初二数学初中数学综合库试题答案及解析1.如图,一次函数图象经过点A,且与正比例函数y=-x的图象交于点B,则该一次函数的表达式为()A.y=-x+2B.y="x+2"C.y=x-2D.y=-x-2【答案】B【解析】略2.如图,四边形ABCD是正方形,AC、BD交于点O.则下列结论中错误的是()A.∠1=∠2B.AD=BDC.AC⊥BDD.AD=AB【答案】B【解析】在Rt△DAB中,直角边AD不等于斜边DB.3.如图,小聪在作线段AB的垂直平分线时,他是这样操作的:分别以A和B为圆心,大于的长为半径画弧,两弧相交于C、D,连接CD,则直线CD即为所求.根据他的作图方法可知四边形ADBC一定是()A.矩形B.菱形C.正方形D.等腰梯形【答案】B【解析】由作图过程可知AC=BC=AD=BD,所以四边形ADBC是菱形.故选B.4.已知一次函数y=kx-4的图象经过点P(2,-1),则函数y=kx-4的解析式为()A.B.C.D.【答案】A【解析】把x=2,y=-1代入y=kx-4,得-1=2k-4,解得,∴.5. (2014四川广安)直线y=3x+2沿y轴向下平移5个单位,则平移后直线与y轴的交点坐标为________.【答案】(0,-3)【解析】直线y=3x+2沿y轴向下平移5个单位后对应的解析式为y=3x+2-5,即y=3x-3,当x=0时,y=-3,即与y轴交点坐标为(0,-3).6.已知一次函数的图象经过(-4,15),(6,-5)两点,求一次函数的解析式.【答案】设一次函数的解析式为y=kx+b(k≠0).∵y=kx+b(k≠0)的图象经过点(-4,15)和点(6,-5),∴解得∴一次函数的解析式为y=-2x+7.【解析】先设一次函数的解析式为y=kx+b(k≠0),因为它的图象经过(-4,15),(6,-5)两点,所以和适合y=kx+b,从而得到关于k、b的方程组,解方程组可求出待定系数k和b的值.再代回原设即可.7.把多项式分解因式,下列结果正确的是().A.B.C.D.【答案】D.【解析】利用公式即可得答案.故答案选D.【考点】利用公式进行因式分解.8. A,B两点在反比例函数图像上,则()A.B.C.D.无法确定【答案】C.【解析】分别把A,B代入可得,,所以,故答案选C.【考点】反比例函数图象上点的坐标的特征.9.如图所示,已知△ABC的周长是20,OB,OC分别平分∠ABC和∠ACB,OD⊥BC于D,且OD=3,则△ABC的面积是.【答案】30.【解析】如图,连接OA,∵OB、OC分别平分∠ABC和∠ACB,∴点O到AB、AC、BC的距离都相等,∵△ABC的周长是20,OD⊥BC于D,且OD=3,∴S=×20×3=30.△ABC【考点】角平分线的性质.10.(12分)观察下列图形的变化过程,解答以下问题:如图,在△ABC中,D为BC边上的一动点(D点不与B、C两点重合).DE∥AC交AB于E 点,DF∥AB交AC于F点.(1)试探索AD满足什么条件时,四边形AEDF为菱形,并说明理由;(2)在(1)的条件下,△ABC满足什么条件时,四边形AEDF为正方形.为什么?【答案】(1)AD平分∠EAF,见解析;(2)当△ABC为直角三角形,∠BAC=90°时,【解析】(1)当AD平分∠EAF时,四边形AEDF为菱形,首先由题意推出四边形AEDF为平行四边形,然后根据角平分线的性质和平行线的性质推出∠EAD=∠FDA,∠EAD=∠FAD,通过等量代换求出∠FAD=∠FDA,确定AF=DF后,即可推出结果;(2)当△ABC为直角三角形,∠BAC=90°时,四边形AEDF为正方形,首先根据(1)所推出的结论四边形AEDF为菱形,通过正方形的判定定理(一个内角为直角的菱形为正方形),即可推出结论.试题解析:(1)当AD平分∠EAF时,四边形AEDF为菱形,∵DE∥AC,DF∥AB,∴四边形AEDF为平行四边形,∴∠EAD=∠FDA,∵AD平分∠EAF,∴∠EAD=∠FAD,∴∠FAD=∠FDA,∴AF=DF,∴四边形AEDF为菱形;(2)当△ABC为直角三角形,∠BAC=90°时,四边形AEDF为正方形,理由:由(1)知,四边形AEDF为菱形,∵∠BAC=90°,∴四边形AEDF为正方形.【考点】正方形的判定;平行四边形的判定与性质;菱形的判定.11.解方程组:.【答案】.【解析】利用加减消元法求出解即可.试题解析:由②得:y=3x-11③,将③代入①:2x+9x-33=0,解得:x=3,把x=3代入③得:y=-2,则原方程组的解是.【考点】解二元一次方程组.12.在ΔABC中,∠ABC的平分线与在∠ACE的平分线相交于点D.(1)若∠ABC=60°,∠ACB=40°,求∠A和∠D的度数.(2)由(1)小题的计算结果,猜想,∠A和∠D有什么数量关系,并加以证明.【答案】(1)∠A=80°,∠D=40°;(2)∠A=2∠D,证明见解析.【解析】(1)根据三角形内角和定理和角平分线的性质,已知∠ABC=60°,∠ACB=40°,易求∠A和∠D度数.(2)根据三角形外角的性质以及角平分线性质,可得∠ACE=2∠D+∠ABC,∠ACE=∠A+∠ABC,即可得∠A和∠D的数量关系.试题解析:解:(1)∵∠ABC=60°,∠ACB=40°,∴∠A=80°.∵BD平分∠ABC,∠ABC=60°,∴∠DBC=30°.又∵∠ACB=40°,∴∠ACE=140°.又∵CD是∠ACE的平分线,∴∠DCE=70°.∴∠D=40°(2)∠A=2∠D.证明:∵CD 平分∠ACE∴∠ACE=2∠DCE又∠DCE=∠D+∠DBC∴2∠DCE=2∠D+2∠DBC∵BD平分∠ABC∴∠ABC=2∠DBC即∠ACE=2∠D+∠ABC而∠ACE=∠A+∠ABC∴2∠D=∠A【考点】三角形内角和定理;角平分线的性质;三角形外角的性质.13.如图,点B、C在∠SAT的两边上,且AB=AC.(1)请按下列语句用尺规画出图形.(不写画法,保留作图痕迹)①AN⊥BC,垂足为N;②∠SBC的平分线交AN延长线于点M;③连接CM.(2)该图中有_______对全等三角形.【答案】详见解析.【解析】(1)作出∠SAT的角平分线,交BC于点N,根据等腰三角形三线合一的性质即可得AN⊥BC,根据角平分线的作法作出∠SBC的平分线交AN延长线于点M,连接CM即可.(2)图中有3对全等三角形,是△ABM≌△ACM,△ABN≌△ACN,△BMN≌△CMN.试题解析:(1)画图如下:(2)3【考点】角平分线的作法;等腰三角形的性质;全等三角形的判定.14.化简、求值:,其中,.【答案】,.【解析】先用整式乘法法则化简,然后把x,y的值代入即可.试题解析:原式===;当,时,原式==.【考点】整式的混合运算—化简求值.15.已知:如图,在Rt△ABC和Rt△BAD中,AB为斜边,AC=BD,BC,AD相交于点E.请说明AE=BE的理由【答案】详见解析.【解析】根据已知条件,利用HL可以判定Rt△ACE≌Rt△BDE,根据全等三角形的性质可得AE=BE.试题解析:在Rt△ACE和Rt△BDE中,AB=BA,AC=BD,∴Rt△ACE≌Rt△BDE,∴AE=BE.【考点】全等三角形的判定和性质.16.(2013•衢州)“五•一”假期,某火车客运站旅客流量不断增大,旅客往往需要长时间排队等候检票.经调查发现,在车站开始检票时,有640人排队检票.检票开始后,仍有旅客继续前来排队检票进站.设旅客按固定的速度增加,检票口检票的速度也是固定的.检票时,每分钟候车室新增排队检票进站16人,每分钟每个检票口检票14人.已知检票的前a分钟只开放了两个检票口.某一天候车室排队等候检票的人数y(人)与检票时间x(分钟)的关系如图所示.(1)求a的值.(2)求检票到第20分钟时,候车室排队等候检票的旅客人数.(3)若要在开始检票后15分钟内让所有排队的旅客都能检票进站,以便后来到站的旅客随到随检,问检票一开始至少需要同时开放几个检票口?【答案】(1)a=10;(2)检票到第20分钟时,候车室排队等候检票的旅客有260人.(3)至少需要同时开放5个检票口.【解析】(1)根据原有的人数﹣a分钟检票额人数+a分钟增加的人数=520建立方程求出其解就可以;(2)设当10≤x≤30时,y与x之间的函数关系式为y=kx+b,由待定系数法求出函数的解析式,再将x=20代入解析式就可以求出结论;(3)设需同时开放n个检票口,根据原来的人数+15分进站人数≤n个检票口15分钟检票人数建立不等式,求出其解即可.解:(1)由图象知,640+16a﹣2×14a=520,∴a=10;(2)设当10≤x≤30时,y与x之间的函数关系式为y=kx+b,由题意,得,解得:,y=﹣26x+780,当x=20时,y=260,即检票到第20分钟时,候车室排队等候检票的旅客有260人.(3)设需同时开放n个检票口,则由题意知14n×15≥640+16×15解得:n≥4,∵n为整数,∴n=5.最小答:至少需要同时开放5个检票口.【考点】一次函数的应用.17.(2015秋•宁远县期末)某校为了奖励在数学竞赛中获奖的学生,买了若干本课外读物准备奖励给他们,如果每人奖4本,则剩余8本;如果每人奖5本,则最后一人得到了课外读物但不足3本.设该校买了本课外读物,有x名学生获奖.(1)用含x的代数式表示y;(2)求出该校的获奖人数及所买课外读物的本数.【答案】(1)y=4x+8;(2)该校有11人获奖,所买课外读物是52本.或者该校有12人获奖,所买课外读物是56本.【解析】(1)根据每人奖4本,则剩余8本,即本书比学生数的4倍多8,据此即可写出关系式;(2)如果每人奖5本,则最后一人得到了课外读物但不足3本,即最后一人的本书大于0且小于3,据此求得x的范围,再根据x是正整数求解.解:(1)y=4x+8(2)根据题意,得,解不等式组,得10<x<13;因为x取正整数,所以x=11或x=12;当x=11时,y=4x+8=52;当x=12时,y=4x+8=56;所以该校有11人获奖,所买课外读物是52本.或者该校有12人获奖,所买课外读物是56本.【考点】一元一次不等式组的应用.18.如图,△ABC和△FPQ均是等边三角形,点D、E、F分别是△ABC三边的中点,点P在AB边上,连接EF、QE.若AB=6,PB=1,则QE= .【答案】2【解析】连结FD,根据等边三角形的性质由△ABC为等边三角形得到AC=AB=6,∠A=60°,再根据点D、E、F分别是等边△ABC三边的中点,则AD=BD=AF=3,DP=2,EF为△ABC的中位线,于是可判断△ADF为等边三角形,得到∠FDA=60°,利用三角形中位线的性质得EF∥AB,EF=AB=3,根据平行线性质得∠1+∠3=60°;又由于△PQF为等边三角形,则∠2+∠3=60°,FP=FQ,所以∠1=∠2,然后根据“SAS”判断△FDP≌△FEQ,所以DP=QE=2.19.某业主贷款2.2万元购进一台机器,生产某种产品。
1. 几何与测量本部分主要考察几何图形、空间关系和测量等内容。
2. 数据分析和应用本部分主要考察数据分析和统计应用。
3. 代数本部分主要考察代数概念和代数计算。
1. 几何与测量填空题中的几何与测量部分主要考察对几何图形的运算和性质的理解。
2. 数据分析和应用填空题中的数据分析和应用部分主要考察对数据处理和统计问题的解决能力。
3. 代数填空题中的代数部分主要考察对代数概念和运算法则的理解。
1. 几何与测量解答题中的几何与测量部分主要考察对几何图形的运算和性质的理解。
2. 数据分析和应用解答题中的数据分析和应用部分主要考察对数据处理和统计问题的解决能力。
3. 代数解答题中的代数部分主要考察对代数概念和运算法则的理解。
sat 标准-概述说明以及解释
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sat 标准-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述概述部分的内容可以从以下角度展开:SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test,学术评估测试)是美国大学入学评估考试之一,由美国大学委员会(College Board)主办。
1.2 文章结构2. 正文2.1 第一个要点在本文结构中,正文部分将分为三个要点进行讨论。
这些要点将从不同的角度深入探讨SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)标准的相关内容。
第一部分:美国SAT考试美国的高中生在升学方面,主要依赖SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)考试的成绩。
一、高中学业水平考试在美国,高中学业水平考试(High School Equivalency Exam,简称HSE)是在高中毕业后向没有获得正规学位的学生提供一种证明其学术能力的机会。
这些考试包括General Educational Development(GED)测试、High School Proficiency Exam (HSPE)和其他地方性的考试。
二、SAT和ACT考试在美国,大学入学考试主要包括SAT(Scholastic Assessment Test)和ACT(American College Testing)两种考试。
1. SAT考试SAT考试是由College Board组织的一种全国性标准化考试。
2. ACT考试ACT考试是由美国ACT公司组织的一种全国性标准化考试。
ACT 考试侧重于测试学生的学科知识和解题能力,以及阅读和写作的能力。
一种求解3-sat问题的新方法一、informationand ideas: the author's message (对文本信息的考察)包括以下题型:1文本细节的考查1)直接信息题(explicitmeaning),该类题型能够直接从文本中找到信息,题目中通常出现如下字眼"accordingto the passage," "states," "indicates,"等。
如:theauthors indicate that people value gift-giving because they feel it?2)暗含信息题(implicitmeaning),该类题型须要认知文本的暗含意思,题目中通常发生如下字眼"basedon the passage," "it can reasonably be inferred,""implies," 等。
例如:basedon the passage, the author's statement "" impliesthat?3)类比题(analogy),考察对文本内容特征的把握及应用,如"whichof the following situations is most analogous to the relationshipmentioned in line 5to 10?2文本论据的考查循证题(citingtextual evidence),要求为上一题的答案寻找论据或者为某个结论提供论据。
例如:whichchoice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previousquestion? (找寻上一题答案论据),或者inlines 46-50("prosecutionssens"),whatis the most likely reason jordan draws adistinction between twotypes of "parties"? (为某个结论提供更多论据)循证题是对文本论据的考察,在每个篇章中会出现两题,共10题。
ACM主要算法介绍初期篇一、基本算法(1)枚举(poj1753, poj2965)(2)贪心(poj1328, poj2109, poj2586)(3)递归和分治法(4)递推(5)构造法(poj3295)(6)模拟法(poj1068, poj2632, poj1573, poj2993, poj2996)二、图算法(1)图的深度优先遍历和广度优先遍历(2)最短路径算法(dijkstra, bellman-ford, floyd, heap+dijkstra)(poj1860, poj3259, poj1062, poj2253, poj1125, poj2240)(3)最小生成树算法(prim, kruskal)(poj1789, poj2485, poj1258, poj3026)(4)拓扑排序(poj1094)(5)二分图的最大匹配(匈牙利算法)(poj3041, poj3020)(6)最大流的增广路算法(KM算法)(poj1459, poj3436)三、数据结构(1)串(poj1035, poj3080, poj1936)(2)排序(快排、归并排(与逆序数有关)、堆排)(poj2388, poj2299)(3)简单并查集的应用(4)哈希表和二分查找等高效查找法(数的Hash, 串的Hash)(poj3349, poj3274, POJ2151, poj1840, poj2002, poj2503)(5)哈夫曼树(poj3253)(6)堆(7)trie树(静态建树、动态建树)(poj2513)四、简单搜索(1)深度优先搜索(poj2488, poj3083, poj3009, poj1321, poj2251)(2)广度优先搜索(poj3278, poj1426, poj3126, poj3087, poj3414)(3)简单搜索技巧和剪枝(poj2531, poj1416, poj2676, 1129)五、动态规划(1)背包问题(poj1837, poj1276)(2)型如下表的简单DP(可参考lrj的书page149):1.E[j]=opt{D+w(i,j)} (poj3267, poj1836, poj1260, poj2533)2.E[i,j]=opt{D[i-1,j]+xi,D[i,j-1]+yj,D[i-1][j-1]+zij} (最长公共子序列)(poj3176, poj1080, poj1159)3.C[i,j]=w[i,j]+opt{C[i,k-1]+C[k,j]} (最优二分检索树问题)六、数学(1)组合数学1.加法原理和乘法原理2.排列组合3.递推关系(poj3252, poj1850, poj1019, poj1942)(2)数论1.素数与整除问题2.进制位3.同余模运算(poj2635, poj3292, poj1845, poj2115)(3)计算方法1.二分法求解单调函数相关知识(poj3273, poj3258, poj1905, poj3122)七、计算几何学(1)几何公式(2)叉积和点积的运用(如线段相交的判定,点到线段的距离等)(poj2031, poj1039)(3)多边型的简单算法(求面积)和相关判定(点在多边型内,多边型是否相交)(poj1408, poj1584)(4)凸包(poj2187, poj1113)中级篇一、基本算法(1)C++的标准模版库的应用(poj3096, poj3007)(2)较为复杂的模拟题的训练(poj3393, poj1472, poj3371, poj1027,poj2706)二、图算法(1)差分约束系统的建立和求解(poj1201, poj2983)(2)最小费用最大流(poj2516, poj2195)(3)双连通分量(poj2942)(4)强连通分支及其缩点(poj2186)(5)图的割边和割点(poj3352)(6)最小割模型、网络流规约(poj3308)三、数据结构(1)线段树(poj2528, poj2828, poj2777, poj2886, poj2750)(2)静态二叉检索树(poj2482, poj2352)(3)树状树组(poj1195, poj3321)(4)RMQ(poj3264, poj3368)(5)并查集的高级应用(poj1703, 2492)(6)KMP算法(poj1961, poj2406)四、搜索(1)最优化剪枝和可行性剪枝(2)搜索的技巧和优化(poj3411, poj1724)(3)记忆化搜索(poj3373, poj1691)五、动态规划(1)较为复杂的动态规划(如动态规划解特别的施行商问题等)(poj1191, poj1054, poj3280, poj2029, poj2948, poj1925, poj3034)(2)记录状态的动态规划(poj3254, poj2411, poj1185)(3)树型动态规划(poj2057, poj1947, poj2486, poj3140)六、数学(1)组合数学1.容斥原理2.抽屉原理3.置换群与Polya定理(poj1286, poj2409, poj3270, poj1026)4.递推关系和母函数(2)数学1.高斯消元法(poj2947, poj1487, poj2065, poj1166, poj1222)2.概率问题(poj3071, poj3440)3.GCD、扩展的欧几里德(中国剩余定理)(poj3101)(3)计算方法1.0/1分数规划(poj2976)2.三分法求解单峰(单谷)的极值3.矩阵法(poj3150, poj3422, poj3070)4.迭代逼近(poj3301)(4)随机化算法(poj3318, poj2454)(5)杂题(poj1870, poj3296, poj3286, poj1095)七、计算几何学(1)坐标离散化(2)扫描线算法(例如求矩形的面积和周长,并常和线段树或堆一起使用)(poj1765, poj1177, poj1151, poj3277, poj2280, poj3004)(3)多边形的内核(半平面交)(poj3130, poj3335)(4)几何工具的综合应用(poj1819, poj1066, poj2043, poj3227, poj2165, poj3429)高级篇一、基本算法要求(1)代码快速写成,精简但不失风格(poj2525, poj1684, poj1421,poj1048, poj2050, poj3306)(2)保证正确性和高效性(poj3434)二、图算法(1)度限制最小生成树和第K最短路(poj1639)(2)最短路,最小生成树,二分图,最大流问题的相关理论(主要是模型建立和求解)(poj3155, poj2112, poj1966, poj3281, poj1087, poj2289, poj3216, poj2446)(3)最优比率生成树(poj2728)(4)最小树形图(poj3164)(5)次小生成树(6)无向图、有向图的最小环三、数据结构(1)trie图的建立和应用(poj2778)(2)LCA和RMQ问题(LCA(最近公共祖先问题),有离线算法(并查集+dfs)和在线算法(RMQ+dfs))(poj1330)(3)双端队列和它的应用(维护一个单调的队列,常常在动态规划中起到优化状态转移的目的)(poj2823)(4)左偏树(可合并堆)(5)后缀树(非常有用的数据结构,也是赛区考题的热点)(poj3415,poj3294)四、搜索(1)较麻烦的搜索题目训练(poj1069, poj3322, poj1475, poj1924,poj2049, poj3426)(2)广搜的状态优化:利用M进制数存储状态、转化为串用hash表判重、按位压缩存储状态、双向广搜、A*算法(poj1768, poj1184, poj1872, poj1324, poj2046, poj1482)(3)深搜的优化:尽量用位运算、一定要加剪枝、函数参数尽可能少、层数不易过大、可以考虑双向搜索或者是轮换搜索、IDA*算法(poj3131, poj2870, poj2286)五、动态规划(1)需要用数据结构优化的动态规划(poj2754, poj3378, poj3017)(2)四边形不等式理论(3)较难的状态DP(poj3133)六、数学(1)组合数学1.MoBius反演(poj2888, poj2154)2.偏序关系理论(2)博奕论1.极大极小过程(poj3317, poj1085)2.Nim问题七、计算几何学(1)半平面求交(poj3384, poj2540)(2)可视图的建立(poj2966)(3)点集最小圆覆盖(4)对踵点(poj2079)八、综合题(poj3109, poj1478, poj1462, poj2729, poj2048, poj3336, poj3315, poj2148, poj1263)附录:POJ是“北京大学程序在线评测系统”(Peking University Online Judge)的缩写,是个提供编程题目的网站,兼容Pascal、C、C++、Java、Fortran等多种语言。
考试题目的方式是多选题(Five-choice,multiple-choice questions and student-produced responses)。
综合素质 简答题
![综合素质 简答题](
A. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个白球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定相同。
B. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个白球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定不同。
C. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个绿球,则两个盒子中剩下的球的颜色种类一定相同。
D. 如果从每个盒子中取出一个红球和一个绿球,则两个盒子.
A. 甲是律师,乙是医生,丙是教师。
B. 甲是医生,乙是律师,丙是教师。
C. 甲是教师,乙是医生,丙是律师。
D. 甲是律师,乙是教师,丙是医生。
它对整个搜索 空间的了解不多 .不便 于搜 索过程进入
最 有 希 望 的搜 索 区 域 .因 而 难 以保 证 计 算 结 果 为 全 局
换 双 亲 染 色体 的对 应 基 因 段 。 生 一 个 新 的 个 体 。 叉 产 交 操 作 扩 大 了搜 索 空 间 . 算 法 能 在 更 加 广 阔 的 空 间里 寻 使 找 新 解 同 时 . 也 用 交 叉 概 率 来 限 制 交 叉 发 生 的可 能 它 性 。虽 然 复 制 和交 叉 产 生 了许 多 新 的 串 . 它 们 没 有 在 但
Jh sn ono 算法是一 种随机近似算法 。它可以实现对 于给定 的一个 MA ~ A X S T问题 的实例 ( 个给定 的 C F 一 N 公 式 ) .存 在 一个 对 变元 的真值 赋 值 ,该 赋值 使 得
M X S T 问题 中 . 少 一 半 的字 句 是 可 满 足 的 . 于 A —A 至 对
能 否 快 速 求 解 S T 问 题 是 目前 的 研 究 热 点之 一 。 介 绍 J h sn算 法 、 传 算 法 和模 拟 退 火 A o no 遗 算法 , 比较 三 种 算 法 的特 性 , 出综 合 GA、 A 算 法 优 点 的一 种 混舍 遗 传和 模 拟 退 火算 法 的 提 S
基 于遗传和模 拟退火算 法 求解 3 S T问题 一A
饶 丽 丽 . 张 东 站
( 门 大 学 信 息 科 学 与技 术 学 院 计 算 机 系 , 门 3 10 ) 厦 厦 6 0 5 摘 要 :命 题 逻 辑 公 式 的 C NF范 式 的 可 满足 性 问题 ( T 是 计 算机 科 学 的 非 常 重要 的 核 心 问题 . s ) A
sat评分标准SAT,全称为Scholastic Aptitude Test,是全球范围内广泛接受的一种标准化考试,用于衡量学生的学术能力和潜力。
根据这个总分数,学生可以被归类到以下四个类别中的一类:1.顶级(Top 1% - 15%):这部分学生具有非常高的学术能力和潜力。
2.高分(Upper-middle 16% - 75%):这部分学生表现出较高的学术能力和潜力。
3.中等(Lower-middle 76% - 95%):这部分学生表现出一般的学术能力和潜力。
小学三年级上册英语刷题卷(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.At school, we have different subjects. My favorite subject is __, because I enjoy solving problems. I also like __, where I can draw and create art. In the afternoon, I have __, and I practice playing the piano.2.Which one is a country?A. EnglandB. SchoolC. TableD. Pen3.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. sadB. tallC. fastD. big4.Which of these is a vegetable?A. CarrotB. BananaC. AppleD. Pear5.Which of these is a type of bird?A. DogB. ElephantC. PenguinD. Turtle6.Which of these is used to eat soup?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate7.Every summer, my family _______ (go) on vacation. Last year, we _______ (visit) a beautiful beach. We _______ (arrive) early in the morning and _______ (spend) the whole day swimming and playing games. My brother _______ (find) a big seashell, and I _______ (take) a picture of it. In the evening, we _______ (have) a picnic on the beach. The sun _______ (set), and we _______ (watch) the stars. It _______ (be) a wonderful trip, and I _______ (look) forward to going there again next year.8.It __________ (1) cold today. I __________ (2) wear a warm coat. My friend Lily __________ (3) not like cold weather, so she __________ (4) wear a jacket instead of a coat. We __________ (5) wait for the bus at the bus stop, and we __________ (6) not feel cold because we __________ (7) wear warm clothes.9.Which of the following is the best way to take care of your health?A. Eating a lot of junk foodB. Sleeping for 20 hours every dayC. Exercising regularly and eating a balanced dietD. Sitting and playing video games all day10.I _______ (help) my mom in the kitchen.11.Anna is making a __________ for her friend’s birthday. She uses colorful__________ and some __________. After she finishes, Anna adds a __________ to the card, saying “Happy Birthday!” She hopes her friend will feel __________ when she receives it.12.I ______ (not like) eating spicy food, but my friend, Sarah, ______ (love) it. She always ______ (order) the spiciest dishes when we go to a restaurant. Last time, she______ (convince) me to try a spicy dish, and surprisingly, it ______ (taste) good! I______ (think) I might start eating more spicy food in the future.13.How do you say "我饿了" in English?A. I am happy.B. I am thirsty.C. I am hungry.D. I am tireD.14.We _______ (go) to the supermarket to buy some fruit.15.She _______ (go / goes / went) to the store this morning.16.We ________ (go) to the zoo last weekend.17.Which animal can fly?A. ElephantB. DogC. BirdD. Tiger18.Tom is at school. His teacher is explaining a __________ (1) on the board. Tom is writing down the __________ (2) in his notebook. After the lesson, they will do a__________ (3) on the topic. Tom feels very __________ (4) because he understands the lesson well.19.Tom is at the __________ with his friends. They are watching a __________ about space. Tom loves learning about planets, and today they are learning about __________ and its rings. The movie is very __________, and Tom can’t wait to tell his parents about it. After the movie, they go to a nearby __________ for ice cream.20.We ______ (travel) to New York last winter. It ______ (be) my first time visiting the city. We ______ (see) many famous landmarks, such as the Statue of Liberty and Central Park. I ______ (take) many photos and ______ (enjoy) the trip very much.21.I _______ (like / likes / liked) watching cartoons.22.Which animal is known as "mans best friend"?A. CatB. DogC. RabbitD. ElephantA. BookB. CarC. TreeD. Pencil24.Which of these is a month of the year?A. WinterB. MondayC. MarchD. Morning25.We ________ (go) swimming every weekend, my family and I _______ (go) to the park. The weather _______ (be) sunny and warm. We _______ (bring) a picnic basket and some drinks. After we_______ (arrive), we _______ (sit) on the grass and _______ (eat) our lunch. My brother _______ (play) football with his friends while I _______ (read) a book. It _______ (be) a great day.27.I ______ (read) a book right now. I ______ (like) reading adventure stories. Last weekend, I ______ (finish) a book about pirates. It ______ (be) very exciting, and I______ (want) to read more books like it.28.What do we call the device we use to call someone?A. computerB. telephoneC. televisionD. radio29.They _______ (eat) fruit for breakfast.30.Which of these is a season of the year?A. JanuaryB. DecemberC. SummerD. Friday31.On my birthday, I received a __________ (1) from my uncle. It is a very__________ (2) toy car. I also got a __________ (3) from my best friend, Sarah. She knows I like __________ (4), so she gave me a __________ (5) of my favorite book. I am very __________ (6) with all my gifts. After the party, we went to the __________ (7) to see a __________ (8).32.What do we use to brush our teeth?A. KnifeB. ToothbrushC. PlateD. Fork33.Which of these is a number?A. BookB. SevenC. DogD. Chair34.She _______ (like / likes) playing basketball.35.Which of these is a mode of transport?A. BicycleB. BedC. TableD. CouchA. ChairB. CarC. TableD. Pillow37.Which of these animals has a long neck?A. DogB. GiraffeC. TigerD. Elephant38.Tom is at the __________ with his parents. They are walking along the__________, and Tom is holding his dad’s hand. They see many different kinds of__________ and birds in the garden. After walking for a while, they stop to sit on a__________ and eat some snacks.39.Which word is a color?A. DogB. AppleC. RedD. Book40.Which of these is a vehicle?A. ChairB. CarC. TableD. Spoon41.What fruit is yellow and curved?A. AppleB. OrangeC. BananaD. Grapesst weekend, I __________ (visit) my grandparents. They __________ (live) in a small village. We __________ (spend) the whole day together. My grandmother__________ (cook) a delicious meal for us. I __________ (help) her to set the table. After dinner, we __________ (sit) in the garden and __________ (talk) about family stories. It __________ (be) a wonderful day.43.I _______ (be) at home yesterday.44.My father __________ (1) to the gym every morning. He __________ (2) for one hour and __________ (3) home to have breakfast. I __________ (4) to join him, but I __________ (5) still sleeping.45.My sister _______ (love) animals, and she _______ (have) a pet dog. Every morning, she _______ (take) the dog for a walk. This morning, they _______ (walk) to the park, and after that, they _______ (play) fetch.46.She _______ (be) at school now.47.What is the capital of China?A. New YorkB. LondonC. BeijingD. Tokyo48.I ______ (take) a shower every morning before school. After I ______ (finish) my shower, I ______ (get) dressed and ______ (eat) breakfast. This morning, I ______ (eat) pancakes with syrup. They ______ (be) delicious, and I ______ (feel) full after breakfast.49.He _______ (go) to the supermarket every weekend.50.Which animal can swim?A. ElephantB. DogC. FishD. Lion(答案及解释)。
digital sat阅读题型
![digital sat阅读题型](
在本篇文章中,我将深入探讨数字营销(Digital Sat)阅读题型,以帮助读者更全面地了解这一主题。
数字营销在当今社会中扮演着越来越重要的角色,而Digital Sat阅读题型作为数字营销领域的一部分,也具有相当的价值和意义。
在这篇文章中,我将就数字营销的相关概念,Digital Sat阅读题型的特点和重要性,以及我个人的理解与观点进行讨论,希望能够为读者提供有价值的信息和知识。
1. 数字营销的概念在谈论Digital Sat阅读题型之前,首先需要对数字营销进行一个简要的概念介绍。
2. Digital Sat阅读题型的特点和重要性Digital Sat阅读题型是指在Digital Sat考试中所涉及的关于数字营销的阅读理解题型。
由于数字营销的复杂性和多样性,Digital Sat阅读题型也显得异常重要,它可以帮助考生更好地理解数字营销的相关知识,提高他们的数字营销能力和素养。
3. 我对Digital Sat阅读题型的个人观点和理解作为一名数字营销领域的从业者,我对Digital Sat阅读题型有着深刻的理解和看法。
在我看来,Digital Sat阅读题型是数字营销教育中不可或缺的一部分,它能够帮助学习者更系统地学习和理解数字营销的相关知识,培养他们的综合分析能力和判断能力。
Digital Sat阅读题型也是对数字营销从业者的一种考验,只有对数字营销有深刻理解和把握的人才能够在这一领域立足和发展。
总结通过本文的讨论,我们对数字营销和Digital Sat阅读题型有了更深入的了解。
数字营销作为当今社会中不可或缺的一部分,对于企业推广和产品营销起着至关重要的作用,而Digital Sat阅读题型则是帮助我们更好地理解数字营销相关知识和提高自身能力的重要途径。
小学三年级上册英语刷题卷(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.Which of these is a day of the week?A. SundayB. FundayC. MoonD. Winter2.Which of these is used to write on paper?A. EraserB. PenC. ForkD. Plate3.My parents __________ (teach) me to cook. I __________ (help) my mom cook dinner last night. We __________ (make) pasta, and it __________ (taste) delicious!4.They _______ (is / are / am) in the classroom.5.Your friend is feeling sick and stays home from school. She is lying in bed and drinking warm tea. What is your friend doing?A. Playing outsideB. Resting at homeC. ShoppingD. Studying for a test6.What is the opposite of "new"?A. OldB. SmallC. LightD. Fast7.He _______ (eat / eats / ate) lunch at noon.8.We _______ (go) to the museum tomorrow.9.Which of these is a mode of transportation?A. AppleB. CarC. DogD. Chair10.Fill in the blank with the correct word: There are _______ (many) cars on the road today than usual. The weather is _______ (bad), so people should be more careful when driving. There is _______ (much) traffic than normal because of the rain.11.My brother _______ (play) football at the moment.12.I _______ (go) to the library every Friday.13.Which one is a season?A. SummerB. ChristmasC. BookD. Chair14.I _______ (go) to the library every Saturday.15.My dog __________ (love) to play fetch. Yesterday, we __________ (go) to the park, and I __________ (throw) the ball for him to catch. He __________ (run) really fast and __________ (bring) it back every time.16.In English, we can use modal verbs like "can," "should," and "must" to express ability, advice, or necessity. Which of the following sentences uses "should" correctly?A. You should to do your homework.B. You should do your homework.C. You should doing your homework.D. You should does your homework.17.They _______ (not) like to watch horror movies.18.Which one is used for writing?A. PencilB. SpoonC. PlateD. Chair19.I _______ (be) very happy today.20.Which of the following is a pet animal?A. cowB. dogC. tigerD. elephant21.Which one is a type of tree?A. OakB. PlateC. SpoonD. Chair22.We _______ (do) our homework every afternoon.23.I _______ (not/understand) this math question.24.Which of these is an animal that lives in water?A. DogB. FishC. CatD. Bird25.Which of the following is the correct subject pronoun for “Sarah”?A. SheB. HeC. ItD. They26.We _______ to the cinema next weekend.27.He ________ (study/studies) math in the afternoon.28.Which of these is a pet?A. DogB. LionC. ElephantD. Horsest weekend, I ______ (visit) my aunt’s house. She ______ (have) a big garden with many flowers. We ______ (pick) some flowers and ______ (make) a bouquet. Then, we ______ (eat) cake and ______ (drink) tea together.30.David is at school. He has a __________ on his desk and is writing with his__________. Today, the teacher is teaching about __________. David listens carefully and takes notes in his __________. After school, David feels proud because he learned something weekend, my family and I __________ (1) a picnic in the park. We__________ (2) bring sandwiches, fruit, and juice. I __________ (3) love eating sandwiches because they __________ (4) my favorite food. My little sister __________ (5) like fruit, but she __________ (6) enjoy juice. We __________ (7) sit on the grass under a big tree. After eating, we __________ (8) play frisbee and __________ (9) take some photos. It __________ (10) a wonderful day.32.I _______ (visit) the museum next Monday.33.Which one is a shape?A. CircleB. DogC. PlateD. Table34.What do you use to write?A. PenB. SpoonC. ForkD. Knife35.They _______ (travel) to the beach next summer.36.I _______ (like) to play soccer with my friends.37.I __________ (love) to watch movies with my family. Last weekend, we__________ (watch) a funny movie. Everyone __________ (laugh) during the movie, and we __________ (have) a great time.38.How many hours are in a day?A. TwentyfourB. TwelveC. TenD. Eightst Sunday, my family ______ (decide) to visit my grandparents. We ______ (drive) for about two hours to get to their house. When we ______ (arrive), my grandparents ______ (greet) us warmly. We ______ (spend) the afternoon together, talking, playing games, and having dinner. It ______ (be) a wonderful day.40.I _______ (not) want to go to the movies today.41.He _______ (wear) a blue shirt today.42.Yesterday, I ______ (meet) a new friend at the park. Her name ______ (be) Emma, and she ______ (have) a cute dog. We ______ (talk) for a while, and then we ______ (play) a game of tag. It ______ (be) so much fun!43.Where do fish live?A. In the skyB. In the oceanC. On treesD. In the desert44.I _______ (have) a test tomorrow.45.She _______ (is / are / am) tall and strong.46.We _______ (study / studies / studying) English at school.47.They _______ (not/understand) the question.48.Which of these is the opposite of "hot"?A. WarmB. ColdC. SoftD. Hard49.She _______ (clean) her room now.50.They _______ (go) to school by bus.(答案及解释)。
小学三年级上册英语刷题卷(答案和解释)(共50道题)下面有答案和解题分析一、综合题1.We ______ (live) in a small town, but last year we ______ (move) to a bigger city. The city ______ (be) very busy, and there ______ (be) many shops and restaurants. I ______ (like) living here because it ______ (be) very convenient.2.Which of these is a famous landmark in France?A. Statue of LibertyB. Eiffel TowerC. Big BenD. Pyramids3.I _______ (have / has / had) a dog.4.Which one is a body part?A. HandB. ChairC. PlateD. Table5.Which one is the correct way to ask for someones name?A. How old are you?B. Whats your name?C. Where are you from?D. How are you?6.We _______ (can / can’t / could) help you with your work.7.Yesterday, I _______ (take) my dog to the park. We _______ (walk) around and _______ (play) fetch. My dog _______ (run) so fast that I _______ (laugh) a lot. After playing, we _______ (sit) on the grass and _______ (rest). It _______ (be) a fun time.8.What is the opposite of "big"?A. SmallB. TallC. HeavyD. Hot9.Which one is used to clean the floor?A. BroomB. KnifeC. SpoonD. Fork10.Which of these is used for cutting?A. KnifeB. ForkC. SpoonD. Plate11.Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the beach with my family. We ______ (build) a sandcastle and ______ (play) in the water. I also ______ (find) some beautiful seashells. In the evening, we ______ (watch) the sunset together. It ______ (be) a wonderful day.12.They _______ (be / is / are) my friends.13.We _______ (clean) the house on Saturdays.14.What do we use to cut food?A. SpoonB. KnifeC. ForkD. Plate15.Which animal is a pet?A. tigerB. catC. lionD. elephant16.I __________ (1) love reading books. Every day, I __________ (2) read at least one chapter. My favorite book __________ (3) about animals. I __________ (4) read it before going to bed. My friend Lucy __________ (5) like reading books, but she__________ (6) prefer watching movies. On weekends, we __________ (7) talk about our favorite stories.17.Which one of these is a musical instrument?A. GuitarB. PlateC. ChairD. Bed18.Which word means “飞”?A. SwimB. WalkC. JumpD. Fly19.In English, articles "a" and "an" are used to refer to singular, nonspecific nouns. "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound, while "an" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound. Choose the sentence that uses the article correctly.A. I have an apple.B. I have a apple.C. I have an banana.D. I have a orange.20.I have a pet dog named Max. He is very __ and loves to play outside. Every morning, I take him for a walk to the __. Max loves to run and chase after __. After the walk, we go home, and I give him his favorite __ to eat. He is always so __ after playing and eating.21.In the summer, we __________ (go) to the beach. We __________ (play) in the sand and __________ (swim) in the sea. My brother __________ (build) a sandcastle, and I __________ (collect) seashells. We __________ (eat) ice cream and __________ (have) a picnic on the beach. It __________ (be) so much fun. After the beach, we__________ (take) a bus to the park and __________ (stay) there until sunset.22.I _______ (not understand) the math problem yesterday. I _______ (ask) my teacher for help, and she _______ (explain) it to me. After that, I _______ (solve) the problem easily.23.What do you use to write?A. SpoonB. ForkC. PenD. Knife24.She ________ (like/likes) to play basketball.25.Sally is at the pool. She is wearing her __________ (1) and her __________ (2). She also brings a __________ (3) to dry off after swimming. After swimming, she feels __________ (4).26.He _______ (is / are / am) running in the park now.27.I _______ (enjoy) reading books.28.I _______ (not) like tea.29.I _______ (want / wants / wanted) to play with my friends.30.What is the color of the sky on a sunny day?A. GreenB. RedC. BlueD. Yellow31.They ________ (play) football every afternoon.32.Which of these is used for drinking?A. CupB. PlateC. ForkD. Knife33.She _______ (do) her homework now.34.She _______ (is / are / am) watching a movie.35.I _______ (play / plays / played) the violin very well.36.What is the opposite of "happy"?A. SadB. TallC. BigD. Small37.What is the opposite of "tall"?A. ShortB. BigC. LongD. High38.I have a pencil _______ my bag.A. onB. inC. underD. beside39.He _______ (not go) to the zoo on Sundays.40.My family ______ (visit) a new restaurant last weekend. We ______ (order) pizza and pasta. The food ______ (be) very delicious, and we ______ (enjoy) our meal very much. After lunch, we ______ (go) to a park near the restaurant.41.Which of these animals is known for its stripes?A. ZebraB. ElephantC. DogD. Tiger42.He _______ (read) a newspaper every morning.43.What is the opposite of "hard"?A. SoftB. LightC. FastD. Tall44.I ______ (not/like) eating vegetables when I was a child, but now I ______ (eat) them every day. Last week, I ______ (eat) some broccoli, and it ______ (taste) great! 45.We went to the zoo last weekend. It __________ (1) a sunny day, and the zoo__________ (2) very busy. There __________ (3) many people, and everyone__________ (4) excited to see the animals. I __________ (5) a picture of the elephants because they __________ (6) so big and strong. After visiting the animals, we__________ (7) lunch in the zoo’s restaurant. It __________ (8) a perfect day!46.Which of these is a season?A. JanuaryB. WinterC. CarD. Sun47.She _______ (play) soccer this afternoon.48.What do we use to cut paper?A. ScissorsB. PlateC. KnifeD. Spoon49.Every day, I _______ (go) to school by bus. I _______ (leave) home at 7:30 and_______ (arrive) at school at 8:00. After school, I _______ (take) the bus back home and _______ (do) my homework.50.He _______ (is / are / was) playing with his friends now.(答案及解释)。
小学三年级上册英语第4单元期测验题(答案和解释)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题2分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.Lily is in the kitchen with her mother. They are baking a __________. Lily adds some __________ to the bowl and mixes it with a __________. Then, they put the dough on a baking sheet and place it in the __________. After baking for 20 minutes, the cookies come out __________ and smell delicious.2.Which one is a color?A. ChairB. GreenC. SpoonD. Plate3.What is the opposite of "high"?A. LowB. TallC. WideD. Slow4.Which of these is a pet?A. DogB. ElephantC. TigerD. Whale5.Which of these is a type of tree?A. PineB. RoseC. TulipD. Sunflower6.What color is a typical stop sign?A. BlueB. YellowC. GreenD. Red7.Today, it is very sunny. The sky is c lear, and there are no clouds. It’s a perfect day to go outside and play. I’m going to ride my bike in the park later.8.What animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Horse9.Yesterday, I went to the __ to buy some fruits. My mom loves __, so we picked a lot of them. I also picked some __ for my dad. After that, we went to the __ to get some ice cream. My favorite flavor is __.10.What is the opposite of "clean"?A. DirtyB. FastC. SoftD. Cold11.I __________ (not/understand) this math problem. Can you __________ (help) me, please? I __________ (need) to finish it before the class __________ (end).12.My family ______ (go) on a vacation to the mountains last summer. We ______ (arrive) there in the afternoon and ______ (set) up our tents. It ______ (rain) a little, but we ______ (still) have fun. We ______ (go) hiking every day and ______ (see) many beautiful animals and plants. It ______ (be) a wonderful trip.13.Which animal can fly?A. ElephantB. FishC. BirdD. Lion14.Whats the capital of China?A. TokyoB. BeijingC. LondonD. Paris15.David loves reading books about space. His favorite book is about the __________ and how astronauts travel to the __________. He is also learning about different planets like __________ and __________. David dreams of becoming an astronaut when he grows up and exploring outer __________.16.I __________ (like) animals very much. My favorite animal __________ (be) a dog.I __________ (have) a pet dog named Max. He __________ (be) very friendly and always __________ (play) with me. Every morning, I __________ (take) him for a walk in the park. Max __________ (love) to chase after balls. After the walk, we __________ (go) home and I __________ (feed) him his breakfast.17.David is doing his homework at the desk in his room. He has a __________ on his desk, where he keeps his pens, pencils, and erasers. Today, he is studying __________, and he needs to answer some questions about numbers. After finishing his math homework, he will start his __________ homework. His mom will help him check his work before bedtime.18.We ______ (watch) a movie yesterday. The movie ______ (be) about a young girl who ______ (want) to become a scientist. She ______ (work) hard and finally ______ (achieve) her dream. It ______ (be) a very inspiring story.19.What is the opposite of "old"?A. TallB. SmallC. YoungD. Heavy20.Which animal is known for its ability to fly?A. DogB. BirdC. FishD. Elephant21.We __________ (travel) to Paris last year. It __________ (be) an amazing trip! We __________ (see) the Eiffel Tower, __________ (eat) delicious food, and __________ (take) many pictures.22.My school is not very far from my home. I usually go to school by __. It takes about 10 minutes. I have a lot of __ there. In the morning, we have __. After that, we learn __ and practice __. I really enjoy school because I have great friends and teachers.23.Which one is a type of tree?A. OakB. PlateC. SpoonD. Knife24.What color is the sun?A. RedB. GreenC. YellowD. Blue25.Which animal can fly?A. DogB. BirdC. FishD. Elephant26.Which animal says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. BirdD. Fish27.Tom is going to the zoo with his class. His teacher tells the students that they will see many different animals. The first animal they see is a __________ (1). It has a long__________ (2) and big ears. Tom is amazed by how tall it is. Next, they visit the__________ (3), and the monkeys are jumping around and swinging from tree to tree. Tom laughs because the monkeys are very __________ (4). After that, they go to see the __________ (5). It has a beautiful mane and likes to sleep in the sun.28.I have a pet rabbit named Snowball. She loves to eat fresh vegetables like __ and __. Every morning, I feed her and clean her cage. Snowball likes to hop around the yard and enjoy the sunshine. She also loves to play with her toy __.29.Which one is a mode of transport?A. TrainB. DogC. TreeD. Table30.Which one is used to cook food?A. StoveB. ChairC. SpoonD. Plate31.I __________ (not like) doing homework in the evening because I __________ (be) tired after school. However, I __________ (try) my best to finish it quickly. My brother__________ (enjoy) doing his homework, but I __________ (prefer) playing video games.32.Which one is a form of transportation?A. AppleB. AirplaneC. TreeD. House33.My name is __________. I am __________ years old. I live in __________ with my family. My favorite animal is a __________ because it is __________ and__________. I like to play __________ in the __________ after school. On weekends, I like to __________ with my friends. My favorite food is __________, and I eat it__________ times a week. My favorite subject in school is __________ because it is__________. I am very __________ and always try my best in everything.34.Tom is my best friend. He is very __________ and always helps me when I have problems. He likes to __________ and play __________ after school. We often go to the __________ together, where we have a lot of fun. On weekends, we go to the__________ to play football or __________. Tom also likes to __________ and__________ in the evening. I like spending time with Tom because he is a __________ person and always makes me happy.35.Which one is a body part?A. TableB. LegC. SpoonD. Book36.Jack loves animals. He has a __________ (1) at home. His dog’s name is__________ (2), and it loves to play __________ (3) with Jack. Jack also likes to visit the __________ (4) to see the lions and elephants.37.Which one is a shape?A. RedB. CircleC. DogD. Car38.This morning, I helped my mom clean the ______. First, I dusted the ______, then I mopped the ______. My little brother helped by putting away the ______. After cleaning, we sat down and had a ______ for lunch.39.What is the opposite of "high"?A. LowB. TallC. HeavyD. Big40.In the evening, I _______ (usually) _______ (have) dinner with my family. After dinner, we _______ (watch) TV together or _______ (play) board games. On weekends, we _______ (go) to the park and _______ (walk) weekend, my family and I __________ (go) to the beach. We __________ (swim) in the sea, and my brother __________ (build) a huge sandcastle. It __________(be) very hot, but we __________ (enjoy) the day. We __________ (eat) ice cream before we __________ (leave) the beach.42.What do we use to read books?A. ScissorsB. GlassesC. CameraD. Spoon43.What is the weather like in winter?A. HotB. ColdC. WarmD. Sunny44.Which of these is a time of day?A. MorningB. SundayC. WinterD. Green45.Which of these is a holiday?A. ChristmasB. MarchC. WeekD. Spring46.Which of these is a famous landmark in France?A. Eiffel TowerB. Great WallC. Big BenD. Statue of Liberty47.Which of these animals has a long neck?A. DogB. GiraffeC. TigerD. Elephant48.Which of these is used to write on a board?A. PenB. ChalkC. SpoonD. Knife49.Yesterday, I ______ (go) to the beach with my family. The weather ______ (be) very sunny, and we ______ (swim) in the ocean for hours. My father ______ (build) a big sandcastle while my sister ______ (collect) seashells. We ______ (take) many photos and ______ (enjoy) the day very much.50.Which sentence uses the past tense correctly?A. She walk to the park yesterday.B. She walked to the park yesterday.C. She walking to the park yesterday.D. She walks to the park yesterday.(答案及解释)。
为了解决当时教育发展不均衡的问题,英国政府颁布实施了《1988年教育改革法》,以立法形式规定从1989年起全国公立中小学实行统一的国家课程(National Curriculum),1991年开始正式实施基于国家课程标准的质量监测考试,也叫做标准成绩测试(Standard Attainment Tests,简称SATs),测试学科包括英语(阅读和写作)、数学和科学。
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1.正整数n有奇数个因子,则n为完全平方数2.因子个数求解公式:将整数n分解为质因子乘积形式,然后将每个质因子的幂分别加一相乘.n=a*a*a*b*b*c则因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)(1+1)eg. 200=2*2*2 * 5*5 因子个数=(3+1)(2+1)=12个3.能被8整除的数后三位的和能被8整除;能被9整除的数各位数的和能被9整除.能被3整除的数,各位的和能被3整除.4.多边形内角和=(n-2)x1805.菱形面积=1/2 x 对角线乘积6.欧拉公式:边数=面数+顶点数-28.三角形余玄定理C2=A2+B2-2ABCOSβ,β为AB两条线间的夹角9.正弦定理:A/SinA=B/SinB=C/SinC=2R(A,B,C是各边及所对应的角,R是三角形外接圆的半径)10.Y=k1X+B1,Y=k2X+B2,两线垂直的条件为K1K2=-111.N的阶乘公式:N!=1*2*3*....(N-2)*(N-1)*N 且规定0!=1 1!=1Eg:8!=1*2*3*4*5*6*7*812. 熟悉一下根号2、3、5的值sqrt(2)=1.414 sqrt(3)=1.732 sqrt(5)=2.23613. ...2/3 as many A as B: A=2/3*B...twice as many... A as B: A=2*B14. 华氏温度与摄氏温度的换算换算公式:(F-32)*5/9=CPS.常用计量单位的换算:(自己查查牛津大字典的附录吧)练习题:1:还有数列题:a1=2,a2=6,a n=a n-1/a n-2,求a150.解答: a n=a n-1/a n-2,所以a n-1=a n-2/a n-3,带入前式得a n=1/a n-3,然后再拆一遍得到a n=a n-6,也就是说,这个数列是以6为周期的,则a150=a144=...=a6,利用a1,a2可以=1/3.计算出a6如果实在想不到这个方法,可以写几项看看很快就会发现a150=a144,大胆推测该数列是以6为周期得,然后写出a1-a13(也就是写到你能看出来规律),不难发现a6=a12,a7=a13,然后那,稍微数数,就可以知道a150=a6了,同样计算得1/3.2:问摄氏升高30度华氏升高的度数与62比大小.key:F=30*9/5=54<623:那道费波拉契数列的题:已知,a1=1 a2=1 a n=a n-1+a n-2,问a1,a2,a3,a6四项的平均数和a1,a3,a4,a5四项的平均数大小比较。
解答:费波契那数列就是第三项是前两项的和,依此类推得到a1-a6为:1 123 5 8 13 21 a1+a2+a3+a6=12, a1+a3+a4+a5=11,所以为大于.4:满足x^2+y^2<=100的整数对(x,y)有多少?key: 按照X的可能情况顺序写出:X= Y=11-921-931-941-951-861-871-781-691-4 =>My answer:加起来=695:24,36,90,100四个数中,该数除以它的所有的质因子,最后的结果是质数的是那个:Key:906:0.123456789101112….,这个小数无限不循环地把所有整数都列出来.请问小数点后第100位的数字是多少?Key:位数0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 11 12 ………………………19 2020 21……………………………29 2030……………………………… 39 2040……………………………… 49 2050 51 52 53 54 55 56 ――――――第101位=5??7:2904x=y2(y的平方),x、y都是正整数,求x的最小值。
因为:X^2×Y^2×Z^2=(X×Y×Z)^2所以把2904除呀除=2×2×2×3×11×11=2^2×11^2×6再乘一个6就OK了 2^2×11^2×6×6=(2×11×6)^2=132^2Key:最小的x=68:序列An=1/n-1/(n+1),n>=1,问前100项和.解答:An =1/n-1/(n+1)An-1=1/(n-1)-1/nAn-2=1/(n-2)-/(n-1)………………………………………………A1=1-1/2把左边加起来就是An +An-1+……+A1=1-1/(n+1) ...消掉了好多好多项之后的结果Key:把n=100带入得前100项之和为100/1019:等腰三角形,腰为6.底边上的高为x,底边为y,问4x2+y2和144谁大解答:勾股定理得(y/2)2+x2=62,所以4x2+y2=14410:-1<r<t <0(有一数轴) question:r+r*t*t与-1的关系Key:我想的办法只能是尝试:原式=r(1+t*t)恒小于零1)r -1, t 0 则原式-12)r -1, t -1则原式-23)r 0 , t 0 则原式 0例如:r=-0.9 t=-1/3 时,原式=-1,若此时-0.9<t<-1/3 原式<-1 反之>-1.11:有长方形4feet*8feet,长宽各截去x inch,长宽比2:5,解答:列出方程:(4*12-x)/(8*12-x)=2/5=> x=161.排列(permutation):从N个东东(有区别)中不重复(即取完后不再取)取出M个并作排列,共有几种方法:P(M,N)=N!/(N-M)!例如:从1-5中取出3个数不重复,问能组成几个三位数?解答:P(3,5)=5!/(5-3)!=5!/2!=5*4*3*2*1/(2*1)=5*4*3=60也可以这样想从五个数中取出三个放三个固定位置那么第一个位置可以放五个数中任一一个,所以有5种可能选法,那么第二个位置余下四个数中任一个,....4.....,那么第三个位置……3……所以总共的排列为5*4*3=60同理可知如果可以重复选(即取完后可再取),总共的排列是5*5*5=1252.组合(combination):从N个东东(可以无区别)中不重复(即取完后不再取)取出M个(不作排列,即不管取得次序先后),共有几种方法C(M,N)=P(M,N)/P(M,M)=N!/(M-N)!/M!C(3,5)=P(3,5)/P(3,3)=5!/2!/3!=5*4*3/(1*2*3)=10可以这样理解:组合与排列的区别就在于取出的M个作不作排列-即M的全排列P(M,M)=M!,那末他们之间关系就有先做组合再作M的全排列就得到了排列所以C(M,N)*P(M,M)=P(M,N),由此可得组合公式性质:C(M,N)=C( (N-M), N )即C(3,5)=C( (5-2), 5 )=C(2,5) = 5!/3!/2!=103.概率概率的定义:P=满足某个条件的所有可能情况数量/所有可能情况数量概率的性质:0<=P<=11)不相容事件的概率:a,b为两两不相容的事件(即发生了a,就不会发生b)P(a或b)=P(a)+P(b)P(a且b)=P(a)+P(b)=0 (A,B不能同时发生)2)对立事件的概率:对立事件就是a+b就是全部情况,所以不是发生a,就是b发生,但是,有一点a,b 不能同时发生.例如:a:一件事不发生b:一件事发生,则A,B是对立事件显然:P(一件事发生的概率或一件事不发生的概率)=1(必然事件的概率为1)则一件事发生的概率=1 - 一件事不发生的概率...........公式1理解抽象的概率最好用集合的概念来讲,否则结合具体体好理解写a,b不是不相容事件(也就是说a,b有公共部分)分别用集合A和集合B来表示即集合A与集合B有交集,表示为A*B (a发生且b发生)集合A与集合B的并集,表示为A U B (a发生或b发生)则:P(A U B)= P(A)+P(B)-P(A*B).................公式23)条件概率:考虑的是事件A已发生的条件下事件B发生的概率定义:设A,B是两个事件,且P(A)>0,称P(B|A)=P(A*B)/P(A)....................公式3为事件A已发生的条件下事件B发生的概率理解:就是P(A与B的交集)/P(A集合)理解: “事件A已发生的条件下事件B发生的概率”,很明显,说这句话的时候,A,B都发生了,求的是A,B同时发生的情况占A发生时的比例,就是A与B同时发生与A发生的概率比。
4)独立事件与概率两个事件独立也就是说,A,B的发生与否互不影响,A是A,B是B,用公式表示就是P(A|B)=P(A)所以说两个事件同时发生的概率就是:P(A U B)=P(A)×P(B)................公式4练习题:1:A, B独立事件,一个发生的概率是0.6 ,一个是0.8,问:两个中发生一个或都发生的概率?解答:P=P(A且!B)+P(B且!A)+P(A且B)=0.6*(1-0.8)+0.8*(1-0.6)+0.6*0.8=0.92另一个角度,所求概率P=1-P(A,B都不发生)=1-(1-0.8)*(1-0.6)=0.922:一道概率题:就是100以内取两个数是6的整倍数的概率.解答:100以内的倍数有6,12,18,...96共计16个所以从中取出两个共有16*15种方法,从1-100中取出两个数的方法有99*100种,所以P=(16*15)/(99*100)=12/505=0.0243:1-350 inclusive 中,在100-299inclusive之间以3,4,5,6,7,8,9结尾的数的概率.因为100-299中以3,4,5,6,7,8,9结尾的数各有20个,所以Key:(2*10*7)/350=0.44.在1-350中(inclusive),337-350之间整数占的百分比Key:(359-337+1)/350=4%5.在E发生的情况下,F发生的概率为0.45,问E不发生的情况下,F发生的概率与0.55比大小解答:看了原来的答案,我差点要不考G了.无论柳大侠的推理还是那个哥哥的图,都太过分了吧?其实用全概率公式是很好解决这个问题的,还是先用白话文说一遍吧:某一个事件A的发生总是在一定的其它条件下如B,C,D发生的,也就是说A的概率其实就是在,B,C,D发生的条件下A发生的概率之和.A在B发生时有一个条件概率,在C发生时有一个条件概率,在D发生时有一个条件概率,如果B,C,D 包括了A发生的所有的条件.那么,A的概率不就是这几个条件概率之和么.P(A)=P(A|B)+P(A|C)+P(A|D)好了,看看这个题目就明白了.F发生时,E要么发生,要么不发生,OK?所以,P(F)=P(F|E)+P(F|!E) 感觉上也没错吧? 给了P(F|E)=0.45,所以P(F|!E)= P(F)-P(F|E)= P(F)-0.45如果P(F)=1,那么P(F|!E)=0.55如果0.45=<P(F)<1,那么0=<P(F|!E)<0.55如果…………,唉,我就不说你什么了…………sigh1.mode(众数)一堆数中出现频率最高的一个或几个数e.g. mode of 1,1,1,2,3,0,0,0,5 is 1 and 02.range(值域)一堆数中最大和最小数之差 ,所以统计学上又称之为极差.(两极的差)e.g. range of 1,1,2,3,5 is 5-1=43.mean(平均数)arithmatic mean(算术平均数): n个数之和再除以ngeometric mean (几何平均数): n个数之积的n次方根4.median(中数)将一堆数排序之后,正中间的一个数(奇数个数字),或者中间两个数的平均数(偶数个数字)e.g. median of 1,7,4,9,2,2,2,2,2,5,8 is 2median of 1,7,4,9,2,5 is (5+7)/2=65.standard error(标准偏差)一堆数中,每个数与平均数的差的绝对值之和,除以这堆数的个数(n) e.g. standard error of 0,2,5,7,6 is:(|0-4|+|2-4|+|5-4|+|7-4|+|6-4|)/5=2.46.standard variation一堆数中,每个数与平均数之差的平方之和,再除以n标准方差的公式:d2=[(a1-a)2+(a2-a)2+....+(an-a)2 ]/ne.g. standard variation of 0,2,5,7,6 is: average=4((0-4)2 +(2-4)2+(5-4)2+(7-4)2+(6-4)2)/5=6.87.standard deviation就是standard variation的平方根 d8.the calculation of quartile(四分位数的计算)Quartile(四分位数):第0个Quartile实际为通常所说的最小值(MINimum);第1个Quartile(En:1st Quartile);第2个Quartile实际为通常所说的中分位数(中数、二分位分、中位数:Median);第3个Quartile(En:3rd Quartile);第4个Quartile实际为通常所说的最大值(MAXimum);我想大家除了对1st、3rd Quartile不了解外,对其他几个统计值的求法都是比较熟悉的了,而求1st、3rd是比较麻烦的。