九年级英语 随堂测试卷




Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!随堂检测一、选择填空。

( ) 1. I haven’t seen you ____ last Saturday.A. forB. sinceC. fromD. on( ) 2. The bridge is made ____ stone.A. byB. fromC. ofD. up( ) 3. I don’t know if he _____ tomorrow. If he ____, I’11 meet him.A. will come, comesB. comes, comesC. will come, will comeD. comes, will come ( ) 4. He’s never watched such an important match, ____?A. hasn’t heB. has heC. isn’t heD. is he( ) 5. This kind of computer is made ____ Beijing.A. ofB. inC. byD. from( ) 6. —____ does your father go to see a film? —Once a week.A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How far( ) 7. I don’t know _____ Tom will go or not.A. whatB. whetherC. howD. when( ) 8. Where’s Kate? She _____ London.A. goB. wentC. has been toD. has gone to ( ) 9. It is said that SARS has killed more than _____ people worldwide.A. three hundredsB. three hundreds’C. three hundred’sD. three hundred ( ) 10. Let’s go swimming, _____?A. shall weB. will youC. won’t youD. do you think ( ) 11. I met a friend of _____ on _____ way to the shop.A. her, herB. his, myC. mine, mineD. your, yours ( ) 12. I decided _____ here for another week.A. stayB. staysC. stayingD. to stay( ) 13. _____ is not very hard to learn English.A. ThisB. ThatC. HeD. It( ) 14. _____ are endangered animals.A. DogsB. ChickensC. PandasD. Sheep( ) 15. Animals in zoos should _____ good care of.A. takeB. be takenC. tookD. be taking二、完形填空。



初三英语随堂检测题(牛津版)同学们在学习的过程中是用什么样的方法来巩固自己所学的知识点呢?学到小编建议大家多做一些与之相关的题,接下来就为大家整理了初三英语随堂检测题(牛津版),希望大家学习愉快!1.The girls sweet voice_______ the well-known musicians attention.A.lostB.paidC.attractedD.gave2.You can see flowers on ________ side of the road.A.bothB.eachC.allD.every3.Youd better TV too often. Its bad for your eyes.A.to watchB.watchC.not to watchD.not watch4. All the people like playing football._________.A. You are welcomeB. I cant play itC. So we doD. I dont think so5.Shall we go to the cinema?__________.A. Thats nothingB. Good ideaC. Youre wrongD. Thank you6.Maths is more important to learn than English..I think Maths is as important as English.A. Yes, I agreeB. You are quite rightC. I am afraid I disagree with youD. Its really so。

Unit1随堂测试2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语(word版 答案)

Unit1随堂测试2021-2022学年人教版九年级英语(word版 答案)


(每小题2分,共20分)( )1、Just be _______;You can’t lose your weight in a day.A,careful B,patient C,honest( )2、She practices ________ English every day so that she can pass the exam.A,speak B,speaking C,to speak( )3、_________ exercise you take ,_____ you will be.A,The fewer ;the fatter B,The less ;the fat C,The less ,the fatter( )4、He spoke very quickly.It was too hard _____ what he said.A, understand B,understanding C,to understand( )5、Must I wear the school uniform on school days?________ .It’s one of the school rules.A,I don’t think so . B,I’m afraid so C,So it is .( )6、We still know little about the Moon _____ men have landed on it .A,if B,although C,because( )7、My cousin is really ______ .She likes to attend different activities after school. A,active B,quiet C,lazy( )8、_______ did you tell Mary about the story?By_______ an email.A,Where ;send B,How ;sending C,What ;to send( )9、I don’t know _______ next.A,how can do B,what to do C,where doing( )10、Which bicycle should I choose ,sir?It _______ what you want to use it for.A,takes on B,puts on C,depends on二、完型填空。



Unit 1 随堂小测试 1Ⅰ. 根据所给的汉语意思,用正确的单词填空.1。

I don’t believe some people are (天生的) clever。

Wisdom (智慧) comes from experience。

2. In (总的), Eric is a creative boy。


I don’t think life is like a (竞赛). It is more like a journey。


Steve Jobs was a great (开拓者)。

And because of his great success, Apple can go further.5. South Korea has taken the (领先地位) in ship—building.Ⅱ。



Tom was punished by his parents for his (careless)。

2. After several (miss) he finally hit the target (目标)。


The job (it)is exciting,but the working condition needs improving。

4. Mr Wu is a good teacher and he has (devote) himself to his work.5。

We must make a careful plan before we start, because we can’t afford (make) any mistakes。


单项选择( ) 1. — Will Andy achieve success in the contest?— Of course。

His works always .A. agree B。

shout C. come D. show( ) 2. - Your job is your standard this time, Eric。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit1 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit1  随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit1 随堂小测(1069)1.If yo u wa n t to be a g o od te ac he r,yo u sh o u ld be with s tud e n ts .()A.p a tie n tB.su r p r is edC.ne r vo u sD.u n f r ien d ly2.c a re f u l yo u a re,mis ta k e s yo u will ma k e.()A.T he mo r e; the le s sB.T he mo r e; th e f e we rC.T he le s s; th e les sD.T he le s s; th e fe we r3.M y p a r en ts ta u gh t me ho w to s p en d mo n e y .T he y d id n't wa n t me to wa s te mo ne y.()A.lo u d lyB.ca r e le s s lyC.wis e lyD.h a pp ily4.—Co u ld I b o r r o w yo u r d ic tion a r y—Su r e,h e re yo u a re.Yo u c an us e it to n e w wor d s.()A.lo o k u pB.loo k d o wnC.loo k o u tD.lo o k a f te r5.Wh e the r we'll g o on a p icn ic to mo r r o w th e wea th e r.()A.g e ts o nB.de pe n d s onC.g ive s u pD.tak e s u p6.Th e c o ff e e is ho t th a t I c an't d r in k it u p.()A.su chB.soC.tooD.e n ou gh7.I h a ve two ro o ms,bu t I d on't k n o w .()A.to live; to ch oo s e wh ic h o n eB.to live in; wh ich one to ch oo s eC.live; wh ich on e to ch o o seD.to live in; to c ho o se wh ich on e8.D o n't g ive u p..So ke e p on p ra c tic in g,a nd yo u'll ma k e g r ea t p ro g r es s.()A.It's a p ie c e of c ak eB.It s e r ve s yo u r ig h tC.U s e it o r lo s e itD.P r a c tice ma k e s p e r fe c t9.Fil ms p r o vid e mo r e t h a n ju s t fu n.Fo r ma n y p e o p le,wa tch ing f o r e ig n la n gu ag e f ilms is a wa y to d e ve lo p their la ng u ag e s k ills.11 s o me mig h t me e t with d iff ic u lti e s when wa tc h ing a f ilm.If yo u a r e o n e o f th e m,I'd l ik e to g ive yo u s o me12to h e lp yo u g e t th e mo s t f u n o u t of wa tc h ing a f ilm in En g lis h.C ho o se a f ilm t h a t y ou13.If yo u lik e ac tio n f ilms,wa tc h an a c tio n f ilm,lik e S ta r Wa r s.If yo u lik e co me d ie s,wa tc h a co me d y—a n yt h in g with H ug h G ra n t (a B r itish a c to r)in a lwa ys p r o vid e sa(n)14 !It's s imp le e no u gh.C ho o se so me t h in g t ha t yo u a re f a milia r(熟悉的) w it h.It's b e s t to15with s o me th ing s imp le.In th is wa y,yo u c an u nd e r s tan d th e f ilmmo r e16 .D isn ey f i lms s u c h a s T h e L io n K ing an d Tan g led ar e c la s s ice x a mp le s.O th e r c a rto o n s s u ch a s U p a nd T h e L eg o M o v ie a re a ls o en jo ya b le.A s k f r ien ds17ad v ic e.P e r ha p s yo u r f r ie n d s ha ve a lr e ad y s e e n so me E ng lis h f ilms.If s o,18 ma y b e a b le to te ll yo u wh a t f ilms a r e in te re s tin g.I f y ou n e ed t o,u s e t h e su b t it le s(字幕).Fo r b e g in n e rs,su b title s a r e ve r y 19.It's O K to u s e su b title s in yo u r o wnla n g ua g e.B u t fo r mo r e ad va n ce d(高阶的) le a r ne r s,wh y n o t 20 u s in g E ng lis hs u b title s?In th is way,yo u c a n c o nn e c t the m with the wo r d s sp ok e n on th e s c re e n,a nd it c a n h e lp yo u d e ve lop yo u r la n gu a ge f u r the r.(1)A.IfB.B u tC.B ec a u seD.S o(2)A.s ig n sB.the me sC.ad vic eD.p r e s su r e(3)A.n o tic eB.p la yC.en jo yD.ma r k(4)u ghB.se r vic eC.an s we rD.h o pe(5)A.sh a r eB.ch e ckC.ta lkD.s ta r t(6)A.fa ir lyB.pa tie n tlyC.luc k ilyD.e a s ily(7)A.fo rB.inC.f ro mD.o n(8)A.weB.the yC.heD.sh e(9)A.h a r d e f u lC.na tu r a lD.b o r ing(10)A.ima g ineB.d isc u s sC.co n s id e rD.a llo w10.You ma y f e e l c u r iou s ab o u t s tu de n ts in oth e r co u n tr ie s: D o th ey a ls o h a ve s o mu chh o me wo r k?Wh a t do th e y d o in th e ir sp a r e time?O n Ap r il 8,a re po r t c a me o u t o n th e live s o f h ig h s c h o o l s tu d e n t s i n C h i n a,J a p a n,S o u th Ko r e a an d th e US.It s u r ve ye d a r o u nd 6,200 s tu d en ts f r om th e f o u r co un tr ie s las t ye a r.Yo u will f in d th e an s we r s to ma n y o f yo u r q u e s tion s in th is r e po r t.W h o s tu d ie s ha r de s tC h ine s e s tu de n ts s pe nd th e mo s t time s tu d yin g.Ne a r ly h a lf o f Ch in e s e s tud e n ts s pe nd mo r e th a n two ho u r s o n th e ir h o me wo r k e ve r y d a y.T h a t's mu c h mo r e th a n s tu d en ts o f the U S (26.4%),J a p an(8.2%) a nd S o u th Ko r ea(5.2%).W h o s le ep s mo s t o f ten in c la s sJ ap an e s e s tud en ts fa ll a s le e p in c la s s mo s t o f te n.A b ou t 45% o f th em s a id th e y s o me time s d o z e o ff (打瞌睡) in c la s s.In So u th Ko r e a,it's 32%; in th e US,21%; a n d 5% in Ch in a.S o u th Ko r e a n s tu de n ts d on't lik e ta k in g n o tes.Ab ou t 70% sa id th ey wr i te d o wn wh a t th e te a c he r sa ys in c la s s,mu c h f e we r tha n in J ap a n (93%),C h in a (90%) an d the US (89%).W h o is the mo s t d is tra c te d(分心的)?A me r ic a n s tud en ts a r e n o t o n ly th e m o s t a c tive in c la s s,bu t a ls o the mo s t d is tr a c ted: 64.2% s a id th e y c h a t with f r ie n d s in c las s; 46.9% sa id th e y e a t sn a ck s in c la s s; a n d 38.9% s a id th e y s e n d e-ma ils o r r e a d u n re la te d(无关的) b oo k s in c las s.W h a t d o th e y d o a f ter s c h oo lIn th e ir s p a r e time,mo s t C h in e se s tu de n ts s tu d y o r s u r f th e In te r n e t.Mo s t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts h a ng o u t with th e ir f r ien d s.M o s t J a p a ne s e s tud en ts d o phys ic a l e xe r c is e.M o s t S o u th Ko r e a n s tu de n ts wa tc h TV.(1)In th e r ep o r t,who s tu d ie s ha r de s t?()A.J a p an e se s tud e n ts.B.C h in e s e s tu de n ts.C.A me r ic a n s tud e n ts.D.S ou th Ko r e an s tud en ts.(2)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge()A.93% o f J a pa n e se s tu d en ts lik e ta k ing n o te s in c la s s.B.Mo s t C h in e s e s tu den ts d o ph ys ic a l e x e r c is e a f te r c la s s.C.38.9% o f A me r ic a n s tu d en ts ta lk with f r ien d s in c la ss.D.S ou th Ko r e an s tud en ts f a ll a s le e p in c la s s mo s t o f te n.(3)In C h in a,h o w ma n y s tu d e n ts fa ll a s leep in c la s s?()A.45%.B.32%.C.21%.D.5%.(4)W ha t do mo s t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts do in the ir f r e e time?()A.Do ph ys ic a l e x e r c ise.B.S tu d y o r s u r f th e Inte r n e t.C.Wa tch TV.D.Ha n g o u t with the ir f r ie n d s.(5)W ha t is the a r tic le a b ou t()A.It is a re p o r t a bo u t th e s tud e n ts' le s s o n s in f ou r co u n tr ies.B.It is a n a r tic le a bo ut th e s tud en ts' s tu d y a n d lif e in f ou r c o un tr ie s.C.It is a s to r y a b o u t stu d e n ts' s p o r ts a f te r cla s s.D.It te lls u s th a t A me r ic a n s tu d en ts do n't li k e s tud yin g.11.最近,学校就天空英语俱乐部的英语学习内容设置做了意向调查(调查结果见下面图表)。






1.What team did Steve use to be on?A. The swimming team.B. The football team.C. The tennis team.2.What does the woman mean?A. It's time to go to bed.B. It's too early to go to bed.C. She has too much work to do.3.How does the man go to work?A. By subway.B. By car.C. By bus.4.What’s the girl looking for?A. The post office.B. The museum.C. The supermarket.5.What did the girl go to Thailand for?A. Going on business.B. Visiting a friend.C. Going on vacation.第二节听下面几段对话。



听下面一段对话,回答第6-7两个小题6.Where does the conversation probably happen?A. In a factory.B. In a shopping mall.C. In a school.7. Which floor is the restroom on?A. The first floor.B. The second floor.C. The third floor.听下面一段对话,回答第8-9两个小题8.Why does the boy call English Help Center?A. He wants to join the English club.B. He has some problems with English.C. He wants to help others with their English.9.What is the boy weak in?A. Speaking and writing.B. Speaking and listening.C. Listening and writing.听下面一段对话,回答第10-12三个小题10.When is the boy’s math test?A. This Thursday.B. Next Thursday.C. This Friday.11.How was the boy’s English exam last week?A. It was excellent.B. It was terrible.C. It was not bad.12.Why is the girl worried?A. Because she lost her new bike.B. Because she didn’t take the geography exam.C. Because she isn’t good at chemistry.听下面一段对话,回答第13-15三个小题13.How long haven’t they seen each other?A. For 2 years.B. For 4 years.C. Since 2 weeks ago.14.What did the man use to wear?A. Suits.B. T-shirts.C. Jeans.15.Where does the man work now?A. In a school. B. In a bank. C. In a company.第三节 听下面一篇短文。

九年级英语人教版全册 Unit1_随堂小考(含答案)

九年级英语人教版全册 Unit1_随堂小考(含答案)

Unit 1 How can we become good learners?满分:100分时间:40分钟I. 单项选择(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)( ) 1. —I wonder how you have improved your spoken English so fast, Li Lei.—________ chatting with my foreign friend Mike. He’s been here for some time, you know.A. ByB. WithC. OnD. At( ) 2. Just be ________; you can’t lose your weight in a day.A. carefulB. patientC. honestD. brave( ) 3. Mr. Smith knows a lot about China ________ he has never been there.A. althoughB. untilC. ifD. since( ) 4. I know that boy has the ability ________ the differences between the two pictures in a short time.A. finds outB. found outC. finding outD. to find out( ) 5. —Try to sing more English songs, and you will find it interesting _______a foreign language.—That’s a good idea.A. learningB. learnsC. to learnD. learned( ) 6. —Can you tell me when the Boeing 737 MAX planes will by allowed to fly again, sir?—I’m afraid it’s still _______ to talk about that. We’ll see.A. late enoughB. early enoughC. too lateD. too early( ) 7. She dressed up ________ everyone night notice her.A. in order toB. in order thatC. althoughD. because of( ) 8. The ________we do for other people, the ________we will be.A. much; happierB. more; happyC. more; happierD. most; happiest( ) 9. —What’s the meaning of “One Belt and One Road”?—Let me ________ the words in the new dictionary.A. look atB. look forC. look afterD. look up( ) 10. —________ joining the English club with me?—Good idea.A. Would you likeB. Why notC. What aboutD. Could you pleaseII.完形填空(共10小题;每小题3分共30分)While studying English very hard, I started to feel aches in my eyes. They got tired very quickly when I read. It was not important whether the reason for it was books or I 11 too much time sitting in front of my computer. I should 12 the solution to my problem, for my quickly tired eyes. I thought I would not waste any more time doing 13 things. I tried to find an easier way to learn more. At the same time, I needed to let my 14 have a little rest. Suddenly, a bright thought came to me. Maybe I should learn English with 15 . I started to visit some websites for ways of learning English. I was lucky to find a very simple 16 , The Internet Picture Dictionary. It tells us that we can study and repeat English words with the help of pictures. That is to say, we can write the words on the pictures and learn vocabulary with them.I was glad to spend part of my time in this way and 17 the words under the funny pictures. The right words do not 18 come to our mind quickly, so we can use the pictures to help us. I’m sure that it is a great way to make your child learn new words 19 looking at the pictures. I would provide this program 20 children and beginners to help them increase their vocabulary. Try this simple way to improve your memory.11. A. paid B. cost C. spent D. took12. A. look out B. look for C. look in D. look after13. A. necessary B. important C. useless D. meaningful14. A. eyes B. ears C. head D. hands15. A. videos B. recorders C. pictures D. dictionaries16. A. website B. problem C. method D. thought17. A. draw B. imagine C. write D. describe18. A. never B. ever C. seldom D. always19. A. at B. with C. by D. for20. A. with B. for C. at D. fromIII. 阅读理解(共5小题,每小题5分,满分25分)Since 2018, the English listening and speaking test in Beijing has to be separated from the written one. And the listening and speaking test for all students who are taking senior high school entrance exams(中考) in Beijing is becoming more and more important. The test counts for 40 points in the whole English exam. During the 30-minute test, students have to fill in blanks, answer questions and retell stories after listening to different materials.The test is taken on a computer. They can take the test twice-once in December and again in March-to try to get the gigher possible score.“It pushes us to speak. Though it was hard at the beginning, it’s a good thing,” said Liu Haoxuan, from Beijing Dayu Middle School. He got a low score when he firsttook it last term. But the kept working hard in order to improve hispronunciation and other skills. He practiced speaking in front of amirror every day. Later, he got a score of 39 in the test.Liu Tianyou, 14, from Beijing Yuying Middle School, has hisown way to prepare for the spoken English test. He uses apps to takepractice tests every day. “The apps will score your performance so that you can improve accordingly,” he said. “Also, the practice tests help me learn to take notes properly. They help me grasp topic sentences and key words.”( ) 21. What do we know about the English listening and speaking test?A. Students have to take it twice a year.B. The test was introduced many years ago.C. It counts for 40 points in the whole English exam.D. Students can get high scores in the test easily.( ) 22. What do students have to do in the test?a. Fill in blanks.b. Answer questions.c. Retell stories.d. Write stories.A. abcB. abdC. acdD. bcd( ) 23. What do we know about Liu Tianyou?A. He got a score of 39 in the test.B. He failed the English listening and speaking test.C. Think twice before acting.D. Two heads are better than one.( )24. What do we know about Liu Tianyou?A. He got a score of 39 in the test.B. He practiced for the test by using apps.C. He failed the English listening and speaking test.D. He found it hard to get a good score.( ) 25. The passage mainly talks about _______.A. the difficulties students face in learning EnglishB. the improvement of English education in BeijingC. an English class that students in Beijing have to takeD. a new English test for students of Grade 9 in BeijingIV. 书面表达(满分25分)为了鼓励大家学好英语,你们准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。



Unit 1 随堂小测试 3Ⅰ。

单项选择( ) 1。

Do you want to leave now would you rather set off later?A. or B。

and C。

but D。

so( ) 2. — I know smoking is bad for my health, I just can't give it up.— It is easier said than done.A。

for B。

or C。

but D. so( ) 3。

- The job is really too hard for us.- It’s certainly a difficult job,it’s necessary to make a careful plan before we start。

A. forB. orC. but D。

so( ) 4. - I’ve really had a bad time in the past few days.- Just let go of the past, you can start again.A. and B。

but C. because D。

or( ) 5。

— It seems that my son often refuses to communicate with me。

— Try to put yourself in his shoes,he won’t be willing to open his heart to you。

A. tillB. orC. and D。

but() 6. — John, when shall we meet again, on Thursday or Friday?— is OK。

I'll be free from Wednesday to the weekend。

初中英语:九年级Unit1 SectionB 随堂检测(含答案)

初中英语:九年级Unit1 SectionB 随堂检测(含答案)

Unit1 How can we become good learners? Section B一、重点单词短语1.发音(v) (n) .2.提高阅读速度 .3.犯语法错误4.使发音正确 .5.天生具有6.学习能力 .7.关注发音 8.把…和…联系起来 .9. 从错误中学习 10.反复的,一再的 .二、单项选择()1. Lisa was so careless that she made many spelling in her homework.A. plansB. decisionsC. gradesD. mistakes( )2. She doesn't have a pen .A. writeB. to writeC. to write withD. writing with( )3. It's said that house prices in our city by 11% in 2016.A. increasedB. raisedC. improvedD. changed( )4. The light of the room was dim for Tom read last night.A. too; toB. enough; toC. too ;not toD. not enough; to( )5. Does your English teacher like to teach the new words vocabulary lists?A. by doingB. by makingC. to doD. on doing( )6. (芜湖市中考)Please pay attention to these words.A. spellingB. spelledC. spellsD. spell( )7. We need to keep and learn from mistakes.A. to practiceB. practicesC. practicingD. practice( )8.He is born the ability to sing.A. fromB. withC. inD. of:( )9.Mary is in the novel Monkey King.A. interesting; interestingB. interesting; interestedC. interested; interestingD. interested; interested( )10.Your dream won't come true you know what it is.A. afterB. unlessC. whileD. since( )11. (雅安市中考)As we all know, its not polite to keep others for a long time.A. waitB. waitedC. to waitD. waiting( )12 Mr. Li, I can't understand everything in class.一Don't worry! I'll the main points in the end.A. recordB. reviewC. requireD. remember( )13. -Jack, could you help me when the plane will take off on the Internet?一I'm sorry, my computer doesn't work.A. get outB. look out C take out D. find out( )14. (广安市中考)Finally, he became a very man by in selling china and tea.A. success; succeedB. successful; succeedC. successfully; succeedD. successful; succeeding( )15. I love reading books because I can have much from them.A. foodB. knowledgeC. moneyD. grammar三、用所给词的适当形式填空。



初三Unit4随堂测一.写出下列单词及词性1.有幽默感的,滑稽有趣的2.不说话的,沉默的3.有用的,有帮助的4.时常,有时5.得分,进球6.背景7.采访,面试8.亚洲的,亚洲人9.对付;对待 10. 应对;处理 11. 害羞;腼腆 12. 敢于;胆敢 13. 人群;观众 14.吨;大量;许多 15. 私人的;私密的 16. 警卫;看守 17. 需要;要求 18. 欧洲的;欧洲人 19. 非洲的;非洲人 20. 英国(人)的 21. 讲话;发言 22. 民众;公开的 23. 公开地;24. 蚂蚁 25. 昆虫 26. 不常;很少 27. 影响 28. 缺席;不在 29. 不及格;失败 30. 考试;审查 31. 寄宿学校 32. 亲身;亲自 33. 确切地;精确地 34. 自豪;骄傲 35. 为......感到自豪 36. 总的;普遍的;将军 37. 介绍二.默写短语1.过去常常2. 时常;有时3. 开始做4. 不再5. 为....担忧6. 闲逛7. 考虑8. 独处9. 当众 10. 在足球队 11. 不再 12. 做决定 13. 令某人吃惊的是 14. 尽管 15. 关心;想着 16.对.......注意;留心 17. 在过去的几年里 18. 害怕 19. 变红 20. 对付;应付 21. 很多关注 22. 当心 23. 放弃 24. 极少数的........25.作演讲 26. 一直;总是 27. 为.....骄傲 28. 对.....感兴趣 29.亲自30.改变某人的生活 31. 照顾 32. 为......感到自豪 33. ......之一 34.过去常常做某事 35. 害怕做某事 36. 必须做某事37.让某人做某事 38.放弃做某事 39. 尽力做某事 40. 足够.......而能够做某事 41. 准备做某事 42. 看见某人在做某事 43. 开始做某事(两种方式)44. 要求某人做某事 45. 决定做某事(两种)46. 很难相信.......47. 自从......以来已经有多长时间了。

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit9 随堂小测(练习题)

【初中英语】人教版九年级全一册Unit9  随堂小测(练习题)

人教版九年级全一册Unit9 随堂小测(1069) 1.—Do yo u k no w the b o y o ve r th e r e?—Th e o ne is h o ld in g a ba ll? O h,tha t's my n e ig h b o r P h il.()A.wh a tB.wh ic hC.whoD.不填2.—I will g o to the cou n tr ys id e to s e e my g r a n d mo th e r th is a f te r no o n,s o I c a n't g os wimmin g with yo u.—()A.It's my p le a s u r e.B.You'r e we lc o me.C.W h a t a p ity!D.S u re,I a m.3.M us ic c an ch a ng e h ow yo u f e e l.D iff e r ent k in d s o f mu s ic c an11 yo u in d iff e r e nt wa ys.M u s ic ma ke s yo u r e lax.M o s t s to re s p la y “b a ck g r ou n d”mu s ic.The lo ng e r c u s to me r s s tay in a s to r e,themo r e12 it will be f o r th e m to b u y s o me th in g.S o s to r e s tr y t o p la y mu s ic th a t th e ir c u s to me r s13.If yo u wa n t to re la x a t h o me,tr y lis te n in g to s o f t mu s ic o r mu s ic p r o du c ed b y yo u r f a vo r ite mu s ic a l in s tr u me n t.M u s ic is a h e a le r(医治者).W h en yo u'r e s ic k,try lis te n in g to so f t a n d 14 mu s ic.If yo u'r e f e e lin g s ad,p lay th e mu s ic yo u lik e.T h en te ll s o me o ne15it ma k e s yo u f e e l. A g r o up o f tee n s who h a d d ep r e s s ion(抑郁症)sh a r ed the ir f a vo rite16 with ea c h o th e r.Ea c h te ene x p la in e d wh y h e o r she like d th e so n g.Af ter17 it,th e tee ns s a id th e y f e lt be tte r.M u s ic h e lp s yo u to lea r n.M a n y r e c e n t s tu d ie s ha ve tr ie d to 18ho w mu s ic a nd lea r n ing g o to g e th e r.Do nC a mp b e ll,a n ex p e r t,b e lie ve s 19 c an ma k e pe o p le,e ve n b ab ie s,mo r e c r ea tive,s ma r te r,h e a lth ie r an d h ap p ie r.So me e xp e r ts20 p la yin g s lo w mu s ic to h e lp yo u p a y a tte n tio n whe n yo u s tu d y.It ma y e ve n h e lp imp r o ve yo u r me mo r y.N o ma tte r wh a t s tyle o f mu s ic yo u lik e,yo u ca n u s e it to h e lp yo u.(1)A.su pp o r tB.in f lu e nc eC.pr o te c tD.e d uc a te(2)A.in te r e s tingB.co n ve n ie n tC.imp o r ta n tD.p o s s ib le(3)A.e n jo yB.ha teC.r e me mb e rD.fo rg e t(4)A.fo r e ignB.lou dC.no is yD.re la x ing(5)A.wh yB.ho wC.whe nD.wh a t(6)A.s ta r sB.s to r ie sC.so n gsD.sp o r ts(7)A.ta lk in g a bo u tB.pa r tin g withC.th in k ing o fD.lo o k in g fo r(8)A.re q ue s tB.h id eC.ex p la inD.c h oo s e(9)A.to ysB.mu s icC.bo ok sD.s mile s(10)A.s ta r tB.ke epC.su g ge s tD.p r a c tice4.M a rga r e t P o r te r is a vio lin is t an d mu s ic tea c h e r.A cc o r d in g to h e r,th e be s t a g e to s t a r t le a r n ing th e vio lin is b e twee n th re e an d s ix.Sh e sa ys,“It's th e time wh e n yo u a r e le a r n ing a bo u t th e wo rld.” M a rg a re t,wh o live s in Lo n do n,lik es to ta ke p up ils a t th r e e a n d fo u r.H o we ve r,s h e h a s ma d e lo ts o f e xc e p tion s f o r f ive-ye a r-o ld s.S he s ta r te d te a c h in g the vio lin in 1972an d sh e ta ug h t he r c h ildr e n's f ive-ye a r-o ld s c h oo l f r ie nd s a t f ir s t.M a rg a r e t's p up ils h a ve g ro u p le ss o ns.E ac h g r o up h a s ab ou t twe lve pu p ils a nd e a ch le s s on ta k e s a n h ou r,o n ce h a lf a mo n th.E ac h p u p il a ls o h a s o ne individ u a l(个人的) le s son a wee k with h e r.P a re n ts h a ve to a tte nd th e c la s s e s.It is imp o r tan t tha t the p a re n ts ta ke a n in te re s t in th e le s so n s.In M a rg a r e t's o p in ion,it's imp o r ta n t f o r o n e to kn o w wh y mu s i c s ou n d s th e wa y itd oe s.With ou t k no win g it,on e c an't b e c o me a g r e a t mu s ic ia n a t a ll.S of ro m th e e a r lies t le s s o n s,pu p ils in h er c la ss lea r n to p la y b y e a r.T he y d o n o t e ven tr y to re a d mu s ic u n til th e y h a ve b e e n p la ying f o r s e ve r a l ye a r s.M a rg a r e t sa ys th a t h e r me th o d is n o t me a n t to p r o du c e g r e a t vio lin ists.S he a lwa ys s u g ge s ts th a t pu p ils who pe r f o r m ve r y we ll s h o u ld le a ve a nd s tud y th e vio lin u s in g mo r e tra d itio n a l me th od s.(1)M a rg ar e t's f ir s t p u p ils we r e .()A.h e r f r ie n d sB.s ix-ye a r-o ld sC.he r ch ild r en's f r ie n d sD.th r e e-ye a r-o ld s a nd f o u r-ye a r-o ld s(2)Ho w ma n y g r o u p les s o n s d o th e p up ils have a mo n th()A.1.B.2.C.3.D.4.(3)W ha t do e s M a rg ar et th in k o f the ex c e llent p u p ils in he r c la s s()A.T he y s h o u ld p r a c tice h a rd e r.B.T he y s h o u ld g o so me wh e r e e ls e to lea r n.C.T he y will b e c o me mu s ic te ac he r s lik e h e r.D.T he y will b e c o me gr e a t vio lin is ts u s in g he r me th o d.(4)W ha t will M a rga r e t p r ob a b ly s a y wh e n s he in tr od u ce s he r c la s se s to p a r en ts?()A.T he r e a r e g r ou p violin le s s on s f o r yo u r ch ild r e n—no mo r e tha n 5in e ac h g r o up.B.Le a r n to p la y th e vio lin with yo u r c h ild r en—2 le s so n s a wee k.C.You will h a ve to watc h yo u r c h ild re n le a rn to p la y th e vio lin.D.I'l l lo o k a f te r yo u r c h ild r en wh ile yo u le ar n th e vio lin.(5)W ha t do e s th e p a s sa g e ma in ly ta lk a b ou t?()A.W he n c h ild r en sh ould le a r n th e vio lin.B.W h a t M a rga r e t's te a c h in g me th o d is.C.W h y it is imp o r ta n t to r e ad mu s ic.D.Ho w Ma rg a r e t le a r nt th e vio lin.5.假设在英语课上老师让你们欣赏了电影《太空大灌篮》的主题曲I B e liev e I Ca n F ly。



Unit 6 When was it invented?随堂测试一、选择填空1.—In my opinion,not all inventions were invented by accident.—Well,you do seem to have point.Inventing needs much time and hard work.A.an;aB.an;theC./;aD./;the2.—Why are the mobile phones sold so well in your store,Mr.Wang?—Because almost every likes their styles.A.heroB.rulerC.pioneerD.customer3.Many people believe that tea first in China about 5,000 years ago.A.drankB.is drunkC.was drunkD.has drunk4.—Who will win the match,can you guess?—There is no ________ that Jane will be the winner because she is the best player. A.project B.problem C.reason D.doubt5.—How nice it ________!Mom,you must be cooking fish now.—Yes,please wash your hands and have dinner.A.sounds B.looks C.smells D.tastes6.—Look,________ is dancing under the tree.—Oh,that's my cousin,Anna.A.everybody B.anybody C.nobody D.somebody7.—What do you think of your English teacher?—I like him very much.He is ________ kind ________ hard-working.A.either;or B.neither;nor C.nor;or D.not only;but also8. —Many thanks for what you’ve done for us.—________.A. Don’t mention itB. Never mindC. That’s rightD. You seem to have a point9. It ________ that people once used tree leaves to make paper.A. saidB. is saidC. saysD. was said10. —Where is your father?—He isn’t in. He _______ to go to Shanghai on business last week.A. toldB. was toldC. askedD. will be told答案:1.ADCDC 6.DDBBB二、根据提示完成句子1.The earthquake affected the ____________(day) life of thousands of people.2.In my opinion,Yang Liwei and Jing Haipeng are both national____________ (hero).3.In the CD Reloaded,Lu Han showed us his ____________ (music)talent.4.Hallyu(韩流)is the growing____________ (popular)of R.O.Korean pop culture in China.5.The artist doesn’t paint for money but for his own ____________ (please).答案:daily; heroes; musical; popularity; pleasure三、完形填空Robots seem new to most people,but they have a long history.The first one was made __1_ a Greek inventor.You may see robots in some films.The robots in these films are stronger,__2__ and cleverer than people.In real life,most robots are used in factories.They are used__3__ many dangerous,difficult or boring jobs.Some people can't __4__ themselves and robots are used to help them.For example,some people can't __5_,so many of these people use a dog to help them move around.This dog is called a guide dog.Scientists are __6__ a robot in order to help them.In the future,robot dogs __7__ take the place of these guide dogs.Robots are also used in American hospitals.At one hospital,a robot takes meals __8__ the kitchen to the sick people's rooms.It never loses its __9_ because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system.In the future,robots will work in space.But robots will __10__ take the place of humans.They can only help us in a lot of different ways.1.A.on B.by C.with D.forzier B.faster C.worse D.more3.A.do B.to doing C.to do D.does4.A.look for B.look around C.look up D.look after5.A.see B.walk C.hear D.smell6.A.making B.taking C.getting D.doing7.A.can B.might C.need D.must8.A.in B.from C.under D.out9.A.mind B.interest C.way D.idea10.A.often B.always C.sometimes D.never答案:BBCDA ABBCD四、阅读理解Chinese are very generous when it comes to educating their children. Not caring about the money,parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the United States or Australia. They also want their children to take extra-course activities where they will learn a musicalinstrument or ballet or other classes which will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that themore expensive an education is, the better it is. So the parents will spend an unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples will buy a computer for their son or daughter.However, what most parents fail to see is that the best early education they can give their children isusually very cheap.Parents can see that their children's skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize though, is that today's children lack self-respect and self-confidence.The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study well, but parents aren't teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing housework.Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that the will need later in life. Cooking demands patience and time. It's an enjoyable but difficult experiment. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually to finish his job successfully. His result, a well-cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of self-confidence.Some old machines, such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your children to play with will make him curious and arouse his interest He will spend hours looking at them, trying to fix them ; your childmight become an engineer when he grows up. These activities aren't merely teaching a child to read a book, but rather to think, to use his mind. And that is more important.1. Parents in China, according to this passage, _________.A. are too strict with their childrenB. are too rich to educate their childrenC. have some problems in educating their children correctlyD. are too poor to educate their children2. Generally speaking, children's skills _________.A. come from their parentsB. have nothing to do with their educationC. may be differentD. have something to do with their marks in the exams3. The write of this passage doesn't seem to be satisfied with _________.A. the parents' idea of educating their childrenB. the education systemC. children's skillsD. children's hobbies4. Doing some cooking at home helps children _________.A. learn how to serve their parentsB. learn how to become strong and fatC. benefit from it and prepare themselves for the futureD. make their parents believe that they are clever5. According to the last paragraph, we can conclude that _________.A. broken radios and television sets are usefulB. one's curiosity may be useful for his later lifeC. an engineer must fix many broken radiosD. a good student should spend much time repairing radios答案CCBCB五、短文填词。

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit2 Section B

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit2 Section B

Unit2 Section B 同步卷4一、单选题。

1.— Jack, will your family move to Shanghai?— Yes. That's a very big ________ my parents made.A. decideB. decisionC. educationD. happiness2.I like these photos and they can ________ me ________ the life living in the countryside.A. think; ofB. remind; ofC. let; downD. wake; up3.My father was warned ________.A. not to stay upB. to stay upC. stay upD. not stay up4.—Thanks for your wonderful dinner. I have to go now.—It's raining hard. Please __________ the umbrella with you.A. takeB. tookC. takesD. takin g5.Han Han's books are popular. They __________ by many teenagers.A. is readB. was readC. are readD. had been read6.If he had really pulled the trigger, I would have __________ then and there.A. ends upB. ended upC. ending upD. end up7.________ is the most important festival in China.A. ChristmasB. The Spring FestivalC. Mid-Autumn DayD. National Day8.What does Lucy do after __________ the three pictures?A. seeB. sawC. seeingD. sees9.—What is Mum cooking in the kitchen?—Fish, I guess. How nice it __________!A. looksB. soundsC. tastesD. smells10.—Have you heard of Zhang Lili? She was seriously hurt in an accident in order to save one of her students.—__________ good teacher!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. What an二.用所给单词正确形式填空。



九年级英语期末随堂测1.—I want to buy a ticket to the movie.—Sorry, we have ________ all the tickets.()[单选题] *A.put awayB.put outC.take offD.sold out(正确答案)2.By the end of last term, they ________ over 2,000 English words.() [单选题] * A.learnedB.has learnedC.had learned(正确答案)D.learn3.You can’t lose weight ________ you eat healthily and exercise often.() [单选题] * A.ifB.unless(正确答案)C.as long asD.as soon as4.─The boy can speak both English and Japanese __________ he is only ten. ─Wow,what a clever boy!() [单选题] *A.ifB.becauseC.although(正确答案)D.when5.I think Amy is suitable for being ________ an accountant ________ a doctor. She is too careless.() [单选题] *A.Both; andB.either; orC.not only; but alsoD.neither; nor(正确答案)6.His cousin is a humorous man. He makes us ________ all the time.() [单选题] * A.laughsB.laughingC.to laughD.laugh(正确答案)7.Although it is ________ to wear a helmet for a long time, it can protect your head.() [单选题] *A.specialB.uncomfortable(正确答案)C.crowdedD.unsure8.—You have made great progress on your study.—Thank you. I believe ________ you work, the better grades you will get. () [单选题] *A.the more carelessB.the more carefulC.the worseD.the harder(正确答案)9.He made a lot of money and became very________.() [单选题] *A.poorB.weakC.rapidD.wealthy(正确答案)10.—Did you study any other languages ___ English when you were at college? —Yes, I studied three. But I have forgotten all _____ a few words of each. () [单选题] * A.besides; besidesB.but; exceptC.except; exceptD.besides; except(正确答案)11.—What about using public chopsticks when we eat together in the restaurant?—________. It will help us avoid getting ill. () [单选题] *A.Not reallyB.I don’t think soC.Good idea(正确答案)D.I’m afraid not12.Uncle Wang ________the electricity and water in his house before going on holiday.() [单选题] *A.took offB.turned onC.shut off(正确答案)D.put on13.Mr. White is expected ________ the chess competition.() [单选题] * A.winningB.winC.to win(正确答案)D.won14.Li Ling’s mother wanted to know ________.() [单选题] *A.how did she study at schoolB.what she has studied at schoolC.whether did she study hard at schoolD.if she studied hard at school(正确答案)15.Her sister took away everything ___________ belonged to her.() [单选题] * A.that(正确答案)B.whichC.whatD.whose16.English is used ________ the first language ________ Americans.() [单选题] * A.as, asB.for, byC.as, by(正确答案)D.for, as17.I didn’t ________ I made a mistake unless the next day.() [单选题] *A.fixB.tellC.realize(正确答案)D.except18.The boy found ________ easy to fly kites.() [单选题] *A.thatB.it(正确答案)C.thisD.it’s19.Maria _____________ watch TV, but now she _____________ listening to music.() [单选题] *A.used to;is used to(正确答案)B.is used to;used toC.used to;used toD.is used to;is used to20.We are supposed ____ some housework with our parents when we have free time. () [单选题] *A.to share(正确答案)B.sharingC.sharedD.share21.—What’s your teacher like?—She is always strict ________ us. () [单选题] * A.inB.with(正确答案)C.toD.for22.Smoking is bad for our health. Everyone should ________ cigarettes. () [单选题] *A.keep away from(正确答案)B.keep smokingC.keep fromD.keep out23.—Susongdong Railway Station has finished building. I’m very excited about it!—_______ I want to see the Opening Ceremony(通车典礼).() [单选题] *A.No problem!B.Pardon.C.Me, too.(正确答案)D.Afraid not.24.—Please show me your health code (码), either on Wechat or Alipay. —________. Here it is..() [单选题] *A.It’s nothingB.Be carefulC.Go aheadD.No problem(正确答案)25.—Where are you from? Please ________ it on the map.—OK..() [单选题] * A.mark(正确答案)B.printC.compareD.support26.— I think teenagers should sleep at least 8 hours every day.—________ Enough sleep is good for their health. () [单选题] *A.I agree with you.(正确答案)B.I don’t think so.C.It doesn’t matter.D.I don’t mind.27.The boy has actually ________ what he has done to the girl. He will apologize to her..() . [单选题] *A.correctedB.invitedC.regretted(正确答案)D.expected28.— I think the room will look better if we move the picture over there. —________. What a nice idea! () [单选题] *A.No wayB.My pleasureC.I agree(正确答案)D.I hope not29.—________ you are rich or poor, you should study hard.—You’re right. ________ I work harder, I will have a better future. () [单选题] *A.If; WhetherB.Whether; If(正确答案)C.If; IfD.Whether; Unless30.—Who helped Betty take out the trash just now?—________. She took it out all by herself..() [单选题] *A.SomebodyB.Nobody(正确答案)C.EverybodyD.Anybody31..----I’d like a cup of black coffee. What about you, Maggie?--- I prefer coffee______ sugar.() [单选题] *A.thanB.forC.with(正确答案)D.to32.Uncle Wang ________the electricity and water in his house before going on holiday..() [单选题] *A.took offB.turned onC.shut off(正确答案)D.put on33.In the Wolong Panda Reserve, visitors ________ to get closer to pandas..() [单选题] *A.allowB.allowedC.are allowingD.are allowed(正确答案)34.—Do you think Tina is a very ________ girl?—Yes. And she’s popular with everyone in our class..() [单选题] *A.seriousB.strangeC.lively(正确答案)D.strict35.You ________ lunch at school. So you don’t have to bring your own food..() [单选题] *A.giveB.will giveC.are given(正确答案)D.have given36.Nowadays, Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners. I’m really proud of it..() [单选题] *A.are spokenB.is spoken(正确答案)C.spokeD.has spoken37.The National Cartoon Exhibition ________ in Shanghai every year for fans of all ages..() [单选题] *A.is held(正确答案)B.was heldC.has been heldD.will be held38.They don’t allow ________ in the waiting room..() [单选题] *A.to smokeB.smoking(正确答案)C.smokesD.smoked39.Sandy seldom goes out at weekends because reading ________ most of her free time..() [单选题] *A.takes up(正确答案)B.takes onC.takes offD.takes out40.—Our classroom is so clean. Who’s cleaned it, Li Ming?—Sorry, I don’t know. I think _________ did it before class..() [单选题] *A.somebody(正确答案)B.nobodyC.everyoneD.anyone41.—I want to watch TV the whole day after the long journey.—You shouldn’t watch TV too much. It’s bad________your eyes. () [单选题] *A.withB.inC.onD.for(正确答案)42.—Who ________ the way ________ the hotel?—The boy in red. He is warm-hearted. () [单选题] *A.lead; toB.led; to(正确答案)C.will lead; intoD.has led; into43.——How is your grandma?——She’s fine. She used to_____TV at home after supper. But now she is used to_____out for a walk. () [单选题] *A.watch;goB.watching;goC.watching;goingD.watch;going(正确答案)44.Of the two math problems, I can just work out _________ one.() [单选题] * A.the less difficult(正确答案)B.more difficultC.the more difficultD.less difficult45.What our society is like is decided by ________everyone chooses to behave.()[单选题] *A.whereB.whenC.how(正确答案)D.why46.—Steven had nothing for breakfast this morning,_________?—No. Because he had a fever.() [单选题] *A.hadn't heB.had heC.didn't heD.did he(正确答案)47.— Could you please tell me _________ buy a magazine? — There is a bookstore on the third floor. () [单选题] *A.how can IB.where can IC.how I canD.where I can(正确答案)48.---Is there________else in the classroom?---It is empty._________ is listening to a speech in the school hall.() [单选题] *A.anyone; AnyoneB.anyone; Everyone(正确答案)C.everyone; AnyoneD.everyone; Everyone49.He ___________ the office. He is having a meeting.() [单选题] *A.is absent inB.absent inC.absent fromD.is absent from(正确答案)50.We didn’t get on well and he often made me ________.() [单选题] *A.angry(正确答案)B.angrilyC.to be angryD.am angry51.—I don’t know the new word.—It doesn’t matter, you can ________ in the dictionary.() [单选题] *A.look up itB.look it up(正确答案)C.look it forD.look out52.Li Ling’s mother wanted to know ________.() [单选题] *A.how did she study at schoolB.what she has studied at schoolC.whether did she study hard at schoolD.if she studied hard at school(正确答案)53.—What did Tina say? —Sorry, I didn’t ________ what she said.() [单选题] * A.pay attention to(正确答案)B.get on withC.make upD.look forward to54.—I don’t know ________.—Don’t worry. Let me tell you.() [单选题] *A.what does Hansel go out to getB.when shall I become friends with my parentsC.how long has he had the bikeD.how high Mulan Mount is(正确答案)55.Can you remember _________ when I called you last night?() [单选题] * A.what were you doingB.what you were doing(正确答案)C.what you didD.what did you do56. I won't watch basketball matches_____ James is playing. He pays much attention to teamwork.() [单选题] *A.unless(正确答案)B.ifC.althoughD.since57.—I am worried about____I can enter a good high school or not.—Take it easy. Believe in yourself!() [单选题] *A.thatB.whenC.whether(正确答案)D.where58.—Wow! ______clean air we have today!—Yes. Look! A lot of adults are doing Kung fu over there. () [单选题] *A.HowB.What aC.How aD.What(正确答案)59.The man________ on the ground________that he had _______his bicycle behind that big tree.() [单选题] *A.lying;lied;laid(正确答案)B.lying;lay;laidC.lay;lied;lainD.lied;laid;lied60.—Do you know _________? He looks quite sleepy today. —I am wondering________ he stayed up to finish his homework again. () [单选题] *A.what he is doing these days; thatB.what’s wrong with him; whether(正确答案)C.how the matter is with him; thatD.why does he look so tired; if。



Unit 1 How do you study for a test?Section B (1a---2c)随堂检测班级:姓名:成绩:I词汇〔互译〕(30分)发…音〔v.〕犯错误错误口语挑战写作练习慢地为什么不…solution get the pronunciation right II用正确形式填空 (20分)1. Please write the new words (适当的介词) your notebook.2. I don’t have a partner to (practice) English .3 Why not (join) an English club?4 I made a mistake (适当的介词) grammar yesterday.5 You can read aloud (improve) your spoken English.III翻译句子〔20分〕1 . 我不知道怎样使用电脑。

2 .我没有朋友来练习会话。


IV 小练笔〔30分〕要求:下面的同学在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,请你给他们提出适当的建议。

For example Problem: Linda can’t spell some English words.Suggestion: She can look them up in the dictionary.Problem 1 : David can’t understand spoken EnglishSuggestion: Problem 2 : John don’t get much writing practice.Suggestion: Problem 3: Susan can’t pronounce some of the words.Suggestion:Problem 4 : Paul forget a lot of new words.Suggestion:Problem 5 : Tina makes mistakes in grammar.Suggestion:Section B (3a---self check)I词汇〔互译〕(25分单词每个1分,短语每个2分)认识到学习者秘诀、机密完好的柔软的困难、忧虑impress 编造做笔记嘲笑首先害怕去做…起初〔在字典等中〕查找没关系 enjoy doing sth.II用正确形式填空 (30分)1. It’s not easy me understand the article in English . (适当的介词)2. I think she spoke too (快地) .3. He was also afraid (speak) in front of others.4. Running is one of the best (方法) to keep healthy.5. She has trouble (make) sentences in English.6. The dress (feel) very good.7. Most people spesk English (作为) a second language.8. What isn’t easy about (learn) a language?9. I got (冠词) A last term.10 . You can try (listen) for the most important words.III连词成句〔30分〕1 . should find you pen a pal ( . )2 . I learning trouble English having am ( . )3 . It’s understand too voices to hard the ( . )4 . what studying about grammar ( ? )5 . don’t why join English you an club (? )IV 小练笔〔15分〕要求:朋友李平来信说他的英语很差,希望你能给予帮助。

九年级英语10月随堂练习试题 试题

九年级英语10月随堂练习试题 试题





1. What’s the weather like today?A. B. C.2. How is Mary going to Tibet?A. B. C.3. Where is the girl going?A. B. C.4.Which sport does Tom prefer?5.What does the man do?A. A detectiveB. A salesmanC. A student6. What is Bruce going to do next?A. Order the food.B. Do the cooking.C. Have breakfast.7. Why is Mike late?A. He got up late this morning.B. He stayed up last night.C. He had an accident on the way.8. What does the sign on the wall probably say?A. NO PARKING.B. NO PHOTOS.C. NO SMOKING.9. How does the woman feel now?A. Much better.B. A little better.C. More tired.10. Who has a bike?A. Tony.B. Sally.C. Lily.Ⅱ听对话和短文答题〔10分〕听下面1段对话和2篇短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最正确选项。

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit8 Section B

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit8 Section B

Unit8 Section B 同步卷4一、单选题(共10题;共20分)1.The news he told us be true because he is an honest boy.A. canB. wouldC. can’tD. must2.No one knows .A. how they put these stones togetherB. how did they put these stones togetherC. that they put these stones togetherD. where did they put these stones together3.The clothes store is a good place you can buy different kinds of clothes.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. where4.— What do you think of it?— Oh, I think it's that I have ever seen.A. one of most interesting movieB. one of the most interesting movieC. one of the most interesting moviesD. one of most interesting movies5.His family are worried about him because they haven't __________ letters from him for a long time.A. acceptedB. receivedC. writtenD. collected6.Not only my friends but also I __________ interested in football and Messi is our favorite star.A. beB. amC. isD. are7.Yesterday Li Ming went to the village __________ his family lived ten years ago.A. whenB. whichC. whereD. that8.The machine is used keeping the air wet.A. asB. withC. forD. by9.__________ they are twins, they don't look the same at all.A. BecauseB. ThoughC. AsD. Sinc e10.—Would you like to go to the concert with us tonight?—I'd love to, __________ I can't. I have a lot of homework to do.A. andB. butC. soD. or二.用所给单词正确形式填空(共2小题)11.Something strange in our neighborhood last night.(happen)12.We could often hear the birds in the trees in the past.(sing)三.英汉短语互译13.不但……而且________14 保持健康________四、选词填空(词汇运用)(共1题;共5分)15.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空(1)Mao Zedong is one of the greatest ________ in Chinese history.(2)—Have you ever visited the place where your ________ lived?—Yes, I have.(3)She said she sent me a letter last week, but I haven't ________ it.(4)The doctor said he needed more money for his ________ research.(5)Judy is interested in history and she wants to be a(n) ________ when she grows up.Unit8 Section B 同步卷4参考答案与试题解析一、单选题1.【答案】D【考点】情态动词【解析】【分析】句意:他告诉我们的那个消息______是真实的,因为他是一个诚实的男孩。

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit11 Section B

【随堂检测卷】人教版英语九年级全一册 Unit11 Section B

Unit11 Section B 同步卷4一、单选题(共10题;共20分)1.Lisa was still very weak when she left hospital. But after a week's rest, she felt much and went back to school.A. goodB. betterC. badD. worse2.I don't understand the text there are few new words in it.A. even thoughB. becauseC. ifD. and3.Please play with her and let her not feel .A. leave outB. leaving outC. to leave outD. left out4.I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but of them had it.A. eitherB. bothC. neitherD. none5.Neither Li Hua nor I good at writing.A. amB. isC. areD. be6. you speak, your English will be.A. The less; the moreB. The more; the betterC. The less; thebetter D. The more; the less7.What John said just now us uncomfortable.A. soundedB. feltC. madeD. let8.I had a good day today. , I received a gift from my pen pal. And then I was invited to Jack's birthday party.A. In generalB. After allC. To start withD. To be honest9.—Did you watch the soccer game yesterday?—Yes, Mike kicked the ball into his own twice.A. teamB. goalC. houseD. door10.— ?—It makes me very sad.A. Do you want to see the movieB. How do you feel about the movieC. Have you seen the movieD. What about going to the movies二.句型转换(共3小题)11.Family and health are more important than fame and wealth.(改为同义句)Fame and wealth are than family and health.12.You should learn to relax and not put so much pressure on yourself.You should learn to relax and not too yourself.13.The story made her sad.(对划线部分提问)the story make her?三、句型转换(共1题;共13分).按要求改写句子,每空一词。

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1.The football match was so____that the boy was too____to fall asleep.A. excited, excitingB. exciting, excitedC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited 2.The old music____me____my days in my hometown.A. reminds, ofB. interests, inC. escapes, fromD. lets, down3.Let’s stay at home____playing basketball.A. because ofB. replaceC. as well asD. instead of4.Some of the students are afraid of the teachers____strict with them.A. who isB. who areC. that isD. that have5.He decided____and do nothing____vacation.A. to relax, onB. relaxing, onC. relax, atD. to relax, in6.For your next vacation, why not____ Paris?A. to think visitingB. think to visitC. consider visitingD. to consider to visit7.I____play the piano when I was a young boy.A. wasn’t used toB. wasn’t use toC. didn’t used toD. didn’t use to8.--Can you tell me what to wear at the party? -–If I____you, I____the blue jeans.A. was, will wearB. am, will wearC. were, would wearD. were, wore9.The shop assistant asked the woman____.A. which one did she liked bestB. which one she like bestC. which one she likes bestD. which one does she like best10.I like the place ____ the weather is very warm. A. that B. where C. / D. where that11. To keep healthy to us, we should eat a____.A. balance dietB. balanced foodC. balanced dietD. balance meal12. If you are friendly enough, you will be easy____.A. to get on withB. geting along withC. getting alongD. to get along with13. He____some great movies over the years.A. madeB. is makingC. has madeD. will make14. She doesn’t want to let her class mates____, but she’s terrified of speaking in front of other people.A. downB. dieC. disappointD. disappointment15. Don’t keep the door____!It’s too cold here.A. openedB. openingC. openD. to open16. By the time I got home, Gina and her sister _________ their homework already.A. finishedB. have finishedC. had finishedD. will finish17. My father is outgoing and easygoing. I think I _________ him.A. take care ofB. look afterC. look forD. take after18. Don’t eat too much junk food and do more exercise, you are sure to keep fit _____ .A. by accidentB. by mistakeC. in this wayD. in fact19. I like music ________ I can dance to. A. that B. what C. who D. where20. Battery-operated slippers were used _________ seeing in the dark.A. ofB. byC. atD. for(A )I’ve never been late for school, but yesterday I came very close. My alarm clock didn’t 1 and by the time I woke up, my father had already gone into the 2 and I had to wait for him to come out. I had to really rush. I took a 3 shower, and had some breakfast, and then ran off to the bus stop. Unfortunately, 4 the time I got there, the bus had already 5 . I started walking, but I knew I couldn’t get to school on time. Luckily, my friend Tony and his dad came by in his dad’s car and they gave me a 6 . When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. I only just 7 it to my class. ( )1. A. get up B. go off C. run off D. wake up ( )2. A. bathroom B. bedroom C. classroom D. living room ( )3. A. tiring B. boring C. slow D. quick ( )4. A. in B. by C. at D. to ( )5. A. left B. come C. stopped D. waited ( )6. A. walkB. rushC. rideD. word ( )7. A. showedB. movedC. madeD. took四、口语应用。


Betty: There's the new Cool Kids CD.Tony: The Cool Kids? ________________? Betty: Oh, yes. They're my favorite band.Tony: You're kidding.(开玩笑)I think ______________.I prefer music that has great lyrics. Music that I can sing along with.Betty: I like songs ____________________too. So______________? Tony: The Lions.1. ______2.______3.______4.______ (B) 写出句子补全对话。

Boy: _5_____________________? Girl: They're battery-operated slippers. Boy: _6______________________? Girl: They are used for seeing in the dark. Boy: _7________________________?Girl: Julie Thomson. And look at the heated ice cream scoop.Boy: _8_________________. It's used for scooping out cold ice cream.Girl: Right.Boy: My favorite are those shoes with adjustable heels. You can move the heels_9_______________. Girl: How do they work?Boy: Well, you can change the _10_______________________.。
