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One of my favorite hobbies is exchanging old-fashioned, paper-with-a-stamp-on-it postcards with random strangers around the world.

The Postcrossing Project was created by Paulo Magalhaes in 2005. He liked getting mails—especially postcards. He thought others did, too—but how could he connect with them? That's when he came up with the idea of an online platform (): There, postcard lovers like me can sign up to send a postcard to someone who has registered online, and receive a postcard in return.

Along with a randomly selected address, participants get a unique code to put on the postcard. When the postcard arrives, the recipient registers that code with the site, which then causes the sender's address to be given to another postcrosser in turn. In practice, this means that for nearly every postcard I send (a few get lost in the mail) I get one back. And since I never know who will send me a card or where in the world they live, every trip to the mailbox holds the potential for a wonderful surprise.

Privacy-conscious Americans might worry about sharing their address with strangers overseas. But postcrossers are friendly, polite, respectful folks—in more than 450 cards exchanged, I've yet to have a bad experience.

On days when the international news is depressing, postcrossing is my comfort. There's nothing like getting a card from a child in China just learning to write in English, or a grandmother in Belarus describing her most recent gardening success to remind me that we truly are members of one global family, far more similar than we are different.

It seems like such a small thing to send out a postcard. But as travel and communication technology continue to shrink the world, it's important to remember that it isn't just for diplomats and politicians to represent our country anymore. All of us have the power—and perhaps the responsibility—to be ambassadors, to show the best of your country to the world.

And it's good to know that what you need to accomplish this is not necessarily complicated or expensive. It can be as simple as a postcard.

(1)Why did Paulo set up ?

A. To discuss personal hobbies with strangers.

B. To exchange postcards with others in the world

C. To collect different postcards from other countries.

D. To provide a platform for communication online.

(2)According to the passage, postcrossers __________.

A. don't know who will send them postcards

B. are sure to get a postcard back immediately

C. often choose a receiver's address carefully

D. register every postcard they receive online (3)What did the writer learn from postcrossing?

A. The international news is usually depressing.

B. Americans are more conscious about privacy.

C. Postcrossers sometimes describe their bad experience.
