RoHS 一致性为满足中国《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》(信息产业部第39号令)的相关规定和要求,我司对所生产及销售的笔记本电脑产品中有毒有害物质,按部件分类,声明如下:S580系列产品中有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量:有毒有害物质或元素部件名称多溴二本醚铅(Pb)汞(Hg)镉(Cd)六价铬(Cr6+)多溴联苯(PBB)(PBDE)电路板组件×○○○○○硬盘○○○○○○LCD 屏○○○○○○喇叭○○○○○○电池○○○○○○适配器○○○○○○外壳、附件○○○○○○z○:表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。
z×:表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出SJ/T 11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
BTX-500S电源采用了最新的Intel ATX 12V 2.31规范,完全相互独立的双路+12V输出,为用户的爱机带来双倍稳定保障,+12V1输出电流达到了14A,+12V2输出电流达到了17A,足以满足功耗需求量大的四核处理器与高端显卡。
安全性能上爱国者的技术也值得信赖,爱国者使用双向快充,支持5V-3A 放电,输入功率能到到15W,充电时间很快,电芯采用了芯片保护技术,有效防止了电芯损坏。
符合80 PLUS及CSCI节能标准,电源转化率可达80%以上,为主机正常运转提供安全保护。
电 电阻 R804 组成的开机冲击电流限制电路,由 D801~ 常时此脚电压大约为 2.5 V)。当市电电压降低或负载
脑 D804 整流、C806 滤波后,得到 300 V 直流电压。
300 V 电压通过开关 变 压 器 T801 加 到 开 关 管 也同时下降,IC801⑥脚输出的驱动脉冲占空比加大,
Q804 导通后,使 Q803 导通,由 Q803 的 c 极输出 的 12 V 电压分三路输出:第一路经 R423 限流,为行激 励电路供电;第二路通过 R783 使 Q701 截止;第三路通 过 R784 使电源指示灯 LD801 内的绿色发光管导通而 发光,表明该机正常工作。
2. 节能状态 节能状态时,IC701輦輶訛脚为低电平,Q804、Q806 截 止,行、场扫描电路停止工作。同时因 Q803 的 c 极没有 12 V 电压输出,不但使 LD801 内的绿色电源指示灯熄 灭,而且使 Q701 导通。Q701 导通后,其 c 极输出的电 压使电源指示灯 LD801 内的橙色发光管导通发光,表 明彩显处于节能状态。 三、行输出电源电路 爱 国 者 400A 彩 显 的 行 输 出 电 源 是 以 IC802 (UC3842)、电感 L805 为核心构成的并联、升压型开关 电源,电路如图 3 所示。由于该电源电路也是由 UC3842 构成的,所以不再介绍。Q404 的 c 极电压在未 联机时为 90 V。下面介绍保护电路工作原理。 1. 取样电压异常保护 行扫描电路停止工作后,C828 两端电压消失,引 起 Q404 供电电压升高并达到 178 V 左右时,经取样电 路 R864、R865 取样后的电压达到 5.8 V,5.1 V 稳压二 极管 ZD803 导通,ZD803 导通电流在 R862 两端产生的
A li 等 14 家芯片
公司的最新机顶盒平 台方案 , 水晶石
科技 、 阿哈媒体 、 大地 传媒等 13 家 内
容提供商的特 色应 用 , 以及杭州华数
等 7 家运营商的经典应用 。
i P a n e l 与 多家 C P /S P 厂 商 共推 了 多
项最新的增值业 务 , 美国 A c ti v e v ide o
二 是 加 强 对 发射机 的维 护和检修 。 对 于 发射设 备 的维
护和检修 要 做 到经 常化 制度化 使 发 射机 始终 处于 良好
的工 作状态 各项技术指标 都在正 常的范 围 内 消除 因 自
身 问题 而 造成干 扰 的隐患 。 特 别是 在 同 台址 设 台频率较 多
时 ,
加强 对 发射设 备 的维 护和 检修显 得 尤为重要 。
三 是 加强 沟通 和协调 工 作。
频 率 干 扰 事件 突发 性强 .
涉及 的单位较 多 .
而 且 干扰定位难度大 。
据初步统计 .
广 播 电视 频率干 扰相 关 的单位有无 线 电管理 部 门 民航局
空 管 中心 空军 气 象等近 十 多个单位 因 此 加强 各设
台单位之 间信 息 的沟通 和协 调 显 得 尤其 关键 。 我们在工 作
《日,爱目}口势奥i.m&T#B n 自理目者CA—F223.gt箍C A—E371月q }用n箱,Ⅱ首#≯£井推&T A※列电■产8*&布的目款机箱P£《镕*自}n箱÷自#sⅢ.#&&m拉$优势#日}l m&|安2#。
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g".爱目女C A—E371嗣口巴{月机镕m a目*目女n#白勺*境特A.∞辐*E M I#^{^*∞t辐射。
《m n自T&#雀自地i目.m目娇小目爱.S”,∞2U S B l1Ⅱ音频、M i c镕口.%月≈月户{mⅢ撞∞#验-%A《列电镕主持I nt eJ/A M D±幕到C PU.m带‘3+2”i±自龌镕p.*±n撮闾鋈薰熏一。
大功率低噪声 爱国者焱龙BTX-600S电源
到双 显卡 S I 或 者多 硬盘 RA D系统 , L 系统 I 也没有
任 何 问题 。
接 口方面 , 龙B X 6 0 提 供 标 准2 + P N 焱 T 一0 S 0 4 I 主 板 供 电接 口, 同 时兼 顾 新 老主 板 。 组 S T 可 4 A A磁 盘 接 口, 组 D 4 型磁 盘 接 口, 以及4 4 I + P N处理 器 供 电接
◎爱国者焱龙B X 6 O 电源铭牌 T -O S
产 品走 向轻 薄是 未来市 场必 然趋势。衄区
◎4 4 I 处理器供电接口 + PN
◎6 l显卡供电接 E PN l
◎ 爱国者焱 龙B X 6 0 电源 内部 ◎ 爱国者焱 龙B X 6 O 电源采 T .0 S T -O S 做 工 用了先进的主动式P C F
d 4 %-6 %, 量减 轻 6 %-8 %。 值得 一 提 的  ̄0 0 重 0 0 最
是, 国者焱 龙 B X 6 0 电源 还 是一 款 主动式 P C 爱 T 一0 S F 电源 , 率 因素值 高达 9% ( 动式 P C 只能改善 功 5 被 F约 至7%) 这 种高 效率 的功 效转 换 意味 着主动 式P C 5 , F 比被 动 式 P C节约 更 多 的 能源 。 F 并且 , 采用 主动 式 P C 电源重 量 , F的 比被 动 式P C F 产品 要轻巧 许 多, 而
为了更 好 地 适 应双 核 平 台的需 要 , ne推 出了 ltl AT 2 _版标 准 电源规 范 , 0 年 初开 始 众 多 X 1V 23 从 8 厂 商就 纷纷 推 出各 自的23 电源 。 . 版 今天 , 们 要给 我 大 家介 绍 的是 爱 国者A X V .版标 准 的 电源一 一 T 23
小两 个 电感线 圈和一
18 0
F 、
耐 压 值 为 4 0 0 V 的 电 容 组 成 , 整 体 用 料 相 当 扎 实 。 该 电 源 提 供 了 2 4 P in + 双 4 P in 的 主 动 力
输 出 , 有 4 个 D 型 接 口 、 两 个 S A T A 供 电 接 口 和 一 个 6 P in 的 显 卡 供 电 接 口 。
测 试 系 统 为 In t e l C o r e 2 Q u a d 9 6 5 0 , 宇 瞻 1 G B D D R 2 8 0 0 内 存 2 条 构 建 双 通 道 , 技
嘉 P35 一 DQ6 主 板 ,
7200 11 .
双 N V ID IA G e F o r c e
而使性能损耗降到最低 。
测 试 平 台 为 In t e l C o r e 2 D u o E 8 3 0 0 , 宇 瞻 1 G B D D R 2 8 0 0 内 存 2 条 构 建 双 通 道 , 技 嘉
P3 5 一 DQ6 主 板 ,
7200 11 .
( 不 同容量
), T t K K 4 5 0
无 响应 和 意 外 关机 的情 况 。 标 称 的 5 0 0 W 功 率 名副 其 实 , 让 人 放 心 。 园
6 0 0 D 电源
口 P o p h a r d /苍茫
P O P HA R D 1 0 1
周 边
新 品 速 递
Tt M a x 四联装硬盘盒
口 P o p h a r d / 苍茫
有谁见 过 一 口 气容纳 四 块硬 盘 的硬 盘 盒?
价格 、 更低功耗和小 引脚 的好处 。 一如 既往 地 , 们致 力于为客户提供3 位MC 领域 我 2 U
的更广泛 的选择。 ”
目前拥 有近6 亿用户 的 中国移 动行业 正在进行重大改组。 同时, 中国运营商正在 推出3 G网络 , 网络将 为他 们的客 户提 该 供范围更广 、 内容更丰 富的服务 。 王先生将
在 此次大会上 就持续发展 发表主题 演讲 ,
蓝 牙 技 术 联盟 中国2 0 峰 会 推 08 介最新蓝牙技术
本刊 讯 作为蓝 牙技术诞 生十周 年环 球 庆 典 活 动 的 一 环 , 牙 技 术 联 盟 蓝 ( leo t I 中 国2 0 峰 会 于2 0 年 Bu tohSG) 08 08
口于一 颗单芯 片上 , 针对 消费、 工业 、 医疗 以及通讯 等应用 市场o P 3 3 带 一个非 L C 10 常灵活的时钟产生单元 ( GU) C , 能够提供
互联网。 移动通信亚洲大会上 , 我们将 进一 步探讨我们行业以及中国经济 未来发展 的
巨 大机 遇 。 ”
的惯性轮来保持 左右平衡 。 而前后方 向( 齿
距) , 上 则通 过像 倒立 摆那 样转动 独轮 车 的车轮来保持平衡。 此外 , 还配备了用来检 测 障碍 物 的超 声波传感器 、 来收发控 制 用
1 月1 日在 北 京 成 功 召 开。 括C R 0 O 包 S 公 司 , 尔科 技股份 有限公 司, 海博 慧翰信 息技 术 有限公 司, 安立公 司等在 内的联 盟重要 成 员以及 工信部通信计量 中心均参 与了此 次 峰会并做 了精彩 演讲 , 同时业 内专家及 相 关媒 体共 1 0 人 出席 了此 次峰 会。 0余 在 此次 大会上 , 牙技术联盟成 员展示 了最 蓝
east电源ea205说明书EA205 East电源使用说明书第一章:产品介绍1.1产品概述EA205是一款高性能、高效的电源产品,适用于各种家用和商用电器设备。
1P1Arktite heavy duty circuit breaking plugs and receptaclesIndustrial heavy duty Non-hazardous areasNEMA 4 WatertightApplications:Arktite ® circuit breaking plugs and receptacles are used:• To supply power to portable electrically operated devices such as motor generator sets, compressors, heating and cooling units, welders, conveyors, lighting systems and similar equipment• Where temporary power is needed, such as at trailers, building units, heavy machinery and similar equipment• Wherever electrical loads must be quickly disconnected from power source • In a typical installation, where a large machine utilizes a number of electrical motor drives and for ease of adjustment, removal, maintenance and replacement, each motor is connected by portable cord and Arktite receptacles rather than permanently wired• In areas where dust, dirt, moisture and corrosion are a problem• Indoors and outdoors in non-hazardous areas of chemical plants, processindustry facilities, meat packing plants, manufacturing plants and similar industrial locationsFeatures:• Circuit breaking – plugs through 100ampere rating may be disconnected under load; 150-400 ampere units are for service disconnect use only• Receptacles accept only plugs of the same amperage rating, style and number of poles, making it impossible to mismate, and provides for positive polarization • Extra wide electrical spacing allows for maximum safety• Insulator materials are the result of intensive testing; selection has beenmade based on highest dielectric strength, maximum mechanical and impactresistance, lowest moisture absorption and highest arc tracking resistance• A variety of installations is possible due to the availability of several types of back boxes• Designed to withstand rough usage and the effects of adverse environments • Reversible interiors – 30, 60 and 100 ampere (except 30 and 60 ampere, 5-pole); Arktite plug and receptacle interiors are interchangeable using a screwdriver, making it possible to feed a normally de-energized receptacle from an energized plug with usual Arktite safety; no energized contacts are exposedCertifications and compliances:• U L standards: 1203A , 1682, 1686• CSA standard: C22.2 No. 182.1• CE (LVD) 2006/95/EECBA APJ and NPJ plugs only.B Excludes 200A and 400A APR connectors.1P1PSplit pin contact design:• Provides nearly 360° of contact at every insertion, ensuring protection against heat rise and eliminating arcing on critical surfaces• Continuous contact over lengthand circumference of mated pinsprovides superior safety and long-term performance• Self-wiping at every insertion to prevent environmental contamination build-up Combination drive stainless steel hardware • Increases ease of installation by allowing for more than one option for installation tools • Stainless steel external hardware eliminates corrosion on critical components and extends product life Insulator assemblies• Unimpeded, easy access phase and ground terminals make wire termination quick and easy • Lug screws secured with tape to prevent them from vibrating loose and falling out during shipping Combination slot and hex mechanical lugs C • Increases ease of installation by allowing for more than one option for installation tools • Hex head allows for easy achievement of specified torque value Receptacle cover• Automatic weatherproof seal every time plug is disengaged • Field replaceable design allows for new cover to bethreaded on quickly and easilyArktite advantage features:Internal plug safety insulator• Plastic barrier between insulator body and metalhousing minimizes risk of energizing handle body due to stray conductor strands • Increases creepage and clearance protection CE marked• Offers a borderless solution with no additional inspection or documentation required for approval Lockout plug• Allows users to comply with OSHA lockout/tagout requirements • Ensures plug cannot be inserted into receptacle when maintenance is being performed downstream of power supply Tri-Lock cable grip• Three-piece design equally distributes grip around perimeter of cable • Cable jacket does not get pinched, eliminating potential for damage to internal conductors • Captive screws allow maximum extension of cord grip without risk of loose components Sure-Seal cable gland• Two gasket sizes fit entire cable range, reducing risk of improper assembly • Gasket ratches into Tri-Lock cable grip to provide environmental protection in high vibration areasThe additional features below arecalled out in the illustration on this page:123456The ground contact is bonded to thereceptacle housing (Style 2).Unimpeded, easy access phase and groundterminals make wire termination quick and easy.Grounding contacts that make first andbreak last in the unlikely event of keyway failure.An arc formed when the plug is beingremoved is instantly snuffed in the deep confined insulated arcing chamber.A detent spring forms a parallel groundingpath through the metallic plug sleeve and receptacle housing and is the first contact to make and the last to break.The plug sleeve is keyed to the receptacleto prevent mispolarization.78910111213The gasketing system providesunsurpassed watertight integrity (NEMA 4).All aluminum Uni-Shell ™ constructionprovides superior strength in abusive environments.The Tri-Lock ™ cable grip has three-piecedesign that equally distributes gripping power around perimeter of cable. Cord jacket does not get pinched, eliminating potential for damage to both internal conductors and external cable jacket. Cable grip is located inside plug housing, eliminating corrosion of vital hardware and making plug maintenance easy.The unique Sure-Seal ™ cable gland hastwo gasket sizes which fit entire range of cable diameters, reducing risk of improper assembly. The gasket ratchets into the Tri-Lock cable grip to prevent plug from turning or loosening in high vibration areas.Wrenching surfaces make Arktite plugsquick and easy to assemble.Smooth and contoured design of plughousing eliminates occurrence of cable grip snagging or breaking off. Tri-Lock screws are captive so cable grip cannot come apart during assembly. Prevents critical screws from getting lost during installation.Plastic sleeve between insulator body andhousing minimizes possibility of electrical shock in event of ground failure. Increases creepage and clearance protection.Plug housing• Smooth design eliminates occurrence of cable grip snagging or breaking off • Houses Tri-Lock cable grip to eliminate corrosion of vital hardware and increase ease of maintenance C 60, 100 and 150A offering.Arktite heavy duty circuit breaking plugs and receptaclesIndustrial heavy duty Non-hazardous areasNEMA 4 Watertight1P1Grounding – Style 1 vs. Style 2:Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds series Arktite devices utilize two methods, or styles, for completing the grounding circuit in plugs and receptacles. NEC reference 250.138 (A) and (B).Style 1 – metallicA Style 1 plug is one in which the groundingconductor in the flexible cable is bonded tothe plug sleeve by a pressure connector. AStyle 1 receptacle is one which is groundedby virtue of the fact that it is an integral partof a grounded conduit system. On insertion,the plug sleeve makes contact with detentsprings of the grounded receptacle housingbefore line and load poles engage, and onwithdrawal, remains in contact until afterline and load poles disengage. Therefore,exposed metal parts of the portableequipment or plug are suitably grounded.Style 1ground conductorattaches to shellStyle 2 – metallicA Style 2 metallic housing plug is onein which the grounding conductor inthe flexible cable is bonded to the extra(grounding) pole and metal plug sleeve bya pressure connector. A Style 2 metallichousing receptacle is one in which the extra(grounding) pole is electrically connectedto the equipment grounding conductorand the metal receptacle housing whichitself is grounded by virtue of the fact thatit is an integral part of a grounded conduitsystem. In Style 2 non-metallic housingplugs and receptacles, the extra pole is usedfor grounding since the housings are non-conductive.MetalshelledtypeStyle 2ground conductorattaches to contact,which is bonded toshellStyle 2 – non-metallicIn a Style 2 receptacle, the groundingconnection is made before line and loadpoles engage, and is broken after the lineload poles disengage. Furthermore, uponinsertion, the plug sleeve of metal shelledunits makes contact with detent springs ofthe grounded receptacle housing before lineand load poles engage, and on withdrawal,remains in contact until after line and loadpoles disengage. Therefore, exposed metalparts of the portable equipment or plug aresuitably grounded.Made ofnon-metallicKrydonmaterial Arktite heavy duty circuit breakingplugs and receptaclesIndustrial heavy dutyNon-hazardous areasNEMA 4 Watertight1P1PD150A, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect use only.The mating plug has a cast groovelocated on the outside of the plug sleeve. This groove lines up with the raised rib.Arktite receptacles have a cast raised rib located inside the receptacle sleeve. The location of the rib is in a specific relationship to the receptacle insulator that houses the contacts.Standard materials:• Metallic receptacle housings, plug and cord connector bodies – high impact strength copper-free aluminum• Non-metallic receptacles, plugs and cord connectors – Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester• Back boxes (20, 30, 60, 100, 150, 200amperes) – cast aluminum; 400 amperes – Feraloy iron alloy• Insulation (metallic products) (2-, 3-, 4-pole) 30, 60, 100, 200, 400 amperes – fiberglass-reinforced polyester; 20, 30 amperes (5-pole) – melamine• Contacts: pressure, solder, binding screw – brass; crimp/solder 20, 30, 60, 100amperes – leaded red brass; crimp/solder 150, 200, 400 amperes – telurium copperStandard finishes:• Feraloy – electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint• Aluminum – natural• Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester – gray• Fiberglass-reinforced polyester insulation – (red)• Melamine – natural (brown)• Brass – natural• Leaded red brass – electro-tin-plateAccessories:• A ccessories include a variety of angle adapters, panel adapters and back boxes for Arktite receptacles (see pages 697-700)• Included throughout Section 1P are wire mesh cable grips and protective caps for ArktiteplugsTypical installationOptions:Description Suffix • Reverse service ...................................S22 Receptacle assembled with plug interior(exposed contacts); plug assembled with receptacle interior (recessed contacts)For applications where plug is energized to feed normally de-energized receptacle Available on 30A-400A units• Special polarity .......................................S4 Receptacle interior rotated 221/2° to right andplug changed to match (see photo at right)For use where two or more receptacles of thesame ampere rating, style and number of poles are to be installed in the same area for use on different voltages and/or frequenciesPrevents insertion of a plug in a receptacle with different electrical rating Available on 20A-400A units• Corro-free epoxy powder finish foradded corrosion resistance................S752Available on 20A-400A unitsArktite heavy duty circuit breaking D plugs and receptaclesIndustrial heavy duty Non-hazardous areasNEMA 4 Watertight1P1E 150A, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect use only.F Horsepower ratings are based on Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division testing in which locked rotor currents were interrupted by withdrawing the plug from the receptacle. It is highlyrecommended, however, that such use be limited to emergency conditions only, and that a horsepower rated switch be used for motor disconnect.G This guide is for reference only. Consult your local electrical codes before installation.H Eaton’s Crouse-Hinds Division does not recommend our plug and receptacle be used for disconnect under load.I Do not use wire size smaller than minimum size recommended.J Smaller sizes may be used with well reducers – information available upon request.Horsepower ratings:Locked rotor interruptingMaximum horsepower for plug and receptacle combinations by input voltage G :The following values are typical horsepower ratings based on NEC Article 430 tables. HP ratings are based on the largest conductor size for each plug and receptacle combination per the wire size table below.Wire sizes:The table below lists the diameter of the wire recess in Arktite plug and receptacle contacts so that maximum size of bare conductor can be figured. Range of wire sizes shown in table is intended only as a guide. Depending on type of wire used (building wire, flexible or extra flexible cable) and its construction (number and size of strands), bare copper diameters vary widely.Diameter of wire recess in plug and receptacle contacts:Motor horsepower FAmperage plug and receptacle120V 240V480V600VSingle-phase electrical system30237.51020030602515Motor horsepower HAmperage plug and receptacle240V 480V 600V3015304020060125150Wire size IAmperage Contact type Diameter of recess Building Extra flex20Binding screw N/A #14 - #12#14 - #12Arktite heavy duty circuit breaking E plugs and receptaclesIndustrial heavy duty Non-hazardous areasNEMA 4 Watertight1P1Arktite heavy duty circuit breaking receptacle assemblies and housings60A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50A -400 HzNEMA 4 WatertightOrdering information:AFor use on systems less than 60 Hz, the receptacles, plugs and connectors are for disconnect use only.Receptacle assemblyReceptacle Mating plugMating connectorDimensions (in inches):ARE assemblyAPJ plugAR receptacle – open and with capAPR connectorWith AJ back boxes and angle adaptersWith ARE back boxesReceptacle housing only Mating plugsMating connectorsDescription Hub sizeCat. # Spring doorCat. # Threaded cap onlyCat. # Spring doorCat. # Spring doorCat. # Threaded cap onlyCable dia.Cat. #Cat. #For applicable 60A back boxes, see pages 697-698.PlugConnectorConfig.abcabc2P or 3P 81/53/35/61/35/215/5P 96/164/168/43/83/41P1PB For use on systems less than 60 Hz, the receptacles, plugs and connectors are for disconnect use only.CPK plug closure caps Applications:CPK caps for Arktite plugs are used:• Where portable equipment is on a standby basis and plugs are not in use• To effectively protect insulation and contacts from excessive moisture, dirt, dust and corrosion• With 30, 60, 100, 150 and 200 ampere plugs with fastening ring and standard 200 ampere plugs for the clamp door housingStandard material:• Copper-free aluminumStandard finish:• N aturalReplacement parts:Ordering information:Replacement pin and sleeve contacts:ConfigurationCat. #2P, 3P CPK32ConfigurationCat. # Receptacle interior Cat. # Plug interior Cat. # Spring door Cat. # Screw cap 2W, 2P ATP295ATP2905W, 5PATP384ATP386N/ADescriptionCat. # ReceptacleCat. # Plug Available as a kit only; 5 phase contacts and 1 ground contact includedAR60CONKIT AP60CONKITArktite heavy duty circuit breaking receptacle assemblies and housings60A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50B -400 HzNEMA 4 Watertight。
AK-U4-12503 电脑电源说明书
SATA connector 8 pcs Modular power supply No
PFC filter Active Mechanical switch Yes
Ground wire Yes OVP Yes OCP Yes OPP Yes OTP Yes SCP Yes UVP Yes
Computer power supply
Model: AK-U4-1250
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3 Product code AK-U4-1250 Product type Computer power supply Format ATX 2.31 Series Ultimate
Supply voltage 230 V Power consumption < 10 A
Power supply connector IEC C14 Fan size 140 mm
Fan adjustments Automatic Cable length 45 - 60 cm
Power cable included Yes Material Galvanized steel
Product color Black MTBF 100000 h
Maximum power 1250 W Mainboard Power Connector 24-pin Power connector ATX12V P4 None Power connector EPS12V 8 pin 1 pc ( 4 + 4-pin ) Power connector PCI-E 6 pin None Power connector PCI-E 6+2 pin 12 pcs Power connector PCI-E 8 pin None
常见的非隔离型拓扑Buck 降压斩波电路输入电压高于输出电压,降压,输出电压极性不变Boost 升压斩波电路输入电压低于输出电压,升压,输出电压极性不变Buck-Boost 升降压斩波电路输出电压可以高于、低于或等于输入电压,输出电压极性反转Ćuk 加州理工学院的 Slobodan Ćuk 博士发表的 Buck-Boost 电路的改进形式Charge pump 电荷泵电路简单,不需要电感,使用电容作为输出感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
相比同类产品,爱国者系列电源更能节约能耗,这是因为其在制作过程中采用了主动式PFC技术,在电源节省用料的同时更能体现power 85效能规范的准确执行,爱国者全线电源产品都采用主动式PFC,能够最大幅度提高电源的转换效率,但由于主动式PFC投入较多技术含量,投资也较被动式PFC大的多,其他厂商只是高端电源采用主动式PFC;power85的节能标准在行业中属于领先地位,目前国内采用的.节能标准主要是power80模式,power85的节能标准模式显然要优于其他电源产品,爱国者的电源当属行业的环保节能标兵了。
500W主动PFC 爱国者幻龙系列BTX-600D电源
该款电源额定功率为500W,最大功率可达600W,符合Intel ATX 12V 2.3规范,并且采用了主动PFC,功率因数可达95%,能够减少电量损耗。
1.通过拆解、对比浅析计算机电源的构造原理及主动式PFC电源与被动式PFC电源的各自特点 [J], 李东杰;
2.通过拆解、对比浅析计算机电源的构造原理及主动式PFC电源与被动式PFC电源的各自特点 [J], 李东杰
3.恒定爱心——爱国者幻龙BTX-600D电源 [J], 苍茫
4.基于500W OLED电视无桥PFC电源的EMI分析 [J], 胡向峰
5.爱国者幻龙BTX-600D电源 [J],
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份报告 ,
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