Nutritional Aspects of ERP




Contents1. Executive Summary 02. Company Description (1)3. Strategic Focus and Plan (2)3。

1 Mission/vision (2)3.2 Goal (2)3.3 Core Competence and Sustainable Competitive Advantage (3)4。

Situation Analysis (4)4。

1 SWOT analysis (4)4.2 Indusry analysis (5)4。

3 Competitive analysis (6)4.4 Customer analysis (7)5。

Marketing Strategy (7)5。

1 Marketing and product objectives (7)5。

2 Market segmentation (9)5.3 Target marketing (9)5。

4 Positioning (11)6。

Marketing Mix (12)7. Conclusion (13)The Marketing Strategy of Minute Maid1.Executive SummaryWithin four months,two new Minute Maid repeating,”This is a stone’s throw three birds," Minute Maid will not only promote sales, increase its brand influence, but also to prove to the outside world,without the Huiyuan,Minute Maid brand influence and marketing approaches could also support the Coca-Cola in China's fruit juice — at least in low concentrations juice business。

Nutrition Expert

Nutrition Expert
雀巢的理念:关爱 安全 自然 营养
雀巢从推崇母乳喂养,到1867年第一个婴儿营 养食品诞生,以及发展成为全球最大的 婴儿食品公司无不是该理念的 忠实实施者!
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双歧杆菌 抑制有害菌生长,健康胃肠道
天然水溶性膳食纤维 维持肠道健康,促进营养素的吸收 酶解预消化工艺 使营养素更容易消化吸收 水解蛋白婴儿配方奶粉 降低宝宝食物过敏发生率
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• 在5000多种双歧杆菌中研 究发现Bb12通过胃肠道后 仍然可以存活,并能保持 较长期的活性
J.P.Chouraqui Y.Fukushima J.M.Saavedra J.M.Saavedra France J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutrition 1998; 26:539 Japan USA USA International Journal of Food Mircribiology 1998;42:39-44 Lancet 1994; 344:1046-9 J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 1998; 27:484
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组织 HDL——将胆固醇运送至肝脏代谢
遗传因素:先天性缺陷 原发性
1.病理性的:未控制的DM、冠心病、胰腺炎、 肾病综合症等
2.生理性的:月经前期、妊娠、紧张等 3.食饵性的:过食高脂、高糖、高胆固醇食物 4.遗传性的:家族遗传有关
老年人 肥胖者 脂肪肝患者 高甘油三酯患者 慢性肝炎患者
研究不多,结论不一 总之:量——正相关
动物Pr——正相关 含蛋AA高
含SFA高 含膳食纤维高
高脂血症的分型饮食治疗要点 (二)
B.高胆固醇血症 1.严格限制胆固醇摄入: < 200mg/d 2.限制膳食总F量,尤其是SFA 3.提倡吃鱼类食品和大豆类食品 3.多吃新鲜蔬菜,增加膳食纤维、菌藻类食品 4.主食、水果不严限,最好多吃杂粮或粗粮 5.不提倡饮酒
年角膜弓、脂血症眼底改变等。 伴随症状:高血压、脂肪肝、肥胖、
提示 1.饮食治疗是治疗高脂血症的基础,尤其是原
发性高脂血症患者,更应首选饮食治疗。 2.即使药物治疗,饮食治疗也必须坚持。 3.即使是家族性高胆固醇血症,饮食治疗也具







关键词:精准营养;饲料配方设计;全数据分析;最佳效益;畜禽doi:10.13302/中图分类号:S816.15文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-991X (2019)09-0001-05Review of feed formulation design for livestock and poultry by precise nutrition technique Fang Rejun,Hu Shengjun,Fang Chengkun,Li Siyuan,Yu Qifang,Li JingAbstract :Feed formula is the core technology of compound feed production.The full data analysis of raw materials makes it possible for precise nutrition formula for animals in big data era.The design of animal feed formula has developed from the pure pursuit of maximum production performance to the optimal benefit and environmentally friendly formula.Focusing on the overview and application situa⁃tion of "precise nutrition technology",this paper expounds the principles of precise feed formula de⁃sign,steps of precise feed formula design,the precise design idea and attentions of personalized feed formula.Key words :precision nutrition ;feed formulation design ;full data analysis ;optimal benefit ;livestockand poultry随着畜牧业现代化生产进程的加快,为达到最大经济效益,实现行业可持续发展,如何优化畜禽饲料配方设计备受关注,成为了饲料生产企业的核心技术。

Nutritional Requirements

Nutritional Requirements

Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA)(推荐的 日摄食量):the RDA of a particular vitamin or mineral is the amount that people need each day to stay healthy.
Adequate Intake (AI)(适宜摄入量), where no RDA has been established, but the amount established is somewhat less firmly believed to be adequate for everyone in the demographic(人口学的) group.
Nutritional Requirements
Nutritional requirements
Nutritional requirements(营养需要量): the amount of various nutrients which can maintain human health status, achieve the desired level of development, maintain normal physiological activities, and complete the life and work activities. Below this amount will appear nutritional deficiency disease.The nutrient requirement is the basis for the formulation of the standard of nutrient supply.



公共营养师常见英语词汇汇总 Aacceptable daily intake (ADI每人每日容许摄入量acclimatization 气候适应accumulate 蓄积acetylandromedol 乙酰柽木醇毒acceptable risk level 可接受的危险水平 acid-forming food 成酸性食品Achromobacterium 无色菌属Act for preventing the adulteration of articles ex food and drink 防止饮食品掺假法activator 激活剂,活化剂actomyosin 肌凝蛋白acute toxicity test 急性毒性试验additive action 相加作用adipose tissue 脂肪组织administrative rule 行政规范adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素 adsorption 吸附,吸附作用aerobic repiration 有氧呼吸aflatoxin 黄曲霉毒素after-ripeness 后熟Agaricus 伞草属Agrostemma githago L. 麦仙翁alamine 丙氨酸albumin 白蛋白 albuminuria 蛋白尿alcohol 酒精alimentary codex 食品法规Alkaligenes 产碱杆菌属allowance 供给量alpha-BHC a-六六六alpha hemolytic streptococcu 甲型溶血性链球菌Alternaria 交链孢霉aluminum hydroxide 氢氧化铝aluminum sulfate 硫酸铝Alzheimer's dementia 早老性痴呆(阿耳茨海默痴呆Amanita muscaria 毒蝇伞Amanita pantherina 豹斑毒伞Amanita phalloides 毒伞Amanita verna 白毒伞Amanita virosa 鳞柄白毒伞amaranth 苋莱红amatoxins 毒伞八肽类Ames test Ames 试验,艾姆斯试验amino acid pattern 氨基酸模式ammonia 氨Amoeba 阿米巴属,阿米巴原虫,变形虫属 amphetamin chloride 冰毒amygdalin 苦杏仁甙amyl nitrite 亚硝基异戊酯amylose 直链淀粉amylopectin 支链淀粉anabolism 合成代谢anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸Andersen`s disease 安德森病angular stomatitis 口角炎anion exchange resins 阴离子交换树脂 anisatin 毒八角亭antagonistic action 拮抗作用 anthraquinone 蒽醌anti-cancer drugs 抗癌药物 antiketogenesis 抗生酮作用antioxidant 抗氧化剂antitrypsin 抗胰蛋白酶anthropometry 人体测量学apatite 磷灰石apparent digestibility 表现消化率 appetite 食欲apoferritin 脱铁铁蛋白apolipoprotein 载脂蛋白applied nutrition 应用营养aquatic organism 水生生物aquatic product 水产品arachidonic acid 花生四烯酸arcus senilis 老年环arginine 精氨酸arsenic 砷Arthrinium 节菱孢属Ascaris lumbricoides 蛔虫Ascaris vermicularis 蛲虫 Ascomycetes 子囊菌纲ascorbate 抗坏血酸盐ascorbic acid 抗坏血酸Aspergillus 曲霉属Aspergillus albicans 白曲霉 Aspergillus candidus 亮白曲霉Aspergillus flavus 黄曲霉Aspergillus fumigatus 烟曲霉Aspergillus glaucus 灰绿曲霉Aspergillus nidulans 构巢曲霉Aspergillus niger 黑曲霉Aspergillus niveus 霉白曲霉Aspergillus ochraceus 赭曲霉Aspergillus parasiticus 寄生曲霉 Aspergillus restrictus 局限曲霉 Aspergillus terreus 土曲霉Aspergillus ustus 焦曲霉Aspergillus versicolor 采色曲霉 Aspergillus wentti 温特曲霉 atherosclerosis 动脉粥样硬化autophagy 自吞噬availability 可利用率avidin 抗生物素蛋白azide 重氮化合物BBacillus anthracis 炭疽杆菌Bacillus cereous 蜡样芽胞杆菌Bacillus erysipelatos-suis 猪丹毒杆菌 Bacillus subtilis 枯草杆菌Bacillus tuberculosis bovis 牛型结核杆菌 bacon 咸猪肉bacterial mutation test 细菌诱变试验 bacteriocidal substance 杀菌物质bacteriophage 噬菌体balanced diet 平衡膳食balance test 平衡实验Balantidium coli 结肠小袋绦虫 B.alcaligenes metalcaligenes 粪产碱杆菌 barley 大麦basal metabolic rate, BMR 基础代谢率 basal metabolism 基础代谢base-forming food 成碱性食品 Basidiomycetes 担子菌纲bean curd 豆腐bean curd blade 百叶bean sprout 豆芽beet 甜菜beetle 甲虫类benefit-risk analysis 利害分析 benzimidazole 苯骈咪唑benz (a anthracene (BA 苯并(a 蒽 benzo (a pyrene (B (a P 苯并(a 芘 benzylamine oxidase 苄胺氧化酶beriberi 脚气病beta-BHC β-六六六β-carotene β-胡萝卜素beta hemolytic streptococcus 乙型溶血性链球菌betanin 甜菜苷BHC ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-hexachlorocyclohexane 六六六bilirubin 胆红素biliverdin 胆绿素bilobol 白果(二酚bioconcentration 生物富集,生物浓集 biodeterioration 生物危害bioenergetics 生物能量学biofeedback 生物反馈biohazard 生物危害biological concentration 生物富集,生物浓集biological expansion 生物性膨胀(罐头 biological half-time 生物半减期 biological prevention 生物防治biological value 生物价(生理价值 biosynthesis 生物合成biotin 生物素biotransformation 生物转化biotransport 生物转运bis (P-chlorophenyl acetic acid pp'-滴滴埃1, l'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2, 2——dichloroethane pp′ -滴滴滴1, l'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2,2-dichloroethylene pp′ -滴滴伊1, 1'-bis (P-chlorophenyl -2, 2, 2trichloroethane pp′—滴滴涕Bitot`s spots(patches 结膜干燥,比托斑点bitter almond kernel 苦杏仁bittern 盐卤Biuron 敌草隆bleach 漂荡,预煮bleaching agent 漂白剂blindness 盲,视觉缺失blood clam 蚶body mass index, BMI 体重指数botulin (botulismotoxin 肉毒菌毒素 botulism 肉毒中毒Bouin's solution 鲍音液Bovine Sponglform EncephalopathyBSE疯牛病bran 糠branched chain amino acid 支链氨基酸 breakdown 分解breast milk 母乳broad bean 蚕豆bromethane 溴甲烷bromomethane ; methyl bromide 溴甲烷 brown rice 糙米Brucella 布氏杆菌属Brucelliasis 布氏杆菌病B.subtilis test 桔草杆菌试验 B.thermophilie flat sour 嗜热性平酸苗 butenolide 丁烯酸内酯butylated hydroxyanisole 丁基羟基茴香醚 butylated hydroxytoluene 二丁基羟基甲苯 B.welchii (B.perfringens 韦氏杆菌(产气荚膜杆菌Ccachexia 恶病质cadaverine 尸胺cadmium 镉cadmium carbonate 碳酸镉cadmium chlorate 氯酸镉 cadmium hydroxide 氢氧化镉cadmium nitrate 硝酸镉cadmium sulfide 硫化镉caffeine 咖啡碱calciferol 钙化醇calcitonin , CT 降钙素calcium 钙caloric quotient 热能系数calorie 卡(路里calorifacient 生热的,产热的calorimeter 测热计,热量计calorimetry 测热法Camplobacter fetus subsp.jejuni 胎儿弯曲菌空肠亚种Camplobacterjejuni 空肠弯曲菌Candida 假丝酵母,念珠菌属cannabidiol 大麻二酚cannabinol 大麻酚cannabis seed oil poisining 大麻子油中毒 canned food 罐头食品capsanthin 辣椒红caramel 酱色,焦糖carbamate 氨基甲酸酯carbohydrate 碳水化物carbonic anhydrase 碳酸酐酶carcinogen 致癌物carcinogenicity test 致癌试验carithamine 红花黄色素carnitine 肉毒碱casein 酪蛋白cassava 木薯catabolism 分解代谢cation exchange resins 阳离子交换树脂 cell transformation test 细胞转化试验cellulose 纤维素ceramics 陶瓷ceruloplasmin 血浆铜蓝蛋白cesium 铯chemical expansion 化学性膨胀(罐头 chemical engineering ,chemical industry, chemical technolog 化工chemical pollution 化学污染chemical prevention 化学防治Chlorella 小球藻属chlorinated hydrocarbon, organochlorine 氯化烃,有机氯chlorogenic acid 绿原酸cholesterol 胆固醇cholecal ciferol 维生素 D3,胆钙化醇 choline esterase 胆碱酯酶chromium 铬chromosome 染色体chromosome abberation 染色体畸变 chromosome aberration assay test 染色体畸变分析试齄chronic mercury poisoning 慢性汞中毒 chronic toxicity test 慢性毒性试验chylomicron 乳糜微粒cigarette 香烟Citreoviridin 黄绿青霉素citrinin 桔青霉素 Cladosporium 枝孢属clam 蛤Clavus secalinus 麦角Claviceps purpurea Tulasne 麦角菌cleaner 洗涤剂cleaning 净化cleavage of phosphide ester linkage 磷酯键裂解cleft palate 腭裂Clitocybe 杯伞属Clostridium 芽胞杆菌属Clostridium botulinum 内毒杆菌 Clostridium butylicum 丁酸杆菌 Clostridium perfringens 产气荚膜杆菌 coagulant 凝固剂coagulase 凝固酶cobalt 钴cobalt chloride 氯化钻coffee 咖啡colchicine 秋水仙碱cold frozen 冷冻cold press 冷榨cold sterilization 冷灭菌cold storage 冷藏coliform group 大肠菌群colitap 大肠菌快速检验纸片coli test 大肠杆菌试验colliod 胶体colloid system 胶体系统colonization factor antigen, CFA 定居因子抗原complementary action 互补作用 concentrated milk 浓缩奶concentration factor 浓集系数condensed milk 炼乳congenital mercury poisoning 先天性汞中毒conglycinin 伴大豆球蛋白conjunctival dryness 结膜干燥 contaminants in food 食品污染物 contaminants of biological origin 生物性污染物contaminants of chemical origin 化学性污染物contaminants of radioactive origin 放射性污染物contamination 污染control organ of food hygiene食品卫生监督机构control system of food hygiene食品卫生监督制copper 铜corn cockle seed 麦仙翁籽corn soybean milk (CSM 玉米大豆乳 coronary heart disease 冠心病cowmilk 牛乳Coxsackie virus 柯沙奇病毒crayfish 蝲蛄critical porion 敏感期cumulative coefficient 蓄积系数 cumulative toxicity index 蓄积毒性系数cumulative toxicity test 蓄积毒性试验 Curcuma longa 姜黄curcumin 姜黄素β-cyanoalanine β-氰丙氨酸cyanogenetic glycoside plant poisoning 含氰甙植物中毒cyanogenetic glycoside 含氰甙 cyanomethemoglobin 氰化正铁血红蛋白 cycasin 苏铁素cyclamate 环己氨基磺酸盐cyclic N-nitroso compoun环状 N-亚硝基化台钧cyclochlorotine 环氯素cysteine 半胱氨酸cystine 胱氨酸cytochrome 细胞色素cytochrome oxidase 细胞色素氧化酶Ddaily dietary allowance 每日膳食供给量 Datura stramonium L. 蔓陀萝day blindness 昼盲(症daylily 黄花莱,金针莱21-day survival index 21天哺育成活率 2, 4-D ; 2, 4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 2, 4-D ; 2, 4-二氯苯氧醋酸DDVP ; dichlorvos ; dichlorphos 敌敌畏 dealkylation 脱烷基化作用deamination 脱氨基作用Debaryomyces 德巴利氏酵母属decimal reduction time (DRT 90%递减时间diarrhea 腹泻difference between individuals 个体差异 delayed neurotoxicity 迟发性神经毒作用delayed neurotoxicity test 迟发神经毒性试验delta-BHC δ-六六六Demeton , systox 内吸磷Density of energy 热能密度Density of nutrient 营养素密度dental plaque 斑牙deoxyadenosylcobalamin 腺苷钴胺酸 Deoxynivalenol (DON 脱氧雪腐镰刀菌醇descendant 子系体,后代Deuteromycetes (Imperfect fungi 半知茵纲(不完全菌纲dhurrin 蜀黍氰甙diabetes mellitus, DM 糖尿病diabetic ketoacidosis 糖尿病酮症酸中毒 diacetoxyscirpenol 二醋酸熏草镰刀菌烯醇 dialycerides 甘油二脂Diazinon 二嗪农dibenz (a , h anthracene , DBA 二苯并(a , h 蒽dichloro-diphenyltrichloroethane ; 1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis(P-chlorophenyl ethan 滴滴涕(DDTdientamoeba fragilis 脆双核阿米巴diet 膳食,饮食dietary 食谱,饮食的dietary history 饮食习惯 dietary fiber 膳食纤维dietary guidelines 膳食指南dietary recall 膳食回顾dietary reference values, DRVs 膳食参考量difference between species 种间差异 digestibility 消化率digestion 消化dihydrochalcone 二氢查耳酮 dihydronivalenone 二氢雪腐烯酮 dihydrosafrole 二氢黄樟素1, 25-dihydroxycholecalciferol 1, 25-二羟维生素 D37, 12-dimethylbenz (a anthracene ; 7, 12-DMBA 7, 12-二甲基苯并(a 蒽dioxin 二噁英direct calorimetry 直接测热法 discrimination factor 差异系数diterpene 双萜dithion 畜虫磷diverticulosis 憩室病DNA repair synthesis test DNA修复合成试验domestic animal 家畜dominant lethal test 显性致死试验 dopamine-β-hydroxylase 多巴胺 -β-羟化酶dose-effect (dose-response relationship 剂量效应(反应关系drogs 废渣dried bean curd 豆腐干Drosophila melanogaster recessive lethal test 果蝇隐性致死试验Drosophila recessive lethal assay 果蝇隐性致死试验duodenum 十二指肠dwarfism 矮小,侏儒症dystrophic hyperkeratosis 营养不良性角化过度Eeating out 出外用膳eating patterns 饮食习惯Echinococcus granulosus 细粒棘球绦虫 ECHO virus 埃柯病毒ecosystemic equipoise 生态平衡edema 水肿Edible microorganismus 食用微生物elastin 弹性蛋白elderly 老年人elementary school 小学Embadomonas intestinalis 肠内滴虫 emulsion 乳胶,乳浊剂,乳剂emulsoid 乳胶体energy 热能energy coefficient 能量系数endemic arsenic poisoning 地方性砷中毒 endemic cretinism 地方性克汀病endemic disease 地方病endemic fluorine poisoning 地方性氟中毒 endopeptidase 肽链内切酶 endosperm 胚乳energy requirment 热能需要量Engel's index 恩格尔指数enrichment 强化(食品enterogastrone 肠抑胃素enterogenous cyanosis 肠原性青紫 enteroinvasive E.Coli 肠侵袭性大肠杆菌enteropathogenic E.Coli 肠致病性大肠杆菌 enterotoxigenic E.Coli 肠产毒性大肠杆菌enterotoxin 肠毒素epinephrine 肾上腺素epiphysis 松果体,骨骺epithollium 上皮epoxide 环氧化物12, 13-epoxytrichothecenes 12, 13-环氧单端孢霉烯族化合物ergocalciferol 麦角骨化醇,维生素 D2 ergometrine 麦角新碱ergometrinine 麦角异新碱ergot 麦角ergotamine 麦角胺ergotism 麦角中毒ergotoxine 麦角毒Erwinia 欧文菌属erythocytes 红细胞erythroskyrin 红天精Escherichia 埃希菌属Esherichia coli 大肠杆菌essential amino acid 必需氨基酸essential fatty acid 必需脂肪酸 esterification 酯化(作用estimated safe and adequate intake 安全适当的建议摄入量estrogen 雌激素ethion 乙硫磷ethnic 人种的,人种学的Eumycetes 真菌纲evaporated milk 脱脂牛奶FFacioletta ilocana 伊族棘口吸虫fallout 沉降灰FAO/WHO Joint Committee of Alimentary Codex (CA-C FAO/WHO食品卫生法规联合委员会farina 面粉,淀粉Fasciola hepatica 肝片吸虫Fasciolopsis 姜片虫属Fasciols heterophyes 异形吸虫fast-food 快餐fat 脂肪Fat-soluble vitamins 脂溶性维生素fatty acid 脂酸fecundation index 受孕率Federal Radiation Council, FRC 美国联邦辐射委员会feeding test for 90 days 90天喂养试验 feeding test for 7 days 7天喂养试验Federal Food Drugs and Cosmetic Act 联邦食品药品化妆品法(美国Fenthion 倍疏磷(百治屠 fermented tea 发酵茶Fermentive corn flour 酵(臭米面 Fermentive corn flour intoxication 酵 (臭米面食物中毒fern 蕨类(羊齿植物ferritin 铁蛋白ferroxidase 铁氧化酶fertilizer (化学肥料F-2 estrogenic mycotoxin F-2 雌性发情毒素Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, FAS 胎儿酒精症候群fetus 胎儿fiber 纤维fibrin 纤维蛋白fibrinogen 纤维蛋白原finless eel 蟮鱼fish 鱼,鱼类fishery 渔业fishing ground 渔场flatulence factor 胃肠胀气因子 Flavobacterium 黄杆菌属Flavobacterum farinofermentans 酵米面黄杆茴flavonoid 黄酮类化合物fluorene 芴fluoride 氟化物fluorine 氟fluorosis 氟中毒flour tortillas 墨西哥薄饼fluid balance 体液平衡fluoride 氟化物fluorosis 氟中毒folacin 叶酸folic acid 叶酸food additive 食品添加剂Food and Argriculture Organization , FAO 联合国粮农组织Food and Drug Administration (FDA of U.S. 美国食品与药物管理局food chain 食物链food colour 食用色素food composition 食物成分food contamination 食品污染food fortifier 食品强化剂food grain other than wheat and rice 杂粮food hygiene 食品卫生学food hygiene law 食品卫生法food hygienic quality detection 食品卫生质量鉴定food origin disease 食源性疾病food poisoning 食物中毒Food toxicology 食品毒理学Food Safety Council of U.S. 美国食品安全性协会food spoilage 食品腐败变质food stamp 食品券food storage 食品贮存foot-and-mouth disease virus 口蹄疫病毒 fortification 加强,强化fresh water crab 河蟹 fresh water fish 淡水鱼fried bean curd 油豆腐fruitarian 果食者full blood count 全血计数fumigant 熏蒸剂fungi 真菌fungicide 杀菌剂fusarenon-X 镰刀菌烯酮 -XFusarium 镰刀菌属Fusarium equiseti 木贼镰刀菌Fusarium graminearum 禾谷镰刀菌 Fusarium lateritium 砖红镰刀菌 Fusarlum moniliforme 串株镰刀菌 Fusarium nivale 雪腐镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum 尖孢镰刀菌Fusarlum poae 梨孢镰刀菌Fusarlum roseum 粉红镰刀菌Fusarlum scripi 藤草镰刀菌Fusarium semitectum 半裸镰刀菌 Fusarinm solani 茄病镰刀菌Fusarium sporotrichioides 拟枝孢镰刀菌 Fusarium spp. 镰刀菌Fusarium toxin 镰刀菌毒素Fusarfum tricinctum 三线镰刀菌Ggalactotransferase 半乳糖转移酶gamma-BHC γ-六六六gamma streptococcus 丙型链球菌grain embryo 谷胚(芽garlic 大蒜gastroenteric irritant 胃肠刺激物 gellyfish 诲蜇gelsemine 钩吻碱gene mutation 基因突变genetically modified food, GMF 转基因食品geo-chemical disease 地球化学性疾病 germination 发芽Giardia lamblia 贾兰第鞭毛虫Gibberella zeae 玉米赤霉ginkgo biloba L. 银杏,白果ginkgolic acid 白果酸Glass can 玻璃罐头glossitis 舌炎glucagon 胰高血糖素glucogenesis 葡萄糖生成glucogenic amino acid 生糖氨基酸glucose 葡萄糖glucosinolate 芥子甙glutamic acid 谷氨酸glucuronide 葡糖苷酸glutathione 谷胱甘肽glycemic index 血糖生成指数glycolysis 糖酵解Gnathostoma spinigerum 棘聘口线虫 glutathione peroxdase 谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶glutinous rice 糯米goitrogen 致甲状腺肿因子Good Manufacture Practice (IMP 良好生产工艺 gossypol 棉酚grain , cereal 谷类grain husk 谷皮grain moth 谷蠹grain peat 大谷盗grain processing 粮食加工green food 绿色食品grind 碾磨grind into thick liquid 磨浆guaiac 愈创木脂gustin 味觉素Gymnopilus spectabi1is 桔黄裸伞 gypsum 石膏Gyromitra esculenta 鹿花蕈 Gyromitrin 鹿花蕈素Hafnia 哈夫尼亚菌属hallucinogen 幻觉原Halobacterium 嗜盐杆菌属Halococcus 嗜盐球菌属Hansenula 汉逊酵母属harelip (cleft lip 唇裂heat-labile toxin, LT 不耐热肠毒素 heat-stable toxin, ST 耐热肠毒素 heavy metal 重金属Heliotroplum lascocarpum 毛果洋茉莉 helminth 蠕虫hemagglutinin 血细胞凝集素heme 血红素hemicellulose 半纤维素hemoglobin 血红蛋白hemolytic toxin 溶血毒素hemosiderin 血铁黄素herbicide 除草剂heroin 海洛因,吗啡high density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白 high density lipoprotein cholesterin, HDL-C 高密度脂蛋白胆固醇histamine 组胺histidine 组氨酸HT-2 toxin HT-2毒素hydrazine 肼,联氨hydrogenation 氢化作用hydrogen cyanide 氢氰酸hydrolysis 水解作用hydrometer (液体比重计hydrometry 液体比重测定法hydroxyapatite 羟磷灰石 hydroxycholecalciferol 羟基胆固醇化钙, 25-羟维生素D3hydroxocobalamine 羟钴胺素 hydroxyergocalciferol 羟基麦角钙化醇, 25-羟维生素 D2Hymonolepis diminuta 长膜壳绦虫 hyperactivity 功能亢进的hypercholesterolemia 高胆固醇血症 hyperlipaemia 高脂蛋白血症hypertension 高血压hypervitaminosis 维生素过多症 hypocalcemia 低钙血症Ibotenic acid 鹅膏鼙氨酸Idiopathic hypogeusia 自发性味觉减退 Illicium anisatum L. 山大茴,毒茴香,假茴香,次大料Implantation period 着床期incidence of parturition 妊娠率income elasticity 收入弹性index of nutritional quality (INQ 营养质量指数indicator of food hygiene quality 食品卫生质量指标indigo carmine 靛蓝胭脂红indirect calorimetry 间接测热法indole 吲哚(靛基质Inocybe 丝盖伞属inodized salt 碘盐insecticide 杀虫剂inspector of food hygiene 食品卫生监督员 insulin 胰岛素International Commission on Radiological Protection ; ICRP 国际放射防护委员会iodine 碘iodin deficiency disorders 碘缺乏病 ionization theory 离子化学说iron 铁islanditoxin 岛青霉毒素isoleucine 异亮氨酸isosafrole 异黄樟素lsothiocyanates 异硫氰酸酯Isospora hominis 人等胞子球虫Isoxazole derivative 异噁唑衍生物joule 焦耳junior food 幼儿食品Kahagawa phenomenon 神奈川现象kelp 海带kerantin 角蛋白ketogenic amino acid 生酮氨基酸ketosis 酮病kilocalorie 千卡Kilojoule 干焦Klebsiella 克雷伯菌属Konwey's dish 康威皿kwashiorkor 恶性营养不良KLabeling of INQ INQ标志(营养质量指数标志lac insect 紫胶虫lactation 泌乳,哺乳Lactarius 乳菇属Lactobacilius 乳杆菌属L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine methylester 天门冬酰苯丙氨酸甲酯lathyrism 山黧豆中毒lead 铅lead linear 铅线lead load 铅负荷leaf protein 叶蛋白lean body mass 瘦体质lean meat 瘦肉lecithin 卵磷脂leptin 瘦素leucine 亮氨酸L-α,γ-diamlnobutyric acid L-α,γ-二氨基丁酸life-span toxicity test 终生毒性试验 lignin 木质素limiting amino acid 限制氨基酸linamarin 亚麻苦甙,棉豆甙lindane 林丹linolenic acid 亚麻酸linolie acid 亚油酸linuron ,N′ -(3, 4-dichlorophenyl N-methoxy-N-methylurea 利谷隆lipase 脂肪酶lipid 脂类lipoids 类脂质lipoprotein 脂蛋白lithium 锂live birth index 出生成活率liverfluke 肝吸虫Lolium temulentum L. 毒麦long term toxicity test 长期毒性试验 low density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白 low density lipoprotein cholesterin , LDL-C 低密度脂蛋白胆固醇lungfluke 肺吸虫Lycopene 番茄红素lysine 赖氨酸lysyloxidase 赖氨酰氧化酶Mmacrocytic anemia, macrocyte 巨红细胞 macroelement 宏量元素Mad Cow Disease 疯牛病magnesium 镁maize 玉米malathion , Karbofos 马拉硫磷malnutrition 营养不良mammitis , mastitis 乳房炎management of food hygiene 食品卫生管理 management of food poisoning 食物中毒管理manganese 锰manibot utilissima 木薯marasmus 消瘦,消耗marine fish 海鱼matrix 基质maximum no-effect level (MNL 最大无作用量maximum probable number of coliform group 大肠菌群最近似数maximum no-effect dose 最大无作用剂量 maximum residue limit 最高容许残留量 maximum residue limit 最大残留限量meat factor 肉类因子medium lethal dose (LD50 半数致死量 megajoule 兆焦megaloblastic anemia, megalobast 巨幼红细胞melanin 黑色素mercury 汞metabolic antagonist 代谢拮抗物metabolic half-life (Ti 代谢半衰期 metabolism 代谢 metabolism test of xenobiotics 外来化合物代谢试验Metagonimus Yokogawai 横川后殖吸虫 Metallic toxicant 金属毒物metallothionein , MT 金属硫蛋白 methemoglobinemia 高铁血红蛋白血症methemoglobin reductase 高铁血红蛋白还原酶methionine 蛋氨酸methyl 2-benzimidazole-carbamate (MBC 多菌灵methylene blue 亚甲蓝,美蓝3-methyleholanthrene (3-MCA 3-甲基胆蒽 4-methylimidazole 4-甲基咪唑Micrococcus 微球菌属Micrococcus roseum 玫瑰微球菌 microelement 微量元素micronucleus test 微核试验microsome mediated assay 微粒体间介试验 millet 小米milk curd 凝乳milker 挤奶器milk sugar, lactose 乳糖mineral 无机盐minimal effect level 最小有作用剂量 minimium observed adverse effect level (LOAEL 最小可见损害作用水平miscible calcium pool混溶钙池mite 螨类mitochondrion 线粒体mixed polysaccharide 杂多糖moisture absorption 吸湿性molasses 糖蜜mollusc 软体动物molybdenum 铝monascorubin 红粬红素Monascus purpureus 紫红粬霉 moniliformin 串珠镰刀菌素Monoamine oxidase 单胺氧化酶 monoglyceride 单酸甘油脂 monosacchavide 单糖monosodium glutamate 谷氨酸钠,味精 monomethylhydrazine 甲基联氨monounsaturated 单不饱和的monuron ,N′ -(P-chlorophenyl -N , N-dimethylurea 灭草隆moral rule 道德规范mottling of teeth 斑牙症mouse 鼠类mouse unit, MU 小鼠单位Mucor 毛霉属mung bean 绿豆muscarine 毒蝇碱muscimol 毒蝇母mutagenicity test 致突变试验 myoglobin 肌红蛋白myosin 肌球蛋白myristic acid 豆蔻酸NNADH-dehydrogenase 还原型辅酶 I 脱氢酶β-N-(γ-L-glutamyl -aminopropionitrile β-N- (γ-L-谷氨酰基氨基丙腈naringin dihydrochalcone 柚苷二氢查耳酮 natural radioactive background 天然放射性本底natural radionuclide 天然放射性核索 negative nitrogen balance 负氮平衡neohesperidin dihydrochalcone 新橙皮苷二氢查耳酮neo-solaniol 新茄病镰刀菌烯醇net protein utilization 蛋白质净利用率 neurotoxicant 神经毒neurotoxic esterase 神经毒素酶neutral fat 中性脂肪new resources of food 食物新资源niacin 烟酸,尼克酸,维生素 PPnicotinic acid 尼克酸nickel 镍night blindness 夜昼(症nisin 乳酸链球苗肽nitrile 腈nitrite 亚硝酸盐nitrite poisoning 亚硝酸盐中毒nitrogen soluble index (NSI 氮溶解指数nitrophen , 2, 4-dichloro-1-(4′ -nitrophenoxy benzene 除草醚 nivalenol 雪腐镰刀菌烯醇,瓜萎镰菌醇nivalenol diacetate 二醋酸雪腐镰刀菌烯醇 N-nitramine N-硝胺N-nitrosamide N-亚硝酰胺N-nitrosamidine N-亚硝基脒N-nitrosamine N-亚硝胺N-nitroso carbaryl N—亚硝西维因N-nitroso-compound N-亚硝基化合物N-nitrosodiethanolamine 二乙醇 -N-亚硝胺 N-nitrosodiethylamine 二乙基 -N-亚硝胺 N-nltrosodimethylamine 二甲基 -N-亚硝胺 N-nitrosomorpholine N-亚硝基吗啉N-nitrosopiperazidine(N-nitrosopiperazine N-亚硝基哌嗪 N-nitrosopiperidine N-亚磺基哌啶N-niterosopyrrolidine N-亚硝基吡咯烷 N-nitroso sugar amino acids N-亚硝基糖氨基酸N-nitrosourea N-亚硝基脲non-essential amino acid 非必需氨基酸 non-fermented tea 未发酵茶no-observed-adverse-effect level(NOAEL 无明显损害作用水平no-observed-effect level(NOEL 无明显作用水平norepinephrine 去甲肾上腺素 nordihydroguaiaretic acid 去甲二氢愈创木酸γ-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminobutyric acid γ-N-草酰 -L-α,β-二氨基丁酸β-N-oxalyl-L-α,β-diaminopropionic acidβ-N-草酰 -L-α,β-二氨基丙酸nucleotide 核苷酸nutrient 营养素nutritional ecology 营养生态学 nutritional hygiene 营养卫生学nutritional iron deficiency anemia , IDA 营养缺铁性贫血nutritional marasmus 营养消瘦症nutritional requirement 营养素生理需要量 nutritional surveillance 营养监测Oobesity 肥胖,肥胖症ochratoxin 赭曲霉毒素oils 油类oilseed cake 油籽饼oil-seed meal 油籽饼粉one-carbon unit 一碳单位onion 洋葱,葱头Opisthorchis felineus 猫后皋吸虫 Opisthorchis (clonorchis sinensis 华支睾吸虫opium 鸦片opsin 视蛋白Oranoleptic indicator 感官指标organelle 细胞器organoarsenic 有机砷organomercury 有机汞organophosphorus 有机磷osmotic pressure 渗透压ossification 骨化(作用osteoblast 成骨细胞osteoclast 破骨细胞osteomalacia 骨软化(症osteoporosis 骨质疏松症o-sulfobenzoic acid 邻磺基苯甲酸 overweight 超重oxalate 草酸盐oxalic acid 草酸oxidation 氧化oxidative phosphorylation 氧化磷酸化 oxyhemoglobin 氧合血红蛋白oyster 牡蛎Ppalmitic acid 软脂酸Panaeolus 花褶伞属pantothenic acid, pantothen 泛酸 Paragonismus westermani 卫氏并殖吸虫Paramecium caudatum 尾草履虫Parathion , Thiophos , 1605 对硫磷 parathyroid hormone, parathyrin 甲状旁腺素pasterpowderlayer (a1eurone layer 糊粉层pasteurization 巴氏消毒法patulin 展青霉素pectin transeliminase 果胶反排除酶 pellagra 糙皮症,玉米红斑病Penicillium 青霉菌属Penicillium citreo-viride 黄绿青霉 Penicillium citrinum 桔青霉Penicillium claviforme 棒形青霉 Penicillium cyclopium 圆孤青霉 Penicillium decumbens 斜卧青霉Penicilllum expansum 扩展青霉Penicillium fellutanum 瘿青霉Penicillium implicatum 纠缠青霉 Penicillium islandicum 岛青霉Penicillium lividum 铅色青霉Penicillium ochrosalmoneum 棕鲜色肯霉, 棕蛙色青霉Penicillium patulum 展青霉Penicillium pullviLlorum 垫状青霉 Penicillium rubrum 红色青霉Penicillium viridicatum 纯绿色肯霉 peptide 肽,肽段peracetic acid 过氧乙酸peristalsis 蠕动pesticide 农药pest to store (store pests 仓库虫害 peripheral nutrition, PPN 外周静脉营养phallotoxins 毒伞七肽类Phaseolus vulgaris L .四季豆,莱豆角,芸豆角phenylalanine 苯丙氨酸phenylketonuria , PKU 苯丙酮尿症 phospholipid 磷脂phorate , E13911 甲拌磷,(3911 phosphatide 磷脂phospholipid 磷脂phosphorus 磷phosvitin 卵黄高磷蛋白Photobacterium phosphorescens 磷光发光菌 Phycomycetes 藻菌纲physical expansion 物理性膨胀(罐头 physiological hyaluronidase inhibitor 生理透明质酸抑制剂physiological nutrition requirment 营养生理需要量phytate 植酸盐phytic acid 植酸phytohemagglutinin (PHA 植物凝血素 Pichia 毕赤酵母属pigeon chest 鸡胸Plankton 浮游生物plant 植物plant growth regulator 植物生长调节素 plant sterol 植物固醇plastic can 塑料罐头platelet stickness 血小板粘结poliomyelitis virus 小儿麻痹症病毒 polonium 钋polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH 多环芳烃类polyoxyethylene ether 聚氧乙烯醚 polysaccharide polymerase 多糖聚合酶polyunsaturated fatty acid 多不饱和脂肪酸ponceau 4R 胭脂红,丽春红 4Rpoppy 罂粟porphyria 紫质症porphyrin 卟啉positive nitrogen balance 正氮平衡 potassium 钾practical residue limit 实际残留限量 prandial 膳食的precursor 前体物preservative 防腐剂press 压榨Propionibacterium 丙酸杆菌属 propylgallate 没食子酸丙酯prostaglandin 前列腺素protease 蛋白酶protective effect 防护作用protein 蛋白质protein concentrate 浓缩蛋白protein efficiency ratio 蛋白质功效比值 protein-energy malnutrition, PEM 蛋白质热能缺乏性营养不良protein isolate 分离蛋白protein sparing action 蛋白质节约作用 Proteus 变形杆菌属proteus food poisoning 变形杆菌食物中毒 Proteus mirabilis 奇异变形杆菌Proteus morganli 莫根变形杆菌Proteus vulgaris 普通变形杆菌 protoplasmic toxin 原浆毒素Proteus rettgeri 雷特洛变形杆菌,雷极氏变形杆菌prunasin 洋李甙Pseudoanisatin 伪毒八角亭Pseudomonas 假单胞菌属Pseudomonas fluorescens 荧光假单胞菌 Pseudomonas syncyanca 产蓝假单胞菌Pseudomonas synxantha 产黄假单胞菌 psilocin 脱磷酸光盖伞素Psilocybe 光盖伞属psilocybin 光盖伞素puckery 味涩putrescine 腐胺pyridoxine 吡哆醇,维生素 B6pyrimidine 嘧啶pyrrolidine alkaloids 吡咯烷生物碱类 Rradioactive pollution 放射性污染(公害 radioactive contamination 放射性污染radionuclide 放射性核素radium 镭rational diet 合理膳食recommended daily dietary allowance (RDA 推荐每日膳食供给量recommended program of food safety evaluation 食品安全性评价程序建议red bean 赤豆reductase 还原酶reference men and women 参考人 reproduction test 繁殖试验reproduction test by feeding 喂养繁殖试验requirement 需要量residue 残留resistin 抵抗素respiratory chain 呼吸链retinoic acid 视黄酸retinol 视黄醇 retinol equivalent 视黄醇当量Rhizopus 根霉属rhodanase 硫氰酸酶Rhodophyllus 粉褶辈属Rhodotorula 红酵母属riboflavin 核黄素,维生素 B2ribosome 核糖体rice 稻米rice weevil 米象ricin 蓖麻毒素,蓖麻毒蛋白ricinine 蓖麻碱ricinism 蓖麻中毒Ricinus communis L. 蓖麻rickets 佝偻病rodenticide 杀鼠药Rogor , dimethoate , Roxion 乐果 Rosaceae 蔷薇科rubropunctatin 红斑素rye 黑麦Ssaccharin 糖精Saccharomyces 酵母属safe crop period 安全收割期,安全施药间隔期safety coefficient 安全系数safflower 红花safrole 黄樟素saliva 唾液salivery amylase 唾液淀粉酶Salmonella 沙门菌属Salmonella aberdeen 阿伯丁沙门菌 Salmonella abortus equi 马流产沙门菌Salmonella abortus ovis 羊流产沙门菌 Salmonella anatis 鸭沙门菌Salmonella bovis morbificans 病牛沙门菌 Salmonella choleraesuis 猪霍乱沙门菌Salmonella derby 德尔卑沙门菌Salmonella dublin 都柏林沙门菌 Salmonella enteritidis 肠炎沙门菌 Salmonella heidelberg 海德堡沙门菌 Salmonella infantis 婴儿沙门菌 Salmonella kisangeni 桑盖尼沙门菌 Salmonella london 伦敦沙门菌Salmonella meleagridis 火鸡沙门菌 Salmonella newport 牛波特沙门菌,新港沙门菌Salmonella paratyphi A 甲型副伤寒汐门菌 Salmonella paratyphi B 乙型副伤寒沙门菌 Salmonella paratyphi C 丙型副伤寒沙门苗 Salmonella potsdam 波茨坦沙门菌Salmonella senftenberg 山夫顿堡抄门菌 Salmonella stanley 斯坦利沙门菌 Salmonella taksony 塔克松尼沙门菌 Salmonella thompson 汤卜逊沙门菌 Salmonella typhi 伤寒沙门菌Salmonella typhimurtum 鼠伤寒沙门菌 Salmonella typhimurium/mammals microsomal enzyme test 鼠伤寒沙门菌 /哺乳动物微粒体酶试验salt 食盐 sampling 采样saponin 皂素,皂甙sassafras 黄樟树satiety 饱腹感saturated fatty acid 饱和脂肪酸 scenedemine 栅列藻scopolamine 东莨菪碱,莨菪胺scurvy 坏血病sea crab 海蟹seed husk 种皮selenium 硒semi-fermented tea 半发酵茶Serratia 沙雷菌属serratia marcesens 粘质沙雷菌Sevin , Carbaryl 西维因sexual infantilism 性幼稚型shelflife 货架寿命shigella sonnei 宋内志贺菌shihimic acid 毒八角酸short term toxicity test 短期毒性试揸 silicon 硅single cell protein (SCP 单细胞蛋白 sister-chromatid exchange assay 姐妹染色单体互换试验sitoesterol 谷固醇skatole 甲基吲哚(粪臭素small for gestational age infant (SGAI 足月小样儿soaking 浸泡social nutrition 社会营养sodium copper chlorophyll 叶绿素铜钠盐sodium hydrosulfite 连二亚硫酸钠 sodium hyposulfite 硫代硫酸钠 sodium nitrite 亚硝酸钠 sodium pyrosulfite 焦亚硫酸钠 sodium selenite 亚硒酸钠。



ANT 260 4.1 Nutrition (1)

ANT 260 4.1 Nutrition (1)

Water-soluble vitamins dissolve in water, are excreted in urine, and are rarely toxic. Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed, transported, and stored along with fat. They can accumulate in the body to toxic levels.
Minerals and trace elements

Humans need >100 mg of select minerals in their food or water every day.
Trace elements we require far less of: only microgram or milligram amounts.

lowering the risk of coronary heart disease.

Insoluble = not able to dissolve in water.

passes through the body largely unchanged. attracts water; softens and increases the bulk of stools. shortens food’s transit time through the intestinal tract
Dietary fiber

Carbohydrate molecules in plant foods that human digestive enzymes can’t break down.

(大学专业英语2)Lesson2 Nutrition

(大学专业英语2)Lesson2   Nutrition

Unit2 NutritionWhat we eat as well as how much we eat determine our nutrition status to an important extent,and influenced by a diversity of external and internal factors.The person who wants to find the answer to the question" what should I eat for good nutrition?“,might easily become lost in the maze of informational corridors,confused by the wealth of technical information provided by scientists or mislead by simplistic answers provided by those with products to sell.Somewhere in between is some reasonable,commonsense information that we can use to guide us our quest for sound nutrition knowledge.To begin,we need to learn some definitions of commonly used nutrition terms and find out what sorts of guidelines are available to help us measure the quality of our diets and to develop healthful eating patterns.NUTRITION AND FOOD:DEFINITIONSThe word nutrition is often paired with the word food because the two go together. They are interdependent,but not interchangeable.Food might be defined as any edible substance that provides nourishment when consumed. It is made up of many natural ingredients all chemicals that have different functions such as providing odor,flavor,color,and nourishment. The ingredients that give us nourishment are called nutrients.These nutrients are categorized as fats,proteins carbohydrates (sugars and starches),minerals,vitamins,and water. They are called essential nutrients because we cannot get along without them. We need them for energy,for building and maintaining body tissue;and for regulating body processes ,these are the three essential functions of foods in the body.Nutrition might be defined as the process whereby we obtain the essential nutrients and use them to make many other substances our bodies need,this process would include eating and digesting food and absorbing and using,or metabolizing,the nutrients it contains.We can obtain all of the essential nutrients from food. However,it is possible to obtain nourishment without eating and digesting food-if,for example,the nutrients are injected directly to our veins as in intravenous feeding.Thus,it is the nutrients that are essential and the food that normally provides them. Since food is vital,we need to know the nutritive content of foods,whichones are the best sources of the various nutrients and how to combine them into a healthful diet.The term good nutrition implies that we are obtaining from our food all of the essential nutrients in the amounts needed to keep our bodies functioning and to maintain optimum health. A very simplified definition of good nutrition might be" eating the right foods in the right amounts.“The work of nutrition scientists involves finding the answer to questions about nutrients-their function in the body,the amount of each that we need,what happenings when we receive too much or too little and about food and diet-what foods we should eat and in what amount.Yet nutrition science in its broadest sense has many more facets:the influence of sensory factors of flavor,color,and texture of food on eating behavior;the psychological,cultural,emotional,and social aspects of food intake;and even the economics of food availability and consumer behavior in the purchase of food.THE NUTRIENTSTo date,nutrition scientists have identified some 40 to 45 substances as essential nutrients. But the list is growing as new nutrients continue to be identified;the history of nutrition science contains fascinating stories about the ways food substances have been identified as essential nutrients. In some instances,medical researchers seeking the cause of a particular disease found that problem was due to a single substance,and that when this substance was added to the diet,the symptoms of the disease disappeared. A number of vitamins were discovered in this way.Nutrients might be divided into two general categories based on the amount that we need. These are the macronutrients (carbohydrates,fats,proteins,and water),which we need in relatively large amounts and the micronutrients (mineral elements and vitamins),which we need in relatively small amounts. All of the nutrients except for mineral elements and water are classified as organic chemicals because they contain the element carbon. Mineral elements and water are inorganic chemicals because they do not contain carbon.The vitamins are divided into two general categorizes based on their solubility in either water or fat .the fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A,D,E,and K;the water-soluble vitamins include vitamins C (ascorbic acid),niacin,thiamin,riboflavin,flacon (also called folic acid)antithetic acid,pyridoxine,vitamin B12 and biotin.The mineral elements are divided into two categories based on the quantity of them that we need. Macroelements are those needed in relatively large amounts,while microelements are those needed in very small amounts,some example ofmacroelements are sodium,calcium,and phosphorus. Some example of microelements is iron,iodine,manganese,zinc,and fluorine.RECOMMENDED DIETARY ALLOWANCESOnce a nutrient is identified,one of the principal research efforts of nutrition scientist is to determine how much of it is needed by people at various ages and stages of life. Initial studies usually are conducted with laboratory animals,but the information developed in these studies cannot be applied directly to humans since people's needs often are quite different from animals' needs. Human nutrition studies on the other hand,are time-consuming,costly,and difficult to conduct,especially because of the problems of controlling variables and possibly causing harm to the individuals involved. Because of the obstacles to collecting accurate data,our present knowledge of nutrient needs is incomplete,and the requirements of humans for many nutrients have not been established.However,the data on human and animal needs currently available are used by nutrition scientists to establish estimates of the amounts of essential nutrients per day that will meet the needs of most health persons. In the United States,the most widely used nutrient guidelines are the recommended dietary allowance (RDA),which are issued by the national academy of sciences,national research council,and food and nutrition board.The RDA serves as dietary of nutritional standards for a wide range ofage-weight-sex groups such as infants,children,adolescents,pregnant and lactating women,and younger and older adults. They are recommendations,not average requirements,for satisfactory levels of intake of essential nutrients of population groups of average,healthy people. They do not take account of special needs certain individuals may have due to genetic make up,metabolic disorders,chronic infections,and other abnormalities,which may result in their needing different levels of nutrients.MARGIN of SAFETY ALLOWS for INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCESTo allow for individual difference,the usually are set with a generous margin of safety. Thus,they are thought to meet the needs of 95 to 97 percent of the people within each age-sex group. In other words,the RDA exceed the requirements of most individuals to ensure that the needs of nearly all are meet. For this reason,a person who consumes a diet that provides less than the RDA for one or more essential nutrients is not necessarily getting a diet that is nutritionally inadequate. What can be concluded,however,is that the farther the intake of an essential nutrient falls below the RDA,the greater the probability of nutritional inadequacy,on the other hand,if an individual is getting all the essential nutrients at or above the RDA level of his or her age,chances are good that diet is nationally adequate.An exception is the RDA for energy or calories,which are not designed,as guides for individual caloric needs. Other variables not included in the RDA,such as body size and physical activity,are involved in an individual's caloric requirements.DIFFERENCES IN NUTRIENT UTILIZATION CONSIDEREDAnother factor considered when the RDA are established is the availability of the nutrient and factors that affect how efficiently it is used in the body. For some nutrients,such as iron,absorption or use in the body may be incomplete;so the RDA needs to be set high enough to allow for this. And because in the case of certain other nutrients,substance in food ,called precursors,may be converted into the nutrient in the body ,the RDA needs to allow for this .An example is carotene, the orange-colored substance found in carrots and other vegetables and fruits,which our bodies convert to vitamin A.On the other side of the coin,receiving too much of certain nutrients,amounts significantly above the RDA,can be just harmful as not obtaining enough. Certain vitamins (such as A and D)and minerals can be highly toxic if high doses are used over a period of time.Thus,the RDA can serve as guidelines for optimal nutrient intake from the standpoint of both maximum and minimum levels.Vocabulary:maze n. ①迷宫,迷津,曲径;②混乱,迷惑vt.①使如入迷津②使困惑,使为难‖~d a.迷惘的,困惑的corridor n. ①走廊,回廊,通路②走廊地带③空中走廊diversity n.①差异,不同②多样性,变化in between 在中间,每间隔,在…期间commonsense 有常识的,明明白白的,一望而知的commonsensible (符合)常识的guideline n.①指导路线,方针,准则,指标②指路绳;样张,样行,标线interchangeable ①可交换的,可交替的②可互换的interdependent 互相依赖的,互相依存nourishment ①食物,滋养品②营养情况nutrient ①营养的,滋养的②营养素,营养物consume vt.①消费,消耗,浪费,吃光,喝光②消灭,毁灭vi.消灭,毁灭,消磨,(花,叶等)枯萎(away)be ~d with 被…所吞噬;因(忧愁,妒嫉)而变的憔悴nutrition 营养nutritional 营养的nutritive 营养的,滋养的,食品的,食物的odor气味odorant ①有香气的,有气味的②任何有气味的物体flavor ①味,香味,风味,滋味②食用香料③食用香精④调料category n.①种类,部属,类目②范畴,类型③范畴carbohydrate 碳水化合物,糖类mineral 矿物质,食品中的痕量物质vitamin 维生素,维他命get along 过活,生存essential a.①本质的,实质的,基本的②必需的,必不可少的③提炼的,精华的n.①本质,实质②要素,要点,必需品whereby ad.①(疑问副词)靠什么②(关系副词)靠那个A device ~to get warmth取暖的设备metabolism 新陈代谢,代谢(作用)intravenous feeding 静脉进食vein n.①静脉,血管②性情,气质,才干,语调,风格,意向③纹理,木纹vital 生命的;生机的;维持生命所必需的optimum n.(生长繁殖的)最适条件;最适度 a.最适的facet n. ①(多面体的)面,(宝石等的)刻面,小(平)面②(题目,性格,思想等的)某一方面vt. 在…上刻面intake n. ①吸入,纳入,收纳②纳入(数)量③(水、气体流入沟、管的)入口④被收纳的东西⑤摄取~of food食物摄取availability n.①可用性,有效性,效力②可得性,可得到的东西(或人员)identify vt.①使等同于,认为…一致(with)②认出;识别,鉴定,验明③确定…在分类学上的位置vi.一致,成为一致fascinate vt.①迷住,使神魂颠倒,强烈地吸引住②使呆住,蛊惑vi.迷人,极度吸引人fascinator n.①迷人者②网眼毛披巾macronutrient 主要营养micronutrient 微量营养micro- ①小,微,微量,百万分之一②放大,扩大microphone,microscopeascorbic acid 抗坏血酸niacin 烟酸,尼克酸thiamine 硫胺素riboflavim 核黄素VB2folacin 叶酸(=folic acid)pantothenic acid 泛酸pyridoxine 吡哆醇,吡哆素,维生素B6 biotin 生物素macroelement 主要成分microelement 微量成分sodium 钠potassium 钾phosphorus 磷phosphorous 磷的,亚磷的,含磷的costly a.①昂贵的,代价高的②价值高的,豪华的obstacle n.障碍(物),妨碍pregnant a.①怀孕的,怀胎的,孕育着的,充满的,富有的②意义深长的,含蓄的③富于想象力的,有创造力的④富于成果的,多产的lactate vi.①分泌乳汁②喂奶,授乳n.乳酸盐(或酯)calcium ~乳酸钙lactation n.genetic a. ①创始的,发生的②遗传学的gene n. 基因chronic infection n.①传染,侵染②传染病③影响,感染chronic a.①长期的,慢性的②惯常的,经常的③剧烈的,顽固的n.患慢性病的人abnomality n.①反常,变态,不规则②反常的事物,畸形council n.①政务会,理事会,委员会②商讨会,讨论会议chance n.①机会②可能性,或然性③偶然性,运气a.偶然的vi.碰巧;偶然发生vt.冒…险precursor n.①先驱者,先锋②前辈,前任③预兆,先兆carotene n.胡萝卜素;叶红素carrot n.①胡萝卜②红头发(的人)③政治诱骗,不能兑现的允诺carroty a.①胡萝卜色的②红发的standpoint n.主场,观点。














1企业经营业绩评价系统的理论基础(1) 资本保全理论在市场经济条件下,企业是出资者的企业,是一个资本集合体,所有者是惟一的剩余风险承担者和剩余权益享受者,出资者利益是企业最高利益。








关键词:营养状况;生命体征;疾病相关性营养不良Nutritional status should be(basic vital signYU Kai-ying,LIU Li-hui,SHI Han-pingDepartment of Gastrointestinal Surgery/Clinical Nutrition*Beijing Shyitan Hospital/Capital Medical University Beijing International Science and Technolog/Cooferation Bass for Cancer Metabolism and NutrOioo/Department rf Oncolog/,Capital MePical Universp/, Beijing10003&ChinaAbstraci:The vital signs,including body temperature,pulse rate,respiration rate,and blood pressure,are subject to routine examinations on admission.Besides these four primary vital signs,nutritional status could be another essential vital sign.Nutritional status is closely associated with the therapeutic e fficacy,cliniccl outcomes,complication rate,length of hospital stay,and mediccl costs.Nutritional imbalancc,both ovee-and undemutrition,has an impact on several aspects such as physiology,psychology, society,and economy.Malnutrition not only has a personal effect on the patient,O also affects the family and even the next generation(s).Therefore,nutritional status should be considered as a primary vital sign and recorded on the body temperature sheet on admission as a routine.Key words:Nutritional status;Vital signs;Disease-related malnutrition传统的基本生命体征是体温、脉搏、呼吸和血压,所有患者入院时常规检查。

healthy food 雅思阅读

healthy food 雅思阅读

有关healthy food 的雅思阅读以下是有关healthy food的雅思阅读题:The Importance of Healthy Food for a Balanced LifestyleIn today's fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become more important than ever. One crucial aspect of a balanced lifestyle is consuming healthy food. Healthy food not only nourishes our bodies but also provides us with the energy and nutrients necessary to lead a fulfilling life. Let's explore the significance of healthy food and how it can positively impact our overall well-being.Eating a variety of nutrient-rich foods is essential for optimal health. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats should all be included in our diet. These foods are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that support our immune system and help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer.Moreover, healthy food plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy weight. Processed foods, high in added sugars, unhealthy fats, and empty calories, can lead to weight gain and obesity. On the other hand, consuming a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides our bodies with the necessary nutrients while keeping our calorie intake in check.Healthy food also has a positive impact on our mental well-being. Numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between a healthy diet and improved mental health. Nutrient deficiencies, particularly in vitamins B12, D, and omega-3 fatty acids, have been linked to an increased risk of depression and other mental health disorders. On the contrary, a diet rich in these nutrients, along with other brain-boosting foods such as nuts, seeds, and leafy greens, can help improve cognitive function and promote a positive mood.In addition to its physical and mental benefits, consuming healthy food also contributes to environmental sustainability. The production of processed foods often involves excessive use of resources and contributes to environmental pollution. On the other hand, consuming a plant-based diet and supporting sustainable farming practices can help reduce our carbon footprint and promote a healthier planet for future generations.Questions 1-51. What is the main purpose of the article?A. To promote unhealthy eating habits.B. To discuss the importance of healthy food for a balanced lifestyle.C. To criticize the consumption of processed foods.D. To introduce a new diet trend.2. What are some benefits of consuming healthy food?A. Increased risk of chronic diseases.B. Improved mental health.C. Environmental pollution.D. Weight gain and obesity.3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a nutrient-rich food?A. FruitsB. Processed foodsC. Whole grainsD. Lean proteins4. What is the negative impact of consuming processed foods?A. Weight loss and improved energy levels.B. Reduced risk of chronic diseases.C. Environmental sustainability.D. Weight gain and obesity.5. How does a healthy diet contribute to environmental sustainability?A. By supporting sustainable farming practices.B. By increasing resource consumption.C. By promoting carbon emissions.D. By advocating for processed foods.。



保健品食品厂的经验总结英语范文Experience Summary for Nutraceutical Manufacturing.Introduction.The nutraceutical industry is a rapidly growing segment of the healthcare sector, driven by increasing consumer demand for natural and preventive health solutions. This industry encompasses a wide range of products, including vitamins, minerals, herbal supplements, and functional foods, which are designed to promote overall well-being and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.As a seasoned professional with extensive experience in nutraceutical manufacturing, I have gained a deep understanding of the complex processes involved in the production of safe and efficacious products. I have held various leadership roles in quality assurance, production, and research and development (R&D), and have a proven track record of success in developing, implementing, andmaintaining robust manufacturing practices.Quality Assurance.Quality assurance is paramount in the nutraceutical industry, as it ensures the safety and efficacy of products for consumers. My responsibilities in this area have included:Establishing and implementing quality management systems (QMS) in accordance with industry standards and regulations.Conducting thorough audits and inspections of manufacturing facilities, equipment, and processes.Developing and executing rigorous testing protocols to ensure product quality and stability.Managing product recalls and adverse event reporting.Collaborating with regulatory agencies to ensurecompliance with all applicable laws and regulations.Through my diligent efforts, I have consistently maintained high standards of quality throughout the manufacturing process, ensuring the production of safe and effective nutraceutical products.Production.As a production manager, I have been responsible for overseeing all aspects of manufacturing operations, including:Planning and scheduling production activities.Managing inventory and raw material sourcing.Implementing and monitoring quality control procedures.Ensuring adherence to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines.Leading a team of production personnel to achieve optimal efficiency and productivity.My expertise in streamlining production processes has resulted in reduced waste, improved yield, and increased production capacity, while maintaining the highest levels of quality.Research and Development.In my role as a research scientist, I have been actively involved in the development of innovative nutraceutical products. My responsibilities have included:Conducting extensive research on new ingredients and formulations.Designing and executing clinical trials to evaluate product efficacy and safety.Collaborating with healthcare professionals to identify unmet medical needs.Developing product prototypes and scaling up production processes.Filing patents and protecting intellectual property.Through my scientific endeavors, I have contributed to the development of several successful nutraceutical products that have improved the lives of countless consumers.Key Skills and Accomplishments.Proven leadership in nutraceutical manufacturing, with a focus on quality assurance, production, and R&D.Strong understanding of GMP regulations and industry standards.Expertise in quality management systems, including ISO 9001 and ISO 13485。



nutritionists翻译nutritionists: 营养学家营养学家是专门从事研究和指导人们如何通过饮食来获得营养的专业人士。


以下是一些与营养学家相关的用法和中英文对照例句:1. Consult with a nutritionist to develop a personalized meal plan.与营养学家咨询,制定个性化的饮食计划。

2. Many athletes seek the guidance of a nutritionist to optimize their performance.许多运动员寻求营养学家的指导,以优化他们的表现。

3. The nutritionist advised the patient on how to modify their diet to manage their condition.营养学家为患者提供了如何调整饮食以管理病情的建议。

4. Nutritionists often emphasize the importance of balanced nutrition.营养学家经常强调平衡营养的重要性。

5. It is recommended to consult a nutritionist before making any drastic changes to your diet.建议在对饮食做出任何重大改变之前咨询营养学家。

6. The nutritionist analyzed the client's eating habits and made suggestions for improvement.营养学家分析了客户的饮食习惯,并提出了改进建议。

7. Many hospitals have a team of nutritionists to support patients in their recovery process.许多医院都设有一支营养学家团队,为患者的康复过程提供支持。





以下是一些关于保健食品管理的国外英文资料的概述:1. Regulatory Framework: In many countries, the regulation of health food products falls under the jurisdiction of government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the United States, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) in the European Union, and the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia. These agencies are responsible for establishing andenforcing regulations related to the safety, quality, and labeling of health food products.2. Safety and Quality Standards: Health food products are subject to stringent safety and quality standards to ensure that they do not pose any health risks to consumers. These standards may include requirements for goodmanufacturing practices (GMP), product testing, and ingredient safety assessments.3. Labeling and Marketing: Regulations governing the labeling and marketing of health food products are designed to ensure that consumers are provided with accurate and transparent information about the products. This may include requirements for ingredient lists, nutritional information, and health claims.4. Consumer Education: Government agencies and health organizations often play a role in educating consumers about health food products, including how to make informed choices and avoid misleading or false claims.5. Market Access: Companies seeking to market health food products in foreign countries must navigate complex regulatory requirements to gain market access. This may involve submitting product dossiers, conducting safety assessments, and complying with import/export regulations.6. International Harmonization: Efforts are underway toharmonize health food product regulations across different countries to facilitate trade and ensure consistent standards for product safety and quality.In conclusion, the management of health food products in foreign countries involves a complex interplay of regulatory, scientific, and consumer-related factors. Government agencies, industry stakeholders, and consumer advocates all play important roles in ensuring the safety, quality, and integrity of the health food market.。



老年痴呆患者的社区护理发布时间:2023-06-15T00:29:40.116Z 来源:《医师在线》2023年2月4期作者:郝庆贵[导读]老年痴呆患者的社区护理郝庆贵(山东省军区济南第二离职干部休养所门诊部;山东济南250014)摘要总结了老年痴呆患者的社区护理,包括饮食护理、心理护理、生活护理、安全护理、用药护理、康复训练等。





1 概述老年痴呆是发生在老年期及老年前期的一种常见的老年慢性神经疾患,是由于大脑多方面高级神经功能障碍而产生的获得性、持续性智能损害综合征,即在无意识障碍的情况下,病人有认知和记忆功能障碍,以及语言、情感或人格、视空间功能受损,影响其社会、生活、职业功能者[1]。






2 护理措施2.1 饮食护理多数老年痴呆患者牙齿残缺、咀嚼功能减退甚至出现严重的吞咽功能障碍;Guerin[3]等研究发现,有营养状况的老年痴呆患者的认知能力和活动能力较差,合理的饮食营养可延缓老年痴呆病的发展。

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Surgical Patients – GIFTASUP ()
Preoperative Carbohydrate (CHO)
• Beneficial to anyone undergoing major surgery
• Traditional preoperative fast harmful • 12 – 16 hours NBM • Metabolism changes to “starved” state
• Ljungqvist et al 1998 Clin Nutr 17, Suppl1:3. • Meta-analysis of 3 RCTs • Preoperative CHO vs overnight fast • 20% reduction in LOS • Preop CHO beneficial to all patients
• Diabetes? • Safe in type II in hospital (Gustafsson et al 2008, Acta
Anaesthesiol Scand 52(7), 946-51)
• Alcoholics – Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome? • Severely malnourished • Refeeding syndrome? • Emergency surgery?
CHO loading
• 50g glucose polymer • 2 servings night before surgery • 1 Serving 2 hours before surgery • Block metabolic changes to starvation • Safe (ESPEN 2006 Grade A) • PreLoad – Vitaflo • PreOp - Nutricia
undergoing major surgery (ESPEN Grade B)
Not Just Colorectal
• Urology • Pancreatic • Hip replacement • Knee replacement
All elective surgery
Contraindication ERP
Pete Turner Specialist Nutritional Support Dietitian
Nutritional Aspects of ERP
• Avoidance of nil by mouth (NBM) • Appropriate fluids • Preoperative carbohydrate loading • Early postoperative nutrition • ERP should include… • Screening for risk of malnutrition • Preoperative nutritional support for those at risk
Starved State
• 12 hrs – 20 days • Increased Glucagon • Increased Cortisol • Catabolism • Gluconeogenesis • Insulin resistance
• Inflammatory response • Increased cortisol, cytokines • Catabolism, gluconeogenesis • Insulin resistance • Hyperglycaemia • Exacerbated by starvation
CHO loading
• Decreased catabolism • Decreased hyperglycaemia • Preserved muscle mass • Improved grip strength • Reduced LOS • Reduced Anxiety
LOS Study meta-analysis
Balanced oral nutritional supplements
• Basal Sodium Requirements? • 1mmol/kg/day • How much Na in 1000mls saline? • 150mmol • How much Na in 1000mls Hartmann’s? • 131mmol • Oedema • GIFTASUP ()
Avoiding Preoperative NBM
• ESPEN – Grade A evidence (Clinical Nutrition(25) 2006) • Avoids dehydration • Require less iv fluids • Avoid sodium overload • Quicker recovery • GIFTASUP • ESA 2011
Post Operative - ACRU
• Ensure Plus • Nutritionally balanced • Used 4 hrs post op on ACRU • Well tolerated • Stop day 4 in well nourished • Continue in malnourished
• Excess sodium • Oedema • Bowel oedema • Delayed bowel function • Ileus (Lobo et al 2002, Lancet 25;359, 1812-8) • Guidelines on Intravenous Fluid Therapy in Adult