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RD研发支出research and development cost

FASB美国财务会计准则理事会Financial Accounting Standard Board

IASB国际会计准则理事会International Accounting Standard Board

BS资产负债表balance sheet

IS利润表income statement

IPO首次公开募股发行initial public offering

SEC美国证券交易委员会securities and exchange commission CPA注册会计师certified public accountant

GAAP一般工人会计准则Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

FDI国外直接投资foreign direct investment

MA并购merger and acquisition

LIFO后进先出法last in first out

FIFO先进先出法first in first out

IOU我欠你的I owe you

GST货物和劳务税goods and service tax

V AT增值税value added tax

ROA资产报酬率return on asset

ROE权益报酬率return on equity

ROS销售报酬率return on sales

SME中小企业small and medium sized enterprise

SOE国有企业state-owned sized enterprise

EPS每股收益earning per share

QE量化宽松quantitative easing

CDO债务抵押证券collateralized debt obligation ABS 资产支持证券asset backed securities

MBS房屋抵押贷款支持证券mortgage backed securities PE市盈率price earning ratio

CEO首席执行官chief executive officer

CFO首席财务总监chief financial officer

GDP国民生产总值gross domestic product

CPI消费价格指数consumer price index
