


● 误区四:标有不含胆固醇字样的油才是好 油在植物油里原则上是不可能没有胆固醇的!
● 转基因食品是指利用生物技术改良的动物、植物和微生物
一或某些特性,以一些生物技术方式,修改动物、植物基 因,使动物、植物或微生物具备或增强次特性,可以降低 生产成本,增加食品或食品原料的价值。目前,全球的科 学家们还无法为转基因食品安全问题在短时间内下一个定
● 绿色食品是遵循可持续发展原则,按照特定生产方式生产
的安全、优质、营养类食品。绿色食品必须同时具备以下 条件:产品或产品原料产地必须符合农业部制订的绿色食 品生态环境质量标准;农作物种植、畜禽饲养、水产养殖 及食品加工必须符合农业部制订的绿色食品的生产操作规
● 奶片是采用经过加工后的奶粉作为原料,在脱水工艺下加 入某些凝固剂加工而成,经过二次工艺加工后,食用者已 经无法享受真正新鲜牛奶的风味和质地。而且在加工过程 中,由于温度过高,还会破坏掉其中的多种营养成分,彻
● 奶片作为新鲜牛奶的补充,在人们没有条件及时食用新鲜 牛奶的情况下,适当食用一点是无可非议的,但千万不能 过量,因为奶片在消化过程中,还要融化在体内的水分中 ,如果过量食用,体内污染的多环芳烃;④食品加工中受
机油和食品包装材料等的污染,在柏油路上晒粮食使粮食 受到污染;⑤污染的水可使水产品受到污染;⑥植物和微 生物可合成微量多环芳烃。



Why are there so many food safety accidents in our life?
I think the reasons include the following points
The first point is drive of profit .
The second point is that the professional and manager lack professional knowledge and safety-crisis consciousness in food corporation.
Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It's from sewer(下水道) being extraБайду номын сангаасted from the catering industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .
Health hazards
These subtances do a lot of harm to our health.such as indigestion ,diarrhea (腹 泻),and many different types of cancer
“Shou Rou Jing” poisoning accident in GuangZhou and ShangHai(2006)
Melamine (三聚氰胺)
• Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer.



食品安全英语作文Food Safety。

Food safety is a topic that concerns everyone, as it directly impacts our health and well-being. In recent years, there have been numerous cases of foodborne illnesses and contamination, making it more important than ever to pay attention to the safety of the food we consume.First and foremost, it is crucial to understand the importance of proper food handling and storage. This includes washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly, cooking meats to the appropriate temperature, and storing perishable items in the refrigerator. By following these simple guidelines, we can greatly reduce the risk of consuming contaminated food.Furthermore, it is essential for consumers to be aware of food labeling and expiration dates. Reading and understanding food labels can help us make informed choices about the products we purchase. Additionally, being mindful of expiration dates can prevent us from consuming spoiled or expired food, which can lead to food poisoning and other health issues.In addition to personal responsibility, food safety also requires the cooperation of food producers and suppliers. It is important for them to adhere to strict hygiene and sanitation standards in order to prevent contamination during the production and distribution process. Regular inspections and quality control measures should be implemented to ensure that the food reaching consumers is safe for consumption.Moreover, government regulations and policies play a significant role in ensuring food safety. Authorities should establish and enforce food safety standards to hold food producers and suppliers accountable for the quality and safety of their products. This can help prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses and protect the public from potential health risks.In conclusion, food safety is a shared responsibility that requires the cooperation of consumers, food producers, suppliers, and government authorities. By understanding theimportance of proper food handling, being mindful of food labeling and expiration dates, and implementing strict regulations and standards, we can work together to ensure the safety of the food supply. Ultimately, this will lead to a healthier and safer environment for everyone. Let us all do our part in promoting and maintaining food safety in our daily lives.。



Safety or quality issue?
Unusual kidney stone 三鹿结石宝宝
September 11, 2008 Exposed in News - Stone kidney baby in Gansu To 12 October, Sufferred baby 52,857 12800 Hospitalized
How will study this course?
Lecture references
Nollet, L. M. L and Toldra, F. (2007). Advances in Food Diagnostics. Paster, T. (2007). The HACCP Training Food Safety. Motarjemi, Y. & Adams, M. (2006). Emerging Food Borne Pathogens. Rasco, B. A. (2005). Bioterrorism & Food Safety. Lees, M. (2003). Food Authenticity & Traceability. D`Mello, J. P. F. (2003). Food Safety. Riviere, J. (2002). Chemical Food Safety.
1. "Access by all people at all times to enough food for an
active, healthy life." (World Bank) 2. "All people at all times have both physical and economic



食品安全英语作文Food Safety。

Food safety is a major concern for people all aroundthe world. With the increasing globalization of food production and distribution, it has become more important than ever to ensure that the food we eat is safe and free from contamination. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of food safety, the potential risks associated with unsafe food, and the measures that can be taken to ensure the safety of our food supply.First and foremost, food safety is important because it directly affects the health and well-being of consumers. Consuming contaminated food can lead to a range of illnesses, from mild stomach upset to more seriousconditions such as food poisoning and even death. Inaddition to the immediate health risks, there can also be long-term effects from consuming unsafe food, such as chronic illnesses and compromised immune systems. Therefore,it is crucial that food safety standards are upheld atevery stage of the food production and distribution process.There are several potential risks associated withunsafe food. One of the most common causes of foodborne illness is contamination with bacteria, such as Salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria. These bacteria can be present in raw or undercooked meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products, as well as in fruits and vegetables that have been contaminated with animal feces or contaminated water. Other potential risks include chemical contamination from pesticides, cleaning agents, and other chemicals used in food production, as well as physical contamination from foreign objects such as glass, metal, or plastic.In order to ensure the safety of our food supply, it is important to implement and enforce strict food safety standards and regulations. This includes measures such as proper hygiene and sanitation practices in food production facilities, regular testing and monitoring for contaminants, and proper labeling and packaging to prevent cross-contamination. In addition, consumers can also take stepsto protect themselves by following safe food handling practices at home, such as washing hands and surfaces often, separating raw and cooked foods, cooking foods to the appropriate temperature, and refrigerating perishable foods promptly.In conclusion, food safety is a critical issue that affects everyone, and it is important for all stakeholders– from food producers and distributors to consumers – to take responsibility for ensuring the safety of our food supply. By implementing and enforcing strict food safety standards and regulations, and by following safe food handling practices at home, we can all play a role in preventing foodborne illness and protecting the health and well-being of ourselves and our families.。


Physical containment
Refers to foreign objects such as glass, metal fragments, dirt, and other debris that can contain food during production, processing, or storage
Regulatory Frameworks
Many countries have developed their own regulatory frameworks to ensure food safety, including laws, regulations, and inspection systems
Introduction to Food Safety
Definition and Importance
Food safety refers to the conditions and practices that ensure the safety of food from production to consumption, preventing foodborne illnesses and protecting consumer health
The presentation will cover the fundamental concepts of food safety, as well as discussions strategies for prevention and responding to food safety incidents Additionally, it will highlight the role of different stakeholders in ensuring food safety



常见的谷类零食主要 有饼干、面包、糕点、 方便面、以及各种淀 粉制作的膨化食品等。
全麦的饼干、面包、燕麦片等谷类 零食,是纤维素的极佳来源。这类 食物不仅脂肪少、能量低,而且含 有大量的营养素,如B族维生素(叶 酸、烟酸、硫胺素)、维生素E、钾、
不仅影响人体免疫系 统,还会增加血液黏 稠度和凝聚力,促进
五 、汽水可乐类食品
碳酸饮料的主要成分为糖、色 素、香料及碳酸水等,长期饮 用非常容易引起肥胖等疾病。
更重要的是,它会给肾脏带来 很大的负担,是引起糖尿病的 一大隐患。
加入了大量的人工合成甜味剂, 人体摄入过量会降低小肠的吸收 能力,使食欲减退。
School food safety concerns the health of every student and teacher. We should learn about food safety!
摄入了含有毒有害物质的食品后出现的急性、亚 急性疾病统称为食物中毒。
潜伏期短:一般食后几分钟到几个小时发病。 胃肠道症状:腹泻、腹痛,有的伴随呕吐、发热。
出现上述症状,应怀疑 是否食物中毒,并及时 到医院就诊,同时报告


• Consumers also play a role in food
Food Safety Standards and Guidelines
National Standards
Food Sanitation Law
Outlines the fundamental principles of food safety in Japan, including standards for food processing, storage, and transportation
Emergency Response Planning
Preparation Planning
Development of plans and procedures to respond to food safety emergencies, including the rapid identification and containment of contained products
Recovery and Lessons Learned
Following an emergency, implementation of recovery plans to minimize the impact on consumers and the food industry, as well as a review of the response to identify areas for improvement in future emergency planning and response effects
Risk Assessment and Management
Hazard Identification and Analysis

Food safety食品安全

Food safety食品安全

Legal not perfect(法律不完善)
Consumer food dire(消费者食品知识 匮乏)
First, consumers buy the lack of food safety knowledge. China's many consumers because income level is low, not enough spending power, plus lack of corresponding common sense, so when buying food safety consciousness indifference, often only pursue cheap, regardless of the quality of food and health problems. In consumer this psychological support for problem of food sales opened the doors. 首先,消费者缺乏购买安全食品的常识。中国众多的消费 者由于收入水平低下,没有足够的消费能力,加上缺乏相 应的常识,所以在购买食品时安全意识淡漠,往往只图便 宜,不顾及食品的质量、卫生问题。在消费者这种心理的 支持下,就为问题食品的销售打开了门路。
Three specific levels
Number Safety:A country is able to produce a national basic dietary products necessary for survival. Quality safety:contamination of food, toxic additives ; exceeded violations, label under specifications Sustainable safety:the good ecological environment protection ; sustainable resource utilization



The “Danger Zone”
烹煮溫度〈Cooking Temp.〉

食品調製時其中心溫度需達到一定程度才能確保 其殺菌值與食用之安全性,如:
填充畜禽肉,及所填充肉製品 74 ℃
碎牛肉〈Ground Beef〉
豬肉〈Pork〉 半熟烤牛肉〈Rare Roast Beef〉
68.5 ℃
65.5 ℃ 54.5 ℃

– USDA只管肉及水產品,FDA則管其他所有食品
1) 分析潛在危害
2) 決定重要管制點
在食品製備流程中潛在危害可以被排除或 降低的點
• 如烹煮、冷卻、包裝、金屬檢測等
3) 建立管制界限
例如設定最低的加熱溫度及時間,以確定 排除可能之病原菌
冷凍 乾燥 添加鹽、糖等溶質 烹調〈如燻肉、培根〉
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
病毒〈Virus Facts〉
可以抵抗(忍受)熱和冷的溫度較廣 並不需要“潛在危害”食品亦可存活 在食品中其數量並不會增加 其在活體中才能繁殖
新鮮的水果和布丁 起士和新鮮肉品 果凍(醬) 0.97-1.00 0.95-1.00 0.75-0.80
水活性〈Water Activity, Aw〉
將水活性>0.85的食品界定為“潛在 危害的食品”〈Potentially Hazardous〉 可以利用下列方式來降低食品的水活性
處理生熟食間或是不同肉品間之器具均經 過清洗消毒 正確地存放和使用清潔劑與消毒劑等可能 造成食品污染的藥劑 正確地關注和使用砧板



Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaIssued by: The National People’s CongressDoc No.: President Order No.5 of the People’s Republic of ChinaIssued on: February 28, 2009Effective from: June 1, 2009Valid till:Category: national lawSource from: President Order of the People’s Republic of ChinaFood Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China has been adopted at the 7th Session of the 11th Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of Chi na on February 28, 2009, and it is now issued and shall be effective as of June 1, 2009.President of the People’s Republic of ChinaHu JintaoFebruary 28, 2009Food Safety Law of the People’s Republic of China(adopted at the 7th Session of the 11th Stan ding Committee of the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China on February 28, 2009)Table of ContentChapter 1. General ProvisionsChapter 2. Surveillance and Assessment of Food Safety RisksChapter 3. Food Safety StandardsChapter 4. Food Production and TradeChapter 5. Inspection and Testing of FoodChapter 6. Food Import and ExportChapter 7. Response to Food Safety IncidentsChapter 8. Supervision and AdministrationChapter 9. Legal LiabilitiesChapter 10. Supplementary ProvisionsFood Safety Law of the People’s Republic of ChinaChapter 1: General ProvisionsArticle 1 This Law is formulated to assure food safety, and safeguard people's health hand life.Article 2 Whenever the following activities are carried out in the territory of the People's Republic of China, this Law must be observed:1)Food production and processing (referred to as “Food Production” hereafter); food distribution and cateringservice (referred to as “Food Trading” hereafter);2)Production and trading of food additives;3)Production and trading of packing materials, vessels, detergents and disinfectants for food as well as utensilsand equipment used in food production and trading (referred to as “Food-Related Products” hereafter);4)Food additives and food-related products used by food producers and traders;5)Safety management of food, food additives and food-related products.The quality and safety management of primary agricultural products for consumption (hereinafter referred to as “Edible Agricultural Products”) shall be in accordance with the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products Law. However, this Law must be observed in developing quality and safety standards for edible agricultural products and releasing safety information on edible agricultural products.Article 3 Food producers and traders shall strictly follow relevant laws and regulations and food safety standards in their food business activities, be responsible for the public, ensure the food safety, receive the supervision of the public and bear the social responsibility.Article 4 The State Council shall establish the Food Safety Committee, with the responsibilities determined by the State Council.The health authorities under the State Council is responsible for the overall coordin ation for food safety, and food safety assessment, development of food safety standards, publishing of food safety information, development of the certification conditions for qualification of the food inspection and testing agencies and the specification of inspection and testing, and organization for investigation and treatment of the significant food safety accidents.The authorities for quality supervision, administration of industry and commerce and FDA under the State Council shall be responsible for supervision and management of the food production, food distribution and catering service respectively according to the Law and the requirements of the State Council.Article 5 Local people's governments at and above county level shall take overall responsibility for, lead, organize and coordinate the supervision and management of food safety in their jurisdiction; establish and hone food safety coordination mechanisms for the inspection and management of food safety, take the leading and commanding role in dealing with food safety emergencies, develop a food safety accountability system, and review and evaluate the performance of food safety regulatory agencies.The local People’s Government at the county level or above shall define the responsibilities of the administrative departments for health, agriculture, quality supervision, industry and commerce and FDA for supervision and management of food safety, according to the Law and the requirements of the State Council.The relevant authorities shall be in charge of the supervision and management of food safety in the respective jurisdiction.The subordinate administrative divisions set up below a higher level people's government must be under the unified coordination of the lower level government in carrying out their food safety inspection and management.Article 6The administrative departments for health, agriculture, quality supervision, industry and commerce and FDA at the county level or above shall strengthen communication and close cooperation, exercise the right and bear the responsibilities according to the work division.Article 7 The related food industry associations shall strengthen their self-discipline, and guide food producers and traders to conduct production and operation according to law, enhance the construction of the industrial credit, and publicize and disseminate the food safety knowledge.Article 8Civil society and community groups are encouraged to conduct food safety educational activities on understanding of food safety, laws, regulations and standards, to advocate healthy diets and to raise consumer awareness of food safety and looking after their health.The media shall publicize food safety information, laws, regulations and standards and knowledge free of charge, and provide the supervision of public opinion regarding the act in violation of the Law.Article 9 The State encourages and supports basic and applied food-related research, and encourages and supports food producers and traders to apply advanced technologies and good management practices in order to improve food safety.Article 10 Any organization or individual has the right to report and indict behavior in violation of the Law, to request information from relevant agencies, and to propose comments and suggestions on food safety inspection and management. Consumers also have the right to demand compensation according to law for any physical and property damage caused by consumption of food, food additives or food-related products.Chapter 2: Surveillance and Assessment of Food Safety RisksArticle 11 A surveillance system for food safety shall be established nationwide for surveillance over food-borne disease, food contamination and other food-related hazards to human health.The health administrative departments of the State Council shall establish and implement plans for the surveillance of national food safety in conjunction with other departments of the State Council. The health administrative departments of governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall establish and implement, according to the national plans for food safety surveillance and taking into consideration regional particularities, the plans and schemes for the surveillance of food safety within their respective jurisdictions.Article 12 The authorities for agriculture, quality supervision, administration of industry and commerce and FDA under the State Council shall, upon knowledge of any information on food safety risk, report to the relevan t authorities under the State Council. The health authorities under the State Council, in conjunction with other relevant authorities, shall verify the information and timely adjust the food safety risk surveillance plan.Article 13 A mechanism to assess food safety risks shall be established nationwide to assess risks of biological, chemical and physical hazards in foods and food additives.The assessment of food safety risk shall be the responsibility of a food safety risk assessment committee composing experts in medicine, agriculture, food, nutrition and other fields invited by the health authorities under the State Council.The assessment of food safety risk for pesticide, fertilizer, growth regulator, animal remedy, animal feed and feed additives, etc. shall be attended with the experts of the food safety risk assessment expert committee.The assessment of food safety risk shall be conducted by utilizing the scientific methods, based on the information of food safety risk surveillance, the scientific data and other relevant information.Article 14 The health authorities under the State Council, upon discovering any possible safety problem through food safety risk surveillance or reporting of other parties, shall immediately organize inspection and assessment of food safety risk.Article 15 The authorities for agriculture, quality supervision, administration of industry and commerce and FDA under the State Council shall propose the suggestions on assessment of the food safety risk, and provide the relevant information.The health authorities under the State Council shall timely report the results of the food safety risk assessment to the relevant authorities under the State Council.Article 16Food safety risk assessment results shall be the scientific basis for developing and modifying food safety standards, and overseeing and administering food safety.If the result of a food safety risk assessment proves food to be unsafe, the authorities for quality supervision, industry and commerce and FDA under the State Council shall promptly take appropriate measures to ensure food producers or traders to suspend or cease trading of such food, and inform consumers to stop use according to their respective duties and responsibilities; if necessary, immediately amend or develop any food safety standard.Article 17 The health authorities under the State Council shall, in conjunction with relevant State Council departments, conduct comprehensive analyses of the food safety situation according to the result of food safety risk assessments and food safety supervision and administration information and draw attention to food safety risks in high risk food.Chapter 3: Food Safety StandardsArticle 18 The food safety standards shall be intended to safeguard the health of the public, to be scientific, reasonable, safe and reliable.Article 19Food safety standards are mandatory. Except for the food safety standards, no other mandatory standards for food shall be developed.Article 20 The food safety standards shall specify:1)The limits to the content or concentration of pathogenic micro organisms, pesticide residues, veterinarymedicine residue, heavy metals, contaminants, and other substances that may be hazardous to human health in food;2)The type, scope of application and dose of allowed food additives;3)The nutritional ingredients requirements for staple and supplementary food exclusively for babies and otherspecific populations;4)The requirements for labels, identification and instructions relevant to food safety and nutrition;5)The health requirements for food production and trading processes;6)The quality requirements related to food safety;7)The methods and procedures for food inspection and testing; and8)Other particulars necessary for developing food safety standards.Article 21 The State Council authorized heath administrative department shall be responsible for developing and publicizing the national food safety standards; and the standardization authorities under the State Council shall provide the national standard number.The limit of pesticide residue and animal remedy residue in foods, and the inspection methods and procedures shall be developed by the health and agricultural authorities under the State Council.The inspection procedures for slaughtering livestock and poultry shall be developed by the competent authorities under the State Council in conjunction with the health authorities under the State Council.The relevant national product standards, if involving the national food safety standard, shall be consistent with the national food safety standard.Article 22The health authorities under the State Council shall integrate the compulsory standards in the applicable edible agricultural product quality and safety standards, food hygiene standards, food q uality standards and relevant industrial standards related to foods, and issue a unified national food safety standard.Before issuance of the national food safety standards specified in the Law, the food producers and traders shall produce or trade foods according to the applicable edible agricultural product quality and safety standards, food hygiene standards, food quality standards and relevant industrial standards related to foods.Article 23 The national food safety standards shall be reviewed and approved by the committee for evaluating national food safety standards comprising experts in medicine, agriculture, food, nutrition and other fields and the representatives from the health authorities under the State Council.National food safety standards shall be developed based on the results of food safety risk assessments and full consideration of the results of quality and safety risk assessments of edible agricultural products, as well as the relevant international standards and international food safety risk assessment results. Due consideration shall also be given to a broad range of opinions of food producers and traders.Article 24 When there is no national food safety standard in any aspect, the local food safety standard may be developed.The health administrative departments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall develop local food safety standards with reference to articles in this Law relating to development of national food safety standards, and report to the health authorities under the State Council responsible for recording.Article 25 When there is no national or local food safety standard for the food produced by a company, the company may develop the company standard as the basis for the production. The State encourages food producers and traders to develop in-house standards more stringent than the national or local food safety standards. The enterprise standard shall be reported to the provincial level health administration department for filing, and be applicable in the enterprise.Article 26 The food safety standards shall be provided for the free reference of the public.Chapter 4: Food Production and TradeArticle 27 Any food production or trading activities shall meet the food safety standard and be subject to the following conditions:1)Having appropriate facilities for raw material treatment and food packaging and storage that are sufficient forthe variety and quantity of food to be produced or traded, keeping the facilities clean and making sure that appropriate distance has been maintained between such facilities and toxic or hazardous locations and/or other contamination or contaminating sources.2)Having appropriate production or trading equipment and facilities that are sufficient for the variety andquantity of food to be produced or traded, and having appropriate equipment and facilities for disinfection, gowning, washing, lighting, ventilation, anticorrosion, dust-proofing, fly-proofing and rat/pest-proofing and drainage of wastewater and other wastes.3)Having food safety technical professionals, management personnel and the rules and systems to ensure thefood safety;4)Having the reasonable equipment and facility layout and operation procedures, to avoid cross contaminationbetween the food to be produced and the food for direct consumption, raw materials and finished products, and the food contacting the toxic or dirty matters;5)Washing and sterilizing the tableware and containers of foods for direct consumption before use, andwashing and keeping clean after use;6)Using the safe and harmless container, tool and equipment for storage, transport and loading/unloading offoods, keeping them clean to avoid food contamination, and meeting the special requirements on temperature and others required for food safety, and not transporting the food with toxic or harmful goods;7)Using the small package or nontoxic and clean packaging materials and tableware for the foods for directconsumption;8)Causing the personnel to maintain the personal hygiene, wash hand and put on the clean clothing and capduring work; and using the sterile and clean vending tools for the foods for direct consumption without package;9)Using water according to the national living water hygiene standard;10)Using the detergents and disinfectors safe and harmless to human body;11)Conforming to other requirements set forth in laws and regulations.Article 28 Production and trading of the following foods are prohibited:1)Food made with non-food raw material or adding non-edible chemicals or other substances possiblyhazardous to human health to food, or producing food with recovered food as raw materials;2)Food which exceed food safety standard limits in content or concentration of pathogenic microorganisms,pesticide residues, animal medicine residues, heavy metals, contaminants, and other substances that in food may be hazardous to human health;3)Staple and supplementary food exclusively for babies or other specific population, the nutritional ingredientsof which fail to meet food safety standards;4)Food which is rotten or spoilt, or has rancid fat, mildew or insects, or is contaminated or dirty, or containsforeign material or displays any other organoleptic irregularity;5)Meat or products of any bird, livestock, beast, or waterborne animal which has been killed by disease, poisonor any unidentified cause,;6)Meat or meat products which have not been quarantined or inspected by animal health supervisionauthorities or fail to pass such quarantine or inspection;7)Food contaminated by packaging materials, containers or transportation means;8)Food exceeding the shelf life;9)Pre-packaged products without labels;10)Food expressly prohibited by the State from production and trading for disease prevention and controlpurposes;11)Other food failing to meet food safety standards or requirements.Article 29The State implements a licensing system for food production and trading. Any organization or individual shall obtain the food production license, food distribution license or catering service license before starting the food production, food distribution or catering service.The food producer having the food production license is not required to obtain the food distribution license when selling foods produced by itself at its production premises; the catering service provider having the catering service license is not required to obtain the food production/distribution license when selling foods produced by itself at its service premises, and the farmer when selling the self produced edible agricultural products is not required to obtain the food distribution license.Small food workshops and food vendors shall conduct the food related activities according to the food safety requirements corresponding to their production/trading scale and conditions in the Law, and ensure the foods at the sites are clean, nontoxic and harmless. The relevant authorities shall strengthen the supervision and management, with the specific management measures developed by the standing committee of the People’s Congress of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the control of the Central Government according to the Law.Article 30 The local People’s Governments at the county level or above shall encourage the small food workshops to improve the production conditions, and encourage the food vendors to go for operations in the centralized market, the shops and other fixed marketplaces.Article 31The administrative departments for health, agriculture, quality supervision, industry and commerce and FDA at the county level or above shall review materials submitted by the applicants according to Article 27.1 –4 herein and Administrative License Law of The People's Republic of China, and check the places of production and/or trading of the applicants if necessary. Any applicant that meets the conditions shall be granted a permit and issued a license for food production, distribution or provision of catering services; and any applicant failing to meet the licensing conditions will be rejected and given a written explanation of the reasons.。



食品安全法英文版USDA美国农业部翻译Food Safety Law USDA Translation: Ensuring Safe and Healthy Food SupplyThe Food Safety Law is a crucial document that guides the regulatory framework for food production, processing, and distribution in the United States. It is a comprehensive law that outlines the responsibilities of the government, food producers, and consumers in ensuring that the food supply is safe, healthy, and reliable.The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for implementing and enforcing the Food Safety Law. As part of its duties, the USDA translates the law into various languages to ensure that it is accessible to a wider audience, including those whose first language is not English.The USDA's translation of the Food Safety Law into English is essential for several reasons. First, it ensures that all stakeholders are aware of their roles and responsibilities in the food production chain. By providing clear and concise information, the USDA translation helps to reduce the risk of foodborne illnesses and other health hazards caused by unsafe food practices.Second, the USDA translation is a valuable tool for food producers as it helps them to understand the regulations and standards they must comply with to ensure that their products are safe for consumption. This is particularly important forsmall-scale producers who may not have the resources to hire legal experts to help them navigate the complex regulations.Third, the USDA translation helps to address the language barrier that can prevent some consumers from accessing critical information regarding food safety. By making the Food Safety Law available in multiple languages, the USDA ensures that all consumers, regardless of their background, can make informed decisions about the food they eat.The Food Safety Law covers a wide range of areas that are critical to ensuring a safe food supply. These include food labeling, inspection, and testing, as well as standards for food additives and contaminants. The law also provides guidelines for the handling and storage of food, as well as regulations relating to food imports and exports.To enforce the Food Safety Law, the USDA works closely with other federal agencies, including the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The USDA also collaborates with state and local governments, as well as industry groups and consumer organizations, to develop and implement food safety policies and programs.In conclusion, the USDA translation of the Food Safety Law plays a crucial role in ensuring a safe and reliable food supply for all Americans. By providing clear and accessible information, the USDA helps food producers, regulators, and consumers to work together to ensure that the food we eat is healthy, nutritious, and free from harm. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of food safety, the USDA's translation of the Food Safety Law will remain an indispensable tool in ensuring that our food supply is safe, healthy, and sustainable.。

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Swill-cooked dirty oil (地沟油)
It's from sewer(下水道) being extracted from the catering industry waste, and sometimes called hogwash oil because it is inedible and unsanitary .
What is food safety ?
Food safety that poisonous and harmful substances
in food will affect public health.
Here are some harmful food additives(添加剂)
• It was firstly found in Sanlu milk • By November on 27 in 2008 there were 294,000 babies suffering from urinary tract stones and 11 died of drinking the milk which were added too much melamine.
Melamine (三聚氰胺)
• Melamine is a chemical used in making plastics and fertilizer. • Many milk manufacturers add too much melamine to increase milk protein content .
The third point is that customers can not distinguish the quilities of food. And the forth point is that the supervision of food by government was not in adequate .
“Shou Rou Jing” poisoning accident in GuangZhou and ShangHai(2006)
Health hazards
These subtances do a lot of harm to our health.such as indigestion ,diarrhea (腹 泻),and many different types of cancer
Why are there so many food safety accidents in our life?
I think the reasons include the following points
The first point is drive of profit . The second point is that the professional and manager lack professional knowledge and safety-crisis consciousness in food corporation.
In that way
What should we do ?
Government & Individuals
Government’s duty
• Carry out professional moral education and legal education actively to improve food jobholders’ professionalism. • Strengthen the supervision of the food quality
As individuals
• Enhance our ability of health food from bad food. • improve awareness of selfprotection. • Fresh and green food is a good choice.