



1US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Superior elongation and tensilestrength help to prevent tearing in use due to mishandling. Typical properties for CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 materi-al are shown on pages 33 and 32respectively.High Shielding PerformanceCHO-SEAL 1310 material provides more than 80 dB of shielding effectiv-ness from 100 MHz to 10 GHz, while CHO-SEAL 1273 material provides more than 100 dB.Low Volume ResistivityBoth materials have exceptionally low volume resistivity, which makes them well suited for grounding appli-cations in which a flexible electrical contact is needed.Low Compression GasketSpacer gaskets are typicallydesigned to function under low deflec-tion forces. Chomerics uses design tools such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to accurately predict compres-sion-deflection behavior of various cross section options. Refer to page16.LCP Plastic SpacerLiquid crystal polymer (LCP)spacers, including those made with Vectra A130 material, provide aCHO-SEAL ®1310 or 1273Conductive ElastomersWith EMI spacer gaskets, shielding and grounding are provided by Chomerics’CHO-SEAL 1310 and 1273 conductive elastomers, specifi-cally formulated for custom shape molded parts. They provide excellent shielding and isolation against electro-magnetic interference (EMI), or act as a low impedance ground path between PCB traces and shielding media. Physically tough, these elas-tomers minimize the risk of gasket damage, in contrast to thin-walled extrusions or unsupported molded gaskets.Silicone-based CHO-SEAL 1310and 1273 materials offer excellent resistance to compression set over a wide temperature range, resulting in years of continuous service. CHO-SEAL 1310 material is filled with silver-plated-glass particles, while 1273 utilizes silver-plated-copper filler to provide higher levels of EMI shielding effectiveness.EMI Spacer GasketsThe unique design of Chomerics’EMI spacer gaskets features a thin plastic retainer frame onto which a conductive elastomer is molded. The elastomer can be located inside or outside the retainer frame, as well as on its top and bottom surface. EMI spacer gaskets provide a newapproach to designing EMI gaskets into handheld electronics such as dig-ital cellular phones. Board-to-board spacing is custom designed to fit broad application needs. Customized cross sections and spacer shapes allow for very low closure forcerequirements and a perfect fit in any design or device.Robotic InstallationSpacer gaskets can be installed quickly by robotic application. Integral locater pins in the plastic spacer help ensure accuratepositioning in both manual and pick-and-place assembly. Benefits include faster assembly and lower labor costs.The integrated conductive elastomer/plastic spacer gasket is a low cost,easily installed system for providing EMI shielding and grounding in small electronic enclosures.Figure 1Single Piece EMI Gasket/Locator PinsCHO-SEAL 1310 or 1273 Conductive Elastomer (Inside)Plastic Spacer Around Outsideor InsideApplications for EMI Spacer GasketsThe spacer gasket concept is especially suited to digital and dual board telephone handsets or other handheld electronic devices. It provides a low impedance path between peripheral ground traces on printed circuit boards and components such as:•the conductive coating on a plastic housing•another printed circuit board •the keypad assemblyTypical applications for EMI spacer gaskets include:•Digital cellular, handyphone and personal communications services (PCS) handsets •PCMCIA cards•Global Positioning Systems (GPS)•Radio receivers•Other handheld electronics, e.g.,personal digital assistants (PDAs)•Replacements for metal EMI shield-ing “fences” on printedcircuit boards in wireless tele-communications devicesstable platform for direct, highprecision molding of conductive elas-tomers. The Vectra A130 material described in Table 1 has excellent heat deflection temperature character-istics (489°F, 254°C). For weight con-siderations, the LCP has aspecific gravity of only 1.61. This plas-tic is also 100% recyclable.Typical EMI Spacer Gasket Design ParametersThe EMI spacer gasket concept can be considered using the design parameters shown in Table 2. Some typical spacer gasket profiles are shown below.Figure 2Typical Spacer Gasket Profiles3US Headquarters TEL +(1) 781-935-4850FAX +(1) 781-933-4318 • Europe TEL +(44) 1628 404000FAX +(44) 1628 404090Asia Pacific TEL +(852) 2 428 8008FAX +(852) 2 423 8253South America TEL +(55) 11 3917 1099FAX +(55) 11 3917 0817Finite Element AnalysisChomerics, a division of the Parker Hannifin Corporation’s Seal Group, is the headquarters of Parker Seal’s Elastomer Simulation Group. This unit specializes in elastomer finite element analysis (FEA) using MARC K6 series software as a foundation for FEA capability.Benefits of FEA include:•Quickly optimizing elastomer gasket designs•Allowing accurate predictions of alternate elastomer design concepts •Eliminating extensive trial and error prototype evaluationTypical use of FEA in EMI spacer gasket designs is to evaluate the force vs. deflection requirements of alternate designs.For example, onespacer design features a continuous bead of con-ductive elastomer molded onto a plastic spacer. An alternative designemploys an “interrupted bead,” where the interrup-tions (gaps left on the plastic frame) are sized to maintain the requiredlevel of EMI shielding. Figure 4illustrates these alternative designs.Gasket DeflectionFigure 5 compares the effect of continuous and interrupted elastomer gasket designs in terms of the force required to deflect the conductive elastomer. This actual cellular handset application required a spacer gasket with interrupted bead to meet desired deflection forces.Chomerics Designand Application ServicesChomerics will custom design a spacer for your application. Advice,analysis and design assistance will be provided by Chomerics Applications and Design engineers at no additional fee. Contact Chomerics directlyat the locations listed at the bottom of the page.Figure 3FEA Example of an EMISpacer Gasket Cross SectionFigure 4Continuous (top) and InterruptedElastomer GasketsFigure 5Typical Spacer Gasket Deflection。









中英文版本CH04T1305(LA769317L-57J9) 替换其他IC时候更改点。

1、替换CH04T1301(LA769317C-53K0)时在以上总线参数表基础上做如下更改:a、将MENU.09菜单中OPT.VS/FS 选项更改为“0”;b、将MENU.11菜单中OPT.AV1AV2选项更改为“0”;c、将MENU.11菜单中OPT.DVD选项更改为“0”;d、将MENU.11菜单中OPT.S/AV2选项更改为“0”;2、替换CH04T1302(LA769317N56J0)和CH04T1306(LA769317N57R4)时在以上总线参数表基础上做如下更改:a、将CH04T1305的第46脚与48脚连接在一起(保证AV2功能正确);3、替换CH04T0306(LA769317N57R4)绿色电源(带继电器电路)时、做如下更改:a、加跨接线J018(消磁电阻旁边,原继电器2脚处);b、消R733(消磁电阻旁)、R741(V705旁)、R732 和R732A(芯片31.32脚连接高频头线路上)。



Agilent 81689A / 81689B / 81649A Compact Tunable Laser Modules Technical SpecificationsFebruary 2002The 81689A, 81689B, 81649A compact tunable lasermodules offer superior performance now also in the compactmodule class. As they are tunable with continuous outputpower, they are the most flexible stimulus for the test ofoptical amplifiers, DWDM components as well as for the testof complete DWDM systems.Compact tunable lasers for C-and L-bandThe Agilent 81689A and 81689B modules operate in the C-band from 1525 nm to 1575 nm, whereas the Agilent 81649A covers the L-band from 1570 nm to 1620 nm.Test of optical amplifiersA variable amount of the compact, yet fully remote controlled Agilent 81689A, 81689B and 81649A tunable laser modules, in combination with the 81682A and 81642A high power Tunable Laser, is the ideal solution to characterize optical amplifiers for use in DWDM applications. The 81689A, 81689B and 81649A compact tunable laser modules provide the high stimulus power needed to test today's optical amplifiers. Together with the 81651A optical attenuator module, an output power dynamic range of more than60 dB can be achieved. Even without the attenuator module the power can be attenuated by 9dB (10dB for 81689B) e.g. to equalize power levels of several sources. Polarization Maintaining Fiber for the test of integrated optical devicesThe 81689A, 81689B and 81649A modules are ideally constructed to characterize integrated optical devices. Their optional Panda PMF output ports provide a well defined state of polarization to ensure constant measurement conditions on waveguidedevices. A PMF cable easily connectsan external optical modulator.The 81689A, 81689B and 81649A isavailable with both, standard single-mode fiber and Panda type PMF.Compact module for DWDMmulti-channel testThe 81689A, 81689B and 81489Aallow a realistic multi-channel test bedfor DWDM transmission systems to beset up.Their flexibility make them thepreferred choice for tests of DWDMtransmission system during installationand maintenance phases.Compact spare for DFBmodules in ITU gridsThe 81689B for the first time solvesthe sparing nightmare for users ofDWDM combs. In combination with acomb of 81662A DFB lasers the81689B can replace any DFB between1525nm and 1575nm without powerpenalty.Remote control & PnPsoftware drivers for easyprocess automationIts continuous, mode-hop free tuningmakes it quick and easy to set even themost complex configurations to thetarget wavelengths and power levels,just by dialing or using the vernier keys.A 8163B mainframe can host2 compact tunable laser modules. Thisallows for the most compact C- and L-band stimulus solution available today.Each 8164B mainframe can host up tofour units of the 81689A, 81689B or81649A in its upper slots.The 8166B is most interesting for highchannel count solutions. Up to17 compact tunable laser modules canbe hosted here.The 81649A, 81689A and 81689B areproduced to ISO 9001 internationalquality system standard as part ofAgilent's commitment to continuallyincreasing customer satisfactionthrough improved quality control.Specifications describe theinstrument's warranted performance.They are verified at the end of a 2 mlong patchcord and are valid afterwarm-up and for the stated outputpower and wavelength ranges.Each specification is assured bythoroughly analyzing all measurementuncertainties. Supplementaryperformance characteristics describethe instrument’s non-warranted typicalperformance.Every instrument is delivered with acommercial certificate of calibrationand a detailed test report.For further details on specifications,see the Definition of Terms in AppendixC of the Compact Tunable Laser User'sGuide.81689A, 81689B, 81649A Compact Tunable Laser for Multi-channel test applicationsAgilent 81689A Agilent 81689B Agilent 81649A Wavelength range1525 nm to 1575 nm1525 nm to 1575 nm1570 nm to 1620 nm Wavelength resolution0.01 nm, 1.25 GHz at 1550 nm0.01 nm, 1.25 GHz at 1550 nm0.01 nm, 1.17 GHz at 1595 nm Absolute wavelength accuracy (typ.) [1]±0.3 nm±0.3 nm±0.3 nmRelative wavelength accuracy [1]±0.3 nm±0.15 nm±0.15 nmWavelength repeatability [1]±0.05 nm±0.05 nm±0.05 nmWavelength stability(typ., over 24 h at constant temperature)[1] (typ., over 1 h at constant temperature)[1]±0.02 nm±0.01 nm±0.005 nm±0.01 nm±0.005 nmTuning speed (typ.)<10 sec/ 50 nm<10 sec/ 50 nm<10 sec/ 50 nmLinewidth (typ.) [2]with Coherence Control ON (typ.) [2]20 MHz---< 20MHz>100MHz< 20MHz>100MHzOutput power (continuous power on duringtuning)≥ 6 dBm (1525 –1575nm)≥ 10 dBm (1525 –1575nm)≥ 6 dBm (1570 –1620nm) Minimum output power–3 dBm0 dBm–3 dBmPower stability (at constant temperature) [3]±0.03 dB over 1 hour,typ. ±0.06 dB over 24 hours ±0.015 dB over 1 hour,typ. ±0.0075 dB over 1 hour,typ. ±0.05 dB over 24 hours±0.015 dB over 1 hour,typ. ±0.0075 dB over 1 hour,typ. ±0.05 dB over 24 hoursPower repeatability (typ.) [3]±0.02 dB±0.02 dB±0.02 dB Power linearity±0.1dB±0.1dB±0.1dB Power flatness versus wavelength±0.3 dB±0.2 dB±0.2 dBSide-mode suppression ratio (typ.) [2]> 40 dB(1525 – 1575 nm at 0 dBm)> 45 dB(1525 – 1575 nm at ≥ 3 dBm)> 45 dB(1570 – 1620 nm at ≥ 0 dBm)Signal to source spontaneous emission ratio (typ.) [4]≥ 39 dB/ nm(1525 –1575 nm at 6 dBm)≥ 44 dB/ nm(1525 –1575 nm at 10 dBm)≥ 42 dB/ nm(1570 – 1620 nm at 6 dBm)Relative intensity noise (RIN, typ.)< -137 dB/Hz(100 MHz – 2.5 GHz, at +3 dBm)< -137 dB/Hz(100 MHz – 2.5 GHz, at +7 dBm)< -137 dB/Hz(100 MHz – 2.5 GHz, at +3 dBm)Dimensions75 mm H, 32 mm W, 335 mm D(2.8" x 1.3" x 13.2")75 mm H, 32 mm W, 335 mm D(2.8" x 1.3" x 13.2")75 mm H, 32 mm W, 335 mm D(2.8" x 1.3" x 13.2")Weight 1 kg 1 kg 1 kg[1]At CW operation. Measured with wavelength meter based on wavelength in vacuum.[2]Measured by heterodyning method.[3]500 ms after changing power.[4]Measured with optical spectrum analyzer at 1 nm resolution bandwidth.Listed optionsOption 021: standard single mode fiber,straight contact output connectorOption 022: standard single mode fiber,angled contact output connectorOption 071: polarization maintainingfiber, straight contact output connectorOption 072: polarization maintainingfiber, angled contact output connectorSupplementary performance characteristics ModulationInternal digital modulation50% duty cycle, 200 Hz to 300 kHz.>45% duty cycle, 300 kHz to 1 MHz. Modulation output (via Mainframe): TTL reference signal.External digital modulation> 45% duty cycle, fall time< 300 ns, 200 Hz to 1 MHz. Modulation input (via Mainframe):TTL signal.External analog modulation≥ ±15% modulation depth,5 kHz to 1 MHz.Modulation input: 5 Vp-p Coherence control(81649A/81689B)For measurements on components with 2 m long patchcords and connectors with 14 dB return loss, the effective linewidth results in a typical power stability of< ±0.025 dB over1 minute by reducing interference effects in the test setup.GeneralOutput isolation (typ.):38 dBReturn loss (typ.):55 dB (options 022, 072)40 dB (options 021, 071)Polarization maintaining fiber (Options071, 072)Fiber type: Panda.Orientation: TE mode in slow axis,in line with connector key.Extinction ratio: 16 dB typ.Laser class:Class IIIb according to FDA 21 CFR1040.10, Class 3A according to IEC 825- 1; 1993.Recommended re-calibration period:2 years.Warm-up time:< 40 min,immediate operation after boot-up.EnvironmentalStorage temperature:–20 °C to +70 °C (81689A)–40 °C to +70 °C (81689B, 81649A)Operating temperature:15 °C to 35 °CHumidity:< 80 % R.H. at 15 °C to 35 °CSpecifications are valid in non-condensingconditions.Laser Safety InformationAll laser sources specified by this datasheet are classified as Class 1Maccording to IEC 60825-1 (2001).All laser sources comply with 21 CFR1040.10 except for deviations pursuantto Laser Notice No. 50, dated 2001-July-26This page intentially left blankAgilent Technologies’Test and Measurement Support,Services, and AssistanceAgilent Technologies aims to maximize the value you receive, while minimizing your risk and problems. We strive to ensure that you get the test and measurement capabilities you paid for and obtain the support you need. Our extensive support resources and services can help you choose the right Agilent products for your applications and apply them successfully. Every instrument and system we sell has a global warranty. Support is available for at least five years beyond the production life of the product. Two concepts underlie Agilent's overall support policy: "Our Promise" and "Your Advantage."Our PromiseOur Promise means your Agilent test and measurement equipment will meet its advertised performance and functionality. When you are choosing new equipment, we will help you with product information, including realistic performance specifications and practical recommendations from experienced test engineers. When you use Agilent equipment, we can verify that it works properly, help with product operation, and provide basic measurement assistance for the use of specified capabilities, at no extra cost upon request. Many self-help tools are available.Your AdvantageYour Advantage means that Agilent offers a wide range of additional expert test and measurement services, which you can purchase according to your unique technical and business needs. Solve problems efficiently and gain a competitive edge by contracting with us for calibration, extra-cost upgrades, out-of-warranty repairs, and on-site education and training, as well as design, system integration, project management, and other professional engineering services. Experienced Agilent engineers and technicians worldwide can help you maximize your productivity, optimize the return on investment of your Agilent instruments and systems, and obtain dependable measurement accuracy for the life of those products.By internet, phone, or fax, get assistance with all your test & measurement needsOnline assistance:Related Agilent Literature:/coms/lightwaveAgilent 8163A Lightwave MultimeterPhone or Fax Agilent 8164A Lightwave Measurement SystemUnited States:Agilent 8166A Lightwave Multichannel System(tel)180****4844Technical Specificationsp/n 5988-1568ENCanada:(tel)187****4414Agilent 81662A DFB Laser(fax) (905) 206 4120Agilent 81663A DFB LaserAgilent Fabry Perot LaserTechnical SpecificationsEurope:p/n 5988-1570EN(tel) (31 20) 547 2323(fax) (31 20) 547 2390Agilent Power Sensor ModulesJapan:Agilent Optical Heads(tel) (81) 426 56 7832Agilent Return Loss Modules(fax) (81) 426 56 7840Technical Specificationsp/n 5988-1569ENLatin America:(tel) (305) 269 7500(fax) (305) 269 7599Agilent 8163A/B Lightwave MultimeterAgilent 8164A/B Lightwave Measurement SystemAustralia:Agilent 8166A/B Lightwave Multichannel System(tel) 1 800 629 485 Configuration Guide(fax) (61 3) 9210 5947p/n 5988-1571ENNew Zealand:Agilent 8163B Lightwave Multimeter(tel) 0 800 738 378Agilent 8164B Lightwave Measurement System(fax) 64 4 495 8950Agilent 8166B Lightwave Multichannel SystemTechnical SpecificationsAsia Pacific:p/n 5988-3924EN(tel) (852) 3197 7777(fax) (852) 2506 9284Product specifications and descriptions in this document subject to change without notice.Copyright © 2001 Agilent TechnologiesFebruary 12 20025988-3675EN。

北京欧迈特数字 机架安装式 16 口工业以太网管理型交换机 说明书

北京欧迈特数字 机架安装式 16 口工业以太网管理型交换机 说明书

Tel: ************/83E-mail:***********.cn 机架安装式16口工业以太网管理型交换机产品亮点:• 两个插槽,最多16个端口,可选RJ45、光纤、千兆及POE模块• 1U 19”半长机架安装,金属外壳,端口可选前置或后置• 容易配置的管理特性,包括SNMP, VLAN, QoS, IGMP, Radius/802.1x及路由选项• RSTP,支持快速、灵活的冗余• 坚固性设计,-20 ~ 70°C工作温度• 符合网络设备构建系统NEBS 3与欧洲电信标准协会ETSI标准,适用于严格应用场合• 符合美国电气制造商协会NEMA-TS2标准,特别适用于交通控制系统• 符合美国电气及电子工程师学会IEEE 1613和国际电工委员会IEC61850电源等级概述:SIXNET RK16是真正的工业以太网交换机,可提供包括千兆、光纤端口和POE选项的16个端口。

采用坚固的1U 19”半长机架安装,节省费用和空间。

RK16具有两个灵活的插槽,可选择10/100 RJ45端口,10、100或1000 Mbps光纤端口,或 10/100/1000 Mbps千兆RJ45端口以及POE模块,光纤端口有支持70+km长距离型。


特性:坚固灵活的硬件• 最多16个端口,符合IEEE 802.3标准• 2个灵活的插槽,可选电口、光口、千兆及POE模块• 节省空间的1U 19”半长机架安装金属外壳• 方便的前面板或后面板安装端口• 可选冗余电源输入• 可选两路报警输出继电器实时安全特性• 支持快速生成树协议(RSTP),构建快速冗余环• 支持SNMP v1,v2协议,实现网络管理• 支持SNMP v3协议,确保网络安全性• 支持SNMP通知(traps),及时报告报警及事件• 支持优先级划分(Qos/Cos/Tos/DiffServ),确保实时性• 支持IGMP(v1&v2)多播过滤(snooping & querying)• 支持VLAN,以便隔离网络通信Tel: ************/83E-mail:***********.cn • 支持链路汇聚(trunking),倍增网络带宽• 支持广播与多播风暴保护• 支持RMON及端口镜像,高级诊断特性• 真正的安全性,支持HTTPS, SNMPv3, Radius/802.1x等真正的工业设计,长期可靠性• -20 ~ +70 °C 工作温度,可选更宽温度范围• 免费固件升级• 符合NEBS Layer 3及ETSI,满足严格要求应用• 符合NEMA-TS2,适用于交通控制系统• 符合IEEE 1613 & IEC61850• 符合UL, CUL (CSA), CE 及FCC技术规格:一般性规格工作存储转发,线速交换,无阻塞模式所有端口支持全双工或半双工,及流量控制MAC地址4096转发及过滤速率 6.0 Mpps典型延迟时间 5 us,100 Mbps;16 us,10 Mbps以太网隔离1500 Vrms 1 minute配置端口RS232 (DB9)RJ45电端口RJ45口最多16个RJ45口,完全符合IEEE 802.3RJ45口速率和双工可配置,支持全双工和半双工,自动协商速率,10/100及10/100/1000(千兆端口)RJ45 MDI/MDIX自动mdi/mdix切换,自动支持直连和交叉线以太网供电(POE)最多8 POE端口(每单元一个POE模块),48 VDC, 125 VDC及交流单元光纤端口光纤端口可选10, 100, 1000 Mbps,距离可达70 km收发器可选SC, ST, MTRJ 及 LC 型连接器ST多模10BASE-FL 典型2+km; 850nm;使用50-62.5/125um光纤> 发送功率(dB): -19.5 min, -15 max> 接收灵敏度(dB): -31 typTel: ************/83 E-mail:***********.cnST多模SC100BASE-FX 典型2+km; 1310 nm; 使用50-62.5/125um光纤> 发送功率(dB): -23.5 min, -20 max> 接收灵敏度(dB): -31 maxMTRJ多模100BASE-FX 典型2+ km; 1310 nm; 使用50-62.5/125um光纤> 发送功率(dB): -23.5 min, -20 max> 接收灵敏度(dB): -31 maxLC多模100BASE-FX 典型2+ km; 1310 nm; 使用50-62.5/125um光纤> 发送功率(dB): -19 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -31 maxSC多模1000BASE-SX 典型550+ m; 850 nm; 使用50-62.5/125um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -9.5 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -17 maxSC单模100BASE-FX 典型18+ km; 1310 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -15 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -31 maxLC单模100BASE-FX 典型15+ km; 1310 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -15 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -28 maxSC单模长距100BASE-FX 典型40+ km; 1310 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -5 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -34 maxSC单模1000BASE-LX 典型10+ km; 1310 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -9.5 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -20 maxSC单模长距1000BASE-LX 典型25+ km; 1310 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -4 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -21 maxSC单模长距1000BASE-ZX 典型40+ km; 1550 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -4 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -21 maxSC单模长距1000BASE-ZX 典型70+ km; 1550 nm; 使用9/125 um 光纤> 发送功率(dB): -3 typ> 接收灵敏度(dB): -23 max其它收发器请联系SIXNET网络管理支持的设备所有符合IEEE 802.3标准的设备协议SNMPv1/v2/v3, RMON, DHCP, SNTP, TFTP, STP, RSTP,QoS/CoS/ToS/DS, IGMPv1/v2, VLAN (tag and port based),HTTP, HTTPS (SSL & TSL), Telnet, Radius/802.1x等等Tel: ************/83E-mail:***********.cn 支持的工业协议Modbus/TCP, EtherNet/IP, PROFInet, FF HSE等等标准IEEE 802.3, 802.3u, 802.3x, 802.1D/w, 802.1p, 802.1Q,802.3z, 802.3ab, 802.3ad管理接口Web, 文本(Telent), CLI (命令行接口) 及SNMP电源和报警输出电源输入冗余电源输入选项(对于DC输入方式)输入电压范围100~240 VAC, 47-63 Hz.18~36 VDC,或-36 ~ -70 VDC,或88~150VDC功耗全部电口30 W;具有两个光口时50 W工业浪涌和冲击保护15 kW 尖峰, 5 kW (10次,每次10 us)报警输出选项1路Form C常闭触点,用于电源与软件状态报警环境工作温度-20 ~ 70°C (短期-40 ~ 85°C,符合IEC 60068)储存温度-40 ~ 85°C湿度 5 ~ 95% RH (不结露) (可选电路板涂层保护)振动NEBS (GR-63-CORE)冲击NEBS (GR-63-CORE)自由落体NEBS (GR-63-CORE)海拔高度-200 ~ 13000 ft. (-60 ~ 4000 m)标准和认证电气安全性UL60950, CUL (CSA) CEEMC FCC part 15, ICES-003, CE, NEBS(GR-1089-CORE)电源部分IEEE 1613 and IEC 61850 Class C rated交通控制系统NEMA TS2 rated网络设备构建系统NEBS Level 3 (GR-63 & GE-1089)欧洲电信标准协会ETSI compliantRoHS / WEEE RoHS (Pb free) / WEEE compliant ...ISO9001:2000Certified "Total Quality" company ...工业保证3年,需注册机械外壳1U 19" 半长机架金属粉末涂层钢防护IP30 粉尘防护安装19"机架安装(可选19" 托架,23"及ETSI机架安装组件)尺寸 1.8" x 8.8" x 10" (4.4 cm x 22.2 cm x 25.4 cm)重量 4 lbs (1.8 kg)Tel: ************/83E-mail:***********.cn 图片:端口前置面板端口后置面板。



MT 系列大功率机柜式程控直流电源 • 可扩展至多兆瓦概述麦格纳电子设备公司的MT系列产品使用与MagnaDC程控电源产品线中的其他产品具有相同的可靠电流馈电式功率处理工艺技术和控制方式,但具有更大的功率型号:分别为100kW、150 kW和250 kW规格。




250 kW型号标配嵌入式12脉冲谐波中和器,确保较低THD(总谐波失真)。

通过外部附加的500kW 24脉冲或1,000 kW 48脉冲谐波中和器可获得更优质的交流波形,此项功能由麦格纳电子设100 kW 和 150 kW 型号250 kW 型号备公司为其MT系列产品专门设计和制造。




2通过多个250 kW MT系列型号的主从并联可实现大于250 kW的功率等级。


第 26 页麦格纳电子设备公司第 27 页数据表 (4.4.0)MagnaDC 程控直流电源规格通过 RoHS 认证是(170.2 x 182.9 x 80.0 cm)GPIB: IEEE-488额定型号 >1000 Vdc 或具有+ISO选项的型号±6000 Vdc, 对地最大输出电压主要特性• SCPI远程编程API (应用程序界面)• 程控设置保护限制• 高精度测量 • 主从式操作功能• 快速瞬态响应• 远地感应•远程接口软件• 37-pin外部模拟量I/O接口• NI LabVIEW™IVI驱动• RS232接口• 联锁功能迅速切断输入• 可选配以太网接口和GPIB接口•在美国设计和制造可用选项• 阻流二极管(+BD)• 高隔离输出(+ISO)• 高转换速率输出(+HS)• IEEE-488 GPIB通信(+GPIB)•LXI TCP/IP以太网通信(+LXI)注:参数如有更改,恕不另行通知。

艾默生CT 驱动器

艾默生CT 驱动器

艾默生CT驱动器产品介绍艾默生CT驱动器的功率范围从0.37kW 到1.9MW 。

CT驱动器可配置为成5种工作模式(开环、闭环、矢量、伺服和再生回馈模式),艾默生CT驱动器可与大多数工业标准网络连接,接受14 种位置反馈协议,有各种插件选项模块可选择,板载PLC 作用可提供补充作用,在此项目中是用可编程模块实现的。

产品类别●Unidrive SP 模块式——45KW-1.9MW——200V/400V/575V/690V——模块式大功率交流驱动器●Unidrive SP独立机柜式——90KW-1.6MW——380V-690V——大功率交流驱动器●Digitax ST——0.72Nm-19.3Nm(57.7Nm 峰值)——200V/400V——智能、紧凑、动态的伺服驱动器系列●EV5000——2.2KW-220KW——380V-440V——通用矢量控制变频器●Unidrive M——0.25KW-1.2MW——100V-690V——制造自动化行业专用伺服及交流驱动器●Unidrive SP 表面安装式——0.37KW-132KW——200V/400V/575V/690V——高性能交流伺服驱动器●Unimotor hd——0.72Nm-16Nm——48Nm峰值——适合苛刻应用场合的紧凑型伺服电机●Mentor MP——25A-7400A——400V/575V/690V——高性能直流驱动器●EV2100——7.5KW-280KW——380-440V——风机泵专用变频驱动器●EV1000/EV2000——0.4KW-280KW——200V-240V/380V-440V——通用型交流变频器●Unimotor fm——0.72Nm-136Nm——408Nm峰值——高性能交流无刷伺服电机产品特点1.各类流行总线模块,如Profibus,DeviceNet,CANopen,Modbus RTU,Interbus,CTNET。



34 双隔离用户终端
35 五类线用户终端 36
物理发泡 同轴电缆
59 60-61
21 22
37 转接电缆
4721T、4722T、4724A 38-39 4721CT、4722CT 4752、4754、4758 4751B、4752B 4753B、4754B 40 41
2762S、2763S 2764S、2766S、2768S
28906S、28908S 28910S、28912S 28914S、28916S 27910S、27912S 27914S、27916S 28912DH、28914DH 28908、28910、28912 28914、28916、28912B 28914B、28916B 2792、2793、2794 2796、2798S、27910 27912、27914、27916 4202、4203 4204、4206、4208 2121K、2122K、2123K 2124K、2123H、2957H 2952K、2952KT 2952K-□/□、2951K 2951KT、2952KT-□/□ 2955K、2955KT、2958 2954SM-D、2953 2121AK、2122AK 2123AK、2124AK 2951DH、2951KTDH 2955DH、2955KTDH 2957DH-D、2952DH 2952KTDH 7594、7595、2953C 7593、2121JF、2121JF-4 2121JP-J、2121JP-P 5C-FB、7C-FB、9C-FB RG-6、RG-59、RG-11 3212A、3242A、3212AR 3242AR、3216A、3246A 3216AR、3246AR、3216B 3246B、3216BR、3246BR 2641、5325、2682 2682B、1170、1171 1173、1174、8026 1161、1162、8032 4662、2221M、2222M 有线电视频道表 分支分配器订货指南 用户盒订货指南

富士通 ETERNUS SF V16.7 存储管理软件 数据手册说明书

富士通 ETERNUS SF V16.7 存储管理软件 数据手册说明书

Data SheetFUJITSU ETERNUS SF V16.7Storage Management SoftwareCentral console and advanced management functions forETERNUS DX and ETERNUS AF storage environments.ETERNUS SF Storage Management Software The comprehensive and flexible datamanagement for ETERNUS DX storage systems offers convenient, consistent and powerful tools with enterprise class functionalities even for the entry class. Innovative and advanced functions increase operational efficiency and help to implement appropriate service levels. Complementing the integrated ETERNUS DX hardware storage management the ETERNUS SF storage management software is used to support overall daily operations within the entire storage infrastructure. ETERNUS DX’ embedded management, together with ETERNUS SF, serve as the overarching basis for Fujitsu’s highly efficient Flexible Data Management. It offers the same usability for all operational workflows throughout the ETERNUS DX series, from entry-level systems up to the high-end models. Therefore, acquired management skills can be leveraged over sites and over time. A high degree of automation and an easy to learn, easy to handle graphical user interface reduces significantly administrator’s training efforts with regards to cost and time. The customizable dashboard screen further eases all management tasks for the daily work. Storage resource optimization including implementation of policies for enhancing storage integration and operation, error discovery, health monitoring, capacity management, provisioning, local and remote replication and disaster recovery arepresented with a consistent user friendly look and feel.In addition to the cost savings given by the ergonomic and unified storage managementETERNUS SF also enables to eliminate unnecessarymaintenance cost as even complex storage management operations can be executed without high-level skills or expensive vendor’s intervention.A flexible and transparent license model guarantees that customers pay only needed functionalities and such can grow with rising requirements at foreseeable cost.ETERNUS SF Express is the management console for ETERNUS DX entry systems.ETERNUS DX60, DX100 and DX200 disk storage systems are shipped with a free-of-charge ETERNUS SF Express license. The Expresssoftware offers basic management features, as well as simple, wizard based configuration and can monitor multiple ETERNUS DX systems with one centralized console. For advanced features ETERNUS SF Express can be easily upgraded to ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser.Features & BenefitsLicenses and functions overviewETERNUS SF Web GUIThe standard browser based graphical user interface provides an intuitive single console for the entire ETERNUS DX family and enables administrators to implement storage environments with ease and without high-level skills. A customizable dashboard facilitates real-time and comprehensive information regarding the current system state. ETERNUS SF Express LicenseFree-of-charge license for the ETERNUS DX entry systems that offers restricted functions for configuration, management and monitoring as well as basic snapshot capabilitiesETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser (SC) LicensesETERNUS SF SC Basic License: Offers functions to monitor and administrate multiple ETERNUS DX systems including unified (block and file) mangement, storage system configuration, thin provisioning, health and status overview, performance monitoring, Eco Mode settings, power consumption and temperature monitoring.ETERNUS SF SC Standard License: Enhanced license offering in addition to the basic license health, status and end-to-end relationship overview for 3rd party storage, switches, servers and VM’s, SAN managementwith correlation and map view and a reporting function. Mandatory prerequisite for the Optimization, QoS and Storage Cluster licenses.ETERNUS SF SC Optimization License: Enables automated tiering by setting policies to automatically place data on the right media at the right time, achieving the best balance between maximizing performance and minimizing cost(available for ETERNUS DX S3/DX S4 series except DX60 S3/S4, DX80 S2, DX90 S2, DX400 S2 series, DX8700 S2 and ETERNUS AF series).ETERNUS SF SC QoS Management License: Enables the consolidationof multiple tiers of applications in single storage systems. The ETERNUS SF QoS automation feature enhances the array-based ETERNUS DX QoS feature and automates the process by dynamically maintaining, controlling and balancing the response times of the application-specific volumes(available for ETERNUS DX100 S3/S4, DX200 S3/S4, DX500 S3/S4, DX600 S3/S4, DX8700 S3, DX8900 S3/S4 and ETERNUS AF series).ETERNUS SF SC Storage Cluster License: Transparent failover feature which ensures business continuity in case of planned or unplanned outage of a complete array(available for DX100 S3/S4, DX200 S3/S4, DX500 S3/S4, DX600 S3/S4,DX8700 S3, DX8900 S3/S4, DX200F and ETERNUS AF series).ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager (ACM) LicensesETERNUS SF ACM Local Copy License: Offers a comprehensive set of array-based snapshot, cloning and mirroring capabilities including wizard- assisted backup for Exchange and SQL Servers. Mandatory prerequisite for the Exchange Server and SQL Server licensesETERNUS SF ACM Remote Copy License: Enables synchronous or asynchronous remote mirroring between arrays. Mandatory prerequisite for the Storage Cluster license(not available for ETERNUS DX60/DX60 S2/DX60 S3/DX60 S4/DX80/DX80 S2).ETERNUS SF ACM for Exchange Server License: Restore wizard for Exchange ServerETERNUS SF ACM for SQL Server License: Restore wizard for SQL Server Feature PacksETERNUS SF Replication Bundle: includes SC Standard License, ACM Local Copy, ACM Remote Copy, ACM for Exchange, ACM for SQL Server licenses (available for ETERNUS DX S3 / DX S4 series, for DX60 S3/S4 wihout ACM Remote Copy).ETERNUS SF Replication Bundle with Tiering: includes Replication Bundle and SC Optimization Option licenses(available for ETERNUS DX S3 / DX S4 series except DX60 S3/S4).ETERNUS SF Tiering Bundle: includes SC Standard and SC Optimization Option licenses(available for ETERNUS DX100 S3/S4, DX200 S3/S4, DX500 S3/S4, DX600 S3/S4).ETERNUS SF Business Continuity Bundle: includes SC Standard, ACM Remote Copy and Storage Cluster Option licenses.(available for ETERNUS DX100 S3/S4, DX200 S3/S4, DX500 S3/S4, DX600 S3/S4 ).All-in FlashPack: includes SC Standard, ACM Local & Remote Copy and SC Quality of Service Management Option .(included in ETERNUS AF series).More details for all features can be found on:/global/products/computing/storage/disk/eternus-dx/ feature/Technical detailsETERNUS SF Whitepapers and Details for FeaturesETERNUS SF Technical Whitepaper /global/products/computing/storage/software/eternus-sf/index.html Storage Cluster /global/products/computing/storage/disk/eternus-dx/storage-cluster/ VMware VVOL /global/products/computing/storage/disk/eternus-dx/eternusdx-vvol/ ETERNUS SF Storage Cruiser- Supported DevicesDisk Storage Systems ETERNUS DX60 S4, DX100 S4, DX200 S4, DX500 S4, DX600 S4ETERNUS DX60 S3, DX100 S3, DX200 S3, DX500 S3, DX600 S3ETERNUS DX8900 S4ETERNUS DX8700 S3, DX8900 S3ETERNUS DX60/DX60 S2, DX80 S2, DX90 S2ETERNUS DX410/DX410 S2, DX440/DX440 S2ETERNUS DX8400, DX8700/DX8700 S2NetApp FAS seriesTintri VMstore series (can be monitored only by the management server for Windows)NetApp FAS series, NetApp V series, NetApp AFF A seriesAll Flash Arrays ETERNUS AF250 S2, AF650 S2ETERNUS AF250, AF650ETERNUS DX200FTape Libraries ETERNUS LT20/LT20 S2, LT40/LT40 S2, LT60 S2ETERNUS LT200, LT210, LT220, LT230, LT250, LT270, LT270 S2, LT260Data Protection Appliances ETERNUS CS800, CS800 S2, CS800 S3, CS800 S4, CS800 S5ETERNUS CS2000Fibre Channel Switches Brocade 12000, 24000, 48000Brocade 8000, 7800, 7810, 7500, 6730, 6710, 6510, 6505, 5000, 5100, 5300, 5450Brocade 4016, 4016 D4, 4100, 4900Brocade 3250, 3850, 3014, 3200, 3800, 3900Brocade G630, G620, G610Brocade 200E, 300Brocade DCX 8510-4/8, DCX, DCX-4SBrocade X6-4/8Brocade AP7420PRIMERGY Fibre Channel Switch BladePRIMERGY BX600 Fibre Channel Switch BladePRIMERGY Fibre Channel Switch BladeS26361-F3144-E1/L1, S26361-F3144-E2/L2, S26361-F3144-E4S26361-F3144-E6, S26361-F3144-E14, S26361-F3144-E16S26361-K1305-V14, S26361-K1305-V26, S26361-K1305-V126ETERNUS SF AdvancedCopy Manager - Supported DevicesDisk Storage Systems ETERNUS DX60 S4, DX100 S4, DX200 S4, DX500 S4, DX600 S4ETERNUS DX60 S3, DX100 S3, DX200 S3, DX500 S3, DX600 S3ETERNUS DX8900 S4ETERNUS DX8700 S3, DX8900 S3ETERNUS DX60/DX60 S2, DX80 S2, DX90 S2ETERNUS DX410/DX410 S2, DX440/DX440 S2ETERNUS DX8400, DX8700/DX8700 S2All Flash Arrays ETERNUS AF250 S2, AF650 S2ETERNUS AF250, AF650ETERNUS DX200FETERNUS SF Express- Supported DevicesHybrid Storage Systems/Disk Storage Systems ETERNUS DX60 S4, DX100 S4, DX200 S4 ETERNUS DX60 S3, DX100 S3, DX200 S3 ETERNUS DX60/DX60 S2, DX80 S2, DX90 S2All Flash Arrays ETERNUS DX200FInstallation specificationManager Platforms Microsoft Windows Server 2019Microsoft Windows Server 2016Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2Solaris 11 (11/11 or later), Solaris 10 (except ETERNUS SF Express)Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5Oracle Linux 6VMware® vSphere 6.0, 6.5, 6.7VMware® vSphere 5.0, 5.1, 5.5Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2016 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, 2012 R2 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, 2008 R2 Hyper-VHyper-V 2.0Agent Platforms Microsoft Windows Server 2019Microsoft Windows Server 2016Microsoft Windows Server 2012, 2012 R2Microsoft Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2Solaris 11 (11/11 or later), Solaris 10Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5Oracle Linux 6SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12HP-UX 11i v3, HP-UX 11i v3 (IPF)AIX 7.1/6.1VMware® vSphere 6.0, 6.5, 6.7VMware® vSphere 5.0, 5.1, 5.5Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2016 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V, 2012 R2 Hyper-VMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V, 2008 R2 Hyper-VHyper-V 2.0KVM on RHEL 7KVM on RHEL 6Client - Web Browser Internet Explorer 9, 10, 11Firefox ESR 17, 24, 31, 38, 45, 52, 60Microsoft Edge® 25, 42Google Chrome 60Client - Tablet (Dashboard Screens)Safari 8, 9 (iOS)Chrome 47, 50 (Android)ContactFUJITSU LIMITEDWebsite: /eternus2021-07-30 WW-ENworldwide project for reducing burdens on the environment.Using our global know-how, we aim to contribute to the creation of a sustainable environment for future generations through IT.Please find further information at http://www./global/about/environmentdelivery subject to availability. Any liability that the data and illustrations are complete, actual or correct is excluded. Designations may be trademarks and/or copyrights of the respective owner, the use of which by third parties for their own purposes may infringe the rights of such owner.。




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ZhengZhou 郑 州 >研发支持中心BeiJing 北 京>研发设计一部ChangSha 长 沙 >研发设计二部FoShan/shenzhen 佛山/深圳<销售及技术支持中心<Silicon V alley硅 谷研发模拟中心华芯微特是一家由留美归国资深技术团队创立的中国芯片设计公司,是国家高新技术企业。

2014年进军MCU 产业,专注于32位MCU 研发设计,并针对细分市场提供参考解决方案。


在CPU、存储、低功耗处理器、AD、POWER、ESD 等方面,具有丰富的实战积累和扎实的理论知识。

华芯微特基于ARM Cortex ™-M0、Cortex ™-M4内核,面向电机控制、TFT-LCD 控制、白色家电、智能控制和工控仪表等领域,推出了多个系列的MCU 产品。

芯片在可靠性、稳定性等性能设计,获得多项发明专利,是第一家进入变频空调压缩机控制板的国产MCU 品牌。

华芯微特将保持“中国心·世界芯”的价值理念,助力中国智造!华芯微特产品分类SYNWITPRODUCT CLASSIFICATION · SWM260 · SWM181 · SWM320· SWM201 · SWM20P · SWM20D · SWM190 ·SWM341TFT-LCD显示和人机界面(HMI)T F T-LC D D I S P L AY A N D H U M A N M A C H I N E I N T E R FA C E(H M I)· 内建大容量SDRAM · 免费使用LittlevGL 软件库 · 轻松创建图形软件(SUD)· 支持各式液晶显示模块(LCM)i8080RGB i8080/RGB i8080/RGB/通讯模块DevelopingTFT-LCD 显示和人机界面(HMI)TFT-LCD DISPLAY AND HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE (HMI)Coming Soon功能框图ROM FLASH(120 KB)Memory SYSCON SYS Tick SYS Control DMA Ch x4 (UART/SPI/ADC)CORDIC 32bit DIV Digital Interface UART x4I²S x2I²C x2Communication interfaceDigital InterfaceRTC 32 bit WDT 28 bit PWM ch x824 bit BTIMER x432 bit ETIMER x4RCHF(24/48MHz)Clock Control RCLF(32KHz)12bit SAR_ADC x1(CH×7)OPA x4LDO(2.3V-3.6V)Analog Interface CMP x3BOD ▲ 最多可达42个GPIO ▲ 非模拟复用IO 支持5V 输入▲ 可自定义BOOT 程序,应用于OT A▲ 供电电压:2.3V~3.6V ▲ 支持欠压中断和复位选择▲ -40℃~85℃▲ LQFP48 GPIO ISP/IAP 供电电压工作温度封 装功能特性Functional features Home appliances HMI 家用电器HMI- Coffee Machine 咖啡机- Microwave Oven 微波炉- Water Dispenser 饮水机- Vacuum Cleaner 吸尘器Electric vehicleHMI 电动车HMI - Electric Motorcycle 电动摩托车- Electric Bicycle 电动自行车- Electric Vehicle Instrument 电动车仪表▲ 支持DMA 存取 ▲ 支持4线模式 ▲ SPICLK 30MHz ▲ QSPI 取点速度7.5MHzSPI 模块SPI x2SWM 19S 系列资源及应用参考SWM 19S SERIES RESOURCES AND APPLICATION REFERENCE : 仪器仪表、工业控制、人机界面、智能家居...推荐应用▲ 正常模式:30mA@48MHZ ▲ 浅睡眠:90uA功 耗>>MORE...SWM 19S 系列资源及应用参考SWM 19S SERIES RESOURCES AND APPLICATION REFERENCE 应用方案参考采用SWM19SCBT6-50作为主控芯片PWM EXT INT LCD 驱动模块数据储存SPIUART S W M 19SC o r t e x ™- M 0ADC 采样温湿度I²CGPIO SPIflash RS485/RS232Touch Panel 灯光调节红外、RF 遥控TFT-LCD I8080屏LED 指示灯按 键▲ 样板实物图▲ 支持MPU-I8080 16bit 接口的TFT-LCM ▲ 支持SPI-FLASH 接口,存储交互图形素材▲ SYNWIT 为客户提供完整方案,包括原理图、源程序SDK 、图形开发软件(Synwit UI Designer)以及应用说明, 方便用户进行二次开发开发板介绍▲ 支持ISP/IAP 应用,实现OT A 功能,可远程实现系统或应用数据升级优化应用框图APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM▲ 最多可达仪表46个GPIO ▲ 支持灵活的通讯和数字模块配置,便于板级布局▲ 支持RGB565 16Bit 接口的外部LCD 扩展 ▲ 支持最高分辨率1024*768,实际分辨率可以配置 ▲ 内置8MB SDRAM ▲ 可自定义BOOT 程序▲ 供电电压:2.2V~3.6V ▲ 支持欠压中断和复位选择 ▲ -40℃~85℃▲ LQFP64 GPIO TFT-LCD 驱动模块ISP/IAP 供电电压工作温度封 装功能特性Functional features ROMFLASH(512 KB)Memory SYSCON SYS Tick SYS ControlDMA Ch x4SDIO TFT_LCD ConnectivityDigital Interface CRC External Memory Interface 8MB SDRAM Nor FLASH UART x4Communication interface Digital Interface 16 bit PWM ch x1232 bit TIMER x632 bit WDT RTC SPI x2I²C x2CAN x1XTAL(2-32MHz)RCHF(20/40MHz)RCLF(30KHz)12bit SAR_ADC x2(CH x9)LDO(2.0V-3.6V)BOD Analog Interface 功能框图Industrial Interconnection 工业互联- Fiber Optic T ransceiver 人机界面IA HMI 智能家电 HMI - Sweeping Machine 扫地机- Refrigerator 冰箱- Washing machine 洗衣机Smart HomeHMI 智能家居HMI - Intelligent Switch 智能开关- User Interface 用户界面>>MORE...Home Appliances HMI 家用电器HMI- Coffee Machine 咖啡机- Microwave Oven 微波炉- Water Dispenser 饮水机Electric VehicleHMI 电动车HMI- Electric Motorcycle 电动摩托车- Electric Bicycle 电动自行车- Electric Vehicle Instrument 电动车仪表Medical Assistance HMI 医疗辅助HMI - Respirator 呼吸机- Life Detector 生命检测仪2.00.515+-SWM 32S 系列资源及应用参考SWM 32S SERIES RESOURCES AND APPLICATION REFERENCE :人机界面、仪器仪表、工业控制、智能家电...推荐应用▲ 正常模式:19mA@40MHz功 耗SWM 32S 系列资源及应用参考SWM 32S SERIES RESOURCES AND APPLICATION REFERENCE 应用方案参考采用SWM32SRET6作为主控芯片PWMEXT INTLCD 驱动模块数据储存文件系统UART SWM32SCortex™-M4ADC采样温湿度I²CGPIOSPIflashSDcardRS485/RS232Touch Panel电机驱动、灯光调节蜂鸣器、和弦音乐红外、RF遥控TFT-LCD RGB屏LED指示灯按 键应用框图APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM▲ 芯片集成显存用的64Mbit的SDRAM,支持SPI-FLASH接口▲ 支持输出RGB565格式,可直接驱动RGB接口的16/18/24位屏,最高支持驱动1024*768分辨率▲ SYNWIT 为客户提供完整方案,包括原理图、源程序SDK、图形开发软件(Synwit UI Designer)以及应用说明,方便用户进行二次开发开发板介绍▲ 显示软件方面由LittleVGL与μGUI等开源GUI库实现▲ 样板实物图CAN工业应用通讯8MB SDRAM电机专用微控制器产品MOTOR SPECIFIC MICROCONTROLLER PRODUCTS电机专用微控制器产品线路图CIRCUIT DIAGRAM OF MOTOR SPECIFIC MICROCONTROLLER· 三路运算放大器;· 四个比较器;· 4通道16位PWM 产生器;· FOC 单电阻采样优化设计;· 内置PN-MOS 芯片驱动,最高支持 24V 预驱驱动电压;· 两路2.5 MSPS 高速转换速率的ADC;· 8通道16位PWM 产生器,双电机+PFC ;· 内置偏置;· CRC 计算单元、旋转坐标计算与除法器 硬件加速模块;集成度高PN-MOSSWM 20PG6S6-65运放比较器硬件加速Pre driverSWM 341 系列CAN 运放比较器硬件加速FPU DSP 2.5M ADC运放比较器硬件加速宽电压ADC ×2运放比较器硬件加速· 三路运放; · 四路比较器;SWM 190 系列资源及应用参考SWM 190 SERIES RESOURCES AND APPLICATION REFERENCE功能框图ROM FLASH(120 KB)MemorySYSCONSYS TickSYS ControlDMA Chx4 (UART/SPI/ADC)CORDIC32bit DIVDigital InterfaceRCHF(24/48MHz)Clock ControlRCLF(32KHz)12bit SAR_ADC x2(CH x15)OPA x4LDO(2.3V-3.6V)Analog InterfaceCMP x3BOD▲ 最多可达51个GPIO ▲ 非模拟复用IO 支持5V 输入▲ 正常模式:30mA@48MHZ ▲ 浅睡眠:90uA ▲ 可自定义BOOT 程序▲ 供电电压:2.3V~3.6V ▲ 支持欠压中断和复位选择 ▲ -40℃~85℃▲ LQFP64 LQFP48 LQFP32GPIO 功 耗ISP/IAP供电电压工作温度封 装功能特性Functional featuresHousehold Appliances 生活电器- Air Purifier 空气净化器- High Pressure Fan 高压风扇- Heater 热水器Electric Vehicle 电动车- Electric Motorcycle 电动摩托车- Electric Bicycle 电动自行车- Electric Rickshaw 电动人力车Personal Care 个人护理- Hair Drier 吹风机- Massage Chair 按摩椅>>MORE...UART x4I²S x2I²C x2CommunicationinterfaceDigital InterfaceRTC32 bit WDT 28 bit PWM ch x824 bit BTIMER x432 bit ETIMER x4SPI x2:仪器仪表、工业控制、电机驱动、白色家电、可穿戴设备...推荐应用Home Electric Appliances 家用电器- Refrigerator Compressor 冰箱压缩机- Range Hood Fan 抽油烟机风机- Washing Machine Drum 洗衣机滚筒应用方案参考应用框图APPLICATION BLOCK DIAGRAM▲ 无传感器控制的载波频率20KHz▲ 转子初始位置检测算法检测精度±15°,启动时无明显反转▲ 保护机制:过压、过流、堵转保护及温度保护功能方案特色▲ 功率30W▲ 电机微控器运行60MHz▲ 无线接收器调速▲ 样板实物图采用SWM190作为主控芯片高压吊扇灯无传感器无刷直流电机驱动器参考设计高压吊扇灯直流电机驱动方案采用SYNWIT 的SWM190芯片作为主控芯片,参考设计用于对输出功率 30W、转速达 260rpm 的310V 直流馈送无刷直流 (BLDC) 电机进行高速无传感器正弦波控制。



⼯业以太⽹交换机Carat1008TXCarat5008EFC2卓越品质Carat1008TX 8⼝10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC 7⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC-20 7⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC2 6⼝10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC)Carat1008FC2-20 6⼝10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC(可选85~265V AC/DC) 注1:85~265V AC/DC型号列表价格⽐相应的18~36VDC型号多150元。


Carat1006ETX 6⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDC Carat1007EFC6⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1007EFC-20 6⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1008EFC26⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1008EFC2-206⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,SC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010ETX10⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC9⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC-20 9⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC28⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EFC2-20 8⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC9⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝1000Base-SX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC-20 9⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC28⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝1000Base-SX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1010EGC2-20 8⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018ETX18⼝ 10/100Base-TX,卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,18~36VDC,冗余电源IP40防护等级Carat1018EFC17⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC-20 17⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC216⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝100Base-FX(多模,2公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EFC2-20 16⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝100Base-FX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC17⼝ 10/100Base-TX,1⼝1000Base-SX(多模,0.5公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC-20 17⼝10/100Base-TX, 1⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC216⼝ 10/100Base-TX,2⼝1000Base-SX(多模,0.5公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDCCarat1018EGC2-20 16⼝10/100Base-TX, 2⼝1000Base-LX(单模,20公⾥,LC),卡轨式⼯业以太⽹交换机,冗余电源18~36VDC 注1:单模光⼝传输距离可选40~120KM。

MEMORY存储芯片MT41K128M16JT-107 IT K中文规格书

MEMORY存储芯片MT41K128M16JT-107 IT K中文规格书

Fine Granularity Refresh ModeMode Register and Command Truth TableThe REFRESH cycle time (t RFC) and the average refresh interval (t REFI) can be pro-grammed by the MRS command. The appropriate setting in the mode register will set asingle set of REFRESH cycle times and average refresh interval for the device (fixedmode), or allow the dynamic selection of one of two sets of REFRESH cycle times andaverage refresh interval for the device (on-the-fly mode [OTF]). OTF mode must be ena-bled by MRS before any OTF REFRESH command can be issued.Table 50: MRS DefinitionThere are two types of OTF modes (1x/2x and 1x/4x modes) that are selectable by pro-gramming the appropriate values into the mode register MR3 [8:6]. When either of thetwo OTF modes is selected, the device evaluates the BG0 bit when a REFRESH com-mand is issued, and depending on the status of BG0, it dynamically switches its internalrefresh configuration between 1x and 2x (or 1x and 4x) modes, and then executes thecorresponding REFRESH operation.Table 51: REFRESH Command Truth Tablet REFI and t RFC ParametersThe default refresh rate mode is fixed 1x mode where REFRESH commands should beissued with the normal rate; that is, t REFI1 = t REFI(base) (for T C ื 85°C), and the dura-tion of each REFRESH command is the normal REFRESH cycle time (t RFC1). In 2xmode (either fixed 2x or OTF 2x mode), REFRESH commands should be issued to thedevice at the double frequency (t REFI2 = t REFI(base)/2) of the normal refresh rate. In 4xmode, the REFRESH command rate should be quadrupled (t REFI4 = t REFI(base)/4). Per8Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR4 SDRAM Fine Granularity Refresh ModeTable 63: DBI Write, DQ Frame Format (x16) (Continued)DBI During a READ OperationIf the number of 0 data bits within a given byte lane is greater than four during a READoperation, the DRAM inverts read data on its DQ outputs and drives the DBI_n pinLOW; otherwise, the DRAM does not invert the read data and drives the DBI_n pinHIGH. The read DQ frame format is shown below for x8 and x16 configurations (the x4configuration does not support the DBI function).Table 64: DBI Read, DQ Frame Format (x8)Table 65: DBI Read, DQ Frame Format (x16)8Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR4 SDRAM Data Bus Inversion。

深圳市洪瑞光祥电子技术有限公司 36口万兆管理型交换机说明书

深圳市洪瑞光祥电子技术有限公司 36口万兆管理型交换机说明书

ShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,Ltd36口万兆管理型交换机【产品概述】36口万兆管理型交换机,采用10/100/1000Mbps&10G工业级以太网光电交换机主板,基于BCM高质量工业级芯片,用户可任意选择光电端口混合配置,接入光纤媒质采用模块化设计,提供24个10/100/1000自适应电口、8个复用的千兆SFP光口/电口,4个集成10G光口,给汇聚和核心的数据交换提供足够的带宽;提供高容量的交换能力,支持基于三四层的ACL功能。

完善的安全控制策略及CPU保护策略(CPU protect policy)提高容错能力,保证网络的稳定运行和链路的负载均衡;设备支持自动DoS攻击防范和SNMP,IEEE 802.1,生成树和快速生成树协议、链路聚合等功能。



【主要特点】●支持24个千兆网口+8个千兆光口(光电复用)+ 4个10G光口+1个管理端口●支持IEEE802.3/IEEE802.3i/IEEE802.3u/IEEE802.3ab/IEEE802.3z存储转发●以太网端口支持10/100/1000M自适应●流控方式:全双工采用IEEE 802.3x标准,半双工采用Back pressure标准●支持端口自动翻转(Auto MDI/MDIX)●采用存储转发的交换机制●所有端口支持线速交换,支持巨帧传输●零配置特性,自动供给到自适应的设备●面板指示灯监控工作状态及帮助故障分析【应用环境】◆城域光纤宽带网: 电信、有线电视、网络系统集成等数,据网络运营商◆宽带专网: 适用于金融、政府、石油、铁路、电力、公安、交通、教育等行业专网◆多媒体传输: 图像、话音、数据综合传输、适用于远程教学、会议电视、可视电话等应用ShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,Ltd实时监控: 实时控制信号、图像及数据同时传输【连接示意图】【技术指标】常规参数产品名称36口万兆管理型交换机 产品型号HR-SWTG342408S 端口定义 24个千兆网口+8个千兆光口(光电复用)+ 4个10G 光口+1个管理端口网络协议 IEEE 802.3IEEE 802.3uIEEE 802.3abIEEE 802.3aeIEEE 802.3xIEEE 802.3adIEEE 802.1abIEEE 802.wShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,LtdIEEE 802.1qIEEE 802.1pIGMP SnoopingDHCP Snooping /GMRP网络传输介质10BASE-T: Cat3,4,5类UTP(≤100 米) 100BASE-TX: Cat5 类以上UTP(≤100 米) 1000BASE-TX: Cat5 类以上UTP(≤100 米)光纤指标多模光纤:850nm,1310nm 传输距离:550m/2Km单模光纤:1310nm,1550nm 传输距离:20/40/60/80/100/120KmLED 指示PWR常亮:设备通电不亮:设备不通电SYN闪烁:系统运行正常不亮:系统未运行TP常亮: 1000M链路不亮:10/100M链路LINK常亮:链路正常不亮:链路不通ACT常亮:无数据传输闪亮:数据传输不亮:链路不通电源机器输入电压: AC 110-264V;内置电源输出:DC12V3A外观尺寸产品尺寸(L×W×H):440mm*336mm*45mm 包装尺寸(L×W×H):570mm*450mm*90mm 产品重量:kg包装重量:kg工作环境工作温度:-20~50°C存放温度:-40~85°C工作湿度:最大相对湿度90%,无冷凝存放湿度:最大相对湿度95%,无冷凝工作高度:最大10,000 英尺(3,000 米)存放高度:最大10,000 英尺(3,000 米认证CE、FCC、ROHS、3C 平均无故障时间300,000 小时ShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,Ltd包装清单1.交换机:1台2.说明书:1PCS3.合格证、保修卡:1PCS4.串口线:1条5.电源线:1条6.挂耳:一对7.用户光盘:1张质保2年技术指标背板带宽128Gbps包转发率96Mpps处理器ARM® Cortex™-A9闪存容量8MB内存容量256MMAC地址表16K队列缓冲64MB远程升级支持通过web实现版本升级,支持通过本地进行版本升级二层软件功能端口管理使能/禁用端口speed、duplex、MTU设置flow-control流控设置端口信息查看端口镜像支持端口出入方向、vlan镜像端口限速支持端口限速,限速粒度由芯片决定端口隔离支持端口隔离设置风暴抑制支持未知单播、未知组播、广播风暴抑制链路汇聚支持静态手工汇聚VLAN AccessTrunkhybrid支持基于端口、协议、MAC的VLAN划分支持GVRP动态VLAN注册ShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,Ltd Voice VLANMAC 支持静态添加、删除MAC地址学习数量限制支持动态老化时间设置生成树支持802.1d (STP) 支持802.1w (RSTP) 支持802.1s (MSTP)IGMP-snooping 支持静态添加、删除三层软件及路由功能接口配置支持SVI端口ARP 支持静态ARP支持设置ARP老化时间VRRP 支持VRRP 路由备份ND 支持IPv6_ND配置路由功能静态路由RIP(V1/V2)/ OSPF(V2) /RIP/OSPF/支持路由认证功能RIP/OSPF/支持路由引入、过滤功能扩展功能ACL 基于源MAC、目的MAC、协议类型、源IP、目的IP、L4端口号支持time-range时间段管理QOS 基于802.1p(COS)分类基于DSCP分类基于源IP、目的IP、端口号分类支持SP、WRR、DRR调度策略支持流量限速CARLLDP 支持LLDP链路发现协议用户设置添加/删除用户日志用户登录、操作、状态、事件记录日志防攻击DOS防御支持对CPU保护,限制上送cpu报文速率ARP绑定(IP、MAC、PORT绑定)ShenZhen HongRui Optical Technology Co.,Ltd网络诊断支持ping、telnet、trace系统管理设备复位、配置保存/恢复、升级管理、时间设定等管理功能CLI 支持串口命令行管理TELNET 支持telnet远程管理WEB WEB管理页面【订购信息】设备型号描述HR-SWTG342408S 24个千兆网口+8个千兆光口(光电复用)+ 4个10G光口【产品效果图】。



1. 芯片型号:思特威芯片
2. 架构:X86架构
3. 制程工艺:XX纳米工艺
4. 核心数量:X个
5. 线程数量:X个
6. 主频:X GHz
7. 缓存:X MB
8. 内存控制器:支持DDRX内存,最高频率为X MHz
9. 图形处理器:集成XX型号图形处理器,支持OpenGL和DirectX 等图形接口
10. 显示支持:最高支持X分辨率、X位色彩深度的显示器
11. 存储支持:支持SATA接口,最高支持X个SATA设备
12. 扩展接口:支持PCIe接口,最高支持X个PCIe设备
13. 网络支持:集成XX型号网络适配器,支持千兆以太网
14. 音频支持:集成音频编解码器,支持XX声道音频输出
15. 电源管理:支持节能技术,最低功耗为X瓦
16. 封装:BGA封装,尺寸为XX mm × XX mm
17. 工作温度:X°C ~ X°C
18. 供电电压:X V
19. 其他特性:支持虚拟化技术、安全加密等功能

MEMORY存储芯片MT48LC16M16A2P-7EIT G中文规格书

MEMORY存储芯片MT48LC16M16A2P-7EIT G中文规格书

If the DLL is enabled prior to entering self refresh mode, the DLL is automatically disa-bled when entering the SELF REFRESH operation and is automatically re-enabled and reset upon exit of the SELF REFRESH operation. If the DLL is disabled prior to entering self refresh mode, the DLL remains disabled, even upon exit of the SELF REFRESH oper-ation until it is re-enabled and reset.The DRAM is not tested to check—nor does Micron warrant compliance with—normal mode timings or functionality when the DLL is disabled. An attempt has been made to have the DRAM operate in the normal mode where reasonably possible when the DLL has been disabled; however, by industry standard, a few known exceptions are defined:•ODT is not allowed to be used.•The output data is no longer edge-aligned to the clock.•CL and CWL can only be six clocks.When the DLL is disabled, timing and functionality can vary from the normal operation specifications when the DLL is enabled (see DLL Disable Mode in Commands section of the data sheet for more information). Disabling the DLL also implies the need to change the clock frequency (see Input Clock Frequency Change section of the data sheet for de-tails).Output Drive StrengthThe DDR3 SDRAM uses a programmable impedance output buffer. The drive strength mode register setting is defined by MR1[5, 1]. RZQ/7 (34Ω [NOM]) is the primary output driver impedance setting for DDR3 SDRAM devices. To calibrate the output driver im-pedance, an external precision resistor (RZQ) is connected between the ZQ ball and V SSQ . The value of the resistor must be 240ΩThe output impedance is set during initialization. Additional impedance calibration up-dates do not affect device operation, and all data sheet timings and current specifica-tions are met during an update.To meet the 34Ω specification, the output drive strength must be set to 34Ω during initi-alization. To obtain a calibrated output driver impedance after power-up, the DDR3SDRAM needs a calibration command that is part of the initialization and reset proce-dure.OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLEThe OUTPUT ENABLE/DISABLE function is defined by MR1[12] (see Figure 52(page 144)). When enabled (MR1[12] = 0), all outputs (DQ, DQS, DQS#) function when in the normal mode of operation. When disabled (MR1[12] = 1), all DDR3 SDRAM out-puts (DQ and DQS, DQS#) are High-Z. The output disable feature is intended to be used during I DD characterization of the READ current and during t DQSS margining (write leveling) only.TDQS ENABLETermination data strobe (TDQS) is a function of the x8 DDR3 SDRAM configuration that provides termination resistance R TT , and can be useful in some system configura-tions. TDQS is not supported in x4 or x16 configurations. When enabled via the mode register (MR1[11]), R TT applied to DQS and DQS# is also applied to TDQS and TDQS#.In contrast to the RDQS function of DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3’s TDQS provides the termina-tion resistance R TT only. The OUTPUT DATA STROBE function of RDQS is not provided2Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR3L SDRAM Mode Register 1 (MR1)Figure 41: DLL Disable t DQSCKDon’t CareTransitioning Data CKCK#Command Address DQ BL8 DLL onDQS, DQS# DLL onDQ BL8 DLL disable DQS, DQS# DLL offDQ BL8 DLL disable DQS, DQS# DLL offTable 91: READ Electrical Characteristics, DLL Disable Mode。



Communication is one of the strong points of SIRIUS ACT: Besides the standard wiring, you can also connect the push buttons and signaling devices directly to the controller in the field or cabinet via PROFINET,AS-Interface and IO-Link. In this way, you can reduce wiring time and effort, minimize error sources and have more flexibility when you need to make modifications.Engineering in the Totally Integrated Automation Portal (TIA Portal) provides additional diagnostics and parameterization options. SIRIUS ACT push buttons and indicator lights – convincing in design, performance, ruggedness and handling. Enabling you to get things going.Top performance thanks to strong communicationSIRIUS ACT with PROFINET connects push buttons and signaling devices directly with the controller and HMI devices via PROFINET – including safety functions, with engineering and commissioning being simplified no end by the TIA Portal. Additional benefits include uniform data management, shorter downtimes thanks to faster fault diagnostics and option handling, which can be used to flexibly design plants and systems and even modify them during operation.Detailed installation information available at:/sirius-act-profinet-manual The quick and easy routeto peak performance• Efficient PLC integration• Reduced wiring outlay – fewer sources of error during installation and commissioning• Quick installation with flat ribbon cable without special tools• High degree of flexibility–Additional 4 digital inputs,1 digital output (DI, DQ) and1 analog input (AI)–Modular and plug-in design of all components• Optionally with Safety Integrated – making it possible to integrate safety technology; e.g. emergency stop with safety-related Interface Module via PROFIsafe communication• No addressing of individual push buttons and command points required – only one IP address for up to 21 devices• Easy replacement of memory modules without programming knowledgeSIRIUS ACT with PROFINETMaximum flexibility with a host ofcommunication solutions/sirius-actSIRIUS ACT with PROFINET at a glanceProductVersionArticle number PROFINETterminal modules Siemens AG Digital Factory Control ProductsSir William Siemens House Princess RoadManchester, M20 2UR © 2017 Siemens AGSubject to changes and errors. The information given in this document only contains general descriptions and/or performance features which may not al-ways specifically reflect those described, or which may undergo modification in the course of further development of the products. The requested performance features are binding only when they are expressly agreed upon in the concluded contract.You can find all the information at:/sirius-act-profinet Technical specifications:/siosProduct selection and ordering:/industrymall/sirius-act/configurator。

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Address Setup Time
Output Active from End of Write *
Write to Output in High Z *
Data Hold from Write Time
Address Hold Time
* Parameters guaranteed by design but not tested
FCE = SCE = VIH, OE = VIH, f = 5MHz, VCC = Max
40 mA
VOL IOL = 8 mA, VCC = 4.5V
0.4 V
VOH IOH = -4.0 mA, , VCC = 4.5V
Aeroflex Circuit Technology
SCD1677 REV A 4/28/98 Plainview NY (516) 694-6700
Read Cycle
SRAM AC Characteristics
(VCC = 5.0V, VSS= 0V, TC = -55°C to +125°C)
8 SI/O0-7
8 SI/O8-15
8 FI/O0-7
8 FI/O8-15
Pin Description
FI/O0-15 Flash Data I/O
SI/O0-15 SRAM Data I/O
Address Inputs
FWE1-2 Flash Write Enables
SWE1-2 SRAM Write Enables
100 mA
Flash Vcc Active Current for Program or Erase (2)
130 mA
Flash Output Low Voltage
VOL IOL = 12 mA, VCC = 4.5V, SCE = VIH
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Rating Case Operating Temperature Storage Temperature Maximum Signal Voltage to Ground Maximum Lead Temperature (10 seconds)
0.45 V
Flash Output High Voltage
VOH IOH = -2.5 mA, , VCC = 4.5V, SCE = VIH 0.85 x VCC
Flash Low Vcc Lock Out Voltage
Notes: 1) The ICC current listed includes both the DC operating current and the frequency dependent component (at 5MHz). The frequency component typically is less than 2mA/MHz, with OE at VIH 2) ICC active while Embedded Algorithim (program or erase) is in progress 3) DC test conditions: VIL = 0.3V, VIH = VCC - 0.3V
s Access Times of 25ns (SRAM) and 60ns (Flash) or 35ns (SRAM) and 70 or 90ns (Flash)
s 128K x 16 SRAM s 128K x 16 5V Flash s Organized as 128K x 16 of SRAM and 128K x 16 of
–025 Min Max 25 20 20 15 20
0 0
10 0 0
–035 Min Max 35 25 25 20 25
0 0
20 0 0
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
s DESC SMD Pending – 5962-96900
s Sector Architecture (Each Die) q 8 Equal Sectors of 16K bytes each
q Any combination of sectors can be erased with one command sequence.
25 25 25
0 15
3 0
12 12
* Parameters guaranteed by design but not tested
–035 Min Max 35
35 35 0 20 3 0 20 20
ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns
s +5V Programing, 5V ±10% Supply
s Embedded Erase and Program Algorithms
s Hardware and Software Write Protection
s Internal Program Control Time.
s 10,000 Erase/Program Cycles
(VIN = 0V, f = 1MHz, TC = 25°C)
Symbol Parameter
A0 – A16 Capacitance
OE Capacitance
F/S CWE1,2 F/S Write Enable Capacitance
F/S CCE1,2 F/S Chip Enable Capacitance
Noise s Industrial and Military Temperature Ranges s Industry Standard Pinouts
Note: Programming information available upon request
s Packaging – Hermetic Ceramic q 66 Pin, 1.08" x 1.08" x .160" PGA Type, No Shoulder, Aeroflex code# "P3" q 66 Pin, 1.08" x 1.08" x .185" PGA Type, With Shoulder, Aeroflex code# "P7" q 68 Lead, .94" x .94" x .140" Single-Cavity Small Outline Gull Wing, Aeroflex code# "F18" (Drops into the 68 Lead JEDEC .99"SQ CQFJ footprint)
Block Diagram – PGA Type Package (P3,P7) and CQFP (F18)
OE A0 – A16
128Kx8 SRAM
128Kx8 SRAM
128Kx8 Flash
128Kx8 Flash
–025 Min Max
Read Cycle Time Address Access Time Chip Select Access Time Output Hold from Address Change Output Enable to Output Valid Chip Select to Output in Low Z * Output Enable to Output in Low Z * Chip Deselect to Output in High Z * Output Disable to Output in High Z *
Parameter Flash Data Retention Flash Endurance (Write/Erase Cycles)
10 Years 10,000
Range -55 to +125 -65 to +150 -0.5 to +7
Units °C °C V °C
ACT–SF128K16 High Speed 128Kx16 SRAM/FLASH Multichip Module
s 2 – 128K x 8 SRAMs & 2 – 128K x 8 Flash Die in One MCM
Normal Operating Conditions
Power Supply Voltage
Input High Voltage
Input Low Voltage
Maximum +5.5