



步驟 5:變更分析設定 ( 如果可用 )
步驟 6:套用分析
步驟 7:檢視分析結果
3 執
DSOX3PWR 功率量測應用 使用者指南
開啟 / 關閉
電源供應器抑制比 (PSRR)
版本 02.20.0000
2012 年 7 月 16 日
Available in electronic format only
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 1900 Garden of the Gods Road Colorado Springs, CO 80907 USA
DSOX3PWR 功率量測應 用
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2007-2009, 2011-2012
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• 透過電源供應器抑制比 (PSRR) 量測,量測電路對來自輸入電源供應器之不 同頻率漣波的斥拒情況。
功率量測與分析授權、示波器、高電壓差分測試棒、電流測試棒、測試棒取消時 滯設備以及被動測試棒,共同構成用於電源供應器設計和測試的完整功率量測系 統。
DSOX3PWR 功率量測應用 使用者指南

拓斯达 辅机系统 高端智能装备产品说明书

拓斯达 辅机系统 高端智能装备产品说明书

作为中国整厂自动化第一品牌,拓斯达专注于高端智能装备,主张 的品牌价值,即随着技术不断进步与突破,用智能系统替代人工,开拓可替代的应用领域,推动产业进步助力企业发展,同时把制造业从劳动密集型带入完全的自动化,回归到自然,人性,和谐的状态。


As the top brand of complete factory automation in China, TOPSTAR focuses on high-end innovative equipment, proposes the brand value of. We initiate to replacelabor with intelligent systems, expand replaceable application areas and promote industrial progress to help enterprise developing, transform labor intensive type to full automation and return to a natural, human-oriented and harmonious status.Much in this emerging civilization contradicts the old traditional industrial civilization. It is, at one and the same time, highly technological and anti-industrial.摘自《第三次浪潮》——阿尔文·托夫勒from The Third Wave,Alvin Toffler企业简介Guangdong Topstar Technology Co., Ltd.(SZ.300607)is a National High-Tech Enterprise, focusing on the development of industrial robots, manufacturing and sales, dedicated to systems integration, products manufacturing and software development--three in one integration of industrial robot ecosystems and overall automation solution.Since the establishment in 2007, adhering to the brand advocate "Let Industrial Civilization Return To The Natural Beauty” and the core value "one year investment return for the automation solution", the business has maintained a rapid growth. In 2015, Topstar was named “China Industrial Automation Leading Enterprise” by the State Ministry of Information Industry Development Institute. We have served about 4000 customers in domestic and oversea market, including well-known companies from Global 500. Now our sales and service network are all over the country in China and the products have been exported to more than 30 countries in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, etc.In 2014, we were ranked on the 30th as "Potential 100 Non-Listed Chinese Enterprises" by Forbes. In 2015, we were named "China's Most Potential Enterprise" by Ernst & Young with Fudan University, at the same time won the Guangdong Provincial-level Enterprise Technical Center, the Rapid Growth of Small&Medium Enterprises of Guangdong Province, and as the only one robot enterprise selected in Guangdong Province Manufacturing 500, honored “2014 and 2015Annual Golden Globe” by GG Robots, etc. In 2016, was assessed as the first batch of robot key enterprises in Guangdong Province. Our enterprise is highly appreciated by national ministries , provincial and municipal leaders.At present, our shareholders include China Huarong, top PE Shenzhen Fortune Capital, Industrial Securities and Dongguan Sangem Group.Topstar has recruited top R&D experts from Canada, Korea and Taiwan, and carried out long-term research cooperation with Tsinghua University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, South China University of Technology, Dongguan Institute of Technology and other research institutions and well-known colleges. We have achieved 100 national patents and 10 software copyrights.Three kinds of Robots with independent intellectual property were named Guangdong Provincial Famous Brand and five kinds of machines were named Guangdong High-Tech Products. Many machines have been certified by CE.Company profile广东拓斯达科技股份有限公司(SZ.300607)是国家级高新技术企业,专注于工业机器人的研发、制造、销售,致力于打造系统集成 + 本体制造 + 软件开发三位一体的工业机器人生态系统和整体自动化解决方案。

Shimpo 减速器产品说明书

Shimpo 减速器产品说明书

2SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Cross sectional view of a precision backlashReducer. The two piece pin housing provides the ability to preload one wheel against the other, reducing the output shaft backlash to less than 6 arc-min. The extra support bearing prevents fretting corrosion between the quill input shaft and the motor shaft. The long output shaft bearing span provides exceptional overhung load capabilities.Internal pinWheelsCarrier pins Input shaftEccentric roller bearingsMounting housingdimensions equivalent to those of the SM Cyclo® product. Your Shimpo reducer can be dropped in to replace the other brand with no modifications to your mounting plate! This dimensional change is only available on base-mounted units. When ordering, specify the “DI” option.Great Features, Precision3SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Features & BenefitsDesign FeaturesOperational BenefitsMounting OptionsBase Mount Flange Mount Ring Mount4SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************5SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Model Examples6SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Selection Procedure for Induction Motor Applications1. Determine the load classification from the Load Classification Table on page 8.2. Select theprime mover. 3. Calculate the required reduction ratio by dividing the input shaft rpm by the required output shaft rpm. 4.If selecting the reducer by HP , determine the design HP by multiplying the motor HP by the service factor. If selecting the reducer by torque, determine the design torque by multiplying the required load torque by the service factor.5. Select the6. Select the required input type from page 9.7. Select the required mounting type from page 9.8. Select the required mounting position from page9.9. Check the overhung and/or thrust loads on shafts if connected to the load by either a sprocket, sheave, pulley, or gear (pages 28 - 29).10. Configure the model number (page 9), noting any unusual operating or ambient conditions. Contact SHIMPO Drives Customer Service for questionable items, or applications assistance.Service Factor TableNote: AGMA service factors shown are the American Gear Manufacturers' recommendations for conventional gear reducers.7SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Selection Procedure for Servo Motor Applications1. Determine the load classification from the Load Classification Table on page 8.2.Reducer service factor from the Service Factor Table (below) for the 3. Calculate the required reduction ratio by dividing the rated servo motor speed (rpm) by the required output shaft rpm.4.Reducer from the selection table based on servo motor rated speed and tentative selection. 5.Reducer (T1) as shown in our rating tables.6.7. Select the required mounting type from page 9. 8. Select the required mounting position from page 9.9. Check the overhung and/or thrust loads on the output shaft if connected to the load by either a sprocket, sheave, pulley, or gear (pages 28 - 29).10. Configure the model number (page 9), noting backlash and any unusual operating or ambient conditions. Contact SHIMPO Drives Customer Service for questionable items, or applications assistance.8SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Load Classification Table....................................................................................... ....................................... ................................................ ............................................................................ ...................................... ............................................. ............................. .................................... .................................. ...................................... ........................... ................. ............................................ .............................. ............................ ............................................... ......................................... .................................................. 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.......................................... .................................. ........................................... ........ .......................................................U - Uniform LoadM - Moderate LoadH - Heavy Shock Load* In view of varying load conditions, it is suggested that these applications be carefully reviewed before a final selection is made.**Check safety codes and refer to SHIMPO Drives Customer Service.AGITATORSPure Liquids ULiquids and Solids M Liquids - Variable Density M Semi-liquids Variable Density M*BLOWERCentrifugal ULobe MVane UBREWING and DISTILLINGBottling Machinery UBrew Kettles - Continuous Duty UCookers - Continuous Duty U Mash Tubs - Continuous Duty U Scale Hopper Frequent Starts M CAN FILLING MACHINES UCANE KNIVES M CAR DUMPERS HCAR PULLERS - Intermittent Duty UCLARIFIERS UCLASSIFIERS M CLAY WORKING MACHINERY Brick Press HBriquette Machine H Clay Working Machinery M Pug Mill M COMPRESSORS Centrifugal Lobe Reciprocating Multi-Cylinder M*Single Cylinder H*CONVEYORS – UNIFORMLY LOADED OR FED Apron M Assembly MBelt M Bucket M Chain U Flight U Oven UCONVEYORS – HEAVY DUTY NOT UNIFORMLY FED Apron M Assembly M Belt M Bucket M Chain M Flight M Live Roll (Package) MOven M Reciprocating H Screw M Shaker H CRANES and HOISTS Main Hoists Heavy Duty H Medium Duty M Reversing M Skip Hoists M Trolley Drive M* Bridge Drive M*CRUSHERS Ore H Stone H DREDGES Cable Reels M Conveyors MCutter Head Drives H Jig Drives HManeuvering Winches MPumps MScreen Drive HStackers MUtility Winches MELEVATORS Bucket - Uniform load U Bucket - Heavy load M Bucket - Continuous U Centrifugal Discharge U Escalators U Freight M Gravity Discharge U Man Lifts ** Passenger ** Service - Hand Lift H FANS Centrifugal M Cooling Towers ** Induced Draft M Forced Draft ** Induced Draft M Large (Mine, etc.) M* Large Industrial M* Light (Small Diameter) U FEEDERS Apron M Belt M Disc U Reciprocating H Screw M FOOD INDUSTRY Beet Slicer M Cereal Cooker U Dough Mixer M Meat Grinders M GENERATORS - (Not Welding) U HAMMER MILLS H LAUNDRY WASHERS Reversing M LAUNDRY TUMBLERS M LINE SHAFTS Heavy Shock Load H Moderate Shock Load M Uniform Load U LUMBER INDUSTRY Barker - Hydraulic - Mechanical M Burner Conveyor M Chain Saw and Drag Saw H Chain Transfer H Craneway Transfer H De-Barking Drum H Edger Feed M Gang Feed M Green Chain M Live Rolls H Log Deck H Log Haul - Incline H Log Haul - Well Type H Log Turning Device H Main Log Conveyor H Off Bearing Rolls M Planer Feed Chains M Planer Floor Chains M Planer Tilting Hoist M Re-saw Merry-Go-Round Conveyor M Roll Cases H Slab Conveyor H Small Waste Conveyor - Belt U Small Waste Conveyor - Chain M Log Turning Device H Sorting Table M Tipple Hoist Conveyor M Tipple Hoist Drive M Transfer Conveyor H Transfer Rolls H Tray Drive M Trimmer Feed M Waste Conveyor M MACHINE TOOLS Bending Roll M Notching Press - Belt Driven * Plate Planer H Punch Press - Gear Driven H Tapping Machines H Other Machine Tools Main Drives M Auxiliary Drives U METAL MILLS Draw Bench - Carriage H Draw Bench - Main Drive M Forming Machines H Pinch Dryer & Scrubber Rolls, Reversing * Slitters M* Table Conveyors Non-reversing M Reversing H Wire Drawing & Flattening Machine M Wire Winding Machine M MILLS, ROTARY TYPE Ball HCement Kilns **Dryers & Coolers M Kilns MPebble HRod HTumbling Barrels HMIXERS Concrete Mixers, Continuous M Concrete Mixers, Intermittent U Constant Density U Variable Density MOIL INDUSTRY Chillers MOil Well Pumping ** Paraffin Filter Press MRotary Kilns M PAPER MILLS Agitators (Mixers) MBarker Auxiliaries, Hydraulic M Barker, Mechanical MBarking Drum HBeater & Pulper M Bleacher U UCalendars MCalendars - Super H Converting Machines, except Cutters, Platers MConveyors UCouch MCutters, Platers H Cylinders MDryers M Felt Stretcher MFelt Whipper HJordans HLog Haul HPresses UPulp Machines MReel MStock Chests MSuction Roll UWashers & Thickeners MWinders U PRINTING PRESSES U PULLERS Barge Haul M PUMPS Centrifugal H Proportioning M* Reciprocating Single Acting 3 or more Cylinders M Double Acting 2 or more Cylinders * Single Acting 1 or 2 Cylinders * Double Acting * Single Cylinder * Rotary - Gear Type H Rotary - Lobe, Vane H RUBBER INDUSTRY Mixer H Rubber Calendar M Rubber Mill (2 or more) M* Sheeter M* Tire Building Machines ** Tire & Tube Press Openers ** Tubers & Strainers M SEWAGE DISPOSAL EQUIPMENT Bar Screens H Chemical Feeders H Collectors, Circuline or Straight Line H Dewatering Screens M Grit Collectors H Scum Breakers M Slow or Rapid Mixers M Sludge Collectors U Thickeners M Vacuum Filters M SCREENS Air Washing U Rotary - Stone or Gravel M Traveling Water Intake U SLABPUSHERS M STEERING GEAR M STOKERS U TEXTILE INDUSTRY Batchers M Calendars M Card Machines M* Cloth Finishing Machines, (washers, pads, tenters, dryers, calendars, etc.) M Dry Cans M Dryers M Dyeing Machinery M Knitting Machines (looms, etc.) * Looms M Mangles M Nappers M Pads M Range Drives * Slashers M Soapers M Spinners M Tenter Frames M Washers M Winders (Other than Batchers) M Yarn Preparatory Machines(Cards, Spinners, Slashers, etc.) M WINDLASS M*9SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Model Number Chart for Induction Motor Reducers.......................Shovel Base InputFor coupling style C-Face adapters, please change “C” to “A” in theordering codeFor top mount adapters, please change “S” to “T” in the orderingcode......................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ .....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Standard Quill Style NEMA C-Face InputINPUT TYPE Input Shaft SHFTMotor Size Ordering Code 56C C-56143/145TC C140182/184TC C180213/215TC C210254/256TC C250284/286TC C280324/326TC C320Motor Size Ordering Code 56 S-56143/145T S140182/184T S180213/215T S210254/256T S250284/286T S280324/326T S320 ..... ..............BacklashStandard Backlash: Approximately 60 arc-min 0Precision Backlash: Less than 6 arc-min P10SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Rating Table 1750 rpm Input, Single Reduction, Standard BacklashNotes:Backlash specification is approximately 1o(60 arc-min).Rating Table 1165 rpm Input, Single Reduction, Standard BacklashNotes:Backlash specification is approximately 1o(60 arc-min).Note:Input HP shown in the shaded area and in bold type is to overcome breakway torque requirements in cold temperatures or high inertia applications. It is recommended that a torque limiting device is used to protect the unit or driven machine.Backlash specification is approximately1o(60 arc-min).Note:Input HP shown in the shaded area and in bold type is to overcome breakway torque requirements in cold temperatures or high inertia applications. It is recommended that a torque limiting device is used to protect the unit or driven machine.Backlash specification is approximately1o(60 arc-min).Rating Table 2000 rpm Input, Single Reduction, Standard BacklashNotes:T1 - Nominal output torque - unit can continuously sustain this torque value without overheating.T2 - Emergency stop output torque - unit can sustain this torque value 1000 cycles before breaking.Acceleration torque is 1.5 times nominal output torque.Backlash specification is approximately 1o(60 arc-min).Rating Table 2000 rpm Input, Single Reduction, Precision Backlash (less than 6 arc-min)Notes:T1 - Nominal output torque - unit can continuously sustain this torque value without overheating.T2 - Emergency stop output torque - unit can sustain this torque value 1000 cycles before breaking.Acceleration torque is 1.5 times nominal output torque.Rating Table 3000 rpm Input, Single Reduction,Standard BacklashNotes:T 1 - Nominal output torque - unit can continuously sustain this torque value without overheating.T 2 - Emergency stop output torque - unit can sustain this torque value 1000 cycles before breaking.Acceleration torque is 1.5 times nominal output torque.Backlash specification is approximately 1o(60 arc-min).Notes:T 1 - Nominal output torque - unit can continuously sustain this torque value without overheating.T 2 - Emergency stop output torque - unit can sustain this torque value 1000 cycles before breaking.Acceleration torque is 1.5 times nominal output torque.Rating Table 3000 rpm Input, Single Reduction, Precision Backlash(less than 6 arc-min)Internal Inertia(WK ) Reflected to the Input Shaft Notes:Oil lubrication for B01 - C07 for non-servo motor applications is available upon request. Consult Maintenance, Parts,& Instruction Manual for specific lubrication recommendations.Notes:Lubrication type is based on 1750 RPM input. Consult Maintenance, Parts, & Instruction Manual for specific lubrication recommendations.2Precision Backlash UnitsUnit: lb ft 2Standard LubricationSingle ReductionStandard LubricationDouble ReductionNotes:Torsional stiffness of standard backlash units is higher than precision backlash units. Contact Shimpo Drives Customer Service for additional information.Common Dimensions Single Reduction Base MountNotes:All dimensions are shown in inches.t o n n o i s n e m i d s e t o n e d -A /N .n o i t a m r o f n i l a n o i t i d d a r o f e c i v r e S r e m o t s u C s e v i r D o p m i h S t c a t n o C .e l b a l i a v a s e l y t s g n i t n u o m r e h t O applicable.Sizes A through B do not have a lifting eye.To download CAD drawings, visit our website: .Dimensions subject to change without notice.See page 20 for C-Face dimensions.Common Dimensions Single Reduction Base MountMotor Flange Dimensions Single Reduction Base MountServo InputNotes:Other servo flanges and bore sizes are available. Contact Shimpo Drives Customer Service for additional information.All dimensions are in mm.To download CAD drawings, visit our website: .Dimensions subject to change without notice.Motor Flange Dimensions Single Reduction Base Mount C-Face InputNotes:s n e m i i d "R "r o f 12e g a p e e S ions.All dimensions are in inches.See page 28 for C-Face dimensions..e c i t o n t u o h t i w e g n a h c o t t c e j b u s s n o i s n e m i D .m o c .s e v i r d o p m i h s .w w w :e t i s b e w r u o t i s i v ,s g n i w a r d D A C d a o l n w o d o T N/A – denotes dimension not applicable.Common DimensionsSingle Reduction Flange MountOutput FlangeOutput ShaftMotor Flange Dimensions Single Reduction Flange MountNotes:All dimensions are in inches.See page 28 for remaining C-Face dimensions.Dimensions subject to change without notice.Servo Input(SQUARE)(CIRCLE)Motor MountingCommon Dimensions Single Reduction Ring MountNotes:s n e m i i d "R "r o f 32e g a p e e S ions.All dimensions are in inches.See page 28 for C-Face dimensions..e c i t o n t u o h t iw e g n a h c o t t c e j b u s s n o i s n e m i D .m o c .s e v i r d o p m i h s .w w w :e t i s b e w r u o t i s i v ,s g n i w a r d D A C d a o l n w o d o T N/A - denotes dimension not applicable.Output ShaftOutput RingMotor Flange Dimensions Single Reduction Ring MountServo InputNotes:All dimensions are in inches.See page 28 for C-Face dimensions.Motor Mounting FlangeDimensions Double Reduction All Mounting TypesDimensions Double Reduction All Mounting TypesNotes:All dimensions are in inches.N/A - denotes dimension not applicable.To download CAD drawings, visit our website: www.shimp eo c.s e v i r do page 26 for C-Face dimensions.em.SSize AB3 & AB7 do not include a lifting eye.Dimensions subject to change without notice.Notes:All dimensions are in inches.Top Mount can be rotated. Contact SHIMPO Drives Customer Service for additional information.For Top Mount, total V-drive drive centers = "K" dimension listed PLUS motor "D" dimension.Dimensions subject to change without notice.Dimensions Shovel Base & Top Mount AdaptorDimensionsC-Face AdaptorAll dimensions are in inches.Notes:Dimensions subject to change without notice.180TC, 210TC, 250TC, C280TC, 320TC56C, 140TCNotes:All dimensions are in inches.See pages 12 & 13 for input HP and output torque ratings.To download CAD drawings, please visit our website: .Dimensions subject to change without notice.See page 28 for C-Face dimensions.Reducers for Overhead Conveyor ApplicationsOUTPUT SHAFT • Grease lubrication won’t ever leak oil with minimal maintenance. Optional USDA approved grease available• Straddle mount output shaft bearings maximize overhung load capability • Quill style NEMA C-Face easilyaccommodates standard motors while minimizing overall length• Motor back-off holes allow simple motor removalMatches industry standard mounting and output shaft dimensionsMiscellaneous Engineering InformationAmbient Temperature˚F to 104˚F (0˚C to 40˚C). Contact SHIMPO Drives Customer Service if operating conditions fall outside of this range.BacklashThe standard backlash option is approximately 1˚ (60 arc-min).The precision backlash option is less than 0.1˚ (6 arc-min).Direction of RotationThe input shaft can be rotated in either direction. For single reduction reducers, the output shaft rotates in the opposite direction of the input shaft. For double reduction reducers, the output shaft rotates in the same direction as the input shaft.Exact RatioThermal Ratingsmechanical rating in all cases. Therefore, it can be run continuously at any of the input speeds in this catalog.Table 1 Input Shaft Thrust &Overhung Load Capacity (lbs)Notes:Overhung load ratings are based on the load being applied to the center of the shaft.Ratings shown are based on a combined overhung and thrust load being applied to the shaft.31SHIMPO DRIVES, INC./1701GLENLAKEAVEITASCAIL60143/P:800.842.1479/F:630.924.7382//*********************Miscellaneous Engineering InformationOutput Shaft Overhung LoadWhen a sprocket, sheave, pulley, or gear is mounted on the output shaft or on the input shaft, an overhung load is applied to the shaft. It is necessary to check whether the shafts of the reducer will allow the required overhung load.Overhung Load CalculationCalculate the overhung load using the formula below:Table 2 LoadConnection Factor: CfTable 3 Output Shaft Overhung Load Capacity (lb)K2 + X K1xOverhung Load=126,000 x HP x Cf x SfD x NCOLLAR HP: Horsepower transmitted by the shaft Cf: Load connection factor (from T able 2)Sf: Service factor (from Service Factor T able on page 6 or 7)D: Pitch diameter of sprocket, etc.N: Shaft speed (rpm)K1: Constant factor (from T able 3)K2: Constant factor (from T able 3)X:Distance from collar surface to load position (in)Notes:These ratings are based on thrust load = 0.Contact SHIMPO Drives Customer Service for applications which have combined overhung & thrust loads.。



ioLogik W5340
ioLogik W5340-HSPA
Software Name: ioAdmin
Bug(s) Fixed
Additional Note(s)
1. Using new installshield
E2200 series
1. Support MOXA green core
2. W5340-HSPA Model supports SMTP port number
ioLogik E2210 (-T)
ioLogik E2212 (-T)
ioLogik E2214 (-T)
ioLogik E2262 (-T) ioLogik R2110
ioLogik R2140
ioLogik W5312
ioLogik W5340
ioLogik W5340-HSPA
ioLogik E2210 (-T)
ioLogik E2212 (-T)
New Feature(s)
ioLogik E2210 (-T)
ioLogik E2212 (-T)
ioLogik E2214 (-T)
ioLogik E2240 (-T)
ioLogik E2242 (-T)
ioLogik E2260 (-T)



7.3 伺服电机外观图及尺寸 ............................................................................... 58
7.4 伺服驱动器外形和安装尺寸 ...................................................................... 62
6.6 相关知识 ......................................................................................................... 54
第七章 产品规格...........................................................................................55
7.5 伺服驱动器型号说明 ................................................................................... 63
ROYALTEC 全 数 字 交 流 伺 服 驱 动 系 统
ROYALTEC 全数字交流伺服驱动系统


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54/7407六高压输出缓冲器/驱动器(OC ,30V )简要说明54/7407为集电极开路输出的六组驱动器,其主要电特性的典型值如下:t PLHt phlP D6ns 20ns125mW引出端符号1A -6A 输入端 1Y -6Y 输出端逻辑图双列直插封装极限值电源电压 …………………………………………. 7V 输入电压 …………………………………………. 5.5V 输出截止态电压……………………………………. 30V 工作环境温度 5407 ……………………………………………. -55~125℃ 7407………… …………………………………. 0~70℃存储温度 …………………………………………. -65~150℃功能表:海纳电子资讯网 为您提供各种IC中文资料推荐工作条件:5407/7407最小 额定 最大单位54 4.5 5 5.5电源电压V CC74 4.75 5 5.25V 输入高电平电压V iH 2 V 输入低电平电压V iL0.8 V 输出截止态电压V O(OFF) 30 V54 30输出低电平电流I OL74 40mA静态特性(TA 为工作环境温度范围)‘07 参 数测 试 条 件【1】最大单位V IK 输入嵌位电压 Vcc=最小,I ik =-12mA -1.5 V I O(OFF)输出截止态电流 Vcc =最小, V IH =2V ,V o =30V 250 uA V OL 输出低电平电压 Vcc=最小,V IL =0.8V ,I OL =16mA 0.4 V I I 最大输入电压时输入电流 Vcc =最大,V I =5.5V1 mA I IH 输入高电平电流 Vcc =最大,V IH =2.4V 40 uA I IL 输入低电平电流 Vcc =最大,V IL =0.4V -1.6 mA I CCH 输出高电平时电源电流 Vcc =最大 41 mA I CCL 输出低电平时电源电流 Vcc =最大30 mA[1]: 测试条件中的“最小”和“最大”用推荐工作条件中的相应值。



大连总部:大连泰思曼科技有限公司联系电话:(0086)411-84754522 公司邮箱:********************公司地址:大连市高新园区任贤街16号西安分公司:泰思曼高压电源(西安)有限公司联系电话:(0086)29-88825577公司邮箱:***********************公司地址:西安市高新区纬二十六路中交科技城西区B1号楼高压电源选型手册1kV~6kV/60kW/10A,3μs~50μs,rise≤200ns,AC/Pulse 1kV~6kV/300kW/50A,1μs~5μs,1Hz,rise≤250ns,AC/Pulse1kV~40kV/1kW/25mA,8μs~50μs,1~1kHz,rise>15μs,AC/Pulse 1kV~20kV/10W~10kW/100A,1μs~DC,1Hz~10kHz,AC/Pulse ±3kV/6kV/30W/300A,1μs~5μs,1Hz,rise≤300ns,AC/Pulse ±3kV/500W/50A,1μs~5μs,80~90Hz,rise≤100ns,AC/PulseTP3011系列TP3012系列TP3080系列TP3090系列TP3096系列TP3210系列03脉冲高压电源TAP4055系列TM6010系列TDL6021系列TM6030系列TM6035系列05模块高压电源1kV~50kV/120W,AC/DC 1kV~100kV/1kW,AC/DC1kV~40kV/4.6kW,AC/DC1kV~70kV/600W,AC/DC 1.7kV/8.33W,AC/DC TNP5050系列TNP5060系列06深海变换器10kVDC转375VDC/10kW,DC/DC 恒流转恒压,48V/10kW,DC/DC定制服务典型客户08定制服务&典型客户TAC4010系列TAC4142系列04交流高压电源5kV~40kV/1kW,AC/AC 5kV~40kV/150W,AC/ACTPS7000系列TPS7001系列TPS7010系列07源表高压电源1~10kV/50W,AC/DC 1~10kV/50W,AC/DC 5kV/75W,高压放大器TRC2020系列TRC2025系列TLP2041系列TLP2081系列TD2110系列TD2200系列TD2202系列TD2204系列TD2208系列TE4020系列TC4080系列TC4160系列TCM6000i系列TCM6002系列TCM6004i系列TCM6008系列02直流高压电源1kV~100kV/300W,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~100kV/500W~1kW,机架式,AC/DC5kV~225kV/5kW~10kW,机架式,AC/DC1kV~30kV/15kW,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~60kV/5J,2Hz,机架式1kV~60kV/600W,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~150kV/2kW,机架式,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/4kW,机架式,AC/DC 50kV/8kW,机架式,AC/DC 50kV/120W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/300W,正负极性可切换,AC/DC1kV~60kV/150W,AC/DC 1kV~30kV/30W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/150W,AC/DC 1kV~30kV/12W,AC/DC 1kV~50kV/250W,AC/DC TXR1010系列TXR1012系列TXF1068系列TXR1110系列TXF1210系列TXLF1260系列535543454749515257596162646566737467697113151719212325272931333537394142010*********01X射线高压电源25kV~65kV/50W,DC/DC 5kV~50kV/50W,DC/DC 450kV/6kW,AC/DC 80kV/100W,DC/DC 30kV/6W,DC/DC -60kV/1200W,AC/DC泰思曼是一家面向军工、科研、以及科技前沿的高新技术企业,是中国高压电源市场的主要供应商之一。



用户手册汉泰DSO2D10系列数字存储示波器型号通道数带宽存储深度采样速率信号发生器DSO2C10 2 100MHz 8M 1GS/s —DSO2C15 2 150MHz 8M 1GS/s —DSO2D102100M Hz8M1G S/s√DSO2D152150M Hz8M1G S/s√常规安全事项概要仔细阅读下列安全性预防措施,以避免受伤,并防止损坏本产品或与本产品连接的任何产品为避免可能的危险,请务必按照规定使用本产品。

































SymbolTyp Max 30406075R θJC 4 4.5°C/WThermal Characteristics ParameterUnits Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A t ≤ 10s R θJA °C/W °C/W Maximum Junction-to-Case DSteady-StateMaximum Junction-to-Ambient A Steady-State AON7403Pin 1SymbolMin TypMaxUnits BV DSS -30V -1T J =55°C-5I GSS ±100nA V GS(th)-1.7-2.2-3V I D(ON)-80A1418T J =125°C20252636g FS 21S V SD -0.7-1V I S-3A C iss 11301400pF C oss 240pF C rss 155pF R g5.88ΩQ g 1824nC Q gs 5.5nC Q gd 3.3nC t D(on)8.7ns t r 8.5ns t D(off)18ns t f 7ns t rr 1216ns Q rr26nC 150COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN,FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE.Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage On state drain currentI D =-250µA, V GS =0V V GS =-10V, V DS =-5V V DS =-30V, V GS =0VV DS =0V, V GS = ±25V Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Body leakage current I DSS µA Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge I F =-8A, dI/dt=500A/µsBody Diode Reverse Recovery TimeV GS =-10V, I D =-8AReverse Transfer Capacitance I F =-8A, dI/dt=500A/µsGate Threshold Voltage V DS =V GS I D =-250µA Electrical Characteristics (T J =25°C unless otherwise noted)STATIC PARAMETERS ParameterConditions V GS =-4.5V, I D =-6AI S =-1A,V GS =0V V DS =-5V, I D =-10ATurn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime V GS =-10V, V DS =-15V, R L =1.8Ω, R GEN =3ΩTurn-Off Fall TimeTurn-On DelayTime Gate Source Charge Gate resistanceV GS =0V, V DS =0V, f=1MHzTotal Gate Charge V GS =-10V, V DS =-15V, I D =-8AGate Drain Charge SWITCHING PARAMETERS Maximum Body-Diode Continuous CurrentOutput Capacitance DYNAMIC PARAMETERS R DS(ON)m ΩV GS =0V, V DS =-15V, f=1MHz Input Capacitance Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceForward TransconductanceDiode Forward Voltage A: The value of R θJA is measured with the device in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The power dissipation P DSM and current rating I DSM are based on T J(MAX)=150°C, using steady state junction-to-ambient thermal resistance.B. The power dissipation P D is based on T J(MAX)=150°C, using junction-to-case thermal resistance, and is more useful in setting the upper dissipation limit for cases where additional heatsinking is used.C: Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature T J(MAX)=150°C.D. The R θJA is the sum of the thermal impedence from junction to case R θJC and case to ambient.E. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6 are obtained using <300 µs pulses, duty cycle 0.5% max.F. These tests are performed with the device mounted on 1 in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The SOA curve provides a single pulse rating.G. The maximum current rating is limited by bond-wires. Rev0: Jun 2008AON7403。

S P E C S H E E T 740C xWDM OTDR系列产品介绍说明书

S P E C S H E E T 740C xWDM OTDR系列产品介绍说明书

S P E C S H E ET740C xWDM OTDR SeriesC-BAND DWDM AND 18-WAVELENGTH CWDM TUNABLE OTDR SERIES FOR METRO ETHERNET AND C-RAN LINK CHARACTERIZATIONKEY FEATURESCWDM+DWDM combo available in compact FTB-1v2 C-BAND ITU DWDM grid channels 12-62 selection in a single OTDR port18 CWDM channels covered in a single OTDR portTest through MUX/DEMUX/OADM In-service testing of active networksHigh-resolution and short dead zonesSelect favorite channels listiOLM-ready: one-touch multiple acquisitions, with clear go/no-go results presented in a straightforward visual formatAPPLICATIONSSingle-ended construction and troubleshooting solution CWDM and DWDM metro Ethernet links Commercial services deployments Fiber deep, remote PHY and node splitting CBH antenna feeds and C-RAN networksnetworks and metro Ethernet deployments.RELATED PRODUCTS AND OPTIONSproviding a complete end-to-end link characterization or troubleshooting for commercial services, C-RAN Fiber Inspector Probe FIP-400B (WiFi or USB)PlatformFTB-2/FTB-2 Pro Platform FTB-4 Pro PlatformFTB-1v2/FTB-1 ProWAVELENGTH-DIVISION MULTIPLEXING BASICSWavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) is a technology that multiplexes (aggregates) several optical carrier signals onto a single optical fiber link by using different wavelengths in order to increase the bandwidth of an optical fiber link.Figure 1. WDM acts as an “optical funnel” using different colors of light (wavelengths) for each signal.CWDM VS. DWDMBesides traditional WDM that relies on 1310 nm and 1550 nm, there are two main patterns aggregating a greater number of wavelengths/signals that have been widely used to expand the capacity of a network without adding more fiber: coarse wavelength division multiplexing (CWDM) and dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM).CWDM uses up to 18 wavelengths, from 1271 nm to 1611 nm, with a channel spacing of 20 nm a. DWDM has been mainly deployed over the C-Band (1525–1565 nm) with channel spacing from 1.6 nm (200 GHz) to 0.4 nm (50 GHz)b.Figure 2. Each customer (enterprise or tower) receives a wavelength via an add/drop multiplexer (OADM) APPLICATIONSCWDM and DWDM are gaining popularity for C-RAN or commercial services deployments in which each wavelength can address a specific site, such as a cell tower or a customer.Both CWDM and DWDM approaches are not mutually exclusive and co-exist in hybrid passive networks that feature DWDM over CWDM to maximize fiber capacity.a. As defined in ITU-T G. 694.2b. As per ITU-T G. 694.1, DWDM is also available over the L-Band (1570–1610 nm) and spectral grids are defined down 12.5 GHz channel spacing.CWDM/DWDM PASSIVE NETWORKSWHY USE AN xWDM OTDR DURING CONSTRUCTION?Point-to-multipoint xWDM systems (CWDM and/or DWDM) in access networks, such as C-RAN or commercial services deployments, feature different topologies than in metro/core networks. In these scenarios, it is critical to ensure link continuity, meaning that the right wavelength is connected to the right port on the WDM multiplexer (MUX), demultiplexer (DEMUX) or optical add-drop modules (OADM). Wavelengths must be dropped at the right site by using the right OADM, and by connecting the fiber to the right port. It is a simple but very common issue in access networks of cable operators or fronthaul rings that could be avoided or fixed on-site before leaving the job site. An OTDR using the same channel/wavelength to test through MUX/DEMUX/ OADM can provide users, from a single-ended, single operator, with a complete view of the link and total loss budget. Knowing the actual distances between the head-end and the target site, an OTDR can confirm that a wavelength is properly addressed. USE A xWDM TUNABLE OTDR FOR:›Single-ended CWDM/DWDM fi ber characterization›Validating the continuity and end-to-end loss through MUX, OADM and DEMUX, during construction›In-service testing using the customer’s wavelengths port—all without impacting other customer wavelengths and with no downtime›Troubleshooting and characterization by a single operator from the head-endFigure 3. With a CWDM/DWDM OTDR, network service providers can see andvalidate the complete optical path prior to turning up the service.740C X WDM OTDR SERIESThis series includes one CWDM OTDR module to cover all 18 CWDM channels from a single port and one DWDM tunable OTDR module to cover DWDM C-Band channels. This solution is available in the FTB-1v2, FTB-2 and FTB-4 platforms.The 740C xWDM OTDR series has been designed with EXFO’s renowned high-quality standards to stabilize central channels under test, preventing any drift/leakage into adjacent channels, which would otherwise affect other valuable customers. The OTDR’s GUI lets the technician define a list of favorite channels over the C-Band (DWDM) or CWDM grid (CWDM) for quicker accessand a more efficient test routine.Figure 4. FTB-740C-CWDM or FTB-740C-DWCsingle module for FTB-1v2 mainframe*Figure 5. FTBx-740C-CWDM or FTBx-740C-DWC singlemodule for FTB-1v2 single- and dual-carrierFTB-2/FTB-4 Pro mainframe*FTB-1V 2 DC COMBOS: COMPACT AND FULLY LOADED FOR HYBRID PASSIVE CWDM/DWDM NETWORKSBoth CWDM and DWDM OTDRs can be housed in the compact and powerful FTB-1v2 dual-carrier platform a . With the best CWDM and DWDM testing specifications in the industry, field technicians are empowered to capture accurate, first-time-right measurements in the fastest manner possible without carrying heavy equipment, missing a wavelength or requiring users to swap modules to cover the complete application.The dual-carrier FTB-1v2 with CWDM & DWDM modules is ideal for use for commercial services in fiber-to-the building (FTTB), fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) and fronthaul deployments that are evolving and migrating from CWDM to hybrid DWDM or any other WDM point-to-multipoint network architecture. With this test kit, multiple-service operators (MSOs) and contractors alwayshave the required CWDM or DWDM wavelength to characterize through MUX, OADM and DEMUX, provide complete end-to-endlink characterization and validate complete optical paths prior to turning up a service or troubleshooting for commercial services.1CWDM OTDR port 6One USB 3.0 port 2DWDM OTDR port 7Two USB 2.0 ports 3Mic/headset jack 8VFL4Micro SD card slot 9Power meter5 1 GigE port324567891ba. Refer to FTB-1v2 specifi cation sheet for more details.b. This picture is shown as a guideline only. Actual module may differ.iOLM—REMOVING THE COMPLEXITY FROM OTDR TESTINGDynamic multipulse acquisitionIntelligent trace analysisAll results combined into a single link viewComprehensive diagnosisTurning traditional OTDR testing into clear, automated, first-time-right results for technicians of any skill level.OTDR TESTING COMES WITH ITS SHARE OF CHALLENGES. . .ans HOW DOES IT WORK?WRONG OTDR TRACESCOUNTLESS TRACES TO ANALYZEREPEATING THE SAME JOB TWICECOMPLEX INSTRUMENT TRAINING/SUPPORT2XXIn response to these challenges, EXFO developed a better way to test fiber optics: the intelligent Optical Link Mapper (iOLM) is an OTDR-based application designed to simplify OTDR testing by eliminating the need to configure parameters, and/or analyze and interpret multiple complex OTDR traces. Its advanced algorithms dynamically define the testing parameters, as well as the number of acquisitions that best fit the network under test. By correlating multipulse widths on multiple wavelengths, the iOLM locates and identifies faults with maximum resolution—all at the push of a single button.Patent protection applies to the iOLM, including its proprietary measurement software. EXFO’s Universal Interface is protected by US patent 6,612,750.COMBOUPGRADEiOLM ONLYTHREE WAYS TO BENEFIT FROM THE iOLMiOLM FEATURES VALUE PACKIn addition to the standard iOLM feature set, you can select added-value features as part of the Advanced package or standalone options. Please refer to the iOLM specification sheet for the complete and most recent description of these value packs.iOLM FOR CWDM AND DWDM NETWORKSAll iOLM benefits tailored to CWDM and DWDM network topologies and challenges: optimized CWDM/DWDM algorithm, new icon to represent MUX, DE MUX and OADM.Typical CWDM/DWDM passive networks will exhibit a series of high loss MUX/DEMUX or OADM, which would lead the technician to use longer pulse widths to reach the end of the link at the expense of front-end resolution, in a very similar way to what has been seen in PON networks. iOLM’s dynamic multipulse acquisition accurately characterizes the complete link with all necessary pulses, for best resolution along the link and generating a single iOLM file per link to facilitate reporting.Many CWDM/DWDM passive networks rely on duplex fibers for TX/RX on the same wavelength, iLoop will greatly increase efficiency in those cases, by characterizing TX and RX link in a single acquisition. iLoop will guide the user in the test sequence and will automate all the process of generating single files and reports per link. aRun both iOLM and OTDR applications (Oi code)Add the iOLM software option to your iOLM-ready unit, even while in the fieldOrder a unit with the iOLM application onlyONE SOFTWARE DOES IT ALLThis powerful reporting software perfectly complements your OTDR, and can be used to create and customize reports to fully address your needs.Notea. Please refer to the iOLM specification sheet for more details concerning iLoop.57%shorter test times b100%automated a1-stepprocess aUSB WIREDWIRELESS FULLY AUTOMATED FIBER INSPECTION PROBENeglecting to clean, inspect and certify connectors can lead to serious, time-consuming problems accounting for up to 80% of network failures.Equipped with the FIP-400B, it is now easy to include connector certification in your regular method of procedures without compromising the efficiency of your technicians. Y ou’ll no longer leave any stones unturned or any connectors uninspected!Y ears of experience in the field has given EXFO the insight and expertise to re-engineer a truly unique and innovative fiber inspection probe that greatly simplifies and speeds up this critical step.Housing a unique automatic focus-adjustment system, the FIP-400B automates each operation in the connector endface inspection sequence. The result: fiber inspection is now a quick, one-step process that can be performed by technicians of all skill levels.FIVE MODELS TO FIT YOUR BUDGETThe FIP-410B : offers all the basic inspection features needed for manual inspection only. The semi-automated FIP-420B : has the same features as the FIP-430B, without the automated focus adjustment.The semi-automated FIP-425B : the wireless version of the semi-automated FIP-420B.The FIP-430B : complete and fully automated feature set that includes the powerful fiber image-centering system, focus adjustment and optimization, and onboard pass/fail analysis.The FIP-435B : go one step further with the wireless probe. Includes all FIP-430B features.ESS740C-CWDM740C-DWCLaser nominal wavelength (nm)1270, 1290, 1310, 1330, 1350, 1370, 1390, 1410, 1430, 1450, 1470, 1490, 1510, 1530, 1550, 1570, 1590, 1610C-Band tunable 1527.99-1567.95 nm ITU-T G694.1 Channels 12-62(191.2 THz - 196.2 THz)Central wavelength uncertainty (nm)a ±3DWDM 50Ghz channel wavelength controlChannel spacing tuningN/A 50 GHz and 100 GHz increments on ITU-T G694.1 gridDynamic range at 20 µs (dB) b>3740Event dead zone (m)c 1.10.7Attenuation dead zone (m)c 53.5Distance range (km)0.1 to 4000.1 to 400Pulse widths (ns)5 to 20 0005 to 20 000Sampling points Up to 256 000Up to 256 000Sampling resolution (m)0.04 to 100.04 to 10Distance accuracy (m) d±(0.75 + 0.0025 % x distance + resolution)±(0.75 + 0.0025 % x distance + resolution)All specifications valid at 23 °C ± 2 °C with an FC/APC connector, unless otherwise specified.GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSFTB moduleFTBx moduleSize (H x W x D)50 mm x 254 mm x 210 mm (2 in x 10 in x 8 ¼ in)158 mm x 24 mm x 174 mm (6 ¼ in x 15/16 in x 6 7/8 in)Weight 0.9 kg (2 lb)0.4 kg (0.9 lb)Temperature Operation StorageRefer to platform’s specification sheet –40 °C to 70 °C (–40 °F to 158 °F)Refer to platform’s specification sheet –40 °C to 70 °C (–40 °F to 158 °F)Relative humidity0 % to 95 % non-condensing0 % to 95 % non-condensingNotea. Please refer to the iOLM specification sheet for the complete and most recent description of these value packs.FTB-740C-DWC-XX -XX -XXFTBx-740C-DWC-XX -XX -XXModelFTB-740C-DWC = D WDM Tunable SM OTDRC-Band 1528-1568 nm (ITU 12-62), 100/50 GHz, 40 dB (9/125 µm)Base softwareOTDR = Enables OTDR application only iOLM = Enables iOLM application onlyOi = Enables OTDR and iOLM applicationsModelFTBx-740C-DWC = D WDM Tunable SM OTDRC-Band 1528-1568 nm (ITU 12-62), 100/50 GHz, 40 dB (9/125 µm)Base softwareOTDR = Enables OTDR application only iOLM = Enables iOLM application onlyOi = Enables OTDR and iOLM applicationsSinglemode connectorEA-EUI-28 = APC/DIN 47256EA-EUI-89 = APC/FC narrow key EA-EUI-91 = APC/SC EA-EUI-95 = APC/E-2000EA-EUI-98 = APC/LC iOLM software option a 00 = iOLM Standard iADV = iOLM AdvancediLOOP = iOLM loopback modeSinglemode connectorEA-EUI-28 = APC/DIN 47256EA-EUI-89 = APC/FC narrow key EA-EUI-91 = APC/SC EA-EUI-95 = APC/E-2000EA-EUI-98 = APC/LC iOLM software option a 00 = iOLM Standard iADV = iOLM AdvancediLOOP = iOLM loopback modeExample: FTB-740C-DWC-iOLM-iADV-EA-EUI-91Example: FTBx-740C-DWC-iOLM-iADV-EA-EUI-91FTBx-740C-CW XX -XX -XX -XX -XXModel CW 10 = S inglemode CWDM OTDR module with 10 wavelengths:1430/1450/1470/1490/1510/1530/1550/1570/1590/1610 nm CW 18-M8W = S inglemode CWDM OTDR module with 8 activated wavelengths:1470/1490/1510/1530/1550/1570/1590/1610 nm Hardware ready and field upgradable to:1270/1290/1310/1330/1350/1370/1390/1410/1430/1450 nm CW 18-M10W = S inglemode CWDM OTDR module with 10 activated wavelengths:1430/1450/1470/1490/1510/1530/1550/1570/1590/1610 nm Hardware ready and field upgradable to:1270/1290/1310/1330/1350/1370/1390/1410 nm CW 18-M18W = S inglemode CWDM OTDR module with all 18 activated wavelengths:1270/1290/1310/1330/1350/1370/1390/1410/1430/1450 nm 1470/1490/1510/1530/1550/1570/1590/1610 nm Singlemode connectorEA-EUI-28 = APC/DIN 47256EA-EUI-89 = APC/FC narrow key EA-EUI-91 = APC/SC EA-EUI-95 = APC/E-2000EA-EUI-98 = APC/LCWavelength options00 = No additional activated wavelengths M1310W = Add 1310 nm wavelength a iOLM software option b 00 = iOLM Standard iADV = iOLM AdvancediLOOP = iOLM loopback modeBase softwareOTDR = Enables OTDR application only iOLM = Enables iOLM application onlyOi = Enables OTDR and iOLM applicationsExample: FTBx-740C-CW18-M10W-iOLM-iADV-M1310W-OTDR-EA-EUI-91。



产品手册PRODUCT CA TALOGV1.0 ,2009/11产品手册目录CONTENTS1.GW-PR-9902T汽车牌照识别器 (5)1.1 产品简介 (5)1.2 权威检测 (5)1.3 产品特点 (5)1.4 主要功能 (5)1.5 应用领域 (6)1.6 解决方案 (6)1.6.1标清独立处理单元车牌识别方案 (7) 主要特性 (8) 订货型号 (8) 硬件接口 (8) 技术参数 (8) 应用场合 (9) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (9) 方案特点 (9) 系统框图 (10) 设备清单 (10)1.6.2标清板卡处理单元车牌识别方案 (11) 主要特性 (11) 订货型号 (11) 硬件接口 (11) 技术参数 (11) 应用场合 (12) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (12) 方案特点 (12) 系统框图 (13) 设备清单 (13)1.6.3标清独立处理单元LED补光车牌识别方案 (14) 主要特性 (14) 订货型号 (14) 硬件接口 (14) 技术参数 (14) 应用场合 (15) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (16) 方案特点 (16) 系统框图 (16) 设备清单 (16)1.6.4标清板卡处理单元LED补光车牌识别方案 (17) 主要特性 (17) 订货型号 (17) 硬件接口 (17) 技术参数 (18) 应用场合 (19) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (19) 方案特点 (19) 系统框图 (20) 设备清单 (20)1.6.5标清独立处理单元双摄像头车牌识别方案 (20) 主要特性 (21) 订货型号 (21) 硬件接口 (21) 技术参数 (21) 应用场合 (22) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (23) 方案特点 (23) 系统框图 (24) 设备清单 (24)1.6.6标清板卡处理单元双摄像头车牌识别方案 (25) 主要特性 (25) 订货型号 (25) 硬件接口 (25) 技术参数 (25) 应用场合 (26) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (26) 方案特点 (26) 系统框图 (27) 设备清单 (27)1.6.7高清车牌识别方案 (28) 主要特性 (28) 订货型号 (28) 硬件接口 (28) 技术参数 (29) 应用场合 (30) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (30) 方案特点 (30) 系统框图 (31) 设备清单 (31)1.6.8高清LED补光车牌识别方案 (32) 主要特性 (32) 订货型号 (32) 硬件接口 (32) 技术参数 (33) 应用场合 (34) 应用举例-高速公路收费系统 (34) 方案特点 (34) 系统框图 (35) 设备清单 (35)1.6.9 高清含终端服务器车牌识别方案 (36) 主要特性 (36) 订货型号 (36) 硬件接口 (37) 技术参数 (37) 应用场合 (39) 应用举例-治安查报站系统 (39) 方案特点 (39) 系统框图 (40) 设备清单 (40)1.6.10高清含终端服务器LED补光车牌识别方案 (41) 主要特性 (41) 订货型号 (42) 硬件接口 (42) 技术参数 (42) 应用场合 (44) 应用举例-治安查报站系统 (44) 方案特点 (44) 系统框图 (45) 设备清单 (45)2. GDW-VM-2003车辆智能监测记录系统 (46)2.1 产品简介 (46)2.2 权威检测 (46)2.3 产品特点 (47)2.4 设备功能 (47)2.5 应用领域 (47)2.6 解决方案 (48)2.6.1标清卡口方案 (49) 主要特性 (49) 订货型号 (49) 硬件接口 (49) 技术参数 (49) 应用场合 (50) 应用举例-治安卡口系统 (51) 方案特点 (51) 系统框图 (51) 设备清单 (51)2.6.2标清硬盘录像一体卡口方案(预告) (56) 主要特性 (56) 订货型号 (56) 硬件接口 (56) 技术参数 (56) 应用场合 (57)2.6.3高清卡口SIC1G方案 (58) 主要特性 (58) 订货型号 (58) 硬件接口 (59) 技术参数 (59) 应用场合 (61) 应用举例-治安卡口系统 (61) 方案特点 (61) 系统框图 (62) 设备清单 (62)2.6.4高清LED补光卡口方案 (63) 主要特性 (63) 订货型号 (64) 硬件接口 (64) 技术参数 (64) 应用场合 (66) 应用举例-治安卡口系统 (67) 方案特点 (67) 系统框图 (68) 设备清单 (68)2.6.5高清卡口(不含终端服务器)方案 (69) 主要特性 (69) 订货型号 (69) 硬件接口 (70) 技术参数 (70) 应用场合 (71) 应用举例-ETC收费系统 (72) 方案特点 (72) 系统框图 (73) 设备清单 (73)2.6.6高清LED补光卡口(不含终端服务器)方案 (74) 主要特性 (74) 订货型号 (74) 硬件接口 (74) 技术参数 (75) 应用场合 (76) 应用举例-超速预警提醒系统 (77) 方案特点 (77) 系统框图 (78) 设备清单 (78)高德威产品手册1.GW-PR-9902T汽车牌照识别器1.1 产品简介GW-PR-9902T汽车牌照识别器系列产品,采用先进的数字图像处理和模式识别技术,基于嵌入式的硬件处理平台和包含智能补光技术的专用成像系统,可实现车辆牌照的自动识别及图像抓拍。







%The flying Audio and Video ( AV) information recorded in real time is very important in evaluating flight quality and researc-hing in wartime,which is available for the development of a new type of avion at the same time. Currently on the market multi-channel digital AV recorder uses DSP or CODEC circuit and peripheral circuit to implement,system complexity is higher,and the flexibility is poor. In view of the shortage of the existing implementation way and the system requirements,propose a system architecture of multi-channel digital AV recorder based on SoPC. Then expound the composition of the AV recorder system,the peripheral interface circuit,the design and implementation of SoPC logic and SoPC software. The test shows that the function and performance of multi-channel digital AV recorder completely meets the system requirements.【期刊名称】《计算机技术与发展》【年(卷),期】2014(000)004【总页数】5页(P170-173,177)【关键词】SoPC;H.264/AVC;MPEG-2/4 AAC;传输流【作者】许宏杰;田泽;安博锋;王泉【作者单位】中航工业西安航空计算技术研究所,陕西西安 710068;中航工业西安航空计算技术研究所,陕西西安 710068;中航工业西安航空计算技术研究所,陕西西安 710068;中航工业西安航空计算技术研究所,陕西西安 710068【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP39机载视频数据是反映飞行状况的重要数据,在飞行员的日常训练和飞行中发挥着十分重要的作用。

2.4.12 博士740使用

2.4.12 博士740使用

(2)在“接受”窗口,点击 “F3”,从“F3”的子菜 单选择“诊断插孔”。
(3)系统进入“HTML帮助”窗 口,选择“AUDI” 品牌
(5)在“AUDI A6” 帮助窗口“目录”选 择车辆出厂日期。
• 1. USB接口 • 2.测量模块 • 3. KTS540(*) • 4. USB鼠标 • 5.遥控接收器 • 6.键盘(*) • 7.打印机盖板 • 8.打印机(PDR218) • 9.带DVD光驱和软驱的PC机 • 10.遥控器 • 11.显示器
(6)系统进入“2002年 至2004年3月以后的 AUDI A6”窗口。
(7)通过图形位置在车 辆上找出诊断座。
(8)通过图形及型号在 仪器上找出诊断插头。
(1)请勿使用带有腐蚀功能的清洁剂或任何粗糙的布料清洁740主机,仅可用柔软的布和中性清洁剂清洗。 (2)不使用时应尽量将其存放于平坦、干燥、温度适宜少灰尘的地方; (3) 不要放于阳光直射或靠近取暖装置处; (4) 不要放于炉子附近或容易受到烟蚀或有水、油溅到之处; (5) 请勿私自拆开主机; (6) 若长时间不进行测车操作,请定期运行740主机,以免受潮。


Agilent InfiniiVision MSOX2004A具有入门级产品的价位,能够在满足您苛刻预算要求的情况下提供卓越性能,以及同类产品无法拥有的可选功能。安捷伦突破性技术可以在相同的预算条件下提供更多更出色的示波器功能。
2.完美的MegaZoom IV智能存储器技术
3.创新的InfiniiScan Zone触摸触发
利用创新的InfiniiScan Zone触摸触发等能力,您只需在感兴趣的信号周围画一个框,4000 X系列便可为您创建在该信号上的触发。只要能看见波形,便可在其上进行触发。
异常和难以捕捉的事件是最难调试的事件。使用MegaZoom IV智能存储技术,4000 X系列为您带来全新的使用体验,其业界领先的100万个波形/秒的更新速率使您可以看到更多的信号特性。4000 X系列可提高设计的可靠性,使您对设计更加充满信心。
2.独有的内置20 MHz函数发生器:WaveGen



VS = 9V; Tamb = 25°C; RL = 10kΩ; all gains = 0dB; f = 1kHz; unless otherwise specified
Test Conditio n
Min. Typ.
Rin Input Resistance
Rin Input Impedance
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio VCM = 1VRMS @ 1kHz
VCM = 1VRMS @ 10kHz
separate Mute
single-ended stereo output


带宽高达150MHz,最大采样率达1GS/s,远高于同等价位 的其他数字存储示波器。泰克专有采样技术能够实时采样,所 有通道均实现规定的采样率,始终准确捕获信号。使用多条通 道时不会降低采样性能。
使用前面板上的USB主控端口,快速保存仪器设置、屏幕截 图和波形数据。内置的数据记录功能可以设置示波器,将用户 指定的触发波形保存到USB存储设备中,时间长达24小时。 还可以选择“无限”选项不间断监控波形。该模式可以将触发 波形保存到外部USB存储设备,没有时间长度限制,直到存 储设备存满为止。示波器还会到时引导您插入另一个USB存 储设备以继续保存波形。
选项A0 选项A1 选项A2 选项A3 选项A5 选项A6 选项A10 选项A11 选项A12 选项A99
北美电源插头(115V,60Hz) 欧洲通用电源插头(220V,50Hz) 英国电源插头(240V,50Hz) 澳大利亚电源插头(240V,50Hz) 瑞士电源插头(220V,50Hz) 日本电源插头(100V、110/120V,60Hz) 中国电源插头(50Hz) 印度电源插头(50Hz) 巴西电源插头(60Hz) 无电源线





一、产品特点:1. 高性能:川湖伺服器采用先进的技术和设计,具有出色的性能表现。


2. 可靠稳定:我们对产品的质量控制十分严格,采用了可靠的组件和良好的散热设计。


3. 灵活扩展:川湖伺服器支持灵活的扩展性,满足不断变化的业务需求。


4. 环境友好:川湖伺服器采用节能设计,有效降低能耗,减少对环境的负面影响。


二、使用方法:1. 安装与连接:请按照本使用说明书中的指导,正确安装好川湖伺服器。


2. 开机设置:首次启动时,您需要进行一些基础设置,包括网络配置、操作系统安装等。


3. 数据管理:川湖伺服器提供多种数据管理方式,您可以选择适合自己需求的方式进行管理和备份。


4. 远程访问:川湖伺服器支持远程访问,您可以通过指定的方式随时随地连接到服务器。


三、维护保养:1. 温度控制:确保川湖伺服器运行在适宜的温度范围内,避免过热或过低的环境对设备造成损坏。


2. 定期维护:定期检查和维护川湖伺服器,包括内部硬件的清洁、风扇的检查、数据备份等。


3. 更新与升级:川湖伺服器固件和软件的更新非常重要,可以修复漏洞、提高性能和安全性。




用户说明书高压电机防冲击箱浙江佳为节能科技有限公司佳为科技ZHEJIANG JAWAY ENERGY-EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. 2010 .企业简介浙江佳为节能科技有限公司,位于风景秀丽的钱塘江畔-杭州市萧山区,是一家集科研、开发、生产、销售、服务于一体的高科技环保企业,拥有一流的空气处理技术和生产设备,依托德国公司的技术、信息,为满足不同客户的需求,提供室内环境解决方案,浙江佳为节能科技有限公司是专为工矿、机械、石油、化工、热能回收、电站等制作研发各型空冷装置、回收装置产品。








一、高压电机防冲击箱及重要零部件的性能参数1、额定电压:10kV2、工频耐压:42 kV/min3、雷电冲击耐压:全波75 kV(1.2±30%,50±20%)μs4、局部放电量:≤3pc5、绝缘子机械负荷:大于4kN6、绝缘子绝缘距离:130MM7、绝缘子工频耐压:42kV/min8、绝缘子结构高度:130MM9、铜排额定电流:331.4A;额定频率:50HZ10、耐故障能力:43.7kA,0.25秒的电流冲击,峰值110kA,有效值43.7kA。

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12-Bit, Integrated, Multiformat SDTV/HDTVVideo Decoder and RGB Graphics DigitizerADV7403 Rev.SpAInformation furnished by Analog Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed by Analog Devices for its use, nor for anyinfringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. Specifications subject to change without notice. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of Analog Devices. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.One Technology Way, P.O. Box 9106, Norwood, MA 02062-9106, U.S.A. Tel: Fax: 781.461.3113© 2005 Analog Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.FEATURESFour Noise Shaped Video® 12-bit ADCs sampling up to 140 MHz (140 MHz speed grade only)12 analog input channel muxSCART fast blank supportInternal antialias filtersNTSC/PAL/SECAM color standards support525p-/625p-component progressive scan support720p-/1080i-component HDTV supportDigitizes RGB graphics up to 1280 × 1024 @ 75 Hz (SXGA) (140 MHz speed grade only)24-bit digital input port supports data from DVI/HDMI Rx IC Any-to-any, 3 × 3 color-space conversion matrixIndustrial temperature range (−40°C to +85°C)12-bit 4:4:4/10-/8-bit 4:2:2 DDR pixel output interface Programmable interrupt request output pinVBI data slicer (including teletext)APPLICATIONSLCD/DLP™ rear projection HDTVsPDP HDTVsCRT HDTVsLCD/DLP front projectorsLCD TV (HDTV ready)HDTV STBs with PVRHard-disk-based video recordersMultiformat scan convertersDVD recorders with progressive scan input supportAVR receiver GENERAL DESCRIPTIONThe ADV7403 is a high quality, single chip, multiformat video decoder and graphics digitizer. This multiformat decoder supports the conversion of PAL, NTSC, and SECAM standards in the form of composite or S-video into a digital ITU-R BT.656 format. The ADV7403 also supports the decoding of a component RGB/YPrPb video signal into a digital YCrCb or RGB pixel output stream. The support for component video includes standards such as 525i, 625i, 525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, 1250i, and many other HD and SMPTE standards. Graphic digitization is also supported by the ADV7403; it is capable of digitizing RGB graphics signals from VGA to SXGA rates and converting them into a digital RGB or YCrCb pixel output stream. SCART and overlay functionality are enabled by the ADV7403’s ability to simultaneously process CVBS and standard definition RGB signals. The mixing of these signals is controlled by the fast blank pin.The ADV7403 contains two main processing sections. The first is the standard definition processor (SDP), which processes all PAL, NTSC, and SECAM signal types. The second is the component processor (CP), which processes YPrPb and RGB component formats, including RGB graphics. For more specific descriptions of the ADV7403 features, see the Detailed Functionality and Detailed Description sections.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 2 of 24TABLE OF CONTENTSFunctional Block Diagram..............................................................3 Electrical Characteristics.................................................................4 Video Specifications.........................................................................6 Timing Characteristics.....................................................................7 Analog Specifications.......................................................................8 Absolute Maximum Ratings............................................................9 Stress Ratings................................................................................9 Package Thermal Performance...................................................9 Thermal Specifications................................................................9 ESD Caution..................................................................................9 Pin Configuration and Function Descriptions...........................10 Timing Diagrams............................................................................12 Detailed Functionality...................................................................13 Analog Front End.......................................................................13 SDP Pixel Data Output Modes.................................................13 CP Pixel Data Output Modes...................................................13 Composite and S-Video Processing.........................................13 Component Video Processing..................................................14 RGB Graphics Processing.........................................................14 Digital Video Input Port............................................................14 General Features.........................................................................14 Detailed Description......................................................................15 Analog Front End.......................................................................15 Standard Definition Processor.................................................15 Component Processor...............................................................15 Pixel Input/Output Formatting....................................................17 Recommended External Loop Filter Components....................19 Typical Connection Diagram.......................................................20 Outline Dimensions.......................................................................21 Ordering Guide.. (21)REVISION HISTORY9/05—Rev. Sp0 to Rev. SpADeleted EDTV.....................................................................Universal Added AVR Receiver to Applications Section..............................1 Change to Crystal Normal Frequency Typ Value in Table 3......7 Changes to Figure 2 .......................................................................10 Changes to Function Descriptions of Pin 37 and Pin 38..........11 Change Pin 70 Type........................................................................11 Change to Crystal MHz Unit Value.............................................13 Added Pixel Input Information to Table 9 and Table 10...........17 Changes to Figure 9........................................................................20 4/05—Revision Sp0: Initial VersionADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 3 of 24FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM05431-001Figure 1.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 4 of 24ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS@ AVDD = 3.15 V to 3.45 V , DVDD = 1.65 V to 2.0 V , DVDDIO = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , PVDD = 1.71 V to 1.89 V , nominal input range 1.6 V . Operating temperature range, a otherwise noted. Table 1.Parameter 1, , 23Symbol Test Conditions M in Typ M axUnitSTATIC PERFORMANCE 4, 5Resolution (each ADC) N 12 Bits Integral Nonlinearity INL BSL at 27 MHz (at a 12-bit level) ±2.0 ±8.0 LSB Integral Nonlinearity INL BSL at 54 MHz (at a 12-bit level) −2.0/+2.5 LSB Integral Nonlinearity INL BSL at 74 MHz (at a 10-bit level) ±1.0 LSB Integral Nonlinearity INL BSL at 110 MHz (at a 10-bit level) −3.0/+3.0 LSB Integral Nonlinearity INL BSL at 135 MHz (at an 8-bit level)6 ±1.3 LSB Differential Nonlinearity DNL At 27 MHz (at a 12-bit level) −0.7/+0.85 −0.99/+2.5 LSB Differential Nonlinearity DNL At 54 MHz (at a 12-bit level) −0.75/+0.9 LSB Differential Nonlinearity DNL At 74 MHz (at a 10-bit level) ±0.75 LSB Differential Nonlinearity DNL At 110 MHz (at a 10-bit level) −0.7/+5.0 LSBDifferential Nonlinearity DNL At 135 MHz (at an 8-bit level)6 −0.8/+2.5 LSBDIGITAL INPUTSInput High Voltage 7V IH 2 V Input Low Voltage 8V IL 0.8 V Input High Voltage V IH HS_IN, VS_IN low trigger mode 0.7 V Input Low Voltage V IL HS_IN, VS_IN low trigger mode 0.3 V Input Current I IN Pins listed in Note 9−60 +60 μAAll other input pins −10 +10 μA Input Capacitance 10C IN 10 pF DIGITAL OUTPUTS Output High Voltage 11V OH ISOURCE = 0.4 mA 2.4 V Output Low Voltage 11V OL ISINK = 3.2 mA 0.4 V High Impedance Leakage Current I LEAK Pins listed in Note 12 60 μAAll other output pins 10 μA Output Capacitance 10C OUT 20 pF POWER REQUIREMENTS 10Digital Core Power Supply DVDD 1.65 1.8 2 V Digital I/O Power Supply DVDDIO 3.0 3.3 3.6 V PLL Power Supply PVDD 1.71 1.8 1.89 V Analog Power SupplyAVDD 3.15 3.3 3.45 V Digital Core Supply Current IDVDD CVBS input sampling at 54 MHz 105 mA Graphics RGB sampling at 135 MHz 137 mASCART RGB FB sampling at 54 MHz 106 mA Digital I/O Supply Current IDVDDIO CVBS input sampling at 54 MHz 4 mAGraphics RGB sampling at 135 MHz 19 mA PLL Supply Current IPVDD CVBS input sampling at 54 MHz 11 mAGraphics RGB sampling at135 MHz 12 mA Analog Supply Current 13IAVDD CVBS input sampling at 54 MHz 99 mA Graphics RGB sampling at 135 MHz 242 mASCART RGB FB sampling at 54 MHz 269 mA Power-Down Current IPWRDN 2.25 mA Green Mode Power-Down IPWRDNG Sync bypass function 16 mA Power-Up TimeTPWRUP20 ms1The min/max specifications are guaranteed over this range. 2Temperature range T MIN to T MAX : −40°C to +85°C (0°C to 70°C temperature range for ADV7403KSTZ-140). 3All specifications obtained using programming scripts with the following sequence included: Addr 0x0E - data 0x80, Addr 0x54 - data 0x00, Addr 0x0E - data 0x00.ADV74034 All ADC linearity tests performed at input range of full scale − 12.5%, and at zero scale + 12.5%.5 Max INL and DNL specifications obtained with part configured for component video input.6 Specification for ADV7403KSTZ-140 only.7 To obtain specified V IH level on Pin 38, Register 0x13 (wo) must be programmed with value 0x04. If Register 0x13 is programmed with value 0x00,then V IH on Pin 38 = 1.2 V.8 To obtain specified V IL level on Pin 38, Register 0x13 (wo) must be programmed with value 0x04. If Register 0x13 is programmed with value 0x00,then V IL on Pin 38 = 0.4 V.9 Pins 1, 2, 13, 14, 16, 19, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45, 78, 79, 83, 84, 87, 88, 95, 96, 97, 100.10 Guaranteed by characterization.11 V OH and V OL levels obtained using default drive strength value (0xD5) in Register Subaddress 0xF4.12 Pins 3, 13, 14, 19, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 45.13 Analog current measurements for CVBS made with ADC0 powered up only, For RGB, ADC0, ADC1, and ADC2 powered up only, for SCART FB, all ADCs powered up.Rev. SpA | Page 5 of 24ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 6 of 24VIDEO SPECIFICATIONS@ AVDD= 3.15 V to 3.45 V , DVDD = 1.65 V to 2.0 V , DVDDIO = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , PVDD = 1.71 V to 1.89 V . Operating temperature range, unless otherwise noted. Table 2.Parameter 1, , 23Symbol Test Conditions M in Typ M ax UnitNONLINEAR SPECIFICATIONS Differential Phase DP CVBS input, modulated 5 step 0.4 degree Differential Gain DG CVBS input, modulated 5 step 0.4 % Luma Nonlinearity LNL CVBS input, 5 step 0.4 % NOISE SPECIFICATIONS SNR Unweighted Luma ramp 61 64 dB SNR UnweightedLuma flat field 64 65 dB Analog Front End Crosstalk 60 dB LOCK TIME SPECIFICATIONS Horizontal Lock Range −5 +5 % Vertical Lock Range40 70 Hz F SC Subcarrier Lock Range ±1.3 kHz Color Lock in Time60 line Sync Depth Range 4 20 200 % Color Burst Range 5 200 % Vertical Lock Time 2 field Horizontal Lock Time 100 lineCHROMA SPECIFICATIONSHue AccuracyHUE 1 degree Color Saturation Accuracy CL_AC 1 % Color AGC Range5 400 % Chroma Amplitude Error 0.4 % Chroma Phase Error0.3 degree Chroma Luma Intermodulation 0.1 % LUMA SPECIFICATIONSLuma Brightness Accuracy CVBS, 1 V input 1 % Luma Contrast AccuracyCVBS, 1 V input 1 %1The min/max specifications are guaranteed over this range. 2Temperature range T MIN to T MAX : −40°C to +85°C (0°C to 70°C temperature range for ADV7403KSTZ-140). 3Guaranteed by characterization. 4Nominal sync depth is 300 mV at 100% sync depth range.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 7 of 24TIMING CHARACTERISTICS@ AVDD = 3.15 V to 3.45 V , DVDD = 1.65 V to 2.0 V , DVDDIO = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , PVDD = 1.71 V to 1.89 V . Operating temperature range, unless otherwise noted. Table 3.Parameter 1, , 23Symbol Test Conditions M in Typ M ax Unit SYSTEM CLOCK AND CRYSTAL Crystal Nominal Frequency 28.63636 MHz Crystal Frequency Stability±50 ppm Horizontal Sync Input Frequency 14.8 110 kHz LLC1 Frequency Range 4 12.825 140 MHz I 2C PORT 5SCLK Frequency400 kHz SCLK Min Pulse Width High t 1 0.6 μs SCLK Min Pulse Width Low t 2 1.3 μs Hold Time (Start Condition) t 3 0.6 μs Setup Time (Start Condition) t 4 0.6 μs SDA Setup Timet 5 100 ns SCLK and SDA Rise Time t 6 300 ns SCLK and SDA Fall Timet 7 300 ns Setup Time for Stop Condition t 8 0.6 μs RESET FEATURE Reset Pulse Width 5 ms CLOCK OUTPUTSLLC1 Mark Space Ratio t 9:t 10 45:55 55:45 % dutycycleDATA and CONTROL OUTPUTSData Output Transition Time SDR (SDP)6t 11Negative clock edge to start of valid data3.6 ns Data Output Transition Time SDR (SDP)6t 12End of valid data to negativeclock edge2.4 ns Data Output Transition Time SDR (CP)7t 13End of valid data to negativeclock edge2.8 ns Data Output Transition Time SDR (CP)7t 14Negative clock edge to start of valid data0.1 ns Data Output Transition Time DDR (CP)7, 8t 15Positive clock edge to end ofvalid data−4 + TLLC1/4 ns Data Output Transition Time DDR (CP)7, 8t 16Positive clock edge to start ofvalid data0.25 + TLLC1/4 ns Data Output Transition Time DDR (CP)7, 8t 17Negative clock edge to end ofvalid data−2.95 + TLLC1/4 ns Data Output Transition Time DDR (CP)7, 8t 18Negative clock edge to start of valid data−0.5 + TLLC1/4ns DATA and CONTROL INPUTS 5Input Setup Time (Digital Input Port) t 19HS_IN, VS_IN 9 nsDE_IN, data inputs 2.2 ns Input Hold Time (Digital Input Port) t 20HS_IN, VS_IN 7 nsDE_IN, data inputs 2 ns1The min/max specifications are guaranteed over this range. 2Temperature range T MIN to T MAX : −40°C to +85°C (0°C to 70°C temperature range for ADV7403KSTZ-140). 3Guaranteed by characterization. 4Maximum LLC1 frequency is 110 MHz for ADV7403BSTZ-110. 5TTL input values are 0 V to 3 V, with rise/fall times ≥3 ns, measured between the 10% and 90% points. 6SDP timing figures obtained using default drive strength value (0xD5) in register subaddress 0xF4. 7CP timing figures obtained using max drive strength value (0xFF) in Register Subaddress 0xF4. 8DDR timing specifications dependent on LLC1 output pixel clock; TLCC1/4 = 9.25 ns at LLC1 = 27 MHz.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 8 of 24ANALOG SPECIFICATIONS@ AVDD = 3.1.5 V to 3.45 V , DVDD = 1.65 V to 2.0 V , DVDDIO = 3.0 V to 3.6 V , PVDD = 1.71 V to 1.89 V . Operating temperature range, unless otherwise noted. Recommended analog input video signal range: 0.5 V to 1.6V , typically 1 V p-p. Table 4.Parameter 1, , 23Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit CLAMP CIRCUITRY External Clamp Capacitor0.1 μF Input Impedance 4Clamps switched off 10 MΩ Input Impedance of Pin 51 (FB)20 kΩ CML 1.86 V ADC Full-Scale Level CML + 0.8 V V ADC Zero-Scale Level CML − 0.8 V V ADC Dynamic Range 1.6 V Clamp Level (When Locked) CVBS input CML − 0.292 V V SCART RGB input (R, G, B signals) CML − 0.4 V V S-Video input (Y signal) CML − 0.292 V V S-Video input (C signal) CML – 0 V V Component input (Y, Pr, Pb signals) CML – 0.3 V V PC RGB input (R, G, B signals) CML − 0.3 V V Large Clamp Source Current SDP only 0.75 mA Large Clamp Sink Current SDP only 0.9 mA Fine Clamp Source Current SDP only 17 μA Fine Clamp Sink Current SDP only17 μA1The min/max specifications are guaranteed over this range. 2Temperature range T MIN to T MAX :−40°C to +85°C (0°C to 70°C temperature range for ADV7403KSTZ-140). 3Guaranteed by characterization. 4Except Pin 51 (FB).ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 9 of 24ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSTRESS RATINGSTable 5.Parameter Rating AVDD to AGND 4 V DVDD to DGND 2.2 V PVDD to AGND 2.2 V DVDDIO to DGND 4 V DVDDIO to AVDD −0.3 V to +0.3 V PVDD to DVDD −0.3 V to +0.3 V DVDDIO to PVDD −0.3 V to +2 V DVDDIO to DVDD −0.3 V to +2 V AVDD to PVDD −0.3 V to +2 V AVDD to DVDD −0.3 V to +2 VDigital Inputs Voltage toDGNDDGND − 0.3 V to DVDDIO + 0.3 V Digital Outputs Voltage toDGNDDGND − 0.3 V to DVDDIO + 0.3 V Analog Inputs to AGND AGND − 0.3 V to AVDD + 0.3 VMaximum JunctionTemperature (T J MAX )125°C Storage Temperature Range −65°C to +150°C Infrared Reflow Soldering (20 sec) 260°CStresses above those listed under Absolute Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only; functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operationalsection of this specification is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.PACKAGE THERMAL PERFORMANCETo reduce power consumption when using the part the user is advised to turn off any unused ADCs .The junction temperature must always stay below the maximum junction temperature (T J MAX ) of 125°C. This equation shows how to calculate the junction temperature: T J = T A Max + (θJA × W Max )where:T A Max = 85°C. θJA = 30°C/W .W Max = ((A VDD × IA VDD )+(DVDD × IDVDD )+ (DVDDIO × IDVDDIO ) + (PVDD × IPVDD )).THERMAL SPECIFICATIONSTable 6.Thermal CharacteristicsSymbol Test ConditionsTyp Unit Junction-to-Case Thermal Resistance θJC 4-layer PCB with solid ground plane7 °C/W Junction-to-Ambient Thermal ResistanceθJA4-layer PCB with solid ground plane (still air)30°C/WESD CAUTIONESD (electrostatic discharge) sensitive device. Electrostatic charges as high as 4000 V readily accumulate on the human body and test equipment and can discharge without detection. Although this product features proprietary ESD protection circuitry, permanent damage may occur on devices subjected to high energy electrostatic discharges. Therefore, proper ESD precautions are recommended to avoid performance degradation or loss of functionality.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 10 of 24PIN CONFIGURATION AND FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONSP 6P 5P 4P 26P 25P 24P 23P 22P 21D C L K _I NL L C 1X T A L 1X T A LD V D DD G N DP 3P 2P 1P 0P 20E L P FP V D DP V D DA G N DA G N D05431-002P11P32P31INT CS/HS DGND DVDDIOP15P14P13P12DGND DVDD P29P28SFL/SYNC_OUTSCLK2DGND DVDDIO SDA2P10P9P8P27P7AIN2AIN8AIN1AIN7SOG AIN9AIN3TEST1AGND CAPY1CAPY2AVDD REFOUT CML AGND BIAS CAPC1CAPC2TEST0AIN10AIN4AIN11AIN5AIN12FBF I E L D /D ED E _I NS O YA I N 6A L S BS D A 1S C L K 1P 40P 39V S _I NH S _I N /C S _I NP 38P 37D G N DD V D DP 19P 17P 16P 36P 35P 34V SP 33P 18R E S E TFigure 2. Pin ConfigurationTable 7. Pin Function DescriptionsPin No.Mnemonic Type Function5, 11, 17, 40, 89 DGND G Digital Ground. 49, 50, 60, 66 AGND G Analog Ground.6, 18 DVDDIO P Digital I/O Supply Voltage (3.3 V). 12, 39, 90 DVDD P Digital Core Supply Voltage (1.8 V). 63 AVDD P Analog Supply Voltage (3.3 V). 47, 48 PVDD P PLL Supply Voltage (1.8 V).51FBI Fast Switch Overlay Input. This pin switches between CVBS and RGB analog signals. 54, 56, 58, 72, 74, 76, 53, 55, 57, 71, 73, 75AIN1 to AIN12IAnalog Video Input Channels.42, 41, 28, 27, 26, 25, 23, 22, 10, 9, 8, 7, 94, 93, 92, 91 P2 to P9, P12 to P19 O Video Pixel Output Port.44, 43, 21, 20, 45, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 24, 14, 13 P0 to P1, P10 to P11, P20 to P21, P22 to P25, P26 to P29 I/O Video Pixel Input/Output Port.2, 1, 100, 97, 96, 95, 88, 87, 84, 83P31 to P40I Video Pixel Input Port.ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 11 of 24ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 12 of 24TIMING DIAGRAMS05431-003Figure 3. I 2C Timing05431-004Figure 4. Pixel Port and Control SDR Output Timing (SD Core)05431-005Figure 5. Pixel Port and Control SDR Output Timing (CP Core)05431-006P6–P9,P10–P19Figure 6. Pixel Port and Control DDR Output Timing (CP Core)DCLK_INVS_IN CONTROL INPUTS05431-008P0–P1, P10–P11,P20–P21, P22–P29,P31–P32, P33–P40Figure 7. Digital Input Port and Control Input TimingADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 13 of 24DETAILED FUNCTIONALITYANALOG FRONT END• Four 140 MHz (ADV7403KSTZ-140), Noise Shaped Video, 12-bit ADCs enable true 10-bit video decoder • 12 analog input channel mux enables multisourceconnection without the requirement of an external mux • Four current and voltage clamp control loops ensure any dc offsets are removed from the video signal • SCART functionality and SD RGB overlay on CVBS controlled by fast blank input•Four antialias filters to remove out of band noise on standard definition input video signals.SDP PIXEL DATA OUTPUT MODES• 8-/10-bit ITU-R BT.656 4:2:2 YCrCb with embedded time codes and/or HS, VS, and FIELD• 16-/20-bit YCrCb with embedded time codes and/or HS, VS, and FIELD•24-/30-bit YCrCb with embedded time codes and/or HS, VS, and FIELDCP PIXEL DATA OUTPUT MODES• Single data rate (SDR) 8-/10-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb for 525i, 625i • Single data rate (SDR) 16-/20-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb for all standards• Single data rate (SDR) 24-/30-bit 4:4:4 YCrCb/RGB for all standards• Double data rate (DDR) 8-/10-bit 4:2:2 YCrCb for all standards•Double data rate (DDR) 12-bit 4:4:4 YCrCb/RGB for all standardsCOMPOSITE AND S-VIDEO PROCESSING•Support for NTSC (J, M, 4.43), PAL (B, D, I, G, H, M, N, 60) and SECAM B/D/G/K/L standards in the form of CVBS and S-video•Superadaptive 2D 5-line comb filters for NTSC and PAL give superior chrominance and luminance separation for composite video• Full automatic detection and autoswitching of all worldwide standards (PAL/NTSC/SECAM)•Automatic gain control with white peak mode ensures the video is always processed without loss of the video processing range• Adaptive digital line length tracking (ADLLT™) • Proprietary architecture for locking to weak, noisy, and unstable sources from VCRs and tuners• IF filter block compensates for high frequency luma attenuation due to tuner SAW filter • Chroma transient improvement (CTI) • Luminance digital noise reduction (DNR)• Color controls include hue, brightness, saturation, contrast, and Cr and Cb offset controls•Certified Macrovision copy protection detection on composite and S-video for all worldwide formats (PAL/NTSC/SECAM)• 4× oversampling (54 MHz) for CVBS, S-video, and YUV modes• Line-locked clock output (LLC) • Letterbox detection supported• Free-run output mode provides stable timing when no video input is present•Vertical blanking interval data processor • TeleText• Video Programming System (VPS) • Vertical Interval Time Codes (VITC)• Closed captioning (CC) and extended data service (EDS) • Wide screen signaling (WSS)• Copy generation management system (CGMS) • Gemstar™ 1×/2× electronic program guide compatible • Clocked from a single 28.63636 MHz crystal• Subcarrier frequency lock (SFL) output for downstream video encoder• Differential gain typically 0.4% •Differential phase typically 0.4°ADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 14 of 24COMPONENT VIDEO PROCESSING• Formats supported include 525i, 625i, 525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, and many other HDTV formats•Automatic adjustments include gain (contrast) and offset (brightness); manual adjustment controls are also supported• Support for analog component YPrPb/RGB video formats with embedded sync or with separate HS, VS, or CS • Any-to-any, 3 × 3 color space conversion matrix supports YCrCb-to-RGB and RGB-to-YCrCb• Standard identification (STDI) enables system level component format detection•Synchronization source polarity detector (SSPD) deter-mines the source and polarity of the synchronization signals that accompany the input video• Certified Macrovision copy protection detection on component formats (525i, 625i, 525p, and 625p) • Free-run output mode provides stable timing when no video input is present•Arbitrary pixel sampling support for nonstandard video sourcesRGB GRAPHICS PROCESSING•140 MSPS conversion rate supports RGB input resolutions up to 1280 × 1024 @ 75 Hz (SXGA ); (110 MSPS conversion rate for ADV7403BSTZ-110)• Automatic or manual clamp and gain controls for graphics modes• Contrast and brightness controls• 32-phase DLL allows optimum pixel clock sampling • Automatic detection of sync source and polarity by SSPD block• Standard identification is enabled by STDI block •RGB can be color space converted to YCrCb anddecimated to a 4:2:2 format for video centric backend IC interfacing• Data enable (DE) output signal supplied for direct connection to HDMI/DVI Tx IC• Arbitrary pixel sampling support for nonstandard video sourcesDIGITAL VIDEO INPUT PORT• Supports raw 8-/10-bit CVBS data from digital tuner • Support for 24-bit RGB input data from DVI Rx chip, output converted to YCrCb 4:2:2•Support for 24-bit 4:4:4, 16-/20-bit 4:2:2 525i, 625i, 525p, 625p, 1080i, 720p, VGA to SXGA @ 60 Hz input data from HDMI Rx chip, output converted to 16-bit 4:2:2 YCrCbGENERAL FEATURES• HS, VS, and FIELD output signals with programmable position, polarity, and width•Programmable interrupt request output pin, INT , signals SDP/CP status changes• Supports two I 2C host port interfaces (control and VBI) •Low power consumption: 1.8 V digital core, 3.3 V analog and digital I/O, low power power-down mode, and green PC mode• Industrial temperature range (−40°C to +85°C) (ADV7403BSTZ-110)• 140 MHz speed grade (ADV7403KST-140) • 100-lead, 14 mm × 14 mm, Pb-free LQFPADV7403Rev. SpA | Page 15 of 24DETAILED DESCRIPTIONANALOG FRONT ENDThe ADV7403 analog front end comprises four Noise Shaped Video, 12-bit ADCs that digitize the analog video signal before applying it to the SDP or CP (See Table 8 for sampling rates). The analog front end uses differential channels to each ADC to ensure high performance in a mixed-signal application. The front end also includes a 12-channel input mux that enables multiple video signals to be applied to the ADV7403. Current and voltage clamps are positioned in front of each ADC to ensure that the video signal remains within the range of the converter. Fine clamping of the video signals is performed downstream by digital fine clamping either in the CP or SDP . Optional antialiasing filters are positioned in front of each ADC. These filters can be used to band-limit standarddefinition video signals, removing spurious, out-of-band noise. The ADCs are configured to run in 4× oversampling mode when decoding composite and S-video inputs; 2× oversampling is performed for component 525i, 625i, 525p, and 625p sources. All other video standards are 1× oversampled. Oversampling the video signals reduces the cost and complexity of external anti-aliasing filters with the benefit of an increased signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).The ADV7403 can support simultaneous processing of CVBS and RGB standard definition signals to enable SCART compat-ibility and overlay functionality. A combination of CVBS and RGB inputs can be mixed and output under control of I 2C registers and the fast blank pin.Table 8: Maximum ADC Sampling RatesModel Maximum ADC Sampling Rate ADV7403BSTZ-110 110 MHz ADV7403KSTZ-140 140MHzSTANDARD DEFINITION PROCESSORThe SDP section is capable of decoding a large selection of baseband video signals in composite S-video and YUV formats. The video standards supported by the SDP include PAL B/D/I/G/H, PAL60, PAL M, PAL N, NTSC M/J, NTSC 4.43, and SECAM B/D/G/K/L. The ADV7403 can automatically detect the video standard and process it accordingly.The SDP has a 5-line super adaptive 2-D comb filter that gives superior chrominance and luminance separation when decod-ing a composite video signal. This highly adaptive filter auto-matically adjusts its processing mode according to videostandard and signal quality with no user intervention required. The SDP has an IF filter block that compensates for attenuation in the high frequency luma spectrum due to tuner SAW filter.The SDP has specific luminance and chrominance parameter control for brightness, contrast, saturation, and hue.The ADV7403 implements a patented adaptive-digital-line-length-tracking (ADLLT) algorithm to track varying video line lengths from sources such as a VCR. ADLLT enables theADV7403 to track and decode poor quality video sources such as VCRs, noisy sources from tuner outputs, VCD players, and camcorders. The SDP also contains a chroma transientimprovement (CTI) processor. This processor increases the edge rate on chroma transitions, resulting in a sharper video image. The SDP can process a variety of VBI data services, such as TeleText, closed captioning (CC), wide screen signaling (WSS), video programming system (VPS), vertical interval time codes (VITC), copy generation management system (CGMS), Gemstar 1×/2×, and extended data service (XDS). The ADV7403 SDP section has a Macrovision 7.1 detection circuit that allows it to detect Types I, II, and III protection levels. The decoder is also fully robust to all Macrovision signal inputs.COMPONENT PROCESSORThe CP section is capable of decoding/digitizing a wide range of component video formats in any color space. Component video standards supported by the CP are 525i, 625i, 525p, 625p, 720p, 1080i, 1250i, VGA up to SXGA @ 75 Hz, (ADV7403KSTZ-140 only) and many other standards not listed here.The CP section of the ADV7403 contains an AGC block. When no embedded sync is present, the video gain can be set manually. The AGC section is followed by a digital clamp circuit that ensures the video signal is clamped to the correct blanking level. Automatic adjustments within the CP include gain (contrast) and offset (brightness); manual adjustment controls are also supported.A fully programmable any-to-any, 3 × 3 color space conversion matrix is placed between the analog front end and the CP section. This enables YPrPb-to-RGB and RGB-to-YCrCb conversions. Many other standards of color space can be implemented using the color space converter.The output section of the CP is highly flexible. It can be config-ured in single data rate mode (SDR) with one data packet per clock cycle or in a double data rate (DDR) mode where data is presented on the rising and falling edges of the clock. In SDR mode, a 16-/20-bit 4:2:2 or 24-/30-bit 4:4:4 output is possible. In these modes, HS, VS, and FIELD/DE (where applicable) timing reference signals are provided. In DDR mode, the ADV7403 can be configured in an 8-/10-bit 4:2:2 Y crCb or 12-bit 4:4:4 RGB/ Y crCb pixel output interface with corresponding timing signals.。
