霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne

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short stories

twice-told tales(1837)《故事重述》

which includes the minister's black veil《教长 的面纱》
mosses from an old manse(1846)《古屋青苔》

which included young good man brown《好小伙 子布朗》


霍桑认为:美国“没有阴影,没有古风,没有秘传,没有绚丽 而又昏默的冤孽,只有光天之下的枯燥乏味的繁荣”,给作家 提供的素材极少。因此,霍桑把注意力转向过去,力图借助想 象去挖掘历史上对创作有益的素材,以便“把过去了的时代与 我们面前一瞬即逝的现在联系起来”。

这也暗示了他以古喻今的创作意图。但是出于清教徒的审慎, 霍桑采取了浪漫主义小说的创作形式。他认为只有这样,作者 才能才能在“真实的世界”和“仙境”之间找到现实与想象得 以相结合的“中间地带”。 霍桑的伟大正在于他能以表面温和而实质犀利的笔锋暴露黑暗、 讽刺邪恶、揭示真理。

Pearl 珠儿 (daughter of Hester Prynne and Arthur Dimmesdale)

Chillingworth---cold and inhuman “Prynne” rhymes with “sin” “Dimmesdale”---“dimness”---weakness, indeterminacy, lack of insight, and lack of will. “Pearl”---“great price” that is salvation.

eg. When Hester tells him Chillingworth is her husband, he is not brave to face and overcome it, but to sink down on the ground, and burry his face in his hands, he throws his burden upon Hester. “I am powerless to go! ….Lost as my own soul is, I would still do what I may for other human souls! I dare not quit my post…
Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳萨尼尔·霍桑
职业:作家、小说家 主要成就: 美国心理分析小说开创者
family backgrounds

ancestors:a judge relate to salem witchcraft trails of 1692(塞勒姆驱巫案件) father:died when he was only four


描写社会和人性的阴暗面是霍桑作品的突出特点, 这与加尔文教关于人的“原罪”和“内在堕落”的 理论的影响是分不开的。 霍桑是心理小说的开创者,擅长剖析人的“内心”。 他着重探讨道德和罪恶的问题,主张通过善行和自 忏来洗刷罪恶、净化心灵,从而得到拯救。 然而霍桑并非全写黑暗,他在揭露社会罪恶和人的 劣根性的同时,对许多善良的主人公寄予极大的同 情。
Roger Chillingworth
Chillingworth’s Revenge
He is a scholar and uses his knowledge to disguise(伪装) himself as a doctor, intent on discovering and tormenting Hester's anonymous lover.
the marble faun(1860)《玉石雕像》

《红字》是 19 世纪美国浪漫主义作家霍桑的长篇小说, 同时也被称为是美国的第一部象征主义小说。 小说以两百多年前的殖民地时期的美洲为背景,围绕 着四个主人公之间的爱恨、善恶、惩罚与报复而展 开,同时揭露了 19 世纪资本主义发展时代的美国社 会法典的残酷、宗教的欺骗和道德的虚伪。
¤ Kind
"Dear little pearl, are you willing to kiss me now? That day in the woods you do not want to kiss me! Can you now?"
Pearl kissed his lips. A situation where even her own role is as a great tragedy, aroused the wild child’s compassion.

mother:relied on relatives in rearing the children
a family with long puritan tradition

brought up by his uncle
he graduated from bowdoin college in 1842 inthe same class with longfellow and franklin pierce(the 14th us president)
Little Pearl, who's born with a false charge, grows up innocent and lively with no restraint. She is destined to live a happy life .
the scarlet letter

main characters:
Hester Prynne 海斯特· 白兰(a woman with the scarlet letter A on her dress)
Roger Chillingworth 齐灵渥斯(Hester Prynne's husband,a doctor) Arthur Dimmesdale丁梅斯代尔(Hester Prynne's lover,a minister)
famous remarks

a man already in decay,having given my best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge. ---Nathaniel Hawthorne 即使尸骨已经腐烂,但我已经将自己最好的年华奉 献给追求知识的梦想中。
the snow image and other twice-told tales《雪 人及其他故事重述》


the scarlet letter(1850)《红字》

---a treatment of the effects of sin on the human spirit. the house of the seven gables(1851)《有七个尖 角阁的房子》 the bithedale romance(1852)《福谷传奇》
The Scarlet Letter
——character analysis
Hester Prynne
Hester Prynne
Crime(犯罪 →Atonement(赎罪 →Renascence(重生) ↓ ↓ Rebel or Compromise About women’s right and freedom
) )
Able Adultery Amiable Angel
Arthur Dimmesdale

Clues: Sin → struggle → extricate 解脱 Dilemma: Confess or conceal隐藏 Psychological and physical struggle About human’s nature and sociality
As Hester says: Old Roger Chillingworth was a striking evidence of man’s faculty ( 能 力 ) of transforming himself into a devil.
¤ Pure
she never cares about what others will think about her, she just live by herself. She is as happy as an ordinary girl, even more than that. She never tries to hate anyone, just considering many as natural and tries to find answers to what’s on her mind.