


Title:Twisted Reason and Tender Stupidity---Study on Hawthorne’s Short Story the Birthmark













Birthmark is the opus from American romantic author Nathaniel Hawthorne, created an image of an extreme technocrat, which is contrary to the objective rule that using the so-called scientific knowledge to destroy an innocent woman, this behavior is hideous. This passage is mainly from the perspective of the reason and loyalty, made the reader deeply know about the characters of works so that they can realize that reason is not equal to the blind loyalty. In the meanwhile, we can further know about the differences between reason and loyalty. The research of this passage has set a new perspective for the study of the Birthmark, which provided a basis and reference for the related study in the future.

Key words: reason; loyalty; Birthmark



摘要 (ii)

Abstract (iii)

Chapter 1 Introduction (1)

1.1 A Brief Introduction of the Author (1)

1.2 A Brief Introduction of the Birthmark (4)

1.3 Research Background (5)

Chapter 2 The Analysis of the Main Roles’ Personality in the Birthmark (8)

2.1 Paranoid and Selfish Husband (8)

2.2 Tender and Stupid Wife (11)

Chapter 3 Enlightenment Given by the Main Roles in the Birthmark (14)

3.1 Enlightenment from the Husband (14)

3.2 Enlightenment from the Wife (15)

Chapter 4 Conclusion (17)

Bibliography (19)

Acknowledgements (20)

Twisted Reason and Tender Stupidity---Study on Hawthorne's

Short Story the Birthmark

Chapter 1 Introduction

Birthmark is a miracle of American literature, behind the simple person and the plot hold the author’s rich, creative thought and connotative meaning, which has attracted lots of readers.

1.1 A B rief Introduction of the Author

Hawthorne (1804—1864) is an influential great romanticism novelist and psychologist in the 19th century and he is famous for his short stories. Hawthorne was born in New Zealand in 1804, and lived in a decline aristocracy family, his family and generation is a devour puritan. The earlier puritans pay more attention to the reason, reject the emotion, admire for the dream and give up the desire. Later, it has been widely developed in New England: it not only persecutes the people who stand the opposite side of him and even imprison the woman who smile on the street, children who play on the street will be lashed. Because of the earlier New England immigrant adopted political governmental system. The ancestor William and John and his son who served as an important position persecuted the Quakers. Roberto Hanze Salem played an ignominious effect in the case of driving away the witch. The history of this clan has made Hawthorne have a sense of guilt. At his age of 23 years old, in 1827, he added a letter of “W” in his name spelling in order to make the distinction of his ancestor. Later, in 1830, he has made it normal and become the typeface that people are familiar with. The family of Hawthorne was in a stage of poverty and took the shipping as the vocation and engaged in trading along the West Indian archipelago region, Up till to the

ages of his father, the situation has got worse. When the little Hawthorne was 4 years old, his captain father died of the hot disease, his mother educated him and his sister. After his father died, he moved with his mother to his grandfather Assam’s home, Assam had a very deep religious atmosphere and drastic religious struggle which deeply affected Hawthorne’s thoughts and had a great impact on his future creating. His mother lived lonely and sadly and also had a great impact on his growth, so that it made his character very blue and loved reading and good at thinking.

Judging from his 12 years’ old diary, his observation and his wring is precocious. When he was 14 years old, he lived in his grandpa’s manor in Maine for one year. The nearer lake has become a good place for Hawthorne to hunt, fish, read and walk, which made him know about the natural scenery. However, his dissocial personality and the poet temperament and even his habit of walking alone has cultivated since that time. Hawthorne’s literature career began with the entertainment. When he was 16 years old, he was edited a piece of family paper called----onlooker, from the newspaper, the layout and column had no difference of the formal newspaper called Sarail newspaper, its style is humorous and imitate the earlier Tatler newspaper edited by the England writer Addison and Steele. The first period of newspaper is published between August and September in 1820. And the last period of newspaper was finished at the beginning of 1822. This newspaper was arranged by him. After the publication of each period newspaper, was circulated among the big family. The style is humorous and funny and circulated by this big family and added the fun for the family member. This is the great apprentice period for Hawthorne’s further creative writing and editing. His apprentice period also shows his poet creation. In the middle period of 19th century, the tradition of poem plays an important role in the cultural life in New England region and even becomes the fashion in newspaper and led a young hope in literature. In his earlier years, we can know his extraordinary talent in this aspect, and the people who had the same age with him also admired his “American poet ma de a great contribution to the world and the greatest poet”. The existing poems of Hawthorne---whether published or not, critics thought that this young person has a talented for the writing: Later, Hawthorne engaged in creating novels, otherwise, there will be a talented poet in the

world. As a matter of fact, his first published works was poem, which was called ocean and was published in the newspaper called Salem newspaper. The content was related to his father’s shipping career, but finally died in the exotic country. In 1821, Hawthorne studied in Boudouin University. After his graduation, he worked in customs and later was affected by the Utopian socialism of France and resigned, and made a plan to carry on the utopian socialism on Brook farm. Hawthorne was dissatisfied with the current social ethics and the hypocrisy of capitalism in American society, but he does not want to change the unreasonable social system fundamentally. His purpose is to pursue the improvement of social morality, advocated the god and proposed the self-improvement of the morality. In 1842, Hawthorne got married with Sophia, she was a very pious puritan. Although Hawthorne himself was not the puritan, he was deeply affected by his wife with no doubt. In the same year, Hawthorn published his short story Mosses from an Old Manse. After Melville had read it, he admired him very much and also made a comment about his short story, and later the two people became good friends. In 1850, the great masterpiece named Red Mark was published and made his name known in the world, and become the acknowledged the most important American writer.

After he became a famous person, Hawthorne continued wring his novel. In his wring, he was good at revealing the internal contradiction of the personage and psychology description, he has abundant imagination and he often used symbolism and did well in unearth the meaning hidden in the thing itself, his work has the religious atmosphere and mysterious color, his characters is very obscure and his works are full of melancholy. Hawthorne stated in his works for many times that his wring is not the novel but the “romance history”. Using the literature terminology to say is that his wring is not the realism novel but the romanticism novel. In Hawthorne’s opinion, when he created the “romance history”, he can exert his imagination freely rather than addicted to the reality, and he can fully express his own subjective intention. He tried his best to create his romance history and become the pioneer of Romanticism novel in American literature.

1.2 A Brief Introduction of the Birthmark

Birthmark is the work from American famous novelist named Hawthorne, is a widespread influence novel and also the treasure of America short story. The novel contains a wealth of theme, can be interpreted from different perspective. Hawthorne stated in his novel that extreme technocrats use the so-called scientific knowledge to study and reform the nature and deduce to reform the wife and lead to the innocent death of the wife. The hero named Aylmer is a genius learned young chemist and he has dedicated in scientific research for several years without reservation and even believed that he can reform the nature by using the scientific power and intend to remove the birthmark of his wife’s by using the scientific ways that he has commanded. Under the day of scientific experiment obsession, the hero goes farther and farther on the way of desires. In the end, the scientist regarded all as his experimental object, and failed. At the same time, the birthmark on his wife’s face was removed, but the flower of the life finally withered. However, the heroine Georgiana is a beautiful, kind, gentle and lovely woman and she was also confident in her husband. Because of the selfless love to her husband’s, the heroine would prefer to take the risk, also want to blind obedience her husband all the requirements. When the husband told her the risk of this experiment, she answered her husband and finally, she assisted her husband to finish herself precious life without hesitation.

According to the differences between these two thoughts, which revealed the contradiction between the scientific thought and the human confinement, Hawthorne distrusted the extreme sense and he objected the radical thought of science. Hawthorne’s positive thought consisted in: science can be developed incessantly, but overflow, radical thought of science is the vicious tool for distorting the human nature. The abuse of scientific technology by human has brought the disaster, rather than the happiness. So we need to do some things comply with the natural rules rational, instead of walk into a wrong path, to the extreme.

Hawthorne is a famous American romantic writer that in the atmosphere of Puritanism for a long time. He lived in an important literature conversion period in America. His works nearly originate from the history of north colonization in England, and emphasize that talking about the personality and people’s fate and related problems.

His works are clearly embodied that Hawthorne had a complete thought and contradicted character. On the one hand, he was deeply affected by the Calvinism and believes “original sin”. On the other hand, he recognized the Calvinism is very crazy, arbitrary and hypocritical. Also, he accepted Emerso n’s philosophy view and believed that there was a mysterious force in the real society. At the same time, he was controlled by the religious thought, and regarded the concept of goodness and evil from Calvinism as a standard to know about the society. Furthermore, he talked about the inherent “evil” and believed that “evil” is the origin of social problems.

1.3 Research Background

When the history accesses to the 19th century, the world capitalism economy is prosperous. America, as a rising capitalism country, is experiencing the huge changes. The ground is expanding fast. The scientific technology is springing. By the end of 19th century, the output value of American has surpassed other capitalism countries, leaps to the head of the world. The development of the science has played an important role, we cannot ignore it. “In the scientific history of 19th century, England, France and Germany, a number of famous scientists of these countries are far more than America, the level of the basic science is higher than America. But because America is good at absorbing the scientific and technological achievements of European countries its timely import and quick development made the potential productivity quickly convert into the real productive force. American scientific technology emphasizes on the application, this utilitarianism tendency emerged in the early age of colonization, and has penetrated

into the whole 19th century.”(Zhang Fenmei 27)

It’s obvious that American society values the science so much at tha t time. No matter in the folk or in the government, in the speech or in the action, Americans put the method of promoting the scientific development into effect. Scientific community is set one by one, so that the American addicted to the fact of scientific experiments. At that time, many inventions have been created, at the beginning of the invention of cotton gin from Eli Whitney, an exciting history which made American grow into a

modern country has begun. Whitney invented the cotton gin made it possible that the South America grow the cotton in the large areas become possible; the most exciting is that he invented a new brand in a productive way. In 1844, Samuel Morse on the basis of Henry and other people has invented the phone in 1879. These achievements motivated American people to pursue the scientific invention. Schools began to pay more attention to the natural scientific professor, a lot of scholars develop towards the direction of the scientists. The scientific technology of this period absolutely brought a positive effect to the America industry progress, which is indubitable.

However, American scientific technology is a utilitarianism tendency. In other words, American government and enterprises emphasize the profits that scientific technology brought, scientific invention is not so important, this inevitably put the freedom wing to the scientific experiments. Having no scruple, scientists may put all the important points on the test itself. This is definitely led to the negative effect for scientific development.

“Smelt technology and equipment developed continuously, but the accident of the producing process occurs incessantly. This is mainly lack of the knowledge of smelt chemistry. In the middle of the 19th century, these subjects were in the preliminary stage, chemistry analysis, heat process, the used catalyst and the related scientific knowledge cannot be grasped by people”(Shen Xu 36) . It’s obvious that driven by the benefits, the enterprise in the process of producing will ignore the worker’s personal safety and as a consequence of that a large number of accidents occur. “Newton becomes a new god, he brings the unified mechanics regulation, the nature will no longer the casual assemble of the mysterious power that people worried about. It will show that it is knowable power system” (Zhao Lin 288). Furthermore, under the instruction of the wrong scientific sense, people begin to dedicate in the scientific experiment. “People begin to apply the Newton’s incorrect approach into the whole n atural science, and even apply it into the mythology and ethics.”(J.D. Bernard 63). We can know that under no institutional and restricted law of the current scientific technology development, it surpasses its own scope, breaks through the moral restriction, object to the natural development regulations, we cannot predict the consequence. Under this social

background, Hawthorne as a great writer has predicated the maniac scientific experiment that brings a big disaster. As a result, he created a large number of wonderful short stories, which make people reflected.

American Romantic literature has still lasted from the 19th century to the American Civil War, during this period, a large scale of American westward movement, slavery problem is austere increasing, the local protectionism of all the states in the south increasingly prevail and intense reform movement in the north. This period is a great creative times in America, the Romanticism seed take root and sprout in the soil in the North America. Although under the influence of Romanticism movement in Europe, American Romanticism literature still has its unique style. First of all, American Romanticism is a “brand-new” expression by nature, because this new continent is full of vitality and dynamism so that it makes American Romanticism implicate the exotic temperament. In the second place, Puritanism has a great effect on the American Romanticism. Furthermore, a lot of prominent literature appears in the literature world and makes the literature prosperous, this is the first upsurge of American literature----this is the so-called “New England renaissance” in the literature. For example, the essayist called Henry David Thoreau, the poet called Henry Edwards Longfellow, the novelist called Nathaniel Hawthorne, and the later novelist called Herman Melville and the poet called Walter Whitman and so on. Their works leave a good impression on the post- generation and leave a great culture heritage.

Chapter 2 The Analysis of the Main R oles’ Personality in the


The hero of the novel Aylmer is crazy to scientific research, is selfish and hypocritical to his wife. But the hero of the novel Georgiana is endless pay and infatuated with her husband, they are forming a bright contrast.

2.1 Paranoid and Selfish Husband

The hero of Birthmark Aylmer is a genius learned young scientists “I wonder whether Aylmer have such confidence in human grasp the nature, however, he has committed himself to scientific research without reservation”. Over the years, Aylmer devoted himself to discovering the new scientific principles, put in a laboratory and racked his brains to persevere with various experiments with the help of various artificial stimulation, the brain is like active peak. Finally, Aylmer has become a vanity, greed metamorphosis paranoia about the science.

In order to eliminate the shadow on his mind, he is attempting to rely on themselves to master scientific means to get rid of his wife's birthmark. Aylmer persuaded Georgiana and he said: “I will not play w ith these adverse physical things to hurt you and me. I want you to believe, by contrast, it’s very trivial to get rid of the technology that is needed by the small hand,” “do not doubt my power,” “ believe me ”, in these confident words, he has conveyed such a message to Georgiana; getting rid of the birthmark is so easy to him, he can do successfully. But in fact, the technology he thought was insignificant, but killed his wife.

Aylmer loved his wife that has surpassed he loved the science, but it will be more obvious that intertwined the love with the science and combine the scientific power with the power by itself, it is stronger by contrast. We can see from this, Aylmer cannot

exist to the woman’s love in heart. Indeed, Aylmer does not care about the small birthmark on her face when married Georgiana, but as the gifted scientist focused on scientific experiments increasingly, the thought to pursue the perfect occupied his whole heart gradually, “dear Georgiana, the nature made you almost reach the acme of perfection, so the little flaw - I'm not sure call it pity or beautiful shocked people, because it is a clear sign of the world regret”. From that moment, the birthmark of his wife turned into a terrible thing in his eyes quickly, and it became a symbol of escaping the sins, sorrow, corruption and death. Aylmer’s mood is depressed, even if Georgiana’s charming, gentleness have brought him moments of pleasure, but he can’t resist the feeling of the panic about the birthmark.

Finally, the paranoid and indifferent scientists decided at all costs, using the scientific experimental removal the brand in the face of Georgiana that nature has left, make her become incarnation of perfect. When his wife was due to extreme fear and collapsed in the lab, he not only has no pity, but acquires her “don’t be afraid, don’t shrink b ack from me”. As scientific knowledge embodiment of Aylmer, but shows ruthless, he regarded science above anything, even higher than love. “He has committed himself to scientific research witho ut reservation”. He has spared no efforts in scientific research, he can’t give up his pursuit with any other passion”. He often stood besides her jadedly……talk ing about his superb ability. Aylmer wants to master the secret of creating the things on earth and creating a new world for him. To some extent, all his life is about his experiment. He was addicted to the scientific experiment and brought anxiety to his spirits. His face showed that he became greener and exposed a low spirit. He thinks that the birthmark is evil and the symbol of the death. This crazy situation is that Aylmer had the passion to the experiment and he cannot bear any imperfect things in his life. He went for perfect, so anything that was imperfect will influence him, and he will reshape by the means of science, including the inborn birthmark on his wife’s face, to satisfy his own desire. In his eyes, this birthmark will certify that he was a great scientist.

Aylmer used the geranium verification effect before the experiment scene description, his wife and a plant without distinction in his eyes. His wife was used as

experimental material, the main concern is whether the drug is effective, the experiment is successful, his wife and had not within the scope of his account. In the test of his “scientists engaged in the s tudy of the scientific attitude” “even the most subtle symptoms could escape his eyes. She flushed red tide, breathing a little change, eyelids tremble slightly, systemic imperceptible shiver...... He recorded these details in the book shows that Georgiana was his trial target at most, at the same time, they are not the happy couple, but the test target of his experiment without any emotion. His love for his wife is a scientist of his experiment of love, but not the husband to his wife's love”. From the Birthmark, we can know that Aylmer has given up the human morality because of addicting to the scientific experiment. He became a cold-blooded and relentless scientist. In his experiment, to get rid of the birthmark, “he was so nervous, as if this experiment depends on his values all his long life. But all of them are the moral-philosophic al attitudes to the scientist.” The morality and emotion of the human society cannot prevent Aylmer engaging on the scientific experiment. He has lost self-control. In the end, this freedom surpassed the morality and emotion, fly with Georgiana’s spirits to the heaven.

In the novel, Aylmer dreamt that he and his assistant tried to get rid of his wife’s birthmark. In the end, the small hand just like grasp the heart of Georgiana and will not undo. Her husband insisted that he will get rid of that. This symbolize that origin of evil was hided in the inner heart. Once it was exposed to the public, it will bring a bad effect. Hawthorne often used th e “faith”, “miracle”, “sacred”, “prayer”, “di e” and other words in the text, apparently science has become the only faith and the pursuit of his heart. He was always addicted to the scientific experiment, thought that science can create everything, includi ng the “perfect”. Excessive pursuit of scientific civilization and abuse not only let he lose a lot of good nature of human, also let him lose the meaning of life. So, under the instigation of scientism thought, Aylmer - this in the natural sciences are re nowned scientists seeking “reach the acme o f perfection”, in order to meet its own grim curiosity, to prove that they have infinite wisdom, science is strong, dig hollow thought created a ready-made panacea, the birthmark was removed, wife also aromatic soul out of the shell, but he is insane.

2.2 Tender and Stupid Wife

As the wife of the scientist Aylmer in Birthmark Georgiana is the embodiment of the nature, she is a beautiful, kind, gentle and lovely woman and she is also confident in her husband, a nd is the “idealization” woman in the author’s world. At the beginning, the author described her beauty, except for her charming appearance, her true and submissive temperament made her and her husband form a clear contrast.

There is a birthmark on Georgia na’s face, at the beginning she does not think this birthmark will influence her born beauty, her husband thinks this birthmark symbolizes “imperfect”, and try to get rid of it, Georgiana is not willing to accept, she even answers her husband, “tell you the truth, other people call this a beauty spot, I also think so”. However, for her lovely husband, Georgiana compromised, “she followed her husband hastily, and it is the first time for her to walk into the laboratory. The first thing into her eyes was a furnace; it burned steaming hot, high temperature surrounds with our face and body. There were the flames in the furnace, reeks of a red light. From looking at the accumulation of smoke-grimed on the furnace, furnace kept burning for a long time. There are some liquid outflows the distillation apparatus. There are all kinds of the chemical experimental instruments around the room. For example, retort, test tube, cylinder. There is a motor nearby prepared to be used all the time. The room was so hot and difficult to support, the acrid gas which caused by chemical chemistry experiment, make the air badly. Georgiana used to live in the tasteful surprisingly bedroom. The bare walls, brick floor, simple furnishings, look strange in her eyes. The only but one attracted her attention is the look that Aylmer expressed.”His face turned as pale as death, concentrate his attention on the expression, stooped in front of furnace, the distill liquid become the perpetual happiness medicine or bring the disaster all depend on his closely observed. How different the expression he encouraged Georgiana’s happy and confidence!

When Aylmer told her the dangers of experiments, she speaks to him unexpectedly

without any hesitation: “as long as you give me the medicine, even if it is a poison I would swallowed it down”. Obviously, Georgiana obedien t to her husband out of love, she prefers to take a risk, also wants to satisfy her husband's wishes. From the passage we can see that Georgiana is obedient in any aspect and actually has evolved into stupid loyalty to Aylmer. She said: “it is for you, dear Aylmer, otherwise I would sacrifice my life rather than get rid of the birthmark”. At this time, Georgiana has always believed her husband, which had evolved to worship and superstition. When Aylmer succeeds in the experiment to make the medical liquid, she even said: “there is no need to do any test and give the potion to me, I am willing to give you anything”. Georgiana still defended for her husband Aylmer before he died: “You have the su blime goals and noble behavior. Don't feel regret to refuse the earth that give you the best thing because you own this noble and pure feeling. “Drink it, the noble person!” “Your heart is flawless, the body will reach the acme of perfect”. The noble, selfless, kind-heart and stupid loyalty of Georgiana emphasized that Aylmer is selfish and hypocrisy.

When Georgiana discovered her husband’s eyes fell on his face,thought that her husband's words: “now it is in her heart, we must get rid of it”,she will thrill, rosy cheeks will become deadly pale. Although she tells Aylmer to have an operation fearless, do not begrudge her, she is reluctant to smile every time. She felt chills when she was taken into the laboratory, her pale face made the birthmark more striking, when she saw Aylmer also “can’t help shuddering a strong shivering like cramps, fell to the ground immediately”. “Georgiana appreciated her birthmark, she also felt proud of it, but she also felt fear and disgust. There existed a huge difference from the attitude of surprised, angry to accept and ingratiate about this experiment. This is the consequence of Aylmer’s behavior” (Fu Yushan 2012). In the novel, in addition to Georgiana’s beauty, goodness and infatuation that we have known, we didn’t see that she has more abundant self-consciousness. She has not to pursue and establish the existence of her own from the women’s value, just listen to Aylmer Finally, with the “perfect” realized, Georgiana’s life has ceased to exist.

Chapter 3 Enlightenment Given by the Main Roles in the


Aylmer and Georgiana are the embodiment of science and nature, whether the nature adapts to the advanced science or the advanced science follows to the nature’s rule; it made reader have a deep thought between the right and wrong.

3.1 Enlightenment from the Husband

In the Birthmark, the chief offender of Georgiana’s death was her husband Elmer. He explored the natural science that caused his eyes blinded, bereft of reason, and lost himself. When he thought he will create a perfect woman through the scientific means, his heart was overjoyed. He told his wife to trust him and “even felt happy for the unique regret, because it will bring me great pleasure for getting rid of it.” His happiness comes f rom the removing of his wife’s birthmark and also from the transformation of the original creation. In front of nature, he thinks the science can do anything. This kind of fanaticism and bigotry can be regarded as arrogant reaction of his character. It is his pride that makes Aylmer ignores the natural power; he never thought the human would give birth to be flawed. It is his arrogance that makes his peerless wife turn to be a victim in the fight between the material and spirit, heaven and earth.

Advanced science satisfies our material and cultural needs greatly, but we cannot be excessive to pursue, even perverted, or it will give us only the evil consequence, not the welfare. Aylmer's extreme ideas in the novel have brought the tragic outcome and it shows that no matter how developed the human society is, the human can’t become the master of nature, science and technology can’t replace everything, the human has to submit to the great nature rule.

3.2 Enlightenment from the Wife

Georgiana stands for a person who is fragile in human society under the control of the patriarchal domination, she was dominated in a silent zone for a long period. Facing the husband's savage changes, though she felt frightened and dissatisfied with him, she submitted to him blindly. She was a silent person that was deprived of the right to speak, and she was the second citizen in patriarchal society. In the novel, she submitted to her husband’s irrational demands, her husband is not a partner, but God, he can dominate everything upon her, this means that she is a female extremely lack of female consciousness, she hasn’t pursue and establish the exis tence of her own from the women’s value, just listen to Aylmer. Love is a kind of stimulating force; as to Georgiana, it is more sacrifice oneself than affirm oneself. She was not only concealing her eyes by the love, but go to her head by the love. Aylmer has never to make Georgiana accept his test by compulsion, her husband’s purpose transformed into the own value of her life by herself consciously, even endowed with exalted motive for her husband’s behavior, this led to her tragedy life eventually. Georgiana was dead, her death reflects the author's critical and negative attitude towards scientific knowledge, her death left us sympathy with her sufferings and infuriated at her indifference.

In the patriarchal society, the tragedy of Georgiana is continuing to play; they are suppressed by all kinds of unreasonable mechanism, the spirit and the flesh have been destroyed. Facing such a tragedy, women should take their weapon---independence. Independence is not to say to become feminist, hostile to the female. In the age that is equality between the sex, women should keep the spirit independent, have their own opinions, learn to affirm self value, see things as they really are, and should be brave to contend with all irrational things. We cannot be equal to the male, but also cannot at the mercy of the male, and do not always advocating the men and listen to his disposal. In

continuing carrying “understanding wife and loving mother” virtue at the same time, it is more important to insist on “independence” and “subjectivity” of the personality, so that Georgiana’s tragedy would not repeat.


我喜欢短篇小说中有某种威胁感或危险感,我觉得一个短篇里有点危险感挺好,首先有助于避免沉闷。得有紧张感,感觉什么在迫近,什么东西在不断逼来,否则很经常的是一个短篇不成其为短篇。 早在10年前,我发现我对叙事性长篇小说难以集中注意力。有段时间,我不仅想写这种小说有困难,就连读起来也是。我的注意力再难持久,不再有耐心写作长篇小说。这件事说来话长,琐碎得不适合在这里谈。可是我知道跟现在我何以写起了诗歌及短篇小说有关。投入,放下,不拖延,写下一篇。也可能在差不多同一时期,也就是二十七八岁时,我完全失去了野心。如果真的这样,我倒觉得是件好事。对一个写作者而言,野心和一点点好运气是好事。野心太大,运气不好,要么根本不走运,那是能害死人的。一定得有才华。 一 有的作家才华横溢,我不知道有哪位作家毫无才华。但是看问题独特而准确,并且能用正确的上下文表达那种看问题方式,就另当别论。在约翰·欧文笔下,《盖普眼中的世界》里的世界不用说,是个精彩的世界。在弗兰纳里·奥康纳笔下,还有另外一个世界,另外在威廉·福克纳和欧内斯特·海明威笔下,还有别的世界。在契佛、厄普代克、辛格、斯坦利·埃尔金、安·贝蒂、辛西娅·奥齐克、唐纳德·巴塞尔姆、玛丽·罗宾逊、

威廉·基特里奇、巴里·汉纳、厄秀拉·勒奎恩笔下,还有那么多个世界。每位杰出的要么甚至每位很好的作家,都根据自己的具体要求重塑世界。 我所说的跟风格类似,但又不尽然。我说的是一位作家在他的所有作品中,独特而不会跟他人混淆的特征。这是他的世界,不是别人的,是让一位作家异于其他作家的原因之一,才华不能算,才华处处有之,但是如果一位作家看问题独辟蹊径,而且对此能够艺术性地表述,这位作家的作品就可能流传一段时间。 伊萨克·丹森曾说过,她每天都会写一点,不抱希望,亦无悲观。哪天我要把这句话记到一张三乘五英寸大小的便签上,用胶布贴到我书桌旁边的墙上。我的墙上现在就有几张那么大的便签。“不折不扣地准确陈述,是对写作唯一的道德要求。———埃兹拉·庞德。”不管怎样,这并非一切,但是一位作家写起来如果能够“不折不扣地准确陈述”,至少他没有误入歧途。 我的墙上有张便签,上面写着契诃夫的某个短篇中一句话的片断:“……突然,他什么都看清楚了。”我发现这几个字充满了奇迹与可能性。我很喜欢这些字的明晰特点和言下之意指什么给揭露出来了。另外还有个待解之谜:之前对什么不清楚?为什么只是刚刚看清楚了?发生了什么事?最重要的是,现在怎么样?这种突如其来的觉醒会产生一些后果。我有种松了口气的强烈感觉,还有期望。 我曾无意听到作家杰弗里·沃尔夫跟一群写东西的学生说:“别耍廉价的花招。”应该把这句话记到便签上。我会稍微改成“别耍花招”,句号。我讨厌花招,我在哪篇小说里看到好像是要耍花招或者把戏,廉价的花


《莫泊桑短篇小说精选》阅读试题 《莫泊桑短篇小说精选》作者:(法)莫泊桑浙江文艺出版社 一、填空题 1、居伊·德·莫泊桑是19世纪后半期法国优秀的作家。 2、莫泊桑的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,被誉为“”,对后世产生了极大影响。 3、大文学家是莫泊桑文学上的导师,他们两人结下了亲如父子的师徒关系。 4、1880年,莫泊桑的成名作《》发表,它使莫泊桑一鸣惊人,读者称他是文坛上的一颗新星。 5、莫泊桑的故乡是在法国的。 6、1876年左拉、莫泊桑、阿莱克西等人成立了集团,文学史是称其为。 7、莫泊桑讲述故事中的主人公,大多是小人物,例如《项链》中因爱慕虚荣而毁了一生的,《羊脂球》中,有爱国骨气的和软骨头的。 8、在莫泊桑的名篇中,几乎没有什么特别的故事可言,所写的只是一个公务员家庭里从头一天晚上到第二天晚上所发生的事,惟一可称为情节的仅仅是老太太的休克,但小说却绝妙地表现了公务员家庭生活的情景与他们的精神状态。 9、莫泊桑短篇小说的主题大致可归纳为三个方面:第一是讽刺虚荣心和,如《项链》、《我的叔叔于勒》;第二是描写的悲惨遭遇,赞颂其正直、淳朴、宽厚的品格,如《归来》;第三是描写,反映法国人民爱国情绪,如《羊脂球》。 10、《项链》的女主人公是。 二、选择题 1、莫泊桑关于普法战争的著名短篇有() A、《珠宝》 B、《一家人》 C、《骑马》 D、《羊脂球》 2、在法国文学中,描写莫泊桑是公务员、小职员这一小资产阶层出色的短篇有()。 A、《一场决斗》 B、《米隆老爹》 C、《我的叔叔于勒》 D、《俘虏》 3、莫泊桑关于诺曼底题材的短篇为数甚多,重要的有()。 A、《烧伞记》 B、《小狗皮埃罗》 C、《项链》 D、《遗产》、 4、( )描写的是法国妇女机智擒敌的故事。 A、《俘虏》 B、《我的叔叔于勒》 C、《米隆老爹》 D、《一场决斗》5莫泊桑是19世纪末法国伟大的批判现实主义作家和短篇小说家、


解析霍桑写作手法中的浪漫色彩 西安外事学院外国语学院高雅慧 摘要:霍桑的浪漫主义思想在其作品中被表现得淋漓尽致,以《红字》为代表作,其中的浪漫色彩浓重,通过对侧面事物的刻画,揭示了更深的人生意义。同时,他将梦境描写运用到作品中,给读者带来了更新鲜更全面的精神感触。从其作品中,我们认识到霍桑的浪漫主义情怀是非常饱满的,结合对作品中的浪漫主义描写手段的了解,我们对霍桑的思想进行全面分析,希望能够给读者带来更好的阅读效果。 关键词:霍桑;《红字》;浪漫色彩 前言:霍桑是美国浪漫主义作家,他的代表作《红字》影响了一代又一代读者,作品中作者对人物、事物、心理、暗示等描写内容及其丰富,真正将浪漫主义手法发挥到了极致,这是他写作生涯的一个高峰。他的其他作品如《七个尖角阁的房子》、《年轻的好男儿布朗》、《彼德·高尔兹的财宝》,也都具有高超的浪漫主义色彩,所以解读这些作品,让我们更好的了解霍桑的浪漫主义情怀,分析他创作的源泉,给我们带来更多更好的创作经验。 一、《红字》中的浪漫色彩 《红字》是霍桑的代表作,他从人性与心灵耻辱上来揭示当时加尔文教的思想桎楛,小说中的女主角海丝特#白兰, 宁可自己佩带以示耻辱的红字,也不肯说出自己的同犯丁梅斯代尔教长。她坚强地度过了多年蒙受耻辱的生活,以德报怨,,终于使胸前的红字变成了美德的标志。霍桑将女主人公的坚强和正义感表现出来,强化了恶势力来源是宗教的专治的思想引起了社会的矛盾,牧师是罪恶之人,却不敢站出来,柔弱的白兰却始终保持人性的光明面不退缩,最后终于取得了胜利,这种胜利使她赢得了别人的认同,又使罪恶的牧师受到众人的啜泣,这就是事物的真相——心诚则灵。 霍桑将社会现状中人性的阴暗面表现出来,同时将那些坚持真理与爱心的人的形象呈现出来,形成一种鲜明的对比,读者读后就会知道怎样的人生价值是正确的,怎样的是错误的、不可缺的。作品中牧师受到一种来自内心的惩罚,他不敢承认错误,所以他自己在痛苦中度过,那些日子他的矛盾与痛苦也只能由自己


偶像(短篇小说) 一 不知道现在是什么时候了,天上的到底是月亮还是太阳,眼前只有一片漆黑,以及散落一地的照片,稍微动一下,皮肤就传来微微擦痛的感觉。 不由得想起那时候,还是一个倔强的小女孩,艰难地拖着一件比自己还要重好几分的大箱子,离家远行。因买错了车票,排错了队,心烦意乱,一个人坐在笨重的行李箱上,不停抹眼泪,几近崩溃。 就在毕业前,发生了不愉快的事:从刚入学就开始交往的男友,只因我固守传统,不会在婚前就发生关系,终于失去耐心,分手了。没有了遮风挡雨的保护伞,才觉得”不过是一张漂亮的脸蛋嘛,还有啥?”这句话,是如此刺痛心扉。未曾涉世的少女极其脆弱,脆弱得陷入迷惘无法自拔。只是对于我而言,人愈迷惘,心愈坚强,不甘空荡荡漂浮于世间,急于证明自己。好在,还有一副引以为傲的嗓音。 既然已经做出决定,撇下了还在为自己前途争吵不休的父母,独自去远方寻找未来,怎可在这里就停下脚步!我狠狠地抹了把脸,将塞得满满的纸巾袋丢掉,重新拖起偌大的箱子,奔入熙熙攘攘的人群之中。

几经波折,终于来到了这座“娱乐之都”。选秀的现场,云集了来自各地的女孩子,大包小包,花花绿绿的。 “什么嘛!等了那么久才轮到卷卷!主办方都是光吃饭不干活的吗?一群废物!”骂声在一片嘈杂中爆发,一个女孩气鼓鼓地?娜巳褐谐宄觯?满头的金发,卷卷的,都快卷到腰了。尽管行李只有背在身后的那个挂满小狗小猫小兔子玩偶的小书包,而且还排在报名队伍的最前面,可依旧愤愤不平。“卷卷累了,卷卷不行了,卷卷要休息了!”她不停嚷嚷着,上了主办方安排好的车。 仔细想想,天这么热,自己身上的衣服也早已透了又干,干了又透,也难怪卷卷的金发会有那么大火气了。看着前方连绵不绝的报名队伍,真是望洋兴叹。 终于挪动一点了,也许是站得太久,刚向前走一步,突然就失去了平衡,拖着的行李箱向一边倾倒,好在被身后的人及时扶住。 “谢谢啊!”我这才看清楚排在自己身后的那个人:一个理着平头的男孩子,很年幼,看起来比自己还要小上五六岁;很羞涩,给人一种不怎么爱说话的感觉。 “那个……” “不用谢。” “啊!”我在心里惊呼起来,原来是女孩子啊!还好没把“男孩子为什么也来参加女声选秀?”说出口,要不然就太尴尬


毕业论文(设计) Title:Twisted Reason and Tender Stupidity---Study on Hawthorne’s Short Story the Birthmark 题目:扭曲的理性和温柔的愚忠-浅谈霍桑的短篇小说 《胎记》 学生姓名 学号 指导教师 年级 专业 系别

摘要 《胎记》是美国浪漫主义作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑的作品,塑造了一个极端的唯科技主义者的形象,违背客观规律利用所谓的科学知识残害无辜女性的丑恶行为。本文主要从理性和忠诚的角度出发,使读者对作品中的人物形象有一个更深入地了解从而认识到理性不等于盲目的忠诚。同时能够进一步地了解理性与忠诚的区别。本文的研究还为《胎记》的研究开辟了新的视角,为以后的相关研究提供依据和参考。 关键词:理性;忠诚;《胎记》

Abstract Birthmark is the opus from American romantic author Nathaniel Hawthorne, created an image of an extreme technocrat, which is contrary to the objective rule that using the so-called scientific knowledge to destroy an innocent woman, this behavior is hideous. This passage is mainly from the perspective of the reason and loyalty, made the reader deeply know about the characters of works so that they can realize that reason is not equal to the blind loyalty. In the meanwhile, we can further know about the differences between reason and loyalty. The research of this passage has set a new perspective for the study of the Birthmark, which provided a basis and reference for the related study in the future. Key words: reason; loyalty; Birthmark


哦,香雪 教学目标 1.从语言描写和心理描写角度欣赏人物,理解景物描写对刻画人物的作用。 2.理解小说折射出的时代信息。 3.培养学生圈划关键词句的能力,学习文中主人公香雪的淳朴、自尊、执着与坚毅的品质。 说明: 铁凝的《哦,香雪》是一篇抒情意味浓厚的短篇小说,题目的感叹语调也提示和透露了这一点。《哦,香雪》是铁凝的成名作,作者选取了一个类似于全知全能的叙述视角,把叙述者确立在城市人的位置上,但又具有敏感的心灵和宽厚的胸怀,对那个封闭的小山村,对那一群普普通通的山里少女投来同情、关爱的一瞥,在看似稚嫩可笑的心理律动中发掘时代思潮的波澜。反映在小说的叙述结构上,作者并没有以情节线索来安排叙述,而是根据情感抒发的内在逻辑,把一些情节片段加以组接。因此在教学中,要引导学生通过圈划语言描写和心理描写的语句来鉴赏人物,通过景物描写来补充反映人物。 教学重点与难点 1.重点:小说三要素中的人物鉴赏和环境描写的作用。 2.难点:品味小说清新淡雅的语言特色。 说明: 小说的情节十分简单,而相对较多的景物描写和心理描写,使作品具有浓郁的抒情色彩。作家特有的女性的细腻、敏感也突出了作品的抒情风格;但更重要的是时代思潮的影响,70年代末兴起的个性解放和主情主义思潮,使这一时期的小说出现了一种抒情化的倾向。闭塞的台儿沟因为火车的经过而没有了过去的宁静,也扰乱了少女们的心,一方面是因为少女们天生的好奇心理,一方面是封闭的山寨对山外世界、对文明社会的向往之情,小说的情感基调是清新、婉丽、优美、纯净的,但并不意味着纤弱、单薄竿浅显,相反它寄予了作者对时代现实的严峻思考:那纯朴、淡远的美果然是迷人的,令人不由自主地去欣赏和赞美,但它恰恰又是与贫穷和闭塞联系在一起,在时代列车的呼啸声中,这种纯朴迷人的美还能保留多久呢?80年代是一个对“现代化”充满神秘与迷信的时代,一种新的二元对立的思维模式--现代化必然代表进步、文明和美好;反之,就是落后、封建和野蛮--,但敏锐的作家铁凝却从现代化(火车的象征)进入以前的人性淳朴的民间社会作出美轮美奂的赞美,这种深远的意蕴,将会超越时空而发生永恒的魅力。 教学过程


《阁楼上的熊皮外套》 外面下着雨,屋子里很暖和。 壁炉里的柴火在欢快地唱着歌,架子上煮着蓝莓酱,在柴火的歌声中“咕嘟咕嘟”欢快地打滚。我懒懒地把身子窝在沙发里,不停地打着哈欠,眼皮很沉。 这时候,一只猫闯进了屋子,他很不客气地一屁股坐了下来,把湿漉漉的脚伸到壁炉旁。对于猫的无礼,我有点生气,但是就像天上的流星,这生气一会就不知钻进了哪个角落。 “擦一擦吧。”我递给猫一条毛巾,毛巾很宽大,足以把猫的整个身子包裹在里面。 猫很利索地把全身都擦了一遍,把毛巾递给我,然后很安静地坐在火炉边。 我知道,这是一只很不寻常的猫,他一定有很多故事。 “喝一口吧,暖暖身子,还可以预防感冒!”我舀了一碗热气腾腾的蓝莓酱给猫,猫也不客气,接过来大口大口地喝了下去。我听到他全身每个关节都在“咕嘟咕嘟”冒着泡泡,今天猫一定是不会感冒的了。 “你一定对我很奇怪吧,好吧,给你讲讲我的故事吧。”大概是喝了一大碗蓝莓酱的缘故,猫恢复了精神,开始给我讲述他的故事。 “也许我天生注定就是一只不安分的猫,从出生的那一刻,就开始在寻找。”猫眯缝着眼睛开始讲述,蓝莓酱在他头顶上空冒着一缕一缕的热气,好像那些故事是从火炉里面生发出来的。 “我一直在寻找我的母亲,我想问一问她:为什么要把我抛弃?”猫低了一下头,停了一小会,“我刚出生,我的母亲就把我遗弃了,是一头熊收养了我。熊每天带我去爬山、捕鱼,还教会了我爬树。冬天,熊在树洞里冬眠,我趴在树顶上守候着他。” “这样的生活一直持续到我的母亲出现在我面前,那时候她已经是一只很年老的猫了,她的身上斑斑驳驳,毛发稀疏。我很不喜欢我的母亲,不是因为她又老又脏,而是这么些年我已经习惯了和熊生活。但是,我的母亲要求我回到她身边,和她一起度过她最后的日子,我的母亲说她剩下的时间不多了。” “虽然我一直想问问母亲为什么抛弃我,但是当我的母亲真正出现在我面前,眼泪旺旺地哀求我回到她身边时,我有点动容,整日盘旋在脑海里的问题也像一根骨头一样梗在喉咙口。”猫扭了扭身子,换了个姿势,“可是,我很舍不得熊,熊的年纪也大了,而且他也习惯了我在冬天守候着他的梦。熊告诉我,有了我的守候,每个冬天他的梦都很温暖。我别过了脸,假装没看见母亲眼里的泪光。” “熊从我眼角的泪光中看到了我的为难,他坚定地拉起了我的手,把它放到我的母亲手里。就这样,我告别了熊,开始和我的母亲生活,陪伴她度过人生中最后一些时光。”


中学生必读的30部短篇小说 《黑奴吁天录》斯陀夫人 《飘》玛格丽特·密契儿 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》马克·吐温 《战地钟声》厄纳斯特·海明威 《红字》纳撒尼尔·霍桑 《最后的一叶》欧·亨利 《麦田里的守望者》塞林格 《马丁·伊登》杰克·伦敦《玩偶之家》易卜生(挪威)《变形记》卡夫卡(捷克) 《俄狄浦斯王》索福克勒斯(希腊) 《女性的和平》阿里斯托芬(希腊)

《神曲》但丁·阿里及艾力(意大利) 《唐·吉诃德》米盖尔·塞万提斯(西班牙) 《少年维特的烦恼》歌德(德) 《静静的顿河》米哈依尔·亚历山大·萧洛霍夫(苏联)《牛虻》艾捷尔.丽莲.伏尼契(爱尔兰) 《百年孤独》加尔列尔·加西亚·马尔克斯(哥伦比亚)《当代英雄》莱蒙托夫 《安娜·卡列妮娜》列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰《复活》列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰 《叶甫盖尼·奥涅金》亚历山大·谢尔盖耶维奇·普希金《罪与罚》陀斯妥耶夫斯基

《钦差大臣》果戈理 《战争与和平》列夫·尼古拉耶维奇·托尔斯泰《高老头》奥诺雷·德·巴尔扎克 《茶花女》小仲马 《包法利夫人》居斯塔夫·福楼拜 《基度山恩仇记》亚历山大·仲马 《伪君子》莫里哀 《红与黑》斯汤达 《卡门》梅里美 《悲惨世界》维克多·雨果 《寻求失去的时代》马修·普鲁斯特

《列那狐的故事》吉罗夫人 《约翰·克利斯朵夫》罗曼·罗兰《哈姆雷特》威廉·莎士比亚 《鲁滨逊漂流记》丹尼尔·狄福《呼啸山庄》爱米莉·勃朗特 《大卫·科波菲尔》查尔斯·狄更斯《恋爱中的女人》劳伦斯 《格列佛游记》斯威夫特《简·爱》夏洛蒂·勃朗特 《人性的枷锁》萨乌希德·毛姆《失乐园》约翰·弥尔顿


选修《短篇小说欣赏》家庭女教师测试题 2019.9 1,《春江花月夜》中开篇一句“春江潮水连海平,海上明月共潮生”有人评论句中“生”字用得好,请你说说好在哪里? 答: 2,某学校新建了一栋实验楼,向全校师生征集楼名,一位同学为实验楼 命名为“躬行楼”,他的创意得到了大家的一致认可,请你就“躬行楼”这一命名好在哪里写出两点理由。 答:① ② ③ 3,咸爱学校九(1)班为激发同学们学习语文的兴趣,举办了一次“趣味学语文”专题活动。这次活动包含了演讲.猜谜语.讲故事.成语接龙 等生动活泼的形式。请按要求完成下面题目。 ①成语接龙。请你在横线上填写一个成语,要求开头一字与前一成语最 末一字相同,最后一字与后一成语开头一字相同。 兴师动众城下之盟 ②活动主持人在主持节目时,有一句口误,请修改(只改一处),并说明理由。 “这次汶川特大地震,使四川乃至汶川等地遭受巨大损失。” 改正: ③下面是一位同学的演讲稿中的一句话,请将它改为通俗的表达(尽量 口语化)。

“2008年8月8日,第29届奥运会将在北京隆重开幕” 答: 短尺”为对象,各写一句话,要求借物喻理,4,请参照示例,以“灯泡”“ 表达出一种人生的感悟。 示例:雨伞:总是用潮湿的身躯,彰显自身的价值。 ①灯泡: ②短尺: 5,读下面这幅对联,完成①~②题。 文辞真比丰年玉 气味还同幽壑兰 ①请用正楷字将这幅对联书写一遍。 ②按照传统习惯,对联张贴时,上联应贴在进门的边。 6,阅读下面文字,完成 一样的渺小 画家早年颠沛流离,吃尽了人世的苦头。中年以后,他开始发达了--作品受到社会的广泛赞誉,名声日隆。 如今,他的任何一幅作品,只要拿到市场上,都会引起富人们的竞价争购。可是,画家并不像别人想象的幸福与快乐,他曾经对弟子们说过这 样一句意味深长的话--当我变得高大的时候,我发现,这个世界实在太 渺小了。 通过弟子们的传诵,此语已被世人奉为一句关于奋斗与成功的格言。 其实,画家已陷入深深的孤独,在这个世界上,他除了作画,没有任何


经典的好看短篇童话故事【三篇】【小熊去旅行的故事】 小熊害了眼病,什么也看不见,整天呆在家里,苦恼极了。 朋友们要去旅游了,它不能去,心里急得很。朋友们走了以后,它在床上躺会儿,在地上来回走会儿,扶着门到外边站会儿,真没意思。 下午,朋友们旅游回来了,在一起讲旅游时遇到的有趣的事。 山羊说:“我路过一条很深、很宽的山涧,一跳就过去了。” 小猴说:“我从一棵很粗极大的大树爬上去,登上了岩顶。” 乌龟说:“回来的时候下雨了,我是淋着雨跑回家的。” 大伙儿越说越高兴,小熊在一边,这里听听,那里听听,不知不觉眼泪掉了下来。 大伙儿说得正起劲,见小熊忽然哭了,马上明白是怎么回事了,悄悄一商量,就欢迎小熊参加一次“旅游”。 小熊说:“怎么旅游?我眼睛看不见,不能过山涧、爬大树,也不能……”它哭得说不下去了。 “能的,能的!”朋友们一起回答。 两只小乌龟分开叭着,小猴把小熊扶到一只小乌龟的背上,大伙儿一起喊:“迈脚,过山涧了!”小熊迈开大步,跳到另一只小乌龟的背上,小熊不再流泪了。 大伙儿又把小熊带到长颈鹿面前,对它说:“前面有棵大树爬上去!”

小熊抱住长颈鹿的大腿爬到脖子上。大伙儿在下边喊:“好,到 岩边了。” 然后,长颈鹿把小熊轻轻放到地上。小熊笑了。 小熊正笑着,大象吸了水,来到小熊面前,大伙儿说:“小熊注意,要下雨了!” 大象在小熊头顶喷水,小熊捂着脑袋。大伙儿跑上前拉起小熊 的手说:“快快回家了!” 小熊跟着大伙儿跑了一段后,停了下来,伙伴们拍着手说:“欢 迎小熊‘旅游’回来。” 小熊高兴得咯咯直笑。 【爱吃零食的小白兔的故事】 森林里有一座漂亮的小房子,住着小白兔的一家。小白兔样样都好,勤学习、爱劳动、乐助人……可就是有个爱吃零食的坏习惯。 小白兔的爸爸妈妈真操了很多心呀!他们为小白兔买了维生素C、黄金搭档、金施尔康……希望能使她有食欲,想吃饭,可小白兔就是 觉得这个没味,那个难吃,结果全浪费了。 有一天,小白兔在院子里玩,突然就晕倒了。爸爸看见了连忙抱 起小白兔,把她送到了医院。山羊大夫给小白兔仔细地检查了一遍, 摸着小白兔的头问:“你平时都吃些什么呀?”小白兔低着头说:“糖果、薯片、巧克力……从来不吃米饭和蔬菜。”山羊大夫捋了捋胡子,笑着说:“那就对了,你从不吃米饭和蔬菜,身体长期得不到充足的 养分,造成严重的营养不良,所以你才会突然晕倒啊。”小白兔听了 这番话,知道了吃零食的坏处,决定要改掉这个坏习惯。 从此以后,小白兔天天吃米饭和蔬菜,身体慢慢结实起来。在一 次学校的800米长跑比赛中,还得了第一名的好成绩呢。


六年级语文下册阅读《莫泊桑短篇小说精选》检测试卷及答案 一、填空题 1、居伊?德?莫泊桑是19世纪后半期法国优秀的____________作家。 2、莫泊桑的文学成就以短篇小说最为突出,被誉为“____________”,对后世产生了极大影响。 3、大文学家____________是莫泊桑文学上的导师,他们两人结下了亲如父子的师徒关系。 4、1880年,莫泊桑的成名作《____________》发表,它使莫泊桑一鸣惊人,读者称他是文坛上的一颗新星。 5、莫泊桑的故乡是在法国的____________。 6、1876年左拉、莫泊桑、阿莱克西等人成立了____________集团,文学史是称其为____________。 7、莫泊桑讲述故事中的主人公,大多是小人物,例如《项链》中因爱慕虚荣而毁了一生的____________,《羊脂球》中,有爱国骨气的____________和软骨头的____________ 。 8、在莫泊桑的名篇____________中,几乎没有什么特别的故事可言,所写的只是一个公务员家庭里从头一天晚上到第二天晚上所发生的事,惟一可称为情节的仅仅是老太太的休克,但小说却绝妙地表现了公务员家庭生活的情景与他们的精神状态。 9、莫泊桑短篇小说的主题大致可归纳为三个方面:第一是讽刺虚荣心和____________,如《项链》、《我的叔叔于勒》;第二是描写____________的悲惨遭遇,赞颂其正直、淳朴、宽厚的品格,如《归来》;第三是描写____________,反映法国人民爱国情绪,如《羊脂球》。 10、《项链》的女主人公是____________。 二、选择题 1、莫泊桑关于普法战争的著名短篇有() A、《珠宝》 B、《一家人》 C、《骑马》 D、《羊脂球》 2、在法国文学中,描写莫泊桑是公务员、小职员这一小资产阶层出色的短篇有()。 A、《一场决斗》 B、《米隆老爹》 C、《我的叔叔于勒》 D、《俘虏》 3、莫泊桑关于诺曼底题材的短篇为数甚多,重要的有()。 A、《烧伞记》 B、《小狗皮埃罗》 C、《项链》 D、《遗产》、 4、( )描写的是法国妇女机智擒敌的故事。


选修《短篇小说欣赏》狂人日记测试题 2019.9 1, ,西北望,射天狼。(苏轼《江城子·密州出猎》)2,潮平两岸阔,。(王湾《次北固山下》) 3,无私奉献一直是中华民族的传统美德之一,龚自珍在《己亥杂诗》中的“ ,就是最真实的写照。 4,诗以言志,杜甫在《望岳》中的“,”就表达了诗人勇于攀登人生顶峰的雄心壮志。 5,宋代理学家周敦颐《爱莲说》中的 “,”两句,表达了他不与世俗同流合污的高尚人格。 6,某校园文学社在自己的网页上,开展了“走近名著”活动。注册时需要用名著中的人物作为用户名。你最想以名著《》中的人物 作为自己的用户名。你为该人物设计的形象宣传语是 。 示例:《水浒传》武松疾恶如仇,荡尽天下不平事。 (提示:人物写姓名或绰号均可;形象宣传语不受示例形式限制,20字以内。 7,根据情境,按要求表达。 自全国全面启动“亿万学生阳光体育运动”工程后,许多学校积极响应并认真落实。但面对升学的压力,一些学生因忙于学业,疏于体育锻炼;

同时仍有些学校的体育课存在缩水坝现象,特别是对毕业班的学生来说,体育课往往只是一种回忆…… 1.体育课上,你如何邀请不爱运动的小强参加体育运动? 答: 2.假如有机会代表同学与校长面对面提出两点建议,你会怎样说? 答: 8,“5·12”汶川大地震牵动了全国人民的心。作为中学生,为表达对灾区师生的支持与关爱,初三某班将举行一次“心连心,手拉手”主题班会活动…… 1.【爱心奉献】活动中,“爱心捐献”环节由你主持,你将如何向同学们发出呼吁? 答: 2.【真情告白】阅读下面的链接材料,假如让你电话连线当事人,你想说些什么? 5月12日,平武县南坝小学班主任黄玉在看到楼房坍塌后,不顾一切地爬上废墟,边流泪边喊着学生和同在楼内上课的七岁女儿的名字。当她用木棍撬着石板扒着废墟救出学生赵雪梅后,再救女儿以来不及了,她连女儿的最后一面也没见上。(摘自《新文化报》2008年5月26日)答: 3.【携手共勉】请你在班会活动即将结束之际,用一个古今中外成功人


在这篇小说中,主人公的“精神顿悟”并不是一种出人意料的感悟,而是人物本身阅历逐渐引发的。《阿拉比》的主人公平是从一开始听到“阿拉比”这个名字,就对它抱有许多美妙假想,好不容易盼到了周末,主人公的叔叔又忘却了给他钱,最后又因为寻找一个六便士的入口而延误了时光,而这一切却并没有动摇男孩儿的决心。直到最后,当他发现“阿拉比”不过是个简陋的集市时,他的心境一下从兴奋的顶峰跌落至绝望的谷底,因扫兴而受到十分繁重的打击,使他突然领悟到了本身的处境。作者在主人公获得“精神顿悟”前,使主人公有意无意的阅历了一个心理上的筹备进程,因此读者读起来并不感到突然。 In this novel, the protagonist of the spirit of "Epiphany" is not a surprise comprehension, but it was the character’s experience gradually. "Araby" hero at first heard the name "Araby", for it has many wonderful imaginary. Until we are on weekends, the hero's uncle and forgot to give him money, then because of the entrance of looking for a sixpence delayed the time, and all this did not shake the determination of the boy. Until in the end, when he

霍桑 作品特点

作品特点 描写社会和人性的阴暗面是霍桑作品的突出特点。霍桑是心理小说的开创者,擅长剖析人的“内心”。他着重探讨道德和罪恶的问题,主张通过善行和自忏来洗刷罪恶、净化心灵,从而得到拯救。然而霍桑并非全写黑暗,他在揭露社会罪恶和人的劣根性的同时,对许多善良的主人公寄予极大的同情。霍桑对美国文学的发展做出了很大的贡献。 霍桑的作品想象丰富、结构严谨。他除了进行心理分析与描写外,还运用了象征主义手法。他的构思精巧的意象,增添了作品的浪漫色彩,加深了寓意。但他的作品中也不乏神秘晦涩之处。 Nathaniel hawthorne is an american novelist in 19th century.The significant feature of his works is the description of society and the dark sides of the human nature.Hawthorne is the creator of the psychological novel and good at analysing people's minds.He emphasized to discuss the issues of moral and crime,insist on washing off the guilt by welldoing and self-repentance to obtain the rescue.However,hawthorne did't all describe the dark sides.At the meantime,when he revealed the social crime and human's deep-rooted bad habits,he also gave much sympathy to those main characters who are virtuous.Hawthorne made the significant contribution to the development of American literature.Hawthorne's works are full of ideality and the structures are strict.He did not only analyse the psychology,but also utilized symbolism.His delicate design of image increased the works' romance,deepened the moral.However,his works are also not lacking in mysteries.


《中国短篇小说精选》 在阅读过《中国短篇小说精选》后,我觉得这本书中,有一篇文章使我深有感触,这篇文章既写出人身上具有的人性特征也写出了一些人的恶劣特质。 这篇文章的题目是《杀瓜》,虽然名字听起来很普通,但是整篇文章主要围绕着杀瓜展开的故事,小说的主人翁是陈草,他是一个普普通通的种瓜农民,心地善良,为人老实。 这篇文章主要讲诉了陈草在西瓜的丰收季节,被村委王大强拿去许多大西瓜却只留下一张张白纸条,但是陈草却从来没有怨言,直到陈草遇到一个买西瓜的顾客刘红国,在这件事上体现陈草许多优秀的品质,并让他明白了不能再让王大强打白条,于是鼓起勇气向王大强要吃西瓜的钱。 我最欣赏主人公陈草拾金不昧的精神,当她发现一个不知名的顾客丢失了100元,可是陈草并没有因为自己穷而将这些钱据为己有,而是不辞辛苦的将这100元送给刘红国,在最后却得知刘红国是一个杀人犯,但是他没有厌弃刘红国。虽然陈草没有将钱送还给主人,但是他宁愿将钱烧了,也不会用别人的钱。 他的精神难道不值得我们去学习吗?在如今社会有这种精神的还有几个人?说到这,我就想到小时候的一件事情,那天我正在去商店路上,正当我兴高采烈的时候就看见在一块石头边有一张钱,我走近,将石头移开,竟然是50元,我心里像开了花一样,我赶紧拿着钱回家,我坐在凳子上,考虑着如何花这钱,可是我想着想着,这颗心月来越不安,总觉得这钱不是我的,心里不好受。又一想,管他呢?反正这钱都丢了,找也找不到了,捡到是我有运气。我即刻跑出家门,去商店买回了点击已久的洋娃娃,看着我心爱的娃娃,我的嘴裂开了。这时,我便突然想到丢钱的主人,如果他像我一样想用这笔钱买到自己心爱的礼物,那他现在肯定很着急,我这样做有点过分了,于是我把洋娃娃推掉了,向它说了再见。 回到家后,我将这50元放在盒子里,再也没打开过。虽然我没有找到这钱的主人,但是我也不会用这50元。 在看到这本书的故事,我就更加确定,我这样做是对的。

After reading The Garden Party 短篇小说欣赏

After reading The Garden Party,I think the theme of this article is to show the indifference of the people. Laura was a kind and innocent girl.After she heard the death of her neighbors she thought she should stop their party because it was so crucial to her neighbor if they held the garden party,and she wanted to persuade her sister and mother to stop their party.At this time,Laura represented the kindness and conscience of humanity.But she was refused by her sister and mother who represented the indifference of humanity.And she forgot the death of her neighbors after her mother gave a beautiful hat to her and many people said it's suitable for her.At this point,the author wanted to show a kind person would also become a indifference person under the temptation of the "so-called" good things.However,after the party,when she heard the death of her neighbors again,she felt sad.Then her mother asked her to give some foods uneaten to the Mrs.Scott,but when she entered into the Mrs.Scott's house,she knew how rough and poor of Mrs.Scott's house was,and compared their luxurious party,she felt so ashamed and guilty.At this time,her kindness and conscience appeared again. In conclusion,the author exposed the relentless and indifference of the people in The Garden Party. 外国语学院 英语121003班 20124854 杨莉莎


小伙子古德曼①·布朗 日落时分,小伙子古德曼·布朗走出家门,来到萨勒姆村街道上,可跨出门槛 又回头,与年轻的妻子吻别。而妻子费丝——这名字对她恰如其分②——把漂亮的 脑袋伸出门外,任风儿拂弄她帽子上粉红的缎带,呼唤着古德曼·布朗。 -------- ①古德曼(Goodman)在英文中含“好人”之意。本故事发生的历史背景是马 萨诸塞州萨勒姆一带巫术流行时期。故事中,小伙子布朗及其妻所皈依的便是巫术。 此地后来发生了“萨勒姆事件”,大规模围剿迷信巫术的老百姓。请参看本书“爱丽丝·多恩的恳求”及其注释。 ②费丝(Faith)在英文中含“忠实”之意。 “宝贝心肝,”她樱唇贴近他耳朵,伤心地娇声曼语,“求你明天日出再出门 旅行,今晚就睡在自家床上嘛。孤单单的女人会做些可怕的梦,生些吓人的念头,有时候连自己都害怕。今晚就留下来和我相守吧,亲爱的,一年到头只求你这一夜。” “我的宝贝,亲爱的费丝,”小伙子布朗回答,“一年到头就这一夜,我必须 离开你。我这趟出门,就是你说的旅行,必须现在就走,明天日出时回来。怎么,我漂亮可爱的妻子,结婚才三个月,你就怀疑我啦?” “那就愿上帝保佑你!”粉红缎带飘飘的费丝道,“愿你回来时看到一切平安。” “阿门!”古德曼·布朗叫道,”做祷告吧,亲爱的费丝,一天黑就上床,不 会有什么东西伤害你的。” 于是二人分手。小伙子匆匆上路,到礼拜堂旁边,正要拐弯,回头一望,但见 费丝仍在伫望,神情忧伤,虽然那粉红缎带仍在飘扬。 “可怜的小费丝!”他骂着自己,“俺真够可耻的,竟为了这么趟差使丢下她! 她还提到了梦,讲话的样子那么愁,就像已有什么梦警告过她,今晚俺要去干啥事。 不,不,她要知道了真会活不下去。唉,她真是个有福的人间天使,过了今晚这一


8.《一个文官的死》苦涩的笑课后巩固 剖析精彩文段 阅读下面的文字,完成1—4题。 在一个挺好的傍晚,有一个也挺好的庶务官,名叫伊万·德米特里奇·切尔维亚科夫,坐在戏院正厅第二排,举起望远镜,看《哥纳维勒的钟》。他一面看戏,一面感到心旷神怡。可是忽然间……在小说里常常可以遇到这个“可是忽然间”。作者们是对的:生活里充满多少意外的事啊!可是忽然间,他的脸皱起来,眼珠往上翻,呼吸停住……他取下眼睛上的望远镜,低下头去,于是……啊嚏!!!诸位看得明白,他打了个喷嚏。不管是谁,也不管是在什么地方,打喷嚏总归是不犯禁的。农民固然打喷嚏,警察局长也一样打喷嚏,就连三品文官偶尔也要打喷嚏。大家都打喷嚏。切尔维亚科夫一点也不慌,拿出小手绢来擦了擦脸,照有礼貌的人的样子往四下里瞧一眼,看看他的喷嚏搅扰别人没有。可是这一看不要紧,他心慌了。他看见坐在他前边,也就是正厅第一排的一个小老头正用手套使劲擦他的秃顶和脖子,嘴里嘟嘟哝哝。切尔维亚科夫认出小老头是在交通部任职的文职将军布里兹扎洛夫。 “我把唾沫星子喷在他身上了!”切尔维亚科夫暗想。“他不是我的上司,是别处的长官,可是这仍然有点不合适。应当赔个罪才是。” 切尔维亚科夫就嗽一下喉咙,把身子向前探出去,凑着将军的耳根小声说: “对不起,大人,我把唾沫星子溅在您身上了……我是出于无心……” “没关系,没关系……” “请您看在上帝面上原谅我。我本来……我不是有意这样!” “哎,您好好坐着,劳驾!让我听戏!” 切尔维亚科夫心慌意乱,傻头傻脑地微笑,开始看舞台上。他在看戏,可是他再也感觉不到心旷神怡了。他开始惶惶不安,定不下心来。到休息时间,他走到布里兹扎洛夫跟前,在他身旁走了一忽儿,压下胆怯的心情,叽叽咕咕说: “我把唾沫星子溅在您身上了,大人……请您原谅……我本来……不是要……” “哎,够了……我已经忘了,您却说个没完!”将军说,不耐烦地撇了下嘴唇。 …… “滚出去!!”将军脸色发青,周身打抖,突然大叫一声。 “什么?”切尔维亚科夫低声问道,吓得愣住了。 “滚出去!!”将军顿着脚,又说一遍。 切尔维亚科夫肚子里似乎有个什么东西掉下去了。他什么也看不见,什么也听不见,退 到门口,走出去,到了街上,慢腾腾地走着……他信步走到家里,没脱掉制服,往长沙发上 一躺,就此……死了。 1.第1段中描写切尔维亚科夫看戏时“凝神注目,飘然欲仙”,这对下文有什么作用? 答案:与下文的惶恐不安形成鲜明的对比。 2.小说详细描写了切尔维亚科夫打喷嚏的情况,其作用是什么?(不超过10个字。) 答案:设置悬念。 3.画线句子是作者发表的一段议论,其用意是什么? 答案:叙述中插入议论,作者的目的是画龙点睛,点明切尔维亚科夫悲剧的意义。 4.切尔维亚科夫因为打了一个喷嚏而死了,你认为这可信吗?试着结合人物性格特点来分析。答案:可信。主人公恐惧权势的心理,黑暗的社会现实,使得结局符合人物的性格特点。


美国著名作家霍桑的代表作《红字》是一部描写200多年以前,发生在新英格兰殖民时期一个浪漫的爱情悲剧。 作品以17世纪中叶的北美殖民地新英格兰的严酷教权统治为背景,描写美丽善良的白兰在丈夫齐灵窝斯失踪后独居的情况下,爱上了青年牧师丁梅斯代尔,并与他生了一个女孩。事发后,她被清教法庭判处胸口戴着标志通奸的红色A字示众受辱。之后,白兰到远方定居,靠针线活谋生。丁梅斯代尔虽未暴露,但内心深感自责和恐惧。齐灵窝斯潜回北美后,为了报复,以医生的身份潜于丁梅斯代尔身边,对他进行残忍的精神折磨。白兰约丁梅斯代尔同逃欧洲失败。丁梅斯代尔公开自己的“罪行”后心力交瘁身亡。白兰仍带着红字,处处克己助人,终于赢得了人们的尊敬。作品用层层深入的手法,对人物心理进行自然、细腻、逼真的描写和分析,具有强烈的艺术感染力。 作者霍桑创作这部小说有着自身的原因。霍桑家中世代都是虔诚的清教信徒,他的两代先祖曾是马萨诸塞殖民地政教合一的权力机构中的要人,参与过一六九二年萨菜姆驱巫案及其后的迫害教友派的活动,家庭和社会环境中浓重的加尔文教气氛,深深地影响了霍桑,使他自幼性格阴郁,耽于思考;而祖先在追害异端中的那种狂热,测使他产生了负罪感,以致人大学后在自己的姓氏中加了一个“W”.表示有别于祖先。从他十二岁以来的日记判断,他在观察及写作上,都是早熟的。这些在他的这部小说中都时常有所体现。 红字》的故事一开篇,映入读者眼帘的,昔先是“新殖民地的开拓者们”在万事草创之时忘不了与墓地同时修建的监狱,这株“文明社会的黑花“从来不曾经历过自己的青春韶华”,因为它“与罪恶二字息息相关”,它那狰狞阴森的外貌,连同门前草地上“过于繁茂地簇生着的不堪入目的杂革”,都增加了晦暗凄楚的色调,然而在这一片灰黑之中,却傲然挺立着一丛玫魂,“盛开着宝石船的花朵”,象征着人类的道德……接下来,便出观了女主人公海丝特·白兰,怀抱初生的珠儿,“她焕发的美丽,竟把笼尽着她的不幸和耻辱凝成一轮光环”,令人联想起“圣母的形象”。这样一段栩栩如生的文字,不但为我们展现了人物活动的舞台背景,而且启发读者去思考作品的主题。
