



有更为丰 富的 自我意识 。 她没有从女 l 生自身 的价值 出发去追 寻和确立 自己的存在意义 , 只是 听从阿尔 默 的摆布 。 在乔治亚娜和 阿尔默 的婚姻 中, 她也难
逃传统女性 的命运 , 成为 阿尔默欲望 的客体 。 虽然 阿 尔默的助手阿米那达布 “ 头发蓬乱, 满面烟尘, 浑 身上下难 以形容 的粗鄙 , 仿佛代 表了人类 肉体凡胎 的本性 ” ,阿尔默从来不 曾在意过其丑 陋外貌或者
说 《 红字 》 ,该 书的 出版 ,奠定 了他在文学史上 的 地位 。实际 上霍 桑最初是 以其短 篇小说 涉足文坛 的 , 的短篇小 说如 同散文般优美细腻隽永,自己 他
谦称为 “ 偏僻 山谷 中带有苍 白色彩 的花朵 ” 。小说
力量 与爱情本 身结合起 来才能成立 ” 。从一开始在 乔 治亚娜 与阿尔默 的爱情 中就存 在着一个 “ 第三 者” ——科学 , 阿尔默对科 学的献身精 神远远超过 对妻子 的感情 。 对他来说从 事科学研究 , 探索 自然 宇宙 之谜 , 极具挑 战性 和崇高意义 , 是一项是 能够
霍桑作 品 《 记 》解读 胎
傅 玉 珊
( 福建师范大学人 民武装学霍桑短篇 小说代表作之 一。本文从分析 小说人 物性格 出发 ,探 索悲剧 背后 的真正
根 源。并通过 对 《 胎记 》的解读 ,更深入 了解作者的创作 思想和 写作手 法。 关键 词:胎 记 ;男权批判 ;女性意识 ;原 罪;写作技巧 中图分类号 :I0 . 文献标识码 :A 16 4
— —
位, 只能成为男性的附属 。 她们 的存在是为了满足 男性的欲望 。 在小说 中我们除 了知道乔治亚娜是个 标 致 的可人儿心地善 良加痴情外 , 我们看不 出她还
乔治亚娜 。 新婚后 的某一 天阿尔默却发现乔 治




这部小说以17世纪的新英格兰为背景,讲述了一个被他人认为背负有罪孽的年轻妇女希斯特·普林特(Hester Prynne)的故事。






与此小说中的另一位重要人物罗杰·柯尔丘恩(Roger Chillingworth)则展现了人性中的复仇和憎恨。





在小说中,除了希斯特和罗杰之外,还有一位年轻的牧师阿瑟·丹明(Arthur Dimmesdale)也扮演着重要的角色。







Vo1 . 3 8 NO.1
2 0 1 5年 O 1 月
J a n .2 0 1 5
谁 害 死 了 乔 治 亚 娜
霍 桑 小说 《 胎记 》 悲剧 成 因探 究①
康 有 金 谢 洁
( 武 汉 科 技 大 学 外 国语 学 院 , 湖北 武汉 4 3 0 0 6 5 )
摘 要 : 霍 桑是 美 国最伟 大 的浪 漫 主义作 家 , 短篇 小 说《 胎记》 是 其 最 为脍 炙 人 口的作 品之 一 。 艾 尔默是 探 索 可靠 世界 的不 可 靠的探 索者 , 乔 治 亚娜 多 变冲 动 的 性格 为 他 融合 中世 纪 炼金 术 和 当 代 实验技 术在人 身 上做 实验 的行 为推 波助 澜 。乔 治亚娜 的悲剧 是霍 桑精 神世 界 的产物 。霍 桑通 过
第 3 8卷
第 1 期
长江大学学报 ( 社科版)
J o u r n a 1 o f Ya n g t z e Un i v e r s i t y ( S o c i a l S c i e n c e s )
观物 质世 界 。在这 种指 导思 想支 配下 展开 的科 学实 验必 然会 失 败 。他 的失 败 是 他 那 一 代 科 学 家 的失 败, 他 们使 用古 老 的炼金 术做 现代 科学 实验 , 这 种不 伦 不类 的实验 必然 给人 类带 来灾 难 。这也 是惯性 定 律 在 自然科 学 领域 的具 体化 。小 说 中导致 艾尔 默实 验 失 败 的原 因很 多 , 概括 起来 有 以下几 个方 面 : 首先 , 艾 尔 默 是探 索 可 靠 世 界 的不 可 靠 的探 索 者 。他 的心灵 和想 象是 扭 曲的 。当乔 治亚 娜 的提醒 使 他 想起他 在 梦里无 情 地 以牺牲 她 的性 命 为代价 去 除 了她 的胎 记 , “ 他才 意 识到 一个 念头 在他 思想上 产 生的 霸道影 响 , 为 了使 自己得 到安 宁 , 他竟 然会 想到






















鼓励 了艾 尔默在 她 身上进 行科 学实验 。“ 艾尔 默 , 你 给我拿 什 么药水 , 我 都 会 一 饮 而 尽 … … 就 是 你 递 给 我一 杯 毒 药 , 我 也会 喝下 去 。  ̄ E 4 ] ( P 1 1 5 ) 听 了 乔 治 亚 娜
追求, 对 实验 成功 的渴 望 , 胜 过 了 乔 治亚 娜 的生命 。
独 钟 。无论 是从 理 论层 面 , 还是 从哲 学层 面 , 霍桑 的
令 其 丢 了宝贵 的生 命 , 更 使 自己失 去 了作 为科 学 家
的尊 严 。

作 品都 折射 出其所 处时 代 的人们 的人 生 态度 和生 活
情趣 。 [ 1 3 《 胎记 》 选 自《 古 屋青 苔 》 , 是霍桑最为脍炙人 口
的话 , 艾 尔默 深 受感 动 —— “ 直到现在, 我 才 知 道 你 高 尚深刻 的本 性 。  ̄ E 4 ] ( P l l 7 ) 这说 明, 此 前艾 尔 默 对 乔
艺术 。正 如 齐 白石 所 说 : “ 太似则 媚俗 , 不 似 则 欺
世。 ” 艾尔 默 “ 拿不 准称 它瑕 疵 还 是 美 丽 ” _ 4 ] ( 瑚 ”, 他 对这 块小 小 的胎记 的近乎 神经 质般 的反 应可 以称 得 上是 病态 的 吹毛求 疵 。妻子 把 “ 对 上帝 的信 任 交 给 了这位 凡 夫 俗 子 ” , [ 5 ] ( P 7 9  ̄ 8 0 ) 而 他 却 蹂 躏 了 她 的 生 命 。实验 室 的过错 可 以通 过 反 复试 验 得 到 更新 、 更 好 的结果 来 弥补 , 但是 , 以追 求 完美 为借 口 , 混淆 了
桑暗 示 只要 “ 含 辛茹 苦 ” 就可“ 完美 ” 。这 就把 人 的主 观能 动性 与 自然规 律 对 立 了起 来 , 似 乎 是 在 鼓 励 艾 尔默 这类 科学 家去 挑战 自然造 物 的极 限 。当时人 类 在 自然科 学方 面所 取得 的 巨大成 就对 于一些 科学 界




























从《胎记》看霍桑的人性观1. 引言1.1 背景介绍《胎记》是美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)所著的一篇短篇小说,被认为是霍桑最具代表性的作品之一。








1.2 作者简介霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)是19世纪美国著名作家,被认为是美国文学的奠基人之一。












从《胎记》看霍桑的罪恶观发布时间:2021-02-03T14:36:41.580Z 来源:《文化研究》2021年1月下作者:崔楚燕1 原萌2 王瑶瑶3 [导读] 纳撒尼尔·霍桑(1804-1864),是美国心理分析小说的开创者,也是美国文学史上首位写作短篇小说的作家,被称为美国19世纪最伟大的浪漫主义小说家。


他深受原罪思想的影响,而且认为原罪代代相传.1、河北唐山华北理工大学外国语学院崔楚燕1 0632002、河北唐山华北理工大学外国语学院原萌2 0632003、河北唐山华北理工大学外国语学院王瑶瑶3 063200摘要:纳撒尼尔·霍桑(1804-1864),是美国心理分析小说的开创者,也是美国文学史上首位写作短篇小说的作家,被称为美国19世纪最伟大的浪漫主义小说家。










第 l 4卷 第 1 期 2O 0 2年 5月
文 山师 范 高 等专 科 学 校学 报
V 1 1 N . 0 .4 O 1
的是长篇小说《 红字》 而短篇小说 的研究却 显得 ,
收 稿 日期 :0 —o 一 l 2吆 4 5 作 者 简 介 : 兰 海 (96 - , , 马 16 _ ) 男 回族 , 南 文 山县 人 , 山师 专 讲 师 ,9 3年 9月一 l9 年 7月到 北 京 大 学 西 语 系 云 文 19 94 “ 欧美文 学与文化助教 进修 班” 进修 学 习; 主要担 任外 国文学和 文学理论课 程的教 学工作。
— —
C0 【 e l n Ha h r e’ “ e Bi t m a k’ 瑚 m n s o wt o n S Th r h r ’
MA n— h i La a
( hn s e a m n - nhnT ahrSC l g - nh n Y n a 6 00 C i eD pr e tWesa ec e’ o eeWes a - u nn6 3 0 ) e t l
学 的道 路 上 掀 起 了 一 个 新 的 高 潮 , 继 欧 文 、 他 库
珀 之后 , 成 了攀 登 浪 漫 主 义 高 峰 的 最 后 冲 刺 。 完 他那 值 得 称赞 的艺 术 技 巧 , 得 小 说 这 一 文 学 形 使 式 , 其是 短 篇 小 说 成 了 精 美 绝 伦 、 人 赞 叹 的 尤 令 艺术 珍 品 , 的 小 说 获 得 了美 国浪 漫 主义 文 学 的 他 最 高成 就 。在 我 国 , 霍 桑 的 研 究 似 乎 更 多关 注 对



料。正如当时一些科学的热忱倡导者所深信 的,这些追求会在强大的智慧阶梯上步步攀登,
直到自然哲学家最后把握到宇宙创造力的秘 密。”(P.12)艾尔默就是这些科学的狂热追求 者之一。他“毫无保留地献身科学研究,任何
收稿日期:2008—07—07 作者简介:朱丽田(1971一),女,副教授,博士,研究方向:英美文学及文化
艾尔默便是一例。这个故事最先发表在1843 年的《先驱者》上,后来收入《古屋青苔》短篇小 说集,被认为是霍桑在“古屋时期最好的短篇 之一”(Elliott,1988:423)。作品讲述了一位18 世纪雄心勃勃的科学家艾尔默试图通过科学手 段去除他美丽妻子乔治亚娜脸上胎记的故事。 虽然最终胎记消失了,但他的妻子也随之香销 玉殒。这则故事以寓言的形式反观自然与科 学,感性与理性之间的关系。在当今人类越来 越关注环境、关注自然的大背景下,再细读这篇 作品,或许可以带给我们很多启示。 二、人与自然的关系 故事情节一直围绕着乔治亚娜脸上的胎记 进行。讲述了科学家艾尔默在婚后的一天,突 然对妻子脸上的胎记表现出越来越强烈的烦 恼。他提出要去除胎记,理由是“大自然之手 把你造得几乎十全十美,所以这一点微乎其微 的瑕疵却令我震惊,因为它是人世缺憾的明显 标记”④(伍厚恺,2001:13)。这块红色的胎记 在他看来是“妻子无法逃避罪孽、痛苦、腐朽和 死亡的象征”,是“不祥之物”(P.14);可是在乔 治亚娜看来,胎记是她“妩媚动人”的标志,是 大自然的杰作。“胎记的形状很像人的一只 手”,所以她的倾慕者认为,“在她出生时一定 有一位仙女把纤手按在了这个婴儿的脸上,留 下这个印记来显示她具有神奇的禀赋,足以让 所有男子一见倾心”(P.13)。对于艾尔默来 说,“这个深红的手形胎记代表着一只无可逃



82试论霍桑小说中的罪恶观王天百泽 东北师范大学附属中学摘要:纳撒尼尔•霍桑(1804—1864)是19世纪美国浪漫主义的代表作家,被称作是“美利坚民族第一位伟大的小说家”。









































































































从《胎记》看霍桑的人性观作者:朱芬来源:《名作欣赏·评论版》 2019年第2期摘要:作为19 世纪美国最伟大的作家之一,霍桑作品中体现的人性观引人注目。


同时19 世纪随着科学的发展人类自信心高涨,不断试探欲望的极限,经济发展与道德发生冲突。





一、时代的困惑:信仰危机19 世纪美国工业化加速了经济的发展,自然科学的发展挑战了基督教中有关人神关系的观念:由以神为中心转向以人为中心。


































驯顺的灵魂和叛逆的身体--对霍桑短篇小说《胎记》的女性主义解读陈榕【期刊名称】《解放军外国语学院学报》【年(卷),期】2004(27)4【摘要】在对<胎记>传统的象征主义解读中,批评家们常将主人公阿尔默去掉妻子脸上胎记的渴望与"追求完美"联系在一起,忽略了阿尔默提出的"身体/灵魂"二分法中所隐藏的男权主义话语暴力.<胎记>实质上讲述了一个"杀妻"的故事.阿尔默将妻子视为自己的附属财产、欲望的客体以及可以合法书写的文本,为了证明对她的所有权,不惜以侵害她的生命为代价.而乔治亚娜也已将男权机制内化,实现了自我物化,因此她间接充当了这一杀妻事件的帮凶.值得注意的是,乔治亚娜虽然在意识层面认同了丈夫的意志,但是她的身体却以激烈的姿态反对着男性的书写和改造.小说结尾乔治亚娜之死,既是她对男权屈服的结果,也透露出她的身体为了捍卫其主体性,以死相抗、绝不妥协的决心.【总页数】5页(P75-79)【作者】陈榕【作者单位】解放军外国语学院三系,河南,洛阳,471003【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I712.074【相关文献】1.天使的陨落——对霍桑短篇小说《拉帕齐尼的女儿》的女性主义解读 [J], 谢玲2.纳撒尼尔·霍桑短篇小说《胎记》科学家形象研究 [J], 何新;邹威华3.被规训的身体被奴役的心灵——从福柯的规训理论解读霍桑的《胎记》 [J], 刘红霞4.这是身体给予腐朽灵魂的一次震撼\r——女性主义视角下的向京女性身体雕塑解读 [J], 张艺璇5.从生态批评视角看霍桑的荒野观——以短篇小说《胎记》为例 [J], 朱鑫怡;林琼因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



偏执人类欲望的可怕性——浅谈霍桑的短篇小说《胎记》摘要:纳撒尼尔・霍桑(1804―1864)是19 世纪文艺复兴时期美国文学史上最杰出的、最具影响力的浪漫主义小说家,他对美国文学的发展做出了极大的贡献。













进入20世纪80年代,特别是90 年代以后,关于霍桑的译介和研究开始大量涌现,光是长篇小说《红字》的译本就出现了好几种。




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毕业论文(设计)Title:Twisted Reason and Tender Stupidity---Study on Hawthorne’s Short Story the Birthmark题目:扭曲的理性和温柔的愚忠-浅谈霍桑的短篇小说《胎记》学生姓名学号指导教师年级专业系别摘要《胎记》是美国浪漫主义作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑的作品,塑造了一个极端的唯科技主义者的形象,违背客观规律利用所谓的科学知识残害无辜女性的丑恶行为。




关键词:理性;忠诚;《胎记》AbstractBirthmark is the opus from American romantic author Nathaniel Hawthorne, created an image of an extreme technocrat, which is contrary to the objective rule that using the so-called scientific knowledge to destroy an innocent woman, this behavior is hideous. This passage is mainly from the perspective of the reason and loyalty, made the reader deeply know about the characters of works so that they can realize that reason is not equal to the blind loyalty. In the meanwhile, we can further know about the differences between reason and loyalty. The research of this passage has set a new perspective for the study of the Birthmark, which provided a basis and reference for the related study in the future.Key words: reason; loyalty; Birthmark黑龙江外国语学院2013届毕业论文Contents摘要 (ii)Abstract (iii)Chapter 1 Introduction (1)1.1 A Brief Introduction of the Author (1)1.2 A Brief Introduction of the Birthmark (4)1.3 Research Background (5)Chapter 2 The Analysis of the Main Roles’ Personality in the Birthmark (8)2.1 Paranoid and Selfish Husband (8)2.2 Tender and Stupid Wife (11)Chapter 3 Enlightenment Given by the Main Roles in the Birthmark (14)3.1 Enlightenment from the Husband (14)3.2 Enlightenment from the Wife (15)Chapter 4 Conclusion (17)Bibliography (19)Acknowledgements (20)Twisted Reason and Tender Stupidity---Study on Hawthorne'sShort Story the BirthmarkChapter 1 IntroductionBirthmark is a miracle of American literature, behind the simple person and the plot hold the author’s rich, creative thought and connotative meaning, which has attracted lots of readers.1.1 A B rief Introduction of the AuthorHawthorne (1804—1864) is an influential great romanticism novelist and psychologist in the 19th century and he is famous for his short stories. Hawthorne was born in New Zealand in 1804, and lived in a decline aristocracy family, his family and generation is a devour puritan. The earlier puritans pay more attention to the reason, reject the emotion, admire for the dream and give up the desire. Later, it has been widely developed in New England: it not only persecutes the people who stand the opposite side of him and even imprison the woman who smile on the street, children who play on the street will be lashed. Because of the earlier New England immigrant adopted political governmental system. The ancestor William and John and his son who served as an important position persecuted the Quakers. Roberto Hanze Salem played an ignominious effect in the case of driving away the witch. The history of this clan has made Hawthorne have a sense of guilt. At his age of 23 years old, in 1827, he added a letter of “W” in his name spelling in order to make the distinction of his ancestor. Later, in 1830, he has made it normal and become the typeface that people are familiar with. The family of Hawthorne was in a stage of poverty and took the shipping as the vocation and engaged in trading along the West Indian archipelago region, Up till to theages of his father, the situation has got worse. When the little Hawthorne was 4 years old, his captain father died of the hot disease, his mother educated him and his sister. After his father died, he moved with his mother to his grandfather Assam’s home, Assam had a very deep religious atmosphere and drastic religious struggle which deeply affected Hawthorne’s thoughts and had a great impact on his future creating. His mother lived lonely and sadly and also had a great impact on his growth, so that it made his character very blue and loved reading and good at thinking.Judging from his 12 years’ old diary, his observation and his wring is precocious. When he was 14 years old, he lived in his grandpa’s manor in Maine for one year. The nearer lake has become a good place for Hawthorne to hunt, fish, read and walk, which made him know about the natural scenery. However, his dissocial personality and the poet temperament and even his habit of walking alone has cultivated since that time. Hawthorne’s literature career began with the entertainment. When he was 16 years old, he was edited a piece of family paper called----onlooker, from the newspaper, the layout and column had no difference of the formal newspaper called Sarail newspaper, its style is humorous and imitate the earlier Tatler newspaper edited by the England writer Addison and Steele. The first period of newspaper is published between August and September in 1820. And the last period of newspaper was finished at the beginning of 1822. This newspaper was arranged by him. After the publication of each period newspaper, was circulated among the big family. The style is humorous and funny and circulated by this big family and added the fun for the family member. This is the great apprentice period for Hawthorne’s further creative writing and editing. His apprentice period also shows his poet creation. In the middle period of 19th century, the tradition of poem plays an important role in the cultural life in New England region and even becomes the fashion in newspaper and led a young hope in literature. In his earlier years, we can know his extraordinary talent in this aspect, and the people who had the same age with him also admired his “American poet ma de a great contribution to the world and the greatest poet”. The existing poems of Hawthorne---whether published or not, critics thought that this young person has a talented for the writing: Later, Hawthorne engaged in creating novels, otherwise, there will be a talented poet in theworld. As a matter of fact, his first published works was poem, which was called ocean and was published in the newspaper called Salem newspaper. The content was related to his father’s shipping career, but finally died in the exotic country. In 1821, Hawthorne studied in Boudouin University. After his graduation, he worked in customs and later was affected by the Utopian socialism of France and resigned, and made a plan to carry on the utopian socialism on Brook farm. Hawthorne was dissatisfied with the current social ethics and the hypocrisy of capitalism in American society, but he does not want to change the unreasonable social system fundamentally. His purpose is to pursue the improvement of social morality, advocated the god and proposed the self-improvement of the morality. In 1842, Hawthorne got married with Sophia, she was a very pious puritan. Although Hawthorne himself was not the puritan, he was deeply affected by his wife with no doubt. In the same year, Hawthorn published his short story Mosses from an Old Manse. After Melville had read it, he admired him very much and also made a comment about his short story, and later the two people became good friends. In 1850, the great masterpiece named Red Mark was published and made his name known in the world, and become the acknowledged the most important American writer.After he became a famous person, Hawthorne continued wring his novel. In his wring, he was good at revealing the internal contradiction of the personage and psychology description, he has abundant imagination and he often used symbolism and did well in unearth the meaning hidden in the thing itself, his work has the religious atmosphere and mysterious color, his characters is very obscure and his works are full of melancholy. Hawthorne stated in his works for many times that his wring is not the novel but the “romance history”. Using the literature terminology to say is that his wring is not the realism novel but the romanticism novel. In Hawthorne’s opinion, when he created the “romance history”, he can exert his imagination freely rather than addicted to the reality, and he can fully express his own subjective intention. He tried his best to create his romance history and become the pioneer of Romanticism novel in American literature.1.2 A Brief Introduction of the BirthmarkBirthmark is the work from American famous novelist named Hawthorne, is a widespread influence novel and also the treasure of America short story. The novel contains a wealth of theme, can be interpreted from different perspective. Hawthorne stated in his novel that extreme technocrats use the so-called scientific knowledge to study and reform the nature and deduce to reform the wife and lead to the innocent death of the wife. The hero named Aylmer is a genius learned young chemist and he has dedicated in scientific research for several years without reservation and even believed that he can reform the nature by using the scientific power and intend to remove the birthmark of his wife’s by using the scientific ways that he has commanded. Under the day of scientific experiment obsession, the hero goes farther and farther on the way of desires. In the end, the scientist regarded all as his experimental object, and failed. At the same time, the birthmark on his wife’s face was removed, but the flower of the life finally withered. However, the heroine Georgiana is a beautiful, kind, gentle and lovely woman and she was also confident in her husband. Because of the selfless love to her husband’s, the heroine would prefer to take the risk, also want to blind obedience her husband all the requirements. When the husband told her the risk of this experiment, she answered her husband and finally, she assisted her husband to finish herself precious life without hesitation.According to the differences between these two thoughts, which revealed the contradiction between the scientific thought and the human confinement, Hawthorne distrusted the extreme sense and he objected the radical thought of science. Hawthorne’s positive thought consisted in: science can be developed incessantly, but overflow, radical thought of science is the vicious tool for distorting the human nature. The abuse of scientific technology by human has brought the disaster, rather than the happiness. So we need to do some things comply with the natural rules rational, instead of walk into a wrong path, to the extreme.Hawthorne is a famous American romantic writer that in the atmosphere of Puritanism for a long time. He lived in an important literature conversion period in America. His works nearly originate from the history of north colonization in England, and emphasize that talking about the personality and people’s fate and related problems.His works are clearly embodied that Hawthorne had a complete thought and contradicted character. On the one hand, he was deeply affected by the Calvinism and believes “original sin”. On the other hand, he recognized the Calvinism is very crazy, arbitrary and hypocritical. Also, he accepted Emerso n’s philosophy view and believed that there was a mysterious force in the real society. At the same time, he was controlled by the religious thought, and regarded the concept of goodness and evil from Calvinism as a standard to know about the society. Furthermore, he talked about the inherent “evil” and believed that “evil” is the origin of social problems.1.3 Research BackgroundWhen the history accesses to the 19th century, the world capitalism economy is prosperous. America, as a rising capitalism country, is experiencing the huge changes. The ground is expanding fast. The scientific technology is springing. By the end of 19th century, the output value of American has surpassed other capitalism countries, leaps to the head of the world. The development of the science has played an important role, we cannot ignore it. “In the scientific history of 19th century, England, France and Germany, a number of famous scientists of these countries are far more than America, the level of the basic science is higher than America. But because America is good at absorbing the scientific and technological achievements of European countries its timely import and quick development made the potential productivity quickly convert into the real productive force. American scientific technology emphasizes on the application, this utilitarianism tendency emerged in the early age of colonization, and has penetratedinto the whole 19th century.”(Zhang Fenmei 27)It’s obvious that American society values the science so much at tha t time. No matter in the folk or in the government, in the speech or in the action, Americans put the method of promoting the scientific development into effect. Scientific community is set one by one, so that the American addicted to the fact of scientific experiments. At that time, many inventions have been created, at the beginning of the invention of cotton gin from Eli Whitney, an exciting history which made American grow into amodern country has begun. Whitney invented the cotton gin made it possible that the South America grow the cotton in the large areas become possible; the most exciting is that he invented a new brand in a productive way. In 1844, Samuel Morse on the basis of Henry and other people has invented the phone in 1879. These achievements motivated American people to pursue the scientific invention. Schools began to pay more attention to the natural scientific professor, a lot of scholars develop towards the direction of the scientists. The scientific technology of this period absolutely brought a positive effect to the America industry progress, which is indubitable.However, American scientific technology is a utilitarianism tendency. In other words, American government and enterprises emphasize the profits that scientific technology brought, scientific invention is not so important, this inevitably put the freedom wing to the scientific experiments. Having no scruple, scientists may put all the important points on the test itself. This is definitely led to the negative effect for scientific development.“Smelt technology and equipment developed continuously, but the accident of the producing process occurs incessantly. This is mainly lack of the knowledge of smelt chemistry. In the middle of the 19th century, these subjects were in the preliminary stage, chemistry analysis, heat process, the used catalyst and the related scientific knowledge cannot be grasped by people”(Shen Xu 36) . It’s obvious that driven by the benefits, the enterprise in the process of producing will ignore the worker’s personal safety and as a consequence of that a large number of accidents occur. “Newton becomes a new god, he brings the unified mechanics regulation, the nature will no longer the casual assemble of the mysterious power that people worried about. It will show that it is knowable power system” (Zhao Lin 288). Furthermore, under the instruction of the wrong scientific sense, people begin to dedicate in the scientific experiment. “People begin to apply the Newton’s incorrect approach into the whole n atural science, and even apply it into the mythology and ethics.”(J.D. Bernard 63). We can know that under no institutional and restricted law of the current scientific technology development, it surpasses its own scope, breaks through the moral restriction, object to the natural development regulations, we cannot predict the consequence. Under this socialbackground, Hawthorne as a great writer has predicated the maniac scientific experiment that brings a big disaster. As a result, he created a large number of wonderful short stories, which make people reflected.American Romantic literature has still lasted from the 19th century to the American Civil War, during this period, a large scale of American westward movement, slavery problem is austere increasing, the local protectionism of all the states in the south increasingly prevail and intense reform movement in the north. This period is a great creative times in America, the Romanticism seed take root and sprout in the soil in the North America. Although under the influence of Romanticism movement in Europe, American Romanticism literature still has its unique style. First of all, American Romanticism is a “brand-new” expression by nature, because this new continent is full of vitality and dynamism so that it makes American Romanticism implicate the exotic temperament. In the second place, Puritanism has a great effect on the American Romanticism. Furthermore, a lot of prominent literature appears in the literature world and makes the literature prosperous, this is the first upsurge of American literature----this is the so-called “New England renaissance” in the literature. For example, the essayist called Henry David Thoreau, the poet called Henry Edwards Longfellow, the novelist called Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the later novelist called Herman Melville and the poet called Walter Whitman and so on. Their works leave a good impression on the post- generation and leave a great culture heritage.Chapter 2 The Analysis of the Main R oles’ Personality in theBirthmarkThe hero of the novel Aylmer is crazy to scientific research, is selfish and hypocritical to his wife. But the hero of the novel Georgiana is endless pay and infatuated with her husband, they are forming a bright contrast.2.1 Paranoid and Selfish HusbandThe hero of Birthmark Aylmer is a genius learned young scientists “I wonder whether Aylmer have such confidence in human grasp the nature, however, he has committed himself to scientific research without reservation”. Over the years, Aylmer devoted himself to discovering the new scientific principles, put in a laboratory and racked his brains to persevere with various experiments with the help of various artificial stimulation, the brain is like active peak. Finally, Aylmer has become a vanity, greed metamorphosis paranoia about the science.In order to eliminate the shadow on his mind, he is attempting to rely on themselves to master scientific means to get rid of his wife's birthmark. Aylmer persuaded Georgiana and he said: “I will not play w ith these adverse physical things to hurt you and me. I want you to believe, by contrast, it’s very trivial to get rid of the technology that is needed by the small hand,” “do not doubt my power,” “ believe me ”, in these confident words, he has conveyed such a message to Georgiana; getting rid of the birthmark is so easy to him, he can do successfully. But in fact, the technology he thought was insignificant, but killed his wife.Aylmer loved his wife that has surpassed he loved the science, but it will be more obvious that intertwined the love with the science and combine the scientific power with the power by itself, it is stronger by contrast. We can see from this, Aylmer cannotexist to the woman’s love in heart. Indeed, Aylmer does not care about the small birthmark on her face when married Georgiana, but as the gifted scientist focused on scientific experiments increasingly, the thought to pursue the perfect occupied his whole heart gradually, “dear Georgiana, the nature made you almost reach the acme of perfection, so the little flaw - I'm not sure call it pity or beautiful shocked people, because it is a clear sign of the world regret”. From that moment, the birthmark of his wife turned into a terrible thing in his eyes quickly, and it became a symbol of escaping the sins, sorrow, corruption and death. Aylmer’s mood is depressed, even if Georgiana’s charming, gentleness have brought him moments of pleasure, but he can’t resist the feeling of the panic about the birthmark.Finally, the paranoid and indifferent scientists decided at all costs, using the scientific experimental removal the brand in the face of Georgiana that nature has left, make her become incarnation of perfect. When his wife was due to extreme fear and collapsed in the lab, he not only has no pity, but acquires her “don’t be afraid, don’t shrink b ack from me”. As scientific knowledge embodiment of Aylmer, but shows ruthless, he regarded science above anything, even higher than love. “He has committed himself to scientific research witho ut reservation”. He has spared no efforts in scientific research, he can’t give up his pursuit with any other passion”. He often stood besides her jadedly……talk ing about his superb ability. Aylmer wants to master the secret of creating the things on earth and creating a new world for him. To some extent, all his life is about his experiment. He was addicted to the scientific experiment and brought anxiety to his spirits. His face showed that he became greener and exposed a low spirit. He thinks that the birthmark is evil and the symbol of the death. This crazy situation is that Aylmer had the passion to the experiment and he cannot bear any imperfect things in his life. He went for perfect, so anything that was imperfect will influence him, and he will reshape by the means of science, including the inborn birthmark on his wife’s face, to satisfy his own desire. In his eyes, this birthmark will certify that he was a great scientist.Aylmer used the geranium verification effect before the experiment scene description, his wife and a plant without distinction in his eyes. His wife was used asexperimental material, the main concern is whether the drug is effective, the experiment is successful, his wife and had not within the scope of his account. In the test of his “scientists engaged in the s tudy of the scientific attitude” “even the most subtle symptoms could escape his eyes. She flushed red tide, breathing a little change, eyelids tremble slightly, systemic imperceptible shiver...... He recorded these details in the book shows that Georgiana was his trial target at most, at the same time, they are not the happy couple, but the test target of his experiment without any emotion. His love for his wife is a scientist of his experiment of love, but not the husband to his wife's love”. From the Birthmark, we can know that Aylmer has given up the human morality because of addicting to the scientific experiment. He became a cold-blooded and relentless scientist. In his experiment, to get rid of the birthmark, “he was so nervous, as if this experiment depends on his values all his long life. But all of them are the moral-philosophic al attitudes to the scientist.” The morality and emotion of the human society cannot prevent Aylmer engaging on the scientific experiment. He has lost self-control. In the end, this freedom surpassed the morality and emotion, fly with Georgiana’s spirits to the heaven.In the novel, Aylmer dreamt that he and his assistant tried to get rid of his wife’s birthmark. In the end, the small hand just like grasp the heart of Georgiana and will not undo. Her husband insisted that he will get rid of that. This symbolize that origin of evil was hided in the inner heart. Once it was exposed to the public, it will bring a bad effect. Hawthorne often used th e “faith”, “miracle”, “sacred”, “prayer”, “di e” and other words in the text, apparently science has become the only faith and the pursuit of his heart. He was always addicted to the scientific experiment, thought that science can create everything, includi ng the “perfect”. Excessive pursuit of scientific civilization and abuse not only let he lose a lot of good nature of human, also let him lose the meaning of life. So, under the instigation of scientism thought, Aylmer - this in the natural sciences are re nowned scientists seeking “reach the acme o f perfection”, in order to meet its own grim curiosity, to prove that they have infinite wisdom, science is strong, dig hollow thought created a ready-made panacea, the birthmark was removed, wife also aromatic soul out of the shell, but he is insane.2.2 Tender and Stupid WifeAs the wife of the scientist Aylmer in Birthmark Georgiana is the embodiment of the nature, she is a beautiful, kind, gentle and lovely woman and she is also confident in her husband, a nd is the “idealization” woman in the author’s world. At the beginning, the author described her beauty, except for her charming appearance, her true and submissive temperament made her and her husband form a clear contrast.There is a birthmark on Georgia na’s face, at the beginning she does not think this birthmark will influence her born beauty, her husband thinks this birthmark symbolizes “imperfect”, and try to get rid of it, Georgiana is not willing to accept, she even answers her husband, “tell you the truth, other people call this a beauty spot, I also think so”. However, for her lovely husband, Georgiana compromised, “she followed her husband hastily, and it is the first time for her to walk into the laboratory. The first thing into her eyes was a furnace; it burned steaming hot, high temperature surrounds with our face and body. There were the flames in the furnace, reeks of a red light. From looking at the accumulation of smoke-grimed on the furnace, furnace kept burning for a long time. There are some liquid outflows the distillation apparatus. There are all kinds of the chemical experimental instruments around the room. For example, retort, test tube, cylinder. There is a motor nearby prepared to be used all the time. The room was so hot and difficult to support, the acrid gas which caused by chemical chemistry experiment, make the air badly. Georgiana used to live in the tasteful surprisingly bedroom. The bare walls, brick floor, simple furnishings, look strange in her eyes. The only but one attracted her attention is the look that Aylmer expressed.”His face turned as pale as death, concentrate his attention on the expression, stooped in front of furnace, the distill liquid become the perpetual happiness medicine or bring the disaster all depend on his closely observed. How different the expression he encouraged Georgiana’s happy and confidence!When Aylmer told her the dangers of experiments, she speaks to him unexpectedlywithout any hesitation: “as long as you give me the medicine, even if it is a poison I would swallowed it down”. Obviously, Georgiana obedien t to her husband out of love, she prefers to take a risk, also wants to satisfy her husband's wishes. From the passage we can see that Georgiana is obedient in any aspect and actually has evolved into stupid loyalty to Aylmer. She said: “it is for you, dear Aylmer, otherwise I would sacrifice my life rather than get rid of the birthmark”. At this time, Georgiana has always believed her husband, which had evolved to worship and superstition. When Aylmer succeeds in the experiment to make the medical liquid, she even said: “there is no need to do any test and give the potion to me, I am willing to give you anything”. Georgiana still defended for her husband Aylmer before he died: “You have the su blime goals and noble behavior. Don't feel regret to refuse the earth that give you the best thing because you own this noble and pure feeling. “Drink it, the noble person!” “Your heart is flawless, the body will reach the acme of perfect”. The noble, selfless, kind-heart and stupid loyalty of Georgiana emphasized that Aylmer is selfish and hypocrisy.When Georgiana discovered her husband’s eyes fell on his face,thought that her husband's words: “now it is in her heart, we must get rid of it”,she will thrill, rosy cheeks will become deadly pale. Although she tells Aylmer to have an operation fearless, do not begrudge her, she is reluctant to smile every time. She felt chills when she was taken into the laboratory, her pale face made the birthmark more striking, when she saw Aylmer also “can’t help shuddering a strong shivering like cramps, fell to the ground immediately”. “Georgiana appreciated her birthmark, she also felt proud of it, but she also felt fear and disgust. There existed a huge difference from the attitude of surprised, angry to accept and ingratiate about this experiment. This is the consequence of Aylmer’s behavior” (Fu Yushan 2012). In the novel, in addition to Georgiana’s beauty, goodness and infatuation that we have known, we didn’t see that she has more abundant self-consciousness. She has not to pursue and establish the existence of her own from the women’s value, just listen to Aylmer Finally, with the “perfect” realized, Georgiana’s life has ceased to exist.。
