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an advantage over competitors.

Theory Y assumes that work is a natural part of employees industrious and creative if they are committed to their work.

and why?

Individual Differences

True/False Questions

2. People are an organization

called __________________.

p’ersonality, goals, and

usually grounded in one

1. The perception process begins with attention.

’s performing Answer: Extrinsic rewards

the social man.

Those five in order of lowest to highest than the ERG.

To motivate, motivators

dissatisfied nor satisfied.

job does not exceed humans

Motivational provides the opportunity for higher job satisfaction.

’s perception of how they were treated in

Change inputs—increase or decrease effort

Change outcomes—request more based on what others receive

Distort perceptions —of the input-output ratio

Leave the job

Answer: A process theory that depends on individual ’s expectations about the ability to perform

successful performance of a task will lead to the desired outcomes.

If the individual doesn

the behavior will be repeated.

appearing again.

The five items along the continuum

Have no decision discretion (staff meetings).

Give input (suggestion box).

The Structure and Behavior of Groups

True/False Questions

2. Groups have the potential to meet their individuals

“keeping up with the Jones

Norming —conflict resolution and generation of team spirit

Performing –collaboration and goal achievement

Adjourning —end of group

g. Rewards

a. managers promote stability, leaders promote change.

b. managers promote change, leaders promote stability.

c. leaders promote both stability and change.

d. neither managers nor leaders are involved with chang


A major difference centers

Use the exhibit to assist

way that makes the pain of change worth the effort.

Recognize the importance of shared values and commitment
