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3.The social functions of Microblog
4、The problem and issues of Microblog
What is Microblog
Microblog is a broadcast medium in the form of blogging. A micro blog differs from a traditional blog in that its contents typically smaller in both actual and aggregate file size. Microblogs “allow users to exchange small elements of content such as short sentences, individual images, or video links".
More and more government agencies are also beginning to build up their own microblog, which will contribute to the communication with the public and release information in time, and also it indicates that the government wants to set up an image that it is for people
1.It’s a good way for us to communicate.
2. Microblogging service have also emerged as an important source of real-time news updates
With the spread of information,some problems will be settled
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Some popular micoroblogs in China
The top 6 for the most popular micoblog
2012年微博受众使用过的主流微博占比分布 No.1 Sina Weibo No.2 NetEase Weibo No.3 Tencent Weibo
Twitter is an online social networking and microblog service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters informally known as "tweets". Twitter was created in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and launched that July. Twitter rapidly gained worldwide popularity, with 200 million users as of 2011, generating over 200 million tweets and handling over 1.6 billion search queries per day. It is sometimes described as "the SMS of the Internet."
Say no to indifference, transfer warmth and love
GO YOU style !!!
Did you know this?
Weibo Marketing
■ Microblog is becoming one of the most popular social network platforms with the rapid development of the Internet.Many companies,organizations and those who are intested in customer relationship have paid attention to microblog represented by Twitter.
No.4 Sohu Weibo
No.5 Phoenix Weibo No.6 139 Weibo Which one do you like best? 数据来源:DCCI
Does your idols attract millions of fans? Are you one of those crazy ones?
Thanks for your Attention!
组长:杨斐娜 组员:赵梦伟 黄智敏 徐凯 黄霖 刘树齐 何益坚 胡沛
• 3.It’s a convenient way to record interesting trivial matters and mood in our daily lives.
• 4.It’s a good way to unveil corruption, ugliness and injustice.
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The usage of microblog:
It’s a good way for us to communicate with our friends. Unlike the QQ zone and xiaonei,microblog is relatively private. You can choose whoever to pay attention to, then, his or her fresh news will appear on your space. At the same time, you can also report interesting trivial matters and mood in your microblog, then, you will have some fans who are interested in your microblog.Therefore,you can leave massage and share happy and sorrow with each other.
• Security concerns have been voiced within the business world, since there is potential for sensitive work information to be publicized on microblogging sites such as Twitter This includes information which may be subject to a superinjuction.
Trough the microblog ,we find out what’s going on and what topics people are interested in.
. Guo Meimei -- 20 years old, beautiful. She showed off her expensive bags, clothes and car on her microblog, And she claimed to be the general manager of Red Cross at the Chamber of Commerce not realizing that she stepped on a sensitive nerveand aroused national questioning, almost a turmoil,against the credibility of Red Cross The controversy was so heated that the Red Cross had to open a press conference to clarify it,now, less and less people to donate money to the Red Cross
Microblog in education
Annual hot words
• • • • 坑爹 亲 你懂的 神马都是浮云 上墙 我勒个去 肿么了 五道杠 有爱 伤不起 苦逼 悲催 至于你们信不信反正我信了 表拍砖 有木有 稀饭 卖萌。。。。。。
Occurred problems
•Micro blog faces many challenges from the point view of law.
•For its convenience of transmit information, private life is becoming public.
•There is not a clear definition of the copyright of the users.
•Information related to the social security and fabricated ones are filled in the micro blogs.
Issues with microblog

Privacy is arguably a major issue because users may broadcast sensitive personal information to anyone who views their public feed. Microblog platform providers can also cause privacy issues through altering or presetting users‘ privacy options in a way users feel compromises( 危害 )their personal information.
Are you Posting
MicroBlog right Now?
Presented by Xiaoqian Zhan
1、The introduction and usage of microblog
2. Comparison between Twitter and Chinese microblog