发展我国第三方物流配送的对策摘要:分析了第三方物流配送的实质及其快速发展的动因, 指出第三方物流配送在中国的市场前景及存在的主要问题。
关键词:中国,第三方物流,物流配送加人后, 中国物流市场的竞争明显加剧, 在快递、零售领域一下出现了诸如, 沃尔玛、家乐福等国际巨头。
年月, 政府高层主管官员宣布, 中国允许外商有条件地控股商业企业, 并将逐步取消对外方控股的限制外资可以进驻中国各直辖市、省会城市和计划单列市。
而巨头的物流配送无论从方式上、战略上, 还是在物流设施和配送技术上都是一流水平。
研究第三方物流配送在物流业中的发展有意于我国企业提升物流整体作业水平, 更好地应对海外企业对我国物流市场的冲击。
一、第三方物流配送何缘在物流领域盛行进人世纪年代以后, 物流系统环境发生了明显变化, 越来越多的企业开始逐渐认识到物流在战略管理中的重要地位。
环境变化使企业的经营格局发生了改变, 从而使脱离现代物流管理的生产、销售活动无法真正在市场上取得竞争优势, 同时又使物流企业本身在急剧的环境变化中提高了管理能力, 并产生了对生产、销售的能动作用。
1、消费者行为的变化进人世纪, 中国人的生活意识已从原来追求温饱型或数量型转向追求小康和生活的质量。
这种生活意识的变化, 在随着经济社会向国际化、信息化以及人口结构高龄化急剧转变的基础上, 推动了消费者价值的多元化以及生活类型的多样化,其结果是消费开始向个性化和多样化方向发展,强化了物流管理在企业战略中的地位。
2、多品种、少数量生产的转变和零售形式的多样化随着消费个性化、多样化的发展, 流行商品的生命周期也越来越短, 使得厂家要完全预测特定商品的流行程度十分困难。
1.新闻评论的内容应当( )A.最能体现作者个人观点B.最具有时效性C.是广大群众最关心和最感兴趣的D.最富有理论色彩2.新闻评论选题和立论的关系是( )A.两者相互独立,可以截然分开B.一般情况下,先立论,后选题C.选题为立论提供基础,立论赋予选题鲜明的思想观点D.实践中,选题相同时,立论也相同3.衡量新闻评论作品能否产生社会效应,能否促使事物发展的一项首要标准是立论是否具有( )A.针对性 B.新颖性C.准确性 D.前瞻性4.下列评论体裁中必须有标题的是( )A.文前按语B.文中按语C.电视述评D.主持人评论5.《市场经济需要什么样的政府》、《早稻种了不收引出的思考》这两个评论标题主要体现了标题功能中的( )A.昭示中心论点B.吸引受众注意C.表明作者态度D.概括论题范围6.与其他媒体评论标题相比,广播评论标题的特点是( )A.结构、句式和语言运用上更为灵活多样B.更简洁、平易、生动C.更具有形象性和感染力D.往往在正文播出后播放7.新闻评论说理论述中一条基本的也是最重要的原则和方法是( )A.虚实结合B.论据和论点结合C.破立结合D.严肃和生动结合8.作为论说文的一种,新闻评论的结构特殊之处在于( )A.其谋篇布局为体现逻辑结构服务,为从道理上说服受众服务B.其主要研究篇章之间的关系法则C.相对短小精悍D.以相关性为结构原则9.在新闻评论的说理论述中,形象的作用是( )A.无关紧要的,评论凭借理性逻辑取胜B.形象和说理相互独立,不能融合C.一种重要的方式,使评论更为生动D.削弱了说理的逻辑性,应该少用10.打好新闻业务根底,首先要掌握的能力是( )A.调查研究和分析问题B.文字修养C.采写新闻D.计算机应用l1.社论是代表报刊、通讯社、广播电台、电视台等媒体编辑部发言的( )A.启迪性言论B.战斗性言论C.权威性言论D.鼓动性言论12.体裁特点为短小精悍、新鲜独特、生动灵活、重在分析的是( )A.编后 B.文前按语C.时评 D.短评13.报刊独有的按语形式是( )A.编后 B.文中按语C..文前按语D.批注l4.在新闻评论各类体裁中形式最为多样的一种是( )A.社论 B.短评C.述评 D.编者按语15.思想述评侧重于分析( )A.社会道德风尚B.重大新闻事件C.日常生活琐事D.社会主义精神文明建设中的思想状况l6.杂文与一般评论的不同在于它( )A.直抒己见B.形象性较强C.思想深刻D.从大处着眼l7.决定广播评论上口动听这一特点的是( )A.声音传播B.听众状态C.人际传播D.传播技术18.最早出现的口播评论形式是( )A.配合重要新闻播出的口播评论B.以长设栏目形式播出的口播评论C.兼具串联功能的口播评论D.口播导语l9.画面在电视评论中的主要作用是( )A.表现事实B.引出论题C.提供富于实证力的论据D.增强评论感染力2o.广播评论中的论述性语言,任何时候都必须坚持的原则是( )A.富有哲理B.说理为主C.客观叙述D.意味隽永二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)在每小题列出的五个备选项中至少有两个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。
4、“三知”: 、、。
5、三无: 、、。
6、三违: 、、。
7、四不伤害: 、、、。
A、安全管理B、安全教育C、安全检查D、安全生产2、进行动火作业时,取样和动火作业时间不得超过()min ,超过或间断此时间必须重新取样。
( )A、公司B、总经理C、我们自己D、别人4、生产区应将有害作业与()分开布置,避免尘毒交叉污染。
()A 动火作业B 通风作业C 人工作业D 无害作业5、中华人民共和国国家标准《高处作业分级》中规定:高处作业,凡在坠落高度基准面()米以上有可能坠落的高处进行得分作业,均称为高处作业。
A 、 2.5 B、1.5 C、2 D、36、使用危险化学品的企业按照规定()进行应急预案演练。
()A定期 B不定期 C 随时 D 每天7、发生危险化学品事故后,事故现场及附近的道路、水源都有可能受到严重污染,应进行洗消。
()A 人员B 装备C 环境D 空气8、在抢险救援行动中应随时注意气象和事故发展的变化,一旦发现所处的区域受到污染或将被污染时,应立即向()转移。
()A 厂区B 休息区C 安全区D 库区9、人员疏散,包括撤离和()两种。
()A 离开B 留下C 送医院D 就地保护10、生产区应将有害作业与()分开布置,避免尘毒交叉污染。
1.不属于...现代管理基本特征的是( A )P10-12A.习惯化管理B.系统化管理C.民主化管理D.科学化管理2.体现组织中横跨过权力执行路线而直接联系的原则是( D )P45A.适当的集权和分权原则B.秩序原则C.公平原则D.跳板原则3.霍桑实验的主持人是( B )P47A.法约尔B.梅奥C.沙因D.亚当斯4.贯穿于管理过程的始终,是管理活动核心内容的是( A )P73A.决策B.预测C.计划D.领导5.决策者有明确的决策目标,知道不同行动方案在不同环境条件下所获得的结果,虽不能完全判断未来出现的是哪一种环境条件,但可以预测其出现概率的决策是( D )P76A.程序化决策B.确定型决策C.非确定型决策D.风险型决策6.在决策模式中,提出了“最优决策准则”的是( A )P81A.理性决策模式B.渐进决策模式C.集团决策模式D.精英决策模式7.直线型组织结构一般只适应于( D )P120A.大型企业B.跨国企业C.创新任务较高,生产经营多变的企业D.规模较小,生产技术与工艺过程比较简单、产品单一的企业8.高耸组织结构的特点是( C )P125A.管理层次少,管理幅度小B.管理层次少,管理幅度大C.管理层次多,管理幅度小D.管理层次多,管理幅度大9.根据行为科学的研究,人的需要、动机、行为与满足之间的关系可以用简单的模式表示为 ( A )P198A.需求→动机→行为→满足B.动机→需求→行为→满足C.行为→动机→需求→满足D.需求→行为→动机→满足10.马斯洛的需要层次理论主要解释了人类的( B )P202A.基本需要的程度B.基本需要的内容和产生顺序C.基本需要的内容D.基本需要产生的顺序11.按高标准行事,或在竞争中取胜的愿望属于( B )P206A.归属需要B.成就需要C.权力需要D.关系需要12.不属于...激励因素的是( B )P209A.工作成就B.工资收入C.工作责任D.职业发展13.职务内容的扩大化和工作意义的丰富化是指( B )P211A.职务轮换B.工作丰富化C.参与管理D.职务扩大化14.美国著名心理学家布尔赫斯·弗雷德里克·斯金纳提出的是( C )P220A.归因理论B.双因素理论C.强化理论D.“X—Y”理论15.某企业规定,员工上班迟到一次,扣发当月50%的奖金,自此规定出台后,员工迟到现象基本消除,这种激励属于( C )P221A.正强化B.负强化C.惩罚D.消退16.以分工为前提,体现现代管理基本特征的是( B )A.社会化B.专业化C.技术性D.批量化17.上级管理组织或人员把各项管理政策及组织目标、工作程序、规章制度逐级向下传递的沟通属于( A )P228A.下行沟通B.上行沟通C.双向沟通D.链式沟通18.按照控制发生在一个完整管理过程中的阶段性,分前馈控制、反馈控制以及( C )P245A.动态控制B.分散控制C.现场控制D.复合控制19.统计分析表明,“关键的事总是少数,一般的事常是多数”,这意味着控制工作最应重视 ( A )A.抓住关键环节,控制全局B.灵活、及时和适度C.客观、精确和具体D.协调计划和组织工作20.决策树法属于( C )P328A.程序性决策方法B.确定型决策方法C.风险型决策方法D.非确定型决策方法二、填空题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请在每小题的空格中填上正确答案。
1.行政管理学中最基本、最核心的概念是( D )1-1-P1A.行政发展B.行政权力C.行政职能D.行政管理解析:行政管理是行政管理学中最基本、最核心的概念,故D项正确。
2.认为管理有计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制五大基本功能的是( C )1-2-P12 超纲A.威尔逊B.古立克C.法约尔D.泰罗解析:法约尔提出了有关管理的功能理论,认为管理包括计划、组织、指挥、协调和控制五大基本功能的学者,故C项正确。
4.经济体制的核心是( C )2-2-P39A.所有制关系B.分配机制C.社会资源调配机制D.发展机制解析:经济体制是一个国家或地区以社会经济组织为中心的各种具体经济制度与行为规范的总和,其核心就是所谓的社会资源调配制度,故C项正确。
5.在雷格斯的行政生态学模式中,与过渡型社会相适应的行政模式是( B )2-1-P35A.融合型行政B.棱柱型行政C.衍射型行政D.法理型行政解析:A项农业社会的行政模式被称为融合型行政模式。
B项棱柱型行政模式被称为过渡型社会的行政模式,故B 项正确。
6.现代民主政治的核心是( C )3-1-P67A.三权分立B.国家结构形式C.主权在民D.国家法律[键入文字]解析:现代民主理论认为,民主的本质是人民当家作主,主权在民是现代民主政治的核心,故C项正确。
7.计划经济时期,我国中央政府的事权主要是( A )3-3-P87A.经济管理权B.政治统治权C.社会管理权D.文化管理权解析:在经济计划时期,事权主要表现为经济管理权,故A项正确。
8.“守夜人”政府时期指的是( B )4-2-P98A.有限责任政府时期B.弱势政府时期C.自由政府时期D.强势政府时期解析:弱势政府时期即“守夜人”政府时期,故B项正确。
l、下列哪个选项属于我国目前法律修改的劳动关系中所指的劳动C P8A、个体劳动者和合伙人的劳动B劳教人员和战俘的劳役劳动C、教师的劳动D现役军人的军工劳动2.从广义上讲,劳动关系的主体包括: B P10\11\12①雇员②雇主③雇员团体④雇主组织⑤政府A.①②③⑤B. ①②③④⑤c. ①②④⑤D ①②③④3.劳动关系就其构成形态而言,可以分为个别劳动关系和集体劳动关系。
集体劳动关 D P13\14系的特点为;①人格上的从属性②经济上的从属性③明确的团体利益④独立自主性A、①②B、②③C.②④D. ③④4._是冲突最明显的表现形式,是工人被压抑的敌视情绪的宣泄方式 C P20A、权利义务的协商B.游行示威C.罢工D、诉诸法律手段5.经济危机带来了失业率上升,引起的裁员减薪很容易造成劳动双方起纠纷,这说明 D P22了______对冲突的重要影响。
A.“客观”的工作环境B、管理政策和实践C.文化差异D.宏观经济环境和政府政策6、下列哪一个选项属于自由竞争资本主义时期劳动关系的特点C P26A.工业民主化、集体谈判制度和三方协商机制的出现-B.国家的劳动行政管理工作获得了空前的发展C.劳资矛盾表现为尖锐的阶级对抗和激烈的阶级冲突D.战争、危机和革命极大地影响着这一阶段劳资关系的发展7.按照从政治趋向上的“右翼”(保守)到‘左翼”(激进)的顺序排列为 D P29A、管理主义学派、正统多元论学派、新保守派、激进派、自由改革主义学派B.管理主义学派、新保守派、正统多元论学派、激进派、自由改革主义学派C.新保守派、管理主义学派、正统多元论学派,激进派,自由改革主义学派D.新保守派、管理主义学派、正统多元论学派、自由改革主义学派、激进派8.下列哪项不是新保守主义政策的负面影响表现? AA.整体福利水平低B.贫困指标高C.工时长D.贫富差距扩大9.根据马克思的观点,下列哪一选项不是导致阶级之间的贫富两极分化的原因 C P41A .工厂规模的扩张使工人向大型工作场所集聚,机器大工业使工人的阶级同一性更加明显B.大企业更具经济实力,具有一定的规模经济效应,有能力将小的竞争者从市场上驱逐出去C.为实现利润最大化,资本家总是想方设法建立劳动密集型企业D.尽管随着时间的推移,生产率的提高会带来工人阶级整体生活水平的上升,但这与资本家从工人身上剥削的剩余价值相比,微乎其徽10.20世纪上半叶普遍采用的物质生产技术导致了工作的高度分工和规范化,并使工作C P44\45具有以下特征,(1)工作本身并不需要工人具有很多技能。
1.梅耶学习过程模型的最大特点是( D )2-48A.强调刺激与反应的联结B.强调强化的作用C.强调联系的作用D.强调新旧知识的相互作用2.“经典条件作用理论”是由哪位心理学家提出来的?( D )3-74A.马斯洛B.弗洛伊德C.斯金纳D.巴甫洛夫3.幼儿学习的基本活动模式是( A )4-116A.操作学习B.概念学习C.言语学习D.反应学习4.游戏的表征形式包括( D )5-153A.交往行为、友善行为与意志行为B.认知行为、情感行为与意志行为C.交往行为、攻击行为与宣泄行为D.认知行为、交往行为与宣泄行为5.下列关于动作技能与智力技能关系说法不正确的是( A )6-201A.智力技能是动作技能形成与发展的最初依据B.智力技能是动作技能的控制与调节者C.在完成比较复杂的活动时,既需要动作技能,又需要智力技能D.确定某种技能是动作技能还是智力技能,取决于其活动的主要成分6.幼儿道德情感发展三个时期依次为( B )8-286A.他律性时期、过渡性时期与自律性时期B.“原伦理状态”时期、前道德情感时期与他律性时期C.前道德情感时期、道德情感时期与后道德情感时期D.“伦理状态”时期、“社会状态”时期与“心理状态”时期7.问题解决的基本过程分为哪四个阶段?( C )9-305A.实践归纳、提出问题、研究问题与解决问题B.提出问题、查阅文献、研究问题与解决问题C.发现问题、分析问题、提出假设和验证假设D.提出问题、研究问题、文献查阅与得出结论8.解释概念学习的基本过程的理论主要有( D )7-239A.接受理论与建构理论B.行为主义理论与认知主义理论C.试误理论与顿悟理论D.联结理论与假设理论9.根据指导主体的不同,幼儿园教育活动的指导可以分为( A )11-366A.外部指导与内部指导B.教师指导与家长指导C.领导指导与教师指导D.教师指导与幼儿互相指导10.构成师幼互动行为的要素包括( B )13-416A.教师的行为与幼儿的行为B.外显的行为因素与内隐的心理要素C.个体行为与群体行为D.良好行为与不良行为11.下列选项中属于独生子女家庭教育的心理学原则的是( A )14-474A.以儿童教育儿童B.科学性原则C.成功教育原则D.挫折教育原则12.我国古代学习过程结构模式是围绕哪两条主线展开的?( A )2-50A.智力因素与非智力因素B.启发与强制C.讲习与质疑D.训导与诱导13.心理学上把儿童学习某种知识和行为比较容易、心理某方面发展最为迅速的时期称为( C )2-63 A.发展快速期 B.发展高峰期C.发展敏感期D.发展潜力期14.游戏准备包括哪四个方面?( A )5-189A.游戏时间、游戏地点、游戏材料与经验准备B.教师、小朋友、游戏材料与游戏场所C.游戏主题、游戏材料、游戏场所与心理准备D.游戏内容、游戏材料、游戏时间与游戏地点15.下列选项中,不属于前运算阶段幼儿认知发展特征的是( D )4-125A.能作出延迟模仿B.不理解事物的可逆性C.能进行象征游戏D.能从他人的角度看待事物16.背景型教育活动情境的创设涉及的要素包括教育活动的( C )11-391A.时间、空间、背景、人才与素材B.时间、地点、任务、活动与个性C.空间、时间、内容、材料、形式与气氛D.时间、场地、主题、设计与卷入17.根据皮亚杰的道德认知发展理论,在下列哪个阶段儿童对道德的看法是遵守规范,只重视行为后果(打破杯子就是坏事)而不考虑行为意向?( B )8-279A.前道德阶段B.他律道德阶段C.自律道德阶段D.无律阶段18.个体的社会化过程是通过以下哪两方面而实现的?( B )8-263A.学校教学与个体努力B.社会教化与个体内化C.教师教育与个体追求D.家庭榜样与个体自觉19.在系统观指导下,提出教学系统设计思想的学者是( D )10-346A.斯金纳B.维果茨基C.弗洛伊德D.罗米索斯基20.美国社会心理学家J·克劳森提出儿童个性形成过程要经历哪四个阶段?( B )8-263A.认知、练习、整合与定型B.模仿与服从、感受暗示、认同与内化C.感知、接受、练习与稳定D.观察、模仿、认同与形成动力定型二、名词解释(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)1.观察法1-25答:观察法指通过感官或借助一定的仪器设备,有目的、有计划地自然状态下发生的现象或行为进行系统、连续的考察、记录、分析,从而获取事实材料的研究方法。
全国2011年7月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30 %)1. Grammarians insist that a word be a __________ form that can function in a sentence.( )A. smallB. largeC. fixedD. free2. In the earliest stage of English, the written form of a word should ________ that of the oral form. ( )A. agree withB. disagree withC. be the same asD. be different from3. ____________consists of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas as in medicine, mathematics, etc. ( )A. TerminologyB. JargonC. SlangD. Argot4. Social, economic and political changes bring about such new words as the followings EXCEPT_________. ( )A. fast foodB. TV dinnerC. Mao jacketsD. Watergate5. Reviving archaic words also contributes to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, “loan”, which was prevalent in the thirteenth century, was replaced by “ __________ ” in American English. ( )A. ownB. letC. rentD. lend6. If we say that Old English was a language of __________ endings, Middle English was one of leveled endings. ( )A. fullB. shortC. longD. paralleled7. The plural morpheme“-s” is pronounced as /z/ in the following words EXCEPT ______________. ( )A. bottlesB. eggsC. zoosD. maps8. There is/are _____________ free morphemic word(s) in the following words: wind, man, reddish, collection. ( )A. lB. 2C. 3D. 49. The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT ____________. ( )A. likesB. dislikeC. likingD. liked10. The most productive means of word-formation are the following EXCEPT _______________. ( )A. affixationB. blendingC. compoundingD. conversion11. Prefixes generally do not change the __________ of the stem. ( )A. meaningB. formC. word classD. pronunciation12. The word “dorm” is formed by _________clipping. ( )A. backB. frontC. phraseD. front and back13. The word “reading-lamp” is _______ motivated. ( )A. onomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically14. The synonymous pair of “ask-question” has the same___________. ( )A. motivationB. valueC. functionD. concept15. In the sentence “East or west, home is best”, “home” has its __________ meaning of “family, safety, love”, etc. ( )A. grammaticalB. connotativeC. stylisticD. collocative16. Semantically, a word which is related to other words is related to them in____________。
这句话体现的市场营销哲学是( )A.产品观念B.社会营销观念C.推销观念D.市场营销观念2.空调夏季热销、冬季滞销。
这种需求属于( )A.潜伏需求B.充分需求C.不规则需求D.过量需求3.“奇智”汽车公司通过在俄罗斯成立全资子公司进军该国汽车市场。
这种增长战略属于( )A.市场渗透B.产品开发C.市场开发D.多元化发展4.某面粉企业为了控制和拥有其分销系统,兼并了面粉经销商店。
该种增长战略属于( )A.业务一体化B.后向一体化C.前向一体化D.水平一体化5.沂蒙公司的主营业务是家电生产,近年来公司将触角伸向餐饮、房地产、旅游等领域。
这种多元化增长方式属于( )A.集团多元化B.同心多元化C.水平多元化D.关联多元化6.在现代市场经济条件下,市场营销管理的首要步骤是( )A.寻找和评价市场机会B.细分市场和选择目标市场C.发展市场营销组合和决定市场营销预算D.执行和控制市场营销计划7.某商场欲考察某种商品的两种价格水平和三种促销方式的促销效果,应采用的实验设计类型是( )A.前后控制组分析法B.简单时间序列实验法C.阶乘设计法D.重复时间序列实验法8.衡量消费者对汽车购买力最有效的收入指标是( )A.GDPB.可随意支配个人收入C.可支配个人收入D.个人收入9.消费者对某一品牌评价较差,就会在相当长的时间内保持不变,并且会对使用该品牌的所有产品都有不好的评价。
这种心理因素是( )A.动机B.态度C.知觉D.学习10.王刚经过反复思考长时间比较选择后,决定购买一套知名楼盘的商品房。
2011年7月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试外贸英语写作试题课程代码:00097请将答案填在答题纸相应位置上Part One: Questions 1-20Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。
)20%1. While we appreciate your inquiry, __________ we regret being unable to make you an offer at the moment.A. yetB. butC. on the contraryD. /2. In the meantime, if you should require __________ sewing machines, please feel free to contact us.A. any otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other3. __________ we meet next time, we will offer you new products __________ we feel sure will meet with your expectation.A. Who …whichB. Whom … with whichC. When … whichD. When … with which4. We know that, __________ time, you will be able to overcome your present problem.A. givenB. givingC. to giveD. being given5. The market has declined __________ the decrease in demand.A. becauseB. owing toC. asD. since6. __________ the date of shipment is concerned, we regret to say that it has to be extended for another week.A. As much asB. As good asC. As well asD. As far as7. We trust that you will find our goods __________.A. attractingB. attract your attentionC. attractiveD. being attractive8. Please contact me __________ you need further information.A. whetherB. ifC. thoughD. even if9. If Mr. White won’t agree to sign the contract, __________.A. neither won’t sheB. neither she willC. she won’t neitherD. neither will she10. China is in a position to buy more and more technology and __________ goods on the international market, and make greater contribution to the world’s economic interflow.A. to finishB. finishingC. finishedD. finish11. Sales representative Mailer made more telephone calls last month __________ salespersons.A. than otherB. than anyC. than any otherD. as any other12. What role __________ playing in the new project?A. the engineers areB. are the engineersC. the engineers isD. is the engineers13. After listening to Mr. Sheet’s report, __________.A. a few changes were made by the managerB. the manager made a few changesC. the manager makes a few changesD. a few changes are made by the manager14. Our __________ lease must be renegotiated.A. six-year-oldB. six-years-oldC. six year oldD. six-year old15. I’m sure it is __________ usually answers the telephone.A. her whomB. her whoC. she whomD. she who16. Of probationary and permanent employees, only __________ are eligible for tuition reimbursement.A. the latterB. the laterC. latterD. later17. Datacom is __________ to be awarded the contract than Compugraph.A. more likeB. more likelyC. most likeD. most likely18. It is __________ good chance __________ we mustn’t miss it.A. so … thatB. so a … thatC. such … thatD. such a … that19. Please tell me __________ what salesperson these brochures came.A. uponB. fromC. inD. at20. Steel filing cabinets are best for durability, __________ and fire resistance.A. easy of cleaningB. cleaning easilyC. ease of cleaningD. easily cleaningPart Two: Questions 21-30There is one mistake in each of the following questions. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。
2011.1.8(pie chart)Some people think that robots are very important for humans' future development. Others, however, think that robots are a dangerous invention that could have negative effects on society. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(科技类)2011.01.15(pie chart)The workplace nowadays is trying to employ the equal number of females and males. Do you think it is a positive or negative trend? (社会类-工作)2011.01.22(pie chart)Today there is a great increase in anti-social behaviors and lack of respect to others. What are the causes of this? Who should take responsibility for dealing with it?(社会类)2011.01.27(table)Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries, but other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the internet.Discuss both opinions and give your own opinion.(旅游)2011.02.12(pie chart)How can countries ensure that tourism benefits the development?/What can countries do to make tourism ensure the development2011.02.19(line graph)Some people think that women should play an equal role as men in military force or police force, others say women are not suited for such kind of work. Discuss both side and give your own opinion.(社会类)2011.02.26(map)Many people believe that counties should produce food for all population eats and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(社会类)2011.03.05(bar chart)Some people believe governments should spend money in saving languages of few speakers from dying out completely. Others think this is a waste of financial resources.(社会类)Discuss both views and give your opinion.2011.03.12(bar chart)Competitiveness is a positive quality for people to have among most societies. How does this competitiveness affect individuals? Do you think it is a positive or negative trend?(社会类)2011.03.19(bar chart)Computer technologies are more accessible and cheaper, as the result, more adults work at home and children study at home. Is this a positive or negative development?(科技类)2011.04.02(line graph)Many people think cheap air travel should be encouraged because it gives ordinary people freedom to travel further. However, others think this leads to environmental problem, so air travel should be more expensive in order to discourage people from having it. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(环境与科技类)2011.04.16(bar chart)Every one believes that it is important to protect the environment however seldom do that themselves. Why is it important to protect environment by ourselves? What action should we do?2011.04.28(line graph)Too much money has spent on looking after and repairing old buildings, therefore, we should knock down old buildings and build modern ones instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2011.04.30(bar chart)Foreign tourist abroad should be charged more than local people when visiting the local historical and cultural tourist attractions. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2011.05.07(line graph)Environmental problems are too big for individual countries and individual people to address. We have reached the stage where the only way to protect the environment is to address it at an international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?2011.05.14(bar chart)Individual greed and selfishness has been the basis of the modern society. Some people think that we must return to the older and more traditional values of respect for the family and the local community in order to create a better world to live in. To what extent do you agree or disagree?2011.05.19(bar chart)The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue? 2011.05.28(table)Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.2011.06.04(flow chart)People set news as our knowledge of society, but people don’t make sure how far we trust in journalists. What is your opinion on this? And what qualities do you think journalist should have? 2011.06.11(table+pie)Some people think the government should spend more money on public services rather than waste money on arts (i.e. music and painting). To what extent do you agree or disagree?2011.06.11(table+pie)Some people think the government should spend more money on public services rather than waste money on arts (i.e. music and printing). To what extent do you agree or disagree? (社会类) 2011.06.23(line graph)Traditional food is being replaced by international fast foods. This has negative effects on family and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (社会类)2011.06.25(bar chart)Nowadays, advertising is having an increasing influence on our lives. Some people think that the positive effects outweigh the negative effects. Do you agree or disagree?(广告类)2011.07.09(table)There are many extinct animals’ species in the world nowadays. Some people say we should protect these animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings.Discuss both opinions and give your personal view.(动物保护类)2011.07.16(pie chart)In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?(社会人文类)2011.07.28(line chart)In schools and universities, some girls tend to choose arts subjects, while boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? (教育类)2011.07.30(bar chart)Some people think that dangerous sports should be banned, but others think the people should have freedom to choose sports activities. Discuss both views and give your opinion.(生活类)2011.08.13(flow chart)Some people think that the main purpose of school is to turn children as good citizens and workers, rather to benefit them as individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(教育类)2011.08.20(table)Some people believe that if a police force carries guns, it would cause a high level of violence in that society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(社会类)2011.08.25(line chart)Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs paid by the government; all costs paid by students; all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the advantages of these options? Which is your choice? (教育类)2011.08.20(pie chart)Nowadays, people all over the world are watching foreign films much more than locally produced films. Why? Should government give more financial support to local film industry? (社会类)2011.08.25(line chart)Higher education is funded in several ways: all costs paid by the government; all costs paid by students; all costs paid by students with a government loan which must be repaid after graduation. What are the advantages of these options? Which is your choice? (教育类)2011.08.27(pie chart)Nowadays, people all over the world are watching foreign films much more than locally produced films. Why? Should government give more financial support to local film industry?( 社会类)2011.09.03(bar chart)The qualities a person needs to become successful in today’s world cannot be learned at a university or any similar academic institution. To what extent do you agree or disagree? (教育类)2011.09.15(line chart)Nowadays a large amount of advertising is aimed at children. Some people think this can have negative effects on children and should be banned. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(媒体类)2011.09.17(map)Somebody think that some subjects such as math and philosophy are difficult to some students, so people should take it as selective not compulsory. Do you agree or disagree? (教育类)2011.09.24(bar chart)The best way for a country to prepare for the future is to invest more resources for its young people. How true do you think of it? What is the best way to invest more resources on young people? ( 社会类)2011.10.08(line chart)The trend of the proportion of older people is increasing steadily. Is it positive or negative to society? ( 社会类)2011.10.20(bar chart)Holding Olympic Games is an exciting event. Some people think it has positive effects while others argue it is a waste of money. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. ( 社会类)2011.10.22(line chart)Currently, anyone can post information on the internet. Therefore, most information on the internet might be inaccurate. To what extent do you agree or disagree?(科技类)2011.10.29(flow chart)Films and computer games containing violence are popular. Some people say they have negative effect on society and should be banned. Other say they are just harmless relaxation. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.。
1.下列议论文中运用寓言故事说理的是( )A.《寡人之于国也》B.《秋水》C.《五代史伶官传序》D.《论毅力》2.《论毅力》引用孟子的话说:“掘井九仞,而不及泉,犹为弃井也。
”这是为了强调( )A.人生必有顺逆两境相间以迭乘B.毅力大小不同则效果必有差别C.只有毅力至强,方能取得成功D.有毅力就成功,无毅力就失败3.《吃饭》中用音乐和烹调来说明社会多元相济、和而不同的特征,这种论证方法是( )A.演绎法B.例证法C.对比法D.类比法4.被鲁迅先生称之为“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”的史书是( )A.《史记》B.《战国策》C.《资治通鉴》D.《五代史》5.下列散文中,通篇运用细节描写刻画人物形象的是( )A.《先妣事略》B.《纪念傅雷》C.《都江堰》D.《张中丞传后叙》6.《冯谖客孟尝君》中,先写冯谖“无好”、“无能”,再三弹铗,要求提高待遇,然后写他为孟尝君营就“三窟”,使之“无纤介之祸”。
这种刻画人物的方法是( )A.前后照应B.一波三折C.欲扬先抑D.侧面衬托7.下列记叙文中,作者的创作意图中包含有讥刺当朝权奸的有( )A.《赵武灵王胡服骑射》B.《西湖七月半》C.《种树郭橐驼传》D.《马伶传》8.下列散文中,主要采取今昔对比方法来表现主旨的是( )A.《秋夜》B.《香市》C.《爱尔克的灯光》D.《都江堰》9.中国最早的“新感觉派”的代表作家是( )A.鲁迅B.巴金C.茅盾D.施蛰存10.下列《蚂蚁大战》语句中使用了比喻手法的是( )A.看来不是单挑决斗,而是一场战争,两个蚂蚁王国的大决战B.他们的战争信念是“不战胜,毋宁死”C.在一束阳光照射下的木片“小山谷”中,一对武士相互死死抱住对方D.它看来斗志正盛,不是已击毙一个对手,就是刚刚投入战场11.下列诗歌中,被王国维称赞为“最得风人深致”的是( )A.《蒹葭》B.《早雁》C.《饮酒》D.《秋兴》12.《湘夫人》中描述“筑室兮水中”以迎娶湘夫人的情景,所运用的手法是( )A.铺垫B.侧写C.象征D.铺陈13.下列《行路难》诗句中,暗用伊尹典故的是( )A.拔剑四顾心茫然B.闲来垂钓碧溪上C.忽复乘舟梦日边D.长风破浪会有时14.辛弃疾《摸鱼儿》(更能消几番风雨)的风格特点是( )A.寓婉约于豪放B.寓豪放于婉约C.刚健豪放D.优美婉约15.贺铸的《鹧鸪天》(重过阊门万事非)是一首( )A.咏物词B.怀古词C.悼亡词D.送别词16.《再别康桥》中,诗人用以自喻的事物是( )A.金柳B.水草C.彩虹D.星辉17.戴望舒《雨巷》中,“雨巷”的象征意义是( )A.坎坷而迷茫的人生道路B.高洁而幽然的美好理想C.迷茫凄苦中的探索寻求D.环境遭际的不幸与无常18.裴多菲《我愿是一条急流》中,以“急流”、“荒林”、“废墟”、“草棚”等形象喻指“我”,这主要是为了表达“我”的( )A.渺小B.贫寒C.谦逊D.虔诚19.契诃夫《苦恼》在整体构思上的特点是( )A.以近说远B.以熟说生C.以小见大D.以古讽今20.宝黛吵架后,宝玉“又自己后悔:‘方才不该和他较证,这会子他这样光景,我又替不了他。
1.下列小说中,抒情性最强的一篇是()A.《伤逝》B.《潘先生在难中》C.《断魂枪》D.《小二黑结婚》2.丁西林的《压迫》,运用的艺术手法是()A.“戏剧嘲弄”的手法B.“以诗入剧”的手法C.“锁闭式”的结构D.“人物展览式”的结构3.下列小说中,不是郁达夫创作的是()A.《薄奠》B.《迟桂花》C.《春风沉醉的晚上》D.《倪焕之》4.下列不属于小说《潘先生在难中》的潘先生性格特征的是()A.随遇而安B.是非分明C.逆来顺受D.自私庸俗5.巴金的小说《家》中投湖自杀的女性是()A.梅B.瑞珏C.婉儿D.鸣凤6.下列小说中,沈从文创作的是()A.《山峡中》B.《大波》C.《长河》D.《小城三月》7.长篇小说《淘金记》、《困兽记》、《还乡记》的作者是()A.艾芜B.李劼人C.沙汀D.郭沫若8.诗集《恢复》的作者是()A.闻一多B.郭沫若C.艾青D.戴望舒9.塑造二姑姑和兰花这两个人物形象的作家是()A.萧红B.老舍C.吴组缃D.张天翼10.下列小说中,所写环境不是解放区的是()A.《在其香居茶馆里》B.《小二黑结婚》C.《荷花淀》D.《太阳照在桑乾河上》11.下列诗歌中,属于爱情诗的是()A.《凤凰涅槃》B.《我是一条小河》C.《孤岛》D.《发现》12.下列诗歌中,没有明显地使用象征主义手法的一首是()A.《死水》B.《雨巷》C.《断章》D.《生活是多么广阔》13.下列诗歌中,体现了现代派诗歌“思想知觉化”特征的是()A.《大堰河——我的褓姆》B.《航》C.《再别康桥》D.《星星》14.下列作品中,引陶潜的诗句,指出被治者“无头也会仍有猛志,阔人的天下一时总怕难得太平”的是()A.《春末闲谈》B.《简论市侩主义》C.《祝土匪》D.《给我的孩子们》15.下列散文中,“名写景,实写人”的是()A.《荷塘月色》B.《囚绿记》C.《风景谈》D.《雨前》16.巴金的散文《爱尔克的灯光》没有写到的灯光是()A.心灵的灯光B.旧居的灯光C.爱尔克的灯光D.邻居家的灯光17.下列小说中,用古代传说故事改编而成的是()A.《拜堂》B.《铸剑》C.《金锁记》D.《围城》 18.下列小说中,主人公是知识分子的是()A.《春桃》 B.《骆驼祥子》 C.《围城》 D.《丈夫》 19.下列小说中,以土地改革为题材的是()A.《暴风骤雨》 B.《寒夜》 C.《呼兰河传》 D.《桃园》 20.下列作家中,属于“七月派”的是()A.路翎 B.台静农 C.许地山 D.钱锺书 21.下列作品中,以第一人称“我”为叙述视角的是()A.《沉沦》 B.《家》 C.《荷花淀》 D.《山峡中》 22.下列作家中,塑造了屠维岳形象的是()A.巴金 B.茅盾 C.老舍 D.张天翼 23.诗歌《上山》选自诗集()A.《湖畔》 B.《春水》 C.《火把》 D.《尝试集》 24.诗歌“这些事——/是永不漫灭的回忆;/月明的园中,/藤萝的叶下,/母亲的膝上。
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Part One: Questions 1-20Directions: There are 20 sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. (在下列各题中选择一个最佳答案填空。
)20%1. While we appreciate your inquiry, __________ we regret being unable to make you an offer at the moment.A. yetB. butC. on the contraryD. /2. In the meantime, if you should require __________ sewing machines, please feel free to contact us.A. any otherB. othersC. anotherD. the other3. __________ we meet next time, we will offer you new products __________ we feel sure will meet with your expectation.A. Who …whichB. Whom … with whichC. When … whichD. When … with which4. We know that, __________ time, you will be able to overcome your present problem.A. givenB. givingC. to giveD. being given5. The market has declined __________ the decrease in demand.A. becauseB. owing toC. asD. since6. __________ the date of shipment is concerned, we regret to say that it has to be extended for another week.A. As much asB. As good asC. As well asD. As far as7. We trust that you will find our goods __________.A. attractingB. attract your attentionC. attractiveD. being attractive8. Please contact me __________ you need further information.A. whetherB. ifC. thoughD. even if9. If Mr. White won’t agree to sign the contract, __________.A. neither won’t sheB. neither she willC. she won’t neitherD. neither will she10. China is in a position to buy more and more technology and __________ goods on the internation al market, and make greater contribution to the world’s economic interflow.A. to finishB. finishingC. finishedD. finish11. Sales representative Mailer made more telephone calls last month __________ salespersons.A. than otherB. than anyC. than any otherD. as any other12. What role __________ playing in the new project?A. the engineers areB. are the engineersC. the engineers isD. is the engineers13. After listening to Mr. Sheet’s r eport, __________.A. a few changes were made by the managerB. the manager made a few changesC. the manager makes a few changesD. a few changes are made by the manager14. Our __________ lease must be renegotiated.A. six-year-oldB. six-years-oldC. six year oldD. six-year old15. I’m sure it is __________ usually answers the telephone.A. her whomB. her whoC. she whomD. she who16. Of probationary and permanent employees, only __________ are eligible for tuition reimbursement.A. the latterB. the laterC. latterD. later17. Datacom is __________ to be awarded the contract than Compugraph.A. more likeB. more likelyC. most likeD. most likely18. It is __________ good chance __________ we mustn’t miss it.A. so … thatB. so a … thatC. such … thatD. such a … that19. Please tell me __________ what salesperson these brochures came.A. uponB. fromC. inD. at20. Steel filing cabinets are best for durability, __________ and fire resistance.A. easy of cleaningB. cleaning easilyC. ease of cleaningD. easily cleaningPart Two: Questions 21-30There is one mistake in each of the following questions. Detect and correct the mistakes. Write your corrections together with the mistakes on the answer sheet.(下列每句各有一个错误,找出错误并改正。
)20%Example: Who’s taking care the dog while you’re away?taking care → taking care of21. His ask for a pay rise was considered premature.22. Members of the board cooperated together to settle the issue.23. Find the building took longer than we had expected.24. Manufacturing companies today requires large amount of capital.25. War and peace are a permanent theme in history.26. They were pleased accept our invitation.27. He felt the envelop careful to determine if it contained photos.28. Between the people I have interviewed, I have discovered some conflicting ideas.29. No matter hard the US government tries to control the financial crisis, it is getting from bad to worse.30. Keep the windows closed and the door shut at all time.Part Three: Questions 31-40Write logical sentences with the words and phrases given. (用所给的词和短语写出符合逻辑的句子。
) 10%31. upon receipt of / will be happy / we / a quotation / detailed requirements / to give you / your32. will find / you / are in good quality / that / a lot of customers / and will attract / our products33. often list / for resigning / excessive travel / as / employees / their primary reason34. is enclosed / for / our current catalog / a copy of / your consideration35. I / as soon as / will write to you / our technicians / the machine / have checked36. twenty years / for / have been / they / in this line of business / more than37. you / your reservations / now / would like to / attend this seminar / if you / should make38. asked me / Mr. Wilson / I planned to attend / the meeting / where / would be held / and whether39. in the office / both / by working / finished the report / I / and at home40. because he misplaced / Edward / the original contract file/ by / was scolded / his bossPart Four: Questions 41-50Each of the following sentences contains one punctuation error. One punctuation in each is either missing or misused. Detect the error and write the missing punctuation or your correction together with the word before the punctuation on the answer sheet.(下面每句都有一个标点符号错误,该用标点处未用标点或标点符号用错。