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Unit1In class

单词:open开,打开, XXX这,那,这些,那些, door门, close合上,关, window窗,book书, XXX先生, please请, sorry 对不起, rubber橡皮, don’t=do not词组:

in class在课上, stand up起立, XXX坐下, XXX进来, open the door开门, XXX关窗,XXX听鹦鹉的声音,lookattheblackboard看黑板,openyour book打开你的书主要句型:请某人做某事。回答是:Yes. OK, All right.

Open the door, please. = Please open the door.

Close your books, please. = Please close your books.

Stand up, please.

Sit down, please.

Come in, please.

Look at XXX, please.

Look at me.



单词:in在……里, XXX跑, eat吃, talk语言, milk牛奶, English英语, XXX喝, sleep睡觉,shout叫唤, library藏书楼, your你的, here这里

词组:my English book我的英语书, XXX吃我的蛋糕

in the library在图书馆里, an English book一本英语书, drink my milk喝我的牛奶,主要句型:

1.“Don’t +动词”透露表现“请或人不要做某事。”回覆用“I’m sorry.或Yes…”

Don’t sleep in class.

Don’t eat my cake..


Don’t run in the library

Don’t XXX.

2. Would you like …..?回覆说:“Yes, please./ No, thank you.”

Would you like a cake?

Yes, please.

语音:p /p/ please pen pencil open sleep up parrot apple grandpa


Unit3Is this your pencil?

单词:this这,这个, that那,那个, my我的,your你的, pen钢笔, pencil铅笔, ruler直尺, where哪里, schoolbag书包, crayon蜡笔, pencil case铅笔袋, lunch午餐, box盒子(复数boxes)

词组:over there那儿, this XXX这支钢笔,that XXX那根直尺, my pen我的钢笔,your XXX你的铅笔, a lunch box一个午餐盒, XXX一个午餐盒,主要句型:

1.this指代近处的物体,that指代远处的物体。That’s=that isthis is没有缩略形式


3.含有this 和that的各种句子句式。(肯定句,否定句,一般疑问句和特殊疑问句)

肯定句:This is a book.This is my book.

否定句:This isn’t a book.This isn’t my book..

一般疑问句:Is this a book?Is this your book?

一定回覆:Yes, it is.否认回覆:No, it isn’t.

特殊疑问句:What’s this?

It’s a book.


Unit4 Where is the bird?

单词:bird鸟, desk书桌, chair椅子, on在…上面,under 在…下面, behind在…后面, XXX在…旁边, tree树, one一, two 二, three三, beautiful美丽的,漂亮的, guess猜,词组: on the/my/your book在词组中the, my, your只能用其中的一个XXX desk

under the/my/your chair




1. Where’s+物体?XXX……..

Eg: Where’s the bird?

It’s in the tree.

2. Where’s+人?XXX……..

Eg: Where’s XXX?


3.XXX..? Yes, it is.或者No, it isn’t.Eg: Is it in the box?

Yes, it is.


4. It’s not here.它不在这里。It’s over there.它在那儿。

5. The ruler is in the pencil case.直尺在铅笔袋里。


Unit5 How old are you?

单词:one一, two二, three三, four四, five五, six六, seven 七, eight八, nine九, ten十,old,旧的,年老的lovely可爱的,right对的,正确的,out出局,want想要词组:a toy car一辆玩具小汽车make a wish许愿how old几岁主要句型:

1.询问对方年龄,问:How old are you?对方回答说:I’m ….

2.I want a toy car/ a book/ a cake….

3. Make a wish!

4.It’s time for the cake.

Time for class.= It’s time for class.

4.Here you are.

5.What a nice car/cap/cake!

6.Don’t be XXX.

Do n’t fall to the ground.

XXX around.

7. How lovely!

8. Welcome to the toy museum!

语音:XXX it?
