audit 审计attestation 鉴证auditoffinancialstatements 财务报表审计highlevelsofassurance高水平保证compilation 编制reliability 可靠性relevance 相关性1professionalskepticism职业谨慎objectivity 客观性professionalcompetence专业胜任能力auditengagementletter 业务约定书theclient 委托人theexistingCPA 现任注册会计师thesuccessorCPA 后任注册会计师theprecedingCPA 前任注册会计师issuetheauditreport 出具审计报告expert 专家theboardofdirectors董事会determinethenature ,timingandextentoftheauditprocedures时间和范围ageneralknowledgeof——初步了解―――的情况amoreknowledgeof ——进一步了解的情况确定审计程序的性质、theprioryear ' sworkingpapers 以前年度工作底稿minutesofmeeting 会议纪要businessrisks 经营风险accountingestimate 会计估计managementrepresentations 管理层声明goingconcernassumption 持续经营假设auditplan 审计计划error 错误fraud 舞弊misappropriationofassets 侵占资产materiality 重要性misstatementsoromissions 错报或漏报subsequentevents 期后事项auditrisk 审计风险detectionrisk 检查风险inappropriateauditopinion 不适当的审计意见materialmisstatement 重大的错报tolerablemisstatement 可容忍错报theacceptablelevelofdetectionrisk 可接受的检查风险walk-throughtest 穿行测试flowchart 流程图auditevidence 审计证据substantiveprocedures 实质性程序assertions 认定existence 存在occurrence 发生completeness 完整性rightsandobligations 权利和义务valuationandallocation 计价和分摊cutoff 截止accuracy 准确性classification 分类inspection 检查supervisionofcounting 监盘observation 观察confirmation 函证computation 计算analyticalprocedures 分析程序vouch 核对trace 追查auditsampling 审计抽样error 误差expectederror 预期误差population 总体samplingrisk 抽样风险non-samplingrisk 非抽样风险samplingunit 抽样单位statisticalsampling 统计抽样tolerableerror 可容忍误差theriskofunderreliance 信赖不足风险theriskofoverreliance 信赖过度风险theriskofincorrectrejection 误拒风险theriskofincorrectacceptance 误受风险cashreceipt 现金收入cashdisbursement 现金支出bankstatement 银行对账单bankreconciliation 银行存款余额调节表balancesheetdate 资产负债表日netrealizablevalue 可变现净值saleinvoice 销售发票pricelist 价目表positiveconfirmationrequest 积极式询证函negativeconfirmationrequest 消极式询证函auditreport 审计报告unqualifiedopinion 无保留意见qualifiedopinion 保留意见disclaimerofopinion 无法表示意见adverseopinion 否定意见Chap.1“四大”会计师事务所:普华永道Princewater-houseCoopers 安永Ernst&Young毕马威KPMG德勤DeloitteToucheTohmatsu安达信ArthurAnderson安然Enron世通worldcom国际机构的名称:国际会计师联合会IFAC 国际会计师联合会下设的国际审计和鉴证准则理事会IAASB 美国注册会计师协会AICPA 中国注册会计师协会CICPA 审计audit内部审计internalaudit风险导向审计方法risk-orientedauditapproachChap.2审阅业务review有限责任公司制limitedliabilitycompanies,LLCs有限责任合伙制limitedliabilitypartnerships,LLPsChap.3注册会计师职业道德规范codeofethicsforprofessionalaccountants Rulesofprofessionalconduct独立independence客观objectivity公正integrity专业胜任能力professionalcompetence应有关注duecare保密confidentialityconfidence职业行为professionalconduct技术准则technicalstandards 实质上的独立和形式上的独立Independenceinfactandappearance 费用fee佣金commission经济利益interest经济利益的冲突conflictsofinterest 舞弊fraud差错errorChap.4 鉴证业务assuranceservices质量管理qualitycontrolofauditChap.5 注册会计师的法律责任Professionalresponsibility/legalliability “深口袋”理论deep-pockettheory 诉讼爆炸litigationexplosion 违约breachthecontract 过失negligence 欺诈illegalactsChap.6审计目标auditobjectives财务报表认定:financialstatementassertions 存在existence 权利与义务rightsandobligations发生occurrence完整性completeness准确性和计价accuracyandvaluation分类和可理解性classificationandunderstandability 截止cut-off财务报表循环cycles业务约定书engagementletter管理层声明reportofthedirector s ' responsibilitiesforthefinancialstatement mentrepresentation Chap.7审计证据auditevidence审计工作底稿auditworkingpaper审计记录auditrecordsChap.8计划工作planning重要性materiality审计风险auditrisk书/manage检查风险detectionrisk重大错报风险riskofmaterialmisstatementChap.9风险评估riskevaluation分析程序analyticalprocedures内部控制internalcontrol控制环境controlenvironment信息系统与沟通informationsystemandcommunicationChap.10控制测试testofcontrol报表层次重大错报materialmisstatementonleveloffinancialstatement 认定层次重大错报materialmisstatementonlevelofassertion实质性程序substantiveproceduresChap.11舞弊fraudChap.12审计抽样sampling抽样风险samplingrisk非抽样风险non-samplingrisk统计抽样statisticalsampling非统计抽样non-statisticalsampling Chap.13Salesandreceivablescycle Chap.14Purchasesandpayablescycle Chap.15Inventoryrecordingcycle监盘physicalinspectionChap.16Investmentandfinancecycle Chap.17Auditofmonetaryassets Chap.18 完成审计工作finishtheauditwork 期初余额openingbalance期后事项subsequentevents 或有事项contingenteventsChap.19审计报告Auditreport审计报告的要素标题title收件人receiver引言段introduction管理层对财务报表的责任段management ' srespon sibilityforthefinancialstatements注册会计师的责任段auditor ' sresponsibility审计意见段opinion注册会计师的监管和盖章auditor ' ssignature会计师事务所的名称、地址和盖章auditor saddress 报告日期dateoftheAuditor ' sreport无保留意见unqualifiedauditreport保留意见qualifiedopinion 无法表示意见disclaimer 否定意见adverse。
审计类财会英语审计、财务常用英文词汇审计报告: Audit report资产负债表:Balance Sheet损益表:Income statement利润分配表:Profit distribution statement<中国注册会计师独立审计准则>:the Independent Auditing Standard for Chinese Certified Public Accountants会计报表:Financial statement在抽查的基础上:on a test basis主任会计师或授权副主任会计师:Chief Accountant or Authorized Assistant Chief Accountant中国注册会计师:Chinese Certified Public Accountant无钢印无效:shall not be valid without bearing the embossing seal年初数,年末数:Opening amounting\ closing amounting资产负债表:Balance sheet流动资产:Current assets货币资金:Cash短期、长期投资:Short-term、long-term investment应收票据:Notes receivable应收账款:Account receivable坏账准备:Less: provision for bad debt应收账款净额:Net value of account receivable预付账款:Advance to supplier应收出口退税:Receivable drawback for export应收补贴款: Receivable subsidy其他应收款:Other receivable存货:Inventories待转其他业务支出:Other business expense to be transferred 待摊费用:Prepaid expense待处理流动资产净损失:Net loss of current assets to be settled 一年内到期的长期债券投资:Long-term bonds investment due in 1 year其他流动资产:Other current assets流动资产合计:Total current assets固定资产:fixed assets固定资产原价:Original value of fixed assets累计折旧:accumulated depreciation固定资产净值:Net value of fixed assets固定资产清理:Disposal of fixed assets在建工程:Construction in process待处理固定资产净损失:Net loss of fixed assets to be settled固定资产合计:Total fixed assets无形资产及递延资产:Intangible assets & deferred assets递延税项目:Deferred tax负债及所有者权益:Liabilities & owner’s equity流动负债:current liabilities短期/长期借款:Short-term/long-term loan应付票据:Notes payable预收账款:Advance from clients其他应付款:Other payable应付工资:Accrued payroll应付福利费:Welfare payable应交税金/应付利润:Tax/ Profits payable其他应交款:Unpaid others预提费用:Accrued expense一年内到期的长期负债:Long-term liabilities due in 1 year应付债券:Bonds payable长期应付款:Long-term payable实收资本:Paid-in capital资本公积:Capital accumulation盈余公积:Surplus accumulation其中:公益金:Including; commonweal funds本年利润:Profits of current year未分配利润:Undistributed profits损益表/利润表:Income statement产品(商品)销售收入:Revenue of sales of products (commodities)出口产品销售收入:sales income of export products销售折扣与折让:Discount& transfer of sales产品销售净额;Net value of sales of products产品销售税金/成本:sales tax/cost of products出口产品销售成本:Sales cost of export products销售费用(经营费用):Sales expense (operation expense)产品销售利润:Sales profits of products加:其他业务利润:Add: other business profits营业/管理/财务费用;operation/overhead / finance expense利息支出(减利息收入):Interest expense (Less: interest income)汇兑损失(减汇兑收益):Exchange loss(exchange income)营业利润:Operation profits投资收益;Return on investment主营业务收入:Revenue of main business主营业务成本:cost of main business主营业务税金及附加:Tax & surtax of main business营业外收入/支出:Non-operation income /expense投资收益:return on business补贴收入:subsidy income以前年度损益调整:Adjustment for profits & loss of previous year所得税:income tax利润分配表:Profits Distribution Statement法定盈余公积:legal surplus accumulation法定公益金:Legal commonweal funds年初/末未分配利润: Undistributed profits of opening / closing year已弥补亏损:Loss being made up可供所有者分配的利润:Profits distributable to owner已分配股利:Distributed dividends其他转入:other transferred in提取法定公益金:Retained legal commonweal funds提取职工奖励及福利基金:Retained employee’s bonus & welfare funds提取储备基金:retained reversed funds提取企业发展基金:retained enterprise development funds利润归还投资:Retained profits into investor应付优先股/普通股股利:Dividends payable to preference / common stock提取任意盈余基金:Retained random surplus accumulation转作资本的普通股股利:Dividends of common stock transferred into capitall 附注:annotation to *《企业法人营业执照》:Business License for Legal Person经营期限:operation period投产:begin to produce采用的会计政策:Accounting policies implemented《企业会计准则》:Accounting Standard for Enterprises《工业企业会计制度》:Accounting System for Industrial Enterprise会计期间:Fiscal year记账原则和计价基础:Accounting principle and valuation basis 会计核算;Accounting records以权责发生制为原则;base on accrual-basis principle以历史成本为计价基础:be valued at one’s historical cost坏账:bad debt直接转销法:direct amortized method存货核算方法:Accounting method of inventories存货的够入与入库:inventories at purchasing and inventories to warehouse使用年限:service life固定资产折旧:Depreciation of fixed assets采用直线法平均计算:Be calculated using average service life method预计使用年限:anticipated service life预计净残值:anticipated net residual value使用年限:actual useful life专用生产设备:production machinery equipment收入实现条件:Recognition of revenue订单法:order method增值税:value added tax (VAT)现金:cash on hand银行存款:Bank deposit账龄:account-age期末余额:closing balance产成品:finished products实收资本: Paid-in capital本年实际:Actual amount of current year办公费; office expenses差旅费:traveling expenses电话费: telephone charge水电费:water and electricity charge金融机构手续费:Handling change of finance authority出资额:investment amount档案查询专用章:Special Seal for Archive Inquiry工商行政管理局:Administration for Industry and Commerce套印无效:Overprint shall be ineffective主管:authoritative organ原审批单位:the original examine and approve authority会计报表审计 Auditing Financial statements资本验证 Capital verification企业财务会计制度设计Setting up financial systems for enterprises exchange business代理记帐 Bookkeeping services外汇年检专项审计 Special audit and annual auditing of foreign exchange business企业合并、分立、清算审计Auditing transactions such as enterprises’ merger、split and liquidation投资可行性研究 Feasibility analysis for investment project百阳英语学院整理。
审计英文词汇整理.docoverall financial statement level and in 存在related account balances and transaction 发生levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层完整性or omissions 错报或漏报obligations 权利和义务总计allocation 计价和分摊events 期后事项截止the financial statements 调整财务报表准确性additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计分类程序检查risk 审计风险of counting 监盘risk 检查风险观察audit opinion 不适当的审计意见函证misstatement 重大的错报计算misstatement 可容忍错报procedures 分析程序acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的核对检查风险追查level of material misstatement risk 重大错sampling 审计抽样报风险的评估水平误差business 小规模企业error 预期误差system 会计系统总体of control 控制测试risk 抽样风险test 穿行测试risk 非抽样风险沟通unit 抽样单位流程图sampling 统计抽样of internal control 重新执行error 可容忍误差evidence 审计证据of under reliance 信赖不足风险procedures 实质性程序of over reliance 信赖过度风险risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险opinion否定意见trial balance 试算平衡表审计词汇cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引审计法 Audit Law, Audit Act 现金收入审计法实施条例the Implementary Rules of the disbursement 现金支出Audit lawstatement 银行对账单审计标准 audit criteria , audit standard reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表审计准则 auditing standard sheet date 资产负债表日审计原则 auditing principlesvalue 可变现净值审计手册 audit manualroom 仓库公认审计准则 Generally Accepted Auditinginvoice 销售发票Standardslist 价目表审计法律规范 audit laws and regulationsconfirmation request 积极式询证函审计体制 audit systemconfirmation request 消极式询证函审计权限 audit purview ;audit jurisdiction ;requisition 请购单audit mandatereport 验收报告审计职责 audit responsibilitymargin 毛利审计监督audit supervision ;supervision overhead 制造费用through auditingrequisition 领料单审计管辖权 audit jurisdiction存货盘点审计执法 implementation of audit laws andcertificate 债券regulationscertificate 股票审计处理 audit sanctionreport 审计报告审计处罚 audit penalty被审计单位依法审计 conduct auditing in accordance withof the audit report 审计报告的收件人lawsopinion 无保留意见审计意见 audit opinionopinion 保留意见审计决定 audit decision审计建议audit suggestion, audit 绕过计算机审计auditing around the computer recommendation 通过计算机审计 auditing through the computer复核意见conclusion of audit review 计算机辅助审计computer-assited audit审计复议 audit appeal 信息技术审计 IT audit审计听证audit hearing 合法性审计compliance audit, regularityaudit审计复核 audit review 合规性审计 compliance audit审计战略 audit strategy 综合审计 comprehensive audit审计计划 audit plan 效益审计 value for money audit ( VFM audit )审计方案 auditing program 绩效审计 performance audit 审计目标 auditing objective 财务审计 financial audit审计范围 audit scope 财务报表审计 financial statement audit 审计内容audit coverage 财务收支审计audit of financial revenues and审计结论 audit conclusion expenditures审计任务 audit assignments 决算审计 final account audit审计结果 audit finding 经济责任审计 accountability audit审计报告audit report 任中经济责任审计middle term accountability审计方法 audit method audit审计过程auditing process 离任经济责任审计term-end accountability审计证据 audit evidence audit审计测试 audit test 管理审计 management audit审计风险 audit risk 项目审计 project audit审计抽样 audit sampling 外部审计 external audit审计软件 audit software 内部审计 internal audit审计程序 auditing procedures 政府审计 government audit审计调查 audit investigation 联合审计 joint audit审计小组 audit team 实地审计 field audit审计线索 audit trail 期末审计 final audit定期审计periodic audit 注册公共会计师certified publicaccountant 初次审计 initial audit ( CPA)初步审计 preliminary audit 特许会计师 chartered accountant ( CA)事后审计 post-audit 审计经费 audit funds事前审计 pre-audit 审计业务费 audit operating expense事中审计concurrent audit 审计专项经费special funds for auditing专项审计 special audit 无保留意见 :unqualified opinion法定审计 statutory audit 保留意见 qualified opinion后续审计 successive audit 无法表示意见 : disclaimer of opinion 跟踪审计 follow up audit 否定意见 :adverse opinion全过程审计whole process auditing突击审计surprise audit审计报告audit report标准报告standard report长式报告long-form report短式报告short-form report审计工作报告audit working report审计结果公告Announcement of Audit Findings审计长 Auditor General副审计长Deputy Auditor General审计主任chief auditor资深审计师senior auditor审计师(员)auditor注册内部审计师certified internal auditor( CIA)注册信息系统审计师certified informationsystems auditor(CISA)。
accounting estimate 会计估计accounts receivable 应收账款accruals listing 应计项目挂牌accruals 应计项目accuracy 准确性adverse opinion 否定意见agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务analysis of errors 错误的分析(法,学)研究anomalous error 反常的错误association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)assurance engagement 保证约定assurance 保证audit 审计,审核,核数audit acceptance 审计承兑audit approach 审计靠近audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组audit engagement 审计业务约定书audit evaluation 审计评价audit evidence 审计证据audit plan 审计计划audit program 审计程序audit report 审计报告audit risk 审计风险audit sampling 审计抽样audit staffing 审计工作人员audit timing 审计定时audit trail 审计线索auditing standards 审计准则auditors report 审计报告bad debts 坏账bank 银行bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表beneficial interests 受益权business risk 经营风险cash count 现金盘点confidence 信任confidentiality 保密性confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的查证conflict of interest 利益冲突contingent asset 或有资产contingent liability 或有负债control environment 控制环境control procedures 控制程序control risk 控制风险cost 成本creditors 债权人audit files审计档案date of report 报告的日期depreciation 折旧,贬值detection risk 检查风险direct verification approach 直接核查法directional testing 方向的抽查disagreement with management 与经营的不一致disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见distributions 分销,分派documenting the audit process 证明审计程序due care 应有关注engagement letter 业务约定书error 差错evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计手序的结果评估external audit 独立审计final audit 期末审计financial statement assertions 财政报告宣称financial 财务finished goods 产成品。
一.会计与环境Accounting period会计期Accounting process 会计程序Accounting 会计,会计学Accrual basis 权责发生制Annual report 年度报告Audit 审计Auditing 审计,审计学Balance sheet 资产负债表Budgeting 预算Cash and cash equivalents 现金及现金等价物Cash basis 现金收付制Cash flow statement 现金流量表Certified public accountant 注册会计师Corporation 公司Cost accounting 成本会计Economic entity 经济实力Financial accounting 财务会计Forecast 预测General purpose financial statements 通用财务报表Generally accepted accounting principles 一般公认会计准则Going concern 持续经营Income statement 利润表Internal auditing 内部审计International Accounting Standard Board 国际会计准则理事会Managerial(management)accounting 管理会计(monetary) unit of measurement 货币计量Not-for-profits 非营利组织Partnership 合伙Performance 业绩Prospectus 招股说明书Sole proprietorship 独资企业Stewardship(accountability)of management 管理当局的受托责任二.会计概念与原则Asset 资产Balance between benefit and cost 权衡成本效益comparability可比性completeness完整性confirmatory role 确证作用Current cost现行成本Equity 权益Expense 费用Faithful representation 如实反映Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements编报财务报表的框架Gain 利得Historical cost 历史成本Income 收益Income tax 所得税Inventory 存货Liability 负债Loss 损失Lower of cost and net realizable value成本与可变现净值孰低法Materiality 重要性Neutrality 中立性Non-monetary assets 非货币性资产Predictive role 预测作用Present value 现值Prudence (conservatism,)谨慎Realizable (settlement) value 可变现价值Receivable 应收帐款Reliability 可靠性Revenue 收入Segment 企业分部Substance over form 实质重于形式Timeliness 及时性Understandability 可理解性三.财务报表Account form 账户式Account payable 应付账款Accrued liability 应计负债Administrative expense 管理费用Amortization 摊销Available-for-sale security 可供出售证券Bond 债券Borrowing 借款Comprehensive income 综合收益Cost of sales 销售成本Current asset 流动资产Current item 流动性项目Current liability 流动负债(capital) reserve (资本)公积Depreciation 折旧Direct method 直接法Discontinued operation 终止营业Distribution cost 销售费用Equity method 权益法Finance cost 财务费用Financing activities 筹资活动Finished good 产生品Foreign currency translation adjustment 外币折算差额Goodwill 商誉Indirect method 间接法Intangible asset 无形资产Inventory 存货Investing activities 投资活动Investment 投资Mortgage 抵押借款Multiple-step from 多步式Non-current asset 非流动资产Notes payable 应付账款Operating activities 投资活动Operating cycle 营业周期Prepaid expense 预付费用Property plant and equipment 固定资产Raw material 原材料Receivable 应收账款Report form 报告式Retained earnings 留存收益Share capital 股本Short-term investment 短期投资Single-step form 单步式Taxes payable 应交税金Treasury bill 一年以内短期国债Treasury note 五年以内中期国债Wages payable 应付工资Work in progress 在产品四.会计循环Account 账户Accounting equation 会计等式Accrual 应计Accrued asset 应计资产Accrued liability 应计负债Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧Adjusted trail balance 调整后的试算平衡表Adjusting entry 调整分录Allowance for doubtful accounts 坏账准备Cash dividend 现金股利Closing entry 结账分录Common stock 普通股Contra account 抵减账户Credit 贷项,信贷Debit 借项,借方Deferral 递延Deferred expense 递延费用Deferred revenue 递延收入Depreciation 折旧Dividend 股利Double-entry bookkeeping system 复式记账Entry 分录Income Summary account 本年利润账户Journal 日记账Ledger 分类账Par value 面值Permanent account 永久性账户Post 过账Post-closing trail balance 结账后试算平衡Sales discount 销售折扣Sales returns and allowance 销售退回与折让Salvage value 残值Temporary account 暂时性账户Trail balance 失算平衡表T-account T型账户Unearned revenue 预计收入Valuation adjustments 计价调整五.流动资产Administrative overhead 管理间接费用Aging receivable 应收账款账龄分析Average cost 平均成本法Bad debt 坏账Bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表Bank statement 银行对账单Cash book 现金账Cash equivalents 现金等价物Cash on hand 库存现金Cash short and over 现金尾差,现金短溢Cost flow assumption 成本流转假设Count 盘存Demand deposit 活期存款Deposit in transit 在途存款Deposit to guarantee contract performance 合同履行保证金Direct labor 直接人工Direct material 直接材料Dividend receivable 应收股利Equity investment 权益投资Finished goods 产生品First-in first-out 先进先出法Fixed production overhead 固定制造费用Import duty 进口税金Interest receivable 应收利息IOU 借据Last-in last-out 后进先出法Lower of cost and net realizable value 成本与可变现净值孰低法Maturity date 到期日Moving or cumulative weighted average 移动加权平均Net realizable value 可变现净值Notes receivable 应收票据Overdraft 银行透支Overtime premium 加班津贴Past due 过期Periodic system 定期盘存制Perpetual system 永续盘存制Petty cash fund 备用金Prudence concept 谨慎性原则Raw material 原材料Rebate 回扣Redeemable preference shares 可赎回优先股Retail method 零售价法Reverse 转回Selling cost 销售费用Specific identification 个别认定法Standard cost 标准成本Subsidiary record 明细记录Supplies 无聊,价值较低的材料Trade discount 商业折扣Trade receivable 应收账款Variable production overhead 可变制造费用Work in progress 在产品Write down 减记六.投资,固定资产与无形资产Amortize 摊销Amortize cost 摊余成本Arm’s length transaction 公平交易Available-for-sale investments 可供出售投资Capitalize 资本化Carrying amount 账面价值Consolidated financial statements 合并财务报表Control 控制Depreciable amount 应计折旧额Derecognize 终止确认Effective interest rate method 实际利率法Equity method 权益法Estimated residual value 预计残值Fair value 公允价值Financial asset 金融资产Financial instrument 金融工具Fixed or float interest rate 固定或浮动利率Held on freehold 拥有所有权Held on leasehold 又有使用权Held-to-maturity investments 持有至到期投资Identifiable 可辨认Impairment 减值Internally generated 自创Investee 被投资方Investment income 投资收益Investment property 投资性房地产Knowledgeable willing parties 熟悉情况,自愿的双方Ordinary shares 普通股Parent company 母公司Physical substance 实物形态Quoted market price 市场报价Recoverable amount 可回收金额Reducing balance method 余额递减折旧法Research and development costs 研究和开发支出Revaluation surplus 重估增值Evaluation 重估Significant 重大影响Straight-line-method 直线法或年限平均法Subsidiary company 子公司Sum-of-the-year digits method 年数综合法Surplus cash 现金盈余Write off 注销记为费用七.负债Adjunct account 附属账户At par 平价Bonus 奖金Book value(carrying value) 账面价值Callable bonds 可提前赎回债券Cash discount 现金折扣Cash dividend 现金股利Compound instrument 混合股利Deferred revenue 递延收入Discount rate 折现率Discount 折价Face value 面值Good & Service Tax(GST) 货物和劳务税Gross price method 总价法Income tax 所得税Indirect taxation 间接课税Installment 分期Interest-bearing 带息,附息Leverage 杠杆Lien 留置权,质权Mortgage bonds 抵押债券Net price method 净价法Notes payable 应付票据Payroll tax 工资薪金税Premium 溢价Provision 准备Retained earnings 留存收益Sales tax 销售税Social security and unemployment insurance 社会保障税和失业保险金Tax authorities 税务机关Tax deduction 税前抵扣Value Added Tax 增值税Warrant 认股权Warranty 产品质保Yield 收益率Zero-coupon bonds 零息债券八.所有者权益Additional paid-in capital 股本溢价Callability 可赎回优先股Cash dividend 现金股利Common stock 普通股Convertibility 可转换(优先股)Cost flow assumption 成本流转假设Cost method 成本法Cumulative 积累(优先股)Declaration date 股利宣告日Fair market value 公允市价Legal capital 法定资本Limited liability 有限责任Liquidate 清算Par value method 面值法Par value 面值Participation 参加(优先股)Payment date 股利支付日Securities Law 证券法Shareholders or stockholders 股东Shares outstanding 流通在外的股份Stock dividend 股票股利Stock dividend distributable 应付股票股利Stock option 股票期权Stock split 股票分割Treasury stock 库存股九.经营成果Associating cause and effect 因果关系配比Cash discount 现金折扣Commission 销售佣金Consideration 对价Cost of sales 销售成本Dealer 经销商Department store 百货商店Gross amount 总额Immediate recognition 立即确认Installment sales 分期收款销售Matching 配比Nominal value 名义价值Ordinary operating activities 经常经营活动Refund 退款Sales allowance 销售折让Sales returns 销售退回Shipping cost 运费Systematic and rational allocation 系统合理分摊Trade discount 销售折扣Value-added tax 增值税Volume rebate 数量折扣Warranty cost 产品质量保证费用Written off 注销十. 财务报表分析Accounting policy 会计政策Asset turnover 资产周转率Auditors’ report 审计报告Base amount 基数Base year 基期或期年Business risk 经营风险Chairman’ s statement 董事长报告Common-size statement 统一量度式财务报表,同比报Comparative statement 比较报表Credit scoring 信用评级Cross-sectional comparison 同行业比较Director’ report 董事会报告DuPont system 杜邦分析系统Economic environment 经济环境Financial asset 财务资产Financial leverage 财务杠杆Financial ratio 财务比率Government statistics 政府统计数据Net income to sales 销售净利润Net profit margin 边际净利率Ratio analysis 比率分析Return on assets(ROA) 资产报酬率Return on equity(ROE) 权益资产报酬率Return on sales(ROS) 销售资产报酬率Time-series comparison时间序列比较Trend analysis 趋势分析Working capital 营运资本十一.成本要素Allocation rate 分配率Clock card 工时卡Cost Allocation 成本分配Cost object 成本对象Cost Tracing 成本汇集Department overhead 部门制造费用Direct labor 直接人工Direct material 直接材料Direct method 直接分配法Indirect labor 间接人工Indirect material 间接材料Manufacturing overhead 制造费用Payroll system 工资系统Reciprocal method 交互分配法Step-down method 顺序分配法十三.管理会计Budgeted balance sheet 预算资产负债表Budgeted statement of cash flows 预算现金流量表Capital expenditures budget 资本支出预算Cash budget 现金预算Cost center 成本中心Cost of goods sold budget 产品销售成本预算Direct labor budget 直接人工预算Direct material budget 直接材料预算Efficiency variance 效率差异Favorable variance 有利差异Financial budget 财务预算Fixed overhead capacity variance 固定性制造费用能量差异Fixed overhead expenditure variance固定性制造费用耗费差异Fixed overhead variance 固定性制造费用差异Investment center 投资中心Labor cost variance 人工成本差异Labor efficiency variance 人工效率差异Labor rate variance 人工工资率差异Material cost variance 材料成本差异Material price variance材料价格差异Material usage variance材料使用差异Operating budget 经营预算Overhead budget 间接费用预算Price standards 价格标准Price variance 价格差异Production budget 生产预算Profit center 利润中心Quantity standards 数量标准Responsibility center 责任中心Revenue budget 收入预算Revenue center 收入中心Sales forecast 销售预测Unfavorable variance 不利差异Unit standard cost 标准单位成本Variable overhead efficiency variance 变动性制造费用效率差异Variable overhead expenditure variance变动性制造费用耗费差异Variable overhead variance变动性制造费用差异。
年度审计报告中的会计及审计英语English for Accounting & Auditing in Annual Repor主要内容Contents年度审计报告框架Framework of Annual Report年度审计报告中所应用的相关专业会计及审计英语Accounting and Audit English in Annual Report年度审计报告框架Framework of Annual Report审计意见Audit opinion管理层责任Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements注册会计师责任Auditors’ Responsibility审计意见Auditor’s Opinion管理层财务报表Management Financial statements资产负债表Balance Sheet利润表Income Statements现金流量表Cash flow statement财务报表附注Notes to the financial statements年度审计报告范例-管理层责任(1)Example - Management’s Responsibility(1) 按照中华人民共和国财政部颁布的企业会计准则的规定编制财务报表是贵公司管理层的责任。
The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of these financial statements in accordance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China.年度审计报告范例-管理层责任(2)Example - Management’s Responsibility (2)这种责任包括:(1)设计、实施和维护与财务报表编制相关的内部控制,以使财务报表不存在由于舞弊或错误而导致的重大错报;(2)选择和运用恰当的会计政策;(3)作出合理的会计估计。
二、常用会计类英语单词1. Accountant:会计师2. Accrual:应计3. Asset:资产4. Audit:审计5. Balance sheet:资产负债表6. Budget:预算7. Depreciation:折旧8. Equity:股本9. Expense:费用10. Financial statement:财务报表11. Income statement:利润表12. Interest:利息13. Ledger:总账14. Liabilities:负债15. Profit:利润16. Revenue:收入17. Tax:税收18. Trial balance:试算平衡表19. Wage:工资20. Working capital:营运资本三、对会计类英语单词的进一步解读1. Accountant(会计师)Accountant指的是负责处理和记录财务和税务事务的专业人员。
2. Accrual(应计)Accrual是指在会计报表中记录收入和费用时,以实际发生的时间为准。
3. Asset(资产)Asset是指企业所拥有的有形或无形的东西,具有经济价值。
4. Audit(审计)Audit是指对企业的财务记录进行全面检查和评估的过程。
5. Balance sheet(资产负债表)Balance sheet是一份会计报表,用于呈现企业在特定时间点上的资产、负债和所有者权益的情况。
英文审计报告Audit ReportTo: [Client's Name]From: [Auditor's Name]Date: [Date]Subject: Audit Report1. IntroductionWe have conducted an audit of [Client's Name] for the financial year ended [End Date]. The objective of this audit was to express an independent opinion on the fairness and truthfulness of the financial statements prepared by the management of [Client's Name].2. Scope of AuditOur audit was conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. These standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatements. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement in the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error.3. Auditor's OpinionBased on our audit, we are pleased to provide an unqualified audit opinion on the financial statements of [Client's Name]. This meansthat, in our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of [Client's Name] as of [End Date] and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the applicable financial reporting framework.4. Key Audit FindingsDuring the course of our audit, we identified certain significant matters that we believe should be brought to your attention:a) Revenue Recognition: We noted that the company recognized revenue on a percentage of completion basis for long-term contracts. We reviewed the contracts and found that the method of revenue recognition was appropriate and in accordance with accounting standards.b) Accounts Receivable: We examined the company's procedures for recording accounts receivable and found them to be adequate. We also tested a sample of accounts receivable and found no material misstatements.c) Inventory: We tested the company's inventory reconciliation process and found it to be accurate. The company has controls in place to prevent any material misstatements.5. management's ResponseManagement has reviewed our audit findings and provided us with their responses, which we believe adequately address the matters raised during the audit. They have agreed to take corrective actions where necessary to strengthen internal controls and improvefinancial reporting.6. ConclusionBased on our audit procedures and the evidence obtained, we believe that the financial statements of [Client's Name] present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the company as of [End Date], and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended.We appreciate the cooperation and assistance provided by the management throughout the audit process. If you have any questions or require further information, please feel free to contact us.Yours faithfully,[Auditor's Name][Position][Company Name]。
注册会计师考试《审计》中用到的128个英文单词1.audit 审计2.attestation 鉴证3.credibility 可信赖程度4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证pilation 编制8.reliability 可靠性9.relevance 相关性10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎11.objectivity 客观性12. professional competence 专业胜任能力13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书15.recurring audit 连续审计16.the client 委托人17.change CPA更换注册会计师18.the existing CPA 现任注册会计师19.the successor CPA 后任注册会计师20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告22.expert 专家23.the board of directors 董事会24.knowledge of the entity‘ s business 了解被审计单位情况25.assess material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险26.detemine the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围27.a general knowledge of ——初步了解―――的情况28.a more knowledge of——进一步了解的情况29.the prior year‘s working papers 以前年度工作底稿30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要31.business risks 经营风险32.appropriateness适当性33.accounting estimate 会计估计34.management representations 管理层声明35.going concern assumption 持续经营假设36.audit plan 审计计划37.significant audit areas 重点审计领域38.error 错误39.fraud舞弊40.modified or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序41.misappropriation of assets 侵占资产42.transactions without substance 虚假交易43.unusual pressures 异常压力44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为45.materialiy 重要性46.exceed the materiality level 超过重要性水平47.approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平48.an acceptably low level 可接受水平49.the overall financial statement level and in relatedaccount balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层50.misstatements or omissions 错报或漏报51.aggregate 总计52.subsequent events 期后事项53.adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表54.perform additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序55.audit risk 审计风险56.detection risk 检查风险57.inappropriate audit opinion 不适当的审计意见58.material misstatement 重大的错报59.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报60.the acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险61.assessed level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平62.simall business 小规模企业63.accounting system 会计系统64.test of control 控制测试65.walk-through test 穿行测试munication 沟通67.flow chart 流程图68.reperformance of internal control 重新执行69.audit evidence 审计证据70.substantive procedures 实质性程序71.assertions 认定72.esistence 存在73.occurrence 发生pleteness 完整性75.rights and obligations 权利和义务76.valuation and allocation 计价和分摊77.cutoff 截止78.accuracy 准确性79.classification 分类80.inspection 检查81.supervision of counting 监盘82.observation 观察83.confirmation 函证putation 计算85.analytical procedures 分析程序86.vouch 核对87.trace 追查88.audit sampling 审计抽样89.error 误差90.expected error 预期误差91.population 总体92.sampling risk 抽样风险93.non- sampling risk 非抽样风险94.sampling unit 抽样单位95.statistical sampling 统计抽样96.tolerable error 可容忍误差97.the risk of under reliance 信赖不足风险98.the risk of over reliance 信赖过度风险99.the risk of incorrect rejection 误拒风险100. the risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险101.working trial balance 试算平衡表102.index and cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引103.cash receipt 现金收入104.cash disbursement现金支出105.bank statement 银行对账单106.bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表107.balance sheet date 资产负债表日 realizable value 可变现净值109.storeroom 仓库110.sale invoice 销售发票111.price list 价目表112.positive confirmation request 积极式询证函113.negative confirmation request消极式询证函114.purchase requisition 请购单115.receiving report 验收报告116.gross margin 毛利117.manufacturing overhead 制造费用118.material requisition 领料单119.inventory-taking 存货盘点120.bond certificate 债券121.stock certificate 股票122.audit report 审计报告123.entity 被审计单位124.addressee of the audit report 审计报告的收件人125.unqualified opinion 无保留意见126.qualified opinion 保留意见127.disclaimer of opinion 无法表示意见128.adverse opinion否定意见ACCA2.6<审计与内部控制 Audit and Internal Review>词汇表(372词)序号英语汉语1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 承兑程序过程3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收帐款挂牌6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目挂牌8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 年老的分析(法,学)研究12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误的分析(法,学)研究15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 任命伦理学17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 联合的坚挺19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)特计的证(经执业的结社(ACCA)20 assurance engagement 保证债务21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 审计承兑24 audit approach 审计靠近25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 ahudit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 审计报告如一个通讯方法32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员36 audit timing 审计定时37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计(查帐)员的抚养责任40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 代理权附上到国际砂糖协定42 automated working papers 自动化了工作文件43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益权47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险49 cadbury committee cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 兑现系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变债务的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和评论54 charities 宽大55 tom walls tom 墙壁56 chronology of an audit 一审计的年代表57 CIS application controls CIS 申请控制58 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers CIS环境单机微型计算器59 client screening 委托人甄别60 closely connected 接近地连接61 clubs 俱乐部62 communications between auditors and management 通讯在审计(查帐)员和经营之间63 communications on internal control 内部控制上的通讯64 companies act 公司法65 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表66 comparatives 比较的67 competence 能力68 compilation engagement 编辑债务69 completeness 完整性70 completion of the audit 审计的结束71 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则72 computers assisted audit techniques (CAATs)计算器援助的审计技术(CAATs)73 confidence 信任74 confidentiality 保密性75 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收帐款的查证76 conflict of interest 利益冲突77 constructive obligation 建设的待付款78 contingent asset 或有资产79 contingent liability 或有负债80 control environment 控制环境81 control procedures 控制程序82 control risk 控制风险83 controversy 论战84 corporate governance 公司治理,公司管制85 corresponding figures 相应的计算86 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本87 cost 成本88 courtesy 优待89 creditors 债权人90 current audit files 本期审计档案91 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理制度(数据管理系统 92 date of report 报告的日期93 depreciation 折旧,贬值94 design of the sample 样品的设计95 detection risk 检查风险96 direct verification approach 直接核查法97 directional testing 方向的抽查98 directors emoluments 董事酬金99 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约100 disagreement with management 与经营的不一致101 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见102 distributions 分销,分派103 documentation of understanding and assessment of control risk 控制风险的协商和评定的文件编集104 documenting the audit process 证明审计程序105 due care 应有关注106 due skill and care 到期的技能和谨慎107 economy 经济108 education 教育109 effectiveness 效用,效果110 efficiency 效益,效率111 eligibility / ineligibility 合格 / 无被选资格112 emphasis of matter 物质的强调113 engagement economics 债务经济学114 engagement letter 业务约定书115 error 差错116 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计手序的结果评估117 examinations 检查118 existence 存在性119 expectations 期望差距120 expected error 预期的错误121 experience 经验122 expert 专家123 external audit 独立审计124 external review reports 外部的评论报告125 fair 公正126 fee negotiation 费谈判127 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的确定评定128 final audit 期末审计129 financial statement assertions 财政报告宣称130 financial 财务131 finished goods 产成品132 flowcharts 流程图133 fraud and error 舞弊134 fraud 欺诈135 fundamental principles 基本原理136 general CIS controls 一般的 CIS 控制137 general reports to mangement 对(牛犬等的)疥癣的一般报告138 going concern assumption 持续经营假设139 going concern 持续经营140 goods on sale or return 货物准许退货买卖141 goodwill 商誉142 governance 统治143 greenbury committee greenbury 委员会144 guidance for internal auditors 指导为内部审计员145 hampel committee hampel 委员会146 haphazard selection 随意选择147 hospitality 款待148 human resources 人力资源149 IAPS 1000 inter-bank confirmation procedures IAPS 1000 在中间- 银行查证程序过程150 IAPS 1001 CIS environments-stand-alone microcomputers IAPS 1001 CIS 环境-单机微型计算器151 IAPS 1002 CIS environments-on-line computer systems IAPS 1002 CIS 环境-(与主机)联机计算器系统152 IAPS 1003 CIS environments-database systems IAPS 1003 CIS 环境- 数据库系统153 IAPS 1005 the special considerations in the audit of small entities 在小的个体审计中的 IAPS 1005 特别的考虑154 IAS 2 inventories 信息家电 2 库存155 IAS 10 events after the balance sheet date 在平衡 sheeet 日期後面的信息家电 10 事件156 IFACs code of ethics for professional accountants I FACs 道德准则为职业会计师157 income tax 所得税158 incoming auditors 收入审计(查帐)员159 independent estimate 独立的估计160 ineligible for appointment 无被选资格的为任命161 information technology 信息技术162 inherent risk 固有风险163 initial communication 签署通讯164 insurance 保险165 intangibles 无形166 integrity 完整性167 interim audit 中期审计168 internal auditing 内部审计169 internal auditors 内部审计师170 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表171 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表172 internal control system 内部控制系统173 internal review assignment 内部的评论转让174 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准登船(IAASB)175 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际的审计实务声明(IAPSs)176 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)177 inventory system 盘存制度178 inventory valuation 存货估价179 ISA 230 documentation 文件编制180 ISA 240 fraud and error 国际砂糖协定 240 欺诈和错误181 ISA 250 consideration of law and regulations 法和规则的国际砂糖协定 250 考虑182 Isa 260 communications of audit matters with thosecharge governance 审计物质的国际砂糖协定 260 通讯由于那些索价统治183 isa 300 planning isa 300 计划编制184 isa 310 knowledge of the business 企业的 isa 310 知识185 isa 320 audit materiality 审计重要性186 isa 400 accounting and internal control isa 400 会计和内部控制187 isa 402 audit considerations relating to entities usingservice organisations 与正在使用的个体有关的 isa 402个审计考虑服务组织188 isa 500 audit evidence 审计证据189 isa 501 audit evidence-additional considerations for specific items isa 501个审计证据- 补偿为特殊条款190 isa 510 external confirmations isa 510个外部的查证191 isa 520 analytical procedures 分析性程序192 isa 530 audit sampling 审计抽样193 isa 540 audit of accounting estimates 解释估计的 isa 540 审计194 isa 560 subsequent events 期后事项195 isa 580 management representations 管理当局声明书196 isa 610 considering the work of internal auditing isa 610 以内部审计的工作看来197 isa 620 using the work of an expert isa 620 使用专家的工作198 isa 700 auditors report on financial statements 财务报表上的 isa 700 审计(查帐)员的报告199 isa 710 comparatives isa 710个比较的200 isa 720 other information in documents containing audited financial statements isa 720 证券包含 audited 财务报表的其他信息201 isa 910 engagement to review financial statementsisa 910 债务复阅财务报表202 isas and rss isas 和 rss203 joint monitoring unit 连接检验单位204 knowledge of the entitys business 个体的企业知识205 law and regulations 法和规则206 legal and regulations 法定权利和规则207 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任208 levels of assurance 保险程度,保障水平209 liability 负债210 limitation on scope 审计范围限制211 limitation of audit 审计的提起诉讼的限期212 limitations of controls system 控制系统的提起诉讼的限期213 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿214 litigation 诉讼215 loans 借款,贷款216 long term liabilities 长期负债217 lowballing lowballing218 management 管理219 management integrity 经营完整220 management representation letter 管理当局声明书221 marketing 推销,营销,市场学222 material inconsistency 决定性的前后矛盾223 material misstatements of fact 重大误报224 materiality 重要性225 measurement 计量226 microcomputers 微型计算器227 modified reports 变更报告228 narrative notes 叙述证券229 nature 性质230 negative assurance 消极保证231 net realizable value 可实现净值232 non-current asset register 非本期的财产登记233 non-executive directors 非执行董事234 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险235 non-statutory audits 目标236 objectivity 客观性237 obligating event 负有责任事件238 obligatory disclosure 有拘束的揭示239 obtaining work 获得工作240 occurrence 出现241 on-line computer systems (与主机)联机计算器系统242 opening balances 期初余额243 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计244 operational work plans 操作上的工作计划245 opinion shopping 意见购物246 other information 其他的信息247 outsourcing internal audit 支援外包的内部核数248 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的包括一切的评论249 overdue fees 超储未付费250 overhead absorption 管理费用分配251 periodic plan 定期的计划252 permanent audit files 永久审计档案253 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系254 planning 计划编制255 population 抽样总体256 precision 精密257 preface to ISAs and RSs 国际砂糖协定的序文和债券附卖回交易258 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的预备评定259 prepayments 预付款项260 presentation and disclosure 提示和揭示261 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题 262 procedural approach 程序上的靠近263 procedures 程序264 procedures after accepting nomination 程序过程在接受提名之后265 procurement 采购266 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任267 projection of errors 错误的规划268 provision 备抵,准备269 public duty 公共职责270 public interest 公众利益271 publicity 宣传272 purchase ledger 购货分类账273 purchases and expenses system 买和费用系统274 purchases cut-off 买截止275 put on enquiry 询价上的期货买卖276 qualified opinion 保留意见277 qualifying disclosure 合格揭示278 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的性质上的方面279 random selection 随机选择280 reasonable assurance 合理保证281 reassessing sampling risk 再评价抽样风险282 reliability 可靠性283 remuneration 报酬284 report to management 对经营的报告285 reporting 报告286 research and development costs 研究和开发成本287 reservation of title 保留288 reserves 准备,储备289 revenue and capital expenditure 岁入和资本支出290 review 评论291 review and capital expenditure 评论和资本支出292 review 评论293 review engagement 复阅债务294 rights 认股权295 rights and obligations 认股权和待付款296 rights to information 对信息的认股权297 risk and materiality 风险和重要性298 risk-based approach 以风险为基础的方式299 romalpa case romalpa 个案300 rotation of auditor appointments 审计(查帐)员任命的循环301 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则302 sales cut-off 销售截止303 sales system 销售(货)制度304 sales tax 销售税,营业税305 sales 销售,销货306 sample size 样本量307 sampling risk 抽样风险308 sampling units 抽样单位309 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表310 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部核数的范围和目标311 segregation of duties 职责划分312 service organization 服务组织313 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships可重视的(市价)波动或不能预料的亲属关系314 small entity 小的个体315 smaller entities 比较小的个体316 sole traders 个体营业者317 sources of knowledge 知识的根源318 specimen letter on internal control 内部控制上的样本证书319 stakeholders 赌款保存人320 standardised working papers 标准化工作文件321 statement 1:integrity,objectivity and independence声明 1: 完整,客观性和独立322 statement 2:the professional duty of confidence 声明 2: 信任的职业责任323 statement 3: advertising ,publicity and obtaining professional work 声明 3: 广告法(学),宣传和获得专业性工作324 statement 5:changes in professional appointment 声明 5: 在职业上的任命中的改变325 statistical sampling 统计抽样326 statutory audit 法定审计327 statutory books 法定卷册328 statutory duty 法定责任329 stewardship 总管的职务330 strategic plan 战略性计划331 stratification 分层332 subsequent events 期后事项333 substantive procedures 实词程序过程334 substantive tests 实质性测试335 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分的适当审计证据336 summarising errors summarising 错误337 sundry accruals 杂的应计项目338 supervision 监督339 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和检验角色340 suppliers statements 供应商的声明341 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制342 systematic selection 系统选择法343 systems-based approach 以系统为基础的方式344 tangible non-current assets 有形的非流动资产345 tendering 投标,清偿346 terms of the engagement 债务的条件347 tests of control 控制的证人348 the AGM 周年大会349 the board 委员会350 three Es 三 Es351 timing 定时352 tolerable error 可容忍误差353 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付帐款和买354 trade accounts payable listing 贸易应付帐款挂牌 355 training 培训356 treasury 国库,库房357 TRUE 真实358 turnbull committee turnbull 委员会359 ultra vires 越权360 uncertainty 不确定性361 undue dependence 未到(支付)期的未决362 unqualified audit report 无条件的审计报告363 unqualified report 无条件的报告364 using the knowledge 使用知识365 using the work of an expert 使用专家的工作366 valuation 计价,估价367 value for money 现金(交易)价格368 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露369 wages and salaries 工资,薪金370 wages system 工资系统371 work in progress 在产品372 working papers 工作底稿。
常用会计英语词汇基本词汇A (1)account 账户,报表A (2)accounting postulate 会计假设A (3)accounting valuation 会计计价A (4)accountability concept 经营责任概念A (5)accountancy 会计职业A (6)accountant 会计师A (7)accounting 会计A (8)agency cost 代理成本A (9)accounting bases 会计基础A (10)accounting manual 会计手册A (11)accounting period 会计期间A (12)accounting policies 会计方针A (13)accounting rate of return 会计报酬率A (14)accounting reference date 会计参照日A (15)accounting reference period 会计参照期间A (16)accrual concept 应计概念A (17)accrual expenses 应计费用A (18)acid test ratio 速动比率(酸性测试比率)A (19)acquisition 收购A (20)acquisition accounting 收购会计A (21)adjusting events 调整事项A (22)administrative expenses 行政管理费A (23)amortization 摊销A (24)analytical review 分析性复核A (25)annual equivalent cost 年度等量成本法A (26)annual report and accounts 年度报告和报表A (27)appraisal cost 检验成本A (28)appropriation account 盈余分配账户A (29)articles of association 公司章程细则A (30)assets 资产A (31)assets cover 资产担保A (32)asset value per share 每股资产价值A (33)associated company 联营公司A (34)attainable standard 可达标准A (35)attributable profit 可归属利润A (36)audit 审计A (37)audit report 审计报告A (38)auditing standards 审计准则A (39)authorized share capital 额定股本A (40)available hours 可用小时A (41)avoidable costs 可避免成本B (42)back-to-back loan 易币贷款B (43)backflush accounting 倒退成本计算B (44)bad debts 坏帐B (45)bad debts ratio 坏帐比率B (46)bank charges 银行手续费B (47)bank overdraft 银行透支B (48)bank reconciliation 银行存款调节表B (49)bank statement 银行对账单B (50)bankruptcy 破产B (51)basis of apportionment 分摊基础B (52)batch 批量B (53)batch costing 分批成本计算B (54)beta factor B (市场)风险因素BB (55)bill 账单B (56)bill of exchange 汇票B (57)bill of lading 提单B (58)bill of materials 用料预计单B (59)bill payable 应付票据B (60)bill receivable 应收票据B (61)bin card 存货记录卡B (62)bonus 红利B (63)book-keeping 薄记B (64)Boston classification 波士顿分类B (65)breakeven chart 保本图B (66)breakeven point 保本点B (67)breaking-down time 复位时间B (68)budget 预算B (69)budget center 预算中心B (70)budget cost allowance 预算成本折让B (71)budget manual 预算手册B (72)budget period 预算期间B (73)budgetary control 预算控制B (74)budgeted capacity 预算生产能力B (75)business center 经营中心B (76)business entity 营业个体B (77)business unit 经营单位B (78)by-product 副产品C (79)called-up share capital 催缴股本C (80)capacity 生产能力C (81)capacity ratios 生产能力比率C (82)capital 资本C (83)capital assets pricing model 资本资产计价模式C (84)capital commitment 承诺资本C (85)capital employed 已运用的资本C (86)capital expenditure 资本支出C (87)capital expenditure authorization 资本支出核准C (88)capital expenditure control 资本支出控制C (89)capital expenditure proposal 资本支出申请C (90)capital funding planning 资本基金筹集计划C (91)capital gain 资本收益C (92)capital investment appraisal 资本投资评估C (93)capital maintenance 资本保全C (94)capital resource planning 资本资源计划C (95)capital surplus 资本盈余C (96)capital turnover 资本周转率C (97)card 记录卡C (98)cash 现金C (99)cash account 现金账户C (100)cash book 现金账薄C (101)cash cow 金牛产品C (102)cash flow 现金流量C (103)cash flow budget 现金流量预算C (104)cash flow statement 现金流量表C (105)cash ledger 现金分类账C (106)cash limit 现金限额C (107)CCA 现时成本会计C (108)center 中心C (109)changeover time 变更时间C (110)chartered entity 特许经济个体C (111)cheque 支票C (112)cheque register 支票登记薄C (113)classification 分类C (114)clock card 工时卡C (115)code 代码C (116)commitment accounting 承诺确认会计C (117)common cost 共同成本C (118)company limited by guarantee 有限担保责任公司C (119)company limited by shares 股份有限公司C (120)competitive position 竞争能力状况C (121)concept 概念C (122)conglomerate 跨行业企业C (123)consistency concept 一致性概念C (124)consolidated accounts 合并报表C (125)consolidation accounting 合并会计C (126)consortium 财团C (127)contingency plan 应急计划C (128)contingent liabilities 或有负债C (129)continuous operation 连续生产C (130)contra 抵消C (131)contract cost 合同成本C (132)contract costing 合同成本计算C (133)contribution centre 贡献中心C (134)contribution chart 贡献图C (135)control 控制C (136)control account 控制账户C (137)control limits 控制限度C (138)controllability concept 可控制概念C (139)controllable cost 可控制成本C (140)conversion cost 加工成本C (141)convertible loan stock 可转换为股票的贷款C (142)corporate appraisal 公司评估C (143)corporate planning 公司计划C (144)corporate social reporting 公司社会报告C (145)cost 成本C (146)cost account 成本账户C (147)cost accounting 成本会计C (148)cost accounting manual 成本手册C (149)cost adjustment 成本调整C (150)cost allocation 成本分配C (151)cost apportionment 成本分摊C (152)cost attribution 成本归属C (153)cost audit 成本审计C (154)cost benefit analysis 成本效益分析C (155)cost center 成本中心C (156)cost driver 成本动因C (157)cost of capital 资本成本C (158)cost of goods sold 销货成本C (159)cost of non-conformance 非相符成本C (160)cost of sales 销售成本C (161)cost reduction 成本降低C (162)cost structure 成本结构C (163)cost unit 成本单位C (164)cost-volume-profit analysis(CVP) 本量利分析C (165)costing 成本计算C (166)credit note 贷项通知C (167)credit report 信贷报告书C (168)creditor 债权人C (169)creditor days ratio 应付账款天数率C (170)creditors ledger 应付账款分类账C (171)critical event 关键事项C (172)critical path 关键路线C (173)cumulative preference shares 累积优先股C (174)current asset 流动资产C (175)current cost accounting 现时成本会计C (176)current liabilities 流动负债C (177)current purchasing power accounting 现时购买力会计C (178)current ratio 流动比率C (179)cut-off 截止C (180)CVP 本量利分析C (181)cycle time 周转时间D (182)debenture 债券D (183)debit note 借项通知D (184)debit capacity 举债能力D (185)debt ratio 债务比率D (186)debtor 债务人;应收账款D (187)debtor days ratio 应收账款天数率D (188)debtors ledger 应收账款分类账D (189)debtor' age analysis 应收账款账龄分析D (190)decision driven costs 决策连动成本D (191)decision tree 决策树D (192)defects 次品D (193)deferred expenditure 递延支出D (194)deferred shares 递延股份D (195)deferred taxation 递延税款D (196)delivery note 交货单D (197)departmental accounts 部门报表D (198)departmental budget 部门预算D (199)depreciation 折旧D (200)dispatch note 发运单D (201)development cost 开发成本D (202)differential cost 差别成本D (203)direct cost 直接成本D (204)direct debit 直接借项D (205)direct hours yield 直接小时产出率D (206)direct labour cost percentage rate 直接人工成本百分比D (207)direct labour hour rate 直接人工小时率D (208)directs on indirect work 间接工作事项上的工时D (209)discount rate 贴现率D (210)discounted cash flow 现金流量贴现D (211)discretionary cost 酌量成本D (212)distribution cost 摊销成本D (213)diversions 移用D (214)diverted hours 移用小时D (215)diverted hours ratio 移用工时比率D (216)dividend 股利D (217)dividend cover 股利产出率D (218)dividend per share 每股股利D (219)dog 疲软产品D (220)double entry accounting 复式会计D (221)double-entry book-keeping 复式薄记D (222)doubtful debts 可疑债务D (223)down time 停工时间D (224)dynamic programming 动态规划E (225)earning per share 每股盈利E (226)earning ratio 市盈率E (227)economic order quantity(EOQ) 经济订购批量E (228)efficient market hypothesis 有效市场假设E (229)efficiency ration 效率性比率E (230)element of cost 成本要素E (231)entity 经济个体E (232)environmental audit 环境审计E (233)environmental impact assessment 环境影响评价E (234)EOQ 经济订购批量E (235)equity 权益E (236)equity method of accounting 权益法会计计算E (237)equity share capital 权益股本E (238)equivalent units 当量E (239)event 事项E (240)exceptional items 例外事项E (241)expected value 期望值E (242)expenditure 支出E (243)expenses 费用E (244)external audit 外部审计E (245)external failure cost 外部损失成本E (246)extraordinary items 非常事项F (247)factory goods 让售商品F (248)factoring 应收帐款让售F (249)fair value 公允价值F (250)feedback 反馈F (251)FIFO 先近先出法F (252)final accounts 年终报表F (253)finance lease 融资租赁F (254)financial accounting 财务会计F (255)financial accounts calendar adjustment 财务报表的日历时间调整F (256)financial management 财务管理F (257)financial planning 财务计划F (258)financial statement 财务报表F (259)finished goods 完成品F (260)fixed asset 固定资产F (261)fixed overhead 固定制造费用F (262)fixed asset turnover 固定资产周转率F (263)fixed assets register 固定资产登记薄F (264)fixed cost 固定成本F (265)flexed budget 变动限额预算F (266)flexible budget 弹性预算F (267)float time 浮动时间F (268)floating charge 流动抵押F (269)flow of funds statement 资金流量表F (270)forecasting 预测F (271)founder's shares 发起人股份F (272)full capacity 满负荷生产能力F (273)function costing 职能成本计算F (274)functional budget 职能预算F (275)fund accounting 基金会计F (276)fundamental accounting concept 基础会计概念F (277)fungible assets 可互换资产F (278)futuristic planning 远景计划G (279)gap analysis 间距分析G (280)gearing 举债经营比率(杠杆)G (281)goal congruence 目标一致性G (282)going concern concept 持续经营概念G (283)goods received note 商品收讫单G (284)goodwill 商誉G (285)gross dividend yield 总股息产出率G (286)gross margin 总边际G (287)gross profit 毛利润G (288)gross profit percentage 毛利润百分比G (289)group 企业集团G (290)group accounts 集团报表H (291)high-geared 高结合杠杆(比例)H (292)hire purchase 租购H (293)historical cost 历史成本H (294)historical cost accounting 历史成本会计H (295)hours 小时H (296)hurdle rate 最低可接受的报酬率I (297)ideal standard 理想标准I (298)idle capacity ration 闲置生产能力比率I (299)idle time 闲置时间I (300)impersonal accounts 非记名账户I (301)imprest system 定额备用制度I (302)income and expenditure account 收益和支出报表I (303)incomplete records 不完善记录I (304)incremental cost 增量成本I (305)incremental yield 增量产出率I (306)indirect cost 间接成本I (307)indirect hours 间接小时I (308)insolvency 无力偿付I (309)intangible asset 无形资产I (310)integrated accounts 综合报表I (311)interdependency concept 关联性概念I (312)interest cover 利息保障倍数I (313)interlocking accounts 连锁报表I (314)internal audit 内部审计I (315)internal check 内部牵制I (316)internal control system 内部控制体系I (317)internal failure cost 内部损失成本I (318)internal rate of return(IRR) 内含报酬率I (319)inventory 存货I (320)investment 投资I (321)investment center 投资中心I (322)invoice register 发票登记薄I (323)issued share capital 已发行股本J (324)job 定单J (325)job card 工作卡J (326)job costing 工作成本计算J (327)job sheet 工作单J (328)joint cost 联合成本J (329)joint products 联产品J (330)joint stock company 股份公司J (331)joint venture 合资经营J (332)journal 日记账J (333)just-in-time(JIT) 适时制度J (334)just-in-time production 适时生产J (335)just-in-time purchasing 适时购买K (336)key factor 关键因素L (337)labour 人工L (338)labour transfer note 人工转移单L (339)leaning curve 学习曲线L (340)ledger 分类账户L (341)length of order book 定单平均周期L (342)letter of credit 信用证L (343)leverage 举债经营比率L (344)liabilities 负债L (345)life cycle costing 寿命周期成本计算L (346)LIFO 后近先出法L (347)limited liability company 有限责任公司L (348)limiting factor 限制因素L (349)line-item budget 明细支出预算L (350)liner programming 线性规划L (351)liquid assets 变现资产L (352)liquidation 清算L (353)liquidity ratios 易变现比率L (354)loan 贷款L (355)loan capital 借入资本L (356)long range planning 长期计划L (357)lost time record 虚耗时间记录L (358)low geared 低结合杠杆(比例)L (359)lower of cost or net realizable value concept 成本或可变净价孰低概念M (360)machine hour rate 机器小时率M (361)machine time record 机器时间记录M (362)managed cost 管理成本M (363)management accounting 管理会计M (364)management accounting concept 管理会计概念M (365)management accounting guides 管理会计指导方针M (366)management audit 管理审计M (367)management buy-out 管理性购买产权M (368)management by exception 例外管理原则M (369)margin 边际M (370)margin of safety ration 安全边际比率M (371)margin cost 边际成本M (372)margin costing 边际成本计算M (373)mark-down 降低标价M (374)mark-up 提高标价M (375)market risk premium 市场分险补偿M (376)market share 市场份额M (377)marketing cost 营销成本M (378)matching concept 配比概念M (379)materiality concept 重要性概念M (380)materials requisition 领料单M (381)materials returned note 退料单M (382)materials transfer note 材料转移单M (383)memorandum of association 公司设立细则M (384)merger 兼并M (385)merger accounting 兼并会计M (386)minority interest 少数股权M (387)mixed cost 混合成本N (388)net assets 净资产N (389)net book value 净账面价值N (390)net liquid funds 净可变现资金N (391)net margin 净边际N (392)net present value(NPV) 净现值N (393)net profit 净利润N (394)net realizable value 可变现净值N (395)net worth 资产净值N (396)network analysis 网络分析N (397)noise 干捞N (398)nominal account 名义账户N (399)nominal share capital 名义股本N (400)nominal holding 代理持有股份N (401)non-adjusting events 非调整事项N (402)non-financial performance measurement 非财务业绩计量N (403)non-integrated accounts 非综合报表N (404)non-liner programming 非线性规划N (405)non-voting shares 无表决权的股份N (406)notional cost 名义成本N (407)number of days stock 存货周转天数N (408)number of weeks stock 存货周转周数O (409)objective classification 客体分类O (410)obsolescence 陈旧O (411)off balance sheet finance 资产负债表外筹资O (412)offer for sale 标价出售O (413)operating budget 经营预算O (414)operating lease 经营租赁O (415)operating statement 营业报表O (416)operation time 操作时间O (417)operational control 经营控制O (418)operational gearing 经营杠杆O (419)operating plans 经营计划O (420)opportunity cost 机会成本O (421)order 定单O (422)ordinary shares 普通股O (423)out-of-date cheque 过期支票O (424)over capitalization 过分资本化O (425)overhead 制造费用O (426)overhead absorption rate 制造费用分配率O (427)overhead cost 制造费用O (428)overtrading 超过营业资金的经营P (429)paid cheque 已付支票P (430)paid-up share capital 认定股本P (431)parent company 母公司P (432)pareto distribution 帕累托分布P (433)participating preference shares 参与优先股P (434)partnership 合伙P (435)payable ledger 应付款项账户P (436)payback 回收期P (437)payments and receipts account 收入和支出报表P (438)payments withheld 保留款额P (439)payroll 工资单P (440)payroll analysis 工资分析P (441)percentage profit on turnover 利润对营业额比率P (442)period cost 期间成本P (443)perpetual inventory 永续盘存P (444)personal account 记名账户P (445)PEPT 项目评审法P (446)petty cash account 备用金账户P (447)petty cash voucher 备用金凭证P (448)physical inventory 实地盘存P (449)planning 计划P (450)planning horizon 计划时限P (451)planning period 计划期间P (452)policy cost 政策成本P (453)position audit 状况审计P (454)post balance sheet events 资产负债表编后事项P (455)practical capacity 实际生产能力P (456)pre-acquisition losses 购置前损失P (457)pre-acquisition profits 购置前利润P (458)preference shares 优先股P (459)preference creditors 优先债权人P (460)preferred creditors 优先债权人P (461)prepayments 预付款项P (462)present value 现值P (463)prevention cost 预防成本P (464)price ratio 市盈率P (465)prime cost 主要成本P (466)prime entry-books of 原始分录登记薄P (467)principal budget factor 主要预算因素P (468)prior charge capital 优先股P (469)prior year adjustments 以前年度调整P (470)priority base budgeting 优先顺序体制的预算P (471)private company 私人公司P (472)pro-forma invoice 预开发票P (473)problem child 问号产品P (474)process costing 分步成本计算P (475)process time 加工时间P (476)product cost 产品成本P (477)Product life cycle 产品寿命周期P (478)production cost 生产成本P (479)production cost of sales 售货成本P (480)production volume ratio 生产业务量比率P (481)profit center 利润中心P (482)profit per employee 每员工利润P (483)profit retained for the year 年度利润留存P (484)profit to turnover ratio 利润对营业额比率P (485)profit-volume graph 利量图P (486)profitability index 盈利指数P (487)programming 规划P (488)project evaluation and review technique 项目评审法P (489)projection 预计P (490)promissory note 本票P (491)prospectus 募债说明书P (492)provisions for liabilities and charges 偿债和费用准备P (493)prudent concept 稳健性概念P (494)public company 公开公司P (495)purchase order 订购单P (496)purchase requisition 请购单P (497)purchase ledger 采购账户Q (498)quality related costs 质量有关成本Q (499)queuing time 排队时间R (500)rate 率R (501)ratio 比率R (502)ration pyramid 比率金字塔R (503)raw material 原材料R (504)receipts and payments account 收入和支付报表R (505)receivable ledger 应收款项账户R (506)redeemable shares 可赎回股份R (507)redemption 赎回R (508)registered share capital 注册资本R (509)rejects 废品R (510)relevancy concept 相关性概念R (511)relevant costs 相关成本R (512)relevant range 相关范围R (513)reliability concept 可靠性概念R (514)replacement price 重置价格R (515)report 报表R (516)reporting 报告R (517)research cost, applied 应用性研究成本R (518)research cost, pure or basic 理论或基础研究成本R (519)reserves 留存收益R (520)residual income 剩余收益R (521)responsibility center 责任中心R (522)retention money 保留款额R (523)return on capital employed 运用资本报酬率R (524)returns 退回R (525)revenue 收入R (526)revenue center 收入中心R (527)revenue expenditure 收益支出R (528)revenue investment 收入性投资R (529)right issue 认股权发行R (530)rolling budget 滚动预算R (531)rolling forecast 滚动预测S (532)sales ledger 销售分类账S (533)sales order 销售定单S (534)sales per employee 每员工销售额S (535)scrap 废料S (536)scrip issue 红股发行S (537)secured creditors 有担保的债权人S (538)segmental reporting 分部报告S (539)selling cost 销售成本S (540)semi-fixed cost 半固定成本S (541)semi-variable cost 半变动成本S (542)sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析S (543)service cost center 服务成本中心S (544)service costing 服务成本计算S (545)set-up time 安装时间S (546)shadow prices 影子价格S (547)share 股票S (548)share capital 股份资本S (549)share option scheme 购股权证方案S (550)share premium 股票溢价S (551)sight draft 即期汇票S (552)single-entry book-keeping 单式薄记S (553)sinking fund 偿债基金S (554)slack time 松弛时间S (555)social responsibility cost 社会责任成本S (556)sole trader 独资经营者S (557)source and application of funds statement 资金来源和运用表S (558)special order costing 特殊定单成本计算S (559)staff costs 职工成本S (560)statement of account 营业账单S (561)statement of affairs 财务状况表S (562)statutory body 法定实体S (563)stock 存货S (564)stock control 存货控制S (565)stock turnover 存货周转率S (566)stocktaking 盘点存货S (567)stores requisition 领料申请单S (568)strategic business unit 战略性经营单位S (569)strategic management accounting 战略管理会计S (570)strategic planning 战略计划S (571)strategy 战略S (572)subjective classification 主体分类S (573)subscribed share capital 已认购的股本S (574)subsidiary undertaking 子公司S (575)sunk cost 沉没成本S (576)supply estimate 预算估计S (577)supply expenditure 预算支出S (578)suspense account 暂记账户S (579)SWOT analysis 长处和短处,机会和威胁分析S (580)system 制度,体系T (581)tactical planning 策略计划T (582)tactics 策略T (583)take-over 接收T (584)tangible asset 有形资产T (585)tangible fixed asset statement 有形固定资产表T (586)target cost 目标成本T (587)terotechnology 设备综合工程学T (588)throughput accounting 生产量会计T (589)time 时间T (590)time sheet 时间记录表T (591)total assets 总资产T (592)total quality management 全面质量管理T (593)total stocks 存货总计T (594)trade creditors 购货客户(应付账款)T (595)trade debtors 销货客户(应收账款)T (596)trading profit and loss account 营业损益表T (597)transfer price 转让价格T (598)transit time 中转时间T (599)treasurership 财务长制度T (600)trail balance 试算平衡表T (601)turnover 营业额U (602)uncalled share capital 未催缴股本U (603)under capitalization 不足资本化U (604)under or over-absorbed overhead 少吸收或多吸收的制造费用U (605)uniform accounting 统一会计U (606)uniform costing 统一成本计算U (607)unissued share capital 未发行股本V (608)value 价值V (609)value added 增值V (610)value analysis 价值分析V (611)value for money audit 经济效益审计V (612)vote 表决V (613)voucher 凭证W (614)waiting time 等候时间W (615)waste 废品(料)W (616)wasting asset 递耗资产W (617)weighted average cost of capital 资本的加权平均成本W (618)weighted average price 加权平均价格W (619)with resource 有追索权W (620)without recourse 无追索权W (621)working capital 营运资本W (622)write-down 减值Z (623)zero base budgeting 零基预算Z (624)zero coupon bond 无息债券Z (625)Z score 破产预测计分法常用审计英语词汇1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 接受程序3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收账款列表6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目列表8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 账龄分析12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误分析15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 接受任命的相关职业道德考虑17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 关联公司19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)英国特许注册会计师公会20 assurance engagement 保证约定21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 接受审计24 audit approach 审计方法25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 audit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 作为沟通方式的审计报告32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员调配36 audit timing 审计时间安排37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计人员的审慎职责40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs 遵守国际审计准则42 automated working papers 电子工作底稿43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险,商业风险49 Cadbury committee Cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 现金系统52 changes in nature of engagement 改变约定的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和承诺54 charities 慈善机构55 CIS application controls 控制信息系统的应用控制56 CIS environments stand-alone microcomputers 单机控制环境57 client screening 客户甄别58 closely connected 有密切关系59 clubs 俱乐部60 communications between auditors and management 注册会计师和管理层的沟通61 communications on internal control 内部控制上的沟通62 companies act 公司法63 comparative financial statements 比较财务报表64 comparatives 比较的65 competence 能力66 compilation engagement 编辑约定书67 completeness 完整性68 completion of the audit 审计完成69 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则70 computers assisted audit techniques (CAA Ts)计算机辅助审计技术(CAA Ts)71 confidence 保密72 confidentiality 保密性73 confirmation of accounts receivable 应收账款的询证74 conflict of interest 利益冲突75 constructive obligation 推定义务76 contingent asset 或有资产77 contingent liability 或有负债78 control environment 控制环境79 control procedures 控制程序80 control risk 控制风险81 controversy 矛盾,冲突82 corporate governance 公司治理机制83 corresponding figures 对应数字84 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本85 cost 成本86 courtesy87 creditors 债权人88 current audit files 本期审计档案89 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理系统90 date of report 报告的日期91 depreciation 折旧,贬值92 design of the sample 抽样设计93 detection risk 检查风险94 direct verification approach 直接核查法95 directional testing 定向测试96 directors emoluments 董事酬金97 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约98 disagreement with management 与管理层不一致99 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见100 distributions 分销,分派101 documenting the audit process 记录审计程序102 due care 合理关注103 due skill and care 合理技能和关注104 economy 经济105 education 教育106 effectiveness 效用,效果107 efficiency 效益,效率108 eligibility / ineligibility 合格/ 无被选资格109 emphasis of matter 强调事项110 engagement economics 契约经济学111 engagement letter 业务约定书112 error 差错113 evaluating of results of audit procedures 审计程序结果的评估114 examinations 检查115 existence 存在性116 expectations 期望117 expected error 期望误差118 experience 经验119 expert 专家120 external audit 独立审计,外部审计121 external review reports 外部复核报告122 fair 公正123 fee negotiation 费用协商124 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的最终评定125 final audit 期末审计126 financial statement assertions 财政报告认定127 financial 财务128 finished goods 产成品129 flowcharts 流程图130 fraud and error 舞弊131 fraud 欺诈132 fundamental principles 基本原理133 general CIS controls 一般的CIS 控制134 going concern assumption 持续经营假设135 going concern 持续经营136 goods on sale or return 允许退货的销售137 goodwill 商誉138 governance 统治139 hospitality 款待140 human resources 人力资源141 income tax 所得税142 independent estimate 独立估计143 information technology 信息技术144 inherent risk 固有风险145 insurance 保险146 intangibles 无形147 integrity 诚实148 interim audit 中期审计149 internal auditing 内部审计150 internal auditors 内部审计师151 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表152 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表153 internal control system 内部控制系统154 internal review assignment 内部评价任务155 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准理事会(IAASB)156 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际审计实务声明(IAPSs)157 international federation of accountants (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)158 inventory system 盘存制度159 inventory valuation 存货估价160 legal and regulations 法规161 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任162 levels of assurance 保证程度163 liability 负债164 limitation on scope 审计范围限制165 limitation of audit 审计的局限性166 limitations of controls system 控制系统的局限性167 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿168 litigation 诉讼169 loans 借款,贷款170 long term liabilities 长期负债171 management 管理172 management integrity 管理层诚信173 management representation letter 管理当局声明书174 marketing 推销,营销,市场学175 material inconsistency 重要的不一致176 material misstatements of fact 重大误报177 materiality 重要性178 measurement 计量179 microcomputers 微型计算器180 modified reports 变更报告181 narrative notes 描述注释182 nature 性质183 negative assurance 消极保证184 net realizable value 可变现净值185 non-current asset register 固定资产财产登记186 non-executive directors 非执行董事187 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险188 non-statutory audits 非法定审计189 objectivity 客观性190 occurrence 出现191 on-line computer systems 在线计算器系统192 opening balances 期初余额193 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计194 other information 其他的信息195 outsourcing internal audit 将内审功能外包196 overall review of financial statements 财务报表的总体回顾197 overdue fees 过多的费用198 overhead absorption 管理费用吸收199 periodic plan 定期的计划200 permanent audit files 永久审计档案201 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系202 planning 计划编制203 population 抽样总体204 precision 精密205 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的初步评估206 prepayments 预付款项207 presentation and disclosure 列示和披露208 problems of accounting treatment 会计处理的问题209 procedures 程序210 procedures after accepting nomination 接受提名后的相关程序211 procurement 采购212 professional duty of confidentiality 保密的职业责任213 projection of errors 错误的预测214 provision 备抵,准备215 public duty 公共职责216 public interest 公众利益217 publicity 公众218 purchase ledger 购货分类账219 purchases and expenses system 采购和费用系统220 purchases cut-off 采购截止日期221 put on enquiry 询价222 qualified opinion 保留意见223 qualitative aspects of errors 错误的定性方面224 random selection 随机选择225 reasonable assurance 合理保证226 reassessing sampling risk 重新评价抽样风险227 reliability 可靠性228 remuneration 报酬229 report to management 对管理层的报告230 reporting 报告231 research and development costs 研发成本232 reservation of title 保留权力233 reserves 公积234 revenue and capital expenditure 收入性和资本性支出235 review 复核236 review engagement 复阅约定237 rights 权利238 rights and obligations 权利与义务239 risk and materiality 风险和重要性240 risk-based approach 基于风险的审计方法241 rotation of auditor appointments 审计人员轮换242 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则243 sales cut-off 销售终止点244 sales system 销售系统245 sales tax 销售税,营业税246 sales 销售,销货247 sample size 样本大小248 sampling risk 抽样风险249 sampling units 抽样单位250 schedule of unadjusted errors 未调整的错误表251 scope and objectives of internal audit 内部审计的范围和目标252 segregation of duties 职责分离253 service organization 服务组织254 significant fluctuations or unexpected relationships 重大(市价)波动或不能预料的(亲属)关系255 sole traders 个体营业者256 sources of knowledge 获取了解的来源257 stakeholders 利益相关人258 standardised working papers 标准化工作底稿259 statistical sampling 统计抽样260 statutory audit 法定审计261 statutory books 法定簿记262 statutory duty 法定责任263 stewardship 管理层的才智264 strategic plan 战略性计划265 stratification 分层266 subsequent events 期后事项267 substantive procedures 实质性测试程序268 substantive tests 实质性测试269 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分、适当的审计证据270 sundry accruals 各项应计费用271 supervision 监督272 supervisory and monitoring roles 监督的和监控角色273 suppliers statements 供应商的对账单274 system and internal controls 系统和内部的控制275 systematic selection 系统选择法276 systems-based approach 系统审计方法277 tangible non-current assets 有形固定资产278 tendering 投标,清偿279 terms of the engagement 约定书的条件280 tests of control 控制测试281 the AGM 股东周年大会282 the board 委员会283 three Es 三Es (效果、效率、经济)。
注册会计师考试《审计》中用到的128个英文单词审计鉴证可信赖程度of financial statements 财务报表审计procedures 执行商定程序levels of assurance 高水平保证编制可靠性相关性skepticism 职业谨慎客观性12. professional competence 专业胜任能力CPA-in-charge 项目经理engagement letter 业务约定书audit 连续审计client 委托人CPA 更换注册会计师existing CPA 现任注册会计师successor CPA 后任注册会计师preceding CPA前任注册会计师the audit report 出具审计报告专家board of directors 董事会of the entity‘ s business 了解被审计单位情况material misstatement risks评估重大错报风险the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围general knowledge of ——初步了解―――的情况more knowledge of——进一步了解的情况prior year‘s working papers 以前年度工作底稿of meeting 会议纪要risks 经营风险适当性estimate 会计估计representations 管理层声明concern assumption 持续经营假设plan 审计计划audit areas 重点审计领域错误舞弊or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序of assets 侵占资产without substance 虚假交易pressures 异常压力suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为重要性the materiality level 超过重要性水平the materiality level 接近重要性水平acceptably low level 可接受水平overall financial statement level and in relatedaccount balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层or omissions 错报或漏报总计events 期后事项the financial statements 调整财务报表additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序risk 审计风险risk 检查风险audit opinion 不适当的审计意见misstatement 重大的错报misstatement 可容忍错报acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险level of material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平business 小规模企业system 会计系统of control 控制测试test 穿行测试沟通chart 流程图of internal control 重新执行evidence 审计证据procedures 实质性程序认定存在发生完整性and obligations 权利和义务and allocation 计价和分摊截止准确性分类检查of counting 监盘观察函证计算procedures 分析程序核对追查sampling 审计抽样误差error 预期误差总体risk 抽样风险sampling risk 非抽样风险unit 抽样单位sampling 统计抽样error 可容忍误差risk of under reliance 信赖不足风险risk of over reliance 信赖过度风险risk of incorrect rejection 误拒风险100. the risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险trial balance 试算平衡表and cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引receipt 现金收入disbursement 现金支出statement 银行对账单reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表sheet date 资产负债表日realizable value 可变现净值仓库invoice 销售发票list 价目表confirmation request 积极式询证函confirmation request 消极式询证函requisition 请购单report 验收报告margin 毛利overhead 制造费用requisition 领料单存货盘点certificate 债券certificate 股票report 审计报告被审计单位of the audit report 审计报告的收件人opinion 无保留意见opinion 保留意见of opinion 无法表示意见opinion 否定意见<审计与内部控制Audit and Internal Review>词汇表(372词)序号英语汉语1 ability to perform the work 能力履行工作2 acceptance procedures 承兑程序过程3 accountability 经管责任,问责性4 accounting estimate 会计估计5 accounts receivable listing 应收帐款挂牌6 accounts receivable 应收账款7 accruals listing 应计项目挂牌8 accruals 应计项目9 accuracy 准确性10 adverse opinion 否定意见11 aged analysis 年老的分析(法,学)研究12 agents 代理人13 agreed-upon procedures 约定审查业务14 analysis of errors 错误的分析(法,学)研究15 anomalous error 反常的错误16 appointment ethics 任命伦理学17 appointment 任命18 associated firms 联合的坚挺19 association of chartered certified accounts(ACCA)特计的证(经执业的结社(ACCA)20 assurance engagement 保证债务21 assurance 保证22 audit 审计,审核,核数23 audit acceptance 审计承兑24 audit approach 审计靠近25 audit committee 审计委员会,审计小组26 ahudit engagement 审计业务约定书27 audit evaluation 审计评价28 audit evidence 审计证据29 audit plan 审计计划30 audit program 审计程序31 audit report as a means of communication 审计报告如一个通讯方法32 audit report 审计报告33 audit risk 审计风险34 audit sampling 审计抽样35 audit staffing 审计工作人员36 audit timing 审计定时37 audit trail 审计线索38 auditing standards 审计准则39 auditors duty of care 审计(查帐)员的抚养责任40 auditors report 审计报告41 authority attached to ISAs代理权附上到国际砂糖协定42 automated working papers 自动化了工作文件43 bad debts 坏账44 bank 银行45 bank reconciliation 银行对账单,余额调节表46 beneficial interests 受益权47 best value 最好的价值48 business risk 经营风险49 cadbury committee cadbury 委员会50 cash count 现金盘点51 cash system 兑现系统52 changes in nature of engagement改变债务的性质上53 charges and commitments 费用和评论54 charities 宽大55 tom walls tom 墙壁56 chronology of an audit 一审计的年代表57 CIS application controls CIS 申请控制58 CIS environments stand-alone microc omputers CIS 环境单机微型计算器59 client screening 委托人甄别60 closely connected 接近地连接61 clubs 俱乐部62 communications between auditors andmanagement 通讯在审计(查帐)员和经营之间63 communications on internal control内部控制上的通讯64 companies act 公司法65 comparative financial statements比较财务报表66 comparatives 比较的67 competence 能力68 compilation engagement 编辑债务69 completeness 完整性70 completion of the audit 审计的结束71 compliance with accounting regulations 符合~的作法会计规则72 computers assisted audit techniques(CAATs)计算器援助的审计技术(CAATs)73 confidence 信任74 confidentiality 保密性75 confirmation of accounts receivable应收帐款的查证76 conflict of interest 利益冲突77 constructive obligation 建设的待付款78 contingent asset 或有资产79 contingent liability 或有负债80 control environment 控制环境81 control procedures 控制程序82 control risk 控制风险83 controversy 论战84 corporate governance 公司治理,公司管制85 corresponding figures 相应的计算86 cost of conversion 转换成本,加工成本87 cost 成本88 courtesy 优待89 creditors 债权人90 current audit files 本期审计档案91 database management system (DBMS)数据库管理制度(数据管理系统92 date of report 报告的日期93 depreciation 折旧,贬值94 design of the sample 样品的设计95 detection risk 检查风险96 direct verification approach 直接核查法97 directional testing 方向的抽查98 directors emoluments 董事酬金99 directors serve contracts 董事服务合约100 disagreement with management与经营的不一致101 disclaimer of opinion 拒绝表示意见102 distributions 分销,分派103 documentation of understanding andassessment of control risk 控制风险的协商和评定的文件编集104 documenting the audit process证明审计程序105 due care 应有关注106 due skill and care 到期的技能和谨慎107 economy 经济108 education 教育109 effectiveness 效用,效果110 efficiency 效益,效率111 eligibility / ineligibility合格/ 无被选资格112 emphasis of matter 物质的强调113 engagement economics 债务经济学114 engagement letter 业务约定书115 error 差错116 evaluating of results of audit pro cedures 审计手序的结果评估117 examinations 检查118 existence 存在性119 expectations 期望差距120 expected error 预期的错误121 experience 经验122 expert 专家123 external audit 独立审计124 external review reports 外部的评论报告125 fair 公正126 fee negotiation 费谈判127 final assessment of control risk 控制风险的确定评定128 final audit 期末审计129 financial statement assertions财政报告宣称130 financial 财务131 finished goods 产成品132 flowcharts 流程图133 fraud and error 舞弊134 fraud 欺诈135 fundamental principles 基本原理136 general CIS controls 一般的CIS 控制137 general reports to mangement对(牛犬等的)疥癣的一般报告138 going concern assumption 持续经营假设139 going concern 持续经营140 goods on sale or return 货物准许退货买卖141 goodwill 商誉142 governance 统治143 greenbury committee greenbury委员会144 guidance for internal auditors指导为内部审计员145 hampel committee hampel 委员会146 haphazard selection 随意选择147 hospitality 款待148 human resources 人力资源149 IAPS 1000 inter-bank confirmation procedures IAPS 1000 在中间- 银行查证程序过程150 IAPS 1001 CIS environments-stand-alone microcomputers IAPS 1001 CIS 环境-单机微型计算器151 IAPS 1002 CIS environments-on-linecomputer systems IAPS 1002 CIS 环境-(与主机)联机计算器系统152 IAPS 1003 CIS environments-databasesystems IAPS 1003 CIS 环境- 数据库系统153 IAPS 1005 the special considerations in the audit of small entities 在小的个体审计中的IAPS 1005 特别的考虑154 IAS 2 inventories 信息家电 2 库存155 IAS 10 events after the balancesheet date 在平衡sheeet 日期後面的信息家电10 事件156 IFACs code of ethics for professional accountants IFACs 道德准则为职业会计师157 income tax 所得税158 incoming auditors 收入审计(查帐)员159 independent estimate 独立的估计160 ineligible for appointment 无被选资格的为任命161 information technology 信息技术162 inherent risk 固有风险163 initial communication 签署通讯164 insurance 保险165 intangibles 无形166 integrity 完整性167 interim audit 中期审计168 internal auditing 内部审计169 internal auditors 内部审计师170 internal control evaluation questionnaires (ICEQs)内部控制评价调查表171 internal control questionnaires (ICQs)内部控制调查表172 internal control system 内部控制系统173 internal review assignment 内部的评论转让174 international audit and assurance standards board (IAASB)国际的审计和保证标准登船(IAASB)175 international auditing practice statements (IAPSs)国际的审计实务声明(IAPSs)176 international federation of accounta nts (IFAC)国际会计师联合会(IFAC)177 inventory system 盘存制度178 inventory valuation 存货估价179 ISA 230 documentation 文件编制180 ISA 240 fraud and error 国际砂糖协定240 欺诈和错误181 ISA 250 consideration of law and regulations 法和规则的国际砂糖协定250 考虑182 Isa 260 communications of audit ma tters with those charge governance 审计物质的国际砂糖协定260 通讯由于那些索价统治183 isa 300 planning isa 300 计划编制184 isa 310 knowledge of the business企业的isa 310 知识185 isa 320 audit materiality 审计重要性186 isa 400 accounting and internal co ntrol isa 400 会计和内部控制187 isa 402 audit considerations rela ting to entities using service organisations 与正在使用的个体有关的isa 402个审计考虑服务组织188 isa 500 audit evidence 审计证据189 isa 501 audit evidence-additional c onsiderations for specific items isa 501个审计证据- 补偿为特殊条款190 isa 510 external confirmations isa 510个外部的查证191 isa 520 analytical procedures 分析性程序192 isa 530 audit sampling 审计抽样193 isa 540 audit of accounting estimates 解释估计的isa 540 审计194 isa 560 subsequent events 期后事项195 isa 580 management representations管理当局声明书196 isa 610 considering the work of internal auditing isa 610 以内部审计的工作看来197 isa 620 using the work of an expert isa 620 使用专家的工作198 isa 700 auditors report on financial statements 财务报表上的isa 700 审计(查帐)员的报告199 isa 710 comparatives isa 710个比较的200 isa 720 other information in documents containing audited financial statementsisa 720 证券包含audited 财务报表的其他信息201 isa 910 engagement to review financial statements isa 910 债务复阅财务报表202 isas and rss isas 和rss203 joint monitoring unit 连接检验单位204 knowledge of the entitys business个体的企业知识205 law and regulations 法和规则206 legal and regulations 法定权利和规则207 legal obligation 法定义务,法定责任208 levels of assurance 保险程度,保障水平209 liability 负债210 limitation on scope 审计范围限制211 limitation of audit 审计的提起诉讼的限期212 limitations of controls system控制系统的提起诉讼的限期213 litigation and claims 诉讼和赔偿214 litigation 诉讼215 loans 借款,贷款216 long term liabilities 长期负债217 lowballing lowballing218 management 管理219 management integrity 经营完整220 management representation letter管理当局声明书221 marketing 推销,营销,市场学222 material inconsistency 决定性的前后矛盾223 material misstatements of fact 重大误报224 materiality 重要性225 measurement 计量226 microcomputers 微型计算器227 modified reports 变更报告228 narrative notes 叙述证券229 nature 性质230 negative assurance 消极保证231 net realizable value 可实现净值232 non-current asset register 非本期的财产登记233 non-executive directors 非执行董事234 non-sampling risk 非抽样风险235 non-statutory audits 目标236 objectivity 客观性237 obligating event 负有责任事件238 obligatory disclosure 有拘束的揭示239 obtaining work 获得工作240 occurrence 出现241 on-line computer systems (与主机)联机计算器系统242 opening balances 期初余额243 operational audits 经营审计,作业审计244 operational work plans 操作上的工作计划245 opinion shopping 意见购物246 other information 其他的信息247 outsourcing internal audit 支援外包的内部核数248 overall review of financial state ments 财务报表的包括一切的评论249 overdue fees 超储未付费250 overhead absorption 管理费用分配251 periodic plan 定期的计划252 permanent audit files 永久审计档案253 personal relationships 个人的亲属关系254 planning 计划编制255 population 抽样总体256 precision 精密257 preface to ISAs and RSs 国际砂糖协定的序文和债券附卖回交易258 preliminary assessment of control risk 控制风险的预备评定259 prepayments 预付款项260 presentation and disclosure 提示和揭示261 problems of accounting treatment会计处理的问题262 procedural approach 程序上的靠近263 procedures 程序264 procedures after accepting nomination 程序过程在接受提名之后265 procurement 采购266 professional duty of confidentiality保密的职业责任267 projection of errors 错误的规划268 provision 备抵,准备269 public duty 公共职责270 public interest 公众利益271 publicity 宣传272 purchase ledger 购货分类账273 purchases and expenses system买和费用系统274 purchases cut-off 买截止275 put on enquiry 询价上的期货买卖276 qualified opinion 保留意见277 qualifying disclosure 合格揭示278 qualitative aspects of errors错误的性质上的方面279 random selection 随机选择280 reasonable assurance 合理保证281 reassessing sampling risk 再评价抽样风险282 reliability 可靠性283 remuneration 报酬284 report to management 对经营的报告285 reporting 报告286 research and development costs 研究和开发成本287 reservation of title 保留288 reserves 准备,储备289 revenue and capital expenditure岁入和资本支出290 review 评论291 review and capital expenditure评论和资本支出292 review 评论293 review engagement 复阅债务294 rights 认股权295 rights and obligations 认股权和待付款296 rights to information 对信息的认股权297 risk and materiality 风险和重要性298 risk-based approach 以风险为基础的方式299 romalpa case romalpa 个案300 rotation of auditor appointments 审计(查帐)员任命的循环301 rules of professional conduct 职业道德守则302 sales cut-off 销售截止303 sales system 销售(货)制度304 sales tax 销售税,营业税305 sales 销售,销货306 sample size 样本量307 sampling risk 抽样风险308 sampling units 抽样单位309 schedule of unadjusted errors未调整的错误表310 scope and objectives of internal a udit 内部核数的范围和目标311 segregation of duties 职责划分312 service organization 服务组织313 significant fluctuations or unexpect ed relationships 可重视的(市价)波动或不能预料的亲属关系314 small entity 小的个体315 smaller entities 比较小的个体316 sole traders 个体营业者317 sources of knowledge 知识的根源318 specimen letter on internal control内部控制上的样本证书319 stakeholders 赌款保存人320 standardised working papers 标准化工作文件321 statement 1:integrity,objectivity and independence 声明1: 完整,客观性和独立322 statement 2:the professional duty of confidence 声明2: 信任的职业责任323 statement 3: advertising ,publicityand obtaining professional work 声明3: 广告法(学),宣传和获得专业性工作324 statement 5:changes in professionalappointment 声明5: 在职业上的任命中的改变325 statistical sampling 统计抽样326 statutory audit 法定审计327 statutory books 法定卷册328 statutory duty 法定责任329 stewardship 总管的职务330 strategic plan 战略性计划331 stratification 分层332 subsequent events 期后事项333 substantive procedures 实词程序过程334 substantive tests 实质性测试335 sufficient appropriate audit evidence 充分的适当审计证据336 summarising errors summarising错误337 sundry accruals 杂的应计项目338 supervision 监督339 supervisory and monitoring roles监督的和检验角色340 suppliers statements 供应商的声明341 system and internal controls系统和内部的控制342 systematic selection 系统选择法343 systems-based approach 以系统为基础的方式344 tangible non-current assets 有形的非流动资产345 tendering 投标,清偿346 terms of the engagement 债务的条件347 tests of control 控制的证人348 the AGM 周年大会349 the board 委员会350 three Es 三Es351 timing 定时352 tolerable error 可容忍误差353 trade accounts payable and purchases 贸易应付帐款和买354 trade accounts payable listing贸易应付帐款挂牌355 training 培训356 treasury 国库,库房357 TRUE 真实358 turnbull committee turnbull 委员会359 ultra vires 越权360 uncertainty 不确定性361 undue dependence 未到(支付)期的未决362 unqualified audit report 无条件的审计报告363 unqualified report 无条件的报告364 using the knowledge 使用知识365 using the work of an expert使用专家的工作366 valuation 计价,估价367 value for money 现金(交易)价格368 voluntary disclosure 自愿披露369 wages and salaries 工资,薪金370 wages system 工资系统371 work in progress 在产品372 working papers 工作底稿。
Accept – reject testing 受-拒测试 Acceptance & Continuance (“FRISK”) or (“A&C”) 业务承接与续约 Accounting adjustments 会计调整 Accounting estimate 会计估计 Accounting policies 会计政策 Adjusting journal entry 调整分录 Alternative procedures 替代程序 Application controls 应用控制 Assurance Risk Management (ARM) 鉴证风险管理 Audit adjustment 审计调整 Audit comfort cycle (“ACC”) 审计信赖循环 Audit comfort matrix ("ACM") 审计信赖矩阵 Audit Committee 审计委员会 Audit documentation 审计工作记录 Audit evidence 审计证据 Audit plan 审计计划 Audit procedures 审计程序 Audit response 审计应对(措施) Audit sampling 审计抽样 Audit strategy 审计策略 Auditors’ report 审计报告 Authorisation, completeness, appropriateness, 授权、完整性、适当性、准确性、确证性、有 accuracy, validation, validity 效性 Authorization 授权 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Business analysis framework 业务分析框架 Business objective 经营目标 Business performance review 业绩复核 Business process 业务流程 Business rationale 商业理由 Business risk 经营风险 Business unit 经营单位 Cash flow forecasts 现金流量预测 Compensating controls 补偿性控制 Completeness, accuracy, occurrence/existence, cut- 完整性、准确性、发生/存在、截止、计价/分 off, valuation/allocation, rights and obligation, 摊、权利和义务,分类 classification accuracy, validity and restricted Completeness, 完整性、准确性、有效性、权限限制 access (CAVR) Complex systems 复杂系统 Computer-assisted auditing techniques 计算机辅助审计技术 Confirmation 函证 Consolidation 合并 Contingent liabilities 或有负债 Control activities 控制活动 Control environment 控制环境 Critical matter / significant matter 关键事项 / 重大事项 Cross reference 交叉索引 Cumulative Audit Knowledge and Experience (CAKE) 审计知识和经验积累 Cycle count 循环盘点 Detection risk 检查风险 Direction, supervision and review 指导、监督与复核 Disclosure checklist 披露事项核对表 Element of unpredictability 不可预见性因素 Engagement leader 项目负责人
经营活动产生的现金流量净额 Net cash flow from operating activities
投资活动产生的现金流量 cash flows from investing activities
收回投资收到的现金 Cash received from investments
非流动资产合计 Sub-total of Non- current assets
资产合计 Total assets
流动负债 Current liabilities
短期借款 Short term loans
交易性金融负债 Transactions of financial liabilities
收到其他与经营活动有关的现金 other cash received relating to operating activities
经营活动现金流入小计 Sub-total of cash inflows
购买商品、接受劳务支付的现金 Cash paid for goods and services
营业成本 business cost
主营业务成本 main business cost
其他业务成本 other business cost
营业税金及附加 tax on business and attached
营业费用 Operating expense
管理费用 Management expense
资产负债表 balance sheet
货币资金 Monetary funds
结算备付金 Settlement Reserves
审计报告方面的英语1.audit 审计2.attestation 鉴证3.credibility 可信赖程度4.audit of financial statements 财务报表审计5.agreed-upon procedures 执行商定程序6.high levels of assurance 高水平保证pilation 编制8.reliability 可靠性9.relevance 相关性10.professional skepticism 职业谨慎11.objectivity 客观性12.professional competence 专业胜任能力13.Senior/CPA-in-charge 项目经理14.audit engagement letter 业务约定书15.recurring audit 连续审计16.the client 委托人17.change CPA 更换注册会计师18.the existing CPA 现任注册会计师19.the successor CPA 后任注册会计师20.the preceding CPA前任注册会计师21.issue the audit report 出具审计报告22.expert 专家23.the board of directors 董事会24.knowledge of the entity's business 了解被审计单位情况25.assess material misstatement risks 评估重大错报风险26.detemine the nature,timing and extent of the audit procedures 确定审计程序的性质、时间和范围27.a general knowledge of 初步了解情况28.a more knowledge of 进一步了解的情况29.the prior year’s working papers 以前年度工作底稿30.minutes of meeting 会议纪要31.business risks 经营风险32.appropriateness 适当性33.accounting estimate 会计估计34.management representations 管理层声明35.going concern assumption 持续经营假设36.audit plan 审计计划37.significant audit areas 重点审计领域38.error 错误39.fraud 舞弊40.modified or additional procedures 修改或追加审计程序41.misappropriation of assets 侵占资产42.transactions without substance 虚假交易43.unusual pressures 异常压力44.the suspected noncompliance 涉嫌存在违法行为45.materialiy 重要性46.exceed the materiality level 超过重要性水平47.approach the materiality level 接近重要性水平48.an acceptably low level 可接受水平49.the overall financial statement level and related account balances and transaction levels 财务报表层和相关账户、交易层50.misstatements or omissions 错报或漏报51.aggregate 总计52.subsequent events 期后事项53.adjust the financial statements 调整财务报表54.perform additional audit procedures 实施追加的审计程序55.audit risk 审计风险56.detection risk 检查风险57.inappropriate audit opinion 不适当的审计意见58.material misstatement 重大的错报59.tolerable misstatement 可容忍错报60.the acceptable level of detection risk 可接受的检查风险61.assessed levelof material misstatement risk 重大错报风险的评估水平62.small business 小规模企业63.accounting system 会计系统64.test of control 控制测试65.walk-through test 穿行测试munication 沟通67.flow chart 流程图68.reperformance of internal control 重新执行69.audit evidence 审计证据70.substantive procedures 实质性程序71.assertions 认定72.esistence 存在73.occurrence 发生pleteness 完整性75.rightsand obligations 权利和义务76.valuation and allocation 计价和分摊77.cutoff 截止78.accuracy 准确性79.classification 分类80.inspection 检查81.supervision of counting 监盘82.observation 观察83.confirmation 函证putation 计算85.analytical procedures 分析程序86.vouch 核对87.trace 追查88.audit sampling 审计抽样89.error 误差90.expected error 预期误差91.population 总体92.sampling risk 抽样风险93.non-sampling risk 非抽样风险94.sampling unit 抽样单位95.statistical sampling 统计抽样96.tolerable error 可容忍误差97.the risk of under reliance 信赖不足风险98.the risk of over reliance 信赖过度风险99.the risk of incorrect rejection 误拒风险100.the risk of incorrect acceptance 误受风险101.working trial balance 试算平衡表102.index and cross-referencing 索引和交叉索引103.cash receipt 现金收入104.cash disbursement 现金支出105.bank statement 银行对账单106.bank reconciliation 银行存款余额调节表107.balance sheet date 资产负债表日 realizable value 可变现净值109.store room 仓库110.sales invoice 销售发票111.price list 价目表112.positive confirmation request 积极式询证函113.negative confirmation request消极式询证函114.purchase requisition 请购单115.receiving report 验收报告116.gross margin 毛利117.manufacturing overhead 制造费用118.material requisition 领料单119.inventory-taking 存货盘点120.bond certificate 债券121.stock certificate 股票122.audit report 审计报告123.entity 被审计单位124.addressee of the audit report 审计报告的收件人125.unqualified opinion 无保留意见126.qualified opinion 保留意见127.disclaimer of opinion 无法表示意见128.adverse opinion否定意见。
1. Balance sheet: 资产负债表
2. Income statement: 损益表
3. Cash flow statement: 现金流量表
4. Trial balance: 试算平衡表
5. General ledger: 总分类账
6. Accounts payable: 应付账款
7. Accounts receivable: 应收账款
8. Depreciation: 折旧
9. Audit: 审计
10. Financial statement: 财务报表
11. Internal control: 内部控制
12. External audit: 外部审计
13. Taxation: 税务
14. Compliance: 合规性
15. Auditing standards: 审计准则
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年度审计报告中的会计及审计英语English for Accounting & Auditing in Annual Repor主要内容Contents•年度审计报告框架Framework of Annual Report•年度审计报告中所应用的相关专业会计及审计英语Accounting and Audit English in Annual Report年度审计报告框架Framework of Annual Report审计意见Audit opinion管理层责任Management’s Responsibility for theFinancial Statements注册会计师责任Auditors’ Responsibility审计意见Auditor’s Opinion管理层财务报表Management Financial statements资产负债表Balance Sheet利润表 Income Statements现金流量表 Cash flow statement财务报表附注 Notes to the financial statements年度审计报告范例-管理层责任 (1)Example - Management’s Responsibility(1)年度审计报告范例-管理层责任 (2)Example - Management ’s Responsibility (2)相关会计及审计英语词汇-管理层责任Glossary-Management ’s Responsibilityo 中国企业会计准则 China Accounting Standards forBusiness Enterpriseso 内部控制 Internal controlo 重大错报 Material misstatement o 舞弊或错误 Fraud or erroro 会计政策 Accounting policieso 会计估计Accounting estimates 年度审计报告范例-注册会计师的责任(1)Example - Auditors’ Responsibility(1)相关会计及审计英语词汇-注册会计师的责任 (1)Glossary-Auditors’ Responsibility (1)发表审计意见Express an audit opinion 中国审计准则 China Standards on Auditing 职业道德规范 Ethical requirements合理保证Reasonable assurance年度审计报告范例-注册会计师的责任(2)Example - Auditors’ Responsibility (2)相关会计及审计英语词汇-注册会计师的责任 (2)Glossary-Auditors’ Responsibility (2)披露Disclosures审计证据 Audit evidence注册会计师的判断 Auditor’s judgment重大错报风险的评估Assessment of the risks of material misstatement设计审计程序 Design audit procedures内部控制的有效性The effectiveness of the entity’s internal control年度审计报告范例-注册会计师的责任(3)Example - Auditors ’ Responsibility (3)相关会计及审计英语词汇-注册会计师的责任 (3)Glossary-Auditors’ Responsibility (3)评价恰当性Evaluating the appropriateness充分、适当 Sufficient and appropriate年度审计报告范例 – 审计意见(无保留意见)相关会计及审计英语词汇 - 审计意见Glossary –Auditor’s Opiniono重大方面Material respects o公允反映 Present…fairly o无保留意见Unqualified opinion o保留意见Qualified opinion o无法表示意见 Disclaimer of Opinion o否定意见Adverse opinion年度审计报告财务报表Financial Reports一资产负债表Balance Sheet二利润表Income Statement三现金流量表Cash flow statement四财务报表附注Notes to the financial statements资产负债表框架Framework of Balance Sheet资产负债表 (流动资产)Balance Sheet (Current Assets)货币资金Cash at bank and on hand 交易性金融资产Financial assets held for trading 应收账款 Accounts receivable预付款项 Prepayments其他应收款 Other receivables存货Inventories资产负债表 (非流动资产)Balance Sheet (Non-current Assets)长期股权投资Long-term equity investments 固定资产Fixed assets在建工程 Construction in progress 无形资产 Intangible assets递延所得税资产 Deferred tax assets资产负债表(流动负债)Balance Sheet (Current Liabilities)短期借款Short-term loans交易性金融负债Financial liabilities held for trading应付账款Accounts payable预收款项Advances from customers应付职工薪酬Employee benefits payable应交税费Taxes payable其他应付款Other payables资产负债表(非流动负债)Balance Sheet (Non-Current Liabilities)长期借款 Long-term loans长期应付款 Long-term payables预计负债Provisions递延所得税负债 Deferred tax liabilities资产负债表 (所有者权益)Balance Sheet (Owner’s equity)实收资本Paid-in capital资本公积 Capital reserve盈余公积Surplus reserve未分配利润Retained earnings利润表框架Framework of Income Statement营业收入 Operating income营业成本Operating costs期间费用Period charge营业利润 (亏损) Operating profit (loss)利润 (亏损)总额Profit (loss) before income tax 净利润 (亏损) Net profit (loss) for the year利润表 - 期间费用Income Statement - Period Charge销售费用Selling and distribution expenses管理费用 General and administrative expenses财务费用 Financial expenses现金流量表框架Framework of Cash Flow Statemento直接法 Direct Method经营活动产生的现金流量 Cash flows from operating activities投资活动产生的现金流量 Cash flows from investing activities筹资活动产生的现金流量 Cash flows from financing activitieso间接法 Indirect Method直接法 - 经营活动产生的现金流量Direct Method – Cash Flow from Operating Activities销售商品收到的现金 Cash received from sale of goods 购买商品支付的现金 Cash paid for goods支付的各项税费 Cash paid for all types of taxes直接法 - 投资活动产生的现金流量Direct Method – Cash Flow from Investing Activities收回投资收到的现金 Cash received from disposal of investments取得投资收益收到的现金Cash received from return on investments购建固定资产、无形资产 Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets, intangible和其他长期资产支付的现金 assets and other long-term assets投资支付的现金Cash paid for acquisition of investments直接法 - 筹资活动产生的现金流量Direct Method – Cash Flow from Financing Activities取得借款收到的现金 Cash received from borrowings偿还债务支付的现金Cash repayments of borrowings分配股利、利润或偿付利息支付的现金 Cash paid for dividends, profits distribution or interest间接法 - 将净利润(亏损)调节为经营活动的现金流量Indirect Method - Reconciliation of Net Profit (Loss) to Cash Flows from Operating Activities净利润(亏损) Net profit (loss) 加:固定资产折旧Add:Depreciationof fixed assets无形资产摊销Amortisation of intangible assets存货的减少(增加) Decrease (increase) in gross inventories经营性应收项目的减少(增加) Decrease (increase) in operating receivables经营活动产生的现金流量净额Net cash inflow (outflow) from operating activities财务报表附注范例(公司基本情况)ABC有限责任公司(以下简称“本公司”)是由A和在D注册的BC在中华人民共和国北京市成立的中外合资经营企业。