



Dialog+透析机使用说明书目录1. 安全操作..........................................................................1-31.1 关于使用说明.........................................................................1-3 1.1.1 有效性...............................................................................1-3 1.1.2 目标人群...........................................................................1-3 1.1.3 本使用说明书中的警告、注意事项与符号.................1-4 1.1.4 缩写词...............................................................................1-5 1.2 用途及适应症.........................................................................1-5 1.3 禁忌症.........................................................................1-61.4 副作用.........................................................................1-61.5 特殊危害与预防措施.............................................................1-6 1.5.1 患者的特殊条件..............................................................1-6 1.5.2 电气危险...........................................................................1-7 1.5.3电磁相互作用....................................................................1-7 1.5.4维护与过滤器的更换........................................................1-7 1.6 操作人员信息.........................................................................1-8 1.6.1 试运行之前厂家的培训..................................................1-8 1.6.2 对使用人员的要求..........................................................1-8 1.6.3 法规符合性......................................................................1-9 1.6.4 厂家责任...........................................................................1-91.6.5 技术变更........................................................................1-102. 产品说明..........................................................................2-32.1 基本机型.........................................................................2-32.1.1 Dialog 单泵透析机............ +............................................2-5 2.1.2 Dialog 双泵透析机.............+ ............................................2-6 2.1.3 Dialog血液透析滤过-联机系统(HDF-online)+ ........2-7 2.2 透析机上的符号......................................................................2-8 2.3 控制元件与监视器上的信息.................................................2-9 2.4 全部图标总览.......................................................................2-11 2.5 输入数值......................................................................2-172.6 疗法种类......................................................................2-212.6.1 血液透析(HD)..........................................................2-21 2.6.2 单纯超滤(ISO UF)....................................................2-21 2.6.3 血液滤过-联机系统(HF/HF-online).......................2-22 2.6.4 血液透析滤过-联机系统(HDF/HDF-online).........2-22 2.7 治疗方法......................................................................2-232.7.1 双针程序........................................................................2-23 2.7.2 单针程序........................................................................2-23 2.8 透析的有效性(Kt/V).......................................................2-262.9 定时器的使用......................................................................2-273 安装与调试..........................................................................3-3 3.1 供货范围.........................................................................3-33.2 储存.........................................................................3-33.2.1 装在原包装内储存..........................................................3-33.2.2 用前临时储存..................................................................3-33.2.3 停止运行...........................................................................3-3 3.3 运输.........................................................................3-43.3.1 滚轮运输...........................................................................3-4 3.3.2 搬运...................................................................................3-4 3.4 安装现场.........................................................................3-53.4.1 电气连接...........................................................................3-6 3.4.2 水损防护...........................................................................3-6 3.4.3 潜在的爆炸区域..............................................................3-63.5 水源.........................................................................3-63.5.1 水源质量与透析液..........................................................3-63.5.2 用过液体的处置..............................................................3-73.6 初始调试.........................................................................3-73.7 设置日期与时间......................................................................3-73.8 开机与关机.........................................................................3-84 血液透析的准备..........................................................................4-3 4.1 调用血液透析主屏幕.............................................................4-3 4.2 自检.........................................................................4-44.2.1 自检期间的操作..............................................................4-44.2.2 终止自检程序..................................................................4-54.2.3 完成自检程序..................................................................4-54.3 减少准备治疗阶段的报警声音.............................................4-5 4.4 连接浓缩液.........................................................................4-8 4.5 设置冲洗参数.........................................................................4-9 4.6 安装和冲洗管路系统..........................................................4-10 4.6.1 安装管路系统...............................................................4-104.6.2 冲洗和测试管路系统...................................................4-124.7 肝素泵的准备......................................................................4-12 4.7.1 安装肝素注射器...........................................................4-124.7.2 肝素管路排气...............................................................4-134.8 设置治疗参数......................................................................4-14 4.8.1 设置透析液参数...........................................................4-154.8.2 透析液的监测...............................................................4-164.8.3 设置超滤参数...............................................................4-174.8.4 置压力范围...................................................................4-184.8.5 设置肝素参数...............................................................4-204.9 冲洗透析器......................................................................4-21 4.10 待机模式......................................................................4-214.10.1 激活待机模式.............................................................4-224.10.2 关闭待机模式.............................................................4-224.11 准备阶段中停电的处理....................................................4-225. 启动血液透析..........................................................................5-3 5.1 检查患者数据.........................................................................5-35.2 连接患者连接与启动血液透析.............................................5-45.3 血液透析期间.........................................................................5-5 5.3.1 血液侧血压范围的监测..................................................5-55.3.2 用最低超滤速度治疗......................................................5-75.3.3 肝素的追加注射..............................................................5-75.3.4 动脉追加注射..................................................................5-85.3.5 治疗参数图形显示(趋势图.........................................5-105.3.6 血液透析的中断(旁路...............................................5-125.4 治疗的完成......................................................................5-135.4.1 终止治疗........................................................................5-135.4.2 继续治疗........................................................................5-136. 结束血液透析治疗..........................................................................6-2 6.1 再输注.........................................................................6-26.2 排空透析器.........................................................................6-46.3 治疗执行情况总览.................................................................6-47. 消毒..........................................................................7-37.1 程序与消毒剂.........................................................................7-3 7.2 消毒准备.........................................................................7-47.2.1 消毒剂罐的定位..............................................................7-47.2.2 选择消毒程序..................................................................7-57.3 自动关机与重新启动.............................................................7-67.3.1 消毒后自动关机..............................................................7-67.3.2 自动关机和重新启动......................................................7-67.4 化学消毒.........................................................................7-87.5 短时间化学消毒......................................................................7-9 7.6 热消毒.........................................................................7-97.7 水源来水的消毒...................................................................7-10 7.7.1 用来自闭合主管路的消毒溶液进行化学消毒...........7-117.7.2 用来自闭合主管路的热渗透剂进行热消毒..............7-127.7.3 冲洗渗透剂的进口管...................................................7-147.8 检查消毒剂残留物..............................................................7-15 7.9 脱钙......................................................................7-167.10 终止消毒......................................................................7-167.11 旧机器的处置.....................................................................7-168. 血液透析滤过-联机系统/血液滤过-联机系统............................8-3 8.1 血液透析滤过/血液滤过的准备............................................8-4 8.1.1 调用血液透析滤过/血液滤过屏幕................................8-48.1.2 连接浓缩剂......................................................................8-48.1.3 输入置换参数..................................................................8-58.1.4 插入管路系统..................................................................8-78.1.5 用来自联机系统的置换溶液充注和冲洗管路系统....8-78.1.6 检查管路系统...............................................................8-108.2 血液透析滤过/血液滤过的执行.........................................8-10 8.2.1 将患者与血液透析滤过/血液滤过系统进行连接....8-108.2.2 血液透析滤过/血液滤过期间.......................................8-118.3 血液透析滤过/血液滤过的完成.........................................8-138.3.1 再输注置换溶液...........................................................8-13 8.3.2 排空透析器...................................................................8-15 8.4 消毒......................................................................8-158.4.1 定时消毒........................................................................8-15 8.4.2 显示联机过滤器数据...................................................8-15 8.4.3 更换联机过滤器...........................................................8-168.4.4 置换液的取样...............................................................8-199. 针程序..........................................................................9-39.1 单针交叉(SN-CO)..............................................................9-3 9.1.1 治疗准备...........................................................................9-3 9.1.2 治疗运行...........................................................................9-5 9.1.3 结束治疗...........................................................................9-7 9.2 单针阀.........................................................................9-89.2.1 治疗准备...........................................................................9-8 9.2.2 治疗运行........................................................................9-109.2.3 结束治疗........................................................................9-1010. 可选功能.......................................................................10-5 10.1 血压自动监测.....................................................................10-5 10.1.1 (血压计)袖带.........................................................10-5 10.1.2 设置..............................................................................10-7 10.1.3 启动/停止措施............................................................10-9 10.1.4 列出与图形显示测量值..........................................10-1010.2 bioLogic RR. - 自动血压稳定.........................................10-1110.2.1 操作模式....................................................................10-11 10.2.2 设置血压下限和最大超滤速度................................10-11 10.2.3 超滤与血压发展图形显示.......................................10-1310.3 bioLogic RR. Comfort曲线图向导法自动血压稳定功能...........10-1410.3.1 程序............................................................................10-14 10.3.2 设置收缩压的最小值(SLL)和超滤率的最大值.....10-15 10.3.3 推荐的收缩压下限值的设置(SLL)........................10-17 10.3.4 使用BioLogic RR. Comfort功能.............................10-17 10.3.5 血压级数和超滤图表屏幕.......................................10-18 10.4 碳酸氢盐筒固定器..........................................................10-19 10.4.1 插入碳酸氢盐筒.......................................................10-20 10.4.2 透析期间更换碳酸氢盐筒1.......................................0-21 10.4.3 透析之后排空碳酸氢盐筒.......................................10-21 10.5 血液透析滤过(HDF)袋...............................................10-22 10.5.1 调用血液透析滤过/血液滤过屏幕.........................10-22 10.5.2 置置换参数...............................................................10-23 10.5.3 血液透析滤过袋的准备.1.........................................0-24 10.5.4 用袋装的置换溶液充注和冲洗管路系统..............10-25 10.5.5 换袋............................................................................10-26 10.5.6 报警范围...................................................................10-2610.6 浓缩液的集中供给..........................................................10-28 10.7 透析液超净滤器..............................................................10-28 10.7.1 使用与操作模式.......................................................10-28 10.7.2 更换透析液过滤器...................................................10-30 10.7.3 数据复位...................................................................10-32 10.7.4 消毒............................................................................10-33 10.7.5 对透析液取样...........................................................10-34 10.8 应急电源/蓄电池.............................................................10-36 10.8.1 充电指示器...............................................................10-37 10.8.2 动电池测试...............................................................10-37 10.8.3 电池操作结束...........................................................10-38 10.9 通信接口....................................................................10-38 10.9.1 BSL(床边连接)......................................................10-38 10.9.2 Dialog+透析机的计算机接口....................................10-3810.9.3 护士呼叫...................................................................10-3811. 配置........................................................................11-311.1 配置每周消毒计划..............................................................11-3 11.2 配置曲线^ .......................................................................11-4 11.2.1 基本原则.......................................................................11-4 11.2.2 设置曲线参数..............................................................11-5 11.3 UF曲线.......................................................................11-711.3.2 UF曲线表......................................................................11-9 11.4 患者磁盘/IC卡.................................................................11-14 11.4.1 使用患者磁盘/IC卡..................................................11-14 11.4.2 患者磁盘的格式化/清除IC卡内容........................11-1411.4.3 输入患者姓名...........................................................11-1511.4.4 阅读患者数据...........................................................11-1611.4.5 储存患者数据(参数设定值)...............................11-1611.5 输入计算透析有效性的参数..........................................11-17 11.6 调整监视器的亮度...........................................................11-22 11.7 选择屏幕显示语言...........................................................11-2311.8 编辑趋势图表参数...........................................................11-2412. 维护与清洗.......................................................................12-3 12.1 外部清洗......................................................................12-312.2 维修与技术安全检查........................................................12-3 12.2.1 定期维修.....................................................................12-412.2.2 技术安全检查(TSC)..................................................12-4 12.3 技术维修和保修................................................................12-5 12.3.1 保修..............................................................................12-512.4 旧透析机的处置................................................................12-513. 报警和纠正措施.......................................................................13-3 13.1 显示和复位报警................................................................13-3 13.2 报警和结果......................................................................13-5 13.2.1 透析报警.....................................................................13-513.2.2 ABPM 报警................................................................13-11 13.3 SAD 纠正报警..................................................................13-12 13.4 手动血液回流..................................................................13-13 13.5 部分声音信号的省略......................................................13-14 13.5.1 部分报警声音的省略..............................................13-1413.5.2 部分操作提示声音的省略.......................................13-1514. 配件.......................................................................14-314. 选项......................................................................14-314.2 机械配件......................................................................14-414.3 其它耗材......................................................................14-415 技术规范......................................................................15-315.1 一般技术规范....................................................................15-3 15.2 环境条件......................................................................15-415.3 建议安全距离....................................................................15-5 15.4 透析液系统......................................................................15-6 15.5 体外循环......................................................................15-915.6 接触到透析液的物质材料..............................................15-12 15.7 HDF/HF-联机系统技术规范............................................15-13 15.8 挂袋式的技术规范..........................................................15-14 15.9 ABPM 血压监测装置.......................................................15-1515.10 对环境有毒有害的物质名称和含量............................15-1616 录 ......................................................................16-316.1 透析液流量表....................................................................16-3 16.1.1 主要透析液流量表....................................................16-316.1.2 Dialog+流程表..............................................................16-516.2 维修协议......................................................................16-6目录1. 安全操作..........................................................................................1-3 1.1 关于使用说明...........................................................................1-3 1.1.1 有效性................................................................................1-31.1.2 目人群............................................................................1-31.1.3 本使用说明书中的警告、注意事项与符号.................1-41.1.4 缩写词................................................................................1-51.2 用途及适应症...........................................................................1-5 1.3 禁忌症.......................................................................................1-6 1.4 副作用.......................................................................................1-6 1.5 特殊危害与预防措施..............................................................1-6 1.5.1 患者的特殊条件...............................................................1-61.5.2 电气危险............................................................................1-71.5.3 电磁相互作用....................................................................1-71.5.4 维护与过滤器的更换........................................................1-71.6 操作人员信息...........................................................................1-8 1.6.1 试运行之前厂家的培训...................................................1-81.6.2 对使用人员的要求...........................................................1-81.6.3 法规符合性.......................................................................1-91.6.4 厂家责任............................................................................1-91.6.5 技术变更.........................................................................1-10警告术语含义DANGER(危险)如果不加防范,将存在可能导致人员死亡或严重受伤的极大危险。









1.新型UH-60M“黑鹰”直升机成功完成首次飞行 [J], 李永强
2.型UH-60M“黑鹰”直升机成功完成首次飞行 [J], 黎强
3.黑鹰直升机 [J], ;
4.中美军购交涉第一案“黑鹰”索赔事件 [J], 章柯
5.UH-60M黑鹰升级计划 [J], 李



火箭助推滑翔机理论方案设计作品名称火箭助推滑翔机学校名称衢州学院学生姓名张奇,吕宁帅,刘志浩指导教师王涛联系电话目录1 设计背景 (3)2 设计任务 (4)2.1 外观 (4)2.2 飞行时间 (4)3 飞行原理 (5)3.1 升力 (5)3.2 阻力 (6)4 设计方案 (9)4.1 机身设计 (9)4.2 机翼设计 (9)4.2.1 机翼形状 (9)4.2.2 展弦比 (9)4.2.3 上反角 (10)4.3 尾翼设计 (11)5 尺寸计算 (12)5.1机身尺寸 (13)5.2机翼尺寸 (13)5.3尾翼尺寸 (13)5.4位置尺寸 (14)6 载荷分析 (15)7 过程论述 (16)1 设计背景为了多方面培养大学生的创新思维和实践动手能力,激发大学生学习力学与相关专业知识的热情,活跃校园学术氛围,培养团队协作精神,促进浙江省高校大学生相互交流与学习,经研究决定举行浙江省首届大学生力学竞赛。


2 设计任务2.1 外观外观要求尽量对称、光洁,比例适宜给人以完美的视觉感官。


3 飞行原理3.1 升力不论什么机翼,其提高升力的实质都是增大机翼上下表面的总压力差。

影响升力大小的因素除了机翼本身的尺寸大小之外一个主要的参数就是升力系数,根据风洞和相关试验表明,机翼的升力满足下列关系式:l SC V L 221ρ=其中:N L 升力,=空气密度=ρkg/2m飞机与气流的相对速=V ,m/s机翼面积=S ,2m机翼升力系数=l C升力系数是一个比较关键的参数,影响它的因素有:(1)翼型不同的翼型可以使得流过机翼上下表面气流的状态不同,比如速度之类的参数,进而得机翼上下表面具有不同的压力而呈现出压力差,最后体现为整个机翼的升力。





MA60型飞机使用2台加拿大普拉特·惠特尼公司生产PW127J涡轮螺旋桨发动机和2付哈米尔顿·圣特兰公司生产的247F-3 型4叶螺旋桨。


二、飞机几何尺寸1. 外形几何尺寸机长24.710 m(81.07 ft)机身最大宽度2.9 m (9.514 ft)翼展29.200m(95.801 ft)机翼面积74.98㎡(807.078 ft2)展弦比 11.37水平安定面面积 18.20㎡(195.903 ft2)垂直安定面面积 13.83㎡(148.865 ft2)客舱总长10.794 m(35.413 ft)舱内最大宽度 2.686 m (8.812ft)前货舱长度 1.5 m(4.921 ft)容积5.0 m3(176.573 ft3)后货舱长度 2.45 m(8.038 ft)容积 4.5 m3(158.916 ft3)登机门 0.750 m ×1.340 m (30 in ×53 in)前货舱门 1.190 m ×1.220 m(47 in× 48 in)后货舱门 0.750 m ×1.410 m(30 in× 56 in)客舱应急出口 0.510 m× 0.927 m (20 in ×37 in)1 个左应急出口(类型Ⅲ) 1 个右应急出口(类型Ⅲ)驾驶员应急出口 0.510 m ×0.5 m(20 in× 20 in)登机门尺寸图前货舱门尺寸图后货舱门尺寸图三、飞机的基本数据最大滑行重量................................21900 kg(48281 lb)最大起飞重量................................21800 kg(48061 lb)最大着陆重量................................21600 kg(47619 lb)最大零燃油重量............................19500 kg(42990 lb)最大商载重量(包括用户要求的选装设备重量)........ ........................................................5500 kg(12125 lb)最大燃油重量(包括可用和不可用油两部分)............ ........................................................4030 kg(8885 lb)最大顶起重量(1)......................21900 kg(48281 lb)最大顶起重量(2)......................17700 kg(39022 lb)公务重量...........................................455 kg(1003.09 lb)制造空机重量52 座........14170±1%kg(31239±1% lb)新舟60(MA60)飞机简介四、飞机内部座舱布局座舱内部布局(52座)1.右驾驶员座椅;2.左驾驶员座椅;3.观察员座椅;4.电子设备架;5.前货舱门;6.前货舱;7.应急出口;8.厨房;9.服务员座椅;10.登机门;11. 盥洗室;12. 后货舱门;13.后货舱。



高精度 6 轴惯性导航模块说明书1产品概述此六轴模块采用先进的数字滤波技术(卡尔曼滤波),能有效降低测量噪声,提高测量精度。


姿态测量精度0.01度,稳定性极高,性能甚至优于某些专业的倾角仪!此六轴模块采用高精度的陀螺加速度计MPU6050,通过处理器读取MPU6050 的测量数据然后通过串口输出,免去了用户自己去开发MPU6050 复杂的I2C 协议,同时精心的PCB 布局和工艺保证了MPU6050 收到外接的干扰最小,测量的精度最高。

2性能参数1、电压:3V~6V2、电流:<10mA3、体积:17.8mm X 17.8mm 重量:1.1g4、焊盘间距:上下100mil(2.54mm),左右600mil(15.24mm)5、测量维度:加速度:3 维,角速度:3 维,姿态角:3 维6、量程:加速度:± 16g,角速度:± 2000°/s。





11、数据接口:串口(TTL 电平),I2C(直接连MPU6050,无姿态输出)10、波特率115200kps/9600kps。

3引脚说明:名称功能VCC 模块电源,3.3V 或 24V 输入RX 串行数据输入,TTL 电平TX 串行数据输出,TTL 电平GND 地线负极4硬件连接方法4.1与计算机与计算机连接,需要USB 转TTL 电平的串口模块。

推荐以下USB 转串口模块。

USB 串口模块连接6050 模块的方法是:USB 串口模块的+5V,TXD,RXD,GND 接6050 模块的VCC,RX,TX,GND。

注意TXD 和RXD 的交叉。















UHF无线导游、同声传译系统AG600系列 说明书

UHF无线导游、同声传译系统AG600系列 说明书



警告表示如不按其要求使用,则有可能造成下列严重伤害系统的潜在危险情况:1. 系统电压不足时应及时更换电池,否则影响电池寿命。

2. 请使用相同品牌的电池,新旧电池请勿混用。

3. 请勿使用非充电电池充电。

4. 请勿用力拉扯天线。

注意 表示如不避免,则有可能造成下列轻微伤害或性能损坏的情况:1. 请用干的软布清洁本产品,禁用汽油、稀释剂或是其他化学药剂清洁本产品。

2. 天线请勿接触人的身体。

3. 天线与麦克风线请勿缠绕、打结。

第一章 系统简介1.1 产品简介UHF无线导游、同声传译系统AG600系列主要由腰挂式发射机AGT600和腰挂式接收机AGR600组成。


1.2 产品适用的场合● 工厂参观 ● 旅游景点 ● 博物馆● 国际会议 ● 大型演讲 ● 展览馆● 健身房 ● 学校会议室1.3 产品的组成● 腰挂式发射机AGT600● 腰挂式接收机AGR600● 普通5号(AA)电池或可充电电池● 头戴式话筒● 领夹式话筒● 耳挂式立体声耳机(多种型号可选)● 便携式充电箱● 储存箱1.4 产品的主要特点● 外型轻便小巧,时尚美观,人性化的流线型设计。

● UHF超高频系统,采用700-960MHz专业频率,抗干扰性强。

● PLL数位锁定频率合成设计,频率稳定性更高。

● 数码静音锁定技术,不受任何杂讯干扰。

● 白色背光LCD面板可清晰显示操作菜单和状态。

● 可使用普通5号(AA)电池,高效率,可延长使用时间。

● 可使用充电电池,具备充电功能。

● 电池电量显示,明确提示电池耗量状况。
















星光机 V-1用户手册说明书

星光机 V-1用户手册说明书

星光机目录1前言 (1)1.1包装内容 (1)1.2包装开拆 (1)1.3标识符号 (1)1.4免责声明 (1)1.5安全须知 (1)1.5.1个人安全 (2)1.5.2安装和装配 (2)1.5.3电源和接线 (2)1.5.4操作 (2)2产品介绍 (3)2.1产品描述 (3)2.2产品特点 (3)2.3外观概述 (3)2.4机器尺寸 (4)3技术参数 (4)4设定安装 (5)4.1交流电源 (5)4.2交流插头 (5)4.3复位过载保护器 (5)4.4DMX连接 (6)4.5安装 (6)4.5.1方位 (6)4.5.2装配 (6)5操作机器 (6)5.1准备工作 (6)5.2机身控制面板 (6)5.3机身控制模式及操作 (6)5.3.1操作指导 (6)5.3.2菜单页面 (7)5.4DMX控制模式及操作 (8)5.4.1起始地址 (8)5.4.2DMX模式菜单页面 (8)5.4.3DMX通道设置和数值 (9)5.5喷花高度与喷花密度的关系 (9)5.6运行时间 (9)5.6.1查询运行时间 (9)5.6.2运行时间耗尽 (10)5.7高级设定页面 (10)5.7.1进入和退出高级设定页面 (10)5.7.2高级设定菜单页面 (10)6星光粉 (10)6.1识别和激活星光粉 (10)6.2添加星光粉 (11)6.3星光粉注意事项 (11)7技术信息 (11)7.1机器维护 (11)7.2储存 (11)7.2.1机器储存 (11)7.2.2星光粉储存和回收 (11)7.3一般故障 (12)7.3.1故障描述 (12)7.3.2故障菜单页面 (12)11前言1.1包装内容1.2 包装开拆收到机器后,请小心拆开包装箱,检查所有内容,以确保所有零配件都齐全并处于良好的状态。





This document has beenoptimized for electronic media Smart navigation through technicalspecifications. Click the green links.POWER FREQUENCY TESTINGQUALITY AND RELIABILITY OF THE POWER NETWORKThe power network is an essential element of daily lives. Ensuring quality and reli-ability of the network requires monitoring generation and distribution elements aswell as loads attached to it. Modern electronics present, increasingly, non-linearloads to the network that can cause distortion or in extreme cases even damage. Electronic equipment should be tested for the following parametersGeneration of:›Current Harmonics›FlickerSusceptibility to:›Voltage variations›Frequency variations›Interharmonics3EMISSION MEASUREMENT HAR1000-1P is the single phase version and comprises a power source (amplifier technology), line imped a nce network, harmonics and flicker analyzer, all in a single unit. HAR-EXT1000 added to HAR1000-1P provides full three phase capability. The hardware is controlled from a powerful computer based software (HARCS).4 A system that fits your requirementsHAR1000 System can be used directly with the local power network to offer an efficient price effective solution.Control, data collection and report generation are available from the HARCS software interface.1-Phase Harmonics & Flicker TestingHAR1000-1P3-Phase Harmonics & Flicker Testing HAR1000-1P & HAR-EXT1000HAR-EXT1000 adds 2 further phases to the HAR1000-1P . Simple connection without any hardware modifications means this powerful exten -sion can be added at any time to an existing single phase system.Test system measures and simulates disturbances in the 230V/50Hz and 115V/60Hz public power supplies.DATA COLLECTION AND REPORTGENERATION WITH HARCS› A real-time oscilloscope view shows volt-age and current as monitored on the test object.›Graphic and tabular presentation of real time measurement data combined with the recorder function make HARCS a powerful development tool.›Verification of both harmonic and flicker measurement circuits can be performed directly from the software.›HARCS IMMUNITY extends HARCS software to include Inter-harmonic immunity and voltage variation tests.HARCS is a powerful test and development tool, integrating control, data collection and report generation into one convenient user package.5Collect data and replay later using the RE-CORDER function. Allows detailed analysis of results compared with the test object functions.Powerful analysis ToolMeasurement of Harmonics & Flicker com-bined with generation of disturbance pact Test Solutions UNIQUE FEATURES HAR1000-1P single phase system expand-able to three phases with the addition of HAR-EXT1000. No expensive rework, simply connect the external unit and start testing.From one make threeContinuous monitoring of mains input power together with analysis of test data togenerate pass or fail indications.Automatic Pass / Fail indication Integrated test and measurement system with powerful and flexible user software.6STANDARDS - BASIS FOR TESTINGPower network testing is included in many product and generic standards covering both house-hold and industrial applications. All these are based on the IEC standards.International Electrotechnical Committee (IEC)IEC 61000-3-2Limits - Limits for harmonic current emissions (equip m ent input current <= 16 A per phase)IEC 61000-3-3Limits - Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctua t ions and flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated current <= 16 A per phase and not subject to con-ditional connectionIEC 61000-4-7Testing and measurement techniques - General guide on harmonics and interharmonics measurements and instrumentation, for power supply systems and equipment connected theretoIEC 61000-4-15Testing and measurement techniques - Flickermeter - Functional and design specificationsIEC/TR 60725Consideration of reference impedances and public sup p ly network impedances for use in determining disturbance characteristics of electrical equipment having a rated current= < 75 A per phaseIEC 61000-4-13Testing and measurement techniques - Harmonics and interharmonics including mains sig-nalling at a.c. power port, low frequency im m unity tests.IEC 61000-4-14Testing and measurement techniques - Voltage fluc t uation immunity test.IEC 61000-4-28Variation of power frequency, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding16 A per phase7Technical Specifications 8PS3 POWER SOURCEPS3Application general purpose 1-phase AC/DC power sourceStandards IEC61000-4-28Together with HAR1000IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-3-3 (PS3 is notnecessarily required for har&flicker testing)Together with IMU IEC61000-4-8, -4-16, -4-19, -4-29Input AC 100 V – 240 V, 47 – 63 HzOutput voltage AC 50 – 250 V, DC 24 – 350 VOutput frequency DC – 400 HzOutput current max. 16A @ 115V/60 Hz, 10A @ 230V/50 Hzmax. 16A @ 170V/DCOutput power max. 3 kVA or 3 kWFeatures 4 quick-set buttons on front panel (oneprogrammable via PS3SOFT-EXT)Protection overload, overcurrent, over temperatureDimensions19” unit, 2 UHWeight18 kgRequires (only for IMU)RS485-RS232 ADAPTERControlled by HAR1000, IMU or software (PS3SOFT-EXT)Optional accessories PS3SOFT-EXT software: remote control,IEC61000-4-28 test routine, programming ofquick-set button from front panelPower Source | HAR1000 | Software9HAR1000HAR1000: harmonics analyzerStandards IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-4-7 latest editionsApplication harmonics measurement up to 16A (1-phase)EUT supply100 – 125 V or 200 – 250 Vmax. 16 A continuous (inrush current ≥ 500 A)Measurement u(t), i(t)Resolution14 bitsRanges i(t)auto, 0.25A, 0.5A, 1A, 2A, 5A, 10A, 25A, 50ATolerance i(t) measurement< 0.2 % on entire measurement domainVoltage drop across shunt< 0.15 V up to 16 ARange u(t)≤ 250 VHarmonics1st up to 40th for both current and voltageAccuracy≤ 0.5 %AnalysisContinuous Irms, Ipeak, Urms, Upeak,crest factor, power factor, apparent power,frequency, THD(i), THD(u)Frequency accuracy≤ 0.1 %Display current and voltage in real time, time domain or frequency domainFFT current 1st to 40th real-time rectangular windows, synchronous4096 points over 16 periods (320ms @ 50 Hz,267ms @ 60 Hz), no gaps, no overlappingFFT voltage 1st to 40th real-time rectangular windows, synchronous4096 points over 16 periodsno gaps, no overlappingClasses (IEC)A, B, C, D, X: automatic Pass/Fail indicationautomatic determination of class DFluctuating harmonics (IEC)in real time, over 16 periods, 1.5 s filterAccuracy meas. & analysis< 5% of permissible limits or < 0.2% of ratedEUT current, whichever is greaterPower Source | HAR1000 | Software 10HAR1000: flicker analyser & flicker impedanceStandards IEC61000-3-3, IEC61000-4-15 latest editionsApplication flicker measurement up to 16A (1-phase)EUT supply100 – 125 V or 200 – 250 Vmax. 16 A continuous (inrush current ≥ 500 A)Flicker measurements100 per secondFlicker display cumulative probability, histogramClassification of values in 668 logarithmic divided flicker classesAutomatic pass/fail for Pst, Plt, dUmax, , dUc, dtParameters displayed Urms, Irms, power, p. factor, frequency, Pst,Plt, dUmax, , dUc, dt, P50s, P10s, P3s, P1s, P0sAccuracy< 0,5% for Urms, Irms, < 5 % for all otherFlicker impedance hardware1-p line impedance0.4 Ω + j·0.25 Ω (phase & neutral)1-p Z (alternative)0.24 Ω + j·0.15 Ω (phase only)1-p Z (alternative)0.16 Ω + j·0.10 Ω (neutral only)3-p line impedance0.24 Ω + j·0.15 Ω (phase only)3-p line impedance0.16 Ω + j·0.10 Ω (neutral only)HAR1000: 1-phase power source included in HAR1000-1PStandards IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-3-3 latest editionsApplication clean power source as per IEC61000-3-2, -3-3Technology amplifier technologyEUT supply voltage100 – 125 V or 200 – 250 VEUT supply frequency either 50 Hz or 60 HzEUT supply current max. 16 A continuous (inrush current ≥ 500 A)Banwidth power source DC- 6 kHzEUT power max. 4000 VAPower regulation @ 230 V line voltage ± 66 V for EUT current up to 8 Aline voltage ± 33 V for EUT current 8 A – 16 AAdditional power correction± 15 VLoad change regulation< 0.05 %Response time10 µs @ 0 – 100 % load changeOutput impedance< 3 mΩTHD< 0.5 %Voltage harmonics< 0.9 % for 3rd harmonic< 0.4 % for 5th harmonic< 0.3 % for 7th harmonic< 0.2 % for 9th harmonic< 0.2 % for 2nd to 10th harmonics< 0.1 % for 11th to 40th harmonicsPower Source | HAR1000 | Software11HAR1000 supply, weight, dimensions, climatic conditions, otherOperating voltage115 or 230 V (50/60 Hz) ± 10%Power consumption ON < 800 VA, standby < 100 VAWeight25 kgW x d x h45 x 57 x 19 cmVersion19“ unit, 4 UHTemperature range10 – 35 °CHumidity< 80 % non-condensingIncluded articlesSoftware HARCS software included (for latest Windows)Power cord with country plugUser manual with conformity declarationCalibration certificate factory calibrationPower Source | HAR1000 | Software 12HAR-EXT1000(EXTENSION TO 3-PHASE)HAR-EXT1000: extension for 3-phase EUTs 16A/phaseStandards IEC61000-3-2, IEC61000-4-7,IEC61000-3-3, IEC61000-4-15 latest editionsApplication extends functionality of HAR1000 to 3-phaseEUT supply 3 x 200 V, 3 x 380 V up to 3 x 440 Vmax. 16 A/phase cont. (inrush current ≥ 500 A)max. 3 x 4000 VA (together with HAR1000-1P)Harmonics & flicker capabilities as the ones of HAR1000-1PWeight40 kgW x d x h45 x 57 x 19 cmVersion19“ unit, 4 UHTemperature range10 – 35 °CHumidity< 80 % non-condensingIncluded articlesPower cord with country plugUser manual with conformity declarationCalibration certificate factory calibrationRequires HAR1000-1PPower Source | HAR1000 | Software13SOFTWAREHARCS-IMMUNITYStandards IEC61000-4-13, IEC61000-4-14Application applies immunity signals generated byHAR1000’s internal power sourceEUT supply see HAR1000 power sourceOrder information can be ordered only with HAR1000,not laterRequires HAR1000-1PPS3SOFT-EXTStandards IEC61000-4-14, IEC610004-28Application Voltage and frequency fluctuation teststests using PS3. Adjust voltage and frequencyof PS3 power supply.Order information can be ordered only with PS3Requires PS3Power Source | HAR1000 | Software 14THE EMC PARTNER PRODUCT RANGE Find further brochures on our website /brochures or contact your local representative for a hardcopy.LIGHTNING TESTSImpulse test equipment and accessories for aircraft, military and tel-ecom applications. Complete solutions for RTCA / DO-160 and EURO-CAE / ED-14 for indirect lighting on aircraft systems, MIL-STD-461 tests CS106, CS115, CS116, CS117, CS118 and Telecom, ITU-T .K44 basic and enhanced tests for impulse, power contact and power induction.EMISSION MEASUREMENTSMeasurement of Harmonics and Flicker in 1-phase and 3-phaseelectrical and electronic products according to IEC /EN 61000-3-2 and 61000-3-3 . HARCS Immunity software adds interharmonic tests, voltage variation according to IEC/EN 61000-4-13, -4-14.IMMUNITY TESTSTransient Test Systems for all EMC tests on electronic equipment. ESD, EFT, surge, AC dips, AC magnetic field, surge magnetic field, common mode, damped oscillatory and DC dips. According to IEC and EN 61000-4-2, -4, -5, -8, -9, -10, -11, -12, -13, -14, -16, -18, -19, -29.SYSTEM AUTOMATIONA full range of accessories enhance the test systems. Test cabinets, test pistols, adapters and remote control software, simplify interfacing with the EUT. Programmable PSU, EMC hardened for frequencies from 16.7Hz to 400Hz. PS3-SOFT-EXT complies with IEC / EN 61000-4-14 and -4-28.SERVICEOur committment starts with a quality management system backing up our ISO 17025 accreditation. With the SCS number 146, EMC PARTNER provides accredited calibration and repairs. Our customer support teamis at your service!COMPONENT TESTSImpulse generators for testing varistors, gas discharge tubes (GDT), surge protective devices (SPDs), X / Y capacitors, circuit breakers,electricity meters, protection relays, insulation material, suppressor diodes, connectors, chokes, fuses, resistors, emc-gaskets, cables, etc.。






关键词:直升机;飞行控制;稳定增稳;非线性;仿真1 引言由于直升机存在各个运动部件的气动耦合、惯性耦合、结构耦合及运动耦合,其操纵性、稳定性和机动性就变得很差。






2 黑鹰直升机飞控系统模型的组成直升机模型的运动模态包括姿态运动和轨迹运动。




图解日本 UH-60 系列

图解日本 UH-60 系列


后面的厂房就是三菱重工的F-15J战斗机生产线蓝 天UH-60是由美国西科斯基飞行器公司在20世纪70年代为美国陆军设计生产的四旋翼、双发动机、中型通用直升机。



装备红外夜视系统、气象雷达、惯性导 航系统的HU-60J可以在恶劣的气象条件下展开救助活动海洋迷彩涂装的航空自卫队UH-60J . All Rights Reserved.传统黄白涂装的UH-60J,2005年以后生产的UH-60J 开始使用海洋迷彩涂装 驻日美军横田基地的日本陆上自卫队的UH-60J美军早期型号的UH-60机舱主要以仪表为主,日军的UH-60J 进行了玻璃化座舱改进旋翼桨桨觳 尾翼特写发动机排气口内部 发动机进气道,小突起为全温度大气数据传感器武 器 装 备. All Rights Reserved.展示如何回收被救人员 进行救援演练的UH-60J SH-60J螺旋桨桨觳机构1、HLR-108ESM天线;2、导弹来袭告警系统传感器;3、红外监视系统;4、数据链天线;5、HPS-104搜索雷达 日本海上自卫队装备的SH-60J 风挡 桨叶。

UH-60J的桨叶进行了优化设计,叶尖后掠,起推迟叶尖失速和降低震动的作用SH-60J的基本数据. All Rights Reserved.VHF天线 美军UH-60A专备的AN/AAR47(V2)导弹来袭警戒 系统的SU-211传感器飞机背部设有卫星通信天线 美军UH-60雷达告警天线为便于收纳,机尾设计为可折叠SH-60J机载声呐系统 AN/ALE-47箔条-红外干扰弹投放器责任编辑:葛 妍武 器 装 备. All Rights Reserved.。

sharp AQUOS V使用說明書说明书

sharp AQUOS V使用說明書说明书

P前言i表內容第1章:操作入門 (1)1.1 部件名稱 (1)正視圖 (1)後視圖 (1)左視圖 (2)右視圖 (2)頂視圖 (3)底部視圖 (3)1.2 配件 (4)1.3 安裝SIM卡和存儲卡 (4)取下nanoSIM / microSD托盤 (4)安裝nanoSIM卡 (5)安裝內存(microSD)卡 (5)更換nanoSIM / microSD托盤 (5)1.4 給電池充電 (6)1.5 打開或關閉設備 (7)打開或關閉設備 (7)重啟設備 (7)將設備設置為飛航模式 (7)將設備設置為睡眠模式 (7)1.6 鎖定和解鎖螢幕 (8)1.7 使用耳機 (9)1.8 調整音量 (9)第2章:基礎知識。

(10)2.1 主螢幕 (10)狀態欄 (11)通知小組 (12)打開應用程式 (12)查看最近使用的應用程式 (12)控制面板 (13)小工具 (13)文件夾 (14)設置壁紙 (15)管理資源 (15)更改手機設置 (16)第3章:聯絡人 (17)3.1 添加聯絡人 (17)3.2 複製聯絡人 (18)3.3 與聯絡人通信 (18)呼叫聯絡人 (18)文字聯絡人 (18)電郵聯絡人 (19)3.4 管理聯絡人 (19)編輯聯絡人 (19)刪除聯絡人 (20)發送聯絡信息 (20)將聯絡人添加到黑名單 (20)3.5 喜愛的聯絡人 (21)查看收藏夾 (21)加入“最喜歡的 (21)從收藏夾中刪除 (21)3.6 正在搜索聯絡人 (22)第4章:使用電話 (23)4.1 打個電話 (23)4.2 接聽電話 (24)4.3 結束通話 (25)4.4 通話選項 (25)4.5 通話記錄 (26)第5章:電子郵件和消息 (27)5.1 簡訊 (27)創建和發送短信 (27)接收和管理消息 (27)刪除消息線程 (27)刪除所有消息線程 (27)5.2 多媒體消息 (29)創建和發送彩信 (29)5.3 自定義消息設置 (30)5.4 電郵帳戶 (32)設置電子郵件帳戶 (32)添加更多電子郵件帳戶 (33)選擇電子郵件帳戶 (34)刪除電子郵件帳戶 (34)5.5 使用Email (35)撰寫和發送電子郵件 (35)接收電子郵件 (35)閱讀和回復電子郵件 (36)管理電子郵件文件夾 (37)自定義電子郵件設置 (39)第6章:使用Internet (40)6.1 連接到Internet (40)無線上網 (40)蜂窩數據網絡 (42)6.2 瀏覽網頁 (43)管理網頁 (43)第7章:使用藍牙 (45)7.1 連接藍牙設備 (45)第8章:多媒體應用程式 (46)8.1 照片和視頻 (46)拍照 (46)錄製視頻 (47)捕捉模式 (48)查看照片 (49)查看視頻 (50)配置相機設置 (50)8.2 查看照片和視頻 (52)第9章:程序 (53)9.1 Chrome (53)9.2 計算器 (53)9.3 相機 (54)9.4 Gmail (54)9.5 檔案 (55)9.6 時鐘 (56)9.7 使用手電筒 (58)9.8 消息 (59)9.9 相片 (59)9.10 聯絡人 (59)9.11 手機 (59)9.12 設置 (59)9.13 日曆 (60)第10章:管理電話 (61)10.1 設備設置 (61)10.2 更改基本設置 (66)日期和時間 (66)顯示設置 (67)10.3 使用無線和網絡 (68)10.4 保護你的手機 (68)加密電話 (68)啟用SIM卡鎖定 (68)10.5 配置移動數據限制 (69)10.6 重置設備 (70)第11章:規格 (71)第1章:入門1.1 部件名稱正視圖後視圖趨近/光源感測器前鏡頭聽筒/揚聲器螢幕麥克風揚聲器USB Type C連接埠後相機LED燈指紋感應器左視圖右視圖nanoSIM/ micro SD托盤音量加/減鍵電源鍵頂視圖麥克風 3.5mm耳機孔底部視圖麥克風揚聲器USB Type C連接埠1.2 配件您的包裝附帶以下物品。

NAV Slim 可携式汽车导航系统 说明书

NAV Slim 可携式汽车导航系统 说明书

NAV Slim可攜式汽車導航系統使用手冊版本版本::1.0版2008年九月註冊資訊HOLUX 和GPSmile 是HOLUX Technology, Inc.的商標。









•關於電源轉換器:1. 不可在潮溼環境中使用電源轉換器。


2. 請確定在通風良好的區域使用電源轉換器。



3. 不可嘗試維修本裝置。


4. 本公司不建議從電腦上充電,因為電腦的電壓不足以供應本裝置所需的電壓。

電池第一次使用, 請充飽6小時以上, 以確保電池電量充足。

•關於電池1. 僅限使用原廠許可的充電器。

2. 本產品有內建的鋰電池。



•重要指示1. 註:換用錯誤的電池可能產生爆炸。



2. 回收或廢棄電池時,必須依照法規。

3. 隨附的電池僅供本裝置使用。

保固聲明•本保固適用於Holux Technology Inc.製造和銷售的GPSmile62零件與服務。



維修後,換下的零件屬於Holux Technology Inc.的財產。

Navigation System 57 导航系统用户指南说明书

Navigation System 57 导航系统用户指南说明书

Voice Guidance PromptsAs you get near the maneuver, you will hear a voice reminder, and see a pop-up window showing you the maneuver. The number of reminders that you will hear before a maneuver is determined by Guidance Prompts in Setup on page 83.With the factory default (NORMAL), typically you will hear two prompts:• The first is about 1/4 mile from the maneuver.• The final prompt is close to your actual turn.If the distance between the next two driving maneuvers is very small, both maneuvers are displayed on the screen in a single window, and the voice will remind you of both of them at the same time.NOTE:• You can say “Voice” at any time, orselect Voice after pushing on theInterface Dial to be reminded of thenext maneuver.• Typically a pop-up guidance windowshows your next turn, and a voiceguidance prompt is heard. The timingof these prompts varies, depending onthe type of road you are on, and thedistance to your next maneuver.When given guidance in unverifiedareas, the words, “If Possible,” areinserted before each guidance prompt.See Unverified Area Routing on page 92for more details about unverifiedrouting.Direction ListIf you select Directions from the Mapmenu, the display changes to:NOTE:• The map and voice guidance inunverified areas differ from those inverified areas. See Unverified AreaRouting on page 92.•Only maneuvers that occur atfreeway exits or contain freeway exitinformation will show the exit infoicon (“i” icon) on the right end of theitems in the direction list. If no exitinfo icon is shown on the list, theEXIT INFOis not displayed.You can see the direction list and the distance to each maneuver. Press the MAP/GUIDE button to return to the previous screen.You can scroll through the direction list screen by screen by moving the Interface Dial up or down, or one instruction at a time by rotating the Interface Dial knob.EXIT INFO (Freeway ExitInformation)You can search freeway exitinformation and add new destinations orwaypoints to the calculated route as anew destination or waypoint. The exitinfo icon (“i” icon) on the right end ofthe items in the direction list indicatesthat there is freeway exit informationavailable. Say or select EXIT INFO, andchoose the exit and place to set as a newdestination or waypoint.On the map screen, you can displayfreeway exit information using theInterface Dial. The exit info icon willonly be displayed on the map screen ifthere is any freeway exit informationavailable. Choose the 1/4, 1/2, and1 mile scale, then move the cross hairsto the desired exit info icon and push inon the Interface Dial. Choose a placefrom the list and set as a new destinationor waypoint.NOTE:To turn on “Freeway exit information”on the map screen display the icon barand select the“i” icon (see page65).Split Screen GuidanceWhen on route to a destination, youhave two display options: single screenmode (the factory default) and the splitscreen mode.Single screen mode - a map isdisplayed with occasional guidancepop-up windows as you approach amaneuver.Split screen mode - the map is alwaysdisplayed on the left of the screen, andthe maneuver or direction list isdisplayed on the right hand side of thescreen.Guidance mode can be changed in eitherSetup (see Guidance Mode on page 99),or by accessing the icon bar (seeCHANGE GUIDANCE MODE onpage65).When you get near the maneuver, the map screen changes to:On the map screen, the location of the maneuver is marked with a small yellow square. The guidance window is simply an enlargement of the area indicated by the yellow square. After you complete the maneuver, the display returns to a full map screen when the single screen mode is set, or to a map and direction list screen when the split screen mode is set.Map ScaleRotate the Interface Dial knob or a voice command such as “Display 1/2 mile scale” (see page 141) to change the scale of the map. Zooming in increases the detail, while zooming out gives you a view of a wider area. After changing the scale, give the system a few moments to update the display.Functions available at various map scalesNOTE:• You can change between miles or kilometers in Setup (see Units on page 90).• For information on the available voice commands, see Voice Command Index on page 140.Map Scale (English and Metric)For selecting units, see page 90.1/20 mi. 1/8 mi. 1/4 mi. 1/2 mi. 1 mi. 2 mi. 5 mi. 15 mi. 50 mi. 150 mi. 350 mi.80 m 200 m 400 m 800 m 1.6 km 3km 8km 24 km 80 km 240 km 560 kmPOI icon symbols (like ATM) page 62 X X Breadcrumbs (off-road tracking dots) page 67 X X X X Freeway exit information icons page 62 XXXUnverified road display (light brown) page 92 X X X Map orientation “Heading up” page 61 X X X X X Map orientation “North up” page 61 X X X X X X X X X X XMap features (like park, golf course) page 54 X X X XXXXXXXAvoid area shown on map page 96 X X X Avoid area scales (when creating) page 96 X X X Waypoint “flag” icons page 70 X XXX X X X XXXXTraffic speed page 22X X X X Traffic incidentpage 22XXXXMap OrientationThe map can be orientated two ways:• North-up: North pointing up as youwould normally view a paper map.• Heading-up: The map constantly rotates so the road you are driving on always points up (as you see the road through your front windowshield).NOTE:The red arrow in both heading symbols always shows the direction north.Push in on the Interface Dial on themap or guidance screen and selectNorth-up or Heading-up to switchbetween the available orientation, or say“Display heading up” or “Display northup.”In the larger map scales (above 1 mile or1.6 kilometer), the map is alwaysoriented with north facing upward. Youcannot change the orientation.To view other areas on the map, movethe Interface Dial left, right, up, ordown. The map will shift in thatdirection. To return the map to yourcurrent location, press either the MAP/GUIDE, the CANCEL, or the NAVIBACK button on the steering wheel.The display automatically changes tothe map screen when you reach yourdestination. Press the MENU button toreturn to the Enter destination byscreen.NOTE:• For information on the availablevoice commands, see VoiceCommand Index on page 140.•If you are on a route and theInterface Dial is moved, the “Timeto Destination” and “Distance toDestination” indications arereplaced with an indicator showingdistance from the current vehiclelocation.“North Up”“Heading Up”Destination IconThe destination icon only shows the approximate location of the destination. This occurs because a city block can have as many as 100 possible addresses (for example, the 1400 block is followed by the 1500 block.) Since most cities use only a portion of the 100 possible addresses (for example, in the 1400 block, the addresses may only go up to 1425 before the 1500 block starts). Therefore, the address 1425 will be shown a quarter of the way down the block by the system instead of near the end of the block where the destination is actually located.Tip:When on a route, you can view a map showing your destination. Using voice control, say “Display destination map.”Landmark and IncidentIconsLandmark icons are shown in the mapscreen on 1/20 and 1/8 mile scale, or 80and 200 meter scale. The Freeway exitinformation is displayed on the 1/4, 1/2,and 1 mile scales. Incident icons aredisplayed on the 1/2 through 5 milescales. The icons are:Landmark iconIncident iconSome icons can be turned on or off;you can either display them or hidethem by pushing in on the InterfaceDial on the map or guidance screenand select Show Icon on Map (seepage 65), or by using voice commands(see page 140).You can select most landmark andincident icons with the Interface Dialto display the icon’s information. Seethe table on the following page forexceptions.NOTE:• The same icon list can be viewed onthe screen by selecting Map Legendfrom the Information screen.• When there are overlappinglandmark icons, a list of the points ofinterest (POIs) is displayed.• For information on the availablevoice commands, see VoiceCommand Index on page 140.Acura DealerSchoolRestaurantATMParking LotPost OfficeHonda DealerHospitalGrocery StoreGas StationHotel/LodgingParking GarageFreeway Exit InformationWeatherAccident / Incident (other)ConstructionFor some icons you can choose either to show or hide them on the map, while others like Acura Dealers, are always shown. The table below shows the features for each icon type. Some Points of Interest (POIs) like Police Stations are not shown as an icon, but you can still locate the nearest one with the voice command, “Find nearest Police station.”Landmark iconPOI type Icon can bemanuallydisplayedIcon can bemanuallyhiddenIconselection byvoiceIcon can be selected asa destination on themap screen with theInterface DialPOI can be found onthe map screen usingvoice command“Find...”Honda/Acura dealer Yes, always No No Yes Yes Hospital Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes School Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ATM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Gas station *1Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Restaurants *2Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Post office Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Grocery store Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Hotel/ Lodging Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Police station No icon No icon No No Yes Shopping, Tourist attraction, Bank No icon No icon No No Yes Parking garage Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Parking lot Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Freeway exit information Yes Yes Yes Yes (choose POI)NoIncident icon*1. When gas station icons are selected for view on the map, some icons are shown as “brand icons.”*2. When selecting Restaurant on the Select category for icon settings screen (see Icon Options on page 65), specialty typesof restaurants, like Chinese or Italian, can be individually displayed or hidden. See Show Icon on Map on page 139. Also see the Voice Command Index on page 140 for the “Display,” “Hide,” and “Find” commands.*3.You can display the nearest traffic incidents by saying, “Display traffic incidents.”POI type Icon can be manually displayed Icon can be manually hidden Iconselection by voice Icon can be selected as a destination on the map screen with the Interface Dial POI can be found on the map screen using voice command “Find...”Traffic Speed Yes Yes Yes No No Traffic IncidentYesYesYesNoYes *3。

V60 V60-B 和 H60 固定式安装 VHF 和无线对讲机用户指南说明书

V60 V60-B 和 H60 固定式安装 VHF 和无线对讲机用户指南说明书

中文V60/V60-B 和 H60固定式安装 VHF 和无线对讲机用户指南序言免责声明由于 Navico 将不断完善本产品,因此我们保留随时对产品做出更改的权利,而本版手册可能未对此类更改进行说明。




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NavicoHolding AS 及其子公司、分支机构和附属公司保留对规格进行更改的权利,恕不另行通知。

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如有任何疑问,请查阅您的装置或系统对应的品牌网站:许可信息• 建议用户在使用本 VHF 无线电之前先查看您所在国家/地区的无线电运营许可要求。


• 在某些地区/国家,需要具备无线电运营商执照,并且您有责任在操作无线电之前确定是否需要此类执照。

• 本无线电使用的频率仅供海上使用,这些频率必须在您的无线电运营商执照中列明。

• 必须先在本无线电中输入有效的 USER MMSI 编号,才能使用DSC 功能。

您必须申请一个 MMSI 编号,该编号通常从颁发无线电运营商执照的同一机构处获得。


如果您不确定应联系哪家机构,请咨询 B&G经销商。

2 | | V60/V60-B 用户指南• 必须先在本无线电中输入有效的 ATIS ID 编号,才能使用 ATIS 功能。

Aeroflex GPSG-1000 多频道 GPS Galileo 移动测试设备说明书

Aeroflex GPSG-1000 多频道 GPS Galileo 移动测试设备说明书

ChannelsSimulationThe Simulation page shows the selected GNSS signals generated and provides a PVT (Position, Velocity and Time) display. The data displayed also includes the current waypoint leg, heading and distance to go.In the Static mode of operation, a 3D position may be user entered in Latitude/Longitude/Height format. Almanac data is derived either from the built-in L1 C/A Code GPS receiver or via an external file load. Positional simulation may also be synchronized to UTC via the receiver.SV SelectionAll GPSG-1000 configurations allow GPS and Galileo satellites to be mixed. SVs are allocated automatically for optimal geometry accord-ing to simulated position. The user may turn off individual SVs, to create scenarios with poor geometry for RAIM testing.Each SV may have Doppler, Amplitude, Step Error and Code Carrier Coherence parameters deviated from nominal and Satellite Health set.Signal Fading and Dynamic Signal Amplitude and Simulator RF level may be applied to all satellites.SBASSBAS satellites WAAS/EGNOS are automatically allocated based on simulated position. The user can select the number of SBAS SVs that can be allocated and can selectively turn off individual SVs.WaypointsWaypoints may be created and stored in Latitude/Longitude/ Altitude form or automatically recalled from the provided waypoint data base organized by an airport or city. Waypoints may be selected for inclusion in a route in dynamic mode or as a single position in static mode.RoutesIn the Dynamic position mode of operation, the Route page may be used to sequentially enter user defined route points. Routes compris-ing of up to 99 route points, may be saved and recalled under a user entered route name, using the route file management system. Route points can be reordered, edited or deleted. 3D position data compris-ing Latitude, Longitude and Altitude may be manually entered, or selected from the waypoints page. Additional parameters that define a route point are.. Speed, Linear Acceleration and Altitude Rate.T urns may be executed at the route point, utilizing a user defined T urn Radius. Realistic turns are maintained to 10G.SetupThe Setup page is partitioned via a tab selection scheme to allow control for Simulation, Almanac, Channels and I/O.The simulation tab provides controls for GNSS System Selection and Carrier, also Digital Noise, Multipath (fading) model selection, PRN RF Signal levels, Position Source, Simulation T ype and SBAS.FileThe file management system is partitioned via a tab selection scheme. File management is provided for almanacs, routes and simulator settings. Facilities include loading, storage, and naming of files.** Contact factory for availability A-GPS (Assisted GPS) – Option**The A-GPS option allows the GPSG-1000 to be used in conjunction with the Aeroflex 4400 CDMA Mobile Phone T ester, to provide a comprehensive test of the mobile phone built-in GPS receiver using the A-GPS protocols.The GPSG-1000 provides a predefined scenario 62.5 min, or 5 navi-gation messages in length. Three data files are created after an initial real-time run of the simulation, which are provided over the Ethernet interface via a set of remote commands. The files are:Acquisition: Time stamped dataProcessed Navigation Data: Time stamped almanac and ephemeris data in engineering unitsRaw Navigation Data: (5 messages) used for sensitivity assistanceThe GPSG-1000 can store the scenarios and the relevant files generated in simulator memory using the settings storage facility provided in the GPSG-1000 GUI.The 4400 utilizes the three file types, which are in a time stamped format, for creating assistance data that is sent to the phone under test upon request. The 4400, via the Ethernet interface, can arm the GPSG-1000 simulation and provide a hardware trigger of the simulation. The GPSG-1000 external 10 MHz clock is provided by the 4400, allowing the synchronization of the RF simulation with the data used in the simulation, stored in the 4400 memory.For more information about the Aeroflex 4400, please use the following link:/ats/products/product/Communications_Test/Cellular_Parametric_Test/4400_Mobile_Phone_Tester_Series~756.html#For the very latest specifications visit L1 (P)Y (not encrypted)Code Rate10.230 Mc/sSequence Length15345000 bitsModulationBPSKNote: Long random codes simulatedL1C*Code Rate10.230 Mc/sSequence Length10230 bitsModulationBOC (1, 1)L5Code Rate10.230 Mc/sSequence Length10230 bitsModulationQPSKGALILEO SERVICESE1Pseudo G/NAVLong random codes simulatedCode Rate2.5575 Mc/sSequence LengthTBCSymbol RateTBCModulationInterplex/CBOCSub ModulationBOC (15,2.5)Note: PRS not supportedE1OSComplete implementation (I/NAV)* Phase III software releaseCSNull message content (pseudo I/NAV)SoLCompliant, no integrity alerts (I/NAV)Code Rate1.023 Mc/sSequence Length4092 (primary) x 1 (secondary) bitsSymbol Rate250 spsModulationInterplex/CBOCSub ModulationCBOC(6,1,1)E5aOSComplete implementation (F/NAV)Code Rate10.23 Mc/sSequence Length10230 (primary) x 20 (secondary) bits Symbol Rate50 spsModulationALTBOCSub ModulationNoneE5b*OSComplete implementation (F/NAV)CSNull message content (pseudo I/NAV)SoLCompliant, no integrity alerts (I/NAV)Code Rate10.23 Mc/sSequence Length10230 (primary) x 4 (secondary) bitsSymbol Rate250 spsModulationALTBOCSub ModulationNoneFor the very latest specifications visit Safety ComplianceUL-61010:2001CSA 22.2 No 1010.1WEEEROHSEMCEmissionsMIL-PRF28800F Class 2EN 61326:1998 Class AEN 61000-3-2EN 61000-3-3ImmunityMIL-PRF28800F Class 2EN 61326:1998 Class AExternal AC-DC Converter CertificationsSafety ComplianceUL 1950 DSCSA 22.2 No. 234VDE EN 60 950EMI/RFI Compliance FCC Docket 20780 Curve "B"EMC EN 61326Transit Case CertificationsDrop Test FED-STD-101C Method 5007.1Paragraph 6.3, Procedure A, Level AFalling Dart Impact ATA 300 Category IVibration, Loose Cargo FED-STD-101C Method 5019Vibration, Sweep ATA 300 Category ISimulated Rainfall MIL-STD-810F Method 506.4 Procedure II of 4.1.2 FED-STD-101C Method 5009.1 Sec 6.7.1Immersion MIL-STD-810F Method 512.4 ENVIRONMENTAL (SUPPLIED EXTERNAL AC TO DC CONVERTER)UseIndoorsAltitude≤10,000 feetOperating Temperature5°C to 40°CStorage Temperature-20°C to 71°CPHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSGPSG-1000Height10.63 in. (27.0 cm)Width13.97 in. (35.5 cm)Depth3.425 in. (8.7 cm)Weight (Test set only)<10 lbs. (4.5 kg)ANTENNA COUPLERHeight7.54 in. (191.5 cm)Width7.46 in. (189.5 cm)Depth7.46 in. (189.5 cm)(Note: Maximum antenna height accommodated 1.5 in) RF GasketFlexible sealConnectorTNCPositioningBy hand or with optional 8ft placement pole via hook.Placement SecurityWeighted peripheral bagFor the very latest specifications visit VERSIONS, OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIESOrdering DescriptionNumber87339GPSG-1000 6 Satellite Simulator87715GPSG-1000 12 Satellite Option89475GPSG-1000 A-GPSG Option**Standard Accessories88493T ransit case (qty 1)67374Power supply87636Antenna coupler90113RX Antenna90114Cable, coax 50 ft.62302Power cord (U.S)64020Power cord (European)88037Operation Manual (CD)88038Getting Started Manual (paper)Optional Accessories87040External battery charger86196Spare battery pack90106Kit, Antenna coupler placement pole 8 ft.89023Maintenance Manual (CD)**** Contact factory for availability。

Stryker NAV3i 导航平台说明书

Stryker NAV3i 导航平台说明书

The NAV3i is Stryker Navigation’s next-generation of platform solutions. Designed with the surgeon in mind, rigorous testing and usability engineering have been applied to ensure our customers are confident in relying on Stryker Navigation. From its sleek design and powerful computing capabilities to the enhanced visualization provided by its monitors, the Stryker NAV3i easily integrates into the operating room to deliver the ultimate surgical navigation experience.The Ultimate Surgical Navigation ExperienceAccuracy and ControlStryker’s proprietary tracking technology has produced the most accurate optical navigation camera on the market.1 When that industry-leading accuracy is combined with Stryker Navigation’s smart instruments, the surgeon is able to completely control the software from the sterile field. The Stryker NAV3i delivers flexible surgical solutions to cranial, spine, ENT, orthopaedic and trauma procedures. Features Built for Today and Tomorrow• Stryker’s proprietary navigation camera with active technology• 32" full HD surgeon monitor• Navigation camera arm with increased range of motion makesit easier to accommodate various procedures and approaches• Built-in LiveCam allows for easy positioning of the navigationcamera and smart instruments• IO Tablet user interface with touch capability• Footprint and overall design helps maximize space in the OR• Uninterruptible power supply (maximum six minutes)• Industrial PC with upgraded processing speed and 60% moreRAM than legacy platform• Wireless integration - DICOM query/retrieve and DICOM clientfunctionality for smooth integration into the hospital network• HDMI outputReferences1. Elfring R, de la Fuente M, Radermacher K. Assessment of optical localizer accuracy for computer-aided surgerysystems. Comput Aided Surg. 2010;15(1-3):1-12.The information presented in this brochure is intended to demonstrate a Stryker product. Always refer to the package insert, product label and/or user instructions before using any Stryker product. Products may not be available in all markets. Product availability is subject to the regulatory or medical practices that govern individual markets. Please contact your Stryker representative if you have questions about the availability of Stryker products in your area. Stryker Corporation or its divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: Stryker and Stryker NAV3i. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners or holders. Literature Number: 9100-001-825 Rev. NoneDDM/PS 1k 5/13Copyright © 2013 StrykerPrinted in USA Stryker Navigation4100 East Milham Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49001 USAt: 269 323 7700, f: 800 999 3811toll free: 800 253 3210Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KGBötzinger Straße 41D-79111 Freiburg, Germanyt: + 49 761 4512 0, f: +49 761 4512 120 /navigation。

vtech 滑行直升机 说明书

vtech 滑行直升机 说明书

2019/5/6 11:22:57
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2019 vtech
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辛迪电子60 Harmony XVU 模块塔灯产品介绍说明书

辛迪电子60 Harmony  XVU 模块塔灯产品介绍说明书

Signaling units Ø 60 Harmony® XVU modular tower lights Catalog2016MayDigi-Cat, a handy USB key for PCContact your local representative to get your own Digi-CatHow can you fit a 6000-page catalog in your pocket ?Schneider Electric provides you with the complete set of industrial automation catalogs all on a handyUSB key for PC or in an application for tabletse-Library, the app for tablets>Convenient to carry>Always up-to-date>Environmentally friendly>Easy-to-share format>Go to the App Store and search for e-Library>or scan the QR codeIf you have an iPad:>Go to the Google Play Store and search for eLibrary>or scan the QR codeIf you have an Android tablet:General contentsHarmony® XVU modular tower lightsb General presentation................................................................................page 2Selection guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .page 6b Presentation............................................................................................page 10b Software configuration ...........................................................................page 11b Description..............................................................................................page 12b Referencesv Illuminated units ........................................................................................page 13v Audible units, base units ...........................................................................page 14v Accessories ..............................................................................................page 15b Product reference index.........................................................................page 16The Harmony XVU modular range of tower lights are 360° pilot lights and commonlyused signaling product for a wide range of applications. These tower lights are visualand audible signaling units that comes with a combination of innovative features, high performance and simplicity.>True color and homogeneity light >Improved visibility >LED super-bright flash with long life performanceCustomized voice message> A free of charge configuration software allows to customize the audible signalsvia SD card >The sound unit plays voice message when customer inputs PLC signals>Adjustable volume up to 86dB at 1m /3 .281 ft>These tower lights offer innovative features with:>Pulse signal units use one signal wire to define different types of signaling>Flexible and configurable light patterns>Up to 256 different combination of audible and visual signals>Up to 16 different combination of visual signals (color combination)>One pulse signal multi-color unit can be implemented instead of several single color illuminated units>Reduction in I/O wires to connect PLC with tower light>e, UL, CSA, and PCT certifiedAesthetic design>Available in black and metallic silver body>Reduced diameter (Ø 60 mm/2 .362 in .) makes them suitable for small equipment >Aesthetic design distinguishes them from other tower lightsLight wire Channel wire>Simple and easy assembly without use of any tools>Convenient mounting option with: direct mounting, pole mounting and three-in-one adjustable wall mountingGood resistance>Resistant to dust and water and are UL/CSA compliant>The illuminated units have IP 65 degree of protection, and are resistant to cutting oil>Audible units have IP 54 degree of protectionIndustrial applicationsIdeally suited for automotive, machine tools, material handling and electronic equipment industry.AutomotiveindustryMaterialhandlingMachinetoolsElectronicequipmentSignaling solutionsSelection guideHarmony® type XVPre-assembled and pre-cabled USB tower Pre-assembled and pre-cabled Pre-assembled and pre-cabledtower lights2 .362 in .Ø 100 mm/IP 54 (flat surface installation)IP 54 (flat surface installation)IP 23 (vertical surface installation)YesYes–With siren or buzzer With buzzer (volume control and alarm typecan be set with HMI)––Yes––v Redv Orangev Greenv Bluev ClearFlying leads, length 450 mm/Flying leads, length 500 mm/according to modelIlluminated beacons Variable composition tower lights for customer assembly of up to 5 unitsTower lights for customer assembly of up to 5 units.Pre-cabled rotating beacons Pre-cabled motor-less rotating/flashing beacons Sirens and electronic alarms Ø 70 mm/2 .756 in .Ø 60 mm/2 .362 in .Ø 84 mm/3 .31 in . to Ø 130 mm/IP 65 (mounted on fixing base XVBZ0IP 66 (mounted on base unit)IP 65 for illuminated units IP 54 for audible units IP 55 for flexible mounting unitØ 84 mm/3 .31 in . and Ø 106 mm/(IP 65 with accessory)Ø 120 mm/4 .72 in .: IP 23Ø 130 mm/5 .12 in .: IP 66 and IP 67 (depending on voltage)Ø 100 mm/3 .94 in .: IP 65 for upright position, IP 23 for sideway and inverted position IP 54 (electronic alarms)IP 65 (editable voice) Yes YesYes Yes YesYes YesYes Yes (buzzer or editable voice)Yes (editable voice)–“PROTECTED LED”–“PROTECTED LED”Yes––v Greenv Redv Orangev Bluev Whitev YellowScrew clamp terminals Spring cage connection terminalsMounting on support tube:Mounting on support tube and adjustable support tube: 4 x Ø 6 mm/0 .236 in .Flexible wall mounting: 3 x Ø 5 mm/Direct mounting: 2 x Ø 5 mm/ 3 x Ø 5 mm/ 4 x Ø 5 mm/Mounting on bracket: 2 x Ø 9 mm/XVUSignaling solutionsHarmony ® type XV Selection guide (continued)Presentation PresentationThe Harmony XVU modular range of tower lights are visual and audible signaling units indicating various states, operation sequence or installation of a machine. Their reduced diameter (Ø 60 mm /2 .362 in .) makes them suitable for use on small equipment and their aesthetic design distinguishes them from other tower lights. The availability of black and metallic silver body makes them ideal for use in automotive, machine tools, material handling and electronic equipment industry.This range has an advantage of:b “Super bright” LEDb Easy installation and mounting without use of any toolsb Simple assembly due to the indicator marks on the unitsb Steady, blinking, flashing, or rotating multi-colored LED unit for energy-efficient high priority signaling (colors and light patterns can be selected using 2 dip switches on top of the unit)b Height adjustment tube that solves the need to adjust height of the tower lightb Flexible mounting unit which supports various customer needs for installation (for use on horizontal or vertical support)b Power integrated base units with two voltage solutions (z 24 V and a 100 to 240 V) which reduces the stock reference for LED units b High degree of protection against dust and waterb 100% configurable soundb Innovative concept of controlling the tower light by sending pulse signals in single wire (1)Illuminated LED unitsThe XVU range offers the following benefits for illuminated LED units: b The LED units are visible throughout 360°b Innovative mirror design of these units improve the brightnessb Pure colors avoid confusion between colorsb The “Super bright” LED technology consumes low power and has long life b Continuous usage of LEDs up to 40,000 operating hours (2)b Ultra brightness in 40º visualizationb Homogenous light improves luminosity from side viewb The mixture of homogenous light and pure color improves the aesthetics of tower light and machine b Polycarbonate lens material for better shock resistanceMountingb Height adjustable tube with an adjustment from 210 to 385 mm /8 .268 to 15 .157 in ., mounted on a fixing plate for use on a horizontal support b Flexible mounting option for use on horizontal or vertical supportb Direct mounting solutions (with two, three and four screws foot print)Signaling typeb For illuminated units with green, red, orange, blue, and white color:steady or blinking b For multi-color illuminated unit: steady, blinking, flashing (slow or fast) and rotating (slow or fast)b For audible unit:v Buzzer, adjustable from 70 to 85 dB at 1m/3 .281 ft (with 4 configurations of audible signal)v Customized sound, from 0 to 86 dB at 1m/3 .281 ft (with 4 channels dedicated to 4 illuminated units)v Pulse signal editable sound from 0 to 86 dB at 1m/3 .281 ft (16 channels can be controlled by PLC)(1) Pulse signals used for signaling are defined using different pulse width following the principle of frequency-division multiplexing (2) In normal conditions of use (in 25 ºC/77 ºF environment)XVU tower lights Signaling Units Modular tower lights Harmony type XVU Ø 60Tower lights for customer assembly (up to 5 units)Presentation (continued)Signaling UnitsModular tower lightsHarmony type XVU Ø60Tower lights for customer assembly (up to 5 units)References: Presentation (continued)EnvironmentThe performance features of the Harmony XVU range meet the following specifications:b Degree of protection:v IP 65 for illuminated unitsv IP 54 for audible unitsv IP 55 for flexible mounting unitb International standards:v The whole range conforms with EN/IEC 60947-5-1 standard.b Product certifications:v UL, CSA, and eSoftware configurationb The “Playlist Builder” software is used to configure the signals of XVU audible units b This software can be downloaded from for free of chargeb It is compatible with Windows XP® and Windows 7® (recommended) operating systemb It allows configuration of audible signals to be set on each 4 channels dedicated to 4 illuminated unitsPlaylist Builder configuration software windowSignaling UnitsModular tower lightsHarmony type XVU Ø 60Tower lights for customer assembly (up to 5 units)DescriptionDescriptionTower lightsThe XVU tower lights are customer assembled products comprising:1 Top cover (black or silver)2 Buzzer unit (black or silver) (1)3 Illuminated units: (2)3.1 L ED illuminated units with steady or blinking lightsignaling (colors: green, red, orange,blue, white, or yellow) 3.2 M ulti-color LED unit (colors: green, red, orange,blue, white, or yellow. Patterns: steady, blinking, flashing, or rotating)3.3 P ulse signal multi-color LED unit (colors: green,red, orange, or blue. Patterns: steady, blinking, flashing, or rotating) (3)4 Sound units (4)4.1 Sound unit4.2 Sound unit, pulse signal 5 Extender unit (black or silver)6 Base unit, DC (black or silver)7 Base unit, AC (black or silver)8 Flexible mounting unit9 Fixing unit, direct mounting (black or silver)10 100 mm/3 .927 in ., 400 mm/15 .748 in ., or800 mm/31 .496 in . pole with integrated fixing plate (black or silver for 100 mm pole, and black for 400 mm and 800 mm pole)11 Height adjustment pole from210 to 385 mm/8 .268 to 15 .157 in . (5) with integrated fixing plate12 100 mm/3 .927 in ., 250 mm/9 .842 in ., or400 mm/15 .748 in . pole with metal bracket (black)13 Fixing plate for use on vertical support (black)Compositionb XVU tower lights are customer assembled signaling units that are mounted vertically or horizontally with the support of a mounting accessory.b Maximum of 5 illuminated units or 4 illuminated units with 1 audible unit can be assembled. The illuminated or audible unit (6), stack vertically.b With the indicator marks on these units they can be easily assembled.b Electrical connections between each unit are made automatically as they are mechanically assembled.b The signaling units are identical in size and their positioning is unrestricted.Mountingb Horizontal mounting: Fixed into support panel with fixing plate using direct mounting plate, poles or height adjustment pole with integrated fixing plateb Vertical mounting: Fixed into support panel with fixing plate using pole with metal bracket or fixing plate for use on vertical supportb Horizontal or vertical mounting: Fixed into support panel with fixing plate using flexible mounting unit CablingBy means of spring cage connection terminal block incorporated in mounting unit (Direct mounting plate, pole with plate, adjustment pole)(1) Always mounted on the top(2) Up to 5 LED illuminated units without sound unit; Up to 4 LED illuminated units with sound unit(3) Pulse signal multi-color LED unit cannot be combined with standard sound unit (XVUC9V )(4) Sound unit can work without LED unit (5) Only for DC body unit(6) Sound unit cannot be combined with buzzer unit at the same time8101213ReferencesLED units24 V 2.0 W Red XVUC240.064/0 .14124 V 2.0 W Orange XVUC250.064/0 .14124 V 2.5 W Blue XVUC260.064/0 .14124 V 2.5 W White XVUC270.064/0 .14124 V2.5 W Yellow XVUC280.064/0 .141Blinking 24 V 1.2W Green XVUC430.064/0 .14124 V 0.9W Red XVUC440.064/0 .14124 V 0.9W Orange XVUC450.064/0 .14124 V 1.2W Blue XVUC460.064/0 .14124 V 1.2W White XVUC470.064/0 .14124 V 1.2W Yellow XVUC480.064/0 .141Multi-color LED unitSteady/blinking/flashing/rotating24 V 1.5 WMulti-color (green, red, orange, blue, white, and yellow)XVUC290.064/0 .141Pulse signal Multi-color LED unit (1)Steady/blinking/flashing/rotating24 V 1.7 W Multi-color (green, red, orange, and blue)XVUC29P 0.069/0 .152(1) 1 signal wire, 2 power wires. Adaptable for both NPN and PNP . Controlled by PLC dynamically .Signaling UnitsModular tower lights Harmony type XVU Ø 60Tower lights for customer assembly (up to 5 units)Illuminated unitsPresentation: XVUC23XVUC43P F 154100AXVUC24 XVUC44P F 154101AXVUC25 XVUC45P F 154102AXVUC26 XVUC46P F 154103AXVUC27XVUC47P F 154104AXVUC28XVUC48P F 154105AXVUC29XVUC29PP F 121710BAudible and base unitsXVUC21BQXVUC21MXVUC9SQXVUC9SXVUC9Vcover (2)Silver XVUC21BQ 0.110/0 .243a 100 to 240 VBlack XVUC21M (3)0.235/0 .518Black XVUC21MP (4)0.235/0 .518Silver XVUC21MQP (4)0.235/0 .518(1) 1 signal wire, 2 power wires. Adaptable for both NPN and PNP . 16 channels can be controlled by PLC .(2) Direct mounting plate XVUZ01p needed for direct mounting (3) NPN type (4) PNP typeP F 121712CP F 121713CP F 141500AP F 514300P F 121701D P F 121729BP F 121702CAccessoriesDescriptionVoltage Height ofaluminium pole mm/in.Color ReferenceWeight kg/lb Body extender z 24 V–Black XVUC0200.093/0 .205Silver XVUC020Q 0.093/0 .205Fixing unit, direct mounting–Black XVUZ01 (2)0.063/0 .139XVUZ03 (1)0.063/0 .139XVUZ04 (3)0.063/0 .139Silver XVUZ01Q (2)0.063/0 .139Fixing plate with aluminium pole100/3 .927Black XVUZ020.132/0 .291100/3 .927Silver XVUZ02Q 0.132/0 .291400/15 .748Black XVUZ4000.236/0 .520800/31 .496Black XVUZ8000.430/0 .945Fixing plate with height adjustment aluminium pole (4)210 to 385/8 .268 to 15 .157Black XVUZ050.253/0 .558Flexible mounting unit for use on horizontal or vertical support, IP 55–Black XVUZ060.193/0 .425Metal bracket with aluminium pole, IP42100/3 .927Black XVUZ100T 0.220/0 .485250/9 .842Black XVUZ250T 0.240/0 .529400/15 .74Black XVUZ400T 0.320/0 .705Fixing plate for use on vertical support–Black XVUZ120.360/0 .794(1) Two-foot mounting (2) Three-foot mounting (3) Four-foot mounting(4) Only for use with DC body unit.AccessoriesXVUC020P F 121716CXVUZ01QP F 121723DXVUZ400P F 154110AXVUZ100TP F 154106AXVUZ12P F 154109AXVUZ05P F 121725DXVUZ06P F 121724CProduct reference index IndexXVUC9S14XVUC9SQ14XVUC9V14XVUC9VP14XVUC02015XVUC020Q15XVUC21B14XVUC21BQ14XVUC21M14XVUC21MP14XVUC21MQP14XVUC2313XVUC2413XVUC2513XVUC2613XVUC2713XVUC2813XVUC2913XVUC29P13XVUC4313XVUC4413XVUC4513XVUC4613XVUC4713XVUC4813XVUZ0115XVUZ01Q15XVUZ0215XVUZ02Q15XVUZ0315XVUZ0415XVUZ0515XVUZ0615XVUZ1215XVUZ100T15XVUZ250T15XVUZ40015XVUZ400T15XVUZ80015The information provided in this documentation contains general descriptions and/or technical characteristics of the performance of the products contained herein. This documentation is not intended as a substitute for and is not to be used for determining suitability or reliability of these products for specific user applications. It is the duty of any such user or integrator to perform the appropriate and complete risk analysis, evaluation and testing of the products with respect to the relevant specific application or use thereof. Neither Schneider Electric nor any of its affiliates or subsidiaries shall be responsible or liable for misuse of the information contained herein.Design: Schneider Electric Photos: Schneider ElectricHead Office35, rue Joseph Monier F-92500 Rueil-Malmaison FranceSchneider Electric Industries SASMay 2016 - V4.0D I A 5E D 2130407E N。

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United States Army Aviation CenterFort Rucker, AlabamaMAY 1998STUDENT HANDOUTTITLE: UH-60 NAVIGATION AND COMMAND INSTRUMENT PROCESSORFILE NUMBER: 47-5357-348/1J-5357-3PROPONENT FOR THIS STUDENT HANDOUT IS:AVIATION TRAINING BRIGADEATTN: ATZQ-ATB-AD-CFort Rucker, Alabama 36362-5000FOREIGN DISCLOSURE RESTRICTIONS: The materials contained in this student handout have been reviewed by the instructor/training developer and determined to be public domain materials. This product is releasable to military students from all requesting foreign countries without restrictions.D-3TERMINAL LEARNING OBJECTIVE (TLO):At the completion of this lesson, the student will:ACTION: Perform the preflight and operational checks that pertain to the Navigation and Command Instrument System Processor (CISP).CONDITION: As a UH-60 aviator given a UH-60.STANDARD: In Accordance With (IAW) TM 1-1520-237-10.SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: None.RISK ASSESSMENT CODE: LowENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: NoneEVALUATION: Each student will be evaluated on this block of instruction during the UH-60 systems Examination (EA-01).A. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ELO) #1:ACTION: Identify the operational characteristics of the vertical situation indicator (VSI). CONDITION: Without references.STANDARD: IAW TM 1-1520-237-10.Learning Step/Activity - Provide instruction on identifying the operational characteristics of the vertical situation indicator (VSI).Vertical Situation Indicator (VSI)D-4a. Vertical situation indicator. There are two (2) VSI’s installed in the UH-60A aircraft. They are identical instruments, mounted on the pilot’s instrument panels. They display identical course relation information.b. To understand this information more accurately, the following nomenclature will be used to describe the various components of the VSI.(1) Roll command bar. Operates in conjunction with the command instrument system processor (CISP). Provides processed roll commands to the desired heading or course in the HDG or NAV modes.(2) Pitch command bar. Operates in conjunction with the command instrument system processor (CISP). Provides processed pitch commands to maintain airspeed in the ILS NAV mode and the GA mode.(3) Collective position indicator. Operates in conjunction with the command instrument system processor (CISP). Provides processed collective position indications relative to where the collective should be to maintain desired altitude, climb or decent.(4) Go-around advisory light. The GA light will illuminate whenever the GA switch on the pilot or copilot’s cyclic stick is pressed. The light will go off whenever the go-around mode is ended by engaging another mode on the CIS mode select panel.(5) Decision height advisory light. The DH light will illuminate whenever the radaraltimeter is operating and the altitude indicator is at or below the radar altitude L (low bug) setting. The DH light illuminates for the pilot and copilot independently based on their individual radar altimeter setting.(6) Marker beacon advisory light. The MB light will illuminate when the aircraft is over the marker beacon transmitter.(7) Sphere.(8) Pitch trim knob.(9) Roll trim knob.(10) Glide slope deviation pointer. The pointer represents the glide slope position with respect to the helicopter.(11) Course deviation pointer. The pointer represents the position of the course selected on the HSI with respect to the helicopter.(12) Inclinometer.(13) Turn rate indicator.(14) Warning flags.(a) Command warning flag.(b) Glide slope warning flag.(c) Navigation warning flag.D-5(d) Attitude warning flag.B. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ELO) #2:ACTION: Identify the operational characteristics of the horizontal situation indicator (HSI). CONDITION: Without references.STANDARD: IAW TM 1-1520-237-10.Learning Step/Activity - Provide instruction on identifying the operational characteristics of the horizontal situation indicator (HSI).Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI)a. Horizontal Situation Indicator. There are two (2) HSI’s installed in the UH-60A aircraft. They are identical instruments mounted on the pilot and copilot’s instrument panels. They display identical course relation information.b. To understand this information more accurately, the following nomenclature will be used to describe the various components of the HSI.(1) Doppler distance to go display. Displays digital distance in kilometers to the destination set on the Doppler fly to destination thumb wheel.(2) Distance shutter.(3) Course set display.(4) Course set pointer.D-6(5) Course set knob.(6) Course deviation bar. Indicates lateral deviation from the selected course. A scale is marked with dots on either side of the center (on course). Each dot represents 1.25 degrees for ILS and 5 degrees for VOR.(7) To - from arrow.(8) Heading warning flags.(9) Navigation flag.(10) Heading select marker. Used to select the desired heading for use by the CISP.(11) Heading set knob.(12) No. 1 bearing pointer.(13) No. 2 bearing pointer.C. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ELO) #3:ACTION: Identify the operational characteristics of the HSI/VSI mode select panel. CONDITION: Without references.STANDARD: IAW TM 1-1520-237-10.Learning Step/Activity - Provide instruction on identifying the operational characteristics of the HSI/VSI mode select panel.a. HSI/VSI mode selection panels. There are two HSI/VSI mode select panels installed in the UH-60 aircraft. They are identical panels and are mounted on the pilot and copilot’s instrument panels.b. On the CRS/HDG switch, the identical information will be displayed at all times. All other switches may have different displays on each panel.HSI/VSI Mode Select Panelc. Description of the HSI/VSI mode selects panel.(1) Bearing No. 2 switch.D-7(2) Vertical gyro switch.(3) Course/heading switch.(4) Turn rate switch.(5) FM home switch.(6) Back course switch.(7) VOR/ILS switch.(8) Doppler switch.d. Operation of VSI/HSI mode selects panel, operational rule of 5.(1) No. 1 bearing pointer (Doppler).(2) No. 2 bearing pointer.(a) ADF.(b) VOR.(3) Course deviation bar (HSI).(a) Doppler.(b) VOR.(c) Localizer.(4) Course deviation pointer (VSI).(a) Doppler.(b) VOR.(c) Localizer.(d) FM home.(5) Roll command bar (VSI).(a) Doppler.(b) VOR.(c) Localizer.(d) FM home.(e) Heading.D-8e. Determination of the selected navigation, gyro, and course selector information fed to the instruments and CISP.(1) Pilot’s panel selects pilot’s instruments and CISP.(2) Copilot’s panel selects copilot’s instruments.(3) Course selector is switchable to either instrument.(4) VOR indications referenced to course in selected instrument.(5) Upper legend is for top row of switch.(6) Lower legend is for bottom row of switches.(7) Switch characteristics.(a) Push button.(b) On when lit.(c) NAV signals must be available or NAV switch has no effect.f. Description of HSI/VSI mode select panel switches.(1) No. 2 bearing switch operation.(a) No. 2 bearing select switch selects source of signal to the associated HSINo. 2 needle.(b) ADF automatically on when power is initially applied.(c) P ressing switch alternates between ADF and VOR.NOTE: The HSI No. 1 bearing pointer is always coupled to the Doppler navigation set and has no switch.(2) Vertical gyro switch operation.(a) Vertical gyro selects vertical gyros for driving attitude indications and attitude warning flag signal.1. Norm automatically ON in both panels when power is initially applied.2. Pressing switch alternates between NORN and ALTR.(b) Pilot’s selector panel.1. NORM – attitude signals to pilot’s VSI are from right (No. 2) gyro.2. ALTR – attitude signals to pilot’s indicator are from left (No. 1) gyro.(c) Copilot’s selector panel.D-91. NORM – attitude signals are from left (No. 1) gyro.2. ALTR - attitude signals are from right (No. 2) gyro.NOTE: May use any combination since either gyro is capable of driving both instruments.(3) CRS/HDG selector switch operation.(a) Selects HSI that will supply-1. Selected course information to the VHF navigation receiver (VOR).2. Course error to command instrument system (VOR or ILS doppler).3. Heading error to command instrument system.(b) Pilot and copilot’s selector panels always indicate same position.1. PLT on (both panels) when power initially applied and information isfrom pilot’s HSI.2. May be switched to copilot’s HSI only by pressing CRS/HDG selector button on copilot’s panel. Pilot’s panel selector switch has no effect.3. CPLT lights are on. May be switched to the pilot’s HSI only by pressing CRS/HDG selector button in the pilot’s panel. Copilot’s selector cannot transfer to the pilot’s HSI.NOTE: Command of course and heading information can only be taken, it cannot be given.(4) Turn rate switch selects rate gyro for driving rate of turn needle on VSI.(a) Both panels automatically on NORM when aircraft power is applied.(b) Pressing switch alternates between NORM and ALTR.(c) Pilot’s panel.1. NORM – rate signals from right gyro.2. LTR – rate signals from left gyro.(d) Copilot’s panel.1. NORM – rate from left gyro.2. ALTR – rate signals from right gyro.(5) FM home switch operation.(a) FM home – couples FM homing signals from FM No. 1 to NAV systems.1. FM No. 1 (ARC-114) must be on and in home function.D-102. ILS mode select light must be out.(b) Press FM home switch. Light will come on and signals will be applied to –1. VSI deviation pointer.2. VSI navigation flag.(c) Engaging FM home on pilot’s mode select panel applied FM homing signals to CISP.(d) Engaging of DPLR or VOR mode select switch with FM home engaged disengages FM home.(e) DPLR or VOR mode engaged, FM home may be engaged.1. FM home will not engage with ILS on.2. DPLR or VOR on and FM home on. FM home information to VSI deviation indicator and its navigation flag only.NOTE: Anytime FM home is engaged with either DPLR or VOR, the system is divided into two parts. FM home signals only displayed on VSI’s. DPLR or VOR, which ever engaged, will be displayed on HSI’s.(6) Back course switch operation.(a) ILS must be lit, otherwise this switch has no effect.(b) When back course is lit, the localizer course signals are reversed by the CISP and provide cyclic roll commands, which when properly followed will allow the pilot to complete back course localizer approach in the same manner as front course ILS. The desired runway heading must be set on the selected HSI CRS window.(7) VOR/ILS switch operation.(a) VOR/ILS when lit couples the ARN-123 VHF navigation unit to the navigation system.1. Automatically disengages other selected navigation inputs (DPLR, FM home).2. VOR lights if VOR frequency tuned.3. ILS lights if ILS frequency tuned.(b) Signals applied to –1. VSI deviation pointer.2. VSI navigation flag.3. HSI deviation course bar.4. HSI navigation flag.D-115. HSI to-from pointer (VOR only).6. VSI glide slope pointer (ILS on and with G/S signal).7. VSI glide slope flag (ILS on and with G/S signal).(c) CISP.1. Copilot’s panel has no effect.2. Pilot’s panel.a. VOR on, and FM home on. FM signals to CISP.b. VOR on, and FM home off. VOR signals to CISP.c. ILS on. FM home will not reengage. ILS signals to CISP.NOTE: When ILS is selected and NAV is selected in conjunction with it, whatever airspeed thepilot has is now coupled to pitch command bar. To reset A/S, disengage navigation,adjust A/S, and reengage navigation. A/S hold is limited to 70 to 130 knots.(8) Doppler switch operation.(a) DPLR couples, ANS-128 Doppler course and distance information to navigation system.(b) Engaging DPLR automatically disengages -1. VOR.2. ILS.3. Back course.4. FM home.(c) Engagement applies Doppler signals to -1. VSI deviation pointer and its navigation flag.2. HSI deviation bar and its navigation flag.3. HSI range shutter and distance information in kilometers.4. CISP.a. Copilot’s panel has no effect on input.b. Pilots’panel DPLR on, FM home off. DPLR signals to CISP.c. Pilots’panel DPLR on FM home, FM signals to CISP.D-12C. ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVE (ELO) #4:ACTION: Identify the operational characteristics of the CIS mode select system. CONDITION: Without references.STANDARD: IAW TM 1-1520-237-10.Learning Step/Activity - Provide instruction on identifying the operational characteristics of the CIS mode select system.CIS Mode Select Panela. There is only one CIS mode selector installed in the UH-60 aircraft. The selector is located on the pilot’s instrument panel.b. Description of CIS and CIS mode selector.(1) The CIS processes navigational data, aircraft attitude, and airspeed information appropriate for mode selected to provide visual command indications for roll, pitch, and/or collective control, as needed, to maintain heading, altitude, and to navigate during enroute and approach operations.(2) The CIS mode selector, selects one of three modes of operation to direct navigational signals to the CISP for command signal display.(a) HDG ON – direct heading and roll signals to CIS processor for steering commands that will allow pilot to maintain a selected heading.(b) NAV ON – gives heading commands to acquire and track a selected VOR, ILS, DPLR, or FM intercept, or to acquire and track glide slope beam.(c) A LT ON – directs barometric pressure signals and collective stick position signals to CIS processor.c. Operation of the CIS mode selection panel.(1) Switch characteristics.(a) Push button.(b) NAV signals must be present for the NAV switch to operate.(2) Heading switch operation.(a) Couples heading select marker to roll command bar.D-13(b) Commands direction to turn.1. Follow the roll command bar with cyclic.2. Command left, right, or center cyclic during turn.(c) Assist in maintaining turn.1. One degree of roll command for each degree of heading error.2. Maximum roll command – 20 degrees.(d) Command wings level on selected heading.1. Command results in no more than one overshoot in acquiring the selectedheading.2. Tracking error of no more than two (2) degrees.(e) Switches off automatically within ten (10) degrees of selected course (VOR only) and 2.5 degrees localizer.d. Altitude switch operation.(1) Couples barometric or radar altimeter to collective position indicator (depending on submode).(2) Senses the altitude at time of engagement.(a) Synchronizes on engagement altitude for vertical rates up to two hundred (200) feet per minute.(b) Performance altitude inputs between –1,000 and +10,000 feet at airspeeds from 70 to 150 KIAS.(3) Commands direction of movement of collective to return aircraft to originally selected altitude.(4) Commands collective movement to maintain absolute altitude selected on radar altimeter when in level off submode.(5) Switches off automatically when glide slope is intercepted during ILS approach.(a) Cannot be selected with ILS frequency used in NAV engaged.(b) For manual engagement with ILS frequency and NAV engaged, turn NAV off, reengage NAV.e. NAV switch operation.(1) Selects CISP and couples selected navigation system on the pilot’s side to roll command bar.D-14(2) During ILS, couples pitch command bar to airspeed indicator.(3) Displays aircraft turns necessary to track navigation signal.(4) Commands 45-degree intercept of selected course (HSI course window).(a) When heading mode not selected.(b) Within ten (10) degrees of selected VOR course (HSI course window).(c) W ithin 2.5 degrees of LOC centerline.(5) Causes heading mode to drop out automatically when within capture zone defined by (b) and(c) above.(6) Causes altitude mode to drop out automatically when glide slope is intercepted during ILS approach.(7) During go-around submode, couples roll command bar to heading indicator, pitch command bar to 80 knots airspeed, and collective position indicator to 500 Feet Per Minute (FPM) climb.D-15UH-60 NAVIGATION AND COMMAND INSTRUMENT SYSTEM PROCESSORPRACTICAL EXERCISE1. This practical exercise covers the instruction received on the navigation and command instrument system processor.2. All work must be done on your own. If you have any questions concerning this P.E, raise your handand the instructor will provide assistance.3. You will have 20 minutes to complete this P.E. If you finish prior to the 20 minutes expiring, reviewyour work and await the after action review.1. What are the turn rate and vertical gyro buttons on the mode select panel used for?2. Why is the CRS/HDG button on the mode select panel referred to as a take button?3. What is the BRG 2 button on the mode select panel used for and what information does it display?4. What indicator does Rule 1 of the Rule of 5 pertain to and what information does it display?5. What indicator does Rule 2 of the Rule of 5 pertain to and what information does it display?6. What indicator does Rule 3 of the Rule of 5 pertain to and what information does it display?7. What indicator does Rule 4 of the Rule of 5 pertain to and what information does it display?8. What indicator does Rule 5 of the Rule of 5 pertain to and what information does it display?D-169. To complete a back course localizer using the CISP, what must the pilot have lit on the modeselect panel? What must be set in the HSI CRS window?10. ALT on directs ______________ signals and collective stick position signals to the CISP.11. When within_________ degrees of the VOR course centerline set in the ______________ HDG mode will turn off automatically if _____________ is also engaged. The CISP now wants to intercept the VOR course at ____________ degrees.D-17UH-60 NAVIGATION AND COMMAND INSTRUMENT SYSTEM PROCESSORPRACTICAL EXERCISE ANSWER SHEET1. Selecting a back-up system.2. It cannot be given away; it is under positive control.3. Selecting ADF or VOR to be displayed on the number 2 bearing pointer.4. Number one bearing pointer; Doppler.5. Number two bearing pointer; ADF or VOR.6. Course deviation bar; Doppler, VOR or Localizer.7. Course deviation pointer; Doppler, VOR, Localizer, FM.8. Roll command bar; Doppler, VOR, Localizer, FM or Heading.9. ILS, runway heading.10. barometric pressure.11. 10 degrees, HSI course select window, NAV, 45 degrees.D-18。
