



经典专升本试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于计算机病毒的描述,不正确的是:A. 计算机病毒具有破坏性B. 计算机病毒具有传染性C. 计算机病毒具有免疫性D. 计算机病毒具有潜伏性答案:C2. 在Word文档中,要将文本框中的文本居中对齐,应选择的对齐方式是:A. 左对齐B. 右对齐C. 居中D. 分散对齐答案:C3. 在Excel中,若要将一列数据按照从大到小的顺序排列,应使用:A. 升序排列B. 降序排列C. 随机排序D. 按颜色排序答案:B4. 在PowerPoint中,要将幻灯片切换效果设置为“溶解”,应选择的选项是:A. 淡入B. 淡出C. 溶解D. 擦除答案:C5. 在计算机网络中,TCP/IP协议的层次结构中,负责传输层的是:A. 应用层B. 传输层C. 网络层D. 数据链路层答案:B6. 在HTML中,用于定义最重要的标题的标签是:A. <h1>B. <h2>C. <h3>D. <h4>答案:A7. 在数据库中,用于创建新表的SQL语句是:A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. CREATE TABLE答案:D8. 在C语言中,用于定义一个整型变量的关键字是:A. intB. floatB. doubleD. char答案:A9. 在Java中,用于定义一个类的方法的关键字是:A. classB. publicC. staticD. void答案:D10. 在Python中,用于定义一个函数的关键字是:A. defB. classC. forD. if答案:A二、多项选择题(每题4分,共20分)1. 下列哪些选项是操作系统的功能?A. 文件管理B. 设备管理C. 进程管理D. 数据管理答案:ABC2. 在HTML中,以下哪些标签用于格式化文本?A. <b>B. <i>C. <u>D. <img>答案:ABC3. 在Excel中,以下哪些函数用于计算?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. COUNTD. CONCATENATE答案:ABC4. 在计算机网络中,以下哪些协议属于传输层协议?A. HTTPB. FTPC. TCPD. IP答案:C5. 在C语言中,以下哪些运算符用于算术运算?A. +B. -C. *D. %答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机病毒只能通过电子邮件传播。



专升本的考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. 以下哪个选项是“专升本”考试的全称?A. 高等职业教育专科升本科B. 专科生升入本科教育C. 专科学历提升本科D. 专科升本科考试答案:A2. “专升本”考试通常由哪个机构组织?A. 教育部B. 国家教育考试院C. 各高校D. 地方教育厅答案:D3. 专升本考试通常在每年的哪个月份举行?A. 3月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月答案:B4. 专升本考试的报名条件是什么?A. 具有大专毕业证书B. 具有高中学历C. 具有中专学历D. 具有本科学位答案:A5. 专升本考试通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 政治、历史、地理C. 物理、化学、生物D. 以上都是答案:A二、多项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 专升本考试的报名流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 网上注册B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 参加考试答案:ABC2. 专升本考试的录取原则通常包括哪些方面?A. 考试成绩B. 面试表现C. 推荐信D. 个人陈述答案:AB3. 专升本考试的复习资料通常包括哪些类型?A. 教材B. 历年真题C. 模拟试题D. 网络课程答案:ABCD4. 专升本考试的备考策略可能包括哪些内容?A. 制定学习计划B. 参加辅导班C. 定期自我测试D. 与同学交流答案:ABCD5. 专升本考试的备考中,哪些因素可能影响考生的发挥?A. 考试焦虑B. 睡眠不足C. 缺乏练习D. 饮食不当答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述专升本考试的重要性。


2. 描述专升本考试的报名流程。


3. 专升本考试的备考策略有哪些?答案:备考策略包括制定详细的学习计划,参加辅导班,定期进行自我测试,合理安排休息时间,保持良好的饮食习惯,以及与同学进行交流和讨论。



专升本试题题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于计算机存储器的描述,不正确的是()。

A. 存储器是计算机中用于存储数据和程序的部件B. 只读存储器(ROM)在断电后数据会丢失C. 随机存取存储器(RAM)是易失性存储器D. 硬盘属于外存储器2. 在Word文档中,要将文字设置为加粗,可以使用以下哪个快捷键?()A. Ctrl + BB. Ctrl + IC. Ctrl + UD. Ctrl + P3. 以下哪个选项是Excel中用于计算一组数据的总和的函数?()A. AVERAGEB. COUNTC. MAXD. SUM4. 在PowerPoint中,如果要将一张幻灯片复制到新的幻灯片,可以使用以下哪个操作?()A. 复制幻灯片B. 粘贴幻灯片C. 插入幻灯片D. 删除幻灯片5. 下列关于计算机网络的描述,错误的是()。

A. 计算机网络是由多台计算机通过通信线路连接起来的B. 网络协议是网络通信的规则C. 网络拓扑结构是网络中计算机的物理连接方式D. 网络带宽是指网络传输数据的速度6. 在数据库管理系统中,用于创建新表的SQL语句是()。

A. CREATE TABLEB. INSERT INTOC. SELECTD. DROP TABLE7. 以下哪个选项是HTML中用于创建超链接的标签?()A. <a>B. <img>C. <p>D. <h1>8. 在编程语言中,用于定义变量的关键字是()。

A. varB. functionC. classD. return9. 下列关于操作系统的描述,正确的是()。

A. 操作系统是计算机硬件的一部分B. 操作系统是计算机软件的核心C. 操作系统是计算机的输入设备D. 操作系统是计算机的输出设备10. 在Java语言中,用于定义类的关键字是()。

B. interfaceC. packageD. import二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些选项是计算机病毒的特征?()A. 传染性B. 破坏性C. 隐蔽性D. 易用性2. 在Excel中,以下哪些操作可以对数据进行排序?()A. 使用排序按钮B. 使用筛选功能C. 使用数据透视表D. 使用排序对话框3. 在PowerPoint中,以下哪些选项可以用于插入媒体?()A. 插入图片B. 插入音频C. 插入视频D. 插入图表4. 在数据库管理系统中,以下哪些操作可以用于修改数据?()A. UPDATEB. INSERTC. DELETED. SELECT5. 在HTML中,以下哪些标签用于定义文档的结构?()B. <head>C. <body>D. <footer>三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 计算机的CPU是中央处理器,负责执行程序指令。



专升本考试试题全套及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不是计算机的主要组成部分?A. 中央处理器(CPU)B. 内存C. 硬盘D. 打印机答案:D2. 以下哪个选项是正确的IP地址格式?A.答案:A3. 在Word文档中,以下哪个快捷键用于打开“查找和替换”对话框?A. Ctrl + FB. Ctrl + HC. Ctrl + GD. Ctrl + S答案:B4. 以下哪种类型的数据结构不支持动态数据插入和删除?A. 链表B. 栈C. 队列D. 数组答案:D5. 在Excel中,以下哪个函数用于计算一组数值的平均值?A. SUMB. AVERAGEC. COUNTD. MAX答案:B6. 以下哪个选项是正确的HTML标签?A. <p>段落</p>B. <paragraph>段落</paragraph>C. <div>段落</div>D. <divs>段落</divs>答案:C7. 在数据库中,以下哪个操作用于添加新的数据记录?A. SELECTB. INSERTC. UPDATED. DELETE答案:B8. 以下哪个选项是正确的二进制数?A. 1011B. 1021C. 2101D. 1102答案:A9. 在操作系统中,以下哪个选项是进程的属性?A. 并发性B. 共享性C. 异步性D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪个选项是正确的C语言语法?A. int main() { return 0; }B. void main() { return 0; }C. int main() { return 1; }D. int main() { return 2; }答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 在计算机网络中,TCP/IP协议的TCP代表的是________。



专升本考试题库及答案2024一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是2024年专升本考试的科目之一?A. 高等数学B. 英语C. 计算机基础D. 以上都是答案:D2. 专升本考试通常在每年的哪个月份举行?A. 1月B. 4月C. 7月D. 10月答案:B3. 专升本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 500分答案:C4. 下列哪个不是专升本考试的报名条件?A. 具有专科学历B. 年龄在18岁以上C. 必须有工作经验D. 遵守考试规则5. 专升本考试的合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到60%B. 总分达到70%C. 总分达到80%D. 总分达到90%答案:A6. 专升本考试的报名费是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 500元答案:B7. 专升本考试的准考证通常在考试前多久发放?A. 一周B. 两周C. 一个月D. 两个月答案:B8. 专升本考试的考试时间通常持续多久?A. 2小时B. 3小时C. 4小时D. 5小时答案:C9. 专升本考试的试题类型包括以下哪些?B. 填空题C. 简答题D. 以上都是答案:D10. 专升本考试的成绩通常在考试结束后多久公布?A. 一周B. 两周C. 一个月D. 两个月答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 专升本考试的报名流程包括以下哪些步骤?A. 填写个人信息B. 上传照片C. 缴纳报名费D. 打印准考证答案:ABC2. 专升本考试的复习资料通常包括哪些?A. 历年真题B. 模拟试题C. 教材D. 网络课程答案:ABCD3. 专升本考试的评分标准通常包括以下哪些因素?A. 正确率B. 答题速度C. 答题规范D. 卷面整洁答案:ACD4. 专升本考试的备考策略包括以下哪些?A. 制定学习计划B. 参加培训课程C. 定期自测D. 保持良好的作息答案:ABCD5. 专升本考试的注意事项包括以下哪些?A. 携带身份证B. 按时到达考场C. 遵守考场纪律D. 保持冷静答案:ABCD三、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 专升本考试的报名通常在考试前的______个月开始。



全国专升本试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是计算机科学中的一个基本概念?A. 算法B. 算术C. 算力D. 算盘答案:A2. 英语中“library”一词通常指的是什么?A. 图书馆B. 实验室C. 博物馆D. 体育馆答案:A3. 根据物理学的定义,下列哪一项不是力的三要素之一?A. 方向B. 大小C. 形状D. 作用点答案:C4. 在数学中,一个数的平方根定义为什么?A. 这个数的两倍B. 这个数的倒数C. 这个数的绝对值D. 这个数的平方5. 以下哪个选项是化学元素周期表中的一个元素?A. 氢B. 氧C. 氮D. 所有选项答案:D6. 经济学中,GDP代表什么?A. 国内生产总值B. 国内生产总值C. 国内生产总值D. 国内生产总值答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是生物分类学中的一个分类单位?A. 种B. 属C. 科D. 所有选项答案:D8. 以下哪个选项是地理学中的一个基本概念?A. 经纬度B. 气候C. 地形D. 所有选项答案:D9. 以下哪个选项是心理学中的一个基本概念?B. 情感C. 行为D. 所有选项答案:D10. 以下哪个选项是物理学中的一个基本概念?A. 质量B. 能量C. 力D. 所有选项答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些选项是计算机操作系统的主要功能?A. 文件管理B. 设备管理C. 网络管理D. 用户界面答案:ABCD2. 以下哪些选项是英语语法中的基本概念?A. 动词B. 名词C. 形容词D. 副词答案:ABCD3. 以下哪些选项是物理学中的基本概念?A. 力B. 能量D. 速度答案:ABCD4. 以下哪些选项是化学元素周期表中的元素?A. 氢B. 氧C. 氮D. 碳答案:ABCD5. 以下哪些选项是经济学中的重要概念?A. 供给B. 需求C. 市场D. 价格答案:ABCD三、填空题(每题3分,共30分)1. 计算机科学中的算法是解决特定问题的______和步骤。



专升本教育试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于专升本教育的说法,错误的是:A. 专升本教育是专科生提升学历的一种途径B. 专升本教育是全日制教育C. 专升本教育的学制一般为2年D. 专升本教育只针对在校专科生答案:D2. 专升本教育的考试科目通常包括:A. 语文、数学、英语B. 政治、历史、地理C. 物理、化学、生物D. 以上都不是答案:A3. 专升本教育的录取原则是:A. 先到先得B. 择优录取C. 抽签决定D. 随机分配答案:B4. 专升本教育的课程设置通常包括:A. 基础课程和专业课程B. 仅基础课程C. 仅专业课程D. 基础课程和实践课程答案:A5. 专升本教育的学位证书与普通本科教育的学位证书:A. 完全相同B. 略有不同C. 完全不同D. 没有学位证书答案:B6. 专升本教育的毕业生就业情况通常:A. 与普通本科生相同B. 优于普通本科生C. 劣于普通本科生D. 不能就业答案:A7. 专升本教育的报名条件通常包括:A. 必须是在校专科生B. 必须有工作经验C. 必须通过英语四级D. 以上都不是答案:A8. 专升本教育的考试时间通常安排在:A. 每年的1月份B. 每年的6月份C. 每年的9月份D. 每年的12月份答案:B9. 专升本教育的考试难度:A. 与普通本科教育相同B. 略低于普通本科教育C. 略高于普通本科教育D. 远高于普通本科教育答案:B10. 专升本教育的学费通常:A. 与普通本科教育相同B. 略高于普通本科教育C. 略低于普通本科教育D. 远高于普通本科教育答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 专升本教育的特点包括:A. 学制短B. 学费低C. 就业率高D. 考试难度大答案:ABC2. 专升本教育的报名流程一般包括:A. 填写报名表B. 缴纳报名费C. 参加培训课程D. 提交个人简历答案:AB3. 专升本教育的考试科目可能包括:A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 专业课程答案:ABCD4. 专升本教育的录取方式可能包括:A. 笔试B. 面试C. 推荐免试D. 综合评价答案:ABCD5. 专升本教育的学位证书与普通本科教育的学位证书的区别可能包括:A. 证书颜色不同B. 证书编号不同C. 证书上的文字描述不同D. 证书上的专业名称不同答案:BCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专升本教育是专科生提升学历的唯一途径。



专升本试题及答案10套1. 单项选择题- 1.1 题目:下列哪个选项是正确的?- A. 地球是平的- B. 太阳是宇宙的中心- C. 光速是恒定的- D. 重力是物体固有的属性- 答案:C- 1.2 题目:下列哪个选项是错误的?- A. 细胞是生物体的基本单位- B. 水是生命之源- C. 氧气可以支持燃烧- D. 二氧化碳是有毒气体- 答案:D2. 多项选择题- 2.1 题目:以下哪些是计算机硬件的组成部分? - A. 中央处理器- B. 操作系统- C. 内存- D. 显示器- 答案:A, C, D- 2.2 题目:下列哪些是化学元素周期表中的元素? - A. 氢- B. 氧- C. 氮- D. 碳- 答案:A, B, C, D3. 判断题- 3.1 题目:所有哺乳动物都是温血动物。

- 答案:正确- 3.2 题目:水的化学式是H2O。

- 答案:正确4. 填空题- 4.1 题目:请填写下列空格:一个完整的原子由____和____组成。

- 答案:原子核,电子- 4.2 题目:请填写下列空格:光合作用是植物通过______和______能量的过程。

- 答案:叶绿素,光5. 简答题- 5.1 题目:简述牛顿三大定律。

- 答案:牛顿第一定律(惯性定律):物体会保持静止或匀速直线运动状态,除非受到外力作用。



- 5.2 题目:解释什么是相对论。

- 答案:相对论是物理学中描述物体在高速运动下行为的理论,由阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦提出。



6. 计算题- 6.1 题目:如果一个物体从静止开始以2米/秒²的加速度加速运动,求它在第5秒末的速度。



专升本考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是专升本考试的科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 历史答案:D2. 专升本考试通常由哪个部门组织?A. 教育局B. 考试院C. 招生办D. 学校答案:B3. 专升本考试的报名费是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 400元答案:C4. 专升本考试的合格分数线是多少?A. 60分B. 70分C. 80分D. 90分5. 专升本考试的考试时间通常是?A. 3月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月答案:B6. 专升本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 口试C. 笔试和口试D. 网络考试答案:A7. 专升本考试的考试科目数量是多少?A. 2门B. 3门C. 4门D. 5门答案:B8. 专升本考试的考试时长是多久?A. 90分钟B. 120分钟C. 150分钟D. 180分钟答案:C9. 专升本考试的考试地点通常在哪里?B. 考试中心C. 教育局D. 招生办答案:B10. 专升本考试的报名截止日期通常是什么时候?A. 考试前一个月B. 考试前两个月C. 考试前三周D. 考试前一周答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些是专升本考试的常见科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 物理E. 化学答案:ABC2. 专升本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 填写报名表B. 缴纳报名费C. 参加培训课程D. 现场确认E. 领取准考证答案:ABDE3. 专升本考试的合格标准包括哪些条件?A. 总分达到合格分数线B. 单科成绩达到合格分数线C. 完成所有考试科目D. 参加面试E. 完成实习答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 专升本考试的报名费是固定的,不会因地区不同而有所变化。

(对/错)答案:错2. 专升本考试的考试时间每年都是固定的。

(对/错)答案:错3. 专升本考试的合格分数线每年都会有所调整。



专转本的考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 专转本考试中,下列哪项不是考试科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 体育答案:D2. 专转本考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 200分C. 300分D. 400分答案:C3. 专转本考试的报名费是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 400元答案:B4. 专转本考试的合格分数线是多少?A. 60分B. 70分C. 80分D. 90分答案:A5. 专转本考试的考试时间通常安排在每年的什么时候?A. 春季B. 夏季C. 秋季D. 冬季答案:B6. 专转本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上预报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 以上都是答案:D7. 专转本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 笔试+面试D. 以上都不是答案:C8. 专转本考试的考试内容主要涉及哪些方面?A. 专业知识B. 公共基础知识C. 时事政治D. 以上都是答案:D9. 专转本考试的考试地点通常设在哪里?A. 报名所在地B. 考试中心C. 指定的大学D. 以上都是答案:D10. 专转本考试的成绩查询通常在考试结束后多久可以进行?A. 一周内B. 两周内C. 一个月内D. 两个月内答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 专转本考试的报名条件包括哪些?A. 具有大专毕业证书B. 年龄不超过30岁C. 身体健康D. 以上都是答案:D2. 专转本考试的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 以上都是答案:D3. 专转本考试的报名材料通常需要哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 毕业证书复印件C. 近期免冠照片D. 以上都是答案:D4. 专转本考试的考试形式可能包括哪些?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 实践操作D. 以上都是答案:D5. 专转本考试的合格标准通常包括哪些?A. 总分达到合格分数线B. 单科成绩不低于最低分数线C. 面试成绩合格D. 以上都是答案:D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专转本考试的报名费是固定的,不会因地区而异。



专升本统招试题及答案一、单选题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是计算机科学的一个分支?A. 物理学B. 化学C. 计算机科学D. 生物学答案:C2. 以下哪个不是操作系统的功能?A. 进程管理B. 内存管理C. 文件管理D. 网络通信答案:D3. 以下哪个是数据库管理系统的组成部分?A. 数据库B. 操作系统C. 网络D. 应用程序答案:A4. 在编程语言中,以下哪个是用于循环控制的关键字?A. ifB. elseC. forD. switch答案:C5. 以下哪个是面向对象编程的基本概念?A. 函数B. 过程C. 类D. 变量答案:C6. 下列哪个选项是网络协议?A. HTMLB. CSSC. HTTPD. JavaScript答案:C7. 以下哪个是计算机硬件的组成部分?A. 操作系统B. 编译器C. CPUD. 编程语言答案:C8. 在数据结构中,以下哪个是线性结构?A. 树B. 图C. 链表D. 堆答案:C9. 以下哪个是数据加密的算法?A. RSAB. AESC. DESD. 以上都是答案:D10. 下列哪个选项是软件开发的生命周期阶段?A. 需求分析B. 系统测试C. 维护D. 以上都是答案:D二、多选题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些是计算机的输入设备?A. 键盘B. 鼠标C. 打印机D. 扫描仪答案:A B D2. 以下哪些是计算机的输出设备?A. 显示器B. 打印机C. 键盘D. 音响答案:A B D3. 以下哪些是面向对象编程的特性?A. 封装B. 继承C. 多态D. 抽象答案:A B C三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 计算机操作系统是计算机硬件的一部分。

(错误)2. 数据库管理系统用于管理数据库中的数据。

(正确)3. 面向过程编程和面向对象编程是两种不同的编程范式。

(正确)4. 网络协议HTTP用于发送电子邮件。

(错误)5. 线性数据结构的元素之间存在一对一的关系。



专升本学历考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是专升本学历考试的目的?A. 提高个人收入B. 获得更高的学历C. 增加工作经验D. 获得更好的就业机会答案:B2. 专升本学历考试通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 历史、地理、政治D. 以上都是答案:D3. 专升本学历考试的报名流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名、现场确认、缴费B. 现场报名、网上确认、缴费C. 网上报名、现场确认、领取准考证D. 现场报名、网上确认、领取准考证答案:A4. 专升本学历考试的考试时间通常安排在每年的哪个月份?A. 1月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月答案:B5. 专升本学历考试的合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到60分B. 每科成绩均达到60分C. 总分达到70分D. 每科成绩均达到70分答案:B6. 专升本学历考试的考试形式是什么?A. 闭卷考试B. 开卷考试C. 面试D. 笔试和面试相结合答案:A7. 专升本学历考试的考试内容主要侧重于哪些方面?A. 理论知识B. 实践技能C. 工作经验D. 个人特长答案:A8. 专升本学历考试的考试结果通常在考试结束后多久公布?A. 1周B. 1个月C. 2个月D. 3个月答案:B9. 专升本学历考试的合格者可以获得什么?A. 学位证书B. 毕业证书C. 学历证明D. 以上都是答案:C10. 专升本学历考试的考试范围是什么?A. 大学一年级课程B. 大学二年级课程C. 大学三年级课程D. 大学四年级课程答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 专升本学历考试的报名条件包括哪些?A. 具有大专及以上学历B. 具有高中及以上学历C. 年满18周岁D. 具有相关工作经验答案:A、C2. 专升本学历考试的报名材料通常包括哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 学历证明复印件C. 近期免冠照片D. 个人简历答案:A、B、C3. 专升本学历考试的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 专业课程答案:A、B、C、D4. 专升本学历考试的考试形式可能包括哪些?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 实验操作D. 论文答辩答案:A、B5. 专升本学历考试的考试结果公布后,考生可以采取哪些行动?A. 查询成绩B. 申请复核C. 参加补考D. 申请调剂答案:A、B、C、D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专升本学历考试是全国统一考试。



专升本题目测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是专升本考试的全称?A. 专科升本科B. 本科升硕士C. 专科升研究生D. 专科升博士答案:A2. 专升本考试通常由哪个机构组织?A. 教育部B. 国家教育委员会C. 各省市教育厅D. 各高校答案:C3. 专升本考试通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 政治、历史、地理D. 以上都是答案:A4. 专升本考试的录取比例通常是多少?A. 1:1B. 1:2C. 1:3D. 1:4答案:C5. 专升本考试的报名条件是什么?A. 必须是在校专科生B. 必须是应届专科毕业生C. 必须是往届专科毕业生D. 以上都是答案:B6. 专升本考试的考试时间通常在每年的什么时候?A. 1月B. 4月C. 7月D. 10月答案:B7. 专升本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 笔试和面试D. 机考答案:C8. 专升本考试的考试内容通常包括哪些方面?A. 专业知识B. 公共基础课C. 英语水平D. 以上都是答案:D9. 专升本考试的考试合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到60分B. 每科达到60分C. 总分达到70分D. 每科达到70分答案:A10. 专升本考试的录取流程是怎样的?A. 报名→考试→成绩公布→录取B. 报名→成绩公布→考试→录取C. 考试→报名→成绩公布→录取D. 成绩公布→报名→考试→录取答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些是专升本考试的报名材料?A. 身份证B. 学历证明C. 近期免冠照片D. 报名费答案:ABCD2. 专升本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 填写报名表B. 缴纳报名费C. 参加培训D. 现场确认答案:ABD3. 专升本考试的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 专业课答案:ABCD4. 专升本考试的录取原则是什么?A. 公平竞争B. 择优录取C. 先到先得D. 按需分配答案:AB5. 专升本考试的考试准备通常包括哪些方面?A. 复习资料B. 模拟试题C. 考试技巧D. 考试心态答案:ABCD三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专升本考试是专科生提升学历的唯一途径。



专升本测试题及解析答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列关于“专升本”的描述,哪一项是不正确的?A. 专升本是专科生升入本科的一种途径B. 专升本考试通常由各省市教育部门组织C. 专升本考试只针对在校专科生D. 专升本成功后,学生将获得本科学位答案:C2. 专升本考试通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 语文、数学、物理C. 英语、政治、历史D. 数学、物理、化学答案:A3. 专升本考试的报名条件是什么?A. 必须是在校专科生B. 必须通过专科毕业考试C. 必须是应届毕业生D. 所有专科生均可报名答案:D4. 专升本考试的录取原则是什么?A. 按成绩高低排序B. 按报名先后顺序C. 按地区分配名额D. 按学校名额分配答案:A5. 专升本考试的备考策略应该包括哪些方面?A. 只复习考试科目B. 只关注历年真题C. 注重基础知识和解题技巧D. 只参加模拟考试答案:C6. 专升本考试的备考时间通常为多久?A. 1个月B. 3个月C. 6个月D. 1年答案:C7. 下列哪一项不是专升本考试备考的常见问题?A. 时间安排不合理B. 缺乏有效的复习资料C. 考试内容过于简单D. 缺乏系统的复习计划答案:C8. 专升本考试的备考资料应该包括哪些?A. 历年真题B. 模拟试题C. 教材D. 所有选项答案:D9. 专升本考试的备考过程中,哪些因素会影响考试成绩?A. 个人学习能力B. 备考时间长短C. 考试当天的状态D. 所有选项答案:D10. 专升本考试的备考过程中,应该如何调整心态?A. 只关注考试结果B. 只关注备考过程C. 保持积极乐观D. 保持紧张焦虑答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 专升本考试的报名通常在每年的____月份进行。

答案:32. 专升本考试的备考过程中,应该注重______和______的结合。

答案:基础知识;解题技巧3. 专升本考试的录取结果通常在考试结束后的______天内公布。



升本考试题目及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 请从下列选项中选择正确的答案:A. 地球是平的B. 地球是圆的C. 地球是三角形的D. 地球是正方形的答案:B2. 以下哪个选项是计算机科学中常用的编程语言?A. PythonB. JavaC. C++D. All of the above答案:D3. 根据历史记载,中国历史上的四大发明不包括以下哪一项?A. 造纸术B. 印刷术C. 火药D. 指南针E. 电话答案:E4. 以下哪个选项是数学中的一个基本概念?A. 向量B. 矩阵C. 微分D. All of the above答案:D5. 以下哪个选项是物理学中的一个基本概念?A. 力B. 能量C. 质量D. All of the above答案:D6. 以下哪个选项是化学中的一个基本概念?A. 元素B. 化合物C. 反应D. All of the above答案:D7. 以下哪个选项是生物学中的一个基本概念?A. 细胞B. 基因C. 进化D. All of the above答案:D8. 以下哪个选项是经济学中的一个基本概念?A. 供给B. 需求C. 市场D. All of the above答案:D9. 以下哪个选项是心理学中的一个基本概念?A. 认知B. 情感C. 行为D. All of the above答案:D10. 以下哪个选项是社会学中的一个基本概念?A. 社会结构B. 文化C. 社会变迁D. All of the above答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)11. 以下哪些选项是计算机硬件的组成部分?A. 中央处理器(CPU)B. 内存(RAM)C. 硬盘(HDD)D. 软件答案:A, B, C12. 以下哪些选项是植物学中的基本概念?A. 光合作用B. 细胞分裂C. 遗传D. 进化答案:A, B, C, D13. 以下哪些选项是天文学中的基本概念?A. 恒星B. 行星C. 黑洞D. 星系答案:A, B, C, D14. 以下哪些选项是物理学中的基本概念?A. 速度B. 加速度C. 力D. 能量守恒答案:A, B, C, D15. 以下哪些选项是经济学中的基本概念?A. 通货膨胀B. 失业率C. 国内生产总值(GDP)D. 贸易平衡答案:A, B, C, D三、填空题(每题2分,共20分)16. 地球的自转周期是________小时。



专升本志愿测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 专升本考试的全称是什么?A. 大专升本科考试B. 大学本科考试C. 高中升本科考试D. 大学专科考试答案:A2. 专升本考试通常在每年的哪个月份举行?A. 1月B. 5月C. 8月D. 11月答案:B3. 下列哪项不是专升本考试的报名条件?A. 大专在读或毕业B. 具有中华人民共和国国籍C. 年满18周岁D. 必须有高中学历答案:D4. 专升本考试的科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 政治、历史、地理D. 以上都不是答案:A5. 专升本考试的录取分数线是如何确定的?A. 由国家统一划定B. 由各高校自行确定C. 由考生所在省份教育部门确定D. 由考生所在学校确定答案:C6. 专升本考试的报名流程包括哪些步骤?A. 网上预报名、现场确认、缴纳报名费B. 现场报名、网上确认、缴纳报名费C. 网上预报名、现场确认、领取准考证D. 现场报名、网上确认、领取准考证答案:A7. 专升本考试的考试时间通常持续多久?A. 1天B. 2天C. 3天D. 4天答案:B8. 专升本考试的考试形式是什么?A. 闭卷B. 开卷C. 面试D. 笔试答案:D9. 专升本考试的录取结果通常在何时公布?A. 考试结束后一个月内B. 考试结束后三个月内C. 考试结束后六个月内D. 考试结束后一年内答案:A10. 专升本考试的复习资料应该从哪些渠道获取?A. 学校图书馆B. 网络资源C. 培训机构D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些因素会影响专升本考试的录取?A. 考试成绩B. 个人特长C. 面试表现D. 推荐信答案:A B C2. 专升本考试中,哪些科目是常见的必考科目?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 物理答案:A B C3. 专升本考试的报名材料通常包括哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 学历证明C. 近期免冠照片D. 报名费收据答案:A B C4. 专升本考试的复习方法可以包括哪些?A. 参加培训班B. 自学C. 做历年真题D. 参加模拟考试答案:A B C D5. 专升本考试的录取流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 公布成绩B. 划定分数线C. 公布录取名单D. 发放录取通知书答案:A B C D三、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专升本考试是所有大专生都可以参加的考试。



专升本常识单选练习题1. 中国历史上的“四大发明”是指:A. 造纸术、印刷术、火药、指南针B. 造纸术、火药、指南针、丝绸C. 印刷术、火药、指南针、丝绸D. 造纸术、印刷术、丝绸、指南针2. “一国两制”是中国解决什么问题的基本方针?A. 民族问题B. 地区发展不平衡问题C. 台湾、香港、澳门问题D. 国际争端问题3. “一带一路”倡议是中国提出的,旨在:A. 促进全球贸易自由化B. 加强国际文化交流C. 推动沿线国家经济发展D. 促进全球环境保护4. 《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集,其内容主要分为:A. 风、雅、颂B. 赋、比、兴C. 诗、词、曲D. 歌、赋、颂5. 以下哪个不是孔子的弟子?A. 子路B. 颜回C. 曾参D. 孟子6. “天下兴亡,匹夫有责”这句话出自:A. 《论语》B. 《孟子》C. 《左传》D. 《尚书》7. 以下哪个选项是正确的历史事件顺序?A. 秦朝统一六国、汉武帝开疆拓土、唐朝建立B. 汉武帝开疆拓土、秦朝统一六国、唐朝建立C. 秦朝统一六国、唐朝建立、汉武帝开疆拓土D. 唐朝建立、秦朝统一六国、汉武帝开疆拓土8. “五四运动”是中国近代史上一次具有深远影响的爱国运动,其主要发起者是:A. 知识分子和学生B. 工人阶级C. 农民阶级D. 商人阶级9. “天人合一”是中国古代哲学中的一个重要概念,其主要代表人物是:A. 老子B. 孔子C. 庄子D. 孟子10. “改革开放”是中国在20世纪70年代末开始实施的一系列政策,其主要目的是:A. 改善人民生活水平B. 加强国防建设C. 提高国际地位D. 促进经济发展正确答案:1. A2. C3. C4. A5. D6. B7. A8. A9. A10. D这些练习题涵盖了中国的历史、文化、哲学以及现代政策等多个方面,旨在帮助学生加深对中国传统文化和现代发展的认识。



大专升本科试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是大专升本科考试的主要目的?A. 提高学生的英语水平B. 增强学生的实践能力C. 选拔具有一定学术水平的学生D. 增加学生的就业机会答案:C2. 大专升本科考试通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 物理、化学、生物C. 历史、地理、政治D. 以上都是答案:A3. 大专升本科考试的报名流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 网上注册、现场确认、缴费B. 现场报名、网上缴费、确认C. 现场注册、网上确认、缴费D. 网上注册、现场缴费、确认答案:A4. 大专升本科考试的合格标准是什么?A. 总分达到60分B. 总分达到100分C. 总分达到150分D. 总分达到200分答案:C5. 大专升本科考试的考试形式通常是怎样的?A. 闭卷考试B. 开卷考试C. 面试D. 笔试和面试相结合答案:D6. 大专升本科考试的考试时间通常安排在什么时候?A. 每年的1月份B. 每年的6月份C. 每年的9月份D. 每年的12月份答案:B7. 考生在大专升本科考试中作弊会受到什么处罚?A. 警告B. 取消考试资格C. 记入诚信档案D. 以上都是答案:D8. 大专升本科考试的考试内容通常包括哪些方面?A. 专业知识B. 公共基础课C. 专业技能D. 以上都是答案:D9. 大专升本科考试的考试结果通常在什么时候公布?A. 考试结束后一周B. 考试结束后一个月C. 考试结束后三个月D. 考试结束后六个月答案:B10. 大专升本科考试的录取流程是怎样的?A. 根据考试成绩直接录取B. 根据考试成绩和面试成绩综合录取C. 根据考试成绩和推荐信综合录取D. 以上都是答案:B二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 大专升本科考试的报名条件通常包括哪些?A. 具有大专毕业证书B. 年龄在18岁以上C. 通过大专院校的推荐D. 有相关工作经验答案:A2. 大专升本科考试的考试科目通常包括哪些?A. 语文B. 数学C. 英语D. 专业课答案:ABCD3. 大专升本科考试的报名材料通常包括哪些?A. 身份证复印件B. 毕业证书复印件C. 近期免冠照片D. 报名费答案:ABC4. 大专升本科考试的考试形式可能包括哪些?A. 笔试B. 面试C. 实验操作D. 论文答辩答案:ABCD5. 大专升本科考试的考试结果公布后,考生可以进行哪些操作?A. 查询成绩B. 申请复查C. 参加调剂D. 放弃录取资格答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 大专升本科考试的报名费是固定的,不会因地区不同而有所变化。



专升本测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 请选出下列句子中语法正确的一项。

A. 他昨天去图书馆借了一本书。

B. 他昨天去了图书馆借了一本书。

C. 他昨天去图书馆借一本书。

D. 他昨天去了图书馆借一本书。

答案:A2. 下列哪个选项是“专升本”的全称?A. 大专升本科B. 高中升本科C. 初中升本科D. 硕士升博士答案:A3. 以下关于“专升本”的描述,哪项是不正确的?A. 专升本是指专科生通过考试升入本科学习的过程。

B. 专升本考试通常由各省市教育部门组织。

C. 专升本考试是专科生唯一可以升入本科的途径。

D. 专升本考试通常包括公共课和专业课两部分。

答案:C4. 根据《中华人民共和国教育法》,下列哪项不属于教育的基本原则?A. 教育必须为社会主义现代化建设服务。

B. 教育必须与生产劳动相结合。

C. 教育必须为学生的全面发展服务。

D. 教育必须以盈利为目的。

答案:D5. 下列关于“专升本”考试的描述,哪项是正确的?A. 专升本考试通常在每年的6月份举行。

B. 专升本考试通常在每年的9月份举行。

C. 专升本考试通常在每年的12月份举行。

D. 专升本考试的具体时间由各高校自行决定。

答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 专升本考试的全称是________。

答案:专科升本科考试2. 专升本考试的目的是________。

答案:选拔优秀专科生进入本科阶段学习3. 专升本考试通常包括________和________两部分。

答案:公共课、专业课4. 专升本考试的报名条件包括________和________。

答案:专科学历、符合报考条件5. 专升本考试的录取原则是________。

答案:择优录取三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述专升本考试的重要性。


2. 专升本考试的报名流程是怎样的?答案:专升本考试的报名流程通常包括网上报名、现场确认、缴纳报名费等步骤,具体流程可能因省份和学校而异。



最新专升本考试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是计算机科学中的一个基本概念?A. 算法B. 函数C. 变量D. 常量答案:A2. 在英语语法中,用来表示“和”的词是?A. butB. andC. orD. so答案:B3. 以下哪个选项是数学中的一个基本概念?A. 集合B. 函数C. 变量D. 常量答案:A4. 在中国历史上,被誉为“诗圣”的诗人是?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 王维D. 白居易答案:B5. 以下哪个选项是物理学中的一个基本概念?A. 力B. 速度C. 温度D. 压力答案:A6. 在英语中,“Hello, how are you?”的正确回答是?A. I'm fine, thank you.B. How are you?C. Thank you.D. Fine.答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是化学中的一个基本概念?A. 分子B. 原子C. 离子D. 电子答案:A8. 在中国历史上,被誉为“书圣”的是?A. 王羲之B. 颜真卿C. 柳公权D. 赵孟頫答案:A9. 以下哪个选项是生物学中的一个基本概念?A. 细胞B. 基因C. 染色体D. DNA答案:A10. 在英语中,“May I help you?”的正确回答是?A. Yes, please.B. No, thank you.C. I'm fine.D. Thank you.答案:A二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 以下哪些选项是计算机科学中的基本概念?A. 算法B. 函数C. 变量D. 常量答案:ABCD2. 在英语语法中,以下哪些词用来表示“和”?A. butB. andC. orD. so答案:B3. 以下哪些选项是数学中的基本概念?A. 集合B. 函数C. 变量D. 常量答案:ABCD4. 在中国历史上,以下哪些人物被誉为“诗圣”?A. 李白B. 杜甫C. 王维D. 白居易答案:B5. 以下哪些选项是物理学中的基本概念?A. 力B. 速度C. 温度D. 压力答案:ABCD三、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 计算机科学中的一个基本概念是________。

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专升本英语复习题 300题辅导班内部资料I. Vocabulary and Structure1.Tom was disappointed that most of the guests ______ when he ______at the party.A. had left, arrivedB. left, had arrivedC. had left, had arrivedD. left, arrived2.Sir Denis, who is 78, has made it known that much of his collection ______ to the nation.A. has leftB. is to leaveC. leavesD. is to be left3.The work ______ by the time you get here.A. will have been doneB. is doneC. had been doneD. would have done4.It ______ for a week and the streets were flooded.A. has rainedB. was rainedC. had been rainingD. should have rained5.Sorry, but we cannot go to San Diego. Our cousins ____ to see us next Sunday.A. comeB. are comingC. have comeD. came6.The bus is late and Julie is cold. She ____ for the bus for 10 minutes.A. waitsB. waitedC. has been waitingD. has waited7.All of us think it difficult to ______ the difference between the two things.A. talkB. speakC. lectureD. tell8.George is so ______ in debt that he is afraid to show up in the pub in case he meets his six creditors.A. involvedB. concentratedC. devotedD. concerned9. A new situation is likely to ______ when the school leaving age is raised to 16.A. riseB. ariseC. happenD. raise10.Be quiet! It's rude to ______ people when they are speaking.A. interfereB. introduceC. interruptD. prevent11.The music adviser taught her how to ______ a song to find its mood and meaning.A. composeB. preserveC. includeD. analyze12.Rapid reading means reading something fast just to ______ the general idea.A. masterB. seizeC. graspD. imagine13.Finding it difficult to ______ to the climate in the city, he decided to move to the North.A. adoptB. adaptC. fitD. suit14.They built strong walls round the town as a ______ against the enemy.A. dependB. defendC. defeatD. defense15.The students were not____to leave the classroom without an adequate reason.A. permittedB. remittedC. admittedD. emitted16.I don’t think it is easy to ______ your weight if keep on eating that way.A. decreaseB. reduceC. declineD. shorten17.The guide is ____ a line of tourists through the narrow passage with the help of his torch.A.concludingB.containingC.conductingD.conquering18.It _______ the village where we spent our holidays last summer.A. reminds me ofB. reminds me toC. remembers me ofD. remembers me to19.It’s too expensive for me. I can’t _______it.A. spendB. costC. payD. afford20.I didn’t know what to do but then an idea suddenly______ to me.A. happenedB. enteredC. occurredD. hit21.Mr. Wilson said that he did not want to ______ any further responsibilities.A. take onB. bring onC. get onD. carry out22.Dear, do send the children to bed. I can't _______their noise any longer.A. put offB. put upC. stand upD. put up with23.Will you please ______ my parcel at the post-office as you pass?A. pick outB. pick upC. take outD. take up24.In making such models, skills as well as thorough knowledge of plant structure are ______.A. called onB. called upC. called forD. called in25.The little boy ______ his hiding place when he coughed.A. gave awayB. gave upC. got awayD. got in26.None of us expected the chairman to ______ at the party. We thought he was still in hospital.A. turn inB. turn upC. turn overD. turn down27.When he heard the bad news, he ______ completely.A. broke awayB. broke upC. broke downD. broke out28.If I had more time, I would ____ golf as a hobby.A.take inB.take onC.take upD.take over29.Would you like me ______ the radio a bit?A. turning downB. turned downC. turn downD. to turn down30.Since the road is wet this morning, ______ last night.A. it must have rainedB. it must rainC. it must be rainingD. it must have been rained31.As teachers we should concern ourselves with what is said, not what we think ______.A. ought to be saidB. must sayC. have to be saidD. need to say32.You ______ all those calculations. We have a computer to do that sort of thing.A. must not have doneB. should not haveC. can not have doneD. needn’t have done33.With all this work on hand, he ______ to the cinema last night.A. mustn’t goB. wouldn’t goC. oughtn’t goD. shouldn’t have gone34.“I saw Mary in the library yesterday.”“You _______her, she is still in hospital.”A. mustn’t have seenB. could not seeC. can’t have seenD. must not see35.He regretted ______ the decision so hastily.A. makeB. makingC. to makeD. have made36.The speech which he made ______ the project has bothered me greatly.A. being concernedB. concerningC. be concernedD. concerned37.--- “ Joe doesn’t seem like the same person.”---“______so much in the war has made him more thoughtful.”A. To have seenB. Having seenC. His seeingD. For him to see38.He had no choice but ______ to see him.A. to goB. wentC. goingD. go39.Although young, Fred could resist ______ what to do and what not to do.A. to be toldB. having been toldC. to have been toldD. being told40.No matter how frequently ______, the works of Beethoven always attract a large audience.A. performingB. performedC. to be performedD. being performed41.The music was so ______ that the audience were ______ to death.A. boring .. boredB. bored … boringC. bored …boredD. boring … boring42.When he came back after an absence of 20 years, he found his hometown completely ______.A. changingB. to be changedC. to changeD. changed43.Some of the experiments ______ in the book are easy to perform.A. being describedB. describedC. to be describedD. having been described44.I really appreciate ______ to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.A. you to offerB. that you offerC. your offeringD. that you are offering45.He should get used by now ______ Chinese food.A. to eatingB. to eatC. for eatingD. eating46.The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.A. to be informedB. on informingC. informedD. informing47.No one thought that John’s suggestion was worth ______ .A. to considerB. consideringC. to be consideredD. of consideration48.The young man got his motor bicycle tyre ______ early this morning.A. changedB. changeC. changingD. be changed49.______ enough money, they decided to call off the construction project.A. Not to have raisedB. Not raisingC. Having not raisedD. Not having raised50.While reading the newspaper, ______.A. a colorful advertisement caught my eyesB. my attention was attracted by an advertisementC. I was attracted by a colorful advertisementD. What attracted my eyes was a colorful advertisement51.Weighing seven hundred pounds, ______.A. she could not move the pianoB. the piano should not be movedC. the piano was too heavy for her to moveD. the piano was unable to move52.The factory is said ______ last month.A. to have gone into productionB. to go into productionC. to be gone into productionD. to be going into production53.______ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.A. The girl was educatedB. The girl educatedC. The girl to be educatedD. The girl’s being educated54.Having plenty of time, ______ .A. we needn’t to have hurriedB. there was no need for us to hurryC. we didn’t need to hurryD. hurrying was not necessary55.______, little John did not reply.A. When being asked what his name wasB. When asked what his name wasC. When his name was askedD. When he is asked what is his name56.With its expensive furniture and carefully ____ color scheme, the room looked quite luxurious.A.chooseB.choseC.chosenD.choosing57.Time ____, we will arrange for the tourists to visit two or three more remote spots of culture value.A.permitsB.permittingC.permittedD.to be permitted58.All the afternoon he worked in his study with the door ______.A. to lockB. lockingC. lockD. locked59.The garden requires ________.A. wateringB. being wateredC. to waterD. having watered60.We have cooperated well with them many years for the shared ______.A. honourB. rewardC. benefitD. prize61.I took the medicine, but it didn’t have any ______ on me.A. effectB. relationC. touchD. affect62.He said that he’d like to take ______ of this opportunity to co-operate with you.A. benefitB. advantageC. profitD. occasion63.The new nurse does not have much _____ in taking care of patients.A. experienceB. regretC. desireD. talent64.Electricity, like other forms of ______, has greatly increased in price.A. strengthB. forceC. powerD. energy65.Will you be taking my previous experience into ______ when you fix my salary?A. possessionB. scaleC. mindD. account66.I suggest that you put the dangerous things out of the children’s ______.A. controlB. reachC. orderD. sight67.When we had finished dinner, George asked waiter to bring him the ______.A. tipB. costC. menuD. bill68.My father was born in Germany and still speaks English with a German ______.A. pronunciationB. accentC.relativeD. sound69.They have always been on good with their next-door neighbors.A. termsB. friendshipC. relationsD. connection70.Grandma told the story in a very sad ____ and we were all moved.A. tuneB. tongueC. toneD. ton71.The telegram was based on information from a ______ source.A. recentB. reliableC. rareD. private72.His health is ______.A. as poor, if not poor than, his sisterB. poor as his sister’s if not poorC. as poor as if not poorer than, his sister’sD. as poor, if not poorer than sister’s73.The kite flew ______ in the sky and everyone spoke ______ of it.A. high…highlyB. highly…highlyC. high…highD. highly…high74.“Does your wife regret paying six hundred dollars for the fashionable dress?”“Not at all. She would gladly have paid ______ for it”A. twice so muchB. twice as muchC. as much twiceD. so much twice75.Petrol is manufactured from the ____oil we take out of the ground.A. rawB. roughC. toughD. crude76.You are making me ____with your stories of how hard the examination is.A. normalB. negativeC. nervousD. neutral77.I’ll come with you ______ we don’t stay late. I need to be up early tomorrow.A. even IB. as long asC. so thatD. now that78.Even after I washed the coat, it still had some ______ marks on it.A. weakB. familiarC. faintD. regular79.Everyone in the room remained ______.A. happily and friendlyB. orderly and kindlyC. happily and kindlyD. orderly and friendly80.Some people think ______ about their rights than about their duties.A. much moreB. as muchC. too muchD. many more81.Apples are ______ in summer and cost a lot.A. rareB. scarceC. commonD. unusual82.In the future she hopes to go ______ for further studies.A. awayB. abroadC. outsideD. far83.The new_____machine is a great help in the production of this factory.A. adequateB. sufficientC. efficientD. effective84.Little John caught a ______ fish this morning.A. aliveB. aloneC. lonelyD. living85.The football match was televised ____ from the Berlin Olympic Stadium.A liveB aliveC livingD lively86.The more fruits and vegetables you eat, ____ chance of getting cancer you have.A littleB lessC the lessD the least87.He’s ______ to know the answer.A. likelyB. probableC. maybeD. probably88.It isn’t quite ______ that he will he present at the meeting.A. rightB. sureC. certainD. exact89.The examination I took yesterday wasn’t very difficult, but it was ______ long.A. much ratherB. so muchC. too muchD. much too90.It may rain, but I shall go out______; I don’t mind the rain.A. anywhereB. anyhowC. howeverD. nevertheless91.He had not ______ made up his mind what attitude to adopt towards her.A. as yetB. as wellC. as usualD. as though92.I pulled the handle _______I could.A. so hardly asB. as hardly asC. so hard asD. as hard as93.He is so shy that he _______ speaks in the public.A. oftenB. frequentlyC. seldomD. sometimes94.The story of Mary is merely ______ of a poor farmer.A. oneB. thatC. thoseD. which95.The second-hand car was not worth ______.A. much thatB. that much allC. all that muchD. much all that96._____of them knew about the plan because it was a secret.A. SomeB. AnyC. No oneD. None97.My car is not so fashionable as ______.A. he’sB. heC. hisD. his’98.______ Tom ______ Mary can help me, for they are very busy.A. Both; andB. Neither; norC. whether; orD. Either; or99.Do you know any other foreign language ______ English?A. exceptB. butC. besidesD. beside 100.With five hungry children seated around the table, the food disappeared ______.A. in no timeB. at no timeC. ahead of timeD. from time to time 101.There is a very big bridge ______ the river.A. aboveB. onC. overD. below 102.The chairman signed the document ______ the company.A. instead ofB. on behalf ofC. in place ofD. in case of 103.It’s about 400 mm rain in this area a year ______.A. above allB. of allC. for averageD. on average 104.In many schools, students don’t have sufficient access ______ the library.A. toB. ofC. intoD. about 105.The traditional approach ______with complex problems is to break them down into smaller ones.A. in dealingB. to dealingC. dealingD. to deal 106.The flyover at the crossing on the 6th ring road is now ____ construction.A. underB. inC. atD. with107.It’s the first turning ______ the left after the traffic lights.A. byB. inC. onD. for108.I know nothing about him ______he is a teacher.A. besidesB. in additionC. except forD. except that109.The heavy snow could not keep us ______ going out to work.A. fromB. onC. uponD. up110.Jack works so hard as he dreams _____owning his own house soon.A. toB. ofC. withD. on111.I suppose I can count _____you for help in this matter.A. ofB. onC. atD. to112.It was difficult for him to buy good shoes because he had such a big _____of feet.A. pairB. sizeC. coupleD. number113.It was raining again, ______ is very bad for our crops.A. itB. thatC. whatD. which114.I have two brothers, both ______ are doctors.A. of whichB. of themC. of whomD. who115.______ doesn’t matter ______ they will come to the meeting next month.A. It, whetherB. That, whetherC. If it, whoD. Whether, it116.The City Football Team, ______ , meets every other day.A. which I am a memberB. of which I am a memberC. that I am a memberD. of that I am a member117.Our factory is much more productive now. This year’s production is five times ______ it was ten years ago.A. whatB. thatC. thanD. as118.This is the most difficult book ______ .A. what I have ever readB. which I have ever readC.I have ever read itD. that I have ever read119.In order to search for the escaped prisoner, the police decide to question _____ comes along this road.A. whoB. whomC. whoeverD. whomever120.The truth is that it is only by studying history ______ we can learn what to expect in the future.A. thatB. and thenC. by whichD. through which 121.The people, ______ had been damaged by the flood, were given help by the Red Cross.A. all their homesB. of all whose homesC. all of whose homesD. all of their homes122.He has made another wonderful discovery, ______ of great importance to science and man.A. which I think isB. which I think it isC. of which I think it isD. I think which is123.A new television program teaches children ______ can and should think about career development.A. whatB. that theyC. bothD. whom they124.The chairman requested that ______.A. the members should have studied the problem more carefullyB. the problem were more carefully studiedC. the problem could be studied with more careD. the members study the problem more carefully125.Another advantage of the mass media is ______ it gives people the information they need in their daily lives.A. whatB. whetherC. wheneverD. that126.They showed us around the factory ______ is equipped with modern machines.A. in thatB. whichC. in whichD. what127.______ as much as one-fourth of all timber harvested is not used proved to be false.A. The estimateB. It is estimated thatC. They are estimatedD. The estimate that128.Do you know ______ ?A. what time the movie startsB. what time starts the movieC. when does the movie startD. the movie what time starts129.Perhaps the days will come ____ people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.A. asB. whenC. whileD. sine130.To my surprise, ____ turned out that Susan failed in the examination.A. thisB. whatC. itD. as131.Jenny is the only one of the grade who ____ selected to school fashion-show team.A. isB. areC. hasD. have132.He told her nothing, ______upset her.A. thatB. for whichC. about whichD. which133.The reason ______I’m writing is to tell you about a party on Saturday.A. becauseB. whyC. forD. as134.Such a device ______ he was given proved almost worthless.A. asB. likeC. thatD. which135.Hardly had we arrived home ______ we all sat down to rest.A. thanB. thenC. whenD. until136.____ when he saw his wife’s face did Tom realize the true meaning of her remark.A. JustB. NeverC. UsuallyD. Only137.______, he failed in the examination.A. Although he didn’t work so hard as usualB. As he worked harder than usualC. Hard as he workedD. Having worked harder than usualually scientists test a theory for a while ______ they accept it as true.A. beforeB. afterC.whenD. because139.The students didn’t manage to work out the problem ______ their teacher had explained how.A. whenB. untilC. unlessD. as140.--- Could I borrow your dictionary?--- I’d get it for you ______ I could remember who last borrowed it.A. except thatB. unlessC. only ifD. if only141.I knew him better, _______ I discovered that my impression had been right.A. whichB. asC. untilD. unless142.Watch your step,_____ you might fall into the water.A. orB. andC. unlessD. but143.He is ______ strong a man ______ he can lift ten stones like this one.A. such…soB. such…thatC. so…thatD. so a…for144.It’s a pity that we should stay at home when we have ______ weather.A. so fineB. so fine aC. such a fineD. such fine145.In the nuclear power station we use ______ generator ______ is used in the common steam power station.A. the same … asB. such … asC. so … asD. as … as146.If the city had built more homes for the poor in 1990, the housing problems in that area now ______ so serious.A. wouldn’t have beenB. wouldn’t beC. will not have beenD. shouldn’t have been 147.The manager recommended that that the product exhibition ______ early next month.A. are to be heldB. will be heldC. be heldD. must be held148.______ do it myself than try to persuade such a silly fellow like him.A. I’d likeB. I’d like toC. I’d betterD. I’d rather149.It is essential that the application form ______ before Friday morning.A. shall be handed inB. be handed inC. will be handed inD. must be handed in150.If I had a bike, I ______ it to you yesterday.A. would have lentB. would lendC. would have lendD. could lend151.Jean thinks that if she ______ her job she probably wouldn’t be able to earn so much.A. would have to changeB. were to changeC. has changedD. could have changed152.Everybody has arrived. It’s time we ______ .A. would startB. shall startC. startedD. had start153.Frankly speaking, I’d rather you ______ anything about it for the time being.A. didn’t doB. have doneC. don’t doD. haven’t done154.Most people come to realize that it is about time the government ______ further measures to control the population.A. must takeB. is takingC. takesD. took155.Only by shouting at the top of his voice ______.A. he was able to make himself hearB. he was able to make himself heardC. was he able to make himself heardD. was he able to make himself hear156.Hardly ______ his speech when he saw the audience rise as one.A. had he finishedB. did he finishC. he finishedD. he had finished157.Linda _______ at the dance tonight, nor will Peter.A. can’t beB. will beC. may not beD. won’t be158.They have sent all the invitations to their relatives and friends, ______?A. have theyB. did theyC. haven’t theyD. didn’t they159.You never told us why you were late for the party, _______?A. weren’t youB. did youC. had youD. didn’t you160.“_______ lately? I have not seen you for quite some time.”A. Where were you goneB. Where did you goC. Where were you goingD. Where have you beenI. Vocabulary and Structure1-5 ADACB 6-10 CDABC 11-15 ACBDA 16-20 BCADC21-25 ADBCA 26-30 BCCDA 31-35 ADDCB 36-40 BCADB41-45 ADBCA 46-50 CBADC 51-55 CADCB 56-60 CBDAC61-65 ABACD 66-70 BDBAC 71-75 BCABD 76-80 CBCDA81-85 BBCDA 86-90 CACDB 91-95 ADCBC 96-100 DCBCA101-105 CBDAB 106-110 ACDAB 111-115 BADCA 116-120 BADCA121-125 CABDD 126-130 BDABC 131-135 ADBAC 136-140 DCABD141-145 BACDA 146-150 BCDBA 151-155 BCADC 156-160 ADCBDIV. Dialogue CompletionDirections: There are 20 short incomplete dialogues between two speakers, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that appropriately suits the conversational context and best completes the dialogue and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.281.Woman: Bob, do you think you can lend me fifty dollars?Bob: Let me see. ________A. You know I have no money at all.B. Sorry, I don’t think I have much about me.C. I don’t think you should do it.D. Oh, I have quite a lot.282.Client: hello. May I speak to Mr. Turner?Secretary: ________A. Speaking, please.B. Hello. Who’re you please.C. Sorry. He’s at a meeting right now.D. Hello. Thank you for calling.283.Jackson: Hi! Frank. Thank you very much for your helping me get out of the trouble.Frank: ________A. It’s a pleasure.B. I’d like to do so.C. That is what I should do.D. That’s a very small trouble.284.Lily: Hello, John! What was the weather like yesterday?John: ________A. I like nice and bright weather.B. You don’t like cold weather, do you?C. That was a favorable weather.D. Nice and bright, not too cold.285.Mary: How do you like Professor White’s lecture?John: ________A. He talked about economy.B. He teaches Class 2 students.C. Very much.D. He is a middle-aged professor.286.Woman: Jack, ________Jack: Of course. But the lock is not working very well, I’m afraid.A. I want to use your bike.B. can you give your bike to me?.C. do you use your bike now?D. can I borrow your bike for a while? 287.Bush: Do you mind my opening the window to let some fresh air in?Emile: ________A. Yes, certainly.B. Of course, not.C. Yes, please do it.D. I am glad you do it. 288.Peter: You seem to be very pleased today. Any good news?Rose: ________A. Yes. I have got my Master’s degree for three years of hard work.B. You are not right. There is no good news in today’s newspaper.C. I think most people like good news.D. Yes. We are talking about the news in yesterday’s newspapers.289.Tom: I’d like to book two tickets, please, for the tomorrow’s early morning flight to Beijing.Jane: ________A. OK, that’s fine.B. Can I help you, Sir?C. Wait a moment, please. I’ll book them for you.D. I’m very glad you like to book the plane tickets.290.Waiter: ________Customer: No, thank you. I have already known what to order.A. Do you like this kind of dishes?B. You are welcome to our restaurant. Take seat, please.C. Would you like to see a menu?D. Everybody! Order, please!291.Jack: Could you show me the way to the information desk?Jim: ________A. Go straight to the information desk.B. Just follow me, please.C. Who are you speaking to?D. Who is it speaking?292.Peter: It’s such a nice warm day. I think I’ll go out for a walk.Dave: ________A. It is warm to take a walk.B. Yes. It is warm today.C. I’d like to join you.D. Yes. Everybody like this weather.293.Jane: I’d like to have some ice cream if you don’t mind.Man: _____________________. Help yourself.A. of courseB. Yes, I doC. Oh, yesD. Of course not294.Green: You look cold and tired, Gary. How about a cup of coffee?Shirley: ________A. No, thank you just the same.B. Yes, I think you are right.C. I am neither cold nor tired.D. Thank you, I prefer coffee to tea.295.Guest: Oh, it’s ten o’clock. I’d better go now.Host: ________A. OK. Please walk slowly and take care.B. Why do you want to go now? Don’t you want to stay?C. Yeah, it’s really late. Why not immediately?D. Won’t you stay for another cup of coffee? 296.Tom: It’s the most delicious fruit I have had a long time.Smith: ________A. I’m so glad you like it.B. You are not hungry now.C. I like eating this fruit, too.D. You should like it.297.Wilson: Hello. May I speak to Peter?Peter: ________A. Sorry, the number is engaged. Will you hold?B. Yes, speaking.C. Hello. Who’re you, please?D. Hello. Thank you for calling.298.Peter: How about going to the movies tonight then?Mary: ________A. I don’t know.B. The movie is very interesting.C. That sounds good.D. The movie is very boring.299.Woman: Jack, good job!Jack: ________A. Oh, that’s all right.B. Do you think so?C. Not good enough, I’m afraid.D. Thank you. I tried.300.Doctor: ________301.IV. Dialogue Completion302.281-285 BCADC 286-290 DBAAC 291-295 BCDAD 296-300 ABCDA。
