strip method半解析法semi-analytical method协调元conforming element非协调元non-conforming element混合元mixed element杂交元hybrid element边界元boundary element 强迫边界条件forced boundary condition 自然边界条件natural boundary condition 离散化Discretization离散系统discrete system连续问题continuous problem广义位移generalized displacement广义载荷generalized load广义应变generalized strain广义应力generalized stress界面变量interface variable节点node, nodal point [单]元Element角节点corner node边节点mid-side node内节点internal node无节点变量nodeless variable 杆元bar element桁架杆元truss element梁元beam element二维元two-dimensional element 一维元one-dimensional element 三维元three-dimensional element 轴对称元axisymmetric element板元plate element壳元shell element厚板元thick plate element三角形元triangular element四边形元quadrilateral element 四面体元tetrahedral element曲线元curved element二次元quadratic element线性元linear element三次元cubic element四次元quartic element等参[数]元isoparametric element超参数元super-parametric element 亚参数元sub-parametric element节点数可变元variable-number-node element 拉格朗日元Lagrange element拉格朗日族Lagrange family巧凑边点元serendipity element巧凑边点族serendipity family无限元infinite element单元分析element analysis单元特性element characteristics 刚度矩阵stiffness matrix几何矩阵geometric matrix等效节点力equivalent nodal force节点位移nodal displacement节点载荷nodal load位移矢量displacement vector载荷矢量load vector质量矩阵mass matrix集总质量矩阵lumped mass matrix相容质量矩阵consistent mass matrix阻尼矩阵damping matrix瑞利阻尼Rayleigh damping刚度矩阵的组集assembly of stiffnessMatrices载荷矢量的组集consistent mass matrix质量矩阵的组集assembly of mass matrices 单元的组集assembly of elements局部坐标系local coordinate system局部坐标local coordinate面积坐标area coordinates体积坐标volume coordinates曲线坐标curvilinear coordinates静凝聚static condensation合同变换contragradient transformation 形状函数shape function试探函数trial function检验函数test function权函数weight function样条函数spline function代用函数substitute function降阶积分reduced integration零能模式zero-energy modeP收敛p-convergenceH收敛h-convergence掺混插值blended interpolation等参数映射isoparametric mapping双线性插值bilinear interpolation小块检验patch test非协调模式incompatible mode节点号node number单元号element number带宽band width带状矩阵banded matrix变带状矩阵profile matrix带宽最小化minimization of band width 波前法frontal method子空间迭代法subspace iteration method 行列式搜索法determinant search method 逐步法step-by-step method纽马克法Newmark威尔逊法Wilson拟牛顿法quasi-Newton method牛顿-拉弗森法Newton-Raphson method 增量法incremental method初应变initial strain初应力initial stress切线刚度矩阵tangent stiffness matrix 割线刚度矩阵secant stiffness matrix 模态叠加法mode superposition method 平衡迭代equilibrium iteration子结构Substructure子结构法substructure technique超单元super-element网格生成mesh generation结构分析程序structural analysis program 前处理pre-processing后处理post-processing网格细化mesh refinement应力光顺stress smoothing组合结构composite structure。



固体力学英语词汇翻译(1)固体力学英语词汇翻译(1)固体力学英语词汇翻译(1)弹性力学elasticity弹性理论theory of elasticity均匀应力状态homogeneous state of stress应力不变量stress invariant应变不变量strain invariant应变椭球strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态homogeneous state of strain应变协调方程equation of strain compatibility拉梅常量lame constants各向同性弹性isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘rotating circular disk楔wedge开尔文问题kelvin problem布西内斯克问题boussinesq problem艾里应力函数airy stress function克罗索夫-穆斯赫利什维利法kolosoff-muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设kirchhoff hypothesis板plate矩形板rectangular plate圆板circular plate环板annular plate波纹板corrugated plate加劲板stiffened plate,reinforced plate中厚板plate of moderate thickness弯[曲]应力函数stress function of bending 壳shell扁壳shallow shell旋转壳revolutionary shell球壳spherical shell[圆]柱壳cylindrical shell锥壳conical shell环壳toroidal shell封闭壳closed shell波纹壳corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数stress function of torsion 翘曲函数warping function半逆解法semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法rayleigh-ritz method松弛法relaxation method莱维法levy method松弛relaxation量纲分析dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity影响面influence surface接触应力contact stress赫兹理论hertz theory协调接触conforming contact滑动接触sliding contact滚动接触rolling contact压入indentation各向异性弹性anisotropic elasticity颗粒材料granular material散体力学mechanics of granular media 热弹性thermoelasticity超弹性hyperelasticity粘弹性viscoelasticity对应原理correspondence principle褶皱wrinkle塑性全量理论total theory of plasticity 滑动sliding微滑microslip粗糙度roughness非线性弹性nonlinear elasticity 大挠度large deflection突弹跳变snap-through有限变形finite deformation格林应变green strain阿尔曼西应变almansi strain弹性动力学dynamic elasticity运动方程equation of motion准静态的quasi-static气动弹性aeroelasticity水弹性hydroelasticity颤振flutter弹性波elastic wave简单波simple wave柱面波cylindrical wave水平剪切波horizontal shear wave 竖直剪切波vertical shear wave 体波body wave无旋波irrotational wave畸变波distortion wave膨胀波dilatation wave瑞利波rayleigh wave等容波equivoluminal wave勒夫波love wave界面波interfacial wave边缘效应edge effect塑性力学plasticity可成形性formability金属成形metal forming耐撞性crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性structural crashworthiness拉拔drawing破坏机构collapse mechanism回弹springback挤压extrusion冲压stamping穿透perforation层裂spalling塑性理论theory of plasticity安定[性]理论shake-down theory运动安定定理kinematic shake-down theorem 静力安定定理static shake-down theorem率相关理论rate dependent theorem载荷因子load factor加载准则loading criterion加载函数loading function加载面loading surface塑性加载plastic loading塑性加载波plastic loading wave 简单加载simple loading比例加载proportional loading 卸载unloading卸载波unloading wave冲击载荷impulsive load阶跃载荷step load脉冲载荷pulse load极限载荷limit load中性变载nentral loading拉抻失稳instability in tension 加速度波acceleration wave本构方程constitutive equation 完全解complete solution名义应力nominal stress过应力over-stress真应力true stress等效应力equivalent stress流动应力flow stress应力间断stress discontinuity应力空间stress space主应力空间principal stress space静水应力状态hydrostatic state of stress对数应变logarithmic strain工程应变engineering strain等效应变equivalent strain应变局部化strain localization应变率strain rate应变率敏感性strain rate sensitivity应变空间strain space有限应变finite strain塑性应变增量plastic strain increment累积塑性应变accumulated plastic strain永久变形permanent deformation内变量internal variable应变软化strain-softening理想刚塑性材料rigid-perfectly plastic material刚塑性材料rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料perfectl plastic material材料稳定性stability of material应变偏张量deviatoric tensor of strain应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress应变球张量spherical tensor of strain应力球张量spherical tensor of stress路径相关性path-dependency线性强化linear strain-hardening应变强化strain-hardening随动强化kinematic hardening各向同性强化isotropic hardening强化模量strain-hardening modulus幂强化power hardening塑性极限弯矩plastic limit bending moment塑性极限扭矩plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面elastic-plastic interface弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion粘塑性viscoplasticity非弹性inelasticity理想弹塑性材料elastic-perfectly plastic material极限分析limit analysis极限设计limit design极限面limit surface上限定理upper bound theorem上屈服点upper yield point下限定理lower bound theorem下屈服点lower yield point界限定理bound theorem初始屈服面initial yield surface后继屈服面subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性convexity of yield surface 截面形状因子shape factor of cross-section 沙堆比拟sand heap analogy屈服yield屈服条件yield condition屈服准则yield criterion屈服函数yield function屈服面yield surface塑性势plastic potential能量吸收装置energy absorbing device能量耗散率energy absorbing device塑性动力学dynamic plasticity塑性动力屈曲dynamic plastic buckling塑性动力响应dynamic plastic response塑性波plastic wave运动容许场kinematically admissible field静力容许场statically admissible field流动法则flow rule速度间断velocity discontinuity滑移线slip-lines滑移线场slip-lines field移行塑性铰travelling plastic hinge塑性增量理论incremental theory of plasticity米泽斯屈服准则mises yield criterion普朗特--罗伊斯关系prandtl- reuss relation特雷斯卡屈服准则tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系levy-mises relation亨基应力方程hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应力空间haigh-westergaard stress space 洛德应变参数lode strain parameter德鲁克公设drucker postulate盖林格速度方程geiringer velocity equation结构力学structural mechanics结构分析structural analysis结构动力学structural dynamics拱arch三铰拱three-hinged arch抛物线拱parabolic arch圆拱circular arch穹顶dome空间结构space structure空间桁架space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力earth pressure地震载荷earthquake loading弹簧支座spring support支座位移support displacement支座沉降support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy 机动分析kinematic analysis结点法method of joints截面法method of sections结点力joint forces共轭位移conjugate displacement影响线influence line三弯矩方程three-moment equation单位虚力unit virtual force刚度系数stiffness coefficient柔度系数flexibility coefficient力矩分配moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method力矩再分配moment redistribution分配系数distribution factor矩阵位移法matri displacement method单元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix单元应变矩阵element strain matrix总体坐标global coordinates贝蒂定理betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法gauss-jordan elimination method 屈曲模态buckling mode复合材料力学mechanics of composites复合材料composite material纤维复合材料fibrous composite单向复合材料unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料foamed composite颗粒复合材料particulate composite层板laminate夹层板sandwich panel正交层板cross-ply laminate斜交层板angle-ply laminate层片ply多胞固体cellular solid膨胀expansion压实debulk劣化degradation脱层delamination脱粘debond纤维应力fiber stress层应力ply stress层应变ply strain层间应力interlaminar stress比强度specific strength强度折减系数strength reduction factor 强度应力比strength -stress ratio横向剪切模量transverse shear modulus 横观各向同性transverse isotropy正交各向异orthotropy剪滞分析shear lag analysis短纤维chopped fiber长纤维continuous fiber纤维方向fiber direction纤维断裂fiber break纤维拔脱fiber pull-out纤维增强fiber reinforcement致密化densification最小重量设计optimum weight design网格分析法netting analysis混合律rule of mixture失效准则failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则tsai-w u failure criterion达格代尔模型dugdale model断裂力学fracture mechanics概率断裂力学probabilistic fracture mechanics格里菲思理论griffith theory线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracture mechanics, lefm 弹塑性断裂力学elastic-plastic fracture mecha-nics, epfm 断裂fracture脆性断裂brittle fracture解理断裂cleavage fracture蠕变断裂creep fracture延性断裂ductile fracture晶间断裂inter-granular fracture准解理断裂quasi-cleavage fracture 穿晶断裂trans-granular fracture裂纹crack裂缝flaw缺陷defect割缝slit微裂纹microcrack折裂kink椭圆裂纹elliptical crack深埋裂纹embedded crack[钱]币状裂纹penny-shape crack预制裂纹precrack短裂纹short crack表面裂纹surface crack裂纹钝化crack blunting裂纹分叉crack branching裂纹闭合crack closure裂纹前缘crack front裂纹嘴crack mouth裂纹张开角crack opening angle,coa裂纹张开位移crack opening displacement, cod 裂纹阻力crack resistance固体力学英语词汇翻译(1) 相关内容:。



弹性力学elasticity弹性理论theory of elasticity 均匀应力状态homogeneous state of stress 应力不变量stress invariant应变不变量strain invariant应变椭球strain ellipsoid 均匀应变状态homogeneous state ofstrain 应变协调方程equation of straincompatibility 拉梅常量Lame constants 各向同性弹性isotropic elasticity 旋转圆盘rotating circular disk 楔wedge开尔文问题Kelvin problem 布西内斯克问题Boussinesq problem艾里应力函数Airy stress function克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维Kolosoff-利法Muskhelishvili method 基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis 板Plate矩形板Rectangular plate圆板Circular plate环板Annular plate波纹板Corrugated plate加劲板Stiffened plate,reinforcedPlate 中厚板Plate of moderate thickness 弯[曲]应力函数Stress function of bending 壳Shell扁壳Shallow shell旋转壳Revolutionary shell球壳Spherical shell [圆]柱壳Cylindrical shell 锥壳Conical shell环壳Toroidal shell封闭壳Closed shell波纹壳Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数Warping function半逆解法semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法Rayleigh-Ritz method 松弛法Relaxation method莱维法Levy method松弛Relaxation 量纲分析Dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity 影响面Influence surface接触应力Contact stress赫兹理论Hertz theory协调接触Conforming contact滑动接触Sliding contact滚动接触Rolling contact压入Indentation各向异性弹性Anisotropic elasticity 颗粒材料Granular material散体力学Mechanics of granular media 热弹性Thermoelasticity超弹性Hyperelasticity粘弹性Viscoelasticity对应原理Correspondence principle 褶皱Wrinkle塑性全量理论Total theory of plasticity 滑动Sliding微滑Microslip粗糙度Roughness非线性弹性Nonlinear elasticity 大挠度Large deflection突弹跳变snap-through有限变形Finite deformation格林应变Green strain阿尔曼西应变Almansi strain弹性动力学Dynamic elasticity运动方程Equation of motion准静态的Quasi-static气动弹性Aeroelasticity水弹性Hydroelasticity颤振Flutter弹性波Elastic wave简单波Simple wave柱面波Cylindrical wave水平剪切波Horizontal shear wave竖直剪切波Vertical shear wave 体波body wave无旋波Irrotational wave畸变波Distortion wave膨胀波Dilatation wave瑞利波Rayleigh wave等容波Equivoluminal wave勒夫波Love wave界面波Interfacial wave边缘效应edge effect塑性力学Plasticity可成形性Formability金属成形Metal forming耐撞性Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性Structural crashworthiness 拉拔Drawing 破坏机构Collapse mechanism 回弹Springback挤压Extrusion冲压Stamping穿透Perforation层裂Spalling 塑性理论Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论Shake-down theory运动安定定理kinematic shake-down theorem静力安定定理Static shake-down theorem 率相关理论rate dependent theorem 载荷因子load factor加载准则Loading criterion加载函数Loading function加载面Loading surface塑性加载Plastic loading塑性加载波Plastic loading wave 简单加载Simple loading比例加载Proportional loading 卸载Unloading卸载波Unloading wave冲击载荷Impulsive load阶跃载荷step load脉冲载荷pulse load极限载荷limit load中性变载nentral loading拉抻失稳instability in tension 加速度波acceleration wave本构方程constitutive equation 完全解complete solution名义应力nominal stress过应力over-stress真应力true stress等效应力equivalent stress流动应力flow stress应力间断stress discontinuity应力空间stress space主应力空间principal stress space静水应力状态hydrostatic state of stress 对数应变logarithmic strain工程应变engineering strain等效应变equivalent strain应变局部化strain localization 应变率strain rate应变率敏感性strain rate sensitivity 应变空间strain space有限应变finite strain塑性应变增量plastic strain increment 累积塑性应变accumulated plastic strain 永久变形permanent deformation内变量internal variable应变软化strain-softening理想刚塑性材料rigid-perfectly plasticMaterial刚塑性材料rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料perfectl plastic material 材料稳定性stability of material应变偏张量deviatoric tensor of strain 应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress 应变球张量spherical tensor of strain 应力球张量spherical tensor of stress 路径相关性path-dependency线性强化linear strain-hardening应变强化strain-hardening随动强化kinematic hardening各向同性强化isotropic hardening 强化模量strain-hardening modulus幂强化power hardening塑性极限弯矩plastic limit bendingMoment塑性极限扭矩plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面elastic-plastic interface 弹塑性扭转elastic-plastic torsion 粘塑性Viscoplasticity非弹性Inelasticity理想弹塑性材料elastic-perfectly plasticMaterial 极限分析limit analysis极限设计limit design极限面limit surface上限定理upper bound theorem上屈服点upper yield point下限定理lower bound theorem下屈服点lower yield point界限定理bound theorem初始屈服面initial yield surface后继屈服面subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性convexity of yield surface 截面形状因子shape factor of cross-section沙堆比拟sand heap analogy 屈服Yield 屈服条件yield condition屈服准则yield criterion屈服函数yield function屈服面yield surface塑性势plastic potential 能量吸收装置energy absorbing device 能量耗散率energy absorbing device 塑性动力学dynamic plasticity 塑性动力屈曲dynamic plastic buckling 塑性动力响应dynamic plastic response 塑性波plastic wave 运动容许场kinematically admissibleField 静力容许场statically admissibleField 流动法则flow rule速度间断velocity discontinuity滑移线slip-lines滑移线场slip-lines field移行塑性铰travelling plastic hinge 塑性增量理论incremental theory ofPlasticity 米泽斯屈服准则Mises yield criterion 普朗特--罗伊斯关系prandtl- Reuss relation 特雷斯卡屈服准则Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程Hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应力空Haigh-Westergaard 间stress space洛德应变参数Lode strain parameter德鲁克公设Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程Geiringer velocityEquation结构力学structural mechanics结构分析structural analysis结构动力学structural dynamics拱Arch三铰拱three-hinged arch抛物线拱parabolic arch圆拱circular arch穹顶Dome空间结构space structure空间桁架space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力earth pressure地震载荷earthquake loading弹簧支座spring support支座位移support displacement支座沉降support settlement超静定次数degree of indeterminacy机动分析kinematic analysis结点法method of joints截面法method of sections结点力joint forces共轭位移conjugate displacement影响线influence line 三弯矩方程three-moment equation单位虚力unit virtual force刚度系数stiffness coefficient柔度系数flexibility coefficient力矩分配moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method 力矩再分配moment redistribution分配系数distribution factor矩阵位移法matri displacement method 单元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix 单元应变矩阵element strain matrix 总体坐标global coordinates贝蒂定理Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法Gauss-Jordan eliminationMethod 屈曲模态buckling mode 复合材料力学mechanics of composites 复合材料composite material 纤维复合材料fibrous composite单向复合材料unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料foamed composite颗粒复合材料particulate composite 层板Laminate夹层板sandwich panel正交层板cross-ply laminate 斜交层板angle-ply laminate 层片Ply 多胞固体cellular solid 膨胀Expansion压实Debulk劣化Degradation脱层Delamination脱粘Debond 纤维应力fiber stress层应力ply stress层应变ply strain层间应力interlaminar stress比强度specific strength强度折减系数strength reduction factor 强度应力比strength -stress ratio 横向剪切模量transverse shear modulus 横观各向同性transverse isotropy正交各向异Orthotropy剪滞分析shear lag analysis短纤维chopped fiber长纤维continuous fiber纤维方向fiber direction纤维断裂fiber break纤维拔脱fiber pull-out纤维增强fiber reinforcement致密化Densification最小重量设计optimum weight design网格分析法netting analysis 混合律rule of mixture失效准则failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则Tsai-W u failure criterion 达格代尔模型Dugdale model 断裂力学fracture mechanics概率断裂力学probabilistic fractureMechanics格里菲思理论Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学linear elastic fracturemechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学elastic-plastic fracturemecha-nics, EPFM 断裂Fracture 脆性断裂brittle fracture解理断裂cleavage fracture蠕变断裂creep fracture延性断裂ductile fracture晶间断裂inter-granular fracture 准解理断裂quasi-cleavage fracture 穿晶断裂trans-granular fracture 裂纹Crack裂缝Flaw缺陷Defect割缝Slit微裂纹Microcrack折裂Kink 椭圆裂纹elliptical crack深埋裂纹embedded crack[钱]币状裂纹penny-shape crack 预制裂纹Precrack短裂纹short crack表面裂纹surface crack裂纹钝化crack blunting裂纹分叉crack branching裂纹闭合crack closure裂纹前缘crack front裂纹嘴crack mouth裂纹张开角crack opening angle,COA 裂纹张开位移crack opening displacement,COD 裂纹阻力crack resistance裂纹面crack surface裂纹尖端crack tip裂尖张角crack tip opening angle,CTOA裂尖张开位移crack tip openingdisplacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场crack tip singularityField裂纹扩展速率crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展subcritical crack growth 裂纹[扩展]减速crack retardation 止裂crack arrest 止裂韧度arrest toughness断裂类型fracture mode滑开型sliding mode张开型opening mode撕开型tearing mode复合型mixed mode撕裂Tearing 撕裂模量tearing modulus断裂准则fracture criterionJ积分J-integral J阻力曲线J-resistance curve断裂韧度fracture toughness应力强度因子stress intensity factor HRR场Hutchinson-Rice-RosengrenField 守恒积分conservation integral 有效应力张量effective stress tensor 应变能密度strain energy density 能量释放率energy release rate 内聚区cohesive zone塑性区plastic zone张拉区stretched zone热影响区heat affected zone, HAZ 延脆转变温度brittle-ductile transitiontempe- rature 剪切带shear band剪切唇shear lip无损检测non-destructive inspection 双边缺口试件double edge notchedspecimen, DEN specimen 单边缺口试件single edge notchedspecimen, SEN specimen 三点弯曲试件three point bendingspecimen, TPB specimen 中心裂纹拉伸试件center cracked tensionspecimen, CCT specimen 中心裂纹板试件center cracked panelspecimen, CCP specimen 紧凑拉伸试件compact tension specimen,CT specimen 大范围屈服large scale yielding小范围攻屈服small scale yielding 韦布尔分布Weibull distribution 帕里斯公式paris formula 空穴化Cavitation应力腐蚀stress corrosion概率风险判定probabilistic riskassessment, PRA 损伤力学damage mechanics 损伤Damage连续介质损伤力学continuum damage mechanics 细观损伤力学microscopic damage mechanics 累积损伤accumulated damage脆性损伤brittle damage延性损伤ductile damage宏观损伤macroscopic damage细观损伤microscopic damage微观损伤microscopic damage损伤准则damage criterion损伤演化方程damage evolution equation 损伤软化damage softening损伤强化damage strengthening损伤张量damage tensor损伤阈值damage threshold损伤变量damage variable损伤矢量damage vector损伤区damage zone疲劳Fatigue 低周疲劳low cycle fatigue应力疲劳stress fatigue随机疲劳random fatigue蠕变疲劳creep fatigue腐蚀疲劳corrosion fatigue疲劳损伤fatigue damage疲劳失效fatigue failure 疲劳断裂fatigue fracture 疲劳裂纹fatigue crack 疲劳寿命fatigue life疲劳破坏fatigue rupture 疲劳强度fatigue strength 疲劳辉纹fatigue striations 疲劳阈值fatigue threshold 交变载荷alternating load 交变应力alternating stress 应力幅值stress amplitude 应变疲劳strain fatigue 应力循环stress cycle应力比stress ratio安全寿命safe life过载效应overloading effect 循环硬化cyclic hardening 循环软化cyclic softening 环境效应environmental effect 裂纹片crack gage裂纹扩展crack growth, crackPropagation 裂纹萌生crack initiation 循环比cycle ratio实验应力分析experimental stressAnalysis工作[应变]片active[strain] gage基底材料backing material应力计stress gage 零[点]飘移zero shift, zero drift 应变测量strain measurement应变计strain gage 应变指示器strain indicator 应变花strain rosette 应变灵敏度strain sensitivity机械式应变仪mechanical strain gage 直角应变花rectangular rosette 引伸仪Extensometer应变遥测telemetering of strain 横向灵敏系数transverse gage factor 横向灵敏度transverse sensitivity 焊接式应变计weldable strain gage 平衡电桥balanced bridge粘贴式应变计bonded strain gage粘贴箔式应变计bonded foiled gage粘贴丝式应变计bonded wire gage 桥路平衡bridge balancing电容应变计capacitance strain gage 补偿片compensation technique 补偿技术compensation technique 基准电桥reference bridge电阻应变计resistance strain gage 温度自补偿应变计self-temperaturecompensating gage半导体应变计semiconductor strainGage 集流器slip ring应变放大镜strain amplifier疲劳寿命计fatigue life gage电感应变计inductance [strain] gage 光[测]力学Photomechanics 光弹性Photoelasticity光塑性Photoplasticity杨氏条纹Young fringe双折射效应birefrigent effect 等位移线contour of equalDisplacement 暗条纹dark fringe条纹倍增fringe multiplication 干涉条纹interference fringe 等差线Isochromatic等倾线Isoclinic等和线isopachic应力光学定律stress- optic law主应力迹线Isostatic 亮条纹light fringe光程差optical path difference 热光弹性photo-thermo -elasticity 光弹性贴片法photoelastic coatingMethod光弹性夹片法photoelastic sandwichMethod动态光弹性dynamic photo-elasticity 空间滤波spatial filtering空间频率spatial frequency起偏镜Polarizer反射式光弹性仪reflection polariscope残余双折射效应residual birefringentEffect应变条纹值strain fringe value应变光学灵敏度strain-optic sensitivity 应力冻结效应stress freezing effect应力条纹值stress fringe value应力光图stress-optic pattern暂时双折射效应temporary birefringentEffect脉冲全息法pulsed holography透射式光弹性仪transmission polariscope 实时全息干涉法real-time holographicinterfero - metry 网格法grid method全息光弹性法holo-photoelasticity 全息图Hologram全息照相Holograph全息干涉法holographic interferometry 全息云纹法holographic moire technique 全息术Holography全场分析法whole-field analysis散斑干涉法speckle interferometry 散斑Speckle错位散斑干涉法speckle-shearinginterferometry, shearography 散斑图Specklegram白光散斑法white-light speckle method 云纹干涉法moire interferometry [叠栅]云纹moire fringe[叠栅]云纹法moire method 云纹图moire pattern 离面云纹法off-plane moire method 参考栅reference grating试件栅specimen grating分析栅analyzer grating面内云纹法in-plane moire method脆性涂层法brittle-coating method 条带法strip coating method坐标变换transformation ofCoordinates计算结构力学computational structuralmecha-nics加权残量法weighted residual method 有限差分法finite difference method 有限[单]元法finite element method 配点法point collocation里茨法Ritz method广义变分原理generalized variationalPrinciple 最小二乘法least square method胡[海昌]一鹫津原理Hu-Washizu principle赫林格-赖斯纳原理Hellinger-ReissnerPrinciple 修正变分原理modified variationalPrinciple 约束变分原理constrained variationalPrinciple 混合法mixed method杂交法hybrid method边界解法boundary solution method 有限条法finite strip method半解析法semi-analytical method协调元conforming element非协调元non-conforming element混合元mixed element杂交元hybrid element边界元boundary element 强迫边界条件forced boundary condition 自然边界条件natural boundary condition 离散化Discretization离散系统discrete system连续问题continuous problem广义位移generalized displacement 广义载荷generalized load广义应变generalized strain广义应力generalized stress界面变量interface variable 节点node, nodal point[单]元Element角节点corner node边节点mid-side node内节点internal node无节点变量nodeless variable 杆元bar element桁架杆元truss element 梁元beam element二维元two-dimensional element 一维元one-dimensional element 三维元three-dimensional element 轴对称元axisymmetric element 板元plate element壳元shell element厚板元thick plate element三角形元triangular element四边形元quadrilateral element 四面体元tetrahedral element 曲线元curved element二次元quadratic element线性元linear element三次元cubic element四次元quartic element等参[数]元isoparametric element超参数元super-parametric element 亚参数元sub-parametric element节点数可变元variable-number-node element 拉格朗日元Lagrange element拉格朗日族Lagrange family巧凑边点元serendipity element巧凑边点族serendipity family 无限元infinite element单元分析element analysis单元特性element characteristics 刚度矩阵stiffness matrix几何矩阵geometric matrix等效节点力equivalent nodal force 节点位移nodal displacement节点载荷nodal load位移矢量displacement vector载荷矢量load vector质量矩阵mass matrix集总质量矩阵lumped mass matrix相容质量矩阵consistent mass matrix 阻尼矩阵damping matrix瑞利阻尼Rayleigh damping刚度矩阵的组集assembly of stiffnessMatrices载荷矢量的组集consistent mass matrix质量矩阵的组集assembly of mass matrices 单元的组集assembly of elements局部坐标系local coordinate system局部坐标local coordinate面积坐标area coordinates体积坐标volume coordinates曲线坐标curvilinear coordinates 静凝聚static condensation合同变换contragradient transformation 形状函数shape function试探函数trial function检验函数test function权函数weight function样条函数spline function代用函数substitute function降阶积分reduced integration零能模式zero-energy modeP收敛p-convergenceH收敛h-convergence掺混插值blended interpolation等参数映射isoparametric mapping双线性插值bilinear interpolation小块检验patch test非协调模式incompatible mode 节点号node number单元号element number带宽band width带状矩阵banded matrix变带状矩阵profile matrix带宽最小化minimization of band width 波前法frontal method子空间迭代法subspace iteration method 行列式搜索法determinant search method 逐步法step-by-step method 纽马克法Newmark威尔逊法Wilson拟牛顿法quasi-Newton method牛顿-拉弗森法Newton-Raphson method 增量法incremental method初应变initial strain初应力initial stress切线刚度矩阵tangent stiffness matrix 割线刚度矩阵secant stiffness matrix 模态叠加法mode superposition method 平衡迭代equilibrium iteration子结构Substructure子结构法substructure technique 超单元super-element网格生成mesh generation结构分析程序structural analysis program 前处理pre-processing后处理post-processing网格细化mesh refinement应力光顺stress smoothing组合结构composite structure。



Microstructures and properties of high-entropyalloysYong Zhang a ,⇑,Ting Ting Zuo a ,Zhi Tang b ,Michael C.Gao c ,d ,Karin A.Dahmen e ,Peter K.Liaw b ,Zhao Ping Lu aa State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,Chinab Department of Materials Science and Engineering,The University of Tennessee,Knoxville,TN 37996,USAc National Energy Technology Laboratory,1450Queen Ave SW,Albany,OR 97321,USAd URS Corporation,PO Box 1959,Albany,OR 97321-2198,USAe Department of Physics,University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign,1110West Green Street,Urbana,IL 61801-3080,USA a r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 26September 2013Accepted 8October 2013Available online 1November 2013a b s t r a c tThis paper reviews the recent research and development of high-entropy alloys (HEAs).HEAs are loosely defined as solid solutionalloys that contain more than five principal elements in equal ornear equal atomic percent (at.%).The concept of high entropyintroduces a new path of developing advanced materials withunique properties,which cannot be achieved by the conventionalmicro-alloying approach based on only one dominant element.Up to date,many HEAs with promising properties have beenreported, e.g.,high wear-resistant HEAs,Co 1.5CrFeNi 1.5Ti andAl 0.2Co 1.5CrFeNi 1.5Ti alloys;high-strength body-centered-cubic(BCC)AlCoCrFeNi HEAs at room temperature,and NbMoTaV HEAat elevated temperatures.Furthermore,the general corrosion resis-tance of the Cu 0.5NiAlCoCrFeSi HEA is much better than that of theconventional 304-stainless steel.This paper first reviews HEA for-mation in relation to thermodynamics,kinetics,and processing.Physical,magnetic,chemical,and mechanical properties are thendiscussed.Great details are provided on the plastic deformation,fracture,and magnetization from the perspectives of cracklingnoise and Barkhausen noise measurements,and the analysis of ser-rations on stress–strain curves at specific strain rates or testingtemperatures,as well as the serrations of the magnetizationhysteresis loops.The comparison between conventional andhigh-entropy bulk metallic glasses is analyzed from the viewpointsof eutectic composition,dense atomic packing,and entropy of 0079-6425/$-see front matter Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved./10.1016/j.pmatsci.2013.10.001⇑Corresponding author.Tel.:+8601062333073;fax:+8601062333447.E-mail address:drzhangy@ (Y.Zhang).2Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–93mixing.Glass forming ability and plastic properties of high-entropy bulk metallic glasses are also discussed.Modeling tech-niques applicable to HEAs are introduced and discussed,such asab initio molecular dynamics simulations and CALPHAD modeling.Finally,future developments and potential new research directionsfor HEAs are proposed.Ó2013Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. Contents1.Introduction (3)1.1.Four core effects (4)1.1.1.High-entropy effect (4)1.1.2.Sluggish diffusion effect (5)1.1.3.Severe lattice-distortion effect (6)1.1.4.Cocktail effect (7)1.2.Key research topics (9)1.2.1.Mechanical properties compared with other alloys (10)1.2.2.Underlying mechanisms for mechanical properties (11)1.2.3.Alloy design and preparation for HEAs (11)1.2.4.Theoretical simulations for HEAs (12)2.Thermodynamics (12)2.1.Entropy (13)2.2.Thermodynamic considerations of phase formation (15)2.3.Microstructures of HEAs (18)3.Kinetics and alloy preparation (23)3.1.Preparation from the liquid state (24)3.2.Preparation from the solid state (29)3.3.Preparation from the gas state (30)3.4.Electrochemical preparation (34)4.Properties (34)4.1.Mechanical behavior (34)4.1.1.Mechanical behavior at room temperature (35)4.1.2.Mechanical behavior at elevated temperatures (38)4.1.3.Mechanical behavior at cryogenic temperatures (45)4.1.4.Fatigue behavior (46)4.1.5.Wear behavior (48)4.1.6.Summary (49)4.2.Physical behavior (50)4.3.Biomedical,chemical and other behaviors (53)5.Serrations and deformation mechanisms (55)5.1.Serrations for HEAs (56)5.2.Barkhausen noise for HEAs (58)5.3.Modeling the Serrations of HEAs (61)5.4.Deformation mechanisms for HEAs (66)6.Glass formation in high-entropy alloys (67)6.1.High-entropy effects on glass formation (67)6.1.1.The best glass former is located at the eutectic compositions (67)6.1.2.The best glass former is the composition with dense atomic packing (67)6.1.3.The best glass former has high entropy of mixing (67)6.2.GFA for HEAs (68)6.3.Properties of high-entropy BMGs (70)7.Modeling and simulations (72)7.1.DFT calculations (73)7.2.AIMD simulations (75)7.3.CALPHAD modeling (80)8.Future development and research (81)Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–9338.1.Fundamental understanding of HEAs (82)8.2.Processing and characterization of HEAs (83)8.3.Applications of HEAs (83)9.Summary (84)Disclaimer (85)Acknowledgements (85)References (85)1.IntroductionRecently,high-entropy alloys(HEAs)have attracted increasing attentions because of their unique compositions,microstructures,and adjustable properties[1–31].They are loosely defined as solid solution alloys that contain more thanfive principal elements in equal or near equal atomic percent (at.%)[32].Normally,the atomic fraction of each component is greater than5at.%.The multi-compo-nent equi-molar alloys should be located at the center of a multi-component phase diagram,and their configuration entropy of mixing reaches its maximum(R Ln N;R is the gas constant and N the number of component in the system)for a solution phase.These alloys are defined as HEAs by Yeh et al.[2], and named by Cantor et al.[1,33]as multi-component alloys.Both refer to the same concept.There are also some other names,such as multi-principal-elements alloys,equi-molar alloys,equi-atomic ratio alloys,substitutional alloys,and multi-component alloys.Cantor et al.[1,33]pointed out that a conventional alloy development strategy leads to an enor-mous amount of knowledge about alloys based on one or two components,but little or no knowledge about alloys containing several main components in near-equal proportions.Theoretical and experi-mental works on the occurrence,structure,and properties of crystalline phases have been restricted to alloys based on one or two main components.Thus,the information and understanding are highly developed on alloys close to the corners and edges of a multi-component phase diagram,with much less knowledge about alloys located at the center of the phase diagram,as shown schematically for ternary and quaternary alloy systems in Fig.1.1.This imbalance is significant for ternary alloys but becomes rapidly much more pronounced as the number of components increases.For most quater-nary and other higher-order systems,information about alloys at the center of the phase diagram is virtually nonexistent except those HEA systems that have been reported very recently.In the1990s,researchers began to explore for metallic alloys with super-high glass-forming ability (GFA).Greer[29]proposed a confusion principle,which states that the more elements involved,the lower the chance that the alloy can select viable crystal structures,and thus the greater the chanceand quaternary alloy systems,showing regions of the phase diagram thatand relatively less well known(white)near the center[33].solid-solutions even though the cooling rate is very high,e.g.,alloys of CuCoNiCrAlFeTiV,FeCrMnNiCo,CoCrFeNiCu,AlCoCrFeNi,NbMoTaWV,etc.[1,2,12–14].The yield strength of the body-centered cubic (BCC)HEAs can be rather high [12],usually compa-rable to BMGs [12].Moreover,the high strength can be kept up to 800K or higher for some HEAs based on 3d transition metals [14].In contrast,BMGs can only keep their high strength below their glass-transition temperature.1.1.Four core effectsBeing different from the conventional alloys,compositions in HEAs are complex due to the equi-molar concentration of each component.Yeh [37]summarized mainly four core effects for HEAs,that is:(1)Thermodynamics:high-entropy effects;(2)Kinetics:sluggish diffusion;(3)Structures:severe lattice distortion;and (4)Properties:cocktail effects.We will discuss these four core effects separately.1.1.1.High-entropy effectThe high-entropy effects,which tend to stabilize the high-entropyphases,e.g.,solid-solution phases,were firstly proposed by Yeh [9].The effects were very counterintuitive because it was ex-pected that intermetallic compound phases may form for those equi-or near equi-atomic alloy com-positions which are located at the center of the phase diagrams (for example,a monoclinic compound AlCeCo forms in the center of Al–Ce–Co system [38]).According to the Gibbs phase rule,the number of phases (P )in a given alloy at constant pressure in equilibrium condition is:P ¼C þ1ÀF ð1-1Þwhere C is the number of components and F is the maximum number of thermodynamic degrees of freedom in the system.In the case of a 6-component system at given pressure,one might expect a maximum of 7equilibrium phases at an invariant reaction.However,to our surprise,HEAs form so-lid-solution phases rather than intermetallic phases [1,2,4,17].This is not to say that all multi-compo-nents in equal molar ratio will form solid solution phases at the center of the phase diagram.In fact,only carefully chosen compositions that satisfy the HEA-formation criteria will form solid solutions instead of intermetallic compounds.The solid-solution phase,according to the classical physical-metallurgy theory,is also called a ter-minal solid solution.The solid-solution phase is based on one element,which is called the solvent,and contains other minor elements,which are called the solutes.In HEAs,it is very difficult to differentiate the solvent from the solute because of their equi-molar portions.Many researchers reported that the multi-principal-element alloys can only form simple phases of body-centered-cubic (BCC)or face-cen-tered-cubic (FCC)solid solutions,and the number of phases formed is much fewer than the maximum number of phases that the Gibbs phase rule allows [9,23].This feature also indicates that the high en-tropy of the alloys tends to expand the solution limits between the elements,which may further con-firm the high-entropy effects.The high-entropy effect is mainly used to explain the multi-principal-element solid solution.According to the maximum entropy production principle (MEPP)[39],high entropy tends to stabilize the high-entropy phases,i.e.,solid-solution phases,rather than intermetallic phases.Intermetallics are usually ordered phases with lower configurational entropy.For stoichiometric intermetallic com-pounds,their configurational entropy is zero.Whether a HEA of single solid solution phase is in its equilibrium has been questioned in the sci-entific community.There have been accumulated evidences to show that the high entropy of mixing truly extends the solubility limits of solid solution.For example,Lucas et al.[40]recently reported ab-sence of long-range chemical ordering in equi-molar FeCoCrNi alloy that forms a disordered FCC struc-ture.On the other hand,it was reported that some equi-atomic compositions such as AlCoCrCuFeNi contain several phases of different compositions when cooling slowly from the melt [15],and thus it is controversial whether they can be still classified as HEA.The empirical rules in guiding HEA for-mation are addressed in Section 2,which includes atomic size difference and heat of mixing.4Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science 61(2014)1–93Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–935 1.1.2.Sluggish diffusion effectThe sluggish diffusion effect here is compared with that of the conventional alloys rather than the bulk-glass-forming alloys.Recently,Yeh[9]studied the vacancy formation and the composition par-tition in HEAs,and compared the diffusion coefficients for the elements in pure metals,stainless steels, and HEAs,and found that the order of diffusion rates in the three types of alloy systems is shown be-low:Microstructures of an as-cast CuCoNiCrAlFe alloy.(A)SEM micrograph of an etched alloy withBCC and ordered BCC phases)and interdendrite(an FCC phase)structures.(B)TEMplate,70-nm wide,a disordered BCC phase(A2),lattice constant,2.89A;(B-b)aphase(B2),lattice constant,2.89A;(B-c)nanoprecipitation in a spinodal plate,7nm(B-d)nanoprecipitation in an interspinodal plate,3nm in diameter,a disorderedarea diffraction(SAD)patterns of B,Ba,and Bb with zone axes of BCC[01[011],respectively[2].illustration of intrinsic lattice distortion effects on Bragg diffraction:(a)perfect latticewith solid solutions of different-sized atoms,which are expected to randomly distribute statistical average probability of occupancy;(c)temperature and distortion effectsY.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–937 the intensities further drop beyond the thermal effect with increasing the number of constituent prin-cipal elements.An intrinsic lattice distortion effect caused by the addition of multi-principal elements with different atomic sizes is expected for the anomalous decrease in the XRD intensities.The math-ematical treatment of this distortion effect for the modification of the XRD structure factor is formu-lated to be similar to that of the thermal effect,as shown in Fig.1.3[41].The larger roughness of the atomic planes makes the intensity of the XRD for HEAs much lower than that for the single-element solid.The severe lattice distortion is also used to explain the high strength of HEAs,especially the BCC-structured HEAs[4,12,23].The severe lattice-distortion effect is also related to the tensile brittle-ness and the slower kinetics of HEAs[2,9,11].However,the authors also noticed that single-phase FCC-structured HEAs have very low strength[7],which certainly cannot be explained by the severe lattice distortion argument.Fundamental studies in quantification of lattice distortion of HEAs are needed.1.1.4.Cocktail effectThe cocktail-party effect was usually used as a term in the acousticsfield,which have been used to describe the ability to focus one’s listening attention on a single talker among a mixture of conversa-tions and background noises,ignoring other conversations.For metallic alloys,the effect indicates that the unexpected properties can be obtained after mixing many elements,which could not be obtained from any one independent element.The cocktail effect for metallic alloys wasfirst mentioned by Ranganathan[42],which has been subsequently confirmed in the mechanical and physical properties [12,13,15,18,35,43].The cocktail effect implies that the alloy properties can be greatly adjusted by the composition change and alloying,as shown in Fig.1.4,which indicates that the hardness of HEAs can be dramat-ically changed by adjusting the Al content in the CoCrCuNiAl x HEAs.With the increase of the Al con-lattice constants of a CuCoNiCrAl x Fe alloy system with different x values:(A)hardnessconstants of an FCC phase,(C)lattice constants of a BCC phase[2].CoNiCrAl x Fe alloy system with different x values,the Cu-free alloy has lower hardness.CoCrCuFeNiAl x[15,45].Cu forms isomorphous solid solution with Ni but it is insoluble in Co,Cr and Fe;it dissolves about20at.%Al but also forms various stable intermetallic compounds with Al.Fig.1.6exhibits the hardness of some reported HEAs in the descending order with stainless steels as benchmark.The MoTiVFeNiZrCoCr alloy has a very high value of hardness of over800HV while CoCrFeNiCu is very soft with a value of less than200HV.Fig.1.7compares the specific strength,which yield strength over the density of the materials,and the density amongalloys,polymers and foam materials[5].We can see that HEAs have densitieshigh values of specific strength(yield strength/density).This is partiallyHEAs usually contain mainly the late transitional elements whoselightweight HEAs have much more potential because lightweightdensity of the resultant alloys will be lowered significantly.Fig.1.8strength of HEAs vs.Young’s modulus compared with conventional alloys.highest specific strength and their Young’s modulus can be variedrange of hardness for HEAs,compared with17–4PH stainless steel,Hastelloy,andYield strength,r y,vs.density,q.HEAs(dark dashed circle)compared with other materials,particularly structural Grey dashed contours(arrow indication)label the specific strength,r y/q,from low(right bottom)to high(left top).among the materials with highest strength and specific strength[5].Specific-yield strength vs.Young’s modulus:HEAs compared with other materials,particularly structural alloys.among the materials with highest specific strength and with a wide range of Young’s modulus[5].range.This observation may indicate that the modulus of HEAs can be more easily adjusted than con-ventional alloys.In addition to the high specific strength,other properties such as high hydrogen stor-age property are also reported[46].1.2.Key research topicsTo understand the fundamentals of HEAs is a challenge to the scientists in materials science and relatedfields because of lack of thermodynamic and kinetic data for multi-component systems in the center of phase diagrams.The phase diagrams are usually available only for the binary and ternary alloys.For HEAs,no complete phase diagrams are currently available to directly assist designing the10Y.Zhang et al./Progress in Materials Science61(2014)1–93alloy with desirable micro-and nanostructures.Recently,Yang and Zhang[28]proposed the X param-eter to design the solid-solution phase HEAs,which should be used combing with the parameter of atomic-size difference.This strategy may provide a starting point prior to actual experiments.The plastic deformation and fracture mechanisms of HEAs are also new because the high-entropy solid solutions contain high contents of multi-principal elements.In single principal-element alloys,dislo-cations dominate the plastic behavior.However,how dislocations interact with highly-disordered crystal lattices and/or chemical disordering/ordering will be an important factor responsible for plastic properties of HEAs.Interactions between the other crystal defects,such as twinning and stacking faults,with chemical/crystal disordering/ordering in HEAs will be important as well.1.2.1.Mechanical properties compared with other alloysFor conventional alloys that contain a single principal element,the main mechanical behavior is dictated by the dominant element.The other minor alloying elements are used to enhance some spe-cial properties.For example,in the low-carbon ferritic steels[47–59],the main mechanical properties are from the BCC Fe.Carbon,which is an interstitial solute element,is used for solid-solution strength-ened steels,and also to enhance the martensite-quenching ability which is the phase-transformation strengthening.The main properties of steels are still from Fe.For aluminum alloys[60]and titanium alloys[61],their properties are mainly related to the dominance of the elemental aluminum and tita-nium,respectively.Intermetallic compounds are usually based on two elements,e.g.,Ti–Al,Fe3Al,and Fe3Si.Interme-tallic compounds are typically ordered phases and some may have strict compositional range.The Burgers vectors of the ordered phases are too large for the dislocations to move,which is the main reason why intermetallic phases are usually brittle.However,there are many successful case studies to improve the ductility of intermetallic compound by micro-alloying,e.g.,micro-alloying of B in Ni3Al [62],and micro-alloying of Cr in Fe3Al[63,64].Amorphous metals usually contain at least three elements although binary metallic glasses are also reported,and higher GFA can be obtained with addition of more elements,e.g.,ZrTiCuNiBe(Vit-1), PdNiCuP,LaAlNiCu,and CuZrAlY alloys[65–69].Amorphous metals usually exhibit ultrahigh yield strength,because they do not contain conventional any weakening factors,such as dislocations and grain boundaries,and their yield strengths are usually three tofive times of their corresponding crys-talline counterpart alloys.There are several models that are proposed to explain the plastic deforma-tion of the amorphous metal,including the free volume[70],a shear-transformation-zone(STZ)[71], more recently a tension-transition zone(TTZ)[72],and the atomic-level stress[73,74].The micro-mechanisms of the plastic deformation of amorphous metals are usually by forming shear bands, which is still an active research area till today.However,the high strength of amorphous alloys can be sustained only below the glass-transition temperature(T g).At temperatures immediately above T g,the amorphous metals will transit to be viscous liquids[68]and will crystallize at temperatures above thefirst crystallization onset temperature.This trend may limit the high-temperature applica-tions of amorphous metals.The glass forming alloys often are chemically located close to the eutectic composition,which further facilitates the formation of the amorphous metal–matrix composite.The development of the amorphous metal–matrix composite can enhance the room-temperature plastic-ity of amorphous metals,and extend application temperatures[75–78].For HEAs,their properties can be different from any of the constituent elements.The structure types are the dominant factor for controlling the strength or hardness of HEAs[5,12,13].The BCC-structured HEAs usually have very high yield strengths and limited plasticity,while the FCC-structured HEAs have low yield strength and high plasticity.The mixture of BCC+FCC is expected to possess balanced mechanical properties,e.g.,both high strength and good ductility.Recent studies show that the microstructures of certain‘‘HEAs’’can be very complicated since they often undergo the spinodal decomposition,and ordered,and disordered phase precipitates at lower temperatures. Solution-strengthening mechanisms for HEAs would be much different from conventional alloys. HEAs usually have high melting points,and the high yield strength can usually be sustained to ultrahigh temperatures,which is shown in Fig.1.9for refractory metal HEAs.The strength of HEAs are sometimes better than those of conventional superalloys[14].Temperature dependence of NbMoTaW,VNbMoTaW,Inconel718,and Haynes2301.2.2.Underlying mechanisms for mechanical propertiesMechanical properties include the Young’s modulus,yield strength,plastic elongation,fracture toughness,and fatigue properties.For the conventional one-element principal alloys,the Young’s modulus is mainly controlled by the dominant element,e.g.,the Young’s modulus of Fe-based alloys is about200GPa,that of Ti-based alloys is approximately110GPa,and that of Al-based alloys is about 75GPa,as shown in Fig.1.8.In contrast,for HEAs,the modulus can be very different from any of the constituent elements in the alloys[79],and the moduli of HEAs are scattered in a wide range,as shown in Fig.1.8.Wang et al.[79] reported that the Young’s modulus of the CoCrFeNiCuAl0.5HEA is about24.5GPa,which is much lower than the modulus of any of the constituent elements in the alloy.It is even lower than the Young’s modulus of pure Al,about69GPa[80].On the other hand,this value needs to be verified using other methods including impulse excitation of vibration.It has been reported that the FCC-structured HEAs exhibit low strength and high plasticity[13], while the BCC-structured HEAs show high strength and low plasticity at room temperature[12].Thus, the structure types are the dominant factor for controlling the strength or hardness of HEAs.For the fracture toughness of the HEAs,there is no report up to date.1.2.3.Alloy design and preparation for HEAsIt has been verified that not all the alloys withfive-principal elements and with equi-atomic ratio compositions can form HEA solid solutions.Only carefully chosen compositions can form FCC and BCC solid solutions.Till today there is no report on hexagonal close-packed(HCP)-structured HEAs.One reason is probably due to the fact that a HCP structure is often the stable structure at low tempera-tures for pure elements(applicable)in the periodic table,and that it may transform to either BCC or FCC at high temperatures.Most of the HEA solid solutions are identified by trial-and-error exper-iments because there is no phase diagram on quaternary and higher systems.Hence,the trial-and er-ror approach is the main way to develop high-performance HEAs.However,some parameters have been proposed to predict the phase formation of HEAs[17,22,28]in analogy to the Hume-Rothery rule for conventional solid solution.The fundamental thermodynamic equation states:G¼HÀTSð1-2Þwhere H is the enthalpy,S is the entropy,G is the Gibbs free energy,and T is the absolute temperature. From Eq.(1-2),the TS term will become significant at high temperatures.Hence,preparing HEAs from the liquid and gas would provide different kinds of information.These techniques may include sput-tering,laser cladding,plasma coating,and arc melting,which will be discussed in detail in the next chapter.For the atomic-level structures of HEAs,the neutron and synchrotron diffraction methods are useful to detect ordering parameters,long-range order,and short-range ordering[81].1.2.4.Theoretical simulations for HEAsFor HEAs,entropy effects are the core to their formation and properties.Some immediate questions are:(1)How can we accurately predict the total entropy of HEA phase?(2)How can we predict the phasefield of a HEA phase as a function of compositions and temperatures?(3)What are the proper modeling and experimental methods to study HEAs?To address the phase-stability issue,thermody-namic modeling is necessary as thefirst step to understand the fundamental of HEAs.The typical mod-eling techniques to address thermodynamics include the calculation of phase diagram(CALPHAD) modeling,first-principle calculations,molecular-dynamics(MD)simulations,and Monte Carlo simulations.Kao et al.[82]using MD to study the structure of HEAs,and their modeling efforts can well explain the liquid-like structure of HEAs,as shown in Fig.1.10.Grosso et al.[83]studied refractory HEAs using atomistic modeling,clarified the role of each element and their interactions,and concluded that4-and 5-elements alloys are possible to quantify the transition to a high-entropy regime characterized by the formation of a continuous solid solution.2.Thermodynamicsof a liquid-like atomic-packing structure using multiple elementsthird,fourth,andfifth shells,respectively,but the second and third shellsdifference and thus the largefluctuation in occupation of different atoms.2.1.EntropyEntropy is a thermodynamic property that can be used to determine the energy available for the useful work in a thermodynamic process,such as in energy-conversion devices,engines,or machines. The following equation is the definition of entropy:dS¼D QTð2-1Þwhere S is the entropy,Q is the heatflow,and T is the absolute temperature.Thermodynamic entropy has the dimension of energy divided by temperature,and a unit of Joules per Kelvin(J/K)in the Inter-national System of Units.The statistical-mechanics definition of entropy was developed by Ludwig Boltzmann in the1870s [85]and by analyzing the statistical behavior of the microscopic components of the system[86].Boltz-mann’s hypothesis states that the entropy of a system is linearly related to the logarithm of the fre-quency of occurrence of a macro-state or,more precisely,the number,W,of possible micro-states corresponding to the macroscopic state of a system:Fig.2.1.Illustration of the D S mix for ternary alloy system with the composition change[17].。



一般力学类:分析力学 analytical mechanics拉格朗日乘子 Lagrange multiplier拉格朗日[量] Lagrangian拉格朗日括号 Lagrange bracket循环坐标 cyclic coordinate循环积分 cyclic integral哈密顿[量] Hamiltonian哈密顿函数 Hamiltonian function正则方程 canonical equation正则摄动 canonical perturbation正则变换 canonical transformation正则变量 canonical variable哈密顿原理 Hamilton principle作用量积分 action integral哈密顿-雅可比方程 Hamilton-Jacobi equation作用--角度变量 action-angle variables阿佩尔方程 Appell equation劳斯方程 Routh equation拉格朗日函数 Lagrangian function诺特定理 Noether theorem泊松括号 poisson bracket边界积分法 boundary integral method并矢 dyad运动稳定性 stability of motion轨道稳定性 orbital stability李雅普诺夫函数 Lyapunov function渐近稳定性 asymptotic stability结构稳定性 structural stability久期不稳定性 secular instability弗洛凯定理 Floquet theorem倾覆力矩 capsizing moment自由振动 free vibration固有振动 natural vibration暂态 transient state环境振动 ambient vibration反共振 anti-resonance衰减 attenuation库仑阻尼 Coulomb damping同相分量 in-phase component非同相分量 out-of -phase component超调量 overshoot 参量[激励]振动 parametric vibration模糊振动 fuzzy vibration临界转速 critical speed of rotation阻尼器 damper半峰宽度 half-peak width集总参量系统 lumped parameter system 相平面法 phase plane method相轨迹 phase trajectory等倾线法 isocline method跳跃现象 jump phenomenon负阻尼 negative damping达芬方程 Duffing equation希尔方程 Hill equationKBM方法 KBM method, Krylov-Bogoliu- bov-Mitropol'skii method马蒂厄方程 Mathieu equation平均法 averaging method组合音调 combination tone解谐 detuning耗散函数 dissipative function硬激励 hard excitation硬弹簧 hard spring, hardening spring谐波平衡法harmonic balance method久期项 secular term自激振动 self-excited vibration分界线 separatrix亚谐波 subharmonic软弹簧 soft spring ,softening spring软激励 soft excitation邓克利公式 Dunkerley formula瑞利定理 Rayleigh theorem分布参量系统 distributed parameter system优势频率 dominant frequency模态分析 modal analysis固有模态natural mode of vibration同步 synchronization超谐波 ultraharmonic范德波尔方程 van der pol equation频谱 frequency spectrum基频 fundamental frequencyWKB方法 WKB methodWKB方法Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin method缓冲器 buffer风激振动 aeolian vibration嗡鸣 buzz倒谱cepstrum颤动 chatter蛇行 hunting阻抗匹配 impedance matching机械导纳 mechanical admittance机械效率 mechanical efficiency机械阻抗 mechanical impedance随机振动 stochastic vibration, random vibration隔振 vibration isolation减振 vibration reduction应力过冲 stress overshoot喘振surge摆振shimmy起伏运动 phugoid motion起伏振荡 phugoid oscillation驰振 galloping陀螺动力学 gyrodynamics陀螺摆 gyropendulum陀螺平台 gyroplatform陀螺力矩 gyroscoopic torque陀螺稳定器 gyrostabilizer陀螺体 gyrostat惯性导航 inertial guidance 姿态角 attitude angle方位角 azimuthal angle舒勒周期 Schuler period机器人动力学 robot dynamics多体系统 multibody system多刚体系统 multi-rigid-body system机动性 maneuverability凯恩方法Kane method转子[系统]动力学 rotor dynamics转子[一支承一基础]系统 rotor-support- foundation system静平衡 static balancing动平衡 dynamic balancing静不平衡 static unbalance动不平衡 dynamic unbalance现场平衡 field balancing不平衡 unbalance不平衡量 unbalance互耦力 cross force挠性转子 flexible rotor分频进动 fractional frequency precession半频进动half frequency precession油膜振荡 oil whip转子临界转速 rotor critical speed自动定心 self-alignment亚临界转速 subcritical speed涡动 whirl固体力学类:弹性力学 elasticity弹性理论 theory of elasticity均匀应力状态 homogeneous state of stress 应力不变量 stress invariant应变不变量 strain invariant应变椭球 strain ellipsoid均匀应变状态 homogeneous state of strain应变协调方程 equation of strain compatibility拉梅常量 Lame constants各向同性弹性 isotropic elasticity旋转圆盘 rotating circular disk 楔wedge开尔文问题 Kelvin problem布西内斯克问题 Boussinesq problem艾里应力函数 Airy stress function克罗索夫--穆斯赫利什维利法 Kolosoff- Muskhelishvili method基尔霍夫假设 Kirchhoff hypothesis板 Plate矩形板 Rectangular plate圆板 Circular plate环板 Annular plate波纹板 Corrugated plate加劲板 Stiffened plate,reinforcedPlate中厚板 Plate of moderate thickness弯[曲]应力函数 Stress function of bending 壳Shell扁壳 Shallow shell旋转壳 Revolutionary shell球壳 Spherical shell[圆]柱壳 Cylindrical shell锥壳Conical shell环壳 Toroidal shell封闭壳 Closed shell波纹壳 Corrugated shell扭[转]应力函数 Stress function of torsion 翘曲函数 Warping function半逆解法 semi-inverse method瑞利--里茨法 Rayleigh-Ritz method松弛法 Relaxation method莱维法 Levy method松弛 Relaxation量纲分析 Dimensional analysis自相似[性] self-similarity影响面 Influence surface接触应力 Contact stress赫兹理论 Hertz theory协调接触 Conforming contact滑动接触 Sliding contact滚动接触 Rolling contact压入 Indentation各向异性弹性 Anisotropic elasticity颗粒材料 Granular material散体力学 Mechanics of granular media热弹性 Thermoelasticity超弹性 Hyperelasticity粘弹性 Viscoelasticity对应原理 Correspondence principle褶皱Wrinkle塑性全量理论 Total theory of plasticity滑动 Sliding微滑Microslip粗糙度 Roughness非线性弹性 Nonlinear elasticity大挠度 Large deflection突弹跳变 snap-through有限变形 Finite deformation 格林应变 Green strain阿尔曼西应变 Almansi strain弹性动力学 Dynamic elasticity运动方程 Equation of motion准静态的Quasi-static气动弹性 Aeroelasticity水弹性 Hydroelasticity颤振Flutter弹性波Elastic wave简单波Simple wave柱面波 Cylindrical wave水平剪切波 Horizontal shear wave竖直剪切波Vertical shear wave体波 body wave无旋波 Irrotational wave畸变波 Distortion wave膨胀波 Dilatation wave瑞利波 Rayleigh wave等容波 Equivoluminal wave勒夫波Love wave界面波 Interfacial wave边缘效应 edge effect塑性力学 Plasticity可成形性 Formability金属成形 Metal forming耐撞性 Crashworthiness结构抗撞毁性 Structural crashworthiness 拉拔Drawing破坏机构 Collapse mechanism回弹 Springback挤压 Extrusion冲压 Stamping穿透Perforation层裂Spalling塑性理论 Theory of plasticity安定[性]理论 Shake-down theory运动安定定理 kinematic shake-down theorem静力安定定理 Static shake-down theorem 率相关理论 rate dependent theorem载荷因子load factor加载准则 Loading criterion加载函数 Loading function加载面 Loading surface塑性加载 Plastic loading塑性加载波 Plastic loading wave简单加载 Simple loading比例加载 Proportional loading卸载 Unloading卸载波 Unloading wave冲击载荷 Impulsive load阶跃载荷step load脉冲载荷 pulse load极限载荷 limit load中性变载 nentral loading拉抻失稳 instability in tension加速度波 acceleration wave本构方程 constitutive equation完全解 complete solution名义应力 nominal stress过应力 over-stress真应力 true stress等效应力 equivalent stress流动应力 flow stress应力间断 stress discontinuity应力空间 stress space主应力空间 principal stress space静水应力状态hydrostatic state of stress对数应变 logarithmic strain工程应变 engineering strain等效应变 equivalent strain应变局部化 strain localization应变率 strain rate应变率敏感性 strain rate sensitivity应变空间 strain space有限应变 finite strain塑性应变增量 plastic strain increment 累积塑性应变 accumulated plastic strain 永久变形 permanent deformation内变量 internal variable应变软化 strain-softening理想刚塑性材料 rigid-perfectly plastic Material刚塑性材料 rigid-plastic material理想塑性材料 perfectl plastic material 材料稳定性stability of material应变偏张量deviatoric tensor of strain应力偏张量deviatori tensor of stress 应变球张量spherical tensor of strain应力球张量spherical tensor of stress路径相关性 path-dependency线性强化 linear strain-hardening应变强化 strain-hardening随动强化 kinematic hardening各向同性强化 isotropic hardening强化模量 strain-hardening modulus幂强化 power hardening塑性极限弯矩 plastic limit bending Moment塑性极限扭矩 plastic limit torque弹塑性弯曲 elastic-plastic bending弹塑性交界面 elastic-plastic interface弹塑性扭转 elastic-plastic torsion粘塑性 Viscoplasticity非弹性 Inelasticity理想弹塑性材料 elastic-perfectly plastic Material极限分析 limit analysis极限设计 limit design极限面limit surface上限定理 upper bound theorem上屈服点upper yield point下限定理 lower bound theorem下屈服点 lower yield point界限定理 bound theorem初始屈服面initial yield surface后继屈服面 subsequent yield surface屈服面[的]外凸性 convexity of yield surface截面形状因子 shape factor of cross-section 沙堆比拟 sand heap analogy屈服Yield屈服条件 yield condition屈服准则 yield criterion屈服函数 yield function屈服面 yield surface塑性势 plastic potential能量吸收装置 energy absorbing device能量耗散率 energy absorbing device塑性动力学 dynamic plasticity塑性动力屈曲 dynamic plastic buckling塑性动力响应 dynamic plastic response塑性波 plastic wave运动容许场 kinematically admissible Field静力容许场 statically admissibleField流动法则 flow rule速度间断 velocity discontinuity滑移线 slip-lines滑移线场 slip-lines field移行塑性铰 travelling plastic hinge塑性增量理论 incremental theory ofPlasticity米泽斯屈服准则 Mises yield criterion普朗特--罗伊斯关系 prandtl- Reuss relation特雷斯卡屈服准则 Tresca yield criterion洛德应力参数 Lode stress parameter莱维--米泽斯关系 Levy-Mises relation亨基应力方程 Hencky stress equation赫艾--韦斯特加德应力空间Haigh-Westergaard stress space洛德应变参数 Lode strain parameter德鲁克公设 Drucker postulate盖林格速度方程Geiringer velocity Equation结构力学 structural mechanics结构分析 structural analysis结构动力学 structural dynamics拱 Arch三铰拱 three-hinged arch抛物线拱 parabolic arch圆拱 circular arch穹顶Dome空间结构 space structure空间桁架 space truss雪载[荷] snow load风载[荷] wind load土压力 earth pressure地震载荷 earthquake loading弹簧支座 spring support支座位移 support displacement支座沉降 support settlement超静定次数 degree of indeterminacy机动分析 kinematic analysis 结点法 method of joints截面法 method of sections结点力 joint forces共轭位移 conjugate displacement影响线 influence line三弯矩方程 three-moment equation单位虚力 unit virtual force刚度系数 stiffness coefficient柔度系数 flexibility coefficient力矩分配 moment distribution力矩分配法moment distribution method力矩再分配 moment redistribution分配系数 distribution factor矩阵位移法matri displacement method单元刚度矩阵 element stiffness matrix单元应变矩阵 element strain matrix总体坐标 global coordinates贝蒂定理 Betti theorem高斯--若尔当消去法 Gauss-Jordan elimination Method屈曲模态 buckling mode复合材料力学 mechanics of composites 复合材料composite material纤维复合材料 fibrous composite单向复合材料 unidirectional composite泡沫复合材料foamed composite颗粒复合材料 particulate composite层板Laminate夹层板 sandwich panel正交层板 cross-ply laminate斜交层板 angle-ply laminate层片Ply多胞固体 cellular solid膨胀 Expansion压实Debulk劣化 Degradation脱层 Delamination脱粘 Debond纤维应力 fiber stress层应力 ply stress层应变ply strain层间应力 interlaminar stress比强度 specific strength强度折减系数 strength reduction factor强度应力比 strength -stress ratio横向剪切模量 transverse shear modulus 横观各向同性 transverse isotropy正交各向异 Orthotropy剪滞分析 shear lag analysis短纤维 chopped fiber长纤维 continuous fiber纤维方向 fiber direction纤维断裂 fiber break纤维拔脱 fiber pull-out纤维增强 fiber reinforcement致密化 Densification最小重量设计 optimum weight design网格分析法 netting analysis混合律 rule of mixture失效准则 failure criterion蔡--吴失效准则 Tsai-W u failure criterion 达格代尔模型 Dugdale model断裂力学 fracture mechanics概率断裂力学 probabilistic fracture Mechanics格里菲思理论 Griffith theory线弹性断裂力学 linear elastic fracturemechanics, LEFM弹塑性断裂力学 elastic-plastic fracture mecha-nics, EPFM断裂 Fracture脆性断裂 brittle fracture解理断裂 cleavage fracture蠕变断裂 creep fracture延性断裂 ductile fracture晶间断裂 inter-granular fracture准解理断裂 quasi-cleavage fracture穿晶断裂 trans-granular fracture裂纹Crack裂缝Flaw缺陷Defect割缝Slit微裂纹Microcrack折裂Kink椭圆裂纹 elliptical crack深埋裂纹 embedded crack[钱]币状裂纹 penny-shape crack预制裂纹 Precrack 短裂纹 short crack表面裂纹 surface crack裂纹钝化 crack blunting裂纹分叉 crack branching裂纹闭合 crack closure裂纹前缘 crack front裂纹嘴 crack mouth裂纹张开角crack opening angle,COA裂纹张开位移 crack opening displacement, COD裂纹阻力 crack resistance裂纹面 crack surface裂纹尖端 crack tip裂尖张角 crack tip opening angle,CTOA裂尖张开位移 crack tip openingdisplacement, CTOD裂尖奇异场crack tip singularity Field裂纹扩展速率 crack growth rate稳定裂纹扩展 stable crack growth定常裂纹扩展 steady crack growth亚临界裂纹扩展 subcritical crack growth 裂纹[扩展]减速 crack retardation止裂crack arrest止裂韧度 arrest toughness断裂类型 fracture mode滑开型 sliding mode张开型 opening mode撕开型 tearing mode复合型 mixed mode撕裂 Tearing撕裂模量 tearing modulus断裂准则 fracture criterionJ积分 J-integralJ阻力曲线 J-resistance curve断裂韧度 fracture toughness应力强度因子 stress intensity factorHRR场 Hutchinson-Rice-Rosengren Field守恒积分 conservation integral有效应力张量 effective stress tensor应变能密度strain energy density能量释放率 energy release rate内聚区 cohesive zone塑性区 plastic zone张拉区 stretched zone热影响区heat affected zone, HAZ延脆转变温度 brittle-ductile transitiontemperature剪切带shear band剪切唇shear lip无损检测 non-destructive inspection双边缺口试件double edge notchedspecimen, DEN specimen单边缺口试件 single edge notchedspecimen, SEN specimen三点弯曲试件 three point bendingspecimen, TPB specimen中心裂纹拉伸试件 center cracked tension specimen, CCT specimen中心裂纹板试件 center cracked panelspecimen, CCP specimen紧凑拉伸试件 compact tension specimen, CT specimen大范围屈服large scale yielding小范围攻屈服 small scale yielding韦布尔分布 Weibull distribution帕里斯公式 paris formula空穴化 Cavitation应力腐蚀 stress corrosion概率风险判定 probabilistic riskassessment, PRA损伤力学 damage mechanics损伤Damage连续介质损伤力学 continuum damage mechanics细观损伤力学 microscopic damage mechanics累积损伤 accumulated damage脆性损伤 brittle damage延性损伤 ductile damage宏观损伤 macroscopic damage细观损伤 microscopic damage微观损伤 microscopic damage损伤准则 damage criterion损伤演化方程 damage evolution equation 损伤软化 damage softening损伤强化 damage strengthening 损伤张量 damage tensor损伤阈值 damage threshold损伤变量 damage variable损伤矢量 damage vector损伤区 damage zone疲劳Fatigue低周疲劳 low cycle fatigue应力疲劳 stress fatigue随机疲劳 random fatigue蠕变疲劳 creep fatigue腐蚀疲劳 corrosion fatigue疲劳损伤 fatigue damage疲劳失效 fatigue failure疲劳断裂 fatigue fracture疲劳裂纹 fatigue crack疲劳寿命 fatigue life疲劳破坏 fatigue rupture疲劳强度 fatigue strength疲劳辉纹 fatigue striations疲劳阈值 fatigue threshold交变载荷 alternating load交变应力 alternating stress应力幅值 stress amplitude应变疲劳 strain fatigue应力循环 stress cycle应力比 stress ratio安全寿命 safe life过载效应 overloading effect循环硬化 cyclic hardening循环软化 cyclic softening环境效应 environmental effect裂纹片crack gage裂纹扩展 crack growth, crack Propagation裂纹萌生 crack initiation循环比 cycle ratio实验应力分析 experimental stressAnalysis工作[应变]片 active[strain] gage基底材料 backing material应力计stress gage零[点]飘移zero shift, zero drift应变测量 strain measurement应变计strain gage应变指示器 strain indicator应变花 strain rosette应变灵敏度 strain sensitivity机械式应变仪 mechanical strain gage 直角应变花 rectangular rosette引伸仪 Extensometer应变遥测 telemetering of strain横向灵敏系数 transverse gage factor 横向灵敏度 transverse sensitivity焊接式应变计 weldable strain gage 平衡电桥 balanced bridge粘贴式应变计 bonded strain gage粘贴箔式应变计bonded foiled gage粘贴丝式应变计 bonded wire gage 桥路平衡 bridge balancing电容应变计 capacitance strain gage 补偿片 compensation technique补偿技术 compensation technique基准电桥 reference bridge电阻应变计 resistance strain gage温度自补偿应变计 self-temperature compensating gage半导体应变计 semiconductor strain Gage集流器slip ring应变放大镜 strain amplifier疲劳寿命计 fatigue life gage电感应变计 inductance [strain] gage 光[测]力学 Photomechanics光弹性 Photoelasticity光塑性 Photoplasticity杨氏条纹 Young fringe双折射效应 birefrigent effect等位移线 contour of equalDisplacement暗条纹 dark fringe条纹倍增 fringe multiplication干涉条纹 interference fringe等差线 Isochromatic等倾线 Isoclinic等和线 isopachic应力光学定律 stress- optic law主应力迹线 Isostatic亮条纹 light fringe 光程差optical path difference热光弹性 photo-thermo -elasticity光弹性贴片法 photoelastic coating Method光弹性夹片法 photoelastic sandwich Method动态光弹性 dynamic photo-elasticity空间滤波 spatial filtering空间频率 spatial frequency起偏镜 Polarizer反射式光弹性仪 reflection polariscope残余双折射效应 residual birefringent Effect应变条纹值 strain fringe value应变光学灵敏度 strain-optic sensitivity 应力冻结效应 stress freezing effect应力条纹值 stress fringe value应力光图 stress-optic pattern暂时双折射效应 temporary birefringent Effect脉冲全息法 pulsed holography透射式光弹性仪 transmission polariscope 实时全息干涉法 real-time holographicinterfero - metry网格法 grid method全息光弹性法 holo-photoelasticity全息图Hologram全息照相 Holograph全息干涉法 holographic interferometry 全息云纹法 holographic moire technique 全息术 Holography全场分析法 whole-field analysis散斑干涉法 speckle interferometry散斑Speckle错位散斑干涉法 speckle-shearinginterferometry, shearography散斑图Specklegram白光散斑法white-light speckle method云纹干涉法 moire interferometry[叠栅]云纹 moire fringe[叠栅]云纹法 moire method云纹图 moire pattern离面云纹法 off-plane moire method参考栅 reference grating试件栅 specimen grating分析栅 analyzer grating面内云纹法 in-plane moire method脆性涂层法 brittle-coating method条带法 strip coating method坐标变换 transformation ofCoordinates计算结构力学 computational structuralmecha-nics加权残量法weighted residual method有限差分法 finite difference method有限[单]元法 finite element method配点法 point collocation里茨法 Ritz method广义变分原理 generalized variational Principle最小二乘法 least square method胡[海昌]一鹫津原理 Hu-Washizu principle 赫林格-赖斯纳原理 Hellinger-Reissner Principle修正变分原理 modified variational Principle约束变分原理 constrained variational Principle混合法 mixed method杂交法 hybrid method边界解法boundary solution method有限条法 finite strip method半解析法 semi-analytical method协调元 conforming element非协调元 non-conforming element混合元 mixed element杂交元 hybrid element边界元 boundary element强迫边界条件 forced boundary condition 自然边界条件 natural boundary condition 离散化 Discretization离散系统 discrete system连续问题 continuous problem广义位移 generalized displacement广义载荷 generalized load广义应变 generalized strain广义应力 generalized stress界面变量 interface variable 节点 node, nodal point[单]元 Element角节点 corner node边节点 mid-side node内节点 internal node无节点变量 nodeless variable杆元 bar element桁架杆元 truss element梁元 beam element二维元 two-dimensional element一维元 one-dimensional element三维元 three-dimensional element轴对称元 axisymmetric element板元 plate element壳元 shell element厚板元 thick plate element三角形元 triangular element四边形元 quadrilateral element四面体元 tetrahedral element曲线元 curved element二次元 quadratic element线性元 linear element三次元 cubic element四次元 quartic element等参[数]元 isoparametric element超参数元 super-parametric element亚参数元 sub-parametric element节点数可变元 variable-number-node element拉格朗日元 Lagrange element拉格朗日族 Lagrange family巧凑边点元 serendipity element巧凑边点族 serendipity family无限元 infinite element单元分析 element analysis单元特性 element characteristics刚度矩阵 stiffness matrix几何矩阵 geometric matrix等效节点力 equivalent nodal force节点位移 nodal displacement节点载荷 nodal load位移矢量 displacement vector载荷矢量 load vector质量矩阵 mass matrix集总质量矩阵 lumped mass matrix相容质量矩阵 consistent mass matrix阻尼矩阵 damping matrix瑞利阻尼 Rayleigh damping刚度矩阵的组集 assembly of stiffnessMatrices载荷矢量的组集 consistent mass matrix质量矩阵的组集 assembly of mass matrices 单元的组集 assembly of elements局部坐标系 local coordinate system局部坐标 local coordinate面积坐标 area coordinates体积坐标 volume coordinates曲线坐标 curvilinear coordinates静凝聚 static condensation合同变换 contragradient transformation形状函数 shape function试探函数 trial function检验函数test function权函数 weight function样条函数 spline function代用函数 substitute function降阶积分 reduced integration零能模式 zero-energy modeP收敛 p-convergenceH收敛 h-convergence掺混插值 blended interpolation等参数映射 isoparametric mapping双线性插值 bilinear interpolation小块检验 patch test非协调模式 incompatible mode 节点号 node number单元号 element number带宽 band width带状矩阵 banded matrix变带状矩阵 profile matrix带宽最小化minimization of band width波前法 frontal method子空间迭代法 subspace iteration method 行列式搜索法determinant search method逐步法 step-by-step method纽马克法Newmark威尔逊法 Wilson拟牛顿法 quasi-Newton method牛顿-拉弗森法 Newton-Raphson method 增量法 incremental method初应变 initial strain初应力 initial stress切线刚度矩阵 tangent stiffness matrix割线刚度矩阵 secant stiffness matrix模态叠加法mode superposition method平衡迭代 equilibrium iteration子结构 Substructure子结构法 substructure technique超单元 super-element网格生成 mesh generation结构分析程序 structural analysis program 前处理 pre-processing后处理 post-processing网格细化 mesh refinement应力光顺 stress smoothing组合结构 composite structure流体动力学类:流体动力学 fluid dynamics连续介质力学 mechanics of continuous media介质medium流体质点 fluid particle无粘性流体 nonviscous fluid, inviscid fluid连续介质假设 continuous medium hypothesis流体运动学 fluid kinematics水静力学 hydrostatics 液体静力学 hydrostatics支配方程 governing equation伯努利方程 Bernoulli equation伯努利定理 Bernonlli theorem毕奥-萨伐尔定律 Biot-Savart law欧拉方程Euler equation亥姆霍兹定理 Helmholtz theorem开尔文定理 Kelvin theorem涡片 vortex sheet库塔-茹可夫斯基条件 Kutta-Zhoukowskicondition布拉休斯解 Blasius solution达朗贝尔佯廖 d'Alembert paradox 雷诺数 Reynolds number施特鲁哈尔数 Strouhal number随体导数 material derivative不可压缩流体 incompressible fluid 质量守恒 conservation of mass动量守恒 conservation of momentum 能量守恒 conservation of energy动量方程 momentum equation能量方程 energy equation控制体积 control volume液体静压 hydrostatic pressure涡量拟能 enstrophy压差 differential pressure流[动] flow流线stream line流面 stream surface流管stream tube迹线path, path line流场 flow field流态 flow regime流动参量 flow parameter流量 flow rate, flow discharge涡旋 vortex涡量 vorticity涡丝 vortex filament涡线 vortex line涡面 vortex surface涡层 vortex layer涡环 vortex ring涡对 vortex pair涡管 vortex tube涡街 vortex street卡门涡街 Karman vortex street马蹄涡 horseshoe vortex对流涡胞 convective cell卷筒涡胞 roll cell涡 eddy涡粘性 eddy viscosity环流 circulation环量 circulation速度环量 velocity circulation 偶极子 doublet, dipole驻点 stagnation point总压[力] total pressure总压头 total head静压头 static head总焓 total enthalpy能量输运 energy transport速度剖面 velocity profile库埃特流 Couette flow单相流 single phase flow单组份流 single-component flow均匀流 uniform flow非均匀流 nonuniform flow二维流 two-dimensional flow三维流 three-dimensional flow准定常流 quasi-steady flow非定常流unsteady flow, non-steady flow 暂态流transient flow周期流 periodic flow振荡流 oscillatory flow分层流 stratified flow无旋流 irrotational flow有旋流 rotational flow轴对称流 axisymmetric flow不可压缩性 incompressibility不可压缩流[动] incompressible flow 浮体 floating body定倾中心metacenter阻力 drag, resistance减阻 drag reduction表面力 surface force表面张力 surface tension毛细[管]作用 capillarity来流 incoming flow自由流 free stream自由流线 free stream line外流 external flow进口 entrance, inlet出口exit, outlet扰动 disturbance, perturbation分布 distribution传播 propagation色散 dispersion弥散 dispersion附加质量added mass ,associated mass收缩 contraction镜象法 image method无量纲参数 dimensionless parameter几何相似 geometric similarity运动相似 kinematic similarity动力相似[性] dynamic similarity平面流 plane flow势 potential势流 potential flow速度势 velocity potential复势 complex potential复速度 complex velocity流函数 stream function源source汇sink速度[水]头 velocity head拐角流 corner flow空泡流cavity flow超空泡 supercavity超空泡流 supercavity flow空气动力学 aerodynamics低速空气动力学 low-speed aerodynamics 高速空气动力学 high-speed aerodynamics 气动热力学 aerothermodynamics亚声速流[动] subsonic flow跨声速流[动] transonic flow超声速流[动] supersonic flow锥形流 conical flow楔流wedge flow叶栅流 cascade flow非平衡流[动] non-equilibrium flow细长体 slender body细长度 slenderness钝头体 bluff body钝体 blunt body翼型 airfoil翼弦 chord薄翼理论 thin-airfoil theory构型 configuration后缘 trailing edge迎角 angle of attack失速stall脱体激波detached shock wave 波阻wave drag诱导阻力 induced drag诱导速度 induced velocity临界雷诺数critical Reynolds number前缘涡 leading edge vortex附着涡 bound vortex约束涡 confined vortex气动中心 aerodynamic center气动力 aerodynamic force气动噪声 aerodynamic noise气动加热 aerodynamic heating离解 dissociation地面效应 ground effect气体动力学 gas dynamics稀疏波 rarefaction wave热状态方程thermal equation of state喷管Nozzle普朗特-迈耶流 Prandtl-Meyer flow瑞利流 Rayleigh flow可压缩流[动] compressible flow可压缩流体 compressible fluid绝热流 adiabatic flow非绝热流 diabatic flow未扰动流 undisturbed flow等熵流 isentropic flow匀熵流 homoentropic flow兰金-于戈尼奥条件 Rankine-Hugoniot condition状态方程 equation of state量热状态方程 caloric equation of state完全气体 perfect gas拉瓦尔喷管 Laval nozzle马赫角 Mach angle马赫锥 Mach cone马赫线Mach line马赫数Mach number马赫波Mach wave当地马赫数 local Mach number冲击波 shock wave激波 shock wave正激波normal shock wave斜激波oblique shock wave头波 bow wave附体激波 attached shock wave激波阵面 shock front激波层 shock layer压缩波 compression wave反射 reflection折射 refraction散射scattering衍射 diffraction绕射 diffraction出口压力 exit pressure超压[强] over pressure反压 back pressure爆炸 explosion爆轰 detonation缓燃 deflagration水动力学 hydrodynamics液体动力学 hydrodynamics泰勒不稳定性 Taylor instability 盖斯特纳波 Gerstner wave斯托克斯波 Stokes wave瑞利数 Rayleigh number自由面 free surface波速 wave speed, wave velocity 波高 wave height波列wave train波群 wave group波能wave energy表面波 surface wave表面张力波 capillary wave规则波 regular wave不规则波 irregular wave浅水波 shallow water wave深水波deep water wave重力波 gravity wave椭圆余弦波 cnoidal wave潮波tidal wave涌波surge wave破碎波 breaking wave船波ship wave非线性波 nonlinear wave孤立子 soliton水动[力]噪声 hydrodynamic noise 水击 water hammer空化 cavitation空化数 cavitation number 空蚀 cavitation damage超空化流 supercavitating flow水翼 hydrofoil水力学 hydraulics洪水波 flood wave涟漪ripple消能 energy dissipation海洋水动力学 marine hydrodynamics谢齐公式 Chezy formula欧拉数 Euler number弗劳德数 Froude number水力半径 hydraulic radius水力坡度 hvdraulic slope高度水头 elevating head水头损失 head loss水位 water level水跃 hydraulic jump含水层 aquifer排水 drainage排放量 discharge壅水曲线back water curve压[强水]头 pressure head过水断面 flow cross-section明槽流open channel flow孔流 orifice flow无压流 free surface flow有压流 pressure flow缓流 subcritical flow急流 supercritical flow渐变流gradually varied flow急变流 rapidly varied flow临界流 critical flow异重流density current, gravity flow堰流weir flow掺气流 aerated flow含沙流 sediment-laden stream降水曲线 dropdown curve沉积物 sediment, deposit沉[降堆]积 sedimentation, deposition沉降速度 settling velocity流动稳定性 flow stability不稳定性 instability奥尔-索末菲方程 Orr-Sommerfeld equation 涡量方程 vorticity equation泊肃叶流 Poiseuille flow奥辛流 Oseen flow剪切流 shear flow粘性流[动] viscous flow层流 laminar flow分离流 separated flow二次流 secondary flow近场流near field flow远场流 far field flow滞止流 stagnation flow尾流 wake [flow]回流 back flow反流 reverse flow射流 jet自由射流 free jet管流pipe flow, tube flow内流 internal flow拟序结构 coherent structure 猝发过程 bursting process表观粘度 apparent viscosity 运动粘性 kinematic viscosity 动力粘性 dynamic viscosity 泊 poise厘泊 centipoise厘沱 centistoke剪切层 shear layer次层 sublayer流动分离 flow separation层流分离 laminar separation 湍流分离 turbulent separation 分离点 separation point附着点 attachment point再附 reattachment再层流化 relaminarization起动涡starting vortex驻涡 standing vortex涡旋破碎 vortex breakdown 涡旋脱落 vortex shedding压[力]降 pressure drop压差阻力 pressure drag压力能 pressure energy型阻 profile drag滑移速度 slip velocity无滑移条件 non-slip condition 壁剪应力 skin friction, frictional drag壁剪切速度 friction velocity磨擦损失 friction loss磨擦因子 friction factor耗散 dissipation滞后lag相似性解 similar solution局域相似 local similarity气体润滑 gas lubrication液体动力润滑 hydrodynamic lubrication 浆体 slurry泰勒数 Taylor number纳维-斯托克斯方程 Navier-Stokes equation 牛顿流体 Newtonian fluid边界层理论boundary later theory边界层方程boundary layer equation边界层 boundary layer附面层 boundary layer层流边界层laminar boundary layer湍流边界层turbulent boundary layer温度边界层thermal boundary layer边界层转捩boundary layer transition边界层分离boundary layer separation边界层厚度boundary layer thickness位移厚度 displacement thickness动量厚度 momentum thickness能量厚度 energy thickness焓厚度 enthalpy thickness注入 injection吸出suction泰勒涡 Taylor vortex速度亏损律 velocity defect law形状因子 shape factor测速法 anemometry粘度测定法 visco[si] metry流动显示 flow visualization油烟显示 oil smoke visualization孔板流量计 orifice meter频率响应 frequency response油膜显示oil film visualization阴影法 shadow method纹影法 schlieren method烟丝法smoke wire method丝线法 tuft method。



中文英文英文中文艾利应力函数Airy stress function Airy stress function艾利应力函数板plate anti-sysmetric tensor反对称张量板边bounday of plate applied elasticity应用弹性力学板的抗弯强度flexural rigidity of plate axisymmetry轴对称板的内力internal force of plate base vector基矢量板的中面middle plane of plate basic assumptions ofelasticity弹性力学基本假定贝尔特拉米-米歇尔方程Beltrami-Michellequationbasic equation for thebending of thin plate薄板弯曲的基本方程贝蒂互换定理Betti reciprocal theorem Beltrami consistencyequation贝尔特拉米相容方程变温temperature change Beltrami-Michellequation 贝尔特拉米-米歇尔方程表层波surface wave Betti reciprocal theorem贝蒂互换定理半逆解法semi-inverse method body force体力薄板thin plate boundary condition边界条件薄板弯曲的基本方程basic equation for thebending of thin platebounday of plate板边薄膜比拟membrage analogy Boussinesq problem布西内斯克问题布西内斯克问题Boussinesq problem Boussinesq solution布西内斯克解答布西内斯克解答Boussinesq solution Boussinesq solution布西内斯克解答布西内斯克-伽辽金通解Boussinesq-Galerkingeneral solutionBoussinesq-Galerkingeneral solution布西内斯克-伽辽金通解半空间体semi-infinite body bulk modulus体积模量半平面体semi-infinite plane Castigliano formula卡斯蒂利亚诺公式贝尔特拉米相容方程Beltrami consistencyequationCauchy equation柯西方程边界条件boundary condition Cerruti problem塞路蒂问题变分法(能量法)variationalmethod,energy method characteristic equationof stress state应力状态特征方程薄板内力internal forces of thinplate coefficient of lateralpressure侧压力系数薄板弹性曲面elatic surface of thinplate complex potential复位势薄板弹性曲面微分方程differential equation ofelastic surface of thinplatecondition of single-value displacement位移单值条件薄板弯曲刚度flexural rigidity of thinplateconsistency equation相容方程布西内斯克解答Boussinesq solution contact problem接触问题产熵entropy prodction continuity连续性沉陷settlement continuous hypothesis连续性假设侧压力系数coefficient of lateralpressure coordinate curves坐标曲线ELASTICITY(弹性力学)常用专业名词中英文对照差分法finite-differencemethord coordinate surface坐标曲面差分公式finite-differencefromulate coupling耦合重三角级数double triangle series curvilinear coordinates曲线坐标大挠度问题large deflection problem deflection挠度单位张量unit tensor deformation形变单元分析element analysis density of comlementarystrain energy应变余能密度单元刚度矩阵element stiffness matrix density of internalenergy 内能密度等容波equivoluminal wave diaplacement位移等容的位移场equivoluminaldisplacement field diaplacementcomponents位移分量叠加原理superposition principle diaplacement method位移解法度量张量metric tensor diaplacement method位移法对称张量symmetric tensor diaplacement shapefunction位移的形函数单连体simply connected body diaplacement variationalequation位移变分方程单三角级数解single triangle series differential equation ofelastic surface弹性曲面的微分方程单元节点载荷列阵elemental nodal loadmatrix differential equation ofelastic surface of thinplate薄板弹性曲面微分方程单元劲度矩阵elemental stiffnessmatrix differential equation ofequilibrium平衡微分方程多连体multiply connected body differential equation ofequilibrium in terms ofdisplacement 以位移表示的平衡微分方程二阶张量second order tensor dilatation wave膨胀波反对称张量anti-sysmetric tensor discretization离散化符拉芒解答Flamant soluton discretization structure离散化结构反射reflection displacement boundarycondition位移边界条件傅里叶变换Fourier transform displacement model位移模式傅里叶积分Fourier integral distrotion wave畸变波复位势complex potential double triangle series重三角级数格林公式Green formula dummy index哑指标各向同性假设isotropic hypothesis elastic body弹性体供熵entropy supply elastic constants弹性常数广义变分原理generanized variatianalprincipleelastic matrix弹性矩阵广义胡克定律generanized Hooke law elastic principledirection 弹性主方向刚体位移rigid body displacement elastic symmetric plane弹性对称面各向同性isotropy elastic wave弹性波哈密顿变分原理Hamiton varitionalprincipleelasticity弹性哈密顿作用量Hamiton action elasticity弹性力学赫林格-赖斯纳变分原理Hellinger-Reissnervariational principleelatic surface of thinplate薄板弹性曲面亥姆霍兹定理Helmholtz theorem element analysis单元分析横观各向同性弹性体transverse isotropicelastic bodyelement stiffness matrix单元刚度矩阵横波transverse wave elemental nodal loadmatrix单元节点载荷列阵厚板thick plate elemental stiffnessmatrix 单元劲度矩阵胡海昌-鹫津久一郎变分原理Hu Haichang-Washizuvariational principleenergy method能量法混合边值问题mixed boundary-valueproblementropy prodction产熵胡克定律Hooke law entropy supply供熵混合边界条件mixed boundarycondition equation of stresscompatibility应力协调方程畸变波distrotion wave equivalent shear forcetorsional moment扭矩等效剪力基尔霍夫假设Kirchhoff hypothesis equivoluminaldisplacement field等容的位移场基矢量base vector equivoluminal wave等容波几何方程geometrical equation Euler method欧拉法几何可能的位移geometrically possibledisplacementEuler strain components欧拉应变分量几何可能的应变geometrically possiblestriainexternal force外力几何线性的假设geometrically linearhypothesisfinite element有限元伽辽金法Galerkin method finite element method有限单元法伽辽金矢量Galerkin vector finite-differencefromulate 差分公式结点node finite-differencemethord 差分法结点荷载nodal load first law ofthermodynamics热力学第一定律结点力nodal force first(second,third)kindboundary-value problemof elasticity 弹性力学的第一(第二、第三)类边值条件结点位移nodal displacement Flamant soluton符拉芒解答解的唯一性定理theorem of uniquenesssolutionflexural rigidity of plate板的抗弯强度静力可能的应力statically possible stress flexural rigidity of thinplate薄板弯曲刚度均匀性假设homogeneoushypothesis Fourier integral傅里叶积分局部编码local coding Fourier transform傅里叶变换基尔斯解答Kirsch solution free energy density自由能密度极小势能原理princile of minimumpotential energyfree index自由指标接触问题contact problem Galerkin method伽辽金法均匀性homogeneity Galerkin vector伽辽金矢量卡斯蒂利亚诺公式Castigliano formula generanized Hooke law广义胡克定律开尔文问题Kelvin problem generanized variatianalprinciple广义变分原理扭转刚度torsional rigidity geometrical equation几何方程柯西方程Cauchy equation geometrically linearhypothesis几何线性的假设克罗内克δ符号Kroneckerdelta symbol geometrically possibledisplacement几何可能的位移空间轴对称问题spatial axisymmetryproblem geometrically possiblestriain几何可能的应变孔口应力集中stress concentration ofholesglobal analysis整体分析拉梅解答Lame slution global analysis整体分析离散化结构discretization structure global coding总体编码理想弹性体perfect elastic body global equivalent nodalload vector整体等效结点荷载列阵连续性continuity global nodaldisplacement vector整体结点位移列阵拉格朗日法Lagrange method global stiffness matrix总刚度矩阵拉格朗日函数Lagrange function global stiffness matrix整体劲度矩阵拉格朗日应变函数Lagrange straincomponentsGreen formula格林公式拉梅常数Lamé constants Hamiton action哈密顿作用量拉梅系数Lamé coefficient Hamiton varitionalprinciple哈密顿变分原理拉梅方程Lamé equation heat-conductionequation 热传导方程拉梅应变势Lamé strain potential Hellinger-Reissnervariational principle 赫林格-赖斯纳变分原理莱维方程Lévy equation Helmholtz theorem亥姆霍兹定理勒夫应变函数Love strain function homogeneity均匀性离散化discretization homogeneoushypothesis 均匀性假设连续性假设continuous hypothesis Hooke law胡克定律梁的纯弯曲pure bending of beam Hooke's law of volume体应变胡克定律莱维解Lévy solution Hu Haichang-Washizuvariational principle 胡海昌-鹫津久一郎变分原理面力surface force infinitesimaldeformation hypothesis小变形假设膜板membrane plate internal force内力米歇尔相容方程Michell consistencyequationinternal force of plate板的内力挠度deflection internal forces of thinplate 薄板内力内力internal force inverse method逆解法能量法energy method irrotationaldisplacement field无旋的位移场逆解法inverse method irrotational wave无旋波扭矩等效剪力equivalent shear forcetorsional momentisotropic hypothesis各向同性假设扭转torsion isotropy各向同性纳维解Navier solution Kelvin problem开尔文问题内能密度density of internalenergy Kirchhoff hypothesis基尔霍夫假设纽勃-巴博考维奇通解Neuber-Papkovichgeneral solutionKirsch solution基尔斯解答欧拉法Euler method Kroneckerdelta symbol克罗内克δ符号欧拉应变分量Euler strain components Lagrange function拉格朗日函数耦合coupling Lagrange method拉格朗日法膨胀波dilatation wave Lagrange straincomponents拉格朗日应变函数平衡微分方程differential equation ofequilibriumLamé coefficient拉梅系数平面波plane wave Lamé constants拉梅常数平面应力问题plane stress problem Lamé equation拉梅方程平面应变问题plane strain problem Lame slution拉梅解答泊松比Poisson ratio Lamé strain potential拉梅应变势普朗特比拟Prandtl analogy large deflection problem大挠度问题普朗特应力函数Prandtl stress function Lévy equation莱维方程切变模量shear modulus Lévy solution莱维解切应变shear strain linear elasticity线性弹性力学切应力shear stress linear expansioncoefficient线膨胀系数切应力互等定理reciprocal theorem ofshear stresslinear thermal elasticity线性热弹性力学切应力线shear stress lines local coding局部编码求和约定summation convention longitudinal wave纵波球面波spherical wave Love strain function勒夫应变函数曲线坐标curvilinear coordinates mathematical elasticity数学弹性力学热力学第一定律first law ofthermodynamicsmembrage analogy薄膜比拟热力学第二定律second law ofthermodynamicsmembrane plate膜板热弹性应变势thermal elastic strainpotentialmetric tensor度量张量热应力thermal stress Michell consistencyequation米歇尔相容方程热传导方程heat-conductionequation middle plane of plate板的中面瑞利波Rayleigh wave mixed boundarycondition 混合边界条件瑞利-里茨法Rayleigh-Ritz method mixed boundary-valueproblem混合边值问题三阶张量third order tensor multiply connected body多连体塞路蒂问题Cerruti problem Navier solution纳维解圣维南扭转函数Saint-Venant torsionfunction Neuber-Papkovichgeneral solution纽勃-巴博考维奇通解圣维南方程Saint-Venant equation no initial stresshypothesis 无初始应力的假设圣维南原理Saint-Venant principle nodal displacement结点位移数学弹性力学mathematical elasticity nodal force结点力弹性elasticity nodal load结点荷载弹性波elastic wave node结点弹性常数elastic constants normal strain线应变弹性对称面elastic symmetric plane normal strain正应变弹性力学的平面问题plane problem ofelasticitynormal stress正应力弹性力学的第一(第二、第三)类边值条件first(second,third)kindboundary-value problemof elasticityorthotropic elastic body正交各向异性弹性体弹性曲面的微分方程differential equation ofelastic surfaceperfect elastic body理想弹性体弹性体elastic body perfect elasticity完全弹性弹性体的虚功原理principle of virtual workfor elastic solidperfectly elastic body完全弹性体弹性主方向elastic principledirection perfectly elastichypothesis完全弹性的假设弹性矩阵elastic matrix permulation tensor置换张量体力body force physical equation物理方程体应变胡克定律Hooke's law of volume physically linerhypothesis 物理线性的假设弹性力学elasticity plane problem ofelasticity 弹性力学的平面问题弹性力学基本假定basic assumptions ofelasticityplane strain problem平面应变问题体积模量bulk modulus plane stress problem平面应力问题体积应力volumetric strain plane wave平面波体应变volumetric strain plate板完全弹性的假设perfectly elastichypothesisPoisson ratio泊松比完全弹性体perfectly elastic body potential energy ofexternal force外力势能位移边界条件displacement boundarycondition potential functiondecomposition ofdisplacement field位移场的势函数分解式位移变分方程diaplacement variationalequationPrandtl analogy普朗特比拟位移场的势函数分解式potential functiondecomposition ofdisplacement fieldPrandtl stress function普朗特应力函数位移分量diaplacementcomponentspressure tunnel压力隧道位移解法diaplacement method princile of minimumpotential energy极小势能原理位移的形函数diaplacement shapefunctionprincipal plane主平面无初始应力的假设no initial stresshypothesisprincipal shear stress主切应力无旋波irrotational wave principal strain主应变无旋的位移场irrotationaldisplacement fieldprincipal stress主应力物理线性的假设physically linerhypothesis principle direction ofstrain应变主方向外力external force principle direction ofstress应力主方向外力功work of external force principle of least work最小功原理外力势能potential energy ofexternal force principle of minimum complementary energy最小余能原理完全弹性perfect elasticity principle of minimumpotential energy最小势能原理位移diaplacement principle of virtual workfor elastic solid弹性体的虚功原理位移单值条件condition of single-value displacementprinciple plane of stress应力主面位移法diaplacement method pure bending of beam梁的纯弯曲位移模式displacement model quadratic surface ofstrain 应变二次曲面物理方程physical equation quadratic surface ofstress 应力二次曲面线膨胀系数linear expansioncoefficientRayleigh wave瑞利波线性弹性力学linear elasticity Rayleigh-Ritz method瑞利-里茨法线性热弹性力学linear thermal elasticity reciprocal theorem ofshear stress切应力互等定理相对位移张量relative displacementtensorreflection反射小变形假设infinitesimaldeformation hypothesisrefraction折射小挠度问题small deflection matrix relative displacementtensor相对位移张量形函数矩阵shape function matrix rigid body displacement刚体位移虚位移virtual displacement rotation components转动分量虚位移方程virtual displacementequationrotation vector转动矢量虚应变virtual strain Saint-Venant equation圣维南方程虚应力virtual stress Saint-Venant principle圣维南原理虚应力方程virtual stress equation Saint-Venant torsionfunction圣维南扭转函数线应变normal strain second law ofthermodynamics热力学第二定律相容方程consistency equation second order tensor二阶张量形变deformation semi-infinite body半空间体形变势能strain erergy semi-infinite plane半平面体形函数shape function semi-inverse method半逆解法虚功方程virtual work equation settlement沉陷哑指标dummy index shape function形函数杨氏模量Young modulus shape function matrix形函数矩阵一点的应变状态state of strain at a point shear modulus切变模量一点的应力状态state of stress at a point shear strain切应变以位移表示的平衡微分方程differential equation ofequilibrium in terms ofdisplacementshear stress切应力应变二次曲面quadratic surface ofstrain shear stress lines切应力线应变分量strain components simply connected body单连体应变能密度strain energy density single triangle series单三角级数解应变矩阵strain matrix small deflection matrix小挠度问题应变协调方程strain compatibilityequation spatial axisymmetryproblem空间轴对称问题应变余能密度density of comlementarystrain energyspherical wave球面波应变张量strain tensor state of strain at a point一点的应变状态应变张量不变量strain tensor invariant state of stress at a point一点的应力状态应变主方向principle direction ofstrain statically possible stress静力可能的应力应力变分方程stress variationalequation strain compatibilityequation应变协调方程应力边界条件stress boundarycondition strain components应变分量应力二次曲面quadratic surface ofstress strain energy density应变能密度应力分量stress components strain erergy形变势能应力环量stress circulation strain matrix应变矩阵应力解法stress method strain tensor应变张量应力矩阵stress matrix strain tensor invariant应变张量不变量应力协调方程equation of stresscompatibility stress boundarycondition应力边界条件应力张量stress tensor stress circulation应力环量应力张量不变量stress tensor invariant stress components应力分量应力主方向principle direction ofstress stress concentration ofholes孔口应力集中应力状态特征方程characteristic equationof stress statestress matrix应力矩阵应用弹性力学applied elasticity stress method应力解法有限元finite element stress method应力法圆柱体扭转torsion of circular bar stress tensor应力张量压力隧道pressure tunnel stress tensor invariant应力张量不变量应力法stress method stress variationalequation 应力变分方程应力主面principle plane of stress summation convention求和约定有限单元法finite element method superposition principle叠加原理折射refraction surface force面力整体等效结点荷载列阵global equivalent nodalload vectorsurface wave表层波整体结点位移列阵global nodaldisplacement vectorsymmetric tensor对称张量整体分析global analysis temperature change变温正应变normal strain theorem of uniquenesssolution解的唯一性定理正应力normal stress thermal elastic strainpotential热弹性应变势正交各向异性弹性体orthotropic elastic body thermal stress热应力置换张量permulation tensor thick plate厚板主应变principal strain thin plate薄板主应力principal stress third order tensor三阶张量主平面principal plane torsion扭转主切应力principal shear stress torsion of circular bar圆柱体扭转转动矢量rotation vector torsional rigidity扭转刚度转动分量rotation components total complementaryenergy总余能自由能密度free energy density total potential energy总势能自由指标free index transverse isotropicelastic body横观各向同性弹性体纵波longitudinal wave transverse wave横波总刚度矩阵global stiffness matrix unit tensor单位张量总势能total potential energy variationalmethod,energy method变分法(能量法)总余能total complementaryenergyvirtual displacement虚位移总体编码global coding virtual displacementequation虚位移方程最小功原理principle of least work virtual strain虚应变最小势能原理principle of minimumpotential energyvirtual stress虚应力最小余能原理principle of minimumcomplementary energyvirtual stress equation虚应力方程坐标曲面coordinate surface virtual work equation虚功方程坐标曲线coordinate curves volumetric strain体积应力整体分析global analysis volumetric strain体应变整体劲度矩阵global stiffness matrix work of external force外力功轴对称axisymmetry Young modulus杨氏模量。



《计算材料学》拓展题报告一.Si 的弹性常数计算1.模型导入:File/import/Structures/semiconductors/Si.xsd2.化简为原胞:Build/symmetry/primitive cell3.结构优化:Modules/CASTEP/Calculation图1.1CASTEP Calculation 对话框设置在Job Control 中选择多核并行计算,参数设置完成后,点击Run 进行计算。




源文件1.1生成文件<Si.castep>中优化后原胞晶格常数4.弹性常数计算:在文件<Si CASTEP GeomOpt>下找到结构优化生成的文件Si.castep,特别注意将其激活之后,依次点击Modules/CASTEP/Calculation。

具体参数设置如下:图1.2CASTEP Calculation对话框设置点击Run计算。

生成新文件夹<Si CASTEP Cij>,其中包括数个文件。


在生成的文件夹中激活Si.xsd,单击Modules/CASTEP/Analysis,选择Elastic Constants,具体设置如下:图1.3CASTEP Analysis对话框具体设置单击Calculate按键,计算完成,得到生成文件Si Elastic Constants.txt。

弹性常数具体数值摘抄如下:源文件1.2生成文件<Si Elastic Constants.txt>即C11=159.42830GPa,C12=57.71120GPa,C44=77.40610GPa,与文献[1,2],实验[3]得出的结果相近。

表1.1文献[1,2],实验[3]得到的弹性模量二.Si的声子谱计算1.模型导入:File/import/Structures/semiconductors/Si.xsd2.化简为原胞:Build/symmetry/primitive cell3.计算设计:Modules/CASTEP/Calculation图2.1CASTEP Calculation 对话框具体设置单击Run ,数十分钟后跳出OK 活动窗口,单击确定。



a b s t r a c t
This review describes the fundamental aspects of laser–gold nanoparticle (Au NP) interaction that leads to nanoscale energy deposition to the surroundings through light amplification and heat generation. Besides the importance of the primary process in physics and chemistry, application of the light–NP interaction has attracted significant interest from various areas ranging from analytical chemistry to material chemistry and biomedicine. Here we consider both mechanistic and application aspects. Our attention is focused on pulsed-laser-induced fast processes that revealed the heating–cooling dynamics of electrons, lattice (particle), and particle’s environment. On the application side, we focus on material fabrication and processing that beat diffraction-limited resolution. Together, we will shed a light on the essence of research activities carried out in the past 10 years. In addition to an abundance of latest information obtained from currently available literature, this review includes figures obtained by our own calculations to provide readers with a better understanding of the basics of the optical properties and energy and heat-transfer processes of Au NPs, which are not familiar to photochemists. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.



八下物理弹力课堂笔记When it comes to the topic of elasticity in physics, it's important to understand the fundamental concepts and principles that govern this physical property. 当谈到物理学中的弹性问题时,重要的是要理解支配这一物理性质的基本概念和原则。

Elasticity refers to the ability of a material to return to its original shape after being deformed by an external force. 弹性指的是一种材料在受到外力变形后能够恢复原状的能力。

This property is crucial in various applications, such as engineering, construction, and material science. 这一性质在各种应用中至关重要,比如工程、建筑和材料科学等。

One of the key principles of elasticity is Hooke's Law, which states that the force needed to extend or compress a spring by a certain distance is directly proportional to that distance. 弹性的一个关键原则是胡克定律,该定律规定用于延伸或压缩弹簧的力与该距离成正比。

This law provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of elastic materials under different conditions. 这一定律为理解不同条件下弹性材料的行为提供了数学框架。

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