2019 年九年级中考英语书面表达优秀范文
参考词汇:City Museum城市博物馆The East Lake东湖view n.景色Hi Tom,I’m glad to hear you’11come to Wuhan.Li Ming Hi,Tom,I’m glad to hear you'11come to Wuhan.Wuhan is a beautiful city full of culture and history.Visiting City Museum is a good way to learn about Wuhan.We can go boating in the East Lake,enjoying the fascinating views.Then,we'11invite you to our class and talk about school life.My friends and I will have a party for you at home,and you can taste our traditional food as well.If possible,you may watch Han Show.Hope you'11have fun here.Li Ming2.假如你是李明,你的美国朋友Jack听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。
管子及管件 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称1.1 P 管子 Pipe1.2 EL 弯头 Elbow1.2.1 ELL 长半径弯头 Long radius elbow 1.2.2 ELS 短半径弯头 Short radius elbow 1.2.3 MEL 斜接弯头(虾米腰弯头) Mitre elbow 1.2.4 REL 异径弯头 Reducing elbow 1.3 T 三通 Tee1.3.1 LT 斜三通 Lateral tee 1.3.2 RT 异径三通 Reducing tee1.4 R 异径管接头(大小头) Reducer1.4.1 CR 同心异径管接头(同心大小头) Concentric reducer 1.4.2 ER 偏心异径管接头(偏心大1.5 CPL 管箍 Coupling1.5.1 FCPL 双头管箍 Full coupling 1.5.2 HCPL 单头管箍 Half coupling 1.5.3 RCPL 异径管箍 Reducing coupling1.6 BU 内外螺纹接头 Bushing 1.7 UN 活接头 Union1.8 HC 软管接头 Hose coupler 1.9 SE 翻边短节 Stub end1.10 NIP 短节 Pipe nipple or straight nipple 1.10.1 SNIP 异径短节 Swaged nipple1.11 CP 管帽(封头) Cap 1.12 PL 管堵(丝堵) Plug1.13 BLK 盲板 Blank 1.13.1 SB 8字盲板 Spectacle blind (blank)1.14 RP 补强板 Reinforcing pad2 法兰 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称2.1 PLG 法兰 Flange 2.1.1 WNF 对焊法兰 Welding neck flange2.1.2 SOF 平焊法兰 Slip-on flange 2.1.3 SWF 承插焊法兰 Socket-welding flange2.1.4 T 螺纹法兰 Threaded flange 2.1.5 LJ 松套法兰 Lapped joint flange2.1.6 REDF 异径法兰 Reducing flange 2.1.7 BF 法兰盖(日法兰) Blind flange2.2 FSF 法兰密封面 Flange scaling face 2.2.1 FF 全平面 Flat face2.2.2 RF 凸台面 Raised face 2.2.3 MFF 凹凸面 Male and female face2.2.4 LF 凹面 Female face 2.2.5 LM 凸面 Male face2.2.6 RJ 环连接面 Ring joint face 2.2.7 TG 榫槽面 Tongue and groove face2.2.8 TF 榫面 Tongue face 2.2.9 GF 槽面 Groove face3 垫片 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称3.1 G 垫片 Gasket 3.1.1 NMG 非金属垫片 Non-metallic gasket3.1.1.1 AG 石棉垫片 Asbestos gasket RG 橡胶垫片 Rubber gasket3.1.1.3 TEG 聚四氟乙烯包复垫片 PTFE envelope gasket 3.1.2 SMG 半金属垫片 Semimetallic MJG 金属包垫片 Meta-jacket gasket SWG 缠绕式垫片 Spiral wound gasket 3.1.3 MG 金属垫片 Metallic gasket FMG 金属平垫片 Flat metallic gasket3.1.3.2 SMSG 齿形金属垫片 Solid metal serrated gasket LER 透镜式金属环垫 Lens OCR 八角形金属环垫 Octagonal ring gasket OVR 椭圆形金属环垫 Oval ring IR/OR 内外定位环 Inner ring and outer ring IR 内定位环 Inner ring3.1.3.8 OR 外定位环 Outer ring4 坚固件 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称4.1 B 螺栓 Bolt 4.1.1 SB 螺柱 Stud bolt4.2 NU 螺母 Nut 4.3 TB 花蓝螺母 Turnbuckle4.4 WSR 垫圈 Washer 4.4.1 SWSR 弹簧垫圈 Spring washer5 阀门 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称5.1 GV 闸阀 Gate valve 5.2 GLV 截止阀 Globe valve5.3 CHV 止回阀 Check valve 5.4 BUV 蝶阀 Butterfly valve5.5 BAV 球阀 Ball valve 5.6 PV 旋塞阀 Plug valve (cock)5.7 CV 调节阀 Control valve 5.8 SV 安全阀 Safety valve5.9 RV 减压阀 Pressure reducing valve 5.10 ST 蒸汽疏水阀 Steam trap5.11 PRV 泄压阀 Pressur relief valve 5.12 BV 呼吸阀 Breather valve5.13 NV 针形阀 Needle valve5.14 AV 角阀 5.15 DV 隔膜阀5.16 TWV 三通阀 5.17 SGV 插板阀6 管道上用的小型设备 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称6.1 SPR 气液分离器 Separator 6.2 FA 阻火器 Flame arrester6.3 SR 过滤器 Strainer 6.3.1 SRY Y型过滤器 Y-type strainer6.3.2 SRT T型过滤器 T-type strainer 6.3.3 SRB 桶式过滤器 Bucket type strainer6.3.4 TSR 临时过滤器 Temporary strainer 6.4 SIL 消声器 Silencer6.5 SG 视镜 Slight glass 6.6 SC 取样冷却器 Sample cooler6.7 DF 排液漏斗 Drain funnel 6.8 LM 管道混合器 Line mixer6.9 RO 限流孔板 Restriction orifice 6.9.1 MO 混合孔板 Mixing orifice6.1 RD 爆破片(爆破膜) Rupture disk 6.11 EJ 补偿器 Expansion joint7 隔热、伴热 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称7.1 INS 隔热 Thermal insulation 7.1.1 H 保温 Hot insulation7.1.2 C 保冷 Cold insulation 7.1.3 P 防烫伤隔热 Personnel protection insulation7.2 T&I 伴热 Tracing and insulation 7.3 T 管道伴热(冷) Tracing7.3.1 EST 蒸汽外伴热 External steam tracing 7.3.2 IST 蒸汽内伴热 Internal steam tracing7.3.3 SJT 蒸汽夹套伴热 Steam-jacket tracing 7.3.4 ET 电伴热 Electric tracing8 配管材料和等级 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称8.1 M 金属材料 Metallic material 8.1.1 CS 碳钢 Carbon steel8.1.2 CAS 铸钢 Cast steel 8.1.3 FS 锻钢 Forged steel8.1.4 AS 合金钢 Alloy steel 8.1.5 SS 不锈钢 Stainless steel8.1.6 AUST SS 奥氏体不锈钢 Austenitic stainless-steel8.1.7 CI 铸铁 Cast iron 8.1.8 MI 可锻铸铁 Malleable iron8.1.9 DI 球墨铸铁 Ductile iron 8.1.10 AL 铝 Aluminum8.1.11 BRS 黄铜 Brass 8.1.12 BRZ 青铜 Bronze8.1.13 CU 紫铜 Copper 8.1.14 LAS 低合金钢 Low alloy steel8.1.15 FLAS 低合金锻钢 Forged low alloy steel 8.1.16 CLAS 低合金铸钢 Cast low alloy8.2 THK 壁厚 Thickness 8.2.1 SCH 表号 Schedule number8.2.2 STD 标准 Standard 8.2.3 XS 加强 Extra strong8.2.4 XXS 特强 Double extra strong9 装置布置 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称9.1 CN 建北 Construction north 9.2 E 东 East9.3 W 西 West 9.4 S 南 South9.5 N 北 North 9.6 H 水平 Horizontal9.7 V 竖直、铅直、直立 Vertical 9.8 GRD 地坪 Ground9.9 UG 地下 Underground 9.10 BL 装置边界线 Battery limit line9.11 ESEW 事故沐浴洗眼器 Emergency shower and eye washer 9.12 HS 软管站 Hose station 9.13 ML 接续分界线 Match line 9.14 PS 管道支架(管架) Piping support9.15 PR 管桥 Pipe rack 9.16 STRU 构架(构筑物) Structure9.17 BLDG 建筑物 Building 9.18 PD 清扫设施 Purge device9.19 PT 池 Pit 9.20 SHLT 棚 Shelter9.21 COFF 围堰 Cofferdam 9.22 FL 楼板 Floor9.23 PF 平台 Plateform10 尺寸标注 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称10.1 EL 标高 Elevation 10.2 BOP 管底 Bottom of pipe10.3 COP 管中心 Center of pipe 10.4 TOP 管顶 Top of pipe10.5 FOB 底平 Flat on bottom 10.6 FOT 顶平 Flat on top10.7 CL(屯) 中心线 Center line 10.8 TL 切线 Tangent line10.9 SYM 对称的 Symmetrical 10.10 BOS 支架底 Bottom of support10.11 TOS 支架顶 Top of support 10.12 CL 净距(净空) Clearance10.13 CTC 中心至中心 Center to center 10.14 CTF 中心至面 Center to face10.15 CTE 中心至端部 Center to end 10.16 ETE 端到端 End to end10.17 FEF 法兰端面 Flange and face 10.18 FTF 面到面 Face to face10.19 D 直径 Diameter 10.20 DN 公称直径 Nominal diameter10.21 ID 内径 Inside diameter 10.22 OD 外径 Outside diameter10.23 DIM 尺寸 Dimension 10.24 MAX 最大 Maximum10.25 MIN 最小 Minimum 10.26 AVG 平均 Average10.27 APP 约、近似 Approximate 10.28 PT.EL 点标高 Point elevation11 图表 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称11.1 PFD 工艺流程图 Process flow diagram 11.2 PID 管道和仪表流程图 Piping & instrument 11.3 COD 接续图 Continued on drawing 11.4 DTL 详图 Datail11.5 SPDWG(ISODWG) 管段图 Spool drawing (each line isometric drawing)11.6 DWGNO 图号 Drawing number 11.7 DWGI 所在图号 Drawing identification11.8 LOW 材料表 List of material 11.9 MTO 汇料 Material take-off11.10 APPX 附录 Appendix 11.11 JOB. No. 工号 Job Number11.12 BEDD 基础工程设计数据 Basic engineering design data 11.13 DEDD 详细工程设计数据Detail engineering design data11.14 REV. No. 修改号 Recision number 11.15 REF DWG 参考图 Reference drawing11.16 SC 采样接口 Sample connection12 操作方式及工作参数 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称12.1 AUT 自动 Automatic 12.2 ML 手动 Manual control12.3 CHOP 链条操作 Chain operated 12.4 CSC 铅封关 Car seal close12.5 CSO 铅封开 Car seal open 12.6 LC 锁闭 Lock closed12.7 LO 锁开 Lock open 12.8 NC 正常关 Normally close12.9 NO 正常开 Normally open 12.10 ATM 大气压 Atmosphere12.11 PN 公称压力 Nominal pressure 12.12 A 绝压 12.13 G 表压 12.14 (T) 温度 Temperature12.15 (P) 压力 Pressure13 施工 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称13.1 W 焊接 Welding 13.1.1 AW 电弧焊 Arc welding13.1.2 GSAW 气体保护电弧焊 Gas shielded-acr welding 13.1.3 EFW 电熔焊 Elecric fusion 13.1.4 ERW 电阻焊 Electric Resistance welding 13.1.5 GW 气焊 Gas welding13.1.6 LW 搭接焊 Lap welding 13.1.7 BW 对焊 Butt welding13.4.8 TW 定位焊 Tack welding 13.1.9 SW 承插焊 Socket welding13.1.10 CW 连续焊 Continuous welding 13.1.11 SEW 密封焊 Seal welding13.1.12 SFG 堆焊 Surfacing 13.1.13 FW 现场焊接 Field welding13.2 HT 热处理 Heat treatment 13.2.1 PH 预热 Preheating13.2.2 SR 应力消除 Stress relief 13.2.3 PWHT 焊后热处理 Post weld heat treatment13.3 EIT 检查、探伤和实验 Examination, inspection & testing 13.3.1 VE 外观检查 Visual 13.3.2 UI (UT) 超声探伤 Ultrasonic inspection (test) 13.3.3 RI (RT) 射线探伤13.3.4 MPI (MT) 磁粉探伤 Magnetic particle inspection (test) 13.3.5 LPI (PT) 液体渗透检验 Liquid penterant inspection (test)13.3.6 HADT 硬度实验 Hardness testing 13.3.7 HYDT 水压实验 Hydraulic testing13.3.8 PNET 气压实验 Pneumatic testing 13.3.9 CE 焊条 Covered electrode13.3.10 WW 焊丝 Welding wire 13.3.11 ASSY 装配、组合 Assembly13.3.12 F 现场 Field 13.3.13 F/F 现场制造 Field faricated13.3.14 SF 现场决定 Suit in field 13.3.15 CSP 冷紧 Cold spring13.3.16 BCT 螺栓冷紧 Bolt cold tightening 13.3.17 BHY 螺栓热紧 Bolt hot tightening 13.3.18 CO 清洗口 Clean out 13.3.19 ANNY 退火 Annealed13.4 PE 平端面 Plain end 13.5 BE 坡口端 Belelled end13.6 THR 螺纹 Thread 13.7 HB 布氏硬度 Brinnel hardness13.8 RC 洛氏硬度 13.9 AT 酸洗14 其他 编 号 缩 写 中 文 名 称 英 文 名 称14.1 FDN 基础 Foundation 14.2 INF 信息(资料) Information14.3 REF 参考 Reference 14.4 REV 修改 Revision14.5 SEQ 序号(顺序) Sequence 14.6 W/E 设备带来 With equipment14.7 W/I 仪表带来 With instrument 14.8 CM 色标 Colour mark14.9 CA 腐蚀裕度 Corrosion allowance 14.10 UTL 公用系统 Utility14.11 UC 公用工程接头 Utility connection 14.12 QTY 数量 Quantity14.13 WT 重量 Weight 14.14 MHR 工时 Man hour14.15 BC 螺栓分布圆 Bolt circle 14.16 HP 高点 High point14.17 LP 低点 Low point 14.18 SUC 吸入(口) Suction14.19 DIS 排出(口) Discharge 14.20 SO 蒸气吹扫(口) Steam out14.21 NPT 美国标准锥管螺纹 National standard taper pipe thread 14.22 NPS 美国标准直管螺纹 National standard straight pipe thread14.23 DR 排液 Drain 14.24 VT 放气 Vent14.25 RTG (压力)等级 Rating 14.26 CL 等级 Class14.27 SMLS 无缝 Seamless 14.28 螺旋缝。
Read it out loud.大声唸出来(6.20)Get into a circle.围成一个圆圈圈(6.19)Stay together.走在一起(6.16)Liine-up in pairs.两个两个排好队(6.15)I am going to root for my friend's team.我要帮我朋友的队加油(6.13) He'd give a great speech.他一定会讲的很好的(6.12)Form a straight line.排成一直列(6.14)My ex-boyfriend is so smart.我前男友是很聪颖的(6.9)You are kind of dense.我觉得你有点笨(6.8)Do you want to be my backup?你要不要来支持我?(6.6)I have a backup plan.我有一个备用的计划(6.3)This TV show bites.这电视节目不好看(6.2)He asked me out but I turned him down.他邀请我出去,可是我拒绝了(6.1)Today is the Dragon Boat Festival.今天是端午节(5.31)Let's go on a double date.这个週末我们俩对情侣一起约会吧!(5.30) Will you be my prom date?你愿意当我毕业舞会的舞伴吗?(5.29)Have a great summer.暑假愉快(5.26)Will miss you.我会想念你的(5.25)You are such a blast to hang out with.跟你在一起太好玩了(5.24) Forget me not.勿忘我(5.23)Great success in the future.前途无量(5.22)Hope you have a bright future.鹏程万里(5.19)He failed the test. Don't rub it in.他考试不及格,不要在他伤口洒盐了(5.18)Please sign my yearbook.请签我的纪念册(5.17)He's always showing off.他老是在爱现(5.16)Don't be such a hot shot.不要当个自以为了不起的人(5.15)They are a cliquey group.他们是小团体(5.12)He is such a show-off.他真是个爱现鬼(5.11)Don’t be such a hot shot. 她以为她自己很了不起(5.10)She's so pretentious.她好做作(5.9)you can't jaywalk.你不可以穿越马路乱走(5.8)Let's have the vote next week.我们下週举行投票(5.5)I’m president of the drama club.我是戏剧社的社长(5.4)No cutting. The back of the line is over there.不要插队, 队伍的尾巴在那边(5.1)I guess I'd better get in line.我想我还是赶快排队(5.2)It's not polite to cut in line.插队很没有礼貌(5.3)The school year is over.学年结束了(4.25)It's recess.下课了!(4.24)I'm in the photography club.我是摄影社的(4.27)I'm in the choir.我是合唱团的(4.26)I'm in the debating club.我是辩论社的(4.28)I'm popular.我人缘很好(4.21)I'll trade you my apple for your sandwich.我的苹果换你的三明治(4.20)Your apple is bruised.你的苹果都压伤了(4.19)The cafeteria food looks gross. 这曙U的食物看起来好噁.(4.18) Scoot over! I want to sit next to you..挤过去一点,我要坐在你旁边(4.17)I hope she's an airhead.我希望她是个笨蛋(4.14)Have you picked up your school supplies yet?你学校用品买了没?(4.13)The old car is about to fall apart.这部旧车快解体了(4.12)I will buy a bunch of loose-leaf paper.我将买些活页纸(4.11)I need a binder. 我需要一个有铁圈的资料夹(4.10)All the prices have been slashed.所有的价钱都被砍了(4.7)I got a bad grade.我考坏了!(4.6)It's so- so.普通啦!(4.5)Don't give anybody the finger.不要给任何人比中指(4.4)My dad says that my friends are all freaks.我爸说我的朋友都是怪人(4.3)If you kiss-up to your boss,he won't be so mad.如果你拍拍老板的马屁,他就不会这么生气(3.31)Don't be such a brown-noser.不要当马屁精(3.30)He is a high school dropout.他高中没唸完就辍学了(3.29)I don't want to go to the haunted house.我不要去鬼屋(3.28)Don't be such a chicken.不要这么胆小好不好?(3.27)That's comforting to know.这样我就安心了(3.24)There's nothing to be afraid of.没什么好怕的(3.23)Let’s shoot darts at the dart board.我们来用飞镖射圆靶(3.20)She is jumping rope.她在跳绳(3.21)It's better to be safe than sorry.事先准备总比事后后悔来的好(3.22) He climbs up the slide and sides down.他爬上溜滑梯并滑下(3.17) Turn right at the next intersection.请在下一个十字路口右转(3.16) Can you find Taiwan on the globe?你能在地球上找到台湾吗?(3.15) Grandma loves her granddaughters.奶奶疼爱她的孙女(3.14)There is some water in the sink.洗脸槽里有水(3.13)You're such a tattletale!你真是个告状鬼(3.10)She had a cheat sheet.她用小抄(3.8)I hate writing lines.我讨厌罚写(3.6)My older brother beat him up.我大哥把他狠揍了一顿(3.7)It's important for students to have discipline.学生有纪律是很重要的(3.3)Let's cram for it.让我们来恶补一下(3.2)I got a perfect score. I aced it.我拿了满分!我考的棒透了!(3.1)If I let my grades slip,my parents will nag me.假如我让成绩掉下来的话,我的父母要唠叨死了I got a ninety on my test.我考了90分(2.24)I got eighty percent on my test.我考了80分(2.23)What were your marks?你的分数是多少?(2.22)What is your rank in your class?你全班排第几?(2.20)I rank number two in my class.我全班第二名(2.21)I'm staying up tonight to study.我今晚要熬夜唸书(1.11)My finals are coming soon.我的期末考快到了(1.10)Pop quiz make me nervous.随堂抽考让我紧张(1.9)I need to burn the midnight oil for my midterms.我需要为了期中考熬夜(1.12)Mr. Lin is a hard marker.林老师是个评分严格的老师(1.5)Miss Pao gives easy marks.鲍老师(未婚称Miss)给的分数都很高(1.4) My teacher is strict.我的老师是严格的(1.3)Hang in there.继续加油不要放弃(1.2)I'm going to leave early and get a head start on the traffic.我要在塞车前早点出发(12.30)Excellent work. 做的太棒了(12.29)I skipped grade three.我跳级跳过三年级(12.28)That's the way to do it.就是这样做(12.26)She is one year ahead of me.她是大我一年的学姊(12.27)I have to study a lot because I'm behind in my science class.我要好好用功因为我的自然课落在人后(12.15)Get a load of that beautiful view.你好好看一下那美丽的风景(12.23) High school is going to be a blast.高中生活一定很刺激(12.22)I'm getting my PHD.我在念博士班(12.21)Those older kids often pick on these younger kids.那些大小孩常常欺负这些小小孩(12.20)May I have the syllabus for this class?我可以有这门课的课程简介吗?(12.19)Do you mind if I sit in on your meeting?你们的会议不介意我旁听吗?(12.16)My second period class is English.我第二堂课是英文(12.14)I have math for my first class.我的第一堂课是数学(12.13)M y hobby is singing Karaoke.我的嗜好是唱卡拉OK(12.12)In my spare time I like to read.閒暇时我喜欢看书(12.9)I am the second oldest child.我排行老二(12.8)Is this seat taken?这位子有人坐吗?(12.6)Do you want to sit next to me?你要不要跟我坐?(12.5)I'm saving this seat.我在帮人家佔这个位子(12.7)It's said that a book is almost always better than its movie version . 人们都说原着总是比电影好。
第一单元 字母的认识(一).doc9.21
第一单元字母的认识Unit One本课要点:初认字母在我们的生活中英文字母无处不在,我们的日常生活已经离不开英文。
学好英语,改变人生!Part A Everyday English--Good morning, class. --Good morning, sir.--Good afternoon, class.--Good afternoon, sir.--Good evening, class.--Good evening, sir.Part B 初认字母CHN中国CCTV 中国中央电视台 PI CCCD光盘(compact disk) QQ腾讯即时聊天工具P(Parking)NBA美国职业篮球联盟(National Basketball Association)WTO世界贸易组织UFO不明飞行物USA 美国AJQK X-ray X光透视米m UN联合国圆心o PC 个人电脑Part C 知识辅导26个英语字母分为两类:元音字母:Aa, Ee, Ii, Oo, Uu辅音字母:Bb, Cc, Dd, Ff, Gg, Hh, Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn, Pp, Qq, Rr, Ss, Tt, Vv, Ww,Xx, Yy, Zz。
Part D 能力拓展顺口溜:入门知识ABC, 杀虫剂有DDT。
朗读练习:1. 读出下列数学公式长方形的周长:C=2(a+b)正方形面积:S=a2梯形面积:S=mh或S=(a+b)h÷22. 大声读下列缩略语CPC中国共产党;PLA人民解放军;OG奥运会;a.m.上午;p.m.下午;km千米;OK好,行;TV电视;GW总重量3. 认读字母长方形的长是a;长方形的宽是b;长方形的周长是c;圆的直径是d;圆的半径是r;衣服的大号是L;衣服的小号是S;衣服的中号是M;鲁迅先生的一本书叫《阿Q正传》。
(9.21) A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom 英国简介
Rich coal deposits A strong sense of difference Conquered by the Romans Under pressure from its English neighbours
威尔士(又译为威尔斯,英文:Wales,威尔士文: Cymru)是大不列颠与北爱尔兰联合王国的一个王国, 位于大不列颠岛西南部,东界英格兰,西临圣乔治海 峡,南面布里斯托尔海峡,北靠爱尔兰海,相比于英 格兰大都会的繁华,威尔士境内处处充溢着原乡美景。 威尔士的全称为威尔士公国(英语:Principality of Wales,威尔士语:'ywysogaeth Cymru),但目前的 威尔士亲王(Prince of Wales,也就是英国的查尔斯 王子)只是挂名的君主而已,并不具有实际的政治权 利。加迪夫是威尔士的首都与第一大城。
The Society and Culture of Major English-speaking Countries An Introduction
苏格兰(盖尔语:Alba)是大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合 王国下属的地区之一,位于大不列颠岛北部,英格兰 之北,以格子花纹,风笛音乐,畜牧业与威士忌工业 而闻名。虽然在外交、军事、金融、宏观经济政策等 事务上,苏格兰是受到位于伦敦西敏寺的英国国会管 辖,但是对于内部的立法、行政管理上,拥有很大程 度的自治空间,是联合王国内规模仅次于英格兰的地 区。2012年10月15日,英国首相签署了苏格兰独立公 投协议。根据协议,苏格兰将在2014年秋季就其是否 脱离英国独立举行公投。
全年节日英文表达(英语节日名称)有时我们要写文章,或者写英语祝福语,不知道节日怎么说,下面就是全年的所有节日说法:元旦(1月1日)NewYear'sDay春节(农历一月一日)theSpringFestival元宵节(农历一月十五日)theLanternFestival国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)InternationalWorkingWomen'sDay植树节(3月12日)ArborDay邮政节(3月20日)PostalDay世界气象节(3月23日)WorldMeteorologyDay清明节(4月5日)ChingMingFestival;Tomb-sweepingFestival国际劳动节(5月1日)InternationalLabourDay中国青年节(5月4日)ChineseYouthDay护士节(5月12日)Nurses'Festival端午节(农历五月初五)theDragonBoatFestival国际儿童节(6月1日)InternationalChildren'sDay中国共产党成立纪念日(7月1日)theParty'sBirthday建军节(8月1日)theArmy'sDay中秋节(农历八月十五)Mid-autumn(Moon)Festival教师节(9月10日)Teachers'Day重阳节(农历九月九日)Double-ninthDay国庆节(10月1日)NationalDay除夕(农历十二月三十日)NewYear'sEve阳历节日1月1日元旦(New Year's Day)2月2日世界湿地日(World Wetlands Day)2月14日情人节(Valentine's Day)3月3日全国爱耳日3月5日青年志愿者服务日3月8日国际妇女节(International Women' Day)3月9日保护母亲河日3月12日中国植树节(China Arbor Day)3月14日白色情人节(White Day)3月14日国际警察日(International Policemen' Day)3月15日世界消费者权益日(World Consumer Right Day)3月21日世界森林日(World Forest Day)3月21日世界睡眠日(World Sleep Day)3月22日世界水日(World Water Day)3月23日世界气象日(World Meteorological Day)3月24日世界防治结核病日(World Tuberculosis Day)4月1日愚人节(April Fools' Day)4月5日清明节(Tomb-sweeping Day)4月7日世界卫生日(World Health Day)4月22日世界地球日(World Earth Day)4月26日世界知识产权日(World Intellectual Property Day)5月1日国际劳动节(International Labour Day)5月3日世界哮喘日(World Asthma Day)5月4日中国青年节(Chinese Youth Day)5月8日世界红十字日(World Red-Cross Day)5月12日国际护士节(International Nurse Day)5月15日国际家庭日(International Family Day)5月17日世界电信日(World Telecommunications Day)5月20日全国学生营养日5月23日国际牛奶日(International Milk Day)5月31日世界无烟日(World No-Smoking Day)6月1日国际儿童节(International Children's Day)6月5日世界环境日(International Environment Day)6月6日全国爱眼日6月17日世界防治荒漠化和干旱日(World Day to combat desertification) 6月23日国际奥林匹克日(International Olympic Day)6月25日全国土地日6月26日国际禁毒日(International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking)7月1日中国共产党诞生日(Anniversary of the Founding of the Chinese Communist Party)7月1日国际建筑日(International Architecture Day)7月7日中国人民抗日战争纪念日7月11日世界人口日(World Population Day)8月1日中国人民解放军建军节(Army Day)8月12日国际青年节(International Youth Day)9月8日国际扫盲日(International Anti-illiteracy Day)9月10日中国教师节(Teacher's Day)9月16日中国脑健康日9月16日国际臭氧层保护日(International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer)9月20日全国爱牙日9月21日世界停火日(World Cease-fire Day)9月27日世界旅游日(World Tourism Day)10月1日中华人民共和国国庆节(National Day)10月1日国际音乐日(International Music Day)10月1日国际老年人日(International Day of Older Persons)10月4日世界动物日(World Animal Day)10月5日世界教师日(World Teachers' Day)(联合国教科文组织确立)10月8日全国高血压日10月9日世界邮政日(World Post Day)10月10日世界精神卫生日(World Mental Health Day)10月14日世界标准日(World Standards Day)10月15日国际盲人节(International Day of the Blind)10月15日世界农村妇女日(World Rural Women's Day)10月16日世界粮食日(World Food Day)10月17日国际消除贫困日(International Day for the Eradication of Poverty) 10月24日联合国日(United Nations Day)10月24日世界发展新闻日(World Development Information Day)10月28日中国男性健康日10月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biodiversity Day)10月31日万圣节(Halloween)11月8日中国记者节11月9日消防宣传日11月14日世界糖尿病日(World Diabetes Day)11月17日国际大学生节11月25日国际消除对妇女的暴力日(International Day For the elimination of Violence against Women)12月1日世界爱滋病日(World AIDS Day)12月3日世界残疾人日(World Disabled Day)12月4日全国法制宣传日12月9日世界足球日(World Football Day)12月25日圣诞节(Christmas Day)12月29日国际生物多样性日(International Biological Diversity Day)1月最后一个星期日国际麻风节3月最后一个完整周的星期一中小学生安全教育日春分月圆后的第一个星期日复活节(Easter Monday)(有可能是3月22-4月25日间的任一天)5月第二个星期日母亲节(Mother's Day)5月第三个星期日全国助残日6月第三个星期日父亲节(Father's Day)9月第三个星期二国际和平日(International Peace Day)9月第三个星期六全国国防教育日9月第四个星期日国际聋人节(International Day of the Deaf)10月的第一个星期一世界住房日(World Habitat Day)10月的第二个星斯一加拿大感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)10月第二个星期三国际减轻自然灾害日(International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction)10月第二个星期四世界爱眼日(World Sight Day)11月最后一个星期四美国感恩节(Thanksgiving Day)农历节日农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)农历八月十五中秋节(the Mid-Autumn Festival)农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)农历腊月二十四传统扫房日。
参考词汇:City Museum城市博物馆The East Lake东湖view n.景色Hi Tom,I’m glad to hear you’11 come to Wuhan.________ _____________ _______________________Li MingHi, Tom,I’m glad to hear you'11 come to Wuhan. Wuhan is a beautiful city full of culture and history. Visiting City Museum is a good way to learn about Wuhan. We can go boating in the East Lake, enjoying the fascinati ng views. Then, we' 11 invite you to our class and talk about school life. My friends and I will have a party for you at home, and you can taste our traditional food as well. If possible, you may watch Han Show. Hop e you' 11 have fun here.Li Ming2.假如你是李明,你的美国朋友Jack听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担,来信询问有关情况。
11 11.9-11.13
Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section A
Unit 7Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.Section B
Unit 5 What are the shirts made of? Unit 5&Review Unit 1-5
Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A
国庆假 期
国庆假 期
10 11.2-11.6
Unit 6 When was it invented? Section B
周次 Байду номын сангаас期
课时 数
1 9.1-9.4
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
2 9.7-9.11
Unit 1&Unit 2 I think that moomcakes are
Unit 8 It belongs to Carla.Section A
14 11.30-12.4
Unit 8 It belongs to Carla.Section B
15 12.7-12.11 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to.Section A
新目标九年级英语单元知识点及配套练习Unit 1 How do you study for a test?1、一般现在时(特别是单数第三人称作主语);2、动词作主语的形式(现在分词和不定式);3、介词后面的动词形式(~ing);4、What about+~ing;How about+~ing;5、too+形(副)+to(不定式);6、find+宾语+宾语补足语;7、not…at all;8、get+形容词;9、某些动词后面的动词必须用~ing;10、unless条件状语从句→if条件状语从句→…,or…(并列句);11、instead/instead of;12、listen to13、ask(sb.)for(sth.);14、for example;15、have fun(doing sth.)16、end up(with…)17、spoken English;English—speaking people(countries)18、make mistakes19.talk to(with) sb.20、why don’t you(we,they )+动词原形?=why not+动词原形?21、laugh at22、first of all23、to begin with.24、later on25、be afraid of sth.(doing)be afraid to do sth.be afraid that从句26、in class/out of class /after class27、take notes28、get an―A‖in English29、(sb.)be impressed by(with)…30、have trouble doing sth.(回见15)31、look up32、make up a conversation.33、around the world.34、deal with35、stay(keep)+形容词36、go by37、decide(not)to do sth.38、主语+last(延续) for long39、regard sb.(sth.)as…/hink of sb.(sth.)as…40、complain about sth.41、compare sth to sth.(把…比作…);compare sth with sth.(把…与…进行比较)42、physical problems43、break off44、in a positive way45、study for a test46、learn a lot (in)that way47、keep an English notebook48、区别:sound,voice,noise49、区别:loud,aloud,loudly50、find sb./sth.+宾语补足语;find it +宾语补足语+(for sb.)to do sth.51、try one's best (to do sth.)52、with the help=with one's help53、much too 与too muchUnit 2 I used to be afraid of the dark.1、描述过去习惯做某事:主语used to(不定式)2、区别下列句型:①used to(不定式)②be used to(介词)③be used to(不定式)④be used for sth.(doing)3、not…any more→no more;not…any longer →no longer4、hardly(ever)=very seldom=almost never5、复合词:a fifteen-year-old boy6、对某人而言做某事是…的:It's(形容词)for sb. to do sth.7、be able to do sth.与can8、give up(+ ~ing)9、afford sth.(to do sth.)10、be interested in sth.(doing.sth.)11、in front of…与in the front of…12、be terrified of(与be afraid of 相近)13、go to bed(sleep)14、on the soccer team15、worry about sb.(sth.) /be worried about…/worry that从句16、all the time17、take a bus to(某地) = go to(某地)by bus18、go right (straight) home19、start high school20、spend+time(money) on sth.(doing sth.)→It takes(took)sb.+时间+to do sth.→物cost(某人)+钱→人 pay 钱 for 物。
九月份的英语发音English:The pronunciation of September in English is /sɛpˈtɛmbər/. It is composed of two syllables, with the stress falling on the second syllable. The first syllable "sep" is pronounced with a short "e" sound like in "set", followed by a soft "p" sound. The second syllable "tember" is pronounced with a short "e" sound like in "bed", followed by a lightly pronounced "m" and ending with a soft "b" sound. The overall pronunciation is smooth and flowing, with a slight emphasis on the second syllable.Chinese Translation:九月在英语中的发音是/sɛpˈtɛmbər/。
在9月怎么说英语作文How to Say September in English。
September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. It is a month that marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere. In this article, we will discuss how to say September in English and some interesting facts about the month.Firstly, let's talk about the pronunciation of September. It is pronounced as "sep-tem-ber" with the stress on the second syllable. The word comes from the Latin word "septem," which means seven, as it was the seventh month in the Roman calendar.September is a month that is associated with many events and holidays. Some of the important ones are:1. Labor Day: It is celebrated on the first Monday ofSeptember in the United States and Canada. It is a day to honor the contributions of workers to the economy and society.2. Patriot Day: It is observed on September 11 in the United States to remember the victims of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.3. Autumnal Equinox: It occurs on September 22 or 23 in the Northern Hemisphere and marks the beginning of autumn.4. International Day of Peace: It is celebrated on September 21 to promote peace and non-violence around the world.Apart from these events, September is also a month of harvest and festivals in many cultures. In the United States, it is the start of the football season and the time when students go back to school.In conclusion, September is a month that has a lot of significance in many ways. Whether it is the end of summer,the start of autumn, or the celebration of important events, it is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. So, how do you say September in English? Now you know!。
21至30的英语单词English Answer:Twenty-one to thirty are cardinal numbers that represent quantities and are used to count. They are written as follows:21: twenty-one.22: twenty-two.23: twenty-three.24: twenty-four.25: twenty-five.26: twenty-six.27: twenty-seven.28: twenty-eight.29: twenty-nine.30: thirty.As adjectives, these numbers describe how many of something there are. For example, you could say "I have twenty-one apples" or "The train leaves in thirty minutes."In addition to their basic function as numbers, twenty-one to thirty also have some special meanings and uses:Twenty-one is often used in card games, such as blackjack, to refer to a hand that has a total value of twenty-one.Twenty-two is a common age for people to graduate from high school or college. It is also the number of years in a generation.Twenty-three is the number of chromosomes in a human cell.Twenty-four is the number of hours in a day. It is also the number of books in the Bible's Old Testament.Twenty-five is the number of years that a person has been alive when they celebrate their silver wedding anniversary.Twenty-six is the number of bones in the human foot.Twenty-seven is the number of books in the New Testament of the Bible.Twenty-eight is the number of days in February in a non-leap year.Twenty-nine is the number of days in February in a leap year.Thirty is the number of days in the months of April,June, September, and November. It is also the number of years that a person has been alive when they celebratetheir pearl wedding anniversary.中文回答:二十一到三十是基数词,表示数量,用于计数。
英语日常口语 Unit21
英语日常口语 Unit21英语日常口语 Unit21:Tim's treat本单元是关于 Tim 请客的对话Tim: Hiya folks. How's everyone this fine evening?Alice: Exhausted! I had to give someone mouth-to-mouth for the first time today!Helen: That's so exciting, congratulations! You mustfeel really proud.Alice: Yes I do. How are you Helen?Helen: I'm tired, I've been staring at finance textbooks all day.Michal: I think my head is going to expand from all my studying too.Tim: Well, how about a drink at the pub? My treat! Would that make you two feel less worn-out?Helen: You paying for all of us? That's not like you.Alice: What's come over you?Tim: Well let's just say I got a special bonus at work.Vocabulary:a treat (n): something special and nice that you don't have very oftenworn-out (adj, informal): tiredwooden (adj to describe actors or acting): boring or unemotional or unrealisticdynamic (adj): exciting and stimulating本单元的语言点是动词分词,我们能够用过去分词表我们对某物和人的感受,也能够用现在分词表某人或物使我们有所感受,请看下面的例句-ed and -ing adjectives – meaningWe can use -ed adjectives to say how we feel about something or someone:Alice is exhausted by her work at the hospital. Helen is tired of studying.We can use -ing adjectives to say how something or someone makes us feel:Alice's job is very exciting. She gave someone mouth-to-mouth today.It's surprising that Tim is paying for all of them at the pub!More -ed -ing adjectivesbored/boringHe used to like that TV show but now he's bored with it.That film was so boring that I nearly fell asleep!embarrassed/embarrassingHe was so embarrassed when the boss shouted at him in front of everyone in the office.It's embarrassing when my dad tries to dance at parties. He's too old for all that!depressed/depressingHe's really depressed. His wife left him and he's just lost his job.I think it's depressing how much poverty there is in the world.disappointed/disappointingShe was disappointed that she failed her English test last week.The film had loads of hype and publicity but it turned out to be very disappointing .interested/interestingThey're interested in collecting stamps but I thinkthat's a really boring hobby.Even though War and Peace is very long, I still found it really interesting .frightened/frighteningHe's such a baby! He's 25 and he's still frightened of dogs!Nightmare on Elm Street is the most frightening filmshe's ever seen.Words used after -ed adjectivesby:bored by depressed by exhausted by excited by embarrassedby with:bored with disappointed with of:frightened of tired ofin:interested in。
下面是店铺给大家整理的21号的英文时什么,供大家参阅! 21号的英文时什么Number 2121号的英语例句1. A second version of the plan came out just a week later, on 21 August.1周后的8月21号,又公布了该计划的第二版.2. There's a Kosher restaurant on 21 st street.21号大街上有一家犹太餐馆.3. WHAT a shame that Australia's election concludes on August 21 st.澳大利亚选举即将在8月21号落幕,真是令人遗憾.4. This game Robot 21 will help activate your brain.这种机器人21号游戏机对提高脑力很有帮助.5. Cleared to enter the runway and backtrack to position 21.允许进入跑道,反方向滑到21号(起飞位置).6. Why did you pick 21 as your jersey number?你为什么选择21号作为球衣号码?7. I'm going to fly to Finland on the 21 st of this month.我要在这个月21号乘飞机去芬兰.8. There's a kosher restaurant on 21 st street.21号大街上有一家犹太餐馆.9. Please depart from Gate 21.请到21号登机口.10. No. 21 - here we are.司机:21号——我们到啦.11. Lanlan is number 21.兰兰是21号.12. Seats No.20 and 21.20号和21号座.13. Scientists have long suspected that such genetic benefits might accrue from having an extra chromosome 21.科学家更深入地推测,这些基因上的益处也许能在那条额外的21号染色体上获得增加.14. China add : No.21 Yongren Road, Biling Ind . PingShan Town, Longgang, Shenzhen City GuangDong Province of China.工厂生地址: 中国广东省深圳市龙岗区坪山镇碧岭工业区永仁路21号.15. Financially, a week later, October 21, things will continue to go in your favor.金钱上, 在满月的一个星期之后, 也就是10月21号, 事情都将往有利的方向发展.21号Number 21的双语例句1. Kelly: I had strangest feeling about the number 21 one round.凯利: 有一转我对21点有一种非常特别的感觉.2. Today he ranks number 21 in the world and is rising rapidly.今天他世界排名21攀升的很快.3. Lanlan is number 21.兰兰是21号.4. The city has trebled the number of its prisoners to 21,000.该市的囚犯人数增长了两倍,达到21,000人。
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Daily English1. One rich manOne day this rich guy was having a party at his house. He was loaded, and he had everything; money, a big house in Beverly Hills, girls, cars, planes; anything he wanted.The guy was also a little eccentric, and he had filled his pool with crocodiles.So there he was, him and his friends all standing around drinking, = getting lit and partying next to the pool. The guy gets up on the = lifeguard tower and all his friends look up. He calls for silence and says "OK, the first person the swims across my pool will get all my money."No one moves. The guy looks over the crowd and says:=20"OK, the first person that swims across my pool gets all my money and my house." Still no one moves."OK then, the first person the swims across my pool gets all my money, my house and all my cars and planes."Still, no one moves, not even a eye blinks this time."OK then, all my money, my house, all my cars, all my planes, all my property, all my stocks and bonds and investments and all the girls = you can handle; everything I own.""Splash!" Someone's in the pool. Crocodiles are all over him, but he rolls over like Tarzan, he's all over the place, fighting and dodging. Finally he gets out of the pool on the other side. The rich guy on the tower jumps downand runs over to him."That was incredible! I never thought that I would ever see that done! Do you want the money now or later?""I don't want the money.""Do you want the house now or later?""I don't want the house.""Do you want the cars and planes now or later?""I don't want the cars or the planes.""Do you want the bonds, stocks and stuff now or later?""I don't want that either.""Do you want the girls now or later?""I don't want the girls."The rich guy looks at him and says "Well what the hell do you want?!?!""I want the bastard that pushed me in."2. Grammar & Words名词的复数形式表示名词复数,在中文方面显得很简单,如:一个苹果、五个苹果;一座桥、两座桥;一匹马、五十匹马……名词完全相同。
我总觉得英文实在不能算是一种理想的语文,可是……一、最常见的名词复数(Plural)就是在单数(Singular)名词后边加上一个sboy boys cat cats room roomshorse horses tree trees rose roses二、如果名词是以sh,ch,s或x结尾的话,那就要在单数的后面加上eslash lashes 鞭子push pushes branch branchesmatch matches coach coaches 教练gas gasesass asses驴子class classes box boxes fox foxes 三、如果名词结尾是一个子音(consonant,就是除了a,e,i,o,u之外的字母)加一个y,那就要将y换成i,再加上esbaby babies family families country countriespony ponies city cities四、可是,如果名词结尾是一个母音(vowel,就是a,e,i,o,u)加一个y,那只要在单数词后加一个s就成了play plays way ways valley valleys 山谷donkey donkeys toy toys boy boys guy guys 五、当单数名词的结尾是f或fe时,复数的写法就是将f改为v,再加esthief thieves shelf shelves leaf leaves calf calveshalf halves wolf wolves wife wives life lives可是,f结尾的单数字,有许多只需加个s就成复数(你看,这又是英文的bugs)roof roofs hoof hoofs chief chiefscliff cliffs gulf gulfs六、结尾是o的单数词,一部份只加s就成复数词,但有的却需加es,真令人捉摸不定呀piano pianos photo photos bamboo bambooszoo zoos kangaroo kangaroos 袋鼠mulatto mulattos白黑混血儿hero heroes mango mangoes potato potatoesvolcano volcanoes negro negroes黑人cargo cargoesecho echoes buffalo buffaloes tomato tomatoesmosquito mosquitoes七、由于古老传统的原因,一些单数词得加en才能变成复数词(鬼知道是什么原因):ox oxen child children (你看,这个就不守规矩了,不是加en ,是ren呀)brother brethren (哎呀,这个这个……是bre,不是bro)八、一些单数词得改头换面一番,才能变成复数词的哦:analysis analyses 分析basis bases基础datum data数据foot feetformula formulae/formulas 公式goose geeselouse lice虱子man memouse mice medium media/mediums 媒介memorandum memoranda/memorandums 备忘录parenthesis parentheses 圆括号phenomenon phenomena 现象radius radii 半径tooth teeth woman women九、有些名词是单数、复数不分的,很可爱是吗?deer fish cannon sheep salmon 鲑鱼trout 鳟鱼(许多鱼类都是这么"可爱"的呀。
)十、一些名词虽分单数、复数,但出现次数多的总是单数词:absence clothing film help furniture 家具machinery 机械news scenery 风景sugar traffic 交通十一、另一些名词则以复数词出现的机会较多:bellows 风箱clothes police shorts 短裤scissors 剪刀spectacles 眼镜shears 大剪刀trousers 长裤wages 工资十二、最后一类是compound nouns,这类复数词是以主要的名词来表示:coat-of-mail coats-of-mail 锁子甲daughter-in-law daughters-in-law 媳妇father-in-law fathers-in-law 岳父man-of-war men-of-war 兵舰maid-servant maid-servants step-son step-sons 晚子son-in-law sons-in-law<BR< p>。