小升初 语音及听力教师版 第九讲


小升初衔接 语音知识

小升初衔接 语音知识



2.国际音标分类国 际 音 标 元 音 单 元 音 前元音 [i:] [i] [e] [æ] 中元音 [ʌ] [ə:] [ə] 后元音 [u:] [u] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [a:] 双元音 [ei] [ai] [ɔi] [əu] [au] [i ə][e ə] [u ə] 辅 音 爆破音 [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g]摩擦音 [f] [s] [ʃ] [θ] [h] [v] [z] [ʒ] [ð] [r] 破擦音 [t ʃ] [tr] [ts] [d ʒ] [dr] [dz]鼻音 [m] [n] [ŋ] 舌侧音 [l]半元音 [w] [j]Ⅱ五个元音字母在开音节和闭音节中的发音规律音节:一个元音和一个辅音构成一个音节。



如:hot 、get 、bag3.在开音节中元音字母读本身的音,也叫长元音或双元音。

即 a [ei]、e[i:] 、i [ai]、o [əu] 、u [ju:]如:date [deit] face [feis] like [laik] she [ʃi:] hope [h əup]4.在闭音节中元音字母发短音。

a 常发作[æ],e 发作[e],i 发作[i],o 发作[ɔ],u 发作[ʌ]如:not [n ɔt] box[b ɔs] sad [sæd] hit [hit] bus [b ʌs] bed [bed] III 掌握几组常见字母组合的发音。

1.字母组合 ai /ay/ or/ al/ ee/ ea字母组合 ai [ei] ay [ei] 如:mail stay say字母组合or [ɔ:] al [ɔ:] 如:short for chalk字母组合ee[i:] ea [i:] 如:see bee meet meat sea 有时候字母组合ea 发[e] 如:head bread ready heavy2.字母组合oo/ ow/ ir/ er/ ear/ th字母组合oo 多数发长音[u:],如:tooth zoo school noon. 但以t, d,k 结尾的单词多数读短音[u],如 good book foot food[fu:d]属于例外。

部编版语文2022-2023学年 小升初《语音》专项复习含答案

部编版语文2022-2023学年 小升初《语音》专项复习含答案

部编版语文2022-2023学年小升初《语音》专项复习一、单选题1.下列词语中最后一个字全读轻声的一组是()A.吓唬窗户电视B.荷花里面如何C.椅子告诉教室D.桃子窟窿灯笼2.下列多音字注音有错的一项是()A.待.(dāi)会儿丢三落.(là)四B.龟.(jūn)裂半夜三更.(gēng)C.悄.(qiǎo)然默而知.(zhī)之D.出差.(chāi)着.(zhuó)力3.下列各组词语中加点字读音正确的一组是()A.倔.强juè 禅.让shàn 畜牧.mù 大腹便便..piánB.要塞.sài 瞻.仰zhān 抽噎.yē 落落..大方luòC.凹.陷tū 侦.探zhēn 哪吒.zhà 锲.而不舍qìD.温馨.xīn 惆怅.chàng 藤蔓.màn 头晕目眩.xuàn4.用普通话朗读下面的一段话,加点字读音全部正确的一项是:()我们青少年是祖国的未来①和.(hè)希望,我们要立②志.(zhì)成才,③锻.(duàn)炼身体,勤④奋.(hùn)学习,提高我们的综合素⑤质.(zhí),做到修⑥身.(shēn)立德,理想远大,意志坚⑦定.(dìn),不⑧负.(fù)祖国和人民的期望。








所以说同学们,生活当中是否要做一个有思想、有主见的人呢?如果有一天人类停止思考的时候,也就是人类行将就木的时刻了!”【真题再现】1、下列各句中标点符号使用正确的一项是()A. 刚走到村口,他就看见一幅写着“珍爱生命,远离毒品”的巨大标语。

B.每次施工的时候,我们都要反复考虑和讨论到底要不要把这棵树移走?C. 老师要求此次作文的题目里含有“秋”字,如“秋风”“中秋”......等。












我喊他们:B“喂!抱佛脚没有用的!看这许多人工作——C 这是百年来未曾见过的状态,大家看!”DA.a处的顿号 B.b处的冒号 C.c处的破折号 D.d处的后引号【考点汇总】。



Unit6⼩升初英语衔接班讲义第九讲⼀、学习⽬标:Unit Six知识⽬标1. Do you /they like salad?Yes, I (we)/ they do.No, I (we)/ they don’t.2. I /We /They like oranges.I/ We /They don’t like oranges.能⼒⽬标Talk about likes and dislikes. 谈论好恶。

⼆、重点、难点:重点1. 单词:有关⾷品名称的单词2. 句型:like 在⼀般时态中的使⽤She /He likes bananas.She/ He doesn’t like bananas.—Does she /he like French fries?—Yes, she/ he does.—No, she/ he doesn’t.难点可数名词与不可数名词三、知能提升:(⼀)【重点词汇】[单词学习]1.(1)fruit⽔果:banana⾹蕉orange橙⼦梨strawberry草莓apple苹果(2)vegetable 蔬菜:tomato西红柿broccoli西兰花胡萝⼘(3)food ⾷物:French fries炸薯条Hamburger汉堡包egg[eg]鸡蛋鸡⾁甜⾷(4)three meals 三餐:breakfast, lunch, dinner.【考题链接】(2) A: What vegetables do you like?B: I like __________, __________ and __________.(3) I usually drink milk for __________ and __________.(4) A: Do you like fast food?B: Yes, I like __________, __________ and __________.答案:(1) A; H(2) C; E; G(3) B; F(4) D; I; J2. like [laik] v. 喜欢【⽤法1】like sb./ sth. 喜欢某⼈/某物,后接名词或代词。



年级六年级学科英语版本通用版课程标题小升初题型层层练:语音学习目标1. 小升初语音知识讲解2. 小升初考试中的语音题解析考点精讲一、学习语音的目的字母一般音本身音特殊音r组合其它组合a bagcatjammaphappysadbackfacthandcakedatefacegamepaperladymistakebandageclimatepalacevillagemessageaboutCanadaChinawomanarmcardarkfarmgardenyardparkmarketai(ay)- aimfail may layau- faultpause causeaw- drawhawk lawyerair- chairfair hair pairare- care三、辅音发音规则1.单词:map pupil paper pig pat jeepGive me a piece of paper.There are seven pupils in the classroom.Don’t pat the pig.Peter is patting the little black cat.Stop playing the harp. You can practice after supper.Bring back my beautiful blue balloon.2.单词:bee bite bed baby table numberThere is a baby on the bed.It is bad luck to be stung by a bee.Babies bite everything.He put the bed near the window.3.单词:tear tea seat ten coat whatWhat did you add in the tea?Ten plus three is thirteen.Don’t shed the crocodile tears.Dad wanted you to put on the coat.Don’t waste time chatting!Tim hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor’s.Did David dance all day until dark?The timid rat is scared to death.4.单词:dog desk under and dead dadHe lies on the desk, dead.The dog is sleeping under the desk.Dogs don’t bite their owner.He tore the black box open and found a little red dog in it.5. [k]单词:cap come cold book like lookI have a cap.Is that a book?Look at the blackboard.A new idea just came to me.Chris can’t keep coming back.6. [g]单词:good big egg girl dog begShe is a good girl.That’s my dog.There is a big tree in front of my house.She is looking after the sick girl.7. [m]单词:mum make moon morning move come comb Make me some more coffee.My mother is excellent at swimming.Jim always drives me crazy.8. [n]单词:pen ten nine fine night noon moon cleanNo pains, no gains.When does the next train leave?Never mind!9.单词:English think thank junk sing kingI like swimming and playing ping-pong.He invented a new method of teaching English.I am thinking of having something to drink.10. [l]单词:like love left ball tall smallI love you.You are tall.It’s a small ba ll.She loves swimming.Tell Bill to call his girl friend.11. [f]单词:four fifty first knife food foxI have five fish.May I use your knife?Today is the first day of spring.Phil cut half a loaf with a fine knife.Here’s a photo of me feeding fr uit to an elephant. I’d invite you to visit, but I have a fever.12. [v]单词:very visit five seven vast vowI’m reading a very exciting book.There are seven days in a week.I visited one of my friends last night.13. 咬舌头单词:think thank three thirty tooth mouth birthdayI’ll think it over.Thank you for everything.My mother has 3 nice teeth.There are thirty fish in the box.There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.在那只鸟的颈部有三万三千三百三十三根羽毛。

09 第九讲教案 - 比和比例

09 第九讲教案 - 比和比例

学生: 黄同学年级: 六年级授课日期: 5-13 教师: 董老师课时: 2课前复习【等式与方程】方程一定是等式,但等式不一定是方程。














3 :8 = 18:48 3 × 48 = 8 × 18内项外项【例1】运用比例的基本性质判断3.6 :1.8和0.5 :0.25能否组成比例?因为 3.6 × 0.25 = 0.9 1.8 × 0.5 = 0.9所以 3.6 :1.8 = 0.5 :0.25【例2】从12的因数中任意选出4个数,再组成比例式。

因为:12 = 1 × 12 = 2 × 6 = 3 × 4所以从12的因数中任意选出两组4个数并运用比例的基本性质可以组成不同的比例。


2 × 6 = 3 × 4(2)︰(3)= (4)︰(6)()︰()= ()︰()()︰()= ()︰()()︰()= ()︰()(2)比的性质比的前项和后项同时乘上或者除以相同的数(0除外),比值不变,这叫做比的基本性质。



小升初语法 - 语音(基础篇)考点一:语音基本常识英语有两套符号:字母和音标。






如: see /si:/, book /buk/考点二:音节英语单词是由字母组成的,字母构成音节。


音节有开音节和闭音节之分,见下表:考点三:元音字母在开音节、闭音节中的读音规则考点四:常见的字母组合读音规则ea 读作 /i:/ 或 /e/。

如: please /pliz/,bread /bred/ ee 读作 /i:/。

如: see /si:/开音节绝对开音节 以一个元音字母结尾的重读音节读元音字母本身读音如: hi /ha/go /ge/ he /hi:/相对开音节 含一个元音字母的重读音节中,元音字母后有一个辅音字母(r 除外),还有一个不发音的 e中间的元音字母也读其本音 如: cake /kerk/bike /bak/闭音节含一个元音字母,但以辅音字母(r , w 除外)结尾的重读音节 元音字母读短音 如: cat /ket/think /frk/元音字母 在开音节中的读音及例词 在闭音节中的读音及例词 Aa /e name, face 8 bag,map Ee /i: we, me e bed, pen Ii /a/ nine, five I it, his Oo // no, nose 0 not, dog Uuju:use, you\@cup, busoa读作/əʊ/。

如: boat /bəʊt/oo 读作/u:/ 或/ʊ/。

如: book /buk/,room /ruːm/ow 读作/əʊ/ 或/aʊ/。

如: know /nəʊ/, how /haʊ/ou 读作/aʊ/。



国际音标1】国际音标概况元音单(12)长[ɑ:][ə:][i:][ɔ:][u:]短[Λ][ə][i][ɒ][u][æ][e]双(8)[ai][ei][ɔi][aʊ][əʊ][eə][iə][uə]辅音10清[p][t][k][f][θ][s][tr][ts][ʃ][tʃ]浊[b][d][g][v][ð][z][dr][dz][ʒ][dʒ]鼻音(3)[m][n][ŋ]似拼音(3)[h][r][l]半元音(2)[w][j]元音:①发音时气流不受阻②单词的灵魂辅音:①调整口腔位置,让元音发生各种变化②元音的辅助③没有纯辅音的单词-[]或// 音标的间隔符号-:长音符号;放在元音后,则元音发长音-上撇`下撇ˌ重音和次重音2】长短元音对比组[ɑ:]发音字母a字母组合ar, au, earfast vast last class father afterpark dark farm yard marklaugh aunt heart[Λ]发音字母u, o字母组合ouduck bus cup jug nut gunlove honey colour worrycouple doubleduck [ dʌk ] dark [ da:k ] fun [ fʌn ] farm [ fa:m ] must [ mʌst ] mask [ ma:sk ] hut [ hʌt ] hard [ ha:d ] Just [ dʒʌst ] vast [ va:st ]enough [i’nΛf] pass [pa:s] sudden [sΛdn]rubbish [‘rΛbiʃ] example [ig’za:mpl] must [mΛst]someone [‘sΛmwΛn] harmful [ha:mfl] cover [‘kΛvə]calm [ka:m][ə:] [ɜ:] 字母组合er, ir, or, ur部分earhers person serve term cerclebird girl first sir stirwork word worldpurse fur burn blur turtle purpleearly earth search[ə]发音字母a, o字母组合ar, er, or, ureattack above China arrive around pandasugar correctruler tiger soccer teacher mother dinneractor doctorpicture future natureOlympics [ə’limpiks] interested[‘intrəstid] worse [wɜ:s] problem [‘prɒbləm] probably [‘prɒbəbli] immediately [i’mi:diətli] difference [‘difrəns] serious [‘siəriəs] experience [ik’spiəriəns] bottom [‘bɒtəm] under [‘ʌndə]/i:/ 字母e字母组合ee, ea be she me we he evening sweet feet meet deep need sheep team sea meat tea leaf teach/i/ 发音字母e, i, y字母组合ey begin behind jacket basket ticketsit kid thin ship dip hit baby city lady busy heavy sunny key monkey money honeyfeel [ fi:l ] fill [ fil ] peak [ pi:k ] pick [ pik ] sheep [ ʃi:p ] ship [ ʃip ] seat [ si:t ] sit [ sit ] lead [ li:d ] lid [ lid ]complete [kəm’pli:t] agree [ə’gri:] hill [hil]pretty [‘priti] miss [mis] beat [bi:t]pleased [pli:zd] pity [piti] peace [pi:s]feed [fi:d] field [fi:ld] degree [di’gri:]/ɔ:/ 发音字母a字母组合ar, or, oor, ore,a(w/u/l)water warmfork dorm horse corn short floor doorstore shore scoresaw draw strawdaughtertalk ball wall shall mall/ɒ/ 发音字母o, a dog cock box doctor stop potwatchlord [ lɔ:d ] lock [ lɔk ] door [ dɔ: ] dock [ dɔk ] bore [ bɔ:] boss [ bɔs ] horse [ ho:s ] hot [ hɔt ] port [ pɔ:t ] pot [ pɔt ]cost [kɒst] offer [‘ɒfə] common[‘kɒmən] novel [‘nɒvl] fall [fɔ:l] pocket [‘pɒkit] corner [‘kɔ:nə] report [ri’pɔ:t] cause [kɔ:z]storm [stɔ:m] warn [wɔ:n]/u:/ 发音字母o,u字母组合oo, ui, ue, oe, ou do who whoserule ruler rudenoodle fool cool food bloom fruit juiceblue glue true clueshoe soup/ʊ/ /u/ 发音字母o, u字母组合oowoman wolfcook good look book wood footfull push sugar bull bullettoo [tu:] do [du:] blue [blu:] cool [ku:l] school [sku:l] who [hu:] room [ru:m] food [fu:d] fruit [fru:t] noodle [nu:dl] soup [su:p] zoo [zu:] Improve [im’pru:v] pollution [pə’lu:ʃn]/p/ 字母p pen/b/ 字母b bed/t/ 字母t cat eat/d/ 字母d dad/k/ 字母k, c, ck cup work duck /g/ 字母g get/f/ 字母f,字母组合ph fat photo/v/ 字母v very/s/ 发音字母s, ss, se, ce sorry smart safe bus miss dresshouse mouserice ice practice/z/ 发音字母z, ze, s, se zoo zip zero size easy husband news please close cause4】单独两个短元音/æ/发音字母a apple bat cat bad mad glad flag happy/e/发音字母e字母组合eabed net pet chess lesson helphead dead**国际音标元音[e]的发音在汉语普通话中就有,比如“雷”的发音就是[lei],所以要想体会[e]的音值,只需要考察双元音[ei]的发音即可,方法是保持发音起始阶段[e]的舌位和唇形不变,尽量延长其发音,就能听到[e]的音值了。



/juː/ pupil /pjuːpl/ /juː/ cute /kjuːt/ /ʌ/ cut /kʌt/
2. 常见的元音字母组合的读音
字母(组合)发音 (1) er在词尾发短音/ə/ (2) ir, ur在词中发长音/ɜː/ (3) ar发长音/ɑː(r)/ (4) al发长音/ɔː/
or发长音/ɔː/ (5)
What an interesting film! 多有趣的电影!
Who is that woman? 那位女士是谁?
(2)升调:一般疑问句或列举人或事物时的前几个用升调。如: Do you like pears? 你喜欢梨吗?
There is a book, a pen and an eraser on the desk.桌子上有一本书,一支 钢笔和一块橡皮。
Who is watching TV?
有一些特殊情况: ①位于句首的介词和连词要重读。如: But he didn’t know it.
②系动词后的介词要重读。如: The dog is under the tree.
4. 停顿 为了使意思表达得更清楚,或者为了换气,需要停顿。
goo(d)bye 再见
no(te)book 笔记本
han(d)bag 手提包
一、 音标 判断下列每组字母的读音是(Y)否(N)含有相同的音素。
( )1. M N ( )2. H K ( )3. J Z ( )4. W Q ( )5. T D ( )6. P R
第1小题,字母M和N的读音中均含有/e/。 第2小题,字母H和K的读音中均含有/eɪ/。 第3小题,字母J的读音中含有/eɪ/,而字母Z的读音有两种,其常见的读 音中含有/iː/。 第4小题,字母W和Q的读音中均含有/juː/。 第5小题,字母T和D的读音中均含有/iː/。 第6小题,字母P的读音中含有/iː/,而字母R的读音中含有/ɑː/。


ge orange
• 浊辅音 • 舌尖顶上齿龈,先不发音 • 舌尖立即离开上齿龈,移向下齿
龈,气流从舌和上下齿龈间的缝 隙流出,发破擦音 • 声带振动,发音不送气
/dz/ ds woods
wr wrong
[ræ p]
• 浊辅音 • 舌尖顶在上齿龈后部 • 舌尖立即离开上齿龈,双唇略向
前突起,并稍稍收圆 • 气流从舌和硬腭及上齿龈间的缝
ge garage
• 浊辅音 • 舌尖卷起,靠向上齿龈后部,
向后面的硬腭弯曲 • 双唇撅起,气流经过时,舌面
和上齿龈后部摩擦成音 • 声带振动,发音不送气
rr strawberry
/ð/ th



complete English, gate
bit, dig
Mike, kite
box, lot
but, us
note, rope other, money, of, do,woman
use, student put, super
• 元音字母组合 ay: May, day, play, gray ai: rain, chain, mail, train a e: plate, cake, tape, wave
• 字母的发音 • 字母组合的发音
根据字母的发音直接拼读出单 词
• fan bag • yes let • kid gift • hot dog • bus mug
cat, bad
cake, face along, panda
bed, get
and fat in a rainy day. You need it when it rains. What is it? ◆ It has a round face. It has no legs, but it walks day and night. What is it?
• 重读重在元音上 student, red
• 升调升在元音上 bread, likes
◆ bit, hit, fit, sit, mitt, bitter, kitten ◆ big, dig, fig, pig, wig, zig ◆ in, bin, pin, win, thin, pink, sink, think ◆ ill, Bill, hill, kill, mill, pill, rill, sill, till, till, will ◆Mike, white, ride, write, like, prize, hide



小升初语音专题英语国际音标1.英语共有_______个音标.2.音标分为______音和______音两大类.3.元音有________个,分为_____元音和_____元音.4.辅音有________个,按声带振动情况分为____辅音和____辅音./i:/ bee /bi:/ feet /fi:t/ keep /ki:p/ team /ti:m/ meet /mi:t/ /i/ big /big/ city /siti/ give /giv/ sick /sik//e/ get /get/ best /best/ text /tekst/ help /help//æ/ fat /fæt/ have /hæv/ cat /kæt/ back /bæk/ hat /hæt//a:/ laugh /la:f/ glass /gla:s/ half /ha:f/ farm /fa:m/ park pa:k// ʌ / must /mʌ st/ does /dʌ z/ money /′mʌ ni/ ugly /′ʌ gli/ come /kʌ m// ɔ:/ horse /hɔ:s/ saw /sɔ:/ corn /kɔ:n/ course /kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t// ɔ / dog /dɔ g/ pot /pɔ t/ cost /kɔ st/ what /wɔ t/ honest /′ɔ nist//u:/ food /fu:d/ moon /mu:n/ rule /ru:l/ loose /lu:s/ noon /nu:n//u/ book /buk/ put /put/ good /gud/ would /wud/ could /kud//ə:/nurse /nə:s/ bird /bə:d/ burn /bə:n/ turn /tə:n/ girl/gə:l//ə / better /betə/ never /nevə/ worker /wə:kə/ welcome /welkəm//ei/ may /mei/ name /neim/ game /geim/ eight /eit/ age /eiʤ //ai/ eye /ai/ time /taim/ buy /bai/ right /rait/ bike /baik/ kite/kait// ɔ i /boy /bɔ i / toy /tɔ i / noise /nɔ i z/ voice /vɔ i s/ point /pɔ i nt/ coin /kɔ i n//əu/ no /nəu/ home /həum/ hope /həup/ wrote /rəut/ note /nəut/ pose /pəuz//au/ now /nau/ out /aut/ how /hau/ about / ə′baut/ south /sauθ/ house /haus//iə/ ear /iə/ near /niə/ idea /ai′diə/ hear /hiə/ mere /miə/ spear /spiə//εə/ air /εə/ tear /tεə/ care /kεə/ dare /dεə/ fair /fεə/ there /ðεə//uə/ tour /tuə/ poor /puə/ sure /ʃ uə/ your /juə//k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔ k/ class/kla:s/weekend/′wi:kend//θ/bath/ba:θ/thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ//ð/ the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ðʌ s/ then/ðen//s/face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/ stops/stɔ ps/oo发长音:发短音:A. schoolB. toothC. chooseD. goodA. bookB. moodyC. lookD. cookA.too B.classroom C.book D.afternoon一. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,共20分)( ) 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach ( ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map ( ) 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party ( ) 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good ( ) 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook ( ) 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu ( ) 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly ( ) 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over ( ) 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot ( ) . like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday()11.A.too B.classroom C.broom D.afternoon ()12.A.houses B.spell C.student D.sister()13.A.colour B.American C.doctor D.licence ()14.A.teacher B.seat C.sweater D.please ()15.A.which B.who C.what D.where()16.A.little B.thing C.white D.with ()17.A.yellow B.brown C.window D.know ()18.A.worry B.sky C.only D.many ()19.A.school B.chair C.China D.much()20.A.these B.they C.brother D.three( )21. A. brother B. come C. police D .mothers ( )22. A .cinema B. climb C. sister D. film( )23. A. these B. bath C. think D .health ( )24 . A. morning B. color C. work D. doctor( )25. A. basement B. favorite C. basket D. table ( )26. A. island B. small C. ask D. helps ( )27. A. mouth B. dangerous C. thousand D. about( )28. A. beach B. meal C. theatre D. leave ( )29. A. how B. snow C. tomorrow D. own( )30. A. large B. language C. giraffe D. great二判断划线部分的读音是否一样。



小升初英语教学辅导讲义教师姓名学生姓名上课时间辅导科目英语年级上课表现课题名称第九讲:动名词教学目标知识点:动名词的用法考点: 动名词的运用能力:提升知识综合运用能力,提高效率方法:讲练结合Step 1 Homework Checking●课后练习讲评;➢词汇听写:得分_____________首字母填空练习。

11. Please take a____ _ the empty bottle.12.There is an old house b the tall tree. The tall tree is in front of the house.13.There are a lot of b flowers in his garden.14.There is a b over the river.15.The first class b at 7:45.16.He usually watches TV for half an hour b he goes to bed.17.He wants to get some money, so he goes to the b .18.His parents are b teachers.19.Ben never practices the piano. He plays it b .20.Jane’s b is on the twenty-fifth. I’m going to buy a present for her. answers: 11. away 12. behind 13. beautiful / blue 14. bridge 15. begins16. before 17. bank 18. both 19. badly 20. birthday➢知识点回顾;请圈出错误的地方,并在横线上改错。

1.These are Bens’ new toys.2.Look at the deers. They are cute.3.What's in the basket? There are some tomatos in it.4.How many monthes are there in a year?5.Here are my toys buses.6.There are many mouses in the hole.7.Pandas like bambooes.8.Do you like watchs?9.Can you see some foxes in the cage?10.Sally has an uniform.11.Here's some moneys for you.12.Girls always like candys.13.There are some cow in the picture.14.Do you want both pencils-boxes?15. Tigers like meats.answers: 1. Bens’改为Ben’s 2. deers改为deer 3. tomatos改为tomatoes4. monthes改为months5. toys buses改为toy buses6. mouses改为mice7. bambooes改为bamboos8. watchs改为watches 9. some改为any 10. an改为a11. moneys改为money 12. candys改为candies 13. cow改为cows14. pencils-boxes改为pencil-boxes 15. meats改为meat请翻译下列短语。




Eg. 1. any A.make B.factory C.many D.wash2. [ɪd] A.turned B.bored C.stopped D.talented2.仅给出4个选项,从中选出划线部分读音不同于其他三个选项的单词。

Eg. A.stay B.say C.today D.Sunday3.区分四选项中划线部分一共有几种读音。

(难度较大)Eg. A.bone B.cost C.money D.woman4.区分单词重音:找出重音所在音节与其他三个不同的单词。

Eg. puter B.newspaper C.excellent D.wonderful看完题型,我们首先梳理一下在小升初考试中比较常见且易混淆的几个考点:单词中a发音、th发音、oo 发音、以ed结尾单词发音、以s结尾单词发音。

1.字母a在单词中发音规则2.th在单词中发音规则(判断清浊辅音)3. oo在单词中的发音规则(判断长短音)4.以-ed结尾单词发音规则 (清清浊浊元又浊,遇到dt变[ɪd])5.以-s结尾名词或动词发音 (清清浊浊元又浊, 看到es要留意)好啦,看完以上的一些发音总结,我们来一个小小的真题测试,看看是否都掌握了以上的发音规律~~除练习之外,给孩子们一些提高语音知识的小建议:1. 课堂上要跟着老师大声朗读单词,只有读出来,老师才能判断孩子们的发音是否正确;同时要有意识地关注单词的音标,尤其是元音,很多单词,如果会读,且读得正确,做题基本没有问题;2. 在家里可以每天进行课文录音跟读,学过新概念的孩子可跟读新概念1、2册(网上可以搜到音频),没学过的孩子可以先熟读讲义中的课文。

通过跟读不仅可以确认语音,也可以锻炼语音语调,让口语变得更加自然好听(PS.小升初面试中有朗读指定短文的环节);3. 孩子们在背书时,一定要保证每一个单词都发音正确。



小升初语音专题英语国际音标1.英语共有_______个音标.2.音标分为______音和______音两大类.3.元音有________个,分为_____元音和_____元音.4.辅音有________个,按声带振动状况分为____辅音和____辅音.名称音标[i:][i][?:][?][u:][u][?:][?]单元音元音[ɑ:][][e ][?]?双元音[ei][ai][?u][au][i?][??][?i][u?]清辅音[p][t][k][f][s][?][?][tr][?][?]浊辅音[b][d][g][v][z][?][e][dr][?][?]辅音鼻音[m][n][?]摩擦音[h][r][j] [w]舌侧音[l]/i:/bee/bi:/feet/fi:t/keep/ki:p/team/ti:m/meet/mi:t//i/big/big/city/siti/give/giv/sick/sik//e/get/get/best/best/text/tekst/help/help//?/fat/f?t/have/h?v/cat/k?t/back/b?k/hat/h?t//a:/laugh/la:f/glass/gla:s/half/ha:f/farm/fa:m/parkpa:k//?/must/m?st/does/d?z/money/′m?ni/ugly/?′gli/come/k?m/ /?:/horse/h?:s/saw/s?:/corn/k?:n/course/k?:s/salt/s?:t/ /?/dog/d?g/pot/p?t/cost/k?st/what/w?t/honest/′?nist//u:/food/fu:d/moon/mu:n/rule/ru:l/loose/lu:s/noon/nu:n/1/u/book/buk/put/put/good/gud/would/wud/could/kud//?:/nurse/n?:s/bird/b?:d/burn/b?:n/turn/t?:n/girl/g?:l//?/better/bet?/never/nev?/worker/w?:k?/welcome/welk?m//ei/may/mei/name/neim/game/geim/eight/eit/age/ei?//ai/eye/ai/time/taim/buy/bai/right/rait/bike/baik/kite/kait//?i/boy/b?i/toy/t?i/noise/n?i z/voice/v?i s/point/p?i nt/coin/k?i n//?u/no/n?u/home/h?um/hope/h?up/wrote/r?ut/note/n?ut/pose/p?uz//au/now/nau/out/aut/how/hau/about/?′baut/south/sauθ/house/haus//i?/ear/i?/near/ni?/idea/ai′/di?hear/hi?/mere/mi?/spear/spi?//ε?/air/ε?/tear/tε?/care/kε?/dare/dε?/fair/fε?/there/eε?//u?/tour/tu?/poor/pu?/sure/?u?/your/ju?//k/lack/l?k/take/teik/clock/kl?k/class/kla:s/weekend/′wi:kend//θ/bath/ba:θ/thick/θik/mouth/mauθ/breath/breθ//e/the/e?/they/eei/that/e?t/mother/′m?e?/thus/e?s/then/een//s/face/feis/mouse/maus/cakes/keiks/caps/k?ps/likes/laiks/stops/st?ps/oo发长音:发短音:() A.school B.tooth C.choose D.good() A.book B.moody C.look D.cook()A.too B.classroom C.book D.afternoon一.找出画线部分读音不一样的单词(每题2分,共20分)()1.A.tea B.meat C.weather D.beach()2.A.back B.fast C.have D.map2()3.A.warm B.gardenC.market D.party()4.A.schoolB.tooth C.choose D.good()5.A.book B.moody C.look D.cook()6. A.June B.ruler C.put D.menu()7. A.push B.fun C.sun D.ugly()8. A.tiger B.her C.officer D.over()9. A.go B.no C.cold D.hot()10.A.like B.lion C.pizza D.Friday()11.A.too B.classroom C.broomD.afternoon()12.A.houses B.spell C.student D.sister()13.A.colour B.American C.doctor D.licence()14.A.teacher B.seat C.sweater D.please()15.A.whichB.who C.what D.where()16.A.little B.thing C.white D.with()17.A.yellow B.brown C.window D.know()18.A.worryB.sky C.only D.many()19.A.school B.chair C.China D.much()20.A.these B.they C.brother D.three()21. A.brother e C.police D.mothers()22. A.cinema B.climb C.sister D.film()23.A.these B.bath C.think D.health()24.A.morning B.color C.work D.doctor()25.A.basementB.favorite C.basket D.table()26.A.island B.small C.ask D.helps()27.A.mouth B.dangerousC.thousandD.about()28.A.beach B.meal C.theatre D.leave()29.A.how B.snow C.tomorrow D.own()rge nguage C.giraffe D.great二判断划线部分的读音能否同样。



小升初英语衔接9国际音标复习:元音单元音前元音4中元音3后元音5双元音合口双元音5集合双元音3辅音:281. 破擦音[tʃ]、[dʒ](1) [tʃ]发音时,舌尖舌端抬起贴往上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,气流冲出阻碍,通过舌和齿龈间的缝隙摩擦成音。


①发[tʃ]音的字母与字母组合:t:nature questionch:chat cheap churchtch:kitchen ditch Dutch②读短语和句子:free of charge 不收费 change the choice 改变选择(2) [dʒ]发音时,舌位与发[tʃ]相同,舌端先抬起并顶在上齿龈的后部,形成阻碍,不留缝隙,然后渐渐放开,气流从中冲出,持续发音,声带振动。

①发[dʒ]音的字母和字母组合:j:job jazz jokeg:age gentle orangedg:judge budget lodger②读短语和句子: just now 刚才 play a joke 开玩笑2. 破擦音[tr]、[dr](1) [tr]发音时,舌身与发[r]音时相同,舌尖抵住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍。


①发[tr]音的字母及字母组合:tr:try true trip②读短语和句子:another try 另一次尝试It’s true that………是真的(2) 发[dr]音时,发音时舌身取发[r]的姿势,舌尖贴在齿龈后部,气流冲破阻碍发出短促的[d]音后立即发[r],同时振动声带。

①发[dr]音的字母及字母组合:dr:dry dress drink②读短语和句子: drive the car 开车 dry the dress 把衣服弄干3. 破擦音[ts]-[dz](1) 发[ts]音是舌端先贴往齿龈,堵住气流,然后下降,气流从口腔泄出,口腔扁平,声带不振动。



orange橙子 /’ɒrIndʒ/
angel天使 /’eIndʒ(ə)l/
[鼻音 浊辅音]发辅音/m/时,双唇
moon月亮 /mu:n/
morning早晨 /’mɔ:nIŋ/
[鼻音 浊辅音]发辅音/n/时,双唇微
brother兄弟 /’brʌðə/
clothes衣服 /kləʊðz/
star星星 /sta:/
snake蛇 /sneIk/
bike自行车 /baIk/
/ai/,/aI/ cry哭泣 /craI/
[双元音]嘴开口度由大到小,嘴唇 逐渐突出。舌位从/a/音向/ʊ/音过 渡,接近/ʊ/音时停止,此时舌位稍 微抬高,声带振动。此音与”傲”的 汉语拼音相似
cow奶牛 /kaʊ/
/au/,/aʊ/ shout喊 /ʃaʊt/
[浊辅音 半元音]发/w/时,双唇收
watch手表 /wɒtʃ/
whale鲸 /weIl/
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小升初考点梳理 语音及听力一、小升初语音知识讲解; 二、小升初听力应试技巧。


( )(1) A. lake B. name C. game D. map ( )(2) A. flag B. table C. cat D. hand ( )(3) A. we B. red C. yellow D. lesson ( )(4) A. evening B. red C. me D. she ( )(5) A. home B. no C. go D. cock ( )(6) A. duck B. blue C. bus D. rubber 二、比较下列每组单词重音位置是否相同。

( )(1) sweater welcome ( )(2) ticket computer ( )(3) between birthday ( )(4) telephone different ( )(5) Chinese trousers ( )(6) today tomorrowKEYS:一、 (1)D (2)B (3)A (4)B (5)D (6)B 二、(1)T (2)F (3)F (4)T (5)T (6)T内容导航考点透视教案内容 教学过程设计 Step1 语音知识讲解一、48个英语音标表二、元音音标发音规则重读闭音节重读开音节非重读音节R音节字母组合a[æ] bag catjam maphappy sadback facthand pan [ei] cakedate facegame paperladymistake[i] bandageclimate palacevillage massage[ə] aboutCanada Chinawoman sofaaddress[ɑ:] armcar darkfarmgardenyard parkmarketai(ay)-[ei] aim failmay layau-[ɔ:] fault pausecauseaw-[ɔ:] drawhawk lawyer综合解读air-[ɛə] chair fair hair pair are-[ɛə] care dare share sparee[e] bed desk get leg lessonmessage neck pen rest send ten[i:] even fever hemetre she these [i] before collage cinema decide enjoy jacket[ə] garden licence open silent excellent travel[ə:] nerve serve term(重) assert certain her[ə] dinner orderfarmer(非)concert perhapsee-[i:] beef deep free green ea-[e] bread dead head ready-[i:] beat cheapeach leaf ei-[ei] rein veinveil -[i:] ceiling seizei(y) [i] big fishgift milk pick rich any copy enemy[ɑi] bike nine shine time silent title cry fly my sky style[i] animalEnglish family mistake capital [ə:] bird first girl dirty[ə] affirmatio n tapir ie-[i:] chief field piece thief igh-[ɑi] beightright light high o[ɔ] box cock dog fox job on shop wrong [əu] go no code hope note rose smoke vote [ə] memory obey today consider balcony[ɔ:] for horse north short sport morning[ə] actor doctorforgetmirror comfortou-[ɑu] about cloud found -[əu] mould shoulder soul-[u:] group routesoup ow-[ɑu] cow down flower -[əu] bowl flowknowoi-[ɔi] boil choice coin soil oo-[u:] boot food[ʌ] come some money none ton cover glove love mother othermoon zoo -[u] book cook foot goodu[ʌ] brush club dust fun gun just sun[u] bush full pull push[ju:] duty excuse future hugepupil use [ə] autumn column injuryindustry support [ə:] burn church hurt[ə] murmurpursue surpris eSaturdayui-[u:] juice fruit cruise -[ju:]suit suitablesuitcase uy-[ai] buy guy ure-[ju ə] curepure secure -[u ə] assure insure sure三、英语辅音发音规则表1.[p] 音节单词:Map pupil paper pig pat jeep Give me a piece of paper.There are seven pupils in the classroom. Don’t pat the pig.Peter is patting the little black cat.Stop playing the harp. You can practice after supper. Bring back my beautiful bleu balloon. 2.[b] 音节单词:Bee bite bed baby table number There is a baby on the bed. It is bad luck to be stung by a bee. Babies bite everything. He put the bed near the window. 3.[t] 音节单词:Tear tea seat ten coat what What did you add in the tea? Ten plus three is thirteen.Don’t shed the crocodile tears.Dad wanted you to put on the coat.Don’t waste time chatting!Tim hurt his foot and was taken to the doctor.Did David dance all day until dark?The timid rat is scared to death.4.[d] 音节单词:Dog desk under and dead dadHe lied on the desk, dead.The dog is sleeping under the desk.Dogs don’t bite their owner.He tore the black box open and found a little red dog in it.5.[k] 音节单词:Cap come cold book like lookI have a cap.Is that a book?Look at the blackboard.A good idea just came to me.Chris can’t keep coming back.6.[g] 音节单词:Good big egg girl dog begShe is a good girl.That’s my dog.There is a big tree in front of my house.She is looking after the sick girl.7. 双唇鼻辅音[m]单词:man make moon morning move come comb Make me some more coffee.My mother is excellent at swimmingJim always drives me crazy.8.舌尖齿龈鼻辅音[n]单词:pen ten nine fine night noon moon clean No pains, no gains.When does the next train leave?Never mind!9.舌后软腭鼻辅音[ŋ]单词:English think thank junk sing kingI like swimming and playing ping pong.He invented a new method of teaching English.I am thinking of having something to drink.10.[l] 音节单词:Like love left ball tall smallI love you.You are tall.It’s a small ball.She loves swimming.Tell Bill to call his girl friend.The bride carried a pretty red rose.11.[f] 音节单词:Four fifty first knife food foxI have five fish.May I use your knife?Today is the first day of spring.Phil cut half a loaf with a fine knife.Here’s a photo of me feeding fruit to an elephant. Victor’s van delivers vegetables every day.I’d invite you to visit, but I have a fever.12.[v] 音节单词:V ery visit five seven vast vowI’m reading a very exciting book.The city is vast compared to our village.There are seven days in a week.I visited one of my friends last night.13. 舌齿摩擦辅音一[θ]咬舌头单词:think thank three thirty tooth mouth birthdayI’ll think it over.Thank you for everything.My mother has 3 nice teeth.There are thirty fishes in the box.There are thirty-three thousand three hundred and thirty-three feathers[羽毛]on that bird's throat.在那个鸟的颈部有三万三前三百三是三根羽毛。
