UART................................................................................................................................................ 4 DMA控制器 .....................................................................................................................................5 A/D转换和触摸屏接口 ...................................................................................................................5 LCD控制器STN LCD显示特性 ......................................................................................................5 TFT彩色显示屏 ............................................................................................................................... 5 看门狗定时器.................................................................................................................................. 5 IIC总线接口 ....................................................................................................................................6 IIS总线接口 .....................................................................................................................................6 USB主设备 ......................................................................................................................................6 SD主机接口 ..................................................................................................................................... 6 SPI接口 ............................................................................................................................................ 6 工作电压.......................................................................................................................................... 7 操作频率.......................................................................................................................................... 7 封装.................................................................................................................................................. 7 1.2 内部结构图....................................................................................................................................8 表 1-1 272-FBGA 引脚分配及顺序..........................................................................................9 表 1-2 272-FBGA封装的引脚分配..........................................................................................12 信号描述........................................................................................................................................ 21 表 1-3 S3C2410A信号描述.........................................................................................................21 表 1-4 S3C2410A 专用寄存器...................................................................................................25
ck二极管参数摘要:I.引言- 介绍ck 二极管 二极管的参数- 定义ck 二极管的参数- 详述各个参数的意义和作用 二极管参数的重要性- 说明ck 二极管参数对器件性能的影响IV.如何选择合适的ck 二极管参数- 提供选择ck 二极管参数的建议- 举例说明如何根据应用需求选择参数V.结论- 总结ck 二极管参数的重要性- 强调选择合适的参数对器件性能的重要性正文:I.引言CK 二极管,即可控硅(Silicon Controlled Rectifier),是一种半导体器件,具有开关速度快、驱动电路简单等优点,广泛应用于交流电路、直流电路和逆变器等领域。
在实际应用中,为了确保CK 二极管的性能符合预期,需要对其参数进行合理选择。
本文将详细介绍CK 二极管的参数及其选择方法。
II.CK 二极管的参数CK 二极管的主要参数包括:1.额定电压(Ur)2.额定电流(Ir)3.触发电流(It)4.维持电流(Ih)5.导通电阻(Rds(on))6.关断电阻(Rds(off))这些参数定义了二极管的电气特性,对于器件的性能和应用至关重要。
III.CK 二极管参数的重要性CK 二极管参数对器件性能的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:1.额定电压和额定电流:决定了二极管能承受的最大电压和电流,直接影响到器件的使用寿命和可靠性。
IV.如何选择合适的CK 二极管参数选择合适的CK 二极管参数,需要根据实际应用需求进行考虑,以下是一些建议:1.根据电路的工作电压和电流选择合适的额定电压和额定电流。
CKS32F103C8T6标准型 MCU 系列使用高性能的 ARM® Cortex™-M3 32 位的 RISC 内核,工作频率为 72MHz,内置高速存储器(高达 128K 字节的闪存和 20K 字节的 SRAM),丰富的增强 I/O端口和联接到两条 APB 总线的外设。
其中包含 2 个 12 位 ADC、3 个通用 16 位定时器和 1 个 PWM 定时器,此外,还包含标准和先进的通信接口:多达 2 个 I2C 接口和 SPI 接口、3 个 USART 接口、1 个 USB 接口和1 个 CAN 接口。
功能■内核:ARM32位Cortex™-M3 内核−最高72MHz工作频率,在存储器的0等待周期访问时可达1.25DMips/MHz (Dhrystone2.1)−单周期乘法和硬件除法■存储器−64KB 或 128KB 程序 Flash−20KB SRAM■时钟、复位和电源管理− 2.0~3.6伏供电和I/O引脚■多达80个快速I/O端口−上电/断电复位(POR/PDR)、可编程电压监测器(PVD)−4~16MHz晶体振荡器−内嵌经出厂调校的8MHz的高速RC振荡器−内嵌带校准的40kHz的低速RC振荡器−产生CPU时钟的PLL−带校准功能的32kHz RTC振荡器■2个12位ADC,1μs转换时间(多达16个输入通道) −转换范围:0至3.6V−双采样和保持功能−温度传感器■DMA:−7通道DMA控制器−支持的外设:定时器、ADC、SPI、I2C和USART ■低功耗−睡眠、停机和待机模式−V BAT为RTC和后备寄存器供电−26/37/51/80个I/O口,所有I/O口可以映像到16个外部中断;几乎所有端口均可承受5V信号■调试模式−串行单线调试(SWD)和JTAG接口■7个定时器−3个16位定时器,每个定时器有多达4个用于输入捕获/输出比较/PWM或脉冲计数的通道和增量编码器输入−1个16位带死区控制和紧急刹车,用于电机控制的PWM高级控制定时器−2个看门狗定时器(独立的和窗口型的)−系统时间定时器:24位自减型计数器■多达9个通信接口−多达2个I2C接口(支持SMBus/PMBus)−多达3个USART接口(支持ISO7816接口,LIN,IrDA接口和调制解调控制)−多达2个SPI接口(18M位/秒)器件对比CKS32F103x8(B)产品功能和外设配置产品型号外围接口CKS32F103C8/CB CKS32F103RB CKS32F103VB 闪存- K 字节64 128 128 128SRAM- K 字节20 20 20定时器通用目的 3 3 3 高级控制 1 1 1 SPI 2 2 2 I2C 2 2 2通信接口USART 3 3 3 USB 1 1 1CAN 1 1 1 GPIO 端口(通道数) 37 51 8012 位同步 ADC 2 2 2(通道数) 10 channels 16 channels 16 channels CPU 频率72 MHz工作电压 2.0V ~3.6V工作温度环境温度:-40℃~ +85℃/-40℃~+105℃结温度:-40℃~+125℃封装LQFP48 LQFP64 LQFP100订购信息托盘装产品型号封装形式盘装数盒装盘盒装数箱装盒箱装数CKS32F103C8T6 LQFP48 250PCS/盘10 盘/盒2500PCS/盒 6 盒/箱15000PCS/箱CKS32F103CBT6 LQFP48 250 PCS/盘10 盘/盒2500PCS/盒 6 盒/箱15000 PCS/箱CKS32F103RBT6 LQFP64 160 PCS/盘10 盘/盒1600 PCS/盒 6 盒/箱9600 PCS/箱CKS32F103VBT6 LQFP100 90 PCS/盘10 盘/盒900 PCS/盒 6 盒/箱5400 PCS/箱目录1.介绍 (1)2. 规格说明 (2)2.1 概述 (2)2.1.1 ARM®的Cortex™-M3 核心并内嵌闪存和 SRAM (2)2.1.2 内置闪存存储器 (2)2.1.3 CRC(循环冗余校验)计算单元 (3)2.1.4 内置 SRAM (3)2.1.5 嵌套的向量式中断控制器(NVIC) (3)2.1.6 外部中断/事件控制器(EXTI) (3)2.1.7 时钟和启动 (3)2.1.8 自举模式 (4)2.1.9 供电方案 (4)2.1.10 供电监控器 (4)2.1.11 调压器 (4)2.1.12 低功耗模式 (5)2.1.13 DMA (5)2.1.14 RTC(实时时钟)和后备寄存器 (5)2.1.15 定时器和看门狗 (6)2.1.16 I2C 总线 (7)2.1.17 通用同步/异步收发器(USART) (7)2.1.18 串行外设接口(SPI) (7)2.1.19 控制器区域网络(CAN) (8)2.1.20 通用串行总线(USB) (8)2.1.21 通用输入输出接口(GPIO) (8)2.1.22 ADC(模拟/数字转换器) (8)2.1.23 温度传感器 (9)2.1.24 串行单线 JTAG 调试口(SWJ-DP) (9)3. 引脚定义 (12)4. 存储器映像 (20)5. 电气特性 (21)5.1.1 最小和最大数值 (21)5.1.2 典型数值 (21)5.1.3 典型曲线 (21)5.1.4 负载电容 (21)5.1.5 引脚输入电压 (22)5.1.6 供电方案 (23)5.1.7 电流消耗测量 (23)5.2 绝对最大额定值 (24)5.3 工作条件 (25)5.3.1 通用工作条件 (25)5.3.2 上电和掉电时的工作条件 (25)5.3.3 内嵌复位和电源控制模块特性 (26)5.3.4 内置的参照电压 (27)5.3.5 供电电流特性 (27)5.3.6 外部时钟源特性 (31)5.3.7 内部时钟源特性 (35)5.3.8 PLL 特性 (36)5.3.9 储存器特性 (36)5.3.10 EMC 特性 (37)5.3.11 绝对最大值(电气敏感性) (38)5.3.12 I/O 端口特性 (39)5.3.13 NRST 引脚特性 (42)5.3.14 TIM 定时器特性 (43)5.3.15 通信接口 (43)5.3.16 CAN(控制器局域网络)接口 (48)5.3.17 12 位 ADC 特性 (48)5.3.18 温度传感器特性 (52)6. 封装特性 (53)6.1 封装机械数据 (53)6.2 热特性 (57)7. 型号命名 (58)8. 版本历史 (59)1.介绍本文给出了 CKS32F103x8 和 CKS32F103xB 标准型 MCU 产品的器件特性。
KVIEW10 四通道控制器数据表 DS KVIEW10-EN Rev. F说明书
KVIEW10Field Indicator and ControllerQuad channel controller with MODBUS RTU communicationsK-TEK ProductsIntroductionThe KVIEW10 can accept and power four 4-20 mA DC signals and four pulse inputs. The KVIEW10 offers the ability to display four channels in engineering units with their corresponding bargraphs. The bargraphs can be independently scaled to engineering units.–The nine relay outputs can be assigned in any combination to either input channel. The relay outputs can be used foralarms, pump control, and /or electric actuator control.–Four 4-20 mA DC outputs can be scaled to any four inputs.–The “override” feature allows the unit to automatically switch between two process variables as the control input.–The nine 10 amp rated contacts can be setup to vary the pulse width and time between pulses. Any relay may beprogrammed for a scaled pulse output from the pulse input. Features–MODBUS RTU communications–Ability to read and power 4 ea. 4-20 mA DC input signals & 4 ea. pulse inputs–Relays with adjustable DB and 4 ea. 4-20 mA DC outputs–10 amp rated relays @ 120 vac–Output relays may be setup for variations in pulse width & time between pulses–Large transflective display makes it easy to read indoors or indirect sunlight–Large bar graphs–Easy to configure & use: digital sensor calibration, menu driven setup, PC configurable, tag IDs–View page showing : mA Frequency, channel name, engineering–Scale, sensor input, (mA or Hz) contact setpoints & status –Displays in feet & inches, psi, mA, gpm, or custom units –Universal supply voltage: 8-30 vdc or 120 vac–Password protectionApplications–Digital readouts for tank level, pressure & flow rates–Suction & discharge pressure display and control–Timed pulsed outputs for injection choke control–Output to throttle valves to regulate tank level & pipeline pressure–Tank level indication and pump control–Temperature display & control–Flow rate display & controller–General purpose indication with alarming capabilityNoteWe reserve the right to make technical changes or modify the contents of this document without prior notice. With regard to purchase orders, the agreedparticulars shall prevail. ABB does not accept any responsibility whatsoever for potential errors or possible lack of information in this document.We reserve all rights in this document and in the subject matter and illustrations contained therein. Any reproduction, disclosure to third parties or utilization of its contents - in whole or in parts – is forbidden without prior written consent of ABB.Copyright© 2012 ABB All rights reservedFor more information, please contact: ABB Inc.18321 Swamp RoadPrairieville, LA 70769 USA Phone: +1 225 673 6100Service: +1 225 677 5836Fax: +1 225 673 2525Servicee-mail:**************.com /levelKVIEW10 SPECIFICATIONSPOWER: 102-140 VAC @ 60Hz or 8-30 VDC (10 Watts min.)ANALOG INPUTS: ( 4 ) 4-20 mA Inputs, The DV-10 can supply the loop current for 2-wire loops PULSE INPUTS: ( 4 ) ea amplitude, 100 mV to 15 V ,frequency range: 0.1 Hz to 50 kHzANALOG OUTPUTS: (4) 4-20 mA, Non-Isolated; OutputLoop Impedence 0- 300 ohms (assuming + 12 vdc is the minimum voltage of transmitter)RELAYS:–OUTPUTS: (9) total w/ 100% adjustable deadband–SETTINGS: May be set normally open or closed with anycombination of lows or highs–ASSIGNMENTS: Any number of contacts can be assignedto any channel–PULSE RELAYS: Any relay can be setup for a scaled –Pulse Output from the Pulse Input ; Relays areprogrammable with adjustable pulse width/ time between pulses and time delay–CONTACT RATING: 10 AMPS @ 120 vac DATA DISPLAY: (6) Full digitsCHANNEL DISPLAY: Full graphics—BacklitPROGRAMMABLE RELAYS: Adjustable pulse width/ time between pulses and time delayENGINEERING UNITS: Feet, Inches, Ounces, PSI,GPM, LBS, Barrels, Meters, Cubic Meters, Gallons, deg F , deg C, PPM, % Level, % Volume & user definable unitsBARGRAPHS: (1) per ChannelOPERATING TEMP: -20 to 120°F / -29 to 49°CSHORT CIRCUIT PROTECTION: Analog inputs are individually fusedLIGHTING PROTECTION: Analog inputs have chokes & TVS’s, Power inputs have MOV’s and are fused TERMINALS: 5.08 mm (0.2”) Plug onPRESSURE/RATE OVERRIDE: Programmed in the setup procedureDIMENSIONS: 8.0”W x 7¼”L x 3.0”D Panel MountMODELS AVAILABLE KVIEW10 Panel Mount KVIEW10E Mounted in NEMA 4X Fiberglass enclosure with clear viewing windowVIEW SCREEN FOR EACH CHANNELSAMPLE SCREEN FORRELAY SETUPKVIEW10E Optional HousingFront ViewKVIEW10E Side ViewKVIEW10 Dimensions Panel Mount15 IN / 381 MM14.75 I N / 375 M M7.3 IN / 185 MM7.25 IN 184 MM0.75 IN 19 MM8.75 IN 222 MM0.75 IN 19 MM 3 IN 76 MM4 Holes 0.25 in / 6.35 mm Dia.8.75 IN 222 MM 8.03 IN 203 MM7.25 IN 184 MM8 IN 203 MMD S /K V IE W 10-E N R e v .F 06.2012。
CKቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ32/32L
梅特勒- 梅特勒-托利多CK 系 列 自 动 检 重 秤 调试操作说明书 调试操作说明书梅特勒-托利多仪器(上海)有限公司仪表常用参数设定菜单1)在正常重量显示状态时,使用 2)再按 出厂参数 出厂参数 F1 30/50/100 根据量程 5/10 根据合同 0 经常用 F1.3 F1.4 E SCAL F1.2 F1.1 键选择[SEtUP]菜单。
菜单 菜单说明 秤接口设定组 最大称量选择 (5~100000) 分度值选择 (0.005~10) 线性标定选择 (0/1) 秤零点调整 注:本功能用于秤 的日常零点维护。
0:采用两点采样的标定模式 1:采用三点采样的标定模式 (进行秤零点调整前秤必须先进行标 定) 保持空秤状态, 按[确认]键进入秤零点 采集过程。
标定过程中, 称重终端的显 示状态条指示秤零点调整过程, 如果其 中秤出现动态情况, 则显示状态条停止 前进。
F1.5 Add Ld 秤量程调整 注:本功能用于秤 的日常称量线性维 护 (进行秤量程调整前必须先进行[CAL] 的秤完全标定) 按确认键进入,在秤上加载法码, 并输 入法码重量值 (加载重量应为秤最大称 量的20%~100%) ,最后按确认键进入秤 量程的自动调整。
称重终端的显示状态条指示秤量程自 动调整过程。
最大称量及分度值的对应键附录 操作说明必须用CAL E SCAL秤的完全标定(在秤需标定时, 执行本项即可, 无需 执行F1.4或F1.5项) 保持空秤状态, 按确认键进入秤零点标 定过程。
称重终端的显示状态条指示秤标定过 程。
Add Ld加载标定! 当设定参数F1.3=0时, 才出现本菜单。
按确认键进入,在秤体加载法码, 并输 入法码重量值 (加载重量建议为秤最大 称量的20%~100%) ,最后按确认键进入 标定状态。
称重终端的显示状态条指示秤标定过 程Add Hi高量程加载标定! 当设定参数F1.3=1时, 才出现本菜单。
CKS32F051K6U6 系列采用高性能的 ARM Cortex™-M0 的 32 位 RISC 内核,工作于 48 兆赫兹频率,高速的嵌入式闪存(FLASH 最大 64K 字节,SRAM 最大 8K 字节),并广泛集成增强型外设和 I/O 口。
所有器件提供标准的通信接口(最多两个 I2Cs,两个 SPI,一个 I2S,1 个 HDMI CEC,两个 USART),一个12 位ADC,一个 12 位 DAC,最多五个通用 16 位定时器,一个 32 位定时器和一个高级控制 PWM 定时器功能■内核:ARM32位Cortex™-M0 内核−最高48MHz工作频率■存储器− 16 到 64 K 字节 Flash memory− 8 K 字节的 SRAM 带硬件校验输出,带死区时间发生器和紧急刹车功能■CRC计算单元− 一个 32 位和一个 16 位定时器,每个多达4 路■复位和电源管理−一个16位7通道高级控制定时器用于6通道PWM输出, 带死区时间发生器和紧急刹车功能− 2.0~3.6伏供电和I/O引脚−上电/断电复位(POR/PDR)−可编程电压监测器(PVD)−低电压模式:Sleep, Stop, Standby −一个32位和一个16位定时器, 每个多达4路输入捕获或输出比较通道, 可用于红外控制和解码−两个16位定时器, 都带输入捕获/输出比较及反极性输出通道,死区时间发生器,紧急刹车功能− RTC和备份区域VBAT单独供电和IR控制调制门■时钟管理− 一个16位定时器带一路输入捕获/输出比较− 独立和系统窗口看门狗定时器− 4到32MHz晶体振荡器−内部8 MHz RC带x6锁相环倍频Standby状态唤醒−内部40 kHz RC振荡器■通信接口■多达55个高速I/O口− 多至两个I2C接口 ; 其中一个支持快速脉冲模式−全部可映射为外部中断输入(1 Mbit/s) , 20 mA灌电流 SMBus/PMBus和从 STOP状−多达36个I/O口支持5 V 容忍态唤醒■DMA:− 多至两个同步/异步串口支持主同步SPI和modem控− 5通道DMA控制器制功能,其中一个支持ISO7816 接口 , LIN, IrDA,自动■1个12位ADC,1μs转换时间(多达16个输入通道)波特率检测功能−转换范围:0至3.6V− 多至2个SPI接口(18M位/秒)外设支持4到16位可编−单独的2.4到3.6伏模拟供电程字长,其中一个支持 I2S 接口复用■1个12位 D/A转换器− 消费电子控制 (HDMI CEC) 接口 , 帧头接收唤醒■2个高速低功耗模拟比较器,可编程输入输出功能■多达18电容感应通道支持接近 , 触摸按键线性和旋转■串行两线调试 (SWD)−单独的2.4到3.6伏模拟供电−一个16 位7通道高级控制定时器用于6通道 PWM目录目录 (1)1 介绍 (4)2 描述 (1)3 功能概述 (3)3.1 基于 ARM®的Cortex™-M0 内核 (3)3.2 存储器 (3)3.3 启动模式 (3)3.4 循环冗余校验计算单元(CRC) (4)3.5 电源管理 (4)3.5.1 供电方式 (4)3.5.2 电源监测 (4)3.5.3 稳压器 (4)3.5.4 低功耗模式 (5)3.6 时钟和启动 (5)3.7 通用输入/输出端口(GPIO) (6)3.8 直接存储器访问控制器(DMA) (6)3.9 中断和事件 (7)3.9.1 向量嵌套中断控制器(NVIC) (7)3.9.2 扩展中断/事件控制器(EXTI) (7)3.10 模数转换器(ADC) (7)3.10.1 温度传感器 (8)3.10.2 内部参考电压(V REFINT) (8)3.10.3 V BAT 的电池电压监测 (8)3.11 数模转换器(DAC) (8)3.12 比较器(COMP) (9)3.13 触摸传感控制器(TSC) (9)3.14 定时器和看门狗 (10)3.14.1 高级控制定时器(TIM1) (11)3.14.2 通用定时器(TIM2..3,TIM14 .. 17) (11)3.14.3 基本定时器TIM6 (12)3.14.4 独立窗口看门狗(IWDG) (12)3.14.5 系统窗口看门狗(WWDG) (12)3.14.6 SysTick 定时器 (12)3.15 实时时钟(RTC)和后备寄存器 (12)3.16 内部集成电路接口(I2C) (13)3.17 通用同步/异步收发器(USART) (14)3.18 串行外设接口(SPI) (14)3.19 高清晰度多媒体接口(HDMI)- 消费电子控制(CEC) (15)3.20 两线串行调试端口(SW-DP) (15)4 引线和引脚说明 (1)5 内存映射 (11)6 电气特性 (14)6.1 参数条件 (14)6.1.1 最小和最大数值 (14)6.1.2 典型数值 (14)6.1.3 典型曲线 (14)6.1.4 负载电容 (14)6.1.5 引脚输入电压 (15)6.1.6 供电方案 (15)6.1.7 电流消耗测量 (16)6.2 绝对最大额定值 (16)6.3 工作条件 (18)6.3.1 通用工作条件 (18)6.3.2 上电和掉电时的工作条件 (18)6.3.3 内嵌复位和电源控制模块特性 (19)6.3.4 内置的参照电压 (20)6.3.5 供电电流特性 (20)6.3.6 外部时钟源特性 (28)6.3.7 内部时钟源特性 (31)6.3.8 PLL 特性 (33)6.3.9 储存器特性 (33)6.3.10 EMC 特性 (34)6.3.11 电气敏感性 (35)6.3.12 I/O 电流注入特性 (36)6.3.13 I/O 端口特性 (37)6.3.14 NRST 引脚特性 (42)6.3.16 12 位ADC 特性 (43)6.3.15 DAC 电器规格 (46)6.3.17 比较器特性 (47)6.3.18 温度传感器特性 (48)6.3.19 V BAT 监控特征 (49)6.3.20 Timer 定时器特性 (49)6.3.21 通信接口 (50)7 封装特性 (56)7.1 封装机械数据 (56)7.2 热特性 (59)8 CKS32 系列产品命名规则 (60)1 介绍本文给出了中科芯 CKS32F51x8 和 CKS32F051x6 标准型 MCU 产品的器件特性。
MKE04P24M48SF0 KE04子系列数据手册支持以下产品:MKE04Z8VTG4(R)、MKE04Z8VWJ4(R)和MKE04Z8VFK4(R)主要功能•工作范围–电压范围:2.7至5.5 V–Flash编程电压范围:2.7至5.5 V–温度范围(环境):-40至105°C•性能–最高48 MHz的ARM® Cortex-M0+内核–单周期32位 x 32位乘法器–单周期I/O访问端口•存储器和存储器接口–最高8 KB的Flash–最高1 KB的RAM•时钟–振荡器(OSC) - 支持32.768 kHz晶振或4 MHz至24 MHz晶振或陶瓷谐振器;可选择低功耗或高增益振荡器–内部时钟源(ICS) - 内部FLL,集成内部或外部基准时钟源、37.5 kHz预校准内部基准时钟源,可用于48 MHz系统时钟–内部1 kHz低功耗振荡器(LPO)•系统外设–电源管理模块(PMC)有三个功率模式:运行、待机和停止–可复位、中断并带可选跳变点的低压检测(LVD)–带独立时钟源的看门狗(WDOG)–可配置循环冗余校验(CRC)模块–串行线调试(SWD)接口–SRAM位操作映射区域(BIT-BAND)–位处理引擎(BME)•安全性和完整性模块–每个芯片拥有80位唯一标识(ID)号•人机接口–最多22个通用输入/输出(GPIO)–两个8位键盘中断(KBI)模块–外部中断(IRQ)模块•模拟模块–一个12通道,12位SAR ADC,可工作在停止模式,可选硬件触发源(ADC)–两个包含6位DAC和可配置参考输入的模拟比较器(ACMP)•定时器–一个6通道FlexTimer/PWM (FTM)–一个2通道FlexTimer/PWM (FTM)–一个2通道周期性中断定时器(PIT)–一个脉宽计数器(PWT)–一个实时时钟(RTC)•通信接口–一个SPI模块(SPI)–一个UART模块(UART)–一个I2C模块(I2C)•封装选项–24引脚QFN–20引脚SOIC–16引脚TSSOPFreescale Semiconductor数据手册: 技术数据Rev 3, 3/2014 Freescale reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the design of its products.© 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.目录1订购器件 (3)1.1确定有效的可订购器件 (3)2器件标识 (3)2.1说明 (3)2.2格式 (3)2.3字段 (3)2.4示例 (4)3参数分类 (4)4额定值 (4)4.1热学操作极限 (4)4.2湿度操作极限 (5)4.3ESD操作额定值 (5)4.4电压和电流操作额定值 (5)5通用 (6)5.1静态电气规格 (6)5.1.1DC特性 (6)5.1.2电源电流特性 (12)5.1.3EMC性能 (13)5.2动态规格 (14)5.2.1控制时序 (14)5.2.2FTM模块时序 (15)5.3热规格 (16)5.3.1热特性 (16)6模块工作要求和行为 (17)6.1内核模块 (17)6.1.1SWD电气规格 (17)6.2外部振荡器(OSC)和ICS特性 (18)6.3NVM规格 (20)6.4模拟 (21)6.4.1ADC特性 (21)6.4.2模拟比较器(ACMP)电气规格 (23)6.5通信接口 (24)6.5.1SPI开关规格 (24)7尺寸 (27)7.1获取封装尺寸 (27)8引脚分配 (27)8.1信号多路复用和引脚分配 (27)8.2器件引脚分配 (29)9修订历史 (30)订购器件1.1确定有效的可订购器件有效可订购器件编号已发布在网络上。
CKS 产品选择指南说明书
Sensors THB TSW MSW smetsySoediV/oiduAMPS LTS (Rotary)LTS (Linear)ENC W/ScreenXXPRODUCT SELECTION GUIDESENSOR PRODUCTSC&K’s proud history of product innovation continues with sensor solutions ideal for position, proximity sensing, and touch sensing in a wide range of applications. Inherently robust with available IP ratings up to IP69, MPS and MPSR are capable of millions of operations using magnetic actuation to provide contactless detection across hermetic barriers and distances up to 1”. They’re designed to be easy to install and easily customizable to fit the needs of applications ranging from automotive and industrial to construction, security and anti-tampering, and medical devices. The New LTS Series features capacitive touch control with a wide range of customizable options that will fulfill the demans of audio/video, industrial, automotive and other control applications.Features / BenefitsLong life - 4M operations Sealed contacts Quality construction UL61058Quick & easy installationFeatures / BenefitsLong life - 4M+ operations Hermetically sealed contactsForm C (SPDT) contacts w/ 3 W rating IP69 RatingQuick & easy installation Contact Rating:200 mA @ 3 W, 30 VDCTypical ApplicationsRemote Monitoring Anti-Tamper Detection SecurityTypical ApplicationsRemote monitoring Anti-tamper detection SecurityMPS SERIESMagnetic Promimity SensorsMPSR SERIESRuggedized Magnetic Promimity SensorsPART NUMBERFunctionMPS45WGWSPST N.O. subminiature surface mount (adhesive or flange), side exit leads, 1” make gapPART NUMBERFunctionMPSR03C1A10Form C (SPDT N.O. / N.C.) 3 W / 30 VDC 72” Stainless steel hose w/ bare wire leadsMPSR05A1A10Form A (SPST N.O) 5W / 180 VDC 72” Stainless hose w/bare wire leads* Contact C&K for custom options availabilityNEWPART NUMBER Function & Output One Key OperationBlock 1 LED ColorBlock 2 LED ColorBlock 3 LED ColorOne Key LED ColorTerminationL TSR14V-TXR003K-BPGXXC Rotary 14 Position (VR)Toggle Mode BlueRed & BlueGreenN/ACable & ConnectionFeatures / BenefitsChoice of Encoder or VR Operation Modes Scroll Plus Additional Key Output Multiple Customizable Sensing Zones Multiple Cap Options Integrated Illumination Capacitive Touch ControlsTypical ApplicationsAudio/Video Equipment Consumer Products IT EquipmentCommunications Equipment AppliancesLighting & Fan ControlsL TS (ROTARY) SERIESIlluminated Capacitive Touch SensorsNEWPART NUMBER Function & Output One Key OperationBlock 1 LED ColorBlock 2 LED ColorBlock 3 LED ColorOne Key LED ColorTerminationL TSL15V-TXL004K-YGBPXC Linear 15 Position (VR)Toggle Mode YellowGreenBlueRed & BlueCable & ConnectionFeatures / BenefitsChoice of Encoder or VR Operation Modes Scroll Plus Additional Key Output Multiple Customizable Sensing Zones Multiple Cap Options Integrated Illumination Capacitive Touch ControlsTypical ApplicationsAudio/Video Equipment Consumer Products IT EquipmentCommunications Equipment AppliancesLighting & Fan ControlsL TS (LINEAR) SERIESIlluminated Capacitive Touch SensorsNEWPRODUCT SELECTION GUIDENavigation SensorsC&K’s navigation sensors are miniature, compact and multi-directional products. The THB series dual action 360° joystick is ideal for gaming, drone, and other controllers. The TSW Series scroll wheel offers easy one-handed control of electronics. The MSW packs three axes of movement and a pushbutton into one device for the ultimate control of robotics or industrial controllers.PART NUMBERCircuit Mounting TypeOperating TorquePushbutton ForceLife CycleMSW311P1CTri-Axis Analog Voltage Output + SPST N.OPanelTBD (X/Y Axis)TBD (Z Axis)TBD5,000,000 cycles for X/Y Axis 1,000,000 cycles for Z AxisPART NUMBERNumber of CircuitsMounting TypeIllumination ColorPushbutton ForceLife CycleTSWA-3N-CD23W LFSThreePanelWhite220g ± 50g1,000,000 cycles Scroll Wheel 1,000,000 cycles PushbuttonFeatures / BenefitsCompact & SlimMultiple Functions in One Component (Rotary, Select)Easy Installation Thru Hole Termination Integrated IlluminationTypical ApplicationsRemote controls Desk Phones Keyboards PrintersEntertainment Systems White GoodsTSW SERIESThree Function Tact and Scroll WheelNEWNEWPRODUCT SELECTION GUIDERotary EncodersRotary encoders from C&K are available with variety of indexing options. The ENC Series features easy install connector sockets and integrated pushbutton. The TFT screen provides wide design flexibility for consumer,audio/video, industrial, and other applications.11Features / BenefitsClear detent / haptic feel Two channel, 2-bit code output Quadrature (incremental type) Integrated pushbuttonTypical ApplicationsAutomotive interior control Industrial equipment Test & instrumentation Medical equipmentENC SERIES Rotary EncoderPART NUMBER Function Contact RatingRational TorquePushbutton Force Operating Life TerminationENCOS16D2S65C16 position IncrementalEncoderRotary: 30 mA @ 5V DCPushbutton: 10 mA @5 V DC 265 gfcm600 ± 20% gf 300,000 cycles SMTENC0S24D2S65R24 position IncrementalEncoderRotary: 30 mA @ 5V DCPushbutton: 10 mA @5 V DC265 gfcm 600 ± 20% gf 300,000 cycles ConnectorPART NUMBER Function Contact RatingRational TorquePushbutton Force Operating Life TerminationENCOT24D5SX5T24 position Incremental Encoder w/screenRotary: 30 mA @ 5V DCPushbutton: 10 mA @5 V DC450 gfcm600 ± 20% gf 500,000 cycles Pin OutRotary EncodersNEWNEW3。
CKS 电子 KSC 系列封闭式触摸开关说明书
Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to change Tactile SwitchesKSC Series Sealed Tact Switch for SMTFUNCTION: Momentary actionCONTACT ARRANGEMENT: 1 make contact = SPST, N.O.TERMINALS: J bend & Gullwing type for SMTSEALING: IP67 except KSC5 (IP50)Liability LimitationThis datasheet does not provide enough information forapplications that require a certain level of quality or safetysuch as automotive, medical systems, or safety equipement.Please contact customer service for the contractualspecification package.Environmental Silver GoldOPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C -40˚C to 125˚CSTORAGE TEMPERATURE: -55˚C to 85˚C -55˚C to 125˚CProcessSOLDERING: Depending on the application, this component issuited to the following methods:– Terminals being silver or gold plated over a nickel barrier, theuse of slightly activated flux is suitable.– Soldering on double wave machine for vertical versions:soldering time ≤ 5 sec.– Cleaning according to typical washing processes.– Lead free reflow soldering process in accordance with IEC61760-1.Silver GoldMAXIMUM POWER: 1 VA 0.2 VAMAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 32 VDC 32 VDCMINIMUM VOLTAGE: 20 mV 20 mVMAXIMUM CURRENT: 50 mA 10 mAMINIMUM CURRENT: 1 mA* 0.1 mADIELECTRIC STRENGTH (50 Hz, 1 min.): ≥ 250 VrmsCONTACT RESISTANCE: ≤ 100mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE (100 V): ≥ 10M ΩBOUNCE TIME: ≤ 1 ms* Ultra low current with 10 µA - 1 VDC version are available upon request forKSC2 and KSC4PackagingTape and Reel (see series for quantity information)NOTE: Specifications listed above are for switches with standard options.Note: KSC Series is subject to variants. Please contact customer service for other options.B–49B–50Specifications and dimensions subject to change T a c t i l e S wi t c h e sJ J BENDGGULLWINGB–58Specifications and dimensions subject to change T a c t i l e S w i t c h e s1 mar 171,15ø 2,96ø 4,7+0,36,2 0+0,36,2 02,9 m a x 4,9+0,20,1 0How To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.However, please note that all the combinations of these options are not feasible.For any part number different from those listed above, please consult your local representative.KSC8 hard actuator 4,9 mm highPackagingSwitches delivered on continuous tape & reels of 1,000 pieces Dimensions according to EIA RS-481/ IEC 60286-3 standard External diameter 330 ± 2 mm。
MOLEX电子技术有限公司 PICO-CLASP 1.0 W B 单行记录 HSG 内锁产品客户图说
CKS G-40 产品说明书
R o ck erFeatures/Benefits• Sealed against solder and cleaning process contaminants• R ocker, bushing & case—UL 94V-0• S mall footprint—saves space • RoHS compliantTypical Applications • T elecommunications • Instrumentation• Computers & peripheralsSpecificationsCONTACT RATING: B contact material: 0.4 VA max. @20 V AC or DC max. Q contact material: Copper alloy, silver plated. See page G-43 for additional ratings.ELECTRICAL LIFE: ETX1 models: 60,000 make-and-breakcycles at full load. All other models: 30,000 cycles.CONTACT RESISTANCE: Below 20 m Ω typ. initial @2-4 V DC, 100 mA, for both silver and gold plated contacts.INSULATION RESISTANCE: 109 Ω min.DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 1000 Vrms min. @ sea level.OPERATING TEMPERATURE: –30ºC to 85ºC.SOLDERABILITY: Per MIL-STD-202F method 208D, orEIA RS-186E method 9 (1 hour steam aging).PACKAGING: Surface mount switches standard in tape and reelpackaging, see page G-45 for drawings and reel information.MaterialsCASE & BUSHING: Glass filled nylon 6/6, flame retardant,heat stabilized (UL 94V-0) or glass filled 4/6 nylon, flame retardant, heat stabilized (UL 94V-0).ACTUATOR: Nylon, black standard. Internal o-ring sealstandard with all actuators. SA surface mount: Hightemperature material, glass filled 46 nylon, flame retardant, heat stabilized (UL 94V-0).SWITCH SUPPORT: Brass, matte-tin plated.CONTACTS & TERMINALS: B contact material: Copper alloy,with gold plate over nickel plate. Q contact material: Copper alloy, silver plated. See page G-43 for additional contact materials.TERMINAL SEAL: Epoxy.NOTE: Any models supplied with Q, B, G, S, P & R contact material are RoHS compliant. NOTE: Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options. For information on specific and custom switches, consult Customer Service Center.Build-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box. Available options are shown and described on pages G-40 thru G-44. For additional options not shown in catalog, consult Customer Service Center. All modelsare process sealed to withstand machine soldering temperatures and pressure wash cleaning methods.Switch Function ET01SP On-None-On ET02 SP Off-None-OnET03 SP On-Off-OnET05 SP Mom.-Off-Mom.ET07 SP On-Off-Mom.ET08 SP On-None-Mom.ET21 DP On-None-On ET27 DP On-Off-Mom.ET28 DP On-None-Mom.Actuator J1 Rocker J6 RockerTerminationsA Right angle, PC thru-holeAV Vertical Right angle, PC thru-hole C PC Thru-hole V3 V-bracketAV2 Vertical Right angle, PC thru-hole SA Right Angle Surface mountContact Material B GoldP Gold, matte tin Q SilverS Silver, matte-tin G Gold over silverR Gold over silver, matte-tin Seal E EpoxyActuator Color 2 Black 1 White 3 RedRockerAll models with all options when ordered with G, S, R or Q contact material.MOM. = MomentarySPDPC PC THRU-HOLEET01J6ABE2 ET21J1ABE2 SP & DPRockerPC MOUNTINGPC MOUNTINGPC MOUNTINGAV VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE, PC THRU-HOLEAV2 VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE, PC THRU-HOLEAV VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE, PC THRU-HOLENOTE: Terminal bend radii and lead-in manufacturing option.NOTE: Terminal bend radii and lead-in manufacturing option.ET01J1AVBE2Vertical ActuationSPDTET21J1AVBE2Vertical ActuationDPDTET01J1AV2BE2Vertical ActuationSPDTR o c k e rPC MOUNTING123.200(5,08)PC MOUNTINGV3 VERTICAL MOUNT, V-BRACKETV3 VERTICAL MOUNT, V-BRACKETActuator shown in Pos. 1Actuator shown in Pos. 1ET21J1V3BE2DPDTET01J1V3BE2SPDTET01J6SAPE2 Horizontal ActuationSPDT* Note: See Technical Data section of this catalog for RoHS compliant and compatible definitions and specifications.1 CONTACTS & TERMINALS: Copper alloy, with gold plate over nickel plate.2 END CONTACTS: Coin silver, with gold plate over nickel plate.3 C ENTER CONTACTS & ALL TERMINALS: Copper alloy, with gold plate over nickel plate.6 TERMINALS: Copper alloy, with matte-tin over nickel plate.NOTE: Any models supplied with Q, B, G, S, P & R contact material are RoHS compliant.All models with all options when ordered with G, Q, S & R contact material.OPTION CODECONTACT MATERIAL TERMINAL PLATING RATINGSSILVER 5MATTE-TIN 6GOLD 1SILVER 4,5GOLD OVER SILVER 2,3GOLD 3MATTE-TIN 6GOLD 1MATTE-TIN 6LOW LEVEL/ DRY CIRCUITPOWERLOW LEVEL/DRY CIRCUIT OR POWER0.4 VA MAX. @ 20 V AC OR DC MAX.ETX1 MODELS: 3 AMPS @ 120 V AC OR 28 V DC.ALL OTHER MODELS: 2 AMPS @ 120 V AC OR 28 V DC.ETX1 MODELS: 0.4 VA MAX @ 20 V AC OR DC MAX. OR 3 AMPS @120 V AC OR 28 V DC.ALL OTHER MODELS: 0.4 VA MAX @ 20 V AC OR DC MAX. OR 2 AMPS @ 120 V AC OR 28 V DC.B P G RQ SAVAILABLE HARDWARETAPE & REEL SA TERMINATIONJ1 ActuatorPART NO.261A01000WHITE261A02263BLACK261A03000REDMaterial: NylonFinish: MatteNOT AVAILABLE WITH A, SA,SA1J6 ActuatorPART NO.621C01000WHITE621C02263BLACK621C03000REDMaterial: NylonFinish: MatteFor Hi Temp, Consult FactoryE EPOXY SEALNOTE: Other colors available,consult Customer Service Center. ET01J6SABE (SHOWN)REEL INFORMATIONOUTSIDE DIAMETER13.00 (330,0)PILOT HOLE.512 (13,0)QUANTITY PER REEL 500ET01J6SA1BE (SHOWN)REEL INFORMATIONOUTSIDE DIAMETER13.00 (330,0)PILOT HOLE.795 (20,20)QUANTITY PER REEL 450。
CK 电子键拨开关产品选择指南说明书
Key Switches Product Selection GuideED /EDM 12.7 x 11.3 x 1.2SPST momentary 100 V / 100 mA 2.4 N to 6.5 N KS 12.4 x 12.4 x 9.9SPST SPDT Digitast 17.1x12.3 x 14.3 24 V/10 mA SPDT momentary or push-on/push off D612 x 11.4 x 14.5SPST momentary 12 x 11.6 x 9.1SPST / DPST K12K12S MD / MDP 12.7 x 12.8 x 4.7SPST momentary 30 V / 100 mA 12 x 12 x 11SPST momentary 2 x SPSTD–3Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeK12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White)Features/Benefits• H arsh environment applications• Compatible with SMT lead freesoldering process •I lluminated •Excellent tactile feel •High reliability / long life •Detect versions available •R oHS compliant Typical Applications • Automotive • Joysticks • Off-road transportation • Motorcycles • Industrial • Medical* Please contact technical support for this configuration 1.5 1.5 mmOperating Force 3N 3N (detect - no tactile)5N 5N 6N 6N 9N 9N 12N 12N Contact Arrangement O Normally open C Normally closed OO 2 Normally open (DPST)CC* 2 Normally closed (DPST)OC* 1 Normally open1 Normally closed (DPST)L LED version (SPST)S SPST version D DPST version *LFTW Translucent lens reel 900pcs LFTZ Translucent lens reel 300pcs23 Jun 22N E WWith PegK12S Series High Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White)K12SJ / K12SL IP40 with peg / IP40 without pegK12SK / K12SM IP67 with peg / IP67 without peg(Ventilation hole)(Ventilation hole)N E WK12S SeriesHigh Performance SMT Key Switches (Cold White)1.5 1.5 mmLED COLORTRAVELOPERATING FORCEO Normally open (SPST and LED versions)C Normally closed (SPST and LED versions)OPTIONCODELED COLORWH0WhiteN E WK e y S w i t c h e s D–6Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to change K12S Series High Performance SMT Key SwitchesFeatures/Benefits • H arsh environment applications - IP67• Compatible with SMT lead free soldering process •I lluminated • Excellent tactile feel • High reliability / long life •DPST and detect versions available • RoHS compliantTypical Applications• Automotive• Joysticks• Off-road transportation • Motorcycles • Industrial • Medical 1.5 mm Operating Force 3N 3 N (detect - no tactile)5N 5 N 6N 6 N 9N 9 N 4/8N 4/8 N DPST (double step actuation)6/12N 6/12 N DPST (double step actuation)12N 12 N Contact Arrangement O Normally open (SPST)C Normally closed (SPST)OO 2 Normally open (DPST)CC * 2 Normally closed (DPST)OC * 1 Normally open 1 Normally closed (DPST)* Please contact technical support for this configurationOption S SPST version L LED version (SPST)D DPST version LFTX Lead free, RoHS terminals tin plated Translucent button 30 Jun 22N E WK12S SeriesHigh Performance SMT Key Switches K12SA/K12SC IP40 with peg / IP40 without pegK12SB / K12SD IP67 with peg / IP67 without pegN E WOPTIONCODE OPERATING FORCE3N3N (detect - no tactile)5N5N6N6N9N9N4/8N4/8N (double step actuation)6/12N6/12N (double step actuation)SwitchesK12S SeriesHigh Performance SMT Key SwitchesOPERATING FORCECONTACT ARRANGEMENTO Normally open (SPST and LED versions)C Normally closed (SPST and LED versions)OO 2 Normally open (DPST version)CC* 2 Normally closed (DPST version)OC* 1 Normally open/ 1 Normally closed (DPST)* Please contact technical support for this configurationN E WD–9Dimensions are shown: mm Specifications and dimensions subject to changeK12 Series High Performance Key SwitchesFeatures/Benefits• Excellent tactile feel• W ide choice of LED colors,travel and actuator forces• High reliability / long life• Sealed version available• Designed for low-level switching• Double stroke version available• Detector version available1 1 mm (0.039)1.5 1.5 mm (0.059)2 2 mm (0.079)Operating Force***1.5N OD 1.5 N withoutsnap-point2.5N 2.5 N3.5N 3.5 N 5N 5 N 3.5/7N 3.5/7 N**6/12N 6/12 N*** K 12C – 1mm MAXK12 with LED – 1.5 mm MAX** K12G & K12GO version only*** Additional operating force: 7N, 9N available on requestNONE version with LED, version C BK Black cap – No LED YE Yellow cap - No LED RD Red cap – No LED GY Gray cap – No LED Typical Applications • Automotive • Off-road transportation • Industrial electronics • Computers & network equipment • Joysticks Arrangement NONE SPST NO (STD)1R S PST NC (Special request)14 Jan 22K e y S w i t c h e s D–10Specifications and dimensions subject to change K12 Series High Performance Key SwitchesK12A without snap inK12ALtotal travel 1 or 1.5mmøTerminal Section Description with LED Without Surface Hole Sn switch LED 2x center hole ±0,05Sn 2x 2x 2x 2x ø0,5 (.020)0,7x0,2 (.028x.081)0,91,1+0,05C12A 3,62,52,54x 0,9±0,052x 1,1+0,05 07,52,50,22,6ELECTRICAL GRAPHA 12A C 1C A 2PCB LAYOUT, MOUNTING SIDE 14 Jan 22K12 SeriesHigh Performance Key SwitchesK12P with snap inSurfaceK e y S w i t c h e sD–12Specifications and dimensions subject to changeK12 SeriesHigh Performance Key Switches7,5(.295)2,3(.090)2,5(.098)2,5(.098)0,2(.0078)K12C SEALED CONTACT WITH RUBBER CAP (IP 67)PCB LAYOUT, MOUNTING SIDEtotal travel 1,014 Jan 22Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to change K12 SeriesHigh Performance Key Switches1/12/12/21/27,553,752,60,29,6(0.197)(0.295)(0.0078)(0.148)(0.103)(0.278)K12GOPCB LAYOUT, MOUNTING SIDEKey SwitchesD–13K e y S w i t c h e sD–14Specifications and dimensions subject to change OPTIONCODE COLOR NONE Version with LED BK Black - no LED YE Yellow - no LED RD Red - no LEDGYGray - no LEDK12 SeriesHigh Performance Key Switches1 1 mm 1.5 1.5 mm2 2 mmSTANDARD LED CODE COLORNONE Models without LEDLV306 Green LV327 Yellow LV315 Orange LV352 RedLV302 WhiteOPTIONCODECOLOR NONE Models without LEDGN Green YE Yellow OG Orange RD RedWH WhiteOPTION CODEOPERATING FORCE1.5N OD 1.5 N,150g without snap-point2.5N 2.5 N, 250g3.5N 3.5 N, 350g5N 5 N, 500g 3.5/7N 3.5/7 N, 350/700g6/12N6/12 N, 600-1200gCONTACT ARRANGEMENT OPTION1R SPST NC (SPECIAL REQUEST FOR NORMALLY CLOSED OPTION)14 Jan 22Key SwitchesD–15Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to change D6 SeriesSPST Momentary Key Switches21 Feb 22Features/Benefits • E asy X, Y coding on singleside PCB • Positive/ smooth tactile feedback • High temperature• Wide variety of colors & styles • Illuminated versions available • R oHS compliant and compatibleTypical Applications• Video• Electronic games • Appliances ConstructionFUNCTION: momentaryCONTACT ARRANGEMENT: 1 make contact (SPST), NODISTANCE BETWEEN BUTTON CENTERS, MIN.: 12,7 (0.500) TERMINALS: PC pinsElectricalMechanicalEnvironmentalProcessSOLDERABILITY: Wave soldering, compatible with lead free soldering profileHand soldering, 350˚C for 3 secondsPackagingThe D6 switches are delivered in boxes containing 10 trays with 250 pieces each: Total 2,500 pieces per box.The D6 buttons are delivered in bulk with 2500 pieces per box.Non-Illuminated Illuminated SWITCHING POWER MAX.: 3 VA 0.35 VA SWITCHING VOLTAGE MAX.:32 V DC 35 V DC SWITCHING CURRENT MAX.:100 mA DC10 mA DCOPERATING LIFEwith max. switching power:Version F1: 250 000 operations Version F2: 100 000 operations Version F1: 100 000 operations Version F2: 30 000 operations CONTACT RESISTANCE:≤100 mΩ≤200 mΩDIELECTRIC STRENGTH (50 Hz / 1 min):250 V INSULATION RESISTANCE:≥108 ΩBOUNCE TIME: ≤10 msNon-IlluminatedIlluminatedSWITCHING TRAVEL:Version F1: 0.2 mm ≤ Te ≤ 1.0 mm Version F2: 0.3 mm ≤ Te ≤ 1.1 mm 0.4 mm ≤ Te ≤ 0.8 mm OPERATING FORCE:Version F1: 0.8N ≤ Fa ≤1.8N Version F2: 2.0N ≤ Fa ≤ 3.5NVersion F1: 0.8N ≤ Fa ≤1.8N Version F2: 1.5N ≤ Fa ≤ 2.5NSEALING:IP40Non-Illuminated Illuminated OPERATING TEMPERATURE:-20˚C to 85˚C-20˚C to 60˚CK e y S w i t c h e sD–16Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeButtonButtons can be ordered separately Shipped in bulkD6 button for use with D6C onlyD6 SeriesSPST Momentary Key Switches21 Feb 22SwitchHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.NON-ILLUMINATEDILLUMINATED* Please contact technical support for these configurationsD–17Specifications and dimensions subject to change21 Feb 22D6 Series SPST Momentary Key SwitchesK e y S w i t c h e sD–18Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeBTND6 Buttons must be ordered separately. Shipped in bulk.NOTE: D6 SeriesSPST Momentary Key Switches12,4BUTTON AVAILABLE21 Feb 22P.C.B LAYOUT ELECTRICAL SCHEMATICK e y S w i t c h e sD–20Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeKS SeriesSingle Pole Key SwitchesHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.SpecificationsCONTACT RATING: Q contact material: 25mA @50V AC .or DC max.ELECTRICAL LIFE: 100,000 actuations.CONTACT RESISTANCE: Below 100 mΩ initial @ 2-4 V DC, 100 mAINSULATION RESISTANCE: 109 Ω min.DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 1,000 Vrms min. @ sea level. OPERATING TEMPERATURE: -30˚C to 65˚C.SOLDERABILITY: Per MIL-STD-202F method 208D, or EIA RS-186E method 9 (1 hour steam aging).Note : Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options.For information on specific and custom switches, consult Customer Service Center.Features/Benefits • Positive tactile feel • Variety of cap colors• SPST and SPDT configurations • RoHS compliantTypical Applications • Telecommunications • Industrial• InstrumentationMaterialsCASE: Glass filled nylon (UL 94V-0).ACTUATOR: ABS, matte finish, black standard.MOVABLE CONTACT: Q contact material: Stainless steel, silver plat-ed. STATIONARY CONTACTS AND TERMINALS: Q contact material:copper alloy, silver plated.TERMINAL SEAL: EpoxyKey SwitchesD–21Dimensions are shown: mmSpecifications and dimensions subject to changeR2 CAP WITH ROUND DEPRESSIONKS SeriesSingle Pole Key SwitchesOPTION CODE CAP COLOR2 BLACK 1 WHITE3 RE D9 GRAYK e y S w i t c h e sD NO EPOXY SEALE EPOXY SEALKS SeriesSingle Pole Key SwitchesOPTION CONTACT TERMINAL CODE MATERIALPLATINGRATINGSQ SILVER SILVERPOWER25 mA MAX. @ 50 V AC OR DC MAX.B GOLD GOL DLOW LEVEL/DRY CIRCUIT0.4 VA MAX. @ 20 V AC OR DC MAX.1) MOVABLE CONTACT: Stainless steel, with gold plate over nickel plate.S TATIONARY CONTACTS & ALL TERMINALS: Copper alloy, with gold plate over nickel plate.2) MOVABLE CONTACT: Stainless steel, silver plated.STATIONARY CONTACTS & ALL TERMINALS: Copper alloy, silver plated.EPOXYNOTE: Any models supplied with Q or B contact material are RoHS compliant.DIGITAST SeriesMicrominiature SPDT, Key Switches•RoHS compliant and compatibleElectricalSWITCHING POWER MAX.: 240 mW DCSWITCHING VOLTAGE MAX.: 24 V DC SWITCHING CURRENT MAX.: 10 mA DCCARRYING CURRENT AT 20˚C (push-push version): 100 mA DIELECTRIC STRENGTH (50 Hz, 1 min): 500 VOPERATING LIFE with or without max. switching power Momentary: ≥ 5 x 106 operations Push-push: ≥ 5 x 105 operations CONTACT RESISTANCE: Initial ≤ 50 mΩ After 5 x 106 operations: ≤ 100 mΩ INSULATION RESISTANCE: ≥ 1010 ΩCAPACITANCE at f= 10 kHz: ≤ 0.8pF BOUNCE TIME: ≤ 2.5 ms Operating speed 400 mm/s (15.75/s)EnvironmentalOPERATING TEMPERATURE: -25˚C to 85˚C.ConstructionFUNCTION: momentary or push-pushCONTACT ARRANGEMENT: 1 change over contact SPDT, NO MODE OF SWITCHING: Non-shortingDISTANCE BETWEEN BUTTON CENTERS: HORIZONTAL MINIMUM: 12,7 (0.500) or 17,78 (0.700) VERTICAL MINIMUM: 17,78 (0.700)TERMINALS: PC pinsMOUNTING: Soldering, centering pinsMechanicalTOTAL TRAVEL: ≤ 3 (.0018)SWITCHING TRAVEL: 1,5 (0.0591)LATCHING TRAVEL: 1,8 (0.0709)OPERATING FORCE: 1.5 +/- 0.5 N (150 +/- 50 grams)ProcessSOLDERABILITY: Wave soldering, compatible with lead free soldering profile For use with momentary switch With “EE” staple for latching * LED spacing only applies when 1 LED requested** Additional button colors available by request*** Additional LED colors available by request including Bi color configurationsButtonReference SRK BKK e y S w i t c h e s3 (0.118)Total travel 3 (0.118)Switching travel 1.5 (0.0591)DIGITAST SeriesMicrominiature SPDT, Key SwitchesSER NARROW BUTTONSET WIDE BUTTONSERU NO BUTTON[0.787][0.177][0.0197][0.311][0.0276][0.015][0.0394][0.3][0.484][0.2][0.6][0.681]22121ø0.57.97.6212.315.245.0817. SwitchesOPTIONCODE MATERIALAU GoldOPTION CODE COLORSCHEMATICOA MomentaryEE Push-Push0000BK BLACK GY GRAYOther button colors available by request [red (RD), green (GN), white (WH), yellow (YE) , blue (BU) , orange (OG)].OPTIONCODE COLORNONE Models without LED RD Red GN GreenYE YellowDIGITAST SeriesMicrominiature SPDT, Key SwitchesK e y S w i t c h e sSpecificationED: Disc elementEDM: Disc element and double dome FUNCTION: Momentary actionCONTACT TYPE: Normally open - SPSTTERMINALS: Through hole PCB terminations or Tabs OPERATING LIFE: 1,000,000 cyclesPackagingTrays 50 piecesHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, select desired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.ED & EDM SeriesSilverGold OPERATING TEMPERATURE -25˚C to 65˚C-55˚C to 85˚CMAXIMUM POWER 1 VA 0.2 VA MAXIMUM VOLTAGE 100 VDC 100 VDC MINIMUM VOLTAGE20m VDC 20m VDC MIN/MAX CURRENT 1 mA to 100 mA50 µA to 50 mADIELECTRIC STRENGTH ≥ 250 Vrms CONTACT RESISTANCE ≤ 100 mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE (between terminals)Initial measurement: ≥ 1 GΩAfter damp heat: ≥ 10 MΩBOUNCE TIME ≤ 3 ms SIMULTANEITY≤ 0.05 mmEnvironmental & ElectricalMechanicalType Operating force N (grams)Tactile feelingΔ%Return forceNTravel mm EDXXXX LFX 2.4 (240) ± 25%≥ 30%≥ 0.4 0,3 ± 0,15EDM450XXX LFX 4.5 (450) ± 25%≥ 25%≥ 10,5 ± 0,15EDM650XXX LFX6.5 (650) ± 25%≥ 25%≥ 1.60,6 ± 0,15ED & EDM SeriesUpper DiaphragmLower DiaphragmPressureInsulating washer Circular contact areaSwitch in resting position Switch in active positionED/EDM SC ED/EDMRECOMMENDED PCB LAYOUTK e y S w i t c h e sFeatures • Short travel• Good tactile feedback • Self cleaning • 2 actuator materials •RoHSTypical Applications • A ircraft • I nstrument • P anels• R adio equipmentElectricalSilver GoldMAXIMUM POWER: 1.0 VA 0.2 VA MAXIMUM VOLTAGE: 100 VDC 100 VDC MINIMUM VOLTAGE: 20m VDC 20m VDC MIN/MAX CURRENT: 1.0 mA - 100 mA 50µA - 50 mA DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: ≥ 250 Vrms CONTACT RESISTANCE: ≤ 100 mΩINSULATION RESISTANCE: I nitial measurement: ≥ 1 GΩ(between terminals) After damp heat: ≥ 10 MΩBOUNCE TIME: ≤ 3 msEnvironmental SilverGoldOPERATING TEMPERATURE:-25˚C to 70˚C-55˚C to 85˚CSpecificationFUNCTION: Momentary actionCONTACT TYPE: Normally open - SPSTTERMINALS: Through hole PCB terminationsMechanicalHow To OrderOur easy build-a-switch concept allows you to mix and match options to create the switch you need. To order, selectdesired option from each category and place it in the appropriate box.Color 00 White 10 Dark grey 20 Light grey 30 Yellow 40 Red 50 Green 60 Blue MD & MDP SeriesMD (Soft Actuator)MDP (Hard Actuator)Operating force (N)Tactile feeling (∆%)Operatinglife Travel (mm)MD 2,4 N ± 25%≥ 15%1,000,0000.95 mm ± 0.35MDP2,6 N ± 25%≥ 25%200,0000.4 mm ± 0.25Key SwitchesMD & MDP SeriesMDMDPMDP button( 4,1 )12123,21,52,5990,352,8。
CK Components D-SUB 轻量级背板 3401 072 产品说明书
Features/Benefits• Compliant with ESA specifications 3401/072• Ultra-light weight• Solid fully machined aluminium alloy material• Non MagneticTypical Applications• Space equipment• Satellites harnesses• Avionics / MilitarySpecificationHigh performance Backshell ESA qualified, for space applications.Compliant to ESCC specifications 3401/072 Lightweight Accessories for rectangular connectors 3401/001 and 3401/002. Compatible with ESCC 3401/022 accessories.Suitable for use in Space, and high performance military/aerospace applications: Board to Cable or Cable to Cable applications. Sizes available:E, A, B, C, D and F.Outlets:Straight saddle clampStraight cylindricalStraight cylindrical for EMI applicationStraight elliptical45° elliptical90° cylindricalCharacteristicsCHARACTERISTIC SPECIFICATIONOperating temperature range -55 / +125 °CStorage temperature range -55 / +125 °CResidual Magnetism Level 200 Gamma max.Quality LevelFlying Model: Code 3401 - ESA / ESCC specification. Qualification reviewed every 2 years.Engineering Model: code FR022 - C&K specification.OptionsUniversal male screwlock with “slotted” or “hexagonal hole” head screw (be ordered separately).PackagingIndividual packaging.Traceability associated as per ESA/ESCC specifications.COMPONENT MATERIAL FINISHShell Aluminium alloy 6061-T6 Code A174: 25.4 µm min. electroless NickelNo code or FR172: 0.7 µm min. Gold over 25.4 µm min. electroless NickelScrews Brass 0.7 µm Gold over 1 µm min. Cu Gasket Silicone conductive elastomer NoneDescription and Part NumbersSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.50 ØE ±0.15 ØF ±0.15 G ±0.50 Weight (grams)E 30.68 12.50 24.99 40.6 7.009.0025.4 6.5 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 49.0 10.00 12.00 25.4 10 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 62.7 10.50 12.50 25.4 13.5 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 79.2 10.50 12.50 25.4 18 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 76.7 13.30 15.30 25.4 23 F69.30 17.30 63.5079.915.30 17.3035.428Configuration Sizes E-A-B-C-DConfiguration Size FDetail A-ADetail B-BRight Outlet(Our design accepts right or left mounting)Description and Part NumbersSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.50 ØE ±0.15 ØF ±0.15 G ±0.50 Weight (grams)E 30.68 12.50 24.99 40.6 7.009.0025.4 6.5 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 49.0 10.00 12.00 25.4 10 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 62.7 10.50 12.50 25.4 13.5 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 79.2 10.50 12.50 25.4 18 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 76.7 13.30 15.30 25.4 23 F69.30 17.30 63.5079.915.30 17.3035.428Left Outlet(Our design accepts right or left mounting) Configuration Sizes E-A-B-C-DConfiguration Size FDetail A-ADetail B-BSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.20 E ±0 .15 Weight (grams) E 30.68 12.50 24.99 7.00 9.00 6.5 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 10.00 12.00 8.5 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 10.50 12.50 11.5 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 10.50 12.50 13.5 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 13.30 15.30 14.5 F69.3017.3063.5015.3017.3016.5Straight Cable OutletDetail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DConfiguration Size FSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.38 E ±0 .15 Weight (grams)E 30.68 12.50 24.99 12.70 9.50 8 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 15.87 9.50 13 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 19.05 9.50 18 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 25.40 9.50 23 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 22.22 12.30 28 F69.3017.3063.5032.0014.3033Detail A-AConfiguration Size FConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DDetail B-BUltra-Elliptical Band TerminationSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.38 E ±0 .15 Weight (grams) E 30.68 12.50 24.99 12.70 9.50 10 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 15.87 9.50 14 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 19.05 9.50 20 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 25.40 9.50 26 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 22.22 12.30 33 F69.3017.3063.5029.0014.3040Right Outlet(Our design accepts right or left mounting) Detail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Size F F ViewConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.38 E ±0 .15 Weight (grams) E 30.68 12.50 24.99 12.70 9.50 10 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 15.87 9.50 14 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 19.05 9.50 20 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 25.40 9.50 26 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 22.22 12.30 33 F69.3017.3063.5029.0014.3040Left Outlet(Our design accepts right or left mounting) Detail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Size F Configuration Sizes E-A-B-C-DF ViewDescription and Part NumbersSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 D ±0.30 E ±0 .25 F ±0 .50 Weight (grams) E 30.68 12.50 24.99 9.50 9.50 66.75 15.5 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 18.10 9.50 66.75 19 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 25.40 9.50 68.35 23 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 34.90 9.50 68.35 29 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 35.70 11.90 68.35 33 F69.3017.3063.5047.0013.9068.3537Saddle Clamp for Straight ReliefDetail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Size FConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DSize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 Weight (grams)E 30.68 12.50 24.99 8 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 10 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 14 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 20 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 26 F69.3017.3063.5030Detail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Size FConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DShorting CanFinishSizeESA/ESCC Quality Level FR022 Quality Level DescriptionP/NDescriptionP/NElectroless NickelE 340107261B NMBA-A174 C115366-2637D DE-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022 C115366-2637B A340107262B NMBA-A174 C115366-2638D DA-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022 C115366-2638B B 340107263B NMBA-A174 C115366-2639D DB-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022 C115366-2639B C 340107264B NMBA-A174 C115366-2640D DC-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022C115366-2640B D 340107265B NMBA-A174 C115366-2641D DD-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022 C115366-2641B F 340107280B NMB-A174 C115366-2695D DF-BCKS-10-NMB-A174-FR022 C115366-2695B GoldE 340107261B NMBA C115366-2637C DE-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022 C115366-2637A A 340107262B NMBA C115366-2638C DA-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022 C115366-2638A B 340107263B NMBA C115366-2639C DB-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022 C115366-2639A C 340107264B NMBA C115366-2640C DC-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022 C115366-2640A D 340107265B NMBA C115366-2641C DD-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022 C115366-2641A F340107280B NMBC115366-2695CDF-BCKS-10-NMB-FR172-FR022C115366-2695ASize A ±0.2 B ±0.15 C ±0.13 Weight (grams)E 30.68 12.50 24.99 8 A 39.01 12.50 33.32 10 B 52.91 12.50 47.04 14 C 69.19 12.50 63.50 20 D 66.80 15.30 61.11 26 F69.3017.3063.5030Extra Shorting CanDetail A-ADetail B-BConfiguration Size FConfiguration Sizes E-A-B-C-DDescription and Part NumbersSize A ±0.25 B ±0.25 C ±0.13 D ±0.30 E ±0 .25 F +0.05/0 Weight (grams) E 35.03 15.98 24.99 32.70 6.73 8.35 21 A 43.36 15.98 33.32 32.70 9.90 8.35 26 B 57.25 15.98 47.04 38.30 10.54 8.35 30 C 73.53 15.98 63.50 38.30 10.54 8.35 35 D71.1418.7561.1138.3013.338.3540Straight Cable Outlet for EMI Application(EMI performances linked to the design of the harness)Front Mounting OnlyAccessoriesFR022 Quality Level Slotted Head Screw Description P/N Description P/N340102287B NMB C115366-2408C D115440-0165-FR022 C115440-0165ADescription P/N Description P/N340102289B NMB C115366-2410C D115440-0167-FR022 C115440-0167A For the complete range of accessories and details, consult our D-Sub accessories datasheet.。
CKSWITCHES A-108 按钮说明书
Specifications and dimensions subject to changeP u s h b u t t o nFeatures/Benefits • I P67 sealed• 1,000,000 life cycle• Illumination / non-illumination • M ultiple colored caps • T hreaded or snap-in mounting • C aps available separately • R oHS compliantTypical Applications• H arsh environments • O ff-Road • I ndustrial • M edical • T ransportation • J oystick control modules • G aming • M ilitarySpecificationsFUNCTION: SPST Momentary CONTACT ARRANGEMENT: N.O.MOUNTING TYPE: Snap-in (no panel seal)Threaded body (hex nut, lock washer, and panel seal gasket provided)Torque spec for threaded body: Do not exceed 8-9 in-lbs (0.9-1.0 N.m)MechanicalOPERATING LIFE: 1,000,000 cycles TOTAL TRAVEL: 2.1 ± 0.2 mmOPERATING POINT 1.55 ± 0.25 mm OVER TRAVEL: 0.6 min.OPERATING FORCE: 4N ± 1N standard configuration; other forceoption 2N ± 0.5NVIBRATION: 10-500 Hz 10g Max SHOCK: 60g 11ms sawtooth waveElectricalCONTACT RATING: 200mA @ 24 V DC resistive (500,000 cycles) 100mA @ 50 V DC resistive (500,000 cycles) 400mA @ 32 V AC resistive (500,000 cycles) 125mA @ 125 V AC resistive (1,000,000 cycles)DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 1000 V AC min.INSULATION RESISTANCE: 1 G Ω @ 500 VDCINITIAL CONTACT RESISTANCE 50 mΩ max (without wire leads)BOUNCE TIME: <5 msMaterialsHOUSING: PBTBASE: PBT CAP: PBT ACTUATOR: Illuminated: Clear polycarbonate Non-illuminated: PBT INTERNAL SEAL: Silicone rubberTERMINALS: Copper alloy, gold over silver platingMOVABLE CONTACT: Copper alloy, gold over silver plating TERMINAL SEAL: EpoxyWIRE LEADS: UL1569 Black 22 AWGOperating EnvironmentOPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C (+105˚C non-illuminated)ESD PROTECTION: 20 KV min.Process EnvironmentSEALING: IP67 for threaded bodyIP65 for snap-in version (no panel seal)NOTE: Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options. For information on specific and custom switches, please contact Customer Service.Build-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box.Designation AP AP SeriesAP SeriesIndustrial Pushbutton SwitchOperating Force 2 2 Newtons 4 4 NewtonsActuator StyleD Dome / Convex C ConcaveE Extended Dome N NoneActuator Color0 No Cap 2 Black 3 Red 4 Orange 5 Yellow 6 Green 7 Blue 9 GrayIllumination00 No LED*01 Super White 02 Bi-color; Red (Green)03 Red 05 Amber 06 Green 07 Super Blue 08 Bi-color; Amber (Green)* No LED available in short body onlyContact Material B Gold Terminal SealE EpoxyAll models are epoxy sealedTermination Z Solder Lug W 12” Wire Leads 22 AWG C*** PC TerminalsBushing Style**S** Snap-in plastic T Threaded plastic** No panel seal option***PC terminals not available with illuminationContact Customer Service for additional hardware options.Please contact Customer Service for additional colors and paint / laser etched button options.28 Jul 21OPTION CODEACTUATOR COLORNo Cap2 Black3 Red4 Orange 5Yellow 6 Green 7 Blue9GrayPushbuttonAP SeriesOPTIO N CODE OPERATING FORCE22 N, 200 g 44 N, 400 gAP SeriesIndustrial Pushbutton Switch*LED FORWARD CURRENT: 20 mALED FORWARD VOLTAGE: see chart above 07LED Super Blue08LED Bi-Color – Amber (Green)02LED Bi-Color – Red (Green)OPTION CODEILLUMINATIONTYPE00Model without illumination01LED Super White 03LED Red 05LED Amber 06LED Green 800 1,500 101010 20TYPICAL INTENSITY* MI N MAX35 50(mcd) 4,000 5,000 4 8 35 50PEAKWAVELENGTH(nm)N/A700 610 585/565565 N/A470635/565N/AVf Forward Voltage2.0 2.0 3.82.0P u s h b u t t o nPushbutton AP SeriesDimensions are shown: mm (inches)Specifications and dimensions subject to changeP u s h b u t t o nThird AngleAP SeriesIndustrial Pushbutton SwitchHARDWAREProjectionLOCK WASHERPart Number 647D00A47B GOLDOPTIO N CODE CONTACT MATERIALBGoldE EPOXYAll models are epoxy sealedPANEL SEALPart Number 655D0000028 Jul 21AP SeriesDOME481DXX000 = NO HOLE481DXX001 = HOLEDimensions are shown: Inches (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to changeP u s h b u t t o nFeatures/Benefits • I P67 sealed• 1,000,000 life cycle • Illumination • T hreaded or snap-in mounting • R oHS compliantTypical Applications• H arsh environments • O ff-Road • I ndustrial • M edical • T ransportation • J oystick control modules • G aming • M ilitarySpecificationsFUNCTION: SPST Momentary CONTACT ARRANGEMENT: N.O.MOUNTING TYPE: Snap-in (no panel seal)Threaded body (hex nut, lock washer, and panel seal gasket provided)Torque spec for threaded body: Do not exceed 8-9 in-lbs (0.9-1.0 N.m)MechanicalOPERATING LIFE: 1,000,000 cycles TOTAL TRAVEL: 2.1 ± 0.2 mmOPERATING POINT 1.55 ± 0.25 mm OVER TRAVEL: 0.6 min.OPERATING FORCE: 4N ± 1N standard configuration; other forceoption 2N ± 0.5NVIBRATION: 10-500 Hz 10g Max SHOCK: 60g 11ms sawtooth waveElectricalCONTACT RATING: 200mA @ 24 V DC resistive (500,000 cycles) 100mA @ 50 V DC resistive (500,000 cycles) 400mA @ 32 V AC resistive (500,000 cycles) 125mA @ 125 V AC resistive (1,000,000 cycles)DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 1000 V AC min.INSULATION RESISTANCE: 1 G Ω @ 500 VDCINITIAL CONTACT RESISTANCE 50 mΩ max (without wire leads)BOUNCE TIME: <5 msMaterialsHOUSING: PBTBASE: PBTCAP: Painted polycarbonate ACTUATOR: Illuminated: Clear polycarbonate INTERNAL SEAL: Silicone rubberTERMINALS: Copper alloy, gold over silver platingMOVABLE CONTACT: Copper alloy, gold over silver plating TERMINAL SEAL: EpoxyWIRE LEADS: UL1569 Black 22 AWGOperating EnvironmentOPERATING TEMPERATURE: -40˚C to 85˚C ESD PROTECTION: 20 KV min.Process EnvironmentSEALING: IP67 for threaded bodyIP65 for snap-in version (no panel seal)NOTE:Specifications and materials listed above are for switches with standard options. For information on specific and custom switches, please contact Customer Service.Build-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box.DesignationAPB APB SeriesAPB SeriesBacklit Pushbutton SwitchOperating Force 2 2 Newtons 4 4 NewtonsCapEExtended Dome (600E)Illumination01 Super White 07 Super BlueContact MaterialBGoldTerminal Seal E EpoxyTerminationZ Solder Lug W 12” Wire Leads 22 AWG Bushing StyleS Snap-in plastic T Threaded plasticCap Symbol000 Painted black over white without symbol*001 Plus 002 Locked 003 Engine stop 004 Park brake release 005 Engine start 006 Fast 007 Slow 008 Unlocked 009 Rock shaft lower 010 Minus* cap painted black over white toallow customer laser etching28 Jul 21Dimensions are shown: Inches (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to changePushbuttonABA27,95 REF [1.100]20,35[.801]1,5[.059]7,6[.299]17,4[.685]2X 7,5[.295]2X 4[.157]2X 1,81[.071]12,35[.486]5,7[.224]DOWN POSITION0,85[.033]PANEL THICKNESS DIM A (0.05 MM)DIM B (0.05 MM)1 MM [0.039 IN]13.70 MM [0.539 IN]13.00 MM [0.512 IN]2 MM [0.079 IN]13.80 MM [0.539 IN]13.00 MM [0.512 IN]3 MM [0.118 IN]13.90 MM [0.547 IN]13.10 MM [0.516 IN]THREADED BODYMIN PANEL THICKNESS 1 MM13.70 MM [0.539 IN]13.00 MM [0.512 IN]12SPST-NO-DBELECTRICAL SCHEMATIC34SEE SCHEMATICA 0.1 MM MIN CHAMFER ON THE LEADING EDGE OF MOUNTING HOLE IS RECOMMENDED FOR SNAP-IN VERSION.M13 X 1.25-6gTHREADEDPANEL CUTOUTSNAP-IN1243APB SeriesBacklit Pushbutton SwitchThird Angle Projection28 Jul 21Dimensions are shown: Inches (mm)Specifications and dimensions subject to changeh b u t t o nAPB SeriesBacklit Pushbutton SwitchW 12” WIRE LEADSZ SOLDER LUGB GOLDOPTIO N CODE CONTACT MATERIALBGoldE EPOXYAll models are epoxy sealedThird AngleProjection28 Jul 21LOCK WASHERPart Number 647D00A47APB SeriesBacklit Pushbutton SwitchHARDWARE。
C&K产品教材目录第一篇C&K公司发展与现状第3页一、C&K的发展第3页二、C&K的品质保证第4页三、C&K工程与服务第5页第二篇C&K产品综述第7页一、探测器类第7页1). 双鉴式移动探测技术第7页2). 智能双鉴式移动探测技术第8页3). 微波源监控第10页4). 自检技术第11页5). 红外视场单边触发技术第11页6). 红外主导技术第11页7). 双频声波感应技术第12页8). 无线传输----频谱扩展通信技术第12页二、报警控制主机第13页1). 组网功能第13页2). 密码操作功能第14页3). 指令功能第15页4). 防区功能第15页5). 防劫持功能第16页6). 声光功能第16页7). 自检功能第17页8). 人机对话功能第17页三、联网报警中心软件第18页1). C&K监察者Ⅱ软件的特点第18页2). C&K监察者Ⅱ软件的功能第19页第三篇C&K产品应用第20页一、探测器的应用第20页1). 环境要求第21页2). 探测器的选用第22页3). 探测器的视区性能第24页4). 误报问题第25页二、控制主机和报警中心特点综述第26页1). 组网方式简单方便第26页2). 报警信号准确具体第27页3). 强大的远程遥控功能第27页4). 报警控制器性能先进第28页5). 周密完善的防破坏功能第28页第一篇 C&K的发展及现状C&K防盗产品是1986年进入中国市场。
CKS 电子开关产品说明书
Dimensions are shown: Inch (mm)S w i t c h l o c kModels AvailableFeatures/Benefits • S nap-in mounting• Multi-pole and multi-position • Positive detentTypical Applications • Computers• Communication equipmentSpecificationsCONTACT RATING: Q contact material: 4 AMPS @ 125 V AC;1 AMP @ 250 V AC (UL) See page L-20 for additional ratings.ELECTRICAL LIFE: 10,000 make-and-break cycles at full load.CONTACT RESISTANCE: Below 10 m Ω typ. initial @2-4 V DC, 100 mA for both silver and gold plated contacts.INSULATION RESISTANCE: 109 Ω min.DIELECTRIC STRENGTH: 1,000 Vrms min. @ sea level.INDEXING: 45º or 90º, 2-3 positions.MaterialsSWITCH HOUSING & LOCK: One piece construction, 6/6 Nylon (UL 94V-2), black 4 disc tumbler mechanism.KEYS: One nickel plated brass key and one key with insert molded plastic head.TUMBLERS: Disc tumblers, brass.CONTACTS & TERMINALS: Q contact material: Copper, silverplated. See page L-20 for additional contact materials.NOTE: Any models supplied with Q or B contact material are RoHS compliant.NOTE: Specifications and materials listed above are for switchlocks with standard options. For information on specific and custom switchlocks, consult Customer Service Center.Build-A-SwitchTo order, simply select desired option from each category and place in the appropriate box. Available options are shown and described on pages L–19 and L–21. For additional options not shown in catalog, consult Customer Service Center.Switch and Lock FunctionP10113 SP, 90º Index, keypull pos. 1P20113 DP, 90º Index, keypull pos. 1 & 2P100AF SP, 45º Index, keypull pos. 1, 2 & 3P200AF DP, 45º Index, keypull pos. 1, 2 & 3P1011U SP, 90º Index, keypull pos. 1 & 2Contact Material Q SilverG Gold over silverKeying2 Two nickel plated brass keys T One nickel plated brass key with insert molded plastic square head and onenickel plated brass key Lock FinishM Plastic lock with matte finish Terminations 03 Solder lug WC Wire leadLock Color 2 BlackLock Type C 4 tumbler lock with detent Key Color 2 BlackNONE Nickel plated brassSwitchlockA 126.798(20,26)1.635(41,52).775(19,68)NICKEL PLATED BRASS KEYKey part number: 115140126Code number on this side,logo on opposite side.TERMINAL NUMBERS MOLDED ON HOUSING= Detent Positions (45º or 90º)= Key pull possible in these positions.= Stop PositionsLEGENDTERMINAL NUMBERST erminal numbers molded on housing.Part number shown: P100AFTCM03Q22NOTE: All orders keyed alike with code number on key. For more than one key code, replacement keys, or other special features, consult Customer Service Center.All models with all options when ordered with ‘Q’ contact material..948(24,07)1.766(44,85).775(19,68)NICKEL PLATED BRASS KEY WITH PLASTIC INSERT MOLDED SQUARE HEADKey part number: 11599112602NOYES 1 NICKEL PLATED BRASS KEYS, WITHPLASTIC INSERT MOLDED SQUARE HEAD &1 NICKEL PLATED BRASS KEYTNOYES2 NICKEL PLATED BRASS KEYS2CODE NO.ON LOCKCODE NO.ON KEYKEYING OPTIONSOPTION CODES w i t c h l o c kC 4 TUMBLER LOCK WITH DETENTPLASTIC LOCK WITH MATTE FINISHSOLDER LUGWIRE LEADSwitchlock Key Code: A1264 TUMBLERPART NO. (ONE KEY)115140126Material: BrassFinish: Nickel plateKey Code: A1264 TUMBLERPART NO. (ONE KEY)1159112602BLACKMaterial: BrassFinish: Nickel plate6/6 Nylon insert moldedhead。