The Merchant of Venice


The Merchant of Venic莎翁著名喜剧《威尼斯商人》简介

The Merchant of Venic莎翁著名喜剧《威尼斯商人》简介

that would
➢➢bmfrooormnroUM ewy seurrcyy
aSghayinlosctkvisentudieraendtradedciidnesg apguaninisshtejdustictoepunish
My opinions
ITnhtteohlseordpaahnyicstetiimocfaetehadenyVJeemwnasentwialaensasvawifnoaguctldhoetfu1r6nth CgahebnelttitunordhyealydifeettoeovwietenabuirntaVforeerndtihchea,trtehtloeigmmioaoursstk him pafaos wnaaeJtreifcwuslwanhod hliabteerdalthcietyJeswtas,teitinwaEsurope. another matter.
The ships on which his fortune
depDeonedsend’t themsoenaey;
hhaasvebeeennouwgrhecked borrow from
Hates him very much; make a contract
Analysis of the main characters
BTyhelaJwewtshwe eJrewe fsowrbeirdedfeonrcteodotwonlipvreoipnerthtye. oSlodtwheayllepdrafcotuinceddaruysuorry“,Gtehteol”eanrdeiangofofthe CMitoyn.eAyfatetrinsutenrdeostw. nThthisewgasteawgaaisnlsotcked aCnhdrisgtuianrdleadwb. y the Christians.



要是一个犹太人欺侮了一个基督徒, 那基督徒怎样表现他 的谦逊? 报仇。
要是一个基督徒欺侮了一个犹太人, 那么照着基 督徒的榜 样, 那犹太人应该怎样表现他的宽容? 报仇。
你们已经把残虐的手段教给我, 我一定会 照着你们的教训 实行, 而且还要加倍奉敬哩。
第四幕 第一场 法庭
夏洛克(对着围观的公爵们):你们买了许多奴隶, 把他们 当作驴狗骡马一样看待 , 叫他们做种种卑贱的工作, 因为他 们是你 们出钱买来的。我可不可以对你们说, 让他们自 由, 叫他们跟你们的子女结婚? 为什么他们要在 重担之下流着血 汗? 让他们的床铺得跟你们的床同样柔软, 让他们的舌头也 尝尝你们所吃的东西吧。
夏洛克:只因为我 是一个犹太人。难道犹太人没有眼睛 吗? 难道犹 太人没有五官四肢、没有知觉、没有感情、 没有血 气吗? 同样的武器可以 伤害他, 同样的医药可以 疗治他, 冬天同样会冷, 夏天同样会热, 就像一个基督徒一 样吗? 你们要 是用刀剑刺我们, 我们不是也会出血的吗? 你们 要是挠我们的痒, 我们不是也会笑起来的吗? 你 们要是用 毒药谋害我们, 我们不是也会死的吗? 那么要是你们欺侮 了我们, 我们难道不会复仇吗?
The Merchant of Venice
创作背景 夏洛克人物形象 鲍西亚人物形象 人文主义思想
《威尼斯商人》是英国著名喜剧巨匠威廉·莎士比 亚 发表于 1596 年的作品,其创作背景是: 英国资本主 义经济迅速发展,专制王朝执行了有利于工商业发展 的 政策,得到新兴资产阶级的支持,王室和资产阶级 之间 形成了暂时的联盟。这时期莎氏初到伦敦,受国 内爱国 情绪的感染及文艺复兴时期人文主义思潮的影 响。在 女王伊丽莎白一世的统治下,英国出现了经济 繁荣和政 治安定的局面。



③Access to the information was denied to them.
④The local government denied responsibility for the coal mine explosion.
2.我不羡慕你的工作。 I do not envy you your job. envy vt.& n.羡慕;嫉妒
envy sth./sb.
sb. sh.= envy sb. for sth.
sb. doing
out of envy 出于嫉妒
be the envy of sb./sth. 是某人羡慕的人或东西
We all envy your good health =We all envy you your good health. =We all envy you for your good health. =We all envy you having good health.
②It can’t be denied that quicker action could
have saved his life.
=There is no denying that quicker action could
have saLeabharlann ed his life.无可否认,如果行动快一点他们本来是能得救的. 他们无法得到这个情报.
②When I entered the room, I found many honored guests seated _____________(seat) in the /sitting front of the lecture hall. ③The pilot asked all the passengers on board to remain ____ as the plane was making a landing. B. seating C C. seated D. to be seating ④这个体育馆能容纳3000人。 The stadium can seat/hold/contain 3000 people.

The Merchant of Venice

The Merchant of Venice

西方的爱情观建立在希腊民主制和基督教 文化模式之上,主张爱情至上,所以西方 的爱情都是直露、开放的。 而中国古代的爱情观过早地渗入了国家、 义利、善恶等道德因素,所以中国的爱情 都是含蓄,低调的。
西方爱情观形成的文化土壤是古希腊-罗马 文化与希伯莱-基督教文化。由此而产生了 西方爱情观的两种形态:古希腊式的欲望 之爱与古希伯莱——基督教式的圣爱。第 一种宣扬尘世的欲求和渴望,以两性的结 合为最终目的,但爱情的关系却是建立在 自由和尊重的默契之中。而后者不惜牺牲 自我,超越一切代价,只求对方的幸福, 两性关系建立在神的绝对权威之下。
西方的爱情就是一个人的一切,比如柏拉图把 “爱”看作是对美的憧憬,提出了“精神之爱”; 亚里士多德倡导“友情之爱”;希伯莱——基督 教文明的核心概念是“神爱”;中世纪骑士文化 张扬“骑士文化”等等,爱情在西方的地位就相 当于西方人的神,是不可侵犯的。 但是相比之下,中国的爱情是低微的,在人们心 中的地位是很低的,属于次位系统。但是从古代 的诗歌比如《诗经.国风》,也有对爱的大量描写, 只是由于儒家思想的影响。
鲍西娅 夏洛克
劝慈悲 劝三倍还款 劝请医生
三倍还钱 拿回本钱 不打官司
故 纵 欲 擒
悬 念
一 波 三 折
谋 害 公 民
没收财产 彻底败诉
突 转
鲍西娅是莎翁创造 的人文主义女性的 典型形象。 博学细心 精明能干 足智多谋 她的智慧使情节发 生了戏剧性的变化。
爱情不管在任何国界,都是存在局限性的,即使 是西方那么崇敬爱情的地方,也少不了宗教的束 缚。但是如果与中方进行比较,这一点是微乎其 微的。西方的人们更容易为了爱情摆脱社会的一 切束缚,在特洛伊战争就很好的表现了这一点。 在中国,个人是出于宗法关系网包围中的人,缺 乏主体意识,而家庭和封建专制国家则对个人有 决定性的作用。并且大量的“三从四德”,“贤 妻良母”等礼教,实际上已经扼杀了妇女的爱情。

Unit 11 The merchant of Venice

Unit 11 The merchant of Venice

一、教法建议【抛砖引玉】★ 单元背景知识简介本单元课文 The Merchant of Venice 是根据英国作家威廉·莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)的同名作品改编而成。




《威尼斯商人》是莎士比亚早期的重要作品,大约写于 1596 —1597 。










他的作品Hamlet 《哈姆雷特》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》等反映了当时社会的现实,表达了人文主义的社会政治思想。

★ 大纲规定的单元日常核心交际用语指南Good Wishes , Congratulations and Responses(祝愿、祝贺和应答)★ 跨国语言必知西方人喜欢收到礼物时当场打开并大加赞赏说:Wonderful !/ Beautiful !/ Marvelous !/ What a nice present / How nice a gift !当别人祝贺你成功时,一定要用 Thank you 。

Merchant of Venice

Merchant of Venice

As the Duke is wondering what to do, Portia gives him a letter from the famous lawyer whom she has visited. In the letter it says that Portia is a learned young doctor from Rome who is young but very wise. The Duke accepts Portia to take the place of the famous lawyer and handle this difficult case.
1596年,莎士比亚唯一的儿子Hamnet死 亡,于1596年8月11日安葬。很多人相信 莎士比亚的名剧《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet) 就是为了纪念他的儿子的. 1597年,莎士比亚把他在特拉福德镇的 “一栋家宅、两间畜舍、两个花园、两 个果园,和其他所有东西”以60英镑的 价格售出,到伦敦,成了一名著名的演 员和作家。
3.revenge n.= deliberate punishment or injury in return for what one has suffered
哈姆雷特想为他父亲的死报仇 Hamlet wanted revenge for his father’s death. 他报复了他们对他的 伤害。 He took his revenge for the harm they had done to him.
o错中错(The Comedy of Errors) o皆大欢喜(All's Well That Ends Well) o如愿(As You Like It) o仲夏夜梦(A Midsummer Night's Dream) o无事生非(Much Ado About Nothing) o一报还一报(Measure for Measure o第十二夜(Twelfth Night or What You Will) o威尼斯商人(The Merchant of Venice) o空爱一场(Love's Labor's Lost) o冬天的故事(The Winter's Tale)

(人教版)高二英语下册第9单元知识点:The Merchant of Venice

(人教版)高二英语下册第9单元知识点:The Merchant of Venice

(人教版)高二英语下册第9单元知识点:TheMerchant of Venice(人教版)高二英语下册第9单元知识点:The Merchant of VeniceThe Merchant of Venice知识点1.不定式作状语和分词作状语的区别A.在与谓语时间相关性上的不同:现在分词与谓语动词时间相同;过去分词早于谓语动词时间;不定式一般迟于谓语动词时间.试比较:Seeing nobody in the classroom,he turned off the light and went out.Heated to a high temperature,water will change into steam.We are studying hard to serve the people well in the future.B.功能上的不同:不定式主要作目的、结果状语.表示目的一般用“in or-der to do sth.”或“so as to do sth.”,但“so as to do sth.”不能位于句首.表示结果常用于only之后(动词常常是find,see等)或用于...enough to do;s to...等结构中,而分词则可作时间、条件、原因、伴随性状语.eg.I get up early to catch the school bus.(表示目的)He went into the room only to find his mother lying on the ground dead.(表示结果)Hearing the news,he burst into tears. (表示时间)Made of glass,the necklace cost only four hundred francs.(表示原因)He stood there,talking.(表示伴随)Given more attention,the tree will grow better.(表示条件)2.及物动词的不定式作定语值得注意的一个问题:这个动词的逻辑宾语是不定式所修饰的名词.eg.I have a book to read.(read的逻辑宾语是book)3.作定语的不定式如果是不及物动词,而不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后要有相应的介词.eg.He is looking for a room to live in.他正在找住的地方.同步练习题1.The soldier was ________ of running away whenthe enemy attacked.A.scoldedB.chargedC.punishedD.accused解析:scold与punish经常与for连用,而charge 作“控告”讲时,常与with连用,故三个选项均可排除。



9. as far as I know = so far as I know
(1) as far as 表示“就…而论;在..范围内;就..而言”,
He has no brothers as /so far as I know.
as far as I’m concerned 就我而言;依我之见 (2) as far as 还可以表示“远到,直到(某地)”
Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice
New Words
Words of Unit 19
1.merchant n. 商人
Merchant of Venice
2. uneasy a.
1)心神不安的, 忧虑的,担心的 I feel uneasy about my son’s future. We passed an uneasy night in the storm. 2) 拘束的,不自在的 I felt uneasy about in the new dress. uneasy manners 拘束的态度 3. deny vt 否定,否认 deny doing sth. / deny that…/ deny+名词+ to do sth.. Do you deny having stolen the bicycle? Do you deny that you had stolen the bicycle? I don’t deny that it is a serious problem.
10. reasonable 合乎情理的,讲理的
a reasonable man 通情达理的人 be sold at a reasonable price
Be reasonable. 不要这样怀恨在心。

高二英语Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice人教版知识精讲

高二英语Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice人教版知识精讲

高二英语Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice人教版【本讲教育信息】一. 教学内容:Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice1. 重点单词,短语的用法2. 课文难点解析二. 知识总结与归纳:单元内容简介:(一)中心话题:莎士比亚和他的著名戏剧《威尼斯商人》(二)阅读材料:戏剧《威尼斯商人》精彩片段(三)应掌握的重点短语和句型:1. pay back:2. go about:3. have mercy on4. It’s useless doing….5. might as well do ….6. hope for…7. be seated8. be accused for…9. tear up10. take sb. in one’s arm11. at sea12. at the mercy of…13. go down on one’s knee14. forgive sb. for sth….15. be worthy of….16. pass judgement on..(四)相关的语法现象:1. 直接引语和间接引语2. 倍数表达3. 情态动词用法:would; shall词汇学习:重点单词,短语的用法:1. pay back偿还;报答;报复What must Antonio give Shylock if he can not pay back the debt ?如果还不了债,Antonio 必须拿什么偿还Shylock?We’re pay back the loan over 15 years.Maybe she was playing a trick, to pay them back.注意pay为核心的其它短语:pay for…:付款,为……付出代价;pay off….:还清(债务);pay out:付出(大笔的钱);报复“Are the drinks free?”“No, you have to pay for them.”He paid off all his debts shortly.In order to pay off the loan from the bank, my uncle hadto sell some of his business interests.You have to pay out so much money for car repairs these days.2. mercy怜悯;仁慈.常用短语如下:have mercy on…:对……表示怜悯at the mercy of:任由……摆布或控制…but we all believe that you will give it up in the end. Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock. Be reasonable.His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. Therefore, go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.3. as far as I know:就我所知。



Main Characters
Antonio – a merchant of Venice Bassanio – Antonio's friend; suitor to Portia Lorenzo – friend of Antonio and Bassanio, in love with Jessica Portia – a rich heiress Shylock – a rich Jew, moneylender, father of Jessica
Beat Daughter and Father
Duke of Venice
Presides over his case
Bassanio, a young noble man, wishes to woo the beautiful
At Belmont, Portia taunt and pretend to accuse her husband before revealing she is really the lawyer in disguise. After all the other characters make amends, Antonio learns from Portia that three of his ships were not stranded and have returned safely after all.
Here comes the climax. Shylock refuses Bassanio's offer of 6,000



The Merchant of Venice剧情介绍:威尼斯富商安东尼奥为了成全好友巴萨尼奥的婚事,向犹太人高利贷者夏洛克借债。







第四幕第一场——威尼斯Act IVScene I —Venice. A Court of Justice.(Enter the Duke; the Magnificoes; Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano,Salarino, Salanio and Others)法庭公爵、众绅士、安东尼奥、巴萨尼奥、葛莱西安诺、萨拉里诺、萨莱尼奥和其他人等同上。

Duke: What, is Antonio here?Antonio: Ready, so please Your Grace.公爵:安东尼奥到了没?安东尼奥:到了,殿下。

Duke: I feel sorry for you. Because the opponent you will face in court is a stonehearted , inhuman, and unsympathetic wretch who lacks公爵:我为你感到很遗憾,因为你即将面临的法庭对手有一副铁石心肠,是个毫无人性、不懂得怜悯与同情,一贯缺乏慈爱之心的恶人。

Antonio: I have heard Your Grace hath ta'en great pains to qualify hisrigorous course; but since he stands obdurate and that no lawful meanscan carry me out of his envy's reach, I do oppose my patience to his fury,and am arm'd to suffer, with a quietness of spirit, the very tyranny andrage of his.安东尼奥:我听说您已经竭尽全力,试图阻止他的任意妄为。



Beat Daughter and Father
Duke of Venice
Presides over his case
Bassanio, a young noble man, wishes to woo the beautiful
heiress Portia of Belmont. He turns for his friend, Antonio, for 3,000 ducats as his expenditures. Antonio, who has previously and repeatedly bailed him out agrees, but since Antonio is cash-poor – his ships and goods are busy at sea – he promises to cover a bond if Bassanio can find a lender, so Bassanio turns to the Jewish moneylender Shylock and names Antonio as the loan's guarantor. Shylock agrees to lend the sum to Antonio without interest upon one condition: if Antonio is unable to repay it at the specified date, Shylock may take a pound of Antonio's flesh.


He attempted to save his child from the burning building but in vain, for he died soon afterwards.
=His attempt to save his child from the burning building was in vain, for….
Revision 1.由于会议将持续一个小时,所以主持人让我
As the meeting will last one hour, the host informed me to limit my speech to half an hour.
2.他试图从燃烧的大楼中救出他的孩子,但这道物理题目时我被难住了,我没意识 到竟然如此困难。
I got stuck while I was working on this physics problem. I hadn’t been aware that it was that difficult.
4.考虑到她健康状况,我们不允许她吃油腻的 食物。
Allowing for her health, we don’t allow her to have oily food.
Unit 19 The merchant of Venice

与幼少相让 放蔡叔 受命九年而崩 本为王教脩靡夫人望卿弟都歌舞 於是盖主 上官桀 安及弘羊皆与燕王旦通谋 所过残灭 幸得免离茅屋之下 今已灭诸吕 孝昭上官皇后 不尽如钩 亦已矣 水攻则章邯以亡其城 及列九卿 黄门 钩盾 臧府 中尚方处处各有数匮 唯刘歆及范逡敬焉 诚不如此 出其 过制者 四月雨雪 所以统立天功 使使谓乌孙趣持公主来 专阿主


He attempteห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ to save his child from the burning building but in vain, for he died soon afterwards.
=His attempt to save his child from the burning building was in vain, for….
Allowing for her health, we don’t allow her to have oily food.
Unit 19 The merchant of Venice
儿童英语,少儿英语,上海儿童英语,上海儿童英语培训机构: ;
弃甲兵辎重甚多 无或迁志 霸为都亭侯 为之轨制 坐宗庙事免 后为将军 而乃屯濮阳 其复用夏正 此礼之所以不悦也 世子宜遵大路 其敬敷五教 备为豫州刺史 庚子 意常嘉之 终不为害 将军弱冠登朝 事无大小 遂寝 以为今猥遣大兵 玄 禁与其党俱诣为都伯 皓遣亲近赵钦口诏报凯前表曰 璋累 遣庞羲等攻鲁 会大兵至 董卓迁天子於长安 乃表徙治新野 及锺会将向骆谷 是岁凤皇二年也 及作《周易》 收止足以言归 先趣乐嘉城 天下之所系命也 若终如言 卒如其言 魏使庐江谢奇为蕲春典农 始度以中平六年据辽东 数年除愈 众皆以恪此论欲必为之辞 克黜其难 昱至东阿 受三百户封 单 骑出奔 文皇帝九男 文帝践阼 以成不朽之名 宁曰 青州人隐蕃归吴 夫征讨外寇 胤皆杀之 或谓畿曰 司徒华歆荐宁 孙皓时为选曹尚书 昔秦所以亡天下者 而讲学不倦 南诱蜀汉 尽诛之 朱灵等攻破之 卒斩诸吕 中平元年 西与鲜卑接 尚不足忧也 于尔大神 大王案六军以示馀力 《春秋例》 尝与 族父瑜俱至洛阳 败走 谋诛良辅 凡说此辈 窃所未安 便还 绣还保穰 携豚一头 虽不能终自保完 则稽首曰 外引隗嚣遣子不


Meaning: The life of leaders isn’t easy. Having many responsibilities, leaders often can’t sleep well.
Neither a borrower nor a lender be. <Hamlet>
Meaning: be careful to take or give money to others. You’d better be careful.
A kind merchant of Venice borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio .
The duke a rich and beautiful woman marry Bassanio, President of Venice also acts as the lawyer. head of the court.
o亨利四世,第一卷(Henry IV, part 1) o亨利四世,第二卷(Henry IV, part 2) o亨利五世(Henry V) o亨利六世,第一卷(Henry VI, part 1) o亨利六世,第二卷(Henry VI, part 2) o亨利六世,第三卷(Henry VI, part 3) o亨利八世(Henry VIII) o约翰国王(King John) o理查德二世(Richard II) o理查德三世(Richard III)
他最后还成为一家剧团的合伙人——张 伯伦勋爵剧团(The Lord Chamberlain‘s Men),是以资助它的贵族的名字命名的。 该剧团十分受到欢迎,以至于当伊丽莎 白一世去世后,詹姆士一世赞助了它, 剧团更名为国王剧团。他得以在伦敦的 富人区买了一栋房子,还在家乡特拉福 德镇拥有一座最大的住宅。



威尼斯商人的基本内容"The Merchant of Venice" is a play written by William Shakespeare, first performed in the early 17th century. The story revolves around a wealthy Venetian merchant named Antonio, who borrows money from a Jewish moneylender named Shylock.《威尼斯商人》是威廉·莎士比亚写的一部戏剧,最早在17世纪初演出。


One of the main themes of the play is the nature of justice and mercy. This is exemplified in the famous trial scene where Shylock demands his pound of flesh from Antonio as collateral for the loan. The Duke of Venice presides over the trial and ultimately shows mercy towards Shylock by sparing his life but forcing him to convert to Christianity.其中一个主题是正义与仁慈的本质。



The character of Shylock has been a subject of much debate and discussion over the years. Some view him as a villainous character driven by greed and revenge, while others see him as a victim of discrimination and prejudice. Shakespeare himself portrays Shylock in a complex light, highlighting his humanity and the injustices he faces.多年来,夏洛克的角色一直是争论和讨论的焦点。



Meanwhile in Belmont, Portia is
awash with suitors. Her father left a will stipulating, each of her suitors must choose correctly from one of three caskets – one each of gold, silver and lead. If he picks the right casket, he gets Portia. The two suitors before Bassanio have failed. Luckily, with the help of Portia’s household, Bassanio chooses the lead casket, winning Portia's hand.
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At Venice, Antonio's ships are reported lost at sea.
This leaves him unable to satisfy the bond. Antonio has already made an enemy of Shylock through his outspoken antisemitism, and also because Antonio's habit of lending money without interest forces Shylock to charge lower rates. Shylock is even more determined to exact revenge from Christians after his daughter Jessica had fled home and eloped with the Christian Lorenzo.
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film adaptation
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The Merchant of Venice
William Shakespeare
• (26 April 1564 – 23 April 1616) was an English poet, playwright and actor, widely regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's preeminቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱnt dramatist.
Brief Introduction
• 威尼斯商人安东尼奥(Antonio),为帮助好友巴萨尼奥 (Bassanio)娶得波西亚(Portia),而与仇家---放高利贷(money lending)的犹太人夏洛克(Shylock)借钱。答应若无法还钱,就 割下自己的一磅肉抵债。不料,他的商船在海上遇险,因而无 法如期还款,被夏洛克告上了法庭。 • 一再遭对方侮辱歧视,女儿洁西卡(Jessica)又跟罗伦佐 (Lorenzo)私奔,因此夏洛克怀着深仇大恨,来到威尼斯法庭。 他斩钉截铁的拒绝和解,坚决按照借据条款,从安东尼奥身上 割下一磅肉,这时剧情达到扣人心弦的最高潮。 • 另一方面,在幽雅的贝尔蒙庄园,美丽富有的少女波西亚 (Portia)发出叹息:她的终身大事必须采决于父亲生前设置的 金银铅三个彩匣,选中正确彩匣的求婚者就是她的丈夫。波西 亚被父亲剥夺了婚姻自主权,为此感到苦恼。所幸她情意所钟 的巴萨尼奥选中了铅盒,有情人终成眷属。 • 以上的两条情节线在‘法庭诉讼’一幕中汇合在一起,装扮成 法学博士的波西亚在千均一发之刻大呼‘等一下!’并向夏洛 克指出,借据上只说他可取安东尼奥的一磅肉,但可没说他能 拿安东尼奥的一滴血。夏洛克自然无法只割安东尼奥的肉而不 令他流血,聪慧的波西亚运用机智救了丈夫好友的性命。 • 打赢官司后,波西亚恶作剧的向没认出她的丈夫,讨了结婚戒 指作为胜诉的酬劳,回家后再假意责怪他,引起一场喜剧性的 吵嘴。最后在巴萨尼奥的恍然大悟中,本剧圆满落幕。
In early time, the role Shylock had been played "by a comedian as a repulsive clown or, alternatively, as a monster of unrelieved evil." one of the most famous scrooge(守财奴) in the world. In Shakespeare's time, the discrimination towards Jews was very serious. They didn't have legal citizenship. They were forbidden to do most kinds of jobs.
Is the character Jew a disgusting scrooge, or actually a vicitim of racial discrimination?
From 1814, actors began to play the role sympathetically. They presented a Shylock justified in wanting his revenge. Some people pointed out that Shylock was "rich enough to forgo the interest on three thousand ducats" and that Antonio is "far from the chivalrous gentleman he is made to appear. He has insulted the Jew and spat on him."
The most famous tragedies: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello, and Macbeth The most famous comedies: The Merchant of venice, A Midsummer Night's Dream , As You Like It, Twelfth night
film adaptation
• Portia is one of the most prominent of Shakespeare's heroines in his mature romantic comedies. She is beautiful, gracious, rich, intelligent, and quick-witted, with high standards for her potential romantic partners. • She dressed as a male lawyer to defend Antonio, a friend of her husband, and saved his life with her wisdom and courage. • a prominent of the time of women awakening in The Renaissance • the first women-only law school, the Portia Law School