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GJ开放大学电大本科《高级英语〔1〕》形考XX络课XX考作业及答案(第六套) 课程总成果= 形成性考核×100% ;
形考任务3〔30分〕形考任务1 题目1 He lwys _________ the club's newsletter. 选择一项:
. is writing B. write C. doesn't write D. writes 题目2 _________ you _________ the supporters club's Internet ddress? 选择一项:
. re …knowing B. Do …know C. Cn …know D. Does …know 题目3 You ____ hve seen her t the sttion –she ws t home with me! 选择一项:
. my B. should C. mustn't D. couldn't 题目4 I phoned them lst night but no one nswered. They _________ (be) out. 选择一项:
. must hve been B. cn't hve seen C. couldn't hve D. will hve been 题目5 We only hd ______ before the finl. 选择一项:
. three dys'rest B. three dy’s rest C. the three rest dy D. the rest of three dys 题目6 There re ___ Virtul History
gmes vilble in the shop. 选择一项:
. most of B. little C. much D. few 题目7 We ___ to buy some drinks before we get on the trin. 选择一项:
. think bout B. need C. cn D. stop 题目8 He sked her__________ degree. 选择一项:
. if she hd B. did she hve C. does she hve D. if she hs 题目9 They ___ which record compny to sign del with. 选择一项:
. hven't decided B. don't decide C. hsn't decided D. hven't been deciding 题目10 Colin ___ the bss guitrist since Brin left. 选择一项:
. ws B. hs been C. hs been being D. is 题目11 I ___ with friends when someone stole their cr. 选择一项:
. styed B. sty C. hd styed D. ws stying 题目12 When her brother ws in prison, she ___ him every month. 选择一项:. visits B. ws visiting C. hd visited D. visited 题目13 Hey girls, ____ you mke us some sndwiches? 选择一项:
. should B. cn C. must D. my 题目14 We ___ forget it's Dd's 50th birthdy next month. 选择一项:
. mustn't B. don't hve to C. cn't D. might not 题目15 Hurry up! They _________ group meeting in Room 6 soon. 选择一项:
. re hving B. my hve C. hve D. hve hd 题目16 Let's not tke the children to the science museum –I think they probbly ___ enjoy it. 选择一项:
. cn B. ren't going to C. will D. won't 题目17 The motel___by the Lewis fmily in the 1950s. 选择一项:
. is being strted B. strted C. ws strted D. hs been strted 题目18 The Wigwm Motel, rizon ___of Ntive mericn tents. 选择一项:
. were mde B. is mking C. is mde D. hs been mde 题目19 Drren sid , “I don't know how it hppened.〞Drren sid (tht)_______________.〔变成间接引语〕选择一项:
. he didn't know how it hd hppened B. I don't know how it hppened C. he didn't know how it hppened D. I didn't know how it hppened 题目20 She told me tht she___ cr since 1990. 选择一项:
. didn't drive B. wouldn't drive C. hdn't driven D. wsn't driving 形考任务2 请同学们从以下口语沟通任务中,选择一个口语任务,根据要求在自己的XX或者电脑上进行录音,然后将录制好的音频文件上传到课程平XX。


1.Is it wste of time nd money to be fshionble? Record
your opinions on the topic nd justify them with the phrses you lerned in Unit 1. (Unit 1/ Speking nd listening—Youth groups.) 2. 15-yer-old boy bullied other children nd stole their money nd vlubles. He insulted techers nd tried to burn down the school. s result, he ws suspended for three weeks. Do you gree or disgree on the punishment given to him? Record your opinions. ( Unit 3 /Speking nd Listening—Guilty!) 3.Prepre presenttion on the topic: How will globl wrming chnge the wy we live in the future? Give t lest 3 points in your presenttion. (Unit 5/ Speking nd listening--Presenttion) 4.Wht nimls do you like best? Why? Record the resons you like the niml. Eg. I prefer cts –I think they’re very independent; they lwys do wht they wnt. (Unit 6 /Grmmr nd reding--Those crzy humns!〕5. fter reding the text, do you gree the octopus is the wisest/most intelligent niml? Cn you give us some resons in your recording?(Unit 6 /Reding nd vocbulry—s intelligent s…〕6. Imgine tht you work s personl coch, nd you meet someone who is hving problems keeping up with English lessons? Wht dvice would you give him or her? Try to record t lest three pieces of dvice. (Unit 7 /Speking nd Listening—Be socil success) 7.Suppose you work for
Orrwy. Introduce two ctivities you like most to customer. Record your introduction nd resons (Unit 8 /Reding –Orrwy dventure) 8. Nowdys young people strt their first job t much lter ge thn their prents did. Think bout the resons, the dvntges nd disdvntges of this? Then record short presenttion on the topic. ( Unit 9/Reding nd vocbulry—Where 2 Now) 9. In which situtions do you spend lot of time getting your ppernce right before you go out? Record your nswer. (Unit 11/Grmmr nd Reding—Beuty through the ges) 提示:本任务可通过在线文字转语音XX站〔〕进行英语转语音,完成后即可。


形考任务3 请同学们从以下写作任务中,选择一个写作任务,根据要求在自己的电脑上进行写作,然后将写好的内容上传到课程平XX。


Choose fshion or style tht is populr with group of people in our country. Write description of bout 200–250 words. Prgrph 1:Mention the clothes, ccessories nd mke-up they usully wer. Prgrph 2:Mention the kind of music they listen to. Prgrph 3:Mention how they typiclly
spend their free time. (Unit 1 /Vocbulry nd Writing—fshion trends) Write letter to friend with some personl news. Hints : Note down ) the most importnt things tht hve hppened in your life recently, b) wht you wnt to find out bout your friend’s life. Orgnize your notes into prgrphs. Use vocbulry from Letter C. Write first drft nd then give it to clssmte to check it for errors. Write the finished version of your letter. ( Unit 2 / Writing---Personl Letters) 3.Tlk bout n nti-socil behvior(反社会行为) tht you dislike the most. You my use the words just lerned. Here re some tips for you to follow: (1) wht is the behvior? (2)wht re the hrms it my cuse to individuls nd the society? (3) wht do you think cn be done to prevent it? (Unit 3 / Vocbulry —Crimes vs. Justice / vocbulry) 4. “dolescence is the unhppiest time in most people’s lives.〞Write n essy giving rguments for nd ginst this sttement nd lso stte your own opinion. ( Unit 4/ Writing—‘Girls nd boys should be tught in seprte schools.’—for nd ginst essy) 5.Now write your own opinion essy:It is wrong to kill nimls for their fur. Do you gree? Use Trin Your Brin nd the prompts below to help you. Prgrph 2: My point of view First of ll…; Moreover/Furthermore …; bove ll …Prgrph 3: rguments
my opponents might use…: Firstly…; Next/Secondly …; Why I disgree with these rguments However, in my opinion …(Unit 6 /Writing---Opinion essy) 6.Describe one of fmous tourist resorts you know well in Chin. Remember to: ·include the bckground informtion describe the good points nd bd points bout it mke list of things to see nd do there (Unit 8 / Writing—Describing plces) Write story of bout 200–250 words which ends with the sentence ‘Tht ws the lst time he/she ever sw them.’Use these ides nd to help you. Think of sitution where someone might feel relieved, shocked or disppointed to stop seeing group of people. Why did the chrcters not see ech other gin? Think of your chrcters’ges. re they your ge, younger or older? Think of the period in history nd the plce of your story. Think of the best style or formt for your story nd decide how you wnt to begin the story: 〕dilogue (direct speech); b〕description of person c〕the history of wht hd hppened before the min prt of the story d〕bckground description of plce, the wether etc e〕drmtic event which is key to the story (Unit 10 / Writing-Mke up story) 8.Red Tips for Describing ppernces below, nd try to describe somebody you like
very much. Write description of him/her using t lest four sentences. (Unit 11 / Speking nd Vocbulry—Describing ppernce) 9.Plese write review of film you hve wtched recently. (Unit 12 / Vocbulry nd Writing—Writing Film Review) 10.Rewrite Jmes’s letter to mke it more pproprite. Use your nswers to Exercise 5 nd Trin Your Brin to help you. (Unit 14 / Vocbulry nd Writing—Writing Letter of Complints) 答案如下:〔新建一个word文档,把下面文字复制到新建的文档中,最终把该文档上到任务三中〕Unit 1 fshion trends Fshion trends Now young people like Koren clothes, The rise of Koren fshion culture lights up the whole sin fshion circle. Koren people hve thorough nlysis of the populrity of Europe nd the United Sttes, nd cn quickly digest into the most suitble sin ppernce. It's esy to understnd nd chep, so tht distinctive lbels cn be psted ll over the world. Less nd less fshion is not suitble for sins. We should lso thnk Koren fshion culture for this. The rise of Koren fshion culture lights up the whole sin fshion circle. Koren people hve thorough nlysis of the populrity of Europe nd the United Sttes, nd cn quickly digest into the most suitble sin ppernce. It's esy to understnd nd chep, so tht distinctive lbels cn be psted ll over the world. Less nd
less fshion is not suitble for sins. We should lso thnk Koren fshion culture for this. In short, wering Koren clothes hs become fshion .
